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How do you make a game without any random elements?

1. Use conditionals instead: the world reacts to the actions taken by the player (or lack thereof) since the start of the game.
For example, depending upon the state of the world (such as changes caused by the player or game clock) and the time from the start of the game's clock, certain types of enemies will act in accordance with one set of rules when they are unaware of the player (or their actions), another ruleset when they are partially aware of the player (or their actions), and another when they are fully aware.

2. for some things that would otherwise operate on a basis of chance (such as a skill that has a 25% chance of dealing double damage when used), you can instead replace it with some criteria that would activate the event once met, for example the skill mentioned above may deal double damage every fourth time it has been used, or will deal double damage if used on a certain enemy, or in a certain location on the enemy, or when the enemy is in a certain state (less than half health, on fire, etc.)

3. Initial item placements and drops would be fixed, as would the initial placement of enemies, every map would always be the same, and both encounters and npc's may appear in certain areas based on the clock and game state, not by chance.

- the world would feel more real -

Basically the whole world of a game without randomness would be deterministic, but deterministic in the same way our world is, were every prior input from the past creates the state of the present, which in turn creates the output of the future, if you know everything about the universe in any previous state, you can use that data to predict every state it would take from that point on, but there is so many bits of data and there are so many different ways they interact with one another, that it may as well be random from, our perspective.

A world of rules, plain and simple, cause and effect, everything is an equation, an algorithm, simply one of such scale that we may never be able to solve it.
This sounds about right.
If I go hunting I came across prey not by random chance but as a result of a constellation of a huge amount of events. From the time of day, through the weather, the state of wild edibles to the movement of other predators. And ofc, my actions if I stopped talking to the neighbour, stepped quietly enough, etc etc.
There is a tolerance ofc in certain events, they can be "true" on several points on a scale.

How big the database of such game should be (yeah I know, it depends on the game), and how much of a processing power were needed?

> but deterministic in the same way our world is


Radioactive decay is nondeterministic.

1 m^3 of air at stp is 1.19kg.

Air contains 1.29% argon by mass. 1 m^3 of air contains 15.3 grams of Ar.

Natural argon is ~8*10^−16 m/m 39Ar. 1 m^3 of air contains 12.2fg of 39Ar.

One atom of 39Ar is 6.47^-23 grams. 1 m^3 of air contains 189 billion atoms of 39Ar.

Halflife of 39Ar is 269 years. 1 m^3 of air will have one beta-decay of 39Ar every 90ms on average.

The Lyapunov time of air at STP is who-the-fuck-knows. The Lyapunov time of 1 cm^3 of Ar at STP is 3.7*10^-11 seconds.

1 m^3 of air at STP has 7.14x10^26 atoms; e^62 or so. 62 Lyapunov times is about 3ns.

On human timescales our atmosphere is nondeterministic. It has decent statistical properties; one fundamentally cannot predict the low-level behavior.

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One thing that annoyed me was whenever you fast traveled, the loading screen where it showed henry traveling across map with the clock was slow as shit and it was pretty much pointless when the point of fast traveling is to skip the back tracking as much as possible since theres not really much to do when you travel besides finding the odd chance of a sidequest or massacring a cumman camp. I remember them posting a video on how they had a dev manually plant millions of trees, imo they would have benefited more if they invested more time on making vertical sliced/isolated areas with more content since the open world map is very pretty when you look at the landscape the first couple of times but you get disappointed when theres not much substance in those places inbetween key locations.

I never fast-travelled because fast travel is disabled in hardcore mode. Perhaps you weren't aware, but if you travel the map, there are random encounters on the road. Bandits will set up roadblocks or ambush you with dogs and there are also various characters to encounter, like lost merchants you can help or rob, occasional roadside murders you come across, errant knights looking to duel, full-on battles taking place between groups of bandits and Cumans or groups of guards and Cumans.

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Are you playing Electronic Arts games? Are you aware of Electronic Arts's racist & bug problems of The Sims 4?

Electronic Arts (EA) never listen / The list of bugs and problems
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A thread for all your FPS needs. A non-exhaustive list of good FPS:
Unreal Tournament

Serious Sam

What was the last FPS you played?
What did you enjoy about it?
What mechanics or design elements set it apart from other games?
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I just finished FEAR Extraction Point.
That was a wild ride, especially at the end. The spooky parts were great.

I really wish the hospital levels were longer though because they looked a lot better graphically.
The game handles anything that's not a strict indoors area very poorly.

I heard Perseus Mandate was shit, so I'll just skip that one.
It might be time to finally try EYE.

> I really wish the hospital levels were longer though because they looked a lot better graphically.
I liked how the morgue changed from spooky to clean after you resolve Alma's shit.
> I heard Perseus Mandate was shit, so I'll just skip that one.
More of the same with lower quality and silly additional guns and enemies.

its a very "odd" game, but very fun for at least a while(for me it was extremely fun for many hours). Its got good replay value too with the different builds you can make but maximum jojolegs are hard to do without. if you like being a goodgoy i still suggest piracy because its not a typical game and you may not get your moneys worth out of it.

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i still remember my first minecraft world. i spawned in a taiga next to a beach and a desert, it was in r1.0 i didn't know how to play minecraft. i died a lot from monsters for a while, and eventually figured out how to craft. i then built a nice small house on the beach (it was small, but felt big to me), and eventually  i realised i needed food. a placed some small farming blocks down by the water, and eventually expanded it, digging a bit deeper into the sand so i made a nice wheat farm. on the backdoor of the sand house there were stairs which led down to the farm (it was a bit deep down, maybe 2-3 blocks from the surface level). i never explored, i just sat by in my  cozy beach area, but one day i realised i needed materials. so i ventured into the nearby cave entrance. it was scary. but after a very long trip and facing numerous foes, i finally made it to the surface with lots of iron, coal, redstone and a single diamond. i cherished the diamond, but i didnt know what to do with it, so i made it into a jukebox. now with all the riches i had aquired, i was sure people of long and wide would come here to make a new settlement, so i made a nice hotel. it had only two rooms, but was still bigger than my other house. i also discovered a cool technique, shearing leaves and then placing them on chopped logs to create room plants! by that point i hadn't disovered flowers, and wouldn't cotninue to do so for a very long time. other projects ensued, and eventually i had a small outpost in the desert 100 blocks from my other things, as well as a cactus-protected storehouse. then, something terrible happened. one night whilst hunting for monsters, i was low on health so i fled to the storehouse, but i poked myself on a cactus. everything i had was gone. it was one of hte most tragic moments. i had to venture into the depths of the caves once more. after many deaths and tries, i got a decent iron set again, and started to look around on the surface. i realised it was snowing in the taiga, and i could collect snow, so i made place and gathered snow and built a snow castle. it was cramped and awkward, so i wasnt satisfied with it. then, my mind was blank, and i didn't know what else to do. i looked out onto a swamp, and decided to build a few mudhuts there before leaving, it all felt pointless and meaningless. so i deleted the world and moved on to other things like smp and other games. i regret it to this day, it was the world i treasured the most, all those memories will be gone forever.

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I got tired of Minecraft because of its abysmall combat system. It took ages for the game to give the player shields and item enchantments or healing items. It took years for the stamina bar to affect combat.

However even with all of these things, I still can't justify the game, or purchase. The enemy variety is still abysmally poor, with the only unique enemy being the Spider-Jocky. But, even if there were more enemy variety there's another reason why I just can't get into Minecraft.

That being the combat animations. The combat animations to this day still sucks ass, and there's only one mod out there that actually gives the enemies animations and it's not a fully realized or finished mod at that. If you're interested in the mod's name it's Mo Bends.

There's also other things that have prevented me from playing the game though, it's not just the combat, but combat is the biggest culprit for me. Another big reason why is because I have to mod into the game Minecolonies and Millenaire to make the world feel alive, and have some sort of progression to it. However due to Java's limitations, as well as Mojang plus Microsoft's refusal to move the game to C++ these two mods are advancing at a snail's pace. 

Moreover Minecolony has been abandoned multiple times and has had to scrap a lot of features such as fortress walls and militias. There's also the death of one of my favorite Trains and Blimps mods along with my favorite furniture mods made by a /v/irgin. It hurts to say, but I just can't go back to Minecraft. For me there's been two hotness ever since they were in a playable state, those being Castle Story and Timber and Stone.

Here's my opinions on them

Castle Story is basically old school Minecraft but as an RTS. Meaning no hunger systems, enchantments etc. but I don't care. The game let's me build giant ass fortresses that I have to defend against roughly 70 waves of difficult enemies. There's two other game modes, but one is a sandbox, the other is a boring control points thing that is better played against people, not the shitty AI.

The game has its problems though,for starters the wave difficulty is based on a dice roll, so the difficulty spikes can be really unfair at times. Additionally the AI has some big problems with its pathfinding, and the civilian units constantly like doing suicide attacks against enemies, even enemies that can one shot them. There's also a memory leak bug that creeps up if you play the game for more than 3-5 hours.

Also the devs are really incompetent at game balancing and when a bug is too hard to fix they remove features from the game. In the old days of the game your units wouldn't be able to phase in our out of each other, they actually colided with each other and could create traffic jams if you designed your castle poorly. Also in the old days you would be able to build armies of around 40 before the game would crash. Now the devs put in a population limit of 15. Which you can increase but you have to do it via the game's lua config settings, the Devs are total faggots and tell the community they're never letting the player base change this setting via normal menus too.

In terms of balancing, there's a straight up hierarchy to combat units, knights are more powerful than halberdiers, which are equal to arbalests, which are stronger than archers. It's super lame, and due to the devs being lazy shits, getting zerg rushed by the weakest units in the game is perfectly possible. In single player it means you will be doing nothing but spamming Knights, and archers at enemies. However there will be a point where you will be spamming AI Sentry guns instead.

But despite this I still find it a fun RTS game due to the fact that how you build your obstacles, trenches and fort itself really determines how you play the game.

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Timber and Stone, Timber and Stone is basically Dwarf Fortress lite to be honest, it's a very fun game if you go in without high expectations. If you go in expecting the full DF experience but in 3d you're setting yourself up for failure. I unfortunately don't have that many interesting screen caps for it, so herer's another castle story screen instead.

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It's a survival game where the most important resource (gunpowder) for terraformation is locked behind mob farming. The combat being shit severely detracts from the overall experience. Sure you could be an autist and design a mob farming machine to do the work for you, but until you have a steady supply of materials to do so, combat is still a crucial aspect. So no, one of Minecraft's key gameplay aspects is combat, and it's fucking garbage in singleplayer and arguably multiplayer as well.

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Touhou 16 hidden star in four seasons 

never played a touhou before. It's pretty fun but easy mode is pretty deceptive. It's funny, I've seen fan art for touhous forever and it's almost always been really high quality, great drawings, then I'm playing this and the girls pictures pop up and they're retarded looking in comparison.
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not kidding aside:  >>/11176/  >>/11190/
My opinion for Sonic Mania is that's it's too easy, live friendly and beautiful. Cooplay best.

AM2R, haven't gotten to NG+ yet, will tell what's good or not. The game is amazing regardless, true homage to series. Must play inho.

The review said this interface is 90% of the game.

That convinced me to buy it.
It'd be cool to compare my initial reactions to some other people's, and to the more refined answers out there.

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Admirals and Overlords, what shenanigans are you getting up to? 
Apparently Starsector is a hot game now.
Handy Links (might be out of date):
> X4 Stats Page

> Elite Dangerous Guide


Pulsar Lost Colony

https://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5647859 - Windows
https://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5353219 - Linux

Star General

X4 Foundations

Freespace 2
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Thank you for the tips.
I've been focusing on pirate activity in the Samarra system in Hegemony space. I've had no trouble mopping up pirates raiding the station, but it seems like I'm really shit at fighting a healthy fleet of them. It resorts to both of our fleets getting reduced to the last few ships until they eventually win. I'm gonna spend some more time running simulations to practice my command and hopefully I'll get it by then.

At the start of the game, remember not to work for free. System bounties or Heg's on its own. You can also try personal bounties (those leading outside the core systems), but you will have to manage your resources more. In this case, use free look (right mouse button) to navigate better around the storms. If you don't see a clear immediate route, though, just plow right through them, it's not worth the time. Remember to emergency burn if storms take you way off track.
About your ships in particular
> Tarsus, Phaeton
non combat, don't deploy
> wayfarer, cerberuses, hound
Combat freighters. Try to avoid deploying them, but don't feel too attached.
> Enforcer
A brick. Use it as a meatshield.
> Hammerhead, Lasher
The best offensive ships you have, you should use them to press the advantage or pick off smaller ships quickly.
> Falcon
In your current fleet it's going to be another brick, but a way more survivable one. It has a lot of PPT in comparison to most of your ships, I think, so there's an option of putting safety overrides on it to make it into a blazing fast murder machine. Savescum a bit and see if it's your cup of tea.

I've now switched focus from system-wide pirate bounties to doing procurement contracts, salvaging derelicts that I find along the way, and trade missions that seem profitable enough at the bars. I've just received $95,000 from delivering transplutonics to pirates and $51,000 from delivering metals to a Hegemony world getting a profit of around $90,000 - $100,000 I think. I'm also thinking of doing surveying contracts later as well.
> Tarsus, Phaeton
The Tarsus and Phaeton class ships already don't get selected when you click "All" to select all the ships in your fleet to deploy.
Thank you again for the information. I'll make sure to prioritize getting some more Hammerheads or Lashers into my fleet as well as thinking more about how I'll command my fleet.

Bar missions scale to your fleet's cargo capacity, though it doesn't take into account what your fleet already has there, so you might need to get rid of things to deliver those contracts.
I only wish more anons survived the bombing.

There's some funny stuff going on with pirate raids. You see, if you defeat a raid, there's a cooldown before the next one goes. However, if the raid succeeds, there's no cooldown and the next pirate raid can start any time it feels like. You better not let this death spiral start, anons.

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Out of the different Final Fantasy 11 private servers, I like Valhalla the most.

Valhalla has TRUSTs, 90 level cap, XP gain rate same as retail. Movement speed is increased, all Home Point crystal warps and outpost warps are unlocked. They have some nice extra content like a unique gear augment system, a few custom dungeons, Dynamis D raids are unlocked. Rise of the Zilart, Treasures of AU, Wings of the Goddess expansions are all unlocked and working properly.

So anyway if you are tried of the slow grind to 75 on the other private servers like Horizon or Eden, then come check out Valhalla.

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lots of fun stuff lately, players running some custom level 90 dungeons together, and putting custom enhancement enchants on their gear too, which really makes us overpowered. BLU and PLD are gods on this server!

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