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Germania – History of the Third Reich

Germania, is the most complete and comprehensive written documentary of National Socialism in Germany. 466 pages of red pills, with many images. It starts with the first world war and chronicles the foundation of NatSoc and the Weimar Republic. The numerous figures, organizations and events in National Socialism are all documented in this book. It contains the biography of Adolf Hitler, Horst Wessel, Dr. Joseph Goebbels, Eva Hitler, Reinhard Heydrich, Erich Hartmann, Otto Skorzeny, Heinrich Himmler, Hermann Göring among many other topics. The cultural and technological advancements of the Reich are also explored such as the Tiger Tanks, Jet fighters, helicopters and ballistic missiles of World War II. The myths of World War II have been exposed bare.

Link to PDF Book.

(BO Edit: Removing backup file links as requested)

The Second World War was the greatest and deadliest military conflict in human history from 1939 to 1945, the struggle in Europe was essentially a war of annihilation directed against Germany and it’s allies by the leading great powers of the 20th century which is regularly trivialized, concealed or denied by published opinion and the "politically correct" historiography. It was the amalgamation of two theaters, with the second Sino-Japanese War beginning in 1937 and the European War in 1939. War against Germany was planned as early as 1933 after Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany and destabilized the power of international bankers. The wars and conflicts from 1914 to 1945 are also known as the Second Thirty Years' War which clarifies the chronological and substantive connections between the First World War, the interwar period and the Second World War, the term is derived from the Thirty Years' War, in which Germany was largely devastated. From 1944, the offensive against Germany escalated to systematic mass extermination of Germans as a result of the Allied bombing and expulsion. Winston Churchill wrote to Stalin on February 27, 1944: "I look at the Second World War as the Thirty Years' War against German attack starting since 1914." The War in Europe was the greatest struggle of the German people for their freedom and self-determination, which the German Reich ultimately lost against an overpowering enemy of different interests and ideologies - after an unprecedented and heroic defense. Nevertheless, the German Wehrmacht, with the participation of numerous European and non-European countries, had been able to prevent the complete Bolshevization of Europe with a multinational sacrifice. The world had also witnessed the deployment of two of the first nuclear bombs on Japan initiating the Nuclear Age. In addition, the Second World War made numerous states and peoples completely dependent on the victorious powers of this war. As a result, the war winners formed occupation structures and alliances of states controlled by them; NATO and the Warsaw Pact. Another result of the war was the establishment of the Jewish occupation of Palestine and the creation of Israel. On February 5, 2015, George Friedman, director of the transatlantic politicizing organization called STRATFOR, said that for a century it had been the main goal of US American global politics to prevent a German-Russian alliance; and the events in connection with the Second Thirty Years' War, the Russian Revolutions, the Cold War and the continuing American military deployment in Europe directed against Russia are impressive evidence of the relevance of this global political goal.
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There have been a few attempts at subversion with .pdf's in the past. I'm glad to say after looking through this one, that is fortunately not the case here. There is only truth or shining the spotlight on ridiculous lies in Germania.pdf. This information should spread. I'll pin the thread.

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I'm honored.

> But you should post it on 4chan and other sites too so more people can learn the truth
I agree, because I'd say most folks on endchan /pol/ are already red pilled and it should be shared to red pill people unenlightened normies that still believe the kosher myths. I rigorously provided sources and links for all the chapters in the book. Problem is that I'm rangebanned, I'd commend anyone here sharing the book widely though. In the red pill threads, kraut/pol/ threads, /nsg/ threads, not just on imageboards but also forums like Axis History Forums or websites related to WW2.

Those drawings are really interesting, a rare find.

95% of 4chan /pol/ is garbage, but there are still people out there looking for the truth that post on that board and some decent /nsg/ threads populated by former 8chan /pol/ users who returned to cuckchan after the Imkampfy spergouts and the 8chan shutdown.

95% of 4chan /pol/ is garbage, but there are still people out there looking for the truth that post on that board and some decent /nsg/ threads populated by former 8chan /pol/ users who returned to cuckchan after the Imkampfy spergouts and the 8chan shutdown.

They should just stay here at this point. Why even bother with 4ch at this point?

> Problem is that I'm rangebanned, 

Why did you get banned?

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> Why did you get banned?
Do you remember when one of the mods of 4chan /pol/ was doxed? Everyone who even posted his name was permanently banned.

> how much time did it take to complete this book?
It took me 6 months of writing every single day, starting from a blank page to the completed work on September 1.

> I'm probably going to translate this
That would be brilliant, to which language? I still have the original LibreOffice .odt document that can be edited but placing the images correctly is incredibly difficult,  because moving an image or adding more text in one chapter has a knock on effect that moves all of the images following out of place. There is this image as a full-page in the Holocaust chapter that would also need to be translated. Perhaps we could collaborate. Do you have experience with libreoffice?

> we could use better graphics though.
What exactly do you mean? could you give an example of this.

I don't get people like you. I'm well aware that there are a lot of kike shills on 4chan, but it's the most "mainstream" non-mainstream place to get alternative views on things. I've found endchan through 4chan. I still go to 4chan because there are a lot of redpilled people on that place. And it's also nice to redpill newfags and normies that come there being confused and not understanding what the hell is going on. Do you think people who find endchan automaticaly will turn into NatSocs after years of brainwashing and indocrination?

If we're going to stay only on endchan how are we even going to share the ideology to get more traction? 

Therefore I think you are completely wrong in telling people not to visit 4chan "because of the kikes". 

> So jews can get a hold of it and try to not so subtly insert various shilling points and anti-Hitler propaganda? 

Kikes will try to change anything that they will get their hands on whether you hide or not. It's not like they can't visit this site, download the book and change it? We must share the truth anyway. Hiding somewhere and incouraging people not to share the truth about kikes does not seem like a good idea.

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You seem to think I was never there before end/pol/ or 8/pol/. You're right about one thing. You don't get it so I'll help. Go to this image:  >>/82026/ named "4pol 8-12-2020.jpg". Open it in a new tab. Zoom. Read. Do the same with these, because that's not just a one time thing. The situation with 4chan is not only it's SJW moderation. It's crawling with kikes. They'll lead anons astray with every trick they have. 8chan was a more subtle ploy than 4chan. They had the "I'm totally a Nazi like you guys but Hitler is bad here's why" Strasserist traitors everywhere. The Frank Collin (Cohen) types, kikes pretending. I don't have time to search for the JIDF strategy post where one admits to playing all sides as teams to attack and confuse. I'll find it later.

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> To which language?


> I still have the original LibreOffice .odt document that can be edited but placing the images correctly is incredibly difficult, because moving an image or adding more text in one chapter has a knock on effect that moves all of the images following out of place. There is this image as a full-page in the Holocaust chapter that would also need to be translated. Perhaps we could collaborate. Do you have experience with libreoffice?

If you could upload the odt file it would be easier for me or anyone else that would like to contribute. If you don't want to share it it's okay as I have to write it out anyway.
I kind of know how to use libreoffice, but I'm pretty versatile with software so I think I can handle it. I will start to work on this in two weeks so I can tell you if I have any issue with pictures.

>  >we could use better graphics though.

> What exactly do you mean? could you give an example of this.

The content of the book is great but we can present it in a better way, maybe it can look more professional.
If you can't you don't have to do it though, you did your part, now its up to us and like-minded people to help you out.
For example I think that a better cover for the book is needed, take a look at what https://t.me/s/ziegler_art made, we might ask him for a cover and maybe some pictures to add.

What I can do right now is sharing this book, I'll make it known in the telegram community.

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> If you could upload the odt file it would be easier for me or anyone else that would like to contribute.
I could email the file to you, do you have a contact?

> The content of the book is great but we can present it in a better way, maybe it can look more professional.
I honestly think that the cover to my book is perfect and even better than the one you posted. I have some really good full-page pictures at the very end of the book.

There is only one mistake I can see with it in hindsight. On page 308, the before and after photos of Dresden Castle should be above the chapter heading "Bombing of Pforzheim" since it is not Pforzheim. The picture moved by accident, apart from that I can't think of any improvements. I think translating the book into other languages is more important than making a new addition, and I'm making an open request out to all anons who have commitment and some spare time if they'd like to translate also; Basque, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovene, Spanish, Ukrainian, any foreign language translations would be great, I'm glad the folks here like it.

> telegram community.
can you post a link or send it to me confidentially?

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Here's that JIDF tactics post I was talking about earlier. I was on 4chan for too long. What's described here is exactly what my experience as one of many targets of these kikes was. You think when it begins, you have some allies in the thread. Then they gradually turn on you by picking small details to disagree with. One moment they're on your side, the next they're shitposting hard. It was a common elaborate LARP in order to troll Aryans, and it wasn't just 4chan. 8chan had the same tactics, only more refined. Kikes ran both.
> I honestly think that the cover to my book is perfect and even better than the one you posted.
I must agree. You should never change the cover. Though if you scroll up on that link as I have, there's some nice imagery.

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> Do you remember when one of the mods of 4chan /pol/ was doxed? Everyone who even posted his name was permanently banned.

Sorry I don't remember and I also never frequent 4dicks. Care to do a TL;DR or post screencaps?

> but it's the most "mainstream" non-mainstream place to get alternative views on things

It's like that for a reason. Most of the people posting there aren't even real. If you ever go there, they pretty much know everything about you in an instant.

> What I can do right now is sharing this book, I'll make it known in the telegram community.

And that's backdoored by the Russian FSB

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> "Equality4All"
> [email protected]
We've been asked a similar question before and ended up mocked on some jewnalist's progressive hit piece. I'm not going to give you a sound bite. I'll answer with pictures and then you can "progressively" jerk each other off with fake stories about "le evil Nazis".

I can't go back to indoctrinated either, but I'm definitely not hanging around 4chan or any 8chan clone. Zero National Socialist moderation was always the issue with those piles of shit. That, and consistently banning National Socialists or for pointing out specific kikes like Merkel or Trump.

What's it to you?

> We've been asked a similar question before and ended up mocked on some jewnalist's progressive hit piece.

Same reason I ignore people that make erratic and weird posts here. People that literally look like they don't belong here don't get anything out of me.

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> I could email the file to you, do you have a contact?

Not yet, I need to set up a new email address, I'll do it in a few days, I still don't have a lot of free time right now.
If you have telegram I have set my username to @bookanonfan but if you don't trust that platform don't use it.

> can you post a link or send it to me confidentially?

I have asked some anons what channels they could recommend to someone new to this community and this is what I got
The last ones look like fed posters to me though.

It's not even based on Russia what are you talking about?

> The last ones look like fed posters to me though.
s/TERRORWAVEREDACTED and s/SlovakSiege2 yes. Anything with "Siege". You forgot to notice s/STAYTUNEDSHOOTERS and s/guerrillawarfareschool. They're both definitely Feds' entrapment bait.

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> It's not even based on Russia what are you talking about?

Take some time to read the first image when you get the chance. The person who created that app, Pavel Durov, also made the Russian site .Vk, which is also backdoored and has a extremely murky and seedy backstory

Read the second image if you want to promote another place where all of the posters here (less than a dozen) just HAVE TO GO TO, genuine person

> staytunedsho
> guerill

Have the 3 and 4th image in response to that. It makes no sense to go anywhere seeing as this site is good enough as it is.

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> Not yet, I need to set up a new email address, I'll do it in a few days,
Why on earth would you ever do that for this board? Makes no sense

> They're both definitely Feds' entrapment bait.

This board's been getting hit with obvious infiltrators and honeypots this entire week. This board is slow as a snail and now we're having dozens of posts and threads that all revolve around the same thing all of the sudden: trust me and compromise yourself, fellow pollard! This isn't the first time we've had people shill for a random Telegram channel on this board. 

One shouldn't be so trusting, anon

I would just lock the thread and just leave the OPs urls for viewing if people keep shilling for even more honeypots here, or just repost and make a new one

Op literally asked me for some links and I asked anons on a anonymous chat what to send and that's what I got. I'm not trying to derail this thread and I'm not subscribed to the channels I've linked to, well except CIG and the noticer, they are pretty good.
Now let's not derail this thread any further, if you want to discuss how safe telegram is create a new thread or find a more suitable board.

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Telegram seems just as botnet as discord, at least discord only requires an email. Encrypted Emails are the best form of digital communication outside of Imageboards in my opinion.

Since I have completed Germania, and it has had good reviews, I am working on a new project in a different format. I've seen the "red pills of Zion" pastebins circulating around imageboards, but 90% of all the links are dead, 404 or removed. So I'm creating an index of every single red pill and statistic that I've discovered with up-to-date sources. It will be categorized and released as pdf with clickable links. I'm quite passionate about writing. This is the sort of structure I have planned:
Anthropology (White Achievements: Art, Architecture, Technology, Science, Medicine)
(IQ, behavior, and skeletal differences between "races" (hominid species), black crime, the radical minority myth ect.) Demographics of Europe and the US.
Ancient Greece
Roman Republic
Roman Empire 
Republic of Venice
Republic of Florence
White Slavery
Jewish History / Medieval Jewry
Freemasonry & Hiram Abiff
Illuminati - good goys
American Revolution
French Revolution
The Great War
Weimar Republic
Frankfurt School
Cold War
John F. Kennedy
Klu Klux Klan (pro-tip It's jewed)
September 11 Attacks
Donald Trump / Conservatism
Degeneracy (Sexual Degeneracy, Abortion, Feminism, LGBT)
Education and Media
Internet jews and a security howto
and finish it up with some /sig/ links on healthy living and fitness

> Telegram seems just as botnet as discord

Telegram IS a botnet and you shouldn't trust it even though it can't really be compared to discord (there is some kind of encryption and the app is open source).
I was thinking about stop using it but I can't really find anything similar to it, there are too many interesting channels that I don't want to lose. I will have to think about it.

> I am working on a new project in a different format

Keep us updated, maybe you can create a site or host a onion page to keep track of everything.
Anyway, I need to find a "secure" email service then I will send my contact.

Also, don't think I'm doing this to troll or rile the board up. I want everyone here to stay safe when posting here.

Still, fuck 4ch. I'm still pissed they deleted our board. 
Last time I went there, they had a thread about taking a camera down random  women's and recording them


> Since I have completed Germania, and it has had good reviews, I am working on a new project in a different format. 

Maybe wait for Germania to spread a little before dropping anything else. Just let more people get in on it and get more followers before hand

And yeah, using a tripcode is a good idea. We'll know who's making these posts/threads/books and you'll have a reputation around RW circles

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I will do.

> Maybe wait for Germania to spread a little before dropping anything else. Just let more people get in on it and get more followers before hand
This project in development won't be released for a few months at least. I have 482 bookmarks to go through as well as various pastebin links and resources.

> And yeah, using a tripcode is a good idea. We'll know who's making these posts/threads/books and you'll have a reputation around RW circles
The frustrating part is that I cant personally share my work on 4chan, I've tried using public wifi and mobile data but 4chan and other imageboards are blocked by ISP.

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> I still have the original LibreOffice .odt document that can be edited but placing the images correctly is incredibly difficult, because moving an image or adding more text in one chapter has a knock on effect that moves all of the images following out of place.

I advise using LaTeX rather than LibreOffice for your next book. LaTeX is a doucment markup and preparation language that allows you to focus on the structure of your document rather than layout. You can use statements such as \label{hitler} then \ref{hitler} to dynamically refer to sections and figures. You can designate sections and chapters and then generate a table of contents. There's a bit of a learning curve but it pays off compared to the tedium of manual adjustments that WYSIWYG editors require. See picture.

> This project in development won't be released for a few months at least.

You can look into the archives and the old threads here for more material if you need it. Especially the general infographs threads. Lots of good content all around here

>  I have 482 bookmarks to go through as well as various pastebin links and resources.

Good luck with that

> The frustrating part is that I cant personally share my work on 4chan,

Sorry to hear that. Have you thought on posting it in megacu's /pol/ board? Or sharing the book to Murdoch Murdoch so he can do an infomercial about it?

Or other RW circles in general?

> Lots of good content all around here
Indeed, and unlike many other places, freemasonry is identified and exposed as degeneracy.

> megacu's /pol/ board?
Link? I thought that website was dead.

> Or sharing the book to Murdoch Murdoch so he can do an infomercial about it?
I will try that.

I don't touch anything apple, it is overpriced garbage people only buy because of a shitty logo.

> Link? I thought that website was dead.

Another anon mentioned it a few months ago so it should still be up.

I don't have a link right now

> I don't touch anything apple, it is overpriced garbage people only buy because of a shitty logo.

Yeah, it sucks. Only recommended it because it's used in my job and I'm also throwing ideas out there.

Bill gates owns bought practically all stocks for the company when they where facing bankrupcy in the 90s. He practically owns the company. I believe this is called a monopoly /pol/

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> it reveals jewish infiltration of Christianity, a religion kikes can never prove is theirs but try so hard anyway
FTFY. The oldest proofs are the (NT) Septuagint and (OT) Codex Sinaiticus, both in ancient Greek not Hebrew. No earlier evidence exists no matter how many times kikes wail the lie, "they were translated from Hebrew!". In addition, the Dead Sea Scrolls were proven forgeries on old shoe leather.

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I have read that book and there are numerous things I disagree with. From reading the first part it is clear that the book is only aimed at Christian readers and that dissuades non-Christian readers from continuing to read the book. Works like these should be neutral on Christianity/Paganism/Atheism to avoid shitflinging.

On page 169 there is some blatant anti-Portuguese shilling. That whole segment sounds like the ramblings of a nigger claiming that Portuguese aren't white. There are some niggers in Portugal but they migrated after it joined the EU. Portugual is more white by percentage than America, Canada, UK and France. Here's some photos of Portuguese people.

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Page 169 doesn't seem to imply what you suggested any more than if I were to be anti-American (and believing the BS "no Americans are white") by bringing up the subject of America being subjected to miscegenation and puppets of ZOG. There's nothing wrong with pointing out what is wrong. I don't have time to pour over the entire link from here  >>/82182/ but if you find anything significant enough to suggest pro kike sentiment I'll remove the link. As for the author being a nigger, from what I've seen that seems very doubtful.

> They brought back vast numbers of negroid slaves and began race-mixing.
This implies that Portuguese are mixed race (non-white) and that is why the country is very poor. That simply isn't true, the country is poor because of EU subjugation, corruption and a mismanaged economy.

> In terms of art, literature, music, science, and philosophy, the "new" Portugal has produced virtually nothing in 100 years

> Portugal has produced virtually nothing in 100 years
Now that's rubbish.

There are definitely some quality chapters like the part on the Holocaust myht and I haven't seen much pro-kike sentiment, but it shits on Europeans and unnecessarily sends readers away.

I believe if, for instance, I say there is mass immigration in Germany thanks to Angela Merkel being a kike cunt who won the Kalergi award for doing so, I'm not anti-German nor am I saying "all Germans are mixed". Well if you can find more parts of it where the author shits on Europeans, point them out possibly with a screenshot. I don't have much time during the weekdays.

> They brought back vast numbers of negroid slaves and began race-mixing.

Now anons, there's a huge difference from Portuguese and Portuguese slavers. One is not the same as the other. They also did slave trading when the Moors conquered Iberia from us.

And also opened the gates to Toledo

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Indeed, and unlike many other places, freemasonry is identified and exposed as degeneracy.

You can just look into what happened to Voltaire or King Louis XVI after they joined that cult.

The former died of "mysterious circumstances" a year after joining. The latter got publicly executed and had his entire country and people raped to death. Over 1000 years of history gone up in flames.

Adolf had the right idea. Kick the out and close their shitty temples forever. They're a literal tumor that will end up killing you if you allow it.

Meguca has been down for almost a year. I came here from there, it was a small community, maybe not the brightest, but he had plenty of debates and fun. Although we did have a huge rise of infiltration after the whole Tardant thing,
I still miss it, movie nights were a blast.

I wasn't around when it went down, apparently some "based" psycho tried shoot up a kosher target but was arrested, he posted his manifesto on meguca and the whole site was shut down. But that's what people here told me.

Also yes, we had movie nights, a movie fuhrer would pick one or two movies, provide a torrent and then coordinate a timer. We obviously stayed away from jewllywood stuff, and watched old and/or foreign movies.

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I have shared my book around and have now got more than 1000 views on archive. One thing I have heard very frequently is that the formatting could do with more polishing. In light of that, I am developing a 2.0 version with the same content, but with a few changes

- All chapters start on new pages
- Index links to chapters
- Page numbers
- fixed the typo in the introduction

This shouldn't be too much of a hassle, and I am still in development of this also  >>/82103/

Welcome back. Thought you left

> I have shared my book around and have now got more than 1000 views on archive.
Congrats. Hope you get more

>  In light of that, I am developing a 2.0 version with the same content, but with a few changes
It's cool dude. Book authors do that all the time. Revise and change as much as you need to. 

And keep up the good work

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Updated Version
- Page numbers
- Working Index
- All chapters begin on new pages
- A few more interesting photos
- Better navigation


The Archive.org link above is the same as before,but the catbox, gofile, and file.io links are outdated now. B.O. I would appreciate it if you could remove the old links.

Everything's looking great so far. Wanted to add something for the second picture

> STG 44

Actually, the Soviet Union stole the design from that gun to make the Kalashnikov (a.k.a the AK 47). Most people don't know this. Not that I approve of its current use (arming African child soldiers with it so they can execute a defenseless village is a little too grim for my taste.)

Technically, the most popular assault rifle and gun on planet earth is just a copy of a German SS gun. Here's an in depth documentary about the Kalashnikov's origin if anyone is interested in learning more of it


Also wanted to add some more info 

> Operation Paperclip

The Soviet Union did the same thing and called it Operation Osoaviakhim. German scientists were the only reason they even went to space in the first place. It's pretty lulzy seeing as the production quality went down in both NASA and Soviet space program when they started retiring. 

Also look into Russian Alsos and Alsos Mission for more related info

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EUROPE AWAKE is out now. I will be releasing new editions of EUROPE AWAKE each month, each with more information. It is a catalog of red pills, and knowledge of the historical, ongoing and future struggle of white people.

Hey bookanon. Glad to see you made the book so quickly. Everything looks really good. I'll try to post later to add more to the book, if at all possible.

Also, there were a few minor typos around that I wanted to let you know. But I can bring it up in another time since I don't remember which page it was

I think there's a typo on page 123. I think there were a few more but I can't remember
> Israel has decided to reach out to young US men by publishing images of semi-clad female
former soldiers in US men's magazine, Maxim.

Oh this has been going on in imageboards for a while now. Years even It happened a lot in 8ch's /pol/ and /news/. Frankly, I never gave those threads any attention

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> durr everybody who has a problem with jews is Army
You dense mother fucker. Those dumbass servile dog men fight wars for ZOG. The U.S. Military allowed themselves to be so subverted by kikes, they sent in Psychological Warfare Ops to Buchenwald. I would never join those brainwashed cucks.

More that he's the piece of shit who kept posting the jewyorktimes and claimed we were "all CIA" again in another post I banned him for and deleted. He'll be back. He's had nothing to do but fuck with this board over the years. Pretty pathetic.

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I'm assuming you're saying that about the infographic of the post you replied to. See more info on that here:  >>/80925/  >>/80927/  >>/80930/  >>/80931/ and  >>/82759/

The jews' lies "Hitler was so raycis he hated all races!" and "Hitler believed Germans were the master race!" are transparent bullshit unfortunately not seen through by the brainwashed masses.

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Bookanon, I believe there's more you can add in the "porn" section and its harmful side effects. I'm trying to find more info to contribute if you're interested. I heard most of the "actors" are abused when their young and do a myriad of drugs




Here's a video I posted some months ago. BO: let me know if the urls are good to share

>  The content is truthful and the vile images are censored.

Cool. I got some very deep, insider knowledge on this topic which I will be dumping when I get the chance. 

> The Anne Frank diaries are a fraud
Her parents were guilty of tax fraud. That's why the NSDAP troops were looking for them

Why stop at the invasion of Poland?

I am interested, pornography is a weapon directed against our youth, it has far-reaching effects.

In the video it says "EARLY AGE PORNOGRAPHY CONSUMPTION ISNT NORMAL", but unfortunately, it is normal in this putrefied society we live in. Most Gen Z start watching porn at around age 7-10 because of shit parenting + smartphones.

> Why stop at the invasion of Poland?
Maybe he took a break from reading?

> I am interested, pornography is a weapon directed against our youth, it has far-reaching effects.

Yeah I'll be sure to post the info. I'm just busy with a few things so it takes me some time to respond. The video I posted is a good start  >>/82818/

Also, almost all porn sites have either trafficked or underage girls in the site. There was actually a petition to shut down a site because of that a few months ago


> SACRAMENTO, Calif., June 9, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- With signers from 192 countries, anti-trafficking expert Laila Mickelwait's "Traffickinghub" petition to shut down Pornhub for allegedly enabling and profiting from the sex trafficking and rape of women and children on the site has surpassed one million signatures. The petition is based on evidence of numerous alleged cases of real videos of child rape, child trafficking, adult trafficking, abuse, and exploitation monetized on Pornhub. 
> Over 300 anti-trafficking, child protection, and women's rights organizations have endorsed the campaign, and it has been featured in hundreds of media articles both nationally and internationally, as well as mobilized a large protest in front of Pornhub's main office in Montreal, Canada on International Women's Day.

> The following day, the BBC published the harrowing story of Rose Kalemba who, at 14 years old, was taken at knifepoint and raped for 12 hours, after which the videos of her torture were uploaded to Pornhub by her attackers. She says she begged Pornhub to remove the videos for six months but it was not until she posed as a lawyer and threatened legal action that Pornhub finally removed them.

> Another recent example was the case of a 15-year-old girl from Florida, who was missing for a year and was located after 58 videos of her alleged sexual abuse and rape were found monetized on Pornhub. The face of the child's alleged attacker was seen in the videos and matched by law enforcement to convenience store surveillance footage. He was eventually found and charged with a felony. Pornhub had verified the child victim and accidentally admitted to complicity in her trafficking, but later deleted their admission.

In summary, porn bad

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Finally had some time to finish everything now Bookanon. I'm following up on a post I made on the /Sig/ thread from here  >>/83052/

The info I have is in regards to an old Ask Me Anything thread that was done nearly a decade ago on 4chan. It was done by someone who actually worked and belonged in the porn industry. Not going to specify which company it was, except that it was one of the biggest ones out there. Again, not going to say which one

This was before I knew about /pol/, so I was a complete normie around that time. He told us a lot of insider information. How working there was like, how to get into that industry, who was a really nice person, who was a really good cook, and who was a really stupid and braindead person to be around. 

Whatever. None of that shit's relevant here. What is relevant was what the financial side of things was like. He said that, with the advent of the internet, it was practically impossible to make porn and be profitable. Everything new they made would get posted to the video sites in a few days where nobody pays anything. The video sites would make profit out of taking people's personal information and selling in to ad companies (hello invasive site cookies), and by having malware show up as ads in the video streaming site. 

The only people who would even pay for porn and subscribe to their porn sites would be boomers with low tech knowledge. And that was years back. Can't imagine how things are right now

Next time someone says that it's a "BILLION DOLLAR INDUSTRY GUYSS", don't believe a word they say. It's very hard to profit off it. Porn is a weapon

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I'm not just saying that lightly though. Porn really is a weapon anons.

When they took over a Palestinian village in Ramallah during a siege back in 2002, they immediately started broadcasting porn to its citizens to demoralize them. Have some more info on this bookanon. Maybe you can add it to the book you are currently adding more things to.


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The anti-German retard came back and ranted his "they were against Slavs!" bullshit again, complete with atrocity accusations of obviously zero evidence. Yes, the same moron who claimed he was totally over it and came to view the anti-Slav claims as false propaganda is now back on the same train of retardation. I'll just leave this here.

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According to archive.org, the book has 2,584 Views, I'm thankful for each view I get. Because of Tor viewers, its impossible to know exactly how many people have looked at it and how many people have read it but as a matter of fact I'm really proud of my book. I enjoyed making it, it was and is a learning journey and process of discovery. When I was writing it I did wonder if it would be a success or a flop with only a few people reading it. I've been around on various imageboards to see what picks up and what doesn't. Some memes like blue the jew haven't really taken off, while some big projects like TGSNT, white victims of black crime, /nsg+sig/ have. I have never actually posted my book on 4chan because its botnet, and takes a whole load of effort to get around IP bans but regardless of that there's 165 results when I looked it up in the 4plebs archive. Its posted in the OPs of /nsg/ threads which are frequent. This is a positive trend and has propelled Germania forward, since there's a lot more people than just me promoting it, and those who've read it and like it share in turn. Because of how the internet works, there could be millions of people who've watched Europa: The last battle, but not measured because of censorship and false view counts. I'd like to see Europe Awake get more views too.

Very interesting. The way that the Jews completely corner and take control over markets and industries would almost be unbelievable if not for the overwhelming evidence. Stuff like datamining invasive cookies, that's putting a magnifying lens to Jewish greed.

EUROPE AWAKE has a URL on archive.org by the way.

The latest edition (November) has 600 pages, and is organized a little differently to the first edition. In the chapter "Jewish Influence in the United States" there is more than 100 pages of links, news articles and mini-biographies that detail exactly how much of the US government and cultural positions are dominated by Jews. In addition, I have studied and researched Jewish Expulsions across the world and found 1,326 instances where they have been ejected from states and countries. Each new edition will have more information than the last and I will include infographics and images in future editions. The way I'm working on Europe Awake is adding bookmarked URLs which are red pilled, adding text files which I've created over the years about individual subjects i.e. Jews and Gun control, as well as pictures and joining it all together to make a complete picture of the Jewish Agenda. If I waited until it is complete to publish Europe Awake then it could be years which is why I'm releasing it in monthly additions as I add more to it. When come to a place where there is not much more to me to add to it, I'll create a video series version of Germania. Each chapter of the book would be an individual video but that's just an idea for now. I have lots of photos and videos to add if I do pick that up. Related to that, I'm currently seeding a torrent of my Third Reich Photo collection with 24 thousand photos.


I don't create torrents much but I think its seeding right.

Pic related.

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Hey bookanon. Glad to see you updated your latest book. Everything looks really well structured and organized. And it's really well compressed. Only 3.3 mb is pretty good. Easy to pass the book around. 

> When I was writing it I did wonder if it would be a success or a flop with only a few people reading it. 
Some things work. Some things don't. It happens. You do what you can

> I have never actually posted my book on 4chan because its botnet,
If you decide to visit 4cucks, use some protection while posting. Be careful if you ever decide to press forward on it
And brace yourself for all of the shills and JIDF who will start shit with you. Does anyone have a screencap of their /pol/ board at this point in time?

> According to archive.org, the book has 2,584 Views, I'm thankful for each view I get. Because of Tor viewers, its impossible to know exactly how many people have looked at it and how many people have read it but as a matter of fact I'm really proud of my book. I enjoyed making it, it was and is a learning journey and process of discovery. 

Hey, that's good news. Enjoy the work that you make and remember to have fun doing it, bookanon
A minor suggestion: maybe add a url to this board in the beginning or end of the book using the .net or .gg domains. The .org one isn't too good. That way, people know where the book came from and would also start visiting us here. More people = more knowledge sharing and redpilling = more people = more knowledge sharing and redpilling = repeat forever.  Maybe add some decorations to the book and a nice book cover in the later releases if you want

> If I waited until it is complete to publish Europe Awake then it could be years which is why I'm releasing it in monthly additions as I add more to it.
Book publishers change and re-release their books all the time. Just add and remove whatever you feel would work best. 

And thanks for all the hard work

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I think there's a minor typo in the last paragraph of the "Germany_USSR" picture you posted book anon. Everything else looks good.

> Related to that, I'm currently seeding a torrent of my Third Reich Photo collection with 24 thousand photos.
Maybe repost all the pictures here when you're done if you want. We had a similar thread like that in the early days of end/pol/ by someone who's grandfather was an actual SS officer. He even told us about the first hand experience of living in Germany post WWII

> The Tyler Kent affair

You may want to add this url as well about the subject

And for the COVID Hoax section, this would also be good to include

Also, it seems like we have someone who didn't like the book. I wonder why?
And you don't have to respond to any message you don't like anyway. That guy sounds like an idiot

> 19 threads about trumpstain
> 2 bad "ebil nazeees" thread
> A literal AMA thread about the Iran Assassin
who even cares if it's real or not. Why are you engaging in conversation with these rats?! I don't get it

It looks even more shit than the last time I saw it. Maybe look for another place to post the book, bookanon. 4cucks looks like a lost cause

> Why are you engaging in conversation with these rats?! I don't get it
You just asked if anyone had a screencap, so I went to the 4cucks catalog. I'm not bookanon. He usually replies with a name and tripcode. Frankly, I disagree with sharing his Germania – History of the Third Reich on 4chan. It's his decision though.

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Read the Links/References/Bibliography part of Germania which is linked in the OP and scroll down to the Torchmen Order.

> A minor suggestion: maybe add a url to this board in the beginning or end of the book using the .net or .gg domains. The .org one isn't too good. That way, people know where the book came from and would also start visiting us here. More people = more knowledge sharing and redpilling = more people = more knowledge sharing and redpilling = repeat forever.
Yes that is a prophecy of positive movement.

> Also, it seems like we have someone who didn't like the book. I wonder why?
I have shared my book on different forums and one user called "rama999" had an autistic meltdown about this. I'm sure there will be other agitators in the future, and this is a good reason why I use a name+tripcode since otherwise these autistic types would have tried to claim authorship and co-opt it or similar.

When you get down to the facts about Tikkun Olam, and the extent of subversion you separate the wheat from the chaff in terms of users/anons. Trumpcucks and conservatives masquerade as being red pilled and 'enlightened' about the world however they still fully conform and are dependent on the Zionist Occupation Governments' systems. When confronted with the cold hard truth they react emotionally exactly the same as liberals do.

I am all ears to suggestions of places to share it. These are just some ideas: Reddit (throwaway accounts) History forums, Quora answers, Yahoo answers, Youtube Bitchute, Liveleak, emailing some websites to see if they could link to it on their front page. The main problem would be that the majority of folks use a very limited selection of websites - usually social media, kikepedia, online banking, netflix/streaming, some other shopping/bills websites and not much more. The big companies like Facebook squeeze out the opposition. I would like it to be distributed in facebook groups and on twitter but I don't know how since it requires you to self-dox and I'm not going to do that and I don't expect anyone else to.

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Back to this

> Yes that is a prophecy of positive movement.
Exactly. Just bring more people in. Maybe bring in the former /pol/alcks who scattered around after 8ch died. 

> I am all ears to suggestions of places to share it.
I'm still trying to think of a good way to do that. Me and another anon made some suggestions inside the sticky in the /news/ board. You can also try asking Murdoch Murdoch to make a video about it. I don't know how to reach them though. All they have online is their bitchute account at the moment

> nd this is a good reason why I use a name+tripcode since otherwise these autistic types would have tried to claim authorship and co-opt it or similar.
Yeah, some people are fags and won't like you or what this board is all about. This is a good move to do moving onwards I believe

> but I don't know how since it requires you to self-dox and I'm not going to do that and I don't expect anyone else to
Don't do anything that can be used against you. Just be smart about what you do. And most people don't want to face the truth (sometimes it's just too much pressure on normies) , so just realize that every time you post your great book anon

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I have a WorldTruthVideos account now for videos

These videos are my original creations
> Donald Trump wants to be Israel's
> Freemasonry - A global organization of shabbos goys

This is my MEGA folder which has resources on National Socialism, the Jewish Question, Cultural Judaism, subversion, Donald Trump, COVID-19, Media, Mass Surveillance, Psychology, the LGBT agenda and historical photos.

More works to come on the conveyor belt.

Looks pretty good. I'll keep a bookmark for it Bookanon. Feel free to post your videos on the "infographs" thread. 

> First video
Is the video title cut out? It looks like it's missing something at the end

> Second video
You may want to look in the film "Forces Occultes". It was a film made during the Vichy government regime in France. 


The creator of the film was an actual former mason. So everything shown is accurate, especially the scene with the 5th republic France getting ready to preemptively declare war on NSDAP before the French population knew about it.

P.S: when the Vichy regime fell, the film's creator got executed for releasing it. Sad shit

Some more info from the film's wiki page

> On France's liberation, its writer Jean Marquès-Rivière, its producer Robert Muzard, and its director Jean Mamy were purged for collaboration with the enemy. On 25 November 1945, Muzard was condemned to 3 years in prison and Marquès-Rivière was condemned in his absence (he had gone into self-imposed exile) to death and degradation.

> Mamy had also been a journalist on L'Appel under Pierre Constantini (leader of the Ligue française d’épuration, d’entraide sociale et de collaboration européenne) and on the collaborationist journal Au pilori, and was thus condemned to death and executed at the fortress of Montrouge on 29 March 1949.

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EUROPE AWAKE December edition is out, now with 721 pages.

New chapters include
> Freemasonry in Russia
> German Confederation
> German Empire 
> Jewish Influence in Brazil
> Jewish Influence in France
> Jewish Influence in India
among improvements to lots of the existing chapters

And here's just something I found recently
> https://en.kikepedia.org/wiki/Netflix
> Founders: Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph

> https://en.kikepedia.org/wiki/Marc_Randolph
> Marc Randolph is part of the Bernays family and related to Edward Bernays and Sigmund Freud.
> https://en.kikepedia.org/wiki/Bernays_family
> https://en.kikepedia.org/wiki/Isaac_Bernays

Another crypto-kike detected.

Nice work as always Bookanon. Can't wait to read all of the new content

> Sigmund Freud

He was a hack. When he started out spewing his shit, nobody liked or embraced him. It's only a recent phenomenon that his psychobabble is even considered by anybody. His brother bought all his work when he escaped Vienna, which is the only reason he's even relevant today. 

Carl Jung is 100x better anyway

 >>/83070/ del
> More works to come on the conveyor belt.
Everything looks real good

> Stuff like datamining invasive cookies, 
Those are called "cross site cookies". A lot of websites have them.


> that's putting a magnifying lens to Jewish greed.

You don't know the half of it. I don't know if you guys remember HolaVPN fiasco on 8ch a few years ago. Basically, that VPN was shilled heavily on 8ch a few years ago, and especially on 8/pol/. It went on for weeks until the genetic dud owner of 8ch found out that it was a honeypot app developed by a random kike owned company that basically backdoored everything in your computer. It was also the only good thing that dud faggot did.

Another minor suggestion, please keep your tripcode Bookanon. You may not have noticed it but ever since you made this thread and released your great book, we've had a couple of kike imitators trying to push their shit by copying what you make here. Sometimes people don't notice it when it slips by.

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Don't trust that page's "info" about Tor. As has been revealed here before, it was funded by Naval Research and DARPA while the jews of the Tor Project tip off the jews of the Broadcasting Board of Governors / (2018)U.S. Agency for Global Media. The very same fuckers who are globalizing Arab TV stations (brainwashing tactics applied) with the Middle East Broadcasting Network. We're not the only ones subjected to indoctrination.

Yeah I was going to mention the only bad thing about that website which was the TOR page. Didn't have the time with all of the posts I was making in the board. 

Most normies don't really know about how cucked TOR is, so it's expected. It would be nice if someone let that site's owner know about it.

Need to add some more content to this. I bet some kike in a yacht would call me out on this post

Some p0rn companies do make more money than others. A lot more. I know one old p0rn company that sold smutty VHS tapes in the 90s and the owner of it is a millionaire. It depends on which company it is.

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The January 2021 edition of EUROPE AWAKE is out. Recent additions to the book cover the topics of the Hatian Revolution, French Revolution, Illuminati, the Rothschild Banking Family and a long history of Germany leading up to the first world war. The following is an excerpt.

The route of the Baghdad Railway leads over the city of Mosul, around which oil was discovered in abundance at the turn of the century. In 1912 the Ottoman government transfered the concessions to Deutsche Bank for all oil and mineral deposits 20 kilometers on both sides of the railway to Mosul as compensation for the costs involved in building the railway. For Germany, the Baghdad Railway not only opened up new market, but also the prospect of a rich oil field at its own disposal, which was extremely important for its industrial and economic development. With the new railway to Baghdad, Germany was about to open itself to Iraq as an economic area after Anatolian Turkey, through developing the old caravan routes into  modern and efficient transport routes that could connect the Middle East to Europe. This devalued Great Britain’s old sea route to the Gulf of Persia and the transport monopoly that the United Kingdom and the Netherlands had so far held with their merchant fleets there. If the railway was completed to Basra and the Shatt al-Arab, Germany  would find itself closer to Great Britain and could potentially offer the British transport from continental Europe to India via the middle east. That aroused suspicion in Britain which can be read in a series of lectures published as a book by the English historian Professor Laffan, who in 1917 instructed the officers of the British Advisory Corps in Serbia about the strategic background of their mission in the Balkans during the First World War. Laffan wrote:
   “Germany was determined to be a world power, to have a say in international politics and to rule distant continents. The basic idea was to set up a system or a chain of allied states under German rule that extends from the North Sea to the Gulf of Persia. This grand plan is best known under the catchphrase Berlin-Baghdad. If the Berlin-Baghdad railway were completed, a huge land mass would have been united under German rule, in which every imaginable economic wealth could be produced, but which would be invulnerable to a sea power. The German and Turkish armies could easily get within range of our interests in Egypt and our Indian Empire would be threatened from the Persian Gulf. […] A look at the map of the world shows the links in the chain of states that lie between Berlin and Baghdad: the German Empire, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey. Only a small strip of territory prevented the two ends of the chain from being connected. That little strip is Serbia. Indeed, Serbia was the first line of defense for our possessions in the east.”

In order to accelerate the construction of a railroad for a better mobilization of the Imperial Russian troops on the western border, the Russian Empire received a loan of 665 million francs from France on February 9, 1914 in accordance with an agreement of January 30, 1914. On June 2, 1914, the train to Baghdad was ready.

The last picture are tattoos that people would have during the period of the Soviet Union. Some believed that if they had a very large tattoo of the Marxist-Leninist figures that they could not be shot or killed by gulag guards and NKVD.

Tor already doxxed everyone they could. Especially ones who were posting on websites like here thinking they were being anonymous. Especially the ones who were exposing the occultists in the government and their  criminal activities. Any meaningful effort to document and archive these are simply deleted off  the web. Not rebuked, not discussed, not investigated but straight off deleted. Tor is a honeypot that leaks data whenever.

> Berlin-Baghdad railway
I didn't know that. I'll read it and look into it later book anon

> Tor already doxxed everyone they could. Especially ones who were posting on websites like here thinking they were being anonymous. Especially the ones who were exposing the occultists in the government and their criminal activities. 
> Any meaningful effort to document and archive these are simply deleted off the web. Not rebuked, not discussed, not investigated but straight off deleted. 

Really? Didn't know it was that bad

No book anon my comment has absolutely nothing to do with your book only with your accussation on tpp which as i said you never replied to.  I havent read it and it was only used as a means of communication since there was no other way to do so.

> No book anon my comment has absolutely nothing to do with your book only with your accussation on tpp which as i said you never replied to. I havent read it and it was only used as a means of communication since there was no other way to do so.

Your post makes no sense dude. If you're the guy I screencapped earlier, then yeah. Still don't get it

Dude we met on The Phoenix Project. I answered your question in good faith concerning analogies of using oil filters as silencers for use with different ballistic calibers; hence the germanic lawnmower. You then insulted me  in the chat and then didn't answer when I was calling you out on it.

IDs will change when you use a VPN. What you shouldn't do is come here talking about silencers on this board. Are you registering your DIY oil filter silencer? That's illegal if you don't and I seriously doubt you would register it if you make one. Global rule 1. We're not trying to let the Feds come at us for any reason.

> I am working the information from EUROPE AWAKE into a book that is is in the same format as Germania with chapters about topics and photos, instead paragraphs and links mixed together.

Hey. Glad to hear that. I have some more things to add that I'll share later. Was also interested in a specific book idea that I wanted to collaborate upon in a future date. 

Also hope the holidays did you well and weren't too hectic.

The elites want to make everything illegal so they can fill their private prisons and kill off the 99%, but life would be much better if everything was legal and people could travel, make money, go to church, go to school, and start businesses.

The elites want to make everything illegal so they can fill their private prisons and kill off the 99%, but life would be much better if everything was legal and people could travel, make money, go to church, go to school, and start businesses.

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I had it printed by lulu (just for me, it's not for sale). All I needed was a cover since it's already formatted A4. I kept BookAnon's pics for front and back cover by upscaling them, added a spine (which I fucked up since the text on the blade is the opposite direction of the title). With a hardcover and basic paper and colors (not premium), it was sth like 35-ish $ plus shipping. A pretty decent deal for a non-pozzed history book.

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Recently I have been thinking of how to further spread and disseminate Germania. I contacted a physical book publisher last year about Germania but I received no response. Does anyone here have ideas how to keep the red pills flowing and expanding the audience?

I've thought about releasing it under my real name which would mean self-doxxing, but I don't know how the advantages and disadvantages of that would balance.

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You're not going to get a response from the average publisher and I'm not sure if any publisher is willing to risk being sued by kikes claiming to be "holocaust bullshit survivors". National Socialist beliefs and many other truths are anathema to them. Doxxing yourself wouldn't be a good idea. They could send the FBI to your house as the Feds pull made up bullshit and get away with it. Authors have pen names for a reason. You should come up with something that sticks out.

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Hey welcome back Bookanon. You were were really missed around here. I have a lot more content that you could add to Europe Awake if you're interested

> Recently I have been thinking of how to further spread and disseminate Germania.

Posting infographs and sections of your book on forums and maybe social media except faceberg under multiple aliases would be a good idea. Ask some friends you can trust help you out with that. I can think of more things in the next few days if you're interested

You also have your own publishing platform here technically speaking so that's an added bonus.

> I've thought about releasing it under my real name 

No don't do that. Like this anon said  >>/84773/ it really isn't a good idea. People in general are really shitty and could get you in even more trouble if they knew about it.

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> I am very interested.

I'll add the relevant information in a few days.

> This is an infographic I made, which could easily be disseminated.

It's good. But try thinking about presenting your work in "shorter burts". Think of something as slim as a flash card when presenting your book. Most people and normies alike don't have a lot of time to read things. And for normies, you need something that grabs their attention quickly in order to invest more time into things. While saying the truth, mind you.

You should look into what smoloko.com did to present their website. It's dead now They were really good. But needed to use more whitespace in their infographs.

Also, the url at the bottom is good. Maybe add this board's url too. Specifically this thread. Maybe get rid of the https:// part I don't think it's needed if you type it in a searchbar. It probably adds it automatically A url shortener would be good too, but some people would be a little weary in going to any random url in a picture, in my opinion

Given the niche markets and the fact that your book is already available online, your best net would be print on demand.
You can do it yourself, or you can contact websites/publishers specialized in "alternate history" so they reference it. People like Castle Hill / Codoh or Cosmotheism, things like that. It would basically cost them nothing...

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We'll wait for Bookanon to respond. In the meantime, freemasons don't reject the kikes' holocaust myth. A long debate happened here years ago towards a freemason whom provided a worldwide lodges link which used to reveal the GM of every lodge if you did some digging through their sites. They have since taken the site down. The top 'Grandmaster' of each lodge was a jew most of the time. That is how it is depicted in the Protocols (again, which jews plagiarized Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu because kikes have zero creativity then later lied it was a "forgery" against them).

Yeah this is probably the best option. Distributing copies may be an issue though. Maybe look into a placeholder location for shipping things were they don't reveal who you are. Although things may be somewhat different depending on where you are living in.

> We'll wait for Bookanon to respond

He'll be back. He just takes a little time to respond. Maybe he's just a really busy person with little free time

> Why only 33 facts?
I know it is a freemasonic number but that wasn't the intention. I do have more facts but I wanted to keep it more compact. I tried to keep it brief and to the point for instance
> Rudolf Vrba, the Slovak Jew who invented and popularized the gas chamber story, was forced to admit under oath during the Ernst Zundel trial in 1985 that he had never witnessed an actual gassing, and that his stories were "artistic representations"
I could have put a lot more information on that part, but I was thinking along the lines of what  >>/84788/ said more shorter bursts in terms of the individual facts.

New work in videos coming soon.

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> I know it is a freemasonic number but that wasn't the intention. 
I'm sure that wasn't the case. You just wanted to have something to show

> I do have more facts but I wanted to keep it more compact. I tried to keep it brief and to the point for instance
> said more shorter bursts in terms of the individual facts
That's good. Just keep things easily condensed and easy to read. And I wasn't just saying that in this post  >>/84788/ There's a massive amount of content we can add moving forward

> New work in videos coming soon.

Looking forward to seeing what you make. Please let us know if you can be in the board more often. You are needed and missed BookAnon

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Example of something you can add

Germany currently gives billions of dollars per year to kikesrael over the alleged "holocaust" and does not intend to stop guilt tripping Germany over it anytime soon. You can imagine how much has been stolen from Germany over the last decades. 

They do a similar extortion scheme in North america. Look up aipac for it

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I haven't done an episode of Germania in video format in a very long time but I'm going to change that and try to upload more frequently.

The amount of "aid" that goes to Israel cannot be understated. Without all the billions of dollars and Euros Israel would be an agrarian state with a failed economy.

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> I haven't done an episode of Germania in video format in a very long time but I'm going to change that and try to upload more frequently.

Just take your time to do good work anon. And post a copy of your videos here if you can. Easier to share around. And just post consistently if possible

> The amount of "aid" that goes to Israel cannot be understated. Without all the billions of dollars and Euros Israel would be an agrarian state with a failed economy.

Even with all of the money, that place is still a dump. It's almost like a third world country. Literal african failed state style of living. Over there, the people at the top get everything while everyone else is barely getting by.

That along with the israeli government 'Literally funding Hamas in order to terrorize it's own citizens Yes, Hamas is funded by the literal israeli government. I can dump the info related to it here if needed and being surrounded by neighboring countries that hate their guts make living there a nightmare.  No I don't live there. I have people give me info. And that's as far as I go and as much as I can say on that

I'm glad you are still going book anon.
Thank you for this, but I really hope you are aware of the risks you are going through by voicing in these videos and by seeding that torrent.

I couldn't even translate this book as I didn't have access to a secure connection for a year and a half, that was enough to stop me.

I admire your courage. I will backup your work on the platform I've mention long time ago, not really secure but great to spread info.

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Do not fear what the parasite may do. What can they take away? Our "freedom"? We don't have it. Our "peace"? We don't have that either. We live these lives of hell thanks to jews and the many minds they've spoiled with degenerate propaganda. The only life of peace is away from them. The only freedom is being free of their influence on our surrounding environments. A dream of a life we have never experienced. Our existence is living in a multicultural hoard, whether in or out of a cell. It's all the same prison. Of course don't shoot up anywhere to leave Homeland Security kikes with more power and influence. That's retarded. It accomplishes next to nothing besides for kikes. Get your name out there. Make connections. Let jews cry about you through their TV pundits and online rags. Then do it right instead of being a whining talking head on YjewTube begging for donations with useless digital Beta Orbiters instead of physical soldiers. All it took the NSDAP was 7 men to start with until eventually there were around 11 million Germans on board with it. They know this. That's why kikes ban us from their jew-CEO social media platforms. They're aware it's not going to stop us from knowing what we know. The point is to scatter our numbers. The solution is the opposite. Accumulate. Assemble. Unite.

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> but I really hope you are aware of the risks you are going through by voicing in these videos and by seeding that torrent.
I am aware of the risks, but that torrent failed months ago and I'm not seeding it.

> I admire your courage. I will backup your work on the platform I've mention long time ago, not really secure but great to spread info.
Thank you.

Right now I am assembling a list of creations and discoveries made by the Third Reich for a scene in the film which is in production. Can anons here think of more things to this list?

Creation of polyurethane
Creation of the Richter magnitude scale
Discovery of nuclear fission
World’s First Scanning Electron Microscope 
World’s First Public Television Station (Fernsehsender Paul Nipkow)
World’s First Nerve Agent (Tabun)
World’s First Modern Assault Rifle
World’s First Anti-Tank Missile (X-7)
World’s First Operational Helicopter
World’s First Swept Wing
World’s First Turbo-Jet Powered Aircraft
World’s First Turbo-Jet Powered Flying Wing
World’s First Operational Jet-Powered Bomber
World’s First Aviation unit to use precision-guided munition (Kampfgeschwader 100)
World’s First Piloted Aircraft to exceed 1000 km/h (621 mph) in level flight, (Messerschmitt Me 163, by Alexander Lippisch.)
World’s First Cruise Missile
World’s First Long-range Guided Ballistic Missile
World’s First Atomic Explosion
World’s First Programmable, Fully Automatic Digital Computer (Z3)
World’s First Commercial Digital Computer (Z4)

The completed film should be about 1 hr 30 to 2 hours long, and cover the topics of the chapters in pic related. The audio will have a music background track. Most of the music should be classical music. I'd like suggestions if you can think of good pieces of music that would fit to the topics and tone of the chapters.

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The video link of Europa part 8 has been removed because of it's apologetic ass kissing towards jews (even though rejecting the holocaust fraud) and being hosted on "The Truth Seeker" channel complete with promoted videos of the kikes Andrew Kaufman, Ed Winters and James Corbett. TTS also has an "anti-government" video that villainized the National Socialists of Germany. Neither Europa 8 or The Truth Seeker will be allowed on this board in the future. Do not post them again.

Also, holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com has been shut down most likely by jews. Here is an archive and a .pdf https://web.archive.org/web/20180408022007/https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/

There are similarities and there are differences. Some Stg-44 features actually can be found in M16 rather than AK-74 yet nobody talking about stolen design. Why? It doesn't look like Stg-44 so people who have no clue about guns don't jump into conclusions. The beaner is right, in fact AK-74 has more in common with M1 Garand than Stg-44.

And honestly neither Schmeisser nor Kalashnikov (both extremely talented engineers though) but John Browning was the real king of firearm design.

I never said there weren't differences. Again: There are tons of similarities that you both ignore which was provided to you already. When a Communist piece of shit rips off a design, he's not going to admit it. He's going to say he was 'inspired' by another. Which only proved Kalashnikov ripped off the Stg-44 and M1 Garand.

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Are you from /k/ or something? They're always really critical about guns. If not, then who are you then?

> in fact AK-74 has more in common with M1 Garand than Stg-44.

I mean, I think my post and video here  >>/82614/ is pretty thorough about everything. Even the creator of the AK-47, Kalashnikov, admits it himself where he got inspiration

> It doesn't look like Stg-44 so people who have no clue about guns don't jump into conclusions.
Well, excuse me your highness. Sorry we don't know every single thing

> but John Browning was the real king of firearm design

Yeah it's just the typical /k/ "Amurika fuck yeah" type. Not willing to face facts presented and ranting about "people who have no clue about guns" when I put that  >>/84981/ infographic together myself. Given how he refuses to give Germans any credit, it seems he wandered onto the wrong board.

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yeah saving a 2nd copy in your Hdd(s) is always a good idea. Like you just saw, you just never know when data can go missing

> I am aware of the risks, but that torrent failed months ago and I'm not seeding it.

Posting updated copies around here is good for now. And in the >/pdf/ board if you want

> World’s First Programmable, Fully Automatic Digital Computer (Z3)
I think that was made by Konrad Ruse right? I can't remember.

> Can anons here think of more things to this list?

You can add the 1938 auto union streamliner car/ Auto Union Type C. If I recall correctly, it currently holds the world record for the fastest car in existence with 432 km/h or 268 miles per hour. It was set by 1938 by Mercedes driver Rudolf Caracciola and to this day it still hasn't been broken.

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And space faring rocket/space travel by NSDAP scientists on Penemunde. Not sure if you already have that info bookanon

> Yeah it's just the typical /k/ "Amurika fuck yeah" type. 

Maybe. Just waiting for a response at this point. Yeah /k/ is like that. They're good people, but just kinda hard headed and hasty sometimes 

> Given how he refuses to give Germans any credit, it seems he wandered onto the wrong board.

I'm all for people learning more about NSDAP and about the board, but they just need to slow down and listen first. Don't be so hasty without knowing all of the facts

I guess we'll have to wait until dbbd46 comes back and answers us

>  Are you from /k/ or something?
Yes, is it bad?
>  Not willing to face facts presented
Nogunz please.
>  Given how he refuses to give Germans any credit, it seems he wandered onto the wrong board.
Lol. Unlike you I just prefer truth over face. And I myself very much into Germany, national-socialism and stuff but every time I run into somebody like you - too often unfortunately - I bitterly forced to admit that commies are quite right by calling us narrow-minded bigots.

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Know what's funny about this? Besides "Nogunz please" being such a retarded response when nobody has posted against gun ownership. I gave in and admitted "Kalashnikov ripped off the StG-44 and M1 Garand." You're the one who refused to admit the truth that the AK-47 was also based off the StG-44 when it was described in a picture a child could understand that you could not refute so you avoided it entirely, ending up saying "Commies are right" and calling 'bigots'. That's something no National Socialist would ever do. Two points are to be made here. One : that you were offended over the fact Kalashnikov made ripoffs and refused to give credit to the obvious German origin. Two : You were for Communists all along. That was made abundantly clear by your final statement. Don't pretend you're into National Socialism here when you're obviously a Frank Cohen. That's the whole point of poking at people like you until you admit it.

> Yes, is it bad?

You are not a /k/ommando. Apart from us giving you proof on our claims, you sound wayyy too butthurt and faggy to be from there

> Lol. Unlike you I just prefer truth over face. And I myself very much into Germany, national-socialism and stuff but every time I run into somebody like you - too often unfortunately - I bitterly forced to admit that commies are quite right by calling us narrow-minded bigots.

kike post of the month right here /pol/

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Germania: History of the Third Reich: National Socialism

I've finally completed it. 2 hour documentary film on National Socialism. It covers a wide range of topics including Governance, Law, Women, Lebensborn, Hitler Youth, BDM, Nudism, Technology, Science, Art, the Swastika, and a lot more, with music. My favorite part is 01:26:00

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A few suggestions you can do with your new book BookAnon:

Try cropping a few select sections from the documentary for sharing on social media platforms. Just the best you have to attract more people to both your book and to this board. You can just share it with small accounts on places like twitter where it's easy to share content there

2nd thing you can add to your book is the M60 machine gun. It took a lot of design inspiration from NSDAP guns. Specifically the FG 42 and MG42. An excerpt from its wiki page:

> The M60 machine gun began development in the late 1940s as a program for a new, lighter 7.62 mm machine gun. It was partly derived from German guns of World War II (most notably the FG 42 and the MG 42), but it contained American innovations as well. Early prototypes, notably the T52 and T161 bore a close resemblance to both the M1941 Johnson machine gun and the FG 42.

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I have released a tutorial video on how I make my films for those who want to learn video editing and make their own videos.

> Try cropping a few select sections from the documentary for sharing on social media platforms.
Will do.

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> I have released a tutorial video on how I make my films for those who want to learn video editing and make their own videos.

Thanks. Appreciate it BookAnon. Yeah I saw the comments. Try recommending people these free video editors instead and use them if you like. 


Can't go wrong with FOSS. I use ShotCut, which is roughly the same as using Adobe Premiere in my opinion. Maybe do another video trying it out. But still, thanks for the help

I recommend sharing with accounts that are trustable. Some accounts larp as our own, but they have their own agendas. CursedSalad is a good start, but he's not so active on Twitter anymore

I am a staunch supporter of open source Free as in Freedom software myself, but I have used Kdenlive, Shotcut, Openshot and it just doesn't seem to have the same repertoire of creative effects as Premiere Pro does. So its a personal choice. I addressed the structure of the documentaries as well as how to use the software in the video.

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What does the error say? I know some people encounter errors saying video cannot be played and it gives a link to the original mp4. The 1080p video is 425 MB (25 minutes) where else could I upload it? Sometimes WTV videos work in a different browser or after refreshing the page.

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I'm making a video about 8chan and the corruption with Yogapig. Like a chronology of what happened to be an example of communities and online spaces being co-opted or subverted. I've collected a lot of information already, but does anyone have important info or events in 8chan's history to include in it? I remember around 2016, 2017, there used to be stickies which were a goldmine of information about 8chan corruption and datamining. So far I have included info on
> Fred and his Jewish buddy Aaron Parnes
> The stolen wallet shoah
> info about the tacit compliance to pedophilia by the mods
> info about Learningcode/rachposter/imkampfy - one of the most autistic shills ever to live
> how Jim stole a website from a cripple
> brief history of Jim's work history with the Army, selling porn in Japan and NT tech
> Bedchan and Sunshine datamining exposés
> necrosis stage (8kun)

Also it could bring users from other websites here.

I have some more content you can add to Germania if interested BookAnon. Just let me know

> I'm making a video about 8chan and the corruption with Yogapig

It sounds okay. We've had multiple threads and info dumps made about your topic around the board. Maybe the infodump thread has some more info. But I'm sure you can find more info from us and on the board in general. But, not much people remember everything by now. Ask around for more on the topic

> Also it could bring users from other websites here.
It'll also attract "that guy" again. The trumpie supported that killed 8/news/ because it wasn't pro trumpstain enough. He and his group still roam around imageboards to this day. Not sure what to think of this

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The Rise and Fall of 8chan | The 'Free Speech' Imageboard which changed the Internet | Full Documentary

This film shows an example of how an online community is astroturfed, and how Jews manipulate online platforms. I have included many topics and this film is made for a broad-based audience, introducing new people to my work. It gives an overview of how the site emerged and gathered users. I've explained how Hotwheels and his Jewish employer Aaron Parnes swindled the goyim out of thousands of dollars. It also has a chapter about how 8chan had pedophile boards and stalked a young girl. It also has segments about splinter boards and alt chans. I've gone into detail about Imkampfy and his spergouts, Jim Jew, and the datamining, and wrapped it up about the fall and rebranding as 8kun. This film is composed of over 2000 photos and videos relevant to 8chan collected over the last 5 years at least.

What do you think?

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Your video has been well put together and mostly has good information. Having watched it, I can say the video would trigger offense in "broad based new people" for many reasons which I really don't have a problem with. A lot is great work exposing jews. However, one reason I do take issue with is the sad music about the collapse of pedophilia promoting Librechan. It's too out there. The boards displayed in the video are a clear indication of such pedo shit. This is bad especially after the extended explanation of stalking Mara. My point is, it's not going to sit well with any target audience and especially not actual National Socialists. There will be backlash every time. Let's not forget jews have been the pedophilic child murderers throughout the centuries. Also, there are extended circumstances involving Jim. This videos proves he is in fact a filthy jew (only a jew would take jews breaking into his home and spin it into "this was like Kristallnacht!").

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I didn't have space for this many images in the last post. Here is more about the extended circumstances by Jim. This board was infiltrated by someone he himself sent. Red Pill Dropper, or Courtney, made her way here as Volunteer years ago and was kicked off by Ocelotte, the former BO, for posting endless pro Trump threads. As it turned out, she worked for the Goldwater. Jim couldn't stand a less traffic imageboard such as this not promoting jewTrump.

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> Ellie Reeve kike.jpg
Would have been good to include but its already made. She was the one who interviewed the hotdud when he whined "We need a UN council to control the internet".

> However, one reason I do take issue with is the sad music about the collapse of pedophilia promoting Librechan. It's too out there. The boards displayed in the video are a clear indication of such pedo shit. 
I think Librechan had a lot of potential and was similar to the early phase of 8chan. Lots of anons from /b/ went there. 8chan /pol/ was bleeding hundreds of users because of Imkampfy's purges, and if there was a competent board Librechan, they could have migrated their and retain the community, instead of the widespread dissipation which happened. Loads quit imageboards all together.

> My point is, it's not going to sit well with any target audience and especially not actual National Socialists. There will be backlash every time.
The video has 6 Likes so far, and I've gained a couple subscribers. I have received good feedback from a National Socialist channel about the video. I think it will do well.

> Let's not forget jews have been the pedophilic child murderers throughout the centuries.
Pictures and PDF book related.

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> I think Librechan had a lot of potential and was similar to the early phase of 8chan. 
Well you're not wrong there but the early phase of 8chan was kikewheels allowing pedophilia. The first wasn't a great model because as you pointed out, kikewheels was backed by jew Aaron Parnes and fleeced anons out of money with a charity scam. I'll explain Librechan a better way by using visual aid instead. When Spainflag anon returns, he can explain some more about 16chan.

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Good documentary BookAnon. Looking into it now. There's a few things I'm learning from it actually, and you managed to summarize what most of us have been posting/exposing for years. 

But, maybe blur/black out when you're exposing the ped o screenshots from  8chn. Nobody wants to see that type of stuff, even in passing. And that initial "server move" on 8ch was just jim putting some more malware and tracking software. Lots of shady business between him and Hiro from 4chan. 

> When Spainflag anon returns, he can explain some more about 16chan.
Where to begin? There's just so much shit that fag's done throughout the years.

Check out a site called EncyclopediaDramatica and search for "Null" on it. That should give a good summary of that nutjob. 

Not going to link it here because it has some content I don't really like. Lot of sick stuff in his ED page, so just bear that in mind. His twitter literally has a israeli flag along with some yid scribbles for his banner so that's a double red flag.

He's posted here before and posts on imageboards to this day. We've seen him persistently spam his crappy imageboard before. He literally stalked children before and he's an all around creep. And his shitty imageboard has tracking software and illegal content. Just like 8kunnts and mark's shitty imageboard. I can post more info if you give me some more time to search for it.

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I used the Pixelization filter on GIMP for the screenshot of Imkampfy dismissing the reports for porn on 8chan. But I don't know how to use the pixelization for a moving object in a video...yet That is something I will have to look into for video editing.

I have read the article. I have been familiar with how mentally deranged Josh is since infinity next. I don't think that my film glorified Josh but I did share his side on the AGPL issue. There's loads that could be said about him but that is more related to kiwi farms than 8chan.

Also there is a backup video for Germania: History of the Third Reich: National Socialism as well as a MEGA link, since quite a few people had issues playing the film.

Do you have any detailed information on Michael A. Aquino (Lt. Colonel, Psychological Operations, U.S. Army) or what he is involved in? All I can find is some brief information on Amazon's "about the author" segment. He was mentioned in the research I was doing for 8chan film, and I think I've seen his face on endchan /pol/.

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I thought the quotes put up at ED were faked until seeing this  >>/85811/ because ED has been known to go overboard with accusations as a form of parody. Though now I can see Josh is 100% a demented piece of shit.
Here's a video I found that has a little about Aquino. He was also on Geraldo and Oprah instead of behind bars where the child molesting fuck belongs.

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> I don't think that my film glorified Josh but I did share his side on the AGPL issue. 
Hmmm no we weren't really accusing you of anything BookAnon. You're good. We just wanted to let you know about that guy

> I used the Pixelization filter on GIMP for the screenshot of Imkampfy dismissing the reports for porn on 8chan. But I don't know how to use the pixelization for a moving object in a video...yet That is something I will have to look into for video editing.

You can just search online to add a black bar over content you don't want to present. Or try it out yourself if you can. Just add a black box or rectangle over a video as a test.

> Also there is a backup video for Germania: History of the Third Reich: National Socialism as well as a MEGA link, since quite a few people had issues playing the film.

Thanks. Always good to have multiple backups for everything

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So I know you talked about the other kike idiot (mark) on your documentary, but just wanted to let the board know more about him. And if you want to add more info on him inside your documentary BookAnon.

See 2nd pic related I got from this site's /b/ board. Like most kikes who worked for pigfucker, he's also doing a bunch of sick shit on the side too. There was a affiliate program for imageboards called the webring that was going on a few months ago (or still is?). He got kicked out. You can go to anon.cafe's /meta/ board to read all about it. Also FEDs know all about what he does and has even had a visit from them a few years ago. No charges were filed 

Basically jews 

> because ED has been known to go overboard with accusations as a form of parody. 

That one article on ED about yids is pretty good and accurate though. /pol/ may want to look at it at least once

> Though now I can see Josh is 100% ach demented piece of shit.
Almost everyone that jimkike had on 8ch had mental issues. Those people tend to be easier to exploit and control.

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There was kike who kept posting to kill Germans (suggesting it was "great" propaganda), typical of the vile jewish race. Those posts were archived at >>>/endpolmeta/ Don't try to jew this board. It is never going to work.


From Greek mythology:
>  The Titans once ruled the primordial darkness before the light of the Olympian Gods appeared: after a great war, the Titans were exiled and imprisoned, and the Olympians ushered in a golden age for the mortal world. The Titans, as a group, represent a pre-Olympian order. Hesiod uses the expression "the former gods" (theoi proteroi) in reference to the Titans. They were the banished gods, who were no longer part of the upper world. Rather they were the gods who dwelt underground in Tartarus (Greek term for Hell), and as such, they may have been thought of as "gods of the underworld", who were the antithesis of, and in opposition to, the Olympians, the gods of the heavens. In Greek mythology, Tartarus is the deep abyss that is used as a dungeon of torment and suffering for the wicked and as the prison for the Titans. Tartarus is the place where, according to Plato's Gorgias (c. 400 BC), souls are judged after death and where the wicked received divine punishment. An unknown time later, a trio of lesser Titans known as Telkines broke the communication conduit linking Olympus with the mortal world, and summoned armies of monsters to terrorize the world and prepare for the release of the Titans in order to destroy the world, slay the Gods and usher the end times.

kek, quite fitting

So okay, can some one explain to me all about those shit with jewish concentric camps?
I mean, in Mein Campf Hitler was told, that he goes with war on Soviet Union against communist jews. Gebbels was told, that they fight against world wide zionist jew organisation.
Yet, in other threads there was an evidence, that jewish camp was not a death camps: there was even a money in there. Why so?
Yet, there was a few hundred thousands (about 400k) of jew death during the war. What kind of casualties they was? Kinda "regular" civil casualties during war or there was also a repression-like casualties too?

As I understand, in the end of 19-th century rich (and, probably, religious) jews decided to return to their nation the promise land and take control over whole planet, by removing monarchy from Europe through WW1 and few revolutions, untie dollar from metals and take control over bank notes aka dollar (debt bills) printing, witch in future must became a world wide currency after global world crisis, that was a WW2, witch was a planned massacre with supporting of all sides of bloody conflict.

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Actual deaths were camp guards as well. Bodies weren't identified, only forced to be buried. What happened was, Allied soldiers destroyed supply lines. Food could not get in. There was mass starvation. In addition, louse were brought back from the Eastern Front. Louse that carried Typhus, which makes a person too sick to eat. Zyklon B was and still is an insecticide. It's not enough to kill thousands, let alone millions of people. Flimsy wooden doors, glass windows and a wide open space from the showers does not keep gas inside. Knowing this, Soviets hastily built chimneys in grass connected to nothing. Kikes shut down holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com so here is the archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20180408022007/https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/
Read through >>>/polfornormies/ then realize kikes have been saying in newspapers that 6 million jews died since 1845.

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Kikes were needed to manufacture what was necessary. It was for rubber, armaments, construction, brick-laying, stone quarrying etc. This meant it would have been stupid to kill them, as forcing their vile race to work was necessary. It's not like this board hasn't seen the same subversive bullshit insults like yours before. So you're here to accuse National Socialism and Hitler of kikery, just like all other infiltrators. This is disappointing. You know, I'd rather /pol/ slow down to nothing than let lying accusations be permitted. National Socialism, with red armbands, was a perfect troll by Adolf Hitler to bring Germans away from the Communist mindset. Hitler made numerous appeals for peace, not war. Make sure you read these infographics, and see this .pdf, in their entirety, because they will not be repeated for the sake of your ignorance.
Your 1 day ban was generous, given the crap you just spouted.
If you are a genuine poster, you'll be able to see what I've provided and pull your head out of your ass, coming back after realizing you were wrong. Whining about "wahh censorship", continuing to insult, anything of the sort won't work. If you're only here to continue the role of Hasbara then you'll simply receive much longer bans. You should not be surprised about this in the slightest. The warning not to insult Hitler or National Socialism is the fourth line of the header at the top of the board. Note the name I picked in 2017 for moderating /pol/ to honor the greatest man who ever lived. Yeah. You fucked up.

what do you mean communism goal is to dominate?
that was a mean to the end because obviously you can't just ask people to give their production away, you have to use force to take it.
And procreation? What are you talking about? Care to explain why that is a value/goal of gommunism?
> Experience has shown that civic emancipation has fallen short of securing the social and cultural future of the Jewish people.
unnecesary but ok
> will remain a servant of jewish god
now you're just trolling

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Don't even worry about that Hasbarat. I banned his next IP for a year and I'll ban all following posts by him for 5 years each. I posted 'Hitler not zionist nor supported Haavara agreement.jpg' in prediction of his reply, yet he went there anyway blindly ignoring the information as well as Hitler's peace attempts. Then the troll went off calling 'retard' and "Show me where there was insults" while continuing to insult old guard National Socialism. Pointless kike style arguments. Typical JIDF troll. See BO, immediately attack BO. Now his posts won't exist here. You'd think these enemy propaganda effort shills would want to keep their slander up here. Pretty dumb on their part.

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There is now page for Germania on WW2Truth.com which shows my book and the video episodes. Its really good link for sharing.

A bitchute link is also available for Germania: History of the Third Reich - National Socialism
https://www.bitchute.com/video/tkbrpGQqHwvh/ [Embed]

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> I've tried using public wifi and mobile data but 4chan and other imageboards are blocked by ISP.

On mobile devices it is a forward lost battle with bans on 4pol, if you would like to dodge ban you would need to do IP hop on computer trough modem with deleted cookies if its still not fixed. 

> The frustrating part is that I cant personally share my work on 4chan
Hm then i should consider myself lucky finding this work trough one colombian who was spreading the work on 4pol

> Authorhouse? I tried searching there and only "Little Valley of Germania" comes up by Joseph W. Morris plus two of the same "DANLORIA" books by Gloria D. Gonsalves

I meant that in context since i saw here few questions on if there will be possibility to find publisher for hard copy of germania book, if Authorhouse was in options since they provide the possibility for publishing that does not require to "sell the soul to devil" contract

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Authorhouse is UK established and the UK is infamous for lack of free speech. This image is just an excerpt and why they're obvious cucks who would reject Germania. The full page of their content guidelines is here: https://www.authorhouse.com/en-gb/faq/content-evaluation/what-are-authorhouse-content-guidelines

It doesn't really matter since it's very easy to make an ebook and distribute it everywhere. You don't need a publisher like older times ago. Maybe try ebooks for now and then sell hard copies after we get a good audience for it. 

And if BookAnon wants payment for his expansive and well presented book, he can take stablecoin crypto for payments. Have people pay what they want. Or search for a way to take anonymous payments online. Promoting the book is the only hard part of everything. 

> if Authorhouse was in options since they provide the possibility for publishing that does not require to "sell the soul to devil" contract

And that's the other thing. He needs to make sure he doesn't get scammed by the publisher he chooses to go with.

> He needs to make sure he doesn't get scammed by the publisher he chooses to go with.
True. A favorite author of mine was fired from their own work and replaced by a ghost writer. Always read the fine print and never sign away your rights to intellectual property.

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