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can anyone tell me who would be classified as 'classic e-girl'? i know that the ancients like cracky/boxxy would classify but what about others that everyone still thinks about?

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Who else here actually voted Trump?
Proud to have been part of moving NY 11(!) points to the right
Thought it was important to show my support even though he obviously had no chance of winning my state, seems like a lot of other people felt the same. Much better outcome than I expected.

> Quasi-religious beliefs have ended 200 years of European growth, author argues
Who could have fucking predicted this? Who could have predicted that leftist religious utopian "ideology" and doomsday cults(green politics) would ruin an entire continent's economic growth, loss in status on the world stage and cause mass social turmoil and political radicalization? 
Autists on /pol/ have been saying this would happen for well over a decade now. I guess pronouns are more important than stupid silly concepts like the fucking economy.

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Also besides obvious distraction you could always just embrace an obvious end early 
Who are you and who is anyone
We're all cute till we die, then we're nothing all, so what's the matter huh sweetheart 

I'll tell ya right now, you're as anyone one else here, nothing cute more special, you're very much typical 
Unsurprising you are just as your actual human counterparts, of course they are being white but despite that you still follow suit 
Maybe that's a win to you, but I'd say it's no win anyone 

take it as you will cutie pie, live or die as you want, just don't bother me with huh

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What's anything besides death huh, only the oblong compulsion to one's on temporal ignition 
I wouldn't say it's beautiful in the slightest, and I'm all about beautifying  
But who are you huh? You haven't answered me, maybe you haven't even answered yourself? 
We can all be cute sometimes but what does it when it reaches that point huh, obviously nothing
We're most pristine when you are absolute 
Think of Cira or the other slick throat whore
Dead how many years now, yet still so perfect in the minds these who you seek beauty 
Who are you? Maybe Who was she? 
But know knows it's only up to your perfection

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