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Looking at the ai shit, I wondered was this really the point of evolution, to gain the ability to generate pron whenever, like some primitive that doesn't know what really matters.
Didn't read the full text cause it just seemed skewed.

Yeah, this is just completely misunderstanding the problem. It's really not all that complicated. People are already programmed for sex. You either have to find the kind of woman who wants to be with a guy like you, or you have to be become the kind of man that a woman would want to sleep with. If you want a woman that will put work into having a relationship with you, you have to be willing to put that work into the relationship, too.

So many guys seem to treat a relationship as something that you acquire with initial effort, and then she's bound to you forever. She must keep putting in that same effort, but then you can go do whatever you want. But that's completely unrealistic. On both sides, a relationship is more like a campfire that keeps you both warm, but it has to be tended to relatively frequently. Sometimes, you can just toss a few more twigs, and that's enough, but you do have to regularly do the hard work of cutting down a tree, which itself does nothing for the fire. Then you have to chop the wood which does nothing for the fire. But, after that, you can coast for a while on the wood you've chopped.

To echo a bunch of the other commenters here, this image promotes misogynistic bullshit where "successful" men are somehow entitled to a set of holes to put their dick in. But, no, you're not. If you participate in and contribute to society (or literally cannot), then as a fuckin bleeding heart leftie, I do believe you're entitled to the basics of shelter and food, but if you want sex, you'll have to find someone who mutually wants sex with you.

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The government welds your door shut and then outlaws starting a business and living in McMansions, cars, skyscrapers, and tiny homes.

The governments bans body odor and then closes stores and bans delivery services.

The state closes bathrooms and then outlaws public urination.

The government closes the border and then arrests tourists for overstaying their visas.

No, the government opens the border to everyone in the third world and then arrests crime victims for complaining about it over social media. The government says you should fight their wars when they import thousands of third worlders to replace you in your own country. At least that is what European governments are doing today.

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it's funny that 4chan bans anyone that's actually saying racist stuff so /pol/ is 100% posts conplaining about white "jews" now, completely ignoring niggers are the problem for some reason

I bet 90% or higher of the posters left are niggers, either black or brown

I bet they get permenently shut down and the owners jailed within five years

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I've been working on getting a p2p imageboard functioning for a while and I decided to start fresh more recently with a new project. It's still not fully featured per se, but I feel like releasing it in it's current form since it's still functional and I want to see if it works in the wild. Hopefully you'll be able to see the existing boards and start posting.

To install:
> install node and yarn (or npm instead of yarn)
> run "yarn build" to get the dependencies 
> run "yarn start" to start the server

And you can add whatever boards you like.
This basically works like a torrent. Moderation is local, so you can delete files and posts that you don't like, but it won't be deleted for others necessarily (unless everyone else blocks them and there are no more seeders). "Subscribing" to others as moderators so you can trust them to delete for you is also possible I just haven't hooked it all up yet.
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Could you give a more technically detailed description of how your p2p tech works? Like where are content hosted and when do you create socket connections to peers etc...

If I like your solution I will try it out.

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Western society has been dumb down A LOT over the decades anon. When society overall gets more and more greedy, lazy and stupid the conditions get worse and worse: be it financial, civil, social, academic, political, across the board and many will notice it but be helpless to stop the cancerous rot. That is what has happened. I think smartphones only made it all the worse is all. They were not the cause but they did quicken the die off of functioning brain cell matter. Much like an alcoholic over the years.... their memory and cognition gets worse and worse over time, a few decades later onset dementia facing inevitable drooling death.

white people are dying out.
blonde and red hair
blue and green eyes
these genetic traits are failing to propagate themselves
soon they will be all buy eradicated, and then the jew will begin the process of telling the world a lie that they had never existed amongst humanity as a natural feature, it was only ever acheived via artificial means.

selfishness and cruelty makes the world a better place, not a worse one.

the problems of the world today come from the opposites: altruism and kindness.

thats the source of the twin scourges that made the world a sucky and boring place to be in:

dysgenics and egalitarianism (equality, equity, fairness  inclusivity, diversity, tolerance, etc.)

dysgenics is by far the worst offender: the quality of human existence comes down to the quality of humans.

whenever you do anything that impacts society, such as passing any public policy, you influence population demographics through introducing or removing or altering the factors which select for any given set of traits.

eugenics is simply keeping this in mind and considering it as being important, and it should be considered the most important factor in deciding what policies shouod be in place.

civilization has made it so that the traditional factors of natural selection no longer provide a significant impact on human evolution, instead its sexual selection and public policy. politics and econonics are now what drive the success or failure of humans to reproduce, and of human genes to propagate themselves by having copies of themselves be used in the creation of new organisms.

I would argue criminals have hijacked our governments in the West and they simply virtue signal as if they are for equality, equity, fairness and are tolerant yet in reality they are thieving lying cheating scumbag con-artists who are inhumane, nasty and intolerant to the majority of the citizen population, who refuse to do what is in the interests of the nation and it's own population.

How about we finally end that sometime? How about the silent majority get a voice and demand change and accountability and vote for better leadership? Until then the world will suck. Until then our nations will further fall into tyranny, poverty, oppression and societal collapse/ balkanization.

White people are being replaced because of open border policy, our governments paying third world illegals to invade our States and local communities, while they have wrecked havoc on our economy for decades of overspending, outsourcing industry, wasting taxpayer money, creating endless wars overseas, neglecting and outright ignoring real national security concerns, one bad policy after another after another.

Want to change that? Throw out the retarded insane criminal incompetent assholes in Congress and the White House come election time.

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> Work in hospital
> Go to work for night shift
> all stuff members are laughing
> ask what happened
> Man was in emergency with 2 litre bottle in his ass
> laugh my ass off
> 2 week passes
> Casual night shift doing nothing
> emergency vehicle comes to emergency room
> Again this man with light bulb in his ass
> Doctors broke that bulb into his ass and gets operation 
> 3 weeks passes
> You guessed it THIS MAN
> Women calls to doctor "Its asshole u have to get here"
> laugh my ass off
> what did he put in his ass?
> Tbh i was amazed how he put 1 meter wood dildo that he mad
> I don't fucking know when he comes again but i am sure i will be amazed again
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> There are fetishes of that nature although they are rather uncommon.
vile affections

these people were given up by god and given over to vile affections

romans 1:26
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:


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I haven't had a girlfriend since high school. I got it just by approaching, talking. If someone already likes you you don't have to do nothing more. Now a genuine question: How do I fall in love with a 2D girl? 3D women are killing me

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Alcoholic women who love to party and not remember half of it? Certainly can be fun times if you can manage to regulate yourself.

Skanky nagging crack head whores who will fuck every guy on the block begging for their next fix? Hell no.

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Модные советы по подбору крутых луков на каждый день. 
Мнения профессионалов, события, все дропы и мероприятия. 

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