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If you want contacts with them and can't find them, tell me and I can direct one of them to you. They'll do business if offered (They also have a very laid back attitude, they gave me a price, but I found it too high and bargained with them until it was down by a lot, then they said after "you know what, we'll give you 30% discount". I have a feeling maybe I overpaid still, no idea.)
The robots work with regular DNA profiles, difference being that they are "regular" constructs so not indestructible unless the owner soul internalizes the body form.
> factory
I decided to create my own factory for a body type adapted to what I need personally. It's a body made from minerals which is aligned such that they produce chemical reactions which function in the same way as organs, tuned for effective energy transformation. It's a mineral casing which forms energy circulations and refines material inside of it.

It's been registered with the federation. The intended use is to let a part of your subconscious assume the role as owner of the body, then using it to front your physical manifestation.

If anyone is interested, ask and I can send an invite. It's not for free, because mined materials are use in creation, so you have to pay for those.
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> If you want contacts with them and can't find them, tell me and I can direct one of them to you.

Thanks! Not currently looking to buy  but i believe this will be very useful when i put some projects into motion, have to sort some things first, clean some heavy mess.. When the time comes i might pass through you :3
> When the time comes
You shouldn't wait if you are interested, time moves very differently out there. Chance is that the factory is closed or not public if you wait for later. This happened with the CyBorn facility, they let me and some others buy units from them during a period to get user data, but it's now closed and no longer open for business.
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> my own factory for a body type adapted to what I need personally. It's a body made from minerals which is aligned such that they produce chemical reactions which function in the same way as organs, tuned for effective energy transformation. It's a mineral casing which forms energy circulations and refines material inside of it.
Whatever, I'll just share the module. It's a ScaleForm media disc, someone will reverse engineer it sometime anyway. Used as-is, this creates a space station with the factory, complete with staff area, hangar and a rental for visitors. You need to insert the DNA profile in the reader and the soul to be used on the plate. It was made for using a part of yourself by placing the hand on the plate, but you can also place a soul container on the plate to use an external soul. Materials need to be fed from the end nearest to the hangar.

This means you need some very specific space minerals and a valid DNA profile for the creation process to run. Some DNA profiles used are on the NET.

I prefer a version where the disc can be spun clockwise to determine the form of the profile, from loli(flat) type to big tit to male form, and there are parameters for how much beast(fur) or vampire etc. you want.

The factory disc can at least give you some ideas, it's very specific and may only be popular with certain people (tuned for spiritual practice).
As I said above, when I traced it, it lead to a glowie masking himself behind a little girl servitor. The dagger was created from a machine which has a centrifuge which refines the negative side of a person, intended to project this back at them as a form of attack. It doesn't work if the person is fully tuned with his negative side, in that case it just shows how to use it. It doesn't stop at just the negative side of the current incarnation, but also past incarnations, that's why it turned into a knife barrage for me, and why it took time for me to grab it (that part of my is detached from my current incarnation so I needed a process to do this).

It's an inconceivable concept for evil beings that someone could be aligned with their negative side with no dissonance, so they think this "attack" will always work.
It attacked me but only when i tried to using it on my body, now it's harmless though.
The pic is just the result of opening it to see what's inside, idk seems safer that way.

sea urchin?
> pic is just the result of opening it to see what's inside
> sea urchin?
Yes, I looked at the drawing and it has the same energy artifact in the middle, the red spiky thing on the CIA logo there, it's a fossilized sea urchin. When I was encircling the CIA egregore it turned into that. I kept it in my astral storage for a while, then it cracked and revealed itself to be like an egg or a strange spiky fruit with some energy rich substance inside. There's the same thing in the thing you drew.
And when looking further it was a manual construct doing the same as that centrifuge, and the magic drawn from a degen vampire.
> it's a fossilized sea urchin.
You think the black dot is part of it ?
it's some kind of seed.
it was very hard to separate from the yellow core.
It leads to some conceptual being of sorts but I don't know.

I am taking it easy today because too much bullshit happened to me today via mundane retardations.

It's so funny. You realize the perfect posture and slowly tune the proper tension level and then it turns out because of that several of your body parts start working perfectly but because of this the whole way your body operates changes.
I am able to interact with parts of my brain like it was a different entity and while it is something we all do constantly but our subconscious "masks it" so we don't consider ourselves several beings at once now I have to understand which parts do what and how and what they need to sync perfectly. 

The funny part I am not even "tired" as I usually got tired in the past decades because my energy flows are so proper I could go for days but the mundane retardation that always shows it's ugly side when I am not punting them out of commission angers some of my "old" systems or ways of thinking to such level I have to go and enter my "eternally calm seas" so I can observe that energetic curveball I am going through and slowly mend and heal it.

This whole way of thinking would feel so alien but it was my baseline thinking when I was a child. I had this and I know how it works but srsly. It's like catching up on 20+ years of energetic (mal)development backlog as a side hustle.

My favorite is when my body just releases an energetic discharge as a sign that I am "losing focus". Actually I am not losing focus I am just switching too fast between mindstates and parts of my brain is not used to this "new way".
I understand and don't understand things on such a high degree it takes me time to even word it for myself so a concept a conclusion can be made so my mind can use it as a fallback state. It's ridiculous. As much meta meta meta is not the "true" way of things it is necessary as long as the underlying problems are solved.

And as much this post sounds like I am complaining I know this is what I "want" deep down because if I didn't wanted it I wouldn't do it. I always monkey wrenched things so they can work on a little more and I can finally tune everything by myself. It's so meticulous which is something I forgot I am able to do when I let my mind fall into effortless focus or the "zone" but I don't know.

It's like making your mind and body understand that the past experiences are not the forces that shape you but the present is the one thing that holds us in form and we make that present. All the past is not even "real" they are just afterimages and giving power of those images is just making an even worse illusion that just disturbs the present. And this whole thing is just basic mindfulness and nothing more complicated.

Oh and the worst. I know my "true sight" is constantly looking at things and my physical eyes are not sure how "Important" they are and how much pressure they need so they can work as intended. Guess this happens to those that used a faulty eye sight increase magic for a decade. Like srsly the way the meridians work with the eyes is ridiculous. Figuring out the energies change the whole shape of your face and the way you naturally express emotions.
Did you experience a change today? Just asking because I did a massive scale thing with the energy system Deleted all NPC algorithms and restarted the system, then let it instantly degenerate back to the same hopeless level but this time with the correct settings.
Different poster here.
I felt better today,although I attributed it to some wholesome interactions.Funny that it instantly degenerated like this.
> Did you experience a change today?
I am continually experiencing changes in the past 2 years and no today wasn't too specific for me personally.

It was specific for other people that angered me because it is a long lasting past issue and I have ways to solve it I just don't know how to time it.

> back to the same hopeless level
I might have seen it this in some people but I expected the thing that happened today for quite the while. >same hopeless level
... Wish I knew anything about hopelessness. It is just a confusion of energies that can go in many ways and I don't understand how some people see "hopelessness" anymore.  But I realized this when you mentioned that uptown downtown thing. I am too "uptown" to see it because once a downtowner approaches me I either monkeywrench some use or purpose out of them or I let them go back into that despair they "desire" so much. I hate when they come back and remind me how I didn't use my wrench on their psyche tho. For some reason some parts of me think I am being "mocked" for not being able to make something from them and I somewhat blame myself for it. It's like you know there is an "extra ending" in a videogame but you got the regular ending again because you missed some obvious or super retarded cue.  I am unable to generalize hopelessness anymore. It is always a mix of issues that short circuit the minds of some people that they are not willing to break out for a multitude of reasons.

> with the correct settings.
Okay. Now I am curious. What do you consider "correct setting" here. Did you come up with it or based it on some akashic record or some other entity provided the correctness. While the word "correctness" makes me extremely suspicious in the last years... You can word it as vulgarly as you see fit because the current
> hopeless level
is such a banal retardation I am not sure it is possible to make it worse
>  >hopeless level
> is such a banal retardation I am not sure it is possible to make it worse
And while in theory things can ALWAYS get more hopeless in reality it is supposed to push you into a breaking or ignition point where your fight or flight reflex activates and creates a result for you and this is why I ranted how even back in ancient Greece the "Age of conquests" had to happen because that limbo of degenerated hopelessness had to END and once it is a full blown war your mindset must change no matter what but the problem is that if it's unable to provide a correct and stable + long lasting mindset it just repeats the usual bad times good men good times weak men bad times loop.
This is why I am looking into the "ways" of the golden ages but as long there is a single issue in my life that I cannot solve effortlessly or it makes me mad in the process I feel no point even talking about it because it just proves I don't live up to what I say at all. Things can be so simple and we managed to overcomplicate everything for I don't know why anymore.
But NPCs just sit down and die in a corner because they are NPCs. Always makes me wonder if I even managed to encounter a single real person in my life at all. The worst part is I can "buff" anyone so they become less retarded and at that level they don't behave like NPCs at all.

Like in coop games when someone can join into the game and the NPC gets replaced via a player. But sometimes the players are so retarded the NPC is better for some tasks than a retard but a pro player cannot be truly replaced via an NPC no matter how good it's programming.
>  What do you consider "correct setting" here
This comes from a channelling with the Queen around 2 years ago when talking about that "demoralization quote" you have probably seen on imageboards.
> it's impossible to argue with demoralized people, you can tell them that white is white and black is black and they will agree, but then they go back to their old ways again

So I asked her, can't we demoralize them to have the correct views instead, then they would be indoctrinated to always do the right things no matter what? She then said
> but then you have to re-moralize them first
and I set out to do this, but in the process realized the true horror of modern society, when looking at European DNA and realizing that it doesn't make a human(oid). It only works when I added demon elements, otherwise it simply fails and turns into nothing. When I slowly widened the area to include other DNA, I ended up having to include so much African DNA that they became black with afro hair before the form would even look human. So I just gave up trying, when realizing that Europeans are so reliant on the big government apparatus and the modern infrastructure, that if it wasn't for the social and energetic pressure from the road network and the Internet, humans would instantly start degenerating and turn into mushrooms. They only remain humanoid because the roads and streets and buildings "expects walking to be performed". It does not come from within. They cannot "return to nature" because then they would turn into fungus and not move anymore. 

The humans around us aren't humans, they are fungus which moves and has the structure of humans. That is why they quickly degenerate and lose shape no matter what they do, and cannot stop being more and more addicted to technology. If they didn't have technology, their minds would stop functioning, there is no way back.
> The humans around us aren't humans, they are fungus which moves and has the structure of humans.
I mean this in a literal, concrete sense. That is why it's hopeless for them. They won't evolve into humans again at this point, it would take longer time than the planet's history.

But Gensokyo already burned all fungus humans, and what remained were just NPC algorithms, emulations. What I did was to target them as computer programs, they are still computer program saying "this is a humanoid looking mess of DNA which is not even slime", but I made it so that they were reprogrammed to not repeat globohomo talking points, but will respond to other, normal stimuli, then I just dropped them back into the maze again. They're now hopeless NPCs with correct views, and the globos won't be able to change them either.
> there is no way back.
True. We have to move forward. Even if  I consider the RETVRN meme where we go back into the glorious past... well our view is extremely romanticized of that "glory" and that makes it almost unattainable and the past is past. It cannot be returned only some parts of it rediscovered and integrated into the future. If it's done right the same greatness will "return" but it won't be that. Maybe it will be better maybe it cannot be compared. This is the thing with "mini golden ages". The Jews wish only 1000 years so did the Führer with the 1000 year Reich. Why a thousand only? Why not eternal? Because even they have a level of "realism" in this matter. 
But it's not impossible it's just some energies and some mechanics need to be integrated but currently I am like a child who just found some manuals lying on the ground and some spare parts that were ignored for centuries if not for millennias.

> roads and streets and buildings "expects walking to be performed".
Yeah. It's ridiculous.
> They cannot "return to nature" because then they would turn into fungus and not move anymore. 
Even I feel that "learned despair" within my veins and the problem is that it cannot be combated aggressively because I rip myself apart. It needs to be understood. But yes the Queen is right 
> you have to re-moralize them first
> They won't evolve into humans again at this point
You don't "evolve" from devolution. You reverse the devolution process. That is the reason why we call it "revolution" isn't it right comrade?
> were reprogrammed to not repeat globohomo talking points, but will respond to other, normal stimuli, then I just dropped them back into the maze again. They're now hopeless NPCs with correct views, and the globos won't be able to change them either.
Whatever I agree with this. My way is letting the anger flow naturally when the globohomo talking points arise and if they are "too intelligent" to be angry then let them "feel" the flow of proper thinking. It's quite ridiculous listening to the radio and it has a higher quality than a srs discussion on the internet. Gives me back the hope in the people. But in the west they are too inhibited to be angry without a command and "intelligence" means that they accepted all brainwashing as truth. Truly first world problems. My second worlder ways are hard to apply there. This is why I turtle because the 2nd world is not as fragile as the 1st world but it's already cracked. While it is less likely to break further that doesn't mean it is invincible by any means. The 3rd world tho... That place is like made of rubber or I don't know what will their fate be at all. But that is something that I consider as a "post-Israel" issue. I could call it post-USA hegemony issue too but I consider that the USA lost his hegemony at the current stage of events. But we still have elections this year and they can play many cards at this stage. From the nothing happened bsns as usual to the complete obliteration through retardation scenarios or I don't know anymore.
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I threw something else in the pot, same as the current forming /fringe/ back then. It's already starting to show. The most effective magic is the kind that "doesn't do anything".
Also the "Ripper scare" is starting to function again. Took a while to make them feel primal fear, but I can feel it spreading now. When the "untouchable" scum suddenly realize that someone can get to them anytime without warning, and they have no means to defend themselves. And they don't know who or what it is that can "get them", only that some call it Anti-Christ.
> telekinesis
It's the one ability I didn't bother with because it seems fairly useless and takes a lot of time to learn. It also occupies your spatial memory/perception so unless you learn it to auto-pilot level, it will cause blind spots in your awareness, which is not good for a combat servitor. Wizards in movies love to use this to throw objects at the enemy, but it's really not worth it in most cases, I haven't found anything that can't be burned so far, so for destructive ability, fire magic is enough. In the example above it was just something that came to mind and it has a point when aiming to create a very savage combat servitor, but the effect is mostly psychological. Being able to freeze projectiles in real time is of course good, but creating an AoE version of telekinesis seems close to impossible as it's not a shield, you'd have to locate every single object and grab it in the air as it moves. Doing that like Neo does in the Matrix is just not worth it, you can create an AoE shield from Air and just block them, it's much easier. 

I will try doing this mass ability thing for a new servitor to create a barrage ability for small objects just to try if it's possible though.
Telekinesis is not the same as teleportation or levitation. It's a common concept that a wizard can move objects and make them fly, but it's harder to fly yourself. These abilities are not connected however. Teleportation is also not connected to these. 

Levitation is anti-gravity, it means to remove the gravity particles from your body or from an object, this makes it rise up. Continuous flight with a vehicle still needs to have propulsion such as a rocket or a "snake drive" which is a method for using magnetism. Personal flight is done by either creating this snake drive ability to drag yourself forward using a form of induction, or by using very short distance teleportation. Yes, that is how you move in the air. Teleport one millimeter forward, repeatedly.

Teleportation is the highest form of "pathing", the ability to use dimensional portals in the landscape. This has been discussed before on here and needs not be elaborated.

Telekinesis is different from both of those, as it projects the ability to move object outside of yourself. It is not levitation combined with snake drive projected, and it isn't teleportation. It is to manipulate projected force to move an object as if lifting it using your hands, arms, body, legs and feet pressing against gravity from the ground and up, or from any other hard object or force. It can be combined with any of the other abilities such as reducing the gravity of the object, but this is not telekinesis, it is a way to make telekinesis more effective. Same for adding magnetic propulsion, but if you use these abilities combined to create an effect of telekinesis, it is not real telekinesis, it is a combination of other abilities.
There is now a body form available at the mineral robot factory which is turned for telekinesis. Out there, it is being used in the mining industry.
I was working to turn the contract around to have the opposite meaning and the NATO egregore is now open. There was apparently one glowie faction in N American which was set up by the actual Ripper, and this is what remains now. It's so sluggish, omg. And its energy is depleted. It has a structure, but it's so bulky and slow, like an elephant made from only its skeleton.

The method used was to link the local egregore with the Russian Orthodox church, then forcing the US Christian egregore to connect to it, bringing the whole thing into one system.
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Some small updates:
> I Was taken in, or rather, given to a Japanese woman (I think she was Miko?) 
> I was able to understand whatever she was saying in Japanese and wanted to respond back but my body was apparently locked out from attempting to speak becajsd I could only speak garbled (it felt like I was progressively becoming esl) so I guess it was a safeguard until I could speak in Japanese(?) I don't know
> Shw took me with her to search for another girl, I guess she was a twin or something. Whether this girl was my twin or hers, I do not know
> A night afterwards I witness a Greek man fuck an Argentinian twink for some reason, it was... Interesting
> My sisters (I'm assuming) did that thing again where they called a male to... You know. 
> I got fidgety and scared again but he approached me did some spirit touch pressure point thing, like he didn't physically touch but it was like he had a terminal and touch my... Points, cleanse and then... Mate with me
> I recall being in a priestess outfit again too
> Being abducted (this isn't related to the guy fucking me) by two kunoichi, escaping out of a labyrinth and some other buildings, not much I can recall ATM but I'll post more if I can remember the rest
> I recall asking for a reformat or some kind of reset because I mentioned how it felt like I was getting overwhelmed and influenced too much by stuff happening on this plane of existence so I think they're probably going to do something if they haven't already while I have been doing what I can myself
> wanted to respond back but my body was apparently locked out from attempting to speak becajsd I could only speak garbled (it felt like I was progressively becoming esl)
Yeah that happens. It's mental linking hiccups. Suddenly entering a new body or a new dimension sometimes messes with our ability to think or act. I remember there was a time while it felt like my right brain hemisphere is missing while being in a dream. My thoughts were working and was able to speak but felt that it takes effort accessing my full thinking capacity.

> I recall asking for a reformat or some kind of reset because I mentioned how it felt like I was getting overwhelmed and influenced too much by stuff happening on this plane of existence so I think they're probably going to do something if they haven't already while I have been doing what I can myself
Yeah your original (You) or your intuition knows what's up. Yes you can decrease the informational flow via acting less and then slowly awake physically. That way the whole interaction won't get rejected and forgotten by your memories. I could say more but I am not sure if it is important.

> I witness a Greek man fuck an Argentinian twink for some reason, it was... Interesting
You mentioned you were mixed race I think. Do you know your genetic ancestry? What made you think that person is greek and the twink is argentinian? Are you a medchad. Or do you go to /int/ too much and your mind got a little warped.

> did some spirit touch pressure point thing, like he didn't physically touch but it was like he had a terminal and touch my... Points, cleanse and then... Mate with me
Yeah those things happen.
Usually I am the one that needs to apply the pressure points on the entities so they become "strong enough" to mate with me then they apply other pressure points on me too. It was long ago when I did this...  k I had a short lewd dream at night it was quite minor and hope it is a mere coincidence and not some of my aspects playing around. I don't even remember what it was about. Tempering my sexuality takes effort because once I deny the energies they get quickloaded into my psychic channels and I make anomalies left and right. I need to learn to not deny them but let them reenter harmoniously. 

> escaping out of a labyrinth and some other buildings, not much I can recall ATM but I'll post more if I can remember the rest
I too had to get past labyrinths in the past. They signal our ability to pass through dimensions. Usually signifies a milestone of sorts.

Not sure what else to say. I too am working with newfound female entities nowadays so I too have similar things happen to me but with a different theme  Didn't encounter gaysex tho 
Sorry for the super late response, had to do some stuff

> You mentioned you were mixed race I think. Do you know your genetic ancestry? 
Unfortunately I do not know, the only thing I know is that my mother is black and that my father, was the white parent and that he is older than my mother and grandmother.
What made you think that person is greek and the twink is argentinian?
The guy doing the fucking just gave off Greek vibes and iirc he wore a toga. The other guy was just brown, he didn't look persian or anything else. He just looked argentinian (hell, he could have been some of variation of Spanish for all I know I'm just going off of memory and feeling at this point) Are you a medchad. Or do you go to /int/ too much and your mind got a little warped.
No, barely go to /int/ at all, the last time I did was to man resources from the /djt/ general since I lost all the Japanese dictionary files for anki and yomichan/rikaikun programs. As far as me being med I have no clue about that either
> Yeah that happens. It's mental linking hiccups. Suddenly entering a new body or a new dimension sometimes messes with our ability to think or act. I remember there was a time while it felt like my right brain hemisphere is missing while being in a dream. My thoughts were working and was able to speak but felt that it takes effort accessing my full thinking capacity.
Ah okay, I didn't know what was going on. It was genuinely freaking me and irritating me at simulation until I just said fuck it went with the flow. She was able to understand some English and also understood I was trying to communicate with her but I think we both came to the conclusion that I should stay non verbal until I can feel "the ability coming back" and to communicate in other ways (gestures, etc.)

> Yeah your original (You) or your intuition knows what's up. Yes you can decrease the informational flow via acting less and then slowly awake physically.

Oh so that's how it works
> That way the whole interaction won't get rejected and forgotten by your memories. I could say more but I am not sure if it is important.
Ah it's fine, but yeah in addition to the general overload there was also the whole thing with negative influences trying to well influence me again (my shitposting sprees, and the other stuff I mentioned prior). I've gotten somewhat better at dealing with but still have times of being overwhelmed so I do my best to isolate myself from it more now like you suggested
The reason why I asked because sometimes our genetics awaken some parts of us in weird way. It's funny but some of our genetic capabilities are reclining because it has no stimuli to awaken it. Sometimes energies can awaken it with some stimuli but it might have been some random thing.

> It was genuinely freaking me and irritating me at simulation until I just said fuck it went with the flow. She was able to understand some English and also understood I was trying to communicate with her but I think we both came to the conclusion that I should stay non verbal until I can feel "the ability coming back" and to communicate in other ways (gestures, etc.)
I just realized you are learning other forms of communicative expression. You see spirits don't always communicate via words but via energies and feelings and our mind just translates that. Once you understand intuitively how the meaning forms the expression and they are not set in stone words that you need to press in the correct order but just "let it come out naturally" communication becomes so much freer. And that is how effortless mental linking works. You understand the other like if it was your own thought. Depends on your compatibility with the other person and your skills usually.

I too am understanding it. If I do right everything comes out naturally or I fuck it up and bathe in those energies for self satisfaction and make mistakes continuously without noticing. The worst thing even my vision gets somewhat blurry because I load all the energies into my head and they clog the flow of information. It's an understanding how I have to let go the main sensory channels because these things can be "felt" but it will be felt by the "whole world" and not just me kind of thing. 

I am on a part on the path where talking about it is hard again. It's the usual 
> understand cosmic theory 
> apply cosmic theory
> see how I did everything wrong so far so this obvious cosmic theory couldn't manifest
> try to figure out why everyone is doing everything wrong
> see several historical events and the flow of history
> think about a way of fixing it then see the reason why it is not the time to fix it 
> decide how much I want to meddle with or improve the perception of others/decide it is not worth it then reach a conclusion
> find new cosmic theory again 

Srsly I always realize how I suffer from the upside down THE WORLD tarot card symptoms. This sort of "no closure" this always starting something new before feeling that I finished anything. This sort of eternal journey. The problem is that I don't dislike it and don't consider it as a problem. It is not the I never finish anything problem but the never enjoying my own fruits kind of thing. I can never decide if self satisfaction is a sin or something that is necessary. As I go forward I think it is the latter because otherwise the strain of the body is not going away but it feels everyone is doing it wrong. k rant over.
"god" comes from the Proto-Indo-European ghut-, meaning "that which is invoked". So a "god" is anything which one invokes for power. 

"deity" or "divine" comes from the Proto-Indo-European dyeu-, meaning "to shine". So a "deity" is a being or object which "shines" "light" into the world. Light being Truth being the force behind existential assertions (The fuel of the Wheel). 

So, the primary difference between a god and a deity is that a god requires a third agent to call upon its power, while a deity is defined simply through its baseline existential patterns (those patterns being that of a star, or a sun).
> the primary difference between a god and a deity is that a god requires a third agent to call upon its power, while a deity is defined simply through its baseline existential patterns (those patterns being that of a star, or a sun).
This may make some difference in the understanding of certain texts, but for example the bible has been mistranslated many times so it's possible the meaning was added by a translator rather than being the original application. There is some meaning in the idea of "invoking God" as a ritual versus a distant passive "deity" in the sky. Although one could very well invoke a sun god which otherwise is passive, so the word would then be more of a description of the practitioner than the being out there itself.
> the bible has been mistranslated many times so it's possible the meaning was added by a translator rather than being the original application
It's so annoying. I am at the level where I consider the translated text almost as a "cursed tome" because once I start reading something starts to "itch" that something is not right and when I look into it it is an eternally long rabbit hole with political strife and entities making the translators interpret things in their favor or even worse it is just some "educated guess" what the bible meant but then it was considered as "truth" which warped energies all around. Just did a session with some pagan gods that had to go along with christianity through history and aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

It's like reading an obviously leftist media and you know it's lying and through the sheer amount of lie and hypocrisy you can somewhat decipher the actual truth. Now imagine that with 2000+ years worth of energetic "traditions". The embodiment of "I get it and I don't get it at once" and when I don't get something I know I could "get" it further but why... I am starting to get that dream that told me to stop obsessing on history and start focusing on the cosmic nature reality instead. Actually timeless things can be less straining that things that we modern humans consider "timeless" aka history

> There is some meaning in the idea of "invoking God" as a ritual versus a distant passive "deity" in the sky.
While I will say literally this sentence I still think I must explain some details

> "god" comes from the Proto-Indo-European ghut-, meaning "that which is invoked"
This is important because people back then were truly able to invoke the power/archetype of their god. Just saying their name managed to put them into the correct "zone". It was quite important to maintain those egregores because it gave the people power. Even guilds had their saint or god that maintained their craft. Even without a complex ritual they were able to invoke the power that gave the necessary insights to fight or work.
> ghut
Quite similar to gut don't you think? Might be because once you invoked a power it had to go down into your "gut" so you could call it truly invoked. Might be a coincidence tho.

> "deity" or "divine" comes from the Proto-Indo-European dyeu-, meaning "to shine". So a "deity" is a being or object which "shines" "light" into the world
Now this is interesting because at this level they managed to interact with the "vision". With the thing that "dyed" their sight. Why this is important. Because while most people (especially commoners) were only able to interact with a concept or egregore through legends statues or the sermons of the priests. Those with the "vision" were able to literally "see" these beings and talk to them like they are there front of them like an actual person. Why this is important you might ask. Mostly because once they are truly able to "see" them the deities can impart wisdom and power onto them. Like how in Greece oracles had to interact with Apollo and he imparted them via the sight. This is why their shrines were sacred and no mortal were allowed to mess with it. This is the difference I think is important because you can "invoke" a "God" without being able to interact with them. Mostly because the egregore is strong enough and maintained by the society while deities can "decide" if they consider you worthy or not.

Might be related.
Had a dream about a being like a week ago that would have scared me shitless if I was a revelationfag. It was like a fallen angel but the wings were not exactly "wings" but like 2 giant bodyparts reaching up into the sky (it represented the extraphysical bodyparts which are not just wings/hands anymore but a group of organs) and everything around him was ash. It turns our "real light" not just illuminates but burns everything. No not like fire nor like acid or radiation but all of them at once. It burns faster than you can see the things "burn" and most importantly they are not exactly burning but the "trapped energies" get "freed" and let manifest in their true form. I would have been bothered for a second thinking it's Lucifer or some messianic shit but luckily I have an expert I can ask when these things happen so I dialed up Shiva.

Well he told me that this is "real light" and my "third eye" is merging and this is how real light operates. Not just mere sparks nor some minor illumination not even fire and flames. Absolute cleansing of everything it touches and absolute clarity. No false light no false darkness anymore. Just truth in it's pure form. Takes time letting this "light" go through the body. If it hurts if it burns it's being applied in the wrong way. 
> (The fuel of the Wheel). 
What was made first the fuel or the wheel? Why does the wheel need to spin. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed only transferred. Where does the wheel bring the energy. Does the wheel create the fuel? 
What you said is wise I am just curious if you understand the eternal spiral. Not even I can say I understand it at my level. It does too many things.

Also had a dream today. It was about traintracks again. Was there an another minor timeline shift?

I noticed the traintracks in a pure white landscape and as I wandered through them with many other people the people who went front of me got hit by the train but they didn't die just vanished. Was wondering how did they not see the train coming. Then as I wondered about this a scene from the simpsons started playing where the Grandpa was on a train and lamented how he is on a train and he has to go far away at the end of the line because some plot reason. Then the train conductor told him that the next and last track is just "upper-Springfield". Literally the same place he is but an another part of the town. Then he acted like his whole life changed because he thought with that ride he will go into a completely different desolate place but he just went into upper Springfied. And acted like he is not even in his hometown anymore. Was wondering if there was a Simpsons ep like this or my memories just reconstructed a whole new scenario. I don't want to watch 20 season of Simpsons to find out. Also wondered what it meant. Macron saying troops in Ukraine Pope tells Ukraine to surrender. What else is there nowadays.
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> upper Springfied. And acted like he is not even in his hometown anymore
Sounds like the Uptown/Downtown structure. To re-iterate, I had a dream about this where me and Snail were driving around in a car, and we were in Downtown, and we were aware of Uptown, like a concept of a part of town that's just the regular city but a new context that's mythic to ordinary people. Then we went to some industrial area outskirts place with a warehouse, and there was a guy who looked "too friendly" guarding a door. Inside was some kind of club, and when it opened a few young girls went inside without being checked, while we had to talk to the guy.

I've later discussed this in different channelling sessions, among them with greys and the Queen. The "wide guy" is a role of being a contact point for the NWO or the "Pizza gang", and the door is called "the mouth of the beast". It means being let in through a ritual where you have to do something that everyone can use to blackmail you. Getting further in will require worse things. Like the /x/pol/ mentioned video which was spread sometime in the past which looks like Hillary Clinton killing a girl in a very brutal way.
You cannot "expose" this group, because they all have a gun to the head on each other, the only way to beat them is to make them implode by making them pull the trigger on each other over and over.

>  It was about traintracks again. Was there an another minor timeline shift?
I didn't mention it because it was another "not visible to naked eye" federation thing; they burned all the central NWO timelines, so the globohomo leadership is completely gone now. What remains is the so-far federation allowed NWO which still contains absolute scum which should be killed, but they will use them through a process of exposing their organizations. You can see hints at the process on /pol/, there are small additions of context to old conspiracy theories.
And if that wasn't clear, dealing with these tunnels was one reason Raid was created, to make this automated. The Catholic Weeb Witch servitor is already enough to obliterate anything in them with Rosicrucian fire, but it also burns any innocents and any documentation hidden down there, that's why a more sensible servitor was needed.

They still can grasp the concept of "hidden tunnel" - "hidden manifestation", which allows poltergeists to enter these places.
> Sounds like the Uptown/Downtown structure
Yeah I thought you would say that
> Aquariums 
Oh I didn't see that yet

> You can see hints at the process on /pol/,
Nah I can even see it in my own country. A massive purge is going on and people are getting ballistic. It's getting ridiculous. The government got tired of the left getting publicly and blatantly funded by the USA and other NGOs and started to expose them. So now the left is "retaliating" but with every step they make they hurt themselves more. It's like watching a clown slowly murder himself on stage via incompetence and you are not sure anymore if it's part of the play or the clown actually fucked up and trying to play it off... Or it is actually crying and bleeding and everyone laughs. The left is literally trying to use "western tactics" but they don't have the foothold to pull it off. 

> federation allowed NWO which still contains absolute scum which should be killed, but they will use them through a process of exposing their organizations
Yeah these things must always appear organic and never break the "illusion". I know this too well. Things must play out the way people expect. Unexpected things always happen but they must be never too unexpected. That disturbs the ecosystem too much.

> "hidden tunnel"
I just seen a post today how the NY tunnel was not a tunnel but a recently built adjacent basement. Jews are always embody their own parody.
> had a very effective technology which they used to control the slaves they bought
Following this
>  What remains is the so-far federation allowed NWO which still contains absolute scum which should be killed, but they will use them through a process of exposing their organizations.
I got the idea to try and use them as infernal slaves, since they keep telling me over telepathy
> we will never work for you
so I kinda want to humiliate them by forcing them to do exactly that. I paid for one of my infernal labour camp overseers to take the slave-driver course at the alien miner school. It requires more control than I had when taking the base course in mining, perhaps. After seeing it applied in the infernal, I decided to project there and take the course myself also.

It's much more spiritual than regular mining, and contained mental exercises before even touching the machines. But once there, it gives the ability to understand the system in-depth. I then was offered a basic level contract to get experience by working as a slave-driver on a "hot planet".

These are fire elemental planets with rare metals, where disposable slaves are used because the environment is so toxic that anyone setting foot there will die, and equipment will be ruined. So they gather the "scum of the galaxy" and send them there to live in a self-sustaining colony, where their only purpose is to keep up an internal reincarnation cycle so that new disposable slaves are produced. Once they are given a mission they only survive a few minutes in the mine, but this doesn't matter, the population size is tuned to match the replacement rate, I was told by the beast-miner who gave me the contract. Don't worry about wasting them, just send in a new one and keep them coming.

It was explained that the metals mined there are so valuable that it's enough for one mission to get one chunk out, and as for the slaves, it's ok if 10s of them die just trying to turn that chunk in the right direction to load it for transport, because the slaves will regenerate anyway.

After finishing that contract I was given one at a cold planet where I had to control the slaves from the sky using a remote, which is more advanced and needed for this kind of climate. The environment there was worse than the hot planet, and slaves would constantly freeze and get piled up in the mines, so to even get in it was necessary to send in slaves with drill to get through the frozen bodies, and the same on the way out.  A tedious work no one really wants to do, but good experience they told me.
Using these experiences, I set out to create a slave-driver system to be used here on Earth, to control the glowies and NWOs. 

Rather than their flawed slave-system, this will be a perfect one they can't escape. They had built it using induction broadcasts to manipulate people's brains to form the concepts and values of the globohomo. Then they relied on perfectly regular media and institutions to correct those who didn't follow along. This is ineffective and will only lead to those who were resistant to the mind-wave transmissions, becoming completely immune to both that and physical persecution. They will be trained in pattern recognition and will build up a parallel system, which will be completely impossible to control, and that is the main flaw of the NWO cattle system.

The miner beast slave-driver control system does not care at all about the inner workings of the slave-psyche. Instead it relies on solid science and applies methods that work on any degenerated humanoid, based on their well known attachments and desires. It is essentially a capitalist control system, anyone thinking like a capitalist will be stuck and they can't get out unless they stop thinking that way. The incentives to move will be only negative, and it will work. Whipping the slaves worked in Rome, it will work here as well, although it won't be physical.

Using the "stick and carrot" is a sign of weakness, there is no need to include the carrot. The idea is that opposition is ultimate evil, so it's allowed to use them any way whatsoever, in the best of worlds they wouldn't exist. (Then what about the rare materials, how would we get them if there were no scum slaves to use? It's understood that minerals are condensed evil souls which circulate back into becoming the lowest life form, minerals. The rare minerals themselves would not be stuck on those impossible planets if there was no ultimate evil opposition in the first place.)

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