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This is a backup board for /christianity/ in the event that 8chan is taken down.

> SFW only
> No spam
> No flood
> Only threads related to the topic of Christianity
Is this board as cucked as 8/christianity/? I got permabanned several times after calling out the jews
Also, bring back the flags.
It's been a few days now friends, I'm starting to think this isn't merely a bunker but a place we need to start over

Not to mention, upon checking the other somewhat active chans, this is the only one to have the option of creating a Christianity board in the first place.  The other chans have nothing to offer us: just the usual assortment of porn, fringe politics, and other worldly garbage.  ZeroNet 8chan is questionable at best, and slow and unwieldy to boot.  So unless 8chan miraculously comes back online, or someone creates a Christian chan board independent of the other chans, right here is the best we've got.  Plus, there's the fact that should 8chan defy the odds and come back online, that place is going to be glow in the dark and reddit infested in a manner that makes even 4chan look more palatable by comparison.
> someone creates a Christian chan board independent of the other chans
Although expensive and would probably take a good amount of skill, i absolutely love this idea

I love this idea as well.  But as you yourself have succinctly put it, it's a wonderful idea, but the execution of it is going to be tricky.  That, and it's been tried before in the past, and fell through for reasons that are unknown to me.

Since there are, to my knowledge if I'm not mistaken, several pre-packaged image board systems (like lynx chan, which this very board and others run on), the coding/technical aspect might not be that big of a hurdle.  I think the real challenge is going to be a combination of: 

1. As you said, expenses, such as url and hosting fees, fees if traffic starts to boom, DDoS defense software, etc. (then again, considering how small the community was on 8chan, perhaps those last two points won't be too much of a major issue for the foreseeable future.)

2. Manpower issues, in terms of mods and volunteers: both in terms of numbers, as well as technical expertise with at least a few of them, as well as issues of character (i.e. avoiding a mod team that devolves into a ban happy, power mad /christian/ all over again, but also avoids the opposite extreme of the heretic haven, gazillion "saint of the day" posts, no man's land that /christ/ became. )   

Of course, ultimately, it's going to be an issue of prayer and God's divine providence if this is even able to get off the ground in the first place.
Hey Board Owner, what are the precise dimension limitations of the banners at Endchan?  From what I've seen at other boards, banners can be far more larger here than they were at 8chan.

It was notorious for Gnostics and those into stuff like "Christian" mysticism/esotericism, and had flags for everyone, from Buddhists to Atheists.  

The penultimate moment when the site really crashed and burned is when the BO allowed a poster to post a "Saint of the Day" post once a day during Lent/Great Lent.  Here's the thing though: instead of having these posts neatly and sensibly compiled into one singular thread, the BO allowed the poster to make a completely new thread for every. single. "Saint of the Day." for the entire 40 day period of Lent/Great Lent.  As a result, the board as a whole, especially the catalog view, became an absolute mess of "Saint of the Day" spam threads.

Anyone with any sense whatsoever abandoned the board to it's fate.  It's a cautionary tale about incompetent board management.
We're back. The index seems to be broken though, OP images aren't loading either.
Are there any Orthodox Christians on Youtube who aren't funded by the Russian Government and aren't pushing for the end of the West?

The Old Calenderists are anti-Russian government, but they're a fringe break-away group with a LOT of issues.
He's just using dramatic terms. The EOs are generally opposed to Western civ in it's classical liberalism, so people like Bro. Nathanael are suggesting that the current Weimar situation would be fixed by taking an eastern mindset.

That's my guess anyway
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> September 3
I want 8chan back bros
Please Lord guide the legislators to the honest position of upholding free speech as they're bound by oath before you.

> Maybe God is leading you out of Babylon.

After exploring various other image boards, I've found that outside of a Christian board, anonymous image board culture as a whole is a cesspool of porn, fringe politics, edge-lords, trolls, petty slap fights, cynics and sadists and the proudly maladjusted.  Not to mention that even the pre-Catholic Mafia 8chan /christian/ and 8chan /christianity/ were both being corrupted by surrounding boards, the norms of image board culture, as well as the Online Disinhibition Effect on steroids that is the natural product of image board culture.  

I honestly wrestle with whether anonymous image board culture itself is a Babylon, and if there is any point in having a Christian board in such an environment.  Or if having a Christian board on an anonymous image board is the equivalent of trying to have a church in the middle of Sodom and Gomorrah, or a strip club/red light district, or crack house.  In other words, futile, and tending to lead such a church to being changed by the environment and culture surrounding it, rather than the other way around.

I mean, the very board we are on literally proudly advertises on the front page that drawn child porn (loli) is a-okay.     

Part of me wonders if "radical free speech" is just a sad joke that ultimately proves why we need face to face contact and social mores in order to not devolve into psychological, spiritual and emotional monkeys.
> the very board we are on literally proudly advertises on the front page that drawn child porn (loli) is a-okay. 
No, the website allows loli, not any Christian board.

> Part of me wonders if "radical free speech" is just a sad joke that ultimately proves why we need face to face contact and social mores in order to not devolve into psychological, spiritual and emotional monkeys.
That's not a free speech issue, that's an escapism issue. Nobody pretends that imageboards substitute personal relationships.

> having a Christian board on an anonymous image board is the equivalent of trying to have a church in the middle of Sodom and Gomorrah, or a strip club/red light district, or crack house. In other words, futile, and tending to lead such a church to being changed by the environment and culture surrounding it, rather than the other way around.
That's not because it's anonymous, that's because we share the site with those degenerates, and we're only here because we've been pushed to the margins by the dystopia around us.

Christian imageboards are oftentimes the only place you can ask the controversial theological questions, and that needs to be preserved.

> No, the website allows loli, not any Christian board.

My mistake.  I meant to reference the front page of Endchan.

> Nobody pretends that imageboards substitute personal relationships.

There are clearly people who think of anon image boards as a substitute for personal relationships, regardless of the consequences or their bitterness or misery.  Part of the draw of an anon image board is the lack of consequences of direct confrontation and slip-ups that might affect one's reputation, or as you aptly pointed out, the escapism of being a jerk or internet tough guy, void of the requirements or ramifications of such a persona in the real world, that comes with anonymity.

> That's not because it's anonymous, that's because we share the site with those degenerates,

It's the Online Disinhibition Effect on steroids that makes most image boards a haven for degenerate behavior and pursuits in the first place.  As stated before, why do you think the vast majority of boards on a typical image board are porn, pedophiles, nihilistic trolls, kooky ideologies, etc?  Is there such thing as an anonymous image board full of super happy positive fun time boards? 

> Christian imageboards are oftentimes the only place you can ask the controversial theological questions
Like what?  The One millionth iteration of Catholics/Orthodox and Protestants arguing over Mary thread?  The 3,000th "Is Racemixing a sin?" thread?  The "Should we kill gays?" thread?  Perhaps a "Should Christians be Communists/Fascists" thread?  Seriously, is there any controversial topic that's been discussed in the past that isn't either tiresome and repetitive bait, or ideologues trying to pervert scripture to rationalize their warped political persuasion or worldview?  About the only thing I can think of is people feeling safe on here about discussing sins they are struggling with like porno and masturbation, that they might be afraid to talk about elsewhere.  Then again, people seeking advice for controversial things have at times been told to kill themselves as often as they've received a sympathetic hand.

Other than the things I've mentioned, I can't think of a controversial theological topic that I can't talk about elsewhere in a more thoughtful and civilized manner and online environment.    

> we're only here because we've been pushed to the margins by the dystopia around us.

What are you talking about?  I can post about how I'm fed up with LGBTBBQ culture in private Facebook groups all I want.  The West is circling the drain, but we are nowhere close to Middle East or China levels of persecution.  When I go to church on a Sunday to hear conservative and Biblically sound views, it's in a beautiful little country church; not a cave or a secret house meeting where I have to fear the government or Muslims breaking in to take me away for imprisonment and torture, or to just shoot me, bomb me or behead me.
> There are clearly people who think of anon image boards as a substitute for personal relationships,
The poor judgment of those people is not an inherent flaw in the imageboard, because imageboard use does not per se entail escapism.

> Is there such thing as an anonymous image board full of super happy positive fun time boards? 
Yes, they're imageboards dedicated to a certain positive topic like cooking or oragami. An imageboard is nothing more than a platform.

> Like what controversial theological question?
Those are all good questions and exactly what I'm talking about. You would be ostracized in most churches for even asking the question of the morality of racemixing.
The interdenominational debate is also productive, it's only the responsibility of the reader to know what constitutes a cogent argument and what's fallacious.

> What are you talking about? I can post about how I'm fed up with LGBTBBQ culture in private Facebook groups all I want. 
Facebook is the enemy, and you're naive. 

>  >There is a dystopia around us
> What are you talking about?
tech censorship
normalization of homosexuality, transgenderism, pedophilia
state intrusion into matters of christian conscience
secularist indoctriniation by the public schools
legal invasion and displacement by foreigners
These are the signs of the dystopia

> The West is circling the drain, but we are nowhere close to Middle East or China levels of persecution
I'm not saying we are

You stay on your boomer facebook groups if that's what you want. I only wanted to make the case against your baseless whining that free speech is bad, and that anonymous imageboards are necessarily profance and escapist.

> The poor judgment of those people is not an inherent flaw in the imageboard, because imageboard use does not per se entail escapism.

Whether it be online LARPing, conspiracy theories, delusions of grandeur, or isolating oneself in the blanket of anonymity, anonymous image boards are breeding pits of escapism; with the exception proving the rule in classic fashion.

> Yes, there are imageboards...

No.  I mean imageboard websites as a whole.  Yes, I'm aware of some not quite as bad singular boards like /ck/ as you pointed out, but even on those boards, behavior endemic to image board culture as a whole rears it's ugly head.  Look at the top major boards on this site: The number one board consists of NEETS in Australia licking each others wounds; Qanon and several different flavors of /pol/; /b/ - the official board of people metaphorically flinging feces at each other like monkeys; grown men masturbating to anime lesbians and monstergirls and talking about My Little Pony; /rapport/ - which claims to be about conversation and women, but is just softporn....

>  Those are all good questions and exactly what I'm talking about. You would be ostracized in most churches for even asking the question of the morality of racemixing.

Those are all examples of repetitive bait and twisting of scripture like I said.  Every single racemixing thread consists of far righters, fascists, nazis, etc. taking verses in the OT and Apocrypha about Jews separating on a religious basis out of context to prop up their distorted views.  Just as far leftists, commies, pinkos, etc. take portions of Acts and the words of Jesus out of context to prop up their "Muh Jesus was a socialist who would never vote conservative" meme.  I've seen this exact same flotsam and jetsam play out time and time again.  It's not deep or thought provoking or civil.  It's the same feces throwing ad infinitim.

> The interdenominational debate is also productive, it's only the responsibility of the reader to know what constitutes a cogent argument and what's fallacious.

Same thing for this.  I've yet to see an interdenominational thread that didn't devolve into rancorous "debate" or just plain ad hominem spewing.

>  Facebook is the enemy, and you're naive. 

Missing the point.  If I can complain about LGBTBBQ on a site as blatantly pozzed as Facebook, why should I bother doing it on an imageboard/imageboard site with all of the noxious baggage that comes with it?  There are other legitimate Christian discussion forums that are not Facebook.

And yes, I'm aware of those signs of dystopia you listed.  I still see no real reason to view imageboard culture as some sort of "last bastion of hope" against such things.  If anything, imageboard culture is a symptom of our growing dystopia - people going onto online anonymous image boards to, in contrast to what you keep claiming, escape said dystopia, through online LARPing and the illusion of power and importance through conspiracy theories and grandiose fantasies of being part of the underground rebellion via kooky politics.   

> free speech is bad

Free speech itself isn't bad.  It's the noxious radical variety that is endemic to the anonymity of board sites like this, that isn't worth a hill o' beans.

> that anonymous imageboards are necessarily profane and escapist.

They are.  Besides the top boards that I listed (not to mention just take a look at the top boards of any image board site, as well as behavior on even the so-called SFW ones), let's take a look at this very board right now:

-No posts in the prayer thread
-Nofap/Purity thread is basically dead
-Potentially interesting discussion and thought provoking heresy thread is basically dead
-QTDDTOT thread is basically dead
-One of the more active threads recently has been a literal Judaiser going over the same exact mental gymnastics that all Judaisers of Christianity engage in.
-The most active thread other than this one, the "Racemixing and Zionist" thread, is the same OT verses out of context argument that's been done a gazillion times ad nauseam that I mentioned earlier.

Probably the only good active thread is the meme and bread pills thread.

Honestly, I'm sorry if I'm being a Debbie Downer.  I started out on 4chan around the later middle 2000's (sometime before Project Chanology); migrated over to 8chan in the aftermath of the Gamergate fiasco; started hanging out on pre-Catholic Mafia /christian/ once I came back to Christianity; migrated to /christianity/ once the Catholic Mafia started bearing down; and while hanging out on Endchan following the 8chan crackdown, and while Endchan had it's upgrade downtime, I wandered and explored other imageboard sites.  Hanging out on /christian/ and /christianity/ for so long, I had forgotten just how degenerate imageboard culture can be outside of a Christian board, not to mention I had already started having nagging doubts even during my time on 8chan /christian/ and /christianity/.  So yes, I am quite cynical and weary of imageboard culture at this point.

There is a part of me that still wants to stay and fight the good fight, since there are so many people on image boards that desperately need Christ.  At the same time, I can't help but wonder if I need to wake up to the fact that imageboard culture is a hopeless Sodom and Gomorrah that I need to flee and not look back, lest I turn into a bitter pillar of saltiness, as seems to be happening now.
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> After exploring various other image boards, I've found that outside of a Christian board, anonymous image board culture as a whole is a cesspool of porn, fringe politics, edge-lords, trolls, petty slap fights, cynics and sadists and the proudly maladjusted. 

Yes and it's hilarious.
And it's not only that and it all depends on the place and your definitions of said labels.
Still if it perturbs you, you really shouldn't be around. This is the closet that great many shunned things have been shoved into.
Keep in mind however that Christianity started in a closet and soon enough will be pushed there again.
>  >>There is a dystopia around us
>  >What are you talking about?

other such christian intrusions into matters of state conscience

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