Военные танки Anonymous 4/9/2024 05:13:00 No. 41257 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Translate Thread... Hide Thread Translate... Hide Post Вторжение ядерного, химического и биологического оружия «Новичок»
Стелс-краска Меход Anonymous 4/9/2024 05:49:00 No. 41258 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post The Big... pdf (13.98 MB, 0x0) Russian... pdf (1.85 MB, 0x0) ACM IV... pdf (1.13 MB, 0x0) Go-fast... pdf (514.33 KB, 0x0) Iron_Carbo... pdf (157.09 KB, 0x0) вторжение
failed Soviet Union Anonymous 4/11/2024 16:24:00 No. 41608 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post freeze drying... png (219.99 KB, 731x430) Analysis... pdf (3.09 MB, 0x0) Dusty... pdf (137.63 KB, 0x0) Build Your Own Drone png (228 KB, 1350x821) Anthrax page 5 png (872.43 KB, 850x1100) An under 48 hour invasion in which they genocided places like the continent of Europe with some sort of nuclear chemical and biological weapons arrays was not accaptable to the U.S. government. It may have lead to the U.S.S.R.s downfall. The dusty agents penetrate chenmical weapons suits and masks. The Soviet Union Lagoda tanks can at least somewhat survive chemical weapons strike areas with their space vehicile air supply systems.
Откройте двери восприятия Anonymous 4/15/2024 21:04:00 No. 42004 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post 7098Advanc... pdf (485.82 KB, 0x0) p9$tBlack... pdf (2.41 MB, 0x0) baggie... pdf (18.45 KB, 0x0) i8LScienti... pdf (16.96 MB, 0x0) СССР!!
nerve gas recipe Anonymous 4/27/2024 21:15:00 No. 43256 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post AssortedNa... pdf (6.91 MB, 0x0) Car Bomb... pdf (523.1 KB, 0x0) DavidsTool... pdf (14.89 MB, 0x0) university... pdf (1.62 MB, 0x0) террорист(terrorist nerve gas attacks)
Ядерная бомба Anonymous 5/9/2024 14:13:00 No. 44508 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post Stealth... pdf (442.81 KB, 0x0) Ragnars... pdf (11.28 MB, 0x0) Guerrilla... pdf (1.87 MB, 0x0) CDC Facts... pdf (61.04 KB, 0x0) Ammonium Nitrate... (126.14 KB, 829x687) Интересные приемы партизанской войны
war and peace type books Anonymous 7/12/2024 22:58:00 No. 50971 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post vladimir-lenon-ussr-e... jpg (55.59 KB, 1200x690) phosgen2e pdf (1.9 MB, 0x0) “Diphosgene�... png (2.17 MB, 1200x1519) DIY Fertilizer... png (1.43 MB, 1275x1650) a final word on world wars(terror strike books)
monkey pox plus smallpox Anonymous 8/27/2024 18:18:00 No. 55931 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post 1971 Aral... pdf (92.43 KB, 0x0) Cyanogen... png (2.47 MB, 1200x1519) Cyanogen... png (2.28 MB, 1200x1519) Recombinan... pdf (449.26 KB, 0x0) Restrictio... pdf (96.44 KB, 0x0) Some kind of recombinant or other genetic engineering crosses could be made from these smallpox diseases. Posibly smallpox vaccine plus monkeypox could go human to human. The Soviets were working on this, supposedly.
Anonymous 9/7/2024 06:43:00 No. 57218 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post White... png (126.37 KB, 1700x2200) White... png (116.89 KB, 1700x2200) White... png (112.7 KB, 1700x2200) Napalm page 2 png (649.08 KB, 1089x850) Napalm page 1 png (810.75 KB, 1089x850) Scientific Principles Of Warfare books don't necasarily weaponize diseases with all that great results. When the U.S. government analized the Anthrax attack on the Congress or Senate, these books were supposed to produce weaponized Anthrax of low quality. But the books seem to produce antiobiotic resistant bacteria weapons that could be used for terrorist purposes at least after some modification.
smallpox and other virus genetic engineering Anonymous 9/8/2024 17:54:00 No. 57399 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post Concentrating... jpeg (404.77 KB, 1655x1234) Homade... png (106.64 KB, 1658x2472) Virus... pdf (29.11 MB, 0x0) Viral DNA... pdf (86.04 KB, 0x0) viral... pdf (71.25 KB, 0x0) stuff like smallpox genes could be combined with human influenza, bacteria could be crossed with like salmonella and common cold bacteria or other common airborne human to human bacteria, human influenza plus avian lethal flu and lethal pig influenza,etc.
how to build the bomb Anonymous 9/10/2024 22:07:00 No. 57675 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post Nuclear-Explosion-Pub... jpg (48.02 KB, 618x340) Documentat... pdf (115.92 KB, 0x0) Laser... pdf (138.71 KB, 0x0) Laser... pdf (25.96 KB, 0x0) Medical_Ma... pdf (385.3 KB, 0x0) Dubious or true nuclear bomb making info.
a bomb? Anonymous 10/18/2024 23:22:00 No. 62821 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post A Healthy... pdf (488.46 KB, 0x0) Deathtrap-... pdf (3.59 MB, 0x0) DeeplyBuri... pdf (781.17 KB, 0x0) Freeze... pdf (156.42 KB, 0x0) Steven... pdf (7.51 MB, 0x0) terror bombs
생화학 무기 제조 방법 Anonymous 10/24/2024 14:48:00 No. 63443 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post chem soldiers png (158.54 KB, 620x349) Thermite page 1 png (2.33 MB, 1227x1540) Thermite page 1 png (2.33 MB, 1227x1540) Homade... png (106.64 KB, 1658x2472) “Diphosgene�... png (2.17 MB, 1200x1519) 생화학 무기 제조 방법
Anonymous 10/24/2024 21:35:00 No. 63464 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post Russians should Assasinate Linux people who banned Russkies
gas Anonymous 11/3/2024 19:23:00 No. 64970 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post Throwable... png (2.57 MB, 1190x1528) "Dick" WW1... png (2.38 MB, 1200x1519) Michael... pdf (10.28 MB, 0x0) Thermite... png (2.65 MB, 1190x1515) Thermite 3 png (2.71 MB, 1190x1511) German "Dick" gas weapon soldiers can't wear masks after too much inhaled because of too much discomfort. Thermite throwable incendiary from Black Book Companion 3
테르마이트를 만드는 방법 Anonymous 11/4/2024 05:40:00 No. 64998 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post Black Book... png (3.36 MB, 1190x1555) Thermite... zip (21.77 MB, 0x0) John L.... pdf (43.35 MB, 0x0) Joshua... pdf (29.86 MB, 0x0) 101OuterSp... pdf (87.38 MB, 0x0) 테르마이트를 만드는 방법
游击战战术 Anonymous 11/23/2024 12:35:00 No. 68003 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post 9a040fae0d... jpg (317.49 KB, 1584x2448) Medical_Ma... pdf (385.3 KB, 0x0) 53B5B_The_... pdf (2.98 MB, 0x0) 14NEXTGENB... pdf (360.44 KB, 0x0) The_Art_Of... pdf (412.17 KB, 0x0) 게릴라전 전술
making robots and stuff Anonymous 12/13/2024 03:38:00 No. 70299 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post 3D-Printin... pdf (3.02 MB, 0x0) 5848619 pdf (8.72 MB, 0x0) Eventorbot... pdf (476.88 KB, 0x0) ROFI... pdf (2.61 MB, 0x0) Simple... pdf (1.69 MB, 0x0) 3d printing guide downloads