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Old one reached pmub limit.

Btw old. Instead of some news here's some olds, a bunch of photos found by a dumpster in BP - they were digitalized and uploaded to Fortepan (http://fortepan.hu/) I already mentioned in previous news threads.

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On the banks of the Danube river in Budapest a fun little Holocaust memorial was erected in memory of those Jews who were executed by shooting them into the Danube. It's a bunch of shoes because the evil Hungarian Nazis only lacked in shoes and that's how they wanted to acquire them so they ordered the Jews to take them down first. I guess...
Since the regime change bunch of silliness was imported from the West and America, liek Halloween and some such, for a few years now it spread the custom of putting love padlocks everywhere, supposedly was popularized by tourists. Now these padlocks started to appear on the shoe memorial and they're getting to be problematic.
They apparently don't know that love conquers all.
Some pictures on the link:

Also this year a company wanted to boost the sales of their shoes and thought it would be a good idea to make some aesthetic pictures of them. So they put the shoes on the bank of the Danube. Nice lighting tho.

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thumbnail of West African leaders push for single currency, the Eco.webm
West African leaders... webm
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The Eco is the proposed name for the common currency that the West African Monetary Zone (WAMZ) plans to introduce in the framework of Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).

> For the Eco to be implemented, ten convergence criteria, set out by the West African Monetary Institute (WAMI), must be met. 
> These criteria are divided into four primary and six secondary criteria. 
> Up to the fiscal year 2011, only Ghana has been able to meet all the primary criteria in any single fiscal year.

The four primary criteria to be achieved by each member country are:
< A single-digit inflation rate at the end of each year.
< A fiscal deficit of no more than 4% of the GDP.
< A central bank deficit-financing of no more than 10% of the previous year's tax revenues.
< Gross external reserves that can give import cover for a minimum of three months.

The six secondary criteria to be achieved by each member country are:
< Prohibition of new domestic default payments and liquidation of existing ones.
< Tax revenue should be equal to or greater than 20 percent of the GDP.
< Wage bill to tax revenue equal to or less than 35 percent.
< Public investment to tax revenue equal to or greater than 20 percent.
< A stable real exchange rate.
< A positive real interest rate.

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Was she charged with assault at least?
Those priest I met and actually spoke, they were bright in mind but I don't hold priests in general in high esteem. Despite this I feel I could beat that woman without any regret.

> das Fühl when you'll never be a factory owner with your neger workers

> Eco
Maybe they shouldn't start with common currency, but establish a trade zone between them, a common market. Ofc one currency on it to play with makes things easier.
Gaddafi was a big propagator of united Africa and such initiatives, he turned away from the Arab world in favour of African, he wished to make Libya the leading country of the political and economical changes.

The priest is okay. The woman was taken to a police station and the incident registered. She has bipolar disorder and claims to have panicked after seeing security guards coming after her when she tried to get close to him, though footage shows no such thing.

Dutch news is filled with propaganda pieces.

"Circumstances were evident from the start. Then came the desinfo."

"Accomplice transport of fatal BUK rocket was arrested and trialed in 2017."

Or the "independent investigators" who claim their work has been made impossible by the rebels. 

As you can tell, I'm convinced this is a geopolitical drama orchestrated by the NATO with 9/11 proportions. 
This book convinced me that it is a giant shitshow to heat up the cold war.


> At least 33 people are dead and dozens injured after a man set fire to an animation studio in the Japanese city of Kyoto, officials say.
this kills the anime. really makes me think that Nippon buildings can be really cramped with people without adequate emergency exits and sprinklers. imageboard dwellers claim that the guy who did it won a prize at this studio with his ideas, but they didn't hire him or bought the script and afterwards stole ideas from it.

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Oh noes! Evil Russians destroying the planet again!
Even proofs are provided:

The screenshot of the thread is on /pol/ now (and there's a thread about this on Kohl I see). The guy streamed on facebook - at least that's what his post said - , why facebook doesn't get shutdown? Wait don't answer that.

It's a different one. 8 is down due to the El Paso shooter or whoever (last week there were three mass shootings in the US), apparently he was posted on 8/pol, but on Kohl I read it was a repost by someone from Onstagram.
This one now happened in Norway:
Some nutcase decided to shoot up a mosque in Oslo. Got a gun, shot his sister, went to the mosque where he got overpowered, might be shot by the muzzies who kept guns in the mosque coincidentally. Police arrived and arrested the dude.

What I forgot: there was a poster on /pol/ here who claimed to make an shootings ala Tarrant, posted name and facebook for stream. Screenshot can be found on /pol/'s "attention newfags" thread.
The BO and the volunteer there bans everyone who incites violence and deletes every such thread and posts.

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In other news:
Viking drinking hall was unearthed on Orkney by archaeologists. The area was used quite a long time and they research it for data which can help to reconstruct the life and it's changes throughout the ages for years now. I think this excavation is a good example how the interest of the archaeologists changed during the last century, from the monumental remains to the leftovers of the everyday life.

I don't even know what Mr. Takei wants to imply. That the Russians did this? Or that the US is basically Russia now (is it an anti-Trump statement)? Or that the sex trafficking mafia - which even has a way to reach him in federal custody - killed him? Or what?

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A foreign dorist fell onto the rocks at the shore of the Danube. Firefighters had to lift him up from there. 

Also Merkel will visit Hungary on the occasion of August 20th August 19th, the anniversary of the Pan-European Picnic.

He insults every Hungarian all the imageboards he visits. He's mainly Kohlchan based nowadays and insults all the Hungarians there all the time (bout 10-11 posts there regularly, semi-regularly), but he makes the effort to come out here to offend me and go on Ernst to insult the Hungaroernst there.
I suspect he might got the weird idea that I was the one who made up this Bogdan Radulescu persona for him (what he finds hurtful for some reason), even tho I ignored him for a long time and only after repeated attacks I mocked him on Kohl and made fun of him. He's very trollable and easy to make him go complete butthurt and apeshit, and seen a thread where he went on in circles all day. He always mixes up Hungarian posters (unsurprisingly, there is a notable one who mimes other Hungarians' posting styles, this is why people tend to think there is more then one Ferenc and such).
He also a poltard, and visits 4chan/pol, where he tried to drum up support for the takedown of Kohl based on cp allegations well, it's not hard to make such allegations considering they tolerate underage girl posting, and this really should be curbed there, but ratting them out to the police is another thing because he thinks one of the mods on Kohl is Hungarian. Maybe he even thinks that's me...
He created this conspiracy that Hungarians are taking over imageboards to silence him or something along these lines...
He is a Romanian chauvinist who grew up on the vile propaganda Romanian authorities not just tolarated to circulate but encouraged even under the communism. And he also an autist and something in his heda nags him to go ahead and do it over and over and over again, every day. He compulsively collects data on us and try to connect dots which in no way connected but in his paranoid mind they make sense.
He thinks he is bullying us but noone takes him seriously.

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Complete bullshit, as expected of a lying gypsy. You're the one indoctrinated by your gypsy nation's one-sided political propaganda, not me. But thanks for taking up your worthless time that you usually spend begging rambling up some nonsense about me.

PS here's what Jordan Peterson has to say.

> cannot they use it without an ambassador
No, they can use a lower ranking diplomat to trigger their veto.
> Can the security council even make decisions without one missing permanent member?
Yes. The Americans have completely rejected their international framework of diplomacy and law in favor of whatever it is that Bolton wants. The point is that this allows competing member states to take control of the UN agenda in order to to benefit their geopolitical interests, a perverse strategy first developed by the very same U.S of A.

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Robert Mugabe, former president of Zimbabwe, has died. Thank you for your attention.

@edit: Wanted to confirm by posting proofs from rt but at this moment only spanish version commented about this

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Mugabe lived a strict life with gentlemanly manners, antiquated vocabulary and a solid diet (pic related), it's not a mystery why he lived so long. 
It's also interesting that he was allowed to continue living in the capital unmolested after being ousted from power, exactly like Ian Smith who even under Mugabe left the door open to his Salisbury home and invited anyone who showed up to drink tea. That's the political tradition in Zimbabwe. 

When searching for the vegetables quote I discovered these other ones. Never thought he was this funny.

I'm sorry but I deleted the thread despite there was no rule violating content, just to remain on the safe side.
Pls refrain posting about this. Kohl refugees - if any will come - are welcomed, pls check other threads maybe you find something interesting there.

Get that cringy false flag out of this website you fucking faggot. Why are you posting illegal shit here anyway? 

Also, that norway thing was from facebook. We have nothing to do with that shit or anything else done by retards outside of this site

And absolutely nothing will happen next you dumb mother fucker

> Get that cringy false flag out of this website you fucking faggot. Why are you posting illegal shit here anyway? 
I didn't post the actual video or any part of the shooting itself, I'm just talking about it.  
> Also, that norway thing was from facebook. We have nothing to do with that shit or anything else done by retards outside of this site
It's a problem because the shooter did post his account on Endchan /pol/ to frame us.
> And absolutely nothing will happen next you dumb mother fucker
I hope nothing will happen. Sadly, it's inevitable.

> I didn't post the actual video or any part of the shooting itself, I'm just talking about it. 

Please explain
> Time for another shooting. Liveleak is down, but I have the MP4. Which I sadly can't upload.

Sounds like you're pretty giddy over this since you also made a thread about this shit

> I hope nothing will happen. Sadly, it's inevitable.
What is inevitable? We have no involvement with any of this or anything else done by retards. Everyone here is a sane individual. Why even post this as soon as it happens? Trying to get heat on us or something

I don't trust you, just saiyan

Maybe, but this type of shit looks bad on this site

> Please explain
>  >Time for another shooting. Liveleak is down, but I have the MP4. Which I sadly can't upload.
> Which I sadly can't upload.
< Which I sadly can't upload.
No shit, it explains itself. 
> What is inevitable? 
Another shooting you dummy.
> We have no involvement with any of this or anything else done by retards. Everyone here is a sane individual. Why even post this as soon as it happens? Trying to get heat on us or something
Are you that paranoid over discussing a shooting on Endchan?

> Maybe, but this type of shit looks bad on this site
Now I may sound hypocrite since I deleted the thread in the end, but I think expressing opinion on a recent event shouldn't be the subject of self-censoring. Also information is free (as in liberty and not as free beer).

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Not to be rude to you anon, but there's a big difference from talking to posting the hyperlink and video here.  

Sites like these are heavily monitored and I think I can speak for everyone here that we absolutely don't need anything that makes us look bad or like crazy people. Because we will be seeing dozens of articles about this type of content if we allow it even once to be here. Not even free speech, just basic common sense. If this was any other site, it would have gotten deleted even quicker, which is good if you want a website that lasts more than a decade and doesn't die out like the dozens of other imageboards before this one. You're not being a hypocrite, you did what you needed to do. It's best not to exchange long term security(keeping this site up) vs. short term gain (posting shit that will get us and everyone related to this site into a lot of trouble)

Also, kohl is down because of what happened today. Just something to think about

Don't, just don't

yes this post is very kc-tier. I dunt care

The video was available on Twitch for 6 hours. I caught on Kohl/int about the thing which was went on maybe for half an hour until Kohl was shut down at ~20:45 CET. The video was posted several times (at least three) and those posts were deleted pretty quick by the mods. There were references to /b/ but I don't think anything was posted there originating from the shooter, the thing happened at leas 6 hours before that, if not even more.
When was the shooting happened anyway?

Here's an article for me for later read (so I won't forget), it's daily mail but contains many pictures  (about the aftermath) and a good amount of text.

So did KC go down just to make sure no links were posted, so they can't be tied to it ala 8chan and that one guy?

If so, I'm fine with it being down shortly as opposed to being gone the way of OG KC.

took me a minute to remember this site so I have bookmarked it now :3

No it wasn't you. Why would he post it on KC if he was preparing an attack?
Stop trying to associate those idiots with KC, and stop trying to spreading this stupid rumour, because of you some innocent bernd can suffer.

You got enough Bernd littering up Ernst?

> They got kicked off from cloudflare
Bost proofs.


> So did KC go down just to make sure no links were posted, so they can't be tied to it ala 8chan and that one guy?
I've no idea. Germany might take things differently than the US, and I believe their servers also within the EU.




On Sunday Poland will have parliament election. I'll write something about the options tomorrow or after tomorrow if Bernd is interested. 

Now can someone gibe me a quick rundown on the german shooter? I've read this  >>/29618/ but unlike Tarrant from NZ that actually explained some things and his motivations this is just shitposting made by some kind of neopagan weebfaggot. I guess he also tried to proove that you can improvise shitty weapons and use them for local derrorism but that's about it.

> quick rundown
Too many killings by Muslims in the news so they need replace them with "white" crimes. And I'm just half not serious now. Maybe I'll write about this in another post.
But actually what I know:
Dude built a bunch of home made weapons, sub-machine gun, shotgun, revolver, granades and such. Then picked a local synagogue in Halle, I think he made some recon first which wasn't too deep. Then set up a Twitch stream and went to kill people, there was some Yom Kippur praying goin on there and the door was shut tight. So he picked random Germans instead. First he shot a fat woman in the back then the tire of his own car. Then went into a kebab shop and shot a man there. After all this he hijacked(?) a taxi but got caught by the police.
I think the woman died and the man injured.
The stream on Twitch was up for six hours or so. I couldn't find when the shooting happened, I remember seeing an article in the news somewhere at about midday.
In the evening after 20:00 CET I saw a thread on Kohl, Bernds posted his video a couple of times and they were deleted, then Kohl was shut down. /b/ there was mentioned I checked it briefly but left it alone, I wasn't interested that much. I guess the discussion was went on for a while there.
As far as I know the shooter had nothing to do with Kohl, I haven't read the linked stuff yet, I read somewhere he mentioned "Anons" so it rules out Kohl right away.

Lenin lived, Lenin lives, Lenin will live
The only Lenin statue of our country which was commissioned in the 21st century: a remake (not a replica) of an old one which stood - well, sat - in a town of southern Hungary and what the whole country known as the "shitting Lenin".
The original had a background of three big concrete blocks with carvings depicting communist youth, workers and soldiers in similar style of ancient Egyptian murals. And Lenin himself was planned to sit in a majestic posture of the pharaohs. However it went a bit sideways and his pose reminded people of someone struggling with a bit of constipation. The regime change came, and he had to go with all the other relics of the past era.
This new one does his business up on the side of a museum dedicated to the years between 1945-1990. They wanted the original but the legal successor of the creator did not want that, and didn't agree to let them make a replica. So a very similar new one had to be made instead.

Below the links Bernd can find some more photos, of the original too.

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> And Lenin himself was planned to sit in a majestic posture of the pharaohs.

Pretty rare statue. Most of Lenin statues in USSR had standing figure, some with hand pointing into bright communist future.

Here is short autistic catalogue of types: http://lenin.tilda.ws/typology

On photo is also me with the Lenin in 2001.

Lazyposting with RT.
> traveling to Mars
Any day now.
> You can develop cancer, lose muscle tone or suffer memory loss.
People do this all the time on Earth, no need for that trip.
> six-month trek
How long is the average stay on the space station?

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For now only a Hungarian article, maybe will look for English, I'm just not in the mood right now.
During the knife attack of yesterday a Polish cook hastened to save the day. He parried the terrorist's weapon with a narwhal's tusk Tusk, haha, which won enough time for the brits to react and force the knife out of the perp's hand.

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Oh, additional information:
> Khan, who was released from jail last December on licence, attends a conference on prisoner rehabilitation at Fishmongers' Hall, just off London Bridge.
Comedy gold.

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Oh, additional information:
> Khan, who was released from jail last December on licence, attends a conference on prisoner rehabilitation at Fishmongers' Hall, just off London Bridge.
Comedy gold.

Trump accused us and the Argies of devaluing our currencies and imposed tarrifs on our steel and aluminum. But we're not doing it on purpose, the real and peso are dropping just from general decline and incompetence.

That was just part of a natural fluctuation. The overall trend is going downward.
> Argie economy is crashing, livelihood of millions dancing over the edge of the abyss
> you do this on purpose just to fuck with us!!!!

Nah at this point among all these subsequent crises a new human species evolved out of them which can't live without economic depression. It's liek air, food or water to them. So they unconsciously elect people who can ensure the endless supply of this vital necessity.

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We have weddings for dick cuttings, for this case the childs uncle hired twerk dancer for this organization. Moralfags outcry because muh pedophilia and shiet.

Honestly it's hilarious.

I feel a mix. Fucking amazing seeing this with the music at a family event, hilarious and bizarre. Odd to have such a big gathering just for dick cutting? Sad that african tribal dancing and blaring wog noises has become so dominant in so many cultures.

> dick cutting
Abraham was a mistake
t. Dog
> weddings for it
If one weird custom wouldn't be enough.
Who weds who? And why they cut the weewee so late?
> uncle hired twerk dancer
There was some webm of some dude's birthday in Russia, a stripper was hired by one of his relatives. The video also featured his moms or grandma or both.

> And why they cut the weewee so late?
muh tradition

> Who weds who? 
his family weds their son entering manhood.

> There was some webm of some dude's birthday in Russia, a stripper was hired by one of his relatives. 
this one is that videos equivalent. Türkiye and Rossiya are soulmates.

And some local news.

Office of Nginx Inc, a company that makes the very popular and reliable web server - nginx - was raided by police yesterday. Company owner Igor Sysoev and few other company members were detained for some time. Police raid was made in authentic Russian style, OMON with rifles, raid over office and personnel homes, confiscation of computers etc.

Story is simple: Sysoev started to write nginx in early 2000s when he worked as system administration in Rambler, one of the local leaders of the internet industry - a large search engine, news site, mail provider and media giant. Sysoev wasn't coder and made nginx in his free time, then used nginx in Rambler too, opensourced it and, after some time, quit that company and started his own "Nginx Inc". In 2019 his company was bought by some American company named F5 for 670 000 000 $, but development still continued by Nginx Inc.

Now the Rambler Media Group suddenly remembers that 15 years ago Sysoev worked for them. For some specific reason they didn't go to court for administrative case, but asked police to open criminal case, so OMON and other funny things can be used. 

Rambler has no real evidence that Sysoev worked on nginx as company worker, not as just common person, so the case is really about "unknown people violated copyright of Rambler", not about Sysoev personally (at least now). Even former boss of Rambler, famous professional patriot Ashmanov, said that Sysoev had no task to create nginx, so it couldn't belong to Rambler at all (i.e it wasn't part of his assignment, but hobby). Other related people also raised their concerns about that case, because it looks very stupid from start.

Surprisingly, all these happenings started only after Sberbank - biggest state-owned bank in Russia, bought large share of Rambler's stock. Company that officially claims copyright violation (some noname Cyprus company) is also owned by same person who owns part of Rambler and slightly related to Sberbank.

Sysoev is also was pretty patriotic person who didn't want to leave Russia when he could. It would be interesting to see if his views would change.

> Police raid was made in authentic Russian style,
I see Russia takes copyright violation very seriously.
> 670 000 000 $
Nice for some open source stuff. Bernd, let's make some software. If we can sell the company for 10th of that it would still worth it.
> Now the Rambler Media Group suddenly remembers that 15 years ago Sysoev worked for them.
I think his kindergarten also should sue him. Would be just fair.
> after Sberbank - biggest state-owned bank in Russia, bought large share of Rambler's stock. Company that officially claims copyright violation (some noname Cyprus company) is also owned by same person who owns part of Rambler and slightly related to Sberbank.
I guess he is slightly related to a couple of people in the government too.

By the sound of it, could have happened on the Hungary too.

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> I see Russia takes copyright violation very seriously.

Often not, but this case is different. The reason is simple: people behind this don't really care about nginx, they also have no way to really win this case - to get something real they need to go into US court against F5, and this is impossible. Technically, their claims are nothing even for Russian court, although they can just use money or power here (but it looks like they already can't do much).

But they surely care about 670 millions. And programmer becomes much more agreeable and friendly after meeting with prosecution service and the famous HOMO police. Being under constant pressure forces people to rethink their ways. I guess Sysoev already received some kind of "contract" before this happening, but said "no". Now he has a second chance.

> I guess he is slightly related to a couple of people in the government too.

Of course. It is hard to find big company in Russia that isn't really government-related. Sberbank, for example, independent only on paper. An every wealthy oligarch has ties with government too.

> Nice for some open source stuff. Bernd, let's make some software. If we can sell the company for 10th of that it would still worth it.

Sadly, everything that can be made by small team without money from scratch is already made. At least everything that can be easily monetized. I have some experience with small IT startup, they already spent large amount of money and still can't get any real income from it.

> And programmer becomes much more agreeable [...] after meeting with prosecution service and the famous HOMO police [...] Sysoev already received some kind of "contract" before this happening, but said "no". Now he has a second chance.
When mafia want's to something from someone, first they try to buy him, if refused, they send someone to scare him shitless. This is basically state supported gangsterism.

> Sadly, everything that can be made by small team without money from scratch is already made.
But not sold yet. One needs to be rebranded and write an "e" before it to create N.E.R.P.S. and watch the cash flowing in.

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And Russian news again.

Shooting happened right in the central FSB building in Moscow. At first it was reported that three armed people attacked main entrance, but now FSB says that gunman was alone. He shoot at least one FSB employee dead, wounded few other people, and after near a hour he was shot too. He had AK, some pistols and bomb on his body.

Gunman name was Evgeniy Manyurov, his motivation is unknown for now, he was some businessman from Podolsk, who had experience in sport shooting.

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Vid related:
> we're safe behind the glass

> had experience in sport shooting
Index says he gained third place in IDPA contest.
His mom said he wasn't married, no gf, no friends. Srsly, society, governments should spend more on helping asocial or "socially challenged" people to learn to make friends and gfs (basically this also leads to the discussion about raising children and education). Would help Bernd too.
1 FSB employee dead, 5 wounded (1 civilian).
He tried into an FSB building (Kuznyeckiy Most street or whatnot) but couldn't, then went to the central building and opened fire while still on the street. He had a Kala, also an explosive device in his backpack. A sniper shot him.
Meanwhile Putin was on a meeting/conference held in honor of security employees, he told a speech as well.

> His mom said he wasn't married, no gf, no friends.

Looks like he isn't _that_ type of guy, some sources say he had girlfriend in past and was socially ok. Some other sources say that he worked for UAE embassy some time ago and can be radicalized too. He also was of Tatar descent, his father has name Fatikh.

He had poor health and visited doctors very often with different problems, from arthritis to gastrological problems.

Actually, case is pretty strange. Typical bearded guys don't go onto suicide missions on FSB or police, they go into suicide and terror on civilians in mass transit or something. He also didn't look as radical Muslim. There was somewhat lookalike case recently, when young anarchist brought bomb into FSB in Arkhangelsk. So this guy may be ideologically motivated by some doctrine or such, without this no one in sane mind would go into main FSB building. But FSB is silent, and I guess we wouldn't know real answer anyway.

Maybe they'll invent something for gaining some political points, so trusting them is not a good thing. Of course some people already talk about false flag.

> He tried into an FSB building (Kuznyeckiy Most street or whatnot) 

Kuznetsky Most is in 100m from Lubyanka - famous place where KGB resided (and now FSB). It is very large complex, even with own helipad. Almost same place.

> Putin was on a meeting/conference held in honor of security employees

It is "KGB day", i.e. day of state security service. Directly related to that shooting.

Well, Hungarian media isn't accurate ofc.
I don't buy it that it's a false flag because it's hard to label it to anything, and those types should be more convenient, and I do believe if those with power to create one, could make it look like anything, or close to it.
> KGB day
On Index it was worded so one could understand as if it was for a wide range of security employees, like police or some such.

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>  >"Gayropa" is a word often used by Russian authorities to refer to Europe.
> Do they really?

No. I've never seen this word in any "official" speak or source. You may google "гейропа" in news - it may be used by some journalists or writers, but not by authorities.

Although it is often used in common speech, mostly ironically, but seriously too (especially in some places where truly chthonic Russians do discussions, like youtube comments or patriotic sites). There are plenty other funny words, like "liberast" (mix of liberal and pederast i.e. faggot), some of them are known in English through imageboards.

And, contrary to popular opinion, Russia isn't that hostile to LGBTBBQWTF people. They aren't loved, but there is no patrolling lynch mobs or such (except when person becomes target for political or financial reasons).

One popular pop star from 90s - Boris Moiseev - acts like open gay for example, and he still shown on TV. There is also common knowledge that many of singers or known people are gay, but no one really cares much. Of course you can be beaten somewhere because of homosexualism, but in these places you'll be beaten anyway, they surely will find a reason to beat you (for example, you looking on them wrong). And I don't even mention prison homosexuality, this is another story.

I speak there only about real Russia though, not about Chechnya or something like this. Russian laws don't really work there, and society is much different.

I thought so.
It's KC main where I'm familiar from with that word, and even there I don't think was used much, or used nowadays on Kohl.
> except when person becomes target for political or financial reasons
Yeah, very useful to gather information that can be used as blackmail or torpedo in the perfect time... An interesting duality one should have who wants to be a public figure: on one hand he should be clean white as snow, so he himself cannot be used against himself by his rivals (from outside and inside), but also have to be ruthless to run over others. But now I'm getting sidetracked.

So Politico just casually lies. Who would have thought.

Something being buried in the news of the Iran war:
Apparently, relatives of the LeBarons, both Mormon families are being targeted in Mexico by the US government-controlled cartels. Remember Ervil LeBaron? That one Mormon guy that ritualistically sacrificed his opponents in Mexico? That's his family.

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Putin is playing 5d chess again. Medvedev and the Russian govt resigned in order to Putin can acquire their power, and now they transform Putin himself into the constitution of the country.
Oh yeah he wanna allow the duma electing the PM and govt, as a decentralization, meanwhile he makes the State Council into an official branch of power, a govt over the govt.

My Putin folder is seriously lacking.

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Yeah, pretty surprising move, because Russian government doesn't really change much, even when their performance is going down. Russian government is very protective for it's composition, statesmen rarely go work outside, they just change their positions.

> govt resigned in order to Putin can acquire their power

Not really. Government and even parliament in Russia is nothing, they do what Kremlin want. Government can't show any dissent, and it doesn't even have any serious people who can oppose Putin, they are bunch of oligarchic managers, nothing more. Parliament (both Duma and Federation Council) are machines that support literally everything that is said from "top".

So, resignation isn't directly related to all these constitution changes, especially considering that it would be done not now, but in some distant future. Some sources say that Kremlin didn't like how government worked in last years, but it is strange reason - government does same for much longer time. Other sources say about multi-d-chess and other things. New prime minister is relatively unknown person, who worked as head of federal tax service.

But actually, I don't thing that anything would change.

Well I just paraphrased Medvedev from the article:
> entire balance of power, the power of the executive, the power of the legislature, the power of the judiciary,” Medvedev explained.
> “In this context, it is obvious that, as the government, we must provide the president with a capability to make all decisions,” 
So the stepped down to provide Putin the capability and don't stand in his way.
> Government and even parliament in Russia is nothing, they do what Kremlin want
That it is not true. For example when Putin was PM in 2008-2012 the government was the most important body.

I liek how the term of presidency was extended from four years to six during Medvedev's presidency but not for Medvedev, only for whoever followed his term. ie. for Putin.

Poland is bad again. They don't celebrate the anniversary of getting shackles instead of chains. The brotherly Soviet Union made a favour by bringing the peace and freedom of black pobjedas, tokarevs, gulags and five year plans to them. And this is the gratitude.
And they make an (Seriban-) American to write this article. I'm gonna shit meself. And there are westerners who eat this up?

Ok. I managed to read them (I think in my usual browsers I stop the scripts which should load them).
> Dražen Grašovec
This absolutely not Serbian kremlinbot gentlemen also finds Croatian nationalism very problematic.

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Long-term EU budget is getting discussed.
tl;dr: Those who pay more and get less want to pay less, those who get more want bigger budget, the richer want to spend on research and tech and shit, the poorer want more agricultural and regional support.
Also no UK and their contribution.

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Police in Ceará went on strike and in at least one case ordered stores to close. The state is falling apart. The Ferreira Gomes family, which exerts immense power in the state and the city of Sobral in particular (where their foothold in politics dates to the 1890s), has three notable brothers in its ruling generation: Ciro, who ran in 2018, Ivo, current mayor of Sobral, and Cid, senator for the state. Cid tried to argue with policemen and gave them five minutes to abandon their positions. When they didn't comply he charged their positions with a digger and was met with gunfire. His wounds were minimal and he's alive.

That's just natural when redistribution is at play in a budget spanning regions with great wealth disparities. That's the root of the north/south dichotomy in Brazilian elections which only arose in 2006, the expansion of the welfare state expanded São Paulo and the rest of the center-south's role as net providers and the Northeast's as net receivers. Soon the receivers were unassailable bastions of the ruling party and the providers gradually joined the opposition. Only solutions are to somehow split the budget, bridge the wealth disparity between the regions or not begin the redistribution in the first place.

> he charged their positions with a digger
I rarely say this - if I ever did - but, based.
> wounds
Did they fire with rubber bullets? Live rounds (well rubber is live, I mean with real bullets with steel and led and such) would be a little risky and early to use.
What was the issue?

The Eu budget also has another problem. The money used for regional development cannot be used as a capital for productive enterprises to strengthen the economy of the poorer regions (since they would mean competition for the companies of the rich countries, although I think enterprises can compete for EU moneyz in some ways, I'm not sure, and ofc indirectly sure one can use those sums). So catching up cannot be financed from the EU budget.
In relation to this, the western (German) companies can invest here, opening local branches (or buying up existing Hungarian companies, incorporating them into their structures), so the average Eastern Euro worker is sweating for making the rich countries richer, by producing their goods, and then consuming them, giving back the money they earned from them.
It's all planned very nicely.

> Did they fire with rubber bullets? Live rounds (well rubber is live, I mean with real bullets with steel and led and such) would be a little risky and early to use.
Live ammunition, .40 cal to be exact. 
> What was the issue?
Getting them to abandon their strike.

> In relation to this, the western (German) companies can invest here, opening local branches (or buying up existing Hungarian companies, incorporating them into their structures), so the average Eastern Euro worker is sweating for making the rich countries richer, by producing their goods, and then consuming them, giving back the money they earned from them.
That still develops the easterners a bit, capital flows in and at least a minority of the profits stay.

> Live ammunition
Wow. They don't play around.
> That still develops the easterners a bit
Sure. But the gap is just getting bigger, because the west getting richer isn't proportionate, or less slow. So no catching up for sure. Well not on this basis. I think there are lots of other factors which influence the development of West Urp, because they seem to disintegrate or stagnate at least instead of rising. But I rarely go more west than I walk in the woods so what I know about that.
We have our mud in not catching up for sure. Corruption is seriously tapping into the money both arrives from foreign investment and the EU development fund, and while it does it not just siphons away capital from where it should go, but it is spent on lesser quality stuff too. Sometimes I say the problem isn't that we don't have enough water for the fields but that we try to haul it in sieves.

New wave of refugees arrived to Hungary. This time from west:
I haven't watched the video in it's entirety, even tho it's just 10 mins. Tomorrow.

If they lived in a large city the uptick in violence would be a concrete concern in their day-to-day lives and their decision to leave an example of "white flight". Of course, they wouldn't have to leave all the way to Hungary, any village would suffice. But it seems they already came from such a village so they're overreacting a bit.
> Many factors played into our decision, for instance, our pension. We would retire on 2025 but we would not get by on our pension in Germany
This was probably very important and only gets a passing mention.
They look content on their new homes, so good for them.

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Watched it. The footage is cut thoroughly, and ofc they left the chemtrail stuff in so the Index could show that these guys are those, you know, the nutcases. But they are a specific crowd for sure. As you said, overreacting a bit, they have that mindset, they are also East Germans, so that's adds to it. I don't think they are wrong in their perception tho. Things aren't going for the nations and the "indigenous" culture. Too bad we have the gypsies, we end up the same as West, except with them.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure the pension and livability played larger part than what the video suggests.

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Weapons cache is gonna get cleared at Mügli-am-See in Switzerland because of the real danger of explosion. Half of it already went up back in 1947. Population will be evacuated probably for the full length of the works, for about a decade.

> turned the cave into a Chernobyl
You guys moved Russians there? Must have been devastating.

I think another safe is getting built for all the gold and this munition blah blah is the cover story. Next war is coming in 2031.

Elections in Israel Episode III - Groundhog day

Candidates? See last two elections. Result? See last two elections. See you again for Episode IV, king Bibi doesn't want to go to jail.

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This Israeli election campaign is getting wild. Liberal American-Israeli-Hungarian grille demonizing Bibi's greatest ally the Hungarian govt. for it's state owned media censorship practices:

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22 yo grill is the new deputy undersecretary. At least her place at the Family and Youth Affairs, so why not. She's just finished law uni.
The article is about something something they can't reach her to make an interview or something like that. I guess liberals must be really butthurt they weren't the ones who put a young female into a high ranking office.

Apparently it's realistic to expect the retirement age to be at 70 by 2030.

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Sidenote: both in 2018 and 2019 the GDP growth was about 5%, among the best in the EU. Despite that not long ago everyone was bitching that the Forint reached the all time lowest, 340 HUF = 1 EUR!!!4! How horrible!!! Who cares? Since forever we are hitting the historically lowest point continuously. Unless there's a hyperinflation, there's no problem.

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So I read this (yes, it's in Hungarian):
... and now I'm smart.
Basically, in the past years the demand grew steadily, and the supply was forced to level it artificially, and so they kept the price up. The high oil prices ofc is good for every oil producing country, but some - where the cost of extraction is high - can't do without it.
This year due to the corona, the consumption fell, then on Friday the Saudis and the Russians said fuck the agreement which held back production which gonna result in higher supply. Then came the Italian crisis with the quarantine of the north, and the general mood in the EU (the fear of disease) suggests the consumption will even less than predicted so the scissor of supply and demand opened wider, resulting the fall of oil prices.
The low price of oil hurts all the countries who produce it, but not equally. The Saudis cover most of their budget from the oil, but they extract it the cheapest, so on the long run, when others fell out from the game their market share will rise. Russia relies less on it then the Saudis and still produces it cheap so they also win on the long run. But the US companies for whom the cost is high will lose badly this can be uncomfortable for Trump during the election.
For Hungary the low prices are favorable, since we are consumers, and it will help our import-export balance.

Yes, on the short term it will hurt everyone. But on the long run Saudis and Russia will come out better than the US, due to the cheaper production cost. With the prices falling US companies can't afford to extract oil.
The Saudi budget needs high prices, but with the cheapest production they won't fall much. The Russian budget can be balanced even with the lower prices (Saudi needs $85 oil for that, Russia only $42), and they (you) produce oil (and gas) relatively cheap.
US companies due to technical difficulties the cost of extraction is high, with the falling prices they can't continue.
(Also Iran's economy is crashing and burning.)

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> The Russian budget can be balanced even with the lower prices

There is a big hidden part of oil exports that ignored when bugdets are compared.

Oil producers are biggest economy players in Russia, even if their share in taxes aren't that big (near 30%). But these companies spend money to everything, because Russian economy is very centralized and monopolized. Very large share of economy live on indirect money from oil and gas exporters (manufacturing and service sector etc), so, if oil is cheap, everyone suffer. And prices go up because there are plenty of imports. And Russia doesn't export anything except raw materials and (sometimes) food, but economy isn't balanced to live without imports.

So, maybe state has the reserves to balance the budget with low prices, but state-owned companies aren't. Overall it would be much more serious, if you'd look at economy at all. Considering that Russia is in hidden recession from 2014 (and it wasn't good even before), and real income of population is falling for few years, this oil thing is serious.

Found an article on the Russo-Saudi breakdown:

Saudi Arabia had last week sought the support of Opec and allies outside the cartel, such as Russia, for a substantial cut in production to stabilise the oil market, which has been reeling as the spread of coronavirus hits the global economy and saps demand for crude. But Russia torpedoed the plan, eyeing an opportunity to hit US shale producers, infuriating the kingdom and resulting in the countries removing all restrictions on their output from April. “Opec and other countries including Russia couldn’t get an agreement. If others will push their production, why is Saudi Arabia not doing the same,” said a second person familiar with the kingdom’s output policy. “Now we have the right to sell more to compensate for any loss in prices.” 
Russia has built up a $170bn national wealth fund from excess oil revenues in recent years and believes it can tap that to offset any short-term price war, despite crude plunging close to its budget break even price of around $42 a barrel. Mikhail Leontiev, press secretary for Rosneft, Russia’s largest oil producer, said that the relationship with Saudi Arabia had become “meaningless”. “The true result of the arrangement is that the total volume of oil that was reduced as a result of the repeated extension of the Opec+ agreement was completely and quickly replaced in the world market with American shale oil,” he said in a statement to state-owned news agency TASS. Rosneft is majority owned by the Russian state and run by one of president Vladimir Putin’s closest and longest-serving associates. “The proposal that was made was not a partnership. A partnership agreement always implies a compromise,” Mr Leontiev said, adding that the collapse of the agreement allows Russia to concentrate on monetising its crude resources. 
The last price war in 2014 upended the global oil industry, inflicting pain on producers from the North Sea to North Dakota, and forcing them to adapt to the decisive end of the $100-oil era. Higher output from Saudi Arabia would again hit the US shale sector, the rapid growth of which over the past decade has made the US the world’s top producer and forced rivals to restrict output in a bid to prop up the price. The US shale industry has struggled to generate consistent profits, however, and is struggling with tighter access to financing, leaving it vulnerable. 
But the kingdom appears to be targeting Russia in particular. Saudi Arabia is set to announce that it will sell its crude into north west Europe, a key market for Russian barrels, at discounts to its reference price of more than $8 a barrel compared to March, according to an official price list seen by the Financial Times. In the US it is also set to discount its crude by around $7 a barrel in April compared with March. It also made prices cuts to Asia of between $4-6 a barrel. Monthly price adjustments are normally only a few cents or at most a dollar or two, leaving little doubt over what the kingdom is hoping to achieve. Saudi Arabia’s 12m b/d production capacity has largely been restored after the drone and missile strikes on its key facilities in September. The kingdom maintains the most spare production capacity globally, allowing it to raise its output faster than rivals. The move will put pressure on Saudi Arabia’s allies in the Gulf like the UAE and Kuwait to cut their prices and potentially increase output to remain competitive.

The recent high-level arrests may have had to do with the Saudi move. There were also rumors of the king being on his deathbed but nothing more on that.
And Russia's economic direction since the second half of the last decade has some parallels with the late Weimar Republic's handling of its debt once it couldn't find credit and the world was in Depression. It used harsh austerity to drive down demand, lowering imports and thus creating a foreign exchange surplus to build up reserves/pay debt. But Weimar's political environment, with a power vacuum and uncontrolled mass extremist movements wielding paramilitaries, meant that the popular discontent it generated brought down the whole system. Putin has a simpler crisis, internally and externally, is clearly in command and has repressive power, so he can be more confident in his position.

I'm Brazilbernd on .net. Guess we are all Dutch now.

> Now we have the right to sell more to compensate for any loss in prices.
This is so silly. If they want to sell more the price will fall more then they have to compensate even more by selling resulting more loss in prices. I hope they continue until electricity will be free. I knew the free market will fix it.

Wonder if this has any relation to the situation in Syria.

I wonder how this will effect the already worsening relations between Qatar and the Saudis. Maybe it will push them into the arms of the Russians. Russia could try and utilize Iranian oil if they really wanted to turn it into a war of quantity as well.

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US Marine corps is getting rid of their tanks as well as cutting back on artillery and other things.


How the article starts it feels as if they were just slimming down the Corps to spare some money. But it seems they are going to be more electronic. Well they have to spend that budget somehow.
> specifically against China

To be honest I liek this article was linked here, not just because it is interesting to see how military theory and preparation changes, but it breaks the monotony of the corona topic.
Which makes us forget some ongoing events of the world.
- American presidential election
- Brexit
- Cilmate change
- Hong-Kong protests
- Migrant crisis
- Syria
- Venezuela
What else? What would Bernd add?

I saw some news snippets that how the air cleared over China and Italy, and Budapest's air pollution level fell to it's third. I wonder how it effects this climate change question. I remember Greta's opinion, that everything has to be shut down to save Earth and yaddy-yaddy-yadda. Also the weather behaves curiously, mild 15-20 degrees we have here than it falls down to 10 and minuses during the night, goes like this a few days, then returns the mild weather, snowing a little but too, which is perfectly fine for March, even for early April. Last year it was mild weather in February and by April it was warm. 2018 was similar. Read some ironic comments how this epidemic fixes the weather. Could be this simple? Could the constant running of factories and traffic influence the weather without actually changing the climate and a pause in it let it return back to normal?

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Yes, it is getting tiresome, and they say we have six more months of this.

As for more things that are happening, it looks like the Libyan war is still trudging onwards, but interestingly the GNA is taking ground now. Also of interest, a French ship turned back a Turkish one that was believed to be intending to supply the GNA.

> did this srs happen though?
Mostly yes.
The accident happened. It was in Poland. His car crashed in front of a church. But I dunno where he was heading I wrote that for it's humour value.
Link #1, it's Hungarian, I got the gif from there:
Link #2, in English:
Below that facebook embedded stuff (I guess the video) you can find a couple of lines, the article itself. The author refers to a Polish telly channel, Telewizja Aleksandrów Łódzki.

Oh, here's Polish article, I assume the original, and the root source:

Article says witnesses saw him cut a tree in a flight, passing above the JP2 statue and stopping on a building belonging to the local parish. He was too hurt to be examined if he was drunk, but the policemen say they could smell alcohol from him. His car was on fire too.

> Article says witnesses saw him cut a tree in a flight, passing above the JP2 statue and stopping on a building belonging to the local parish. He was too hurt to be examined if he was drunk, but the policemen say they could smell alcohol from him. His car was on fire too.

So just a normal day for a Polish man then?

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Oh yeah. At first I thought about adding the Sarmatian face, the polish businessman might be better. The problem with this two however is how they face the camera.
Also then we need a grill too. Thought about Kasia (I think), or that truck driver grill with the youtube channel (if it's still alive and material can be found) but there might be better candidates out there.
Yeah, logos should go, but not sure if I can remove them to look good. Ofc the Polish CoA should go there instead.
Also ebin quotes I could add, liek:
> Polan can into space
> I see God up here

> The problem with this two however is how they face the camera.
Yeah the angle of the face would be off if you did. 

> Also ebin quotes I could add, liek:
Yeah those sound good

Also maybe change the rating to:
> Rated K for Kurwa
You can also add
> A Papa Jan Pawel II studios production
or something

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It seems the Semmelweis University, one of our medical schools, is gonna open a traditional Chinese medicine section under the Faculty of Health Science.
Basically they get a governmental investment, to erect new building and one floor will be occupied by a Chinese medical school's outsourced department or some such.
It's a part of a bigger deal, Orbán talked to Winnie the Pooh on phone recently. Another project will be getting on the rail again, they gonna build the the long time planned Belgrade-Budapest railroad line (which is part of a longer path, from Greek ports, or from Montenegro, or both).

Apparently part of the Belt and Road initiative involves Chinese medicine, they want to spread it and also use the route to bring ingredients to China.


Really bizarre, I don't know why they feel the need for it. It's this odd hangover from Pre communist society that has somehow lingered on, you would think they would have detached themselves from it and labelled it as a silly superstition. It's no wonder odd viruses keep coming form the area.

It's a hovercraft:  >>/28887/

> 350 kinds of traditional medicines
That's a lot of quackery. Not that Hungarian healthcare could offer any better.
> It's no wonder odd viruses keep coming form the area.
I believe they handle all the things dangerous irresponsibly. It's a miracle they don't have nuclear catastrophe every other year.

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A scene fitting to an action movie played out at Budapest.
A man in a Suzuki tried to get away from coppers looking for an identity check, but a brave food courier how the fuck is this job called in English? I can only find "delivery driver" which is godawful pinned the troublemaker down with his scooter.
The driver of the Suzuki continued to resist so the cops arrested him.

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Also some recent happening from outskirts of Moscow. Some people had some criminal conflict that resulted in shooting with hunting rifles. Reasons are unknown, although some of them already found by police. 
Of course at least half of them are Caucasians (in local terms).

Compared to USA, it is very rare to see any rifle shooting in Russia because civilian arms market is pretty strict and self-defense is almost prohibited. This doesn't stop that type of people though.

Good car vs car action too. Keeping the white car in check.
> This doesn't stop that type of people though.
Yeah. Criminals have guns, they have their way to obtain it well criminals who do crimes as a "lifestyle" and not ordinary people who do a onetimer. Even in the US the vast majority of gun related deaths are results of criminal activity. And most guns that used to kill someone has illegal origin one notable exception when cops kill.

> And most guns that used to kill someone has illegal origin
From my understanding, most guns used to comit crime are bought legaly by someone who later gives the gun to the criminal. Wich is ilegal, but the guns were still obtained trough a legal method on the first place

Okay. At least two pages discuss the source of guns. The "Availability of Guns" and "Crime and Guns". I see somewhat contradictory statements there.
On one side:
> Fact: Five out of six gun-possessing felons obtained handguns from the secondary market and by theft, and “[the] criminal handgun market is overwhelmingly dominated by informal transactions and theft as mechanisms of supply.”
> Fact: The majority of handguns in the possession of criminals are stolen, and not necessarily by the criminals in question. 7 In fact, over 100,000 firearms are stolen in burglaries every year, and most of them likely enter the criminal market (i.e., are sold or traded to criminals).
> Fact: One study 7of adult offenders living in Chicago or nearby determined that criminals obtain most of their guns through their social network and personal connections. Rarely is the proximate source either direct purchase from a gun store, or even theft. This agrees with other, broader studies of incarcerated felons.
> Fact: Other common arrangements include sharing guns and holding guns for others.
Although the first two doesn't say the criminals who end up using guns acquired through theft, but theft is a method to fill the criminal market. And the criminal market works on the basis of acquaintenance, so yeah, they obtain it through their social network. But into that network these guns enter in illegal ways.

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So as corona started to get stale this commotion in the US took over the place of the leading news in the media. I heard Germans held protests too. I think our liberals refrained from this nonsense but wouldn't buy poison for it.

Anyway the National Széchényi Library opened a new service, it's basically a photo gallery/archive. 
This gallery collects photos from WWI (right now about 6300):
They all have descriptions (where it was available), when, where, by whom, what is exactly in the picture, etc.
I don't see any English version, I hope they plan to add it, but the use is fairly straightforward. Click on images, you gonna get pictures. 
#1 changing of the guards in the Dolomites
#2 Italian Alpine patrol receiving orders
#3 Russian political prisoners in Siberia
#4 ad hoc bunker of an Austrian team on the Eastern Front

Lots of looting, throwing rocks at the police in gothenburg yesterday. Apparently they rioted because of what happened in usa and police brutality. 

They also managed to loot a family who was moving homes.


I dont even think sweden had any colonies.

Technically Sweden colonised Ghana and parts of Delaware, though it was taken over by the Dutch (and later the English) and us. Irrelevant anyways, basically no African-Americans descend from Swedish-owned slaves. I thought it was the Sami that are essentially the "victims" of the Swedes, especially since they consider themselves the "Native Americans" of northern Scandinavia, or your version of Eskimos. 
There are apparently riots in Copenhagen and Aarhus too, with everyone shouting "black lives matter" in-front of American properties.

The sami gets alot of money from the state though and most live in stockholm. And they have like 10% sami blood. Muh reindeers

Apparently we had some colonies


Mass psychosis or some shit. Even here we have protest now.
First the media scares people to death with the great attention given to covid, confuses them by reporting even the most tiny tidbits, contrary opinions, and outright lies. Then governments lock people into their homes, isolating them from outside stimulus, but the covid hysteria flows unstoppable from the tap of the media. Then as the lockdown ends people suddenly released with their bottled in emotions, then the media finds something that they could blow up out of proportion now that covid got stale, emotions erupts, chimping out ensues.
I know, Sweden didn't have lockdown, it's just in general about the situation.

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This is golden.
> This space is now property of the Seattle people
Who was the previous owner? Canada?
> Harold Scoggins, the fire chief, was there on Wednesday, chatting with protesters, helping set up a call with the police department and making sure the area had portable toilets and sanitation services.
Well, as long as daddy wipes their noses, they will thrive. 
> City Council member affiliated with the Socialist Alternative Party
> Socialist Alternative Party
I'm sure having great weight in the US.
> she promoted her plan to tax Amazon, which is headquartered in the city.
What are they gonna do? Extort protection money?
> “We should focus on just this one thing first,” said Moe’Neyah Dene Holland, 19, a Black Lives Matter activist. “The other things can follow suit. Because honestly, black men are dying and this is the thing we should be focusing on.”
What do they need? Fountain of youth? A ventilator? Insulin ampules?

And what the fuck is this shit about "claiming" and "reclaiming". Are they not the citizens of the US anymore? Did they give it up?

> Where. And who are the spooks in this metaphor. Or were.
spooks is a sloppy meaning of agents of state/intelligence etc. 

> Well, as long as daddy wipes their noses, they will thrive. 

they dug up some dirt and planted pots but they died in a day. 

> And what the fuck is this shit about "claiming" and "reclaiming". Are they not the citizens of the US anymore? Did they give it up?

niggers are just useful idiots like the lefties/liberals. they will never be satisfied ever.

It happened here, literal anarchists taking power and establishing "communes":

I guess, but it's pretty easy to figure what "spook" means (spook = ghost = what agents do to hide their real identity). Technically "agent" also means demon using its original Greek definition, but not a lot of people know that. Spook is also a word for "nigger" as well, used to be common slang until the "N-word" beat them all out.

Ofc Wikipee article was made:
From this I can tell, this is just neo-hippies, hippying around as they usually do, except the local police station is empty.

Here's the list of their demands, also from the Wp article:
- rent control
- de-gentrification
- police abolition
- defund or abolish police
- fund community health
- dropping charges against protesters
But it seems they have others on a wide range, from 3 to 30.

The response by the media seems odd to this, they don't seem to be that critical of it even when people are literally being killed by these mobs. They don't seem to care much about the Virus either, you would think Big Business would be doing every thing in their power to stop these riots because of what would happen if it caused a second wave, but they are not.

Because it's an operation with active support from the media and their handlers, and the virus is a hoax as the germ theory is baseless, which is why nobody's being infected. Surely they're going to create a "second wave" and pretend people are, classifying all regular deaths as COVID deaths.

" I want to head down to CHAZ, what should I bring?
The occupation at CHAZ is looking for: - Clothes: belts, shirts and pants - Cigarettes + lighters - Lanterns / headlamps - Portable Solar Chargers - Gatorade or electrolyte powder - Backpacks and reuseable bags - TENTS! and other sleeping materials - Tracfone Minutes Card - Body lotion - shoes - bedding - zip ties - folding chairs - laundry bags - personal fans - body wash - disinfectant - sunglasses "

Some fascinating priorities






It probably isn't 5G either more-so than an entire hoax per se. They're probably going to push a second wave, but right now these operatives are too busy trying to balkanise the USA. Soon enough we'll have all sorts of subdivisions vying for control of the USA, like China in the 30s.

Frenchies are probably deebly goncerned.
I'm sure they helped that bloke out of his car after they ensured he didn't had a spine injury, while they were waiting for the ambulance they called promptly.

The blessings of multiculti and globalism. It's fine importing more criminals if our country managed to eliminate all home brew sources of crime. Otherwise would sound insane.

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Okay, first the proofs:
This Hungarian article says they attacked each other with stones and sticks:
This link I found in the article above:

Things are worse today. 20 Indians dead. 43 Chinese died.
China has broken border protocols according to India and India broke protocols according to China.

All when India recorded 11k+ cases and 2k deaths covid related yesterday.

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Three men with Burzum shirts were detained in São Paulo by the police on suspicions of Nazism. They have been released and cops are dismissive of the case and think they're just metalheads. However the police ombudsman, a black lawyer, wants a hate crime investigation, a report from the Criminalistics Institute and declarations from the Brazilian Israelite Society and the German Consulate.

Why were they detained? What's the suspected 'crime' according to Brazilian law?
> wants a hate crime investigation, a report from the Criminalistics Institute and declarations from the Brazilian Israelite Society and the German Consulate.

Should ask for an emergency UN security council meeting too.

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Here's one from the neighbourhood. Robbers broke into the HQ of the organized crime unit in Bucharest. Some times later the police was called to loud melee, where they arrested some people. It turned out they were the robbers arguing how to divide the booty.

Sounds plausible.

Numbers are rising.

As long as they stick to stones. Would it spiral into a nuclear war?
Was there a war between nuke powers? Pakistan and India is constantly having border clashes since they lost their colonial ties.


Did he stop entirely?

So it looks like there have been Multiple shootings in the CHAZ. It's annoying, I can't really find good information on it. Partly it's because they were taking the phones from people filing in the area, they did it to this guy but he was livestreaming.


It's hard to say what the reasons for these shootings are or even actually how many there have been or how many have been injured, I have heard there has been 4 shootings. Of course they will most likely be attributed to right wing groups and it's possible but there are often brawls and fights that occur within the area as well so it could be some kind of internal dispute, one of the people to have died was a rapper so there is that.

Last interesting thing was they renamed it to CHOP.
> armed CHOP security
Groovy. But what do they need it for?
> no filming
But that's the time when the more people film almost wrote "shoot" the better. This is how they could show it ain't them who are doing the ruckus.
There's continuous live stream on twitch.
Well at least on a corner. There should have been more livecam set up.

I would say those shootings were provocations. I bet they mumbled the mantra all the time that everyone has to be peaceful there to show how well things are working and stuff, everyone should have heard about this even criminal elements. I think such a place would find the wackos, pranksters, and those who want to end it by showing how incapable of keeping the peace who are in there trying to run a place, for either because they hate them for a reason, or because they just wanna see them fail. And I assume that place would attract criminals from elsewhere too. Not to mention govt. agencies who wants to end the whole thing. Not to mention players in the govt. who wants to profit from the situation. I bet there are more on the list I haven't thought of.

> I bet they mumbled the mantra all the time that everyone has to be peaceful there to show how well things are working and stuff, everyone should have heard about this even criminal elements. 

There seems to be quite a difference of opinion between certain groups and people, because there often are fights and altercations and when reporters enter they can get mobbed and harassed. I think over time the violent mentality will win out as the more peaceful people become disillusioned with the way it's going. Then you will just have the scum left and that in turn will lead to more violence. But it's probably never going to get that far because I doubt the government will allow shootings to happen to many more times.

I think such situations need a couple of people who are relatively known in those places and can be put forward as moral examples and voice of reason. Ofc then it is hard to avoid having bosses because these people would be put forward doing what's need to do even against their own will - or just by the force of other people being incapable of doing anything and stuff has to be done.

Those zones get relaxed tax restrictions, pollution restrictions and other special stuff not allowed in mainland China and are mostly set up to boost economy, employment and foreign investment. Basically, the place just became more chinky and less jewish.

It becomes a regular first tier city pretty much. It's going to dry up a lot of foreign investment too although that has become less of an issue now than before due to the rise of internal Chinese exchanges. China at them moment may be stronger internally so it may be able to prop itself up but sooner or later the world is going to stop fostering it. There is the increased cost of labour of course but another factor is that China is increasingly become a business owner not just a business supplier, Chinese companies are now directly competing with western ones yet they are competing using the foundation built for them by the west and it looks like Trump(or the US) is looking to tear that away.

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Today is pretty big day in modern Russian history: it is the referendum for constitution amendments. It was planned in spring, then coronavirus moved date to autumn.

But suddenly, after months of lockdown, government decided to do referendum at 1st of July, because lockdown makes people unhappy. So, all restrictions were lifted, sometimes even too fast for local governments, and covid disappeared from media front pages.

Amendments are mostly irrelevant and sometimes contradict themselves, like mentioning god in part about glorious Russian history, but not mentioning what specific god it is, while other parts of constitution still say that Russia is a secular state. There were only two voting options, yes or no, so you couldn't choose specific amendment to vote for or be against.

Of course main reason is much more simple, and everyone know this: new constitution allows current president to be elected again. While constitution forbids president to be elected two times, new edition will provide the fresh start and two new terms.

Some unofficial exit polls shown that there is a large amount of "no" votes, but we all know how it will end already.

Well, the CHOP is over now. Pretty anti-climatic, the police just showed up and drove everybody out, a few stayed and yelled at them for a bit but anybody that refused to leave was arrested. If only they had done this before.

> all restrictions were lifted
Because Russia's healthcare defeated the pandemic.
> allows current president to be elected again
It's not about Putin. Everyone knows the optimal times of reelecting presidents is three. It's the most efficient and the mostest democratic.
> unofficial exit polls
I wouldn't believe them. The official statistics will reliably predict the outcome.

Could be worse to be honest.
Here Orbán and Co. wanted to pass a law. Our Constitutional Court said no can do, the law unconstitutional. Since Orbán and Co. had (has) the 2/3 of the Parliament, in 48 hours they just modified our Constitution so the proposed law would fit. No such silliness like a referendum was needed.

A PM of ours once said: let them have their protests, let them have their demonstrations, they're gonna get bored and go home.
They always do. CHOP did, and the police could go back quietly.

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> the police just showed up and drove everybody out, a few stayed and yelled at them for a bit but anybody that refused to leave was arrested. If only they had done this before.

Why? No one want that thing to end. Even without any conspiracy theories this is pretty easy to explain.

Democratic party uses this BLM thing as a way to employ conformism for elections (i.e. bully everyone into Trump/Republican hating, even if person was unsure). Republicans and Trump use this show as perfect media campaign - no one sane would like what happens. Only question is "what trend is more powerful, conformism or common sense?", but we'll see this on elections. So, both political forces like this.

Local government 1) aligned to party, mostly Democrats, so acts as ideology says 2) afraid of reaction, because social conformism works for them too. Local police doesn't want to do anything even more, because everyone hate them, and if they'd act - media would hate them even more (oh peaceful hippies are suffer under white supremacy boot etc). Why anyone would protect those who don't want the protection, want to drop you from society and resists help? Police also wants to prove that they are still required, by displaying how everything works without them.

So it is up to movement to die by itself.

> Why?

I read that city government was turning a blind eye because what you explained but started getting sued by local residents and businesses due to disruptions of services and etc so they removed support. Then there was protest against the government

Do you use .org?

What he said is both sides use the events to profit from by pushing their own narratives into it.
This is part of politics. If a wave comes, everyone wants to ride it. If it's a good thing everyone claims its the fruit of his hard work, if it's bad, then the other side is responsible. If someone claims something, they have to give a counter-claim. Sometimes they cause stuff, but more often than not politicians are clueless about what's going on and just react to stuff while they claim it's all part of the plan, or their vision, or they saw it beforehand. They try to hijack events any chance to gain media attention and coverage.

> It's quite the opposite I reckon, it will only make people vote for the republicans

Plenty of people think same. But don't underestimate power of society, especially when it is about almost religious issue. Even people who suffered from looting still say remarks like "of course we support protests". Common person not so often wants to play contrarian and hide his true intentions, he mostly does what others do and have same beliefs (and rarely cares much about them).


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How the Brazilian media handles this?
Here Index kinda has that "we told you so" vibe. Not sure about our other outlets.

Also fuck this guy:
And not because he wanna track the diagnosed - who should stay on their asses and get well anyway - but because this would mean one more step forward for people accepting the denial of their right for privacy.
Right now the majority of people let themselves tracked by Google and Facebook, but it just a side-effect of the usage of their services, and as such it out of sight, out of mind. But now they're gonna get told that they will get a tracking app, and since it's mandatory they have to accept it, and not just accept it, but have the phone with themselves everywhere, while they are aware and reminded they are tracked. And this will become the norm.
Besides I've problem with the reliability of tests. And I dunno if one can build immunity or not, I don't follow the news for a while now.

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Heh. Index publish a new article every day that Bolsonaro didn't take seriously the pandemic and lo he got it. Today's is the third one. I don't get this obsession. That Russian guy in Britain took seriously and he got it too. So what.

Protests turned into clashes with the police in Belgrade. Proofs:
Serbs found the anti-covid measures too restricting and they don't like that. Aleksandar Vučić, Serbian President says it's a coup attempt. Similarly to Poland they also postponed elections, now opposition says the governing party is building a new dictatorship. It's oh so familiar.
They have over 17 000 diagnosed with covid (~3300 active, in comparison: we have 4220 with 750 active).
Meanwhile our government might strengthen the restrictions, while we're doing good, the neighbours around not so much.
Additional information: in France a bus driver didn't want to allow five passengers without masks onto the bus, the beat him to brain dead.

meanwhile in animel zoo in Switzerland. A keeper was killed by Russian Amur T-I-G-E-R while cleaning the big cat enclosure. witnesses said she wore an expensive Swiss watch, while eating finest Swiss cheese and chocolate and triggered some inferiority complex in the T-I-G-E-R.

> Similarly to Poland they also postponed elections, now opposition says the governing party is building a new dictatorship.

It was slightly different in Poland. The elections got postponed, yes, but it was the opposition that wanted to postpone them, while the ruling party together with president wanted them asap. 
There was even an idea by the opposition to extend Duda's presidency by 2 years, but the ruling party didn't want that wew. 

Also 2nd round of elections are this Sunday.

While I read I thought "wow on the eSwitzini even T-I-G-E-Rs have Swiss watch and get finest Swiss cheese and chocolate for chow. But then I finished the sentence. Much disappointment were had. Schweiz need to develop some more.

Imagine a country where the two biggest party is right, nationalist, conservative. Hmm actually we had that too for a little while back in 2016, Jobbik was 2nd biggest party after Fidesz.

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Norway published their policy on what countries they allow entry from. Despite Hungary is having breddy gud ratio, we are denied because our government haven't provided data to a European agency (probably similar to the CDC in the US) for over a month now.
Oh well.
In other news American couple (the woman is Hungarian judging by her name) left their home in Boston, to settle here, because they find the US risky in the question of covid.

President don't have much real power here. In internal politics he's basically limited to legislative initiative and vetoing an act. He's going to sign basically everything the ruling party declare, unless he's going to have a change of heart (he can't apply for re-election so there's a small chance for that).
If the opposing candidate would won, there would be much much more vetoing, except they might have find some common ground on fukcing over general population.

> But why is it needed for you guys to elect the prez via popular vote?
idk that's just the way it is
isn't it better to have the prez be elected by popular vote? otherwise it's always a puppet of whoever controls the parliament currently

Not necessarily. Our first prez was from opposition during his first term. Or in 2005 they elected a dude who was member of the Constitutional Court and somewhat independent (wasn't party member) but was supported by the Fidesz (who was in opposition back then).
Here they have 5 year terms, governments 4. So even if a prez starts as a protegee of the ruling party (parties), he could end up as an opposition prez.

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Now that China is not free to sap off by multinational corporations like Google or Facebook they've decided to pick on India next. 
These fags have made massive investments in one of the most used mobile network provider called Jio at a densely populated country that has absolutely zero care about privacy or data protection. Same service provider is going to launch 5G in a few years.
Jio itself is run by a billionaire who has investments in almost every sector from vegetables to oil. He's 6th richest people in the world, even richer than Larry Page.

Source -

Now google and facebook can log even more bobs and vagenes.

Now some RT posting.
Three news about Twitter right on their home page.
Weird checking these news sites, not just RT basically any of them. I look at the monitor and news headlines screaming chaos, panic, outrage, excitement, and generally heightened emotions, just in that little area the browser display. Then I turn and look out the window, it's so calm and peaceful. How can some people spend all day every day browsing news sites, meanwhile they stressing out on Facebook or the aforementioned Twitter about the same things they're reading.

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This is the Széchenyi Chain Bridge, a bridge over the Danube in Budapest with symbolical importance. It was the first solid bridge that connected the two banks of the river, the two settlements Buda and Pest (the city was unified in 1873). The need to build one was there for decades, only by 1849 (during the time of the revolutionary struggles) was the dream realized. It was blown up in 1945, by the retreating Germans, and reopened in 1949, a hundred years after it's opening.
It needs renovation. Eggsberts say this for a decade. Now it's the plaything of daily politics: Budapest is in the hands of the opposition, the government finds it hard to get the money to support the works. They blame each other ofc. Well, they have another 15, perhaps 25 years until it become unusably dangerous.

Some photos in the article (at some image an gallery can be opened up):

Not sure if this is politics or news. Let's say news for now.
Too much corruption, too draconian regulations due to Corona. A couple of articles:
Found a Haaretz article that looked promising at first, but then they jewed me from the viewing since I use ad-blocker.

t. not a rotter pro

This almost deserves its own thread. The Three Gorges Dam is about to blow up.




some info about the dam

I havent even mentioned the failed crops, the millions of people that are right now relocating, the mass starvation that is gonna happen, the factories that are gonna flood etc etc.

The Hungarian news site what I usually link lost the editor-in-chief couple of days ago, who was fired for reasons. Now over 70 journalist quit, or at least initiated their quitting, as an objection, also on facebook the readers organized a protest which should be going on right now I think.
The background of the whole thing is political ofc. Some time back this year an entrepreneur close to the Fidesz acquired 50% of the company which owns this news site, the Index, while this media outlet reflects the opinion of the opposition. In fact it is one of the most important newspaper. This acquisition was deemed to be a tool to silence the opposition press - but at least influence this site's narrative, another step for the Fidesz to control the country's journalism (and already they do overwhelmingly, buyouts followed buyouts since Fidesz came to power in 2010).
I saw a drop in quality through this - at least - 15 years I read them - when I read news at all -, and I criticize them on occasion. I think it would be a loss if this would end this paper. Well they could found another one I suppose.

meanwhile in Belarus. Uh, I have no clue what's going on there, the news from there sound like a bad comedy show. Belarus arrested a group of Russian tourists, because they were suspicious as they didn't drink alcohol. Lukashenko claims Putin wants to annex Belarus and replace Luka with a pro-Russian puppet.

Maybe Spanish govt. is aligned with mainline EU rhetoric for good boy points. I dunno.
> how likely is it that it was israel
Too little information. Supposedly 
> 2,700 tonnes of confiscated ammonium nitrate
blew up.
The interesting part is the "confiscated". Who the fuck has 2700 tons of it? And why was it confiscated? It's legit fertilizer. Someone wanted to make bombs in his basement? I haven't read much, I've no idea where it come from, maybe they don't even stated the origin. Could be just a cover story for whatever.

Kek, managed to hit Reply somehow.
So it's a major Hezbollah base of operation so that impacts the relation deeply.
Now Macron quick to urge independent, transparent investigation into what happened, which can be translated as:
> something is fishy and we will do our best to cover up what was really happened or at least will muddy the picture with our intervention which implies something did happen even if really did not
Beside what he said also means:
> it looks good when I appear important

I expect stricter EU regulations, or demands for those at minimum, on ammonium nitrate.

Oh dog. Now I'm reading this article:
> bought by Teto Shipping – a company registered in the Marshall Islands
> owned by a Cyprus-based, Russian-born businessman, Igor Grechushkin 
> The ship sailed under the Moldovan flag
> crew was made up mostly of Ukrainians and Russians.
> In 2013, Rhosus picked up 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate in the Georgian port of Batumi
> [same year] it was seized by the Lebanese port authorities.
The cargo sat 7 years in the hold of the ship there, a compound of explosives, conveniently next to a war zone, also Hezbollah power base.
Ok. Nothing to speculate about here.

I see many people got cramped muscles during the protests and police helps them tenderizing those tissues. Poor civvies, they couldn't even stand up without help of the lawmen.
> he still wins with 80%.
Because the true will of the people isn't in their acts, but in their subconscious, the numbers have to reflect that.
This is the trend these days. Protests follow every elections no matter the place. Maybe not at Scandis, but everywhere else.

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> Maybe protesters force Lukashenkos hand to resign though it takes some serious willpower.

He is pretty big guy with almost 30 years of experience. Considering that both EU and Russia aren't really against him, his position is pretty strong.

> I thought Belarusian foreign policy had swung westward lately. But wouldn't that have pleased the westernizer opposition?

People from Belarus who I know don't really care about opposition, because it is pretty weak and mostly fake, it is more anti-Lukashenko than pro-opposition protest. Opposition candidates are truly nonames from nowhere.

As can be seen already, opposition leaders are mostly unnoticeable now and protest has no real leadership. It is pretty different than in Ukrainian case, where large part of parliament was on protesters side (and formed new government then). This is also a good reason for protest to fail.

There is also no true pro-west opposition, nor Lukashenko is pro-Russian. Belarus has open borders with Russia and pretty integrated economics, so any new leader will be forced to be pro-Russian anyway. It is also just a small country with population less than Moscow.

> It is also just a small country with population less than Moscow.
> pop 9,5 mil
Holy crap. I look at the map see the size of Belarus - which is obviously bigger than Hungary - I think they must have fairly large population. It's basically same as us.

It makes more sense if you add the fact that Kiev was founded by Hungarians.
It's not Kiev, Kyiv, Xyiv, or similar, but Kő (Finn: kivi,  Mansi: küw, Mari: kü; other possible spelling archaic Keu, Kev, Kew) = Stone, Rock.

I can say the name kyi might derive from Turkish kıyı (coast) afaik this was an ukranian speculation other than that, le brother kangz founding a city usually a myth though. There is a small chance the names are completely made up.

> nowhere near a steppe
> some horsebois found a city
Cities are normal settlement type of steppe people - granted there are usually large distances in between. From same era as the foundation of Kiev, look up Itil or Sarkel. They even built quite elaborate fortifications. The Hun ruler Zhizhi had a capital with three rings of walls. You might wanna read up on Arkaim, a settlement with wheel-type of layout from about 4000 years ago. I have to note here the Avar "hrings" in the Carpathian basin, which were round fortifications.

I really hate that Index calls Belarus Belarusz instead of Fehéroroszország or Belarusszia. It isn't a mistake, but it sounds to me as if they were using the Anglo name for it. I bet they "compile" their articles from English sources those fuckers.

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> I really hate that Index calls Belarus Belarusz instead of Fehéroroszország or Belarusszia. It isn't a mistake, but it sounds to me as if they were using the Anglo name for it. 

It isn't Anglo thing but actually Belorussian. In their language, country is called Belarus (Беларусь), but in Russian (that is also a main language in Belarus) it is Belorussia. And as always, post-Soviet countries tend to use their "proper" name instead of "old Soviet", and sometimes are pretty concerned about it.

Same story about Ukraine - there are two ways to say "in Ukraine" in Russian/Ukrainian (first - "in Ukraine", second - "on Ukraine"), and it is source of funny and not even funny conflicts in internet. Second one is Russian way, and (some) Ukrainians aren't happy when it is used.

So, usage of "Belarus" is more about using their own naming style.

Well I guessed something is behind it, we don't just adopt Anglo naming scheme. It's just for me sounds alien and Anglo. And that they use Anglo sources is an educated guess. In the past I've only seen the other two versions in use and I'm used to that.
Anyway, while I'm aware the Ukrainian dilemma that they have a language that might not even a different language and they are desperate to prove it is, I didn't know about the naming controversy of Belarus.

Luka is still clinging to that power, btw?

At least the most harmless thing that happens in Brazil.

Meanwhile in the US the insanity continues. Negro was shot after liek 10 mins 5 cops told him to hands in the air, stop, whatever, but he had to reach into his car instead.
Now protests are ongoing and armed civilians got into a fight with them. People were shot.

Something is always going on in Kosovo. In these troubled times you need to be sure your investments are going to a rock stable enough not to sink in any storm and Kosovo is quickly becoming the new Eastern Poland form all the savvy foreign investors heading their way.

Deliberately putting this here and not politics. Is Turmp having COVID-19 a campaign trick?

Yeah but he can be the POTUS who beat covid-19. He can present himself as someone with first hand experience with the illness, also paints himself the same as all the other patients (despite he obviously can get the best treatment money can buy) and can play the honestly sympathetic towards the families of the victims.

He can pretend.

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In other sad, not good news: Eddie Van Halen, the frontman for Van Halen has recently passed away




Press F to pay respects

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From next year we might be able to distill 86 liters of pálinka per adult person per year at home tax free. The EU changed some regulation finally. This decision was distilled for a decade.
Beside there's a bunch of nonsense regulation noone follows (liek notify the municipality about the distillery, or notify the tax office before the distillation...) and I don't think anyone ever payed any tax after this but hurray we don't need to anymore.

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I dunno.
For some people him being a soft dictator would make him a bad guy by default. I don't think that makes a person bad.
Since Machiavelli every literate person can easily gather that the morality of politics differs from everyday morality (tho it feels the difference is less and less sadly). Does this make every politician a bad person? I don't think so.
I don't know of his personal virtues and faults. I can't evaluate his competence (my bet is that it's not very high however). I barely know what's going on in
I guess he does some cool shit liek playing hockey and giving Duterte tier statements.

> barely know what's going on in

> B E L A R U S


You must have heard of what is happening in Belarus since Sunday, August 9, when president Lukashenko rigged the presidential elections in his country. By all independent accounts, he lost these elections by a landslide. Hundreds of thousands of citizens have taken to the streets to protest the election-rigging peacefully. They demand the departure of the man who has ruled the country by questionable means for 26 years since his first term in 1994.

Despite this, the ex-president refuses to acknowledge his defeat and continues to hold on to the power by any means possible, be it propaganda or media manipulation, coercion of rank-and-file officials, physical violence against civilians or persistent disruptions in mobile and Internet coverage – every day since Sunday, August 9.

In the face of these injustices, we – Belarusian expatriates from around the world – want to do something and contribute to better coverage of these extremely disturbing events across our native country. For the moment, the coverage of events in the media abroad is relatively low and incomplete. So, since Sunday, thousands of Belarusian expatriates, women and men, have teamed up with one another on social networks (Telegram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) to translate and distribute the latest, most striking press reports (facts, analysis, interviews, addresses and open letters). We are building a multilingual archive of texts and videos. Each piece of content is carefully selected by experienced journalists and activists and then translated and published through our collective efforts.

Yes a video was posted about the Belaruseian police massaging the tired muscles of the protesters with their batons.
However I meant it in a more generic way. I don't know for example Belaruse's chief export product, and I was made aware just recently that the number of population is about the equal of Hungary's.
> we – Belarusian expatriates from around the world
Are you Belarusian? Or is this a copypaste from somewhere?

Not sure what Belarusians expect. They can get Onkel Luka with Russian orientation, or they can get someone with EU orientation which just so flawlessly worked out for their southern neighbour. Never ever they will join EU, unless Germs and Frenchies will be so desperate for working hands and even negers and ayraps are coming first. And joining the EU won't give salvation, just the promise they can get somewhat better living standards while being a colony for Westerners. And will the EU exist until then? Who knows.
Maybe they can get someone else for maintaining current ties with Russia, but Luka seems just fine for that.

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Heh. Corbyn was suspended for not being anti-anti-semite quick and hard enough. I've some thoughts on this, but no time now.
Also he doesn't seem to know how that fugging mask works.

So I was thinking.
There are 70 cases of complaints about anti-Semitic against party members of the Labour. In at least one case Corbyn himself was found anti-Semitic by someone. Ofc the whole thing doesn't mean any of it was that, but I can imagine very well that such voices - sounding against Jews, the Jews, or their dealings - are getting more numerous. While probably some of them ridiculous to call anti-Semitic, like saying "Palestines has the right for their own country" might be called anti-Semitic by some, or criticizing Israel in some way.
The political situation of the world right now is that by the followers of Islam tend to accept a skeptic view on Israel and the Jews. This view can easily be outright hostile. The UK has a growing population of Muslims, and as citizens of the UK, they seek to representation in UK politics, they enter parties that suits their interests, while they add their views, opinions and voices to these parties.
But the political reality in this world is, that the "white" man cannot put the Muslim to its place like that anymore, unless he wants to risk of getting labeled racist, which in left, liberal, and left-liberal parties is a political suicide. So instead the whole thing devolves into virtue signalling by zealous proclamations that they aren't anti-Semites, and ineffective condemnation of anti-Semitism 24/7. It seems Corbyn did less compared to a rival, and he was ousted by using the trump card.
Such cases.

2nd and 3rd generation can even speak their language and think expat ghetto culture is actually their native culture. so there wont be consistent anti semitism, they wont even give a shit about palestine. 

just look at egypt even with muslim brotherhood running the show in the name of "moderate islam" they still said a big fuck you to palestine, the schemes working as intended nothing to worry about for them.

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This should go into the politics thread rather then the news, but the topic is here at hand. I divided my reply into three parts of similar length.
Interestingly those from the later generations turn to Islam (since the decadent West can't offer much just soulless consumerism), some of them gets radicalized, even to the point of committing attacks in Europe or travel to the Middle East (or other conflict areas) and join up with ISIS and the like. Ofc not these are the ones who's gonna enter into politics on the side of the British Labour Party.
The Western European natives since WWII are conditioned not to see faults and not to raise concerns about Jews at all. Even their far-right parties are Israel oriented - since the popular basis of these parties, the common workers and such had problems with Muslim immigrants (aka "they take our jobs"). Very little anti-Semitism left in the west, and the groups that harbors such ideas can be precisely described: the old generation who grew up in football hooliganism, and pub brawls are now but venerable alcoholic bydlos dying in cancer and struggling with obesity, and the younger generation is pol-tier internet addict weaklings with repressed aggression (many of them frequents imageboards I have to assume). Neither of both groups will infiltrate the Labour to add anti-Semitic coloration to the party's voice (again I have to say it isn't real anti-Semitism, as in "kill all the Jews", or "Jews are subhumans", etc).

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I have to take a detour to Eastern Europe, or rather to Hungary. Here the communist regime was anti-Israel - complying to the brotherly Soviet Unions foreign politics - despite the leading role of Jews in all levels of the government. The Cold War divided the Middle East, Israel is greatest ally with US, and Arab countries about, got backed by the Soviet Union, the rest of the Muslim world was contested by the two powers. Here while Jews themselves were untouchables, anti-Israelism was the norm. Then came the regime change of 1989-90 our government oriented along the expectations of the west (US, and via the US, Israel) and officially the voices criticizing Israel ceased, only parties with no chance of gaining position in the government could continue with it. This is why our far-right parties (Jobbik, Mi Hazánk, earlier MIÉP) are anti-Semitic, and this is why nowadays the westerners can call the Fidesz far-right despite the Fidesz isn't anti-Semitic: compared to their far-right parties, the Fidesz equals to those, pro-Israel to boot. But beside our real far-right parties (whom are really leftist when it comes to economy furthering the point why left-right scale is useless) we can go even more to that direction to find "real" Nazis, some even tried to organize a failed armed rebellion or some such in the 90s.
But anything toward the other direction of the political palette, the Fidesz, the "socialist" parties, the liberals, just like in the west, they cannot raise criticism toward the Jews.

> interestingly those from the later generations turn to Islam (since the decadent West can't offer much just soulless consumerism)
Well they are rare but of course noticebly active. Of course, I can understand why they got spotlight, who wouldnt notice a very active terrorist group? But numbers are I think overestimated, even amongst normal native folk there are ones who radicalized into something unusual. It's just some people will have shit life and will burn out without "something to live for" that is the case for everyone. 

Take france for example, lots of algerians, there is very vocal le anti west youth but they are inority, many of them would cut their hands to accepted as frenchmen. But of course they only care about fun part of france, that's why they end up parody version of themselves.

So who are the anti-Semites of the Labour?
Those who did not grew up with a ballgag in their mouth when it comes to the Jews. Who came from places with politics directed against Israel. Whom weren't told that anti-Semitism isn't presentable anymore at the table. Whom are treated now as holy cows (similarly to Jews) by the left and the liberals. The Muslims. The politicians either reflect the thought and will of their Muslim supporters despite themselves are "natives" to Britain, or themselves are Muslims. They dare to criticize Israel, or point out some corruption case where they seem to discover Jewish ties, or just crack a joke making fun of Jews and Israel because in a normal world it shouldn't be a big deal, or whatever they do when they get labeled as anti-Semitic. They dare it still, or dare it again, doesn't matter. If it's a knee jerk reaction of theirs or out of their honesty they just point out real scoundrelism, real injustice - which should be pointed out by anyone -, it doesn't matter either.

Here's two articles:
The first one - while I haven't read it in its whole length yet - clearly shows why there are voices in Labour that could be labeled as anti-Semitic.
The second is interesting (written by Musharraf Hussain) how the author brings forward the anti-Semitism as alienating factor with a sudden switch, throwing some dirt on the Labour. Really I would expect this from a "white" person.

They were a rhetoric tool to illustrate a point. The new generations growing up care about issues of the Muslim community, and among it the topic of Israel. Most won't go out with an AK or a knife of a truck to kill some kuffars, but want to be represented in the common way of politics.

Besides dealing with Israel is a mandatory task in every countries' foreign politics. In UK it's also important, as a Muslim voter, a citizen of the UK, they want to express their views in this question.
(I remember from the time when Bolsonaro was elected, relations with Israel was among the topics, and the programs of the parties. The relations with Laos wasn't for some mysterious reason.)

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> Not sure what Belarusians expect. They can get Onkel Luka with Russian orientation, or they can get someone with EU orientation which just so flawlessly worked out for their southern neighbour. Never ever they will join EU, unless Germs and Frenchies will be so desperate for working hands and even negers and ayraps are coming first. And joining the EU won't give salvation, just the promise they can get somewhat better living standards while being a colony for Westerners. And will the EU exist until then? Who knows.

Now they are mostly protesting against harsh police reaction, not about elections as is. Police is really pretty harsh, now it easily enters private apartments and beats everyone just because it can, and people aren't like it.

Compared to this, political reason is more broad and abstract - people tired of poorness, corruption and bad situation in economics, but no one really cares about specific president candidate, because all of them are literally nonames from nowhere. These candidates (those who didn't jailed yet) also act like stubborn clowns, so protest is mostly unorganized and, as we may see, not really effective. Of course some forces support protests (including Russia who likes that Lukashenko becomes friendlier), but overall it is just a unorganized mess with constant demonstrations and police reaction, that leads to nowhere.

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One of the top topics of the day - people talkin, media reportin -, the terrorattack in Vienna, done yesterday evening.
Were some conflicting info what went down. Now it seems the whole thing was executed by one armed man. 4 dead, 22 injured, one wounded policeman, lost of pants soiled. They were searching for a second perp, but it seems he was alone.
The perpetrator is a Macedonian dude, Austrian citizen, 20 years old, who wanted to leave for Syria to join ISIS back in 2019 spring. He was arrested and was in jail until December. Now it might have been better if they had allowed him leave. Oh well.
Posted on social media he's gonna do something. He had an AK, a pistol, a machete, and a fake bomb belt. The attacks were made about the largest synagogue of Vienna. He was shot in the end, by the police.
After the attacks the police raided some places and arrested over a dozen people.

Here the TEK (liek SWAT) was mobilized and sent to the border in case a terrorist wanted to leave toward us, or the help to the Austrian colleges if needed.

Meanwhile our hospitals are getting full with covid cases, several places all the "family doctors" (not sure the right term) are called in to hospitals.
Constrains are introduced again. Curfew between midnight and 5am, mandatory mask during events, in theaters etc, closing down nightclubs, etc.

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Pro PKK people were trying to make us look bad by showing Turkish speakers on the incident even thought one of them saved one victim or something. Some people are really gone blind with hate and many people are victim of improved brainwashing techniques and this is happening in one of the most developed part in the world. What happened in this incident saddends me but not more than what will these bring in future.

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The Hungarian news portal I usually link has an article on the front page (and had yesterday too) about two Turkish MMA fighter who saved the life of a granny and a policeman. Mikail Özen and Recep Tayyip Gultekin. Or Gütelkin because the author made a typo somewhere. Or Gütelkin I'm not sure anymore, wtf, the quality of the journalism... Anyway this latter dude got shot as well.

France is the current world champion (2018), Portugal won the last Uro championship (2016), and Germany is the 2014 world champion.
We still can win, if we play in a 10-0-0 formation and one of them scores an own goal.

hohol football team came to switzerland, some players were tested positiv for the virus, local doctor ordered quarantine for the whole team, Switzerland wins 3-0 walk over, probably, unless uefa rules something else.


There was a funny situation in Russian championship: game between Sochi and Rostov in June ended with 10-1, because all Rostov team was quarantined, so they put kids on field (not even second team, but young team 16-19yo, that didn't even train in covid lockdown times).

Sochi could allow game to be postponed, but didn't do it (Rostov and many other teams allowed that when had same situation, but Sochi decided that win is better for them) and generated wall of hate. Kids also could score one goal, and did it in first minutes - that what unexpected.

They use corona searching dogs in Finland. Gonna look into this more, maybe I'm gonna find a foreign article.


Yes, these kids also became relatively popular, especially when they also could score the goal against professional team. Goalkeeper got award for record number of saves etc.

And their opponents received universal negativity, especially considering that Sochi also had similar problems with players in past, but their opponents agreed to reschedule game, so there were double standards. Sochi is also pretty specific club, made from nothing by rich oligarch (Rotenberg).


That was normal season game, but with that covid multiple games were postponed and schedule became a mess.

looks like hohols flew back on the Ukraine and found a doctor who gave them all negative tests. they are putting the blame on Switzerland now, claiming the local doctor ordering the quarantine was the reason they couldn't play.

It's weird how Sochi decided to go ahead with the match then. Their own fault now getting flamed.

Oh I know, the Switzers poisoned them, and when they arrived home they didn't got poisoned anymore so their tests were all right by then. It all makes sense now.

the tests show negative sometimes and positive sometimes. its not accurate what so ever since its not testing for virus since it the covid virus has never been isolated. 

how can you test for something you have never isolated?

One of the founding members of AKP made speech about how s.demirtaş should be released from prison, not too long ago s.demirtaş said "We will build statues of Apo (nickname of Abdullah Öcalan head of PKK)" which made him imprisoned. The founding member is not just anybody which indicates AKP returning to pro-PKK policy as in 2002-2014 era which happens due to election of biden and erdoğan will do pretty much anything to save his "throne". 

Expect erdo bad therebefore Turk bad news lose its popularity if this happens, last time I checked they didn't give a single shit about how erdo repeatedly break the constitution and repression of secular Türks. You dont see much news about saudi arabia because they are loyal dogs and you will hear about erdogan less because he will return to his "democratic" erdoğan persona, the person punishes its military due to constantly preventing USA uses the army as cannon fodder in Iraq, which started crusade of kurdo-islamists reactionary forces. 

The common media does not even severe human rights violation of gulenists and creating an alternative state. When you know as much as common western media allows it is hard to oposse the truth they created. 

Obama states in one of his books that is written after his presidency ended, "I know erdoğan will be democrat as long as it helps him to stay on top" . Well we knew this before obama was even a senator. Don't get me wrong, you didn't need to be a political genius to see it coming. As erdoğan stated in 1997 "Democracy is not goal for us, it is just a tool, we will use it until we reach our goals" . But still erdoğan has presented as moderate guy in the west and seculars were demonized to the core, and people has happily eaten it. When you have "free media" like this, who needs censor and repression?

It actually started in 2013 albeit slowly, so anything between 2013-2016 although speculative fits the narrative. 

> why?
Why erdoğan was pro fethullah gülen but he eventually said fuck you to him behind the screens or gülen thought erdoğan fulfilled his role and time to get rid of him we cant know this for sure.

What we know is gülenists were recording everything and tracking everything down. For example when I won the university before I shared the news with my friends and family, an unknown phone number called me and was spoken with in a matter that unique for gülenists (trust me if you know any other Turk he would confirm) and told me I won x university in y city would I like to stay in their super cheap "family oriented" (islamist for clueless) dormitory. This was happening for everyone. 

So the recording and tracking is goes beyond soviet levels. Anyway, in 2013 they leaked several soundtracks how corrupt AKP is and how an members of the islamist party mocks islam in a way makes islamaphobe parties in europe look moderate.

This kept leaking for 1 week, the news channel that used to be both pro akp and pro gülenists split off. Certain news channels took the akp side and certain ones took gülens side. Eventually erdo won, all those leaks declared "montage" and any oppossition that mentions those leaks was declared "taking orders from america".

After this event erdo said, gülen is bad but his followers is not, tried to show his "good side" but of course most didnt fall for it. Gülenist soldiers were still in present in military also.

Since erdoğan was acknowledging threat from gülenists and their military he had to strike deal with eurasianist anti PKK military. (any military is actually anti PKK but there were leaks in highschool and university exams in massive scale, so gülenist people could enter military schools which are the most prestigious things in this country, such retards couldnt enter before) 

Of course military wanted to fuck PKK up in return take blind eye to erdos massive corruption and violation just as free media™ of the west did. So after these events massive erdo bad news started to occur.

Even during gezi parkı protests that was an genuine attempt to fight against islamic oppression people did not see such high scale of erdo bad news. Because hint hint, erdo was good with PKK and tensions with gülen was happening only behinds the screens if happening at all. 

I dont use the term islamic opression liberally as fearmongers in the west. The guy said he would create laws against male&female students staying together. He also said "they are atheists, they are terrorists!" literally.

If you have any more question you can ask. I might have deviate too much.

Erdo supports ISIS thing was mostly russian propoganda, you dont see it pumped much nowadays. Ironically russia started but they are the ones not mentioning it.

One of the reasons behind this claim president davutoğlu (a puppet of erdo) they are just angry mad lads (about ISIS) and severely undertimated them. Very similar statement was also made by president Obama and it's not hard to find. But for some reason USA needs to throw us from NATO for this, what kind of logic is that is beyond me.

Don't get me wrong, these people are corrupt, nasty if they actually let ISIS do its thing I wouldnt suprise, I would expect everything from them. But main reason was this sentence and russian propoganda (cant blame them) When you are an islamist party and make dumb fuck comments it is hard to oppose you know, they had it coming.

> If you have any more question you can ask.
I have. Can you give a quick rundown on the Turkish political palette? Parties, movements, maybe personalities that everyone counts with (like that Gülen guy), and a couple of words what they represent?
> that phonecall
Creepy as fugg.
> "taking orders from america".
> But for some reason USA needs to throw us from NATO for this,
This is weird since Turkey is strongest NATO member right after the USA. And it's close position to Russia and the Middle Eastern hot spot makes it even more valuable. So I guess besides rhetoric on both sides there's not much into it.

> Can you give a quick rundown on the Turkish political palette?
I will answer this one with details, so don't assume I skip this one.

> Creepy as fugg.
It gets creppier when all your friends get through this and feel helpless because you know they are the state. By the way state dormitories had very limited capacity and regularly "privatized" to gülenists. So most people despite hating them, had to send their sons and daughters to their dormitories. Gülenists were called "cemaatçi" which means pro (religious) community. It was common occurence to get fired from bureaucracy and get death threats for not referring fethullah gülen as "hocaefendi" which closely means "his highness".

> This is weird since Turkey is strongest NATO member right after the USA. And it's close position to Russia and the Middle Eastern hot spot makes it even more valuable
That one is just loud call, realistically it is not possible at this moment, homewer kurdish independence and investing in both kurdistan and Turkiye is on the table. USA has to rely on us in this side of the world and they hate the idea of Turkey taking inititative BUT, just accussing them is not part of solution. Soleley accusing is what butthurt failed and colonized states do.

We need to acknowledge the fact that our people cant decide rationally and implement a temporary enlightening despotic system. People of the west needs to acknowledge the fact that, they can't have a rogue "moderate islamist" state in their backyard, especially our neigbours. It will be like invasion of iraq except x10 times worse, with all refugees running around and power vacuum. Supposedly 'fascist' military does not have any territorrial claims meanwhile both kurds and neo ottomanists-islamists have this exceptionalism and maximalist territorrial claims. Our worst case in this case is cyprus, even for that we accepted annan plan and accepted unified cyprus by no means our military wants to swallow it. But quite recently erdo made another rogue claim and demanded 2 state solution, he knows he will sanctioned and he also knows sanction will portray him as devout resistance leader. 

Core of this nation does not have schizo claims like these alliens.

> Soleley accusing is what butthurt failed and colonized states do.

Also forget  to mention, afaik Israel managed to deviate from the west without saying big fuck you to power balance system in 1948 and 1967, roughly which we were supposed to do.  Since they were victorious it was good thing to bet their table. When we show our resilience, the west will also bet in our table. It is them behaving absolutely immoral both to us and their people, but it is us bring a existential war to ourselves in future with reckless stupidity of our masses.

By no means I dont support irredantist claims, neither I accept the defeatism. I'm not opitimistic but it's not too late to fix things, though it is harder than ever.

> The guy said he would create laws against male&female students staying together.

Ban co-ed schools? It used to be so no long ago. It has it merits. I don't find this very oppressive.
> He also said "they are atheists, they are terrorists!" literally.

For him. I mean maybe atheists really scare him. But anyway, putting aside "true" atheists, agnostics, pantheists and such, this can be understood as a proxy for western neoliberalism, the religion of among others fedora-tipping Dawkins fans, compulsive freedom-and-democracy exporters, ngos, and most sjws (the others already went full commie).

You make judgements according to your political culture, so it is normal to be wrong in here.

> Ban co-ed schools? It used to be so no long ago. It has it merits. I don't find this very oppressive.
Not co-ed schools but he worked towards it, he implied every secular Turk having having opposite sex roommate and being immoral according to them. We were declared as open targets. He dont give a shit about education quality, only to consolidate his people and dehumanize us.

> this can be understood as a proxy for western neoliberalism
Most "western liberalists" are believing in "moderate islam" and wear its allien unofficial islamic dress uniform which never existed in these lands.

Atleast half of atheists are kemalists, enlightened despotists or apolitical. Supposedly we are north korean tier according to liboş (turkish liberashka faggots) people. 

> ompulsive freedom-and-democracy exporters
No kemalists or anything of that sort asked an intervention from the west. It was moderate islamists doing it. I wish Turkish sources could be more avaible for others, it would be easy to show how kemalist journalist treated in the west.

>  sjws
This what people live like secular and support islamist people do. They live in  their ivory tower yet fall for every islamist ploy. When you see a sjw and scracth it he/she eventually rant about how opressed muslims are and preach his faggot liberashka values at the same time.

There are true liberals in Turkey who 
 are not allien to lands they are living in, but they are very marginal, politically they are non existent.

> You make judgements according to your political culture, so it is normal to be wrong in here.

It's interesting hearing you describe those analogs, thanks. But when I referred to fedora-tippers, sjws and the other "atheists" I meant the autochthonous western kind. I did not intend to say that these denominations can be meaningfully used to refer to Turkish groups.
Anyway even if as you say they are an irrelevant minority in Turkey atm, I'm sure politicians there have taken notice of the many examples of "colour revolutions" around, so I would expect them to simply extrapolate from "atheism", i.e. "liberalism", to "regime change", and therefore danger. This is why I included ngos for example.

> Not co-ed schools

> opposite sex roommate

> We were declared as open targets

Well I suppose any policy can be carried out in "oppressive" manner. I was just pointing out that the particular policy of schools (or dormitories) separated by sex used to be the norm not long ago, has its value, and hardly seems oppressive to me.

> Most "western liberalists" are believing in "moderate islam"

Right. They are the same thing, or at least cognate. The "moderation" of "fundamentalists" is an important part of the process of political "(neo-)liberalization" of religious countries employed by the west. A strong foothold into a territory otherwise well defended by religion.

> Supposedly we are north korean tier according to liboş (turkish liberashka faggots) people.

You seem to be implying the typical western view of best korea ("oppressive, despotic, backward, protectionist, traditionalist, heterosexual, racially aware, ... ;)", or [in ominous voice] "non-democratic"). But is that the kemalist view? The turkish mainstream view? Or are you translating into western view for me?

> No kemalists or anything of that sort asked an intervention from the west. It was moderate islamists doing it.

Right. In other words, "atheists".

> You seem to be implying the typical western view of best korea
I was implying liberashkas sees us as relic of past century and they are super duper enlightened, west is waiting us with open arms, it's just they need to get rid of us.

> I was just pointing out that the particular policy of schools (or dormitories) separated by sex used to be the norm not long ago, has its value, and hardly seems oppressive to me.
I'm aware of existence of private christian schools in the west. I have no particular sympathy for christianity neither any religion, but what's happening is very different in here. Plus what I originally meant, he started violent targetings and lynches. Seperate sex schools is hardly biggest mistakes of erdoğan, I heavily doubt it would even make top 1000.

> relic of past century and they are super duper enlightened, west is waiting us with open arms

Indeed the usual "progressive" rhetoric: "we are are progress and bright future, therefore everything else is stagnation and decrepit past".
But I was actually interested in the answer. How does an average turk view best korea and its rulers? Which is to say, what sort of narrative has turkish MSM given to them?

Idk what MSM is but most Turks dont know which korea is the North Korea is and most dont even care.
Other than that, people who pay attention to North Korea dont like them, but still no obsession or constant mentioning whatsoever.

I know very marginal old guard communists sympathize them, but you have to be very lucky to see one.

Finnish boat went schizo and believed herself a train run up to the shore at Aaland.
> Viking Line
Or maybe they just wanted to plunder and pillage the locals. Huh, these guys should offer adventure sails and go on raiding along the Baltic, maybe even hit some towns further down toward the Atlantic.

Let me try to interpret this. There are Eurasianist officers, gülenists who are more favorable to western geopolitics than the former, the PKK, Erdogan maneuvering between the other three and international media. When Erdogan was friends with gülenists and PKK international media didn't care much about him, but then he switched gülenists for the military, as a prerequisite ditching PKK. As the military is less favorable to Western aims his international image was tarnished. Now he's drifting back towards PKK and away from the military, because of this his image improves. And will his stance towards gülenists change? Where is his powerbase if he drifts away from the military?

> Erdo supports ISIS thing was mostly russian propoganda, you dont see it pumped much nowadays
What people following the Syrian conflict noted all the time was his neutrality towards it, the border around Jarabulus was open for foreign fighters to flow in.


> When Erdogan was friends with gülenists and PKK international media didn't care much about him, but then he switched gülenists for the military, as a prerequisite ditching PKK
Correct, it's just he didn't switch for lulz, something forced his hand, we can't know what exactly.

Something to add here not all more western leaning military are gulenists, it's just gülenists caused leakage of state secrets to USA. All military agents has been compromised.

> . As the military is less favorable to Western aims his international image was tarnished. Now he's drifting back towards PKK and away from the military, because of this his image improves. 

>  And will his stance towards gülenists change?
Has to be. IF he pulls it of sucessfully. 

>  Where is his powerbase if he drifts away from the military?
That's the problem, end of the road.. If he tries to purge military to put back gülenists again well, gülenists are not in military position to pull of such purge anymore. 

This last siutation we talk about kind of makes it complicated.

> the border around Jarabulus was open for foreign fighters to flow in.
Yeah, both ISIS and pro PKK terorists has been infiltrated, such a shame. I remember the times during teror attacks people were wondering was it ISIS or PKK. People who were voting for HDP was deleting their comments on social media about lamenting the attack if PKK undertakes the responsibility of the attack.

As for you I'm busy lately but I will write a good sum up about the parties.

thumbnail of 2011 erdo.jpg
thumbnail of 2011 erdo.jpg
2011 erdo jpg
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An American backed, Gladio-cultivated group inserted during the 80's coup as a fundamentalist religious cult neck deep in espionage, crime, assassination, extortion, terrorism, coup, social engineering and ideological indoctrination. Their ties with CIA has long been proven, if not explicitly disclosed by the USA itself.

This is the group that have been working tooth and nail to bring down the secular republic, the very foundation of Turkey. Republicanism in Turkey is not a political perspective, it's one of the main bodies of how the state works. Gulenists have been working for decades to bring down that pillar. Not only they are against the main existence of Turkey itself, but they act as pawns of the US. They remove their opponents, extort large business owners, get paid from very dark sources, insert their people into everywhere, from American colleges to Turkish state institutions. Lately I even heard about them having part in recruiting to isis.

When I say assassination I'm not exaggerating. The word itself is probably too light to describe the violent ways they use to get rid of journalists and political figures that often brought out their crap into the public. They also had a play in the assassination of the military researchers/engineers that take place in Turkey frequently, much like the assassination of Iranian scientists. They can hide themselves as anything, from progressive islamists to Turkish nationalists. In truth they serve to nothing but global neoliberalism and their own inner monstrosities. 

They mostly based upon "moderate islam though" Moderate enough to be consumarist, pro-american laptog, islamist enough to be jihadi pawns of USA. Before AKP they were infiltrating, after AKP they were specifically placed in bureucracy. Under no circumstances assume these people have any kind of patriotism, they don't they only serve themselves to suceed they serve USA. 

AKP: Erdogs party. They started their journey with liboş (Turkish liberashkas, "colonial elite" people) and "moderate islamist" gülenists. They were massively pro PKK, they even called their dead equal with Turkish martryrs. The only reason why the military didn't fuck them over with coup d'etad is general staff was secretly gülenist. It was one of the reasons why the military failed to counter PKK. Because of the "don't shoot if they don't shoot against you". Many of independent sources confirm this. Eventually AKP strenghten their pro-PKK positing due to consistent and intentional military failures, with the "don't let mothers cry anymore" rhetoric. While all of these were happening, the west celebrating our democracy while our constitution were repedeatly raped.

TSK: Turkish military forces. Elite of the elites of the republic. Every state that it worths their salt has a deep state that keeps the state together, in Russia it's the intelligence, in Turkey it's the military. TSK have legal status and responsibility to protect the constitution, because common rabble won't you can trust me on that. So coups are actually LEGAL.

With Ergenekon and Balyoz kangoroo courts, the military purged worse than what happened in france during french revolution. Especially navy forces got hit so bad. It was one of the reasons why Greece so easily working on their ways to de-facto blockade us from the medditerranean and create national threat against us thanks to traitors amongst us. 

Nowadays Gülenists have two proxy parties, DEVA and Gelecek party. First one targets more liberashkas and apolitical youth latter targets moderate islamists that fed up with Erdoğan (close to non existant)


TSK is stauncly kemalists and they are the only institution that they got it right. They have pro-NATO and eurasianist officers but none of them are eager to leave NATO, it's not about liking Russia or anything like that it's just pragmatism, in 90's we had military with eurasianist tendency. Needless to say USA didn't like it when we fucked over PKK and make Abdullah Öcalan talk like a bitch. They stopped disliking our military after Iraq invasion, they started to vehemently hate it. 

USA don't want us allies they want us as dominions that is checked with other dominions such as kurdistan. So of course they bitch about muh genocide even when our "invasions" are very gentle on civilian deaths. According to treaty of Laussane and international laws we have right to intervene when a non state actors (such as terrorists) run amok in next to our borders. 

CHP: Atatürk's party but not so much nowadays. There are pro-PKK CIA assets in the party the most notable one is TR705. After 2010's head of CHP Deniz Baykal has forced to resign becuse he was banging a female parliment member and gülenists taped it. They replaced him with a "social democrat guy". Every secularists that has 3 digit IQ knows we are nothing without military because we're something like Ashkenazi Jews in germany(hence the "white Turks" term), without military we have no hard power so we can be easily opressed. But of course this massive retard claims they come with vote and will go with vote, he doesnt even mention about our constitution getting raped. Appereantly our constitution is there for shits and gigles and people can do everything with votes.

The parties are in Turkey are not elected by popular vote but with delagtes. Since the delagtes are alevis from Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu's hometown, they mindlessly elect him despite consistent epic fails. The guy image amongst people, even amongst CHP voters is a fucking joke.
Before AKP most of our people were secular, islamist parties at best getting %15-20 of the votes. But CHP's weak attitude and letting secularists stuck in Thrace and coastal region is the thing that let AKP stays in power. CHP especially after 2010's intentionally tried to portray Atatürk as quasi libleft figure, as you can guess most people get Atatürk wrong, CHP's voterbase amongst anatolia has been diminished because of this. In 2018 presidental elections Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu most likely betrayed Muharrem İnce, there was massive fraud going on and the guy claims the party intentionally didn't place inspectors on voting boxes.

If you don't have balls you don't get votes from outside of the coasts. Compromising in Anatolia don't work. We have autocratic mentality, these retards are disconnected from reality.

MHP: Their predecessor has been created because CHP has been deviate from nationalism and Ataturk's ideals. This what Alparslan Türkeş claims, de-facto the founder of MHP. They are islamo-turkists, even though religion and nation still clashes in this nation, so being nationalist and conservative is not a realistic option here, you'll eventually disregard one of them. But of course MHP begs to differ. 

They have marginal voterbase and always been so but they used to have massively energetic youth that creates trouble for pro-soviet proxies before 80's coup. After 80's coup they were sent to prisons just like lefties because it was hard to control them. 

The party has rural voterbase and populist attitude but some of the higher ups are educated enough to keep their dignity. They support de-facto elite oligarch schools for bureaucracy, I think it's one of the few things they got it right. They usually prefer USA to Russia but since it's era of eurasianists in Turkey, they just go along with the wave.

Vatan Partisi: They got %0.22 of votes but why it is important? Because head of the party is an old KGB asset. He used to be communists but since communism is kys'd and eurasianism and EU sceptism is main ideology of Russia, he supports them. he guy used to get support of military staff that got purged with kangoroo courts but his support is kind of diminished. Massive eurasianists, openly calling to leave NATO. Despite they have meagre votes, they casually go meetings with Russia and China.
They are so eurasianists they call Uyghur Turks as terrorists and think CCP is right about them.

HDP: Pro-PKK party and don't even hide it. The only reason why they are not shut down because erdoğan scares half of the voterbase votes for CHP. They got higher votes for targeting hippie, left-liberals before that the predecessor party got %5 so they couldn't enter the parliment. Used to be Erdoğans best buddies.

İYİP: It was created as progressive MHP (dont take the word progressive as pidor WECTern word) then eventually turned into centre right since they purged elite ex military nationalists. It is rumored to become gülenist haven, but since peoples eyes have blinded by erdoğan hatred they usually disregard anything that comes from the other side.

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