أع مع مع ع Русский Русский
5 pesos is too generous for me, 2 pesos is better ;-
A little Aldo, if you want to wait for the other players if they're still alive tell me, but for now, at least until the others show up, I'll give you your scenes and follow the role with you, if you have no problem. When the other niggers show up, I'll see how to get them back, but for now, they'll be on pause/afk.
أع مع مع ع Русский Русский
In a quick and quick way, you were up and out of that bar, leaving the crowd drunk and euphoric behind, and with that, also your companions, who seemed to be doubting for a moment if they left at that very moment, and accompany your optimism and energy. A question that, after passing through the wide portal of the bar, you ended out once again, where the wind was blowing quietly, the dry land and the dust again took hold of a little bit of the sole of your shoes, and the wide green view of the hills and fields that surrounded that small town where they were, helped to give a panorama of it, with several humble huts and houses a few meters away,
However, such things did not matter to go to the mission, which mattered, was to get some horse or some method of transport to be able to go to that place, and that is, there was conveniently a hire and guarded horses, which in turn also served as private transport to hire... With such a thing, the journey would take less than 2 or 3 hours, in contrast to the journey on foot, which should be about 4 if it were passed directly, with the possibility of encountering some handicap, or even 6 hours, if the tourist route of the real road was taken, which was commonly transited, and safer.
From directions, it was not necessary to worry, as the village was somewhat small, everything was in sight, and more still helped some posters placed by the villagers themselves to prevent travellers from getting confused... Likewise, the paths plowed by the footsteps, both of humans and horses, as well as oxen and chariots, helped to better visualize the streets and points of interest there
And as I said before, if you want to give the timeskip to start, or if you want to go around the town to see what's going on, or if you want to know a little more kek, but if not, you just tell me and I put you straight into the action.
Also, if you want to talk more about your character or his general backstory, about the village in which he lived or comes and his race, I have no kek problem
The subclasses I had forgotten to develop them a little more, but in short, try to mix one class with another, so I could have a new specialization or class. For example, a Magi combined with a murderer can become a dark Necromago or Magi. A warrior with a magician, he can be a monk, and so he goes, I have to look if I have scored something in the notepad.
With the magic system, it occurs to me that it is unlocking things little by little as you go up level, and that the first spells you unlock, be based on your personality. For example, your character who is cheerful and likes the fight, having that kind of personality, could prioritize learning about fire magics and fire spells and so on. Someone who is calmer and calculating, would prioritize learning spells about grass control and those kek things, to tell the truth, I have to think a little better that and develop it well. Since in your case you want to have the cuffs of fire, you can learn them after several clashes, and talking to a magician, or getting something to learn and use quickly that type of kek spells