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I like how she tries to hide her brownness with the whitening filter.. worse than Miyoko
she has a baby face and pouts her cheeks a lot. sounds like ugly old iris is mad no one cares enough to make a board for you
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no she's like... actually fat...she has huge thighs and a double chin when she doesn't anglemax.
Also cope because I'm not Iris nor any other literal who you'll inevitably accuse me of being because you can't stand that your thot got called a chubster.
You are FatSaturn though, obvious retard typing style.
> 74737
i'm not him do you think posters who type in lowercase are a niche minority or something? it's too obvious you're a woman
No sweetie, it's just that you literally make the same posts every time you come here.
> she is just pouting 
> you must be iris
> you are just jealous haha
> you are samefagging

Nobody is jealous of a doxxed fat teenager who enjoys skibidi toilet and tranny brainrot.
yeah okay faggot she was never DOXXED. that's an exaggeration. all we know is her state, and that's IT. stfg, you clowns are niggerbrained.
Oopsiedoodle I made someone angy! Now now FatSaturn, it's time for a nap. Can't have you getting cranky on the internet, it's bad for your blood pressure.
Say "night night, thread" and I'll put on your funky fruit sensory videos so you can have sweet dreams.
her mom's hot
I can't remember her name, but I saw pictures of her on r9k last year and she's a total MILF with a huge rack.
to add onto this, I do feel sorry for her mom.
Imagine popping this little goblina out and buying her all the weeb garbage she asks for to make her happy... only for her to repay you by posting nudes on the internet.
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i always thought she looked like the retarded girl from that one Mexican Disney movie so I made this, pretty accurate
Thread nuked in 3.. 2.. 1..

BO of this shithole gets paid by fucking haags to keep all the cute girls away.
if she was ugly you wouldn't have to rely on a screenshot from a video mid sentence or a 5+ year old picture. you are coping so hard to pretend she's ugly 
is she supposed to be ugly here? lol
Wow, ms. Conchita here lookin good, usually mexicans look like overblown balloons past forty. Also chinmogs me into oblivion.

Puki got the best of both worlds - softer more feminine features, killer eye area, and a chin you could cut glass with.
her chin is normal and gets called recessed by the same haters all the time at least make up your mind about which one to lie about
> gets called recessed
the fuck? are they blind?

her sons will be fuckboy slayers if they get her chin + eye area

all she needs now is to marry a tall white man
yeah i noticed they both comment on nearly all her posts. daughtersurvivor is obviously fatsaturn but i'm starting to think they're both him lol. their comments are all really similar and he's the only one that obsessed with her.
well they don't THAT much. her deleted threads were kind of wholsome i don't know why they got deleted compared to other underaged girls with threads
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You are a fool my friend 
I've already spoke to my spic contacts and they're getting on her track as we speak 
Enjoy her while she's still around
Purity is justified by his sin, let her experience God in the flesh
fortunately, I haven't seen them posted in a while. hopefully, they all got b& and v&. not saying they never existed, but they're basically lost to time, at this point (and that's a good thing).
not him, but I honestly can't tell with pukafags... genuinely. she has some of the most mentally ill "fans" or whatever they call themselves.
Never be afraid my friend, I don't posting anything too much
Maybe you're get a little gore here and there especially with those cock eyed commies fucking around with their bullshit these days
But hey listen
There's no need in this thread, you could got down a thread or two where it is now and find just what I'm talking about
Either way you're a friend to me just as everyone who hasn't fucked me around
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If you're saying her nudes are like gore that I applaud you for your humor but I'm only in this thread cuz it looked fun and I enjoy messing around
Idk who this girl even if, some silly whore spic going to get fucked by Cartel fruities 
I'm talking about war gore not spic whore gashes
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You amaze me
My friend, listen
I'm probably going to see my time real soon for what my situation is and all but I'd like to give you some advice 
Fuck em
You act like you owe something to anybody that speaks you to
Fuck em
Don't fuck me of course cuz first I'm and man and that's pretty gay and 2 I'm a very special man and not in the retard way 
But see how easy it is to be sly and have fun, cuz my friend I may care for you as a person and if you came to me with a real issue I'd help but other than that you are just another so have some fun huh 
It's your turn
Have some fun
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her face is ugly and she knows it that's why she's trying to become a vtuber

Her streams are full of dead air and are just plain awkward (not in the cute quirky way). She wouldn't be marketable as a vtuber because her current YouTube content lacks any sense of personality and pizazz. Its all low effort BS that other girls have done before and way better.
I don't think she's actually considering this anymore. I don't think that was the motivation for wanting to become a vchuuba either. I think one of her main problems is not being able to make the content she wants right now because of her time limitations
She's for sure not boring I think she's limited in what she can do right now including streaming. She's not even allowed on Discord
skimming through her streams every time i hit play i only hear silence. she NEVER talks and she doesn't even react to the cutscenes. she's painfully boring, like a mentally stunted kid in front of a screen and not in a cute or endearing way. an she will never improve bcs she's surrounded by yesmen that in all likelihood are all fat saturn alter egos

there are many other women who can do the loli voice better than her and besides that they are actually funny and entertaining, which pukara is not
one day mankind will evolve and figure out nice innocent or smart girls don't attention whore and literally whore on the internet
wow cool it’s the annual gathering of the pеdорhiles

incompetent tranny groomer mods will the be the end of this site. not surprising considering two of them are mods on watchpeopledie.tv

yeah retards we know
aw the jealous haag doesn't like when we compliment the cute girl. shouldn't you be banned for spamming pictures of her anyway?
I'm not really one to care about her being a teenager but this thread is creepy as heck dude.
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I have periods of browsing /r9k/, but I'm not a proper robot, so I was never really around to see pukara posting - to the extent she did. based on the archives her attention whoring included being overtly sexual, but at some point she shifted hard into the infantilization & high-functioning fetish: I wonder why that is. perhaps it's just more marketable for her streaming prospects and less potentially harmful for her irl social relations (especially long-term).
Meh, I think her goal was always to surround herself with old guys who want to fuck her. And she knows how to be sexual enough to achieve that without looking like a huge whore. But if you know then you know.
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> I think her goal was always to surround herself with old guys who want to fuck her
I don't necessarily disagree, I'm just wondering to what end. she started streaming on KICK over a year ago but seems to have stopped after a few months. and in the past few months she's done a few streams on YouTube and has around the same time started to upload videos. so I can't help but think that the character she portrays in these videos might have something to do with some ulterior motive to be a streamer/internet personality; as opposed to a broader goal in the past, which was just general attention from men for its own satisfaction. obviously I'm just speculating, though.
I would guess her having a boyfriend is why she doesn't stream or make videos anymore. Her desperate need for attention was pretty noteworthy and pretty much defined her for a long time.
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> shes cute and cool enough
definitely cute enough, but I feel like she'd have to be more similar to someone like Josie - who, from the bits of her streams I've seen, is much more high-energy and interactive - in order to get a wider-reaching audience.
> her having a boyfriend
some anon had mentioned that earlier - maybe it was you yourself - but has it ever been confirmed that she has a boyfriend? I could see that, to be honest, just curious where that comes from.
> Her desperate need for attention was pretty noteworthy and pretty much defined her for a long time.
at best I could really only see her streaming prospects as a way to get attention and a little bit of cash on the side or trivial items off of her wishlist.
nobody reasonable is bullying her you hysterical faggot. she’s not doing anything wrong. whoever is bullying her is either some jealous woman or some spiteful balding jackass. she’s young and she’s being groomed and manipulated by adult ass grown ass men who would get knocked out by anyone who saw the fucking behavior they display online. 

you’re a predator. you’re just as bad as the people tearing her apart, if not worse. 

she’s going to look back on this one day at the tail end of an early adulthood filled with bad choices and remember how all of you abandoned her and called her a whore once she had her first kiss and she’s going to wonder why you lame fucks are so cruel, and understand why girls of the past from here keep dying or going AWOL. 

nobody is bullying her, the only people victimizing are dramawhores and the stunted реdорhiles like you who have to pick up girls at a daycare because any girl old enough to realize your obsession is a fetish for underage girls and not genuine care for others would absolutely never interact with you under any circumstances. get cancer.
i wish she could exist online without becoming a fucking sexual object like you creepy fuckers posting her tongue and making funny jokes. absolutely detrimental to any young girl who wants to enjoy life online without being stalked and harassed. seriously kys
> she’s being groomed and manipulated by adult ass grown ass men
not them, but proof? I don't know everything about the pukara lore, and this thread is pretty barren all things considered so I don't think it's an impossibility, but here it just seems like people are either lusting over her, talking shit, or just making jokes. whatever she's happened to post anywhere seems to be of her own volition.
Why is this indian/pacific islander looking cunt even an e girl lol who simps for this shit
the current batch of white egirls are hideous compared to her. that's why she's an egirl and has simps. stop being mad just because a cute brown girl mogs you
>  >man chin
bad bait, granny
> big beautiful eyes
> perfectly shaped baby face
> thick long hair with cute bangs
> looks like an anime girl
Tormenting a random girl online just because the voices in your head told you that she's leading a harassment campaign against your best girl is actually insane. Does Pukara support this behavior from her fans or is she just simply powerless to whatever you pedrophilic fucks want to do and say on her behalf? I'm leaning more towards the second option, honestly. Rope. Now.
Because I'd like to think Pukara wouldn't support people bullying a random girl and dangling her legal name over her head because they're under the impression that she's a evil häggard cyberbully out to ruin every girl younger than her. If you can't see why or how this is fucked up, I don't know what to tell you.
I'm not the other anon you were talking with, just to be clear, I'm just trying to understand your last post. I don't even know who the other e-girl that one anon is talking about, tbh.
> Tormenting a random girl online just because the voices in your head told you that she's leading a harassment campaign against your best girl is actually insane
that is unironically what iris/her imaginary orbiters do
> Does Pukara support this behavior from her fans or is she just simply powerless to whatever you pedrophilic fucks want to do and say on her behalf? I'm leaning more towards the second option, honestly.
pukara is a nice girl who has defended iris in her server, r9k and even on her own board yet iris continues to talk shit about her. my angel doesn't deserve this from you evil retards so fuck keliyah and you even if puk doesn't support it
> That is unironically what iris/her imaginary orbiters do
Alright, then prove it. Show me actual proof that Iris is doing to Pukara what you're all doing to her.
> pukara is a nice girl who has defended iris in her server, r9k and even on her own board
I agree with this sentiment. That is precisely why it's deeply upsetting that people like you (and the many others putting down the other girls for trivial reasons) are representing her. 
Until you show proof that Iris is doing what you accuse her of, and that this bullying campaign you have all started against her is even in the least bit justified, you, as a collective group, will just be one big steaming pile of shit.
hey roastie :) the difference is that these pictures are selfies from a year or 2 ago that were taken by HER and aren't purposefully unflattering, like most other egirl pictures. the pictures you're posting are MUCH older and happen to be from her mom's facebook (doxxing). it's kind of a big difference. stop being purposefully dense roastie-chan
> she still looks fugly with all those filters. sad.
meanwhile she isn't even using filters kek she must be pretty cute if her haters think she's using filters when she isn't
> prove it
there's been a lot of times where 'someone' will hate on puk and when accused of being iris she's just suddenly there to defend herself. it's obvious
it isn't public. i think it's funny that you stalk her facebook account everyday waiting for her to change her profile picture to something with puka in it kek it's kind of sad
I don't use facebook because its run by a jewish faggot but according to an anon in the thread it used to be public, i don't even know her mom's name let alone care to ask
why are you assuming this shit its borderline schizophrenic behavior
That's circumstantial evidence at most. Iris posts on agatha2 on the regular, and just because she defended herself from those accusing her falsely of being a bully, doesn't mean she was the bully. You are just looking for excuses because you want to be a piece of shit to someone. I wouldn't be shocked if the whole "sticking up for Pukara" thing was an excuse, just so you could be toxic to others while also being able to tell others, and maybe even yourself, that you have a good reason for doing so. If you can't show actual proof, I will stand by the girls rather than the people flinging shit at them for no reason.
> why are you assuming this shit its borderline schizophrenic behavior
it might not be you specifically but that's how they get those pictures it's pathetic
> just so you could be toxic to others while also being able to tell others, and maybe even yourself, that you have a good reason for doing so.
most iris and other egirl haters aren't even associated with pukara. i happen to be but i also just genuinely think keliyah is ugly and annoying. i'm allowed to voice my opinion and so are others, idk why you think it's only her simps
holy mental illness
>  underage girl posts
>  grifter sees opportunity to troll/spam
>  absolute chaos ensues
i'm not going to lie the drama is fascinating but the whole using underage people to troll is cringe
pukara is also a bit interesting but seems mentally stunted in some way and spamming on 4chan to dogwhistle for pedros is a bit strange as well. egirls should be famous cuz they are cute, not this dumb troll and predatory mental illness weirdness
yeah, that was him, his posting style is easy to spot by now. also shows how he IP hops and samefags. guy is completely retarded and has serious mental issues. no one else cares enough about this girl to obsessively post about her like this.
what is this schizobabble. this guy isn't a "grifter" (this doesn't even make any sense in this context?) or a troll, he's a deeply unwell individual in his 30s who is genuinely obsessed with this underage girl and has been for years.
Fatsaturn casually admitting to viewing cp. So much for just being a wholesome chungus fan who has no lewd intentions or ulterior motives.
its pretty obvious theyre using an underage girl to troll. discord servers have done similar things, where they make an underage person advertise their server by trolling.
it triggers people cus theyre underage, and the person trolling gets some thrill from their reaction. 
if im being honest the whole thing is really annoying but nothing stops a minor from posting themselves on the internet if they choose to, so theres no point in trying to do anything about it.
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I don't know about the validity of her underageness nor anything about any discord servers, I just come here from time to time and stumbled upon this thread. I'm trolling a bit by using her likeness, but more than anything I just find the character she's playing funny given her collection of suggestive videos and selfies. really not into pedro-baiting or anything.
i mean, its an underage girl acting sexually for old men online. they are not "supposed" to do that, at least for adults, but what the hell do you do if they do?
its fascinating because it's taboo. you can't blame the girl because she's underage, and if people react to it, what else were you expecting if someone pedrobaits online?
i think ultimately her parents just suck and other people end up having to deal with meme drama
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> not really funny
in a sardonic way, I would maintain that it is. but I can appreciate a broader sentiment towards humanity and how her behavior (and my own, to be honest) reflects something undesirable.
> its an underage girl acting sexually for old men online
again, I didn't know about pukara until quite recently, but what exactly is the evidence that she is or even was underage at one point while posting on /r9k/ or elsewhere? I've seen a few posts of picrel on desu archive, and one or more people say
which may certainly be true, I just want to know what the proof is and where I can see it.
well it shows that not every kid that gets groomed is always some innocent or unknowing type.  some kids want to get groomed or fetishize being preyed on. still doesn't mean it's right to respond or feed into it.
> well it shows that not every kid that gets groomed is always some innocent or unknowing type. some kids want to get groomed or fetishize being preyed on
I'm not exactly sure which of my points you're responding to, but I'm also still not sure whether she really is or ever was a kid (i.e. under 18) when she first started posting to /r9k/ and elsewhere online.
> still doesn't mean it's right to respond or feed into it.
I think it depends on how it's done. again I'm not on any discord servers, and I don't try to message pukara on any of her accounts, so posting a few photos in this containment thread I feel is relatively harmless, albeit a poor use of one's time.
im pretty sure shes 15 or so. cus there were birthday pics
> I think it depends on how it's done. again I'm not on any discord servers, and I don't try to message pukara on any of her accounts, so posting a few photos in this containment thread I feel is relatively harmless, albeit a poor use of one's time.
i dunno. it just seems weird and kind of messed up to troll using a minor, even if they seem "okay" with it. that is my opinion. most people don't understand what kinds of ideas or behaviors they agree with until they grow up. no one wants to be some poster child for hateful things, and it feels vaguely narcissistic to use someone as such
> cus there were birthday pics
where? posted by whom? I saw a photo which appeared to be from her, perhaps from an instagram or snapchat filter, expressing that it was her birthday, but obviously that in itself doesn't prove anything. again, as far as I've seen in the archives, she's denied or avoided her age - which may rightly raise concerns, but still doesn't prove anything specific. I'm not even saying you're wrong, I just would like to actually see something besides someone simply reaffirm that she's under 18 or justify it by saying "look at her" or something.
> most people don't understand what kinds of ideas or behaviors they agree with until they grow up. no one wants to be some poster child for hateful things, and it feels vaguely narcissistic to use someone as such
I have some disagreements with that framing, but, and I don't say this to be rude or because I have some problem with you, I'm not it would be fruitful to get into a deeper discussion about it. I will probably tone down or stop my posting here altogether, after some reflection, but I would still be interested in the aforementioned proof.
it was a birthday pic with her and her mom. there was a balloon with the number 14 and it was for sure taken recently cus of the articles in the photo.
i mean im not trying to pathologize or make things deeper than actually is. i just think its messed up to troll using a kid and to associate unknowing people with harmful ideas. minors will post if they want to but grown up adults can control how they respond
> it was a birthday pic with her and her mom. there was a balloon with the number 14 and it was for sure taken recently cus of the articles in the photo.
I'm open to seeing the photo if you have it, but metadata can be altered. at this point it's still just heresay.
im not gonna scour for some random pic that probably doxxed her in the first place. it was posted when she was on r9k a lot. why do you care so much?
> im not gonna scour for some random pic that probably doxxed her in the first place
fair enough, if you don't have immediate access to it
> why do you care so much?
not just here, but quite often elsewhere online people make claims about things with no evidence. I'm not necessarily opposed to believing them, I just want proof before accepting and even putting forth such things.
in principle, they're presenting and being advertised as underage at the very least. i don't really understand why it makes a difference
> they're presenting and being advertised as underage
please elaborate on both fronts
> i don't really understand why it makes a difference
you and others have been the one's making the claim that she is in fact underage and have been basing your thoughts and/or proscriptions about discussion about and interactions with her on that idea. so the truth of that idea is quite relevant.
> i dont see the point in entertaining this conversation.
if you think I and others are
> normaliz[ing] grooming
and want that to stop, I would think you would have some interest in proving your point. her age at this point is still unproven as well as the grooming question. I don't think I'm infallible by any means and would hope that I don't groom someone, but mocking someone about their persona in their absence is not grooming. if she has been grooming into posting some of the relevant photos and videos, you might have an argument of normalizing grooming in some capacity, but again that's just conjecture at this point.
they are underage. there are photos. 
> cunny
> pedros
> 14 meme
> uninvolved parents
> irl pedro allegations and cheeze pizza leaks
seriously it doesn't take a genius to understand what kind of behavior this is alluding to. id love to believe she's actually of age and this is all a big troll but no, this is straight up the internet being the setting of a minor being sexualized by random old men online. that is messed up. this should not be considered acceptable or normal behavior.
> and want that to stop
i can't. that's the parents responsibility. at most, adults should just stop using a minor to troll and not feed into this type of online behavior.
> there are photos
if you're talking about the one with balloons showing 14, I've yet to see that. if it does indeed exist and you've inspected the articles, again, metadata can be dubious. for all we know that (hypothetical photo) could've been taken over four years ago at the time of posting on /r9k/ or wherever you happened to see it.
> cunny
> 14 meme
even if just a troll, that I think can fairly be considered normalizing grooming/pedrophilia in some capacity. but again, I've done none of that.
> uninvolved parents
whether her parents are involved or not, that doesn't prove either that she was actually groomed into taking those photos and videos or that she's underage; to the broader discussion sure, but to the specific discussion we're having that's not relevant.
> irl pedro allegations and cheeze pizza leaks
the criminal complaint is interesting and would be conclusive if MV-1 could be conclusively linked to pukara. some anon above has said that her name is mary valencia, but I don't know where that started - perhaps it is, perhaps it isn't.
> i can't stop how minors i don't know behave online i mean
that's not what I meant. I meant stopping people from normalizing grooming - however all you think that's done. obviously there too it's ultimately out of your control, but my point was that if you wanted to support your claim that discussions about her in the capacity they've been going on are wrong because she's underage, I would think you would be interested in getting evidence to prove that and perhaps influence people to stop. again, I acknowledge that people are going to do what they want at the end of the day, but I and perhaps others are not closed off from criticism and actual proof.
Normally I refuse to interact with this thread at all because there’s no reason to but this is a very retarded argument taking place. She is obviously underage. Some anon kept posting her parents’ facebook profiles which had regular updates dating back to 2010 documenting this girl’s life. The last time I ever interacted with one of these threads was just to chew someone out for posting her family’s Facebooks then I tried messaging them to tell them to make everything private but I doubt they did. But anyway. She is 15, there is no doubt about that. 

But whether she’s doing this all on purpose as part of some fetish is another question. Yes, I’d say it’s obvious she’s doing that considering her post history and how she pivoted from being hypersexual to now pretending to not know anything and be innocent and only care about toddler hobbies with an obviously fake, forced voice that’s constantly straining. But this is probably just the result of being sexualized from a young age online, then feeling bad about what she was doing, and now the cognitive dissonance is on display. Regardless of any of that, she’s still 15 and it’s wrong to enable this part of her, not to mention the extreme conclusion to enabling it is illegal. What she needs is to be ignored, but unfortunately pedros gonna pedro. 

I wish BO were active again so he could just ban these threads again but the volunteers must not see an issue with it as long as pedros aren’t being too obvious.
> She is 15, there is no doubt about that
as far as what you've seen, perhaps not. but nothing here that's been posted is conclusive, and appealing to her appearance is not a good argument, especially considering the filters she uses; some people look older than their age, others younger. and obviously if you're a short girl that will further blur things. all you're doing, like others, are claiming there to have been posts proving her youth without actually posting it. you do not have to - feel free not to - but for someone such as myself or another who has not followed pukara's existence online towards its inception, a lot of these "facts" are rightly still up in the air. there's nothing retarded about asking for proof.
i mostly find the trolling wrong. honestly i am too lazy to dig up whether you did something wrong personally, but i am mostly arguing that an underage person who sympathizes with pedrophilia does not mean its right to use their likeness to support pedrophilia. it seems like people find a minor who has a pedro fetish, and think it gives them full leeway to support and justify pedrophilia altogether. no dude, pedrophilia is still messed up.
also, because, most of the time, they don't really understand their beliefs on the behaviors itself. they're a kid, they see a way to get attention that might be lacking in their home life, so they start adopting a pedrobaiting personality online. do you honestly think most people continue to enable these things into adulthood? no, because they realize how messed up it is.
> i mostly find the trolling wrong
> it seems like people find a minor who has a pedro fetish, and think it gives them full leeway to support and justify pedrophilia altogether
those aren't the same thing, though. you can be a pedro and troll about someone being underage - regardless of whether they actually are - therein hiding your genuine sentiments, but that's precisely not an example of justifying pedrophilia, which would be more unambiguous.
> they're a kid, they see a way to get attention that might be lacking in their home life, so they start adopting a pedrobaiting personality online
I don't care to get too much into the armchair psychology of it, but you could very well be right. again, for me, it just goes back to proof of these things before saying anything more definitive.
what exactly are you trying to argue? justifying pedrophilia to me is just thinking its okay to sexualize a minor. are you trying to argue that she's not a minor? or that trolling is not justifying pedrophilia? it depends on the type of trolling but i don't really understand the point of defining things further. if your troll is sexualizing a minor to get a reaction out of people, that's just being a pedrophile. whether or not it's a troll is irrelevant to the morality of the action itself.
> i molested a kid as a troll
that's just being a pedrophile. things are not morally different on account of the minor fetishizing pedrophilia or that she "likes" it. it's still wrong. that's not a troll.
justifying pedrophilia hinges on authenticity. if a troll is genuinely a troll it's by definition not authentic. if you make a joke about 9/11 being good but don't actually mean it, you're not justifying terrorism.
>  >I molested a kid as a troll
c'mon, that's just a silly argument.
> i sexualized a minor as a troll
> i supported pedrophilia using a minor's likeliness as a troll
no dude. it's just pedrophilia and that's messed up.
> sexualization
> support pedrophilia
it depends on the specific instance, but again, a genuine troll doesn't support the thing it would otherwise appear to
okay, but, if you actually engage in the behavior the troll is supposedly actually *not* supporting, that's no longer a troll and morally right, is what i'm saying. if i engaged in terrorism as a troll, im just being a terrorist, i am not "trolling" about terrorism.
> sexualizing a minor is wrong
> associating a minors likeness with supporting pedrophilia is wrong
if you engage in these behaviors you are immoral, not a troll.
but also
> associating a minors likeness with supporting pedrophilia is wrong
this is not some movement. it's a kid dealing with mental illness. stop exacerbating it
> this is not some movement. it's a kid dealing with mental illness. stop exacerbating it
again, there are multiple implications there which have yet to be here proven. I'm open to that, but otherwise this convo isn't going to progress any.
> more bad faith pedantry
if you think you are trolling, i don't think you are a troll. i think you are a bad person. if you are being serious, being hyperfocused on something that is irrelevant to the grand scheme of things is probably the most useless characteristics one can have. maybe you should ask why you care more about clarifying arbitrary minutiae over a kid being obviously groomed and sexualized.
> i think you are a bad person
> being hyperfocused on something that is irrelevant to the grand scheme of things is probably the most useless characteristics one can have. maybe you should ask why you care more about clarifying arbitrary minutiae over a kid being obviously groomed and sexualized.
I've said it already, but it's simple: I don't want to make claims I can't justify. if you provide proof of the aforementioned things I'm happy to denounce others as sexualizing an underage girl.
what about
> sexualizing minors is wrong
> pedrophilia is wrong
do you honestly believe anyone is operating under the idea that she is not a minor? no, you don't, i don't, even if she wasn't a minor (again, she is), the idea of someone justifying pedrophilia using someone's identity as a minor is immoral, whether real or not
> 14 meme
so, what exactly is that alluding to? it's not trolling, it's just being a bad person.
again, if you have proof, I'm here. I do not mean this in a passive-aggressive way, but I imagine you will want to get a final word in, so you can have it here. unless, of course, you can verify her age and/or her tie to the infamous crime report.
no. i will not bad faith argue.
> associating a minors likeness with pedrophilia is wrong
> sexualizing a minor is wrong
whether or not everything is actually made up is irrelevant. you are a bad person if you engage in these actions.
> nothing here that's been posted is conclusive
Because anything conclusive is basically a doxx, which isn't allowed, and is what led to the previous thread(s) being deleted completely. And I didn't appeal to her appearance, since I think she could pass for 22 if I'm being honest, especially outside of filtered/anglemaxxed pics. I don't have any "proof" saved because I'm not a pedro trying to keep a casefile on this girl, and now the actual pedros are avoiding posting her deets in order to save their own asses and maintain the "right" to keep posting about her. I just don't understand why you would doubt she's underage given the vast amount of (both confirmed and alleged itt) information circulating on her, both here and on r9k. Last thread had screencaps of her sexting numerous pedros over and over again just to go and report them to feds when caught by her parents (not saying this wasn't pedrophilic/wrong/grooming but she obviously has a very unhealthy kink for it due to mental issues). But I also understand the autistic demand for proof of anything at any moment. 

I'm sure there's court docs and if someone remembers her groomer's name then they can post a news article about it but I don't keep up with this girl so I can't remember the name and it’s not like I’d have it bookmarked or something. 

Literally the only reason you're not getting proof from me and this other anon is because we're not pedros so we don't have folders on this girl. And now the pedros are enjoying your devil's advocate position and will let you keep at it because, to them, it justifies their view that she can be presumed to be mature enough to legally consent to anything.
Good morning beautiful Pukara, if you're reading this, you are 100x better than all the egirls here, you're the best!
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Than you so much
I've been reading your posts and I think you're a little different from all the others around here 
Kinda got those little butterflies ya know, making me sick how much I'm enjoying it

Could you be a doll and give me your discord or something

I will never forgive you for what you did to Eric. It's time to stop the nice, innocent and religious girl LARP. You're a psychopath and you're going to hell.
> "The teen said that he was threatening her and forcing her to send sexually explicit images and videos to him online."

Lol wasn't she sending pussy pics around to everyone? How did he force her?
Common defense of online whores is to lie and claim to be blackmailed, she doesn't want to admit her wrongs even though most people would still feel bad for her if she was honest.
new details in Eric's case, which by the way gets worse and worse the more you read into it. puka wasn't this guy's only victim
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> pukara and Eric Michael Hartman aka weezy are friends, weezy is obsessed with pukara
> weezy becomes addicted to Adderall
> weezy makes fake posts about pukara on r9k and agatha2 
> to paraphrase, he wanted to 'shut her shit down, quick'
> is ignored, her fans also ignore weezy's posts
> something triggers weezy to addy zone out and send her old nudes to puka's mom
> pukara gets her shit rekt because of Eric
> pukara's mom gets the feds involved
> ???
> weezy tries to visit pukara
> immediately arrested when he lands back home
here's where things get weird  
> weezy *willingly* talks to the police, willingly gives them his phone code
> instead of paying for a lawyer, tells his parents to hide his $25.000*(this is big, i'll come back to this later)
> being charged with posession and distribution of CSAM (you know, sending a child's nudes on facebook tied to your own account doesn't seem smart)
> detention hearing happens, it comes out that he actually flew to pukara to stalk her house (proof attached)
> after a month or two of browsing his phone, the FBI add 2 new charges onto the case...
> weezy pleads guilty with the plea deal: admit to your crime of sexually exploiting a 13 year old on discord back in July 2023 and we will drop ACTIVITIES RE MATERIAL CONSTITUTING/CONTAINING CHILD PORNO and ACTIVITIES RE MATERIAL CONSTITUTING/CONTAINING CHILD PORNO
> weezy complains about having to pay restitution, calls his brother/dad angrily and tells them to hide his money
> weezy tells a certain online friend in a text on a device the FBI is monitoring in prison that he hid the money from them
> FBI gets angry and kicks the plea deal away, adding obstruction of justice to the charge
> weezy's parents try to tug on the judge's heartstrings with a letter from his lawyer requesting less time cus he a good boy who didnt do nuffin (attached)
> court responds in turn (attached), names another victim and her story, and shit on Eric
> Judge rapes weezy

here's some advice boys and girls: do not talk to the police, do NOT talk to the police, PAY for your lawyer if you have the money. he could have thrown 25,000$ at this case for better representation and not have to immediately pay restitution if he hadn't tried to hide his money. do not hide your money from the FBI using family. do not use prison phones to conduct illegal activity. most importantly, when you are warned not to fuck with someone and to stop, whether it's by your friend (chox) or enemy (fagsaturn), maybe you should stop fucking with that someone. weezy had the most warnings i've ever seen, but he, like many of you fags that lurk here and elsewhere, think you are invincible. you are not. judgement will come to those for those who trade wit for ego. stop playing yourself.
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But wait, there's more!
You may be wondering how could such a sweet innocent guy do this? And what does he have to do with picrel?

Well a tldr about weezy: 
> thousands of pics and videos of CP across all of his devices
> cult of personality with friends telling him he's the best
> finds vulnerable girls online and sexually exploits them (proof in the previous images)
> has the same mentality as  >>/77412/, that girls who have been groomed and sexually exploited are in fact not victims but uNdErAgE wHoReS who deserve it and deserve getting fucked with

so yeah,  >>/77339/ get fucking rekt. you're next
> he, like many of you fags that lurk here and elsewhere, think you are invincible. you are not. judgement will come to those for those who trade wit for ego. stop playing yourself.
Talking to yourself, fag?

That we both like cunnies doesn't mean we're the same. That's where our similarities end, actually. And I'm not even sure junkie church boy from bumfuck nowhere over there even liked cunnies to begin with, it seems like he just wanted to play out his power fantasy on a weaker human being, it just so happened that it was a child.

Sick and tired of fake cunny enjoyers without any father instict giving me a bad rep. Just stick to beating dogs and ripping wings off flies, faggots!
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you forgot to mention that pukara used to sell nudes to pedros

that pukara dated eric and she asked him to go rape her

that she dumped him and he got so mad he contacted her mom pretending to be a worried normie to get her grounded so she wouldn't talk to other guys

that pukara lied to her mom pretending to be some innocent girl and told her eric was some evil rapist so she would report him to the police
She was always a whore, I remember two years back some cunny I was talking to who's even outside of *the chans* was aware of "chungy" and how whorish she was. I once added her and deleted after noticing who it was.
good morning beautiful sweet angel pukara, I hope you have a wonderful 4th of July you beautiful girl
> has the same mentality as  >>/77412/, that girls who have been groomed and sexually exploited are in fact not victims but uNdErAgE wHoReS who deserve it and deserve getting fucked with

They don’t deserve getting fucked with, but you’d have to be detached from reality to not think certain girls aren’t intentionally seeking out older men. No grooming is necessary with them. The drive to seek out older guys existed before coming into contact with any “groomers” and they continue to seek them even after whichever groomer is gotten rid of.

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