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Wednesday pasta:

There's an old house at the end of your street that's been abandoned for years. You were dared to spend the night in it and you'll be damned to let them call you a pussy. You head over as dusk starts to fall and approach its massive oak doors with a flutter in your heart, silently repeating to yourself that's it's just an old house, nothing weird about it at all. You try the doors, but they're locked so you go round the back and find a broken window that you climb through. Dust swirls in the last rays of dying light as you poke about in the gloomy interior, trying to find a comfortable enough spot to spend the night. You muster the courage and take a peek in the basement where to your surprise you find, judging by the decor and the large amount of stuffed animals around the walls, what seems to be a little girl's room. Despite its run-down condition it seems pretty cozy and the bed here looks like it's in better shape than the one in the master bedroom. So you shrug to yourself and settle in for the night. At first you're certain you won't be able to get even a wink of sleep with the house creaking and making all those strange noises, but as the night grows long you start to nod off and eventually lose consciousness.
A soft cough in the night and you bolt awake, heart racing, mentally disoriented as you frantically try to get a grasp on your surroundings. Your panicked gaze stops on a girl at the foot of the bed, her black hair in a pair of long braids framing a pale, dead serious face. "That's my bed" she says matter-of-factly. You try to come up with a reply, but your brain feels like mush and the most you can manage is a sputter of gibberish. "I suppose I could let you stay, but I'll want something in return." She clambers onto the bed, kneeling by your feet. "You like my teddies? I could always do with a new one." She gestures with a hand and draws your gaze to the walls lined with shelves upon shelves of stuffed animals, their glassy eyes now seemingly all staring eerily at you. Your rattled brain finally manages to string some words together and you turn back to her to object, but without having felt her move she's suddenly right above you and jams a hand over your mouth. "Ah-ah-ah, toys don't talk. I think you'll make a fine addition to my collection, but to be one of my fluffy pets you'll first need some stuffing." She takes hold of the hem of her skirt with her free hand, pulls it up and from underneath you can see spilling onto your chest a wriggling mass of tentacles that quickly start slithering along your body. A few of them grab hold of you, their cool slimy grasp fixing you in place, while others slither down your pants and around your neck then further up, poking and probing for any and all openings.
With all your holes stretched and plugged firmly shut she snuggles up to your immobilized body and whispers in your ear "The process usually takes a few hours, but don't worry you won't feel much different apart from the obvious not being able to move bit. Now, if you're ready..." She frowns in concentration and you feel a burst of warm liquid start to seep out of the tentacles lodged inside you, slowly filling you more and more and more, until you're filled to the brim, feeling like you're going to burst. The strange girl shifts and snuggles more comfortably into you, your bulging stomach sloshing slightly with the movement as she cuddles you like a teddy bear and whispers a final "Good night teddy, you should be done by the morning" before her soft breathing slowly grows more shallow and she drifts off to sleep, still wrapped around you as your body begins to gradually and almost imperceptibly shrink in size.
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This was generated by an AI using only the title and author as input. 

The Rise of Bonbibonkers: An Essay by Seth Waters 

I first saw you doing your puppet show in New York City. At the time, I didn't really know what to make of it. I mean, puppets? Come on. 
But something about it really resonated with me. Maybe it was the idea that these inanimate objects were coming to life. Or maybe it was the idea that they weren't very nice. I dunno. 
But the image that has stuck with me for all these years is when the Devil puppet ultimately eats Bob. 
It was a nice twist. I appreciated that. 
The next time I saw you, you were working on your first full-length puppet musical, Little Red Riding Hood: A Story of a Puppet. It was then that I got to know you a bit better. 
You were very friendly. I remember asking you about the technical aspects of your show, and you answered every question I had. You were very knowledgeable about your craft, no doubt. 
You were also somewhat cynical of the business. You mentioned your issues with getting Bob to move fluidly (which I understand all too well). You also mentioned an issue you were having with the music (and I don't just mean that song, which you didn't seem to care for). 
"The music is crap," you said. 
"How so?" I asked 
"It's just not fitting for the play," you said. "It's supposed to be ominous, but it's coming off as silly. It's just not right." 
I remember at the time thinking to myself that you were just being hard on yourself. The song, while a bit whimsical for your play, wasn't that bad. 
Weeks later, I heard the entire play, and you were right. It wasn't that bad, but it certainly wasn't good. The music didn't fit at all. 
Then your show closed. 
Then I heard the official reason. Apparently, the puppet that played Little Red Riding Hood was found horribly dismembered only a few days before the show was to open. The case is still unsolved, by the way. 
The event sent the entire cast into a frenzy, and the show was cancelled. 
You never told me how this happened, and to be honest I didn't ask. I imagine the details are pretty gruesome. 
The only thing you told me is that you found the remains. You didn't go into detail on how that happened. I can only imagine it's pretty gruesome as well. 
The funny thing is, up until then I had no idea just how much you were struggling with your "material". For a puppet master, you sure were getting your hands dirty.

I remember you once told me that it takes a monster to catch a monster. That was the first sign that you were having a problem dealing with the seedier side of show business. And I ignored it.
Somehow, I had this idea in my head that because you were doing something creative, you were also above the whole obsession with success thing that seems to plague people in this industry. 
I don't know why. I suppose it's because I'm a writer, so I tend to think everyone is like me. 
The second sign I ignored. 
We were having a conversation once, and you told me that you had to convince a puppet to tell on the person that was molesting it. 
Yes, you heard me right. A puppet was being molested. 
It's sick and twisted, but quite frankly I can't blame the poor thing for not wanting to identify the culprit. If it were me, I wouldn't either. But then that's part of the whole obsession thing again.
This sick bastard was actually molesting a puppet and you didn't report him. When you told me that, I should have gotten you the hell out of this business. Really, it would be for the best. With all the craziness that goes on here, who knows what could happen? But I didn't. 
Now, the third sign. 
Your play opens tonight. 
The first preview tomorrow night went off without a hitch. You said the music sounded better than it had all week. I'm sure that's a relief to you. I wish I could be there to see it. I'm sure it'll be good, and I know you'll be great. 
But I won't see it. I'm sorry. 
It's for the best. 
I'm done with this business now. 
I suppose I could go into writing scripts for stage instead. It would still be telling stories, and that's why I fell in love with it in the first place. 
Don't call me or look for me. I'll be okay. I'm sure we both will. I'll leave by the back door. 
This note and the key to my apartment are all you need to get into my place.

What many people aren't aware of is that Bonbi actually lost her hymen as pre-pubescent girl during a 2 hour gymnastics class. After a long session at the trampolines and rings, she brought her leg up onto the barre in a standing split and felt a painful tearing sensation in her lower abdomen: her hymen had ruptured. Though a girl losing her 'maidenhead' through athletics, horse-riding, and other activities is not uncommon, the shock of the event caused her to develop a hostile relationship with her genitalia and her own sexuality. As her father led a weeping Bonbi from the gymnastics meet, blood staining her leotard, he sensed his girl-child had crossed a Rubicon of great significance. The effects, however, did not make themselves known until much later when Bonbi had reached that mystical age when she was expected to take an interest in boys and explore her own sexuality; it didn't happen. Her father despaired, "why does my daughter shut herself up in her room NOW, at the prime of her life?" He was wont to liken her to a 'voluntary Rapunzel' to Bonbi's chagrin. What her father did not know, however, was that Bonbi had discovered a popular video sharing and social media application: "Tik Tok". From the commanding heights of her 'maiden tower' Bonbi could interact with and breed new friendships with a great many disparate people without triggering her sexual pathos nor her dysphoric vaginal self-image. She was a smash hit. Her prolific output and meticulous cosplays made her a star nonpareil among lolicons(little girl enthusiasts) across the gamut of internet social media sites from 4chan to Reddit to Discord.

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