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Last thread:  >>/39182/


username: bonbi
password: bonkers

Chronology Pack: https://mega.nz/folder/SqJSlboT#Eo0dW40FSQQxUfbhaiX2Zw
Recent Streams: https://mega.nz/folder/sb9AUARS#2L6fWgvVj0yOycsNuZkMaQ
Tiktok Streams: https://mega.nz/folder/RT51iQLb#5q9QAtRAZHcmUkeu72Bi_g


I guess you're talking to me. The video fro IG has better quality. Upscale couldn't be better in quality. Maybe it has something to do with the setup "Allow high-quality uploads" on tiktok app. Maybe she makes two copies of drafts.
It seems that she began to learn the fullhd settings of tiktok only from 2022.12.10

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Don Jon is filled with powerful pride
As bonbi bonkers calls out his name
Towering above the chatters by his side
An alpha lion that will never be tamed

Don Jon walks with a majestic stride
King of the chatters he earned his fame
His lowly adversaries filled with fright
His rightful throne will never be claimed

2023.05.28 - fox gorl makes crab rangoons
Cosplayed as OOC thats looks like Ahri / D.Va / fox girl
Stream started 21:19
21:21 Book will be out soon. Check the email you used to buy.
21:22 Going to mnake Crab Rangoons. Used to make them at her friends house.
21:25 Nishka has been getting aggressive with Marley. Has been making her really stressed.
21:28 Has been watching Game of Thrones
21:30 Thinks actual cat problem is Marley is afraid of visitor. Seems to have resolved now. Might be getting another cat.
21:32 Didn't enter Emirus cosplay contest because she has been busy and thinks she would lose.
21:36 Only been playing Mario cart as busy. Missed watching Emiru cosplay contest
21:50 Really enjoys cooking streams. When she games she worries everyone will think she is doing badly
21:45 Doesn't know why her Tiktoks are doing so badly
21:49 Even when she posts popular Tiktok they do badly
21:53 The guy who scammed her over rabbits is still messaging her [Stream 2023.04.02 for back story]
22:04 Makes heart shaped Rangoon. 'It looks like a vagina'
22:05 'To make a penis cut here and cut here. I'm home schooled - I dont know geometry'
22:31 Lost another 1000 IG followers
22:35 Worried that she has gone from 212K followers to 193k
22:49 'The penis is in' celebration
23:00 Tasting Rangoons. 'Genuinely really good'
23:03 Austin eats penis Rangoon. 'This is so gay'. Bon takes Polaroid.
23:07 Stream ends

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this is not the real /bbg/ this is the underworld version, that was produced as an experiment by the ttg psyop operators, it was done by concentrating all the mentally ill bonbi bros in one site, and watching the madness commence, after it got out of hand, the ttg psyop operators abandoned the project, but the madness continued. its heartbreaking to see the psyoped bonbi bros attack each other under the influence of psychosis, the cruel ttg psyop operators leaving them like that, such is the reality of life.

She still seems to be missing some simple facts of life:
1. If you post lewds you are a lewd poster. Not just on days when you actually post but always.
2. 90% of society does not like lewd posters and looks down on them. Even if they have a shortcut to Pornhub on their desktop they still dont want to know the people on there.
3. The 10% of people who do like lewd posters are a bit weird and also drive away the 90%
4. Not liking these facts will not stop them being facts. She is free to make her own choices but the facts will determine the results.

> chubby
> short
Destined to be a shortstack. You cannot deny destiny Bonbi. It is inborn in our very being. You were put here to take out your juicy breasts and asscheeks just as I was put here to enjoy them and gay men were put here to be upset about it. The reason she is struggling so much right now is because every action she takes is in defiance of what her soul craves.

She's only doing what she thinks will make her money and its the lewds on patreon and since all she does is advertise patreon on Instagram what does she expect of course she will lose people

> bonbi: gains 200 pounds ands spends 2+ years intentionally trying to be as repulsive and obnoxious as she possibly can
> also bonbi: i dont know why ppl keep unfollowing me its so weird

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> gain over 2 million followers by doing cute creative toks
> explicitly state many times that you hate lewders and that you'll never go lewd
> decide to become lewd, with your stated reason being that people are lewding you anyway
> dislike original fanbase for not wanting you to be lewd
> initial massive fanbase erodes, new lewd fanbase is nowhere near enough to offset losses
> "how could this be happening?"

I've been in and out of this scene for about 4.5 years and shit ain't changed. Still a bundle of contradictions and has no sense of agency.

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i used to make stream compilation edits of her saying certain words over and over again, like "and" or "y'all", back when the content was still cute. 

i cant think of anything worse than splicing together 50 gigs worth of her burping and blowing into her mic. 

y'all coomer fans must be thirsty af to sit through these streams.

The last few sets she had seemed less trashy - looked for a while like she might be going in the right direction where she could post Patreon without it being so bad it totally overshadowed and ruined her content elsewhere. This set just nuked that.

Then she uses the only IG post of one of her best received cosplays for a while to push Patreon. That wont help her IG.

I gave endchan's /bbg/ link for everyone on reddit to come to. Later today I'm going to do the same on 4chan. Bonbi isn't just for the incel creeps to obsess. The coomers deserve to take part in the bonbi posting too! :)

On the contrary, I love bonbi. I have a huge folder of all her toks, etc. The difference between us is that I'm not a sexually immature incel crybaby that has a meltdown and shits his pants every time a girl shows some skin. Grow up and get over it.

I have a legitimate question for you incels and please answer honestly. What are you going to do if bonbi actually starts posting nudes? Lewds already make you have a mental breakdown.

I never said I was the only one. But the incels on this site definitely aren't. You don't act so cringey and piss-pants immature over "nudity" AND have a healthy sex life. There's no way in hell the ones that complain about bonbi posting lewds aren't bitter virgins. They're the typical type that get angry at women for being sexual because they're frustrated themselves. So they lash out on the internet.

The people on this site that don't like me are cringey white knight incel simps who worship bonbi to a very creepy degree. They exude stalker vibes and it wouldn't surprise me at all if they ended up shooting up a Walmart or something because bonbi showed a nipple. I only started egging them on because their constant "omg Bonbi is my perfect angel wife BUT SHE IS A WHORE AND I HATE HER" posts are weird as fuck. Their opinion is worth less than dogshit and it is a pleasure and an honor to piss them off and make them cry. I'm willing to bet I'm not the first one to call them out on this either. My bet is that they creep people the fuck out wherever they go.

Basically you have dreamt up an image in your head and now just spew filth against your imagined enemies? You are living in a fantasy world and shitting all over the real world as a result.

Well done you. You must be so proud. How do you think normal people perceive you?

I see this kind of shit constantly. Whether it's anonymous chans or twatter or something doesn't seem to matter. People are talking to caricatures they created in their minds from wholecloth and responding to shit that was never said. The caricatures are always self serving and highly convenient for the one imagining them, and usually based on stereotypes perpetuated in mainstream acceptable discourse, their innacuracy in reality notwithstanding. It's not all just bots, it's often flesh and blood people doing it. It's unreal.

tbh kinda grateful that he took a moment to explain himself. He admits he deliberately shits on people because of some assumed view he has of them (the vibes they give off). He is, as I said, living in a fantasy world and shitting in the real one.

Now I know that it will be easy to ignore him going forward, he can just shout into the void all he wants.

Dude you and your ilk literally use this site to obsess over Bonbi and then call her a whore when she posts on patreon. Pretending you don't is a litte odd seeing as how anyone can look through the old threads and see it happen dozens of times. How delusional are you that you're pretending otherwise? I'm willing to bet bonbi isn't the only one you act this creepy towards as well. You seriously need to look in the mirror and reevaluate yourself.

I like how she went from a cute cramped room full of personality to the dime a dozen soulless egirl empty ass room look. Do zoomers just hate posters and furniture or are they just too lazy to actually put the shit up?

I don't care about people criticizing Bonbi. Look, I'll do it too: she's lazy, not very talented, and seems to be a tad unstable/unhinged. It's the incels constantly crying "whore" through bitter tears that creeps me (and the rest of the world) out and makes us cringe.

Sometimes it gets boring to read the same spam on a loop because of the stupidity of people. I even envy him a little, it comes too easily. It would be great to be able to hide the user, like in /polru board

> ctrl+f - incel - 16 times in the past 2 days without content from Bonbi.
> definitely not a troll

From this day on, I'll consider people who communicate with him mentally retarded


Do the count now.

incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel


I've said it before numerous times. And I'll say it again every time you "guys" act surprised: if you want to not be called incels, stop ACTING like incels. Strange concept I know right? You bitch and cry and whine when bonbi (and I'm sure every other unfortunate girl you come across) posts anything sexual. You exude nothing but sexual immaturity and insecurity. It's not the rest of the world's fault that women don't want you. Fix your pathetic lives. Go get a job. Move out of your parents' home. Build your social skills. And then get laid. Lewds and nudes will stop hurting your fragile feels so much.

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She wants to create a new audience, but she even can't buy a normal camera like Canon EOS or something. And at least lose some weight.
Bon, I know you're embarrassed by your body's flaws, that's why you don't buy a normal camera, but Photoshop works wonders. And, actually, losing weight is good for healthy. The plaque on your tongue speaks of poor nutrition.

might be a weird question, but does anybody here actually fap to Bonbi's lewd pix?
i kinda keep saving them, but i never feel like jerking it to them, even though they very clearly are meant as jerk-off material.

i fapped to her back in 2021 once and that was like almost forced on my end, hard to explain.

cant tell if i'd find it hot if she was really skinny again or if she did more hardcore porn or whatever, but i think not.
not sure how to explain, i don't even mind her pics and have no problem with porn at all.

because as we know from experience, acceding to the ever increasing demands of coomers is a surefire way to increase engagement and prolong popularity, and definitely won't accelerate the heat death of her career that it was responsible for instigating in the first place

2023.06.06 - NEW CAT ALERT
Cosplayed as OOC in black wig with Austin
Stream Started 01:03
01:06 She has a new cat called Long Johnson Kitty. Long Johnson or Mr Kitty for short
01:09 Is posting Patreon every Monday.
01:09 Will be baking cookies
01:10 Going to start streaming more - every other day
01:15 Discovers measuring cup has mold
01:19 Eggyolked joins (Birthday boy)
01:20 Juliebou joins. Headphone users bear the brunt
01:30 Long Johnson likes sniffing flour
01:43 Started going to a new grocery store. While she was a checkout other customer kept talking to her. Weirded out. Going to find a new grocery store.
01:52 Offers to burp Julie
01:56 Cookies in oven
01:57 Will be going to AnimeExpo this year. Was going to work at a booth but cancelled it. (was the job she was talking about)
02:01 Cookies have expanded inot a single cookie
02:09 Cookie was not a success. Recipe was for a website she found through Tiktok
02:16 Julie wont get an anti-cat allergy shot to  visit Bon
02:18 Stream ends

What is she going to do she's possibly giving up tiktok,shes loosing follows on ig,Twitter nobody really cares about, what she going to do stream making food all the time? did she even get over 100 viewers on the stream and post crappie lewd phone pictures boy how the mighty have fallen

I got a couple of cats dumped on me and ever since it's been 3 years of them shitting on, throwing up on, and generally destroying absolutely everything in sight
I can't even imagine how bad bonbi's house is starting to smell

Don't think it's a consequence of her porn pics. She's getting older, fatter and lazier with ideas and effort so naturally numbers fall.

Now she's shown ass she's only got her big tits as the remaining tease

I know correlation doesnt mean causation on its own but too many people just straight up say they dont like her lewds and have stopped following her because of them to pretend there is not a link. This board is one example but also look at other boards and Discord etc. It doesnt help her keep her fanbase if everywhere you go for news or discussion of her non-lewd works all you get is 'free the nipple Bonbi'

She has taken a possible bright future as a streamer and sacrificed it for a shot at being a soft core porn star. She has traded everybodys dream for a career path normal people would only follow out of desperation.

She slipped on doing anything at all. I know she is worried people were bored of the 3 images sets. Maybe they were, maybe not, cant know for sure. I do know for sure people will get bored of absolutely nothing being posted.

Its doubly frustrating because she does things like the Yumeko cosplay that looks great and would have been perfect for IG.

As she fails to realize, being a Twitch partner, she should refrain from burping, talking about feces or farts, screaming, or dressing in casual and unkempt attire. In order to retain her followers and seek sponsors on Instagram and other social media platforms, she must stop posting pictures of her cats and instead focus solely on cosplays and promoting products. It is crucial for her to cease insulting others or generating controversy, as this approach is not effective in gaining followers. The girls who admired her stopped following her because they felt she was no longer true to her innocent and cute essence. She has transformed into a bitter individual who insults everyone and is unbearable to be around. Of course, her so-called friends see her vulnerability and support her, but only for a while, as they are eventually reminded of how insufferable she is and distance themselves. She should create a YouTube channel dedicated to friendly content focused on makeup and cosplay to attract new followers (although it's highly likely she won't do it, as everything seems trivial to her). She needs to reboot and start fresh with a new image to offer because the sweet and timid girl no longer exists; she has now become a woman who not only disregards her friends' help but also belittles important projects that she deems nonsensical. It is crucial for her to define her target audience better. Does she want an audience that only wants to see a girl in lingerie, or does she want to do cosplays and cooking streams while promoting products? There is no audience for the mixed and senseless content she is currently creating.

> friendly content focused on makeup and cosplay to attract new followers

if she did that, her loyal fans will support her, I hate how she disregards her old fans that stayed with her for 4 years, moved to twitch for her, and are willing to try new things and support her even if it wasn't perfect, but she doesn't care about them and is willing to lose them, which is stupid of her.

I guess, but at the end of the day. Are her "loyal fans" paying her rent? Imagine taking 8 non-nude pictures of your self a month and completely covering your mortgage, car payments, and bills. The people calling her a whore, slut, fat, etc aren't giving her a few thousand a month

If she had kept going with Twitch how she was for the first half of 2022 she could have been successful enough to pay the bills without going down a path that will come to an end quite soon now. The Patreon option always had an inevitable end in sight.

BTW She doesn't drive.

Sure, but it doesn't look like she wants to put that much effort into her Twitch. Most of the people complaining on here about her lewds wouldn't be willing to shell out $100 a month for her. I know I'm sure as hell not at least lol

But many people probably do shell out $5/month for her twitch. The point is not just that a typical twitch audience is bigger than a typical Patreon audience but also that a Twitch audience is more likely to endure and less likely to keep expecting more until she has nothing left to give. Patreon always felt like it was an arc that would run its course fairly quickly.

To be fair that was April 2020 and Belle did nothing pornographic or even announce her plans to until June 2020 so to say she was cosplaying a sex worker was wrong at that time. Of course now we know it was her ambition all along.

I think she's already chosen her path.
It will be her third post on the patreon. And only 2 tiktoks. I miss the days when she did 5-7 tiktoks a week. We can either accept it or leave. I'm leaning towards the second variant

So bonbi posts lewds on patreon and Twitter and sometimes ig and now barely posts anything good on tiktok on top of promoting patreon on ig yet has a fit if someone brings it up on twitch

>  I miss the days when she did 5-7 tiktoks a week. We can either accept it or leave. I'm leaning towards the second variant

same. maybe after emiru's brother leaves she will be more stable with tiktok posting. they seem to hang out well

2023.06.13 - poor duck ;-;
Cosplayed as esdeath
Stream started 00:07
00:09 Cancelled last stream because she had the runs
00:10 Going to be making pan-seared duck
00:11 Allowed to talk about Booba this stream as they are so apparent in the cosplay
00:12 Talks about responding to haters on Tiktok, IG etc
00:18 Had here first bad trip doing A-D-R-U-G. Has always dealt with psychosis, was really bad caused by drug.
00:21 Has started working out
00:23 Is going to AX (Anime Expo) in California
00:26 Might be going somewhere soon to sign books. Life has been very rough for someone involved (not Bon) which has caused delays.
00:29 Will be putting videos on Patreon. Will be making content for when she is out of time.
00:34 Found maggots in her bin. Wanted a big strong man to deal with it for her.
00:43 The actor who played Jessie in Breaking Bad is going to be in Black Mirror
00:47 Making clear Borether (Austin) is just a friend. Does not mind being shipped as a joke (eg Julie) but does not like it otherwise
00:50 Start cooking Duck
01:02 Booba had red spot from being splashed with oil
01:03 Might be getting another cat
01:21 'Been screaming a lot recently and not the good kind'
01:33 scores dish 6/10. Duck gives her teeth problems.
01:35 Stream Ends

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Someone from Shein though the archive website (bonbi.xyz) was bonbi's official website and sent me an email offering some sort of partnership for anime expo. What do I do? How do I forward this to bonbi? Also, if I do she might become aware of the archive and would probably take action to take it down or something

her weight has fluctuated a lot over the last couple of years but if her cooking streams are representative of her diet then it explains a lot, her portion sizes are probably double what she needs for her body size. It wouldn't be an issue if she was burning it all off with a highly physically active lifestyle, but she spends most of her days sitting in the house playing vidya with her cats so she just keeps bulking out

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I'm sure it's a shadowban. I was watching the number of views.
And I am sure that tiktok's algorithms are broken. I am subscribed to a lot of cosplayers, but they are practically not recommended to me, only chinese cosplayers sometimes.
I remember when she was banned for knives and axes, and almost for nothing. But now my recommendations are full of fap content and no one cares. This shit from my FYP.
Tiktok needs normal developers

I think it depends on the severity of the strike, initially it probably just takes down the reported link and notifies you it was removed. multiple strikes might result in account suspension
I haven't checked tho I might be makin all this up

Louisiana girl.
Down in Baton Rouge, where the bayou flows,
There's a girl with a smile that sets my heart aglow.
She's got that Southern charm, like a summer breeze,
In her eyes, I find a love that puts me at ease.
Louisiana girl, you're my sweet melody,
With your cowboy boots and that Southern beauty.
Underneath the moonlight, we'll dance the night away,
In Baton Rouge, where our love will forever stay.

Not straight away, we experimented with this ages ago. When someone files a strike your account is suspended. If you disagree they then have to provide full contact details to allow legal action. If they dont do this the strike is removed after 10 (maybe 14?) days.

Once an account has had one strike it is 'immunized' sop the next time it will not be suspended while you wait for the other side to provide details.

All this is, of course, subject to change.

You say fat I say look at her giant ass, big hips to waist ratio, humongous bobs... she looks insanely good. I mean I didn't even mention how beautiful her face is.  I have NEVER seen a smile like hers on anyone else.

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so to anyone that knows how bonbi thinks and composes her thoughts into words, this is confirmation that she will make another discord. 

shes incredibly lazy though so expect it sometime between 3 months from now and the end of the year.

That's very clearly the angle + her having a big butt.  Look at her hips there man, that's not an obese girl.  Now granted she is soft for sure, and the gym is good for everyone, but she doesn't look unhealthy to me.

Bonbi has gotten so spoiled and selfish thinking that her patreon posts are worth $100 there are porn stars who post better content for less,and bon doesn't even have that great of a body

See there is quite the double-edged sword.

On the one hand, as long as there are people willing to pay 100 bucks for her pics, she is correct in what she seems to believe. It keeps her financially afloat, so what more could she want? There are people that do not care about her body or the quality of the pics but the tantalizing feeling of seeing someone they have a parasocial relationship with so bare is enough for them. Plus the pedos that wanted to see her naked since she was 14, which is disgusting.

On the other hand, everyone that says "Ugh, virign, that is what normal girls look like". First of all, with being so young still, I have not seen many girls so out of shape. Usually youth keeps your "flab" firmer. In addition to that, "normal" girls could NEVER demand 100 bucks to see what she shows her followers. The fat under her arms when she turns around is actually revolting. Say what you want, it is anything but attractive. She does have some pretty motives but still...100 bucks? Not willing to work out, eat healthier (not to the point of penance) or at least getting better equipment or someone to take the pictures for her...even the lighting or just poses...Yes, completely average and normal and by that not worth 100 bucks. 

Sorry for the tangent. Bye

> Plus the pedos that wanted to see her naked since she was 14, which is disgusting.

Maybe me just seeing things too nice again but do you think the podos are left? Feels like they all moved on about 2021ish. Talking about the actual pedos here, the ones that would never have followed her in the first place if she was exactly the same as she was in 2018 but 18yo.

Does bonbi even have a life goal she was home school for grammar school does she even have a high school ged???? She cant drive,she doesn't have even a real part time job, she has nothing in her life other then her cats can't believe anyone would want to live like that

She would quarrel with one of them before getting kicked out for smearing shit on the walls.
Then she would go on twitch to cry about how she was unfairly treated and taken advantage of while burping and complaining about having the runs.

> Plus the pedos that wanted to see her naked since she was 14, which is disgusting.
I doubt the pedos find her adult pics interesting.
They want something underdeveloped and easy to control to sexually abuse, not a woman with curves.

Getting so hard to care about bonbi anymore  her streams are boring now all she does is food streams, posting cat pictures constantly and advertising patron,her tiktoks and boring no creatively anymore ,and i ask myself why am i still here lol

She hasn't posted on tiktok for over a week,1 picture on ig dont count the cant pictures because who cares no patreon no Twitter  honestly she wonders why shes loosing views and followers shes doing it to herself

Sorry, TOR was being so slow I gave up for the night and I have just realized I forgot to go back to it the next day.

2023.06.22 - MUFFINZ
Cosplayed as OOC with 'crusty' wig (blond/orange)
Stream started 21:27
21:29 Going to make muffins but will only eat one
21:30 Was supposed to stream Monday 19th but didnt
21:32 Marley was sick under the bed
21:36 Book orders are delayed but orders without signing or the photo have already shipped
21:39 Amber cosplay was not meant to be lewd but was because Bon is Thiccc. Answered the door to the gardener, wore a robe to cover it up but it fell open when she went after a cat. Went back in a and found 3 cat turds and piss on her couch.
21:47 Saw video of someone saying cosplayers who bought their costumes were ruining the scene
21:53 Had a dream that she got married and gave birth to 15 kittens and 12 birds
21:56 Saw MoistCritikal video about streaming. Discussion about the need to stream constantly.
22:00 Matchuchu2 donated $200. Banter about doxxing him.
22:01 'While I would like to ignore all of you because I hate you I just cant do that' [j/k]
22:15 Does not like jokes about the Titan submarine accident because they were people
22:18 Snatch
22:21 Shows Long Johnson to camera
22:26 Has nothing to post on IG. Only took Patreon pictures
22:28 Thinking of making a Discord when she returns from AX but is troubled by past memories.
22:29 Has had diarrhea all day
22:31 - 22:38 Story about previous Discord drama. [She apparently does not realize how psycho the mods went]
22:36 Loved memes from her previous Dicord. Favorite was Coconut/Ochaco snatch meme
22:32 Going to cook salmon with rice
22:34 Removes muffins from oven. they look good.
22:35 'Look, I didn't fuck up a recipe for once'
22:49 'I did something right for once'. Tries muffin. 'I dont like blueberries'
23:02 Going to try and stream more before she leaves for AX
23:03 Stream Ends

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thumbnail of coraline sad.gif
coraline sad gif
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I'm really disappointed for her this didn't work out, it feels like it was the first big thing in a long time she's tried to do that wasn't pushing her patreonfans, the first time she's actually advertised a con she was going to, the first time she was actively asking people to come see her there, and sounds like she had a lot of plans over the next few days regarding content and interacting with other people in the cosplay community
it's such a shitty thing for it all to be undone because of a canceled flight
really awful timing
genuinely feelsbadman

Summer thunderstorms would not ground you but for a few hours I think she pussied out. Bonbi has been nothing but disappointing Lately. Bad day my ass she’s become comfortable and matchuchu is funding this laziness.

Bad weather makes planes divert, get out of position and causes havoc. Once it reaches a certain level the real nightmare for airlines is crews out of hours. Add in busiest weekend for US airlines and at least one dumping passengers onto the others because of tech problems and its easy to see how f***ed up things can get.



Highly doubtful her bumfuck Oklahoma flight was canceled because of TACAN frequency interference or RadAlts malfunctioning. Weather is temporary. Even if you slip with crew rest the plane will get there. She literally gave up. Pussied out.

So she slept on the floor till 5 am??? and her parents drove 5 miles to pick her up?something doesn't seem right who dropped her off at the airport did she take a taxi or uber couldn't she take one home??? Something doesn't seem right

Who knows. Maybe she got a coach to the airport. Maybe she started 1000 miles away and was just lucky her cancelled leg left her within range of her folks. Why get suspicious when there are a million innocent explanations?

Well done for working out that the round trip journey to Mobile Alabama from her folks place is 5hrs but its not a case of where she lives, its a case of what airport she was stranded at. Flights dont normally connect through regional airports.

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thumbnail of sadasuna01.gif
sadasuna01 gif
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I'm just catching up on the thread. As an Am*rican I can tell you that we have absolutely dogshit air travel logistics now. I know a few foreigners and a guy who lived in Japan for years but comes back home to the US once in a while, and they all notice it's gotten much worse in just the past 2 years. Right now shit still works for the most part, but our average IQ is dropping and we can't maintain complex systems at an advanced level for that much longer. As much disdain as I have for boomers, they and Gen. X are the last generations with the expertise to widely and reliably maintain these systems. As boomers retire, their experience and know-how goes with them.

The big problem is that airlines have been running on computer systems built in the 90s and are only now switching over to modern setups because the old ones are literally breaking down.  The airlines and airports have had over a decade of being told they need to fix their shit, even getting huge checks from the government to pay for it.  They spent those checks on bonuses for their execs and continued to fuck around.
Now their computers are falling out from beneath them, many planes can't fly that aren't upgraded to be 5g compatible(another thing they had years to prepare for, but didn't) and they're running out of competent pilots so the airlines are now pushing for lowering the bar to become a commercial pilot and raising the forced retirement age from 65 to 67 or 68.
Zoomers are a cancer, but their impact pales before the literal boomers at the top who are happy to skimp on any safety measures if it means they get to add another dime towards a second summer home.

A few people I follow are there and Bon does not appear anywhere. I hope she got some time out there because if not seeing all her friends party without her is just going to be crushing.
Julie is in Cali for another week (leaves 11th I think) so hopefully Bon gets to spend some time with her.

2023.04.07 - Kittens
Cosplayed as OOC
Stream Started 21:48
21:50 She got kittens
21:52 Went in for one Kitten but ended up with three because they are siblings. Grey one - Bebe or Wendy. Ginger one - Margarine. Second Lighter Ginger - Butters
21:54 Bebe and Margarine are girls, Butters is a boy.
21:58 They are 3 months old. Found in a construction site. Original names are Power, Chainsaw and Gutter(?)
22:00 Toe shot
22:03 Has a lot to say about failed trip to AX but will leave it for another stream so as not to drag down this one.
22:10 Lag begins...
22:26 Stream moves to IG
22:29 Bebe renamed to Professor Chaos
22:38 Just got kittens today
22:39 Kittens going to live in bedroom for a few days/weeks
22:41 'In what world would someone rather look at me instead of these adorable kittens'
22:42 Streams ends.

Trying to get inside your head - you associate OF with her having lost her mind, recognizing how bad things have to get for someone to go down that route and how damaging it would be, yet still you hope and pray for it?

2023.07.06 - a bad bad day!
Cosplayed as Hatsune Miku
Stream started 00:37
00:38 Streaming from stream room which she never streams from
00:40 Stream is going to be the story of AX 2023
00:41 Since muffin stream styled 6 wigs for AX. Got bikini top for ocean style Ashe. Prepared Swan Lake Barbie cosplay. Stayed with her parents then they drove her to the airport.
00:48 Bought a $200 katana from Etsy for a Valorant cosplay. Too big for suitcase so wanted to carry it on but TSA said no. Left with airline for her parents to collect. Sword melted in fathers car as it was 106 degF
00:50 Shows very broken sword
00:52 First leg to Houston went OK. Was due to lay over for 5hrs. Bought Starbucks sandwich but the bag broke and it fell on the floor.
00:55 Was meant to meet Julie at LAX but her (Julies) flight was delayed. Then Bons flight was delayed.
01:00 Chick-fil-a story - ordered food but blocked from collection point by 'white people'
01:07 Continued flight delays. Found out it was a delay because a child was crying about it. Big line for rebooking line. Bon was wearing cosplay shoes because she didn't expect to be standing for a long time. Ankles swollen as a result.
01:14 Next flight was 1st July - would have meant missing 1st day of AX. Bon had Julies cosplay for 1st day. No hotel rooms were available. No return flight to Baton Rouge or New Orleans were available. Offered standby vouchers for flight to LAX on 1st and flight to Baton Rouge on 9th.
01:19 Parents drove 5hrs to Houston (starting at 1am) to pick her up.
01:23 Julie gave Bon money to buy a new sandwich so Bon bought Caramel Apples. Couldn't give them to her.
01:28 Lost $200 on AX tickets and $800 on flight
01:30 United sent her luggage to LAX so she lost her mouse.
01:34 Missing bag included all her makeup. Delayed sponsored post which she will hopefully post tomorrow.
01:37 Really depressing time seeing all her friends at AX but unable to be there. Had plans for photoshoots etc. Friends busy at AX. Social media filled with AX.
01:41 Cant get a refund from UA as phone lines have 4hr waits. Matchuchu donates $800
01:44 Posted IG story about it. Replies to story were 'I dont give a fuck, show me your tits'
01:47 Apology for this other thing 'that you all know about'. A thing she has been promoting has not gone very well. Trying to get supporters what they paid for, sorry things went so badly. [Probably problems with book]
02:06 Her gaming chair broke
02:07 Going to put and end to some shit and give you guys what you paid for [book?]
02:10 Takes phone call. Has to go to do business stuff.
02:11 Stream Ends

I have flown with United Airlines, and when a plane is delayed, or canceled and it interferes with your travel plans. We'll you go to the customer se4vice desk and you will get a refund. Honestly she is playing this out like she can't get a refund but it is their policy to refund tickets for flights that are canceled or delayed. She can just go to the nearest airport and get the refund. If the money was that important to her she would just go get it. Secondly her complaining about people begging her for her to show her tits, well thing is she promotes the patreon and tried to act like it bothers her that people sexualize her but wants to feel sexy by showing herself off. Bonbi has been showing signs of someone who blames the world for her problems, but can't accept when her choices affect her in a way she sees negatively.

it was weird how reluctant she was to specify she was talking about the book, especially since streamlabs was still advertising the book and linking to the website every 5 minutes
wonder what's been happening behind the scenes

People tend to behave if they know they can be banned. It sounds like the real problem with DT was Anonce was ultimately in charge and would protect some of the creepier ones. (Guessing, it was before my time)

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