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> She told him specifically that she liked him cause he's not a yesman(simp) like the guys in her discord
> She wanted to keep him a secret from an "e-bf" and her simps, who's the e-bf tho?
> He shows up in the thread to defend her and even says her haters need to fuck off, yet she still viciously attacks him and gets her simps to target him cause she doesn't wanna lose attention
She's an evil narcissistic cunt and her simps even bigger losers

you hate that mentally ill dude because he is clingy and needy but you support cewl posting her roast beef cunt, piss videos and calling all anons "boyfriends" ? men who simp for bpdwhores but mock bpdfags are weird and simpy

Hi. It's me again, Cyanide. The situation is pretty fucked, idk what to do. She said make a post, than she said don't. I'm worried she might actually hurt herself.

I know a lot of you dislike her, but please stop flamming her. She blocked me, she's really in a dark place and I am genuinely worried about my friends well being. She didn't do anything particularly nasty to me, I didn't self harm and frankly this entire thing has been blown out of proportion.

Cewl, I know you said don't interact with you again, but please don't fucking kill yourself over this stupid internet bullshit. It's not worth it.
I don't care if you hate me and think that I really wanted things to go this way, but I really need to know you're alive right now. Please?
I can fuck off after, but i need to know that you're alright.

You can fuck off after telling her enough. Everyone knows you like doing this to other girls, shall I tell them your little secret? I was asked not to but I'm itching to do it.
Now it's up to us to keep her safe because you couldn't stand a "no". Grow up.

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So you are a woman simping for the ugliest woman you could find on this website who is also a pedrophile gooner, a junkie and spams her fat titless body on agatha2 24/7 do you think we respect you or want to orbit you too? fuck off we know you use cewl as a lolcow like the rest of the anons

She wouldn't let you touch her though cause you're an ugly loser. She's desperate for a cute guy to ask her out but those guys can do better so she's stuck in this limbo state of using simps for attention until some decent looking man shows interest in her.

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I'm really just worried about Cewl but fuck it, maybe it will take some of the heat off of her, maybe not...
That's honestly kind of adorable. I'm starting to see why she keeps you guys around.
Start your little rumor if you want.
You can tell ppl about my dead kid and the retarded way I chose to cope, you can tell ppl what I'm into (that she's aware of, BBC, furry, blowjobs, and I may have mentioned I was into bestiality but that was more of a shitpost)
But sure, expose me tough guy.
Because I'm genuinely worried about her. I've been around mentally ill chicks my whole life. I've been accused of worse shit than e-rape and stalking, and frankly it doesn't bother me.
My dick has been deeper inside several women than your dick ever could.
Stop projecting lmao.
The kind of cringe faggot who comes up with a name in 10 seconds or less. I'm sure your tag is super cool and interesting.

i post hate in her threads sometimes too but she's so retarded it's almost not worth it. she is a completely shameless attention whore, actual whore and junkie and there is nothing anyone could say that would give her pause. she is as low as it gets morally and mentally so nothing could harm her or deter her. cewl is an unstoppable ewhoring machine.

This is the craziest most batshit insane conversation I've ever read in my life.
Two fucking BPDemons competing over who can manipulate the harder, this fucking thread is a circus show. Also you're only doing this because you "love" her(you're just obsessed, this is not love) and you don't want to lose her. I wonder how many other BPD retards she has telling her they love her and her trying to drag them around like fucking tards.

Yeah it feels like giving her hate only turns her into a more powerful e-whore because she is so narcissistic every bad word you say about her she will say its "negging" and that anons are tsundere for her you shouldn't waste your time giving criticism to this bitch, only shitpost at this point.

bpdtards should all be loaded onto a rocket and shot into the sun. retarded NPC spoiled children. thankfully their petulant and psychotic behavior naturally isolates them from the human world to the point they have to seek out fellow bpdemons or other mentally ill saps to play with.

> This guy rizzed her in less than a week, even had her begging for his cum and trying to keep him a secret from her poor beta simps
> Meanwhile her simps are giving her compliments on her discord while she ignores them
Being a simp is brutal, also who are you and why did she send his DM's to you?

This guy is an actual Chad. Had several e-girls under his thumb and got out princess rubbing herself while he masturbated on camera, she probably would have fucked him if she could. It's over for us beta males.
> i wasnt into him i was just very very high
That's the excuse your simps came up with to protect their little feelings. You would have sucked his dick on the spot, he was an alpha Chad unlike those cuckolds in your server who can't even talk to girls.

You can simp for your "princess" all you want, but when an alpha Man shows up she's just another girl to him. She would do anything for him yet she doesn't even respect you, doesn't even see you as a MAN.

I thought he was the e-boy you were simping for that someone posted in your thread. If you were high on drugs and masturbated on vc who cares you post nudes all the time here he is not special for that since you are owned by agatha2 kek also if he really grooms kids then fuck this shit I don't wanna victimize him anymore.
Also can you explain the lore of the pretty e-chad ? Im not talking about cyanide im talking about the aryan dude

cewl is human garbage but that guy talks like a massive faggot who has a joker profile picture. he's trying to act like a big dog while simultaneously shitting his pants over a tranny bodied eslut heroin addict. chads aren't discord faggots sitting around bickering like women with bpdsluts and pedrophiles

its just a guy from my discord server i dont know him i think he left i dont recognize the username
holy shit can you not actually leak pictures i sent because i was high as shit and trusted you? this is a new low. what the fuck. MODS DELETE THIS PLEASE
what did i lie about? its all there for you to see

Take note, simps.
You can play the nice guy act all you want, you can give her compliments and gifts for years straight. 
BUT as soon as a hot alpha male shows up your princess is spreading her pussy and begging for his cock.

in the original thread that started all of this he was talking about how he blocked her because she kept dragging up his past and it upset him
in his post earlier he mentioned his ex killed herself and showed that cewl threatened to kill herself to him
she's just intentionally triggering some idiot dumb enough to trust hers ptsd to try and control him well saying he's controlling her

hes a balding 30 something year old that lost in life i regret everything i was just doing what i told i would send thst to every one of you in that state its nothing special but hes now the worst guy ever for leaking a pic. what the fuck. im gonna kms. it wasnt meant to be likr thid. im gonna dk it its obvious how more people want me dead theb wabr me ri leave

He knew her from her stream and that alone, as pathetic as it may sound, made him thought he could get to her. If I had permission to edit and post the stream to expose the mouth breather, I would.

mistakes happen but you are old enough to know that you can't send nudes to random bald 30 yo men and then be mean to them OF COURSE he was going to leak your nudes, how come you are a high iq genius studying in a private university but you get trolled by bpd fat bald men online?

More excuses. You never did jack shit for your simps no matter how high you were. You did it for HIM and only HIM because he made you wet, you only regret it now because it fell apart and you're getting hate after being exposed. You were begging for his dick not even a week after meeting him. You nice guy simps get simpzoned for years because they're not man enough for you.

i thought i was hust resending him old pics thaf were in my server i even deleted the pics when i woke ip the day after and he said he deleted his account and i talked to gim today and he said he wouldnt do worse shit bt hes a fuxking liar its all going to ruin me i dont get it why does this hapen to me >>/95080/ but it feels like everyone hates me nkw
idk hes just someone in the server j never saw him talk in the server maybe i kicked him because he was inactive i have no idea ok

It's insane what you're willing to do for a hot Chad not even a week after meeting him. Pics of your dripping wet pussy(all for him) directly to his DM's. Now you're playing the typical foid act of "i didn't mean to i regret this" once it doesn't work out or ends with you losing simps. I hope your simps know how much of slut you really are (for the right guy) and that they'll never be able to get that from you.

Ok that boy was an actual chad, but if you are sending nudes to a fat balding 30 yo bpdemon retarded pedro instead you are not chad chasing like the other anons are saying but how the fuck did you fall for cyanide?
he isn't chad cewl said he is ugly I think he should face reveal to us tho

you want to accuse me of being a pedro?
You want to say I'm posting your nudes?
DO You REALLY want THIS? Do you think I'm not the kind of paranoid psycho fuck to record a conversation? Do you want people to know the real truth? Do you really want me to hand you your fucking ass on a platter and actually fucking hurt you?
Because I'm not kidding, this is going too far and you need to stop.

Everyone sees you for what you are. I liked you, I did but this is some next level bullshit.

He's an older experienced man with a reputation from grooming multiple e-girls. He's a high status Chad and women get all dripping wet at the sight of one. Her low status beta male simps can't even get her to pretend to be wet for them, months of asking for a masturbation vid and nothing, meanwhile this guy had her rubbing wet cunt in fucking minutes.

hes not a fucking chad hes had 2 divorces hes balding abd i didnt mean to i was trying to repost the ones i posted to sexy place itss old i took it for yoh guys but didnt post jt becahse i always get told im a roastie so i didnt post it bht i misclicked when j was sending him hes not the rigbt guy hes some loser that lost in life and this is the most power he has felt in life so hes just beating me down and sll of you are defendjng him im going to stopeverything i just wantto make everyonehappy if its okay and you guys wont make fun of my roastie i would post it but yiu guys dont like it i feel like i just want to make you guys happy whats so hard to understand at the start i saw him as one of you guys but it turns out he wants the worst for me im over it im sofucjing over everything i did my best and im still the worst

please jusr stop we did talk and tou said tou wouldnt do this butyou would please just find some other e girl to destroy im tiresof it please just fuck off stop harassing me please i hare what youre doing why did you act so kind in pms and now youre doing all this please just stop it please im going to fucking kill myself please just stop

You were telling him how you like how he's not a yesman like the guys in your discord, you became obsessed with him very quickly, he's a Chad and you know it. Why did you send your pussy to him and only to him? You could have invited him to your discord so he can see the same nudes as everyone else but you wanted this to between just you two. You were begging for his dick not even a week after meeting him.

i never had sex it was just an old pic i sent him while he as masturbating to me on vc which i would be ok with any of you doing but noone reallt offered im sorry im so sorry im sorry just please stop doing this i will post my body nudes everything tou ask of me if you stop please just stop it i dont want this to happen

no i dont i said i dont like to madruebate to your zoophilia bullshit and i see bbc as regular sex i dont like porn everyone knows this youre the biggest weirdo ever please hust get away from me please why aee you so angry all of a sudden im sorry please ill hunblock you if you agree to take this private you told me you wouldnt do this now you do this twice what is it with you please ill dowhatever tou want just please dont make me kill myself over whats happeninf right now if its power you want you got it everyone roots for you and everyone hates me now please what do yku want

HOLY SHIT. She masturbates to BBC, it's over for us white nice guy beta simp cucks. She sends her wet pussy to a Chad and masturbates to BBC while us white cuck simps send her free compliments on discord. IT'S OVER.

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> He's an older experienced man with a reputation from grooming multiple e-girls.
So he is a fat basement dwelling loser with a dark triad personality, those type of e-girls fall for dark triad guys they don't have to be hot the uglier the evil man is the better (jeffrey epstein law if a man is old ugly but has money, manipulation skills and a high reputation girls dont give a fuck about how ugly he is). 
Cewl is probably right cyanide is ugly but he seduced her because he is evil and a sociopath pedro. Cewl should know better she is a 22 year old woman who studies in a bright uni and has stacy friends (her irl friends are cute) and could easily find a chad in real life, but prefers to send nudes to this bald pedrofag on groomcord. However I do think he was anonymous before cewl dumped him so she probably thought he was a hot badboy chad instead of an ugly bald retard

TLDR: he isn't a chad he is just a dark triad abusive man bitches love it


She fantasizes about a tall hung black man saving her from these meek white boys in her discord server that make her pussy drier than the fucking Sahara.
All it took was a man who wasn't a virgin to get her pussy dripping wet, it's BRUTAL.
Us white nice guy simps need to hang ourselves.

this faggot won't post shit unless cewl allows it. why? they are just trying to create lots of posts and drama in cewl's thread and pretend she has simps that will fight for her. kys fake drama discord niggers

First you admit you were sending private nudes to a Chad now it comes out that you masturbate to BBC? It's so fucking over, I'm killing myself. I can't stand being a nerdy white boy any longer. Even cute nerdy girls want BBC and Chad.

please stop joking abiut it i dont want a black man i just want someone to love me and it will bever happen because im a trainwreck and i wontbe an egirl anymore because noone will like me anymore please stop it please

i dont do anythinf like that i close my eyes and imagine people jerkinf ro me around me i dont do that i told you this in the joi voice he made me wafch it and i was disfusted but hr wouldnt turn it off because its the only thing he was getting off to even thouh i sent pictures hes a sick fuck he was trying to make me like that stuff he told me he would make me a degenarate bur he deleted rhe other acckunt so i cant screenshot thkse guys please will yku believe this pedro groomer loser with 2 divorces over me please im telling the trutb why do yoh always want me to be the bad guy in everytging i didnt do anything okease thar pixtuee of my pyssy was old i took it while i was takinf pics with the agTha written on my tits please thats the rhing that made me wet not some defensrate porn shit i dont like rhat pmease stop sayinf that so you guys reallt want me gone i will go if thats what you want i will delete wverything and fuck off


I've seen some gay larps in my time and this is one of the gayest. cewl is a debased whore she doesn't care that some groomercord faggot posted her vag or says she likes bbc. this is the sort of interaction she comes back looking for every single day

> i dont even remember i streamed last night
> i do remember watching him masturbate but i didnt give a fuck
> yes i sent him back a pic of my pussy but i didnt intend to
> yes i was romantically attracted to him but i hate him now

seriously who's gonna believe anything this person says from now on? cewl's egirl carrier is over. it's done.

> yes i sent him back a pic of my pussy but i didnt intend to
> yes i was romantically attracted to him but i hate him now

>  >yes i was romantically attracted to him
There you have it folks, not even a week is all he needed to get her. Do you simps see the truth now? She wanted him, she was WET for him, but she regrets it now because it didn't work out. She wanted to keep him a secret from her simps, if he was just another simp she would have invited him to the discord and wouldn't need to keep him hidden.

please stop lying and making jokes out of it you guys will be the reason i cut myself and die do you really want this to end after all ive done for you all ive shown all ive cared all i did i dont want to die for this but it feelslike the only way out if this situation please just stop doing this at least one of you just comfort me does everyone hate me now i dont fet it please stop it please please

he was a white balding loser fatso man i hate im but he was a cuck and he mastuebared to BMWF and tried to make me get into it while j never will because sinc my childhood i was told to marry a serbian i would never want that can yoh guys stop witb this disgusting shit

sounds like he's the one that regrets it and now he's here throwing a bitchfit because he fumbled it so quickly. imagine talking to a certified slut and drug addict and thinking you're the only guy in her DMs

just lmao

It's me, Cyanidel. The real me this time guys, for real. I'm emphasizing the fact it's me because it's important that you know it's me.

Please be nice to Cewl because i love her and you have to care what I think. It isn't her fault that she's addicted to  heroin and BBC.

I just want to make it clear that what we had was not a relationship. My cock was not big or black or horse shaped enough for her to want to be serious with me.

She's really trustworthy and a good person and I love her, you can take my word for it because I am a good man who talks with smart words and proper punctuation and that makes me better then you.

Please don't hurt yourself Cewl, you know, other than on some black mans thick girthy penis.
Anyway, you're too old for me anyway <3

why are you guys still doing this i know youre all haters you got what you wanted now leave please leave i will leave everything as well if you dont i dont want this anymoee i canr get love irl i cant get love online im an ugly loser i get it i cant have any connections i fuck everything up please you won can you drop it now please

i will be taking shit ton of xanax and play some shitty games now to take my mind off please stop saying im into bbc and shit its disgusting and youre turning me more into a racist please stop it its not as funnt as you think it is

this is all you do make fun of women until they want to kill themselves and no wonder yoh cant get a girl to ever talk to you

I find it disgusting a this high iq woman in a fucking medical job is e-dating literal pedrophiles that groom 14 yo girls. I'm mad at cewl and I think she deserves getting flammed like why tf would you love a fat 30 yo pedro with bpd just date a regular nerdy dude from your uni and stop talking to pedros who obv don't want you because you are past the age they love and will insult you like elliot and cyanide

Begoone fiends! You are not the real suicidal cyanide for that title belongs to me!
I will read some Shakespeare to prove thusly I am he and put an end to your pathetic little facade once and for all!
To be, or not to be, that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles
And by opposing end them. To die—to sleep,
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to: 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep;
To sleep, perchance to dream—ay, there's the rub:

m'lady Cewl does not masturbate to blacks nor horses, and she only ever saw me, as a friend. She is pure, and innocent, anbd stuff. She is like that a baby bird and needs to be protected from all you evil no good snakes and I will be her protector!
I am like a momma bear after all! Just ask ____ about how I saved her from all the evil no goodnicks on the 4chans, and like stuff!

I am not a pathetic faggot in need of a good shotgun shell to the head it is you haters do desrve such a horrible and bad like fate you fat losers.

because i didnt know avout all that after the fact duh how can you not think of this. i never loved him it wasnt a relationship it was literallt the other day. i only knew about how shit of a man he is after the facr. please stop putting the blame on me. he couldve been anyone else and i WISH it was one of my "orbiters" like i thought

> please stop putting the blame on me. 
you sent nudes to a total stranger who you had NO BOND with and you are mad to find out he is a pedrophile bpdcuck and leaked your nudes and now you are putting the blame on anonymous people like we own you anything as if you were our special snowflake daughter? we don't even know the real you this could all be a LARP so you get other thread soon.

Hey guys I'm fine! I have no idea who this cyanide guy is or who this imposter is that can't spell. I rarely post here and if you'd like to get to know the real me follow my twitch or other official social media! These guys take my pictures, post them here and stir up all kinds of crazy and FAKE stories!

"cyanidicidal" aka doom, aka kefkanon is a fat retarded balding degenerate who puts way too much faith in women online and thinks he's hardcore even though he's always getting butthurt by whores and trolls. 
He hangs out on different anonymous boards and servers the few places he's really known are lolcow farms and he fails to realize he's the cow.

The fact that your princess caught feelings for him says a lot about her

he was a beta simp too. not every beta simp can win the whore lottery but a lot of them do. her saying she was "romantically interested" means nothing other than he was a guy she exchanged words with, considering she had the brain capacity of a retarded child.

what about that is mental gymnastics? cewl like every other egirl is an emotionally stunted child that is very easy to win over. every egirl other than kennedi has hooked up with ugly beta simps. being the 100th guy to see cewl's nasty gash doesn't make this guy a chad. he didn't even fuck cewl so he's just like any other simple except he caught feelings and thought he was special then got butthurt.

lmao this nigger actually thinks he was special and she didn't want to keep it a "secret" because she doesn't want the various guys she dms finding out about each other and exchanging notes. retard go back to women 101 and pay attention this time.

so you lie when you get sad, for attention...and when you get attention, you get sad? and then lie again? then act like nothing happened which in turn gets you no attention? and when you dont get any attention you get sad? so you lie...

no i wanted to make him more of an asshole than he actually portrayed, i was acthally REALLY sad and i made it while i was mad like i said no actual pussy pics anymore. maybe you can take that as a gift for all my bitching and crying

No shit. In the now deleted stream the guy was talking about getting her fans riled up by flirting and joking about being her manager and getting half the money. This was all clearly orchestrated so she could start selling nudes to her now even more obsessive and protective simps

rereading that now it reads a lot less like an awkward edgelords attempt at an apology and more like him predicting that she was going to use him to hurt herself and it was going to either make her realize her errors and fix her life or destroy her completely
this guy might not be a complete retard after all

Bitch is literal cancer upon the board. It's funny how she got extremely mad when she got told nobody who was actually worthwhile would want to have anything to do with her. Who the fuck would want to deal with retarded discord drama, fake crying, drugs, shitty nudes and sub 70 IQ conversation every single day.

Hey if any board staff is reading this can you please delete every troll post made in this thread? This thread is fucked beyond all hope and it needs to be cleared, or at least delete the thread and let us make a new one.

She is like ciara in terms of shenanigans
> liar
> drug addict
> posts nudes 
> jealous of other e-girls
> both of them are mid for their race but ciara is 1000x times more beautiful
> both have made campaigns against other e-girls

I know ciara is prettier and more charisma and impact but most oldfags tell me ciara was shit and everybody liked agatha more back in the day so maybe what we are experiencing with cewl was what anons experienced with ciara in 2018s.

Ciara is liked for the idea and the memory of what could have been. When she was alive no one really liked her all that much, although there was a small group of people that was madly in love with her but they went back and forth from loving her to hating her whenever bad shit about her was reveled like who she was fucking and all that.

Those shenanigans are so broad they could easily be applied to a dozen other minor bitches off the catalog alone, dumbass.

> oldfags tell me
Thanks for outing yourself as a newfag. A lot of people did hate Ciara for being a piece of shit but she was massive in 4chan and elsewhere. 
You're trying to compare an ugly annoying whore that selfposts and bumps her own thread (lmao) and creates her own drama because no one cares about her enough other than anons telling her to die and whatever faggot trannycord server she has, with a girl who was a massive phenomenon on imageboards for years who developed an entire meme and orbiting culture for years. Liked her or hated her the bitch oozed with charisma, personality and lore.

So like cewl is kinda like "a new ciara" but way less impactful since she never meets up with anons and she does not have real drama like ciara did
Ok I think you are right I was just saying cewl is probably the closest thing we have to a new ciara. Who is your favorite new e-girl?

> cewl is probably the closest thing we have to a new ciara. 
No, she's not. But congrats retard, now you're gonna have your dumbass comparison go to her head. She thinks having 2 or 3 losers saying they cum to her shitty pics equals her being "everyone's practice gf", so reading your dumbass comparison she'll convince herself she's "the new ciara". Stop being a fucking retard.

> Who is your favorite new e-girl?
None, they're all bland boring whores.

Very true. Randos would and still do have pictures of Ciara as their pfps, cewl is and will always be a literalwho. She’s too brown and foreign for anyone to care if she were to OD. So there’s no chance of post death fame

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This entire thread... The amount of chaos I can cause with little more than my shadow is immense.
Hmm, neat

I'd really appreciate it if we could talk in private tomorrow. It's important.
I leaked some of the less damaging screenshots because at this point I'm fairly pissed off. You've been calling me a pedrophile, you've been degrading me, you've been taking shit waaaaaay too far to save your own ego and pathetic self image. You've walked into every trap because you can't even stop and think. I told you not to respond to anyone claiming to be me, you did, I told you degrading me was a bad idea, you continued to do so, I told you to just let things blow over and we could go our own separate ways and everyone would forget it, you didn't. At this point our lore is pretty intertwined, we may be archnemesis' with benefits canonically :3

I could leak everything, I'm choosing not to. You at the very least owe me one call, and don't be high off your ass for it.
I've already been accused of everything under the sun here so i really don't care if that this counts as blackmail or not anymore.... I've honestly been dissociating over your bullshit since like day 3 or 4 of knowing you and we need to start acting like adults. you know where to reach me. Oh, and stop sending your feral simps after me. Thanks.

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It's not. If I said I'm going to drop everything if you don't it might qualify. I'd really just like to sort this shit out once and for all.
Just as well, I've been getting slandered nonstop for days. I literally just want to sort shit out. This isn't some weird sex thing, I'm just fed up.

Cewl you don't comply or even negotiate with blackmailers. It's only going to get worse. He loves making you dependent on him and it's never going to be enough.
Man you are good at implying and manipulating and I don't have time for bullshit 
> This isn't some weird sex thing
It's about control, sex is just a part of it.

Alright. Here is an ultimatum.
She doesn't need to contact me, I'd prefer it though. It could help clarify some things. I really want nothing to do with her after all of this and I'm pretty sure that's mutual.

I'll leak our entire chatlog if I keep getting degraded and bullied over this dumb shit though.
I'm human, I feel pain, and yeah, I'm pretty sick of being hurt and painted as the bad guy at the same time.
At this point fair is fair. Up till recently I'd really done nothing to her.

> I'll leak our entire chatlog if I keep getting degraded and bullied over this dumb shit though.
You know that this is an invite to her haters to do it hoping they can hurt her more. You already know they will do it. You know you are making her anxious about it. And you left on this note. This is fucked up beyond belief.

> I'll leak our entire chatlog if I keep getting degraded and bullied over this dumb shit though.
Then leak it. Don't talk, act. Leak it all. The druggie whore is obviously not going to change her ways. She's going to continue to use men like you, and the few pathetic simps she's managed to gather here. She will continue to hurt people unless her game is obvious. Leak what you have. Cewl is already nothing more than a joke, so give us something to sit around the fire and laugh about while her precious "practice gf" career burns right before her very eyes. You said it yourself, it's disgusting. You know it, I know it, she knows it. So, stop talking and act. Cewl needs to face some consequences for her actions once in a while, don't you think?

Oh boo fuckin who nigga. Wah, I made bad choices and now I can't stop doing drugs!
Cewl is a trustfund kid with parents who love and support her. She is a massive disappointment and deliberately made every bad choice that has put her in this position. Maybe instead of being an emotional  vampire to mentally whack jobs like cyanide and her other simps she should just get therapy or go to rehab like the adult she is.

She and some terminally online simp literally seethe at not being atop the catalog. Bitch is so mentally ill she sees it at some sort of victory in life. 17 threads for this ugly boring whore is insane but it makes sense when you actually skim thru her threads and 98% of the posts are self bumps and hate posting. A nuisance.

Thinking about how cewl was dripping wet for this Cyanide douchebag makes me (a beta male simp) almost suicidal. I will never get to experience making a woman wet even though I'm a NICE GUY, meanwhile assholes like this guy get all the girls.. IT'S NOT FAIR!

I'm not like the other boys. I'm genuinely as batshit fucking insane as I claim to be when provoked hard enough. ^.^
I don't stop? Cewl, you begged me to open open to you, since then you've used my dead child to hurt me, you've used the fact my ex killed herself and I blame myself to hurt me, you've told all of your friends I'm a pedro, probably as soon as I blocked you. You are the one who dragged everything out. When I posted in your thread you could have said "Hey, let's talk in private" instead of "ur so mean go groom minors here they are #camwhatever" When it came to light that you and I had some weird kind of chemistry that was not public you could have said "Yeah, I liked him, we had a lot in common, no we didn't date. It's over now"instead you insist I was just some fat bpd blah blah fucking blah.

Cewl, you are an absolute tard and you did all of this.
You unblocked me just so you could block me again before I could say what I was going to lmao. Boredom or feeding into it?

I was going to say I want you to go to rehab. When we were talking you've made it perfectly clear that you've already mentally relapsed on heroin. At this point, I've fucked your legacy beyond repair here. You'll always have some simps, other mentally ill man hating women, autistic beta males who will sit in vc with you saying nothing and wait for you to return only to say nothing and all leave wordlessly the moment you say you g2g, but is it worth it?
Everyone knows you're a whore, everyone knows you lie constantly, everyone knows what you are. Some people are just pathetic enough to not care and worship you anyway. You should go into rehab and get away from all of this. Me, your simps, the trolls, the drugs. You have so much potential it's fucking scary to see that you want to waste all of it because you're sad about some shit and rather dwell on the negative.
(Just worded nicer)
Also, that one song you showed me that you really loved, I thought it was stupid... But than I listened to it well dissociating, and I get it now.

THere were some other things I wanted to say, but it don't matter, none of this matters.

Not only was she calling him daddy and begging for his cum not even 2 days after meeting him, but she even gave him pillow talk and probably was even blushing red the whole time while he sweet talked her. Meanwhile her discord simps spent a year telling her how pretty she is and her pussy only gets drier.

I almost don't want to leak out entire chat logs....
It's more fun to just have them. Like it wouldn't change much, it mostly just confirms the shit I already said which she'll stil lie about and deny,  and people will still believe her. It's more fun to just like, drag this out for teh lulz.
Do you know her like I do? Cause she actually did start calling me daddy lmao. I fucking hate when girls do that. It's just weird to me.

dude please fuck off pleasee its gotten so olddd noone even cares anymoreeee
oh my goddd

> tfw i have larpers that claim they dmed me and i ghosted them too
why does this happen goodddd


> Cause she actually did start calling me daddy lmao. I fucking hate when girls do that. It's just weird to me.

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At least show it all lmao.
You could make this all stop if you fucked off from the internet and actually went to rehab.

You wanted to help me by fucking with my mental state. I want to help you get your life together, but I also want you to look back at our time together and for it to be like how the dude felt at the end of the movie Fury when he looked back at the tank.

Y'know, that or idk, just to keep getting made fun of by another rando internernet lolcow/horrorcow because you were the one that finally pushed him to a breaking point.
Whatever works for you :3

> mysterious and tragic backstory
> you clearly provoked this
> you're very hatable
> Machiavellian as fuck
> sardonic with a hint of genuine empathy
> have to wonder what is and is not real here
idk how you're not enjoying this. I'm a shitshow and you wanted me to bleed on you, well now you're getting drenched in it.
But sure lol, "ignore" my posts well still acknowledging them.

It's actually very liberating to be me. I give zero fucks and I do what I want 90% of the time.

I might make my own Discord server and call it the cewl kids Klub, change my name to Kewl just because I can.
I bet I'd get more simps than her and I don't even have an vaginer.

You were kinda cool at first, you were the first guy to get cewl horny and seemed like you might have had a chance with her but now you're becoming an obsessive orbiter who is unable to come to terms with the fact that she's lost interest. You are just another elliot, you're going to be lurking this thread for the rest of your life.

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Probably the wrong way to word it. I did care, I did try to be patient and not make everything get this bad, but now I'm just having fun.
I can imagine on some level she's loving this too. Crazy women like Cewl love this kinda shit on a subconscious level. Not my first rodeo. 
I was not the first and I don't doubt I have already been replaced. maybe I was the first guy to get her to catch genuine feelings because I actually come from a dark enough place to get in her head and she loved that shit.

I blocked her because I knew she was too much for me to want to handle in a romantic sense and I needed space, I tried making her feel like it wasn't her fault, didn't work.
Here's a couple screenshots about it.

I'll get bored eventually, or she'll quit posting. Either or really.

> bored eventually, or she'll quit posting.
mfw you inserted here every time ?? i dont post about you and you infiltrate just like the other day on r9k CMON dude just quit it okay you won bla bla bla youre tje good guy okay im just some bitch la la la

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I had fun playing with your new toy and these anons, Cewl, but they're boring as fuck. Weak people disgust me.
> Also, since I have you, could i request you delete any posts made about me? At the very least, the one about me being a lolcow, that feels kind of doxxy
You are so naïve, "cyanidicidal" AKA "doom", AKA "kefkanon".

It's fucked up of her to tell you she loves you, knowing how obsessive BPD people get, but to an extent she's also BPD and desperate to be loved and wanted. I feel like you both manipulated each other here and now you're both trying to ruin each other.
> was the first guy to get her to catch genuine feelings because I actually come from a dark enough place to get in her head and she loved that shit.
Yeah she loves broken men, she wants a guy that she can fix, I guess you were the closest to what she wanted, but she didn't realize how fucked up men like that can be. She's just going to keep doing this until she gets Bianca'd or some shit, she can't ever settle for a normal guy.

Thought you didn't even read my replies Cewlio?
Awww, I love you too baby!
> i dont post about you and you infiltrate just like the other day on r9k CMON dude just quit it okay 
But what would you do without me? 
>  you won bla bla bla youre tje good guy
Everyone wins in e-dramathons
I am not the good guy here lmao. If anything I am objectively worse than you.
> okay im just some bitch la la la
*licks lips* What would I do without you? Go back shitposting on 4chan? No! No! You've changed things! Y-you complete, me!

Nah, but fr tho, this is fun and you know it. Let's destroy ourselves together :3

> I feel like you both manipulated each other here and now you're both trying to ruin each other.
That was probably the smartest thing I've read today. That's exactly what it is.
> She's just going to keep doing this until she gets Bianca'd or some shit
Considering how she was insisting we meet up irl despite the unrealistic nature of that, I could see it. I really hope that doesn't happen though. Despite the obsessive bullshit I'm displaying I don't actually want to see her get hurt and would actually love to see her succeed in life. 
Weird and hard to follow, I know. Two exceptionally broken BPDemons meshing like we did is fucking insane

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Yes, and I did. He was inconsequential to me and to a lesser extent her.

tbh, this was fun but you're not really fueling the fire anymore and it's not longer enjoying that manic frenzy I got thrown into, I guess we're really just growing apart Cewl...  It's me, not you, I promise.
I really hate to admit how much I enjoyed you degrading me the last time we fapped together. If you ever feel like experimenting or getting on some real psycho shit again well deluding ourselves things could work you know where to find me, y'know, until I end up in prison or dead or just forget the login info to that account.

All I wanted was some easy e-pussy and a friend to fuck around with for a bit, but in you I found something that awoke a long dormant ugliness. I really do love you, in the only way I really can feel love anymore, sorry about that :P
Seriously though, you told me I reminded you of him, and I wasn't going to say it, it was that "better left unspoken" bond we both knew we had... You remind me of her so much it's fucking unreal.
Idk, I might be around, I might not, who knows. Cya Lovebug <3
> inb4 she says this was the most traumatic event of her life despite constantly trying to replicate it with other guys

Just one pussy pic and her behaviour as a practice girlfriend, what an adventure! 
I "think" this person missed the point and knows nothing about Cewl at all. He sure does know about Puka and got mad at her too, he did almost the same but had to back off for obvious reasons.

someone i walked into in an era jump and i junped then she sent me some duplicate pets she had the community is so awesome dude i love ff from now i think i play like all day everydau now

> tfw i talk to everuone that messages me
> one of them turns out to be kinda cute but then like 30 yo so like ah 
> he jaccked offs 
> has bpd
> fuckfuckfuck.jpeg

now i dont wanna talk to everyone that dms me anymore men are scary wahh someone help me and dm me im your damsel in distress! its like... im zelda !! in some way!! she has porn of her too!

>  >>one of them turns out to be kinda cute
I'd hang myself if I was one of the other faggots that talk to her. It's insane how quickly she proposes to an attractive dominant man, her "friends" could spend the rest of their lives trying to court her with their nice guy simp faggot act but they already know it's over for them.

Having more threads means jackshit, especially when she needs to selfpost to get something going and her 2 orbiters bump out of seethe at seeing other girls on top, replying with the most retarded pajeet tier samefagging. 

This dipshit is too stupid to comprehend how actual e-girls have garnered a following and dozens of threads without having made a single post here or showing their brown roastie to get some reactions because otherwise no one would give a shit.

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Hmph, simple men...
I only care whomstdve could bear the power of hardening themselves for me the most...
Not mortal time wasters like relationships...
Oh, heavens. My mana has been drained. I need the mortal mens loads quickly! Please help this damsel in distress!

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i got banned for saying this on 
>   >>/78785974/
i dont really want to think of him anymore, hes just doing it to become a new eboy. he damaged me so much and i continued talking to him after learning what i did ((while i was VERY high and drunk on xanax which makes you forget evryhting)) so i just continued talking to himbecause i already fucked up and just wanted to be nice because i talk to everyone that messages me but he had BPD and had a previous huge thing with p girl he always talked about so that explains everything it did. like with elliot, hes crazy and freaky and also a pedro but he doesnt have bpd sso he doesnt act like how the attention should keep being on HIM and you guys should side with HIM or how HIS feelings got hurt while its a thread supposed to be about me.
i also woke up to a last dm and block at the start of all this, he wrote me a poem? on r9k without any sorrys so i didnt think anything of it. BTW, WE ALWAYS MENTIOENED IF ANYTHING HAPPENED WE WOULDNT DO STH LIKE THIS -_- and when i created a thread, he absolutely made sure of making me know it was him, and i was like  hey if u wanna ghost me or no contact me im fine but stop doing this backhanded shit andthen it all started. then we took it to private and then i told him to stop doing this shit in public but he promised me he woudl so i was like okey maybe i can forgive him but then he posted on my endchan thread then made a new account with a new name andthis time i immediatly blocked him like... idgaf i dont have the energy anymore.

at least people got a new picture from me, proving im not a roastie, i just have some labia.. i lied about him posting reee porn but i thought it would be kinda epic for the plot ngl. so i did that sorry not sorry i shouldnt ahve reported it as r porn thouhg

p word appearently got me insta banned for 3 days. wtf

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> then why isnt it called marky2
because agatha is the over powered godess waifu but marky is the first girl aka main girl of the series ( the series of 4chan e-girl orbiting). So agatha is like a "deity" while marky is the protagonist first crush and ciara would be the tsundere girl that is always teasing the protagonist and appears on episode 7

i talk to everyone and approach them nice but guarded at first. this time i wasnt guarded, and to my surprise he was a bpdemon. thats why all this happened. everyone else would be just happy they sexted because i do that in 4chan since i existed as well and sometimes ill send them some pics, thats when they feel reaaaal special for no reason. i really talk to everyone and dont want people to assume i dont, im a big people pleaser. i try to never ghost and shit and thats why i keep talking about him when i shouldnt. its just so senseless to me how he made the situation out of nothing

no. he added me with a new username but 
whgen i saw him type Hey, let's talk. or whatever i said im blocking you cause that was the nth time he did something that he said he wouldnt (interact with me over and over when i tell him not to and he promised) like EW hes so ugly too and now that i genuinely despise him i realize how hes just a miserable old bald man and this is his first time in forever hes gotten this much attention so hes just enjoying it.

> my surprise he was a bpdemon
you are a textbook bpdemon and everything you do is for male validation who cares about this man in specific so much? stop trying to milk him, he is mentally ill but so are you shut up and talk about interesting things or take new photos

LOL i just reply to everyone, if i didnt reply to him it would be another wrongdoing, whatever i do in my free will is wrong for you haters, fuck you.
im not milking him, hes milking me. 
look at this thread i made. completely irrelavant and people still ask it  even though im anonymous. its crazy atp. i would be wrong for not replying.
i just try to give you my side so you dont automatically side with him. i completely understand that you hate women and always stand behind a men because god forbid. how have i been a bpdemon? hes  had fits with now multiple e-girls and im the problem for obliging to his demands while high out of my mind and continued because i was in too deep, and when i had the courage to stop talking to him/hint at were not going to get along/were gonna fight, he blocks me and starts talking about me every chance he gets?
they know im a camwhore, i always ask where they found me, i always tell, and they always are in my discord server hecnce have access to my nudes. stop talking like you know everything.
i respect that people may not want to talk to someone like me so i always say it upfront before sth serious happens, even fi its just a friendhsip bc duh thats important i have THAT much social brain points

She will never admit to this because it'd be admitting that she's an ugly brown whore who can only attract her own 2/10 looksmatch. She has this idea she's attractive so admitting that would break her pea sized slav brain.

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lol i literally talked abt this tday
of course i dont think that. but i never feel that someones ugly until someone is my enemy. thats why i was attacking his insecurities, i would never think so for the rest of my "orbiters" or friends even if they look just like him because i dont value appearence and percievence like that.
i just need good hearted mana to restore my succubus energy, so release it, if you like obviously. because otherwise it would be rape

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I think she probably thinks anons look like normies like Marc since he is one of the e-boys but different e-girls attract different orbitors, so in my idea cewl orbitors look like serene or something because she hands nudes so easily and also is not 8/10+ like the other e-girls, so it makes me think her orbitors are fat coomer loser dudes who simply wanna cum idk she never meet up with one of them so we have no idea how they look like, but she said one of them is bald fat and ugly
so you are ok with your orbitors being fat bald old men !? ugly bastard fetish

> so you are ok with your orbitors being fat bald old men !? ugly bastard fetish
im just glad that theres people out there that like me and take the moment to talk to me, im very grateful and thankful for that. thats why i reply to everyone and try to

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So you are simply settling for your fat loser orbitors because you can't get chad to orbit you? you seem like you are taking what you can get and not what you want. Didn't you talk to sam hyde and got ghosted? I know he is a fat creep but he is spiritually a giga chad and is dark triad

i dont really care about appearence or value they have for other people, my relatioships are simply personal to me. you will never understand how i percieve you or anyone because it isnt the superficial answer youre waiting to post your soyjak to

I don't think you view anons as humans because you don't care about if they are fat uggos or not you only want attention and popularity. You DO CARE about looks or else you wouldn't use ugly fat and bald as insults, also if you don't care how your friends look like how come you are always calling iris a cutie? are you lying?

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Funny how the timing and that post and this post worked out.
Cewl, we should really talk in private, you need to be coached about what to say and when to respond.
You "hate me" and yet i've gotten you more attention than you've ever gotten before, and the entirety of your last two threads have been about me and they're filling up faster than any other thread here.
If anything you hate me because I am the center of attention lmao.

Seriously, I'm down to keep doing this forever with you <3, but we need to be on the same page, otherwise I'm not going to help you keep fueling the dumpster fire that is your life and your attention seeking.

Also, I mean... it's online but you know we wanna "hatefuck" each other :3 Think about it, you, me, beating off to BBCs cumming in white womens mouths and vaginas, us just spewing the most visceral hatred at each other the whole time, and than just having some comforting pillow talk afterwards. Than we can discuss how to milk this drama for all it's worth. <3
Seriously, if you just do all of this for the (you)s and the victim points you are wasting a MASSIVE opportunity here.

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Ok, fine. I'll drop one more screen shot and it's really, really bad.
I won't actually post the video because it's illegal and actually pretty disgusting. 
So, she like to keep talking about how i "groomed" a minor and I'd really, really prefer if that was left alone. I feel like it really goes too far...

Here's a little bombshell for you all.
So, in a vc me and Cewl were talking, and I was joking about fucking animals and her autistic ass missed my sarcasm. She admitted she always wondered what it felt like... So the next day... She sends me this video.
You already know what it is. I don't even think I could legally show it, but there you go. She fucks animals.
But sure, go ahead and keep calling me a pedrophile because I tried to help someone I thought was in a bad but fixable place.

Seriously, I only want to keep this going if you and I are on the same page.
You know where to find me.
Maybe you can bail your self out of this one, maybe this will be the nuke that destroys you.

And you cucks thought her loving nigger dick was bad. :3

Fun fact, i didn't record the dms until after the drama started. We deleted out nudes but even after starting this campaign against me she didn't stop to think about deleting any of the more questionable or outright bad shit she sent me.
recording the entire conversation this way was just easier than having 50+ screenshots.

it's not blackmail, it's a contingency plan btw. I don't really make threats, I usually just do things when I get pushed but this really has gotten out of hand.

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>  joking about fucking animals and her autistic ass missed my sarcasm. 
no you were jacking off to zoophilia, youre zoophilic. i learned thats  actually fr later and thats my autism. you actually do it. stop replying to my threads if you dont want the truth out, im being nice to you not leaking what youve been doing. you were very careful with every word you had. youre a sneaky guy but not enough to hide how you showed me chicks fucking dogs and i stayed just for the shock factor and could never do something similar to what you did youre insane. i always tried to say no and you kept showign as if its just a gore video. i always said BBC is like normal porn to me because i dont see it as that i see it as two people having sex but u kept insisting. ur disgusting bro. please get the fuck away from me. just piss off dude. holy shit. i try hiding your worst shit but youre insisting on how i made a joke out of the blue WHILE YOU SHOWED ME DISGUSTING STUFF i had to just say yeah ahaha and close the tab bruh.
i just dont want any fights thats why i never "unfriended" you because i was afraid this would happen but yet it still happened i wish i had the balls to block you when you disgusted me out

Okay, I expanded the pic, but literally nothing in the image indicates whatsoever that she has ever fucked an animal. What the pic DOES indicate is that YOU told HER that you wanted to see her fuck animals, and now you're airing out some weird skeleton in your closet about you having groomed a kid. What kind of retarded projection is this? I know pedros have low IQs on average, but surely you can understand that the only person your posts are making look bad is yourself, right?

No one is going to take this guy seriously except people looking for drama to find more reasons to hate you. The screenshot he posted incriminates himself. I don't get it. I assume he "befriended" you with the hopes of trying to "expose" you in the end so he's scavenging for whatever crumbs he can try to manipulate into making you look like you're a zoosadist porn addict like he is.

Ok, you're the one dragging this out. Talk to me in private because we really need to clarify some things outside of the public eye. I promise I'm willing to end this if you just fucking work with me, or at the very least stop fucking running your mouth

I have no idea who or what you're talking about, I don't really care about Cewl beyond reading her threads out of curiosity sometimes. It's at the top of the board right now, and this guy sounds genuinely insane, so posting seemed worth it.

If I was LARPing as you I'd post this one.
Ok Faggot, because I'm the one who has been obsessing over some random asshole who helped me expose myself as a complete whore and is has just been going full mask off with my insanity, right?

I'm just some rando, I have my issues, but this girl has the worst bpd I've ever seen, kinda sexy tbh, she's a heroin addict, clearly has relapsed, knows that her life is pretty much over, and just wants to drag someone down with her.
tbh, I'm not even super opposed to that, but at this point I know I'm just enabling her own downfall. It's a weird feeling. I never wanted to destroy her but that just seems to be what I do, and if you read my cringy little poem it's pretty obvious that I knew this would happen, I hoped it wouldn't, but I knew better...

Yeah, I'll be honest, she didn't fuck the cat. I just thought it was funny to say that.

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LOL. He's a pedro and zoo porn addict. 
Wrong person, I have no idea who that is, I am the one you wanted to insult and it doesn't work with me. In this thread and the previous I was playing cewl, this guy and even the haters just for fun because you all will believe everything I say in my own magnum opus. I wouldn't trust anyone, can't you see everyone here is "Anonymous" by default? I can be you if I want and call myself a cuck, I can be Cewl and reply the guy or be the guy so the haters get played like a piano until both come clean.

Anyway cewl, let's keep destroying everything, because it's pretty obvious neither of us have anything that we hold dear to protect.

You and I both know how this story ends <3

She was on the verge of a heroin relapse when I left. Idk if you've ever been around active heroin users but they're not usually the best people around. 
She's doing this because she's mad and needs someone to blame for all of her poor life choices. She's painting me as this psycho stalker type, but really I'm just giving the girl what she wants. 

Like if she really didn't want me around she wouldn't be making herself obvious on the part of the internet she knows I lurk in some pathetic bid to get my attention. She wouldn't be putting me on blast constantly, she would have just left it at "Yeah, I thought he was pretty nice, but things got weird" and ended the drama right there. She has deliberately fed into and played into everything said about her. That's the real reason I made the cat larp, I wanted to see how'd she respond.

As for me, I'm BPD/ASPD, insanely under stimulated in my life and bored. This is... It's a weird kind of fun, and if you've ever been in the situation I'm in you'd understand that this is literally some sick and twisted form of love we share.

tbh, I'm almost surprised she didn't readd me on that offer. She could have taken the chance to escalate things further and tried to expose me as an actual zoo by pushing me to put it on for her, thought admittedly that's risky as I could be recording it and a voice clip of her saying that would look really bad.
I mean, I really would like to give her some pointers behind the scenes, but she's doing a good enough job as is and so I guess I'll just keep being that silly dancing little monkey that she wants me to.

Psycho love is a real chess game. Your move Cewl.
Well played.

Sat, or whatever your name is. You're kind of retarded, you know that?

I suppose my move now is to just back off and enjoy the downfall from a distance. I've played my part.

> Cewl threads have been pure shit
Never forget she went an entire whole ass year with her shitty thread at the bottom of the catalog until she started self posting like a pathetic cunt. If she dies her threads go back to the bottom cause no one gives a shit to discuss her except herself lmao

Is Cewl even able to love? Or is she just an emotional vampire that needs the love energy of men to survive? She tells every guy she talks to that she loves him, but does she really? Is this all a game for her?

> can u guys just rnjoy the cute girls being cute imageboard?
This board is the e-girl gossip and drama board, you're the one that's misusing the board with this retarded selfposting and trying to control the drama in your own thread.

i really think i am not capable of it it feels like im soulless i hate myself for spmething ive done on xanax its like ame cutting herself for beignkangel i hate it i hate it so much just stop hes some insane shit

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I think you have ASPD along with histrionic/narcissistic and borderline traits. You are the cluster B unicorn.
You can't love and you can't empathize with the men you lead on or deceive, you keep on doing it anyway because it feels good for you. Also the only way you "like" people is through sex appeal alone, like hot guys or hot girls and you can never form emotional connections with others. You are a sociopath. 
You can only associate with people that you have power over, like your simps"friends"(but if they ever question you then they're haters). You are very manipulative too and a pathological liar, you lie to save your image and you never feel remorse. You admit you feel like you're soulless and can never love but love the obsession you get from lonely men. 
The only times I have ever seen you "hurt" is when your status as "top e-girl" is threatened, you don't actually care about anything else.

I don't think it's accurate to label her with ASPD or any other personality disorder based on just a few posts. Diagnosing such conditions requires much more than what you can gauge from her online interactions...
She is definitely capable of empathy and forming emotional connections, I know this better than anyone. It's not true that she only interacts with people based on their attractiveness or that she is manipulative. She values honest and respectful relationships (as a friend or else) and isn't about leading people on or deceiving them, I am.
These broad diagnoses and labels don't really reflect who she is or how she relates to others.

I'm not going to take a simp's opinion on this seriously because you are obviously biased, you only have one objective :defend her image (that's what she wants from simps) and you do this without considering anything else (she even instructed you to do something in the thread that damaged your reputation, she doesn't feel bad about this). Being a sociopath doesn't mean a total inability to display empathy or connection, or being respectful. Sociopaths are capable of displaying the full range of human emotions, but actually feeling them is a different matter. She herself says she's unable to love, so why is she so quick to say it? And whenever it comes out that she hurt someone she never apologizes, it's always about her, about her image, about her status. 
Nothing I can say will probably ever change your mind, the weak men in her server are too quick to simp, they are too emotional and have too much empathy and they make the perfect toy for her.

I just want to add something to this;
What you have with cewl isn't friendship, the relationship is very imbalanced with you giving far more than she gives to you, she doesn't really respect you so much as she wants your attention and energy. You defend her on endchan and 4chan but she barely even acknowledges your existence, within the server you are just one of many and she is at the top. I'm sure you have actual friends and your relationship with these friends is more balanced and even, you are not her friend you are her simp. I don't think she wants actual friends, there's a reason she has no IRL friends because she can't have power over them.

You're biased for thinking I am one of her "simps", therefore throwing my argument away because you don't know her and has never studied her before. She fears me, yet she likes me but not in a romantic way and I know that. I was the one who made most of this last drama happen from day one and I explained to the person. I was on her Discord account and I can be at any given time.
Anyway, have a good one!

> most
lol, you coordinated everything and took what would have been a fun yet insignificant little thing and did everything you needed to make sure it turned as ugly as possible.
Between the gaslighting and poking at my insecurities in just the right way you made sure I'd respond chaotically, what came across as two people that weren't in control of their actions destroying each other was just someone who had been goaded into a frenzy by someone who see's himself as a "protector" of sorts despite obviously being a detriment to the mental health of the people he "protects"

My brain is still reeling over everything and honestly I can respect the game but when you sit there and get self righteous about it and talk like you do it just feels wrong.

You're obviously more than just a standard troll, and well the situation glows I have no idea what you really are but I think you tell yourself that it's ok to hurt people like me because we're bad but fail to see the hypocrisy there. Really, without your intervention neither of us would have gotten too sentimental, and even if we had, when I showed her the stuff to push her away she would have left. That's why I showed it to her and even said I was trying to push her away before bailing.
If anything this just taught me to be more manipulative in the future and discard girls the moment either of us start to get sentimental.

At the end of the day Cewl is the same thing to you as she was to me at first, a means to an end. I'd say that I owe her a serious apology for letting her get dragged into our drama but I get the impression she's a way bigger part of all of this than you let on.

Would you care to answer that question I asked you on discord? I at least want to know what to expect.

> I tried to help someone I thought was in a bad but fixable place.

Interesting statement. Someone else said that once too and now he's spending something like 19 and a half years in prison. Funny how helping people does that.

> So, she like to keep talking about how i "groomed" a minor and I'd really, really prefer if that was left alone.

Based on how you portray yourself and numerous hints given off during your short time in Cewl's server and on her livestream - unfortunately you're not going to be sweeping the pedro accusations under the rug.

You're very calculated, highly predatory, and well-versed in pursuing vulnerable individuals for personal pleasure. You're very self-aware of that and flaunt it openly, of course. You also made claims of being interested in undisclosed 'taboo' subjects. You're intelligent, so you can see that any other person that have these traits would be seen as having a high probability to be doing what you were accused of, correct?

So hopefully you can see why you trying to downplay the accusation doesn't look very good for you.

Maybe you were trying to help her and something went amiss and you did or said things you regret. Maybe you caught certain feelings. Hey mistakes can happen right? We're just human, and I'm sure things like BPD don't help with rational decision making sometimes. Here's your time to open up and show you're capable of taking full responsibility.

And if you didn't do anything wrong? Here's your chance to prove that too.

You have criminal conviction(s): maybe you went to prison? I don't know. But a common thing in prison is if someone replies "I'd prefer not to talk about it" when asked what they're in for - they're instantly labeled a pedrophile regardless of actual crime. That's what's going on in this thread right now. You'll always be labeled as that so long as you don't talk about it.

The stage is yours to do as you please. I can't make you say anything, but it would be in your best interest I would think. If you'd rather say it in DM, maybe it can be arranged - out of courtesy for the girl's own privacy and protection.

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Quit it, Tal. We talked about it. I'm going to make you choke on my not so Albanian dick. I was just passing by, testing my new archiver for agatha2.
If you need to talk, DM on Discord.

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