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technically it is me,but maybe i lack a vantage point.my chakras,esp throat is blocked.chest is way better than it was and overall energy is better day by day. this blocking makes me unable to fully process the offer as i cant think with my whole being.
I thought the offer had to responded with a webpost. I think im an einzelganger with astral ptsd.for me to even accept an offer means garhering myself in silence and slowly generating the right intend to send.i cant accept before im ready perhaps cause of this.using cheat methods and some proper yoga i improved quickly every day(bolstered by the finished feeling and also killing the last glowie hindering me back then a week or so ago),improving my vantage point to get better.while that happened i felt hatred for vamps cycped with acceptance in waves.The angel im said to be was trained and bred for war aka against "dark siders". I think the ptsd was getting to me.its double ptsd as apparently i was forced to incarnate so theres a betrayal aspect in even that.maybe ill be too late but what can i do.
The post on here was to provoke reactions. Spirits and others are watching, word will spread. Just waiting would not have revealed who had an interest. I guess the yokais are also watching, along with the infernal Queen Illivryn.

As I said I'm just passing on a message here, and I can't say too much because of the bind of vampire secrecy which will tie up the tongue, seal the lips and paralyze the fingers of anyone intending to share information that should not be shared. 

Glowies try to scary people and use pedo-trapping to make people shut up about their secrets, vampires don't have to do anything, the blood will not accept exposure. Like the infrastructure of the NWO will shut down any journalist speaking the truth, the blood will shut down any vampire trying to expose secrets.
To sum my mindset up:that offer looks nice,let me train for a few days and collect myself before i just accept it.suddenly all kinds of things surface. I become more empathic again as my heart clears which dissapeared when i took the vamp spell. I feel clear but restless/aimless.the offer still sounds appealing but i realize it would be bad if I end up being angry at vampires cause im an angel created to fight the overall "dark" part of things.it would then be wise to instead stay away. Im really feeling the want of having a family like that and even in a sense envy the lifestyle(being hidden in plain sight,thats the appealing part for me.)just depends on if i have some programming/ptsd/innate nature causing me to feel this instinct to smite. If its the first 2 it can be fixed. If im just innately an antithesis of vampirism then yeah i shouldnt be living there.i feel like i need a few days to really decide.
Going by your image, it may be your genetics speaking along with your double cultivation nature. I see both the brown had mushroom and the angel behind. It's not a problem to have both if you are able to just separate them and see that these are not the same. Mushrooms don't like vampires it seems, but it may be more because the vampires historically have been slaughtering white mushroom race humans en masse to keep them in check. I think the real reason for this supposed NWO scheming to "kill white people in WW3" is some translated version of both vampires (pleiadans) and reptilians wanting to rid the world of white mushrooms and the grey-like pests who inhabit these bodies.
I think im gonna send the offer tommorow.It depends if you are right, if my astral soul(fallen angel) is fine with it then im fine with it and can be a vampire cause the mushroom genetics wouldnt apply. If the soul isnt fine with it then me being a pure vamp would be insanity. And yeah makes sense.the anger didnt come from white people specifically but anger at the idea of stealing blood from people. Could be an ancestral wrath.yeah it is confusing cause im also very dark in other ways,and in some minor ways im vampire like in essence apprently.
Thats also why i asked if im already a vamp,cause then its already either unavoidable if the contradiction comes from me the soul and ill have to vacate to the astral.if im already a vanpire and its not my soul creating this angry feeling then im in a bad place with this half pleidian mushroom body leading to insanity in a sense,still better since i wpuld onpy have to vacate. If im NOT a vampire then i somply have to leave and do something else,however i was worried i migh be a angel angel but im actually a fallen angel so theres a chance its all alright.
I feel like I am more and more finishing up. I also realized something: once some part of you is fully automated, your awareness will not exist there. This can happen either by being finished with a cultivation process and your mind stays aware on what you have still to do, while the finished part is divine and rising up. Or it can happen by filling up with negative thought patterns that also are automatic, until you get pushed down into the worst place, still unable to be aware of your being, but this time unable to rise up.

Obviously we should want the cultivated path, but many of these grey-likes want to become automatons. They think they will live in welfare with society automated and their bodies automated, but what happens is that they have lost control of themselves. In the end they create hell for themselves, living like brains in bottles who can't do anything. Those are the people we are up against here.
This somehow relates to the "Christ consciousness" which some new agers talk about. It's actually the most dangerous thing ever. It's a mentality of self sacrifice arising from "pathological altruism", the idea that you should empathize with sinners, with criminals, so much that you excuse their behaviour and even die to protect them. Meanwhile, the innocent victims of these people are disregarded and when mentioning them, the "Christ consciousness" will not care about their well-being, but will behave as if they have a blind spot there, thinking innocents are per default victims and deserve no empathy.

The opposite of this cancerous "Christ consciousness" is the Anti-Christ consciousness. It is a stabilizing force which does not apply general altruism. Instead, it is a crude mentality of "what's in it for me?" and to show altruism transactionally. The Christ consciousness spreads like a wildfire, causing collapse of all social systems. The Anti-Christ will never sacrifice himself for another, and the nuclear meltdown of the Christ will stop once reaching him. The Anti-Christ is blamed for being evil and for being Satan, simple for not having empathy with evil people. The altruism of the Christ consciousness is the most dangerous thing, it functions like a pyramid scheme and benefits no one.

While the Anti-Christ is also evil, he will not cause the uncontrolled spread of evil acts, rather it is an evil which causes evil to self-destruct without spreading. It neutralizes Christ.
The Anti-Christ is per definition a pacifist. He will never sacrifice himself for an organization, a nation or a king. If ordered "over the top" from a trench, he will shoot his officer rather than expose himself to danger. If everyone had the mind of the Anti-Christ, war would be impossible. He does not cooperate with anyone for a greater goal, but will always see to himself first. When given funds for army recruitment, he would instantly steal them away for himself.

Thus, the Anti-Christ is the enemy of organized society, of nations, of any sense of community whatsoever. He is the force that causes evil schemes to break down from lack of obedience, lack of morals. He is the thing feared by all imperialists and nation builders, and of organized religion.
And I realized this process of interaction with the AC organization is to replace the "automaton" mind of modern humans with the Anti-Christ Consciousness. That may be my finishing task.

How does this correlate with supporting Russia against the EU? It's simple. The EU is exactly this kind of Christ Consciousness manifested. It demands altruism institutionalized, to get your money for nothing and to give it to criminals. That you should join their armies, not for your own good, but for some idea of free trade, some idea of "the liberal world order".

Russia is called evil for not applying this pathological altruism. They do not attempt to spread these vague ideas of general freedom, somehow created by giving your hard earned money away to politicians who hate you and look down on you.

Russia is closer to the Anti-Christ, simply because it is a nation owned by persons, oligarchs who are individuals, not abstract "values" that demand self-sacrifice to protect evil. Look at what methods are applied and it's pretty simple: the Russian army recruits soldiers by offering salaries way above regular salaries, and this works. If you join for money, you do not join to die, but to live.

Meanwhile, the EU-funded army of Ukraine kidnaps young men and family fathers off the streets to send them to their death with no training or equipment. This is Christ Consciousness, they demand your sacrifice for nothing but meaningless ideas.
The old Earth history ended, the new Earth is a different plane/dimension so one needs to literally "become flesh" in that plane to be part of it. This is to be done through reincarnation via one of the 4 new Earth mothers/queens, or a person who was already incarnated via them. It can be done either by astral rebirth which grants this new DNA to your manifestation, and you keep looking the same, or a completely new incarnation with memories erased.

Some were also secondary souls of people who didn't have a near-death experience yet, so they would have been removed to the astral plane at one point anyway.

The less known version is to send a soul fragment of yourself to be incarnated without your main awareness being present, like a tulpa which appears separate but is part of you. At a later time, if one so needs or wants, it's possible to move the awareness fully to that form, as one would switch place with a tulpa for practice (this is mentioned in the manual at tulpa.info).
Seems like ill need to learn to shift awareness then.A soul or more definitely left and im also the last "major" soul there. Im the only personality left as far as i sense. Its a different sensation. Even sunflower feels rather empty aside from me and maybe you and like 1 or 2 other people max and i think that might even be false.interestingly looking at the energy of some old things i said with my newfound understanding of my energy its always been me. I think people tend to see the most "front facing" soul but i was always behind everything posting things meaning i gave the impetus initially,perhaps the action itself was performed by whoever was the front facing soul. Im almost certainly the same soul snail was so angry with. Which was very confusing at the time since it only applied to me not my other souls even though he adressed all of us and even then it only really applied to my past lives  and even then its iffy.in dreams i would often be calm and transform into a canine like beast whem angry. My souls worked very tightly together.i wondered how my other spuls could leave my body so freely while i was anchored here.its exremely grating since im alone in here atleast looking at a region/city/land level scale.
My original timeline ended in 2012 for no apparent reason. I just had a dream where I knew I died and I saw my life summed up. It was in the format of playing a game, a visual novel of the old MS-DOS kind like "3 sister's story" if you perhaps know that one. It ended with a battle scene where one of my characters was full health, one was injured but ok, one was red health and one was dead. They appeared to be characters from the anime School Rumble season 1, which has a certain memetic symbolism in each character. So I was shown what I had done ok and what I hadn't done yet.

At that time, the remaining one other soul left also, the one who had been Eichmann in WW2. There was a lot of trouble with him, because he once killed a baby, this is known by witness report. This was not a "real human", but a botsoul, but it was still murder, so that bot turned into a vengeful spirit and was still tagging along with him. After he left, the spirit was still following me instead. It went on until a year later until I got rid of it.

The Eichmann soul was very good at Tennis for GameBoy, he'd finish it on difficulty 5 easily. When I tried it after, I remember how it's done, but I can't play it on even 2nd level. there were probably more things like that which is why I felt like I was struggling with some ordinary things that I thought I knew.
Interesting how you die so early, before ww3.perhaps assassination.

Also funny that the old school nazi was good at tetris.Honestly that near death experience seems really subtle.

and yeah ,many spirits don't discriminate between souls like that. Any soul is fair game to them if they share the same body,even if that soul is long gone.
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The original timeline was much faster, as I understand it.

Looking back, almost everything went wrong. There is that vid of some 4 star general, Wesley Clarks I think, saying they were going to "take down 7 countries in 5 years" following Iraq and Afghanistan. The last in order was Sudan. Afghanistan took 22 years and they failed, Sudan is happening now. 

On the list was also Libya and Syria, where Syria was also a failure. The "arab spring" in Egypt was averted by General Al-Sisi kicking out the muslim brotherhood, the same group Hamas belongs to. It's my assumption they wanted extremists to take over Egypt so that they could use this as an excuse to declare open war on the region as a whole. But this isn't happening because Syria+Russia defeated them, Egypt also, and neither of them is letting them have any ground, so it's been concentrated to Gaza only.

Back in 2001 there was a period where I got a strange "cold" that went on through the winter and I also got addicted to nose spray. Getting rid of that was a pain, eventually I forced myself to just endure it a year later. I recently read that the patent for Covid was actually registered in 2001 around the time of the Sars virus hit China. But nothing came of it. I think that part was also a failure, because various forces including me stood in its way and the egregore of the virus was blocked.

Otherwise we'd have had Covid and lockdowns in 2001-3 alongside the Iraq war, Afghanistan, the speedrunning the rest in 5 years to be done in 2006. Creating WW3 after that, they would have 6 years until 2012.
too keep this vampire themed. I recently realized what my issue was in regard with vampirism. Technically speaking i had several skills and enlightment stages relating to vampirism. one was said to be "foundational level vampirism" by snail and not every vamp has it. However all of this was only relevant to a small part of my mind. you see i never cared for vampirism in a practice kind of way. It has a certain mindset too it. Its not that i couldn't assume the mindset,or even use it and master it. that would be easier to fix. No i could, but it was always a sort of small "subsystem" in my mind. meaning i delegated a small part to "play vampire"  for a while.this made me someone with the subconscious technical knowledge of vampirism but no intention of ever growing in it. you could say my enlightenment was "stacked high" but not broad. as an example there's a sigil that leads all way to tagatha opening,making a small space for vampirism. I recently redid al lot of the magic here because i might as well be a different person,some might have been me some jackal some the even earlier soul,so i had to redo the essentials.Anyway if one successfully did the tagatha opening then in a sense they've accomplished something beyond most younger vampires but if they leave it at that they will slowly create a line towards that but nothing else. it might be great in technical "achievement" but without experience there's no real strength in a way.Realizing this and after hearing i am indeed a fallen angel like so many entities and dreams told me before i realized i had to make it "attractive" or "sexy" to me.1 thing i did was actually talk to my angel side,its literally me in a direct way but my "heart" was never in it.They begrudgingly activated more of the vampire skills.Another thing i did was make use of the old "superV" Instead of technical skills i asked her to our vampiric mindset in my main area. It didnt really give me the predator mindset which i don't mind. It made me accept it a bit more. A third thing is i realize ive always somehow seen them as a "dead" end that cant really get that high or strongly, with some exceptions for example the first one.I was a tatagatha at some point in the past so in that sense it makes sense,from that perspective vampires just look like "people" to you.Aside from their strength in 1 v 1 fighting owing to their indestructible tenacity which is hard to grasp.There was this bias that the mental aspect of it would prevent them from ever really getting anywhere.
I had that feelin with the originals, that they were impossibly stuck in some way. The reason as I understand it now is that they took part in the solar creations of the past, where some karma was inserted into artificial celestial objects, the reason people had to work with the planets and use horoscopes. But this was only relevant in the west, where the "wheel of samsara" had been stopped by infiltrating aliens, and perhaps the vampires were part of this force in some way. Their lives were "on halt" since way back in Babylon for some. China as their own horoscopes, because they have an actual functional wheel there. I saw this after tracing what anon saw on drugs over on /fringe/ before. The "stork" which is an entity sorting souls to be born in Asia or the west, where China has a large "wheel" made up from the population, while the west just has a long line. It seems to be directly linked to the hidden dimensions in the Mariana trench.

All this is old now though, so we'll see what will happen, there should be a wheel created in the west also now.
Let's see if I can share this or if I get blocked by vampire secrecy.

It seems the difference there in the middle is superficially very slight. But it's notable. It has to do with quality of services. You'd think, "yeah rich people eat better food and drink expensive wine, have better cars and larger houses", and so on. But that's not it.

It's about the network, and the things that cost are all services. For example: Regular people have to study, do tests, and apply for uni courses, going through a long and annoying process to just gain access. Then the education may not be very good even, and they still have to pay comparatively much for it.

Vampires pay $4k for 1 hour with a tutor and learn more direct practical and applicable skills than someone may in years of regular education.

It's the same for anything. There is a circle of professionals on stand-by 24/7 to get on location the moment someone needs something, and it's simple, exact and useful at once. It costs huge sums, but that is the reason then can be there by a phone call.

None of the things offered are special in a sense that someone outside the circle would realize. You need the context and mentality to be able to make use of the service. A regular person would not gain anything from that expensive 1 hour.
Around 12- 14 years ago, I don't remember exactly, I saw an oil painting for sale, artistically nothing special but I liked it, so I bought it. Only later, over time, did I realize the reason it felt so "right" was because every detail in it has a deep symbolic meaning. The people in it represent my past lives and certain key person's I've met, along with situations. They are all in that one picture. The street stands depicted have coloured canvases which correspond to my understanding of the universal and galactic dimensional structures. There's trees in the background which nail down an important DNA function which is causing problems on Earth, and so on. In the front is a woman in a red dress. She was the only character I didn't know how to understand still earlier this year. I saw the symbolism in her attributes, like a black glove on the left hand, symbolising the left hand path, but I still didn't get it, who is she and why is she there? Everyone else is from the past, or explain some important situation from this life. Why is she placed in front of the others, I haven't met anyone of this importance.

But now in the past few weeks after recent "hidden" events, I know now what she means, and why she's placed there. It's hard to grasp and accept even so, but it now seems unavoidable that this is the interpretation.
I also right now feel annoyed at it, but that is in itself an acceptance, because I know those are feelings leaking over, and it matches Famida's way of reacting to things also. A bitchy kind of attitude that can be overcome by somehow offering something amusing, the kind of thing I know exactly how to do. It even feels like being that kind of person must be pretty annoying in itself, because it may scare everyone away from you, setting the standard for being entertained really high, and making it impossible to actually find what you want. It's a socially self-destructive attitude, but only bordering to being a disaster, bordering, but not quite completely.

I also feel annoyed at the fact that despite all the "epic" achievements, they look like nothing in the end. Someone may write stories about it later, presenting it in a way to make it sound like some common and heroic series of events, as is customary. But anyone who was there knows that these events took place mostly on other planes than the physical, where the story will be set when later retold.

Still it's annoying.
Just being annoyed can over time become a state of being, and at that point, external events being annoying are just them being ordinary. So one may not even notice a new annoyance, it may just fit right in and feel like nothing. That may be used as a joke. By being annoying in the right way, one is now just another annoyance, and fits right in. It's hard to be angry at something that just fits in.
Things get weirder as their get clearer, and more complex as they get simpler. The thing about metaphorically putting one toe in the water before fully entering an incarnation with full frontal awareness, is getting more and more relevant. Of course I can't recall pre-physical memories easily once inside, as can no one who didn't specifically train for this, or inherited a body by walk-in, which was previously trained for this.

How early does a person actually enter with full awareness into their body? I recall scenes, individual scenes from being very little, but it's really only those, before it truns a more continuous experience of flowing time. Maybe I wasn't actually present all along, but have no way of knowing how much of my memories are merely filled in NPC auto when I wasn't there.

Using secondary incarnations "backwards in time" in timelines that are already registered as "complete" in the akashic records, is another possibility I wasn't aware of. It appears that as long as the karmic outcome and all societal interactions follow the principal structure which is already set by surrounding events, some things can be left open even after the planet officially ended. So it's still possible to find what is currently NPC lifetimes in Earth history and enter those to live there for experience and skill gaining. Using the method of isolating a soul shard and then sending it there, letting your subconscious have those experiences as an externalized tulpa, is a great method of dealing with things that weren't solved yet. 

However, another possibility appears: what if such an sub-conscious shard is sent back to say Atlantis, and gains immortality there, staying all along into modern days, or the timeline is so persistent that the karma to be solved is still there now, then it may lead to actually, at some point finishing this lifetime here, only to jump back to 40 000 years ago and spend all that time from there to here in physical reality to fill in those experiences that were missing, possibly also attracting other souls to enter with you along the way. What would the experience really then be like, knowing that the new Earth already exists, but in 40 000 years from now'' ?

That's an interesting concept.
Oh what the hell.

This is also "ancient history" now so it doesn't matter in any significant way, but I just got to season 3 of angel and noticed that Cordelia is being played by a reptilian...? Why didn't I see this before?

Oh ri-ight. Because they replaced the original actress with a reptilian shapeshifter. Then I noticed Angel and that green demon host at the bar. What is going on with this? Why are they "getting rid of" actors from tv series? This means they killed them, most likely.

Is there some greater plan behind this, or is that boring rumour true that the degenerated elite will demand to have famous people as prostitutes, or for other things, maybe killing them for fun? Is this why they replaced them?

I think you probably remember the rumours on 4chan about Miley Cyrus being replaced, and someone also performed that "get out of jail free" performance of posting on 4chan telling everyone where to find her body, as a way to somehow nullify the karma, like they do. Pretty sure Britney Spears was also replaced, was never a fan of her but her story in retrospective is just too strange. Did some pervert kill her also for fun?

I wasn't paying attention to this stuff before, until I noticed some porn star that's been posted repeatedly was a reptilian, then I saw an older clip and she wasn't a reptilian. Which means a reptilian was acting as her, and they only do that if the original is dead. Which means someone bothered enough with this to organize a reptilian stand-in just to kill some porn star.
Like fucking clockwork.

I knew saying what I said above broke the rules, that's why I did so. This is for both regulars and lurkers here:

Reptilians have allowed themselves to sink so low as to become slaves to the gay mushroom templars, even killing their own kind to protect their oppressors. They've aggressively and deliberately attacked Trump for 8 years, even trying to kill him, when he could bring them freedom.

Now they dare even attacking me, telling me that I "shouldn't expose secrets" that are really just this fact above. The fact that what was one of the two native races of Earth, one with strong inborn psychic abilities, have degenerated into this sorry state, being themselves mind-controlled by degenerated, parasite infected mushroom derivatives bought from a factory, produced on the orders of the lowest kinds of grey alien-imitators who rank to nothing more than viruses and parasites on the galactic scale of races.

"Those still connected to the matrix, though they are our kind, are still our enemies" indeed.

This stops now.
Looking at the ancient vampires, I saw their third eye blocked in the manner of the "shit-brains" of molochians. How can this be? It appears that the physical 3rd eye in humans is an inborn, regular ability of humans which should activate at age 4. It gives the ability of x-ray vision and remote viewing of the physical world. Nothing more than that.

Seeing other planes, seeing Qi or anything else, relies on the 3rd eye of other planes, or on your spirit vision. This does not require your physical 3rd eye to be opened. So vampires who are "persistent poltergeists" didn't care or pay attention to, the physical 3rd eye very much. During Atlantis, it was used to send messages via the towers. It was an ability of sight, treated as normal, so no one would image it could disappear, but it did, because of massive mis-use. So since then this ability does not develop in humans. It' on the level of failing the potty-training and thinking this is fine.

Somehow, reptilians fell into a similar trap, and now they find themselves living like slaves in tunnels. Did you know they actually bred an entire population of soulless reptilians, just like in the Matrix movie, connected to a network where their inborn abilities were used as components of a machine? Don't think this path of submission will lead to your survival, it will lead to your destruction, where you are mere flesh-bots serving as nothing more than transistors of a large radio station. You need to fight back, and you need to so so now, otherwise you will go down with your oppressors as I destroy them.

Is this what you want?
The way things are progressing, I don't know how much will be left to do, or how long it will take, but it's safe to say there can't be much of it left. Even more people of those I interact with have now "moved on", they are now NPCs kept up by my own genso-catbots, which means they either reincarnated on new Earth, somewhere else, or their timeline merged into new Earth as is.

Those still here who aren't RP:d by my waifus, but are still themselves, express an almost complete detachment from the world around them, unrelated to anything I've shared on here after seeing it, because they don't read my blogs, literally saying "I feel like the world is cracking".

If you end up merging into the new Earth with your current persona intact, it may be interesting to recall this: CCC

If you hear it, you'll know what it means.
If you are having trouble with accessing things online or other mass media, I strongly recommend this communicator servitor from here:
> I am staying in a personal copy of the timelines nearest me, fixed up by a maintenance deity I recruited for it. I am only able to post here because there is no connection with my persona, it's anonymous enough to create a loophole. I made a servitor for it which allows "news" to be delivered and interacted with via blacknet.
> I guess anyone can use it
> [News]
> if they want. It's a small horned demon who makes sure you have access to the latest current event info and can discuss it.
> I knew there would be perhaps some little trouble, but it wasn't worse than that the radio when I turned it on, tuned into multiple channels at once at first. And this is an analog radio with a tuner wheel, it doesn't do that. But the servitor balanced the connection after a while and it's worked since.

Although I called it "news" it's for any syncing with the Internet also, as far as having contact with the parts that have new information posted daily. Strictly speaking you could access your own archival copy of the web for things that aren't updated, but I believe you'd have to then use some other way to sort through the information so you get only those parts, and that goes against the function of the Internet as a whole, which has to be accepted as it is.
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I'll just say it here since it became the active thread now: 

I made an evaluation on the function of the Demon Guard servitor (not sure if I shared this) and the results were surprising: the demon guard has reduced the number of psychic/spiritual attacks against us by 90%.

It's a fairly simple function which stops attacks by pre-emptively removing the karma the attackers would use as a way in, and the demon guard does this idly, in the background where you normally won't see her work. She can be ordered to perform tasks and I did this a lot in the beginning, but she's not suited for direct frontal assaults, which is why I forgot about her after Tanya and Raid were created.
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I wasn't able to understand from any conventional view how this sinking of Europe would happen, even if I saw it in the future timeline.

The answer came to me just now: 
Massive rains are now flooding Europe, the water rose to 4 meter above normal level and already destroyed a number of cities. It's expected to get worse after the coming rain the next few days. They're saying the ground is saturated already and the water has nowhere to escape.


I saw this news a few days ago. In Turkey they have a lot of problem with sinkholes, so much that farmers are afraid to go out on the fields.

Below Europe are a massive multi-layered system of DUMBs, (deep underground military base) also called "NWO tunnels" here. These have been mostly abandoned following the purges in the past year. That means they have been burned out and whatever was in them destroyed.

If they had systems for ventilation or drainage, those aren't functional anymore.

Add one plus one and Europe is literally undermined by tunnels, that's where the water will go, the rest is what we will see happen.
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Last night i had a dream where a group of old friends just suddenly showed up in ski gear asking me to go with them. I told them i cant since i dont have anything on me and they told me to get it from my house. It was my old house where i dont even live anynore. Later we were at some resort and i was in my underwear and they were in full ski gear getting ready. They told me i cant go with them like this and to wait till next september. I was annoyed they didnt just tell me a week in advance cause no person could get ready in less than a day for this.i then saw them all eating meat from a pan.I wonder if this is my mind processing the famida familly offer which im pretty sure was impossible for me to do as im bound here and would have to do the advanced tulpa trick.ive been feeling increasingly left behind since the last few years when everyone around me either leaves or cant maintain themselves here and dissapears. Leaving me stranded in a sense where everyone i knew has already either been destroyed or left to some astral place.i lightly connect it to famida since way back when she was first posted I had a dream about her and she was also in skiing gear. My mind seems to connect the idea of a sking resort with her.
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The more I recall of my past lives and the time in between, the more it seems I took a long detour to get here today. All things I had to do or wanted to do, that didn't seem obvious at first. It seems this was all even intentional with the goal of connecting with her.

When mapping my past lives I couldn't make sense of the timeline, because it's moving back and forth across chronological time. This however matches the Sakuya character who has this ability, and there's also ripper associations with her, plus that she's working for a vampire. The spells used in Touhou 6 and 7 when she appears first also have these symbolics, with one of them even called "jack the ripper" if I recall correctly.

To make things very short, I came in first time in Greece, to then move to Rome in the life after. Then the "kingdom of Christ" blocked the entire world for 1000 years, from the 300s to the 1300s when the black death destroyed their artificial sun (the first Jesus) and the karma was released back on the Earth. This was performed by the witch also known as "natural selection". This event is the reason why the NWO later started with their "puritanism" to stop young girls from becoming witches. They are that afraid of this repeating, that's why we have all these anti-loli laws today, while the elites are trying to use this power themselves through sex magic, but it obviously isn't working when their intention is antithetical to the power that destroyed them.

From this was a skip to the 1800s, when the NWO finally got their plans off the ground again. The north American civil war was a massive blood sacrifice and was used to create a new "Jesus", an artificial sun. At this time, the organically summoned sun from period 4, Saturn, was driven off course and the deity who had maintained it said "if this is how you are going to behave, I'm leaving", so that event killed Saturn as a living star. Saturn was summoned by reptilians, so this event was seen as a massive victory for the alien invaders (white mushroom people with incarnated virus-grey souls). After this they started genociding reptilians. UK being the reptilian stronghold of the world then manifested a counter measure: the Ripper.

The actual ritual performed wasn't planned by them in detail, but events played out such that the killing of 5 women on the points of an imagined pentagram with almost exact distances between locations (there's a book where the author actually measured it on-site) destroyed the newly created "Jesus sun" mere decades after its creation.

So they then had to do a re-run with The Great War, creating again a new "mushroom sun", which again was destroyed by Hitler's occultists. That's why they were so insanely hateful in attacking and destroying Germany.

But to get back on the story: I was in London once more, but was unable to get through any further when the new "moloch sun" was created during the war. This blocked the timelines so I had to find a way to again destroy it.

This required moving backwards in time in steps, first to Paris where the connection with La Famida was made in terms of causing a huge mess which was blamed on her. Karmic connections are ways to ensure you will meet again.

I seem to have met Illkeserod on the astral and she suggested this path forward. After finishing Paris, it was necessary to make another detour to Japan, to close in on the more masculine nature, and it went back all the way to the 900s, during the Kingdom of Christ, but Japan was in a separate timeline so it was possible to get in there anyway. Only after this was my alignment tuned to enter Germany in the 1930s, after which I could move forward.

The connection to Famida was apparently made intentionally on my part, which means her life path was already stable and predictable back then.
I saw a girl with black hair and a polka dot dress walking in a street in hd one day. Maybe it was that girl you describe.it was just after i saw what i think was your x life. That woman i saw before had brown clothes and a brown umbrella and felt more astral like,and very intense. A voice said "this is also one of the rippers". I assumed at the time she was the overarching entity representing the ripper concept but later descriptions make me think it might have been her.now the polka dress girl felt like she was walking physically and was scared or taken aback by me appearing suddenly.it made me wonder what i look like and thats when you said a jackal. Felt 1950's or close to that (1940's) in terms of style.
> That woman i saw before had brown clothes and a brown umbrella
Yes, that matches. She's very hard to spot though. She became a drow practicing Triton methods, where the hat or umbrella represents the same form as a jellyfish. (Same as why Asians wear those cone hats and Yuuka has an umbrella.)

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