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In regards to the trumpnomics video and stuff, I was seeking the wisdom of a few people I keep an eye on like Neal Stephenson, and it reminded me of one of the lesser concepts in Snowcrash that is "Distributed Republics". Snowcrash doesn't go very deep into it, there's another Neal book called The Diamond Age which allegedly goes, and I should read it.

> Distributed republics are loosely connected state-like entities dispersed across the world. The concept was reused by Stephenson in The Diamond Age.

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Distributed Republics are highly dependent on technology existing to make them possible, such as free world-wide networks (Starlink), means to stablish digital identity and digital contracts (XRP), etc...

It's expected to happen eventually, but Trump's actions seem to be trying to accelerate it.

The US gov would work as a military backend for this integrated economic/political/social network, in which banks, corps, etc... all can act as governments, courts (in the sense of conflict resolution), etc...

In a more tangible description: They would say bully argentina into accepting this network, and via it you would be able to escape the Argentinian economy and do business with everyone in it, subscribe to different governmental bodies with different tax policies and benefits. And the US gets a cut.
Not just a virtual nation, a virtual provider of virtual nations.

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I may buy a Galaxy phone like the one Emma shills, assuming the Amazon "renewed" ones aren't total trash with aged batteries and e.coli all over them (will do more research on that)
My current phone's battery is getting weak, and the back glass is broken. If I can't find anything better I'll just get another one of that model. It's pretty good.

Like joining the Stonecutters, but with computers. Interesting.

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right. When you said distributed republics at first I interpreted it as basically just the "axes" we already have these days. I was thinking of political alignment and not so much of the other stuff. I see what you meant now 

I haven't been capable of reading anything long form in a long time, but thanks for taking the time. At least I know about it now and can add it to my backlog

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pretty much yeah. but honestly less so than most of the lawyers and fake lawyers and dropouts in congress 

no clue, I never read up on those theories. I'm an uneducated simpleton, a real ignoramus

> A homage to this photo of that famous female rally driver for Audi.
yt recommended a vid about her the other day

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Anyway she was basically asking if I wanted to adopt some froglet woman. First, I have enough burdens; second, I can barely understand the nurse when she talks so I can only imagine her foreign relative. 
Though maybe the nurse has some relatives I can hire to watch my mom. The lady I usually use is getting too comfortable with me in terms of asking for money.

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Mate mentioned 

After pondering this I think the powers that be would never let it happen. Imagine being able to opt out of 99% of taxes because you join a republic that doesn't support jewish wars or black people. The owner/wageslave dynamic is so engrained in the US that any change to it would cause a collapse. 


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it's insane just how much of an outlier she was. literally one in about 3.5 billions

I wonder what the "people" on that foid board cam posted once would think of our volcelposting 

"pure chinese" would be a hell of an experience. damn. to someone like you or I that'd be like dating a fucking alien from outer space starting on monday. if ET was a romcom. idk maybe it wouldn't be so crazy with all the globalization these days, maybe they're more westernized than I think

things argentina and australia have in common

> starts with an A
> 9 letters
> low murder rates
> good at sports
> best IB posters by a huge margin
> "mate"

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saw a post on brazilian reddit that somebody showed up to uni with a Scania, don't remember what it's called but it was the same one Maradona had in the 90s. that makes at least 2 people that had the exact same idea

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> I wonder what the "people" on that foid board cam posted once would think of our volcelposting
Tough question imo. They hate people like me with every fiber of their being, but they need people like me to keep going to work and doing the peasant jobs that women won't do. Do I not deserve this chinese gf? Or is it my duty to bring her to the US so she can be a boss bitch? 

> maybe they're more westernized than I think
Parts of China seem pretty westernized. I just heard of a city they build that's a replica of Orange County Califironia (cue that Phantom Planet song). Though the kind of woman that would be offered to me? Probably living as a gutter oil collector in a place that looks like Kowloon City. 

> "mate"

I hope they will let a white nigga like me join the Dodge Challenger Hellcat SRT Republic 
Nice Dakotas. For a woman around my age she looks terrific.

This guy makes China seem about as bad as any western country. Haven't watched many of his videos but that's the vibe I get.

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> found a roll with a few meters of adhesive realistic (white) brick texture on a construction dumpster

> had a very long lucid dream, part of it was nostalgia, part of it was working out complex ideas, part of it was petting the soft white fuzz of the belly of a brown (tanned) wild feral girl, she had white hair and eyelashes as well
The way the fuzz blended with her pubes made a lot of sense tbh.

> The Senate Banking Committee gave an initial thumbs-up to the Genius Act, which would create a regulatory framework for the cryptocurrency known as stablecoins. The bill sets up licensing guidelines and creates reserve requirements, as well as other ground rules for those who want to issue payment stablecoins. 
> Supporters of the legislation say it will improve transaction efficiency, free up capital and drive U.S. Treasury demand. 
> Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., opposed the bill, saying it does not sufficiently address issues in the current crypto marketplace.
Have to look up the Genius Act.

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A tidbit connection I did recently is the Ukraine and Hassidic Judaism.
Every year in jewish new years, thousands of hassidic jews pilgrim to Ukraine, even during the war, to visit the tomb of Rabbi Nachman, the founder of Orthodox Judaism (which is btw, not older or more strict than other forms of judaism).
Its also when prostitution peaks in Ukraine. Famous for having a diverse menu of ages and such.


While I did mention before the intent of making Ukraine a new israel and the Khazarian stuff, the Hassidic angle is a curious detail. Hassidics are famous for being anti-zionists.

They also come here to a small town where some magic rabbi lived. Armed Israeli securities protect them. They spend some days behaving like pigs. Locals getting bullied.
They also started to buy up properties.
Orbán and co. are best pals with Bibi, and ofc with top zionist Trump administration. Local populace petitioning our government to do something. They do not.

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Sad, but I have to get rid of these bees. They're getting in the way of me playing with my boomer cars. and making my back yard look like less of a shithole.  
It's time to pull it.

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Saw Electric State. I expected them to have took a dump in Simon Stallenhag's concept, but to be fair they came up with a really good lore for it and portrayed it very well.
What killed the movie is mostly Millie's total incapacity to carry it and some bad writing/direction, some beats are really off. Mostly millie.
The villain casting also cheapened it lots.
Overall, worth a watch, not great.

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isn't she married to some e-celeb? I remember the comments on her early vids saying something like that. idk if money loves her, but she loves money

can't wait until an american channel gets their hands on a Kwid. preferably from the first batch, the ones with the steering wheel that would just fall off randomly. a single door from their SUVs probably weighs more than the whole car 

I've never liked insects very much tbhwyf

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look at the size of those things. it's like what, are there babies growing inside them too? 

neither have I that I can remember but they're supposed to taste great. most seafood does. if only there weren't a hundred thousand Chinese boats stealing all of ours by force every day

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Damn gooks. Shrimp are ok, in that dish the star is how they are fried with coconut shavings. 
Crazy how black niggers in the US would constantly scam the restaurant "Red Lobster" out of masses of shrimp by ordering "endless shrimp (for one person)" and feeing their whole group of 10 kids off it. Meanwhile you guys haven't had one shrimp in your life. 

Idk the first thing about Floontz, and googling "asmr floontz husband" yielded nothing but trash.

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The post gets uploaded but not displayed after refresh. No error messages in terms of getting a pop up or anything like that. Also I had to solve a captcha on there, maybe that is the issue. Is it possible that the captcha was turned off on vanilla, and for some reason it is still being displayed on magrathea, and that is causing the problem?

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I checked Meika's social media thread and it had lots of kinos, pics related

> I was asking if you got any alerts on vanilla. 
No alerts on vanilla

> Isn't India shorter than Meika? If that's so then I am team Meika. Haven't seen much of River lately though.
Yeah, Meika is the tallest

S22 ultra. It's got cores, gigs, a stilus I will never use, the one upgrade is the optical zoom in the camera array. Hopefully the user experience doesn't totally annoy me. If so I'll return it and just get a fresh replacement of the model I already have (LG V60)

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> trans
wtf I love hungarian weather girls now

I enjoy those comments some people leave on movie/show clips on yt where they feel the need to tell other people that they're watching a work of fiction. They're like living breathing disclaimers. A lot of them even seem mad about it too. I think it's because the real inbred backwater people have access to the internet nowadays, the sort that grew up without fiction, but that's just a guess I don't have a real theory on that phenomenon

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normies turned the "information superhighway" into a "series of tubes" that they drool into. At least the beginnings of VRChat showed that there's still wild potential in it, you just need substantial new tech like VR and a decentralized platform or private servers. I think that mostly matches Doc's predictions for the future too, IIRC he said that's probably where we were headed. My only question is why bother making the wifebots so realistic looking if I'm going to be wearing vr goggles anyway?

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> floating the valves on your chinese cylinder heads
Couldn't be me. Sure he has a giant shop and a wife and kids, but my engine is built better

lel. Perfect expression on her face as well.

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that's why I listen to melodeath instead of that nwobhm stuff for stupid old people with arthritis and lots of money. melodeath is much newer having originated in sweden in around 1990 which was only like 10 years ago. listening to contemporary music keeps me young

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I imagine the minecraft movie could have been a good kid's movie, but they put in jason momoa and the sassy black woman, and the marketing makes it seem the whole movie is about jack black. Emma is hardly even in the trailers. Though if the movie flops maybe that's a good thing.

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ypu can see at least 2.1 square inches of her belly in the last couple frames 

laneya if she had a jaw.jpg

what sort of things do you cook often? also you said you didn't have much to do during the day but then you implied you were still wageslaving?

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> laneya if she had a jaw
I can see that a bit. Laneya has a fine jaw imo.

I usually cook lazy shit. Eggs for breakfast, for dinner I can cook quesadillas or burgers or other grilled things. Sometimes I'll make pasta with tomato sauce and meat. I try to get my sister to cook the dinners. If not for cooking she would be doing absolutely nothing except for leaving her trash everywhere. 
I'm not wageslaving regularly, but sometimes I will go into the shop I used to wageslave at and work on side projects. I'll also work racing events sometimes because it pays enough to allow me to hire someone to watch my mom while I'm gone. The rest of my time goes to home improvement stuff, playing with cars, and waifuposting. 

What is polenta again? The Italian corn meal stuff?

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> Laneya has a fine jaw imo.
she didn't back when I cared about her. the bottom half of her face was pretty round

> sometimes I will go into the shop I used to wageslave at and work on side projects
you mean for-profit projects? how come they let you do that? is it like a small business shop where you're friends with the owner? 

> If not for cooking she would be doing absolutely nothing except for leaving her trash everywhere.
literally me

> What is polenta again? The Italian corn meal stuff?
yes. Has a reputation as poor people food around here, most italian immigrants didn't have any money when they first arrived and they relied on polenta a lot 

hello mr hitler nice to meet you

I'm replying to this post too

> She's very pretty
no she isn't. nuh uh

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Peak polenta:
> cook in water with preferred flavoring (chicken broth in my case)
> slice it into chunks/fingers still warm after firming up
> let it oxidize in air and form a skill all over, the longer the crunchier, to insane levels
> fry
> salt + MSG sprinkled

Second only to fried cassava.

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> you mean for-profit projects?
Yeah it's small and I'm friendly with the owners. They have some personal project cars that I'll work on sometimes. 
> back when I cared about her
Hehehe. I wouldn't say I cared about her, but she looked hot in the latest pics I've seen. 
> no she isn't, nuh uh
Yeah she's no Purpura, but they can't let women that pretty on tv, people would get mad.

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> purple pill
What does this mean? I rate her a bit higher than Rachel, and that's overall, not just for light brown waifus. 

> embracing her inner whore
It seems. She's trying to make it as a musician, and for a woman that means looking hot, or going full faghag dyke. She cut some libtard fringe in her hair so maybe she is choosing the latter. If I can cultivate the strength to listen to her music I would probably know more. 
Also it should be illegal for her to dress in that corset and only have three pics taken of her. Memory cards are cheap so fill one up for me bby

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I think my single mom neighbor wants me to dig a hole for her. I don't wanna dig no holes massa

I'm pretty sure I stumbled upon a "fried polenta sticks" recipe at some point in the recent past, never tried it but it does sound good. 

> cassava
the what

> only have three pics taken of her
this happens a lot. not just the quantity of pictures but the amount of shoots too. I just got my first full fledged Luna and Laura shoots in how long? 4 months? 6? you'd think these 10/10s would be getting pictures taken a lot more often. for Luna it's literally her day job

> What does this mean?
her name literally means purple remember? Amusingly enough so does Violeta's, or it's close enough anyway

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> I think my single mom neighbor wants me to dig a hole for her. I don't wanna dig no holes massa
Sounds like a job for the baby daddy 

> Purpura means purple
Oh, well that's extremely obvious now that you say it. I am the kind of autist that never assumes anything. 
> and Violetta
And Violet!

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ohhh mandioca. it's one of those things nobody in my family seems to like, I never had any growing up. What does it taste like if you fry it? Is it anything like potatoes? 

> Sounds like a job for the baby daddy
absolutely. in fact I think all jobs are meant for other people who are not me

> And Violet!
true. I'm only realizing that just now. out of the handful of girls that get posted here we have 3 different girls named after what's essentially the same color, what are the odds

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I dig it. I find it very evocative. couldn't help but notice that same word is in their self description too. maybe it's going to be the "demure" of music discussion. anyways it's good. I thought maybe you didn't listen to darker/sadder stuff anymore but I'm glad you do

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go check out "Applause of a Distant Crowd" by VOLA if you haven't already. It's not NEW new but it's not past your 10 years threshold either, and it's my favorite out of my recent discoveries. Idk if you're into that sort of music but if you are I'm sure you'll like it

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It's not so hard to go out on youtube and find "something new" (as in, new to you) that sounds good, there's so much stuff you are bound to find. 
What I have trouble is finding the "cutting edge", what is being made just now and is pushing the boundaries and has the connoisseurs around it.

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I'll give you that the first two songs are the most commercial and boring, but I enjoy them anyway. Whaler was the one I linked here a couple weeks ago and it's probably my favorite. The concepts behind the lyrics are unintelligible to everyone but the pretentious fuck that wrote them, but musically I find it beautiful, same as most of the album. I don't stumble upon that kind of music often, it was a great find 

> It's not so hard to go out on youtube and find "something new" (as in, new to you) that sounds good, there's so much stuff you are bound to find.
you sure about that bro? because I struggle mightily to do just that. maybe it's just my algorithm but it's been absolute shit lately. it recommends the most braindead tiktok tier stuff and little to no music or interesting stuff. it doesn't even bother with philosophy videos anymore. nigga I didn't watch them because I could tell they were going to be SHIT not because I dislike the topic

who would have thunked it. speaking of music, I remember linking an article about streaming statistics that showed basically the same phenomenon was happening there too, even among gen z

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I picked some random just to try to remember.
Morphine is bassy masculine jazz but innovative and expressive band.
Einsturzënde Neubauten is a german industrial rock band that does all sort of weird shit, but some of it sounds really nice. They did some collaborations with japanese movie directors.
Diablo Swing Orchestra does a lot of cool high tempo shit. Also kinda jazzy but modern.
Legendary Pink Dots is somehow similar to Einsturzënde, but they mix up with middle eastern stuff. Both of those bands have an insanely large repertories I never got close to fully exploring.
Yasmine Hamdan is a Lebanese that was doing some interesting shit that got into some interesting movies, should look up where she is now.

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Good too.

Another he recommended, SPIRIT OF THE BEEHIVE, seems very interesting as well. The range confuses me. One song is female pop, the other is guttural metal.

He claims:
> These are fresh as of March 20, 2025, and align with the vibe we’ve been exploring

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cute iman content this way  >>/62951/

nigga how much free time do you think I have? that WoW gold for a subscription token isn't going to farm itself you know, I'm a grown man with responsibilities. I liked the first one though. so not only do you listen to darker stuff, you're also a wind instrument enjoyer. good taste

looks like a big serving of mac and cheese

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no no I was just being funny, I couldn't agree with you more. cam said something once about how it may be risky to listen to BM because it could affect your mood but that's never really been the case for me (this is a good moment for a "that's my secret cap" joke), I feel like I wouldn't be listening if I wasn't in the right mood for it in the first place. 

https://www.angrymetalguy.com/la-torture-des-tenebres-v-the-lost-colony-of-altar-vista-things-you-might-have-missed-2024/ I linked this a few weeks ago. It's good. I don't care what the normies say, it's musique. I know it's dissonant and it should be unpleasant but there's something that's just plain... cool? about that kind of music. For lack of a better term. And it can be "weirdly soothing" as someone put it in the comments of that review. And then if I want to listen for the purpose of catharsis I can just raise the volume lol

I'll go through it tonight or tomorrow. I liked "Blonde" btw, I did listen to that one. Chill yet catchy 

most epic WCU moment

Thanks to a road closure near by there is now a constant stream of retards driving by my house. And why are there so many damn people driving around at 1:30pm on a friday? Shouldn't these people be at work?

Whoa, big news. Where were they at the time? I really am curious how these women meet and where they go to hide from the uggos like me. 

> (this is a good moment for a "that's my secret cap" joke)

It would be nice if they posted a pic of them standing next to each other so I could see the height difference. If I remember correctly Isabel is 5'5" and Ever should be around 5'7"

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Olivia dialing up the lewdness

Did you see her move on the uneven bars? Honestly impressive for a giantess like her.

And Phoebe did post again, even though I think I did a lazy job at manifesting it still worked!
Me as Izzy and Izzy as those flowers

The few I've met have been honest guys.

Lefties love all cultures except for the straight european male one.

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Chris Morris vindicated? 
idk how synthetic aperture radar works, but it's very curious that there's a bunch of stuff other than sand under they pyramids. 

That's a sign of a crypto scam. Kanye tweeted about how he was offered one. 
Tweet about a shitcoin, leave it up half a day, then say you were hacked and totally not participating in a rugpull, then put your share of the dump money in the bank. 

Very nice. Good muscles for a thinner woman. 

> 3000x4000

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well he wouldn't need to do any of that if he actually assembled the computer correctly, like millions of people do every day without issue. it's one of those cases of low IQ people struggling with really simple things in amusing ways. and as per usual with low IQ people, he's both a parent and apparently well off (since he went with a 9800X3D which is not a budget CPU)

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I wish I was a stupid so I could have a fat nagging wife and a couple of insufferable children that I hate and lots of money. Or maybe just the money, but idk if that's possible, it seems like stupid people have a penchant for the Married With Children life, it's like they need to recreate that specific Bundy family scenario

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Yeah I saw the diaper box in the background. 
idk how to explain or categorize it, but there seems to be a class of people who are extremely unremarkable yet they have cushy jobs that pay a lot of money which allows them to have families and hobbies. As a WoW player you probably know these people as "wife guys". 

Do they eat beans in the philipines? 
It does seem like she's stealing Miley's act. I wish she would steal Dua's act, or keep dressing like an anime schoolgirl like before. At least she looks good (to me), Miley never interested me.

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she has a good face but she's not thin enough sorry better luck next time kat

absolutely. born with the right firmware. if you asked those people what sort of "shadow work" they had to do to get there they'd think you're asking about criminal activities 

> or keep dressing like an anime schoolgirl like before
Lilia Lemoine does the "white shirt and oversized tie" anime girl fit often. It's TECHNICALLY formal attire isn't it

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Me any time I was asked to smile for a picture


It's that normie energy. I have a few work friends with that energy (not hating on them at all) and I can't easily explain it. It's like what women call "golden retriever energy" where they are always upbeat and excited and want to do random stuff all the time. God bless them, but also give me one of those 6 figure do-nothing jobs too.

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jesus christ that clip. like having a thousand flying bugs on you. I'd be fantasizing about whipping out something automatic like an Uzi and mowing them down


> Is she jewish?
I'd say it's very likely. Her mom is a "Bauer", and also there's the matter of that face

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that's a good observation. I noticed the Naomi in her, but I hadn't realized there's some Iman there too. Similar genotypes so it shouldn't be surprising that they all look alike but we're not supposed to talk about that stuff 

gm doc

web 54397829357.0 moment

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The Christian Goy behavior is very different from all other goy or jew.
In great part, the conflict has been the jews trying to prove Christ-like behavior is wrong and an abomination.

The very concept of high-trust societies or traditional families existing is built upon that. It's an interesting discussion.

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memes in 3 different languages because /rapport/ is a diverse and inclusive safe space (safe from niggers and kikes) 

she does what she's told like the good little blobfish she is

> Subjective reports that walking barefoot on the Earth enhances health and provides feelings of well-being
I do this sometimes and it feels nice. I also like to lay on the ground at certain places while I'm /out/. Just feeling good can help recovering from illnesses - good morale is important for literally everything.
But the rest of this bs like plugging a mat into a wall socket... Tho if this makes them feel good, who am I to call 'em retards. I will call em that tho.

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I heard once that walking around barefood in the dirt lets you pick up micro organisms through your feet that can generally be healthy. Could be equally fake as plugging in your bed. Who cares though, tell women it will make them look younger and you can make millions. 

Milk'd up. Absolutely swollen. 

The hair is working pefrectly foer her in that 1st pic.

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Finally finished modding that folding knife I like. I replaced the small washers in the pivot with large aluminum shims, I also epoxied the plastic outer scales to the inner metal handle. The whole thing feels very strong. Will post pics later. 

Their nose hitbox sticks around the corners too far

> Jews have no counter to the Martyrdom perk.
This is a very true statement. Jews are the professional victims, and they all play it for selfish reasons. They desperately wanted to provoke Jesus to behave as a political leader, a political Messiah who was there to take charge of the Jews, become a king, like David, and free the Jews from the Romans. They did this because there were over 9000s competing political groups each more useless then the rest, doing some crab-bucket shit. And they wanted to drag Jesus down to their levels because they were dying of jealousy that he created a successful popular movement. Doing the ultimate selfless act, dying as he did while not creating a revolt took the ultimate weapon out of the Jews hands: claiming that somehow Jesus was victimizing them.
This made such a divide between the Jews that it integrated about half of them into the rest of the world with Christianity. The other half is still butthurted about it till this day.

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Well said. I was only thinking that they can't resist trying to loot your corpse after they noob tube you. 

They are hanging very nicely

The whole arms race concept makes sense. Though the first video implies that it's a fallacy and that the other party in the arms race isn't actually trying to kill you. I don't think that's true generally. I'm getting into the Jew Jewman podcast right now, I'll have more to say when I'm done.

I'm sorry I can't watch this   >>/63059/. I'm 3 minutes in and had to turn it off. This editing is just horrible. Cutting few seconds of nonsense from over 9000 other videos to create one mass of a mess. It's not enlightening it's just more noise.

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Game Theory "reduced" Molochian schemes as a principle to apply to different problems, but the original problem was the religious tradition of sacrifice.

Sacrifice worked in 2 ways: Externally as a means to "align' people to the leader's/tribe's goal. (The sacrifices exploited people's sense of justice to work for a common goal to make the sacrifice be rewarded and thus justified), and internally as means to create trauma and modify yourself or another individual (as I talked about before). This creates a molochian game of who creates what is more sacred to be sacrificed and so on... All early civilizations operated this way.

Jews are religious midwits that believe in evil sacrificial Gods, but think they can trick them with abstractions, and worship this "cleverness" of tricking evil Gods. Trick God until you become God yourself is their "path". They are victims even of their own God. This is their supposed solution to the molochian problem.

Christians bypassed the whole concept of sacrifice by belief in Christ being able to protect them from the "alignment" of sacrifices (no sacrifice is greater than Christ's), and thus bypassing that whole molochian game and creating a new meta. Belief in after life and so on are all useful concepts, but not unique to Christianity and not the key to what changed in this event.

Of course, we are at the peak of the faith crisis right now and people are all vulnerable to psyops and molochian schemes once again.

> Sacrifice worked in 2 ways...
I'm not sure I agree. Would need to go down to the early civilizations and their practices.
I also don't like the use of term: "molochian". It's like when anti-semites start talking about how Jews are demonic or devils or some other shit. It's childish.

> Jews are religious midwits...
This makes sense.

> Christians bypassed the whole concept of sacrifice...
This makes sense tho somewhat have to suppose the paragraph about sacrifice is true (the "alignment" part), but can work without that.

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This one is slightly different in filesize, idk about better. Her makeup artist posted it. 

That Liv woman said she's a big fan of metal music, or was when she was younger, and she played guitar in a small metal band. Children of Bodom, Pantera, and Metallica are her all time favorites. Is she a pleb?

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When I first picked up on the branches of sacrifice, transcendence and faith, and the demonic possession initiation/magic stuff, I did a ton of research trying to find what was the point of origin of each.

I imagined the sacrifice/possession stuff came from a parent culture of Canaanites/Jews and such, but to my surprise it was literally every culture.

The earliest references we have are the indo-european stuff:

The more you dig the more you realize it was just the prevalent culture up until Christianity, with a little resistance from some Greek and Asian Philosophers developing some small scale alternatives.

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Yeah kind of underwhelming to me too. She just spend 3 hours alluding to the ghost in the machine, how some poker player had the "x factor" that couldn't be explained by math, and how she thinks of beauty as something unexplainable and "more than the sum of it's parts". And they she says Metallica is her favorite band, not specifying pre of post Cliff Burton. 
Tired Chinese man.jpg. At least she actually played guitar. I will look for some footage of that later. 

Is there much correlation between cultures who did sacrifices and cultures who built pyramids?

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My impression is that if an older advanced civilization existed from which we inherited knowledge, that knowledge would be the transcendence stuff and not the sacrifice stuff.
The prime example of this narrative being the lore of Hermes Trismegistus/Abraham the Hermetics have. 

But in that same ancient lore, usually they were themselves split factions and molochian faction is what caused their downfall. So the sacrifice stuff may as well be inherited too.

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Some of Snowcrash is specifically about Babel. 
> In those it does not kill, the Sumerian nam-shubs have an interesting effect. It makes them prone to glossolalia, or speaking in tongues. Speaking in tongues is a neurological phenomenon which is exploited by religion. Snow Crash further posits that glossolalia recovers a now-lost ur-language, the language which supposedly existed prior to Babel. In the world of Snow Crash, that language is Sumerian, which is in fact the oldest written language, and has no known descendants. Like the Babelian ur-language, Sumerian disappeared without a trace. The novel suggests that it disappeared as a consequence of the nam-shubs, which spread through the population like a virus and destroyed its linguistic unity.

It suggests Babel was a psyop to liberate people from a language that enslaved them as a mind virus. Part of the arms-race of language development/abstraction.

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Good memes too btw. 
> Eurochuds stopped the Aztecs from sacrificing so many people
> 500 years later there are surplus shrexicans everywhere (always in my way when I try to drive anywhere)
Maybe sometimes nature knows best. The fence is there for a reason so leave it alone. 

Maybe I should read that book hehe
> liberate people from the mind virus of their language.
That would be a good way to turn the entropy clock back. I know you hate Kojima but MGSV had a bunch of bullshit about destroying languages and how that is important. idk all the details but that's one of the bigger plot points.

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Also, SnowCrash is not some dense intellectual behemoth or anything. It's more like The Matrix, Evangelion, etc... philosophical content packed on a very accessible, fun and light format cyberpunk sci-fi novel.
On its surface, its lighter than Ghost in the Shell and Blade Runner.

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I like Enter Sandman (or its main riff anyway). And Fuel. And Creeping Death. There's a bunch of stuff by them that I haven't heard yet. They were a prolific band and I'm not exactly desperate to dive into their discography 

maybe I should ask chatgpt to sum it up for me in less than 1k characters hehe. and add pics of pretty girls in between sentences. have there been any attempts at a movie?

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I'm waiting for reviews of the pyramid stuff that just came up.
And hopefully they will check out the Eye of Sahara too.

If it becomes clear that a proper advanced civilization of some kind predates us, that means the Hermetics are pretty likely to be correct about Thot->Moses->Hermes Trismegistus.

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https://www.tiktok.com/@mariacelesteponce87?lang=en Lilia's best buddy in Congress seems less like an ally and more like competition. What a duo. Ideologically and aesthetically aligned [Embed]

sad. or maybe not so sad considering the quality of most adaptations

that's a good one. I find Judas Priest more interesting too. At first I thought they were too boomerific and soft but the more I heard the more I liked them. As with all music it only really sounds good if you're in the right mood.

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