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I think you have ASPD along with histrionic/narcissistic and borderline traits. You are the cluster B unicorn.
You can't love and you can't empathize with the men you lead on or deceive, you keep on doing it anyway because it feels good for you. Also the only way you "like" people is through sex appeal alone, like hot guys or hot girls and you can never form emotional connections with others. You are a sociopath. 
You can only associate with people that you have power over, like your simps"friends"(but if they ever question you then they're haters). You are very manipulative too and a pathological liar, you lie to save your image and you never feel remorse. You admit you feel like you're soulless and can never love but love the obsession you get from lonely men. 
The only times I have ever seen you "hurt" is when your status as "top e-girl" is threatened, you don't actually care about anything else.
I don't think it's accurate to label her with ASPD or any other personality disorder based on just a few posts. Diagnosing such conditions requires much more than what you can gauge from her online interactions...
She is definitely capable of empathy and forming emotional connections, I know this better than anyone. It's not true that she only interacts with people based on their attractiveness or that she is manipulative. She values honest and respectful relationships (as a friend or else) and isn't about leading people on or deceiving them, I am.
These broad diagnoses and labels don't really reflect who she is or how she relates to others.
I'm not going to take a simp's opinion on this seriously because you are obviously biased, you only have one objective :defend her image (that's what she wants from simps) and you do this without considering anything else (she even instructed you to do something in the thread that damaged your reputation, she doesn't feel bad about this). Being a sociopath doesn't mean a total inability to display empathy or connection, or being respectful. Sociopaths are capable of displaying the full range of human emotions, but actually feeling them is a different matter. She herself says she's unable to love, so why is she so quick to say it? And whenever it comes out that she hurt someone she never apologizes, it's always about her, about her image, about her status. 
Nothing I can say will probably ever change your mind, the weak men in her server are too quick to simp, they are too emotional and have too much empathy and they make the perfect toy for her.
I just want to add something to this;
What you have with cewl isn't friendship, the relationship is very imbalanced with you giving far more than she gives to you, she doesn't really respect you so much as she wants your attention and energy. You defend her on endchan and 4chan but she barely even acknowledges your existence, within the server you are just one of many and she is at the top. I'm sure you have actual friends and your relationship with these friends is more balanced and even, you are not her friend you are her simp. I don't think she wants actual friends, there's a reason she has no IRL friends because she can't have power over them.
You're biased for thinking I am one of her "simps", therefore throwing my argument away because you don't know her and has never studied her before. She fears me, yet she likes me but not in a romantic way and I know that. I was the one who made most of this last drama happen from day one and I explained to the person. I was on her Discord account and I can be at any given time.
Anyway, have a good one!
> most
lol, you coordinated everything and took what would have been a fun yet insignificant little thing and did everything you needed to make sure it turned as ugly as possible.
Between the gaslighting and poking at my insecurities in just the right way you made sure I'd respond chaotically, what came across as two people that weren't in control of their actions destroying each other was just someone who had been goaded into a frenzy by someone who see's himself as a "protector" of sorts despite obviously being a detriment to the mental health of the people he "protects"

My brain is still reeling over everything and honestly I can respect the game but when you sit there and get self righteous about it and talk like you do it just feels wrong.

You're obviously more than just a standard troll, and well the situation glows I have no idea what you really are but I think you tell yourself that it's ok to hurt people like me because we're bad but fail to see the hypocrisy there. Really, without your intervention neither of us would have gotten too sentimental, and even if we had, when I showed her the stuff to push her away she would have left. That's why I showed it to her and even said I was trying to push her away before bailing.
If anything this just taught me to be more manipulative in the future and discard girls the moment either of us start to get sentimental.

At the end of the day Cewl is the same thing to you as she was to me at first, a means to an end. I'd say that I owe her a serious apology for letting her get dragged into our drama but I get the impression she's a way bigger part of all of this than you let on.

Would you care to answer that question I asked you on discord? I at least want to know what to expect.
> I tried to help someone I thought was in a bad but fixable place.

Interesting statement. Someone else said that once too and now he's spending something like 19 and a half years in prison. Funny how helping people does that.

> So, she like to keep talking about how i "groomed" a minor and I'd really, really prefer if that was left alone.

Based on how you portray yourself and numerous hints given off during your short time in Cewl's server and on her livestream - unfortunately you're not going to be sweeping the pedro accusations under the rug.

You're very calculated, highly predatory, and well-versed in pursuing vulnerable individuals for personal pleasure. You're very self-aware of that and flaunt it openly, of course. You also made claims of being interested in undisclosed 'taboo' subjects. You're intelligent, so you can see that any other person that have these traits would be seen as having a high probability to be doing what you were accused of, correct?

So hopefully you can see why you trying to downplay the accusation doesn't look very good for you.

Maybe you were trying to help her and something went amiss and you did or said things you regret. Maybe you caught certain feelings. Hey mistakes can happen right? We're just human, and I'm sure things like BPD don't help with rational decision making sometimes. Here's your time to open up and show you're capable of taking full responsibility.

And if you didn't do anything wrong? Here's your chance to prove that too.

You have criminal conviction(s): maybe you went to prison? I don't know. But a common thing in prison is if someone replies "I'd prefer not to talk about it" when asked what they're in for - they're instantly labeled a pedrophile regardless of actual crime. That's what's going on in this thread right now. You'll always be labeled as that so long as you don't talk about it.

The stage is yours to do as you please. I can't make you say anything, but it would be in your best interest I would think. If you'd rather say it in DM, maybe it can be arranged - out of courtesy for the girl's own privacy and protection.
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Quit it, Tal. We talked about it. I'm going to make you choke on my not so Albanian dick. I was just passing by, testing my new archiver for agatha2.
If you need to talk, DM on Discord.

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