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> As far as I can tell right now, he hadn't left any depictions of his vision, but written description he did

Tsiolkovsky had plenty of drawings, but they are mostly schematic - he wasn't illustrator but mostly a philosopher (stereotypical Russian Cosmist of late XIX, like Fyodorov but less crazy).

But that drawing looks more modern, I think even 1950+, and there may be multiple sources of inspirations. I guess it is from numerous of space-related books that are already forgotten, so it isn't easy to find.
> mostly a philosopher (stereotypical Russian Cosmist of late XIX
Even better.
I suspect the drawing in pic #1 could be drawn on one of his descruptions, like how that model for the movie was done.
But it still could be from somewhere else, or could have multiple source of inspiration as you wrote.
My problem is the caption for it in the magazine. It is literally says it's from the 19th century, and can't be interpreted as "from a fiction about a 19th century space travel".
Could be a model of some sort (like the other drawing in the pic, the golden dildo is also an object), or a typo, or sloppy research, or just bs. Still gonna try a look around a bit more, or even look up these founding fathers of rocketry.

I've tried to find similar image in Google and in some random popular books about rockets - there is none, sadly. Although they were numerous and rarely posted fully on web.

It is interesting because it doesn't resemble any real rocket (or illustrator too freely understood concept of stages), so it is pre-60, I think.

Or he tried to make Tsiolkovsky model as you said, but also somewhat freely. Maybe you are right, it is clearly inspired by him.

But this is not original 19th century drawing, at least it doesn't look like this.
> this is not original 19th century drawing, at least it doesn't look like this.
I believe you have a point.
It kinda reminds me of stuff from Heavy Metal.
Maybe if I go on with the topic, look into other issues (I'm hoping to get more than the five), rockets will inevitably come up, so if this might won't be resolved, we could get pointers when this image was drawn and by whom.
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Let's move on to the 2nd issue, won't mention everything, just a couple of flashes from here and there.
Starts with a lots of Bradbury and about Bradbury, but then it balances out with others. Eventually it's mostly about aliens, first contact and such.
Two articles about life outside Earth, and one about Eurocon 1. But let's spend some time over the two.
The tone is rational. No ancient aliens or Däniken, although they seem to recognize their existence and their place. But the articles is of the view of science and sci-fi literature, and their relation, their contradiction, and yet similarity. They wish to be educational, philosophical and entertaining, no blatant political manipulation. Little materialism, and maybe the wind of the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks.
And what's the answer, is there life somewhere else in the universe? Of course. It's not just probable, but inevitable.
This issue a bit more meaty in the illustration department, but most I can't make a worthwhile screenshot. But even a comic strip got a place in there (wake at down inthe forest, by Frank Frazetta, from Nueve Dimension Spanish SF-magazine, 1971).

> moon phases

Interesting, that upper right phase has some white patches. Printing error or some specific intent?

> last image


> Bradbury

Bradbury was some kind of cult writer in USSR - a rare situation for modern foreign writers in iron curtain times, when only specific western works were printed. Maybe his anti-war stance was the answer, or just his humanist  and pacifist style ("action-styled" fiction was very uncommon for ideological reasons, because in future wars don't exist).

For some reason Sheckley also was very popular, I guess even more than on the west, where there were plenty of other writers (Soviet citizens bought any non-standard book they could find, so every serious foreign thing became a hit).
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> Bernd can post stuff here, other mags, sci-fi, fantasy, pics, vids, maps, artwork from games (genre appropriate), space exploration, etc.

Some artwork from old children book about Moon that I've read when I was kid (actually, it was my father's book that he also read when he was kid). Interesting that there were two prints, in 1965 and 1974, and version of 65 (that I had) included some scheme of perspective Apollo mission. Version of 1974 had much more realistic drawings without 60's sci-fi feel (it would be strange to draw some abstract things after 1969), so it is less interesting.

Sadly, I've had no paper book available now, and internet has only 1974 version in large resolution, but there few small images from 1965.
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> Printing error or some specific intent?
Reminds me of cirrostratus, but I've no lilac fart what could that be.
> Bradbury was some kind of cult writer in USSR
In fact the article in #2 about Bradbury's works was written by a Russian, certain Kirill Andrejev (with Hungarian spelling, couldn't find him quickly with ddg so I gave up).
> in future wars don't exist
Another article in there says the narration in sci-fi changed, there were novels and shorts about wars and destruction, I assume the World Wars' resonance (there were alien civilizations depicted  in a way that mirrored Nazi Germany and the imperialist Japan), and then it changed, the encounters between humans and aliens turns to peaceful.

I fancy those winglets on those rockets.
> 2nd pic
They really wanted to represent all kinds of propulsion of vehicles.
Sounds like a cool book.
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Let's take a look at some tidbits from issue #3.
The illustrations are Verne heavy, despite there's no Verne among the texts. They included a note at the end, these pictures are the original woodcuts (well, the prints) from the books of the French author.

Featured serious topic (I mean not fiction) is about computers and their future. I think all of us has some level of interest in this. So here's some noteworthy points and info they share.
The human brain  needs about 25 watt of power to work, the ENIAC needed 150, however "the brain doesn't speak the language of mathematics" (as John Neumann said).
At that time they used 3rd gen computers (over 100 000 pieces all over the world!) and the 4th were on their way.
The author talks about miniaturization, how the following generations of computers got smaller and smaller in about 1:10 ratio. He speculates, that the computers of the future will be even smaller, and the size of building blocks will arrive to the size of neurons.
The size will lower and the necessary power will too. But the tasks we want to use computers for need faster and faster machines - they were capable of doing hundreds of thousands of operations per second, some in labs 1-2 millions and engineers planned machines capable of doing billions - which demands higher power consumption. This will also need more effective cooling, maybe even water cooling, what they thought to be buried with 1st gen computers.
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There was also an experiment with a machine which was actually a system of many machines (64) joined together. So despite the miniaturization, size may grow, and with that energy consumption too.
The growing number of parts means that more parts can fail. In a human brain redundancy is so large, that a death of a cell is not noticeable. But in a human constructed machine the failure has to be noticeable so they can change the part, fix the machine. A great challenge is that how can be constructed a reliably working machine out of unreliable parts?
A second problem they faced back then, is the overcomplication. They had to avoid creating one that too complex to use. So ease of use is one of the points they try to plan along.
For the next 20-25 years the road is paved - says the article written in 1972 - and back then in laboratories those computers or at least their plans which we were going to use in the '90s had already existed, although it's acknowledged that unexpected discoveries might change things.
AI! Right after the birth of computers the guesswork started if we could make a machine think. Enthusiasm was big. Bunch of stuff were taught to computers, from playing chess to translating languages, but these weren't thinking, just executing algorithms. This set back the expectations, they realized, while the brain doesn't speak mathematics, computers only speak that. There were happy accidents, when they tried to translate they realized linguists don't know their languages deep enough. Then computational linguistics was born (the irony: I think that's the proper translation, the text says mathematical linguistics). They realized the key question isn't if the machine thinks, but how the human brain thinks, and the steps can be programmed for machines to follow.
The author says, the use of computers was decided by the realistic needs of the societies, and the future will remain the same. Exceptions will exist, solving theoretical problems, or smaller scale projects of those who dare to dream big, but the use on large scale will be the chief deciding factor. Computers will take off the load from humans, physical or intellectual routine work will be relegated to them, and the man will use his brain what computers cannot do: thinking. We can only wish.
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Pages from The Essential Atlas which presents Star Wars lore in a more KC tier direction.
That's trippy, what's the third about?

> Computers will take off the load from humans, physical or intellectual routine work will be relegated to them, and the man will use his brain what computers cannot do: thinking.
That's correct, a computer can chew any data through a statistical model, but it is only productive if its user knows which model to use, and setting that aside, how to interpret the result.
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What's bby and aby?
> Bogden
> what's the third about?
Not sure. It's Tolkien's work, so probably some elvish stuff.

One day I really should look into this AI stuff. Last time I heard someone serious' opinion (who actually studied this on uni, and this wasn't posted on an imageboard) the thing was: "we mostly know what it won't be, but not really how it will be".
Right now this self teaching algorithms are nice, machine learning and neural networks and such, sure could be used to something well, there's always more porn to make, we'll we step over this? Again, we still living from the heritage of the 70s, everything we do, at least conceptually is the product of those times, nothing new, just more polished. I doubt we even have the time to fart around, civilizations always fall, it is coming for sure, and every sign says we are on crash course.
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Issue #4
Three longish articles, one - right at the very beginning - is from the pen of Asimov. Maybe I read one of them later, the last one about the travel to the moon by Julij Kagarlickij (Юлий Иосифович Кагарлицкий). Considering talks about a new expedition there and then to Mars is in fashion again, and movies, tv-shows are jumping on the topic (seen one just a couple of days ago), I suppose this would be my chief target. If.
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Illustrations are breddy gud, a selection from Western, chiefly American works. They list Virgil Finlay, Dold, Paul, Wesso, Morey, Alejandro, Georges Spiro, Lemy, Hannes Bok among their creators.
A very concise history of American sci-fi illustration is given. In the beginning scantly dressed women are protected by astronauts against monsters big as a house. Then in the '40s the front pages of magazines were decorated with scientifically plausible images, and got pinned onto the walls of labs and observatories. Pop-art left it's impression on them in the '60s, then the '70s discovered Ernst, Dali, Magritte, Labisse, Bosch, Goya, Arcimboldo... By that time the classic sci-fi magazines were real treasures, subjects of collectors, finishing the cycle.
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Issue No. 5 A little bit of robots in my life, little bit of automatons by my side. Basically this number is about those. The illustrations, the stories, articles, and even the caricatures.

Let's see what we have in here.
for #1 cover as always
#2 drawing puppet by Jaquet Droz, from 1774, and a couple of drawings of it, Cupid driving his cart, and Louis XV.
#3 M.F. Wiesendanger's writing gadget from 1946..., and prof. Arcadius, made by Durand and Decamps, exhibited in 1937, Paris
#4 A wisdom of Arcadius: "Among virtues tenacity deserves special attention"
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#5 Another automaton of Decamps (I believe they made a type), the Acrobat
#6 The Hypnotist, automaton toy from 1850s
#7 An automaton of Kempelen Farkas, the chess playing Turk.
#8 Which turned out to be a hoax, and it is believed it was operated by a man hiding inside.
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#9 Music box, a pianist from the age of Louis XVI.
#10 Duck of Vaucanson, ate, jumped, and moved it's wings. Then shat on your persian carpet.
#11 Automata from the cathedral in Strassbourg
#12 The guilded rooster made for the first astronomical clock in there.
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#13 The whole day is busy..., jump her, run there..., now we are almost just like humans!
#14 The intellect we serve. I'm not sure about my translation. Could be "the spirit we serve".
#15 Remote controlled robot of Augustus Huber, the Sabor IV. It's main job was traffic direction. At that time certain engineers already planned robot soldiers.
#16 TELEVOX, the design and build of a certain engineer from Pittsburgh, called Wensley. It spoke and did stuff. From the early 1930s.

I wanted to go into an article about the future of the robots, how they imagined. Today I did not have the time. Tomorrow will be busy too, but maybe in the late evening, like today.
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I found some (a lot of) info on Televox.
Basically it was a voice activated remote control system. Could Open Sesame! or switch lights and stuff. And was called Herbert. He even had a gf. What's Bernd's excuse?
The blog also features an article from 1927, as screenshots and in written from. Tried to resize the screenshots to larger and give a little contrast to make it more readable.

The blog itself might be noteworthy.
> a history of cybernetic animals and early robots
Probably with many curiosities.
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Well, it's not surprising that blog also has an article about Sabor IV. A Swiss giant - a mountain-golem of the mountain-jews, if you will. The secret weapon in the toolbox of the Swiss army, with its devastating capabilities in yodeling.
I wonder if it's exhibited somewhere 
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It was suggested by my esteemed colleague to grab other volumes from a Hungarian torrent site, since all are up there. I asked a pal with an acc to help, and managed to pull the first 40 issues. Sadly these don't follow the first five format (they ain't official releases) and are badly edited. Image quality varies, from some issues (liek 6th and 7th) they are missing entirely.
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Stepping over issue #6 and #7 for the aformentioned reason. Here is #8.
It's in .mobi with fixed size images. I'm trying to enlarge them a bit.
This number also features an "About the images" article. It says this volume is about how science and imagination finds each other. What we can't see, we use devices to observe. But we cannot observe even with devices, like the inside of atoms, far away planets in other star systems, the future or the past... we use our imagination. We can travel time and space far and wide.
Artist and artists diverge from reality in different amount. But in the field of sci-fi, those they depict - space travel or space stations - wasn't made up by writers, but scientists. And as time goes on, as we know more about the subject, reality and dream gets closer and closer - a spaceship from the 20s falls very far from the reality of today than what they imagined in the 50s and 60s (don't forget, this magazine is from the early 70s).
Oh I forgot to add what are those images.
Pic #2 - Photons are bombing the surface of a material, electrons shooting out of it. By Matt Greene.
Pic #3 - A street in a city of the future.
Pic #4 - Landing on the planet of the Blue Sun. By Andrey Sokolov.
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Pic #5 - Meeting in the space. By Andrey Sokolov
Pic #6 - New York - Berlin rocket propelled flight. Plan by Max Valler
Pic #7 - Two images in one. Above: the explorer vehicle of the Jupiter, by 1972 they planned the launch om the US. Below: another American plan, Moonbase.
Pic #8 - Solar smelters in the year 2000.
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Pic #13 - Power plant gathering atmospheric electricity by balloons.
Pic #14 - Sub-nautical residency planned to the year 2000. Reminds me of something from a Bosch paintings.
Pic #15 - Moonbus crossing a sea of sand.
Pic #16 - A futurologist book's prophecy form 1927: television broadcast in the cities of the future.
I've some sci-fi novels, but that's another category. Maybe some volumes of Heavy Metal. I kinda remember torrenting some back then, but not sure what I did with them, maybe deleted in the end.
I have access to these, I just wanted so post something semi-regularly. Look into some old sci-fi from the communism, what they thought worthy of publishing (surprisingly quite a lot of stuff from the west).
If you can get other stuff to post that would be awesome.
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Am gonna post the rest.
Maybe I'll browse the magazines first in the future, and just pick a couple of things, from all over the place.

Pic #17 - Soviet space station
Pic #18 - Artificial brain. 
Pic #19 - Shipping cargo and passenger to the Moon. There's a moonbase somewhere in the background.
Pic #20 - Another Soviet space station model, from 1959.
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Pic #21 - Moonscape. By Luděk Pešek
Pic #22 - Saturn from Titan. By Luděk Pešek. Titan always reminds me of Hardwar, and get a little hankering to install it somehow. I'm not sure if it's possible with Wine. But maybe on virtual machine...
Pic #23 - Airport on the ocean. Isn't that a seaport?
Pic #24 - Mars from Deimos.
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Tokien's house is for sale. Anyone? It's just 4 million quids.
Some blokes () wanna buy it and panhandling for money since November, "projectnorthmoor" or something. Their face is Ian McKellen/Gandalf. There's a limitation what can be done with the house since it's a protected place, so they can't make outright museum out of it, because it cannot be opened for the public just like that.
The want to renovate/restore it, the garden too, then creating a "literary center" there, supporting fresh writers, organize courses and such. Also a hobbit house at the back of the garden.
The whole publicity is kinda sensationalist, writing shit like "save the house" as if there's something to save it from. But that is needed in these days I guess, and with injecting money in it they can save it from deterioration for a while, I dunno how the building is cared for now.

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