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i need a lot of help doing research for the history and all the events that happened alongside it, because i am not subjecting myself to going through tons of /bant/ or /b/ thread
i'd appreciate it a lot if you can contribute <3

heres the doc link (wip)

for real though, if you're gonna get my "history" right make sure it isn't fucking disorganized 
since about late 2015 i started to use the internet (late 2000s dont count as i dont have an account there), and maybe on scratch 
during 2016, i made a deviantart account 
and then after i lost the evildarklord one, i made gangster woody. then after i stupidly lied about my age (i was in 2004, not 2005), I HAD to make a new one. both were disabled, with the former coming back years later.
of course i also went on furaffinity, still being in that anti-phase til it died out. i stopped being a furry hater by 2018. i knew about chan sites after i seen one of my fave games (mario odyssey) posted on there. i allegedly started on /b/ but those threads might be sadly lost in time. one of them was asking about if a minor should use this website, the other was probably a vague ed edd n eddy one (alright you cucks!)
but in 2018, yes i posted a SATIRE thread (the one you have in that google doc) about wanting attention. but i never wanted that. 

i never even wanted my accounts found or stalked, but this happened post-2018, of course. 

i kept posting all 'til the days on 8chan, and november 2019. the latter was a huge hiatus, that i had to come back few days later (because my dumbass didnt admit to being bullied as a minor). 

i was incredibly naive as to what happened until i realized it growing up. besides being doxxed from a QR code, i realized that yeah, anons had my location and told me to stop despite me only having fun (i didnt care if i had no board or website for me to post on). 

and the rest of the story? i tried to be an active archivist, and artist. and 2 years later, a character designer. i've also been doing this since 2020, but it became more prominent in late 2022 to this day, as well. i also got into fontography, launched my own font account/website (still in wip). i didnt think there would be weird people until i  bumped into klim, in which i found out he was a legit creepy old man. he also saved my picture from when i got exploited in april 2021 (i was 17 when this happened, no joke.) since then he has not stopped saying micropenis like the actual creep he is. doesn't help that he saves multi million pictures of my face from when i was a minor at the time, and also my other drawings (and editing them). I hadn't done anything to deserve that, and simply posting one thing isn't enough for him to motivate this kind of insanity.

and in both respective years, i created the mascot. named woody the fox. he used to be a cat (or a weird caracal fox mix) 
and then eventually, mittens the cat (before he was also a flufferian. and a marsupial type) 
if there's ANYTHING you erven need toi know about me without whining and telling me to eat shit... 
just know that all i was doing was happily posting my drawings (no matter which site), not looking for any heated argument, no competition, and yeah i was already looking for places to improve the art over time (besides posting others for fun). 

and no, the ralsei shit isn't enough to be harassed for either, nor was it warranted for hate. 
just because i like the little mage goat so much to the point of roleplaying them as well doesn't mean i was causing or doing any harm to the people on /bant/. 
it wasn't "talking to one self", because it's only a message being typed out and posted. not spoken out.

Wasn't saying that. I was just wanting to correct a *certain* someone, because they like to get my story wrong. That's what happens when you're a super old man with untreated dementia I guess. 

But then again, byte, you still hate me.. so it's fine to take whatever detail I said with a grain of salt.

Jordan lies so much he never remembers what he said yesterday.
It's a PDD symptom: Poor short-term memory.
If only he realized it would be easier for him if he only ever told the truth; then he wouldn't have to remember anything.
That concept is beyond his comprehension.

Klim, piss off. 
you're basically foreshadowing what YOU are doing, lol. at least people like me tell the truth, and not garbled lie crap like you do. 
Like... come on, a fucking toilet cam?? 
You're actually retarded. But also a disrespectful creep. 
> being vague 
What did I lie about? Because buddy I'm still not into scat, and I'm not any paraphile. I'm none of these boogeymen you keep applying to me.

> w-we fou- 
No, cut it with the roleplay crap. You went out your way to claim you're not into diapers yet you yourself found that. Not me. I don't know or care enough for the rugrats to fucking find messing porn of it. 
No, you did NOT find anything on any drive, you are NOT a collective, you are a SINGULAR person that happens to claim shit out of their ass. Fuck off. 
Devices only act weird if there is a bug in their program, a file does not magically go in their system.

> i kept posting all 'til the days on 8chan, and november 2019. 
Where the fuck were you hanging out on 8chan even?
Let me guess...
/abdl/ boards.
> Adult Baby and Diaper Lover, often abbreviated to ABDL, is a group of people who enjoy roleplaying as infants or toddlers. This can involve wearing diapers, drinking from baby bottles, and engaging in other activities that simulate being a young child.

i was posting on my own board, right before the original shut down and got changed to 8kun. a near-obscured place now. 
i wasnt on the .moe until i heard they had board creation, then they got rid of it. 
learn the difference and proper lore, instead of drinking all that whiskey.

> was posting on my own board, right before the original shut down and got changed to 8kun. a near-obscured place now.
You can thank /pol/ and all the mass shootings they caused for that tbh.
> i wasnt on the .moe until i heard they had board creation
> Wiz used to lurk over there tbh, but he'd get constant bans by Acid and his kin. I always assumed it was just /v/ users from old 8chan that went there.
> then they got rid of it.
Did they?

> s it where elliot on bant got the idea from
I'm not educated on /bant/ culture, just Geordie threads that he made. But you it's where the herd one's on Patch chans came from idea. Where we would submit Geordie or Mittens.
The idea was on 8chan, that whichever board won, got to be the spotlight and get the site's traffic to visit. With a headline on site saying that current board won the game.

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Macker made his own games, too!


The Yonkers Nintendo Game

As a kid, I used to have this strange game for my Nintendo DS. It was called something like "Yonkers" and it followed the adventures of a Mexican man living in Pennsylvania who would eat poop and talk to his yellow cat. The game was weirdly dark for an E rated game. I remember the story involved the main character, who I think was named something like Joshie, travelling to Australia to assault an old man he referred to as Klim. Each level involved Joshie bouncing around in a giant diaper, and killing enemies that he referred to as "trolls" or "meanie monsters."
In the final level, there was a boss battle with Klim, except it was cut short by some sort of yelling. The game then cut to Joshie being screamed at by his mother for spending too much time online, and he punched her in the face after she tried to unplug his computer, and the game just ended like that. I think it was trying to imply that Joshie was some kind of unreliable narrator and that the entire game was just a look into his delusional mind, which is incredibly dark for a kid's game. I don't have the game anymore, I asked my mom about it recently and she doesn't even recall buying it for me, but I know I used to play it all the time.
Does anybody else remember this game?

Yonkers DS is a fucking weird ass game, i remember this one level that had this weird toilet wonderland, there was this one candly land type minigame which had a bug where the pamperknights (strange knights that only wore armor made entirely out of diaper material) would glitch out a lot and after a while it basically let you skip most of the level (check out speedruns of Yonkers DS sometime, they get wack).
The game was only released in Japan and Europe, so i had to import it, it is known as "Joshie's Diaper Adventure" in japan.

yeah they rushed the localization to english for the europe release, but the weird lines and bugs kinda make it more strange in a way

The South Korean release had a really bizarre "Scratch'n'Sniff" cover with the game casing... kinda tasted like some sort of pill...?

I remember the scatman level where it played an 8-bit rendition of scatman's world, I'm surprised they had the rights to that song

Yeah, I remember trying to play the Yonkers DS game, but it kept making a strange smell for me, when you got to the "Watnai" level.

Klim: "I remember making this game. It was a nightmare. Yonkers kept changing his mind every minute and could not agree on anything without an argument. It's lucky this was released at all, despite its unfinished stature. It's all we could do with it, with Yonkers being absolutely useless as a collaborator."

Yonkers' Unforgettable Highlights


JORDAN MANUEL RIVERA aka. Yonkers/Poopcat/Mittens/Megan/Geordie/Shittens etc.

(NOTE: Please add to this list as you recall – thanks).

(*) Jordan Manuel Rivera is an obese delusional Mexican mentally-retarded “Special-Needs” house-bound forever-alone (now-20yo) ChrisChan lolcow, with a diagnosed PDD mind of a pre-schooler, who lives in his own imaginary fantasy world (ie. he does not co-operate with reality, and demands everyone to believe his magical world and ‘friends’ are real), with zero social-skills, and honestly believes he does nothing wrong (ie. no concept of consequences), and will disagree with anyone about anything he either does not understand or does not want to know about (he must be seen as 'right' in everything, and blames everyone else for his own failings), and who is in total denial about it all.
PROOF (Source: from his own mother, Carmen Bautista, January 2022):
https://archive.org/details/carmenonstream (MP4 video; 01:29:16)
 OR ~
Carmen Stream : https://youtube.com/watch?v=6VRXOwgapBQ (MP4 video; 01:29:16)
(The part at 32:30 is straight from a horror movie with the creepy green lighting and Jordan pathetically whimpering and slowly crawling up the stairs to his attic).

(*) His PDD prevents him from understanding and/or accepting that he has PDD and how it negatively affects him.

(*) Continues to deny he has PDD, as his mother publicly admitted. ie. He calls his own mother a liar.

(*) Admitted he licked his own poop and said it tasted like some sort of pill.

(*) His indescribably-awful and incompetent childish drawings (“Artism”).

(*) Diaper Fetish.

(*) Doxxed himself and his family.

(*) Takes and posts creepshots of his own mother.

(*) The Piss Closet / Piss Bottle(s) / Poop on furniture/walls/floor.

(*) Plastic sheets on his bed and bars on his window.

(*) Addicted to Jenkem and other illegal hallucinogens.

(*) The Hitler Lego Catalogue delivery.

(*) The ultimate ChrisChan Lolcow….

(*) Described by his mother to others (all his life) that he is “Special”; oblivious to what that actually meant; therefore considers himself to be vastly more intelligent/smarter/wiser than others.


(*) Mentally and socially incapable; Remains unemployed and unemployable; Lives at home; No personal responsibilities/consequences; No housework/domestic chores; No cooking, washing or washing up; No need to own or drive a car; No need to be educated; No need to pay Tax; no need to support household financially; Not allowed to go outside alone; No friends or interpersonal relationships etc.

(*) Father (Hector) divorced his mom and left the family. No strong male role model.

(*) Is abusive, violent, angry, hostile, aggressive, negative, racially abusive, inhospitable. Shows racial hatred; “KYS”; “Fuck off and die” etc. Yell; Flip out; screaming etc.

(*) Slapped his mother attempting to steal her phone to use when his got removed.

(*) Cannot discern his fantasy world from reality; Creates imaginary infantile cartoon friends/worlds; insists they are real. Eg. “Flufferians” etc.

(*) Posted his own penis (nb. Very VERY small micropenis aka. ‘Button Mushroom’)/genitalia/ass without being prompted (not once but TWICE+), then blamed someone else made him do it.
Note: he did this when he was underage, therefore he posted CP in public.

(*) Caught masturbating on chat/discord threads TWICE.

(*) Misguided and misplaced attempts at online Roleplay: Cubs wearing diapers & “Mr. Snuggles”; Attempted Roleplay as “Megan” who was using HRT to transition, with images.

(*) Observed paedophilic tendencies.

(*) Makes ridiculously unverifiable claims: “I literally have magic”; “I cannot die”; “I am a scientist”; “I am over 1,000 years old”; “I am a cat/dragon…”; “I have cat parents”; “I literally lived in France”; “I am god”, etc.

(*) Makes shit up as he goes, including his ‘Canon Lore.’

(*) Project onto others what he perceives to be his own failings, faults, flaws, weaknesses, inconsistencies, deficiencies, and shortcomings; reflect onto others the blame for things he perceives to be negative characteristics about himself. “My perception of you is a reflection of me.” ie. “You am I.” He knows that deep inside his very essence what he is, and no amount of hiding behind PDD can change that.

(*) Refuses to listen and/or learn/take advice; incapable of co-operation and/or collaboration.

(*) Forum/Discord lifecycle: Open; Invite people; Abuse people; Ban them for no good reason; Complains that no one comes to his site; Abandon site; Repeat forever.

(*) Incapable of neither making nor implementing plans/goals/aims, therefore never finishes anything he announces; blames others for this. ie. “Nothing Go!”, “Jampacked”, “LoleTV” etc.

(*) Pathological Lying.

(*) Never be wrong; always be seen to be right.



(*) Admitted his alleged ‘companies, corporations and businesses’ are fake, fanmade and dreams; in other words: they do not exist, although he spent years attempting to convince people they were real.

(*) Claims to live in a magical kingdom called “Watnai” and lives in a treehouse.

(*) Doesn't detect sarcasm. Doesn’t understand irony. Doesn't ‘get’ parody. Satire is beyond his comprehension. Takes things literally. Does not recognise criticism, mockery, or insults for what they are. ie. classic signs of high-stream Autism.

(*) Cannot control himself from responding/replying to obvious stupid moronic shitposting troll bait, as if it is serious.

(*) Very short attention span; unable to read thru and/or comprehend long wordy posts; his Autism will pick out only one word or phrase to highlight, ignoring the context of the rest of the post.

(*) Denial of his Mexican heritage.

(*) Lives in a household of Illegal Immigrants (“There is no border”), including ‘Rose’ (with photo.)

(*) Vague Posting.

(*) Continual changing of online identity.

(*) He ridiculously claims someone else ‘Brainwashed and Groomed him against his Will’ as an escape clause.

(*) He is obsessed with his own deluded fantasy of what/who his trolls are and/or what he thinks they have done to him; calls them “psychic stalkers”, ie. “Rammy”, “Scetic”, “Klim”, “Spaceman”, “FakeChristfag”, “FCF”, “BIGU”, “Nice Canadian”, “Gilgamesh”; “Lowercase American”, “sig”, “Insane Chilean”, “POWERGAP”, “Yael”, “Ren” etc.

(*) Claims to be “Pansexual” - even though he is unable to explain or describe what that actually means in his own words.

(*) He was “trying to set up a TOILET CAM in (his) house;” he “accidentally let it come in contact (with) a little too much shower water and getting wet”. (NB. His own words quoted).

(*) Demands this to be true:
“Oh yes, sure it's a Kid's program, but it's normal, standardized and totally sane and not infantile at all to masturbate to pics of Pokémon wearing diapers.”

(*) Yonkers and Scetic and Yael.

(*) Yonkers and Fig, etc.

(*) Cannot understand the concept of “Scatman John.”

(*) Posts in the middle of the night, when all his household is sleeping.

(*) Never sleeps.

(*) Attempted suicide by trying to jump out of a window; hospitalized as a result.

(*) Filthy toes/feet /fingernails.

(*) AND always remember: Talk to Yonkers as if you would to a 5-yo child, as that is his comprehension level; adult concepts and conversations elude him.

More like Jordan Rivers is the american NOT fat, NOT delusional, NOT MEXICAN, NOT CHRIS CHAN, not a lolcow, and not PDD either. he does NOT have the mind of a pre schooler. 
He do live in reality just fine. He demanded anything to be real, otherwise fiction porn would be banned. He already have social skills. Up your ass 
I've debunked all of your stuff, retard

Yonkers' Unforgettable Highlights


JORDAN MANUEL RIVERA aka. Yonkers/Poopcat/Mittens/Megan/Geordie/Shittens etc.

(NOTE: Please add to this list as you recall – thanks).

(*) Jordan Manuel Rivera is an obese delusional Mexican mentally-retarded “Special-Needs” house-bound forever-alone (now-20yo) ChrisChan lolcow, with a diagnosed PDD mind of a pre-schooler, who lives in his own imaginary fantasy world (ie. he does not co-operate with reality, and demands everyone to believe his magical world and ‘friends’ are real), with zero social-skills, and honestly believes he does nothing wrong (ie. no concept of consequences), and will disagree with anyone about anything he either does not understand or does not want to know about (he must be seen as 'right' in everything, and blames everyone else for his own failings), and who is in total denial about it all.
PROOF (Source: from his own mother, Carmen Bautista, January 2022):
https://archive.org/details/carmenonstream (MP4 video; 01:29:16)
 OR ~
Carmen Stream : https://youtube.com/watch?v=6VRXOwgapBQ (MP4 video; 01:29:16)
(The part at 32:30 is straight from a horror movie with the creepy green lighting and Jordan pathetically whimpering and slowly crawling up the stairs to his attic).

(*) His PDD prevents him from understanding and/or accepting that he has PDD and how it negatively affects him.

(*) Continues to deny he has PDD, as his mother publicly admitted. ie. He calls his own mother a liar.

(*) Admitted he licked his own poop and said it tasted like some sort of pill.

(*) His indescribably-awful and incompetent childish drawings (“Artism”).

(*) Diaper Fetish.

(*) Doxxed himself and his family.

(*) Takes and posts creepshots of his own mother.

(*) The Piss Closet / Piss Bottle(s) / Poop on furniture/walls/floor.

(*) Plastic sheets on his bed and bars on his window.

(*) Addicted to Jenkem and other illegal hallucinogens.

(*) The Hitler Lego Catalogue delivery.

(*) The ultimate ChrisChan Lolcow….

(*) Described by his mother to others (all his life) that he is “Special”; oblivious to what that actually meant; therefore considers himself to be vastly more intelligent/smarter/wiser than others.



(*) Mentally and socially incapable; Remains unemployed and unemployable; Lives at home; No personal responsibilities/consequences; No housework/domestic chores; No cooking, washing or washing up; No need to own or drive a car; No need to be educated; No need to pay Tax; no need to support household financially; Not allowed to go outside alone; No friends or interpersonal relationships etc.

(*) Father (Hector) divorced his mom and left the family. No strong male role model.

(*) Is abusive, violent, angry, hostile, aggressive, negative, racially abusive, inhospitable. Shows racial hatred; “KYS”; “Fuck off and die” etc. Yell; Flip out; screaming etc.

(*) Slapped his mother attempting to steal her phone to use when his got removed.

(*) Cannot discern his fantasy world from reality; Creates imaginary infantile cartoon friends/worlds; insists they are real. Eg. “Flufferians” etc.

(*) Posted his own penis (nb. Very VERY small micropenis aka. ‘Button Mushroom’)/genitalia/ass without being prompted (not once but TWICE+), then blamed someone else made him do it.
Note: he did this when he was underage, therefore he posted CP in public.

(*) Caught masturbating on chat/discord threads TWICE.

(*) Misguided and misplaced attempts at online Roleplay: Cubs wearing diapers & “Mr. Snuggles”; Attempted Roleplay as “Megan” who was using HRT to transition, with images.

(*) Observed paedophilic tendencies.

(*) Makes ridiculously unverifiable claims: “I literally have magic”; “I cannot die”; “I am a scientist”; “I am over 1,000 years old”; “I am a cat/dragon…”; “I have cat parents”; “I literally lived in France”; “I am god”, etc.

(*) Makes shit up as he goes, including his ‘Canon Lore.’

(*) Project onto others what he perceives to be his own failings, faults, flaws, weaknesses, inconsistencies, deficiencies, and shortcomings; reflect onto others the blame for things he perceives to be negative characteristics about himself. “My perception of you is a reflection of me.” ie. “You am I.” He knows that deep inside his very essence what he is, and no amount of hiding behind PDD can change that.

(*) Refuses to listen and/or learn/take advice; incapable of co-operation and/or collaboration.

(*) Forum/Discord lifecycle: Open; Invite people; Abuse people; Ban them for no good reason; Complains that no one comes to his site; Abandon site; Repeat forever.

(*) Incapable of neither making nor implementing plans/goals/aims, therefore never finishes anything he announces; blames others for this. ie. “Nothing Go!”, “Jampacked”, “LoleTV” etc.

(*) Pathological Lying.

(*) Never be wrong; always be seen to be right.


(*) Admitted his alleged ‘companies, corporations and businesses’ are fake, fanmade and dreams; in other words: they do not exist, although he spent years attempting to convince people they were real.

(*) Claims to live in a magical kingdom called “Watnai” and lives in a treehouse; Lives in Macker City; lives in Burbank CA. Demands everyone to believe him.

(*) Doesn't detect sarcasm. Doesn’t understand irony. Doesn't ‘get’ parody. Satire is beyond his comprehension. Takes things literally. Does not recognise criticism, mockery, or insults for what they are. ie. classic signs of high-stream Autism.

(*) Cannot control himself from responding/replying to obvious stupid moronic shitposting troll bait, as if it is serious.

(*) Very short attention span; unable to read thru and/or comprehend long wordy posts; his Autism will pick out only one word or phrase to highlight, ignoring the context of the rest of the post.

(*) Denial of his Mexican heritage. “I am White / I am American / I am English”)

(*) Lives in a household of Illegal Immigrants (“There is no border”), including ‘Rose’ (with photo.)

(*) Vague Posting.

(*) Continual changing of online identity.

(*) He ridiculously claims someone else ‘Brainwashed and Groomed him against his Will’ as an escape clause.

(*) He is obsessed with his own deluded fantasy of what/who his trolls are and/or what he thinks they have done to him; calls them “psychic stalkers”, ie. “Rammy”, “Scetic”, “Klim”, “Spaceman”, “FakeChristfag”, “FCF”, “BIGU”, “Nice Canadian”, “Gilgamesh”; “Lowercase American”, “sig”, “Insane Chilean”, “POWERGAP”, “Yael”, “Ren” etc.

(*) Claims to be “Pansexual” - even though he is unable to explain or describe what that actually means in his own words.

(*) He was “trying to set up a TOILET CAM in (his) house;” he “accidentally let it come in contact (with) a little too much shower water and getting wet”. (NB. His own words quoted).

(*) Demands this to be true:
“Oh yes, sure it's a Kid's program, but it's normal, standardized and totally sane and not infantile at all to masturbate to pics of Pokémon wearing diapers.”

(*) Yonkers and Scetic and Yael.

(*) Yonkers and Fig, etc.

(*) Cannot understand the concept of “Scatman John.”

(*) Posts in the middle of the night, when all his household is sleeping.

(*) Never sleeps.

(*) Attempted suicide by trying to jump out of a window; hospitalized as a result.

(*) Filthy toes/feet /fingernails.

(*) AND always remember: Talk to Yonkers as if you would to a 5-yo child, as that is his comprehension level; adult concepts and conversations elude him.

THE REAL REASON WHY JORDAN (aka. Yonkers/Poopcat/Mittens/Macker/Megan/Shittens etc.) HAD TO LEAVE LIVING IN YONKERS NY.

It is time to reveal why Jordan and his family were forced (by his actions) to leave their home and friends in Yonkers and move to PA.

Of course, Jordan would not want this information to be publicly known, and he will no doubt claim it's all a lie and never happened, as a feeble attempt to save himself from embarrassment.

In short: Jordan thought it would be 'fun' to play what he called “The 'Look at my Pee-Pee' Game” in front of some small children at the local playground.

Police were called, arrests were made, and statements and photos were taken.

What he found the most personally embarrassing was when one of the children pointed and laughed, and said, “My baby brother's is bigger than that.” (Yes, that is in the Police report).

After this incident, Jordan's family made the decision to move interstate to PA, where they believed the local Police would not have a copy of his reported activities.

Unfortunately, with his ongoing “flashing” activities, both locally and online, his activities are known to local Police authorities as well.

We all here wish this was a laugh, a joke, a larp. Sadly, it is not. We wish we could cite our authentic sources, but for their personal safety, we refrain from doing so. Let's just say that “they are someone close to the inner family circle”.


This is a special bonus feature to his "Jampacked!" movie. Enjoy.
Thanks, Poopcat.

"The Magical Powers of Yonkers" (2'00"): https://youtube.com/watch?v=KuXb0PpZVQQ

It actually is?? 
Besides most of your fucking replies are copypaste/misread crap anyway. Fuck off. 
Using random people (and my mom in AI) for your claims is stupid. You actually make no sense. 
> w-we all here wis- 

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Woah... Poopcat really IS a nasty piece of work now... stalking and harassing others that he just doesn't agree with. If someone has a different point-of-view to his, they become his enemy.
What a sick fuck.
He isn't playing his little diaper RP's now... he is actually causing people severe anguish.
What a complete asshole.
He's probably enjoying it, too... sick assfuck.
It seriously might be time to contact the Police about his actions.

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What about THE SHADOW PEOPLE", Jordan?

Why don't you tell us about them?

Did they force you against your will to play "Little Tommy Tickle" with those naked little boys in the showers at the School Camp?

I'm neither of those, so you're wrong as always. 
It's not stalking since I'm not really doing any surveillance on them, am I? I ain't their monitor either. 
What rules, please speak normal. 
Did you kill yourself yet?
I'm not Tommy. I never did any fucking thing at this imaginary "school camp" you obviously made up. And i don't have any shadow people, retard. I've only been relaxing at my house in PA like always.
> naked little boys 
Klim you are a nasty fuck :)

brown pounded to death
they will be missed
collecting information on geordie is like thumbing through the necronomicon
your soul is rend from your body and the unspeakable horrors which are unleashed cannot be put back in the box

i wonder if rapey geordie has heard of an archive
his pezozoo flood aint what he hopes it is when there is things like this in town
theres a reason i make sure to archive all his juciest admissions lol

i wonder what else are u going to say in the document, byte? 

ur not gonna mention any other erps, are you?  cuz i know for a fact i did not  intereact with ur weird dust bunny oc. still, how fucking dare  you trick me into thinking  you were a new friend. i thought you had changed.

Klim can you fuck off please? 
> t-tthis appears to be- 
> jesus chri- 

telling someone that is being annoying ON PURPOSE to stop, is *not* a command. it is a suggestion. and you have ignored it for 6 years now.

it's your fault that you broke my boundary/rules, buddy. i might not display it everywhere, but anyone over 80 are not allowed to interact. you kept interacting, prior to *just* before i turned 18. 

this is not a demand nor command. this is me telling you to give up your obsession over a fucking man older, yet younger than your balding wrinkly ass. 
i can respect elders though, just not ones that steal my art, act creepy a bunch of times, and mistake my genuine opinions as "sexual favors". 
i am not hooking up, nor putting up with an old man. fuck off. 
> even his me- 
Not at all. You just fail to see that people don't have to meet your standards, and you need to stop making up false memories too. I'm not your video game playtoy. 
Tard Wars was never a thing, so don't pull that "bait" card again; because no one's laughing. Even a satanist person can tell that's wrong

Telling people to "Stop" IS commanding, doofus.
Try again.

Oh right... ur ESL...
Hablar inglés no es algo natural para ti. Necesitas entender inglés antes de poder decirle a otros cómo entenderlo. Ahora es el momento de inhalar profundamente el pañal y dormir adecuadamente.


Aquí nos olvidamos de que hablar inglés no es tu idioma natural, el que se habla en casa. Necesitas entender mucho mejor el inglés para enseñar a otros a usarlo correctamente.
Ahora es el momento de inhalar profundamente el pañal y dormir adecuadamente.

aint no way you're telling me to speak in a language i already know while you use a fucking translator for spain. no one speaks like this. "correctamente"? bro :sob: :pray: 

and speaking simple english isn't even bad, i don't see any grammar errors. it's just a simple suggestion to cease your arrogant behavior. 

also i know how to sleep already dumbass :) you're not my parent. 

"take a deep breath in a diaper" is crazy :sob:

you know i made that post when i was a kid, right? only a fucking moronic dunce would say that 

You're disgusting.

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> i dont have victims and i dont get held back :)
> though i'd hate to be in my class with speds or anyone just as obnoxious
Wut. Are there more of you from that school?
Mfw there's a school teaching tards how to groom.

> it is a suggestion. and you have ignored it for 6 years now.
As have you ignored your suggestions.
>  it's your fault that you broke my boundary/rules, buddy.
Why not enfoce your rules in the first place?
> i might not display it everywhere
Oh you do at playgrounds.
> but anyone over 80 are not allowed to interact. you kept interacting, prior to *just* before i turned 18.
Rules for thee but not for me.
>  this is not a demand nor command.
Then why care.
> this is me telling you to give up your obsession over a fucking man older, yet younger than your balding wrinkly ass.
You lost me on this one.
< obsession over a fucking man older, yet younger than your balding wrinkly ass.
>  i can respect elders though
Unless its Carmen
> just not ones that steal my art
Idk how he keeps breaking into catscatland and stealing your portraits, must be the season spirit.
> act creepy a bunch of times, and mistake my genuine opinions as "sexual favors".
He's not the one caught on discord constantly.
>  i am not hooking up, nor putting up with an old man. fuck off.
Your hoax is up, he won't be your scapegoat when you eventually get caught and plea insanity over an imaginary shitposter.
>  Not at all. You just fail to see that people don't have to meet your standards
There are no standards down here, no one is on mainstream sites exposing themselves as role models.
> and you need to stop making up false memories too
I call those dreams. But to each their own.

No, there aren't. Now stop asking. 
And English is my main, and only language. <3 
my suggestions were already met, bro. i'm working on my show while not showing it off to people that don't like animation/visual novels :) 
> why- 
I've enforced them. You just ignored what your brain told you. 
> Oh you do- 
Stop lying. 
> R-r-rul- 
Dude. It's a fucking guy being harassed by a MUCH older, elderly person. Do you really want that to happen forever? 
Or do you prefer I set boundaries? 
> then why- 
Why enable and encourage the behavior that goes on?! 
> you- 
He's legit older than you dude. Wouldn't it be creepy for your grandpa to join on your board too? 
> u-
But she's not an elder. 
> mu- 
It's copyright infringement. That's illegal. 
He has been harassing me for 4 years. 
Oh good god, a fucking insane person that should be locked in retirement home. Which is you

> Wouldn't it be creepy for your grandpa to join on your board too?
no diddles
the internet is for more than looking for people to fuck
its only creepy if you see that laptop of yours as one big diddling portal lol

If they legalized child marriage, erectile dysfunction would cease being considered a legitimate condition.  The only reason men cannot get erect is because they do not find their aged partner attractive.

The medical industry doesn't just thrive, it subsists entriely on misguided directives concerning only the symptoms and not the cause.

I.  Hate.  Niggers.

> And English is my main, and only language. <3
It might be a good thing, that way you can't understand Carmen and Hector arguing about who's fault it is how you turned out.
> Ive enforced them. You just ignored what your brain told you.
How exactly do you enforce them?
Any platform enforces it's rules. You ignore them you get banned or in your case an account termination on social media. How are you not able to avoid their policies if that's just what your brain tells you to do?
> Dude. It's a fucking guy being harassed by a MUCH older, elderly person. Do you really want that to happen forever?
> Or do you prefer I set boundaries
Again enforce your boundaries. None of us are forcing you to interact with him, /baaa2/ houses swedebro, but does he ever respond to any of us? Can't believe he can fill up his own threads by himself without needing to set boundaries.
> Why enable and encourage the behavior that goes on?!
Where? Your platforms that require accounts and info? Ty but no ty. I'm never touching discord, tiktok,, Instagram, or whatever else is out there or anything that allows private messaging. You wanna talk to me talk with me. Imo. I'm not into those scenes. Even youtube had that scene going on back in the hay day. 
> He's legit older than you dude. >Wouldn't it be creepy for your grandpa to join on your board too?
Tbh. If you even make it to his age. What are you going to be doing? Still arguing with the ghost in your head that is him?
> But she's not an elder
She is your mother, she gave you life, and more love than you deserve. Next mother's day, you best hug her and thank her for not aborting you and holding onto you, instead of tossing you into the adoption system. In your culture she is your elder. Talk all you want about us, but that woman has had so much on her plate with you. Can you say the same of Joshie? Seems he lacked attention to give it to you
< mu-
Idk wtf you are replying to in my post
> It's copyright infringement. That's illegal.
> He has been harassing me for 4 years
You best lawer up.

no one has even argued ABOUT me, lol you're delusional babe 
> how- 
Maybe if you had listened in school, you'll start listening online too! I've already followed every rule babe! 
> N-none of us are-
Well you;er niot fucking controlling your elderly person or helping him OUT of the internet! He POSTS CHILDREN, HE STALKS ME AND MY ART, HE KEEPS REPOSTING IT AND SEEKS attention. This is NOT the attention you should be giving klim. Stop thinking it isn't a fucking PROBLEM for you and that elderly crackhead. 
> What are you-
Dying if anything. Hopefully earlier because you just aren't worth educating. Just wait til you die or end up in a forest. With no one to talk to or take care of you. That'd be better. 
> in your cultu- 
What culture? I'm not from fucking spain, retard.

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