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Remember when /ratanon/ was good?

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You're a long way from home. 

Moloch is the personification of the rat-race - the drive to undercut your opponents, to debase yourself in exchange for victory. Moloch is calculated betrayal, temple prostitution, ethnic cleansing, insider trading, mass extinction, nature red in tooth and claw. His symbol is the brass head of a bull, red-hot, caked with the carbonised flesh of children.

Moloch has many names. In his destroyer aspect he is known as GNON, all consuming, many-armed, sightless and mindless. Gnon has no symbol - he merely is.

Some pray to the two-faced Goddess ELUA, bearer of the cosmic scales. She sits at the end of time, weighing and re-weighing. In her left hand, CANCER; in her right, EVERYTHING ELSE. Her symbol is the crab. Elua is generous and kind; she is said to have given us agriculture, penicillin, and the Gatling gun.

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What if you have a junior aspiring rationalists who have to submit to a Rationalist Master, and the master makes them solve little math puzzles before they are allowed to get to the climax?


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> Humans
Referring to your species as "us" is a mistake. In some cases this mistake can be corrected through, once again, Nick Land, though yours may be too severe.

> I'm in general strongly against centralized systems. However right nowā€¦
You may have noticed that this is the standard pattern that arguments in favor of centralization follow in the present day. It is by no means limited to arguing about government. First, you proclaim your love for decentralized systems and autonomy, then you say why this time it is absolutely necessary and morally right to establish centralized control on an unprecedented scale and micromanage resources.


> Referring to your species as "us" is a mistake. In some cases this mistake can be corrected through, once again, Nick Land, though yours may be too severe.

Yeah. But I can't allow tropicals to ruin human civilizations. The main mission of my life is making sure that if AI or tropicals have to rule over the world we will get AI that treasures at least human-level rationality, philosophy and scientific knowledge. If we all kick the world slightly towards AI and away from tropicalization maybe we will get AI.

> You may have noticed that this is the standard pattern that arguments in favor of centralization follow in the present day. It is by no means limited to arguing about government. First, you proclaim your love for decentralized systems and autonomy, then you say why this time it is absolutely necessary and morally right to establish centralized control on an unprecedented scale and micromanage resources.

Right. I think a decentralized system works better. To get started conquests should no longer be forbidden by some shit known as "international law". That will solve the tropicalization problem within decades.

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For true schizoids/anhedonics I recommend sarcosine + NAC, and Reuteri probiotics also help with NMDA activity/reducing autism-like symptoms.

I wouldn't characterise the alt-right as widely schizoid, this looks like exaggerated Forer effect.

The sexual characteristics should have been separated by sex. I think  it's very unlikely that a male would have erotomania, or that a female would have secret voyeuristic interests. Whoever heard of either of those things?

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In the basement is a warren of cages, space-heaters, and IV lines. Soft towels line the cages, and plump, dead-eyed white rats lie belly-up on the towels, adorned with feeding tubes and electrodes.

Every few hours, a volunteer from the House comes to wipe the rats clean of their own filth with moist towlettes heated in a bath of blood-hot water, then gently turns them to avert bed-sores. The volunteer checks that the heroin distribution system is operating correctly, removes and incinerates any expired rats, and marks their initials on a timesheet before leaving.

Fresh rats are ordered from a laboratory suppiler. One resident is working on a breeding program of his own, though progress is slow.

On the wall decimal places click up on a counter marked "utility".

The water heater broke down months ago. Arguments over whether repairing it still flare up on occasion, even though the charred remains of the heater have been designated as a memetic hazard and quarantined.

The latest jury-rigged solution involves a vat of mineral oil, several hundred GPUs, and an entire fabricated altcoin bubble. Two residents work in shifts to prop up the hype via sockpuppet accounts. The current value of their increasingly precarious portfolio can be inferred from the temperature of the tap water.

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Hey, I got banned from the discord, I live in South America and there ar e no friends for me hereā€¦ Does anyone knows more good communities? I don't know what the fuck to do, my last connection to other people was the discord SSC and now that's gone, I can't even get my account back to speak with my friends or see the other servers, I'm banned from facenbook twitter reddit etc. it's asking me for a phone number and I don't huave it my dad's dying I have nobody to talk to jesus fucking christ man I just said one bad word drunk and that's it?
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Yeah I used a known alias. Well we shouldn't talk about that in this thread any more as it has nothing to do with OP.

Any alias would be known though as long as I admit that I'm in control of the subverse.

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