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> NLT is openly a paraphrase

While The Living Bible, upon which it was based, was openly a paraphrase, the NLT reeled in things quite a bit compared to it's predecessor.  While it definitely leans heavily into the dynamic range to the point of being a borderline paraphrase at times, it still maintains formal equivalence elements, and isn't quite as out there as The Living Bible.  For example:

Proverbs 20:16 -

> TLB - It is risky to make loans to strangers!

> NLT - Get security from someone who guarantees a stranger’s debt. Get a deposit if he does it for foreigners.
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Anyone here delve much into apocryphal texts out of curiosity? I recently read the "Apocrypha of John" and it's insane. It claims that Jesus told John the real book of Genesis in which YHWH was a lesser god(created under what they call Mother/Father) that evilly created the world and humans. It completely throws out everything Moses told and admists to doing it. How do people believe this stuff? Do any of you know any interesting apocrypha to read. It's astonishing how crazy some of them get.
I never really read much apocrypha. I suspect it always has been a weapon forged against the churches, and remains so to this day. If anything it is an interesting knowledge to alert people to where the pegan and occult insanity comes out of.

This isn't unique to this text nor an isolated belief. Most Gnostic Christian groups spoke of a Good God and a Bad God, not much different from the God duality (as opposed to Trinity) of Zoroastrianism. Basically the God of the Old Testament was Bad and the God of the New Testament or Jesus was Good.

This POV was suppressed by the Nicene Christians, which is the strand that makes up modern Christianity.

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In the few hours after Cloudflare dropped support for 8chan, a few kind users offered help and gave alternatives to C0deMonkey to use. CM decided on two, one of which is used by the Daily Stormer, and quickly got 8ch back up. Unfortunately, the hardware provider for the two dns companies decided to play politics and took away server support unless they dropped support for 8chan. The whole situation is outright retarded.

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