> Modern chan culture is so far removed from the way it was that i would argue anybody from before 2016 is an oldfag now.
with those standards, I would fit as one (2014). Technically, the classic standard timeline would establish that I am a bananafag (or cancerfag, though if I am not wrong those are the ones for 2012), while the oldfags are those who lurked before 2007.
For this board standards, yes, there have been two waves of users and one of those who appeared in the first one (when the board was created) is actually writing the FoE fic in the other thread. In a relative sense for this board(and the site itself), he is an oldfag.
> That being said when I talk about old chan culture i'm really thinking of the archaic chan culture from 2009-2012 anything before that probably counts as prehistoric.
well, I wasn´t there when that happened although popular boards such as /co/, /v/ and /pol/ have changed drastically and I have to agree that their old spirit is far away and almost like a myth that said idiosyncrasy existed.
> But by in large its considered offensive to many people and its probably more offensive now than it was back whenever it started.
heh, you haven´t seen the insults that you can say in Spanish. Those actually shock people and you have almost all the warranty that you will offend someone with those words. That word is nothing to me in comparison to what I get to hear everyday.
But indeed, the snowflake generation has made everything controversial and even worse, full of ideology. Though this is more due to the social media circles rather than the chan culture itself.
> But if you're ingrained in the culture somewhat it is affectionate. Almost mandatory.
hell one of the main users of this board has adapted it as part of its nickname and I expected him to change it over time. After three years, he still calls himself like that (even though that was provisional for him). Are you reading this post, Bridgefag? I know that you are...
> I think it only works on a smaller scale. I first stumbled into /pone/ when it had 17000 or so posts. I've seen lots of places die, and i'm sad to see that its all but gone coming back from a long hiatus. It's like lightning in a bottle. You can't force it to happen and once let loose you can never get it back. There will be another, we just have to go find it.
any idea what you can find out there? How can you expect that you will find another one if many boards have tried and failed to stay all that long for that spirit that you are looking for?
Because this board isn´t exactly competing for conveying that sense coming from /mlp/. What brings you over here, aside from creating the Twilight thread with the glass of chocolate milk?
> /pone/ will be forgotten by all except the few who were there to experience it.
then, it did its purpose for fulfilling the wishes and entertainment for those people. Nothing lasts forever and...well, one should be glad that it happened. Although the lightning in a bottle can be applied to the 4th gen and the phenomena behind it in general, not only for /8pone/
> I'm rewatching the show again now and i'm just back to shitpost for a bit while i work on a greentext and relive the glory days.
hey that´s cool. By the way, as you are talking about /8pone/, were you lurking over here in the past before this year? Because it sounds that you might have made a thread or posted back when /endpone/ was created.
By the way, if you want to drop a few thoughts in hindsight of an episode or something specific that you want to tackle, you know that this thread exists for that purpose. No need to rush anything though.