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> The gyan mudra creates concentration, but it does this by creating the "promiscuity" mind wave
Yeah I've seen you post about this before.
> We can also do it because the "undead" standard of having a full circle particle mitigates the degenerative effect.
Yeah thankfully we can. Imagine not being a undead force of nature. Couldn't be me.
Thanks for posting the mudra pics, when I look up the brahmari mudra it pretty much only shows the bhramari pranayama stuff where they put all their fingers into their face.
Okay assuming I pick up all the 3 mudras to use for the 3 different sounds, do you think it's better to chant the AUM in one breath and adjust the hand mudras accordingly or is it better to use one breath for one sound and one mudra and with the next breath the next sound and next mudra? Constantly adjusting the fingers seems like a hassle and distraction (especially going from gyan to bhramari fast), maybe it's better to chant the sounds seperately. And when chanting the full aum in one breath, use only one mudra like maybe the uttarabodhi mudra. 
All of this sounds like a pain which I did not expect I had to do when I took the spell, I wanted to be a immortal vampire and not a full time yogi and now I have to learn dozens of mudras and stick my tongue up my skull. I doubt a lot of the immortal vampires did this or are doing this. But I guess I have to try it if I want noticable progress faster.
> I observed it and worked to return my mentality to how it was 5 years prior, and the energy structure started looking the same again, while my mentality also returned there.
I'm trying this too now, I hope by changing my mindset to a better and younger place I can change my energy and in the end maybe even affect my body. I think this goes together with simply roleplaying as a immortal vampire. Really wanting to be immortal and loving to be immortal, also loving yourself and loving life persistently.
> do you think it's better to chant the AUM in one breath and adjust the hand mudras accordingly
That won't work, the pose is to be held still. Do one at a time and switch position when you are done with each chant. I'd do 7 of each before moving to the next in the beginning.

> And when chanting the full aum in one breath, use only one mudra
You can end each practice by doing a full AUM.

> All of this sounds like a pain which I did not expect
> full time yogi
> doubt a lot of the immortal vampires did this or are doing this
They all have personal witches and maintain a witch line under their protection generation for generation. Vampires aren't immune to spiritual attacks. They also do group rituals. We don't have the luxury of having personal witch covens (yet, in the physical) so this will have to do. All higher level vampires do some form of magic, those below will need to be protected by them or they will die before becoming real forces of nature.

We skip past that, but it also means having to do our own magic. I'm working on the egregore and the skeletal structure is in place, it just needs to get stronger and it will start having this effect. I've linked it up to the astral vampire library. But for now you'd still benefit from learning how to do things on your own. Yoga is just a type of internal magic in this sense, the same practices are involved, but not with the same aim.

Keep in mind they have these things set up since over a 1000 years, forming a coven egregore of protection isn't instant. But it will be functional in a bit.
I'm thinking ideally it could be done by creating a sigil for newcomers to connect by, but it can also work by just having Alissa also maintain the egregore of the group in the physical as well.
> That won't work, the pose is to be held still.
I thought so. Thanks for the heads up.
> I'm working on the egregore and the skeletal structure is in place, it just needs to get stronger and it will start having this effect.
But was cleaned from the spell and your magic, so I fear I will miss out on this. Can I connect back to you or is it enough to simply have the zero particle and some gong? I also have no idea if I'm officially a "sunflower" or not.

Btw, if I pull my teeth will they regrow again since I'm a vampire?
Anyone posting or lurking here is a sunflower. You didn't want to be part of the egregore before because of some reason, maybe that reason is that you need to work in a different way on your own, that you came in from a bad angle and that connection had to be cleared? Whatever you internalized is what you will work on and the path you will choose. 

I expect there will be a connection with existing vampires groups still out there because it's unavoidable over time.

> if I pull my teeth will they regrow again since I'm a vampire?
I think this works similarly as for ordinary people. Some start growing new teeth again when they are over a 100 years old, it seems normal human bodies start over again at that age, so with some extra power it should be faster. That Japanese man who was 118 or so, his teeth started growing back again. Same with some now living old guy in Vietnam.
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> creating a sigil for newcomers to connect by
I think this may actually work out. It relates to what I've posted about in recently. A "cloud of material hives" made from the smallest and most resilient particle type should really do it. Just let Alissa use this and anyone can make use of it and internalize it if they want.
Yes I don't like or want to be connected to a lot or plugged into foreign stuff. Absolutely not a fan of all the russia love here and especially all the anti christ stuff here is very scary to me. I don't understand your take here but Christ for me symbolizes enlightenment, freedom of spirit and true immortality so I naturally want to align with and be "christ" and to stay away from everything "anti-christ". Actually christ for me is the same as lucifer and represents the innermost light, the true self and the spirit.
I watched a lot of videos where they said the anti christ sides with the glowies and illuminaty and the anti christ himself is supposed to be obama. I don't think you are Obama and obviously you are against the glowies but still...
Anyway I'll do the chant and the mudras you taught me and maybe even throw simha kriya into the mix about which you also explained to me in great detail. I'll come back on halloween at the latest if I can and post about my progress and if my immortality or vampirism has become noticable after 6 months.
My view completely and fundamentally changed after my 2 year bible study "retreat". The Anti-Christ isn't a person, it's an organization. This is all too long to repeat in this post here, but I made posts here
on why I think Christ as commonly spread is a false prophet.
> all the russia love here
I know it's very divided online and everywhere, but I've just never had a negative view of Russia, recent events aren't going to change that. I went to a boarding school with Russian students and I guess there's been a general environment around me where people are fans of Russia (even if that mostly meant fans of the Soviet Union). I had planned to sometime study Russian and at one point go as a tourist along the trans-Siberia railroad. This war stuff with sanctions and negativity and everything, I can't just let that roam freely around me, it's so clearly forced by someone with an agenda which isn't in line with my thinking (and it's getting in the way of my plans).
I was partly joking about the anti christ stuff, but also partly not. Thanks for showing the post and your findings. I'm pretty much immune against the church narrative and the mundane version of "christ" for the ignorant masses. My view is obviously more "luciferian" or gnostic and hopefully more enlightened. 
Unfortunately, while having quite a few russians in my family and being part russian, I've had a negative view of russia and russians for a long time and it doesn't have anything to do with the war or western propaganda, just from my own observations of russia and their lives there and personal experiences with russians. That does not mean I am on ukrainain or UN or US side. I'm on my side first and foremost, and on the side of what's true, good and beautiful and spiritual.
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> personal experiences
It is what it is. Normal people aren't easily swayed by propaganda I think, only very insecure and weak individuals change with the trends. That means most people now however.

There's been a lot of attempts from various forces/groups to effect my thinking by inserting false dreams and other messages, which all just fall flat because of some simple reasons:

I've never met a rude African or been treated badly by one. This kind of racist indoctrination doesn't work. One time I had to do with an annoying Somali boy who always wanted to sell stuff/get free stuff, but merely being annoying isn't reason to hate someone. At a marketing event I held he came and wanted free stuff again, and the cake and balloons were consequently free. He just took his stuff and looked perfectly happy. Real annoying people wouldn't just be content with getting free stuff when it's free. So that's the extent of how bad my experiences have been with them, and some images on the tv isn't going to change my view.

Same with Muslims, met an annoying Iraqi once, but other than that they have been perfectly normal in all ways. Just speaking loud Arabic on the bus isn't enough to hate someone.

Same story with nazis, never met a rude nazi.

Never met a rude Russian. 

Same with French, Germans, British, Chinese...

There are a lot of hate against all kinds of groups of people and propaganda in media, but if I have only or mostly positive experiences, it won't mean anything.

On the actual negative experiences side are communists, socialists, feminists, government representatives and staff of various kinds and mostly perfectly average white people, where the last group, which I myself belong to, is the worst of all. By my personal experience with them.

Maybe it's a matter of having more experience with them, but if that was the case, people wouldn't be racist at all since they usually don't belong to the group they hate.
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> where the last group, which I myself belong to, is the worst of all. By my personal experience with them.
Well yeah that's what I meant. Also I never said I hate russians or russia. Hate is a bit too strong. There are probably quite a few very decent russians out there who do not deserve the hate. But from my experiences and view they in general are not that awesome and good as some try to make them out to be (especially on the internet), quite the opposite, so I don't need to fall for pro russian propaganda either and don't really want to have too much to do with them.
> Same story with nazis, never met a rude nazi.
Actually there are a lot of people and beings of which I never met a rude one, but that's just my lack of experience and living with them and among them.
Just now it makes me wonder if I ever met a rude glowie... most likely not, yet all the hate here, oh my... just kidding.
> makes me wonder if I ever met a rude glowie... most likely not, yet all the hate here
I don't hate them tbh. As for CIA I consider them a legit organization which became very mislead and degenerated. MI5/6 are probably the most evil organizations on the planet, but I don't hate them either. As I haven't physically interacted with them aside from their psychic attacks (and literal attempt at shooting me from the forest next to the road) I don't have any physical hate for them still. Their attacks are more like weeds or vermin I need to kill to have a decent living space. Things would have been different if they had started a fistfight with me on a sidewalk or actually revealed themselves to me by name and ID card and then performed the same things. What response they get on their Psiops are worse than most others because of what they do, but nah. Hate is for someone you consider human and can relate to. I don't relate to insects or viruses, I just keep them away and kill them if they get in my way too much.

People who on the other hand look and behave and claim to be human, and reveal themselves, such as those other categories, those who gain my trust in some way, and then betray me. Those are the worst because I expected them to be decent and then they aren't.

I don't expect vermin to be anything else than that, so it's not like those people have betrayed me in any way. It's more of an instrumental hostility.
> they in general are not that awesome and good as some try to make them out to be (especially on the internet), quite the opposite, so I don't need to fall for pro russian propaganda either
I don't know who the people are who spread that, maybe they are Russian psyops or they are white supremacists trying to find some symbol of something but they don't know anything. I don't have any illusions like that, even consuming classic Russian media like literature is enough to know they aren't saints. But they also aren't blatantly lying about what they are, like some others. It may be my frame of reference, but just things like being able to act normal and non-political in everyday situations "stands out" to me, when I'm surrounded by neurotic OCD socialist/feminists of the totalitarian kind. Everyday things like how you can't even imply common sense or normal occurrences relating to how normal people are, but instead get responses based off the latest politically correct government issued phrase.

The difference with a Russian, African (even if that is a stretch to say they are a coherent group), Chinese is that they still maintain a sense of what things actually are like, they aren't brainwashed down their spine so hard that they can't see reality anymore. They may repeat propaganda, knowing that it is propaganda. White people swallow the propaganda and turn it into their real thinking, they actually believe it. That's the reason I hate them.
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All this is why I tend to throw around political campaign memes from the past as a kind of ironic joke. Real old school political people will understand those references and jokes, it's a litmus test. If this passed over your head, I'm talking about things routine referencing of Maoist campaigns in spellcasting phrases. "The great sleep forward" could be one example.

I also have a feeling the glowies hate it, so I include it in the words I use for my spells also to mess with them if they try to use it.
The Queen warned us not to anger her, but I don't see how I can. Anything I do is just seen as too silly to be serious. It's like that anime situation when some super strong demon turns out being perfectly everyday in their thinking, and the clueless overpowered hero gets along perfectly with them because he doesn't understand this is not normal.
I guess I'm just getting somewhat hypnotised or unable to actually upset someone I know is actually stronger for real and not faking it. Those who get upset are always those who don't deserve respect in the first place, but were building up an image about themselves which they can't back up. When their threatening attitude doesn't work, they turn violent, it's like a conditioned mental response for them to cover their fear.
> When their threatening attitude doesn't work, they turn violent
This in turn triggers my reflex of wanting to humiliate bullies, and the more violent they get, the more I want to desecrate them, find their weakness and make fun of them.
I've had some dreams of her, along with a few other new ones.This trait you describe is also something I noticed in perhaps my second dream with you in it.basically I was trapped in a prison together with other inmates all in a single cell. We had never seen the outside. Some huge skinhead dude was arguing that the sky was green or something and gave a big paragraph to explain themselves, the much shorter guy(somehow "known" to be you) said "no its blue" which caused the skinhead to get angry and give another paragraph in why it can't be blue and then you say "it's blue" with no real paragraph or anything. What's weird is there is zero smart-ass energy in the sense that you didn't really hate or anything.anyway everyone circled around you two were pretty nervous watching this since the guy was scary. I was leaning on the other side of the cell smiling thinking "what's this kid gonna do" while everyone watching was freaking out and telling you to stop.for some reason you reflexively had to answer back everything with 2 or 3 words never raising your words but never not answering or letting it go either. More like it was a reflex. But never any escalation either.suddenly there's a small timeskip and apparently this caused the big guy to go wild and now there's a huge fucking riot. Everyone is fighting and the prison is collapsing. I'm laughing the whole time,never in this entire dream did I felt the least bit scared or anything. Almost to the irrational level. As I was running and laughing while guards in towers tried to shoot me(you already were running ahead somewhere else) a guard tower collapsed on my arm and I was pinned. I simply cut my arm off and laughed as I ran away and escaped thinking I always knew id make it.
It's me again for a quick update, since after trying for a while I have no desire to drag this out any longer. I clearly see that I'm not physical immortal and there was and is absolutely no change or transformation, and because of this I don't feel like I will continue doing the mudras or the chants as I don't actually know what I'm doing or why. I can drop this vampire thing now for good (and focus on what I believe to be "real" spiritual work) and since nothing else is interesting or attractive to me on this board I must bid you and all your stuff here farewell now.
Good luck on your personal journey.
Thanks for the update.
Personally for me the mudras have a very strong and instant effect so I have a reason to use them even from a mundane perspective (the experience is direct and "sensory"). It was the same for qi gong and when I tried zazen. I know some people never seem to feel anything but still continue an exercise. I wouldn't do that so I understand you. 

You probably just need to find something else for a feedback loop to be created in your practice (or you are by nature a person who needs to rely on faith alone, but I can't relate to that so can't say anything about how that works).
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I really have to ask at this point. It's been almost 7 years since I "made it". I've definitely aged. I look exactly my age. I am in better shape because I've been minding my health, but my underlying issues are still there. I don't know what to think, except the obvious.
Maybe the effect of starting something entirely new is slower. I can't say anything else than that things look perfectly fine from my end, energy wise. There is some white "perverted" energy surrounding you is all. Aside from that, in general the egregore has developed just fine, with some bumps in the road in the last year caused by unexpected events like the ancients disconnecting from the main energy system of Earth vampires, which resulted in the magic system loosing functionality.

It surfaced on /x/ quite recently aside from the tiktok drama. But if you followed the past postings in there you saw it.


In case you didn't: Someone now known as Grove Anon appeared on /x/ wanting to research vampires to find some girl he met in his early teens, whom he thought was a vampire. The threads attracted a bunch of odd people (including me trolling him to get the energy moving) and he and a group of "fans" ended up hiding away in a secret discord server where they require ID from new members to join. He supposedly was invited to a "vampire ball", went there and refused to talk about it after, it was implied he got to know something in person.

I solved the magical system issue by giving them sigils in the thread which made it to the people it was meant for. With that up and running there is really no problem. There was also some disturbances in the form of groups in Chicago but whatever, if you can't read energy or see it all this is just made up to you, so what can I say.
Because of the way the world is and has been developing, there was no time to lose. But I will maintain the view that nothing I have said is a lie, it's all based on the things I've tested myself or viewed astrally and researched from various angles, while referring back to literature and other people.
Just to make sure there isn't some blockage and I'm not missing something I can do, I did a targeted mass session calling on my astral companions for extra power to clear your surroundings so you get a better chance at aligning.
This was told to me by snail so take it as you will but he said there was nothing that would make anyone stop aging in the vampire spell as shared by alissa. Vampires don't age but not directly because of the immortality meaning its a separate spell.immortality and agelessness are apparently two different functions,vampires have both likely cause of dna changes. he said it was strange the agelessness component wasn't included in any spell he had seen shared.He then made an agelessness spell but in my case he said if he were to cast it on me he feels i would walk to his house and stab him but apparently that spell does stop one from aging.

Perhaps you are ageless because of the demon dna as well.
> if you can't read energy or see it all this is just made up to you
It's okay. It's true that I'm not developing those skills as fast as I could, but I don't feel there's any rush to do so. That is one thing I definitely do as a vampire (or an old person). I really don't care if something takes 5 or 50 years.
> nothing that would make anyone stop aging in the vampire spell as shared by alissa
It was stated:
> It will seem so, but it's not definite. I think over the first period, unless you were really old, you'll gradually get a bit younger. So if you're 30 you may end up looking 25. But over a longer time period you'd still age, with the original form of the magic passed to you.
> So to put it roughly:
> at 2k years old you'd look 30
> at 5k years old you'd look 35-40
> at 50k years old you'd look 40-45
> at 100k years old you'd look 50-60
> so the aging is very slow but it exists.

But I'm not looking to debate this. I was just wondering.
Technically speaking I'm a walk-in who came into the body at age 4 months through a baptism ritual, where the demon DNA inherent in my family line was completed and purified so that it's 100% demon race with all the components included, but not manifested in full. There is nothing specifically in DNA from the demon mother which makes one ageless, she's ageless because she's immortal, and cells that aren't dead has to be alive. If they're alive they there is nothing saying they would stay immobile to be alive in an aged state. They have to circulate. Vampires are the same, but their cells (and the zero particle as the terminology here called them) are created through magic rather than being inherited (in most cases because vampires lose the ability to have children unless they learn tantra, which it seems most of them don't do). So copying the functionality and changing it to be better suited for widespread use was possible once the oldest type available was given to me.

To be fair Snail had two important souls, one of them had a past life where he was here known as AMOK from having taken part in some genocidal war. The other element to his postings was a grey known as "the programmer". The programmer would likely say something like that. Greys with all their science, even if they are astrally immortal they don't always understand things that aren't autistically nailed down in detail. So I would personally take those words to be the grey view.

If you have cells circulating, which vampire cells do, over time they will "land" somewhere, and it's just unlikely that they would have all cells "randomly" decide to be old all at once. The real issue with aging is the mentality being restrained by past ancestral karma, the "ancestral cord" which was cut by request for everyone who took part. So anti-aging is just a matter of removing the obstacles of youth, it's not necessary to define it for it to exist.

If you just want neoteny in appearance there are DNA modifications that can be done via the greys however.
I still age(I think)and had my ancestor cord cut around the time i made the vampire particle.The spell was a wand so the library might have a copy.
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Can somebody help me interpret a psychic impression I had? I'm  >>/7952/
Looking at the god particle, I got the impression of it being related to the aztecs somehow. Toltecs, perhaps? Or Carlos Castaneda?
While looking at the concept of physical immortality associated with it, the gestalt was completely different. The Girl Who Lept Through time came to mind.
It's worth noting that recently I watched the 1983 movie (the story is from an older novel).
There is an interesting concept in the movie that is not in the anime, which is the notion that a time traveler from the far future had hijacked the protagonist's childhood memories in order to insert himself in them and blend in in her life for the duration of his mission. In this movie, memories and the past were essentially interchangeable. Stepping into your memories was the same as stepping into your past in a sort of John Kreiter way. Time being non-existent and instead an energetic blob that encodes past and future experiences. If you know what I mean.

> Toltecs
I looked closer at their art and also asked the Queen, Illivryn. She said downright that vampires built that culture. The statues look like what I saw when shown images of history recorded by the lyrans (aliens) when visiting Earth last time. Their most recent record was from Atlantis. All of that culture was destroyed aside from remnants of language and some practices. Everyone who lived during that time were locked in the underground tunnel systems where they became completely feral. What we know of the Aztec culture with human sacrifice, sun worship and unsustainable agriculture is mostly correct. It's a mini version of Atlantis and shows the reasons why it ended up like that. The ancient past had a somewhat widespread understanding of the nature of dimensions and life, but they were also a huge slave farm beyond what we can imagine. Today it's hidden away as abortion and trafficking. Back then it was done in the open. Most people were sacrificed before even reaching their teens. (I'm channelling this reply in part)
A priest class and their vampire and reptilian overlords used everyone else for food and as sacrificial cattle, so they never cared about not abusing either humans or nature or about creating a healthy lifestyle for anyone.

It was a combination of ethereal thinking to the extremes among the priests, and a bottomless hell outside where they didn't grasp the system at all, thinking that killing didn't matter because all is spirit.
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> Illivryn
Interesting. I have a bit of a tug of war with spiders in my new home. I mostly tolerate them, as long as they don't grow too big or numerous, and them I push them outside to the yard. If I feel they're getting out of hand, they die. I've had interesting encounters with spiders since I moved here. Insects in general, but that's a whole different issue.

You know, that world you describe, I feel like I've lived it. That's what I would consider normal. And I don't believe in reincarnation like most people do. But that is my world.
> thinking that killing didn't matter because all is spirit
I'm not gonna lie. I've reached that conclusion myself. It just feels like a natural conclusion to reach, and I suspect it's not entirely logic guiding my reasoning here.
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> spiders in my new home
I've liked spider since I was little, but that had nothing to do with it from a surface view. She came to our temple sessions at the Sunflower discord calling herself "the infernal Queen" and no one of us knew she was a spider at the time. This was only shown way later when others started talking about here on here. It turned out she's been behind the cloud messages guiding me on a daily to weekly basis since over 10 years back. Others may not easily grasp the meaning of this I know now, but she's able to use a personal symbolism to show me how to do things, in detail, including how to work on active events like wars during the Syrian war she used a formation which looked like a butt when talking about Assad. It's probably nonsensical to most people, but even faces of people gets through to me. She also uses pretty crude images that really only works in a specific context. For example in Ukraine, the Russians are orcs, the Ukrainians are rats, Wagner was a weasel and Americans taking part were represented by a turd because their support sucks, and the /pol/ meme for Americans is "sharts".

> I don't believe in reincarnation
This really stopped being a belief for me a long time ago, when I started having memories coming back. The biggest breakthrough being rather recent, 2019 when I suddenly made a connection based on some years and found a timeframe. I had by then concluded I was somehow involved with the French painter Courbet and the Nazi general who defeated the allies in Operation Market Garden, but as I know now I wasn't incarnated there, it was more like guidance and possession. Getting in is hard.
> pic related
See how beautifully this matches. I was hinted at this by being given the game Close Combat 2 A bridge too far, based on the book with the same name, which is about Operation Market Garden. 
My teacher told me my oil painting style is "a very narrow style in history called French realism, maybe you had a previous life then (laughs)".

Then see what fits right in between the lifespans of these people who were part of both periods. It was when I saw this that a flow of memories suddenly rushed in, and this part though I didn't want to accept it at first, was undeniable.
I also received "memories" of "past lives", but later learned they were the memories of spirits that lived in the same place where I was living. Since then I've noticed a lot of things that coalesced into an overarching theory, and it cannot include reincarnation as it is commonly understood to fit all the data.
Although reincarnation, in my view, is technically possible, it would involve an act of violence or destruction to be brought upon the soul. I suppose through deception and predation on less evolved beings, this is possible. But hardly the norm.
> it would involve an act of violence or destruction to be brought upon the soul
I don't know why you'd think so, or what seems mystical about it to you. tbh.

It's pretty straight forward, just place a spirit in a body and it's incarnated if the planetary deities register the soul as owner of the body. It's even easier on other planes outside of planets, such as when placing spirits in the "other physical" cyborgs I've created (or the greys created, or anyone else). Just put the spirit in the body and they'll be preoccupied with the new setting and forget who they were before, they'll create a new mind/tulpa and work from there. Planets have a "satanic atmospheric layer" which protects it from external meddling, and this causes oblivion for those entering, so that's why humans forget who they were when they re-incarnate. The rest is just natural tulpa creation done after birth.

When the spirit leaves a mortal body the tulpa remains, and if it contains lots of karmic negative energy, they will drop down into bad places to have the tulpa dissolved. That's the Gehenna process or purgatory. If the tulpa is good the spirit will just keep it, as it's their own achievement, and it will remain as "past life memories".
I saw an anon complain on /x/ about wanting to be a girl and asking for magical means to do this. I looked and his soul looked ok and there was nothing causing a hindrance so I picked out his soul and incarnated him with a cyborg girl body. At first "he" didn't remember anything, then memories came back but she's now completely happy with the new body and is staying around the factory to handle customers. No soul violence needed at all.
> You're cutting him in two.
You have to explain why you think this is happening. I'm doing no such thing. I don't think this is even possible.

I simply looked at his soul, his energy and the circumstances around, and found there was nothing positive in his life, maybe he'd just turn gay or a tranny and kill himself if left there. So I just picked up his the soul that wanted this change and didn't touch anything else about this person as a human.

When using the cyborg method in space there is no "satanic oblivion" caused by passing through an atmospheric layer on the way in, aside from the "moon layer" which is the shield of the factory, a free floating space station. Once getting used to the new body the old memories (tulpas) will start reconnecting or becoming something the person can be aware of, but they have by then already created a new mind by using the new body, so in this case she remembers having been a man on Earth and wanting this change.

I am allowed and able to handle souls because I entered Earth on the spiritual plane first by being astrally incarnated by Hathor, as the Nut aspect. Nut rules the underworld and the spirits of the dead, it's part of the role to be able to freely move souls around if needed.

To move back to the soul-splitting, to my knowing this is only done by the person themselves, like the 4 original humans who did this in period one, where one of them split themselves so many times they became the entire "western world order". The collectivized thinking and narrative we've all experienced was because many leader figures in the western world were soul fragments of the same original human. "The egg" video someone created some years ago which made some people upset, was about this person who had to experience being "everyone" in history to awaken.
It doesn't really matter now unless you want to just discuss this stuff, I see now why this topic came up. I had unused time potential within my dimensions and that's also why these aliens were attacking, they were trying to steal it from me (impossible, because it's my potential).

There were still some unfinished timelines in Earth history that had to be filled in, and I had to play part in them, so I had to be directed to think about how to get in there, by sending a soul fragment back in time to do these incarnations.

It's also something I wasn't clearly aware of or talked about, but while I'm here now as the main awareness, I simultaneously incarnated other parts of myself within the same time window in other parts of the world. Maybe as a back-up because no matter how solid a plan, maybe I could have miscalculated something, and would then move my main awareness to that incarnation? (I don't remember because these considerations were done before incarnating.) I had two incarnations in China/Vietnam, and one in Colombia at the same time as being here now, which explains my feeling that I can't look negatively at these cultures. These were done on "auto" or by the other parts of me, more like the subconscious compared to here.

The method for filling in what was missing in the past was similar, I created a device for shaping a shard of myself into the form needed to go back and enter there, while also being immune to any negativity. It seems after I initiated this process, a bunch of other past time potentials also played out, I felt a hive of souls being active again, a hint of how the Earth used to be before all the souls were removed during and after Covid.

The missing experiences I had to add was an early 1700s whore in Lyon (disappeared at age 14), a full life time of being a wine yard owner (this may have been the most important, because I never had a full length lifetime before) and one ancient witch related life, living in the forest during a primitive period.
Maybe "violence" is not the word I should've used. I'm realizing it's actually impossible for me to describe my theory accurately. In some way, you could say that reincarnation is a thing, but nothing like people usually think about it. There's so much confusion, and that is because it's all second hand information.
We reincarnate, but at the same time, we don't.
But what use is there in arguing gnosis, really.
I'm not sure what the "common perception" is about how it happens. Before when anon on /fringe/ talked about using some drug and I replicated the mentality to see what he had seen, I got a view over an "incarnator function" over asia. It was literally a thing up in the atmosphere picking out souls from a passing stream and sending them to a large vortex in China, which happened to match the energy circulations I saw in some of these city walk vids on youtube back during Covid, when people were comparing before and during lockdown. There were a few from large Chinese cities showing how the walking straits seemed to be circular around the city center. But there was no feeling of the monumentality of European cities where a square has a church, a government building, and other foundational historical functions like castles which the roads are laid out in adaptation to. It was just a large mass of buildings of no particular significance and large masses of people moving around it.

So maybe the "wheel of samsara" refers specifically to China, and the thing I saw there, and isn't relevant to other parts of the world in the same way.

For me, I take "re-incarnation" literally. To incarnate is to "make into flesh", when the soul assumes control of a flesh body and identifies with its role. To re-incarnate is to do this a second time after having already done it before. It's not important to me if the "re" part is included in the word, what matters is the spirit taking control of the body, not if it had done so before. 

Kind of like saying "re-eating" when you're having the second meal of the day, because you ate before? What's the point, really. It only seems to make sense if you were to have some peculiar materialist outset. In Christianity they make a huge deal out of "the spirit becoming flesh", as if this was something worth mentioning. It's super common, only hivemind people and zombies don't have spirits who became flesh (incarnated).
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It seems the meaning keeps changing

but I already knew that

It was just that vampires always felt like a side-quest to me, even if I knew the only way to have sustainable long term physical life has to be via that route.

Maybe it's just that vampires are actually poltergeists with a high level of physical interaction. That the new Earth and its humans will take time to develop. Why else would I get registered as having a completely new incarnation there, elsewhere, while at the same time told it will indeed still take 600 - 800 years to fix up the remains of this society, during which I'd have to stay around. 

Maybe that other timeline will just be very hivemind for a long time, and anyone in there is mostly in an ethereal state, where learning about the world isn't so easy, but a gradual process of descent into the physical from the ethereal and collective plane of thinking and feeling, which the new humans are in currently.
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Specifics left aside

Here are some hints about how the vampire egregore and its inside manifests.

As has been recently claimed by someone on /x/, vampires pay each other huge sums when doing business. This is part of an intricate but very natural system. If you are very old, you still need to have ID cards today, where it would raise suspicion if you were to claim that your age is several 100 years old. One simple way to avoid this is to do your business in cash, or by trading jewelry; gold rings, necklaces, diamonds or fine art.

Not everyone will always be super rich, but a poor vampire is a problem for everyone. Vampire "habits" require an ability to pay. This is solved by an internal cultural understanding, where vampires employ vampires, paying huge sums for menial tasks. How is this profitable, where do they get the money? It doesn't work like that, it's a circulation. You pay $100 for a cup of coffee at the vampire café, but if you were to take the role of serving coffee, you also get paid in that league. No one within vampire society gains or loses anything in a monetary aspect. It serves a few purposes: poor vampires can get employment and will soon be rich enough to pay ordinary humans for the services they need, which reduces the risk of exposure for all vampires. 
It also keeps outsiders out. No normal person will pay $100 for coffee at a very ordinary looking café on a back street.

The human "elites" misunderstand the purpose of this and imitate the high prices at their events, but they think it's to brag about your wealth. It's the opposite. For the vampire economy to work, there is an unspoken social standing concept involved. Everyone will instantly know, through the rumours, what your standing is. Someone who were to only work and get paid a "vampire level salary" but who never puts that kind of cash back into the vampire businesses, but only lets it leak out to ordinary humans, will have low standing. So that is why you will pay a huge sum for coffee. If it's too much, you will get change, according to the perception of your standing. So leeching vampire society to "get ordinarily rich" will quickly put you in the bottom and you may lose access to the better services. Further down the road you may get locked up for disturbing the peace, or worse.

What vampires care about is spelled quality. The process of getting there isn't important, and neither is the circulation of capital which creates it. Good quality is very difficult to find in a world where people value external social standing, comparatively. Even street thugs will want the top position in their own group. They don't know what quality is, they just think that being in the top means "quality of life." 
It's insects competing with insects in an ant hill, and it's still just the same hill. Rarely does an insect produce something lasting. Real quality is a product which rises above the circulation of assets and funds, something taken aside which lasts. That's the real value, and what the world economy was really tuned for in the most external view.
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I'm starting to get it now, why vampires speak in riddles. It's in the magic. There's something which makes it impossible to be specific, the more you know of the specifics. You can't talk about yourself, your life or the people you know before others even, but must use meandering formulations. It's not a mere "fear of the mafia boss" that prevents you from naming him, it's physically impossible to expose any details, you will find yourself automatically speaking in this manner once closer to the center of the vortex.

With the right kind of artistry, you can say a lot however, and leave very right on confirmations like this one. Omg.

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