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I'm not aware that the contents of the subject field can be edited. 8kun uses a different board engine, what feature one imageboard supports other chans might not.
I think a good rule to follow (with the editable part of the posts too) is to think first, then post.

sounds like mistakes in subject field are irrevocable, then.
kind of a problem for this board, because it's a bu when msm crashes 8kun, so when it's active, it's very fast and different people with dif experience levels are making threads - mistakes inevitably happen.

Would you consider making the subject field editable (i guess the question is, Why not? If the programming isn't onerous, it would be a real plus.)

There are a couple of projects going on in parallel - besides the busyness of the daily life - I really doubt we will implement subject editing in the foreseeable future, but it is an intriguing suggestion, so I'm gonna nag the development team, maybe they'll say "easy peasy lemon squeezy, here it is. E.".

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OdiliTime is finally beginning the process of fixing the database so we can upgrade lynxchan, update our frontend and fix our fucking shit. The first step is exporting the database contents so we can put them back in an unfucked database, which is contesting access to the existing DB with lynxchan. That's where the 500s are coming from. Once the DB is unfucked and we're on a recent version of lynxchan 500s should be a thing of the past. Hang in there, baby.

I think endchan is under severe DDoS attack, some anons on 8chan might have something to do with that too, maybe Jim, not so sure.

Also I hope Odilitime packs a rod at all times, I think there may be some State actors trying to kill him (maybe they already did, I don't know).

This is our site you might as well know it now. Ive taken the liberties to make sure that all assets all users are under control. in fact the plan has gone perfect every single one of you a pawn in my game to run the world. and now i stand before thee better than a man a king a god!

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The guy who replied in the screenshot was on the mark with what I had in mind. What additional details are needed? About the only thing I could add is that the most recent image postings in the threads appear on the right hand sidepanels

You can essentially do this with a userstyle (CSS).

Proof of concept:

.innerOP {
    display: inline-block !important;
    max-width: 20% !important;
.textBrowserBreaks {
    display: none !important;
.divPosts {
    display: inline-block !important;
    max-width: 78% !important;
.postCell {
    display: inline-block !important;
    max-width: 20% !important;
    vertical-align: text-top !important;

Slight correction and improvement:

.innerOP {
display: inline-block !important;
max-width: 20% !important;
vertical-align: text-top !important;
.textBrowserBreaks {
display: none !important;
.divPosts {
display: inline-block !important;
max-width: 78% !important;
.postCell {
display: inline-block !important;
max-width: 20% !important;
vertical-align: text-top !important;
  max-height: 300px !important;
  overflow-y: auto !important;

The rest is left as an exercise for the reader.

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What the hell is this Odilitime? Why are you and Endchan getting involved AT ALL with that fat fuck Josh and anything related to 8chan? Don't you remember sunshine? How about the absolute failure of an abomination that was Infinity Next?

Josh is one manipulative motherfucker and being related to him in any way, shape, or form is going not going to end well for you. You realize 9chan exists because he wanted to offload facebook-tier boomers from /pol/ off his precious Kiwifarms that he welcomed in the first place, right? You realize he doxes his own users if they piss him off even a little bit and alienated many of his older users by allowing leaked IP addresses and E-Mails of his users to be hosted on his own fucking website back in 2019?

Josh is never going to start a family. If you seriously think his emotional diatribe blog on his website has any bearing whatsoever, you're blissfully optimistic, and if Endchan is actually taking over 9chan from him, then you're being played. I can give you numerous reasons why.
10 replies omitted. Click to expand viewer
First, the incident that happened for the domain knock down was just a repost from a facebook stream. Second, 8chan was always bad. But Odili already answered pretty much everything here  >>/11353/  

Imageboards come and go and most don't last a lot if they're lucky. I was a former Global BO for anothe IB so I know how from first hand experience. I'm glad this site is still going strong at least

And lastly, read the post here.  >>/11337/ and just calm down dude

> 8chan was always bad
Yes, that's what I just said. It's always been monumental shit. From the staff, to the site layout to it's users. There's a reason practically everyone left anyway. Former Mods and BO included.

What does a potato shaped retard who's obviously a false flag actor in an obviously scripted false flag event matter in all of this?

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thumbnail of Song _ Trust me I'm a engineer!-RvRTK0Z_6GA.mp4
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I found where that spam full of random garbage is coming from. It doesn't have any discernable pattern so we can't use the autoban addon to remove it, but it's all coming from the same /24 range of IPs in Russia so we can just rangeban it. The problem is that Lynxchan currently only does /16 rangebans, which would result in substantial collateral damage. To counter this I'm enabling the block bypass function.

If you are rangebanned, you can use the block bypass function to solve a CAPTCHA and bypass the rangeban. This requires your browser to store a "bypass" cookie. No CAPTCHA will be required to post if your IP has not been subject to a rangeban. Block bypasses last for 24 hours or 50 posts.

I've already asked StephenLynx about adding a second, smaller rangeban level.
55 replies omitted. Click to expand viewer
1: the captcha expiration is configurable
2: the FE can pre-solve a captcha to make it last for one hour.
3: the FE can access the cookie that says when the captcha expires so users can have it to auto refresh or at least know when it expires.

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Yeah nah personal use is not my complaint. I usually use Firefox but when things go dead I get suspicious and check with different browsers. Lots of anons are going to use Chrome and probably give up if buttons aren't working.

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I use a private VPN service so I can still access this fine without a need for Tor. Many private VPN services are pretty cheap if you purchase the yearly deal. Cost averages around $50 per year, and you can routinely change IPs anytime you please.

these don't work:
/etc/init.d/tor start
service tor start

but this works:
after modifying debian-tor shell to bash
su debian-tor
nohup tor &

fuck. anyways it's up now.

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