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It's just a video of her playing  7 days to die with Hunter ripped from her old YouTube. She is screaming the entire time in the video
whops yeah that was her livestream, the screaming annoyed me so i turned it off early lol. in the previous threads her old YouTube channels were posted that mainly consisted of her gaming videos with her old ex Hunter. I will try to find them again but they are kinda old and she literally just screams nonsense the entire time
I've heard that name before and her ex said in the first thread that she still plays games with him, so not only is she a lying hypocrite but also severely retarded

It's like her voice WANTS to be cute but the constant yelling and screaming is so unbearably grating to the ears.
Ah shit I meant to say "properly" but im way too drunk to give a shit, anyway fuck you I'd still fuck and marry Audrey given that she's lterally ashamed and regretful of her past and what she's done
What makes you think she would ever want or love you? She's incapable of deeper emotions, empathy, love, care, anything other than using people.
She mentioned in her twitter being clinically diagnosed with ADHD or some other zoomer made up bullshit "mental illness", and listening to the audio posted earlier and seeing the shit she used to post and how she'd talk I think it is safe to say she's been to the shrink plenty of times
> listening to the audio posted earlier and seeing the shit she used to post and how she'd talk I think it is safe to say she's been to the shrink plenty of times
Was I not clear? Judging by what she'd post and how she speaks, a safe assumption can be made that this particular girl is indeed mentally ill and has visited a psychiatric professional at some point in her life. Capisci?
Yeah she'd post on tele and on twitter sometimes ow she'd eat some fucked up shit every once in a while. Dunno what that screenshot is from tho.
Lmao I shit you not, I found out about this chick being a kind of e celeb relatively recently and it was specially funny since I had known her from group chats and stuff for a while but it's true. It'd be cool if you had any way of asking her directly and she'd be honest about it afaik, I don't see why she would lie about things she was open about publically when she said it.
Wdym from what? Sorry I don't get what you mean. But as for what else did she do, idk what else to say lol she'd just post about wanting to be some sort of wild woman yet at the same time being kinda annoying and asking if this or that was okay or how to do the most basic shit that could be easily googled as if she was scared to not be seen as a real outdoors person or probs looking for others' approval, so you coud always tell she was either larping for likes or to please the dude she was with whom she'd mention or allude to every once in a while. Other than that I dont really kow what to say other than what i already mentioned like when she said she'd eat random fucked up shit like roadkill or small game .
She has gone but doesn't go anymore because she says they don't help and she doesn't really think there is anything wrong with her
> How did you find out this was her? 
It was obvious after some people or person posted her socials and then linked them to anonymous boards and her shit was out in the open,there was also a guy who simped for her in a gc who is a mod and linked stuff like her social media to another group she wasnt in after her ex spilled the beans on her maybe outta spite, but that's when i saw this girl was actually kinda known online   
> Did she post her face?
Nope but you could still tell it was her by going to her social media and seeing the things she'd talk about and even seeing stuff like her hands lmao, like she'd post shit like holding a veggie or whatever crop and then she'd post some pic to twitter with her hands in them and you could see it was the same person, same skin tone, moles, shit like that
Lmao yeah exactly, so you must know then who the mod simp guy is. Well that dude  went bananas for some reason and told us some insider info of her after her ex spilled the beans in here and called her a " cheap lying whore", but it's funny cause she'd talk about her ex on the group chat sometimes. Literally the reason I remember all of that shit is because she was the only bitch in the gc aside of another psycho girl who rarely ever spoke
I dunno what I can say here that hasn't been said lmao but I for one can only confirm what her ex said in the thread he was in, he even name dropped the group chat i mentioned, and what the simp mod said was pretty similar to what her ex revealed plus some other minor shit like how she'd larp about being into hunting and idolizing school shooters or thinking that having body hair made her a wild bitch. All in all it felt really weird to discover how this girl who was just a random larper in the chat was actually well known in boards and on twitter and that she was actually kind of a slut. I think the only thing that made me actually laugh was seeing how different she was on her twitter compared to her group chat persona where she larped as some sort of female ted kaczynski lmao, whereas on twitter she was more of a angsty they/them bisexual artsy bitch acting like a rough tom boy and interacting with all sorts of lefties and minorities and shit when she'd act all racist and redneck on gc, that made me actually laugh
That was a boring reveal. Hyped for more gossip. Post screenshots of her being a slut, post screenshots of her saying crazy racist shit, post anything interesting PLEASE.
Slurring your speech there, audrey. Lay off the liquor, you pig. Imagine, 2018 you(peak btw ywnrta), not even being enough for this kind whulsum internet stranger. you should probably finish what you started and cut vertically.
Yeah, honestly all these reveals are big news for the socially retarded portion of thread posters who got a cm into her greasy smelly embrace but for me the only thing big and funny was this tit groyper guy. Can we get that guy in on this, that's pretty funny.
There has been recent changes with the latest git commit. It will be fixed soon.

Your hashes:

Broad range(1/2 octets):
Narrow range(3/4 octets): a37e76fff8aaa1eaafebf3754692c909bf27169af825729c 
Ip: ec63faf9321e29e458a047ad30845d1699235f47d9b5282a

Stop samefagging or you will be banned.
Guys I think this audrey debacle will be solved if we get the esteemed Tit Groyper to speak on this thread.
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Leave riffy alone. You have abused and slandered her enough.
She told me what you did.

While you seethe and rot alone in your room, she has many people who love her and look out for her. Cope.
To the linguistically proficient anons here: why do I feel sad about everything that's happened? I feel sad about Audrey and by what she said in her last tweet on how her passion died. But I also acknowledge that she wasn't who she portrayed herself to be and most likely did some real shady and sick shit. So im conflicted and don't understand how I should feel. Could anyone help please?
I'm sure that one day you will wake up, and not think about Audrey for an entire day, and finally realize how stupid you were for spending every waking hour asking questions like these and obsessing over a random whore on the internet.
Sounds more like the type of anon who posted about wanting to stab her in the womb last thread. What could cause such resentment that'd make anyone wish for something like that?
I think at least some of it really got to her head. What that was it's up to you to decide but it'd be dumb to think she was unaffected by what people here have been saying. Maybe she really does feel some guilt and hates being reminded of it?
Is there any proof of what this guy is saying? I find it hard to believe that a woman could rape a gown man to be honest, unless she has a weapon or something.





Yeah I just saw myself too, kinda of a bad look lol especially since most of it was her talking shit about her ex during their relationship secretly 

What about wild man and music city busker?
What the fuck are you people even talking about? What is this group chat or these other characters you casually namedrop like a gay secret club?

> most of it was her talking shit about her ex during their relationship secretly
Didnt she call him her soulmate or something like a month into their relationship? What else would she say? How many levels of fucked up is this girl?

Is that the cult like thing her ex said she idolized/larped as about in the first thread?

> She's like three levels of delusion and mania deep
Could you explain in more detail pls?
It wasn't posted to her twitter, so where did op's pic come from? I saved all pics she posted before she deleted it and I checked. Only other one of that pic was a half cropped version posted before.
Oh yeah! Ive heard about this– she had to suck some mean cock to get in. Wow. Was her first masonic lodge quest to feud with Tit Groyper?
Bro? She literally posted it to her twitter, I'm not OP but I clearly remember that exact photo (obviously minus the edits) there
> anti sex
> has plenty of sex with dudes off soc a week after meeting them and for several months afterwards even engaging in literal degeneracy
why is she such a hypocrite bros
and why are you posting through his account bitch, you absolute and literal slut
Wow a lot of activity in tele all of a sudden. Not suspicious at all. You haven't changed one bit and never will. Absolutely evil and heartless whore.
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yeah its this faggy group that was a cult of personality revolving around this guy penguin who was a rich dentist and then chose to larp in a school bus as some sort of ted kaczynski. I guess he got bored and faked his own death, I bet Audrey had a crush on him too, all that "power". On the mania thing if you talk to her its all surface level shit and always in the moment, she constantly needs to stay busy and has a deep self hatred that gets converted into being mean to everyone else, she never had anything nice to say about anyone and secretly shits on everyone while doing a character all the time.

also what a fag that moderator is, they are all young adults who hate women with an incel like rage but then simp for a a fat mid hoe, imagine being a guy and not only listening to a woman complain about her ex but also agreeing with her, what did he expect? pussy? 
Also the racoon shit is so insane

> Didnt she call him her soulmate
that's the love-bombing she accused her ex of 

His account?

she can have her empire of dirt, at this point she still thinks she is an innocent victim so I don't think she can change even if she wanted to. this is tied into her derangement, she is so disconnected from reality but to be fair most women are like this, refusing to take responsibility for themselves and their actions

I remember before she nuked all her shit but basically she said how he didn't love her and said mean things to her, maybe it was all to feel less guilty about what she did or was going to do the same way she would tell half lies about her experiences with other men.
> they are all young adults who hate women with an incel like rage but then simp for a a fat mid hoe, imagine being a guy and not only listening to a woman complain about her ex but also agreeing with her





yeah I heard alot about them lol, I saw how they would also disrespect her alot for just being a women whenever she would say anything and yet she still stayed there and got mad whenever anyone would confront her about how ridiculous the whole thing was
That group chat sounds incredibly gay but then again, just as retards are prone to idolizing sam hyde or others jordan peterson or andrew tate, these retards are the same but with a larping ted k lite. It was bound to happen if you think about it, late millenials and zoomers on chan boards are the generation with the most cringe trad terrorist sympathizer larpers ever, so when someone steps up and tells them what they want to hear in an unconventional and relatable way a cult of personality happens, like with the other people I mentioned.
This thread is a damn eyesore. Every time I try to give reading it another chance it's the same couple of guys having breakdowns over nothing in particular and obviously coping. God damn.
Being an idiot who cares for her hurts so much. Every day or week something new comes out about her that does nothing but make me feel like shit. It's not even the things people call her, like the insults, it's the shit that gets revealed about her that makes me wonder just how many shady and degenerate people she's in touch with and things she's done.
Your fault for developing a parasocial relationship with a stranger because you liked how she looked.  Happens to the best of us but you gotta get over it.
> Your fault for developing a parasocial relationship with a stranger because you liked how she looked
But I don't just like how she looks. I like many things about her that are not related to her looks alone. It's the shit that she does that gets exposed what makes me feel like if even her isn't a girl who is worth fighting for after all the qualities that made me be infatuated with her, which are offset by all this other crazy and unnerving shit she does, then no one is.
So funny she larps as a trad Orthodox feminist while being a bisexual bpd art hoe, and they wonder why the entire
planet and every major religion
has imposed strict social
restrictions on their sovereignty
since the dawn of time in every
place humans have ever lived
> Yeah she had a lesbian phase then a mgtow/no fap phase
Ok when did these phases take place? Is she still bi? What exactly is no fap and how tf did she even apply it lmao, I thought that crap was all ironic incel dogmas meant for keks on the chans
> I pegged my soulmate I met on /soc/ and tried all and every single sexual degenerate act with him and others and also cheated and abused them all and had sex with other retard junkies and became a junkie myself because I spent too much time online :333 pwease understand im just a victim :]]]
> tfw being a literal woman hating unironic potential school shooter ugly incel will get you cute pussy like this instead of being a decent man who tries to be the best he can be

I hate this whore to levels that are incomprehensible to the human mind
Has she made a response to anything? Anyone been able to talk or reach her? 
Would she even be honest about anything?
Bruh he'd brag about having this fat ho pretty much orbiting HIM back in the day. I was in some instagram gc's and discord servers with him tho i never saw actual photos of him so i cant confirm but he was from colorado and talked to some other obscure egirls but audrey was the most famous one. so when his ex said some shit about hanging out and doing drugs with some guy from colorado and getting "abused" by him I immediately knew it was this guy.
> Has she made a response to anything?

Only semblance of response she's given was her pathetic twitter post before she privated and eventually came back, where she only accused his ex of "bieng abusive" and harrassing her or something along those lines. She never denied the mountain of accusations he threw at her and it seemed as if she only wanted to gather her army of simps for a validation high.

> Would she even be honest about anything?
Would a compulsive liar with a victim complex be honest about anything?
I don't know about her being bisexual but it's very likely seeing how much she likes gay shit
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All your old 'friends' only befriended you for bragging rights. They talk about you like an object. Here is the proof.
This post a 10000% correct. See, this is the kind of shit guys like the hapa used to brag about and show as proof that he had her in the bag to the guys in group chats or servers. Crazy to think he and god knows how many other dudes fucked her just by being epic meme sharing incels
> The funny thing is he never fucked her. He groped her and she filed a restraining order against him.
How can we even be certain he didn't fuck her tho? Why would you believe anything she says at all?
She was open about it and she showed me unhinged messages he sent. The messages checked out with what she told me. 

She was really nice to me when I honestly didn't deserve it. She talked less and less to me and I freaked out. After that, I ghosted her. She already knows who I am and that's all that matters.
that's pretty cool Audrey has a dedicated damage control faggot here too. every girl needs a gay friend to vent to about the guys in her life
And i know i was pushing hard
And trying to take it further
And it was wrong
I feel so abd audrey
I regret it so much
It hurts so bad
I know you warned me before but i
refused to listen and im sory

You said I lied and tricked you and I
manipulated you into caring
And then called me a whore

i was pissed off
> I ghosted her
You mean, after she ghosted you? Lmao

You had nothing to freak over about. It's simple, she gets bored of people and dumps them. She does whatever the fuck others she 'traumabonds' or whatever tell her to do too
Jesus fucking christ. No fucking shit bitch, you actively WANTED to be with a literal incel and then you're surpised he touched your fat fucking tits after YOU went over to his state to do drugs and who knows what the fuck else too. But wait, it gets better lmao. After this she also met up and actually fucked some other permavirgin incel off soc with whom she tried all and every kind of degenerate sex act with like a repressed whore. And THEN even after all of that she goes to her gay little ted k larp faggot chat to say just how wet she by incels and school shooters looooool. You deserves absolutely nothing, bitch. Fuck she makes me so mad I want to crowbar her face in in Minecraft.
engaging with a guy, ghosting or cheating on them, and then turning around and acting like they were victimized and portraying the guy as an incel/creep/pedo/psycho is what BPDemons do. Of course it's usually projection since we know they are all disgusting degen whores.
I'm not going to share anything more and deleted everything I have related to her. I'm sorry if I made things worse.
How is this making thisngs worse? If anything it only sheds more light into who she really is, and it's not like her reputation wasn't in the shitter after everything else that has transpired and been confirmed. 

Could you say anything else about her?
Yeah but thing is, she literally gets turned on by woman hating literal incels  lol

But yeah she calls every other guy that either calls her out or she gets bored of all the other stuff you mentioned in an attempt to garner sympathy from simps and avoid scrutiny to her behavior and preferences
it's like when they're attracted to pedophiles and pedophilic things and then throw around the pedo accusation every chance they get. projection and obfuscation
something like that except you're calling others pedophiles to cover for the fact that you're one yourself. i know that was a lot of words for a stunted ewhore brain to process accurately but hopefully you now comprehend.
If he was diagnosed with BPD just imagine how many levels of fucked up she is to actively wanting to be dicked by him (and later on did but with another guy -that we know of- also oozing with mental illnesses)
they need to prey on lonely mentally ill men because normal men see the crazy red flags a mile away without even knowing about their online whoring career and won't put up with their shit whereas the desperate down and outs they meet online will take all their abuse.
This literally kills me. I just cannot picture her being the way she actually is if that makes any sense. It's as if my mind just refuses to attach her face and her voice and her personality and all of which made her so endearing to me contrasted with the image of her getting fucked by incels, pegging guys, sucking dick ("great throat game because she has no gag reflex" as her ex said) and being every single thing she didn't appear to be when I became so infatuated with her. Fuck this hurts so bad and it only does so because it's true.
she's a damaged lying manipulating iredeemable degenerate whore like just about every other girl posted on this board. don't mistake that for women hate. these aren't proper women, they're barely human.
I'm sorry, I know I'm lying to myself because I know most of the things people have said are true but again, it's like my brain simply refuses to picture her in such demeaning positions (both literally and emotionally): I see her face which I find so cute, I hear her cute voice, and I just simply cannot imagine her sucking dick, getting fucked, taking it up the ass, pegging, her face all contorted in pleasure as this all takes place, doing drugs, getting aroused by incels... I'm not saying I don't believe that it is all true, because I know it is. What I'm saying is that I simply can't imagine her in those positions she's actually been. 
Jesus this all fucking sucks and I hate that it is al true. It's literally nightmare reality.
hey you don't need to picture it as long as you accept the reality of it. the good news is she's not special. retarded mental sluts like her are a dime a dozen, as evidenced by simply scrolling this board.
and she's not even attractive. one of the ugliest girls posted on this board. she looks like she's the captain of the softball team.
Yeah but she was really is/was something else, something better than all of the others, and I still see her as so. So even when brushing aside the mental image of her doing all those things, just knowing that she did is enough to make me feel like dogshit not simply because of how demeaning and whorish the acts themselves are, but just learning that she is someone capable of doing such a thing in the first place, which she actually did and has done plenty. It's like... what happened to the person she used to be? The cute yet tough tomboyish shy girl with cool and wholesome interests and genuine kindness? When did she become *this*? But even asking this makes me realize that it doesnt matter, it's all too late and worthless now since she can't undo what she has done and can only hope that someone insincerely gaslights her into thinking they don't care in order to have a go at her like others have done in the past. It's like a big, red scarlet letter has been branded on her forehead for everyone to see and know who she actually is and what she's actually done regardless of appearances or impressions.
It sucks out all the motivation and whatever remnants of happiness or not-misery out of me. Sorry to blogpost but I just needed to blow off some steam because this actually makes me feel bad and letting it out helps a bit.
you were infatuated with an illusion, simple as. Feel shitty about it because it is shitty. just don't kid yourself that person exists somewhere inside her because you will never find it or coax it out of her again unless she needs something out of you, and in that event you should run.
dog performs the trick to get the treat. it has learned performing the trick produces the desired outcome. the dog has no love for the act of performing the trick but happily does it expecting to be rewarded. The difference is dogs are more evolved beings than egirls and more capable of legitimate affection.
an egirl dog breed would grow tired of the treats or start thinking the neighbor had better ones, maul the owner and turn up scratching on the neighbors doorstep acting beaten amd starved
> Yeah but she was really is/was something else, something better than all of the others

Every orbiter says this about the e-girl they obsess over. You aren't thinking straight, because of the intense parasocial relationship you have with her.

> what happened to the person she used to be? The cute yet tough tomboyish shy girl with cool and wholesome interests and genuine kindness? When did she become *this*? 

As the other anon said, that girl never existed. She isn't and has never been how she portrayed herself online (or privately with you). The sooner you realize this, the sooner you move on.
Staying busy will help with depression and obsession but having a job isn't some magical cure-all. He probably wouldn't give a fuck if he met another girl but these girls go for guys that are lonely and inexperienced. the mark thinks he's made a deep connection or found a soulmate unable to imagine she's done this with 30 other guys, whereas someone with experience in relationships would recognize very quickly the lovebombing thing they do is crazy af.

Luckily most types of pain get better with time, even if you're unemployed.
Loling at my stupid ass for thinking at some point that I was the only guy she spoke and sent photos to. These threads and these past few posts have been a real eye opener.
> Loling at my stupid ass for thinking at some point that I was the only guy she spoke and sent photos to

relatable. not about this girl specifically. but very relatable.
Not saying

How can it not happen again? It seems as if women have a myriad of options and when you find one you think you can trust, like Audrey, it only damages my abilty to trust anyone after I find out I wasn't really anything special since she was doing the same with who knows how many other people.
First off as the Big F man once said to me
Fuck em
Don't trust them as far as you can through them, what I mean by that is you set the line not her, do not let a woman dictate to you how you ought feel about her
Don't a be a bitch, don't be a simp, and don't be a fag, be a man and a man controls the relationship 
Call her out on her bullshit, if you ever have doubts or suspicions you deal with them, not in some paranoid unconfident way, that's where a lot of people have their problem, they come off as weak and bitching just as a woman
Recognize what a woman is and realise your our bounds as a man, you dictate, not her 

All women are whores until proven innocent, always keep that in mind
this is a tutorial for getting immediately ghosted by any e-girl.
you can't win this game. they hold all the power in these relationships because they have ten times more options than you.
if you are guarded, mature or more experienced, you will be perceived as cold or cruel and cut off for someone more manageable and easy to convince. usually they prefer guys who are innocent and naive because they rely on those characteristics to gain the prey's trust.
It can happen with any woman but it's almost guaranteed with an e-ho like audrey. Give women a chance in the future but not ones like her. There's always risk of hurt when dealing with other people but you had to be some level of naive or delusional about things to get involved with this type of person that most confident sane men would avoid.
pretty much this. even if you can get nudes or get laid with no emotional attachment it's not worth being associated with these creatures. even if your life is complete shit it can always be made worse
I have some sympathy for the desperate simp looking for love but these faggots that come around to lie for these girls and act like a PR agency are a whole other level...

Of course, I realize a lot of these type of posts are made by these girls themselves, since they dread anyone not simping for them or finding out who they really are.
I still don't believe all the lies about Audrey being a depraved whore. She's just a normal whore.
Look at the pics of that guy and his /soc/ post history. There's no way that he is a bdsm kinky guy. They probably just had regular sex and oral sex like any IRL couple. Also Audrey doesn't own dildos, so it's impossible for her to peg anyone.
in fact her ex never said that he got pegged or anything of the sort. they are all fantasies from the same mentally ill orbiter
> her ex never said that he got pegged or anything of the sort
He said it in the first thread and confirmed it in detail on discord, he even left his nametag for anyone to add him there
Ungrateful? If anything I think most people commend him for having opened this can of worms called Audrey. I don't know how fucked up he is, which by the looks of it could be a lot, but at least he exposed her bullshit by opening up and calling out what others had been saying for years as this anon pointed out  >>/45170/

> lies about Audrey
> lies
holy kek
I'm talking about girls not e whores
There's no point in that
Ooooh a pair of tits, you can get that anywhere, even right in on this board, he was obviously wanting something more than that and so I explained it proper
Absolute horseshit. All she has are simps, and simps aren't worth shit. Consolation prizes that she only messes around with them because she's deeply afraid of ever being vulnerable. At the end of the day, higher value men are still the only ones that matter.
Then explain why she's actually met up and has had sex with them/done drugs with/gotten groped if she only sees them as consolation prizes she messes around with.

Also this isn't even counting the case of her ex where it was her the one to reach out to a guy who was obviously gonna respond positively.
As if he or anyone posting in a uggo thread on soc would turn down a bitch reaching out and quite literally offering them sex and babies as their first ever contact, which the former actually happening soon afterwards. Damn, now that I look back on it I'm amazed at how fucking whorish it all was from the literal start. How much of a skank does a girl have to be to say that as an opening line lmao
I'm the original guy you responded to, so thanks for your reply  >>/45159/

I did want something more and that is because as I said I saw her as being someone, hell, worthy. Not too sound narcissistic, I don't mean worthy for myself, I mean that she was for the longest time a nice break from the other girls posted her because she seemed to have nice, interesting and genuine passions and kindness. Looking back I feel like a complete tool and a naive asshole for having felt like I was special to her when in reality she was doing the same shit with so many others, and much worse things with others too. It's cringe, even, thinking about how hopeful I was. Fuck.
It happens and it'll suck for a while, especially if you thought she was something special and as well if this is your first go around thinking this fondly about a girl
But don't let it make you bitter, there are actual decent girls out there, I've got one myself
But just remember what I said before in that post and I'll add this
Online girls who derive self pity from all the attention they receive online are full of shit
Someone who wants to be left alone, will cut all real contact with the world, they will not attach themselves to a group that obviously has connection with exactly what she wants to run away from

As a girl who says she has self esteem issues and than continues to post her face on literally everything  it would very quickly make you wonder if this person is genuine  

I can't say all too much here but I've dealt with ewhores myself over the years and I can't sit idle 
I believe I know who you might be, if I am wrong that's that's just further sadness about Audi's carnality 
And if you know who I might be, let's go speak over there much more candidly
Some people keep saying this and I went back to reread his posts and he  sounds perfectly normal, if only a bit intense due to, as he said, finally getting the chance to expose who she really is was a release from all the bullshit she puts everyone through, let alone him with all the degenerate and abusive stuff she did to her so called soul mate (who even calls anyone off soc that and even more so after like a month of dating and fucking). People still defending her are complete lunatics blinded by simpness.
I don't know who you might be and I'm a little wary about dropping socials, but thanks for the words of advice. You say some pretty sensible things and it really does help to take my mind off this and see things more clearly, despite the disappointment which still sucks so much. 
I can't help but still feel a soft spot for her even after everything that's happened, but I guess that has more to do with the memories and the fondness attached to who I thought she was and who I thought I was to her. It doesn't mean I'll let her bring me down again.
No worries, I thought you were someone else
That ain't good sign considering
Anyways as I said before, don't be a simp or nothing, it's really not the road to go down, if anything you should be angry right now that she deceived you, you need to get some confidence my friend
If you give her an inch she'll take a mile, that's how these sorts are

But I get that she was someone special to you, I understand that I was there myself, just not with her
I still think back ever so often those once special times, where I felt as a school boy in love or something
It cuts deep, but you'll get past it, I didn't believe that I could myself till I eventually did
But don't every look for answers from her, that's a gateway to her bs again, to reel you back and to tease or fuck around what ever it may be, because you are the one with the feelings and she knows that
Don't let her utilize that in the future if she ever does come around again, and especially not for any future girls you got lined up down the road

I wish you luck my friend, get some good confidence in yourself and remember these words
Fuck em
wise words anon especially 
> girls who derive self pity from all the attention they receive online are full of shit
> give her an inch and she'll take a mile

like wise anon said you should be angry. Trust me, she has no soft spot or compassion for you as a person. stop thinking about all of her words and look at the actions. she, like the other girls posted here, is a silly fraud of a person worthy of pity and disgust.
they pull that soulmate shit with every single guy they talk to. egirls are just psychic vampires that feed off of the men lonely and desperate enough to actually want to talk to them. all of the high highs and the even lower lows.
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I won't call you the names people here have called you. It's enough to just say you are unsympathetic, hypocritical and heartless. You know what you're doing.
She'd say in the gc that she was a wild woman or some retarded shit and thus why she liked going out alone. I wouldn't trust her word at all tho
I find it amazing how every other day some obscure info about this girl suddenly comes out into the open and it's often the most random shit. Outed as a whore? Check. Pegging? Check. Affiliation with some cringe faggots larping as Ted K? Check. Random meetups with simps to get high and get groped? Check. SUper obscure pics and selfies she sent to naive orbiters suddenly being posted? Check. Geting outed as being atracted to incels and being bisexual? Check. 

Another anon pointed this out earlier itt too. This bitch is into plenty of crazy shit it seems, and literally none speak well of her.
It's funny how it all sounds so insane but then once you've been around long enough you learn to believe almost everything you read about these sluts because 99% of it pans out to be true.
that wasn't me. I'm just here to laugh about it but if you wanna be a schizo and think every post is made by the same person that's funny too
Yeah sure buddy. The person who repeats over and over that audrey likes to peg is the same person (You) because that's your fetish. Her ex never said that he got pegged.
> h-he told it t-to me on discord

Ok then show it
> ...

What is the next excuse? That you lost the discord account that you used a couple months ago?
Lmao nobody told me anything on discord. I don't even know who your lesbo looking ass is audrey I literally just came to the thread to laugh at you
Nobody's claimed that she likes to peg, you retarded schizo. People point out that she did it. You seem way too obsessed with what people here shit on her for and your posts can be pinpointed throughout these past few threads, deranged simp.
Keep deflecting homo.  Her ex never said that he god pegged. You are just projecting your gay fantasies.

I really shouldn't be surprised that audreyfags are closeted homosexuals considering they orbit a girl as feminine as a literal man.
For someone who allegedly doesn't care about her you sure expend a lot of energy defending m'lady's honor from what you consider to be slander, faggot


Not even the guys you replied to but for i've noticed that for some reason it's always 1 or 2 annoying retards in every audrey thread trying to derail the discussions, here's your "proof" in that dude's own words, now everyone ignore these simp faggots
Not unique to this thread and often it is the girls doing the damage control themselves since they are narcissistic and obsessed with controlling their online image
Okay so anyone please  explain this contradiction about her like I'm 5:

If she allegedly loved her twitter crowd and interacting with them (she said so herself explicitly in tweets), when most of her fanbase were normie art hoes and literal transexuals, gays, foreigners and minorities, why is she active and even an admin on a cringe pseudo natsoc group chat? 

If people on twitter would have known about this when she was active there they would have cancelled her yet she admittedly liked them and loved interacting with them, yet on the other hand acts all nazi on her gay group chat. Is she stupid or just a woman being a woman loving attention from all sides?
she's both, most of her twitter mutual were literally autistic gun guys, she would just suck up to other artists wanting to be included. Maybe at heart she is still a bisexy tumblr girl but appealing to gun autism might bring her more attention plus she is already familiar with that crown because of her daddy
she would pretend to be a deep sea fisherman in the north atlantic with terminal ass cancer and a dead gay son if it got her attention on the internet. it's all layers of bullshit persona to hide the evil ugliness underneath
hard to be yourself when every single thing you do in life revolves around appealing to and getting attention from strangers online
> deep sea
Hehehe. Iykyk.

I wonder who she will be this month? Based tomboy? Le epic fake outdoors loving snufkin girl? The cutesy artsy wholesome artist gal? The depressed e-whore hooking up with soc guys? She has a million personalities but no integrity. A different person each week, molded by who she wants attention from.
> still
Okay but was she a tumblr bisexy tho? I heard about her having a tumblr in a past thread. I'd believe she was in it since I didnt tink she'd be the type to be on twitter and when it was revealed she was super active and had like 1.5k followers there
the 2 page written letter in the Ciara thread sheds a little light on the addiction these girls have and how fucked up they are, how it is never enough for them and how they destroy their lives and the lives of others seeking more and more.
I haven't had much motivation or ideas as of late. Thought of doing an a.i. voice thing but not sure. Maybe something with Siva again.
AI voice sounds based. Wonder if there's enough material to make it happen. Another cat video wouldn't be as interesting, why do you even make those? lol
I noticed this too. Maybe she does go outdoors alone sometimes but she'd never take pics of cooking gear if she wa. And that's a big pot. No way in hell she's alone. I bet this whore flew out to meet up with some faggot she met online and is currently sucking dick and taking it up the ass in the snowy woods like an absolute giga slut. Her mom would be so proud of how her baby turned out.
That's even those pictures are new or even actually hers, she keeps claiming to be depressed but also pretending like she isn't effected by any of this.
You just know she's the kind of cheap whore that knows how fucked up she is, but instead of using this realization to improve she uses it as an excuse to keep doing fucked up shit with fucked up people instead, because who cares, right? 

It's like she thinks "Im fucked up anyway lol :3 so better be a literal prostitute with other schizos since none of us is getting better lmao". An aluminum bat to the temple awaits this bitch in Minecraft
The only thing she will get from it is "poor me people are saying mean things and bullying me". Whether the things said are true or not won't even factor into her thinking. She's probably crying to a new dumb simp right now about the unfair treatment.
Yeah I doubt she even checks up here that often since it will only make her feel bad which she is trying to avoid all the time but if she really has moved on like nothing happened then it kind of proves how crazy she is.
Ok but why won't she just really and honestly acknowledge how fucked up she is, then? There are 3 possible explanations afaik:
1- Self defense mechanism because as you said, reading things that are true, even when they're mean, cuts just too deep to bear. Thus she goes about being the repulsive evil presence that she is.
2- Blatant mental illness she chooses to ignore. She knows she's fucked up, does nothing to address it other than getting away from where mean people say mean things but going to some other echo chamber where she will get nothing but false validation. We saw this on twitter, we're seeing it on her gc, and lord knows where else she has a presence in.
3- She's a woman being a woman. Pointing the finger but refusing to acknowledge wrongdoing, then doing it all over again albeit in other places and with other people (like other people mentioned itt already she's most likely fucking some dude in those woodsy photos like a whore)
Not really but she couldn't even if she wanted to because of her lack of empathy, at most she might be angry over her loss of power
Did she want pity or empathy? I remember an anon saying she rejected positive words said to her and never talked about her struggles, what's the psychology behind that?
Not who you replied to but how could she not want pity when most of her public "callout" posts consisted of nothing but woe is me-tier posts where she 'd simply accuse her ex or anyone really (she did the same in instagram) of being evil meanies harrassing her? She knows she can get any simp of hers riled up and ready to defend her and be the echo chamber she wants them to be just so she can avoid any form of retribution or as somebody else already said, scrutiny of her actions and instead get pathetic pity replies. It's the same shit in real life.
> can't reciprocate intimacy
explain then her multiple sexual partners and having sucked cock, taken cumshots to the mouth and swallowing, getting fucked up the ass, and all other sorts of degenerate sexual intimacy she has engaged on
why did she call some dude off /soc/ her soulmate then and then when he exposed her he said she'd bully him and do unthinkable shit to him then. worse thing is you just know she'll hurt and use people without a second thought under the facade of a cute approachable wholesome nature loving tomboy.
is she BPD?
> still no proof
> still the same few posters circlejerking 
I’ll read the thread in another three weeks I guess.
yeah she fosters codependency, would make sense since he stayed for so long, which is a hallmark of BPD. She knew what he wanted/needed and took advantage of it
That's standard egirl bpd behavior
they're great at being fuckmeat. they will give you everything in that area but can't form meaningful connections with other people
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Imagine being a girl this cute who speaks like this  >>/43059/ for so long, only to end up being a used up slut getting fucked by incels, mentally ill men, and larpers off a telegram group chat lol

Imagine being her mom and witnessing her daughter swallowing their cum and watching her dear offspring taking cock up her ass and pegging guys off the internet and turn out like this lol

What do you say, Audrey ?
just like ciara wrote about... She's another unremarkable girl getting attention online she would never get from normal men she encounters in real life. they get addicted to it and develop a kind of god complex drunk on all the attention,power and smut.
She's reverting lmao, just like her and barn anon she loves the attention even if it's destructive, how far can she even think? Is she even self aware?

Here's my,

here's my scenario.


This is just a hypothetical question.

So what if your mom right?

You and your mom were alone at home and your mom was like getting down and like,

you know,

mopping the floor but then she tripped,

she tripped and she landed like doggy style and then you came in and

since the floor was wet because she was mopping,

then you tripped and then accidentally somehow when both of you tripped,

your pants fell down and your dick accidentally

went in your mom's ass,


So you're sitting there with your dick in her ass.


with your dick in her ass.

But when you try to pull your dick out of her ass,

you slipped again,

then your dick went into her vagina.

But then when you're trying to pull it out of her vagina,

you accidentally come.

So you just came accidentally in your mom after fucking her in the ass.

And when you try to get out of her ass,

you accidentally put it in her vagina and then you actually came in it and then your mom,

when she's trying to get up,

she falls back onto it and now she's riding it.

What would you do?

What would you do in that scenario?

I'm just wondering,

I need details.

By the way,

I need a really detailed description of the following events after you

accidentally put your dick in your mother's ass and then accidentally put your dick in her vagina and then accidentally come in her and then she

sits back on you,

How does such a boring fugly girl get a following of simps? I guess any girl can do it but the other girls here are usually at least a little cute, feminine,halfway decent at pretending to be interesting, aesthetic, etc. I don't see any desirable qualities here.
You simps have whined for 4 threads over this bitch. The ex saga was mild to everyone else here, no damning screenshots posted or actual dirt. It's all hearsay from a guy who cried about family issues and the egirl that got away in thread
I don't hate the Audreyfags. Actually I think that a few of them are very funny, but you have to admit that having 4 threads in the span of 3 months with only enough content to cover 1 and a half, and considering that there had been only 1 thread for years before that, is a bit overkill.
My advice for the audreybros is to setup a closed discord server where they can vent and talk any day even doing the usual circular arguments. Audrey is an attention whore, she will come back if you let it die down for some time.
I like having the audreybros here. they're entertaining even if there isn't much for content. if she's a decent ewhore people will cough up some more content eventually. if you build it they will come.
Don't forget insects and birds, butterflies too. Literally none of them are genuine. She adopted all and every of"her" interests off men or groups of people she wanted to impress.
Because she's a whore who doesn't deserve to get scot free. I absolutely hope she never stops being reminded of just how much of a retarded and degenerate whore she has been and is, even when she hypocritically hides away and tries to "get better" aka wait and hope no one brings up again who and what she really is
her simps on telegram are just like that helix guy, religious dipshits who call you satanic and ask why we would say these things about her while listening to everything she says, at least her ex admitted he was fucked up when talking bad about her, she still blames everyone else for her issues and takes no responsibility
These   >>/46351/  >>/46394/ are on point so you can guess if those interests were ever true or not. Apparently her newest passions are le based survivalism and skateboarding. Woah girl you are just SO different and TOTALLY genuine and it doesn't reek of it being contrived AT ALL
This is the same anon that keeps baiting in the last threads pretending to be an admin, threatening her ex, saying vague implicative things sometimes by responding like her or posting images that never get explained, its all to make her seem more interesting than she is.
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The absolute balls on this slut lmao. Heartbroken and kicking rocks about him for months? She means, the same dude she was doing drugs with, fucking even when she says he was trying to hookup with other bitches, and ACTUALLY pegging (she just confirmed it herself with the no pun intended thing)? Can she even see how absolutely whorish and stupid this make her look? 

So you're telling me this guy whom Audrey the whore calls "creepy vindictive delusional and deeply insecure bleeding wound disguising yourself as a normal person" was also the guy she was calling her soulmate (LOL) and literally swallowing the cum of literally like a week before they split up? God damn gurl you're either an actual retard on top of being a whore or you just like to get fucked in the ass and sucking the cock of incels and are trying hard to deflect right now. I know what you will say. You were so in love and blinded by it, hahaha. You are an abuser and love to garner sympathy from everybody else by doing stupid shit like this in order for your simps to come defend your absolutely horrible, corrupted, evil and whorish thing you call "honor" or "dignity" lmfao.

"I will consider confronting you formally and you will not enjoy it." As if you didn't enjoy giving footjobs, doing anal, swallowing after deepthroating because of your lack of gag reflex, disappearing for days with other guy "friends" and "wrestling" with them and refusing to explain further after coming back home, doing drugs with other people incluiding your own sisters, and other twisted and vile stuff that if revealed will make you finally tie the noose since you wouldn't have any face at all to save?
She was logged into his google account for a while and snooped through everything shitting on him while she was skinning and ripping animal hearts out
So the girl who's calling him a creepy abusive stalker was doing creepy abusive stalker things herself? Ok so this slut being equally deranged and larpig as being some sort of victim has just been confirmed
What is her ex's defence from the accusation of cheating? I looked on soc archives and he was hitting on 18 yos while he was with audrey I suppose
bro look at the dates, they don't add up at all on her end. the earliest oblomov post was in like august, months after they had broken up. I literally have no idea what she means by him hitting up other girls when they were no longer a thing. she sounds so butthurt.
I mean, she’s right. He’s (you’ve) been sitting here in this thread for months now relentlessly samefagging because you’re mad she pegged you and broke up with you. Now you play victim like a woman would, when you’re the one who got involved with someone like this in the first place.
So it was her ex all along making most of these posts, included the one I'm replying to, and doing all that harassment on twitter. Not surprised at all.
> what he says is complete and utter projecting garbage
> You have been running my reputation amuck
> I knew you were on drugs and being irrational
> all you do is jerk off alone, cry, and stalk me
Ok but did he lie tho
Judging by her reaction, she can't possibly deny the things she did to her ex and what he did to her (at least sexually) so she's trying to clutch for straws here trying claw for any justification she may find
Notice also how she falls back into the typical woman moment of attacking a guy's sex life the minute she feels threatened
Agreed, the rage itt seems so performative and contrived even when you ignore the fact that it’s mostly one specific anon posting over and over again. And still, no proof that she’s actually some bpdemon succubus. Nigga’s just mad he got dumped, ashamed he got pegged, and will get over it. Posting here every day won’t fix anything. Basically no one even comes here except oldfags who haven’t cared about Audrey in years.

> the only people who believe you are bad manipulative people and bad for me
there have been so many people who came here to tell the same story of her leading them on and then ghosting them when they call her out

In the beginning right after she discarded him and broke up with him abruptly he didn't handle it well and tried reaching out to get answers which proves her psycho narcissism, why do you think she involved his friend Kyle. she refused to talk to him and blocked him the day he left even though he said it was on good terms so that is why he kept writing to her.

and yeah "I will consider confronting you formally and you will not enjoy it." look how forceful she trying to get control, never once did she ever try to talk here or to him.

That last foot picture was from her weeks after she broke up with him too, Like her ex said she was talking and even visiting so many dudes during their relationship but HE'S the bad one.
He talked to a couple people back in the first thread, there was alot more small stuff he mentioned but I really do think this chick is insane even if he isn't the best person either

there are like two stragglers still, the same guy who involved helix back when her twitter got exposed and this guy she apparently thinks is her ex on her youtube community post. I'm sure he's still here but I told him not to interact on the thread for his own benefit since the beginning.
Finally some actual reason. In this very thread you can find many posters who share a similar story, but since they are to be taken with a grain of salt by some people here in light of current events, just go into the archives or the 1st thread to see people accusing her of the exact same shit YEARS before any of this came to light.

That being said it doesn't surprise me she was whoring around too. I can bet a million bucks right now that if we ever see HER post history from that time and to this day, we'd find some really really really questionable shit. And she'd have no scapegoat as readily available as her convenient abusive ex pitty party of a story.
Speak for yourself faggot. If she's a degenerate whore she deserves to be called out. What is sad and pathetic is her ex-bf's obsession. He looks equally unhinged as the fat hog.
Oh also not just her post history in chans or whatever, I mean actual discord conversations, texts, dms, telegram, anything she's in

Just imagine the things that would be found if anyone dug into her shit like she did her ex's
> there was alot more small stuff he mentioned
Like what? I'm just basking in the drama rn and will take anything else there is as small as it might be
He deleted the discord he used to talk in the beginning and he flaked since but he mentioned stuff like her humiliation fetish (humiliating him) and stuff like how she would constantly antagonize him and then ignore him. She would tell him how she would complain and make fun of him to her friends and just was never happy always using her ptsd and trauma as an excuse to berate and belittle him. It was probably a little codependent of him to stay but tbh that was alot for him to go through. He didn't sound super vindictive in our chats, I think the last few months of their relationship sounded like hell.
Because it's him obviously. I don't understand why he keeps talking about himself in third person. Maybe he's afraid of legal action against him paid with her rich daddy's money.
"I've never met anyone else from there (soc)" She told me that she had to be careful when posting on soc because there are people who would recognize her and she needs to hide from them. she also told me flat out that she enjoys being vindictive. Guess I was one of those "bad people who weren't good for her"
That's interesting input, thanks anon. What I find strange is that she portrays herself in her youtube post as being sympathetic and caring and but a victim of this guy, while at the same time you see her responding to the simplest and most inane shit like this  >>/46432/
It's clear that she's also saying half truths, maybe hoping to twist things just enough to be portrayed in a good light.
If she had any proof she would have sent it a while ago, everything these cluster B's say are half truths. She just doesn't like being exposed. She still has not argued against anything he said and just dismisses him as being a "druggie" she can't even come up with anything original
yeah she "tried" bumble and tinder but "I hated them hehehe" while casually mentioning her dates with multiple people from them
Riddle me this. If the guy is even half of what she accuses him of being, then why was she so "heartbroken and kicking rocks" over him months after the breakup when telegram records show she was calling him cringe names and also figuratively and literally sucking his dick as recently as like a few days before dumping him?
What the fuuuuuck
What else would she say? Did she mention how those dated go? Did she fuck them? What other shit was she in/into?
Sorry for so many questions but whew this girl just oozes with wild shit that suddenly gets unearthed
She's literally the "all my exes are terrible" girl. If she was self aware she wouldn't surround herself with yes men simps that take her side no matter what. She was seething when she thought he moved on and even called it cheating.
She never went into details about these things, I think its to excuse her behavior because technically she was "honest" with you but when you push her she ghosts you. She did meet up with more people that even her ex doesn't know about.
Exactly. She literally has never denied the most damning things to her reputation her ex let out. She merely just pins it down to drugs having been the culprit of his "freaking out" and decision to expose her.
It's as if she drunkenly gets into a car and kills people but decides to put on a victim face before the judge and say how it's actually her bf's fault because he made her drink in the first place
Her threatening him with legal action really irkes me too, Narcissists love getting restraining orders against people they can't control. She already tried that with her other exes too.
Because that’s what an adjusted person would do instead of having their own melty in front of everyone. The obvious lies aren’t worth giving attention to unless you’re so self obsessed you can’t handle hate from a few people who don’t matter to you whatsoever, and have NO bearing on your life. This is something most people with a developed frontal lobe learn. 
Audrey chills while her ex has breakdowns itt every single day. He thinks he’s in control but I scroll by this thread every time I come here and everything he posts is a childish eyesore.
Yeah she's clearly chilling, bro. Kys simp. She will never, literally never be able to lie to herself about the actual shit she's done as much as she panhandles for pity from orbiters like you.
Chalking up a protective order to “narcs who want control” is the sort of thing someone afraid of a protective order getting on their record would say kek. Why make it out to be mental illness for someone to say “leave me alone forever”? All a protective order does is guarantee someone cannot contact you. What does that have to do with control? Her ex has shown he can’t function like a normal human being with his constant spergouts here, regardless of how she might or might act. So why doesn’t he respect her wishes? Because he’s fucking obsessed with her, as seen by his CONSTANT. FUCKING. SPERGING. He’s the type of person who’d try to kill himself at your doorstep for not responding to him quickly enough. 

The only reason wanting an unhinged person out of your life would seem like being a control freak would be if you are that person and you’re still butthurt about someone being rightfully annoyed by you acting like a BPD case.
I’m not an audrey orbiter, never have been. You’re forgetting you bump this thread to the top of the front page every few minutes. I just think you’re an obvious headcase and need a god damn reality check.
I remember that as well and hate that nobody mentions it when it's probably the most damning evidence against her whole gigabrained megamanipulator abusive story
> I will consider confronting you formally and you will not enjoy it
What does "confronting you formally" even mean? Legally?

If you've had to file cases against MULTIPLE men at different points, if it's a pattern now, at some point you've got to realize maybe it is you the one who's the problem. I truly believe she's not self aware at all.
> Why are you pretending to be so ass hurt about me (no pun intended) 
I like when she tries to be sassy because if she was the one being made fun of for the shit she's done and the shit she like, she'd flip her lid and seethe as we've seen
This bitch flaunted that she was stalking 
him through his own google account and involved his friend instead of ever just talking to him.
you know if you step away from this board she ceases to exist right? posting here is fun but the second you’re letting to actually affect your health with rage is when you should probably step back a little
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The people these girls surround themselves with are a reflection of themselves. She's abusive and he's abusive. They deserve each other if anything.

Calm your whiteknight spirit and enjoy the shitshow.
I don't remember her being the one complaining about having to sleep in the closet or under the bed because of his abuse, there is a noticeable disparity between their behavior
This post reeks of "the best defense is a good offense".

> you knew I'd look it up and see your post history. Did you think I'd get jealous? It's just pathetic

> I read your journal, I read your shitty book and your fucked up book notes, I read your post history, I read your YouTube channel comments

Seems it worked kek
Half truth answer? She will argue she doesn't want to be bothered with long messages by her ex

Honest answer? She's absolutely terrified of people calling her bullshit out or question her in any way. She wants to face no consequence at all.
Imagine being a man so scared of a woman who hasn't even beat you up that you sleep under the bed like an actual, literal bitch. Sorry, but him being an insane person on top of a weakling isn't making him look any better. Could've left her at any moment, but she was the one who dumped HIM. If he didn't miss her, he wouldn't be posting about her all day every day.
To me it seems like this guy was super into Audrey being a mommy dom type, then the second she breaks up with him he freaks out and convinces himself disgusted by everything he did with her because it makes him feel better about being pegged and bitchslapped in bed like a faggot. Much like the many cases of women into BDSM who later cry abuse and rape even though everything was consensual at the time. It's too fucking funny, he's literally in a woman's hysteric role.
> Much like the many cases of women into BDSM who later cry abuse and rape even though everything was consensual at the time
So exactly what this whore is doing? Everything you said can be applied to Audrey. Literally everything in the inverse role. 
She is literally doing that right now with how much she tries to convince everyone she was just a poor victim of a guy SHE pegged andnow is acting all disgusted and insulted by shit she loved so much doing that she was allegedly heartbroken even to this day by a little guy she performed bdsm on. Imagine being that much of a crazy whore.
As if most here aren't already incels. Who fucking cares? Do you not touch anything out of fear someone else has already touched it?
No taksies backsies yet this whore is heartbroken about dumping this supreme manipulating evil genius she fucked the ass of and got hers fucked too. Something is not adding up and she literally sounds incredibly butthurt about everyone knowing about the level of slut she is after having been exposed.
Isnt it funny how much daddy issues she has yet when she needs a place to sleep and fuck in, funding for her fake bullshit interests, money to eat, or funds to file cases against all of her evil exes it is daddy's money she retorts to. Don't forget it was her who took him in when she was allegedly broke lmao
Audrey really has no way she can never, ever justify hooking up with a guy from /soc/. Not even mentioning the stuff they did to each other, sexually and otherwise. What a slut.
I don't know how anyone could 
doubt the veracity of his words after all the level of detail he provided when he first showed. Her initial reaction on twitter was just so incriminating I don't know how anyone could have thought it wasn't true.
Where in her YouTube callout post does she mention getting wet for school shooters, doing drugs with her whore sisters, having sex with an underaged guy (pedo), having a piss kink, a humiliation fetish, and being active on "dating" apps? I must have missed it
the only other times i’ve seen so much samefagging in a thread is when Gilbert Raborg the Pedophile is here
It's only two Audrey simps trying hard to salvage her image even she has herself admitted to being a whore but I agre, they're annoying as fuck
This Goebbels looking guy literally, actually had Audrey sucking his dick, was living on her flat rent free, was cumming in her cunt and mouth every day, saw her anus, fucked it, saw her body hair, sucked on her tits, knew her father while he was fucking his daughter, had her call him his soulmate, and was swaying teen poon on soc as recently as a month ago, while you niggas pray she, who has dated, fucked and sucked the absolute lowest of the low, looks your way or respond to your DMs.

How does that make you feel?
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He's not an Audrey simp. He's a cringe white knight with zero experience in egirls and zero pattern recognition who defends m'lady's honor to feel better about himself and he does this with literally every girl on this board.
Don't interact with him, it's useless. Think of him as a small retarded dog and ignore or pity him.
> what do you mean you don't accept me for who am I, honey?
> so what if I literally swallowed the cum of a guy I met on 4chan? 
> That's in the past!
> I'm with you NOW! And that's what matters!

Anything else, whore? Get new material at least, slut.
why is it always women who have had a lot of sex and with different men, like Audrey, the ones to always accuse everyone else of being obsessed with sex?
I'd like someone, anyone, to tell me honestly and completely truthfully right now what is something Audrey can offer, considering the stuff that has been revealed and confirmed which has reduced her to nothing better than a cum rag?
so whats the deal with her mom? how did she die, did she really die? what was audrey's reaction to her death. did her mother's death result in audrey adopting slutter and more promiscuous behavior with males on soc or becoming less innocent and pure of heart and more mentally ill?
Cancer, cancer. Less sluttier, less catastrophic whore stunts. She was very serious when it came to her mother's word. Got fatter definitely because of it.

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