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The school was called into assembly.  The first semester marks had come in, and now it was time for some of the students to be cut.  For the girls, this meant they had to go back to a regular school, but for the boys it was so much worse.  MacCordum Academy’s philosophy was based on the premise of extreme rewards and extreme punishments.  This is what drove some students to excel and become leaders in their field.  It was generally thought that if a boy’s balls were on the line – literally – then he would perform.  For those who didn’t well, they served as a valuable lesson – and entertainment.  After all, the girls had to be rewarded somehow.
Of course, the best part was that the boys didn’t know if their name would be called, so they all sat in fear.  Likewise the girls, who would be called to perform the awesome duties, it was a surprise as well.
Chelsea and Jody sat there, exchanging smiles and brimming with anticipation.  They had both worked really hard this semester, and had hoped they would be chosen. 
“Alright,” said Madame Theriault.  “We have a day of exciting entertainment for you girls.  Thanks to all of you who have submitted your ideas – some of them were very creative.  I can assure you, they have been incorporated into today’s events.”
Madame called the first two names.  First, the girl, Jackie was called up.  She squealed with delight when her name was called, and Chelsea felt a twinge of envy, as did the other girls. 
The spotlight then shone a few rows behind Chelsea and Jody.  There sat a fat boy whose colour had completely drained from his face, which was usually the colour of a tomato.  He looked terrified. Chelsea studied his face, and soaked it in, she loved it.  So this is what a boy looks like when he knows he’s about to lose his balls? She thought,and smiled. 
The teachers came and grabbed poor Andrew, who started screaming madly.   One of the teachers kneed him hard in the balls, then grabbed his groin, and together they pacified him enough to drag him to the front of the room, flailing and weeping.  Andrew was placed against the wall in the left side of the auditorium, first his arms and then his legs tied into place so that he could not move and his legs were spread eagle.   A teacher tied an elastic around the base of his sack, in order to ensure they couldn’t slip away easily, and the skin became tight.  It was easy to see his testicles now.
Jackie was on the other side, doing some jumps to warm up her legs.  She was the top track star.  Chelsea couldn’t help but admire her beautiful strong legs, which were plain to see as she was wearing typical running shorts.  She had ankle socks on and a cute pair of pink running shoes.  Andrew was also watching her, still unable to comprehend that he was about to lose his balls. 
Madame explained that Andrew had the lowest physical education scores, and since he was a disgrace to himself, his family and the school, it had been determined (with the signed agreement of his mother) that he should lose his balls.  Jackie on the other hand was the school’s top athlete.  The contrast could not be greater.  Jackie’s eyes were on Andrew as she warmed up.  How pathetic this fat boy was.  He did not deserve balls.  And after her hard work, she deserved the pleasure of taking them.  She had long thought about that perfect kick – one where she obliterated a boy’s balls in one brutal blow.  She shuddered with pleasure.  Andrew shuddered in terror.
She crouched down, as if she were starting a 50 meter dash.  In truth it was only 25 meters, but it was long enough to give her enough speed and momentum to accomplish her goal – she hoped.  The key would be accuracy, which she had practiced ad nauseum on the pathetic boys in her school.   In her two years at the school, she had left many a boy writhing on the ground in her wake.  Boys doing track and field soon learned to steer clear of her on the track.  One of her favourite ways to bust a boy was  to wait until they were running opposite one another and then at the last possible second shoot her foot out into his groin, with devastating results.  Even when she didn’t do it, she loved watching the boys flinch as they approached her.
BOOM, the gun went and Jackie started her dash.  Chelsea’s excitement grew as she watched Jackie speed toward her target, like a lioness pouncing on a gazel.  And what a plump prey he was. Andrew began screaming and struggling with his restraints.  As he tried to free himself, his fat giggled all over his obese body.  Chelsea and Jody laughed, as did the girls around them.  It just made him look more pathetic, and deserving of his fate.   Laughs turned to yelps and cheers.  The whole auditorium (at least the female part of it) worked themselves into a frenzy, and were screaming at the top of their lungs in support of Jackie.  
Time seemed to slow down.  The crowd’s anticipation grew.  Destroying both testicles with one kick would be no easy feat.  The right combination of force and accuracy would be needed.  If Jackie kicked slightly too much to the left, then she would no doubt crush the left testicle, but the right one would escape.  If she kicked too much to the right, Andrew would suffer the agonizing pain of losing his right testicle, but would no doubt be overjoyed to know his left was intact.   And the kind of perfection MacCordum demanded of its girls meant that Jackie would not be satisfied with getting the remaining
ball on a second kick.   She had to get it right the first time.
Ten meters to go.  Everyone held their breath.  Chelsea was amazed by Jackie’s flawless form.   Her strong but elegant legs were the height of femininity.   Chelsea felt inspired by her strength and pose. 
Andrew, too, was looking at Jackie’s legs at that moment.  He had stopped his vain attempt to get free.  Outwardly he was sobbing, tears streaming down his face, but he was oblivious to that.   He was in a trance, watching those strong feminine legs speed towards him.   When the mind is overcome with terror, it is flooded with a heightened sense of awareness.  Although those last few meters couldn’t have lasted more than 10 seconds, he took in a lot of details and thoughts during that short period.  
It started with her thighs, which were exposed beneath her short blue running shorts that cut off well above the knee in order to give a full range of motion.   As one leg moved forward, then the next, he noticed the v-shape her shorts formed around her crotch.  A pang of jealousy overcame him.  If only he could be so lucky, not to have testicles, then he wouldn’t have to suffer this horrible fate.   After all, Jackie would never be able to fathom the agony she was about to deliver on him, and he would never be able to return that pain.   This brought his awareness back to his testicles, still intact, but with only seconds left of existence.   He felt his balls now as he had never felt them before.  An intimate part of his body, his reproductive organ.  He could feel the cool air against them as they hang completely exposed to the world, his legs stretched wide. 
Jackie was closing in now, so close that his gaze couldn’t help but focus on her bright pink running shoes with the familiar nike swish in neon yellow.  These were long, elegant running shoes with spikes on the soles to allow for greater power and speed for short distance running.   They truly were a beautiful instrument of destruction.
It was as if alarm bells were now going off in his head as every fibre of his being fought against the impending destruction of his manhood.   He let out a loud continuous shriek that caused even Chelsea and Jody, who were in the middle rows, to cover their ears. 
This did not distract Jackie one bit.  Her focus had remained solid throughout.  It was this killer instinct that would get her far in life – she would not let her eye off the ball, or in this case, BALLS.
She was now a metre away from Andrew.  She stepped her left leg forward, but rather than continue in her sprint, she put her weight down onto that muscular leg, which absorbed the impact of stopping most of her body weight.   She arced her right leg back.  It reached back as far as it could go, and then began its forward motion.   Jackie shifted all of her weight to her right leg.   Her entire body contracted as her muscles strived to put every ounce of power she had into her right leg, which was now ascending up towards its target. 
Andrew watched her foot come up toward him, and in that last split second, it went out of view, as he couldn’t see over his flabby belly.  At that moment, it would be normal for a boy or man to close his eyes and wait for the inevitable, but for whatever reason, Andrew’s eyes looked up and straight at Jackie’s face.  What he saw in her face was pure determination.   Her eyes were not looking at his, but down at his balls. 
And that’s where Jackie continued to look as the top of her pink running shoe made direct impact with Andrew’s nutsack.  It was dead on, right in the centre.  If a male were lucky enough, in such a situation his balls would move outward and avoid most of the impact, leaving him in a lot of pain, but manhood intact.  Andrew was not so lucky.  They had tied an elastic around the base of his sack, so that there was nowhere for his poor balls to go.
Jackie’s contracting leg muscles and forward momentum kept her pink shoe continuing upwards.  His balls began to flatten between Jackie’s foot and his pubic bone.   His legs tried to move upwards to absorb the shock, but they were restrained to the floor.   The outcome was as logical as it was brutal. 
The soft and tender flesh of Andrew’s most vulnerable body part could not withstand the hard plastic and, underneath that, even tougher bone of Jackie’s foot. 
The signal from his testicles’ pain receptors now reached his brain.  His eyes shot wide open, as if he were being electrocuted.  An unbearable pressure consumed his loins.  He could not even scream as he did not have the breath, but his mouth opened and every muscle in his face contracted.   It was this face to which Jackie and the entire room now looked.  
The pressure intensified against the top of Jackie’s foot as it continued to move upward.  And then… as if a water balloon had burst, she felt Andrew’s sack give way.  There was one loud POP!  Both testicles exploded at the same time.
Andrew and Jackie’s eyes were locked in a stare.  His face remained frozen, a portrait of terror, like Van Gogh’s Screaming Man.  In Jackie’s face, Andrew saw her pursed lips widen into a beautiful, joyous smile.  The steely determination in her blue eyes turned to pure joy.  Her blond hair flowed behind her.  It was as if he were looking upon an Angel.   As insane as it was, in that moment Andrew was in love with this girl – his Angel of Destruction. 
Of course, his mind had only a moment to contemplate this before reality flooded back into his brain.  His body was rocked with convulsions and the whole auditorium listened to the funny noises that he made. 
Just then, the silence of the crowd broke.  Chelsea let out her breath, she hadn’t realized she had been holding it.  “Wohooo” screamed one girl.  “Yeeeaaahhh!!” screamed another.  Chelsea felt Jody squeeze her hand tightly.  She looked to her best friend and smiled.  They had just shared a very special moment together.  Now they too began yelling, the entire auditorium was in an uproar.  
Jackie turned from her victim and faced the crowd.  She was glowing.  Madame Theriault walked up to her clapping vigorously.  The other teachers joined, and soon everyone was clapping.  Even the boys clapped out of fear.  Most were pale as ghosts as they wondered whether they would be next.  More than one threw up on the spot. 
The magic of the moment lasted for some time.  Eventually, the teachers untied Andrew and put him on a stretcher.   Girls were encouraged to come up and assess the damage, although they needed no prodding.  Girl after girl delighted in squeezing the mush that was Andrew’s ballsack.  Each time they did he squeeled in agony.  Chelsea and Jody did it together, laughing as his convulsions caused his fat to giggle.  Chelsea soaked in the feeling of what destroyed testicles felt like.  She hoped that she would soon be able to do what Jackie did.  Maybe I’ll be next! she thought.
Almost on cue, Madame Theriault said “Everyone back to their seats.  This show’s not done yet…”

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The class was filing out of the room and Lacy waited until everyone but Mr. Robinson, their history teacher, had left. Then she went and locked the door the classroom from the inside. No one would be able to get in while she had her way with her teacher.
Will Robinson was a 20 something teacher with close cropped brown hair, round wire rimmed glasses, and a hard athletic body which he kept fit through daily cardio and some light weight lifting. But he was also rather submissive and docile. Perfect for what Lacy had in mind. After locking the door the little blond doll went up to Mr. Robinson's desk where he sat correcting papers. She stood next to his chair and cleared her throat.
Will looked up. "Yes, Lacy, is there something I can do for you?"
The little blond girl nodded, and sly smile played across her lips. "My father is a lot like you, Mr. Robinson. He's good looking and gentle. He lets me tell him what to do and if he isn't obedient I kick him between the legs. Before she died mom taught me that men were born to submit to women, and that the best way to control them was through pain to their balls." Lacy caught the look of surprise in Mr. Robinson's eyes. "Oh yes, I know about the eggs that men have between their legs, and how easy it is to cause them pain." Lacy reached down between Will's legs and grabbed his package.
"I've decided that from now on you'll do as I say and that I will daily torture your big nuts plus give you homework, and if you don't do what I want I will tell the principle that you've been touching me in naughty ways." Again a look of surprise came over Will's face. "Oh yes, I know how to make it sound as if you've been doing naughty things to me. Touching me in places you shouldn't, and they'll believe me because my dad will back me up."
"Now," said Lacy imperiously, " Stand up."
Slowly Will got up. He was wearing khaki pants and a blue button down shirt with a brown belt and brown loafers.
"Kick off your shoes," Lacy demanded.
Mr. Robinson did so. Now standing in his white socks.
"Now, kneel before me and bunch up the crotch of your pants with your hands so I can see your cock and balls."
Very slowly, but never taking his eyes off Lacy, the history teacher sank to his knees and did as he was instructed. He had a sizeable pouch even unaroused. Lacy looked deeply into his eyes with her own cold, cruel, shrewd stare, and when she was ready she aimed her foot and kicked the fat package with all her might. William's body shuddered with the impact but it turned out he was fairly resistant to nut-pain. Something he himself didn't even know. She kicked him again, and he flinched but didn't try and stop her. She now had the momentum to kick him about sixteen times in the testicles until he dropped to the floor and just lay there, moaning and holding himself. Lacy looked pleased.
"You did very well, Mr. Robinson. It took my daddy years of nut torture before he could withstand that many kicks. I think we're done for now. But I have homework for you. I want you to go online and buy ball weights. You'll be using them every day to make your nuts hang lower. Order them tonight and bring them to class when they arrive. Good night, Mr. Robinson. I'll see you tomorrow."
The next day, after school was over Lacy made her way to the history classroom. There was Mr. Robinson as expected. Lacy locked the door again. "Hello Mr. Robinson, did you order the weights like I told you to?"
"Uh, yes. They were a little hard to find, but I managed to get them eventually."
"Good. Now stand up and bend over." Today William was wearing tight blue jeans which made his bulge look even larger and it made his ass look very small and tight. "Grab your ankles," she said, "and don't move."
Lacy began to punch and slap her teacher's crotch with wild abandon hitting his nuts and cock from behind. SMACK SMACK SMACK. Slowly he fell to his knees, breathing hard from all the pain, and so Lacy switched to swift kicks to the nuts from behind. William groaned like a wounded animal. Soon he was curled up in the fetal position, just lying there like a dead thing.
"You're doing very well, Mr. Robinson. You'll be the perfect slave for me in no time at all." Lacy giggled at this. She unlocked the door and left him there.
This procedure continued for several days until by Friday the weights he had ordered had arrived. This time he locked the door behind Lacy's entrance. Lacy ordered Mr. Robinson to stand and drop his pants. He refused and so Lacy slapped him in the face, hard. Her teacher let out a gasp of pain and fright. No person had ever dominated him like this before. It was frightening and a little exciting too. William began to get a hard-on thinking about undressing for this little girl. Slowly he unbuttoned his trousers and unzipped his fly. Then he jeans came down revealing black boxer briefs and a growing bulge.
"Oh, don't worry about that, Mr. Robinson. My daddy gets hard all the time when I hurt him. I like to see men's big tools. Keeps them out of the way for busting. And it's fun to see them waggle back and forth when I bust a guy." Lacy was anxious to see his naked goods and didn't like his slow pace so she yanked down on his boxer briefs so that his woody and pendulous balls could breath free air. His balls were the size of plums and his dick was growing to a full eight inches with plenty of girth to it. Lacy had him kick off his shoes and step out of his cloths so that he was now naked from the waist down except for his white athletic socks. He handed her the ball-weights which she expertly examined than then clamped around his scrotum. She was rough with his balls and caused him much pain in the process. When she had fitted at least three of the circular weights to his scrotum she stopped.
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"Three should do it for now," she said as she locked them into position. "I want you to wear them day and night and I'll keep the key. They will weight your balls down from above and make your scrotum bigger, which is what I want. I like to see balls dangling just like yours are doing now. Now KNEEL!" she bellowed. William knew this was going to hurt but he knew he'd get it worse if he disobeyed. So down he sank to his knees. His naked kneecaps hurt on the hard classroom floor, but what hurt more was Lacy's shoe smashing into his balls. Over and over and over. Lacy told him to put his hands on his head and away from his balls, and she slapped him in the face again when he didn't instantly comply. Soon his testicles were swelling from all the abuse but also being stretched by the weights, but his dick? Well it was issuing copious amounts of pearly precum. This was both embarrassing and exiting to William. He'd never had any female, of any age make him feel this way. It was like he was in the thrall of some greater force, some greater will than his own. This little girl kicking him the ghoolies was going to be a monster when she grew up. She was a monster now, and it thrilled him. He'd taught children for years and only now did he realized he'd always harbored a secret desire to be dominated by one of them. Thankfully it was a girl and a pretty one at that, with blue eyes, a pert pink mouth, and curly blond hair. She'd be a stunner as a teenager as well as a monster.
Finally Mr. Robinson keeled over and wretched on the floor, and Lacy thought he'd had enough excitement for one day. She groped his bulging testicles to see how big they had gotten. It was her goal not only to stretch his balls but also to make them as big as possible. It was just like with her dad. She liked low, big hangers. Before leaving, and while he was clutching himself, she slapped his raging boner around a little. She even fingered his oozing slit and tasted his precum. It was sweet and musky, kind of nice to be honest. Then she left him there, a moaning heap, and left for the day.
Over the next few weeks Lacy trapped her teacher at the end of the day and monitored the swelling of his agates and the stretching of the bag they rolled around in. As time went on Mr. Robinson became increasing compliant, and let her do things to him that even her father had been reticent about. She had William sit naked on the corner of his desk and smashed his nuts into the hard wooden surface with a wooden ruler. That hurt so bad. 
And one day Lacy brought in some needles and a cigarette lighter. With some twine she tied him down to the chair, naked with his legs open and his weighted nuts vulnerable, and then heated the needles and slid them into his nuts. She could actually hear the red-hot needle bubbling and cooking the inside of his nads. It was super cool (or rather super hot), and Mr. Robinson bit is tongue to keep from yelling out, just in case another teacher or student should be in the room next door.
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Over time she was able to add a fourth weight, and then a fifth to his sack. She told him that her first goal was to make it so that his nuts could no longer retract on their own, and she said this would take a few months of dedicated hanging. She knew because she'd done it already to her father. And indeed after four months of stretching and abuse his nuts no longer retracted under any circumstance. And they were getting huge. Even during class, with his pants on, she could see how bulging his nutsack was now. Everyone could see it. And again, it was both embarrassing but also a little exciting that these kids could take stock of the increased size and shape of his nuts. With the scrotal muscles now damaged, Lacy had her teacher stop wearing them and instead told him to order an acrylic nut-press. This was hard to do since his balls had swollen so large, but he finally found one on a fetish site that was big enough, and Lacy instructed him to wear it every night when he came home, and to stay naked until bedtime.
On one day, she told him to bring in the vice and show him how he was using it. It was after school was over, as always, and the door was locked, as always, and there was Mr. Robinson, as always, naked from the waist down, and Lacy fitting the press over his balls and was screwing it down. However, it was evident that he wasn't trying very hard to screw his own nuts down, and so she decided to punish him for not trying hard enough. She kept screwing the press down until Will broke out in a cold sweat, he was afraid for his balls, it was that tight. It felt like either of them would rupture and second, but Lacy just wasn't strong enough to tighten them that much. She sure made them hurt though, and William wretched again, on the floor. Lacy told him that if he didn't tighten them as much as that each night she would destroy one of his testicles as punishment, and William could tell by the tone of her voice that she meant it. Part of his brain was horrified at the thought of loosing part of his manhood, but a more basic, primitive part of his brain was curious as to what it would feel like and what taking his nut would mean to Lacy. Would she enjoy it? Would he?
Placating her, he promised he would do as she instructed, every night, and that she would see results from it after class each day when she showed up to give him his normal work-over. At this point she was first kicking, then hitting, and then squeezing his big rubbery glands. They were swelling with fluid and hanging down at least halfway to his knees. It was wonderful, for Lacy at least. But there was a complication - it was summer break, and she no longer saw him every day at class. So instead she made her father drive her across town to his place, and he then had to endure hours of testicle torture and ball busting at her hands (and feet). 
At one point she told him to buy some home-torture devices that used electricity, and when it was hooked up, she plunged needles right into the heart of each testicle and turned on the juice. William Robinson's screams filled the air as the current arced between his nuts and fried them.
But the culminating event that summer was Lacy's birthday. With full complicity (and with some slaps-to-the-balls as encouragement), William was strung up with ropes and winches until he was hanging from the ceiling, completely naked with his grotesquely swollen ball bag hanging there like a piñata and Lacy with her wooden baseball bat having a go at them. She smashed his ballbag with all her might, over and over again, until at last his left testicle, which was larger and juicier just exploded in its sack. It just detonated. SPLAT. Just a loud wet explosion, and not satisfied with that, Lacy kept hitting the thing until it had been reduced to jelly. His scrotum was now so puffy that should could barely see his still-intact right testicle, and her father, who had helped with stringing him up, let him down, and drove him to the hospital where the remains of his once-proud testicle was removed and he was stitched up and sent home.
When school started back up in the fall, William had assumed that his torture was over, but at the end of the first day of school, there was Lacy, locking the door, ready to make mince-meat out of his remaining nut. As always, it was embarrassing to know that the whole class could see he only had one ball left. But . . . it was also a little exciting.

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…….The next day was Saturday, and the family was enjoying a day in the backyard. Felice was sunning herself on a lawn chair, her sunglasses covering her closed eyes. Of a sudden she heard a pause in the normal commotion of her children’s antics followed by stifled giggles and a squeak and soft moan. She opened her eyes and took in the activity happening not more than 20 feet from her, being careful not to let her children know she had opened her eyes or was aware of their mischief. (she had her sunglasses on and her eyes were shielded from view)

Jeff was standing bent over with his hands trying to cover his crotch but Katie holding his arms from behind and preventing him from doing so, his eyes looking pleadingly for his mother to awaken and intervene. Sabrina stood in front of him also watching their mother for some sign of movement. Felice scanned down Sabrina’s body to her feet to see she was wearing firm jogging shoes, as was Katie. Ouch! That must have hurt, thought Felice. It was obvious that Sabrina had just initiated Jeff into the pain of being kicked in the balls, and now all eyes were looking in her direction to see if she would get involved. She decided to pretend to still be asleep and see where things would go.

Sabrina turned back to her brother and let loose with another kick to Jeff’s balls. She got him dead on with the toe of her jogger and he fell to the ground. Now Katie stepped over her brother’s prostate form and launched a kick to his nuts, scoring a direct hit. The girls now alternated kicking Jeff in his balls and only stopped when he vomited on the ground. They both looked at each other and said in unison, “Gross!” and went back to kicking his nuts over and over and over again. Jeff wasn’t even moving anymore but just lay there, accepting the kicks as if his body were a lifeless sack of sand.

Felice made a mental note to tell her daughters to go easy on their brother’s balls in future but for right now just watched in contentment as her children all played together.

Eventually, after about 20 minutes of kicking Jeff nonstop in the balls, the girls tired of the ballgame and ran happily into the house to enjoy the air conditioning and talk to each other about how fun it was to bust their brother’s balls. Felice waited a good 10 minutes before getting out of her seat and walking over to her son. He was breathing regularly and so she left him there, his face resting in his own puke, and she walked away with her flip-flops slapping the bottoms of her feet and also went inside the house……..
Catherine bring me your brother immediately! Why isn't that lawn mowed? Catherine? I left you in charge of him!

Sorry mom he said he would do it before the day was out mom, he's having trouble walking! His balls are all
swollen up from last night mom!

Typical male using his balls as an excuse to get out of work!

But mom they are really swollen this time, as big as grapefruit!

Just go get him Catherine.

My brother Jeremy was 18 now. I was almost 12 and just learning the differences between males and females. Males
were weak because they had balls! Females were strong because we didn't! My mom was teaching me how to use their
weakness to control them. Now that I was getting older she said I should learn the basics.

I went out to where Jeremy was weeding the garden. He was on all fours pulling weeds his big testicles hanging
under his butt, dangling all swollen and red looking from last night. Mom had yanked and twisted them because he
had a hardon in front of me without permission and she knew he was jerking off without her permission.

Jeremy!!!! Mom wants you boy! She wants to know why the lawn isn't lawn mowed!

Mom always made Jeremy go naked from the waist down in and around the house. She said it was so I could see a males weakness! She said I would understand some day! Now I understood because Jeremy was getting big and hard around me all the time like he couldn't control his thing anymore. Onetime he touched me with his thing, he said it was an accident. I told mom and she showed me what to do! To knee him right in the balls which I did. It was funny watching him fall to the floor crying like a little baby holding his ball sac.Jeremy got up wincing in pain cradling his big swollen balls in his hands.
Mom wants to see you right now Jeremy! Take your hands away from your balls. I want to see them boy! He immediately dropped them and stood straight before me! His thing started getting hard again! Mom isn't going to like this Jeremy you getting all hard like that get rid of that thing Jeremy!
I watched my big brother grab his thing and turn away from me!!! No No show me Jeremy do it in front of me Jeremy!
It was so big and swollen with big veins sticking out! God mom said they try to put that big thing in you. But I don't think it would fit in me never it was big!I watched him pumping it. Suddenly it started squirting white stuff out the end. He was grunting and groaning saying my name! Catherine oh Catherine Catherine!I didn't like that! I didn't like that at all. So like Mom showed me. I got close to him and brought my knee right up into his balls! Three-time really hard and some of that sticky white stuff squirted up my thigh from his
Mom was watching from the window. She had a big smile across her face like I did good!
She came out and stood next to me looking down at Jeremy his thing was still sticking out straight holding his
swollen balls stuff still leaking out of it!
Catherine girl you did good girl! She putting her arm around my shoulders. I felt proud at what I had done to my
You're learning Catherine! Let me teach you how to castrate a male! Like I castrated your father! Do you know what castrate means?
No Mommy what does it mean castrate?
Well honey see those big balls your brothers got?
Yeah I see mom!
We cut them off him?
That's right honey then he can't use that thing of his! He won't be able to make masses like that again without
those testicles of his. That's where that white stuff comes from.
So Jeremy will be like us then mom right?
Catherine leave Jeremy lying here for a while and let's go have a talk! Just us girls ok Catherine.
We talked into the night. Me and mom about the nature of the sexes. Of the New Age of the strong and dominant female. Of how biblical teachings had kept females under male control. We were the strong ones and they the weak!
How in reality Dalila cut Sampson's balls off! Not his hair to take his strength. It was so clear. Males were
bigger and stronger but they had balls! They had balls!!!
Better not wake Mom, Jackie. if she still has her headache you know what she'll do to you," she said coyly. Jack froze, holding his breath while listening for their mom. no sound from the living room. I'm not going to fight with you. I know what happened the other day you did on purpose. You started that fight and I'm the one that got kicked. "Hey I got punished too. I got sent to my room for the night. "It's not even close to being on the same level. I got kicked in my BALLS! " Jack's voice started to rise in level. "Don't raise your voice Jackie. Mom might hear you, and she'll kick your balls again," she teased. I did it on purpose, but felt bad about it afterwards. You're my big brother. I don't want to see your balls kicked by Mom every day. "Yeah, right," he said, not entirely believing her. "That's why I wore this special top, just for you. " Nikki tugged her top down again, revealing as much delicious cleavage as she could without revealing nipple. Despite what she was about to do to her brother he didn't deserve THAT much. Jack looked down at the two bouncy globes that were peeking out over the top of his sister's oh so revealing shirt. He had to admit to himself that he DID sneak into the bathroom the other day and knew full well his sister was still in there. He had hoped to find her still naked in the shower to get a glimpse of the body he had fantasized about so many times, but was disappointed to find her wrapped in a towel and just running the shower to use up the rest of the hot water on him. Now he was being given permission to stare as much as he wanted. He moved closer to his sister and openly looked down into her cleavage, sighing out loud as he watched her chest rise and fall with every breath she took. "They um, are really REALLY nice," he said. "Yeah, the guys really like them. They definitely get me what I want," she responded coyly while curling her hair around her finger. "And uh, what is it you want, little sis? " asked Jack, swallowing hard. " Nikki's playful shy smile turned into a wicked grin as she stomped her boot heel onto her brother's bare foot, causing him to scream loudly. Nikki had really wanted to knee him in the balls at that moment, but that ...
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Alan was 12 years old and in the 7th grade. He was a bit of a scrawny boy and didn’t make friends easily, unlike his older sister. Kristen had just turned 14 and was in the 8th grade attending the same school as her younger brother. She was a pretty blonde that anyone could see was going to be a real knockout as she got older. Not only did she possess killer legs but she also had big bouncy breasts that made all boys and men drool and lust after. It was lunchtime recess and Alan was spying on his sister. Since he didn’t have many friends he had nothing better to do with his time except to pry into his sister’s business and watch her pretty girlfriends as they gossiped and talked about boys. This day was different however as this time the girls were in the company of a boy that was in Alan’s class…Sam was his name. Sam was well liked by the girls in his class but what were 8th graders doing wasting their time with a 7th grader? Alan watched from a distance as the small group of three girls and Sam sneaked around the side of the school building, well out of sight of the teachers. Alan waited a few minutes before making his own covert move and hiding in his secret spot behind a big leafy bush from where he could watch his sister unobserved. What Alan saw shocked him. His sister was kissing Sam! An 8th grader kissing a 7th grader? It was unheard of! The other two girls, who Alan now recognized as his sister’s friends Carrie and Tracy, moved behind the boy and suddenly grabbed his arms. Sam obviously thought some sort of game was being played as he grinned rather sheepishly and allowed himself to be held. Alan watched, not able to believe the scene that was unfolding before his eyes. Kristen blew Sam a kiss and waved at him, then ran up to the bound boy and kicked him square in the nuts with the toe of her sneaker. Alan bent double at the waist, feeling sympathy pains for poor old Sam. Sam meanwhile collapsed to the ground as if he’d been shot. A high-pitched moan started to escape his lips but was quickly cut short as Tracey planted her ass over his face, muffling his cries for help and pity. With the help of Tracey’s butt they managed to get Sam onto his back where Carrie took her turn nailing the helpless boy in the balls with her foot. Sam went limp under Tracey and she got up, looking down at their victim.
All of the girls were laughing and noticed that Sam had passed out. Tracey stomped down on his groin three times with the heel of her shoe, which was followed up by Kristen with one final kick between his splayed legs. This time Kristen’s hand shot to her mouth in a sign of surprise and the other girls asked what happened between fits of laughter.
“It felt funny that time,” said Kristen, “like something popped!”
“Oh shit!” said Carrie, “Let’s get out of here quick!”
Alan remained in hiding, too shocked to move or speak. He watched his sister and her two hot friends run back onto the playground, disappearing into the crowd. It all made sense now. Recently there had been many attacks on the playground of young boys getting kicked in the testicles but no one had stepped forward to name a culprit…not even the victims. Now he knew who the assailant was…his very own sister! Alan looked at the unconscious form of Sam one last time, shuddered slightly, and walked back to the playground determined to tell their mother his sister’s secret and get her in massive trouble.

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“You’ve seriously never tried a batting cage?” Jessica asked.

“No” Michael self consciously replied.

“You gotta try it then.”

“Ok, I’ll try…but make it a low speed for me, I never play baseball.”

“Sure.” Jessica assured him. Michael fumbled with the helmet to get it on, grabbed the bat and stepped into the cage. He felt self conscious as he lifted the bat over his shoulder getting ready to swing. He didn’t know if he was holding it right.

“Did you start it yet?”

“Yeah” Jessica replied. She and Emily smiled deviously as she set the speed to 90 mph. During the time it took Jessica to get the speed changed, Michael wondered what was wrong. He dropped the bat to his side, and thoughtlessly walked onto the plate, trying to get a better view to see if something was wrong with the pitching machine. “Michael, get off the plate!” Jessica yelled. Her warning came as the first ball shot out of the machine. At ninety miles an hour, there was no way to dodge it. The ball was a car driving 90 on the freeway, and Michael was standing right in front of it, luckily or unluckily for him, the entire impact of the crash was absorbed by his genitals.

Michael fell abruptly to the ground, rolling off to the side. His penis and testicles had just suffered the trauma of a car accident, there was so much pain emanating from his manhood, that he knew he was in real trouble. He vomited. Emily, Jessica and Ashley’s eyes were opened wide with shock, but they were all smiling. Michael’s eyes were closed. He was laying there in the fetal position rocking back and forth slightly. His breaths were shallow as even breathing seemed to make the mind blasting pain worse. “Are you ok?” Emily asked, holding herself back from laughter.

“It hurts so bad.” He muttered. The girls started laughing, but tried to stifle it.

“You shouldn’t have walked in front of it.” Jessica scolded. “It was set to ninety miles an hour.” Michael’s mind reeled with this new information. He felt certain that he would lose his testicles. He started to have a panic attack. The pain was quickly worsening.

“Oh my gosh Michael, I hope you weren’t too attached to your nuts.” Ashley laughed. The girls gave in and started cracking up with her.

“Hope you and julia weren’t planning on having kids.” Emily added. The laughter became more boisterous.

“Oh my god, poor Michael.” Jessica said.

As the pain continued to increase, Michael couldn't hide his fear. "This is really bad, this is really bad, really really bad." He cried through labored breath as he rocked back and forth trying to find some form of relief. The girls were just laughing.

"Is it really bad?" Jessica asked. Ashley and Emily chuckled. Michael was moaning. Tears were forming in his eyes.

"Did you break your balls?" Emily asked. Ashley and Jessica burst into laughter. Michael didn't respond.

"Oh my gosh" Ashley laughed. “Can they really break?”

"Nah, I don't think so." Emily said. "I'm sure he'll be fine."

“Yeah, I'm sure.” Ashley laughed.

“Let’s help him out of here.” Emily said. She went into the the cage. “Can you walk over to a bench with us?” She asked condescendingly, a huge grin on her face.

Michael looked at her. “I don’t know, I feel horrible.”

“Come on, you’re fine, you got hit pretty hard, but at least it's just your balls, right?.” She giggled. Emily helped him to his feet. “Ok, we just need to walk over to that bench, then you can sit down.” Michael’s legs trembled as he walked. Each step felt like fire in his abdomen. The girls snickered to themselves. “Ok, I’m gonna go get you some water…do you want anything else?” Michael took a moment to respond. “Like maybe a band-aid or an ice pack.” Jessica and especially Ashley burst into laughter. Michael didn’t think it was funny.

“Just the water.”

“Ok” Emily laughed, Michael watched her curvy ass walking away, feeling bitter about her jokes.
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“I can't believe you would do that to me Ashley.”

“Oh come on, it's just a joke.”

“It's not funny, I have a serious injury from the baseball. I need to go to the hospital.”

Ashley leaned forward exposing her cleavage. “You have a serious injury?!?!? Why do you say that?”

“Because I know.”

“And how do you know that? Because it hurts?” She argued, still leaning over him.

“Just trust me, this is serious.”

Ashley laughed. “Whatever Michael, it's normal for it to hurt if you get hit in the nuts, it doesn't mean you're injured….you'll be fine tomorrow morning.”

“I'm done for the day, I'll wait for you guys in the car, but you better be there by 8.”

“8:30” Ashley corrected him.

“Fine 8:30 on the dot.”

"Ok" Ashley ceded. "Have fun in the car." Michael watched their butts as they strutted away laughing and joking with each other.

It was around 7 when they left him. The pain was so bad that he didn't make it to the car til 745 even though it was a short walk. Michael sat there in the car, feeling sick from the unbearable pain and feeling kind of dizzy and weird. He felt irritated when they didn't show up at 8:30, and pissed off when they finally showed up at 10.

They got in the car. Ashley sat in the passenger seat. Jessica and Emily sat in the back. “What took so long, I thought you were coming back at 8:30?”

“What time is it?” Ashley asked.

“It's 10” Michael told her.

Ashley burst into laughter, “Wow, sorry about that…I guess we just lost track of time.”

“Well ya know, it's kind of insensitive of you to leave me hear waiting that long. I mean, you know I wanna get to the hospital…”

“Still?” Ashley asked, laughing with the other girls.

“Yes, they still hurt…really bad.”

The girls all laughed. “Just take us home, then you can do whatever you want.” Ashley stated.

“No, I'm taking them home, then I'm going to the nearest emergency room. I'm not driving ALL the way out to Pasadena, and then to the emergency room. You'll have to just wait.”

“No WAY, that's not fair…you have to take me home first.”

“No…I've spent all day waiting for you, dealing with your nut-taps.”

“They're called sack taps.” Ashley corrected, laughing with Jessica.

“Whatever! You're just gonna have to wait for me.”

Ashley took the opportunity to reach out and snap grab at Michael's crotch. She got a hold of his sack that was swollen to the size of a small grapefruit.

“What are you doing!?!?” Michael's voice quivered as the pain was so intense he could barely talk.

Ashley laughed.

“I got his nuts!” She announced. The girls chuckled. Michael was making funny noises. His head flashed with bolts of pain. “It's gonna get worse” She chimed. She used both hands and got a really good grip on the sac, then started tightening. "They're sooo swollen." She laughed.

Emily was cracking up. “Squeeze 'em really hard Ashley, squeeze 'em really hard!”

Ashley squeezed harder. She squeezed so the pressure focused more on the base of his scrotum moving upward. This helped her keep her grip. She started twisting a little, wringing them out. Michael felt like he would have a heart attack. He started almost screaming “Stohahohaoooop!” STOOOPPPP!” He begged.

“Did you here that?” She laughed.

"Yes! What was that Michael?" Emily asked. "Are you in pain or something?"

“He's crying again!” Ashley laughed. "So are you gonna take me home first?" She smiled deviously.

“Ok, YES! Just please let go!” The girls laughing themselves silly.

“Don't do it!!!” Emily yelled.

“What's a matter Michael, does that hurt?” She jabbed her sharp manicured thumb nails into his nuts repeatedly. “Does that hurt? Does that hurt?” She mocked. Michael was making all kinds of ridiculous sounds as his mind raced trying to think of a way out. Ashley finally let go. Michael opened the car door and tumbled out onto his hands and knees, dry heaving.
“Oh God” Emily complained. The girls quietly smiled to themselves.

After Michael was done dry heaving he just lay in the gravel whimpering and trying to cope with the pain somehow. “LET'S GO!!!!” Ashley demanded. Emily laughed a bit at how cruel it was. Michael just lay there. “Come on Michael, you'll be sorry if I have to come out there.” Emily and Cathy laughed. Michael slowly brought himself upright. He felt worse than ever now. His right testicle was painful like nothing he could have ever imagined.

“Yeah Michael, I DO have to get home to take care of Chris. So let's go.” Emily suggested.

“Ok, we're going.” The ride home was quiet. There was obvious tension in the air. Michael was angry, the girls thought it was funny, but they didn't feel like pissing him off more by laughing.

Emily finally said something as she and Jessica were leaving the car at her place. “Good luck with your nuts Michael.” Everyone but Michael laughed. Emily shut the car door and they left.

“Oh gosh.” Ashley laughed to herself.

“It's really not funny Ashley, I can't believe you pinched me like that.”

“That WAS funny, just not to you because you're in a bad mood.”

“I'm not just in a bad mood Ashley, there's something wrong, I need to see a doctor.”

“Just so you stick to your word and take me home first.”

“What are you threatening to pinch my nut again!?!?”

“Not necessarily, but I'll be mad if you break your promise.”

“Bitch.” Michael muttered under his breath.

“WHAT!?!? What did you say!?!?”


“Ooh hoho, I'm gonna get you for that later.” Ashley laughed.

The car ride was quiet for almost the whole forty five minutes it took to get back to Pasadena. Aside from the radio.
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“Oh man, look what time it is…11:30…You have to work tomorrow morning right?” Ashley asked.

“Yeah, at 7.”

“You should probably just hold off on going to the emergency room then. You could be there all night, and what you really need is sleep. Besides,I'm sure you're fine.”

“It doesn't matter, I need to go.”

“You realize it's a waste of time though.”

“No, it's not a waste of time Ashley.”

“They're just gonna get mad at you for wasting their time.”

“I'm going.”

“K have fun” She laughed.

Michael walked down the stairs to his car. He turned it on, but kept thinking about what Ashley said. He really didn't want to waste his time at the emergency room, and he didn't want to have a night of no sleep. He reluctantly decided not to go.

When he walked in the door Ashley started laughing. “Did you change your mind?”

“Yes, I just need to sleep now.”

“Good idea” She laughed. Michael went to bed angry and in agony. He barely slept. When he woke up the next morning he felt worn out from the pain. He felt stiff, swollen and hot around his groin and found it hard to even get up at all. When he looked down he was disturbed to see that the bruising was darker than before. His balls were still pretty swollen, but the swelling in his dick had decreased noticeably.

Getting through the day at work was incredibly challenging. He was in constant pain, felt a little feverish and had to pee constantly. When he finally got off he was ready to go to the hospital and find out what the hell was wrong. As he walked out to his car, he got a call from Ashley.


“Hey, how are you doing?”

“Not great. I'm heading to the hospital now.”

“NO! You were supposed to take me down to the rodeo in Houston tonight remember? We have to leave in half an hour or we won't make it.”

“Ah, I forgot about that, but we have to cancel that Ashley, I HAVE to go to the hospital tonight.”

“No you don't. You're fine, you got hit hard with a baseball, so yeah, it's gonna hurt…you're gonna be swollen for a few days, but that's it, you aren't gonna lose your manhood and you don't need to go to the hospital.”

“You don't know Ashley. I need to see a doctor to be sure.”

“So go tomorrow” She whined.

“Ashley, work was really hard today, I barely made it through the day. I can't do that again tomorrow.”

“Come on! Please?”

Michael didn't want to give in, but he was a pushover, and part of him hoped she was right about everything being ok.


“Yes! Thank you! It will be fun, I promise!”

“K, see ya soon.” Michael was frustrated but also holding onto hope that he was being a hypochondriac.
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Ashley made a point not to bring up Michael's nuts during the rodeo. She didn't want him to make her leave and nobody was there to be entertained by hitting him in the nuts. It would just piss him off. She did however find it funny that he was walking around in small steps, obviously trying not to irritate his testicles. Michael felt sick and horrible the whole time at the rodeo. He was regretting not going to the hospital and realized he wouldn't get another chance until the next day after work. He also ended up spending more money than he would have liked at the rodeo.

On the way back Ashley asked. “Soooo, are they feeling better?”

Michael sighed dejectedly. “Not really. I really need to get to the hospital, they’re still really swollen and they are constantly inflamed with pain.”

Ashley laughed a little. “Well, it’s too late tonight, you should probably go tomorrow if they don’t start feeling better…..maybe put some ice on ‘em?”

Michael was frustrated. “I’m worried I might have permanent damage, what if they have to be removed?” The fear was apparent in his voice.

Ashley cracked up laughing a bit. “That would suck for you…the rodeo wasn’t even that great…definitely not worth losing your nuts over.”

“I should just go to the emergency room tonight.”

“No, let’s just go home and wait til tomorrow. You could call in sick to work and go to the doctor.”

“Fine.” Michael dejectedly agreed because he was tired.

When they got home Ashley started chatting with Jessica on facebook at around midnight. Michael was trying to get some sleep.

“Oh my gosh, you won’t believe it but Michael says his balls are still hurting, he says they are still swollen and stuff.” Ashley typed.

“Are you serious? Lmao” Jessica responded.

“Yeah, lol, he’s gonna go to the doctor tomorrow…he’s worried he might have permanent damage.”

“Eh, he’ll be fine.”

“I know right?”

“OMG I just told Emily and she looked it up on the internet, check this out.”

Jessica sent Ashley a link. The page talked about testicular ruptures and how, left untreated for more than 24 hours, they become an incredibly high risk for testicular loss.

“OMG, lol, I have to wake Michael up to show him this….he’s gonna freak out.”

“lol yeah, what’s it been like 36 hours since the baseball?”

Ashley woke Michael up.

“What? I’m trying to sleep.” Michael was irritable.

“Sorry.” Ashley laughed. “I just thought you might want to look at this article that Jessica sent me on facebook?” She had a certain glee to her voice.

“What is it?” He replied, exhausted.

“Well, it just says that if you have something called…a testicular rupture, that you need to go to the emergency room right away…because if you wait more than 24 hours the odds of losing the testicle just get really high” Ashley smiled in a matter of fact way.

“FUCK. I knew it!” Michael mumbled as he pulled himself out of bed. “I gotta go now!” He had a sense of dread welling inside. Ashley turned away as he emerged from the covers. Ashley chuckled quietly to herself as she walked into the other bedroom.

Michael felt sick as he looked at the discolored mess that was his scrotum. He knew he had been in denial. He started to feel faint, but he managed to hold himself together and get dressed.

Ashley got back on facebook.

“I just told him.”

“What’d he say?”

“Well, he was in bed trying to go to sleep, but when he I told him, he was like Fuck! I gotta go! And he looked all worried.”

“Well it’s understandable I guess…I mean, he’s basically going to the doctor in the middle of the night to get neutered, right?”


“j/k he’ll probably get to keep at least one nut.”

“Yeah, and that’s all a guy needs right?”

“Right…just means he’ll have to keep an eye out for stray baseballs.”

“LOL =p”

Michael was utterly sick with anxiety as he drove to the hospital. His heart was racing as the check in nurse talked to him.
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“So you got hit with a baseball in a batting cage at 90 miles per hour….and you’ve waited more than 36 hours to see us despite the swelling and pain?” The nurse raised her big irresistible eyes.

“Yeah, my sister is visiting and I’ve had these obligations to keep with her…plus I just thought it would start getting better.” The nurse raised her eyebrows and grimaced as she looked down. She shook her head smiling as she filled out the form. She looked up at him with an almost smug grin.

“The doctor will be with you soon.” Michael couldn’t get a moment of relaxation as the worries filled him as he waited in the eighties décor waiting room.

After almost an hour of waiting a beautiful black female doctor came out. “Michael Jones”

Michael followed the doctor in. She left him alone to strip down. He put on a gown, the front of which protruded forward over his swollen sack. “Ready?” The doctor asked.

“Yes.” She came in smiling peacefully.

“K let’s see the damage.” She lifted up the gown. “Oh god, I can tell you right now they’re both gonna be removed.” She had a look of dismay.

“Oh God! Isn’t there any chance?”

“Well, we’ll do a cat scan…it’s standard procedure, but don’t get your hopes up.” She smiled ironically at him with her eyebrows raised. “The good news is you’ll be ok…you won’t function sexually, but you’ll live…I guess the moral is if you have a medical emergency go to the emergency room instead of waiting 36 hours.” She smiled. “A lesson you’ll never forget I’m sure.”

Michael spent 12 hours in the emergency room. The doctor seemed to just blame him and didn’t show any sympathy that he was losing his manhood. Michael was depressed about the future.

When Michael got home he was surprised to see Ashley, Emily and Jessica all sitting in his living room chatting. The all looked at him with wide questioning eyes and mischievous grins.

“So what’s the news?” Emily asked. Michael didn’t respond, he just went to the kitchen.

“Oh my gosh I think that means he lost ‘em.” Ashley snickered.

“Poor Michael, did you just get neutered?” Jessica asked. “I think you have a new sister Ashley.” The girls laughed. Michael didn’t respond. He was pissed. He barged into the living room.

“Yes, they had to be removed, my sex life is over, do you understand that!? OVER! And all because you fucking bitches had to spend the day at the fair going on your stupid rides and playing the rip off games. And it wasn’t enough that I got hit with a baseball, you all had to keep hitting me and kicking me! It’s your fault this happened, all of you!”

“Whoa hold on.” Emily stepped in as the voice of reason to defend the girls. “It's not our fault you walked in front of the pitching machine. It's not our fault you waited a whole other day to go to the hospital. It’s not our fault you’re…nutless.” Emily and the girls snickered. “It’s not our fault you’ll never have kids.” Michael just glared.

“This is a perfect example of evolution at work…survival of the fittest…if you are enough of a moron to walk in front of a batting cage, you don’t get to have kids. Your moron genes are dropped from the species.” The girls all cracked up. Michael kept glaring.

“Calm down Michael it’s not that bad. From what I overheard you weren’t getting much use out of it anyway. What was it julia was saying? You can't fuck a limp dick or something like that?” Ashley said. All the girls cracked up and Michael walked to his room in shame.

Facebook posts from the girls within the hour.


“OMG just found out my brother lost his nuts” Jen, Jessica and Emily liked it.


“My cousin just lost his balls lol” Ashley, Emily and several other friends liked it.


Hannah: What happened?

Jessica: He got hit with a baseball in the batting cage at 90 mph

Hannah: wow, lol, did you see this?

Jessica: Yes :) It was priceless

Emily: I wish we had it on tape

Jessica: Seriously, that would get some serious view on youtube! ;)

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"Aww, look at the doggie" Michael said as a woman and her dog walked toward them.
"Ohh, so cute" Ashley said. "I love pit-bulls."
"Aww" Emily added. Jessica smiled.
Michael got up from the picnic table and approached the dog. "Ah, he's not too friendly." The woman warned. Her dog started growling.
"Oh sorry." Michael started backing away, but the dog charged him. It snapped at his crotch, but Michael jumped away.
"Oooh, so close" Ashley laughed. The dog snapped again immediately and chomped it's vicious teeth into Michael crotch.
"No!" Michael screamed. His heart nearly stopped as he felt the teeth puncture his dick and one testicle. He reached for the dog's head, but the dog just growled and bit down harder. The bite was locked.
"Oh my God!" Jessica exclaimed.
The dog yanked it's head violently to one side tearing in deeper. The girls all kind of shuddered and laughed at the same time. "Get him off!!" Michael screamed. “No! No!” He cried. The pain was like fire burning him from the inside out. His head swelled with panic. He knew if this dog didn't let up his dick would be torn off. He thought the owner would get her dog under control, but he saw that she was just standing there with her hand over her mouth trying to cover her laughter. The dog yanked it's head to the other side. "Help me! He's tearing my dick off!" Michael screamed. At this point Emily, Jessica and Ashley started cracking up. Michael was beet red and pouring sweat. His heart pounded like a jackhammer in his head. He felt like was gonna have a heart attack. The lady was laughing more openly now that she saw the other girls laughing. She was doing nothing to help. Michael was panicking, he didn't know what to do.
"Just tell her to stop Michael, you have to be assertive with dogs." Ashley told him, struggling not to laugh the whole time.
"Stop! Off! Down!" Michael screamed desperately. The dog just yanked back and forth harder. The girls burst back into laughter. Michael tried grabbing her head, but she just bit down harder. He started blacking out and collapsed, at which point, the dog let go, and trotted, tongue out and tail wagging, back to it's owner. Michael was curled up, eyes closed tightly, taking tiny breaths, as even breathing deeply seemed to aggravate the nightmarish pain. He was terrified as he felt the blood collecting in his underwear., he knew he was fucked. The girls' laughter tapered off as the woman approached.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, sometimes she gets a little feisty" She told him. "Are you alright?" She couldn't help but laugh a little. Michael didn't even respond. He was disoriented.
"He'll be fine" Ashley assured her. Emily and Jessica smiled at her.
"You sure?" The woman asked Ashley, now ignoring Michael.
"Yeah, don't worry, he's my brother, I'll take care of him."
"K" The woman snickered. "Thanks" and she strutted away.
"You ok Michael?" Emily asked. The girls cracked up. Michael was breathing heavily and feeling sick. He didn't respond.
"Ok, that was hilarious." Ashley said. They laughed in agreement.
"It looked like that dog did some serious damage." Jessica said.
"Oh my god he's bleeding." Emily noticed.
Ashley laughed. "Are you serious?"
"Oh my god he is!" Jessica said.
"Do you need to go to the hospital?" Ashley asked.
"Yes" Michael whimpered.
The girls laughed.
"Did the dog actually bite INTO your balls?" Emily asked.
"Yes" Michael was crying. The girls laughed harder.
"Oh wow, too funny." Emily said.
"Ok, let's go." Ashley said with a hint of annoyance. The girls got up. "Are you coming?" Ashley asked Michael.
"Yeah." He whispered. He struggled to his knees. The pain was sickening, and he felt woozy.
"Oh god, that's a lot of blood" Ashley laughed, noticing that the crotch of his pants was soaked. "Better hurry." She chimed.
"Can you help me?" He asked, as he held himself steady on the picnic table.
"Oh GOD" Ashley sighed. She went over and pulled his arm over her shoulder. "Ready?"
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"Yeah" Ashley helped him out to the car, but seemed annoyed. They got in and started driving toward the hospital. Michael was sitting in the back, resting his head against the window. Emily was driving with Jessica in the passenger seat, and Ashley was in back with Michael.
"Think they'll be able to fix his balls?" Emily asked Jessica.
"Probably not" Jessica laughed. Ashley and Emily laughed with her.
"I don't know they might." Ashley said. "Maybe at least one." she laughed.
"Yeah maybe if he's lucky." Emily snickered.
"Are you scared Michael?" Emily asked. Michael didn't respond.
"I'll take that as a yes." Emily laughed.
They got to the hospital and helped Michael in. When he got in, they immediately took him back because of all the blood. The girls were left waiting there for an hour and a half and wondering what was going on.
"Jesus, what's taking so long?" Emily asked.
"Sex change surgery?" Jessica joked. The girls cracked up.
"Seriously, I can't wait here all day."
"Maybe we can ask somebody." Ashley suggested. Just then a female doctor came into the waiting room.
"Are you the family of Michael Jones?"
"Yes, he's my brother." Ashley said.
"Your brother had a serious dog bite to his genitals. His penis and one testicle were both damaged to the point where we can't repair them. There is a hospital in Chicago that does have an experienced urilogical team and state of the art technology. If you can find transportation for him, there's a chance they MIGHT be able to save his penis, but at this point we have no way to get him there with his insurance. So can somebody drive him there?"
The girls looked at Emily. "I can't, I have to pick up Chris."
"And we don't have cars." Ashley spoke for herself and Jessica.
"Is there a friend or family member that might be able to drive him? We would ask him, but he's not fully conscious right now."
"You could ask your mom, Jessica" Ashley suggested.
"My mom's a bitch Ashley, she won't do it."
The doctor looked at them, waiting for some other answer.
"The problem is we're from out of town" Ashley explained. "She's the only one who lives here." She looked at Jessica.
"You don't know anyone?" The doctor asked Jessica.
"Nope, sorry."
"Ok, well, your his sister right?"
"Yeah" Ashley responded.
"K, I just need you to sign this, releasing the hospital from liability. Your brother might be a little upset when he wakes up missing his penis."
“Oh my gosh” Ashley laughed. She signed the document without giving it a second thought.
"And you girls can go home, he'll be here overnight, if not longer."
The doctor left and the girls started cracking up.
"I can't believe he's losing it." Ashley laughed.
"Yeah, he's gonna be so pissed at me for not giving him a ride…hopefully the doctor doesn't even tell him about the hospital in Chicago." Emily said.
"She probably won't, I mean, what good is it gonna do?" Jessica asked. "It'll just piss him off."
Emily turned to Ashley. "So how do you feel knowing your brother is losing his dick?"
"I think it's hilarious." Ashley laughed. Emily and Jessica cracked up.
As they were walking out to the car Jessica chimed. "Your brother's gonna be dickless." Ashley chuckled.
Michael woke up after the surgery. It took him a while to get his bearings. He reached down to feel his dick, but felt nothing. He rooted around for a second to see if it was tucked away somehow, but there was nothing.
"WHat the FUCK!?" He yelled. A nurse came in with a bit of a grin.
"You're awake…."
"What happened to my penis?!?" He demanded.
“You were bitten by a dog, remember?” She had a condescending tone.
“It was still attached when I came in here.”
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“Well, it's not anymore.” She laughed.
“What?” He yelled. “What the fuck? You cut my dick off!”

“It was ruined.”
“I can't believe this.”

“You guys should have done something. My dick, god.” He cried.
“There was nothing we could do here, and your sisters didn't want to drive you to Chicago.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, they have state of the art technology, but really, it probably wouldn't have done any good.”

“Oh god, I can't believe this.”

“Well, get used to it.” She smiled. “I'll go get the doctor.”

The doctor came in later and explained that he would need to use a catheter and a bag strapped to his leg to pee for a few weeks. Later that evening they let him go. Michael called Ashley from the lobby.
"Hello" Ashley answered.
"Hey, I'm ready to go now."
"Oh hey, you're at the hospital?"
Ashley laughed a little. "K, we'll be there soon." Michael was filled with bitterness and grief for his lost penis as he waited for the girls to pick him up. He couldn't stop thinking that his life was over. The girls finally arrived after an hour or so. Michael saw the car and went out to them. He got in the back seat without saying a word. He just stared out the window as they drove off.
The car was filled with an awkward silence until Emily broke it. "I'm sorry but I gotta ask, did you lose your peepee?"
Jessica cracked up.
Michael just sighed, but didn't respond. "Well did you?" Ashley asked.
"Yes, yes Ashley, I did. I don't know why you couldn't drive me up to Chicago Emily"
"It's 90 miles!" Emily laughed.
"What's so funny?"
"Nothing" Emily responded. The girls all tried to stifle their laughter.
"And Ashley, what the hell was that, telling that woman I would be fine. You should have gotten her name and phone number."
"Whatever, why didn't you get it?" Ashley said.
"I couldn't, I couldn't even talk, I was in shock!"
"Oh well, it wouldn't make a difference anyway." Ashley said.
"Yes! It would have…I could've sued her, she's responsible for her dog and her dog seriously hurt me…fucking dog needs to be put down."
"What?!?" Jessica interjected. "Don't blame the dog, it was just confused."
"Well the woman should have had it on a leash."
"How did she know it would bite you?" Emily asked.
"You know what? Nevermind, can we just drive by that park one more time, maybe she'll be out there again."
"Fine, if it'll make you feel better." Emily laughed. She drove by the park.
"There she is!" Michael shouted. He was shocked to see her walking her dog again. They were driving right up to her. Michael rolled down his window. "Hey!" He yelled out the window to get her attention. The woman noticed, but Emily didn't seem to be slowing down. "Hey stop the car!" Michael ordered. Emily just drove past the woman and started speeding up.
"Nope" Emily said.
"Hey turn around! That was the woman! Turn around!" Emily just kept driving. "Just stop the car and let me out then!" Emily kept up her speed. "What the fuck! Turn around!" At this point the girls were all laughing.
"I didn't think she'd actually be there" Emily laughed.
"Fuck you" Michael muttered.
"Oh god, don't be such a baby…you weren't gonna sue her anyway" Emily laughed.
Michael didn't respond. He just sat staring out the window, stewing in rage and despair. They pulled up to Jessica's house where they were staying and got out of the car. The girls were all smiling at Michael. He was just looking at the ground. "Come on, don't be mad at me just because I didn't stop."
"That was my only chance, you fucking bitch." He muttered.
Emily's eyes opened wide. She stepped up to Michael. She smacked him hard in the face. Michael moved his hands up to protect himself from being slapped again, and she gave him a swift kick to the crotch. Michael collapsed to the ground in nauseating agony. It felt like she kicked open his stitches a little, along with bashing his last nut. She laughed and smiled condescendingly down at him. Ashley and Jessica noticed and were shocked. "Sorry, it's probably too soon for that huh?" Emily asked.
"I just had fucking surgery."
"Oops, I totally forgot, you just pissed me off so much when you called me a fucking bitch that I completely forgot about your surgery. Sorry." She smiled. Ashley broke from her forced concern and cracked up. Followed shortly by Jessica.
"Do you need to go back to the hospital?" Emily mockingly asked. Ashley and Jessica were giggling.
"I don't know." Michael muttered.
"Well if you need to go back that's fine. We were having more fun without you anyway." Emily laughed.
"Yeah we were." Ashley reluctantly agreed.
"Fuck you." Michael muttered.
"Actually I don't think you'll be fucking anyone ever again." Emily smiled smugly. Ashley and Jessica laughed. Michael started crying. “Aww” Emily smirked. “Are you sad about your peepee?” Ashley cracked up. “Well, look on the bright side, I'm sure you'll have much much more free time now…one less distraction right?”
The girls laughed at him laying there until they got bored, and then left him laying outside in the driveway.

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My name is Bob, I am 22 years old. I live with my mother Jane and sister Susie, who just turned 18. My father left us when I was 15 and Susie was just 8. Since mom worked a lot of hours to make enough to support the family I often had to watch Susie. I am 6?4? tall like my dad, but Susie was always petite about 5?1? tall and only 98 lbs. even at age 18. I don’t know why but I always teased Susie about being short, saying things like:
- that’s the long and short of it
- what is the difference between a midget and a dwarf, and which one are you?
- can you limbo under the couch and see if the remote fell under there?
- asking her to stand up when she was already standing
- telling her she has pretty eyes, when she was standing on a chair or up a couple of steps, like I’ve never seen them before. Susie never seemed upset when I called her shorty or half pint or any other name you can imagine as a rude thing to say to a short (or vertically challenged) person, but I was about to find out she was keeping score and payback would be a ballbuster.
Today mom came home in a bad mood and seemed to take it out on me, but not on Susie. I was a little annoyed with that and called Susie a midget. Mom hit the roof “You’ve lived here rent free since you graduated high school and I have treated you with a respect that you haven’t really earned, but all you do is mooch and pick on your little (and here I made the mistake of snickering at the little comment) sister. Those days are over mister. Susie go get your ledger.” “What ledger?” I asked. “The ledger mom told me to start about 3 years ago, counting every time you insulted me or picked on me”, Susie said. Now I was getting nervous. I was kidding most of the time but if she wrote down every time it would look bad. “Now if you want to continue to live here, there will be new rules.” Mom said in a stern tone. “Your rude and mean comments to your sister have put you in debt to her and we will even this ledger starting now.” “Mom I was only teasing her, and she acted like she didn’t care, but if she wants to call me dummy, or idiot or
whatever she can go ahead.”
“You are an idiot but you don’t get to decide how she pays you back. SHE DOES!! With my help and guidance.” Just then Susie returned with the ledger actually 3 spiral notebooks, wow was I really that mean? “Susie do you have our running total?” “Yes mom, it’s 8913. Wow what a dick he’s been.” said Susie with a little smile at me, knowing she was getting
some payback of some sort which I was unaware as of yet.
Mom sat down on the couch and told Susie and me to sit as well. “Here is what Susie will get to choose from for a
total payback of eight thousand nine hundred thirteen: she can insult you, which you deserve but I wouldn’t waste them on, or make you do a chore for her, or look taller for 1 minute by forcing you to lay down so she stand on you…” At this point I started to object but was silenced by a slap in the face from Susie. “…as I was saying stand on you for 1 minute, or slap you as you just witnessed but that was to stop you interrupting so it won’t count against Susie, or kick you, or jump on you but that will take off 2 points even though she is very petite, or make you rub her feet for 5 minutes, or clean her shoes with your tongue 1 point for a pair of shoes, or practice her self defense moves for 5 minutes but that will cost 5 points per kick or punch charge and you can’t fight back, oh I forgot punching and kicking 1 point each but because I feel some sympathy kicks to the balls will count 2 points if Susie wears heels or boots, 1 point if her tennies or barefoot. Susie have I forgotten any?”
“Yes mom how many points if I stick my sweaty socks in his mouth?
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Mom took a deep breath before addressing all of Susie’s questions. “Okay 1 point for 1 minute of socks, unless you wear them more than one day, then 1 point per day of wear per minute.” Susie gave an awwwwww… like she wanted to stick her 4 day old gym socks in my mouth, I was getting very scared. Mom continued “yes you can stand anywhere when you stand on him, but if you stand on his face or balls you have to take off your shoes or it’ll cost 2 points for 5 minutes, you know what I think he’s been such a jerk he can paint your toes once a week for no points but 2 points for an additional toenail painting in the same week. If Bob brings Jonny or anyone else over to
OUR HOUSE he will be subject to any embarrassment we choose, however if Jonny rubs your feet or performs any of Bobs tasks it will still take the same number of points off as if Bob had done it. So Bob does this sound fair no actually forget fair, does it sound like payback?” “You’re crazy if you think I’m doing any of that, I’ll just move out, I am not letting that midget stand on me or stick her dirty socks in my mouth.” I replied amazed they thought I would put up with that. BAMMM!!!! Susie’s size 5.5 foot was planted in between my legs with astonishing speed. “5 more points for the word midget from now on we add 5 to the ledger every time you insult her or pick on her and no points off for that kick either.” Mom told me. “And if you think this deal is unfair how about we call 911 and tell them you hit your mother and sister. In jail you wouldn’t get anything as tasty as Susie’s socks shoved in your mouth that’s for sure.”
They both were laughing as the realization that I was going to have to work off all my rudeness from 3 years.
“Okay now we’re at 8918, let’s work it down to 8900 even before I go to bed.” Susie said with more excitement than I had ever seen her show. She slipped off her white ankle socks and stuck them in my waiting mouth “5 points for 5 minutes of socks,” BAMMM!! ” another 1 point for a barefoot kick in balls, hell make it 2 points,” BAMMM “now I’ll stand on you for five minutes, then five of self defense. Let’s see 1 more point to use tonight, I could make you take out the trash, nahhhh” BAMMMM!!!!! the worst kick to my tender balls so far. ” Here I go, I’m stepping up on your chest how does that feel?”
“Hmmmphhh itch” Was the witty reply I came up with through Susie’s dirty sock.
“Did you just call me a bitch? Mom back to 8905. Now I’m stepping on your face with my adorable little feet.
Heck I probably don’t have to tell you where I’m stepping even though I only weigh 98 lbs. You can probably
feel it right? See if you can feel this…” she stepped on my balls, after having kicked them several times I didn’t
feel it very much. “…can you feel it? Hell I got 5 more points after that bitch comment might as well use ‘em up.
Mom how many points for a stomp?” “Since we didn’t establish that it’ll count 1 point for now,” STOMP, whimper, STOMP, whine, STOMP, cry, STOMP, sob, STOMP, nothing. “Mom, he passed out don’t count that last stomp, as a matter of fact it was pretty rude to pass out while I was stomping his balls. I think we should add 5 points for rudeness.” She continued to stand on my balls, I’m not positive how long I was out but she got more stomps and standing than the points she took off for sure. I did some math and found that the number of points was over 8 per day for 3 years. Some quick math told me I could be kicked or stomped in the balls 8 times a day for 3 years and that’s assuming I can break the habit of making rude smart ass comments, I hope that I can. I’ll keep telling myself:
- rude comment= kick in the balls
- rude comment= kick in the balls
- rude comment= kick in the balls
- rude comment= kick in the balls


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