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> uh huh
Yeah I will. Nigger Obama made me have to buy it, so I really should use it one of these days. 

Women have too much ability to curate their own little worlds. They need to go out and touch some grass and get trolled at full force about how the NCR is lame. (she's an NCR fangirl because that faction would be the most tolerant of her degenerate ass)


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she's still on the rise but (at least for now) she's the only one making an effort to appear like a true Hollywood star. The only millennial who has known how to maintain a refined, elegant, after all... not whore style. It's a fucking joke that all of today's stars dress and act like the sluts they are

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there was a livestream in which Chani kissed Bella Thorne.
Only the biggest Bellafag on 4chan recorded and shared it once (it's like a lost media now), he also made this curious fanart of Bella

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