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But ZZZ even sooner :)
Yeah, I should... Still gonna go cause the guy who invited me seems cool and as much as I really want this girl to be my gf, I do legitimately want to make platonic friends too.
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They need to chill out with all these games, man!
That reminds me though, I need to see if the preinstall is up for ZZZ.
MiHoYo now has their own launcher for all their games.  Soon MiHoYo will straight up just have a Steam knock-off.  I feel it.
Oh yeah no, you need to go hang out with friends too.  But uh...  that バイト won't fill out the application itself.
Also, I hate to say this but uh- apparently dating apps are a big thing in Japan, and have a high success rate for foreigners, or so I've read by some others that are currently there.
Aaaaanyway.  I wanna play mahjong irl...

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Well, maybe you should tell me what dating apps these supposed people used. 
Although, at the moment I only really have my eyes on one girl!
Maybe there is at least one 雀荘 in AZ!
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Literally just Tinder and Bumble.  These were foreigners in Japan, so their go to was just the usual degenerate apps.  I'm sure there's a Japanese/SEA based one, or multiple, but I don't want to weed through the 日本語 conversations, and I don't know what magical combo of kana/kanji I'd be looking for anyway.
Uh-huh.  You're like a gacha jpg collector irl, you've had your eyes on one girl like 15 times already, so I don't wanna hear it, Mr. "Oneitis".
There are, I've literally walked past a few, but I'm also a coward, so...
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Some of the guys in my dorm said they tried those to no avail. Only met prostitutes.
Which I'm gonna guess is what your friends met too!
This girl is different, you don't understand.
I mean, no way I would've gone into one by myself here either. Only went cause she invited me.
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Does WW have to restart EVERY time you open it as well?
Every single time I launch WW I get to the main landing screen, and then it says "update complete, please restart".
But it's done it EVERY.  SINGLE.  TIME.  I've launched the game.  There can't be daily- nay hourly -updates, c'mon.
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It felt like it was daily when the game first launched, then after a while it stopped. I assume its happening again cause they're ironing out shit with the new update.
I don't understand why they make you restart every time there's a minor update though.
Gotta update that bitcoin miner it comes with-
But that's just the nature of updates really, when it makes changes, ask Hu about it.
It's annoying though, because they should really package those better into just larger updates, not this piecemeal daily stuff.

Also, those big bloat flies we couldn't figure out what they do/how they work?
You're legit just supposed to smack/shoot them.  But you have to have good timing/placement to do so.
Bagging one gets you 10 "Astrite".
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Yeah but the rest of those 2 billion people in China and India are literally piss fucking poor.
Like people think that the income disparity in the West is bad, but Chinese literally make like 1/3rd the minimum for Americans.
No matter how bad China might be compared to the U.K. being a millionaire there is WAY better than being a millionaire in the U.K.
Not only that, this ignores that there's been significant incentive for people that would fall into the millionaire category to abandon China/Taiwan for the U.S. and Japan for semiconductor industry and political reasons.
In some instances, outright demands by the U.S. government that they do so~
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I wanna go to Japan and Korea just for the food alone at this point.
Can't believe that dum fag is over there eating ramen and Western fast food.
Hell, I'd even settle for the shitty fast food, I want Tenya and Yoshinoya again so damn bad....
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What's the qualifier for "authentic"?
There's some debate about the PACKAGED ramen, like there's supposedly a difference between US store TopRamen/Maruchan and Japanese instant ramens of the same, or other brands, but I find that a little suspect.  The ones I can get from the Asian grocers here are indistinguishable.  As for actual actual ramen, I have a place I go to regularly to get that.
I guess what I really want is just actual Yoshinoya, instead of Samurai Sams.  And get all the fun matsuri/streed vendor foods instead of having to wait for the one we have here once a year.

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> What's the qualifier for "authentic"?
Food that served in Japanese restaurants in Japan, not Americanized Japanese food.  E.g., sweet-and-sour chicken and fortune cookies aren't authentic Chinese food.
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Neither. I'm just quite certain that if you can do that, then you're better set than most new hires, and know more than people with one to two years of experience
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It merely functions as a goal. Something I've always personally struggled with.
Everybody can easily say they want to learn a language.
The only really way to learn a language, is to use it.
If you're new, you'll have difficulty finding what to do, so you might just end up doing something that teaches you nothing, such as writing Hello World!, or doing FizzBuzz.

This not only teaches you the language, but also a common and solid architecture often used in software. Plus, the end result is a shell, which you can just hand to new hires and tell them to expand it with a new functionality, then leave them be. You'll find that they'll be able to do that with little to no assistance.

If you're able to make this kind of shell as a new hire, then the company has hit the jackpot
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> booba and neko on the 300 choose one starter banner
> shark and cop competing banners
What the-
No no no no.  We're starting off on the wrong foot with choices that are too hard!
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I dunno who I will choose from the standard banner characters either, I imagine by 300 rolls I'll have limited my choices a bit at least. Doesn't seem like there's gonna be a free random 5* at 50 rolls like Star Rail or WW this time around though...
The second one isn't a hard choice for me though. Fat shark tail all the way.
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What did I just say?

There should be, the starter banner will always give you a 5* just to be safe, and also keep you lured in.
Fat shark...

Are they gonna follow it up with a m*le banner again, too~?
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I will restart the game at that point. I am fine with any of them but him.

My Chinese friend said that she was like this game's Ayaka, in that she was in the first CBT and then they never brought her back in any of the others. So more likely it'll be a year before they release her!
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Won't get to know how bad it is if I just mod it away~
Besides, I've had bad experience with mods and I'm too lazy to tinker, especially with videogames
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I was gonna say that I just wanted to spend time doing something until the real excitement tonight.
But instead of showing the French election around the time of the results from the exit poll ticking in, the various channels instead decided to show the prelude of a football match between Georgia and Spain.
I fucking hate football
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I refuse. Boring as shit and no matter how things turns out, there are no real consequences.
I'd rather watch something which could spark a civil war
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I can always go back to runescape if it's bad~

Yeah, the first round anyway. If you don't get an absolute majority (you won't), then a second round is held 14 days later, I think it is. The candidates with 12.5% of support, proceeds to the second round.

From how things look, the two secured candidates that'll go face to face during the second round, will be candidates from the far left and far right.

Macron wasn't joking when he publicly and on life TV, stated that a civil war might ensue.

But noooo, football more important!

I'm not so sure about that..
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I think Macron is out. Sure they came in as second with less than half as much support as Rassemblement National, but local elections sometimes turns out differently. And he's very unpopular lately.
But will see. Might have to go to /pol/ and see if they have a livestream in English somewhere. Or at least one in French if it comes to that

Enjoy dragon waifu~
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I haven't heard that. He might not be popular, but I don't see why he and his party, wouldn't participate.
But we'll see if they get enough support to go to the second round
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From my understanding, France has both a president(Macron) and a prime minster(literally who), and only the prime minister is up for election in this one. 
Le Pen is also not actually running in this election, but she's gonna install some zoomer as prime minister when her party wins.
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Spent more time struggling with the clunky UI than playing the game, it felt like. Every character feels "dead" as well. Unemotional.
Just meh overall
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Isn't that just how it is with most newer games now?
I barely got into the game so cannot say much about how the characters are, but their first-hand expression definitely didn't make them feel like they were grounded in the universe.
Too much just felt out of place
And what human immediately trusts a thiefling as soon as they lie their eyes on them anyway?
Who was the faggot who decided it would be a nice idea if every race could be every class, and that the morality compass should be a thing of the past?
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Yeah, but western millenials have a particular writing style. The characters not being grounded in the universe because said millenials do not know how to write any character that doesn't talk a fellow millenial.
You didn't even get to the one who talks like a modern teenage nigress. 
In the PS version you could just skip to the result, which is what I pretty much always did.
Er... If a certain race can't be a class that would be raycis!!!
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RISE wasn't the monster hunter game I thought you meant, when you asked.
You didn't surpass the 2 hours mark. Glad you got back the cash.

I'm hoping that 2.3 hrs is fine, since the refund page states 2, and also because I just requested the refund to be assigned my Steam profile.

No, probably not. 
I dunno how nigresses talk, since I don't have experience with them.

Ah, perhaps you could skip to the result on PC as well, and I just didn't realize how.

Yeah, and the morality compass needs to be removed because you absolutely can have chaotic monks and paladins, and lawful rogue thieves!!!
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I just meant Monster Hunter in general, anyway. We're on the FFXIV train so that's good. I have my own healer to tag along with me, so that'll make dungeons a lot faster to get into.
I hope you can get the refund. That game is way too expensive, even on sale.
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Why not just be the healer? White Mage is amazing!
I dunno. People have played it hundreds of hours without finishing it and still being on their first playthrough. Plenty content.
I'm sure the price is fine, if only it was enjoyable
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Not many nigresses in little Denmark.

Yep. Ah well, not gonna try and find out now if it can be skipped or not.

> Unless they're a right winger, that is
Which is why the moral compass is fun. Or sad, depending how you look at it. Lawful Evil often ends up translated as fascism.
Definitely felt like that in Pathfinder. In Path of Righteous especially. Evil choices very often just felt like the "right" choice.
Even then, all characters in that game at least felt alive and the only boring character, happened to be a paladin. Which is fine too, because paladins just are

tsk tsk....
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Yeah, MH games are sluggish by design.
And thats a good thing.

Good idea!

Yeah, there are multiple points in BG3 when the game really tries to guilt trip you if you make the obviously correct choice.
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Sounds horrible. I much rather liked the Pathfinder approach.
> pick the evil choice
> companion proceeds to slaughter the two wounded allies
> head back to the cave with the remaining survivors and help defend it against an ambush
> maybe guilt tripped?
> pick the good choice
> proceed to help save the two wounded allies
> get back to cave, only to find all the people there slaughtered
Always do what the little evil gnome tells you to. He's right 9/10 times

I do. Eggs good
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Thats how it should be done. Every choice must have consequences, not just the "bad" ones.

> Hu plays Baldur's Gate 3
> same day a fucking feature length video titled "Baldur's Gate 3 - An In-Depth Critique" shows up in my youtube recommendations
> in the thumbnail it says "It's pretty good" 
How the fuck can you have 2 hours worth of critiques about something and still come away with saying it's pretty good?!
I think zoomers have forgotten what the word "critique" means and think it is simply synonymous with review. 
Or maybe he really did critique but cucked out on calling the game shit because he was scared of its insane fans mobbing him. Either way I will not be spending 2 hours to find out, but of course a video like this would pop up as we're having this very discussion...
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Today is Sunday, and because of that, we shouldn't drink something too strong.
That's why we'll end the week with an 8% Tripel from Elfique.

The ale pours a deep amber, not much different from most tripels.
Its smell is somewhat disappointing. Quite bland, and not very different from your standard lager.

Its taste however, far exceeds what you expect from its smell. It tastes very strong, yet deep, sweet and humble. The sweetness of the malt leaves a soft gentle coat at the back of your throat. Its sweetness keeps playing with your tongue after you've swallowed, making you crave just one more sip.

Definitely an ale that can be enjoyed outside on the porch during a summer morning, or savoured during the evening, watching the sun set
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Is 3 also okay?

Indeed. And I think that game does it especially well. I really should get around to finishing it, now that I've seen the other modern alternatives to the very same kind of game...

That's amazing!
Weeb should change his browser~
It's also funny because these retards think you cannot state a game is bad "just within 2 hours!", but obviously that same rule doesn't apply if you state it's the best thing ever!!!!
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Maybe I'll give it a try someday too.

Most people who praise the game really do not have anything to praise about it other than simply "It has so much content!" Because just having a lot of content automatically makes something good, quality of said content is irrelevant, right? Quantity over quality, whats that?
Although, at the same time, if you're someone who exclusively plays modern major western releases, I can kinda understand where they're coming from, as the vast majority of those are lacking in both quality AND quantity of content, so clearly BG3 only lacking in the quality makes it good.
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You managed to play BG3 for hours!
Considering that, I'm very confident that you'll like Pathfinder, both Kingmaker and Wrath of the Righteous.

Something like that... People did the same thing with Witcher 3. Although I think that game was good too. It has woke moments, sure, but the game was at least still enjoyable, with better written characters and side-quests that were immersive.
>  I can kinda understand where they're coming from, as the vast majority of those are lacking in both quality AND quantity of content, so clearly BG3 only lacking in the quality makes it good
Probably exactly what happened.

Kind of. Then again, I bought the game today, so the money I sent, didn't yet leave Valve's hand. Since I requested the money to be refunded to my Steam wallet, the money would technically never leave Valve's hand.
So I was hoping that would make the decision favorable for me
Plus this was the first refund request I ever made, so it's not exactly like I've got a horrible track-record in regards to that
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Yeah, most likely.
I assume they are also turn based?

Yeah, pretty much, people will say any game with a lot of content is automatically good. Some are good, but the quantity of the content is rarely the reason. And I think more often than not games with that much content are quantity over quality.
Its the most logical explanation.

Ah, good boy Hu keeps all his games except this trash!
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Like the original Baldurs Gates, it's turn-based behind the scene, but played out like real-time, with the option of playing combat fully turn-based. This makes it possible for you to play it casually with streamlined "real time" gameplay, but also being a strategist and choose to play it fully turn-based. It also makes it possible for you to play it real-time during the first half of the game, then opt into turn-based once you feel that combat has gotten more difficult.

Sadly feels like that's exactly how they often turn out, yeah...

I also keeps trash too sometimes. It could be I'll get back to it.
Trash can be worth a fortune sometimes! 
This game though... I don't see myself ever touching that again, and I'd much rather get that 40€ back, even if it's spent on trash.
Perhaps that game might actually be fun, even if it's trash, after all
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You got the option to choose here~

Did. I honestly didn't think so, but after 2 hours with zero incentive to carry on, and even less incentive to than when I started out, I think a refund request was a no-brainer
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Oh I'm aware.  Most of the people I know that work from home have zero issue with it.
They prefer it.
I can't even do homework at home let alone actual work, too many distractions.
Still need to set up that other computer so I can tuck it away in the office/workshop so I can actually focus.
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I don't often have work that exists in a continuous fashion, so having distractions available is pretty ideal.
When I do have things to focus on though, I don't usually struggle to ignore them.
Do it. It'll be great.
French fries fried in beef tallow can be considered healthier than those fried in seed oil for several reasons, particularly related to the formation of harmful compounds like 4-Hydroxynonenal (4-HNE).

### 1. Stability of Fats
Beef Tallow:
- Beef tallow is composed primarily of saturated fats and monounsaturated fats, which are more stable at high temperatures.
- These fats are less likely to oxidize when heated, reducing the formation of harmful compounds.

Seed Oils:
- Many seed oils (such as canola, soybean, and corn oil) are high in polyunsaturated fats, which are less stable and more prone to oxidation at high frying temperatures.
- This oxidation process can lead to the formation of toxic compounds like 4-Hydroxynonenal (4-HNE).

### 2. Formation of 4-Hydroxynonenal (4-HNE)
- 4-HNE is a toxic aldehyde that forms when polyunsaturated fats in seed oils oxidize. It is associated with various health risks, including inflammation, liver damage, and an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases.
- Studies have shown that frying with seed oils can produce significant amounts of 4-HNE, which can then be absorbed into the fried food.

Beef Tallow:
- Because beef tallow is primarily saturated and monounsaturated fats, it is less likely to produce 4-HNE when heated.
- This makes fries cooked in beef tallow potentially less harmful compared to those cooked in seed oils.

### 3. Nutrient Profile
Beef Tallow:
- Contains fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D, E, and K, which can have various health benefits.
- It also has a better ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids, which is important for maintaining a healthy inflammatory response.

Seed Oils:
- Often have high levels of omega-6 fatty acids and very low levels of omega-3s. Excessive omega-6 intake can promote inflammation if not balanced with omega-3s.

### 4. Historical and Epidemiological Evidence
Traditional Diets:
- Historically, before the widespread use of seed oils, many cultures used animal fats like tallow for cooking, and these populations often had lower rates of modern chronic diseases.
- The rise in seed oil consumption has correlated with an increase in obesity, heart disease, and other chronic conditions, although causation is complex and multifactorial.

In conclusion, the key factor that makes french fries fried in beef tallow potentially healthier than those fried in seed oil is the lower production of toxic compounds like 4-Hydroxynonenal due to the stability of the fats in beef tallow. This stability helps prevent the formation of harmful substances, contributing to a potentially safer and more nutritious frying medium.
t. ChatGPT
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I think modern western people are too pacified for a real revolution.
Plus, who is the revolution even against? Macron? Le Pen? 
If its against Le Pen it would definitely be astroturfed. Although Le Pen seems to be reeling in some of her previous stated positions that were genuinely right wing, just like every supposedly "right wing" politician who cucks out to the powers that be as soon as they get into "power".
Or is it going to be a civil war?
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There is a rumor going around that the next KR series will be written by the guy who wrote most of the seasons of Love Live.
I will give it a try if so, but as much as I like Love Live, I'm not sure if writing that transfers over to writing something like KR...
I still want it to be Inoue.
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Very likely yeah, sadly.
The huge amount of voters this time around also just shows they fear the right wing, for whatever reason. Dumb fucks.
We'll see however, come Sunday
Most people unironically believe it when the media says the bad guys are coming to take your democracy. They've also been propagandized since childhood into believing that democracy is a good thing.
I was talking to mama recently, and she was telling me about how there was some poll she read that said that Republican voters like Trump because of his policies, while Democrat voters like Biden because he'll "protect democracy." Of course, my mom's take away from this is not that the Dem voters are absolutely bat shit insane, especially when Dems are the ones currently trying to jail their opposition, but her response was simply "Who cares about the Economy if I don't have my democracy?!"
It was the most boomer thing I have ever heard.
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> I give zero fucks what happens to my country or the world, so long I get to put an X on a piece of paper
top kek.
Who even made up the story that the right would get rid of the democracy? There's an equal possibility that the far-left will as well.
But there's no such thing as the far-left, according to the West. It's stupid.

No idea why these countries flat out refuse to corporate with "the right" as well. We're talking about every third person who went to vote, here.
Who, who values democracy, would completely neglect the opinion of every third person? Insane extremists, and nobody else
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> B-but voting gives me a say in the government
You are one in hundreds of millions, your say means nothing. And even if it did, it would never mean anything more than the fat stacks of cash from the lobbyists.
I dunno exactly when it started, but leading up to all the major elections happening this year, all of the mainstream media has started going on and on about the threat to "our democracy."
The funniest one was an article, I forget from which major propaganda rag, that said "In 2024 40% of the world will vote, that's a bad thing for democracy."

The reason that it was so boomer, was that on top of that, the only thing mama could think of for policies is "the economy". Thats all boomers care about, muh economy and muh democracy. If the only defense for a policy is "muh economy" it is probably a horrible policy for society as a whole. Just look at how that has been the main justification for mass immigration. Sometimes it would be better to just be poor, and most of these policies are only pushing that off economic collapse anyway, not stopping it. But hey, when that becomes a problem, the boomers will be dead, so who cares!

That is the irony of the big democracy defenders on the left. They only actually like democracy when its their guys who are winning.
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Aggregation does mean that your vote means something. Means you throw your coin in with one team. If many do so, it has a meaning.
Same reason you aren't allowed to throw rocks into a bottom-less pit. Because if everybody did so, it would soon no longer be bottom-less!
> In 2024 40% of the world will vote, that's a bad thing for democracy.
That meager amount is just pathetic. At that point, you might just get rid of it, since nobody cares about it in the first place~

Funny observation...
Here, the ones who cares about muh economy, are those who tends to vote right. And they're also often boomer.
The ones who don't care much about the economy, tends to be all in on muh climate!, and they tend to be so far left, that even Marx looks over his right shoulder to see them. And they're often young people. People who hasn't yet left school and knows nothing about the world.

> They only actually like democracy when its their guys who are winning
I'm kind of the same. I don't remind people to go vote anymore, if I know that person would not vote the way I want them to.
^pretty much me. Remove Copenhagen from the equation, and democracy would be far better
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Yeah, especially when you only have two choices. 
I think muh economy is just a boomer thing in general. Obviously I am not a commie and would prefer to live in a prosperous society, but I would also rather live somewhere that actually has social cohesion and high trust than somewhere that has a "good economy" on paper that came with the cost of infinite browns and the breakdown of society.

I am merely consistent in not being a democracy enjoyer no matter who wins.
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Well, yes, but the left simply doesn't believe that. Also most on the supposed "right" don't actually believe that either, they'll just tell you we need less illegal immigration but actually we need more legal immigration.

Mhmm. Only ever voted once. For Rand.
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I mean, yeah, obviously. But once again, these people will tell you how we need to import tons of Indians, just legally, and then line will go up and we'll all be rich. But of course we all know we'll just wind up with shit on the streets. No more voting.

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Two party system, and if you want influence, you need to be somewhere in the middle.
No real surprise it doesn't matter who you vote for. Two sides of the same coin
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Even in a multiparty system, most actually right wing parties will simply be weeded out or tamed before they managed to take power. Democracy is an inherently leftist system after all.
Yep. Rand is cool though granted, not quite as much as his dad and his opponent was a race baiting nigger, so in that particular case they were actually not two sides of the same coin.
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You just say that cause you're far-right~
You can find plenty who'll claim the exact opposite.
Libertarian is the way to go~
Two-party system just means they'll never have any influence..
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Yeah, and they're fucking retarded commies. Democracy, at least the modern form, which is literally referred to as "liberal democracy" has always been an inherently left wing institution, anyone who argues otherwise is retarded. Which, I mean, someone arguing that is a leftist so them being retarded is a given.
You won't still say that when you see this year's Libertarian Presidential candidate!
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> You won't still say that when you see this year's Libertarian Presidential candidate!
I will too, since nobody cared when based Mc Afee tried running for them. Instead of going for the based pothead, they chose another pothead :/
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Just one less argument for the left to use against them. 
Personally I think it'd be hilarious if the Republicans put forth a black woman. The democrats would have zero arguments against them suddenly. Especially if she was also lesbian
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They are, yep.

I don't trust him to actually do any of the based things he says on the slim chance he got into power, so I will continue to not vote.

Early at this point, actually.
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But really doesn't have to be like that.

Same as well. Not many more minutes now.
Hope you've been enjoying the day and night. Probably have, otherwise why stay up
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No, it's just annoying when I find something that I think is fun, and your faggot ass comes swinging at it with unironic bs about it not being Japanese enough for you, or made by Libtard westerners, or any myriad BS you rotate through.
So I want all the Jap girls you meet to have the same mentality.
Congrats.  You'll never be good enough for them, you're Zoomer parody, a Westerner trying to hamfistedly fit in.
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It wasn't just the toilet humor, just "lol so randumb" humor in general. Which has also been around before gen z, but they seem to particularly love it.
I said none of that. I was merely saying its not funny. Would you rather I lie to appease you?
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> Zoomer this
> Zoomer that
You remind me of a friend that went on an hour long tirade about how much he hated millennials, and when I finally got sick of eye rolling enough, he practically wanted to shoot me when I reminded him that we were both, in fact ourselves, Millennials.
There's not enough skibbidi toilet references for it to be Zoomer Humor, in fact most of the references this lil' short makes would actually go waaay above most Zoomer heads.
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Humor from gen y and z probably mixes together since the internet is sort of creating this type of humor and even the type of humor can be a product of its time. Just think of old internet memes and stuff like rage comics, all made by gen y. Similar stuff is happening with gen z.
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Randomly remembered that some historical figure was apparently into scatological humor, the actual technical term for toilet humor, because some autist told me but I don't remember who it was. If anything it just tells you how long it's actually been around.
Anyways, heard Sony is planning to phase out physical media. It is truly the end.

Sleep well.
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Been hearing people say the current gen of consoles is going to the last with physical media. Wouldn't doubt that Nintendo's next console will be digital only too. Not sure what Microsoft is doing but I've heard theories they're secretly trying to kill it off.
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Eh, I think Nintendo will hold out on physical media for longer. Japan is also making the move towards digital, but its at a much slower pace than the west so physical media is still pretty big here. And Nintendo's next console will be coming out next year likely, as opposed to the PS6 and new Xbox which are probably still a few years off. I could see Nintendo sticking with physical media for the next console after that too, although thats a bit far off to really say.
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Makes sense. Despite Japan being seeing as some futuristic tech giant, the country seems pretty slow to move forward with technology. Definitely a "if it's not broke don't fix it" to a fault mentality. Then again when I usually hear about old tech being used it's government agencies and that's just common in all countries.
Still, as long as Japan still wants it, they'll probably keep it around. Nintendo could probably get away with it too, where I'm sure Sony is doing it because of cost cutting measures along with some other reasons. I'd rather Nintendo be the one to do it seeing how they're the biggest aggressors with ROM sites. Then again that gives them more of a reason to get rid of physical media.
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The idea of Japan being a futuristic tech giant comes from like the 80s and 90s where they legitimately were ahead, but nowadays they've definitely fallen behind. In a lot of cases modern technology has just made things worse though, so it'd be better if we were still in the time when Japan was a futuristic tech giant.
Try to glow less.
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That's how we got stuff like Blade Runner, Neuromancer, and the whole cyberpunk genre to begin with.
> In a lot of cases modern technology has just made things worse though
That's mostly a consumerism issue. What they're doing is like using a Ford Model T just because they're still finding a way to keep it working somehow.

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