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A few more games that are similar from GTA SA / 4 that I can recommend. for you and other bernds 

> Scarface: The World is yours

Basically if Vice City ever had a sequel. Has a lot more music playing options and the graphics look really good. It even has a dedicated BENIS button when you're shooting rivals for extra 1980s insanity :DDDDD

> Yakuza game series (start with 0)

A mix of Shenmue + Mortal Kombat + random Japanese culture and humor. Lots of fun and very engaging story

> The Godfather games 

Like GTA but much more realistic and more manager owning a bunch of businesses focused
Perhaps I don't "raly like" it, but I like it enough.
There are many things to keep playing for. It feels as a solid GTA game for starters. I'm fine with the driving especially with the music on radio. The neighbourhoods are diverse many sights to see. The streets are more living than in previous games, people do stuff like fixing a car with opened hood, and other tiny things, the don't just walking around. Some cops are fat, there are trash trucks with workers riding at the back. Stuff liek that.
And at least Michelle approves Nico's outfits.

Are those for pc or console?
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> Are those for pc or console?

The Godfather and Scarface games used to be on PC, but they're not anymore and I dunno why. (I used an PS2 emulator to play both)

Here's a copy of them for PC if bernd is interested in playing






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And all of the Yakuza games got ported to PC. They're always on sale in Steam and GOG and it's worth everything spent on them (I'd pay full price because they're that good)

It's fun. It's sad. It's funny. It's a good Japan simulator. It's a kareoke game. It's practically 100 games in one. (You can also play old Sega games inside different arcades that are in the city. Like Outrun and Virtua Fighter)

Try Yakuza 0 whenever u can bernds



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Ah. Sad state of things.
Thanks for the links.

I found Yakuza 3 for PC. I'm not sure it'll run.

Now that we are at Japanese games. Came across Nobunaga's Ambition Awakening (Nobunaga no Yabō: Shinsei). NA seems to be a long series of games by Koei. I don't know any previous ones, this is the freshest. I know however the Romance of the Three Kingdoms series, played one of the early ones and XI. I appreciate them, they are enjoyable games I think.
NAA is the same as those, just Japan instead of China. Bunch of same mechanics, some different ones, real time instead of turn based. I'm bothered a bit that portraits are the same style, but I'm more bothered by the bad English translation (which was done in 2023 summer or something) which makes the game harder to get. The controls are not intuitive, finding the commands inside all those menus and windows that can be opened. I don't know (yet) how to control battles for example. I found that at sieges I can pick if storm the walls or blockade the castle.
I found it while looking for games set in feudal Japan. And Total War Shogun 2 just doesn't want to run. There is some components in there which fails on Wine no matter what, unfixable. So I gave a try to NA. There is Sengoku too, but it's not good.
I'm not sure what to think about the game yet. It scratches the itch for the type of game I was looking for, so for that it's good enough.
> Thanks for the links.
My pleasure

> I found Yakuza 3 for PC. I'm not sure it'll run.
it's an old game so probably. 

> Came across Nobunaga's Ambition Awakening (Nobunaga no Yabō: Shinsei).

Good taste bernd. It's a game series so there's a lot of games in a lot of consoles for the Nobunaga games. I have a PS2 rom that I wanna play with but it takes a lot of memory card space thoough (1020+ k IIRC)
I played some since, and having played Romance of the Three Kangdoms before really helps understanding how things work.
I think I finally grasp most of the game features.
I'm not sure I get the "hime system". In RTK XI the player could marry the officers freely I think. But here if there is a free hime, can't arrange marriage with any officer. The daimyo can, or take her as concubine. I think if the hime is from the clan you control, then can use her in diplomacy creating alliances via marriage. But otherwise? I've no idea.
I enjoy the game for now. Switched to Japanese voices, really helps with immersion.
One major inconvenience is the menu system, the lack of filtering officers (there is a filter option, it just lacks possibilities), and that if I view an officers info, there is no option there to to appoint him. Have to go way back, then click on castle, pick domain, then chose the county I want to give away then look for the fucking officer in the list. It's crazy.
I think this is the only drawback.
Ah, had the first siege where I could control the battle. It's pain. The opponent can hold with so smaller force like how they did IRL - can't really complain about that! and have to race with the timer too.
I just finished Portal. It's one of the most positively rated games on Steam which is why I played it.
I think the ending is fun because of the dialuge but the rest of the game was not great, it was easier than I thought it would be but that's probably not a good thing for a puzzle game, if this even was a puzzle game.
Anyway, I'll play the next one tomorrow.
I finished Portal 2.

It kind of had the opposite problem to the first. In Portal 2 the dialogue in the beginning is good but then plot things happen and Glados becomes a completely different character, they destroy what was good about her.

Gameplay wise it's more of the same but for longer.

As for the story and setting, the first one barely had one which I think was preferable, I feel like they tried to do too much here.

I feel like much of the reason Portal has such popular appeal is due to it being old(relativity) and made by a well known company, I think that if it came out today people would not find much of interest about it as there are so many indie games that do things like what they do only better.
Still mucking around with Nobunaga's Ambition.
I think the game has three stages:
1. micromanaging the castles and domains, who gets what, what to build where
2. waiting the castles to fill up with food and soldiers
Rinse and repeat.

I think back in the day it was a novel idea.
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After watching the new Dune movies (2021 and 2024 ones) I checked out the vidya scene what they have.
I found some dudes are developing an open source cross platform engine for the old Dune 2, the Dune Legacy. The player needs the original game files to play. It's liek OpenMW basically.
Here's a link to the project: https://dunelegacy.sourceforge.net/website/
Have not tried it yet.
Two more finds are:
Dune Spice Whores Wars (released in 2023 Sept.), and
Dune Imperium (2024 March, very recent), which is board game adaptation, uses cards and tokens as far as I can tell from screenshots, have not tried.

Dune Spice Wars is an RTS, and has the classic elements that reminds me of Dune 2. It has that map where you select the next mission, and then you mine spice, build buildings, and produce units and you send your units to fight the rival factions who do the same.
The game goes beyond this however. The battle map consist of smaller segments, villages, you occupy with the resource in that specific region. The buildings are built around the villages.
There is an abundance of various points and resources to generate and track, which is used to do whatever needs doing, from building, recruiting, voting in the Landsraad, doing spy missions and whatever. Spice, money, plascrete manpower, batteries, water, authority, influence, knowledge, intel, hegemony, landsraad standing, guild favor, scraps. What the fuck. Percentage hell. You research stuff to earn bonuses, unlock buildings, units, whatever. You buy CHOAM shares. Generate agents to do intelligence missions and counterintel. Trade with sietches, to make them friendly and ally and send agent to them to get some other bonus. Recon with ornitopters (they can set to auto) to discover villages and resources, and researchable sites with also provide resources and whatnot. Uhh, stuff. Can do without battles fine.
Did three missions from the campaign with the House Atredies. I failed the first for I got assassinated. Won the next two with hegemony. Different missions have different goals, only in skirmishes can win however you want.
It's really an okay game. It already is repetitive despite all the details, but as far as RTS games go, it doesn't lack in anything. I think it is still unpolished, and perhaps imbalanced.
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Civ 1:
Rome, Russia, Babylon, Zulu, Japan, Germany, France, Egypt, Aztecs, USA, China, Greek, England, India, Mongolia

Civ 2:
As above + Celts, Vikings, Spaniards, Persians, Carthage, Sioux

Civ 3:
America, Arab, Austria, Aztec, Babylon, Byzantium, Carthage, Celts, China, Netherland, Egypt, England, France, Germany, Greek, Hittites, Inca, Indian, Iroquois, Japan, Korea, Mayans, Mongolia, Ottomans, Persia, Portugal, Rome, Russia, Spain, Sumer, Vikings, Zulus

Civ 4:
As above + Ethiopia, HRE, Khmer, Mali, "Native American" (no Iroquois)

Civ 5:
Same as Civ 3 + Assyria, Brazil, Denmark, Ethiopia, Huns, Indonesia, Morocco, Polan, Polynesia, Shoshone, Siam, Songhai, Sweden, Venice

Civ 6:
Same as Civ 3 + Australia, Brazil, Canada, Cree, Ethiopia, Georgia, Gran Columbian, Hungary, Indonesia, Khmer, Kongolese, Macedonia, Mali, Maori, Mapuche, Norway, Nubia, Scotlan, Scythia, Sweden, Vietnam
No: Austria, Viking
Celt -> Gaul
Carthage -> Phoenicia

No Civ 7. Yet.
I might have missed something, but no Israel, or Jews.
Did they want to avoid "anti-semitic" stereotypes? Like special unit "merchant" or stuff liek that? Everyone can be stereotyped but Jews? Imagine a caricature like Caesar on picrel.
I think there is a city-state in Civ 5 Jerusalem.
I concur. They could have got stuff like "Solomon's temple" unique building or some type of light infantry, slingers for example. And considering from all these "civilizations" they are the only one around for about 2500 years, surprising absence from the lists. I'm curious how the discussion of the devs went, for I'm sure the topic came up.
Did anyone made a mod? I know a couple of Hungarian ones, I think someone even made one for Civ 1! (Was just a question of editing some txt files.)
Yes there's Jerusalem as city state in Civ 6 and also Judaism as a religion in many of the games (I think in every one that has religion as a mechanic). Tbh I can undestand if they conciously decided to not include Jews as civilization in the game. Of course they would make them look normal and whatnot but with how touchy some people are there's still risk of it exploding for some stupid reason and the damage control for that would be more expensive than if it was some other civ.
I have it and I wish it was better, I dont think I can recommend. Single player is very poor. It's just a series of skirmishes that mostly play the same (they try to include some variations but I dont think they were succesful at it). AI is very dumb and not challenging at all. After a scenario you get to pick up an upgrade for your faction and we get this weird inverted difficulty situation where the game is the hardest at the beginning and the easiest at the end (I feel kind of the same with total war games). I feel like this game has been made with multiplayer skirmish in mind first, and the campaign and AI opponents were slapped on top of it just to be there.
Another thing is I feel like developers dont exactly know how their game is supposed to work like. They were reworking quite drastically certain mechanics, and it was acceptable when they had their game was in early access, but it has been released as 1.0 full game and yet they're still applying changes and I dont mean slight balance adjustments. Maybe some of those changes are for the better, but again, it strikes me as they dont exactly know what they are doing and its not filling me with confidence. 
If you're interested in getting it anyway I'd like to warn you that they like to include more factions as DLC. Their previous game, Northgaard, has like 16 factions and only 6 are in base game. The rest you have to pay for separately. If not owning everything is something that bothers you (it is for me) then be warned about this fact. They already released House Ix for dune as paid DLC.
Now this game I like. Played the tabletop version first, its very cool euro game with worker placement mechanic and deck building. The digital version include some extra challenges which is the normal game but with a twist to the mechanic, for example first challenge is you have infinite agents to place on the map but every one placed now costs you money. 
My only problem with this game is the pricing. The regular price for the board game here is 250 PLN and they're asking for 100 on steam, its a bit too much imo. If it was 60 i'd recommend grabbing it if you're into this kind of games.

Oh right and both games do this one gay thing where they base their aesthetics on the recent movie, and it includes changing doctor Kynes to a black, young woman.
> Judaism as a religion
I don't remember that. In Civ 5 I know there were these empty religions, and one could pick various belief systems, which were essentially bonuses. I just picked Tengri and that's that.

I got a copy form a backup copy sharing site and played some. It is repetitive, but sometimes there are goals I don't think possible to achieve. I did not see any point in the factions, their pros and cons were just so bland, even after I got to know the mechanics, I just picked Atreides.
> they're still applying changes and I dont mean slight balance adjustments.
There was something I did not understand and tried to look for it, and they described something that wasn't in the game at all. Was weird.

It felt too dry for me. And that movie thing just don't do it for me at all.
> doctor Kynes to a black, young woman.
Oh yeah. I was liek what the fuck it's clear he's a dude in the book.
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Found this gem: All Quiet in the Trenches
It's kinda turn based squad management game.
The player is a leader - like a corporal - of a small group of soldiers - let's call it a rifle team - in WWI. All the soldiers you responsible of has their personality, background, and various stats.
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The player has to make decisions in various situations. The outcomes have some randomness to them. Whatever you chose it will have a consequence, it impacts the game. Have to balance between the well being of the team, the lieutenant's approval, various other actors satisfactions (like nurse, villagers, various officials, etc.) and their "institutions" (like hospital, village, warehouse, etc.) performance.
There are fighting scenes, where has to move to various firing positions or covers, and do some stuff, like do suppressing fire or search for ammo.
I'm still figuring out some mechanics.

This is a very unusual game for me, I've never seen similar. I'm enjoying it all in all. The control of the camera is a bit awkward perhaps.
There are rumours that Creative Assembly is creating three new Total War games.
One will be set during the first world war, the second will be set in the world of Warhammer 40k and the Third will be set in the world of Star Wars.

It seems plausible, I didn't think 40k was likely without a huge amount of work on their engine but it makes sense that if they are going to put that much work into the engine then they may as well make the most of it and create a WW1 game and a Starwars game as well, as mechanically they would be very similar.

I think this is not such a bad situation, I don't like the way their engine handles close combat and particularly not how it handles formations in close combat, I also don't think they are going to build a new one, so this or a Victorian era Total war would probably be the best they could make from the engine they have.
I'll just add a bit more as another thought occurred to me.

Part of this rumour included a rumour that the WW1 game was having trouble in development and may be delayed indefinitely and the reason given was the difficulty in creating a new engine. I initially did not think much of this given that 40k and Starwars would need the new(they say that it's new but I would assume it's actually just updated) engine as well, so either they would all be having issues or none of them would. 
But then it occurred to me that while yes, that's true form a tactical battle sense, the strategic maps would probably be quite different as WW1 revolve around front lines and not traditional armies like in Total war games, that's probably where they are having the difficulty. That could be a bother.
That sounds cool.
I refuse to play with their bloated crap.

Yes WWI is quite different than managing Rome for example.

I finished this. It's an early access so it's not long.
It has quite the mood, if you are capable to imagine yourself as a squad leader, empathize with your soldiers, and care about them. Then you can feel the dilemma behind every decision you make, and the struggle to do what's necessary.
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I put Order of Battle WWII by Slitherine Software back. Previously I tried the tutorial, now I started the Africa Corps campaign.
The game looks like a carbon copy of Panzer General, and it feels kind of a remake, I'm sure the inspiration was there very much. It implements things differently, like arty units range is many more hexes (like in People's General), and has additional features (like can buy kinda talents for your campaign for the battle group you command which effects every unit), which are okay.
As for the campaign, haven't finished with the first scenario yet. Botched the first try (nothing bad, I just fucked up unit composition), the second went well until I lost attention and it turned out just moving units forward ad hoc without a plan, and now it's kind of a mess (although I'm winning at towards at the end - playing on second easiest level however...). I might restart it again. I get to know the features and how things are done. I've no idea where it shows how much ammo and fuel a unit has for example.
I might try some other campaign too.
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Has this ever happened to you bernds? You wanna play GTA San Andreas with another bernd, but you can't? You play a long mission and you don't have any checkpoint options.

Well now you can, with Project Kaizo. A GTA San Andreas mod that has a lot of quality of life improvements to the game



- All of the clothes are available from the start of the game
- Storyline with 2 players
 - Accessible interiors like in The Warriors (pressing △/Y and only those necessary for missions)
- Compatibility with autosave and previously saved games (on PS2 only with 1.03 versions of NTSC and PAL).
- Restored Hot Coffee for PS3 and X360
- Available for all version in english, spanish and portuguese (only for PS2)
- Creation of respawn at any time (you can create a Imagem, it's a solution for not respawning in the center of the map)
- Second player has a skin selector, and you will appear with him for the rest of the game until you reset
- The health and armor of the second player are constant (if he despawn and spawn he will have his health and armor as before)
- A reworked cheat menu based on PTMG with options compatible with the second player.
- Both players can drive vehicles at the same time
- Mods from PC and Android adapted to console.
- Some mods from PC are compatible with the second player.
> Has this ever happened to you bernds?
No. I rarely play multiplayer. And wouldn't consider playing GTA multiplayer.
> ps
I also don't play on consoles.
> All of the clothes are available from the start of the game
That would be nice feature.
> Storyline with 2 players
Interesting. Now I would consider MP.
> Accessible interiors 
Cool. Sometimes I wished I could enter some buildings.
> Second player has a skin selector
Second player should be Cesar
> Both players can drive vehicles at the same time
Very cool.

Oh we talked about OpenMW some time ago, I installed and tried it, with mods too.
The main thing with that engine is that it's cross platform, so can run Morrow natively on Linux!
I think they made many improvements since I played, although I'm not sure what, and if it gives that much in the feel of the game.
I dunno if outdated. Perhaps the models of the "actors" (NPCs and monsters), the level of detail of the faces, this is graphical issue mainly I think. Models, skins, animation.
Another thing would be the activity of settlements, people standing still, the settlements aren't alive. Tho I think there are mods that offer solution to that.
What it needs is these. NPCs with schedules, all with their jobs, past times and beds. This also means more houses - both residential and workplaces.
Another thing, that NPCs don't talk, but make 'em talk would need voice actors. Perhaps with generative AI this could be resolved, not satisfactory, but passably at least.
So. After a couple of maps (and restarts) later. It's a good game.
There are features to get used to for sure. Like artillery don't defend units around them (but AT do help). Or the exit points - and enter points that can serve as exit.
Lot depends on the designer, editor of a map, if events are planned for it, sidegoals defined - and rewards for them -, and if its clear what is expected and should be done.
One thing that bugs me: can't tell which are the main goals, the hexes that needs to be occupied. As far as I can see there is nothing that indicates a hex with elevated importance.
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I bought Resident Evil 1 (a 2015 remaster of a 2005 remaster of the original). Very fun and cool game. Never had console so I never played any RE games until 5 came out, and then when newer titles were coming out I never played them cause fans of the originals werent very happy about them. Anyway this one from what I learned plays exactly like the original, they just refreshed the looks and souns, so its now quite pretty. The "tank" controls are there (there's a more modern control too), there's viewing your character from those fixed angles in the room, you have to stop to shoot, etc. Might sound a bit annoying at first but I see they balanced the encounters around it, especially with zombies who are extremely slow. 
There are basically 3 things to do in the game: combat, exploration and puzzles. The real difficulty with combat is that you have to realise that you dont have enough ammo to kill every monster you meet. I actually had to restart the game early on because I got stuck with a basic knife. On higher difficulty levels theres less ammo to find in the game and more monsters so its even more neccessary to avoid enemies. Exploration is quite self explanatory. Puzzles are necessary to progress in the game. They're not super difficult or anything but interesting enough that I might steal their ideas and include them in my tabletop rpg sessions. 
The story is about a squad of special forces policemen who are investigating what happened to their missing comrades, who were investigating weird murders where victims were eaten. RE is also one of those games where there isnt much story happening on the screen as we play, but there are notes, diaries etc hidden around the maps that we can gather and piece togher the bigger picture of whats going on.
We can play as either Chris Redfield or Jill Valentine. There are slight story differences depending on which character we pick, but also they differ mechanically a little. Chris is faster, deals more damage, has more hit points and is basically focused on fighting more. Jill has more inventory slots, gets access to lockpick so she can get into certain areas faster, is pretties, and generally makes exploration easier. 

Once im done with the game I'll be picking the other remasters (RE 2,3 and 4) cause I heard people are generally very happy about them. Although they made 2 and 3 into 3rd person shooters from what I've seen. Maybe I'll get classic 2 and 3 too if its avaiable on PC.
> console
Original was on PC too. And some others.
I have a pal who played 'em, and found it great. I did not have the patience, for the controls sucks. And perhaps for solving puzzles, I think I lacked the English to pick up the clues and had to resort to trial and error.
> you dont have enough ammo to kill every monster you meet
That's for sure. It is a great tool to create the tension they aimed for.
> might steal their ideas and include them in my tabletop rpg sessions. 
Keks. Careful perhaps your players played these games as well!
> there are notes, diaries etc hidden around the maps that we can gather and piece togher the bigger picture of whats going on.
One of the Fallout 3 modder used the same technique. He made several stories, with locations, but without much living NPCs. Had to follow clues of events of old, from the time of the bombs, and later years, which lead to interesting stories and stash of rewards. Breddy gud.
> We can play as either Chris Redfield or Jill Valentine. 
I remember had to play alternately to solve certain situations due to the different skillset and access to resources.
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In the past weeks I tried a bunch of games. Tried either "small" ones or old.
Problem with the "small" ones that they are on the shitty Unity engine with unoptimized graphical assets and they eat more CPU than Witcher 3 on max resolution. True W3 is soon a decade old game, can't expect a fresh game in 2020+ AD to respect hardware resources.

Seems like a tactical combat/exploration/horror game. Only played a very little with this.
It seems this only has these three screens and all the controls done through them. It's like a command cockpit of a spaceship where you, the player manages a small team of operatives (whom can be combat, exploration, tech oriented), accepts missions and navigate through them. This constricted view reminds me of Dam Busters, a very old bomber simulator and submarine games where they only present the instruments on the control panels and have to play through the game from there.
The atmosphere is very spot on. The looks, the sounds, the noises. The way how you control your team, where you only see abstract dots on the map, and you have a different panel to track the life signals of the crew, and how the transmission gets disrupted time to times, all adds up and you really feel that you are distanced from the your "deadnauts", that you are just some other bloke in a box trying desperately to keep them alive and go through the mission. Another parallel comes to mind: Aliens. They have the command post in the vehicle (with Gorman and Ripley) and the marines go out to recon the settler base, to figure out what happened and fight the xenomorphs. This is very much like that.
Despite all this I did play only a little. Tried character creation but it is restricted - I think have to get to a certain point in the story. They aren't generous with the points, and I believe you pretty much have to pick a flaw. One of them I noticed is that the deadnaut won't necessarily follow all orders further giving some distance from the team. Beyond this I tried the first mission, commanded the team through some rooms and corridors, examined dead aliens and scientists and whatnot. And that's about it.
The screen is too tiny for me, perhaps should play on full screen but I don't really ever do that. I just don't invest that much attention into the games, something else is always going on demanding me to check or do. Also the map being so small I couldn't command the team as quick I wished to.
From what I've seen, this is a really good concept, as far as video games go, feels very original (but I see certain sources of inspiration as I noted). Perhaps this game a big thumbs up and worth a revisit.
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Oh what the fuck. I included the image of Buccaneer.
This one is another I tried. Old game from 1997. I'm not sure how I missed this back then I was great fan of Pirates! Gold. Sadly I have to miss it now, the game refuses to run. Loads a screen with the ship in the middle then freezes. Oh Wine. Why can't you "just work"?
Anyway. I dl'd Pirates! Gold as well, a GoG version. Have not tried yet, I'm curious if it will run.

Fabled Lands
A fantasy rpg.
Story is written, have to read a lot, many info in the texts, some clicking on wayponts on maps, and turn based tactics. Sadly I don't have time to read this much, since I already read a lot. A lot lot. But feels like a good game.
Little character generation, the ability points given with defaults, no change that. Have to pick class, and a bit of customization of the looks. It seems all classes have abilities in everything and they can use them (a fighter can do magic, or stealth) except larger chance of failure so have to play on the strength of the picked class. Events play out based on 2d6 rolls, added to the relevant ability. I started with a ranger, they call it Wanderer in the game. Has ranged attack and can summon a bear to tank the enemies.
Have to click on places in the map, and in the map in the book to go to places, enter buildings, where the book gives a description and menu options to pick. Some are decided with dice rolls.
Again, did not play much due to the lotsa reading. Seems like a solid game.

Raiders - Forsaken Earth
Another turn based tactics game. But original concept just as Deadnaut.
War, war never changes. Except you are the raider now, commanding a crew of savage cannibals in the wasteland.
Attack caravans and towns, kill people, enslave 'em. Butcher fallen comrades to get some food. Give ridiculously named perks to your char and minions. Take care the player character is the strongest because your promoted goons might try to wrestle the leadership from you. Spread fear and cover your tracks. Build up your base to prepare for the inevitable retaliation of the civilization. Have I mentioned you can take a fellow raider as a concubine? Also don't scavenge much your thugs hate to do that. They only like killing.
Mad Max, Fallout, and the rest.
Very nice.
Again played only a little. Will surely revisit. Fun.
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Egypt Old Kingdom
Turn based strategy, empire management. Build up your city, found your dynasty, pray to gods, open techs, place cards of workers to act out your will. Kill crocodiles and hippos, build houses, barracks, temples, plant flax fields and grain. Assimilate tribes.
The map view has two levels. One is your capital and neighbouring area, the other is the Nile-Egypt view. I played only little when that opened up finally.
Fairly repetitive and actions are restricted. Can just click away mindlessly, but have to pay attention to the resources to be actual successful, calculate with all the decimal numbers.
There is a story mode with timed events that matter a lot, and free build, where events more like flavors.
Gets a thumbs up from me for the theme, and they build upon the ancient Egyptian aesthetics for the controls. I really liked that they show the name of your capital in the upper left corner with the hieroglyphs: Inebu-hedj, White Wall - which were named Memphis by the Greeks. The devs also offer historical facts to read through, very educational.
It's an okay game.

Legal Crime popped on my radar last week. I played the demo over 9000 years ago, I found it on a demo cd of a pc mag. I loved it. It allowed some maps to play on unrestricted.
Not that much to do in the game. Extort businesses, convert them to illegal operations - Let's sell some boooooze! -, bribe the army, police, fbi, and politicians, recruit various thugs - Ready for the Cause! -, and do a drive by with a car packed with tommy gunners. Copito, Capo.
Most surprisingly it runs on Wine. And to my great surprise serials were given to the game to open the rest of the maps! Awesome. It was offered as abandonware, I dunno about the legality...
Next to it, a Russian version was offered, with the title: Capone. It is a full game, with Russian voices, and replaced pictures, and some textures. Too bad everything is Cyrillic. Although don't have to read too much in this game. Still I stick with the original.
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Buzzed by the success with the previous game - success, I mean managed to run - I looked for another one with the same theme.

Gangsters: Organized Crime
This one also I only had as a demo. But contrary to Legal Crime, this was way more gimped, and only allow a couple of turns to play. So I was robbed from the joy of extorting businesses and building a criminal empire properly.
I got a version, but does not work. It's probably the Wine. The menu colors is fucked (its 256 color and it looks weird and text is unreadable), but the game starts properly and looks all right. Problem is it lags like hell. Have to Alt+F4 to close the window.
Robbed against.
Perhaps in a Win XP virtual machine it could work.

While I was looking for this I found something else.

City of Gangsters
This one really grabbed my attention, and played properly, actually spent hours on it on the weekend and even some during the week. Very good. Finally creating the mob that doesn't exists. Some of our income comes from unofficial poker nights, get it, Meadow?
Here you have a player character to start with, and a beater to run around do small businesses, selling a couple of jars of brick wine. First have to establish an illegal booze producing operation in a backroom of a legal business. Then create a front next to it, expand to neighbouring corners and extort all possible businesses. Meanwhile sell the produced alcohol, recruit more mobsters (only able to just a few), buy cars.
One important and original mechanic is the relation and favor system. Each character in the game has a network of relations - family, friends, acquaintances - and they can influence each other as your actions influence them. You sell booze to people they'll like you and owe you favors. You can use it to find new people who are willing to buy your product, who are willing to host fronts, offer missions, get you in touch with other people (simple business owners, thugs, police), teach you skills (such as how to produce more advanced booze), open more and new possibilities.
The game is turn, action, and movement point based. You move your mobsters around in cars, use AP-s for interactions and fights, and when you are done with all the people, finish the turn.
There are other gangs, the FBI and politicians. There are elections. I'm not far enough to know what's that about.
Your crew members have traits and they gain XP and level up. They need weapons to fight better, a variety is available from switchblade knives to tommy guns. A variety of vehicle is also offered. Everything can be bought or gained through missions.
I have to say, it's a great game. However there are some negatives.
First this is a shitty Unity engine with overdemanding appetite for CPU cycles. So the CPU fan constantly runs like turbojet engine.
Second the view of the map is uncomfortable and confusing. It would be nice to have a topdown map to see all the corners and have the ability to plan.
Third if you quit the game you'll forget what the fuck you were doing with your goons, where were you going and why.
Fourth control is a bit clunky. It's easy to send one of your mobster to detours if you are not careful where you click and when.
Despite these, it is really a recommended game.

That's about it for now. I've a bunch downloaded but no idea when I could test them.
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I think they just finished the Duke Nukem restoration project. Looks liek it's good for downloading and playings nows.


There's some gameplay videos on yt right now if bernd is interested.



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Auctually nvm, it's out for game playings



He's in Bulletstorm too as DLC if bernd is interested

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> Duke Nukem restoration project

basically 3D realms had a demo for Duke Nukem forever that they showed in E3 2001 once. People liked it but 3D realms didn't do much with it afterwards.

After 2 decades of the demo showing up in E3, someone from /v/ got access to the E3 demo files somehow and they shared it online. Duke fans then started working on making an actual game with the files, and now the end product of the sort of mod is available for playings. It's still in kinda Beta testing mode but it's available to play right now if you download it bernd. More levels are being worked on and will be released eventually. 

People can contribute to development if they want to volunteer inside the second link I shared.
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And Bulletstorm is an old game that has Duke Nukem inside of it

Here's also the yt channel for Duke Nukem's voice actor, John St. John


And here's a random joge video with him acting liek Duke giving away a car in a contest


Another Joge video. This one from the Netherlands

Oh it's a previous Duke Nukem Forever. The earliest? I thought the demo on that E3 was just a video, an animation they made and no assets were actually produced.
Good to know.

> Bulletstorm
Hmm. Never heard of it. Will check out the videos. Invidious is wrecked.
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Posting some multiplatform game launchers for any Linux bernds out itt.

Now you can play bretty much any Windows game you want on your machine with these softwares. Gog games. Steam games. Whatever really.


Used this one to play Dark Souls 1 on my Linux computer

But for steam games, you may not get some achievements for playing due to some scripts that detect the achievement gathering not working on Linux
Up till recently I uses PlayOnLinux, but some years ago it's development stopped, and sometimes stuff is buggy (like installation of dll's via winetricks).
Prior to that I sued Q4wine but the development stopped around 2014 as the conflict started with Russia, because the dev is an Ukrainian and wanted to draw attention to their plight. I think since then he restarted developing it.
Recently I started to use WineGUI, which seems to be the closes to the Wine project, and it's just werks.
My problem with others I found, like proton and crossover or whatnot, that either have to pay or can't use them with pirated backup copies of games.
I think all three is in the repos no additional 3rd party sources are needed to be added.
> Up till recently I uses PlayOnLinux, but some years ago it's development stopped, and sometimes stuff is buggy (like installation of dll's via winetricks).
> Prior to that I sued Q4wine but the development stopped around 2014 

That happens sometimes tbh

> Recently I started to use WineGUI, which seems to be the closes to the Wine project, and it's just werks.
I mainly used protondb due to it being free. But you just do what you can do to play ur vidya

> crossover
me thinks that they were having a sale a few days ago. You could buy it for like 90% off in the main website. But I dunno how long the sale lasted
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I got a copy of Duke Nukem's Megaton edition. And I compared it to randy pitchford's cursed version.

It's the exact same thing. Only thing they added were just redone Duke Nukem lines from John St. John. And the Russia/USSR chapter. I have no clue why they got rid of the Megaton edition since they could have added extra content easily to that one ffs.

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