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Polish bernds, explain, IMMEDIATELY.
> According to United States Congress Joint Immigration Commission which ended in 1911, Polish immigrants to the United States born in around Kraków reportedly declared themselves as Bielochrovat (i.e. White Croat)
Why would Polacks call themselves White Croats? Are Poles and Croats lost brothers???
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Okay so first of all I have never heard term Bielochrovat in my life, it doesn't even sound polish (unlike Krakus and Krakowiak which are well known). 

I tried to google some info and of course wiki comes up first
White Croats, or simply known as Croats, were a group of Early Slavic tribes who lived among other West and East Slavic tribes in the area of modern-day Lesser Poland, Galicia (north of Carpathian Mountains), Western Ukraine, and Northeastern Bohemia. They were documented primarily by foreign medieval authors and managed to preserve their ethnic name until the early 20th century, primarily in Lesser Poland (Lesser Poland is where Kraków is btw). It is considered that they were assimilated into Czech, Polish and Ukrainian ethnos,and are one of the predecessors of the Rusyn people. In the 7th century, some White Croats migrated from their homeland, White Croatia, to the territory of modern-day Croatia in Southeast Europe along the Adriatic Sea, forming the ancestors of the South Slavic ethnic group of Croats.

> Are Poles and Croats lost brothers???
It unironically might be. I was in Croatia and I found it very easy to communicate with them because their language seemed similar, in fact more similar than Czech. I also knew a Croatian dude on internets, we spoke primarily in english of course but sometimes we would start speaking slav for fun and it was the sames.

Found something in Hungarian, short Abstract as intro in English.
Seems to be a presentation on a conference, some historical stuff, but given by a physicist. Chiefly about Northern Hungarians and Rusyns, but a section is about White Croats.
The author also knows about that document mentioning ~100 000 White Croats (he gives a link where it is/was published, it seems it redirects to elsewhere now), emigrated to the US from around Krakow. He adds, that up to about 1860 the average Polish serf did not call himself a Pole, those were the nobles, but he identified himself as a local ethnicity. He does not mention how this Bielochrovat ethnicity could survive about a millennia without being mentioned anywhere, tho it isn't his point anyway.
In the Appendix some further info. About the founders of Kiev funny coincidence - elsewhere this was our topic, that they were Alans, and the Alans supposedly had three tribes: Serboi, Choroates, and Antae. Choroates seems to be the Croats. The Nestor chronicle preserved three names of three leader of the founders Kyj, Scsek, and Khoryv - in the third Croat was preserved. As elsewhere we talked about, a theory identifies them as Hungarians: Kő, Csák, and Geréb.
Croats being Alans originally would mean, they had Iranian language first, and they changed to Slavic later during their ethnogenesis (similarly how Bulgarians left behind their Turkic language).

Hungarian Wikipee also calls them - what I could transliterate as - visyan or vislan.

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In this thread I want to discuss and expand upon the coming changes to our society. I've been needlessly trying to bring up communitarianism and how it will transform society even more than it has. 

Im sure alot of bernds have heard of "the great reset", a term coined by claus schaub. Here I want to briefly point out what it is in layman terms.

According to the world bank this pandemic will exist until 2025, which will wreck havoc upon the economy. We have seen small business owners struggling this past year. Soon medium business will face that same struggle. In the end only giant corporations will be left standing which was the whole point. 

So alot of people will be in debt, and out of work. This is where universal basic income comes in. UBI will roll out with a caveat. To get the UBI you will have to relinquish your private property rights. The vaccine probably is required too. 

Thats the great reset. I think this video explains the history of machines enslaving humans and the great reset very nicely.


I would appreciate if the retarded hungarian wouldn't shit up this thread.
> I would appreciate if the retarded hungarian wouldn't shit up this thread
He is a mod here, so you're posting in the wrong place. But you're right about one thing, he is a fucking retard.

While the effects on the economy will last until at least 2025, we are already seeing the worst of it. We are expected to bounce back next year and follow that with smaller gains the following years, China is expected to have their economy go up something like 8% next year.

Small and medium business were always going to die at some point, it's the way the world was heading, this just accelerates it but even then it's never going to get rid of it completely and we are also seeing growing interests in small niche markets(an interesting occurrence from over here, West End the biggest brewer in my state has closed down due to the competition from smaller craft beers).

UBI is something that should happen but even if it did it would not for a while to come. Most people are still working, until automation reaches a point where it takes so many jobs that it just cannot be ignored then it will be ignored. Once it reaches that point we just have to see how the governments of the world manage to bring business under their heel in order to actually implement something like this, the money has to come from somewhere. Otherwise we could end up with a South Africa situation. There won't be such a caveat, but if somebody is on UBI most likely they won't be able to afford a property anyway and the government will have to provide cheap housing for these UBI masses.

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Im not saying this to be abrasive but it's nonsense and wishful thinking to have this idea that things are going to get back to normal. It's not. This is the new normal. It's going to get way worse. 

Communitarianism is the legal and spiritual system set in place to replace the old system. It's vital to know about communitarianism and how it works. In the commonwealth it's been in to place since 2010 but this ideology goes back longer. 

Mark windows is a brilliant researcher I think, well worth listening to him 


I will also upload the anti communitarian manifesto, its an excellent book laying it all out.

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> Still thinking about it but feels kinda random to use that as food. I know it's just we don't used to it, like how Chinese eat animals we consider pets
I don't feel this applies to leaves as much as to meat or even fruit. They're too simple, moderate in taste and consistence and devoid of emotion. Though garden fish isn't quite a regular leaf as it's not for salads but a kind of snack.
> Still have to clean away some weeds
Which of them do you eat? I'm fond of these two.

With what you have a small plot of land in the hinterland near a medium city should be far easier to acquire than a comparable property in Sweden, though you'd also need transport to live there.

Do you eat the leaves of the amaranth?
> Which of them do you eat?
To be honest I rarely eat any of them. Many edible weed, or maybe I should write herb, we have around here, not just in gardens but growing wild all about. But I don't know them, well only a couple, like the nettle or dandelion. They taste nothing, like grass basically so I pass on. They could be prepared into meals, cooked, seasoned, we just don't bother. Mom sometimes makes nettle soup, pottage tho, seasoned with garlic (and salt and stuff). Also nettle is good for tea. Not tasty tea.
So this leaves mint and lemon balm to consume, again as tea. Although on rare occasion I chew on a mint leaf or two.

> Do you eat the leaves of the amaranth?
The smallest branches with leaves on them, but not raw.
> They taste nothing, like grass basically so I pass on
I don't find these two any worse than other salad items, so they're free efortless food.

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> This board is well known. Most Bernds have settled onto other boards now, where they feel at home. Maybe a few wanderers still are around

IBs imitate society and civilization, with people branching out and making their own culture and language on their own. Just as art imitates life

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I'm just going to keep things as simple as possible here: summarise regions from your country or what you think of them with an image. No need to use any wojaks or other should-be dead memes if constructing an image for this.
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> 20% isnt that much compared to the tax levels of today
They didn't know the tax levels of today, just the tax levels of the 1700s, and taxation in the mining zone was more strictly enforced than the norm in the age. Insufficient quotas were filled through confiscations. Gold could only flow through a few routes (e.g. there was a potential river-based export route but it was banned). It was not a free area but tightly regulated. Residents in the diamond zone were treated even more despotically, goods and persons could only enter it through military checkpoints. The goods received extra taxation and individuals were forbidden from residing without a defined profession, as a matter of policy anyone not related to mining was unwelcome. Over time the Crown's grip tightened until it made diamond mining into its monopoly. Naturally there was a reaction which developed into nativistic sentiment and a revolutionary conspiracy. Maybe the independent mindset also comes from this.

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> Movies that suits the proper Bernd

Perhaps you carelessly avoided the topic

"Movies that suits the proper Bernd"

I dont find the other movie thread to be suitable for the kind of high quality movies I posted here.

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I think he is wrong and I will tell you why that is.

In his paper on plagues he wasn't just wrong on one thing, it was pretty much the whole paper just telling straight up lies. 

The black plague wasn't caused by burning coal releasing mercury. People weren't using coal to heat their homes 800 years ago. What was happening 800 years ago was a solar minimum causing temperatures to drop, causing widespread crop failures and vulcano eruptions making it even worse. 

It's the same thing with polio, aajonus claims it's the tinned cans causing it, whilst completely ignoring DDT. 

What aajonus were spouting and drake isn't science. Science is honesty, objectivity and logical reasoning. 

How would aajonus explain the Antonine plague? Plague of justinian? Perhaps these bloody romans were burning coal too. 

My point is, if a person deliberately lies about something, you can be sure they will lie about other things aswell to suit their agenda.

I'm not a professional in this field, so I won't pretend to be one/argue for or against Aajonus here. I would generally lean towards the Solar Minimum being the reasoning for these specific plagues too. 
> My point is, if a person deliberately lies about something, you can be sure they will lie about other things aswell to suit their agenda.
This is a begging the question fallacy (assuming they're deliberately lying about this and deliberately ignoring DDT) and an appeal to association fallacy (if they lie about one thing they'll likely lie about other things; no analysis was done of everything else here). Again all of this comes from Aajonus, and he was fairly new to Aajonus's works at that. Rejecting years of scholarship and a development of epistemology, theology, and political solutions as false just due to a vague association with Aajonus's theory regarding historical plagues without actually looking into them and refuting them is extremely dishonest, especially as I know you're a novice regarding theology.

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> I know that Spain is supposed to be the other way around, with them working nearly all day.
Maybe it's suffering from a brain drain and most of the talented people are leaving for better pastures Same thing is happening in Italy I believe

> Yet you still really can't say that for the Spanish. I again, blame this on the Catholics.
I mean you don't really know what's going on in their country. I wouldn't judge them randomly

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> Are you really that desperate? Argentina's future prospects aren't all that good but as it is your plan is much riskier than just living through its decline.
I'm not able to find jobs here, the economy has completely stagnated. Plus I need to move out of my house since in any time everything will implode from within.
I told my mother about my project and she ended up supporting me on going here. Gave me something akin to 1800 reais which should help to sustain myself in the first month. The only issue now is how to nationalize myself there.
I talked about Floripa since it has the most argies in there which would help give a hand in the beggining, perhaps even share room with them. But I don't plan living there, it's more of a stepping stone.

You know what, forget it, I pussied out in the end since I need to have my highschool certificate and that doesn't come out in three months.
Plus I started seeing how is the job market in brazil and apparently there's a lot of protectionism going on there, companies are required to have their staff be at least 2/3rds brazilians, and the trade labour is also exclusive to their citizens as well.

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