/baaa2/ - Autism

Dunking on the mentally ill

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We're still missing the one from where Geordie drew poopcat staring at a post from fig that said she was leaving 4chan and to enjoy Starbursts for her. He cropped her post and drew poopcat staring at it saying i miss you or something similar. I think it got lost when 9chan went down, iirc.

glad you like my art, creep 
now rot in hell.  
> green diaper 
that's a green RABBIT in a diaper, moron. additionally a brazilian cartoon buny 
I'm fucking sorry, STARBURST? Piss off. 
Plus that was old, I got rid of that image. 
you're an actual retard if you think a purple hair bunny is my mother.. it isn't 
> bss 
Bro shut the fuck up you aren't any staff you're just a old man who lives in a crappy house, not a farm. You have dementia and other problems including stalking my pages, private or not. Admit that you weirdo

i'm not stupid for telling and correcting some things, that ur mind can't comprehend. 
I wasn't rejected because I never even asked for a relationship. Retard. I moved on. I did not do it to any "target" becuase they don't exist. 
And you should just move on.  
I'm saying that Bunny is just a milf character I made, and Carmen isn't. She's a real live being, the character isn't.

I'm saying that Bunny is just a milf character I made, and Carmen isn't. She's a real live being, the character isn't.
Carmen is a hologram, and Sophia is the real mom. Geordie Two can't even keep his story straight.

The combination of a zoomer "you are special and amazing first place for existing" upbringing and a developmental disorder have led the creature to being completely incapable of putting himself in anyone else's shoes. His main character syndrome sees everything around him as put there to stimulate him, which explains why he has no qualms when it comes to erotic roleplaying with the minors. Who cares what it does to them when they're disposable?

Why should he? Nobody knows better than him that half what he says is a lie. Any time you want to argue with him, just go to the things he said before and you'll find him saying the opposite at one point or another. His own words can always be used against him if you look hard enough.

i do believe myself because i'm not the type of person to use my REAL family into my FICTIONAL creations. 
it's your fault for misreading even the slightest clear tone. 
What are you talking about, I'm not playing fates with you. 
Who??? Dude what are you talking about none of my characters/other chars are based off of real people. Why would anyone put their self into the other party's shoes? That's not good.  
> whenn it comes to- 
I've never done erotic roleplaying. Stop falsely accusing everything. 
> his main character syndrome 
Buddy? He's a villain, and he's from Pixar. Not my character. Really though I don't think that's a thing. Stimulate who? 
> disposable 
Fucking what is disposable, diapers? No. I don't think of disposing. 
And what is "half"? Is "half" about wanting to be harassed, cuz I sure don't want it. Not even attention. 
I'm not being oppositional of my stance. I hate being harassed, I hate harassment and antis. I hate being accused of things I never done. 
There's nothing oppositional about, you're just a bad reader. 
Good, they should irk your gut. 
Body parts don't have disorders.. I think you're looking for pain killers. Or you just don't crack your own bones ig 
You're horrifically, and insanely retarded. Not even doctors would fix you, klimbert

> what is "half"
I know that the concept of fractions is going to be difficult for someone so PDD that he can't count, but I'll try to explain.
You say many things which are the complete opposite of other things you say. As they are entirely contradictory, only half of these statements can be true. It is impossible for things you say that disagree with other things you say to both be true, so one of those two things is untrue. One out of two is fifty percent, a half.

> i do believe myself
Til you break down and do those freak voices while saying it's not you.
> because i'm not the type of person to use my REAL family into my FICTIONAL creations.
No, you just post images of them, while demanding we call you Mack.
> it's your fault for misreading even the slightest clear tone.
You have to excuse me, these pills don't make me catch PDD, simply nausea and drowsy symptoms.
> What are you talking about, I'm not playing fates with you.
Idfk what that is.
> Who???
This tard we call Geordie, you must be new here..
> Dude what are you talking about
Nothing that concerns you.
> Why would anyone put their self into the other party's shoes?
It's called empathy, something you never learned.
> I've never done erotic roleplaying. Stop falsely accusing everything.
> Buddy?
He's not your buddy.
> He's a villain, and he's from Pixar. Not my character.
What are you on about even.
> disposable
> Fucking what is disposable, diapers?
Why does your mind go to diapers?
> No. I don't think of disposing.
Of course you don't.

> And what is "half"? Is "half" about wanting to be harassed, cuz I sure don't want it. Not even attention.
Then why disrupt us? You have your own boards to play with. Leave us out.
> I'm not being oppositional of my stance. I hate being harassed, I hate harassment and antis. I hate being accused of things I never done.
Opposite talk.
> There's nothing oppositional about, you're just a bad reader.
You're the only one who breaks their own glasses to spite his perceived enemies.
> Good, they should irk your gut.
Lack of empathy.
> Body parts don't have disorders..
> I think you're looking for pain killers.
> Or you just don't crack your own bones ig
I consider myself lucky that you aren't a doctor.

I don't even fucking break down. And I don't "freak voice". 
> you just post imag- 
dude that was years ago LMAO 
> idfk what that is 
then why are you trying to analyze your life problems to me 
> what are you on about even
 you're the only fucking one that's telling  me all this, you tell me. 
I fucking hate my boards 
I started a  new one with no limits 
Bet you cant find it 
I'd give you empathy if you weren't so oblivious

> I don't even fucking break down. And I don't "freak voice".
Every single recording you've been in proves you wrong. You're most retarded one, was telling Danny Rot that it was a ghost.
> dude that was years ago LMAO
I can't into PDD, so yes, I recall your history. When in Rome... LMAO
> then why are you trying to analyze your life problems to me
It's called community. Which you are not invested in. Look at how we greet Swedebro.
> I fucking hate my boards
Because it's you talking to yourself in an echo chamber.
> I started a new one with no limits
Have fun by yourself.
> Bet you cant find it
I'm not a pzds so keep it in your pants. And your ideas off this board.

What recording?? Are you talking about "stop calling me yonkers"? That was just a comical voice act, not a breakdown. I didn't even sound angry.  
> when in rome 
Never said this was about Rome. 
you're not a community. 
> talking to your-
No, there's a difference between online posting and that.

> What recording??
Every single person that caught your moans and grunts.. 
> Are you talking about "stop calling me yonkers"?
I'm not from there, aj was cool, >That was just a comical voice act, not a breakdown. I didn't even sound angry.
You did.
Why are you still herrs
> when in rome
Never said this was about Rome.
you're not a community.
> talking to your-
No, there's a difference between online posting and that.

> for year- 
Nigga its' been only since a year you said this. There is no "people", just you repeating it again. It used to be another moron but no, you're only saying this. Even if I left you would still talk, lie, and defame about me. No point in doing that if you're just going to be unhealthily obsessed over some guy you never even met. 
Let it go, idiot. 
Didn't I "die" to you?

> misera- 
It's not miserable. It's a fucking fictional character. ALSO STOP EDITING AND STEALING
> video 
That's not unwell, dude. You're taking my comical voice from some year ago too seriously, plus I sounded a bit like a girl.. speaking of, aren't you wanting to call me Megan?

There is nothing "psycho" or "babbling" about the cold hard truth. 
You absolutely are careless whenever I show you any information, or when I draw something. You always go to my accounts just to fucking click on the download button and post it on an imageboard, what benefit do you get from doing that. You dont own the picture, and you sure as hell don't draw. Your shitscribbles and lines don't count, pedo. This isn't coming from any huffer, really, and Jenkem has already been long dead since 10 years now. It's not relevant, not in any argument since I don't consume drugs or any human waste. I'd rather eat fucking cum than ever touch piss and poop combined. Disgusting. I actually hope you get more than just help for what you just said on the internet. You are NOT welcome, or well at all.
Any further reply just makes you more crazy.

lol why are you posting old content of a cancelled series? butter fucking sundae? 

OH RIGHT you think i copied it from chikn nuggit, well no nigger it's a fucking parody/inspiration, and it wouldnt really directly copy chikn nuggit but maybe be off-brand cuz yes thats the point of SOME cartoons i've made, but not my intention. 

as for the second, i got inspired by a spongebob storyboard artist and they're apparently trans. third is just nearly crap fanart. 
> filename 
there's nothing gooning about that, i didnt even make it sexual 
> replying to yourself again 

> pretending 
PFFT, lmao that's not even jordan's account! it doesnt smell at all. 
also who is "onigiri"? the fuck is that stupid name. 
psychotic? i see nothing psychotic about some grown man posting normally... as an autist would post fine. 
i see no connection between that disorder and something he did confirm, autism. pdd is not the original name for autism 
crazy how you won't shut the fuck up about "muh deranged" over som stupid character i never even drew. i cant admit to something i never said anything about lol. boht of you can die and stop being undercover. go obsess over nova, daniel lars, or whatever tiktok creep that's more important than someone who watches the fucking deerskins.

reiterating the same false claim isn't going to make that true. but its still weird to iterate the same 2 year old video over something that wasnt exactly true in the first place lol 
you are the only one insisting that they are "sexy" to you, so it is your fault rather than the person you're victimizing

that's literally not a circle of life at all. even someone with half a brain can see that this makes no sense. 
you barely looked up the definition and started parroting it to no end 
pdd isn't about 
> arting 
> animating 
> designing vector art in inkscape 
> creating characters no one's seen before, or something beside a flufferian 
> looking up research for words you frequently misuse because you use it at someone who's communicated fairly enough in their life and outside social media. 
it is not a "lack of understanding". it's a mere forced meme that isnt funny no matter how u enforce it. you are not a doctor, you are not trained in identifying any disorders because you're only arguing at a wall. 
That's not a fucking deer. 
Canon lore isn't harassing an autistic boy 24/7. 
I stopped saying funtism long time ago. 
Stop posting my art.

(*) Jordan Manuel Rivera is an obese delusional Mexican mentally-retarded “Special-Needs” house-bound forever-alone (now-20yo) ChrisChan lolcow, with a diagnosed PDD mind of a pre-schooler, who lives in his own imaginary fantasy world (ie. he does not co-operate with reality, and demands everyone to believe his magical world and ‘friends’ are real), with zero social-skills, and honestly believes he does nothing wrong (ie. no concept of consequences), and will disagree with anyone about anything he either does not understand or does not want to know about (he must be seen as 'right' in everything, and blames everyone else for his own failings), and who is in total denial about it all.
PROOF (Source: from his own mother, Carmen Bautista, January 2022):
https://archive.org/details/carmenonstream (MP4 video; 01:29:16)
 OR ~
Carmen Stream : https://youtube.com/watch?v=6VRXOwgapBQ (MP4 video; 01:29:16)
(The part at 32:30 is straight from a horror movie with the creepy green lighting and Jordan pathetically whimpering and slowly crawling up the stairs to his attic).

You can't cure yourself, the PDD isn't going anywhere just because 2 years have passed. In fact, the lack of development is exactly what it refers to.
> this makes no sense since my PDD leaves me with half a brain
Fixed it for you.
> you barely looked up the definition
Projection, your PDD ensures you are not capable of understanding those words you look up, leading to parroting them back with no real comprehension. Ironically, parroting and projection are two of those words!
> it is not a "lack of understanding"
You do not understand that you do not understand. What a mess PDD causes.
> it's a mere forced meme 
It's not a meme at all, you just hear it a lot because it is the reality that you refuse to accept.
> you're only arguing at a wall
Yes, since you are incapable of learning because of your PDD. Glad you agree.
> That's not a fucking deer.
PDD, subtext is lost on you isn't it?
So that brings us back to number 3 in the circle, want to do number 4 and bring us back to doe, a deer, a female deer?

Now here comes the bit where he tries to look up subtext, PDDs it and comes back with an argument on the word that shows how retarded he is and that it is another word he doesn't actually understand.

imagine living your life as an elder man spending the rest of their last days home alone, harassing a 20 year old, reiterate the same claims and repost the same 2 year old videos and photos, much less making any new ones. and then writing the same garbage misinformation about them. 
Can't cure? From what? I don't fucking have cancer, idiot. 
Reiterating an already false claim isn't validating any further. So stop trying. Please. 
Saying someone has PDD for the 1,0000th time isn't going to be, again, convincing. 
Claiming I have a "lack of understanding" is already pointless since I've proven to understand how a certain logo study works, and other stuff not covered nor mentioned. 
> Projec- 
You're comparing someone who's developed quite fairly enough to a random person who didn't, aka words on a screen typed by a 30 year old. Which is you. 
I already know what pdd means, and frankly with all the word salad I typed, at least it doesn't scream "Oh you're trying to prove ME wrong, let me REPEAT MYSELF like a MANCHILD." 
> no real comprehension 
If you asked a normal person what PDD is they won't really care. 
> becaus it is the reali- 
The reality of me not living in poor condition like you, sure. I already accept that you're just trying too hard at this point. An actual time waster, unlike me. Touch grass or headbutt yourself into a tree. 
> Glad you- 
Why would I agree with an unhinged person who only repeats theirselves? No one agrees with you. Get an actual life, and not one on the internet where you ramble about the same insanity for 4 months now. 
I do understand, though. Because I don't talk to someone who's a diaper fetishists and say "oh god you're a pedo, and you're gross!". Subtext isn't even a common word, and there are no past tenses of a pervasive disorder. 
It's you that doesn't understand that you're constantly arguing and thinking "everyone" agrees with you. You're mental.
Psychobabble isn't a real word, Klim.

> You do not understand that you do not understand. What a mess PDD causes. 
I do understand that you're repeating the same thing to an otherwise fairly smart person. Just because you think they are dumb doesn't mean they're 100% dumb like patrick, or any other alcoholic. 
Again, you are wasting your time. You've spent almost 50 days or less parroting a disorder over alleged development delays, I do not have any delays in communicating with people. I already know how to talk both irl and online. It doesn't make sense to use mental disorders as an insult to prove your 'point'. Speaking of, what is your point? That you're going to parrot it again because you're a no-life person with a raging boner for an autistic 20 year old you never even met?
Get help, and touch grass. This website has done more than fucked you up. It's corrupted you horribly, even if you talk your way out of this; it's no excuse to spend time on it to take it out on someone else. You're disgusting.

That's literally what you are doing. Do you ever do anything else in life besides argue on an imageboard, nobody told you to be on here 24/7. It's not healthy. 
> durrr, yup! regarding NORMAL, contrusctive criticism written words as a joke! 
And this is why people hate you. Thanks for proving my point.
Never said anything about having PDD, i'm saying fair criticism to a board who honeypots over a 20 year old you barely know about so you have to make lies to make people believe you. They won't. 
Can't stop what I've never done. The only thing I am doing is logos, drawings, and stuff that isn't "grooming". You're mental.

What's what I'm doing? You PDDed the response, make your thoughts coherent.
Also, this isn't an argument about whether you have a PDD or whether you are grooming, there is more than enough evidence for both.
Don't say you're not grooming, just stop doing it. Pretend you never did if that helps, but stop all the same.

> he does it again 
kill yourself, thief. 
WHAT mind you retard, its just a fucking fictional character i made as a test. Also stop going on fucking baraag 
> m-milky is- 
> nice stolen ar- 
saves 4th image 
accuses me of "stealing" 

> caring about some draw from 4 months ago 
okay? anything else? or are you gonna keep screeching over pixels that don't exist physically 
> screaming 
cool, didnt know normally typing words and not throwing tantrums is abnormal to you. get yourself checked :)

> because you use it at someone who's communicated fairly enough in their life and outside social media.
Who do you talk to outside of Carmen irl even.
> I stopped saying funtism long time ago
Leave his funtism alone.
> Can't cure? From what? I don't fucking have cancer, idiot
When did he say you had cancer? >>/34790/
> with a raging boner for an autistic 20 year old you never even met?
No one has ever once thought of you that way, degen.
> honeypots over a 20 year old 
But this pot has no honey, unless you consider feces that. I guess that's why it attracts you and repels the flies.

No, you love being a fucking weirdo with no understanding on boundaries and staying off of them. You KEEP going to my profile, that fails to be VERY private (which i wish it was), and you right click the image and save the art as some immature filename. 
I don't want you doing that. Please stop saving my art and visiting it at all. This isn't even a warning at this point. 
> pretending 
yeah you dont know baraag at all 
much less go onto people's profile and save their artwork without any permission 
its okay, i know you dont use mastodone anyways. we dont want you on there. 
Hunt down who? 
Training? Where? 
But Shmorky doesn't have aids

A literal truffle hog, but instead of truffles it's kiddies.
> that fails to be VERY private
Sounds like a you problem.
> This isn't even a warning at this point.
Oh no, what are you gonna do, shit yourself in protest?
> but Shmorky doesn't have aids
Shmorky is aids personified, look the word up in a dictionary. And you gone find Shmorky's face next to the definition.

No sweetie its your problem because you are unhealthily obsessed with me. 
> oh no, what are you gonna 
Tell you to stop until you finally fuck off and move on to the next "person" to harass. 
> shmorky is- 
A pedo, we know. He's a weirdo along with the pedo shit from 9 years ago, we already get the whole gig with him. 
> And you gone find 
Speak NORMALLY for once. Or stop speaking at all.

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> No sweetie its your problem because you are unhealthily obsessed with me.
Don't bother me none tbh. Sounds like a not my problem.
> Tell you to stop until you finally fuck off and move on to the next "person" to harass.
How's that working for you.
> shmorky
Is spooks tbh. The fact that you idolized him is eerie.
> Speak NORMALLY for once
I has pdd plz send halp ;____;

no they are vitamins so you can shut the fuck up and be happy instead of yappity all the time. 
> this is wh- 
shut. up. you sound disoriented to the point of deteriorating your health. stop acting manic about things that arent' even happening. go make someone else the next kyle 'rozza or shmorky will ya

can you actually go kill yourself. stop going to the fucking drawthreads and saving my work and other peoples 
it's really unhealthy for u
> durr anon!!! oh wait, POOPCAT! JORDAN! GEORDIEEEEE 
nigga just call me one name that isnt a disgusting scat fetish

For those facing the bloated accumulation of years of recycled intake of excretion, equipped with added mystery gummies as a supplement, to push mortal limitations of body mass. I believe the "bro" is pronounced in the olden days, as a support "bruh."

It's always entertaining when Jordan becomes pompous thinking he is in possession of knowledge that other people are not, whilst not realising that the topic was already replied to on a level beyond his comprehension. Since this summary is also far too verbose for him to unpack, I'll put a Jordan-friendly version at the bottom of this post.
Poopcat retarded.

> doing yet another claim i have  "possession of knowledge", still trying to force the narrative of 'dumb' on someone who already knows better than years ago. still forcing unfunny memes only yourself gets. 
holy shit get a new hobby. you cant keep leeching off random anons all the time

> durrr what pilot 
did you seriously drop yourself on the head, not knowing and realizing you've stalked my fucking show and cartoons, if not my ENTIRE deviantart account to look for the "cartoons" you desire? So you can fucking edit them into Toilet Man? 
How fucking STUPID are you. This wasn't from "4 years ago", this was almost 5 years and you still can't get it in your demented head that you wasted your already-pathetic life STEALING the hell out of my stuff, with no remorse. 
> durrr still waiting waaah 
even if i DID complete the pilot, you will STILL whine about because it's not about your retarded toilet man bootleg series or whatever issue you have with your fucking brain. I don't fucking owe elderly people like you. 
thats NOT what I had said. 
i dont' say "kiddies" or "poopies", that's your language. 
Stop saying "inb4" and grow the fuck up, old man. This isn't the old times anymore or wherever you live in, this is the time of gen alpha (unfortunately.

Read this, dyslexic. 
>  >>/35547/
> durrr what pilot
did you seriously drop yourself on the head, not knowing and realizing you've stalked my fucking show and cartoons, if not my ENTIRE deviantart account to look for the "cartoons" you desire? So you can fucking edit them into Toilet Man?
How fucking STUPID are you. This wasn't from "4 years ago", this was almost 5 years and you still can't get it in your demented head that you wasted your already-pathetic life STEALING the hell out of my stuff, with no remorse.
> durrr still waiting waaah
even if i DID complete the pilot, you will STILL whine about because it's not about your retarded toilet man bootleg series or whatever issue you have with your fucking brain. I don't fucking owe elderly people like you.

> did you seriously drop yourself on the head, not knowing and realizing you've stalked my fucking show and cartoons
What show and what cartoons? Maybe we do gotta drop ourselves on our heads to see it tbh.
> I don't fucking owe elderly people like you.
You don't owe anyone, because nothing is expected of you. Let alone even contribute anything productive to society. All you do is cause Carmen headaches and surround yourself with children, while blaming everyone and the world that they took advantage of you.

i'm not talking to you, lemonz. 
> forgot about nothing go already 
of course 
> because nothing is expected of you besides letting an old man talk to you every day for every 4 hours 
> let alone even contribute 
and i surely am contributing. i do not cause my mom headaches cause i do not annoy her everytime? i do not surround myself with "children" and i hadn't blamed my work on other people. stop eavesdropping into conversations that dont involve you

> of course
That was never considered a show or cartoon, it was just pdd telling itself it was coming soon over and over again. Like that whole 2020 the years the trolls end idea you convinced yourself of.
> and i surely am contributing.
Into corrupting the children.
> i do not cause my mom headaches cause i do not annoy her everytime?
Why do you question yourself? Is it because you know, she finally gave up on you?
> i do not surround myself with "children"
> and i hadn't blamed my work on other people.
Because it's nonexistent.
> stop eavesdropping into conversations that dont involve you.
I'm not going and posting along side you on other sites, now am I?

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I didn't have pdd then and I don't have it now. I already develop talking to people since age 9 or younger. 
> the year the trolls e- 
You have to get tired of leeching over me somehow. I don't owe you anything. So please, go away? 
i quote you thousands of times yet still insist on your weird allegations. the question mark wasn't even asking a thing, you just sometimes confuse yourself and the other anons you talk to. now; where's your drawing? you said you were going to do "nothing failed". did you stop drawing? 
> b-because it's nonexi- 
Good, I hope you're saying that in the sense of "cartoons aren't real people", and not "oh, he hasn't produced a single thing. let me pretend to forget". Because not everything has to be leaked for your pleasure.

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like, this IS a cartoon. A web cartoon, not a 4chan-exclusive paranormal anomaly. 
This is one of the current renders of Jake. He isn't an eternal human, which explains how the designs have changed over the years, even only one main character. 
But you still don't fucking believe it since you almost scream your head off about "not real!!!!". You're blind

Jordan must be very busy right now totally focusing all of his energy into finishing his LTN Jampacked Pilot.

He would never allow a board like this to distract him now, being so close to having his best work complete.

klim there's a thing called "google", fucking look up how a show gets a teaser trailer, pilot, OR even an episode for a pilot before having been completed or posted. or use your brain for that. 
additionally, figure out what "indie" animation means. 
because im not spoonfeeding you

i dind't  snap at all 
i remember exactly all details from you, thanks for the 3 years of continuously stalking me and pretense of other fake people :) maybe you wouldnt forget if you weren't senile 
> durrr, me pretending to be others is "DRIBBLE" 
shut the fuck up dude you just asked me what a pilot is, when i told you to google it. now you're back at being retarded again.  
not what i said :) learn to read before i gouge your eyes out. you stupid dyslexic cunt. and pamp city doesnt even sponsor map / zoo pride

Hey, klim. Am I talking to you? No I am not. 
when did i say making fictional worlds were "satire"? 
i have not even called it real.... i'm not that fucking stupid. you're the one that isn't fixed since you think i'm still a 15 year old in your mind. had i still been 15 i would still "like" arguing with you and saying "but it exists!!!!111" multiple of times until i get my hands tired. 
When have you medicated your pets? You don't have any. 
> durrrr, liking fiction is freak 
it isn't :) 
no, you don't talk to me by clicking on my post numbers. but since you had done so, i will do the same back to you.

> his PDD made him forget the medical evidence that children do think about these things again
Not just the mind of a 5 year old, but an especially stupid 5 year old. Normal 5 year olds are capable of learning unlike PDD boy.

posting a loli artist's work isn't evidence lmao 
stop thinking about actual children 
So... none? Even if you are desperatelye comparing me to some non-existential mind, that.. still proves my point. There are no children under 18 thinking about these things, or even under 13. And ALSO desperately comparing them to "PDD", a disorder in which CHILDREN have trouble talking to others (until symptoms and stuff outgrow over time) doesn't work on me either.
I already had spoke to some strangers throughout my life even before I turned 18... 
Therefore making your claims false. Someone with PDD wouldn't argue, a normal person who ISN'T pdd can. Alas, only for a few moments instead of every day. Bye bye. Don't reply again.

Have another try. See if you're capable of defeating your PDD and learning something this time.
I doubt it though, these websites weren't written for someone with the mind of a 5 year old, so it's unlikely you can learn why your argument is still retarded.

Who. I can't defeat what I don't have lol... and I haven't even behaved sexually to people irl 
i can 
and i frankly think you're wrong. 
But I don't have pdd, right? 
I even talked to a store manager and a personal friend :) 
Claiming and linking random pages unrelated to me isn't gonna validate your statement. You're delusional :3

> go back to school
Ironic coming from someone who failed out of sped school. It doesn't make sense to you because of your 5 year old mental age (caused by a PDD).
How's Cooper by the way? Is the minor you're in contact with still your bitch?

i never failed school because i was taught and raised to speak right :) i mean, why would i go to a random person and say they have an illness without knowing first? that's fucking stupid. and no, i am not mentally, nor physically a 5 year old. 
> is the mi- 
there are no minors. 
> deser- 
that's NOT what deserting is retard. not everyone is chornically posting like u are 
are "motives" and "agenda" about claiming stuff back and forth:? kill yourselves.

Um, you're the "nigger" here, sir. Just because some idiot puts an age on a character doesnt magically exist irl.  
WHAT makes you SO INCAPABLE of understanding differences?? and that you're fucking annoying?

> wah wah wah 
good to know you're an ungrateful, impatient, and ignorant person that can't tell difference between old and new, or worse, you can't understand that not everything is disclosed to any public place. you're a horrendously fake cartoon fan 
i know what they mean unlike you. because i do research (and also learn about what it is instead of "pretending". i wouldnt just think grooming is a natural pet thing to do (aka caring for a pet irl, not sexually ofc because zoophilia lol) 

-paraphilia means an "abnormal" disorder involving sexual fantasies that are otherwise considered illegal (read pedophilia, zoophilia, or necro.) obvioulsy drawings of unrealistic things dont fit to this category 

-grooming means building a trust to take advantage of another party in sexual terms (something i dont do)
-pervasive developmental disorder is obviously characterized by delays and communication skills (which i do not have, not everyone learns to talk at a month old or 3 years old.) 

-parroting  means exactly what it means; you repeat yourself a lot, and certain people (even strangers) find it annoying, and they may almost always ignore you unless you make it a real problem. 

-mental age is just a concept of intelligence made by a rando person (probably 4channers or outside of such), and is used to project onto someone that thinks they're acting like a child (but they aren't) 

-projection is kind of like above, except you're not being repetitive, just plain out claiming things back and forth until you get tired of it. if it's impossible to NOT make false claims out of your ass against me then you have a sanity problem  

i dont even need to google half of the stuff i've already knew about since school and in life. just know it means exactly that. 
What is "hunting grounds" abuot doing zero percent of anything but drawing and posting status updates? You're awfully paranoid.

1 out of 6 accurate definitions, that's impressive for you Jordan, well done! Is that the grade that you "passed" sped school with?
> What is "hunting grounds"
Not sure if this grammatical abomination is due to the EFL or the PDD, but it's not important. What is important is why you're in contact with all those minors, Jordan.
You say that I am paranoid, yet refuse to give an innocent explanation. Why are you in contact with all those minors on DeviantArt, Discord and YouTube?

oh no, there's all 6 accurate definitions. but copy pasting a definition from oxford would be cheating. i'm not wrong about paraphilias. they actually involve dangerous activities not considered normal for sexual practice. 
parroting STILL means repeating yourself, for example you keep calling me a retard and "pdd" (even if it's not you or the other anon calling me it, it doesnt matter). and grooming DOES mean making a relationship with a minor teenager and then using them for sexual stuff (but then what do you say about adult attracted minors, hmm?) 
and im right about the mental age thing lol. what does arguing about intelligence have to do with not wanting you to talk about me every time. its boundaries you need to understand.

> if this grammatical abomina- 
that was in CLEAR PERFECT ENGLISH, dumbass. I'm asking you what does it mean, and simple questions don't make it a foreign way of English. 
>  >EFL 
that means first language, thanks for FINALLY ACKNOWLEDGING my language as ENGLISH. because i'm NOT your retarded mexican. i am still not pdd either. i have not had any trouble talking to other people in recent days and past life. 
> You say that I am paranoid, yet refuse to give an innoce- 
You would still hate people even if they talk to minors. And I certainly don't.  You should be asking how teenagers are into porn and fetish art so early (i mean there's a fucking 17 year old drawing FETISH CONTENT ONLY MADE FOR ADULTS, specifically FAT FUR)

You will never understand, your PDD is too severe. I bet you don't even know which one you got right.
> thanks for FINALLY ACKNOWLEDGING my language
You're welcome, glad you can face reality as a Mexican.
> you should be asking how teenagers
... keep being contacted by you. Yes, why are you in contact with all those minors, Jordan?

im not carmen lol 
i do understand cause i actually do research unlike your repetitive ass. stop saying pdd already 
> as a fore- 
nope, a FIRST language. I learned it at birth. 
> ..- 
oh no, DON'T you dot me. you should acknowledge somebody drawing stuff they cant while they are under 18. did you ever think of that? i bet you wont confront me for drawing porn at 17 years old

Give a monkey a book and he can research for 100 years, he will still not understand.
Like you. Because you have a PDD.
> learned it at birth
... in Mexico.
> you should acknowledge
I don't need to acknowledge anything when you can't answer the question. Why are you in contact with all those minors, Jordan?

I am very disappointed in you, Jordan. You know who this is. They showed me and taught me step by step to post here. You are in so much trouble. Making lots of people upset on many different places. If you want to own up to this face to face with me, I might consider it. I think a complete blocking of allowing you on the internet for a week might be right for now. They said if I use this same name code, it will appear as Carmen##bwnPR0 all the time, so everyone will know it is me, Jordan.
You have made me very sad.
You are grounded: locked in your room with no internet or phone access for TWO WEEKS.
I have spoken.

repost alert 
america is still in america :) 
stating i've never sinned doesnt mean heresy. because i have not edone anything "disrespectful" to jesus christ nor have i depicted him in any of my posts. i have not paired him with satan or any of what you call "heresy". or "pelagianism". but, knowing your behavior and posting, you dont really know what they all mean. so you have to think "i didn't sin" means heresy. idiot 
but i dont have any grooming OR erotic roleplays. plus i have been horny since 15 years old lol

Yes, I agreed with you. Mexico is Latin America.
> but i dont have any grooming OR erotic roleplays.
... in your PDD imaginary land. However, in reality it has already happened.
> plus i have been horny since
So you finally read the medical documentation that minors can show an interest in these things? That's step one, now you just have to admit you have the mind of a minor and you're back in step with the rest of the planet's experience.

you're the demon for continually posting at me and my accounts 
i dont have pdd imaginary lands. i dont "groom" or "erp" at all 
> so you fi- 
i've read more cohesive shit than the links you give to people who dont read. i obviously can control myself when it fcomes to 'muh seual behavior'. i do not fcause destruction in public, stop antagonizing me as such. plus at least as a minor, i was at least content with the stuff i had been given. i was so damn glad to not have cancer or any pelvis issues, and glad to have found the stuff i've even jerked to. 
plus i'm already "back in step", it's called please stop comparing me to a child in this pointless unfunny argument. it is not quite funny.

poopsnarf isn't a thing. using thundercats with scat doesnt mix well 
your dementia? 
just read the fucking post and admit that you're wrong, unintelligent, and not bright at all. you don't deserve any forgiveness, you're a creep, and an art thief. you tell me to "be silent" because you hate when i'm actually right. i'm right about the stalking, too. you keep going onto my account despite me telling you not to. "it's public" my ass, doesnt give you a excuse

> i dont have pdd
PDD delusion.
> imaginary lands.
>  i dont "groom"
How's Cooper?
>  or "erp" at all
How's Boss?
> the links you give to people who dont read
PDD makes reading hard does it?
> stop comparing me to a child
No. Your mental age doesn't magically increase because you believe it should be higher (even though the concept of mental ages is another thing you don't understand).
> unfunny argument. it is not quite funny.
I wouldn't find it funny either if I was the one who is mentally disabled. Luckily, I'm not and I do.

1. no. 
2. that's a FAKE, fictional world. not seomthing of "imaginary land" becaus ei dont believe i to be real. 
3. both are fine. how about YOU? did you stop drinking? 
4. same as 3 
5. you do know i dont have pdd, right. you havent actually looked at the definition of what it REALLY means. I have not paused my 'development' at talking to people :) 
6. misusing words? lol i love proving you wrong. besides, a "5 year old" does not know that many words. 
7. disabled or not it's not everyone's humor. it's only that of a neet whose onyl entertainment is 4chan and desperation similar to that. you need to get a hobby and a real life. you need to drop your internet bills and leave. you cant stick around talking to me forever for the same inane shit. that'll be like a life wasted. and not a good one. so shut the fuck up about "luckily" being anything, because you're not clever and you aren't a happy man in life you're clearly unwell. you're fucking dumb. 
> because you- 
because what? when did i say anything about believing in mental age? retard. it's actually weird to compare an adult mind to that of a child's.

This is a long one Jordan, I had to take a few breaks to compose it. Some of us have work to do!
> 1. no.
PDD delusion.
> fictional not "imaginary"
Another word for the "Jordan doesn't understand" list
> 3. both are fine.
Fine examples that what you said was wrong.
> how about YOU? did you stop drinking?
I'm not a big fan of alcohol, I'm relatively clean living. Don't even consume drinks with caffeine, aspartame or acesulfame k.
> 5. you do know i dont have pdd.
I know that you do. Do you know?
> You havent actually looked at the definition of what it REALLY means.
Projection again. Not only did I look it up, I am capable of understanding the condition. You are not, as the next line proves:
> I have not paused my 'development' at talking to people :)
You don't understand, you will never understand. You are not capable of understanding.
> 6. misusing words? lol i love proving you wrong. besides, a "5 year old" does not know that many words.
You don't know the words you use, you must love proving me right.
> 7. disabled or not it's not everyone's humor.
It is the humour of this board, which is why I am here. Why would you be here if it's not your humour?
>  it's only that of a neet whose onyl entertainment is 4chan and desperation similar to that. 
Projection again. I'm posting from work each time I'm hit with a processing screen. How about you? That's right, never had an actual job in your life because you are learning impaired and get to live the retard life separate from societal pressure to be productive.
> you need to get a hobby and a real life.
I have several hobbies, but if I break out the guitar or try a bit of crossfit while at work I will get fired. Making fun of retards is easier to do covertly.
> you need to drop your internet bills and leave. 
I earn the money that pays for my internet. How about you, Jordan?
> you cant stick around talking to me forever for the same inane shit. that'll be like a life wasted. and not a good one.
It's a fun way to pass the time for me, for you it's your whole life.
> you're not clever
>  you're fucking dumb.
We covered this. There is documented evidence on 4chan that I am a literal genius. Care to do an IQ test and beat me? Put your money where your mouth is.
> you aren't a happy man in life you're clearly unwell
Nobody who finds themselves on shitposting imageboards is happy.
> because what? when did i say anything about believing in mental age? retard. it's actually weird to compare an adult mind to that of a child's.
Not when the adult has a child's mind due to his PDD.
Hoo, that's enough for now.

i do understand words lol, it's you that doesn't. you're as dumb as klim is, except he only repeats himself. you only get little credit for not being a copypaster like him at least. 
> projection again 
> directing the word at someone who has talked to multiple teachers, therapist and other school nurses before 
yeah you're SUCH a liar. that next line doesn't prove your "point". i have understood because i have risked talking to people. i AM capable, more than you repeating yourself. 
> y-y-y-y-y-you d-d-don't know the w-w-w-wor- 
you already said this but can't use it against me :) for example i know what a president is and they only run the country for a few years, not forever. so in that case i must know the actual definition of the names you call me. i hadn't shown any signs of being 'retarded' or anything of the like. your board's "humor" is only throwing the same word over and over, making FALSE jokes about a nonexistent mexican who "ate poop". because i dont think mexicans or americans would go that far up their ass to want a board made out of them (or to eat shit on purpose) 
> asking why to a painfully unfunny thing not even trump would like 
holy shit get a fucking life dude
> i-i'm posting fro- 
i hope you get fired after they find out you're an ableist :) 
> asking and then assuming 
thank god for my PERSONAL PRIVATE online job that I don't blog about on a public imageboard full of neckbeards. and no, i am not "learning impaired". i had already been productive by searching tutorials and other things to make my content look stellar even if its slideshow crap again. stop thinking i "can't" do things when i get off my ass from browsing artist account and do what i promised to do. 
> but if i brea-
then break your guitar. I don't care. You'll love being fired, that way they can medicate you into not repeating the R slur again, and to not be assuming things i guess. 
> I earn the- 
You can use the money to LEAVE this website. You can't do this forever. 
> How about 
How about you accept that you're no better than the "retards" you go after and you're merely wasting your time at this "so called work thing" you have. It's not a thing to pass time with. 
> there is doc- 
no you're not a genius if you keep going to a dead imageboard ran by a neckbeardo who has somewhat more intelligence than you. hell, even swedishposters aren't this bad. 
> not when the ad- 
Okay you're still a sicko for thinking about children in the first place, even if notsexually. To compare an adult's HORNY mind (and manages to be productive n shit) to a child's innocent nonsexual mind is still darn fucked up!

also if you really had a "job" you wouldnt spend it on going on the computer to a basket weaving loli-posting website while hiding it from your boss 
either way bragging about having a job compared to other people who just work fromh home isn't really a good thing to say in an arguement. 
Also, you're fucking addicted, man. YOU CAN'T KEEP CLINGING ONTO ME FOREVER. and I am not an important "distraction" to you. I can't help you get help lol

> someone who has talked to multiple teachers, therapist and other school nurses before
That is something that someone who isn't learing impaired ever goes through. Proving you don't have PDD by saying you needed 5,000 assessments doesn't really argue your case.

> you're still a sicko for thinking about children in the first place, even if notsexually. To compare an adult's HORNY mind (and manages to be productive n shit) to a child's innocent nonsexual mind is still darn fucked up!
Projection again. I can point out medical facts without finding the concept arousing. Your desire to groom children is clouding your perception of others.

its not a ramble at all you're just lazy to admit that you're not any better. just a pathetic old man in their 30s. if your job is so stellar then why not fuck off back to it and dont contact me again? 
well i'm not learning impaired. nothing of my post contains that. otherwise i wouldnt know what 1+1 is (spoiler: i do. i just dont brag about math all the time) 
> doesn't really argu- 
You came to me about how you "work" while acting maladjusted. Fuck off. You were the one that wanted to converse with me so badly. 
Am I that hot to you, a fucking 20 year old who doesn't even WANT to talk to you cause of how rude and projective you're being?
> y-your des- 
my desire is not about MAP stuff buddy. cope more 
> percept
 what am i percepting? doing nothing to anybody thats a real human being? yeah beause i dont FUCKING OBJECTIFY or ASSUME THEY'RE ANYTHING ELSE DEFAMATING without knowing lol. i just block the person if i dislike, i dont mindlessly rant about them if thats what you're saying 
> durr projec- 
My point stands. Don't compare me to a child again. I wasn't even doing anything "sexual" until 15, 'nuff said. I used to think peeing was when the boner got hard anyway, it didn't.

i mean they dont know what corrupt presidents do, right? tehy dont fully understand they get hated on for either dumb or right reasons. but kamala? i dont think she got any hate unless am mistaken. either way still not backing me down, idiot. might as well give up and stop arguing 
> are the- 
nahhhh there's other PEOPLE like me who also find me hot i guess. i mean idk i've only gotten platonic responses from randos. not "muh minors". there arent any minors. 
> a-a-and y-yet you do- 

> i dont have a mind of a kid :)
> when does a kid think
His child's mind is unable to grasp this concept no matter how many medical journals he is linked to. The problem with having a PDD is that you cannot understand that you have a PDD because you have a PDD.
"Born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch. A prison for your mind."

i have grasped the concept better than your psychotic ass. i am not linked to your feeble journals. you are not a professional nor doctor, now go back to roleplaying as me for attention (which you cant do) 
> the proble- 
nigga i do not have any difficulty releating to people or talking to them. i have been used to change in moving house to house, i dont have difficulty of this. i do not fit this. end of story, shithead. get help

> PDD ramblings
By all means keep proving it. No skin off my nose.
> i hope you get fired
> You'll love being fired
>  if you really had a "job" 
He can't even make his mind up between posts. PDD incarnate!
By the way (I'm sure you'll get a kick out of this), all this retard kicking made me behind schedule, so I finished work 20 minutes later than usual. That will look like I'm a hard worker on the logs, so not much chance of being fired any time soon.
Life is unfair, isn't it?

click it now or else 
if normal coherent speech about your obvious flaws is a "ramble" to you, then why didn't you think about arguing before you actually did it anyway? if it's such a waste of time then why force yourself to reply? 
> fini- 
when have you ever finished anything? you can't be talkin to me 24/7 even at work yknow

> normal coherent
To a PDD sufferer.
> why force yourself to reply?
I told you already, slapping you around passes time when I'm waiting for other things. You are entertainment.
> when have you ever finished anything
Never. I went to work once and never came home. I live here now(!)
> 24/7
No wonder Trump wants to stop immigrants, has nobody in your family ever worked? How have you not even casually observed people working? The hours are limited. Normally to less than a third of each day.

thumbnail of Jordan.jpg
thumbnail of Jordan.jpg
Jordan jpg
(301.99 KB, 1750x2500)
> thank god for my PERSONAL PRIVATE online job
The play pretend PDD you and all the other small children do? It's busywork to keep you from punching holes in the walls. It's not employment, your mental age is showing again.

no, it's not at all pretend. i'm actually animating for once lol 
i can even do computer generated animation. too bad you can't see it be4cause you dont believe in online things or any hope for indie media, even if it meant testing or making dozens of adult swim-type logos (like what Pipster almost always does). 
i do not work with "children". i do not even "punch holes in walls". if anything that wasnt even for a reason i should disclose to a simpleton like you. 
> your me- 
keep your concepts away from me, cunt. i say it's strange to compare me to an innocent kid's mind. i do not have a kid's mind, either way you're proven wrong 
none of me is entertainment dude. i dont suffer from fake disorders u make up 
when is getting rightfully mad at unwanted creepy comments a "snap"? i don't like being objectified like that. 
No, it's "mel-eh-man-tul". Meaning MELLEMANTLE. Like, FREE-mantle, the company that distributes most shows. I had parodied that for a while now. Now I just abandoned the mack name since its a deadname now 
There's no "perverted justice", anon. That's "play-pretend" isn't it? 
> can talk to dozens of- 
> was actually doing something other than your feeble psychotic projections 
Oh gosh. I can't believe how insanely wrong you are. You could've at least said you don't like me, instead of assuming "uhhh this guy talks to minecrafters waaaah"

Tranny with a PDD.
>   >>/36702/
>  no, it's not at all pretend. i'm actually animating for once lol
I could make sculptures out of my own shit, but if nobody wants them then it's not a job.
>  i can even do computer generated animation. too bad you can't see it be4cause you dont believe in online things or any hope for indie media, even if it meant testing or making dozens of adult swim-type logos (like what Pipster almost always does).
For free.
That's a hobby, monkey.
>  i do not work with "children". i do not even "punch holes in walls". if anything that wasnt even for a reason i should disclose to a simpleton like you.
But you do. Actions speak louder than words do.
>  keep your concepts away from me, cunt. i say it's strange to compare me to an innocent kid's mind. i do not have a kid's mind, either way you're proven wrong
It would only be strange if you didn't have a PDD, but you have so it isn't.
>  none of me is entertainment dude. 
Why do all those people talk about you?
> i dont suffer from fake disorders u make up
Correct, you suffer from actual disorders that you have.
>  There's no "perverted justice", anon.
Not any more. They probably quit when they saw the scale of your grooming. An impossible task to combat.
>  That's "play-pretend" isn't it?
> was actually doing something other than your feeble psychotic projections
Did you think of a minor I'm in contact with yet? The score is still 6 to 0, so either you still don't understand what projection is, or you need to put your money where your mouth is.
>  Oh gosh. I can't believe how insanely wrong you are. You could've at least said you don't like me, instead of assuming "uhhh this guy talks to minecrafters waaaah"
I don't like you and you groom minors, but although your grooming of minors is a reason not to like you on its own, it's not the only reason.

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