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Anything posted here are autistic works of fiction, only a fool would take them seriously.

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> Anyone has an explanation? Consider looking into this admin.

You may want to look into the >>>/operate/ board to ask any admin questions OP

But to give a TL;DR version of everything: fags and spammers are hitting the board. Making using the site and posting a little hard at this time. But it'll clear up later when the Global mods figure out what they can do.

Hope that answered everything OP

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> be me
> own a white furby
> play with it for 2 hours 
> make a hot dog
> go wait in bed for the hot dog to be done
> fall asleep accidentally
> go check the hot dog quickly
> the hot dog has disappeared
> you hear noises coming from your kitchen
> go to the kitchen
> you found your furby getting ready to eat the hot dog, rubbing its hands
> he stares you and say
> "doo?"

would a schizoid imagine this story?

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I've been trying to find boards with good shitposting on them, with no luck

here's my collection so far:

nanochan: http://nanochanrayhy7nuuhldw2n4sq7tmv7xzdwaxtbptetss5eaznwfknyd DOT onion/
balkanchan (dead): http://26yukmkrhmhfg6alc56oexe7bcrokv4rilwpfwgh2u6bsbkddu55h4ad DOT onion/
ni-chan: http://plnemlsyla6h5t3nuoz2algzmy635ceuendnjwsmhwn2os5fxahshiad DOT onion/
3ch: http://taozgyb2jfbj567lzvfjse4c2snsb37tq3o2iucflxqoilogwc6bx2qd DOT onion/
foxdickchan: http://rcuhe6pk7mbmsjk7bwyja5etvjhjvzmc724rnf3piamemvawoi44z7qd DOT onion/

Any help would be appreciated, just trying to find more shitposting communities
4chan is full of flartposting and fligugigu bullshit, and soyjak.party is also awful
found some more

8kun/8chan: http://w7m432cocr665kf5tlpcxojwldajr3njd2etcxwhpbrt44eemuxhp7ad DOT onion/
Usagi: http://usagib6danuxndqle3usrweloyskdeoelthqizr6wl7u3tnsmfwho5ad DOT onion/
10channel: http://tenchan4v5bnlu3gatyjyctlsb25asvncbz4pr7gmomhsrvyx5zfpcad.onion/

ill keep lookin later but im gonna go hit legs first

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Trump was the 45th president and will be the 47th president:
4 + 5 = 9
4 + 7 = 11

The new Congress starting January 3 will be the 119th Congress:
119 = 911 reversed


The Yom Kippur Conspiracy

The Sicarii Origins of Christianity

The Sicarii / Maccabee Origins of Islam

The Knights Templar Symbolism and Numerology of Global Events in 2019

Historical 'Q' Wars, Massacres, Assassinations, and PsyOps, 1717-2012

The Freemasonry Symbolism and Numerology of the Letter 'Q'

U.S. Military Weather Terrorism on Political Dates

Mass Killers' / Serial Killers' Connections to the C.I.A. and U.S. Military

Sicarii / Knights Templar Massacres, Assassinations, and Terrorist Attacks on the 22nd of the Month

Sicarii / Knights Templar Massacres, Terrorist Attacks, and Military Operations Around the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election and 2022 U.S. Midterm Elections

Alex Jones' Connections to the C.I.A. and U.S. Military

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