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Gen 4 is over, folks! No more episodes of Friendship is Magic.

Does this mean that the ride has ended? Far from it.


You have seen that the book concluded its story but the next scene would (implicitly) happen around adult Twilight reading it. This means that the fans are up to open it again and revive those memories like they did for the first time. Plus, some newcomers have never seen it at all, so it wouldn´t be fair to put this gen to the void all of a sudden, not to mention that Luster Dawn represents one of the many undefined paths that we have yet to see or write about in the fanfics. The timeline keeps going. 

In this thread, we simply continue the show discussion but the fans decide what to do next. Not only it will serve for looking in hindsight to past content brought for an entire decade (the 2010s) but also for discussing future content of this franchise.

No more tensions nor worries about gen 4 anymore, you can discuss it more calmly without any pressure. 

Welcome to the 2020s with the post gen 4 era!

...and let´s read the book full of memories again, one more time...   

Past threads: 
Season 8 discussion:  >>/1060/
Season 9 discussion:  >>/3583/
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Nice job in ending the last and starting a new one. This is one of the ones that I was planing so it's nice to see it up since I'm been a little busy. 

> Welcome to the 2020s with the post gen 4 era!

Welcome everypony!

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yeah, I had a plan to make an index but as soon as I ended it, I said to myself: "I am feeling like posting the OP for the next thread" and you guys had requested it before. I knew that you were planning to make a few threads but it seems that I anticipated myself for one of them. 

Also you can continue the last replies both of you posted in the previous thread. I don´t have the lead for this one, but as for the introduction, at least I could connect the show last scene with the post gen 4 concept and have a space to discuss anything related to FIM. It could turn into another NMAiE but who knows what will happen. 

So, let´s see how we fill in the blanks here.

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Some thoughts on FiM and Celestia's roll.

I was watching some season 4 FiM recently and paying very close attention to the background and characters more subtle interactions. One thing that struck me was how Celestia still had a bit of an air of mystery to her despite being discredited as a power and a tyrant. The way she played chess with Discord and her prophetic dreams; one got the since that she was still playing some type of game. I think it in part was a game with Twilight and setting her up to rule. TS herself mentioned that she was worried about being sent off to rule a kingdom and much of the lessons seemed to be prepping us for TS to be having some type of roll in leadership. I think that of any time to look at background events with actual credit ability of a fan theory it is in this season when background events and more subtler details seem to mater the most (Season 7 being a close second). This maybe the only season where it was such hints are cannon.

What is my theory? That Celestia planed power ponies! Does that sound crazy? A little. Wasn't I talking about plausible fan theories a second ago? Stay with me you'll see. You remember Spike's comic book and how they said he got it from an enchanted comic book store? I think more than likely that was just a lie that was said. You know how I know this? Remember in season 1 episode 8? That whole slumber party?!? What was the excuse for Spike being gone
"Well, you're welcome to stay if need be. Spike is away in Canterlot on royal business. I'm home all alone tonight."

Who was he on royal business with? It's obvious: Celestia! 

There have been other through away lines that suggest himself having minor anatomy and connectionns to her but you get the point: Celly D is the source of the book! Why though!? Why! would! Celestia! Do! Such! A! Thing! 

Stay tuned my /b/ronies...

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I have already established that 1): Celestia was manipulative in Season 4 and 2): she could have easily given Spike the book. What's her motive here? I think the answer is obvious. Think about it. Think about it What other episode had fiction coming to life! Daring Don't. Ya'know the one that just so happened to have a character who was fictional turn out to be real? Mane-iac is real too and she is dancing like she never danced before!* Not only that. But I think we have already seen her in the show once twice perhaps by that point. Y'known there is a certain bug queen who has a certain ability to change shape right? Crissy certainly seems like a safe bet. All the other villains sans Discord are Crystallis/changlings? How do I guess this! Because every other villains is one off usually. Think about it! Why is Crissy always getting away with things at the very end! Becuz she is every other vilian she is the Palpatine of my little pony. Terik wouldnn't be able to send letters without Derpy's help and we know Derpy wouldn't help an evil fellow like Tirek. It was Cozy who and Cozy was the plant! knnow where I am going with this right!? Cozy is the the weeds in he S 4 premier she is Crissy or a one of her changeling minions.

Now I know everything doesn't work out but this sure is more plausible than other theories wouldn't you agree?

*citations Need to back up my claims after all. I highly recommend you check these out and tell me your thoughts. Is there any errors or things I missed?

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> For I think I have a pretty novel theory that is actually possible. 
so you wanted that I checked this out first (I replied to the /go/ replies instead).

However, let´s put the thinking cap on and dive through your theory. Impress me and let´s look at:

> That Celestia planed power ponies! Does that sound crazy?
My eyes have blinked more than usual after reading this. So this sums up your theory but what are your arguments for it?

> "Well, you're welcome to stay if need be. Spike is away in Canterlot on royal business. I'm home all alone tonight."
that deep into the script for a season 1 episode that didn´t have lore all that much established. This is Twilight´s Seven tier (which by the way, if Luna was present, it could have explained its connections with Luna for season 9).

Wow, you have looked all that far into the lines when authors didn´t imagine to go into that route. Even if the theory turns out to sound ridiculous, I have to cherish that merit to look at the script with a magnifying glass.

> Why though!? Why! would! Celestia! Do! Such! A! Thing!
she´s called trollestia for a reason (or at least, she was)

> One thing that struck me was how Celestia still had a bit of an air of mystery to her despite being discredited as a power and a tyrant. 
after seeing School Daze in season 8, she doesn´t hold a huge level of power when it comes to the system (though this could be justified because of the mindset of the new writers compared to the first ones). Thankfully the later seasons showed a much more mundane level that blew away those headcanons of tyranny.
> The way she played chess with Discord and her prophetic dreams; one got the since that she was still playing some type of game.
you have summarized why certain shippers made Discord and Celestia a couple. 
> I think it in part was a game with Twilight and setting her up to rule. TS herself mentioned that she was worried about being sent off to rule a kingdom and much of the lessons seemed to be prepping us for TS to be having some type of roll in leadership. 
true, even though the arc was kind of inconsistent. Those fears showed up in certain episodes but one could also use the meta route here because fans were also worried that Twilight would get a big twist because of the early crowning. Still, it´s a valid point.

> I think that of any time to look at background events with actual credit ability of a fan theory it is in this season when background events and more subtler details seem to mater the most (Season 7 being a close second). This maybe the only season where it was such hints are cannon.
perhaps now with everything settled and so aware of the background details in the latest seasons, looking back could turn out a good exercise in hindsight. But wow, you used a season 1 point for backing this up, when it was more linear and less subtle in terms of ideas/direction.

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> I have already established that 1): Celestia was manipulative in Season 4 and 2)
only in those seasons though? Make New Friends But Keep Discord, Celestial Advice, A Bird in the Hoof or The Best Night Ever say hi (I am undecided to add Horse Play to the list though)?  

> she could have easily given Spike the book.
keep in mind that lots of mundane events could occur behind the cameras and the book could have been gifted to him as a birthday present or for Heart´s Warming. So it might not be all that outlandish to believe that.

> What's her motive here? 
> What other episode had fiction coming to life! Daring Don't.
that episode was a twist indeed and destroyed the implications of her fictional stories into part of Equestria´s diary of an adventurer. 

> Ya'know the one that just so happened to have a character who was fictional turn out to be real?
yeah, I remember it perfectly. It was quite controversial at the time for approaching it in a risky way even though the show went further with other episodes (even season 6 has an episode featuring Daring Do that is called Stranger Than Fanfiction) and it opened itself to fiction of its own fictional world. This pays off with The Last Problem and the book closing itself.

> Mane-iac is real too and she is dancing like she never danced before!
Though I didn´t think too much about Mane-iac, there were several cameos of her in EQG (like you have posted) or in the show itself, Rarity cosplaying as her in Dragon Dropped (going to a convention). I believe that correlating the conventions of Daring Do with Power Ponies´ might add up to your theory. If Daring Do was actually real with fictional conventions of her, why wouldn´t Mane-Iac actually exist with the same pattern? However, this relies on the causation fallacy of: A leads to B because of C reason, so D leads to B by following C´s logic. 

I still wished Mane-Iac appeared more or became more prominent in the fanbase but she landed quite in the middle of nowhere despite the cameos.

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> I think we have already seen her in the show once twice perhaps by that point.
explain this

> Y'known there is a certain bug queen who has a certain ability to change shape right? >
> Crissy certainly seems like a safe bet.
using the changelings for everything could serve as a wild card until the 6th season before their redemption. 
> All the other villains sans Discord are Crystallis/changlings? How do I guess this! Because every other villains is one off usually. Think about it! 
are we talking about villains before the Power Ponies event or throughout the entire show? Because if we are counting until the last season, Sombra didn´t turn out to be a one off character (even though he got revived for his second attempt in The Beginning of the End). The sirens are kind of a questionable case and while Nightmare Moon and even Daybreaker appeared more than once, we would have to imply that the royal sisters did this so they don´t count. Almost everyone else got the redemption route (Dolores, Tempest or even the changelings themselves) or completely disappeared (The Storm King)  

So, perhaps you have a point on the villains part. 

> Why is Crissy always getting away with things at the very end! Becuz she is every other vilian she is the Palpatine of my little pony. Terik wouldnn't be able to send letters without Derpy's help and we know Derpy wouldn't help an evil fellow like Tirek. It was Cozy who and Cozy was the plant! knnow where I am going with this right!? Cozy is the the weeds in he S 4 premier she is Crissy or a one of her changeling minions.

I disagree that Chrysalis gets away with it all the time. While she got better over time at planning her strategies with a more cold headed mind (especially in the last season), she has had several fails whose net result was negative in every single aspect (the wedding, Thorax and even The Mean 6) so she gets away with it in the sense that she manages to appear over and over again. 

However, that doesn´t take away her recurrent attempts and you might have a point that Cozy Glow or even a changeling (most likely the former. We implied that the Chancellor ordered Cozy to report him when it didn´t turn out that way in the end) could do the task in order to lure the Mane 6 for another challenge that looked fictional at first sight but still could be another attempt to get rid of them for taking over Equestria.  

Posting pic related because said comic appears next to Gabby.

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> *citations Need to back up my claims after all. I highly recommend you check these out and tell me your thoughts. Is there any errors or things I missed?
> https://derpy.me/QfUfG
> https://derpy.me/255KL
Watch out folks, this the DEFINITIVE PROOF that Bridgefag is right and definitely, he really meant it (especially on the first video, that one is a must for everyone. HEY LURKERS, CHECK THEM OUT, DON´T BE SLACKERS!) 
> https://derpy.me/UtqmA
404 Error. Not Found

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> tell me your thoughts. Is there any errors or things I missed?
that I have listened to more Rick Astley music than you...I have to mention that you are a fan of one hit wonders, that´s what I have learned this week.

now, seriously:
> Now I know everything doesn't work out but this sure is more plausible than other theories wouldn't you agree?
it doesn´t sound all that crazy and could have turned out to be more ridiculous.
I have to appreciate though that you went that deep for a slumber party episode of season 1 when lore and implications didn´t carry that much the tone of the show. If you had told me about the premiere, I would have expected it but Look Before You Sleep is a really odd choice that I wouldn´t have imagined to use for a lore viewpoint. 

You forgot to add Dragon Dropped onto the table for supporting more your idea about Daring Do´s correlation with the existence of Mane-iac and the merchandise of both characters. 

About the changelings, you even posted a Ponychan image that theorized about Lyra being a changeling before this theory. I mean with this that using the changelings all the time sounds kind of cheap because they serve as a joker for almost everything before Thorax came into the game for backing up every single headcanon. Their integration into the world, especially in the 8th season, truly reduced almost all the possible theories that could come later. 

Nonetheless, you backed it up quite nicely in the sense that a second agent could have made the work to attract the ponies and as soon as the comic pulled the trigger, Chrysalis could come into play....but Cozy Glow couldn´t have done it for the changeling queen if only because she looked at the pegasus filly with a weird look the first time they saw themselves and didn´t have much chemistry for asking her to do that. So point discarded or highly unlikely, though the logic there turned out to be plausible. So by itself, we could imply that a changeling could have spied the ponies and notice the comic as a magical artifact in order to attack them again as another identity but we would be boiling this down again with the overdone cliché of a changeling hiding itself among the ponies. 

The correlation of the method that Cozy used for Tirek sounds quite reasonable but for Chysalis this time around, however, its implication in practice would have been too specific in order to carry a plan of that kind. It would much easier to plan another revenge like they did in To Where and Back Again.

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The goal for this theory was to have a plausible foundation with a somewhat crazy conclusion for April Fools that included a derproll. I did introduce elements I have wanted to touch on and I took it from some real observations I have written down. 

> Wow, you have looked all that far into the lines when authors didn´t imagine to go into that route. Even if the theory turns out to sound ridiculous, I have to cherish that merit to look at the script with a magnifying glass.

Season 1 and Season 2 eps are naturally the ones I've combed through the most and sometimes I do find stuff that surprises me. Early days any of these sometimes conflicting implications would be fanfic fuel but now many are forgotten and a few weren't terribly known in the "golden age". Most I saw on the Spike thrown away line of him on Canterlot business was people considering a excuse to get rid of him for the ep (which is probably true). One fic may have touched on it. I still think it is interesting to look through as sometimes some Season 1 stuff still has a bit of lore implications of old intent. Like Faust not wanting too much tech and therefore insisting the train be pulled by horses (yet even then we still saw stuff like modern paper and Twi's mad scientist computer). Through it obviously wasn't as developed as unified story, more of just a vision for the world and some intent for how it worked on some level. Just as much is early inconsistencies from what was a children's show without that in mind. Which brings me too... 

> only in those seasons though? Make New Friends But Keep Discord, Celestial Advice, A Bird in the Hoof or The Best Night Ever say hi (I am undecided to add Horse Play to the list though)? 

That's part of a debate I've been having but I was taking an conservative route since I was talking about Celestia as a master plan manipulator and not just a troll with a funny streak. Season 4 has this the most undisputedly implied in my opinion. It gave a subtext that she brought Discord back to fight Terik and said she had prophetic dreams. Season 3  had hints and Season  4 directly built on that as opposed to it being a little more muddled. I've seen some argue that some lines in Season 7 undermine this (which I wasn't sure I agreed with but would need to rewatch as I consider myself weakest on Season 7 and Season 5). So I wanted to play it "safe" there. 

> explain this

Oh I forgot to include a joke that Trixie was also possibly Chrysalis or one of her minions.

> I disagree that Chrysalis gets away with it all the time. While she got better over time at planning her strategies with a more cold headed mind (especially in the last season), she has had several fails whose net result was negative in every single aspect (the wedding, Thorax and even The Mean 6) so she gets away with it in the sense that she manages to appear over and over again. 

That is what I meant that she survives, poorly worded as I was trying to say it in a conspiratorial and overly enthusiastic tone. 

> Posting pic related because said comic appears next to Gabby.    

She did get a handful of cameos toward the end there didn't she?

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> a plausible foundation with a somewhat crazy conclusion for April Fools that included a derproll. 
yeah, I noticed but still I wanted to go deeply as if nothing happened. I clicked on a couple of links before replying, extending autistically the thing to see where it could land.

> I do find stuff that surprises me. Early days any of these sometimes conflicting implications would be fanfic fuel 
the old days of Lyra having an attraction towards humans because she was sitting on a bench like a human. Obviously the scarcity of content lead to create everything almost out of every single detail so that was exactly the dynamic of the early era. Nowadays, it´s in reverse, the fanabse has too much to deal with so much content and a huge world of this kind.

> but now many are forgotten and a few weren't terribly known in the "golden age".
same with the background ponies. Anyone can recognize Derpy, Octavia or Vinyl Scratch but who recognizes the background ponies of Canterlot Boutique for example or the unicorn that had butterfly wings on 2,4,6 Great. Exactly, barely anyoone out there.

> Most I saw on the Spike thrown away line of him on Canterlot business was people considering a excuse to get rid of him for the ep (which is probably true).
considering how plot devices work or how Spike was mistreated back in the early days until the 6th season (ironically applies to male characters as well almost simultaneously) and the lore didn´t reach a quarter of what we have to deal nowadays, that line holds lots of irrelevancy. It could have mattered though if they went like they did with Moondancer in Amending Fences though.

> I still think it is interesting to look through as sometimes some Season 1 stuff still has a bit of lore implications of old intent.
fair enough, in fact Student Counsel revisited the cockatrices and we didn´t see them for a very long time back in Stare Master (though they appeared in School Raze in the Tartarus). So yeah, those old intentions could have been more developed but almost everything relevant was mostly revisited later.

> Like Faust not wanting too much tech and therefore insisting the train be pulled by horses (yet even then we still saw stuff like modern paper and Twi's mad scientist computer)
oh the irony in her own contradictions. Someone created Feeling Pinkie Keen around season 1 with that modern tech, hello? 

> Through it obviously wasn't as developed as unified story, more of just a vision for the world and some intent for how it worked on some level. Just as much is early inconsistencies from what was a children's show without that in mind. Which brings me too... 
I was certainly asking this and why early seasons cannot be taken with the magnifying glass all that much because those episodes were already created without aiming to an adult audience or at least, go to RPG levels of level for developing their stories. Despite not holding season 1 at the top of my ranking, I have a soft spot in that regard because writers back then didn´t expect anything like this.

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> I was taking an conservative route since I was talking about Celestia as a master plan manipulator and not just a troll with a funny streak.
that's a stretch that hobbled the theory even though you had an unexpected argument in your favor that the comic could have been given to Spike at anytime by her.
> Season 4 has this the most undisputedly implied in my opinion. It gave a subtext that she brought Discord back to fight Terik and said she had prophetic dreams. 
eeeyup, Twilight´s Kingdom. Many people tend to write her as a tyrant because of Luna ending up as a victim in the premiere (including myself, I am not an exception) but that´s the bait argument used for many who would denigrate the Sun princess. However, when one puts all her actions onto the table, season 4´s finale takes the cake in tyrannical decisions though I think that she didn´t get nowhere close to this after that finale (I think)

> Season 3 had hints
in the Crystal Empire episode indeed.

> I've seen some argue that some lines in Season 7 undermine this (which I wasn't sure I agreed with but would need to rewatch as I consider myself weakest on Season 7 and Season 5). 
we might not know all that well about that but if you played with her as tyrant considering the recent seasons, you would have revealed yourself or even get misunderstood as a fan that only watched the first seasons.

> So I wanted to play it "safe" there.
the less one enters into muddled waters, the better.

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> Oh I forgot to include a joke that Trixie was also possibly Chrysalis or one of her minions. 
that would have been too obvious and the red alarm would have been heard all over Endchan. To Where And Back Again exists.

> That is what I meant that she survives, poorly worded as I was trying to say it in a conspiratorial and overly enthusiastic tone. 
yeah, in that aspect, I knew where you were going but it´s what happens when one asks to go too deep....that I also go too deep as well.

> She did get a handful of cameos toward the end there didn't she?
and it seems that I was backing up the theory myself with Dragon Dropped screencaps than you with Look Before You Sleep and it could have sounded much more plausible and convincing if you had gone further with Daring Do´s logical fallacy. However, the enthusiasm and the grey territory of bringing up Celestia onto the table kind of detracted your theory. 

Celestia would have liked to know about you if she had built a trolling school though.

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> .I have to mention that you are a fan of one hit wonders, that´s what I have learned this week.

MFW when I have been listening to: 
> Zager and Evans are the only band to do this in both the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 and the UK Singles Chart. 

Well you may have a point there...

> I have to appreciate though that you went that deep for a slumber party episode of season 1 when lore and implications didn´t carry that much the tone of the show. If you had told me about the premiere, I would have expected it but Look Before You Sleep is a really odd choice that I wouldn´t have imagined to use for a lore viewpoint. 

Yeah it is, but that line has always stuck with me and it does carry a small but possibly significant implication that I decided I would use. It's an interesting debate in how relevant each season is to each other and I have been trying to come up with a system to judge what counts as "cannon" and what rational theories can be made. I think I have mentioned this before of what my working model is: episode canon, seasonal canon and then show canon. The reason why I say working model is because of all the problems it entails. Say there was something that was implied pretty strongly for the first 7 or 8 seasons only to be contradicted in season 9? If show canon equals the whole does that mean that season 9 trumps everything before? I'd say it is harder than a simple yes or no. I think different seasons had different intents and the problem with making rational theories is that many look at the show with too much of a unitary view of the storyline while it probably be best to break it down into seasons or eras and judge what the writers were planing at the time. Here is my working model in how I view the seasons:

Lore Seasons:
Season 4
Season 7
These seasons were the ones that were paying the closest attention to a unified story. Probably where you could give the most consideration to small details and background elements.
Fan Service Seasons:
Season 5
Season 6
These Seasons had lore but I felt that the stories were less thought out as a unified whole as much as "Let's do X! Fans Love X!" as the mentality. There was still stuff serious introduced (Like magic dynamics) but felt less somewhat organized with a unified whole.
Pre Lore Seasons
Season 1 
Season 2
These Seasons set the foundation but the lore and intentions where only there for some elements not in service of a hard unified continuity (I'd say that be arguable for the series in most places as the continuity is more mid level). 
Can Not Decide.
Season 8 has a more unified story but a lot of the elements didn't seem to be as unified well with the rest of the show. Perhaps at times not as well thought out (them never having a backstory for Cozy). Yet there is arugably build up and stuff around the school that they were intending to build up next season (Halo-Twi). Season 8 still had to partly contend with Season 7's story but it was more of something they had to get out of the way rather than build on it.
Season 9: 
There was a story arch for sure but it wasn't something that was fully unfolding in a all the pieces combined storyline like 4 or 7. Yet one could argue that is better for lore than those. There also was Season 8's storyline which had been contended with, but it wasn't as swept aside so much as background presence with one aborted plotline (Halo Twi and the Tree house). Also there was a mad dash for fanservice.
Season 3:
Hardest to choose. It had buddings of a unified lore for such a short season, yet it also was being done in fan service. One could also make the case that it is either the weakest lore season or a non lore season with lore and fanservice as a more thinly spread butter.

You probably could make cases for a few more being moved around but this is my working m

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Indeed. I have said all I needed to here.

> 404 Error. Not Found

That was supposed to be a link to the song Maniac by for the fikm Flashdance. The link works for me. Is it blocked there? I just used it to joke about a certain villain.  
 UFP sings was just there to add to the chaos. Not the biggest fan of it but that series is a bit more than meets the eye at first glance even if I don't like a lot of the humor. I will speak more on it later. 

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> but that line has always stuck with me and it does carry a small but possibly significant implication that I decided I would use. 
oh it´s a personal one that has been around your head more than most of the community at least. 

> It's an interesting debate in how relevant each season is to each other and I have been trying to come up with a system to judge what counts as "cannon" and what rational theories can be made. 
oh God the discussion of what´s canon or not. I mean, I simply put the entire gen 4 under canon, EQG as a spin off (except for the sirens because they also appeared in the show bcause they are interconnected) and the comics as complementary additional material. About special content/episodes, they also count as canon. 

However, if we are taking everything with that standard, then we can enter into what´s more relevant but again, discussion becomes really difficult and kind of anticlimatic considering that FiM despite adding tons of lore in the end, the main purpose of the show relied on a slice of life spirit so it sounds quite contradictory because every single episode counts because in a slice of life show, nothing is filler. Having said that, we can continue with the topic.

> I think I have mentioned this before of what my working model is: episode canon, seasonal canon and then show canon. The reason why I say working model is because of all the problems it entails. 
a work in progress like a great and powerful magician would say...

> Say there was something that was implied pretty strongly for the first 7 or 8 seasons only to be contradicted in season 9? 
which didn´t happen (fortunately).

> If show canon equals the whole does that mean that season 9 trumps everything before? I'd say it is harder than a simple yes or no. I think different seasons had different intents and the problem with making rational theories is that many look at the show with too much of a unitary view of the storyline while it probably be best to break it down into seasons or eras and judge what the writers were planing at the time. 
fair enough, considering that the staff was constantly changing (even scripts among the writers from the same season) so this show as a whole didn´t carry one solid vision from a creator nor the same team all the time.

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> Lore Seasons: Season 4, Season 7
> These seasons were the ones that were paying the closest attention to a unified story. Probably where you could give the most consideration to small details and background elements. 
no problem with these options. In fact, the story arc of the little objects that worked as keys in certain episodes scattered throughout the entire season in S4 paid off with the crystal castle and the revisit of the Castle of the Two Sisters. Season 7 didn´t show the greatest show arc but in comparison to the rest of the seasons, from Campfire Tales (that is to say its 2nd half) onwards, it relied on the lore behind the pillars (which topped with the revival of each one of them including the awaited Starswirl).

> Fan Service Seasons:Season 5, Season 6
> These Seasons had lore but I felt that the stories were less thought out as a unified whole as much as "Let's do X! Fans Love X!" as the mentality. There was still stuff serious introduced (Like magic dynamics) but felt less somewhat organized with a unified whole. 
arguably correct. After reading this,I´ve had to give a few spins in my head about the feel of both seasons and I see where you are coming from with this mindset. Episodes like Slice of Life, 28 Pranks Later or even something as spare like The Cart Before The Ponies didn´t add anything to the table in terms of interesting stuff that lead somewhere else but to throw things at the wall to see what sticks. 

I find it certainly arguable because keep in mind that in those seasons, the yaks were introduced and the dragons, the griffons and especially the changelings were reintroduced all over again, so the expansion of the map did occur around those seasons. Not only them but also Las Pegasus and Dolores´s village debuted as well so in terms of refreshing and standardizing them, those seasons did their part.

> Pre Lore Seasons:Season 1,Season 2.
> These Seasons set the foundation but the lore and intentions where only there for some elements not in service of a hard unified continuity (I'd say that be arguable for the series in most places as the continuity is more mid level).
while they have episodes that explain the backstories of the mane 6 (Cutie Mark Chronicles) and even how the union of the three pony races happened (Heart´s Warming Eve), both openers (The Return of Harmony and Friendship is Magic) rely on lore to explain both villains, the introduction of Daring Do´s universe or even get a slice of non pony creatures in certain episodes, the impact isn´t reflected in the arc of any of those seasons at all and you wouldn´t notice what would happen from one episode the other. Perhaps the biggest turning point of these two seasons was when Twilight decides no longer to write letter to Celestia all the time so the last two minutes of each episode wouldn´t spend the time in summarizing the moral (Lesson Zero) . This turning point might not be reflected instantly but allows to have more freedom and expand on more experimental direction that would pay off later.

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> Can Not Decide.
> Season 8 has a more unified story but a lot of the elements didn't seem to be as unified well with the rest of the show. Perhaps at times not as well thought out (them never having a backstory for Cozy). Yet there is arguably build up and stuff around the school that they were intending to build up next season (Halo-Twi). Season 8 still had to partly contend with Season 7's story but it was more of something they had to get out of the way rather than build on it.
this one is a weird case. I consider the 8th season as the normalization of the entire map of Equestria (like it happened to the Everfree Forest in season 4, fearful and strange first and then, became a typical place to visit) and focuses heavily on integrating all the parts of the entire world into one place and using them indifferently for any story. It still has its expansions like Mt Aris/Seaquestria (implying that one doesn´t take the movie into account),Saddle Arabia, the Kirin´s Village or even visit the mentioned Tartarus in its entirety, not to mention that the school itself held a hideout. They focus more on the traditions of the species and more on social commentary.

However, I understand why one would rank this season lower than the 7th season and it manages to scrap the entire build up of the pillars all of a sudden and except for a couple of episodes, their arc vanished completely. Cozy Glow is certainly confusing because if we knew about her origins, her twist wouldn´t work that well but that doesn´t justify the lack of her defined backstory like other villains had. 

I would rank it somewhere in the middle,in a subcategory of lore under the top two....and you cannot call it exactly a fan service one either because the school wasn´t well received in certain parts of the community.

> Season 9:There was a story arch for sure but it wasn't something that was fully unfolding in a all the pieces combined storyline like 4 or 7. 
indeed, it was a subtler arc that didn´t follow a strong pattern except for the feeling of moving on in an abroad sense throughout the season. It introduced Grogar´s hideout and the villain´s arc for the bell that held ancient powers but many of the episodes came back to the slice of life style and it didn´t introduce much that we didn´t already know. Perhaps the events that happened in the Everfree Forest (cockatrices, The Tree of Harmony) and the myth around the Great Seedling could count as something refreshing but this season didn´t have time to introduce anything else. 

> Yet one could argue that is better for lore than those. There also was Season 8's storyline which had been contended with, but it wasn't as swept aside so much as background presence with one aborted plotline (Halo Twi and the Tree house). Also there was a mad dash for fanservice.
except for Twilight´s arc, I believe that the 9th season just stopped at introducing new things, packing the old ones up and using them at its convenience. This one could lean more towards the 5th season/6th season category but I could understand that both S8 and S9 could be seen together in this regard. 

> Season 3:Hardest to choose. It had buddings of a unified lore for such a short season, yet it also was being done in fan service. One could also make the case that it is either the weakest lore season or a non lore season with lore and fanservice as a more thinly spread butter. 
yeah, this is the odd one. Nonetheless it introduced two relevant things: the alicorn concept (which existed before but it wasn´t all that well defined until Magic Duel and the finale) and especially, the Crystal Empire, where the Equestria Games arc would start for the 4th season. Perhaps the mirror pool counts but it only appeared counted times after the debut and if we took the finale seriously, we would start asking contradictory questions so we´d better not consider it as something really solid to hold on. As for the rest, the lore was less present than in the first two seasons...I have to agree with this one.

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> That was supposed to be a link to the song Maniac by for the fikm Flashdance. The link works for me. Is it blocked there? I just used it to joke about a certain villain. 
oh very clever. Very very clever. I see what you did there. *rolls eyes*
Except for the Zager and Evans´ hit, I have listened to these songs to death and I didn´t even need 5 seconds to recognize this one. And yes, for some reason the video was blocked which looks weird honestly.

> Not the biggest fan of it but that series is a bit more than meets the eye at first glance even if I don't like a lot of the humor. I will speak more on it later. 

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> oh God the discussion of what´s canon or not. I mean, I simply put the entire gen 4 under canon, EQG as a spin off (except for the sirens because they also appeared in the show bcause they are interconnected) and the comics as complementary additional material. About special content/episodes, they also count as canon. 

Simple rational answer. Two reasons why I go through this is: 1) There is sometimes things that have changed/implications that were removed from season to season so in viewing the canon as one whole I do want to try to decide what is the most "rational" view to certain details as canon. 2) In making legitimate more conservative theories I feel that it would be just as important to look at the intent and mentality at the time. Hence why Celestia being a tyrant would be impossible in Season 1 but some darker meanings in Season 5 or 7 being an actual intention of the writers. Additionally, I think some sort of "weight" could be applied to Seasons and more background details based on this. 

> I consider the 8th season as the normalization of the entire map of Equestria 

That is a very good point.

> .and you cannot call it exactly a fan service one either because the school wasn´t well received in certain parts of the community.

Another point is that lore in itself is arguably fan service. Perhaps the lore in itself is an arbitrary designation? After all, Season 7 was technically a fanfic almost toward the end bringing all these elements into play. What I mean with Lore I mean that the Season has the most organized story where I think they were planning both forward and back. You wouldn't say the Spike being gone on royal business back in Season 1 would have much thought out behind it but in Season 7 A Health of Information arguably has a fair bit. 
> oh very clever. Very very clever. I see what you did there. *rolls eyes*

Legitimate source. Man'iac is indeed one and she could probably dance weird with her mane.

> And yes, for some reason the video was blocked which looks weird honestly.

That's odd.

Well that's the gist of things. It's gotten late. So I'll be off BUT:
I did not ban this user. So it was either part of the joke or a global admin actually did something.

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> 1) There is sometimes things that have changed/implications that were removed from season to season so in viewing the canon as one whole I do want to try to decide what is the most "rational" view to certain details as canon. 
makes sense considering that not all ideas paid off in the end so the objective of this ranking is to establish what has made the biggest impact in this regard.

> 2) In making legitimate more conservative theories I feel that it would be just as important to look at the intent and mentality at the time. 
considering that there are new fans joining into the community after the show ended, they will have a more neutral viewpoint, not getting stuck into one seasons or period and have the access to everything without waiting between the hiatuses. I suppose that in a certain point, the clash of biased opinions vs the ones that saw the show in a row will eventually happen. 

> Hence why Celestia being a tyrant would be impossible in Season 1 but some darker meanings in Season 5 or 7 being an actual intention of the writers. 
yet we stick with season 1 standard´s. Daybreaker´s concept however completely changed the perspective of what tyranny she could have applied in her monarchy.

> Additionally, I think some sort of "weight" could be applied to Seasons and more background details based on this.
season 1 gains more weight but because there is an unexpected second life of the world established. I talk mostly about characters/species but in terms of lore, I am certainly more clueless without putting any example onto the table.

> Another point is that lore in itself is arguably fan service.
ufff, this topic involves a very grey zone of the concept of fanservice. EQD wrote an article about it and:


The addition of lore stayed in an honorable mention (though I cannot tell what standards Seth had in his mind while typing the words of this article). So despite looking subjective of a certain time, lore counts as fan service (though I have a conflict with it because the show adapts it and makes it mundane quite quick so that lore becomes the baseline for other episodes). 

Also,solo episodes about Celestia herself were seen as a top thing for fanservice. I didn´t imagine that an episode like Celestial Advice or A Royal Porblem would happen and I was hesitating a lot as soon as I saw that she got a bigger prominence in that episode. That was truly alien before for me.  

> Perhaps the lore in itself is an arbitrary designation?
good question. A really needed one by the way.

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> Season 7 was technically a fanfic almost toward the end bringing all these elements into play. What I mean with Lore I mean that the Season has the most organized story where I think they were planning both forward and back. You wouldn't say the Spike being gone on royal business back in Season 1 would have much thought out behind it but in Season 7 A Health of Information arguably has a fair bit. 
indeed. In fact, I recall you mentioning that the standards of the latest seasons were a wet dream in the first seasons, yet what happened in season 7 didn´t catch us off guard because the tone of the show gradually changed towards other directions. 

We were used to seeing laser beam fights or premieres/finales with a build up that included lore so one could dream what would be the reaction from the fanbase if the 2nd half of season 7 happened in 2010/11. 

A fanfic for the golden era but an ordinary series of events for the standards developed over time. Funnily enough, the background ponies in Slice of Life acknowledge without shivering the appearance of a bugbear, meaning that the world itself has grown used to experiencing the unusual events that at first, they would be scaremongering about it in season 1. 

Compare it to the fear that they displayed towards Zecora in Bridle Gossip for example, the innocence is gone because of the repeated magical events and Zecora seemed like a stranger or even a villain (because of her spookiness and mysterious vibe) when in A Health of Information she works as the essential plot device for driving Fluttershy´s quest and introduce Meadowbrook´s story. 

Another change of mindset for the Everfree Forest as well despite repeating it again. This has happened both the community and for the world itself, meaning that the writers translated that growth into the universe subtly until the point of almost seeing two different series while staying the same at its core.  

The extraordinary turned out to be the norm for everyone. Simply by comparing the cute nature of innocence and the fear of the unknown that one  draws from the first season should serve as a sign how much everything has changed over time.   

> Man'iac is indeed one and she could probably dance weird with her mane.
while reading this, I have envisioned the scene itself. It wouldn´t take much effort in the brain to imagine how it would go.

> I did not ban this user. So it was either part of the joke or a global admin actually did something.
oh so you didn´t actually do it. /endpone/ might have two or more users behind that are lurking without making much noise, including volunteers. 

If you are reading this post, I just wanted to say hi.

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I've been giving a few more spins about what could be seen as fanservice and what tells the lore from the fanservice. 

I think for example about Discord, the character himself is fanservice because some fans have seen TNG and love how the portrayal of Q is delivered and he brings lore onto the table with his origins of a draconequus that has lived for an entire milennia but could any episode about him be qualified as fanservice (for example Discordant Harmony)? Nonetheless,he served to display Grogar, who counted as fanservice back in the day,so we would be talking about two layers of fanservice in one character (many brains would explode here)

Same applies to hippogriffs or kirins. At first they were seen as mythical creatures that in the books,they displayed something unusual for the ponies (the first weren't seen for a long time and were thought to be nonexistent while the latter were seen as scary because they had a dark side,the Niriks) and after their introduction,that exposed lore becomes a reality,quite practical and the myths translate into the usual characteristics expected from them,becoming mundane instead of legendary after staying for a while with them.

As for season 7,Starswirl represented for the fans and the show the greatest unicorn that would get close to know about the roots of this universe. That was right and Twilight looked up to him before meeting him,so many stories and mysticism behind him. He became real and we saw a legend reborn yet Twilight's illusions were absolutely torn apart and the fanservice. and lore paid off in Shadow Play.

However,does this mean that Starswirl by himself was pure fanservice? Sure but did anyone expect him to act that way or even act like he did in Friendship Academy? 

I ask this because what fans have wanted to see was more material or X character getting an episode. Undefined content about them but more about them despite the direction put on practice.

I wanted to make clear about the concept and how the lines of lore actually count as lore and what counts as basic traits for the show in later episodes. The Everfree Forest,so mysterious and made you wonder what secrets were beyond that place,what made it so scary. Uh,there are cockatrices, timberwolves or even the chimera. There are reasons to make it scary...but not in the way that ponies imagined.

It showed lore but over time,it simply turned out to wors as a means to an end because the most interesting stuff arose later and peaked with the Tree of Harmony and the Castle of the Two Sisters and even those suffered the same treatment as the forest. All the mysticism around them and over the course of the seasons became usual places to visit (especially for the students and the mane 6) that the lore behind them just became either mundane or more familiar to the characters,so much that they adapted it as another home.

I hope you can see where I am going with this.

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Visual examples of lore translated into down to earth characteristics throughout the show:

Mysticism/legendary presentation of a species in the first picture and the actual reason behind that mode presented inside the slice of life story (it happens within the same episode yet the formula of transformation stays untouched)

3rd picture: secrets hidden in a castle of the two royal sisters that could explain the roots of this world (and it does deliver that).

4th picture: the castle becomes a frequent place to visit and despite its history, it turns into a strategical place for typical slice of life stories.

thumbnail of 2315456__safe_artist-colon-com3tfire_queen+novo_seapony+28g429_my+little+pony-colon-+the+movie_bubble_clothes_crown_eyelashes_fins_fish+tail_jewelry_ocean_purpl.png
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don't get me wrong, I believe that your ranking is correct and in that regard,it can perfectly applied. There was more lore introduced after the Twilight's new status as an alicorn and both S4 and S7 did contribute the most.

However,I intended to express that despite the quanitities of lore introdcued,they became more practical or subtle enough to work as another element for a slice of life episode (that in other series would be seen as filler) and even the characters change the lore because of their actions or even gets lost within time (it doesn't diminish their relevancy on the show though).

Season 8 (and to a lesser degree,the 9th season)is perhaps the biggest turning point at bringing everything together into one pack,making it less weird for everyone and encourages to move forward as if nothing happened despite all the advancements brought in the middle of the process. Between Dusk and Dawn (the song especially) represents the biggest culmination of what I am trying to convey here.

Sure there was more lore to exploit out there but the quantities looked minor in comparison because there was not much else to discover beyond what we got and those new introductions felt like little drops of fresh water into a fully defined ocean so familiar for everyone that felt like home. So diverse yet so typical to see every single day.

Having said this,I think that I am ready to say good night to this board.

Sleep well!

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>  All the mysticism around them and over the course of the seasons became usual places to visit (especially for the students and the mane 6) that the lore behind them just became either mundane or more familiar to the characters,so much that they adapted it as another home.

This maybe one of the strongest points you have ever made, period. Both in universe and out. In universe the characters get used to what would be a threat or something spooky and from an out of universe perspective those places and concepts just being assimilate for later use for a setting for SoL stories because that is still mostly was the show's nature.

> 4th picture: the castle becomes a frequent place to visit and despite its history, it turns into a strategical place for typical slice of life stories. 

I think the castle itself was in part just not used much after Season 4 and during its SoL stories in that season it still had an air of mysteriousness applied then only being treated with that true mudaneness after the introduction of the students. Your point still applies of course.

> (it doesn't diminish their relevancy on the show though).

Indeed it doesn't. Those events still happened even if the subtext is changed later. 

> Having said this,I think that I am ready to say good night to this board.

I think you are! 

> Sleep well!

You too!  and to the rest of the lurkers and sometimes posters! 

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> considering that there are new fans joining into the community after the show ended, they will have a more neutral viewpoint, not getting stuck into one seasons or period and have the access to everything without waiting between the hiatuses. 

That will be interesting to track. If there is enough of them I wonder if I split/different faction will form? At least certain patterns that can be found.

> The extraordinary turned out to be the norm for everyone. Simply by comparing the cute nature of innocence and the fear of the unknown that one draws from the first season should serve as a sign how much everything has changed over time. 

It is interesting isn't it? Perhaps it could even be applied to part of my criticism of the world feeling too small over the later seasons. I don't hold this as strong as some as I consider us lucky that we got what got. I'll have to do more thinking on this.  

> We were used to seeing laser beam fights or premieres/finales with a build up that included lore so one could dream what would be the reaction from the fanbase if the 2nd half of season 7 happened in 2010/11.

Considering my thoughts to A Canterlot Wedding: "Wow this is pretty violent and adventurous for our TV-Y rated little girls show to sell toys." I bet it be awe (and perhaps a little controversy if we count the fact that some thought Season 2 was too much even before the final). 

> while reading this, I have envisioned the scene itself. It wouldn´t take much effort in the brain to imagine how it would go.

Pony dance but with her mane?? Spiderish dance?

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> There is enough hits for it even if I take into account bots there still could be another 1 or 2 people.

eeeyup, that shitpost with the ban that accompanied it implied that there were more and here we have the proof. Just wanted to quote a very famous quote from a certain band:

>Hello? Hello? Hello?
> Is there anybody in there?
> Just nod if you can hear me
> Is there anyone at home?
> Come on now
> I hear you're feeling down
> Well I can ease your pain
> Get you on your feet again
> Relax 

> Pony dance but with her mane?? Spiderish dance?
imagine a breakdance with her mane, something like that, spinning her body with her hair as support for those moves, like pic related.

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> If there is enough of them I wonder if I split/different faction will form? At least certain patterns that can be found. 
perhaps the biggest clash could happen to a place that we all know: /mlp/. Eeeeyup, considering how a certain faction of the posters around there are so hermetic, they are going to several conflicts or silent changes of opinion over time. However, even by being the most reluctant, they only bash the most recent seasons but I don´t hear them saying barely anything negative towards Sunset nor Dolores so this board, despite its looks, certainly changes in mindset behind the shitposts. So probably those nostalgic fans will be counted in an irregular manner, without a defined faction in any specific place. If you know about a place/ or social fan circle more reluctant than them, I am all ears because I am only predicting from the info that I personally know.

> Perhaps it could even be applied to part of my criticism of the world feeling too small over the later seasons. I don't hold this as strong as some as I consider us lucky that we got what got. I'll have to do more thinking on this.
I completely understand that. In fact, whenever the show expands itself, the more one realizes that the world is a village. It even happened in history for ourselves. In the 15th/16th century, America was the hottest thing ever, as if we saw a new world and now, in the 21st century, it feels more like: "what is the new headline again? Can you bring something else?" mindset. 

Same here in Equestria. I am actually going to post a few more examples tonight about this after finishing the replies of your posts. 

> "Wow this is pretty violent and adventurous for our TV-Y rated little girls show to sell toys." I bet it be awe (and perhaps a little controversy if we count the fact that some thought Season 2 was too much even before the final). 
because keep in mind that MLP was facing more stigma than it does nowadays (it hasn´t disappeared but the fanbase has made huge efforts to fight against and everyone knows nowadays that MLP is one of a kind). Seeing that conflict against the changelings would feel indeed like the greatest thing ever because it was fresh for the standards expected form the show.  However, they kept pushing the limits and A Canterlot Wedding became less impressive because Twilight vs Tirek happened, The Cutie Map happened, fights against huge monsters or spells of enormous levels of magic happened in slice of life episodes (Three´s A Crowd and Inspiration Manifestation respectively)...so yeah, the show went so many times there that repeating it again and again changed its tone gradually.

I will say though that watching A Canterlot Wedding could feel more unsettling and strange than watching To Change a Changeling, despite the latter occurring in a very far away place from Ponyville. How did that feeling of being at home managed to happen? Familiarity and overexposure with the species that served for more slice of life material (redemption included)

No wonder one starts to ask questions towards what show one is exactly watching because what was promised at first might not deliver later what they displayed apparently (seeing these two images without context look truly contradictory)

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I meant the post  >>/5723/ for  >>/5720/


> This maybe one of the strongest points you have ever made, period.
after discussing deeply two seasons along with you extensively, I believe that it was bound to happen something solid in the middle of these discussions. Thanks.
I still can mention more examples (my method to analyze and illustrate what I think requires specific examples, I need to go a little bit with the inductive hypothesis here) of that evolution and how lore is portrayed in this show (not lore explicitly but within its context and purposes to use it).

> In universe the characters get used to what would be a threat or something spooky 
exactly. Zecora and The Everfree Forest are the clearest examples to put on the table for coming up with this thesis. You notice how the interactions from the cute innocent ponies that wandered around Ponyville would stay in their pinkish world yet in the following season, they react less impressed towards those weird events that shouldn´t normally happen in theory but they have adapted a mindset that those situations could happen at anytime. So in the end, you don´t see much fear in their faces anymore (and Fluttershy by herself exposes that fearful feeling for a brave one over time. A Health of Information happened because of her maturity).

> from an out of universe perspective those places and concepts just being assimilate for later use for a setting for SoL stories because that is still mostly was the show's nature. 
nailed it. If you want to see more of X place, for example the hive, it means that you want to see more content of Thorax or Pharynx, same applies to the Dragonlands with Ember, Smolder or Spike, or whatever...but if you want to visit any weird place that contained lore at first, it means that the lore will run out and as soon that state arrives, all you can extract from it will rely on the characters and some of them are entailed for certain settings. 

Perhaps the changeling serve as the greatest example of a 180 turn from their debut to their state from season 6 onwards.

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> I think the castle itself was in part just not used much after Season 4 and during its SoL stories in that season it still had an air of mysteriousness applied then only being treated with that true mudaneness after the introduction of the students. Your point still applies of course. 
I perfectly knew that I omitted the fact that the show didn´t revisit the Castle until the 8th season (the Tree of Harmony was seen again in Shadow Play though). However, as soon as they decided to continue with it,we saw what happened when the students decided to go there.

> Indeed it doesn't. Those events still happened even if the subtext is changed later. 
despite the mundane feeling brought later, the fact that those places have hold prominence over time means that the stories behind them were still relevant. My theory of what lore matters or not depends on the screentime given to that. This means that each time a pillar appears, you will instantly remember their lore because you ask where they came from.

Despite the tree of Harmony becoming a crystallized treehouse and more familiar, you remember inside your head how relevant it is because of its presence in the show, those amounts of lore that runs inside its branches. No matter how much the legend or the mysticism present was in that place, that lore is attached to what it represents and how it marks the next directions for the show. So, it´s more like talking about layers that compose its history. Originally meant as a sacred place for the royal sisters and then, ending up as a huge plot device for other relevant events that surpasses its original intent. 

You have posted the Pony of Shadows from Castle-mania and funnily enough, those eyes didn´t mean anything at the time except the spooky feeling a la Scooby Doo. However, the writers went ahead with it and that subtle spookiness became the central point of the latter half of season 7.  From a spook ending out of nowhere to the darkness that Sytgian held inside towards the pillars long ago, introducing even a comic arc like Legends of Magic. 

That´s a huge stretch and with lots of lore galore because of that single moment.

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Now, I want you to go further with the concept of lore and how this show adapts it to its normalization. Let me present to you the biggest (or at least one of the greatest candidates) middle finger and anti lore character/moment of the entire series.

Again, do we have to talk about seaponies? YES but related to your question of lore. 

Imagine that you are introducing a new species, a new place that inherently carries so much potential for lore and unanswered questions of its existence. Okay, so let´s imply that we are watching the movie for the first time and...

how do we (the fans) and the mane 6 see Mount Aris for the first time? Spooky,abandoned, a mysterious aura surrounds it, lots of questions arise and even a slight sense of uncertainty might be conveyed at first during its build up. This is messed up, quite unfamiliar and we´ll need lots of time to digest this. Uh this looks interesting, I wonder what happened, let´s see...and how does it turn out in the end?

Now, watch out, they introduce Skystar as the first character to meet there and her proactive positive attitude serves as an icebreaker of familiarity all of a sudden, no hostility to be found. She is the biggest anti lore example of this that boosts the turn from the unknown to the most familiar place to visit. So what was the secret behind what we saw before?

It goes like this (not actually her words but they sum up the whole situation): "Oh hi, you are my newest friends. Now I am not going to get bored anymore" Then she actually explains the entire lore to you and the whole story behind them: "We are the hippogriffs but we had to move away because the Storm King attacked us so we became the seaponies with the help of a pearl to transform ourselves and now we live in Seaquestria instead. Oh and I am the princess and my mother is the Queen".

And that was it. Their entire lore exposed and the mysterious aura gone and on top of that, a huge musical party happens within the entire place that had little to envy to other parties from Ponyville or Canterlot. No lore was hidden anymore and conflict relied in a slice of life manner instead of lore´s buildup. How much time has happened between the first exposure up to the upbeat party?


GG Well played. This case serves to prove how something so fresh and mysterious can become so familiar in a record time. You got the lore but it transformed into something so essential/basic that it became the simple logic for how the whole thing worked. 

This exemplifies how FIM not only eats up the lore but sometimes the show DEVOURS and digests the lore SO FAST that the newest introductions also have to add slice of life conflicts that you would expect from Ponyville. Either you introduce more lore to it or they have to rely on the characters themselves in order to be entertaining. This is why kirins or the seaponies were so liked, you see their appreciation because of Autumn Blaze, Skystar or Silverstream rather than stop and think about their backstories.

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So as we can see, that process of normalization varies depending on the case but every time they expand the map or seems like they moving forward, that new addition becomes so natural that it gets integrated and serves as the baseline to add something else. 

This process doesn´t always imply a good thing because again, we would end up relying if the moral/message and the story exposed is good enough to stand by itself, so lore becomes more like that bonus whose purpose is to spark more interest and something out of what we are used to experience. However, this effect is like drinking coffee for the first time and suffer the effects of caffeine within your body, the show carries such a down to earth nature that it no longer excites you for what it brings behind so the characters are what have to sell you in the episode. or sometimes the lore is so scattered among those "filler episodes" (hint: nothing can be seen as filler, everything counts) that they don´t feel any impressive nor worthy of a scream from the audience. While it´s true that some twists like Grogar, the destruction of the tree of Harmony or the first changelings´appearance would leave the mouths open for a moment, the show exposes a tomorrow. 

What I mean with the previous example and all these explanations is that this show feels worldly because of that excess of exposure that other franchises might not take that far. This is nothing new nor FIM stands as a pioneer in this regard but the mindset of constantly going through conflicts and more conflicts undermine the rest.

So this amount of paragraphs have the intention to exhibit how the lore becomes relevant becomes those characters or places become relevant by getting more screentime. You could get a very interesting character, species or place with tons of lore but if it doesn´t work for the next episode or stand the test of time, that lore will become more relevant.

This means that if I am focusing on these species is because the students appear later. 

Why for example am I not discussing about the breezies and their village or places like the Smokey Mountains? Because they didn´t appear beyond the one off episode given for them yet whenever a pillar or a student appears, I have to keep in mind where that character comes from so their lore gains more relevancy because of the amount of their presence alone, no matter the quantity there is behind their existence. Could I say the same for the kirins? Nope because as you can see in pic related, they took part in the ending and so their importance took another level because of their presence in the final battle.

My mind has the criteria to establish the preferences at what lore holds more "canon values" that drive other episodes and so, what lore is what stays in my brain the longest and what comes first to think about when it comes to its discussion.

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Sorry if I derailed a bit the thread to my own territory but by indirectly explaining the concept of lore is how I handle it the best for your answer and I need examples or specific reference in order to debate it (induced hypothesis).

I could go further and explain why the excessive normalization could make the new things more boring than the established material or how the places that we are used to seeing so much in the show hide lore without noticing it at all yet a mysterious aura that wasn´t there, without making much noise,hold secrets or uncommon feelings that were built up because of certain mundane stories that made those elements more powerful than the first time they were introduced (basically the reverse process of normalization: the mystification). 

I might sound crazy or insane with the latter but trust me, this trend actually exists in this show (pic related is one of those examples).

I´ll stop here and leave it for the next replies.

And so...in the meantime,keep posting because...

hey, the mods are asleep.

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> Sorry if I derailed a bit the thread to my own territory but by indirectly explaining the concept of lore is how I handle it the best for your answer and I need examples or specific reference in order to debate it (induced hypothesis).
Derail the thread!? This is right in the thread's topic.  I fully get having to cite stuff. It's probably better that way!

I could go further and explain why the excessive normalization could make the new things more boring than the established material or how the places that we are used to seeing so much in the show hide lore without noticing it at all yet a mysterious aura that wasn´t there, without making much noise,hold secrets or uncommon feelings that were built up because of certain mundane stories that made those elements more powerful than the first time they were introduced (basically the reverse process of normalization: the mystification). 
You can wait for me to reply to a couple of points here or you can go on without me if I take a couple of days. Your call. Right now I'm trying to find one fic that if my memory serves me is somewhat relevant to your's (at least I wanted to compare them). If I can't I'll go on and finish the review without it. 

> This exemplifies how FIM not only eats up the lore but sometimes the show DEVOURS and digests the lore SO FAST that the newest introductions also have to add slice of life conflicts that you would expect from Ponyville.
One point here that I can make quick: the one defense here is that this was being done with a movie mindset of exposition.It is separate from the show and done doesn't want to overload audiences with lore as so much as have a entertaining adventure from point A to point's B and C. Though it is a partial one since it is arguable that it made the movie a bit weaker and other movies put background stuff that they desperately try to attach meaning to all the time. 

> I might sound crazy or insane with the latter but trust me, this trend actually exists in this show (pic related is one of those examples).
I think I can think of a couple of mid tier ones, but I am honestly curious if you have something that I haven't seen or have but articulated real well (like a lot of this thread). 

> And so...in the meantime,keep posting because...
You heard dash.

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> Derail the thread!? This is right in the thread's topic. I fully get having to cite stuff. It's probably better that way!
well, perfect then. Because all you have to do is to simply read this and you know, reply at the parts you feel like answering.

> You can wait for me to reply to a couple of points here or you can go on without me if I take a couple of days. Your call. 
I believe that I am trying today to finish the whole thing because a lot has been floating inside my mind so I feel like I am ready to spit it out even though I have to improvise a bit while typing it.

> I'm trying to find one fic that if my memory serves me is somewhat relevant to your's (at least I wanted to compare them). If I can't I'll go on and finish the review without it. 
fair enough, then I continue with this series of replies.

> the one defense here is that this was being done with a movie mindset of exposition.It is separate from the show and done doesn't want to overload audiences with lore as so much as have a entertaining adventure from point A to point's B and C. Though it is a partial one since it is arguable that it made the movie a bit weaker and other movies put background stuff that they desperately try to attach meaning to all the time. 
you´ve got a point there and considering how many times the staff has had to change ideas, concepts or entire scripts behind the process of the movie, keeping things simple perhaps was the most effective to satisfy everyone. You do well in replying this to me. 

However, that lore is all that was needed for the future material related to them in the next episodes of the show. Sure they tried to add their hobby of going through the seas like pirates but that mostly stayed as a really minor setup for a joke. 

I´ve got to concede your point but still, it´s the quickest and most notable example to put out there for explaining a normalization coming altogether in such a short amount of time (probably the shortest at that along with the kirins). They display all the requirements for mysterious lore, direct explanation to the viewer and move onto down to earth problems. I could have posted Klugetown as well but that place doesn´t manage to receive as much spotlight as the southern location nor it follows the formula of normalization that I am exposing throughout these posts. 

> I am honestly curious if you have something that I haven't seen or have but articulated real well (like a lot of this thread). 
I feel like the exposition of this topic feels like a political rally and my arguments and words have to be chosen skillfully at that. Just that I am not going to stress you with politics (dear god no) here but many characteristics of the way I am articulating this...I learned most of them because of excessive exposure to it and now I feel like I am an expert in this topic when I could have much less info than you or any lurker out there. All this is simply displayed in a strategical way with some improvisation. I still have to set up my mind a little bit how to illustrate what I said before but again, I have ventured myself for that, so here it is.

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> You heard dash.
> Wait. Mods are asleep... but aren't I the mod? Does that mean that this picture applies? I'm so confused.
you know that very famous expression of a game (memed to death by the way) from a particular franchise whose first game was made in 1996 (1998 in the US) and this sentence appeared in the middle of a battle and it said:

"(So confused that) It hurt itself in its confusion"  

You are the board owner so this whole situation makes it kind of special and exclusive to your case and not to the average mod. 

Oh boy, the contradictions start springing up for ya.

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Anyway, now I have to hold my breath for the next explanations.

So I mentioned before this:  >>/5728/
> the excessive normalization could make the new things more boring than the established material 

and I have a peculiar case to expose and...Again with Rainbow Roadtrip? Am I here to bash it again eternally? Look I did that before and I am not here to display that I am absolutely correct here (those can enjoy it, it´s perfect, no problem for me). This topic is meant to serve a purpose and prove how lore is used here and how this thesis applies to this example. 

So possible controversies aside, why Rainbow Roadtrip and Hope Hollow? 

Well,everything has a limit even in this show and probably the huge expansion of the map was so big that more additions could feel average when if this had been added in the first seasons, it would have received more hype.

This happens to Hope Hollow and you know, it follows more or less the formula of Mt. Aris or Seaquestria but as you said  >>/5729/
here, they only spent 10 minutes and went from point A to point B, so the slice of life part was really short and the plot moved on. 

The problem with hope Hollow is based on the fact that the transformation that it follow in the interest towards it:

In the first few minutes, you get the same impression as Mount Aris did in the movie and you start to ask yourself: "Uh, I wonder what has happened here", you have your mind prepared for what´s about to come and get explained, ready for the lore behind this place and...

it happens in the same way that Skystar did, just that it was more dragged and their entire mystery was entirely explained after the Mayor narrated the problem with a song. So the lore has been put aside for it, Hope Hollow has nothing else to offer and we face a slice of life problem in a new location that was getting its debut in the franchise. 

From there, the special had to rely on the interactions between the characters, its message and the moral because all its lore was boiled down that the town was grey because the mayor used the device to an excessive level. For an episode of 22 minutes, this would have worked nicely but for an entire hour, you need more than that. More lore behind and twist (or subtle foreshadowing like The Cutie Map for example) towards the last third of the special could have made it more entertaining and create a greater impact.

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Its ordinary nature doesn´t rely exclusively on that. It could have managed to cause a greater impact like a seemingly boring place like the Crystal Empire and its crystal ponies. 

Just that the Crystal Empire is memorable because of how many episodes it has appeared in the show, how different the setting looked in comparison to the rest of Equestria and how it has gained slowly more spotlight with different plots (Equestria Games, Sunburst, Thorax appearance, Flurry Heart...). The location might not be the most interesting one but it slowly displayed more layers to its track record. 

But the problem doesn´t end there because the concept of the rainbow isn´t exclusive to that place. Before getting there, we had seen Cloudsdale and Rainbow Falls before in the show. So this means that its entire lore depended on the concept of bringing happiness and harmony to the town by recoloring the entire place. Its lore was also the entire point but it happens that this plot device was seen before in many episodes so it overlaps the whole thing to something not only familiar, but also overdone in the past. If there were more layers of lore behind it, it would end up with much more interesting results. 

So, what additional issue does Hope Hollow have? Basically the single fact that the special was contained there: only in the special and nothing else despite expanding the map. None of the characters which were seen there appear in the finale nor in any other way in the show (or even the comics so far) so their impact gets greatly reduced. The location is summed up in that single special. If it appeared (or any of the new characters) in another episode in the show (like Mount Aris/Seaquestria did after their debut in the movie), then they would have received more impact or a bigger legacy than this. 

This last paragraph makes the huge difference in the end. People might have considered The Crystal Empire boring in its debut but over time, it escalated positions silently. Hope Hollow didn´t receive that treatment beyond its debut (and it came really late), there weren´t any more secrets or reasons to discover it beyond its main conflict.

And so, the lack of lore or uniqueness entailed to review the entire thing directly from the interactions or characters themselves or the Slice of Life story exposed for one hour. In that regard, the reviews were written in the S9 thread, I am not going to repeat them here.

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So, after posting this, does this mean that expanding the map of Equestria gets rid of the mysticism? Mostly yes, the myths gets exposed and put into practice. HOWEVER, never underestimate what you have known for years because the little things sometimes build greater mysticisms than the newest places to discover beyond the recondite locations of Equestria. The first case here is...

The Sweet Apple Acres.

What? Do you believe that I have lost my sanity? Let me explain why this laid back location has managed to build up more secrets than its debut.

You know, that laid back atmosphere where lots of episodes have happened around the Apple Family and several other episodes meant to take a break and remind you about the humble things...perhaps they teach you a secret or two.

Imagine that you didn´t know about the Apple family and imply for a moment that instead of being an ordinary family, they were sacred creatures...the amount of history and events that occurred there have been told for generations and the place has remained timeless throughout its entire existence. If the down to earth Apple family was replaced by ancient creatures, you would start wondering about this entire location all the time yet it´s so familiar that we forgot that its familiar concept backs up its entire point and holds its entire strength/purpose. 

So mundane that it gained more points when the map was expanding itself, it reminds you how things are simpler there and despite all the changes and strange turns, how it manages to stay the same and keep its pure nature (even more than Ponyville). People get sad (and even dramatic) for missing the Treebrary because it vanished completely but do you know what hasn´t disappeared for a much longer period and will stay there for you all to appreciate it at anytime? This comfy place with the iconic barn.

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and now, do you believe that a mundane place of this level cannot hide mysticism around it?


Look, the "lore" might not be as impressive as an ancient building with degraded stone but those dreams of seeing a magical Seedling made a child happy for a while and who knows if the story was true. We will never know but sometimes, some stories might have happened without noticing it while they were living their daily lives.

However, we all know that this location has worked for all the mundane plot devices imaginable for the Apple Family countless times but at some point, one sees a couple of stars in the door of your farm and stare at them, remembering that all the members have lived in it but you know somehow from the inside that some details are missing here...

and sadly, one doesn´t need an extraordinary myth in order to create a special aura, created both in season 7 and 9, just because of the two stars that AJ saw in Apple Family Reunion. All the family came together except for two specific members and now, one would imply that this tree is an average one like the rest...

but it was the last place where both AJ´s parents were seen and what makes the whole thing even more unsettling and paradoxical to it, the whole wedding between Big Mac and Sugar Belle happened in that same scenery, as if history had repeated itself all over again but with two different ponies, all the elements were there, like stars aligning themselves in a perfect manner.

This happened just before the finale and the whole wedding paid homage towards two members of the family that couldn´t be there present in order to see one of their children growing up and marrying to a unicorn (a non earth pony for the first time ever in the family) but it happened in that same place because the rest of the members knew that the parents lied there. 

So the mundane nature became haunting because of a tradition and gained a special aura that you don´t anywhere but here because we all have seen the evolution of what that tree represents and what the Sweet Apple Acres hid beneath its apples...only to be revealed in the latest seasons of the show.  
Listen, see the pictures and read this calmly. Take a seat and think in hindsight about it for a while...before reading about the next location.

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Now, after taking your time with the previous entry, here it comes the next one:


Why does this place get a spot and not Appleloosa nor Cloudsdale? It´s simply because many episodes occurred in this city placed in the mountain and the time given for the other two just simply doesn´t compare (despite the huge changes of Appleloosa in at modernizing itself because of buckball). 

Now, you are probably thinking, why Canterlot?

Apparently, it has always shown an outstanding design, meant for high class unicorns and the elites for the ponies. You would imply that the lore transmitted in this entry would involve the mysticism around Celestia and Luna. 

Despite that awaited premise, surprisingly enough, for anyone who is reading this text, the lore described here doesn´t involve them (they are mentioned though). Prepare your surprised Pikachu reaction images because you are not expecting at all what I am going to say in the next paragraphs.

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There are several viewpoints to establish towards this place but one of them that people tend to forget is how its actual concept has managed to accomplish itself over time. I ask you a question here:

wasn´t this place inspired in Minas Tirith (Lord of the Rings) when Faust decided to design it? And indeed, it looks like the white city was replicated in terms of design....but it has also replicated its destruction and huge battles have happened in it as well. 

Yes, this city has revived the entire concept of Tolkien´s idea because this place, like no other in Equestria, has been taken over in such wild ways that it leaves the 5th Avenue of New York shivering when it comes to apocalyptic situations. Do you remember the times that this place has been taken over?

> A Canterlot Wedding
> The Beginning of the End
> The Ending of the End
> The Movie (2017)

Those are the main ones but to an extent, To Where and Back Again and Princess Twilight Sparkle were episodes in which the princess kidnapped, Discord threatened Celestia and the Mane 6 in Return of Harmony or even the villain trio fooled the guards in The Summer Sun Setback. This place, despite its high class appearance at first sight, is nothing but boring because whenever you expect it the least,a whole army of changelings fly around it or a ship appears and in less than 5 minutes, the whole location becomes unrecognizable and works as the set up for the final boss. Not only that but it has had to be entirely rebuilt, changing the throne of the royal sisters in one of them. 

This leaves us with unsettling ambients and images of pure chaos (especially in the movie). This city  manages to exhibit the other side of the coin, darker than any other location and potentially in any other timeline,it would have worked a setting for battling RPG bosses in any video game. It could easily become the root of any possible dark force that takes it over. 

Something tells me that one wouldn´t expect this to be exposed but eeeyup, its potential for becoming a post apocalyptic place is much easier than one believes at first sight and it fits horrifyingly (yet amazingly) well at that.

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but it doesn´t always consist in nightmares. The bright side of the coin has also brought a different tone for this place over the course of the show.

We talk about how it has slowly happened to be the high class meant for unicorns only to become not only mundane with it but the centerpiece of reuniting everyone together.

You know that the harmony was centered around Ponyville, where the three races of ponies joined together and lived in harmony. 

Well, Canterlot has slowly transformed itself into that rainbow themed place where everyone has to visit at least once in their lifetime. It has become over time the worthy successor of Ponyville and indeed, it all started here with Twilight reading the book but the main events didn´t happen all that much until the visits from the mane 6 were more frequent and became the norm.  

What astounds me the most about Canterlot is how versatile it is for anything really. One could set up any hypothetical situation around it and it would work nicely, from myths and nightmares (building up tons of lore if a villain conquered at some point) to the simplest slice of life story ending with a party. 

Sure you could do this with Ponyville but the scenery that accompanies it is just breathtaking either way. You can go no wrong with it. 

These two pictures reflect that if Ponyville didn´t exist, you wouldn´t miss it all that much because in the movie and in the finale, it displays what the tree of harmony showed before its destruction, without any elements of harmony for that.

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and so, last entry and my final take for the topic of lore. That place is...


what can I say about this one? What would one imply about the lore behind it? How has it gained more lore over time? Well, we have discussed about recondite places or mysterious locations that were created long ago (The Crystal Empire, The Tree of Harmony with the Castle of the Two Sisters...) and back and forth, all their lore was normalized...because of this place.

How does Ponyville have lore? One would ask and that´s a good question. You know, one of my favorite lyrics of all time say:

> All I want in life is a little bit of love 
> To take the pain away
> Getting strong today
> A giant step each day

Perhaps too pessimistic for this explanation but it shows that the daily morals and messages transmitted add up to what builds a greater story within it. We all have desired to look for more lore, something that was unknown for Equestria and discover that piece of history, compile it and discuss it like no tomorrow and compare how cool it is, opening up to interpretations to the actions told of that piece of history in any book, painting, symbol, location, etc.

Now, how about this? What about not finding lore, but creating it for the next generations? 

What I am saying here is that the centerpieces of lore...

are the mane 6 themselves

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Yes, I said before that Canterlot managed to turn into the homeland for all parts of Equestria in the end but what place did that first? 

Ponyville and not only the most unique things happened there, These were seemingly mundane events that altogether are quite hard to bare them at once and it pioneered everything that would become the norm later in the entire continent. 

Because you know, we all have been trying to find answers in Celestia, Starswirl, the tree of Harmony and its elements....anything related to destiny and searching for a defined path to reach the maximum peak....but while looking for it, one didn´t notice that the magical aspect of it was the road at experiencing, not the final objective.

Those giants steps made each day only strengthen their track record, no matter how silly or innocent they were, they count as lore. And you ask: 

How? How are all the lessons and episods related to the mane 6 lore to begin with? Does this make any sense?

Think about it this way, Twilight did write a diary and a book right? Do you know what the entire school meant in the end for them? 

Not only Twilight and her friends surpassed the knowledge of Starswirl but they have created a new method and founded a new dynasty. This means that every single aspect of their lives...

...will be studied in the future generation within the universe. They represent the next chapter that ended Celestia´s monarchy and followed it with a new mentality. With this single fact, they have made history and no matter the species who reads it, one will check the history of Equestria and point out a certain princess called Twilight Sparkle in the future.

It´s not lore for today, it´s about living lore for the times that lie ahead.

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what looks average and a usual thing for the idiosyncrasy of today, it will become unusual for those who follow it and have not known them.

There will be a year when her friends might not exist anymore and only Twilight remains because of the contract of replacing Celestia: immortality.  And when that time arrives, everyone will start to study what happened to its predecessors and will look at the main place where everything happened: Ponyville.

It´s living history and every secondary/background pony that has managed to live along with Twilight before her coronation will be become more fortunate and will tell old stories or anecdotes that sound completely strange to those who haven´t met her friends nor have seen Ponyville in their lives yet they will want to study in the school she founded.

We are talking about a nerd that was reading a book about the story of two sisters who fought a thousand years ago, in the middle of a park of Canterlot and look who she is now. You know that she doesn´t have experience. But that experience will become the knowledge/popular culture for those who follow her in the timeline and they will talk about these anti heroes, with nothing worthy to admire, as mythical heroes that changed the direction of Equestria.

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so the magic wasn´t anywhere else, the magic consisted in what happened any single day at anytime because those choices are what made the magic possible. Destiny did come to them at certain  points sure...but in the end, they chose their own path.

The mane 6 will have the same mythology like the pillars did for this generation and so it will get written. Perhaps the greatest impact of lore isn´t translated by watching the episodes themselves but by imagining that you are a random character, grab a book of history, learning about the past. 

Then, that character will realize how much its life has been impacted because of the changes made and the ambient around him. For that character, seeing a kirin or a dragon in Ponyville or Canterlot might look absolutely natural for them when in reality, that didn´t happen and only three races of ponies managed to live together in order to move forward...

but that didn´t stop there and the mane 6 basically represent how everyone helped them when Equestria got a coup in The Ending of the End, forging the basis of an entire nation without realizing it.

All that I am saying looks obvious but if generation 5 happened years beyond this period of time, those new characters would take into account these achievements over the course of their lives. They will try to replicate these steps or even idolize the mane 6, bringing inspiration and stories to share between them.

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so I believe that this is it. Enough posting for me until more replies arise. 

I am tired and I think that you will have enough material to reply.

Maybe this concept of lore wasn´t all that you were expecting and I have delivered some twists to what could be qualified as such and these entries might clash with the concept but I´ve had good reception about my views towards it, so I kept going and finished what I had in mind to post. 


Ranking  the seasons in terms of lore (Bridgefag): >>/5704/. Replies:  >>/5708/,  >>/5709/,  >>/5710/,  >>/5713/

Concept of lore and fanservice:  >>/5714/,  >>/5715/

Normalization of the lore:  >>/5716/,  >>/5717/,  >>/5718/. Replies:  >>/5719/,  >>/5720/

Comments about the changelings and the expansion:  >>/5723/,  >>/5724/

Pony of Shadows:  >>/5725/

Mount Aris, Seaquestria:  >>/5726/,  >>/5731/. Reply:  >>/5729/

Hope Hollow:  >>/5733/,  >>/5734/

Sweet Apple Acres:  >>/5735/,  >>/5736/

Canterlot:  >>/5737/,  >>/5738/,  >>/5739/

Ponyville:  >>/5740/,  >>/5741/,  >>/5742/,  >>/5743/,  >>/5744/

There it is. 

Now I can turn off the computer...

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Wow. It contains some logic I've heard before but you have articulated it extremely well and sometimes adding your own to the table. I don't want to blindly brag; there is some concepts that I will have to think about and may ultimately disagree but I am not exaggerating when I consider this perhaps to be your best contribution to discussion here--at least when it comes to FiM. This is more like an essay than a simple explanation and fully formed point of view that is strong and based on thinking it out. You seem to have been thinking this more than even I and have the posts to show.

> Now I can turn off the computer...

Rest. I'll have the review of your fic up in the next day or two and than I'll come back to here. Have a blessed and happy day!

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> I will have to think about and may ultimately disagree but I am not exaggerating when I consider this perhaps to be your best contribution to discussion here--at least when it comes to FiM.
thanks. By they way, there is no need actually agree 100% at all. What a boring world it would be if everyone had the same opinion. Someone out there said that respect isn´t gained by having an opinion per se but how one displays it. I suppose that I have learned from politics how to use the word. Most people bash it but I call politics "the art of the word". I could be saying something false but if the words are properly placed and adjusted, reading the whole thing becomes more entertaining for the reader.

You see that I have gone meta in my arguments and asked several questions in order to allude the reader...perhaps that recourse has added more value and a more dynamic exposition. 

> This is more like an essay than a simple explanation and fully formed point of view that is strong and based on thinking it out. You seem to have been thinking this more than even I and have the posts to show.
honestly, I had the entries floating around in my mind but some comments/arguments were semi improvised, hence  I needed more time between each post, they came up while typing each entry; and altogether, this feels more like an article instead of some average posts from an alt chan. After finishing it, I didn´t come back to the computer until later that night. I needed to disconnect from this place a little bit. 

> Rest. I'll have the review of your fic up in the next day or two and than I'll come back to here. 
you have me intrigued honestly, considering the amount of times that you have announced it for comparing it to something else. 

> Have a blessed and happy day!
same to you tonight.

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well, you were asking for more information about Pony Life, gen 5 or the comics...

It seems that we have something to latch ourselves for a bit when it comes to that discussion. Maybe not now because you have more posts to reply yet but I am leaving the EQD in which they confirm that Tara Strong isn´t currently voicing for Twilight Sparkle. This implies two possible routes here: either the mane 6 reappear again but with a different group of VA (at least, Twilight) or Tara voices another character that is not Twilight for gen 5. 

With that said, gen 5 production is paralyzed because of the current circumstances but at least, this could imply a wind of change for the next generation but it´s really unclear.

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> Of course, there is a chance that Twi will be returning with a different voice actress and Tara simply wasn't informed
If she is just relying on that she hasn't been hired to voice than it is still uncertain if that be a confirmation that Twilight was gone. The old G5 leaks from 2018 had them keeping the main cast but switching some things around (including TS being an earth pony). Said they wanted a more diverse group of VAs. Though I could see plans changing drastically from those early concepts so it is possible TS is actually gone now.

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of course Twilight couldn´t appear in the first episodes/season but make an appearance over the generation, who knows? 

> Said they wanted a more diverse group of VAs. Though I could see plans changing drastically from those early concepts so it is possible TS is actually gone now.
then, we are for a big change if that´s true. It looks like we are getting either a reboot or a different period of the gen 4´s timeline. 

It´s going to feel a little bit weird not to have her as the main protagonist though.

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You know, someone should warn any new future brony before joining into the community. It happens that when one discovers that secret, it´s too late for that person to go back.

Otherwise they would say: "I want to get off Mr. Bones wild ride" and repeat that meme ad infinitum.

Except that in MLP, this isn´t a meme but a deal with the devil.

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"Gen 4 is going to end with The Last Problem" they said, "the ride has ended" they said, "We will be free from the series" they said...

except that they trolled us for some reason and Pony Life doesn´t seem to fill the post gen 4 era all that much.

Australia nonetheless has proven that the series wants to compile its own events in hindsight and perhaps a few new interactions will happen throughout the retelling. 

> Friendship is Forever
Hasbro...how much are you going to condemn us? You are basically giving free tickets for the ride to keep going and what´s worse...

we cannot get out of it.Help!

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> Do you realize how much content you have right. The offical series alone has a total runtime longer than fucking Adventure Time I believe. You guys literal can't complain.
and still we want MOAR ponies. MOOOOOOOAR.

Now,seriously,it is a compilation that DHX made 10 months ago.What is fresh from it are a few vectors from the characters before retelling those stories. That's it even though a little surprise might await somewhere but I highly doubt it. The big deal are the comics before gen 5 drops.

Anyway,you are spot on with the huge amount of content that gen 4 has offered. The amount of episodes and consistency throughout the series is to say the least,quite remarkable despite the differences in terms of opinions from the fans.

I said in previous posts that Equestria has become a world which any RPG would like to have. This proves how gen 4 and 2010 feel like the year zero for the franchise. Have you ever seen me posting the previous gens? Definitely not.

The 4th gen, m8, has been everything but boring and it still surprises me every now and then.

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Review: Friendship is Forever A-Dressing Memories

Mainly focused on the tiny bit of new stuff so I didn't watch all the flashbacks all the way through but I did try to keep track. This was a wonky experience. Seeing it have the exact same opening theme just with Friendship is Forever branding brings a confusing sense of nostalgia with a slight hint of surreal.  I can't say that I hate it because it's not like it did anything that made me mad but there was somethings that felt off. First off some of the selections for the flash backs seem rather odd. Like Twilight saying: Rarity has always been an inspiration for her with one one flash back focusing on her fashion empire and than it moves to focusing on Spike's love for Rarity in episodes that had really good moments for Rarity that would have fit as part of TS' first point; her handling her own in A Dog and Pony Show or her generosity in The Best Gift Ever. I guess you could say that later one was redundant with the generosity point already made earlier but you'd think the Spike flash back's would be focused on Secret of My Excess and perhaps a brief mention of a couple of other moments and then Dragon Dropped if you'd want to have a section dedicated to him. Secondly, it was slightly weird to have Spike show a brief bit of love for Rarity in pic related as it almost could be undermining her point about Spike and her relationship changing and Dragon Dropped itself in a small way. It's only slightly weird on it's own but remember it for some point later. Thirdly: is it just me or did the animation seem slightly choppy and jaggy at points? I thought it was just me but I saw a couple of other's say this too. 
Like here:
Or here after she tells Dolores and Spike to be careful with the fabric.
Not something I'd really complain much about since it is a just a rushed side project but if it is true than it adds to the feeling that this was just slapped together. 

4/10 I don't mean this in an offensive way but in that there was little here. It is just a clipshow with a bit of dressing. Admittedly I can find bous content /comfy/ but this felt a bit barebones compared to even the shorts they've had in the past. 

One other thing:
I loved the moment when Rarity and Twilight hugged at the end. It is the only moment that stood out to me. It just sounded really sweet and genuine. That moment gets a 7/10.

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as soon as I saw this post, I didn´t imagine at all that you jumped right in for a review dedicated to a compilation.  Wow!

I don´t think that I am capable to offer thoughts about this compilation because it´s so scattered among the recycled moments that putting them altogether would work better (I don´t understand why the intro pops up every few minutes though)

>  didn't watch all the flashbacks all the way through but I did try to keep track.
eeeyup, same here.

> some of the selections for the flash backs seem rather odd. 
the Ending of the End with A Dog and A Pony Show or Rarity Investigates for example. Different strokes for different folks and it seems that the compilation goes really diverse on its choices. 

> Like Twilight saying: Rarity has always been an inspiration for her with one one flash back focusing on her fashion empire and than it moves to focusing on Spike's love for Rarity in episodes that had really good moments for Rarity that would have fit as part of TS' first point her handling her own in A Dog and Pony Show or her generosity in The Best Gift Ever. I guess you could say that later one was redundant with the generosity point already made earlier but you'd think the Spike flash back's would be focused on Secret of My Excess and perhaps a brief mention of a couple of other moments and then Dragon Dropped if you'd want to have a section dedicated to him.
who was in charge of the pacing and the order of the flashbacks? Because reading this makes me feel uneasy but yeah whatever. They used this compilation for remembering both characters.

> it was slightly weird to have Spike show a brief bit of love for Rarity in pic related as it almost could be undermining her point about Spike and her relationship changing and Dragon Dropped itself in a small way. It's only slightly weird on it's own but remember it for some point later. 
Jim Miller said in a tweet that this was made during the production of season 9 (10 months ago) and Dragon Dropped didn´t air until late August (I haven´t checked it out) so if these compilations were to be revealed/leaked, then we could understand that the episode was taken into account while making these compilations. However, this argument falls apart by itself when the compilation is set before the Last Problem so yeah, either that´s an inconsistency or they didn´t want to get really serious with this production.

> Thirdly: is it just me or did the animation seem slightly choppy and jaggy at points? I thought it was just me but I saw a couple of other's say this too.
I haven´t focused all that much on it. I am more bothered about the intro appearing all the time right into the viewer´s face. 

Edit: I thought that it was my internet connection but yeah, in the second moment that you have linked here, I have noticed that there are a couple of chops from 13:00 and 13:06. Maybe in the first one there are subtle cuts but I have tried to check it out several times so I had the compilation fully loaded. In the second one, though there is almost an entire second in which the frames stop completely. I can confirm that as well so you have a point there.

> It is just a clipshow with a bit of dressing. Admittedly I can find bous content /comfy/ but this felt a bit barebones compared to even the shorts they've had in the past.
definitely I have barely put any effort on the review here, just replying with a laid back approach to this so in general, no controversies here and having to jump after watching 20 or 30 seconds of new content before having to click just to skip the old moments...it´s no wonder that I haven´t warmed up with it. Except with this:

> I loved the moment when Rarity and Twilight hugged at the end. It is the only moment that stood out to me. It just sounded really sweet and genuine. That moment gets a 7/10.
if the Last Problem had been longer, this scene would have had much more impact and would have added more reasons to be sad towards the finale.Agreed wholeheartedly with this line.

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even without putting much effort here, I believe that you are not going to find relatively deep reviews about it. Maybe a few on MLP forums or a comment in EQD. Even by getting a sticky on /mlp/, it went directly off topic because...there is not much to comment over here.  I didn´t have plans to do it but you went fully onto it so I have simply followed you.

There are more shorts so I guess that each one of them will focus on the rest of the mane 6. I bet that the last one will focus around Twilight´s progress.

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Yeah. Not really a whole lot to say with this one. Supposedly there is a couple of small moments that may matter in later shorts but we will see.  Celestia apparently has a line that pissed some people off for some reason but I'm going to remain unspoilered if I can help it.  

> if the Last Problem had been longer, this scene would have had much more impact and would have added more reasons to be sad towards the finale.Agreed wholeheartedly with this line.
It was the only part that felt like the tone of reliving memories and sentimentality. 

> I thought that it was my internet connection but yeah, in the second moment that you have linked here, I have noticed that there are a couple of chops from 13:00 and 13:06. Maybe in the first one there are subtle cuts but I have tried to check it out several times so I had the compilation fully loaded. In the second one, though there is almost an entire second in which the frames stop completely. I can confirm that as well so you have a point there.
So it ain't just me. I wasn't sure if it was just my eyes but sometimes I do watch the animation closely and usually for latter seasons and usually I've been slightly impressed with how smooth they've kept a lot of the simple stuff. Which brings me too:
> either that´s an inconsistency or they didn´t want to get really serious with this production.
I think it is looks like this was done quickly but if they pull anything of adding to shipping hints or something that connects it to the final then I will count it for the former as well.

> I don´t understand why the intro pops up every few minutes though
It looks like a bumper that would play in commercial breaks. I don't understand why it was kept in.

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> It looks like a bumper that would play in commercial breaks. I don't understand why it was kept in.
fair enough

> It was the only part that felt like the tone of reliving memories and sentimentality.
maybe that will happen in the other compilations, I guess? I don´t expect much though. But indeed, it stands as the highlight of this one.

> sometimes I do watch the animation closely and usually for latter seasons and usually I've been slightly impressed with how smooth they've kept a lot of the simple stuff. 
keep in mind that the artstyle has remained the same for an entire decade and while flash stands as a "cheap" method for animation yet, it was bound that those improvements would happen. I did mention the improvement with the shadows but yeah, normally the animation aspect isn´t one of those aspects that the average viewer would complain about except that you brought up this and I still had to focus a bit in order to notice those chops.

> I think it is looks like this was done quickly but if they pull anything of adding to shipping hints or something that connects it to the final then I will count it for the former as well.
we´ll see but considering that they have aired this compilation without announcing it at all, I believe that there was less pressure to keep those standards.  We´ll see how this turns out in the end.

> spoiler text
incoming drama

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Alright, here is my belated review for Father Knows Beast.

Well. What do I think? I can see why someone would hate it. Was Spike out of character to turn on Twilight like that? Considering how he often was portrayed as loyal to Twilight and pretty close to her (regardless as a son, brother, or sidekick). Yet you could argue that his insecurity over being not "dragon" enough, fears over his image in general and him becoming a teenager could be enough justification to fuel this. I still find it slightly suspect that Spike would treat TS this way but I can't say that it is something that is completely unjustifiable in of itself. Which brings me to the next point of contention...

Sludge. This character is a complete deadbeat. I can see why someone would be ticked off with Spike following him over his family, even for a short time. I think the question would be does this make Spike seem stupid? Is his abandoning what is a pretty well developed moral compass by this point and ignoring red flags? This I think is the greater folly. Arguably, even with his dragonhood being an established issue, I'm not sure how much since it makes for him to be so trusting of his "father" like this compared to previous times where I think he showed more judgement just by virtue of how slimy Sludge seems.

Overall? 5.5/10. I do think that with some slight changes it would be more palatable but it does have a lot going against it. I haven't even got to how them finally touching on Spike's orphaned status and not revealing anything of worth other than acknowledging it or some considering it a half rehash of Dragon Quest. Still, it's not the worst of the worst. I'm honestly just indifferent to it personally. 

Other notes:
This Episode pushed it hard that Twilight is a mother figure to Spike:
> Spike: Actually, I was orphaned as an egg, and Twilight raised me. So these ponies are more than my friends. They're my family. 
> Spike: That's because you raised me. Now I finally have a chance to see how I'm supposed to be. 
> Twilight Sparkle: I don't think you're supposed to be any different than who you are. 
> Spike: Maybe you just don't like that I have a real parent now. 
She talks as if it's been her responsibility. She worries she failed. It breaks her heart when Spike has a real parent now. How does this reconcile with Sparkle's Seven? IDK. It's too strong to ignore and I think I have to investigate further to see which one, if either, fit better with how they have interacted. 

Season 8 had a lot of time skips where at least weeks/months passed didn't it?

Not surprised that even EQD fags have red flags with Pony Life. 

"Season 10" looks like they are going to have Mane5 going on adventures as TS Knight's of the Round Table in different teams be really pushed aren't they. Considering crossover teams of characters they have already done before in the comic a lot plus the whole Cutie Map I'm not sure how original that'll be but maybe there will be some entertainment out of it. I certainly think I'll be interested enough trying to reconcile it with the show for fun and seeing how they wrap up other storylines  and if they make sense. 

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> Not surprised that even EQD fags have red flags with Pony Life.
I voted in that poll, I´ve got admit. I picked the option that I was never excited but at least I haven´t said that in the same post while sharing it. Even then, you know it´s bad when even EQD cannot defend it wholeheartedly and those people who have voted the cautious option is because MLP in general was a surprise so one shouldn´t judge a book by its cover. However, it´s pretty clear that they are going to follow the Teen Titans Go formula with this one (at first sight)

> "Season 10" looks like they are going to have Mane5 going on adventures as TS Knight's of the Round Table in different teams be really pushed aren't they.
eeyup. I have recently checked /mlp/ and one of the posts displays that they are going to be divided in several groups:
> #1 The one that starts with #89 (due soon once they start up distribution again) with AJ, Tempy, Rockhoof and Zecora
> #2 RD, Spitfire, Lyra + Bon Bon , and Captain Celaeno
> #3 FS, Pinkie, Trixie, Capper, and Discord
> #4 Rarity, Maud, Big Mac and Meadowbrook

So far, we are going to get that.

> I'm not sure how original that'll be but maybe there will be some entertainment out of it. I certainly think I'll be interested enough trying to reconcile it with the show for fun and seeing how they wrap up other storylines and if they make sense.
there will be entertainment for sure and if they keep a level of quality like they accomplished with Nightmare Knights, I will be satisfied. I am not in a hurry at all as long as they are well written or fulfilling enough in order to have a nice time.

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Also, it seems that they are going to be available as soon as the summer begins. I thought that they were going to release them in Autumn but it looks that they had completed more work than I expected. Have they been teleworking in the next issues throughout this quarantine? I mean,they wouldn´t announce the comics so carefreely if they didn´t have any material prepared  (unless they repeat the same move like they did with Pencils last Autumn and put their employees to work in a rush)

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I see that you have displayed your opinion about FKB, nice. 

Perhaps I will give it a watch soon (now that you have shared your comments on it) and extend this discussion a little bit more. Now that I think about it, I only watched those last episodes of S8 once and I shared my own thoughts without rewatching them, perhaps my views could turn into more negative ones than the first impressions I held that Saturday.

Better late than never but that´s what the post gen 4 thread is  actually meant to do here.

Yep. My research spawned a side venture where I decided to do a little evaluating of Spike and TS relationship and so this is the first one I checked out.  Next review is Dragon Quest.   

> Now that I think about it, I only watched those last episodes of S8 once and I shared my own thoughts without rewatching them, 
I may be doing a few, as there scattered points where I really wasn't keeping a good track of the seasons. Particularly I consider myself somewhat weak on 5, 6, 7 to varying degrees, but it'll probably be in a scatershot manner. 

> Now that I think about it, I only watched those last episodes of S8 once and I shared my own thoughts without rewatching them, perhaps my views could turn into more negative ones than the first impressions I held that Saturday.
Or you could see a positive that I don't.

> Better late than never but that´s what the post gen 4 thread is actually meant to do here.

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> My research spawned a side venture where I decided to do a little evaluating of Spike and TS relationship and so this is the first one I checked out.
that´s an interesting way to project your vision about their development throughout the show so...yeah, keep going.

> Next review is Dragon Quest.
ooooooooh boy, I will be quite surprised if you manage to like that episode.

 >I consider myself somewhat weak on 5, 6, 7 to varying degrees
so you are saying that the discussion threads have turned out to keep an magnifying glass in these last two seasons while as you were lurking in the past, you weren´t digging as deep as you have shown here.

This line by itself speaks volumes.

> Or you could see a positive that I don't.
whenever I reply to your post  >>/5959/ properly, we will see how it goes.

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Dragon Quest, similar to last episode, I think has some interesting dynamics even if I have some questions of its execution (though this ep has a lower potential). Storywise I consider it to be okay on paper but the dragons are rather uncompelling as antagonists. They are extremely generic, just archetypes over personality. I still enjoyed the ponies in this and still enjoyed how the dragons were presented as a mysterious and scary in the first part but there wasn't much to follow up. The main controversy around this episode though is obviously its moral. I actually remember seeing people back in the day connecting this to race more than masculinity, but it is clearly the second one they were going for here. The teenage dragons are supposed to represent stereotypical negative male behavior. The point of the moral is that Spike's more pony, more feminine, behavior is not a side of himself that he should reject but embrace and that such masculine traits maybe negative. How bad is that moral? Well, while I dislike the constant portrayal of all masculine traits now days in some circles as being bad I'm not sure this was written with that type of feminist intent even if it was written with a critical eye to masculinity. I actually think it was written still under a mindset of being a girls show toward the young boys watching it and maybe feeling insecure. It makes a lot more sense to me looking it as "It's okay to be girlish! A lot of the boys are mean anyway!". Extreme stereotypical behavior and simplistic morality are used in children stories all the time and I think fandom (along with many adults with other childrens media) often forgot this. It why I have such a hard time judging such childlike sudden shifts in morality as bad as it is in service of the lesson and to make it easy to understand.* I still find the lesson questionable and I would probably have preferred a bit more nuance but that is what I bet their mindset was. 

Overall I consider this episode below average. 5/10 I think it was somewhat lackluster with a questionable moral but it should be judged under a childhood storytelling lens and not under as a racist attack or coordinated feminist attack against masculinity  unless somepony can find me evidence otherwise.  

*though there is a very strong counterpoint that as the series progressed it did often show greater nuance and that it makes some things puzzling and stupid when they would lean back into that level of writing. 

Other notes:

I think it is a shame that Peewee wasn't included in the rest of the series as it could have been used as a arc of Spike learning of adulthood and responsibility. Wouldn't that have been a cooler Spike and Apple Jack episode in Season 3?

I still enjoyed the dragon costume and found those brief moments funny.

Does this contradict me saying that lands felt distant and that now everything just feels a train ride away? I don't think it does completely as it never was established how long Spike traveled and that it was still treated as dangerous and far away.

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Now on to the real meat as to why I'm doing this. What is the nature of Twilight and Spike's relationship. What I think is interesting with this episode is this line:
    Spike: Phew, that was a close one. Thanks, you guys. 
    Twilight Sparkle: Of course. What are friends for? 
    Spike: You're more than friends. You're my family. 
It makes it very interesting for how later episodes treat this  that it is Spike that who says they are his family with Twilight Sparkle appearing to imply that she was his friend. I suppose one could say that Twilight was referring to her and her friends in general but I think in earlier seasons he was written more as a sidekick  or even Pet  without a clear family bound fully in mind. I will say this though: TS was shown to be his caretaker and those moments caused plenty to argue back then there was such a type of relation. Even here TS was acting as such. Though I wonder if there is any hints with a clearer subtext of motherhood or sisterhood implied. 
Next review:  Owl's Well that Ends Well. 

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Don´t believe that I have forgotten about the reviews though... >>/6073/   >>/5959/

If we are not counting the compilation, I believe that this is the first time I have decided to watch the show again...with Dragon Quest. Definitely not the best episode to begin with, then Sweet and Smoky and lastly, Father Knows Beast.

In a couple of hours, I am going to share my thoughts about these episodes (I have been writing down a few details as well while I was watching them). 

PoLS just in case.

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Okay, so let´s start with Dragon Quest here:

The least controversial part is what you are investing your time in these episodes:

> I think in earlier seasons he was written more as a sidekick or even Pet without a clear family bound fully in mind.
well, it wouldn´t surprise me at all, considering that Spike was seen as a less relevant character than the Mane 6 and he didn´t get a more serious treatment until future episodes. Correct me if I am wrong here but, wasn´t Spike shoehorned in the cast because of Hasbro´s orders to the show staff? I am asking this because Faust could have seen herself a little bit under the obligation to make something with him but didn´t aim all that high for him. One of his biggest achievements happens when the Crystal Empire events occur but the staff was changing plans constantly around that era and Faust was no longer involved in the show´s direction. I also remember (this is outside the show by the way) that Tara Strong posted a tweet claiming that Spike was her pet so...

indeed, you are aiming correctly with this speculation.

>  TS was shown to be his caretaker and those moments caused plenty to argue back then there was such a type of relation. Even here TS was acting as such. Though I wonder if there is any hints with a clearer subtext of motherhood or sisterhood implied.
I believe that the show wouldn´t go beyond those subtleties. I mean, Sparity would be a more obvious trait in the first seasons than that but if we were to look at the root of being shown as a caretaker, the main source for establishing that theory relies on the backstory when Twilight hatched the egg with her magic for passing the test (Cutie Mark Chronicles). I am not saying that those implied moments don´t exist but I think that the show was sustaining itself in an unclear path around that era. 

My theory is basically this one: Spike was slightly detached from the Mane 6 in terms of writing in general and seems kind of like an artificial added member (familiar yet slightly alien at the same time)  until they start to appreciate him and what he can actually offer (both in terms of writing and for the mane 6). If you see the rise of relevance for male characters, you see that him and Big Mac are treated with a deeper take as the show goes on. 

Even if you leave aside the perspective about male characters in terms of writing, Celestia suffers this same problem as well. Like you say with Spike as a friend or as family member, they don´t show you much about Celestia either. Was she supposed t be the most mysterious princess that knows everything but also trolls at the same time? Was she supposed to be a mentor for Twilight?  Besides her presentations and a few lines dropped back and forth, the show was lying in a fine line where something was lacking beneath its surface level. She was kind of there and stayed like an alien yet familiar for the mane 6. 

Now, speculations aside, let´s criticize the episode itself.

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> Storywise I consider it to be okay on paper but the dragons are rather uncompelling as antagonists. They are extremely generic, just archetypes over personality. 
the episode is quite average both in its execution but like you say here, it become painfully generic and you don`t see the dragons as awfully cliched as this episode portrays them here. In its first debut, you see their special traits like being rude, rebellious and more disorganized (because of their free will) than the ponies.  In later episodes, the gang doesn´t change all that much their attitude so they were in character: they are jerks and keep their cool among them. So far, this doesn´t sound troublesome but the way that this episode presents them...

> still enjoyed how the dragons were presented as a mysterious and scary in the first part but there wasn't much to follow up. 
if someone reads posts I wrote here:  >>/5726/ and  >>/5733/  >>/5734/, while the debut episode for the dragons themselves have an air of mystery when they are flying over Ponyville, the ponies (mostly Rarity, RD and TS) imply that they are big, tough and scary. The quest starts for Spike and it looks like they are located far away (we´ll talk about that later) and it seems that we are following the same path that they would apply for Mt.Aris /Seaquestria, Hope Hollow and even the Kirin village. 

Alright, so the air of mystery was set up in the first third of the episode because of the ponies point of view and lack of information about them (Twilight didn´t find any single book related to them. This could explain why Neighsay or other ponies would look down or would have fears towards other species). How much time does that sense of mystery last when Spike arrives at the Dragonlands? 

Less than a few seconds.

 That´s a new record. All the mysterious/scary aura was absolutely ripped as soon as we saw the gang.  Besides swimming in pools of lava, what kind of new lore does this episode add about the dragons?  The gems don´t count by the way. So, we are going directly to the slice of life territory in an episode where it deals with native dragons for the first time. The movie, Rainbow Roadtrip or Sounds of Silence turned out to be more sophisticated in this regard. We have to rely on the interactions, traits and the message here.

> The main controversy around this episode though is obviously its moral. I actually remember seeing people back in the day connecting this to race more than masculinity, but it is clearly the second one they were going for here.
> The teenage dragons are supposed to represent stereotypical negative male behavior. 
these lines explain why it is the only episode with dragons that featured rock music and a try hard mentality that replicate the cool teenagers of the 90s. However, I am going to connect you the message with the race but with a different perspective. Just wait and see...

> The point of the moral is that Spike's more pony, more feminine, behavior is not a side of himself that he should reject but embrace and that such masculine traits maybe negative.
> I actually think it was written still under a mindset of being a girls show toward the young boys watching it and maybe feeling insecure. 
except that Sweet and Smoky dealt with that moral much better without having to establish a masculine vs feminine duel in terms of attitude. What´s even funnier is that one of those toxic masculine characters that were displayed in this episode for backing up that claim, he also turned out to be insecure at showing a more sentimental side of him with poetry without using the feminine argument, just that he looked uncool towards the rest so he needed to feel superior from the outside. Reading this in hindsight, if you didn´t mention Spike here, I would imply that you could be perfectly talking about Garble.

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> It makes a lot more sense to me looking it as "It's okay to be girlish! A lot of the boys are mean anyway!". Extreme stereotypical behavior and simplistic morality are used in children stories all the time and I think fandom (along with many adults with other childrens media) often forgot this. It why I have such a hard time judging such childlike sudden shifts in morality as bad as it is in service of the lesson and to make it easy to understand.* 
that mindset is annoying to say the least (and really painful to watch in media in general, not only in MLP). What I appreciate about later seasons is about its grayish tone and adding subtleties and layers that would make more difficult to say those kinds of claims: "X is good, Y is bad!" and the maturity in its tone would avoid these stereotypes without resorting to them too much.

> I still find the lesson questionable and I would probably have preferred a bit more nuance but that is what I bet their mindset was.
I am going to even go even further with the moral and there is even a more awful perspective than it seems. 

>  this episode below average. 5/10 I think it was somewhat lackluster with a questionable moral but it should be judged under a childhood storytelling lens and not under as a racist attack or coordinated feminist attack against masculinity 
okay, that´s a fair rating. If the message didn´t lead to such interpretations so clearly, you could basically describe this as an average plot that would come from the 90s. It´s not that big of a deal by itself because the gang and the ponies are acting properly here and even there are bits of humor such as:

> I still enjoyed the dragon costume and found those brief moments funny.
especially when TS,RD and Rarity wave goodbye to Spike while they are smiling and Rarity asks to follow him and TS answers with an "Of course". I am also adding the moment when Garble asks himself about the disguised dragon by asking: "Who´s that weirdo?". Yeah, you can find a few chuckles at certain points.

> I think it is a shame that Peewee wasn't included in the rest of the series as it could have been used as a arc of Spike learning of adulthood and responsibility. 
Peewee did appear in Molt Down completely grown up and it served as a sign of foresight for Spike´s adulthood (by getting his wings). But yeah, now that you are  mentioning it...

> Wouldn't that have been a cooler Spike and Apple Jack episode in Season 3?
there are many ways to write a much better episode than Spike At Your Service...

> Does this contradict me saying that lands felt distant and that now everything just feels a train ride away? I don't think it does completely as it never was established how long Spike traveled and that it was still treated as dangerous and far away.
Watch Sweet and Smoky, Gauntlet of Fire or Shadow Play, the Dragonlands don´t feel as distant anymore. The show uses the cliché of travelling far away from home when it´s portrayed for the first time but then, as soon as you have discovered it, you gain the ability of instant teleportation or quick access (like a video game). You don´t contradict yourself with your theory...the episode DOES disprove itself when Spike has to climb a snowy mountain. It leaves you the impression that the Dragonlands are located in the Frozen North, beyond the Crystal Empire. 

The show used those moments of travelling far away as if we were watching a movie and play a little bit with the comedy when Spike grows a beard but as soon as he sees the Dragonlands, the beard is removed as soon as he rushes to that place. It´s all built up in order to make a joke or see the reactions of the character himself. It doesn´t take the worldbuilding seriously at all.

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now, what´s the biggest problem with this episode? Someone would claim that it´s Garble and the rest because they are annoying antagonists or poorly written characters. Around that time, yes, but seeing this episode in hindsight, they weren´t an actual menace but more like jerks who didn´t know any better beyond their routine. If they fought against ponies, they would endure in the battle for a quite short amount of time. Antagonists? More like they treated Spike as a punching bag for not being cool enough to fit in.

So, as Bridgefag has said before, the problem relies on the message. Let´s judge it with a twist here:

Assuming that we were blind people who we didn´t know anything about feminism nor took the feminine vs masculine values for Spike into account, let´s do the exercise of not falling into that circle and see why the message/moral is still a mess. Click on the script and read the letter written for Celestia:

> Dear Princess Celestia,
> Seeing the great dragon migration made me wonder what it meant to be a dragon. But now I realize that who I am is not the same as what I am. I may have been born a dragon, but Equestria and my pony friends have taught me how to be kind, loyal, and true! I'm proud to call Ponyville my home, and to have my pony friends as my family.
> Yours truly, Spike.

Now, my little lurker, read those lines closely again.
This might sound really sweet at first but if you have seen the later seasons, you would realize that this letter has aged BADLY in hindsight (in my opinion). Sure, the ponies would teach the values of friendship to the rest with the school but Spike,are you serious?

He is implying that kindness, loyalty and honesty wouldn´t come from the dragons themselves, he is undermining the dragons (and himself) just because he has had a bad first impression and uses a bad sample of how rude their nature was at first for him. Sure, he was dealing with a gang but one doesn´t need to be a dragon for having that nasty attitude, ponies (or any Equestrian) can perfectly do that as well.

It becomes even worse when you watch Sweet and Smoky, Father Knows Beast  and/or the Gauntlet of Fire right after watching this episode. He is implying that dragons like Ember and Smolder don´t exist. Even Ember´s father and Garble (before displaying his poetic side) sincere moments in their intentions. In Sweet and Smoky, Ember and Fluttershy introduce themselves and in a few seconds, Ember displays kindness, honesty and commitment to hatch the eggs towards Fluttershy. In Father Knows Beast, Smolder listens to Spike´s confusions about being a dragon and Sludge. She answered with a sincere tone after knowing those thoughts (compare both Smolder and Sludge, they have no color in their moral values at all)

Combine this with the line:
> Spike: I wonder if dragons cry...
We haven´t seen them doing that explicitly but there have been moments of regret and solitude coming from them. 

Sure, they needed a little bit of help from the mane 6 in order to boost those universal values (the "ponification" of their cultures) but the effort at becoming better comes from the individuals themselves (and their education), not from the condition of your species. He is saying that he was taught with those values despite being a dragon and sure, Twilight helped him to understand them but here is the catch, what if other dragons want to learn those same values too? Are they handicapped in order to learn them? 

When you mix the stereotypes and judge on a surface level with the first impressions, these holes in the well intended message appear.  Thankfully, the show hit the reset button with Ember in season 6. It gave the dragons a second opportunity for sowing potential plots/messages with a more interesting take than this but it took 4 seasons in order to see that. 

Phew, I am almost sounding like a social justice warrior here but this proves that if the show had an agenda (as though we were implying that there was a genuine conspiracy behind it), it would display quite a few contradictions with itself.

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I could judge Father Knows Beast but I realize that I have written a fairly long review here. 

You might have noticed it already but...I consider Dragon Quest as the worst episode for the dragons and they could have ended up in a quite irrelevant yet bitter note if they hadn´t received another chance. 

Unlike Rainbow Roadtrip, they got more material over the years  dedicated to them and the perception from the fanbase would gradually become more positive. Nonetheless, that doesn´t save the episode from being one of the worst debuts at presenting any non-pony homeland of any species. Time has turned out to be more pleasant for their image and their existence within the show and the fanbase. Better late than never.

With that said, have a good night and sleep well /endpone/.

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5050 anon here - I've been gone on a massive anime binging spree to fill the hole of MLP and not looked back for the most part, but I've heard whispers of something called Rainbow Roadtrip. From the little I've picked up by accident it sounds like the animation is really good, is it worth my time to watch? I don't know if any other post-gen4 stuff interests me and I won't burden you by asking for spoonfeeding. I would keep up with the comic books but the local comic book store has changed quite depressingly. Where before a bearded behemoth lorded over a pile of old merch and obscure titles, now he seems to be in hospital while his amputee veteran friend and his girlfriend run a carefully segmented shop with one third children's toys (none of the MLP variety), one third lego, and the last third a smattering of comics shoved in with rick and morty merch while they shittalk the former owner over at the counter. Can't say I'm eager to go there and remember the times that will never return just to pick up the latest issues - can't even get any action figures or discontinued 80s toylines to go with it anymore. Anyways hope you've all been doing well, I've got some serious lurking to do to catch up with your discussions.

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> I've been gone on a massive anime binging spree to fill the hole of MLP and not looked back for the most part, but I've heard whispers of something called Rainbow Roadtrip. 
yes but that special aired right after Between Dusk and Dawn. An entire year has happened since its release but I wouldn´t blame you if you didn´t notice it. It lacked a lot of promotion from Hasbro and perhaps, not all the fans managed to keep an eye on it.

> it sounds like the animation is really good, is it worth my time to watch?
it´s run with the ToonBoom animation (Movie style) so in comparison to Pony Life, it looks wonderful.
However, you are talking to one of those who while I understand that certain people like it because of its comfy and laid back script, I am too biased to tell it beforehand for you. 

If you don´t want to look at the reviews, I will sum it up that personally I am not a fan of it because it reminded me of gen 3  in a way.

There is an index in the season 9 thread  >>/5310/ and  >>/5312/ that displays the discussion of that specific special and even I analyzed it from a lore standpoint in this same thread:  >>/5733/ and  >>/5734/. Still, the main discussion of it is located within these replies:

Rainbow Roadtrip:  >>/4331/ +  >>/4382/ +  >>/4419/ -  >>/4422/ +  >>/4458/ -  >>/4464/

> I don't know if any other post-gen4 stuff interests me and I won't burden you by asking for spoonfeeding.
you have the Pony Life thread   >>/6253/ in which Bridgefag and CBAnon commented about it in these posts:   >>/6268/,  >>/6269/,  >>/6270/,  >>/6275/ and  >>/6276/. Ever since the premiere aired, this board hasn´t focused on the rest so there is little to spoonfeed here.If you want to ask my opinion about it, I can´t give any...because I haven´t watched it so far. 

About post gen 4 stuff discussed, there has been discussion of the first compilation that happens right before The Last Problem´s celebration, Bridgefag´s analysis about the motherly figure of Twilight towards Spike while reviewing FWB and Dragon Quest:  >>/5959/,  >>/5970/,  >>/6073/,  >>/6074/ and  >>/6075/; and an overview of lore among other things in this index:  >>/5745/. If you want to lurk something fresh during this post gen 4 transition, all of these comments are what have been published so far. Take a look at them without rushing it.

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> I would keep up with the comic books but the local comic book store has changed quite depressingly. Where before a bearded behemoth lorded over a pile of old merch and obscure titles, now he seems to be in hospital while his amputee veteran friend and his girlfriend run a carefully segmented shop with one third children's toys (none of the MLP variety), one third lego, and the last third a smattering of comics shoved in with rick and morty merch while they shittalk the former owner over at the counter. 
well, that truly sucks. At least, you have been fortunate to get them and visit a comic book store to buy them. In muy country, except for the average toys and certain plushies, there is not much merch to get out of this franchise (maybe a few magazines aimed at kids) but I wouldn´t be aware of the existence of IDW´s comics if it were´t because of the internet. Now, even EQD users rely on the internet stores to buy the issues so at least, you have known what it feels like to buy a MLP comic. Is there any chance that he will come back again or are those changes permanent? Perhaps the season 10 issues get a stronger distribution from Hasbro (hopefully)
> Can't say I'm eager to go there and remember the times that will never return just to pick up the latest issues - can't even get any action figures or discontinued 80s toylines to go with it anymore. 
well, you have been more fortunate than me in that department. I never had a chance to experience that charm. I have never had any physical copy in my hands for these 6 years in the ride.

The only thing that I can offer towards all of this is that you´ve got these links:


and a thread  >>/1627/ (perhaps /endpone/ will have one thread entirely dedicated to the season 10 comics) in order to discuss them and dedicate time to the issues that you want to talk about over here. Definitely not the same feeling to compensate what you used to do in the past but, if you don´t want to stay lurking and spend more time by being more active, you´ve got this alternative method for this post gen 4 era.

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> Anyways hope you've all been doing well, I've got some serious lurking to do to catch up with your discussions.
I am doing great honestly, not perfect (because of the pandemic and the fact that I still have an exam left later this summer)  but overall, the last couple of weeks have been quite pleasant on a personal level. I can´t speak for the other users but the other users have been active as well as if nothing has happened (I am highlighting the "as if" words)

As for the board in general, well, it could have had more activity but as you can see, there are a few basic rules established and a specific thread meant for NSFW material. We have had several posts discussing a couple of fics, a few edits back and forth and well, casual posting (off topic replies). As they have said recently, it´s still comfy.

NOW, COMMUNITY WISE THOUGH, my goodness! It´s quite a long story to tell...

let´s say that the fandom has been going through....eeeeerm, (how do I say this?), """"interesting"""" times for these last couple of months (especially from the last few days of June to the entire month of July). While it has calmed down a fair bit recently (relatively speaking), it´s still going and far from over. It has lead to the creation of these sites (the ones that appear in the left column)


To sum it up in an entertaining manner, I am linking these two videos. Pony Life might not be all that entertaining nor satisfying. Meanwhile,the fanbase has managed to fill that spot instead and win by a landslide:


Have fun watching these videos.

Anyway, welcome back.

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> 50/50 anon
Howdy, bridgefag here. Welcome back!

> I would keep up with the comic books but the local comic book store has changed quite depressingly. Where before a bearded behemoth lorded over a pile of old merch and obscure titles, now he seems to be in hospital while his amputee veteran friend and his girlfriend run a carefully segmented shop with one third children's toys (none of the MLP variety), one third lego, and the last third a smattering of comics shoved in with rick and morty merch while they shittalk the former owner over at the counter.
That is just sad. I'm trying to get the comic thread back on track here  >>/1627/

/chat/ thread for for... well anything else. Though some of this stuff also happens in /NMAiE/ still tbh. 

Otherwise L23 has filled you in on everything else pretty well.

> Anyways hope you've all been doing well, 
Okayish. Been getting little sleep at times do to the Derpibooru drama and have been trying to archive stuff.

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> Reminder that horsefuckers != bronies

well, let me tell you that you are most likely not going to have any success by stating that. Not to mention that manipulating semantics is quite complicated in order to change the term in the broad sense. Brony might have had any specific connotation in the past that was describing a specific group (mostly male adults) but over time, it has been mostly reduced to a generic terms that establish one common thing: a person who watches FiM or consumes/creates content related to MLP, for the most part the 4th generation (the most successful one).

I am not against your terminology of horsefuckers not being the same as bronies. The thing is that you are correct for the wrong reasons:

Brony is the accepted canonical term that universally describes a person who spends time and consumes content that comes from the 4th gen, it simply offers a generic name to associate the community in a broad sense indifferently, it simply describes the practice no matter who you are. Horsefucker however, is a more specific term that is only used in the channer circles. Therefore, as it is more specific, it doesn´t describe the community as a whole and thus, if the term becomes a standard, it will fall under a brony subcategory just to describe the slang used within the channer circles at best. It cannot replace the word brony unless everyone else in the community agreed on the term and adapted that term (but then, it would suffer a normalization for being so widespread and the term would lose its original intent after its initial hype).
In order to achieve that, you would have to go beyond these circles and expect that other people fully adapt and accept the term over time. This process happened to the term Doom-clones, in which over time got replaced with the term First Person Shooter (FPS) in order to describe that genre of videogames. Other words however, were meant to be changed like the Metroidvania genre or Roguelike games yet no other alternative words/terms have arisen in order to replace them.

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But given the context that you are displaying with the word normie, you are using it as a way to describe elitism from your part as if you are feeling superior/unique for differentiating yourself from the bronies who are in social media (Tumblr, Facebook and Twitter) which is fine if you want to tag yourself an edgy channer who likes MLP that spends time having sexual fantasies with stories like Anon in Equestria, rape stories, having an insane love towards X characters (female ones), sounding like a retard via shitposting and consuming NSFW content in great quantities (aka,autism or degeneracy).

The word horsefucker is no different from the terms like genwunners or pokephiles. The former are meant to focus on gen 1 lovers who put that 1st generation as the best, normally looking down the other gens for being inferior while the latter describes a specific audience who  focuses more on the NSFW content of the community. However, at the end of the day, what are they? Those are specific terms that describe a Pokemon fan but both share one thing in common: they like Pokemon (and those who are dedicated to it, spend their time on fan sites, call it /vp/, Serebii or the Smogon Forums, it doesn´t matter)

So, you, me and whoever spends their time on MLP (mostly referring to gen 4 but who knows if that will apply to gen 5) is technically a brony because that´s the universal pattern that associates the community as a whole no matter the idiosyncrasy displayed in the different fan sites related to MLP. It´s basically universal, generic and ubiquitous (even the words pegasister and cloppers have lost relevancy over time because the female fans accepted the term brony and the clopper tag lost its meaning because at some point, it was no longer controversial enough to consume NSFW content in order to call out the fetishist group).

Even the channer circles that tend to use the word horsefucker, some of those users either use the word brony indifferently or don´t care about the specific term because of ignorance or because they don´t see it all that useful to use except for comedy value and/or shitposting.

So, if you want your reminder to become valuable and accepted, you are going to have to make a huge effort and convince more than 4 or 5 users that use this board in order to acknowledge that both terms are not the same in the way that you intend it to be by subverting the established semantics. 

Good luck with your project.

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> It lacked a lot of promotion from Hasbro and perhaps, not all the fans managed to keep an eye on it.
I don't know if I've really been a fan proper for most of this year.
> it´s run with the ToonBoom animation (Movie style)
I watched it today, and noticed. Nice to see it again after the movie. Also thank you very much for the rundown, you really didn't need to.
> Is there any chance that he will come back again or are those changes permanent? 
I don't know for sure since I only ever talked to him and overheard other people's conversations, but I think he was in a car accident that left him in a coma.
> The only thing that I can offer towards all of this is that you´ve got these links:
holy moly - thanks, I'll check it out
let´s say that the fandom has been going through....eeeeerm, (how do I say this?), """"interesting"""" times for these last couple of months (especially from the last few days of June to the entire month of July). While it has calmed down a fair bit recently (relatively speaking), it´s still going and far from over. It has lead to the creation of these sites (the ones that appear in the left column)
good gracious. I've never been good at keeping up with drama but it feels a little weird being as out of the loop as I am currently, I suppose.
> do you remember me 5050? 
I think so. I also remember the guy who wanted to ask me a question and never asked it.
Anyways I'll keep catching up and lurking. Couldn't find any pony pics so enjoy my waifu I guess

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> way

> I don't know if I've really been a fan proper for most of this year.
I don´t blame you. After The Last Problem had aired back in October, the 4th gen ride ended and therefore, the medium that had brought all the fans together just vanished and found its own deadline. The 4th gen became a thing of the past after that point.

All of this that has occurred in 2020 is like a bonus, a transition or a break from the whole ride, hence it is called the post gen 4 era in which we rely on comics, spin off or community material in order to keep an interest for this franchise. Or it is basically because you want to spend time in these sites or circles but the main appeal, the FiM show, would no longer accompany us anymore.

> Also thank you very much for the rundown, you really didn't need to.
you are welcome. I mean, those reviews are shared in public in order to be discussed or induce arguments or extend more thoughts towards that content. Also, feel free to expose your thoughts about it if you want.

> but I think he was in a car accident that left him in a coma.
uffff sweet mother of Celestia, holy shit, that´s really messed up if that turns out to be true. Another user from here went through that as well (although with far less severe consequences. a few years ago (so perhaps, he will feel somewhat alienated by reading this). Then those changes are most likely to be permanent. A real pity honestly. Hope he gets better soon (although that accident sounds too strong to even consider any chance of any short term recovery, let alone if he even gets to make it)

> I've never been good at keeping up with drama but it feels a little weird being as out of the loop as I am currently, I suppose.
a lot of things and sudden shifts have happened since The Atlantic posted an article about bronies and nazism and then ,Derpibooru making a statement on Twitter about BLM. After that, the happenings didn´t cease to stop. I could attempt to write a summary about it but I would rather let any outsider judge it on their own and then, analyze it with your own perspective. 

In the Big Man Tyrone´s video about Marenheit 451 art pack, there is a comment (with the help of Raptorshy) that sums it up on a surface level (there are more summaries out there that do a more detailed job in this department) and if you check the Derpibooru observatory thread on /endmlp/  (there is a link to it at the top of the page), you will see that Bridgefag has explained the situation with a detailed manner (don´t expect a neutral/unbiased tone though), although the thread is more focused on archiving the key threads before Derpibooru´s staff gets to delete them. 

You will have to lurk quite a bit in order to find out everything. /mlp/ (4chan) has had a general dedicated to it and it has managed to bump limit 20 threads (even one of them got more than 1000 replies, as if it were a sticky thread for a new episode of Friendship is Magic!). So yeah, this whole drama has left no one indifferent and even  >>/6396/,who is not all that familiar with the fanbase, has noticed that certain people are truly insane. Not your average degenerate/autist who makes cringy things for a brony cringe compilation but insanity combined with authoritarianism, woke culture and questionable decisions (including doxing). You will find out what I am talking about eventually. 

> thanks, I'll check it out
> I´ll keep catching up and lurking.
alright, take your time. No problem about that.

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> It lacked a lot of promotion from Hasbro and perhaps, not all the fans managed to keep an eye on it.
I don't know if I've really been a fan proper for most of this year.
> it´s run with the ToonBoom animation (Movie style)
I watched it today, and noticed. Nice to see it again after the movie. Also thank you very much for the rundown, you really didn't need to.
> Is there any chance that he will come back again or are those changes permanent? 
I don't know for sure since I only ever talked to him and overheard other people's conversations, but I think he was in a car accident that left him in a coma.
> The only thing that I can offer towards all of this is that you´ve got these links:
holy moly - thanks, I'll check it out
let´s say that the fandom has been going through....eeeeerm, (how do I say this?), """"interesting"""" times for these last couple of months (especially from the last few days of June to the entire month of July). While it has calmed down a fair bit recently (relatively speaking), it´s still going and far from over. It has lead to the creation of these sites (the ones that appear in the left column)
good gracious. I've never been good at keeping up with drama but it feels a little weird being as out of the loop as I am currently, I suppose.
> do you remember me 5050? 
I think so. I also remember the guy who wanted to ask me a question and never asked it.
Anyways I'll keep catching up and lurking. Couldn't find any pony pics so enjoy my waifu I guess

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Carrot Poster has been here awhile.

> Reminder that horsefuckers != bronies, fuck off normalfags.
/endpone/ probably fails that purity test than. Though I do find "muh brony pride" absolute cringe and prefer to simply say "the fandom" over horsefucker, brony, ponyfag, whatever have you. The term is a hard one to fully escape even in the most pure circles you'll find stuff with it used. 

I am curious though of what you would consider a pure board of your liking. Even if /endpone/ ain't it I do have some advice, though that would be better for the thread you started  >>/6360/ I do understand (I think) where you are coming from if you are a lost refugee looking for a place that has no /pol/, no wojack, no newfag terms, etc. Though screaming keep out the newfags to a shitposter who has been with us for a pretty long time and is bit of a fixture of the place probably won't make it any closer to your liking. In /endpone/, you are the newfag.

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> I don't know for sure since I only ever talked to him and overheard other people's conversations, but I think he was in a car accident that left him in a coma.

> good gracious. I've never been good at keeping up with drama but it feels a little weird being as out of the loop as I am currently, I suppose.
The thread I made was in that video and I'm not fully in the loop, either. I mean, there was Joey's brief undermining of Raptorshy, the planned coup, the actual coup, the infighting from the pro censorship side on what they would go after, etc. 

> I think so. I also remember the guy who wanted to ask me a question and never asked it.
I wonder what happened to him? That was kind of strange.

> Anyways I'll keep catching up and lurking. 
Don't feel uncomfortable if want to comment on something. As I said before; it'd be kinda nice to hear
 your perspective. 

>  Couldn't find any pony pics
Want me to dump my folder?

That's an odd glitch.

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Well, it seems that if any outsider entered over here,it seems that we are not dealing with a MLP board in the strict terms of the show, especially when one considers the inactivity and my absence for these last few days.

As a result, I am going to balance this lack of MLP content for a little bit with another review that /endpone/ did before but, this time, there is nothing to risk nor any relevant consequences for being positive or negative towards this episode. With a laid back retrospective, now that the show is over, it would be interesting to find out and compare those reviews/reflections/commentaries with an updated take on an episode that aired two years ago.

2018 doesn´t seem too far away nor causes any strong impact for the community as a whole. Nonetheless, it was relevant enough for starting the show discussion in this little place. So, how about revisiting this episode this week?


Next stop:  Sire´s Hollow.  Season 8 Episode 8: The Parent Map

Somepony might feel nervous because of being the protagonist in this one...

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> /endpone/ probably fails that purity test than. Though I do find "muh brony pride" absolute cringe and prefer to simply say "the fandom" over horsefucker, brony, ponyfag, whatever have you. The term is a hard one to fully escape even in the most pure circles you'll find stuff with it used. 
I understand where your sentiment comes from, but having been part of many online communities since before I was a teen, I can tell you that your experience of people who don't fit into the community hivemind quickly overran it and before long became the majority - which is how I'm even on imageboards instead of classic forums now. Having said that, if someone is from that era and is disillusioned with the casuals, they'll be disappointed to find that not only is the communities they're part of more casual than them, those who were more hardcore have loosened up and become more casual. It's oddly rare in some ways to find people who accuse anybody with any kind of life at all of being a casual, and I think from personal experience of not even slightly trying to have any RL success at all I can say that the eventual realization is that there is no core cadre of people just as determined to be an obsessed loser as you are - that is, you realize pretty much for the first time that you're actually an individual, and that feeling of the delusion of many other basement dwellers backing you up and being behind you all the way crumbling as you realize it's just you and nobody else - well, it's not a good feeling but I think everyone could use realizing something like that. It's incredible how much our minds rely on groupthink, and a beyond weird feeling to have groupthink truly broken for the first time. I too searched for years for a pure community, but ultimately I think I'm happy having finally realized that a community is actually different people interacting and not a hivemind like the nintendo forums of my childhood seemed to be. 
> Want me to dump my folder?
Sure - more images never hurt.

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So, when one reads this post (and the previous one  >>/6449/) one should ask one question beforehand: why have I decided to go back to season 8? 

Well, when one user decides to watch MLP, one would imply that its appeal relies on its comfy vibes that it portrays and transmits to the viewer. Nonetheless, one would claim that seasons 1, 2 or even 5 shine in this regard, one wouldn´t usually pick season 8 to do that or at least, other choices look much more attractive than looking for the episode list of this season.

Season 8....stands out for being a weird season, not talked very often and it hasn´t materialized all that well among a part of the community (namely /mlp/ is the place that I know the best, as for EQD or other places, I am unaware of its impact). The 8th season that aired two years ago doesn´t seem to be remembered all that fondly and if one looks through its additions, there are two features that stand out from the rest: the kirins and the student six. 

It was the first season that marked the last era of FiM because if one has to take a point of reference among the seasons, the movie in 2017 stands as the biggest checkpoint because of two things: in the show, it expanded the south of Equestria (which means that almost all the species and locations in the map were almost completely defined) and fanbase wise, the show was getting much less traction for the community. Perhaps one doesn´t want to admit this but when you are watching episodes like an automaton, a fan who loves ponies might not say it openly but it is shown when one displays signs of weariness and discomfort among the shitposts, ending up indifferent and less impressed towards the show. In this sense, FiM had to end sooner or later, avoiding the Simpsons formula. 

That discomfort was even more intensified with the 8th season. All of a sudden, right in the premiere, it featured the two most controversial additions that made this season really alien at the time: the school of friendship (supposedly Hasbro was planning to sell toys with it yet i have to see how that plan panned out in the end) and especially, the 6 students. These 6 characters robbed the time for the mane 6 (not that much but they did) and one would feel hesitant to see how these characters would become the centerpiece, being shoehorned by the corporation, introducing non pony characters from other distant places that don´t come from Ponyville (besides Thorax,Ember and the two griffons.Perhaps I am forgetting other characters here right now)

All of this created an alienating feeling because nobody was familiar with them in the past and thus, it would convey the feeling that MLP stopped being MLP with these additions. In addition to that, episodes like Non Compete Clause and Yakity Sax would even create more disgust for portraying the mane 6 with certain moments that would stand out in the wrong sense for acting out of character. An explosive combination that left any passion remaining thrown to the window.

Now, in 2020, while we are more familiar with them, season 8 still stays in a really weird placement and the only episode that everyone agrees as a highlight is Sounds of Silence. The rest of it doesn´t seem to have an universal consensus nor a clear idea of what to think out of it.

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So, if one takes a look at its episode list, the season started in a pretty weird way with the topic of racism and diplomacy with School Raze. Then, Maud got a boyfriend (RIP her waifufags)  and for the following episode Fluttershy started roleplaying as different personas while doing her job in the shop. This is a personal take but I still don´t have a clue how to review Fake It Until You Make It, I skipped the review/commentary because my views on it are still unclear. 

Nonetheless, I do remember saying in this board that this season got 4 nice episodes in a row after that before it ended with Non Compete Clause: Grannies Gone Wild (a Golden Girls parody),  Surf and Or Turf, Horse Play and finally the episode in question:

The Parent Map 

Which I have decided to revisit again.Without seeing my old posts, I recall reading that Bridgefag was more passionate towards this episode than me at the time. I liked it but I wasn´t all that crazy about it. I replied to his review but I kind of put the autopilot mode, I was more focused on reviewing other episodes like Horse Play or Surf and Or Turf. 

Why have I decided to mention all of this narrative beforehand? Because like the student 6, the two main protagonists: Star Light and Sunburst, while they weren´t introduced in season 8 like the students, they aren´t the mane 6 either. Star Light appeared in season 5 as a villain, both in the premiere and the finale, and Sunburst only got a short flashback when he was a colt in the Cutie Remark, even you could say that he is actually a season 6 character and you wouldn´t make any mistake. These two characters were both relatively new but old in comparison to the students, at least the audience was familiar with them. Same can be applied to the magical map of harmony, simultaneously new but old in comparison to the unexpected school. 

And these two got an entire episode without any of the controversies that the students received yet they replaced the mane 6 over here. If it weren´t because Twilight and Spike got three or four lines of dialogue, you don´t see any old character here. Very subtle detail but it´s worth pointing this out.

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I bring up the map of harmony because for the writers, it worked as a very comfortable plot device that has its roots on "destiny". You don´t know what drives that map to indicate these new places (although the tree of harmony introduces itself in the form of Twilight in What Lies Beneath and Uprooted) but it has been the excuse used for the writers in order to expand the map, focusing on worldbuilding and lore of these new locations. 
Just place the cutie marks for the characters needed for that plot and things will go as intended after a little introduction of one minute or two in order to solve a friendship problem. In this season, the map showed three new locations: Mt. Aris/Seaquestria in Surf and Or Turf for the CMC, the Kirin´s village in Sounds of Silence for AJ and FS;  and Sire´s Hollow in The Parent Map for Star Light and...Sunburst.

This is the theory, the selected characters are supposed to solve a friendship problem in this episode yet it´s not until now in which I have realized that the title of this episode actually describes the entire subversion of the map.

That is to say, what I mean to correlate with the map of friendship with this episode is that in these 22 minutes.....the writers are actually subverting and mocking at the purpose of the map. Think about it for a second.

Sunburst and Star Light aren´t solving a friendship problem but one related to their parents. The map actually warns them for forcing them to do a visit to their old town just to say that they have grown up and the problem relies on the cringe and the embarrassing moments that get out of their nerves coming from their parents (which by the way are the most comical parts all the way through the episode, I must say. Their reactions are priceless whenever they feel treated like little children). In fact, the viewer believes that in the 3rd minute, both Star Light and Sunburst say this in the train:

> SG:It's not that I don't want to go home. It's just that whenever I do, my dad treats me like a filly. Like nothing's changed since I was a foal.
< SB: Huh.
> SG: I know. I'm a horrible daughter.
< SB: N-No, no! My mom actually does kind of the same thing.
> SG: Really?
< SB: I don't even have to go home. She sends me letters constantly asking about my plans for the future. "You're a grown-up pony, Sunburst! You need a plan!"I haven't been home in a while either.
> SG: Hmph. We'll just have to explain to our parents that we're on an important friendship mission so they can't bother us.

that the whole mission was right there after all yet it is presented as a factor that could hinder them from solving the problem when that´s actually the real problem. It was a familiar conflict, not a friendship one.

All the acting (practiced behind the scenes with several rehearsals) from Stellar Flare and Firelight (and the other ponies) are just the effective excuse in order to spend more time with their children (Sunburst and Star Light) respectively. Building up a friendship problem (artificially) because both are aware of Twilight´s title and the purpose of the map, yet they subvert the concept completely and expose how ridiculous the map for just pretending in front of them. This becomes really humorous  when Stellar Flare demands (with a smile) both the booksellers and the sleek pony to force a conflict in front of Sunburst when the three of them feel really tired to set up an artificial scenario.

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Another thing to point out that I mentioned before in the NMAiE general  >>/6435/ is that The Parent Map displays the backstory of both Sunburst and Star Light without relying on flashbacks. The episode exposes their past while they are focusing on the present which reinforces the fact that their backstories were left incomplete up to this episode. 

The Parent Map intends to solve those holes that the staff set up with both Star Light and Sunburst in the Cutie Remark, especially Star Light. That single second which showed her room full of goth objects display that she was utterly depressed during her edgy phase before setting up Our Town in a desperate attempt in order to feel safe and fulfill her desire of being in a comfortable company. This puts the Cutie Remark in a better place than the first time it aired, acknowledging their backstories with this episode, but that won´t deny the fact that the transition of redemption felt really weird and somewhat sudden back in 2015 after destroying the destinies of other timelines. Considering that Star Light went really THAT extreme with those action, it was hard to emphasize with her at the time because the fans weren´t used to her antics and she was a potential psychopath for Equestria. Firelight might have been acting nicely in front of her just to prevent her from going full berserk and cause a mess because of her depression. 

Sunburst´s case is less controversial because he didn´t adapt an insane route during his life yet one would question what the purpose of his character is and why he exists beyond being Star Light´s friend. The full contrast with Firelight and her daughter is that Stellar Flare like to look at the future for more plans. Sunburst however, didn´t achieve those intended plans when he had gone to Canterlot´s school and thus, while not a depressed pony, he embodies the concept of failure and disappointment (that´s why he didn´t believe his "important wizard" title when he was called back for The Crystalling, his convictions were hidden and kept in secret all this time)

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The Parent Map follows a really meta formula in which the parents (and the protagonist) deconstruct the concept being called for a friendship problem by the map. 

You will notice how they make fun of it by spoiling the whole process throughout the episode...and I admire that. The writers were poisoning the dialogue and the actions coming from the parents just to display how ridiculous the concept is by using comedy and putting their children in awkward moments. All of that while trying to justify the context of both Sunburst and Star Light. 

I appreciate this episode more than I did back in 2018. It might be either because of hunger or the fact that at the time, I was seeing this as another one to add without giving it much importance. The pace feels...organic. I haven´t felt any sense of rushing any events for this one. Just a little town, 4 characters and a very small conflict for an almost inconsequential setting. 

For those who miss Ponyville and the early seasons, while this episode happens in a new location, make no mistake, this episode doesn´t have any "alien" elements from the 8th season (for the community back in 2018. The students have had time to flesh out since then) and thus, there is a comfy familiar vibe with two characters that weren´t introduced in the first seasons. 

It´s not an episode that you would claim as a highlight at first because while it doesn´t display anything wrong, it does feel like an average little episode that you wouldn´t scream as anything amazing yet it has aged pretty nicely. It holds up but I don´t see much discussion around it except seeing a few pictures of Stellar Flare back and forth in very niche circles. As a result, I have decided to discuss and retake this episode that came and went without inducing any special reactions nor much noise and has ended up a little bit in limbo.

I knew that it was good back when I reviewed it. While it lacks that punch of turning into an instant classic, it´s really but really really solid all the way through. By giving it another try, I can claim with assurance that this material deserve to be mentioned as a highlight and worth revisiting in hindsight.

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> Personally I rely on Silverquill for laid-back reviews, but ... say on
it´s not like my reviews/commentaries are revolutionary nor anything like that. In fact, I display quite a lot of bias and sometimes, I don´t dig the actual episode all that much because I tend to focus more on the ideas behind the writing and/or production. I have quite a lot of faults when it comes to pointing out when a character is OOC or not  unlike other anons, not to mention that these comments are meant to sound familiar. My comments are not intended to reach beyond what? 4 or 5 users who happen to read these posts around here? Furthermore, considering that DHX doesn´t exist as a brand anymore and FiM is a thing of the past, I don´t see any profit by getting excessively mad and sending death threats to people who can´t modify the show anymore. So even if you hold the rage that you have within your body, it´s not worth doing any of that. 

I used to watch brony youtubers who review the show. I stopped caring about their opinion in 2016 except for a few counted videos since then. 

I am going to quote Sunburst´s response from this episode when it comes to the reviews over here:

< Sunburst: I'm sorry I never told you how much your plans bothered me, and I know you just want me to succeed. But I need to do that on my own.
> Stellar Flare: I remember how lost you were when you flunked out of magic school. I thought as long as you had a plan, you'd never feel that way again.
< Sunburst: You don't have to worry, Mom. I need to find my own way. And I definitely don't feel lost anymore.

And thus, while one can take notes and watch the youtubers, I value and I encourage the practice of trying to come up with your own judgement/thoughts first without getting any outsider influence. Even if the personal reviews around here are flawed and not professional at all, I feel that the practice by itself induces a thinking process that you don´t get by relying on the opinion coming from others. Anyone is free to do whatever one feels like doing but as far as I am concerned, I appreciate  more the fact of discussing the episode with your own vision towards it. Then, you can bring other reviewers of reference just for bringing up a point or two worthy of material to set up a debate around it but for the most part, it should come from the viewer itself.

That´s how I see it.

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> I understand where your sentiment comes from, but having been part of many online communities since before I was a teen, I can tell you that your experience of people who don't fit into the community hivemind quickly overran it and before long became the majority - which is how I'm even on imageboards instead of classic forums now. 
this is the curse and the usual pattern that happens every single time. Even if the hivemind disappears, at least, it was fun while it lasted. 

> It's oddly rare in some ways to find people who accuse anybody with any kind of life at all of being a casual, and I think from personal experience of not even slightly trying to have any RL success at all I can say that the eventual realization is that there is no core cadre of people just as determined to be an obsessed loser as you are - that is, you realize pretty much for the first time that you're actually an individual, and that feeling of the delusion of many other basement dwellers backing you up and being behind you all the way crumbling as you realize it's just you and nobody else -
this reflection doesn´t arise all that often because well, the internet was meant for weirdos and was dominated by weirdos who would define the term nerd. Then, they try to feel more superior from other casuals because they feel more dedicated and therefore, they deserve a title for doing so. It´s what happens when one takes the hobby too seriously. 

The /endpone/ feel is not because of feeling just like oldfags but more like a complaint of imagining that this is /mlp/ when you don´t have enough users to shitpost like that board. More like being a dedicated fan or not, it relies more on the realization that you are on an altbooru meant for a specific franchise. Unlike /b/, /v/ or /pol/, the amount of users are quite limited and it´s doomed to have a sense of community. I see no benefit in copying /mlp/ because other sties like 9chan and poni.fun have attempted to do that yet they lasted two months or something like that.

> I think everyone could use realizing something like that.
it doesn´t come out all that often but that introspection would be a healthy for certain users who try to deny their own circumstances. That´s why they rely on their hobbies just to escape from reality.

> It's incredible how much our minds rely on groupthink, and a beyond weird feeling to have groupthink truly broken for the first time. I too searched for years for a pure community, but ultimately I think I'm happy having finally realized that a community is actually different people interacting and not a hivemind like the nintendo forums of my childhood seemed to be.
I don´t know what actually defines an ideal fan of any community. In my case, I prefer using the phrase "I just happen to like the show, so I am seen as a fan" before claiming out there that I am fan. 
Just one thing: don´t waste your time at finding the ideal community, just find your loyal partners that accompany you for the ride or a place that you can rely on and post something that you like to share out there. Internet communities tend to fall under the same patterns eventually to a lesser or greater degree because human beings act like that, the psychology doesn´t change except for a different context that leads to those interactions.

Hell, I have had to review an episode because the general was delivering the impression that this was a /mu/sic board instead of a MLP imageboard just to balance the lack of pony content. That shows how out of the topic itself, people have different interests and those fans are brought together by just one common thing.

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> I encourage the practice of trying to come up with your own judgement/thoughts first without getting any outsider influence

I understand the sentiment, but I can't in general watch the show.
Cringey? I guess? I met a guy who wanted to like the show, certainly he liked the fandom's works, but when he tried to watch the show the voices literally sounded like ice picks in his ears and left him wanting to scream at the noises, unable to discern any meaning from their babble of pain.
I'm not in that crowd. I can hear individual lines without discomfort.

But to take the show seriously, I need to have a level of disbelief set aside, and if I do that, I find myself wanting to, in that world, run into a closet and cover my head with a pillow waiting for them all to Stop. Just Stop.
One of the most profound moments of this effect, and I don't know the episode name but Vinyl had a dancefloor upstairs where Binky was enjoying the sensations provided therein.
In the scene where RD interviews potential temps arranged, apparently, from most-to-least angular, she exposes how little she knows about the profession for which she is interviewing applicants. I can't finish that scene. I never have.

But by watching Silverquill, as an example, I find the reasoned discourse gives me opportunity to disagree, thus I learn both what the episode offers the lore of the show, and what I would have liked or disliked had I seen the episode.

Speaking of reasoned discourse, do you really hate Glim-Glam? Because you never once say her name, and I was honestly confused on several occasions in your review because I was pretty sure you were talking about a certain purple unicorn, but you kept using a different name and I thought maybe that's her mother's name? But no, you were just talking about Seafood Dinner and while once it would be cute, the fact you _never_ say her name makes me wonder if you and bridgefag are having a spat or something.

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A lot of things raised here that I need to get too. Especially a certain eassy on the Parent Trap, but first...

> but I can't in general watch the show.
Wait what? 

But by watching Silverquill, as an example, I find the reasoned discourse gives me opportunity to disagree, thus I learn both what the episode offers the lore of the show, and what I would have liked or disliked had I seen the episode.
This is an interesting case. I've heard of people who don't watch the show and just try to keep track enough with fan content. But this is like watching the show second hand. Like, seeing all the highlights, summery and key moments and eastern eggs all at once. It sounds a bit allien to me. To be fair I remember BO said he only would watch episodes once and focused more on fan material.

> Speaking of reasoned discourse, do you really hate Glim-Glam?
Nah, I think he is of a similar opinion to me of being critical of her at points but not in totality (me probably being slightly more critical). She has kind of grown on us just being our accidental board mascot.

> say her name makes me wonder if you and bridgefag are having a spat or something.
Because I go by Dolores elsewhere? No. We're not. My absence has only been due to the derpi drama and some IRL stuff. I actually have done this before with not saying the name of a major character in a review. Though this essay is pretty long to have not done that. 

> Sure - more images never hurt.
Have more to say here but next time I will dump my image folder for ya  5050. 

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> I can't in general watch the show.
eeeeeeeeerrm....what? how?

> I'm not in that crowd. I can hear individual lines without discomfort.
I don´t know why one would be uncomfortable by listening to the voices. I mean, I have heard about people avoiding the songs at first and then, giving them a try over time (this has partially happened to me). I did have a little bit of trouble with the show as well, I had to reduce the brightness in my mobile phone while I was watching it because it was too colourful for me to handle it (delivering the impression that it looks way too rainbow colored and thus,I had to look aside and avoid any way to stare at it for too long). After a few episodes, I got used to it so it´s not like I have had my problems with FiM in the past...

The Parent Map for example, does have quite good voices  and I wouldn´t say that it sounds cringy at all in any of the involved characters. 

Awkward and a little bit childish when Pinkie Pie screams and gets too excited at times? Perhaps the corny tone of Rarity? Well, that´s understandable but let me tell you that you get used to it (although Andrea Libman is capable to sound deep with other background characters, just that she is known for voicing Pinkie and Fluttershy). I don´t know, tell me what concerns you in this regard if you can point out what turns you off so much and in which episode(s)/moments.

> But to take the show seriously, I need to have a level of disbelief set aside, and if I do that, I find myself wanting to, in that world, run into a closet and cover my head with a pillow waiting for them all to Stop. Just Stop.
well...if you only knew about my method of diving into Friendship is Magic back in 2014...
Let´s sum it up that I was too bored during that summer and I decided to watch the entire 4 seasons in a row as a challenge for myself (as if I had lost a bet with a friend but there was no bet) and thus, I watched it ironically at first. The challenge was consisted in suffering and going through all the rainbows without turning into an homo nor getting AIDS....yeah, imagine the amount of disbelief that I had to put aside just to complete the challenge from Mare in the Moon to Twilight´s Kingdom (91 episodes of 22 minutes!). I was bingewatching the thing until it grew little by little, reaching the climax with Sisterhooves Social, where I felt actual unironic things instead of ironic for the first time. From there onwards, I started to take the show in a more legitimate manner and season 4 just reaffirmed those convictions about taking it as a more serious show.

Sure, the amount of disbelief is huge in this franchise. Not only that, but one believes that one would never clop and then you enter there eventually, then you say that you will never review but you end up doing it.....and I am still the same person. The same idiot as I was before watching the show but with 6 years more on my back, a little bit older and more tired...but still the same for the most part. Nobody has noticed any radical change in attitude nor anything, I simply keep it to myself and I don´t share it beyond the internet circles. There is a moment in which your brain adapts a mindset that manages to handle it naturally. 

By the way,after watching the whole show, I regret nothing.

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>  I don't know the episode name but Vinyl had a dancefloor upstairs where Binky was enjoying the sensations provided therein.
> In the scene where RD interviews potential temps arranged, apparently, from most-to-least angular, she exposes how little she knows about the profession for which she is interviewing applicants. I can't finish that scene. I never have.
you mean, The Saddle Row Review? That episode is awesome! I think that the entire fanbase agreed that it was one of the best episodes of season 6.
Are you referring to this scene in particular?


> I find the reasoned discourse gives me opportunity to disagree, thus I learn both what the episode offers the lore of the show, and what I would have liked or disliked had I seen the episode.
well, you have the freedom to do whatever you want after all. Like Bridgefag has said here,  >>/6464/, the previous BO didn´t go all that deep with the show either beyond the first try.
However, I will say that MLP is not all that much about what could stand out because like 90% of the plots in this series are very predictable and your method extracts all the meat that you can take from it, you will realize that most minutes are filler for any other series. But MLP is not Game of Thrones, it´s about the interactions and the experience while watching it. You know how it´s going to end but the charm consists in its slice of life spirit, about the details, the antics and messages. Sure, Silver Quill and the reviews that you read will deliver everything that you can extract but...I am one of those who encourages more the personal judgement without getting influenced by others beforehand. You simply press play and dive into the matter on your own.

Oh well, if you like that route, go ahead. At least, you follow what we are talking about in this thread. You still have https://xxnightmaremoonxx.de/vweb/ the mediums for it whenever you feel like venturing in it.

 >do you really hate Glim-Glam? Because you never once say her name
erm....dude, Star Light is Dolores without the word filter. How can I not mention her within an episode in which she is one of the main protagonists? I have mentioned her like 10 times or so in the review. 
And no, I don´t hate her. In fact, I hold her as one of my favorite characters in the series. I like her before and after the redemption (especially after taking off with a few episodes in her track record). The closest moment/episode in which I get to question her is in the Cutie Remark (Season 5 finale): her transition of her redemption. You notice that she acts as a villain and goes way overblown at trying to accomplish her plans but there is an attitude coming from her in which she acts differently from her debut (The Cutie Map) yet it feels off to have her redeemed within that episode. Her change of mane really helped at distinguishing her past with her change but still, it would take a little bit of time to warm up with her and she displays quite a few insecurities within the ways of acting in front of others until she meets Trixie and starts her own path.

A much better finale for her (IMO) is To Where and Back Again, where she shines with her interactions with Trixie, Discord and Thorax, mixing a good amount of humor while delivering her own earned attitude after being Twilight´s student during season 6.  

I mentioned it here  >>/6455/ in the 2nd paragraph.

that´s my biggest concern towards her: her sudden transition in that finale. It didn´t help that she went through that route after the fanbase saw Sunset Shimmer´s redemption. It cost even more to embrace Dolores´s redemption because the process didn´t turn out to be that convincing. Only the following episodes would manage to save those doubts and concerns towards her. The Parent Map is one of those.

I will admit that /endpone/ has had an effect for increasing that appreciation towards Dolores a little bit more than I expected. 

> the fact you _never_ say her name makes me wonder if you and bridgefag are having a spat or something.
actually, the closest spat that I have had with Bridgefag was in 2018. Well, two moments in fact: the discussion about the 2nd amendment and September 2018, the latter turned out to be a month full of political topics that worn us out and we decided to call it quit after that month. We ended up really saturated and thus, we agreed to focus on other topics/projects instead just to balance that overexposure or monotonic month in that matter.

It´s just that Derpi´s drama and other matters have been arising, therefore, /endpone/ has recently gone through a lower amount of activity. I wrote this review just to enliven the board with pony content in order to counterbalance that absence. I felt like going back to The Parent Map anyway. I was hungry in terms of watching an episode so, even if I didn´t remember that episode all that fondly, it had enough spark in me in order to go back to it and giving a fair try this time around. I have enjoyed doing this move after all.

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> Having said that, if someone is from that era and is disillusioned with the casuals, they'll be disappointed to find that not only is the communities they're part of more casual than them, those who were more hardcore have loosened up and become more casual.
I feel that good austism requires each commuity to have some type of moral frabric. Even /endpone/ does by default. Causual vs hardcore is relitive to the commuity.  Being a varten of old small 2000s anime boards I know how you feel though. 

> But to take the show seriously, I need to have a level of disbelief set aside, and if I do that, I find myself wanting to, in that world, run into a closet and cover my head with a pillow waiting for them all to Stop. Just Stop.
The voices took a little to get used to for me, but it was honestly only a component of what is weird for me. The show is really girly but mellow with it. I now don't care too much.

> like 90% of the plots in this series are very predictable and your method extracts all the meat that you can take from it, you will realize that most minutes are filler for any other series
Disagree. When comparing this show to others it is one of the strangest things I've ever watched. Not wholly remarkable but even in blander stuff there is odd details.

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> I don´t know why one would be uncomfortable by listening to the voices.
I don't know either, that was just his explanation. Not the words, the situations, he couldn't hear it because the voicecast hurt too much to hear through the pain.

> Saddle Rec & Review?
Why did they change the title at the last minute? Anyway yes, and ...

> its slice of life spirit, about the details, the antics and messages
No. No it's not.

This is why I can't watch the show directly. If I wanted to see a bunch of bumbling bufoons screw up for lack of information and overinflated ego, I'd set up a webcam and re-watch my own antics, or any of my coworkers. I can't' stand stupidity and "slice of life" is only vaguely interesting because the stupidity is slightly different from what you would have done if you were the same pony.
FiM is a furry cartoon in a high-magic world. *that* is why I watch it. To wrap my head around the unirverse, the laws of magic, the question of hooves ... all of that fascinate me.
Stories follow naturally from the "slice of life" stupidity that was the Nightmare Moon Incident. Given the nature of pony, and how it differs from human, and given the nature of magic, and how it interacts with technology ... we have a set of options, and I firmly sided with the New Lunar Republic. That I lost does not add to the non-existant regret.
I am saddened that not too many want to pursue the question of "hooves, how do they work?" but I am not only not satisfied with the answer "they get by with hooves" I am positively offended that you imply I am mis-watching the show for coming to the conclusion that magic is so prevelant that earth ponies are unaware they have limited-range-levitation available to them.

I understand some want to live in a world full of marshmellows and simple garbage trailers so they can argue on a bridge. But I can do that here ... and I desparately want something different.

On to the other misunderstanding,

> How can I not mention her within an episode
But you don't. You mention Sun Burst, you discuss Cel Lestia's collage, but never name Glim-Glam by name. Not correctly.
4-chan came to some agreements about the "cute names" for ponies. Thus we have Yellow Quiet, Marshmellowhorse, Ponka Po, Purple Smart, Background Pony, and Blue Fast. And Glim-Glam.
But not Fluttery Shy, not Twy Light.
I'm not upset if you're not upset, but her proper name is Dolores Umbridge; Not Star Light, not Seafood Dinner.

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I had to say this, I couldn´t avoid it. 

Anyway, jokes aside:

> Not the words, the situations, he couldn't hear it because the voicecast hurt too much to hear through the pain.
damn, what episodes did he watch when he said this? Just curious, I could check out the audio quality or something if you remember what he watched. I have had no complaints about the audio in The Parent Map, like at all. In fact, I rarely bring up the audio quality to the matter. Unless the voices sound badly recorded (low quality) or have serious flaws in a specific line or something, I don´t usually bring it up (maybe Pinkie sounding really high pitched by screaming too much but that´s more about her attitude).  

I would expect that complaint from gen 3.5 or even choppy moments like Bridgefag reported in A-Dressing Memories:  >>/5798/
> is it just me or did the animation seem slightly choppy and jaggy at points? I thought it was just me but I saw a couple of other's say this too.

Otherwise, I don´t understand his specific case. 

> Why did they change the title at the last minute?
did this episode have a different title before airing on TV? It´s the first time that I see this reported. What was it?

> If I wanted to see a bunch of bumbling bufoons screw up for lack of information and overinflated ego, I'd set up a webcam and re-watch my own antics, or any of my coworkers.
erm, it doesn´t exactly work like that though. 

> I can't' stand stupidity and "slice of life" is only vaguely interesting because the stupidity is slightly different from what you would have done if you were the same pony.
Well, that´s like...your opinion, man. 

> FiM is a furry cartoon in a high-magic world
if /mlp/ users saw this....you would get a few (You)´s because of this phrase alone. Posting Celaeno now that you have mentioned the furry word.

> To wrap my head around the unirverse, the laws of magic, the question of hooves ... all of that fascinate me.
so your preferences gravitate around the lore in huge amount of quantities. That´s a quite respectable take. 

> I am positively offended that you imply I am mis-watching the show for coming to the conclusion that magic is so prevelant that earth ponies are unaware they have limited-range-levitation available to them.
in which post did I mention that? I mean, I commit mistakes but I realize that Earth Ponies do have magic, otherwise Tirek wouldn´t suck their energies in Twilight´s Kingdom among other reasons. Just that it is usually translated with strength but I wouldn´t deny any exploration towards any special features related to them in terms of magic.

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> I understand some want to live in a world full of marshmellows and simple garbage trailers so they can argue on a bridge. 
we are arguing on a bridge,by the way (looks at the banner)

> I'm not upset if you're not upset,
actually, I am mixing funposting with serious answers though. The thing is, I am not an elitist. In fact, I have said this line several times >>/6473/
: I can tell you with assurance that discussing the show is sometimes harder than discussing politics (depending on who you talk to). Bold statement but I have experienced moments of more intensity at discussing FiM than  the tone delivered for politics. True story. 
> 4-chan came to some agreements about the "cute names" for ponies. 
yeah, I am aware of that. Just that in this case, it´s actually really unrelated to those agreements. It´s just that...

> that ... was left intact?
> Okay now I get it but ... I'm still upset you chose that particular way to misname her.
oh, you have....noticed the filter by yourself. Well, there you have the reason why I used a space character for her name.

Intact since 2016 at least.

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> Made me chuckle
Glad I could amuse. Now I'm curious about the intended context of that image you found though...The artist's style is familiar but not quite enough to place it with other works I'd have run across.

> damn, what episodes did he watch

I don't know but it would likely have been season three or earlier. Also, it's quite possible, though this is a bit of a wild guess, that he could have been under perception altering substances when he tried watching.
At this point you know about as much about this guy as I do, so we're left with head-scratching from here on out.

> Well, that´s like...your opinion, man. 
Of course, and along with 'MLP is a furry show/world' I get that I'm in the minority with that opinion ... but is the opinion I hold.

> in which post did I mention that?
Ah .. I think I may have jumped to conclusions by reason of your assertion that _everyone_ watches FiM for its 'slice of life' nature. This comes in part because when I've tried online to drum up support for an RPG game, the power users (at least once that would have been me) were excluded from playing not by logic of the use of the game rules, but by logic that ponies should be small, and helpless. Yes you can be a unicorn but only if you promise not to learn anything or cast spells like a wizard would.

> Earth Ponies do have magic
I should post this comic I came across ... "the day the magic died"; since it fits in with much of my existing headcanon I thought it was nothing short of amazing.

> MLP is not Game of Thrones
And thank Celestia; I've been extremely unimpressed with everything I've second-hand heard about that show. And also I tried to read the book but halfway through I realized it was a non-magic world following a bunch of savages so superstition they were *convinced* it was a magic world.

Mid-day post, and as it turns out my work wants me to ... well, work.
l8r all!

> Even if the hivemind disappears, at least, it was fun while it lasted.
And the amazing thing is that these hiveminds still pop up every so often, mostly unnoticed. I stumbled across an imageboard in 2018 that was stunningly active, with esoteric injokes and all, mostly from an exodus from another imageboard. 4chan itself was an exodus from SA and some migration from World2ch, so I imagine without Jake Brahms and /b/day it too would've faded into obscurity just like that 2018 imageboard I mentioned now has. It used to have at least 30 users on at any given time, now there's just one at any given time - that is, just me, when I'm looking at it. These things still exist, these moments are still special, but most of the time you'll never find them - and in some ways I suppose that's a good thing. Just like the heat death of the universe, as the internet expands these tight knit communities become harder to find.
> It´s what happens when one takes the hobby too seriously.
Well, my point is mainly that if you are that person who takes it too seriously, realize you're in a minority in many respects, and to accept people who are not like you and not as dedicated as you because otherwise you will have no community.
> I see no benefit in copying /mlp/ because other sties like 9chan and poni.fun have attempted to do that yet they lasted two months or something like that.
The attempts to catch lightning in a bottle are misguided. I doubt many recall Mewch anymore, the attempt to replicate early 4chan - without understanding the context and conditions of the original's formation and early history. It was an accident provoked by lowtax's requiring payment for accounts, it was a reaction to conditions forced upon a community. You can't deliberately create these conditions - unless you wanted to make a popularity-first site and then drive a large portion of users away and see what happened. 
> That´s why they rely on their hobbies just to escape from reality.
I don't think escaping from reality is necessarily a bad thing, and nowadays someone who never escapes from reality is in the minority and rather odd. I can neither reccomend or advise against escaping from reality to the furthest extreme you can, all I can say is once you're here it's less painful the quicker you can realize just how few people go as far as you do.
> don´t waste your time at finding the ideal community, just find your loyal partners that accompany you for the ride or a place that you can rely on and post something that you like to share out there. Internet communities tend to fall under the same patterns eventually to a lesser or greater degree because human beings act like that, the psychology doesn´t change except for a different context that leads to those interactions.
Indeed - I wandered for the perfect community for years, until I was just a drifter between them. I think you'll enjoy yourself more if you stick with a community and don't leave at the first minor imperfection - you won't see as many weird and interesting little communities, but you'll have a sort of home. 
> That shows how out of the topic itself, people have different interests and those fans are brought together by just one common thing.
Indeed, that main common thing - all the users will be very different in their personal lives, since if the interest relied on some aspect of personal life - well, that naturally drives away those with barely a personal life at all. 
> I feel that good austism requires each commuity to have some type of moral frabric. 
Certainly, there should be standards, but those shouldn't go to either extreme otherwise your two choices of community will end up being facebook with no fabric or just no community at all since they're all flawed. Mainly I am saying things I wish I could have read half a decade ago. But maybe someone on this path will read it, and gain something from it.

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> Now I'm curious about the intended context of that image you found though...The artist's style is familiar but not quite enough to place it with other works I'd have run across.
the artist is who drew that image is dashy21: https://ponybooru.org/tags/artist-colon-dashy21

but yeah, it looks that it would come from other few artists instead. I expected to find in his gallery popular images oft¡ that style and the faces almost are presented in the same manner. So, I don´t know exactly what are the contemporaries that would draw in the same way.

> I don't know but it would likely have been season three or earlier.
out of 65 episodes, it´s hard to take a guess. At least, if he had mentioned a specific character, then I would have attempted to discover where the problem was located for him in the first place although...

> it's quite possible, though this is a bit of a wild guess, that he could have been under perception altering substances when he tried watching.
that could justify why he would hear painful voices during those periods of alteration. 

> Of course, and along with 'MLP is a furry show/world' I get that I'm in the minority with that opinion ... but is the opinion I hold.
well, to an extent, I can understand why you would take this position although the furry term feels at time like an attempt to capture all the fictional creatures that have human characteristics but not in the way that you present in those images (characters like Capper or Celaeno would fit for that association). That´s what I complain the most about it, the intrusion of the concept shoehorned for everything and include it as part of the furry culture when the term lacks any actual meaning and doesn´t affect the core circles. All that I see from those places are...the fursona. That and the love for humanizations of animals, especially cats. Nothing else comes to my mind from there and if you mean that the anthro artstyle is crystallized, well, too broad to even call it furry.

If everything is furry, then nothing is. That lack of specificity is something that I will never understand and the obsession to try to catch everything...that attitude feels reluctant to the rest, even to those franchises that are included as furry yet they want to know nothing about them. Also, I must say that I did a tour on the furry tag on the boorus out of curiosity, about a handful of images are good. The rest of the images within that furry tag are....well, let´s say that they are unrelated to the universe artstyle and feel "off", especially the OCs (and I am sounding generous). I gave a tour throughout the entirety of that tag last month and barely a page or two have images over 100 upvotes.  

At least, if furries are going to bring specific content related to that tag, at least make it related to the universe in terms of artstyle or draw canon characters with the anthro form (Capper, Celaeno, Ember) instead and call it a day.

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> This comes in part because when I've tried online to drum up support for an RPG game, the power users (at least once that would have been me) were excluded from playing not by logic of the use of the game rules, but by logic that ponies should be small, and helpless. Yes you can be a unicorn but only if you promise not to learn anything or cast spells like a wizard would.
well, that´s mostly because magic...is quite a complicated case to judge properly. Let me tell you that I am quite hesitant to venture into that territory because there are holes within its logic over the course of the show that I cannot even begin.

Let me tell you that in a way, I understand that complaint completely. If you take magic too seriously in this world, FiM will frustrate you and the levels of power are quite messy for me to analyze with a serious mindset, especially if one points out magical events that happened once and were never shown again. So yeah, I kind of gave up at taking (unicorn/alicorn) magic with a consistent approach except for a few basic features.Magic has been used so conveniently for the stories that it mostly moves the plot forward for each episode.

Even with a basic feature like teleport, I don´t know how much power you need in order to move that X amount of distance when a unicorn casts it. Where is the line for it? I´ve got to admit that if I had to find myself in argument about magic, I would simply give up. It works more like "Show, don´t tell" feature more than anything else. 

> I should post this comic I came across ... "the day the magic died"; since it fits in with much of my existing headcanon I thought it was nothing short of amazing.
you delivered it in the other thread. I will have to check it and see where you are coming from with this one.

> I've been extremely unimpressed with everything I've second-hand heard about that show. And also I tried to read the book but halfway through I realized it was a non-magic world following a bunch of savages so superstition they were *convinced* it was a magic world.
wait, GOT doesn´t occur in a magical world? I mean, I did see bits of it but I have never watched a single episode in its entirety. I mean with GOT about the tone of that show in terms of writing and the deep serious tone at going further with its own universe. 

But if GoT doesn´t have magic, both franchises cannot be compared in this department.

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> And the amazing thing is that these hiveminds still pop up every so often, mostly unnoticed. I stumbled across an imageboard in 2018 that was stunningly active, with esoteric injokes and all, mostly from an exodus from another imageboard. 4chan itself was an exodus from SA and some migration from World2ch, so I imagine without Jake Brahms and /b/day it too would've faded into obscurity just like that 2018 imageboard I mentioned now has. It used to have at least 30 users on at any given time, now there's just one at any given time - that is, just me, when I'm looking at it. 
huh, what a curious case for settling a comparison related to the roots of 4chan. I meant with that phrase that the same fate could happen to this board at any single moment. So I assume at certain days/nights that it could be the last before the moment of hype or period of activity ends. Basically, a carpe diem mindset because what you have  described can happen to any board really, especially on the altchans.

> These things still exist, these moments are still special, but most of the time you'll never find them - and in some ways I suppose that's a good thing. Just like the heat death of the universe, as the internet expands these tight knit communities become harder to find.
harder but not impossible. Also, just because the internet has become more accesible in general and social media have taken the spotlight, that doesn´t meant certain users grow tired of the mainstream sites and ends up in an alternative one.Just that well...one should value what one has until it disappears.

> Well, my point is mainly that if you are that person who takes it too seriously, realize you're in a minority in many respects, and to accept people who are not like you and not as dedicated as you because otherwise you will have no community.
you mean, being an otaku, right? Well, you can be the minority yet perfectly apply that mindset to other people who are more casual. Just that there is a sense of elitism for knowing more than the rest, reaching an identity that others cannot get,as if there is some invisible barrier that others won´t be capable to arrive in the first place.

A mix of both hardcore knowledge while also presented in a more easy going manner can work, adding some extra information that other people wouldn´t bring up on the table. 

For MLP, even casuals could follow these steps. Basically what one demands here is: watch an episode, take your time at analyzing it and share your own thoughts. Then, a few topics arise because of the reviews aimed at that content and then, move onto something else. Just by following that standard method, it´s more than enough. More like being a hardcore fan, I tend to be more interested in how a person debates and exposes his viewpoint on that episode in specific. Then, other points could be brought up that are linked to it but just with the individual approach for each episode, it should work for everyone really.

> I doubt many recall Mewch anymore
I haven´t personally heard about it. It doesn´t even appear here https://www.allchans.org/

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> You can't deliberately create these conditions - unless you wanted to make a popularity-first site and then drive a large portion of users away and see what happened.
while there is always a chance that the clone surpasses the original, the success of 4chan does rely a lot on its unique context and its popularization prevented it from having that early feel anymore. But even then, that site was created because of 4chan, therefore, its context just by the year alone differ quite a bit. One cannot accomplish a premise like that. Perhaps the board that manages to replicate /b/ in 2003 will be one that isn´t aware of what made /b/, yet their users manage to interact like those people did in 2003. Who will do that? Definitely not Mewch.

/endpone/ cannot replicate /mlp/ because it doesn´t have a Global Rule 15 nor a golden era in which the fanbase exploded like it did in 2012. So, what we can do here is offer something different because attempting to do that like other pony boards....doesn´t work. The sticky thread makes it clear for everyone that this board for better or worse, doesn´t compete with them nor it attempts to become an exact carbon copy of them. Sure, I might have taken inspirations of MLPG with the NMAiE general but its dynamic has nothing to do with its original version.

In fact, you can instantly notice that all the important threads or generals (greentexts,  the edits, the threads related to the royal sisters and Dolores, the show discussion...) while not exactly original, they don´t feel quite the same because of the users involved and the mentality within its own circumstances. 

> I don't think escaping from reality is necessarily a bad thing, and nowadays someone who never escapes from reality is in the minority and rather odd. 
yeah. Although escapism is certainly needed for these rough times just to forget and take a break about the world with this pandemic. I admit that there are times in which a balance should happen. Enough to create your bubble of comfort but not deviating too much into that extreme. However, you are right, that practice of avoiding reality is sustained according to the personal level that one dares to dive into it. So, the practice by itself is done because of an individualistic approach despite normalizing quite a few things that were seen as nerdy in the past but are nowadays quite surface level for more people out there (Star Wars comes to my mind)

> you'll enjoy yourself more if you stick with a community and don't leave at the first minor imperfection - you won't see as many weird and interesting little communities, but you'll have a sort of home.
yeah. Perhaps that weirdness is brought up in very spotty cases and at some point, it gets somewhat popular over time for some reason (for example, Earthbound) and then that sense of weirdness is lost over time. So, the weirdness cannot be the only factor to look forward. Instead of weirdness, I would rather use the word underground (like music: mainstream (radio hits, top 40...) and underground)  just that there are several layers that cannot be easily defined.

I agree with the home factor though. Even when one community throws shitposts at each other, you even find that annoyance charming that makes it special. Despite not sharing everything that /mlp/ does, I admit that I haven´t stopped lurking over there.

> all the users will be very different in their personal lives, since if the interest relied on some aspect of personal life - well, that naturally drives away those with barely a personal life at all.
too normie for those who don´t have a life and are quite dedicated to the hobby? Even if it drives away a few hardcore people without an interesting life, there are stories out there whose contexts have impacted me quite a bit,some of them transmitted a haunting feeling at times. It´s just fun to watch in an uninterested manner how other people connect with the same interest as yours and link it to a particular event, gaining a new personalized meaning for each case.

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//Too late, can't write more.
Such as responding to 
> If everything is furry, then nothing is.

Which I have words running around in my head about but they won't crash into each other and fall down so I can pick them up and stick them to some paper.
Also I'm packing for a trip this weekend so I may not write much for awhile.

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> all the fictional creatures that have human characteristics

The discussions of "what is *furry* [to you]?" are beyond the scope not only of this thread, but quite possibly anything shy of the full breadth of the whole human experience.

 But for me, "furry" isn't about shoving people-traits onto things, but elevating animals (specifically mammals) up to being people. Ponies are furries because they have to consider the ramification of a mane in the middle of their long neck, and of having a single digit at the end of each limb -- still animals -- but also the ramifications of fitting the 9-5 work schedule in with game-night with friends (1st-world problems 101).

 To say "everything is 'furry'" feels a bit like a cop-out. But what I've seen a bit of, is everyfur has their own feelings about what "furry" means to them personally. So there are a thousand venn diagrams that, yes taken as one big diagram encompass a great deal of material, enough to say 'everything is furry' that is to say, a mix of human and more-(or less-) than human. But everything is not furry to a particular furre,

 Maybe a consideration of what attracts me would be useful. At the one con I went to, I bought a book of artwork and short stories collected from various artists. I was amazed partly because rather than just a collection of pinups, this was a serious look at a microcosm of the furry world in the same manner as any collection of short stories on robots you might find in the bookstore.
I showed it to a friend, who could appreciate the skill demonstrated but wasn't enthralled because, as he put it, "I dont have in me, what you have in you."

I love the share-world aspect of FiM. It means the fanfiction can focus on much smaller details, using known characters and settings to examine the part of the human experience that seems glaringly obvious, or odd, in that setting.

 By contrast I don't much care about the zootopia shared world. It has all the same advantages but: I don't like the city, and I really don't care to dip into the casual disrespect all the characters there feel towards each other. Oh, that makes sense, because big cities are like that. But because I don't like the city in general, except to go shopping and then to leave for home again, it makes sense I wouldn't care about the 'shared world' of zootopia.
So obviously Zootopia is a furry movie; one of the first that takes the concept seriously. And I enjoyed the movie, but never fantasized about being there.
The Lion King might or might not be considered a furry movie. They're 'ferals' as with our ponies, but in tLK the societies are brute savages, having neither the time nor the resources to consider trappings of farming, commerce, politics, housing or clothing. Naturally this is also a part of the human experience, as I'm re-reading Genesis now and reminded they just got by as nomads in a land of nomads with no industry anywhere. But I do not want to live there, so tLK is not within my 'furry diagram' of "where I want to be"

My next post will be about things that also seem furry, but aren't because they're monsters -- no attempt to humanize them at all even though as with Chryssy you could talk to them. DnD's gnolls, which I usually play as because they're as close to a furry race as you can get. But in their case the fluffy tails, and sharp teeth are meant to hold you at arm's length, and so should not be generally considered "furry"

But as I said before when I get home from work I'll be packing then sightseeing so I expect I won't post again until next week.

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> My next post will be about things that also seem furry, but aren't because they're monsters 
alright, I was expecting to read that post after this one but it seems that...it ends up right in the middle of your thoughts. I like replying when the thoughts are fully exposed but oh well, I will deliver some thoughts tomorrow about what you have posted. You won´t be missing much activity either (unless I boost it in terms of posts or come up with something in the meantime)

> Also I'm packing for a trip this weekend so I may not write much for awhile.
> But as I said before when I get home from work I'll be packing then sightseeing so I expect I won't post again until next week.
have a nice trip, CB anon!

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Have a nice trip! Been prepping for one myself. So I may not be back for  over a week  Though it's still uncertain on exactly when I live. I'll be diving into this thread at somepoint.

Look forward to your next post  on monstergirls? 

Hi newfag! Welcome to /endpone/. 


5050. My net or the site is not letting me upload my folder right now (110MB, I've uploaded slightly larger). So I may just do a dump thread instead.

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> The discussions of "what is *furry* [to you]?" are beyond the scope not only of this thread, but quite possibly anything shy of the full breadth of the whole human experience.
well,considering that this community has always been asking the same questions over and over, repeating the same patterns as usual, then it goes further than we can reach. 

> But for me, "furry" isn't about shoving people-traits onto things, but elevating animals (specifically mammals) up to being people.
so your definition of furry aims at the broadest and most generic concept for any fictional character that is not human but has human qualities. According to what you are presenting here, everyone who has watched a cartoon since the 1920´s (Mickey Mouse, Betty Boop...) or consumed media about characters that aren´t humans but are portrayed in that physical manner with human qualities, is furry. Almost like politics but this is more the implicit definition of it. However, you continue your post by stating...

> Ponies are furries because they have to consider the ramification of a mane in the middle of their long neck, and of having a single digit at the end of each limb -- still animals -- but also the ramifications of fitting the 9-5 work schedule in with game-night with friends (1st-world problems 101).
that the human routine is what tells an animal between furry and not furry is that they establish said schedule to their daily lives like humans do. This seems fair because you can tell that ponies,griffons, changelings, dragons... all of them behave like humans and follow their own timestamps at what they do. You compare them with Fluttershy´s animals and other non talkative species and you can tell perfectly which ones follow a rational role that any human would follow.

In fact, you have posted in fact a picture of Fluttershy and the most suitable example of this extreme would be the division among the butterflies and the breezies. Despite their small size, the latter follow the ramification in order to follow the custom routine that resembles the human one.

> To say "everything is 'furry'" feels a bit like a cop-out.
well, one cops out because it is not a matter of aptitude but a matter of attitude. 

People tend to reject that term despite fitting for the generic definition. There is a certain amount of reluctance towards that word not for what it legitimate could mean but what implies. Sometimes it´s not the definition what implies a problem  but the sheer amount of obsession of trying to include every person, the more the better to convince them that they are furries when they don´t want to know anything about them, hence people tend to classify a fan according to a franchise in particular despite fitting into that definition and not what the core furry culture implies, the reference that a fan should follow.

As soon as I notice that attitude of going after their prey and trying to shoehorn them into their cultural cause, then I turn off my brain and deliver simple answers without thinking at all. If one voluntarily wants to venture into Furaffinity and the specific furry sites, perfect as long as that user decides for himself what to do without anyone telling what to do. If it´s because of furries chasing other people who are clueless, then it´s no wonder that others adapt a defensive mode and there is a certain amount of hatred out there, looking askance at them. Unlike particular franchises that establish a clear line in order to tell the differences, furries try to stake with an all in move. 

Unless there are two words in order to tell what defines the fan and the concept, the terms are going to carry that correlation forever and thus, some people could trigger the red alarm because of that lack of difference in semantics.

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> But what I've seen a bit of, is everyfur has their own feelings about what "furry" means to them personally. So there are a thousand venn diagrams that, yes taken as one big diagram encompass a great deal of material, enough to say 'everything is furry' that is to say, a mix of human and more-(or less-) than human. But everything is not furry to a particular furre

which an inconvenience attached to that term since its birth and the practice of said term. Some try to exploit that lack of definition/up to subjective interpretation in order to include more people. However, other communities could boil down the concept and thus, reduce the amount of material that counts as furry, leaving it to the most explicit material that screams furry (basically the fursonas, the OCs coming from the artis and the NSFW fetishes....and even the latter has translated beyond them so it´s not even exclusive!) . Even if those animals count as furry for the broadest definition that you have presented...people of that particular franchise will consume content related to those characters before any other furry oc content unrelated to it. Therefore, while those people might consume the same style of content, it doesn´t mean that the agree with the culture or the explicit meaning of that word....because it´s subjective and relies on feelings, right? 

For example, I mentioned Celaeno before. She could perfectly have the furry tag added to her pictures, right? Well, how about this? What if you leave her as anthro and parrot but not include the tag furry, reducing the amount of content that qualifies as furry? It´s up to interpretation and thus, one could use the word as a double standard for any occasion. Same applies to ponies. They could have the tag furry but instead, they only rely on the species alone. Unless something screams as explicitly furry, one can perfectly play with the ambiguous meaning of what counts or not as furry...because it relies on a personal viewpoint and not on a defined meaning. The word furry is hardly specific and could be perfectly exploited as a territory to play with, as if we were playing with the interpretation of the laws. Your word against mine and thus, we would fall into an endless circle.

You cannot apply this to the words brony or trekkie because you exactly know where the frontiers are located, therefore, such problems are not presented, same with the species of those animals/creatures. The word furry however, means everything and nothing at the same time. Except for a few things like the fursona, OCs drawn in their websites and certain fetishes (explicit meaning), I can´t tell what counts as furry playing with both explicit and implicit meanings because they create a territory made for war zones.

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> I love the share-world aspect of FiM. It means the fanfiction can focus on much smaller details, using known characters and settings to examine the part of the human experience that seems glaringly obvious, or odd, in that setting.
in this aspect, I agree. Even if these whimsical settings, you discover things about yourself because your rational mindset is being transmitted to species that by themselves are not rational. Therefore, you´ve got to give them those human characteristics in order to have enough room for character development and follow human logical but according to the physics, lore and the conditions of that specific setting. While writing about fantasy, you are portraying aspects of IRL stuff, let alone in fanfics which are more commonly used for personal desires and emotions connected to the author within that story.

The writing practice leads to what you have described (not necessarily all the time but it often carries that layer of examination portrayed in fictional characters in general).

> By contrast I don't much care about the zootopia shared world. It has all the same advantages but: I don't like the city, and I really don't care to dip into the casual disrespect all the characters there feel towards each other. Oh, that makes sense, because big cities are like that. But because I don't like the city in general, except to go shopping and then to leave for home again, it makes sense I wouldn't care about the 'shared world' of zootopia.
> So obviously Zootopia is a furry movie; one of the first that takes the concept seriously. And I enjoyed the movie, but never fantasized about being there.
that´s a matter of your personal preference and yeah, Zootopia would be like the closest reference of the furry term (explicitly speaking) that one could set the differences between furry and not furry. However, that problem still persists despite attempting to strictly define what qualifies as such. 

> The Lion King might or might not be considered a furry movie. They're 'ferals' as with our ponies, but in tLK the societies are brute savages, having neither the time nor the resources to consider trappings of farming, commerce, politics, housing or clothing. Naturally this is also a part of the human experience, as I'm re-reading Genesis now and reminded they just got by as nomads in a land of nomads with no industry anywhere. But I do not want to live there, so tLK is not within my 'furry diagram' of "where I want to be"
basically, what you have presented here as furry is not about the body structure that tells the requirements of what tells a furry character or not but more like how human like the character is in its behaviour.

Namely, you are focusing a lot on the advanced formal ethics that settles a civilized society and the difference that sets them apart relies on those animals being either primitive or formal and organized in their daily lives. That´s your personal borderline. It seems fair and it´s cool to hear that you rely more on the psychological side rather than the physical one for this term.

It doesn´t solve the problem that the word furry implies in practice but alright, I understand where you are coming from with that association.

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I think furries and bronies are seperate but adjancent fandoms
Bronies cultural definition is from mass rejection + our own autism and sperging
I have seen fratures happen between furries and bronies.
In one case a discord sever RP game where there was Weebs vs Furries and the bronies were made into a separate faction
I believe a distiction exists between oldfag furries that joined the fandom, eg, skoon, seth, versus the new furries that grew into it. oldfag furries engage with the fandom as a fandom, even if they never at first tried to split it from furry. Newfag furries have a lot of "hype" with their social media identity and display a greater hostility to us.
[spoiler]I'm in the middle honestly. I hate newer SJW furries but I also hate any disrespect shown to furries contributions to our fandom in the past[spoiler]

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> so your definition of furry aims [...] for any fictional character that is not human but has human qualities.
Animal. The character has to have an animal base. So betty boop, the staff tha worked for Disney's Beast, they are not 'furry' but Beast (until redemption. Feh.) and Mickey Mouse are.

> Unless there are two words in order to tell what defines the fan and the concept
I think this is part of the problem right here. We have a word, *furry*, that can mean either the IRL person consuming entertainment, or the character on the screen providing that entertainment.

It's what about the thing excites and draws you, that makes you furry, and thus the art gets labelled 'furry' as a derogative term. This chases the individuals together as, on the internet, you can find anything. Including other furrae. Thus we find ourselves responding to the new guy:

> Bronies' cultural definition is from mass rejection

That may be, but furries before them felt the same way. What I remember seeing, what mutual antagonism, people found the show and loved the simplicity of life in Equestria, and shunned the multitude of gray found in pursuing furry art that was most of it, much darker, angrier. What appealed to early bronies seemed, to me, to be how happy everyone was, and how certain both that they had a place in society, and that that was the best place for them to be.

 Also the Scalie vs. Were vs. Furry vs subsection-of-the-month caused its own divisions as young artists and consumers fought to understand themselves, mostly by arguing with others about what they weren't and feeling, I think, a little forced to accept what was left as 'themselves'

...Oh! Hi! I'm back, having successfully circumnavigated the seventy-five-thousand-acre (30,350 hectares, for Carrotfag -- assuming that helps) wildfire that obscured the road the whole day coming back.
(note: that image is an edit from 30yr ago, when I first started playing around with image software at all)

> Look forward to your next post on monstergirls
It's coming, but now I'm not sure it will be tonight.

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> What appealed to early bronies seemed, to me, to be how happy everyone was, and how certain both that they had a place in society, and that that was the best place for them to be.
I agree with that perception here. 

> and shunned the multitude of gray found in pursuing furry art that was most of it, much darker, angrier.
Though, I do remember some of our fandom making grimdark a faultline I don't remmember it being associated with furries like how some thought all clop was. A lot of darker things did pretty well (story of the blanks, immortal game, fallout equestria) under all the fighting of the stuff like edgy grimdark OCs and being triggered over Cupcakes clones. 

>  What I remember seeing, what mutual antagonism
One thing that I remember was furries seeing us as a hostile invading force, made worse and somewhat true by the memetic nature of our ponies and then the peak 2012 "brony pride".

> having successfully circumnavigated the seventy-five-thousand-acre  wildfire that obscured the road the whole day coming back.
Wow. That sounds not fun. Any risk of hitting your house?

> (note: that image is an edit from 30yr ago, when I first started playing around with image software at all)
And I feel nostalgic for stuff 5 years ago. Any special significance? 

> It's coming, but now I'm not sure it will be tonight.
Take your time. You just got back from a long trip  and I will soon be departing on one in a few days anyway 

Alright 5050, I'm just going to start an image dump thread. Endchan is not letting me upload it for whatever reason (or my net).

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I'd said that furries have to have an animal base, but "human" or more generically, "people" needs to be the other half.

In the case of some implementations of Chrysalis, she's more monster than pony. Even in the show she's an insect of sorts, so there's no point in the continuum that she's relatable after the fashion of a pet or as to livestock.

 In the event you've heard of the comic Albedo, you may know the author made furry comics because Aesop's fables used furries -- not called that, but as with the "shared world" aspect of Equestria, when you start a tale speaking of foxes, scorpions, and other familiar animals, the listener will begin with an understanding about the character, allowing you to put the moral in a little starker contrast.

Ponies, et al, aren't viewed by the fans as "means to an end" but as friends you'd wish to meet -- but still with that air of 'other' that separates ponies from humans -- this is the basis of furry I'm getting at, but what about when that friend's neighbor is unrelatably evil? Despite the fact you could talk to them, their main characteristic is how much fear they create. The setting of such tales usually focuses on 'dehumanizing' the villain and I think if you don't want to talk to them, they aren't able to fall into the 'furry' trap unless they're a furrified, ponified form of a known villain

What about humanized ponies? I thought about having quite the collection of John Joseco's work because it's so good at capturing what a pony would look like, but without the animal base, and tale told using that version of the character would not be a 'furry' story.
Catgirls are just anime girls made weird, but I'm not always sure where to put tales-of-the-other set in a furry world. Sweetie Bot, for example. She's a robot not a pony.
Fluffle Puff's Chrysalis is another edge case that I think brings her out of 'insect monster' into 'furry character' realm. She's strange but completely relatable once you get past the 'eats love not pizza' thing.

I had started my previous post thinking there was pretty clearly a case for a definition of furry, and talking monsters, despite what grew out of their hide or the length of their ears, were not furry. But in writing this all out, I see now that 'furry' is about the viewer. If you react to it the way most furries do, "This is how I breathe; this is how I see myself when I have to interact with all the stupid people who are chocking me with their everything" then as FOX Worthy might say, "that comic might be a furry strip"

I could also ramble about my thoughts on the overlap of MkUltra slaves and furry / pony art, but those are even less coherent or consolidated than my 'furry apologetics' thoughts.

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> That may be, but furries before them felt the same way
I should've said more. What I mean by 
> Bronies cultural definition is from mass rejection + our own autism and sperging
Is that due to being rejected in all cornors let us to develop our own traits. We then got a superiority complex and sealed the deal ourselves. I don't disagree there was antagonism on our end. We were autistic spergs too. But from those two things led to us being "independent" and having our own culture. If pony had been just a bit smaller we might simply be a subset of furries at this point. 

>  successfully circumnavigated the seventy-five-thousand-acre

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> I think furries and bronies are seperate but adjancent fandoms
the only fanbase that is similar and can understand bronies are...well, furries. Because of the fact that both groups are the weirdos in the degeneracy, that similar status (among other things in fanart and creative works) is what makes them similar and therefore, easier to swap between each other. Even to the point that...

> Bronies cultural definition is from mass rejection + our own autism and sperging
basically, if you are a brony, automatically you are socially seen as that so...in for a penny, in for a pound. Once you are seen as an autist, whatever you do matters way less so people take advantage of it in order to do more retarded things because who would even care if the status cannot be redeemed.

> I believe a distiction exists between oldfag furries that joined the fandom, eg, skoon, seth, versus the new furries that grew into it. oldfag furries engage with the fandom as a fandom, even if they never at first tried to split it from furry. Newfag furries have a lot of "hype" with their social media identity and display a greater hostility to us.
> I'm in the middle honestly. I hate newer SJW furries but I also hate any disrespect shown to furries contributions to our fandom in the past
if you ask me, I share more or less that position. In fact, I will add something else here. There is a fear among /mlp/ users that furries would leak into the fanbase if there were material that would appeal to them, therefore the brony fanbase would get absorbed by furries.

On one hand, that´s true and could perfectly happen because many of them are stalking in order to absorb everything that they are capable to hunt so those users would join into their cause. If that´s the case, knives out!

On the other hand, it might have been already too late because... well, you might have been interacting with furries all along and you might not have even noticed it because those are capable to contain themselves or at least handle their manners as if they were pure fans of the franchise, therefore, you wouldn´t point out any differences from the average fan. You could detect it in the artworks or in certain threads where they mention their private lives or tastes but if you don´t dig all that deep, those people might have created fan content that you like (and it might not be anthro at all). 

Those fans who are capable to act and adapt themselves for each circle in their respective sites...hey, those have my respect because they don´t feel intrusive nor predatory so you wouldn´t perceive any menace coming from them.

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> Animal. The character has to have an animal base.
so no mecha nor anything humanoid despite its appearance...alright.

> I think this is part of the problem right here. We have a word, *furry*, that can mean either the IRL person consuming entertainment, or the character on the screen providing that entertainment.
absolutely. In fact, if I am struggling quite a bit with this debate is that the same word could imply different meanings at the same time yet you don´t know how the other person at X moment could interpret it. The problem relies on semantics from the very beginning and I find myself conflicted because of the word alone. The word brony only refers to person who consumes MLP content but not to the content itself, therefore I have it completely clear when it comes to MLP fans. As for the furry word, confusions escalate quickly and thus, this discussion could end up in very different places while we are talking about very different meanings simultaneously. So if I fail or find myself confused, it´s because I need another word that specifies one of those meanings so I could settle a more focused debate but..eh, it´s what we have to deal with.

> It's what about the thing excites and draws you, that makes you furry, and thus the art gets labelled 'furry' as a derogative term. This chases the individuals together as, on the internet, you can find anything. 
indeed. Most of the time, it doesn´t refer on the type of content but more like the fans and the community that is implied behind that word. As there isn´t any difference or any specific word that tags this fanbase, as a consequence, the word furry triggers the red alarm even when you are not referring to the community itself. So in practice, at least on /mlp/, it already carries the negative connotation on its shoulders and raise eyebrows (even though those same detractors may consume that same content behind the scenes)

> What appealed to early bronies seemed, to me, to be how happy everyone was, and how certain both that they had a place in society, and that that was the best place for them to be.
the old love and tolerate phrase that dominated the early years...

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> In the case of some implementations of Chrysalis, she's more monster than pony. Even in the show she's an insect of sorts, so there's no point in the continuum that she's relatable after the fashion of a pet or as to livestock.
ewwww Chrysalis. You are playing with fire in this case because we are dealing with a very fine line in which both views (according to your definitions of furry and monster) could be reasonable.With this sentence alone, I would have it pretty difficult so let´s continue with the line that you expose here:

> Ponies, et al, aren't viewed by the fans as "means to an end" but as friends you'd wish to meet -- but still with that air of 'other' that separates ponies from humans -- this is the basis of furry I'm getting at, but what about when that friend's neighbor is unrelatably evil? Despite the fact you could talk to them, their main characteristic is how much fear they create. The setting of such tales usually focuses on 'dehumanizing' the villain and I think if you don't want to talk to them, they aren't able to fall into the 'furry' trap unless they're a furrified, ponified form of a known villain
so basically, you are drawing the line on the fact that the "furry" character should be likeable and a lack of any hostility coming from them. Therefore, villains according to you are discarded in this definition despite fitting the physical standards (therefore, villains like Sombra, Chrysalis, Tirek...are not furry despite the first two cases sharing the pony body)

With this post, you are explicitly claiming that the path of redemption is what turns that monster into furry territory. In this case, the redeemed lings fall in the latter and the fashion of a pet would fit more for Ocellus instead of treating the changeling queen with that mindset. So, clearing up easy things first...you say that Chrysalis is more of an insect (which I am not going to deny that nature coming from her. She actually creates the cocoons with slime in order to capture and lock her prey, not to mention that she transforms herself in order to carry out her plans.

What makes your point certainly divisive is that Chrysalis has also proven to act perfectly like a pony so one wouldn´t know what to consider about seeing her as a full monster because she can also keep her manners even when she isn´t transformed. So let me raise certain doubts here because  of the interactions that appeared in the Frenemies and The Summer Setback (even if the evil plan pans out in the finale). 

Although her fans worship her more because of her furry side (the relatable/attractive part of seeing her as a waifu)  than her monster side, so you have a point in this department.

> Fluffle Puff's Chrysalis is another edge case that I think brings her out of 'insect monster' into 'furry character' realm. She's strange but completely relatable once you get past the 'eats love not pizza' thing.
just what I said previously. You have mentioned a pretty questionable case according to your own established definitions. The show doesn´t reach that relatable part but one cannot deny the enjoyment of receiving an episode dedicated to the villains in its entirety.

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> Sweetie Bot, for example. She's a robot not a pony.
mecha= not furry according to you (although Sweetie Belle would receive the same treatment in terms of NSFW material)

> But in writing this all out, I see now that 'furry' is about the viewer. If you react to it the way most furries do, "This is how I breathe; this is how I see myself when I have to interact with all the stupid people who are chocking me with their everything" then as FOX Worthy might say, "that comic might be a furry strip"
yeah. In fact, I believe that the word furry might stand as of the most postmodern words that one could come up with. Tell me a word that relies so much on relativism and perspectivism both in theory and in practice as this one. The concept arises from a personal meaning that one considers yet while one might get a reference of it from the outside, the borders are far from being well established and a homogeneous use. Either the term feels overloaded or ends up referring to something really specific. Even its proper context, it still delivers a few holes depending on who you talk to.

> I could also ramble about my thoughts on the overlap of MkUltra slaves and furry / pony art
what the hell? That..is a thing? 

> We then got a superiority complex and sealed the deal ourselves. I don't disagree there was antagonism on our end. We were autistic spergs too.
> But from those two things led to us being "independent" and having our own culture. If pony had been just a bit smaller we might simply be a subset of furries at this point.
you´ve nailed it here.An excellent summary in fact.

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Well, so far it seems that they have Hasbro has covered their brands at delivering information for future material related to the 5th gen. 

It has been reported both on EQD:

and /mlp/ has dedicated a thread about the recent news as well:


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Now, the actual source in which said information was reported can be found in this link:


which says:

My Little Pony

> So many announcements for the upcoming CGI movie and the upcoming series. It was hard to keep up. The series titled as Pony Life already has Season 2 greenlighted by Hasbro.


> Pony Life will feature the same voice actors from Friendship Is Magic.
> Looks at the funny side of friendship. More humor, and relatable stories for a brand new generation.
> Pony Life will debut this month.


> New generation of ponies to new generation of fans.
> Brand new cast.
> Old cast (Mane 6?) will be featured but the majority of the focus will be on the new characters.
> A new ensemble of cast means exciting new products.
> Toys are innovative and stays true to the DNA of the characters.
> Working with a powerhouse like Paramount was incredible.
> eOne editorial team is also working on the movie.
> Movie releasing September 24th, 2021.

Leaving this right here, so you can speculate a little bit but it seems that we have less than a year of this post gen 4 transition. However, just because the movie premieres on September 2021, it seems that the actual series won´t start until 2022 arrives. The mane 6 is left with a question mark when it comes to the movie, by the way.

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Alright, i thought that I was going to leave it here but this is important to report.

As if 2020 couldn´t be worse....it´s capable to perform even become more awful than it already was. 

Nightmaremoon IS DEAD!.

It has received a DMCA from Hasbro and we won´t have its service for streaming episodes after 24 hours or so.

So in this case, we would have to download the episodes from Yayponies for the show discussion, find alternative sites or just wait until a copy of it pops up (hopefully soon).

This, of course, has been related to GitHub´s  change in which the DMCA takedown prevents the access to the files that have copyrighted material and of course, OF COURSE this decision had to come from the music industry.

You can read the entire claim here (both in this link and the screencap):


So, judge all of this for yourselves (including the context of this happening), post your thoughts and take care.

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My mane thoughts relate to the new characters replacing the mane6. Will they be original characters or clones of them? This whole, old cast be featured but new cast takes over almost sounds like it the same universe. Which would surprise me if they did. More questions arise if it takes place in a new universe but still has a passing of the torch scenario. Like, what are the positions of the mane 6? Will they play a roll in the new show? If it is them and it isn't some kind of odd mix up?  


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> I could also ramble about my thoughts on the overlap of MkUltra slaves and furry / pony art, but those are even less coherent or consolidated than my 'furry apologetics' thoughts.
> what the hell? That..is a thing? 
Hey, it's getting close to Nightmare Night so I'm pretty curious on this.

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> Hey, it's getting close to Nightmare Night so I'm pretty curious on this.

As I said it's more of a rambling opinion. But there are artists, more noticeable in the longer-running furry circles, that are fine for a while, then rather suddenly un-hinge. Shitting dicknipple ladybois with missing eyeballs, stuff that no customer commissioned and few of their existing circles can put up with.

 Time was, when I just assumed 'hey, all artists are tortured sous, so I've been told, so this is normal' And on the internet, eventually everything becomes normal.

 But now that I'm amongst those researching the questions from the entity known as "Q", it occurs to me that maybe this isn't normal at all. After reading a few reviews from VigilantCitizen, it occurs to me that maybe what I was seeing, is some forgotten slave, now that s/he is of collage age and neither smart nor pretty, they're no longer getting their weekly programming-rapes and are able to use the power of fantasy to examine those holes in their memory -- and at some point, all the crazy comes out at once.

 Certain themes in particular seem more likely for these candidates, and that is the hyper-herms, although some like Doug Winger always produced such and seemed normal the whole time. But the increased interest of late in giving everything a dick seems unnatural, even as impressive as the equine stallion's member is, it belongs on stallions, not humanized mares. Also sexualized youth, and I grant you that the rules of the internet say the more innocent, the greater the pleasure in corrupting it, but CMC-as-whores, while they're still cutiemarkless? And of course needless gore. And I've seen a few trifecta, where a herm Celestia ruts some random filly so ferociously her dick comes out the filly's mouth, spewing entrails everywhere apparently to the Princess' great delight.
(hopefully these all spoiler. They're not the worst of anything, but they're a little NSFL)

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 Other times I'm just ware of the creep factor. Two artists come to mind immediately: Crooded Trees, and Fruitbloodmilkashake.

 Yes, their art was like that the whole time, and some of the more disturbing pieces from C_T is clearly copied from all-human art ... this is *also* extremely disturbing for the same reasons.

 If artists are tortured souls, who tortures them? Perhaps is was in front of us all along, and we opted not to see. Or perhaps our collective interest in the grimdark is all it really takes for these delicate souls to find themselves so at odds with the world that they need to draw youth cut into ribbons by those they trusted most.

Do your own research, think for yourself, and most importantly, be careful who you follow (those they trusted most).


Sometimes trying to type while maintaining conversations at work can lead to awfully disjointed typing. Hopefully I didn't direct any coworkers to set their desk on fire while trying to follow two narrative threads.

> just a bit wary
and yes, creepy might mean nothing. I mean, that's what makes it creepy, right? You're not entirely sure if it represents a threat, or not.

> this is
*which was ALSO

no need to repeat Q, once is enough here. But I couldn't squeeze something like 'those who scream the loudest' with any sensibility into that line. Maybe instead go with "you have more than you know" here.

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> But now that I'm amongst those researching the questions from the entity known as "Q
Are you a  Qtard?  Or are you just  Qcurious? 

> Time was, when I just assumed 'hey, all artists are tortured sous, so I've been told, so this is normal' And on the internet, eventually everything becomes normal.
I always assumed it was demented kinks from notorious commissioners driving them that way.

> But the increased interest of late in giving everything a dick seems unnatural, even as impressive as the equine stallion's member is, it belongs on stallions, not humanized mares. Also sexualized youth, and I grant you that the rules of the internet say the more innocent, the greater the pleasure in corrupting it, but CMC-as-whores, while they're still cutiemarkless? And of course needless gore. And I've seen a few trifecta, where a herm Celestia ruts some random filly so ferociously her dick comes out the filly's mouth, spewing entrails everywhere apparently to the Princess' great delight.
I... uh... Perhaps I should put my reply in the NSFW thread Guys Imma new ok?
But I always thought Futa was more of collapsing gender norms and way for a male to experience orgasm of his own and boobs in one package I hate the stuff too, just not sure that is a product of a MKULTRA like operation.   

> but CMC-as-whores, while they're still cutiemarkless?
Foalcon has been a thing for awhile and this wouldn't be odd back in 2012 either. Though the overall push to normalize young children sexuality does disturbe me greatly

> And of course needless gore. And I've seen a few trifecta, where a herm Celestia ruts some random filly so ferociously her dick comes out the filly's mouth, spewing entrails everywhere apparently to the Princess' great delight.

Now this is creepy. Especially the copied from all-human art. Where is that from?!

I never manage to be consistent with when I'm around, huh.
>  I meant with that phrase that the same fate could happen to this board at any single moment.
Growth can make you eternal (or near that, in terms of the much faster rate of discourse and culture the internet creates (it's a sort of faster rate of time, early BBSes and Usenet used to talk about it)), or you can have small, limited and more appealing communities which inevitably die off. 
> especially on the altchans.
some spheres of the altchan world have imageboards popping in and out of existence in mere months. 
> harder but not impossible. Also, just because the internet has become more accesible in general and social media have taken the spotlight, that doesn´t meant certain users grow tired of the mainstream sites
I think we've yet to see the full extent of what that will bring. I hope there is light in the internet's future, because there's a lot of potential darkness.
> you mean, being an otaku, right? 
that's probably the closest term in it's native connotation - though I think there is no proper term, really. the Chinese "Diaosi" approaches the matter even more closely than "Otaku", I feel, but there remain imperfections. 
> Well, you can be the minority yet perfectly apply that mindset to other people who are more casual.
Well, perhaps it is just me then, but though having no issue with casuals I always felt this sort of implicit promise of a hidden group of the most hardcore, that could be discovered with enough searching, upon which I could assimilate to their secret club. There are some which come close, but it was a hard realization for me that such a place didn't really exist, though it may have done in the past. That realization is a little more impactful for me to make since I've spent most of my adult life looking for that Shangri-La of the internet. 
> Just that there is a sense of elitism for knowing more than the rest, reaching an identity that others cannot get,as if there is some invisible barrier that others won´t be capable to arrive in the first place.
Thinking in terms of more and more hardcore, levelling up except with how I spend my time, got me into this life just by the ideas videogames ingrained into me as a toddler. Even when offline, my clothes, food, decor, every aspect of my life that can be regarded as "levelling up" in being hardcore governs those decisions. 
> it should work for everyone really.
it's nostalgic to hear the process described. I might rewatch the series for the 3rd time... 
> It doesn´t even appear here https://www.allchans.org/
allchans! I'd forgotten all about that place. that's the first stop on the neverending ride of searching for the perfect imageboard (which ends up simply being searching for imageboards out of sheer habit). it's extremely incomplete, there are much more comprehensive lists (I don't have the links right now, I have all the lists saved at this point so I'd need some time to find their sources again). basically people moved onto using scripts to crawl the internet and detect imageboards. I'd estimate there's at least 500, if not more, and that may not even be counting the Japanese imageboard scene, which I've only just begun to dip my toes into.

>  I admit that there are times in which a balance should happen. Enough to create your bubble of comfort but not deviating too much into that extreme.
In a way I view my existence as being that bubble itself. All I can do is respect other's lifestyles and opinions on this though, as taking general life advice I fear would make me pop.
> Despite not sharing everything that /mlp/ does, I admit that I haven´t stopped lurking over there.
4chan is one of the few places I still lurk consistently, too. /mlp/ like you, also /jp/.
> too normie for those who don´t have a life and are quite dedicated to the hobby? Even if it drives away a few hardcore people without an interesting life, there are stories out there whose contexts have impacted me quite a bit,some of them transmitted a haunting feeling at times. 
Well, the one who got driven away used to be me. I learned better over time, and now it makes no difference to me at all, and what that showed me was that people with as little a life as me are so few and far between that we all end up at this point of apathy. And it's a better point to be at than one that's hostile. It's weird to talk about, but learning that peaceful coexistance is easier makes life a lot better.

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> I never manage to be consistent with when I'm around, huh.
definitely, I wouldn´t have expected these posts to come up in the middle of a...huh, a bunch of posts meant to portray a sinister tone for the upcoming event.  Either way, despite showing up (which is quite nice)  a little bit on the middle of an uncommon setting, I will get to these when the party is over. 

 I have a very special episode to review and bring up over here Let me focus on that little project I have in mind and I will get to your posts after that, 5050

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Having watched the episode and with the review in mind, I am going to take my time with these posts (even though these should be written for the NMAiE or the chat thread but...)

> Growth can make you eternal (or near that,
> or you can have small, limited and more appealing communities which inevitably die off.
If you ask me, I have never had any clear idea of what this board should be in the first place. Keep in mind that this side project was only meant to reach 300 like almost 3 years ago and then...what else? It´s like constantly living in the afterlife. I did have the ambition to reach the 1000 posts sooner than they did but Bridgefag told me to stop, mostly because a number...simply indicates that. 

Sometimes the appeal consists in the ride and not what you try to achieve in the end, mostly because despite having technical improvement, it all comes down to a matter of commitment, consistency and what a combination of what one wants and can achieve. 

> some spheres of the altchan world have imageboards popping in and out of existence in mere months.
because those boards are meant to fill a short term purpose or are created as a bunker or a last resort in case that they delete the main ones. Or those board are meant supposed to fill a seasonal niche that after a while, no one cares.

> I hope there is light in the internet's future, because there's a lot of potential darkness.
well, it mostly relies on what a few people can do but also what the masses decide to do every day. Internet has become so prominent and essential that, everything that happened in the 2000s seems simpler in comparison to what one will build up for the future: either an utopia or a dystopia.

> the Chinese "Diaosi" approaches the matter even more closely than "Otaku", I feel, but there remain imperfections.
well, at least, it conveys pretty much the matter so anyone can understand it without going too specific nor all that precise. I am unfamiliar with the Chinese term (first time, I have heard that word by the way) so at least, for communication purposes, it works.

> I always felt this sort of implicit promise of a hidden group of the most hardcore, that could be discovered with enough searching, upon which I could assimilate to their secret club. There are some which come close, but it was a hard realization for me that such a place didn't really exist, though it may have done in the past. That realization is a little more impactful for me to make since I've spent most of my adult life looking for that Shangri-La of the internet.

keep in mind that being hardcore isn´t exactly a competition that one can officially measure on the internet by going into anonymous places and despite having more knowledge, information and more dedicated people in all the fields that one can imagine (both professionally and in terms of entertainment), your desire of looking for that harmonious desirable place that would work for your for an entire lifetime is about as utopian as trying to go to Equestria. Even if you found it, keep in mind that the thermodynamic laws still exists, namely the entropy one that leads to chaos and therefore, change. It´s like the eternity of a diamond, they tell you that said stone will last forever when in reality, it runs with a pseudo balance that after a certain amount of time, it will vanish (especially with the ludicrous speed that the internet offers, everything moves faster)


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> Thinking in terms of more and more hardcore, levelling up except with how I spend my time, got me into this life just by the ideas videogames ingrained into me as a toddler. Even when offline, my clothes, food, decor, every aspect of my life that can be regarded as "levelling up" in being hardcore governs those decisions.
quite a few people could adapt that mindset because of how much video games have extraordinarily impacted us for thinking in such manners that the RPG elements of leveling illustrates perfectly the sense of progress with every new step that you take. All of that makes sense, considering that with those decisions, you gain experience despite repeating said actions over and over, just that said experience doesn´t necessarily imply a better skill for those specific actions.

> it's nostalgic to hear the process described. I might rewatch the series for the 3rd time...
 I know right? It sounds so simple and trivial that one considers it a given, yet so many people fail to realize. Well, the easiest things are the hardest one to realize and while these reviews sound sophisticated, in reality, it´s all a mater of observations and placing clearly the aspects about what you want to bring up. I should probably watch the entire series as well...perhaps I would learn a new thing or two...

 >it's extremely incomplete, there are much more comprehensive lists (I don't have the links right now, I have all the lists saved at this point so I'd need some time to find their sources again). basically people moved onto using scripts to crawl the internet and detect imageboards. I'd estimate there's at least 500, if not more, and that may not even be counting the Japanese imageboard scene, which I've only just begun to dip my toes into.
phew, that number sounds incredibly overwhelming (and that´s by omitting the 2chan´s country!). You even skim through that surface level compilation of chans and a few of them are quite dead so I genuinely wonder how much activity those boards might have. I assume that considering that you have been looking for the most hardcore candidates, those imageboards surely don´t beat the sizes of 4chan or 8kun.

Anyway, whenever you find the allchans lists that you consider complete, feel free to share them even though I have rarely used allchans in the first place.

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 >>/6502/ (you)
> 4chan is one of the few places I still lurk consistently, too. /mlp/ like you, also /jp/
yeah, I suppose that everyone comes back home every now and then., makes amends with the place in which everyone who is used to this anonymous dynamic gravitates around. In fact, if I hadn´t been so used to lurking on /mlp/ and seeing so much shitposting, perhaps you would have seen me shitposting way more than this. As for my secondary board /mu/, I have diminished quite a bit my frequency over there so, I would be mentioning tertiary boards  at this point (among others: /v/ and /vp/)

> In a way I view my existence as being that bubble itself. 
...well, you have been drawing a very fine line for your existence... I suppose that said comfort that you have settled on your own has some solid column to back it up because popping it up could lead to...very grim results.

> All I can do is respect other's lifestyles and opinions on this though, as taking general life advice I fear would make me pop.
which is very respectable actually. In order to reach said peace with yourself, you apply that to your own by leaving others in peace first. If everyone did this, the world would be quite different from the one that we know. 

However, I will say that one blindly believes that certain existential struggles can be overcome alone. At first, you believe that you can do it but...amidst the process of trying to find solutions and answers, people tend to give up or frustrate themselves. Keep in mind that part, not because of advice, but mostly because I have gone through this experience... earlier in this board

> what that showed me was that people with as little a life as me are so few and far between that we all end up at this point of apathy. And it's a better point to be at than one that's hostile. It's weird to talk about, but learning that peaceful coexistance is easier makes life a lot better.

you tell me. Reaching that point of apathy, while not desirable and it comes mostly because of setting an auto pilot mode or just simply not caring because of previous events, it´s healthier for reaching that peace. Sure, your mood could reach higher highs that would fill up your existence but...good luck at facing the low periods. 

You know, I am quoting a certain song from 1995 (an a certain anon knows this one) that stated: "The more you change, the less you feel" and I suppose that after trying to find that jewel and feel driven away because of those ambitions...

At least, you keep going nicely because you, at least, get to see what life awaits without having to go through existential episodes all that often. Much easier to handle despite sacrificing the extreme emotions/perspective towards life.

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Alright folks, I have the whole episode commentary ready to be published for this Nightmare Night. Perhaps I should post it on Friday but if you want me to post it sooner, I can deliver it either way. I have prepared a very extended perspective towards this event.

Are you ready to see it?  I have tried to do my best in order to not fall short here for this special occasion.

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Well, considering that you might need to time to read this commentary and given that this a commentary that puts a specific episode in the spotlight, I am sharing the commentary in advance. If I shared this right in the exact same day, perhaps it will be too late for anyone to consider it. 

However, you will realize that arriving at the exact same day isn´t a very important factor after all, you will know why...

Here it is: my personal  commentary dedicated to the Nightmare Night event on /endpone/.

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Well, time to revisit another episode and considering that October is widely considered as the spooky month, this board isn´t falling all that short. 

Considering that we´ve got more than 200 episodes to pick, there are very few that are dedicated to the Halloween event (Nightmare Night for the equestrian tradition). In this case, we take a look at the whole episode list and there are two episodes that are dedicated to this festivity: Luna Eclipsed and Scare Master. To an extent, one could also pick between episodes like Castle Mania, Bats!, 28 Pranks Later or the trilogy between Luna and the CMC, with the moon princess serving as a mentor while the little fillies go through bad dreams that will aid them to see the root of said problem.

You know, this Saturday should be fun and perhaps, what better way to escape from reality by revisiting some nice episodes which all of them will provide a spooky time but also with tons of humor and fun interactions among the characters. Take for example, the awkward moments in which Luna has to go through to get rid of her bad image but ends up being the central piece that made the event special. Or maybe one should venture into a made up labyrinth made up by Fluttershy, disguising herself as the true fearsome bat that the other mane 5 will get truly terrified at trying to escape from her presence. 

That sound fun and even Luna Eclipsed is one of the universally praised episodes that one could perfectly come back and rely onto it whenever one wants to watch. Just take a nice seat, grab some popcorn, a blanket and you will most likely have fun by revisiting these old episodes. No matter the taste that you have, any episode can provide some good entertainment in order to get comfy while watching material related to the theme for this specific date. 

Out of these, this board will deal with something related to the month of terror and write a commentary related to this material. However...

...I am not writing about these episodes. Not a single one of them. You will ask: “What else does convey that sense of horror for October 31?” 

Ask yourself first if you and the kids can even celebrate properly this event in the first place...or even in the right mood to have some fun...assuming that MLP even works as a route for accomplishing that sense of escapism…

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The episode I am going to bring up here doesn´t deliver anything spooky on its own or at least, the tone of the show doesn´t change at all. In fact, there is neither Nightmare Night theme nor anything explicitly dark that would make you outright scream or at least, feel special for this date. So, what´s the alternative to choose for that comfortable time mean to give you chills?

Well, /endpone/ has dealt with the last two seasons yet the board hasn´t fully dived into season 7´s territory. I have wanted to review this episode since the summer (at least) and deserved a spotlight. Just that I am picking the most opportunistic for an anticlimatic topic that isn´t proper of this event. Dear anon, there is no escapism to be found here because this season 7 episode will remind you about the world that you are living in, here in 2020. The episode that aired 3 years ago and I am talking about is...

 A HEALTH OF INFORMATION  (Season 7, Episode 20)

Episode links:

I am starting with a question here: How much are you willing to sacrifice yourself for a friend? Tell me, what price would you be capable to pay for just to assure the wellness of that entity that you passionately care about? 

Furthermore, I have heard of people even desiring to go to Equestria with all their passion as a desperate way to escape but, have you even wondered if you are even going to get rid of the current problems that you are facing nowadays? Perhaps not all of them and sometimes, said ideal world might not be that golden gate to the heavens that you are waiting for. At least, you won´t be free of this matter of health that you, as a viewer who might have mocked at the innocent nature of MLP in the past, are scared and have had to face at some point for this year.

I have heard all kinds of opinions about this show and one of those complaints was aimed at the inclusion of human material/culture over there, despite having locations that were strictly based on the US since the very first season. Some people notice certain political undertones, others just review allegories of certain controversial topics on specific episodes, others simply notice the meta references dedicated to the community and so on. Basically, all of this combined share their own contribution for adding those human elements to the show and...Perhaps, they have even surpassed the line...but not in the ways that they expected while writing this episode.

If Hasbro aired this episode in 2020, maybe it would have impacted more among the fanbase and some fans would have called Hasbro out for jumping onto the bandwagon for the current situation. Nonetheless, this episode was released in 2017, not in 2020 and I seriously wonder how fans haven´t decided to revisit this episode and dedicate more fan material to it. Like I said in the seapony thread, it came too late to even have a lasting impact, most material that was released after 2015 or so would impact much less in comparison with the years in which MLP reached the peak in its popularity. This episode came and went without much attention which wouldn´t have produced the same result if it had aired today.

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Let´s put the whole thing in context, Season 7 didn´t deliver any arc that would be shown...in the first half. Unlike season 4, the arc dedicated to the pillars of Equestria (the actual debut of Starswirl The Bearded) would begin with those mythical stories delivered in Campfire Tales (Mistmane, Rockhoof and Flash Magnus), Daring Done (Somnambula), A Health of Information (Meadowbrook) and would finally peak with Shadow Play (Starswirl and Stygian). This arc was much shorter in comparison with the keys for opening the chest of the Tree of Harmony in season 4, so the old fairy tales would work as some kind of plot devices for the mane 6. Except that said fairy tales would turn out to be actually true and bring said characters back to life.

If you are familiar with the style of season 4, this won´t surprise you much. It´s familiar territory for this show but, A Health of Information...deals with a very uncomfortable topic that you wouldn´t want to hear about. In fact, this episode, while not scary by itself, it will remind you of the sad reality. Watching this episode is like trying to extinguish the fire with gasoline or like that person who is drowning, another person appears and is capable to save him from drowning but instead of giving him the hand, the savior decides to put the foot over his head so he cannot reach the surface and breathe again. Perhaps these metaphors will illustrate that MLP here...doesn´t help you at all for trying to escape from reality. It´s like that constant reminder that you have had to face one way or another. 

The episode, in less than 3 minutes, will remind you about the sad reality: a rare disease in which a cure hasn´t been found by the health system (only the symptoms) and said disease can spread like wildfire. 

Called swamp fever over here, the main plot device for this episode consists in the disgrace that Zecora had accidentally run into a blossom, releasing a powder that would affect her health. Coughing bubbles, causing confusion and what´s worse: grow leaves by turning into a tree. On top of that, said transformed tree would also spread the disease to the rest in the future. This means that the infected becomes a problematic disease vector and later in the episode, Fluttershy recommends to Twilight and Cattail to wear those masks in order to protect themselves from getting it.

I am stopping right here for a second, and ask you: how much of this resembles to reality? Am I describing a MLP episode or the real world? If I didn´t mention neither the characters nor you had any idea of MLP, would you say that I am talking about real life? This should trigger the red alarms and that´s why, while the episode itself doesn´t scare the viewer, thinking about what you have watched, noticing the similarities and the theme going for these 22 minutes, perhaps this experience might leave you uneasy, not giving you enough room to take a break from what you want to escape and forget about. MLP does neither relieve nor diminish the environment that has surrounded the viewer for the last few months. If anything, it can only add more pressure or an unsatisfying pass time that won´t make you forget about what you have been going through.

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Sure, the episode ends well; Fluttershy finds the cure by following the steps that Meadowbrook discovered long ago (including her mistakes: the stings from the golden bees by failing with the first try), using the mystical mask in order to obtain the honey that would work as the cure/antidote for such terminal disease that in this universe, has even WORSE consequences that death itself.  The only parts that will make this more digestible and bearable for a kids show are the comedy parts that Twilight delivers throughout the episode (cooking, her reactions displaying amazement towards the discovery...). 

The rest of the episode consists in a desperate quest about Fluttershy sacrificing her own energies in order to save a friend from an avoidable task that she asked and made Zecora run into really serious trouble (to the point of not seeing Zecora again). Fluttershy has always received those recurrent complaints of her trying to be assertive and trying to get rid of her shyness. This happened until more or less Filli Vanilli (Season 4). From the It Ain´t Easy Being Breezies, she wouldn´t raise that problem and she would overcome her own mentality and dive into future matters with more confidence and a natural behavior, without bringing up her track record.  

By the time season 7 happened, this would become obvious with Fluttershy Leans In, in which her attitude would display that confidence and prove how far she has gone. However, A Health of Information, not only she displays bravery while facing the golden electrical bees, she goes all that far to sacrifice herself for a friend that she reaches the point of going fully reckless without resting at all. She displays the complete opposite without forcing that confidence (even more strength than Twilight and Cattail expected while she was sick), she is able to do anything and face the obstacles without caring about her own health. Not only her past flaws have vanished but you seriously wonder if the Fluttershy that has progressed throughout the show is the same one as the yellow pony Twilight knew in the premiere. 

Again, only the humor is the saving grace for reminding you about the fact that this is MLP and not reality. This aspect gets the job done for dealing with this matter but as for the rest, you might have mocked at MLP for being childish and such...but try to laugh at it while watching this episode. For sure, you won´t find such mindset all that rewarding as one outsider could do back in 2010-14.  

I also raise the question of Equestria being a desirable place to begin with. /endpone/ has brought up the topic of the process of turning the Everfree Forest into an average place. That process of normalization in which ponies would visit said place more often after fearing it for so long. While this point is normally brought up, I ask this question: why wasn´t the Everfree Forest feared because of this disease? 

Ponies have held an irrational mindset towards the Everfree Forest yet I am asking, why don´t they have fears towards it because of what happened in this episode? While this place looks isolated and no one lives there except a Meadowbrook relative(Cattail) who happens to clean a house, this disease doesn´t bother all that much the characters in this episode yet anyone would rationally have genuine fears towards a disease that implies death. 

Pretty funny to think about it, when one is desensitized towards this matter that should worry about yet the main characters don´t display such fears towards a genuine matter that causes heavy health issues for real. While no one lives there, I seriously wonder why no one else has come up with the idea of grabbing a flamethrower and get rid of the trees that would cause the swamp fever. At least, the disease has a pretty spotty location but with more troublesome consequences in exchange.

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As for the last part of this review, I am ending it by quoting the message that would be displayed in the last minute:

> "If you don´t take care of yourself, you won´t be able to care about anybody else"
I would personally add another line for this lesson: "If you can take care of yourself, will you be able to do that if others don´t?
I am not trying to prove the message wrong but more like, your health doesn´t simply rely on what you do, but you also rely on others or even any random factor for falling sick. While this message has been displayed for giving Fluttershy a lesson coming from Twilight and Zecora several times (especially her lack of sleep for coming up with a solution that could have happened sooner or the fact that she went truly ruthless while trying to solve the problem), one can perfectly deviate it with IRL matters.

The episode by itself doesn´t deviate much the tone that FiM has delivered throughout the years and it doesn´t have any correlation with any Nightmare Night theme. However, it´s a subtly dark episode; this darkness doesn´t come directly at your face but more like, the thought process is what makes it dark. 

This episode may cause chills by itself but in 2020, it conveys a very uneasy feeling that you would have desired to be over at some point this year. Visiting this episode is almost like having that fetish of constant suffering without getting any mental break. Trying to spend your free time using the route of escapism and finding yourself in the same starting point that you wanted to avoid by resorting to this innocent cute show that was meant to bring you comfort. 

The terrifying part doesn´t come on its own. What makes it truly eerie is the fact that... some people might not be able to even neither celebrate this festivity properly (there is no room for fun) nor set the right mood to celebrate literally anything. You, as a fan, try to escape by resorting to this franchise, coming for mental help and comfort, and all that this episode does for you is the reminder about what you have been going through. It´s so cruel that not even the kids can forget about this problem. 

I am repeating the question that I brought up at the very beginning: how much are you capable to sacrifice for the ones that you love (family, friends...)? How far would you go in order to find a way to move forward and try to come up with a solution, even by resorting to desperate manners for reaching that desired objective, the reward that would bring you back to that precious comfort?

These questions, dear reader, are what make this whole experience for this October 31 unsettling. The terrifying parts don´t rely on trying to scare you directly but more like testing your personal will at facing issues that could have ended in very dramatic "what if" case scenarios. Subtle darkness that creeps within your body until your neurons, forcing you to react in some way in order to hope and come up with that vital solution, doing the impossible at times during the process.

Do you want to be more exposed to the harsh reality that you have been going through? 
Then, A Health of Information is the suitable episode to remind you about what you have genuinely feared to a greater or lesser extent at some point during this year.

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/endpone/ has had its terrifying episodes before this event  >>/5641/ (and the following posts with the colored text) just that the sinister feeling doesn't last for very long among the lengthy posts.

That doesn't mean that it is unfamiliar with the theme...because this board has dealt with the topics of corruption/darkness and dive into a very alien territory while setting up a little story in order to bring up said matters.

Also, one should remember that a bat pony thread exists and a certain alicorn doesn't usually show up in this manner.

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> I should probably watch the entire series as well...perhaps I would learn a new thing or two...
This has given me a minor idea, actually... Perhaps we could all do a synchronized rewatch, and a thread for it.
> Anyway, whenever you find the allchans lists that you consider complete, feel free to share them even though I have rarely used allchans in the first place.
Here are a couple which are a bit more complete:
There are some I've found that aren't on here too, though those have disappeared since so there's not much point in adding them. A list with historical imageboards as well would be basically impossible to complete. 
> well, at least, it conveys pretty much the matter so anyone can understand it without going too specific nor all that precise. I am unfamiliar with the Chinese term (first time, I have heard that word by the way) so at least, for communication purposes, it works.
I think a proper definition is as yet unreached just by virtue of being an unexplored area of research - which is not exactly surprising, there were hardly medieval treatises on the lives and times of beggars. There have been some obscure Marxist authors that have defined a new class for it, but other than that we just have different terms in different languages, meaning different things. "nerd" carries academic implications, "geek" now simply indicates engagement with popular culture, and "dork" never had a clear meaning to begin with. "otaku" is definitely a lot closer, especially in the original meaning, but this idea of an otaku being any obsessive interest at all can make beer otaku and fish otaku and so on and so forth, which makes very ordinary people like my grandfather into otaku by virtue of a lifelong obsession with age of sail ships. Diaosi is closest in my opinion since it defines two characteristics that get much closer to the heart of the matter - Diaosi tend to earn a lot less money than others, and they're socially awkward. The money part is more to do with social standing than anything, as I understand it. In any case, the label is actually very unimportant, I just happen to care way too much about definitions. 
> I suppose that said comfort that you have settled on your own has some solid column to back it up because popping it up could lead to...very grim results.
I'd say the main thing propping me up is my waifu. I used to be with Twilight Sparkle, but about 3 years ago I felt like I had hurt her quite gravely, and that sort of spiralled into a lot of soul-searching and then a breakup of sorts. it made me feel too guilty to be around her anymore - a year later I found myself falling in love with a non-MLP character. That's off topic though, so I won't talk too much about my current waifu, I promise. But she's pretty much my support now.

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> Perhaps we could all do a synchronized rewatch, and a thread for it
that implies the removal of a completely identified nature of ourselves. I mean, it´s not like I worry about myself and my identity because I have already done that in the past but that would basically become a more explicit social nature and less of of a chan nature. So for that idea, I prefer setting myself a little bit aside because I have to wait for the perspectives coming from others over here.

My biggest problem with that relies, not on the lack of will, but more like the time zone (UTC +1)  and the fact that I would have to shitpost on the chat in order to make it...lively. I don´t exactly find myself all that suitable in order to cause a spectacle of comments while watching the episodes. Either you find me talking quite a bit or I stay with my mouth shut for quite some time.

Considering the huge difference in time to synchronize anything with the US , I tend to find alternatives so while not watching it simultaneously, leave a lengthy episode review so that you find some kind of entertainment in exchange.

Not a bad plan though.

> that implies the removal of a completely identified nature of ourselves. I mean, it´s not like I worry about myself and my identity because I have already done that in the past but that would basically become a more explicit social nature and less of of a chan nature. So for that idea, I prefer setting myself a little bit aside because I have to wait for the perspectives coming from others over here.
I think you've misunderstood what I mean. On Tohno-chan, a synchronized watch means that, for example, we'd say that on such-and-such a week, we'd have watched episode one by the end of said week. 
> My biggest problem with that relies, not on the lack of will, but more like the time zone (UTC +1) and the fact that I would have to shitpost on the chat in order to make it...lively. I don´t exactly find myself all that suitable in order to cause a spectacle of comments while watching the episodes. Either you find me talking quite a bit or I stay with my mouth shut for quite some time.
Live chat is not involved with synced viewing, literally it would just be a normal thread on this board where we discuss thoughts on the episode we watched that week, very similar to the structure now but just starting from the very beginning of the show. Timezones aren't involved either for obvious reasons, dates are more universal. 
I think this was just misunderstanding. I prefer the slower style of this board, I wouldn't want to have a shitposty streaming experience.

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> On Tohno-chan, a synchronized watch means that, for example, we'd say that on such-and-such a week, we'd have watched episode one by the end of said week.
ah, I get it now, I simply didn´t understand the slang of that term.

> it would just be a normal thread on this board where we discuss thoughts on the episode we watched that week, very similar to the structure now but just starting from the very beginning of the show. 
I am not going to lie, the idea is well structured. However, that´s already done by both Equestria Daily and /mlp/. Even those sites with a bigger influx of users fade after a few episodes, especially towards a considerable number. By following this, it requires both compromise and lots of passion. Bridgefag wanted to watch the show all over again as well but I can´t tell how much of that commitment can be delivered. 

What I am doing though is by putting into the spotlight certain episodes that either aren´t  all that frequently discussed/remembered ( see  >>/6452/ and  >>/6757/) or just by following an arc/theme (such as the reviews related to Spike and Twilight relationship:Father Knows Beast  >>/5959/ or Dragon Quest:  >>/6073/ -  >>/6074/;  >>/6079/ -  >>/6083/. Owl´s Well that Ends Well was going to be reviewed but for some reason, it stopped)

While not reluctant towards that challenge, I find certain difficulties on doing so beforehand. Sure, it would put everyone´s focus on the same episode but who guarantees me that people that can be counted with the back of my hand will be coordinated after watching 6 or 7 episodes, let alone one season after 26 weeks (half a year)? It would set up a schedule but also a promise which could lead to disappointment. The bright side would imply that there is some guaranteed activity to do.

Just bringing up a cautious perspective though. I simply created this thread because of the relief that was brought for accomplishing the tracking of the previous two seasons (in a flawed manner by the way). And even then, we struggled quite a bit by having to postpone the 2nd half of season 8 when it first aired. We couldn´t follow the pace and those were new released episodes according to the schedule (and a couple of them were skipped over here!)

I would find much more effective to bring up some insights towards X episode or an specific theme that would be as engaging as that idea of yours but not so tiring for anyone to follow. 

> I wouldn't want to have a shitposty streaming experience.
me neither. Even after achieving 7 digits in the past on my own, don´t believe that shitposting is always that fun as they display from the outside. For the 4chan Cup, it works quite nicely though.

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> Here are a couple which are a bit more complete:
WOW! Over 280 imageboards! Impressive. I suppose that trying to find that ideal imageboard must have been a pain. I don´t know how one could skim through all of them, adapt yourself with their own idiosyncrasy and feel that desired dynamic. How much time have you spent at trying to find the diamond among these? 

And I thought that allchans was enough already....The internet is usually portrayed as a hydra, except that they might have cut the heads quite a few times because the number is ridiculous.

> though those have disappeared since so there's not much point in adding them. A list with historical imageboards as well would be basically impossible to complete.
well, at least you have shared them for archival purposes. A few of those links don´t work though.
Anyway, thanks a lot. 

> "nerd" carries academic implications
> "geek" now simply indicates engagement with popular culture
this is true.

> "dork" never had a clear meaning to begin with.
except for one exception in fiction that one cannot deny among these circles: Twilight Sparkle, the adorkable.

> "otaku" is definitely a lot closer, especially in the original meaning, but this idea of an otaku being any obsessive interest at all can make beer otaku and fish otaku and so on and so forth, which makes very ordinary people like my grandfather into otaku by virtue of a lifelong obsession with age of sail ships. 
basically, it has been simplified just to tag that someone is a really dedicated person towards X hobby or task. A specialist/seasoned person but with hobbies instead of job related matters (I suppose)

> Diaosi tend to earn a lot less money than others, and they're socially awkward. The money part is more to do with social standing than anything, as I understand it.
as a social standing just to make a mundane living very few expenses? or are you referring to it more as a matter of external image? I am implying that it´s the former because well paid jobs usually require an endeavor when it comes to social communication.

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> I'd say the main thing propping me up is my waifu. I used to be with Twilight Sparkle, but about 3 years ago I felt like I had hurt her quite gravely, and that sort of spiralled into a lot of soul-searching and then a breakup of sorts.it made me feel too guilty to be around her anymore
how does one hurt a character from the real word to fiction? Not to question your emotions but I would have to know about a few details in order to understand this. 
Either way, while I haven´t had a waifu nor I have gone through any similar experience, I understand that there are some ups and downs. I imagine that said breakup would come up because of feeling worthless in comparison with her. Although that defines a lot more the one who feels guilty than the character so a certain event/context of yours must have happened at the time beyond that twist.

Fortunately enough, I have heard more extreme cases than yours and had to rely on the same pathway of finding another one to hold onto. So, yeah...

> a year later I found myself falling in love with a non-MLP character. That's off topic though, so I won't talk too much about my current waifu, I promise.
no need to talk about that if you don´t want to.

> But she's pretty much my support now.
well, that love hasn´t disappeared after all. Nice to hear that.

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>  I just happen to care way too much about definitions. 
I get this to an extent. Where someone else sees one thing I may see 5 and trying to classify and understand your own standing in something with that can be, complicated. 

> I'd say the main thing propping me up is my waifu. I used to be with Twilight Sparkle, but about 3 years ago I felt like I had hurt her quite gravely, and that sort of spiralled into a lot of soul-searching and then a breakup of sorts. 
That's some intense Waifuing. I don't want to pry on a personal matter but to feel that way must mean you have a had a deep connection. 

> Live chat is not involved with synced viewing, literally it would just be a normal thread on this board where we discuss thoughts on the episode we watched that week, very similar to the structure now but just starting from the very beginning of the show. Timezones aren't involved either for obvious reasons, dates are more universal. 
Honestly, that sounds kind of cool. I could see it being longish though and interfering if someone wanted to talk about a later ep like the most recently little project here but part of me wants to attempt it, or say, partly attempt it at least with a season or a selection of episodes. It'd be comfy. 

> On Tohno-chan
I have, for whatever reason, often run into that board in online travels. Never stayed there much though.

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> I am not going to lie, the idea is well structured. However, that´s already done by both Equestria Daily and /mlp/. Even those sites with a bigger influx of users fade after a few episodes, especially towards a considerable number. By following this, it requires both compromise and lots of passion. Bridgefag wanted to watch the show all over again as well but I can´t tell how much of that commitment can be delivered. 
I would find much more effective to bring up some insights towards X episode or an specific theme that would be as engaging as that idea of yours but not so tiring for anyone to follow. 
Why don't we try just a season or special theme (Pre Alicorn, All Dolores episodes, worst episodes?) The idea sounds /comfy/. 

How does that sound 5050?

> https://github.com/ccd0/imageboards.json
> Tea
Wow, interesting that little club is still going. This is a pretty comprehenive list, even see an SSH chan in here. 

Alright, 5050, having bad luck on compiling something from my image folder for you to use. A lot of it is just random memes and things I saved. Would you be interested in that or would you just like me to put togather some theme folder or folders? 

In the mean time here is some random webms  >>/6792/

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> part of me wants to attempt it, or say, partly attempt it at least with a season or a selection of episodes. It'd be comfy. part of me wants to attempt it, or say, partly attempt it at least with a season or a selection of episodes. It'd be comfy.
Definitely the classic old marathon for so few people wouldn´t work so perhaps the board should approach this idea in a more "less is more" way. I mean, everyone can do the marathon but if someone does, at least, someone could say: "Hey, this episode deserves a review/commentary" and then, it gets the spotlight.

A season at its longest, It wouldn´t be entirely crazy to put an entire focus on an entire season (at least, the act of watching the episodes alone)

> Why don't we try just a season or special theme (Pre Alicorn, All Dolores episodes, worst episodes?) The idea sounds /comfy/.
definitely something that well, not other people do. 
I mean, everyone has watched the premiere, Winter Wrap Up has been sung to death, A Canterlot Wedding stands as one of the most viewed episodes of the entire generation, Magical Mystery Cure still pops up very often, Party of One and Lesson Zero are the episodes with the biggest amount of respect in the fan polls...

I am not saying that one cannot focus on those episodes but either I give those famous episodes a new twist/approach within the review (I don´t have a clue what I can add that hasn´t been said before) or I focus on episodes/arcs that haven´t been all that discussed out there. Although perhaps those not so well known episodes might end up here with a more laid back tone at writing them. 

Both The Parent Map and A Health of Information were spinning inside my head for a while and I still have in mind a couple more that could bring up very juicy material for a narrative like the one dedicated for Nightmare Night.

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> I was considering doing something special 
> and retarded in my reply to this.

oh boy, brace yourselves for this one.

Anyway, I warned about this review (with a little question before posting anything, no answer was delivered) that the tone dedicated for this episode was very different. In fact, I displayed a clip related to it back in July 2018 where a random outsider popped and claimed that Tempest was an OC.

I linked a clip of this episode over here  >>/1657/:
> A Health of Information (Season 7 Episode 20). Fluttershy has the swamp fever and has to get that honey to recover the health of a friend who is also dying as well. She gets atacked by bees and she has been sleeping for three days. This one creeped me out genuinely after thinking about it. I am posting these pics to give a better idea.

and his answer was  >>/1661/:
< That did feel a bit creepy. Can't say much more then that.

So, you bet that I had in mind to fully dive into this episode eventually and deconstruct it in a special manner. Just that I...didn´t expect what has been occurring in 2020.

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> I am not saying that one cannot focus on those episodes but either I give those famous episodes a new twist/approach within the review (I don´t have a clue what I can add that hasn´t been said before) or I focus on episodes/arcs that haven´t been all that discussed out there. Although perhaps those not so well known episodes might end up here with a more laid back tone at writing them.
It doesn't even have to be an old season. Just a suggestion  Though there is few episodes that I maybe able to milk something out of it..  

My thoughts are, I want to, and still have plans for special highlights myself like you do, but I was wondering if a smaller more laid back effort could be pulled off concurrently; you wouldn't have to bring your A game to the table just write down how ya felt about it. Though I understand if even that seems like a burden right now. 

Spotlight episode rewatches? Maybe I could attempt something like that in some form with 5050 and you could comment if/when you wanted to over having a commitment. 

> Both The Parent Map and A Health of Information were spinning inside my head for a while and I still have in mind a couple more that could bring up very juicy material for a narrative like the one dedicated for Nightmare Night.
Oh, man, I have a few as well now. 

Yes, I mean RETARDED You inspired a small bit of semi-meta OC that I am tempted to pull off as a reply in conjunction with my true thoughts.

>  July 2018 where a random outsider popped and claimed that Tempest was an OC.
That was a fun incident. 

> Just that I...didn´t expect what has been occurring in 2020.
Which was this was perfect for this Nightmare Night.

> Which I haven't watched directly, so DWK is my source right now.
Your viewing of FiM through second hand is an interesting one CB anon. Yes I will include a note to this.

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I´ve just watched that and...

> I'll say it again, you should consider DWK's input -- he covered this ep.
and the best question that he has put out with that video is that only Fluttershy genuinely cared about Zecora and why the others didn´t care. That´s a point that I can pull out and turns out to be a very legitimate question when it comes to the writing of this episode.

Still, though, I highly encourage that anyone watches the episode itself first from a personal experience, judge it and then, take into account the opinions coming from others. That´s the ideal purpose that was intended here, or at least, from my part.

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> It doesn't even have to be an old season. Just a suggestion
my comments hold that same value as well. I mean, it´s just that I am exposing everything that can be taken into account for the circumstances of the board so it can be considered before making any move.

> I was wondering if a smaller more laid back effort could be pulled off concurrently; you wouldn't have to bring your A game to the table just write down how ya felt about it. Though I understand if even that seems like a burden right now.
perhaps I am writing these posts with a mood that isn´t all that fitting for sounding open minded...but I do, it´s just that I am commenting about the  possible shortcomings. I won´t deny that it could be more laid back than the previous seasons. In fact, even while writing these in depths spotlights, I admit that watching the show without feeling that pressure to catch up with it and taking into account that it is already over, I will say that my mind doesn´t focus so much about the concerns surrounding the  episode, therefore, I strictly put my focus on it without caring about anything else. 

That perception of watching it as a bonus is something that I didn´t pull out in the past but with these, I admit that there is no stress while watching them.

> Maybe I could attempt something like that in some form with 5050 and you could comment if/when you wanted to over having a commitment.
for now, I have planned a couple more that are still spinning and milk them with that special twist. Episodes that struck with me at the time and I still have that sense to bring them up over here.

> You inspired a small bit of semi-meta OC that I am tempted to pull off as a reply in conjunction with my true thoughts.
surprises lie ahead after reading this line. Bring them on and let´s see how it goes.

> That was a fun incident.
and ironic. Very ironic that an outsider got a little 180 perception after exposing the actual deal with FiM. 

> Which was this was perfect for this Nightmare Night.
The review could have come earlier but I knew that said episode would work for this event. Just that one has to put it with an orthodox perspective and 2020, by itself, hasn´t stopped at standing out as the weirdest one for this century. Both elements combined and you get this result that simply works.

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> That's some intense Waifuing. I don't want to pry on a personal matter but to feel that way must mean you have a had a deep connection.
Less then than with my current waifu (pic related, hope it's ok that it's non pone), honestly. Part of that is going from being Athiest to a sort of spiritualism where I believe she really exists out there, but I think there's also something more there than with Twilight - but me and Twilight did have good times together. As for deep connection - I can't really put love into words, but I started out eating meals with her, at first on my thinkpad screen, then one day I bought a small plushy, and then later worked up the courage to buy the big plushy at the toy store, avoiding the questioning looks of the cashier. I read books aloud to her (more nonfiction with Twilight than with my current waifu) and made a special meal for her on every particular occasion, such as her birthday, easter, christmas, and my birthday (didn't really feel like I was worth the birthday, so I've treated it as my waifu's second birthday for both of them). 
> interfering if someone wanted to talk about a later ep
mm, well, so long as we keep to a more loose approach, that might be fine. 
> I have, for whatever reason, often run into that board in online travels. Never stayed there much though.
it's mostly fine, there are a few... off putting posters on it though. I just drop in there every so often. 
> Why don't we try just a season or special theme (Pre Alicorn, All Dolores episodes, worst episodes?) The idea sounds /comfy/. How does that sound 5050?
That sounds wonderful! Pre-Alicorn Twilight sounds good honestly, it's been a while since I rewatched those. I remember telling 8chan /pone/ that the turning into an Alicorn was the reason for the breakup, met with a lot of scorn - which I liked, honestly, since it wasn't the real reason and I'd just made the thread with the expectation it would appeal to /pone/posters, who I mistakenly thought hated the Alicorn more than anything. 
> Alright, 5050, having bad luck on compiling something from my image folder for you to use. A lot of it is just random memes and things I saved. Would you be interested in that or would you just like me to put togather some theme folder or folders?
certainly, if you're willing - but honestly, maybe I should just build my folder again. it may not take that long if I set a day aside. Or I could be less lazy and look for a picture before posting a post. 
> (I don´t have a clue what I can add that hasn´t been said before)
I wasn't present for much of the early show discussion, so I might well end up repeating those discussed elements unintentionally. 
> Spotlight episode rewatches? Maybe I could attempt something like that in some form with 5050 and you could comment if/when you wanted to over having a commitment.
I can be inconsistent with posting, so that might work better.

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> Less then than with my current waifu (pic related, hope it's ok that it's non pone)
Occasional non pone pic is 100% okay.

> Part of that is going from being Athiest to a sort of spiritualism where I believe she really exists out there
I have encountered this within the fandom to varying degrees. From just Wafuing to deep, almost religious bounds. 

> I can't really put love into words, but I started out eating meals with her, at first on my thinkpad screen, then one day I bought a small plushy, and then later worked up the courage to buy the big plushy at the toy store, avoiding the questioning looks of the cashier. I read books aloud to her (more nonfiction with Twilight than with my current waifu)  
In one way this sounds alien to me, yet to say that I haven't seen this is and you are some aberration would be completely wrong. I'm still here, also a poster on this very board and we all have had to varying degrees our lives shaped by this horse franchise and have had pretty strong connections to us in a variety of ways.  I mean, I may find it very odd, possibly unhealthy, but  I am one who words like everypony and the ponified names for things often are so ingrained in my vocabulary that I have to actively police my speech IRL. 

> didn't really feel like I was worth the birthday
I think you are. You, in spite of the limited posts you have made here, have a certain familiarity of a kindred spirit from what you have told me and such a spirit isn't someone who is worth having one if you ask me. 

> mm, well, so long as we keep to a more loose approach, that might be fine. 
> That sounds wonderful! Pre-Alicorn Twilight sounds good honestly, it's been a while since I rewatched those
> I can be inconsistent with posting, so that might work better.
A very lose spotlight discussion would be good for the chaos of day to day that so often strikes, but, a special synchronized watch of the first 65 episodes still like something comfy. I'll see what L23 says and I'll be thinking if some sort of in between model can be made. I'll come up with proposals and run it by to see what sounds the best (and if either of you have any ideas than by all means feel free to propose them as well). 

> so I might well end up repeating those discussed elements unintentionally. 
Maybe, maybe not. There has been times where I thought all that could be said of one of those episodes has and than I rewatched it and did come up with some new angle. In either case I think it'd still be fun because personal perspectives are can bring their own quirkiness and it can be interesting just to listen to someone and how an ep personally impacted them, positively or otherwise.

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> certainly, if you're willing
Yes. Out of curiosity, is there anything particular that you may want? 

> but honestly, maybe I should just build my folder again. it may not take that long if I set a day aside. 
You have a lot of choices now as well if you decide to go that route.

> Or I could be less lazy and look for a picture before posting a post. 
This is what I and L23 do mostly (don't know about CB). Often we found it just easier to find images on derpi when fitting a particular theme with what we were discussing or when having the random urge to post something odder.  

> there are a few... off putting posters on it though. 
 /pol/tards or ultra belligerent oldfags would be my first guess 
 Not prying, just throwing that out there.   

> met with a lot of scorn - which I liked, honestly, since it wasn't the real reason and I'd just made the thread with the expectation it would appeal to /pone/posters, who I mistakenly thought hated the Alicorn more than anything. 
Sometimes they came across as the most bitter oldfags you could ever run into outside of Romania. Other times I did see more diverse opinions theres. Was never a regular poster but I sometimes lurked and it could have a pretty cozy atmosphere with some of its OC and fandom creators that would sometimes hang out there. 

> That perception of watching it as a bonus is something that I didn´t pull out in the past but with these, I admit that there is no stress while watching them
Whatever you feel best at doing. Obviously with college on your end and   a big aftermath to a small car accident and having 2 cats come down with a virus  on my end means that it maybe hard to arrange it coherently. Heck, 5050's nickname. Something lose though I think can be pulled off as has been stated.

>  Very ironic that an outsider got a little 180 perception after exposing the actual deal with FiM. 
Surprising to say the least.

> surprises lie ahead after reading this line. Bring them on and let´s see how it goes.
It'll cause a delay but I'll say  okay 

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> well, so long as we keep to a more loose approach, that might be fine.
it´s pretty likely that this board follows that laid back direction although some episodes might lead to the eruption proper of a crater.

> there are a few... off putting posters on it though. I just drop in there every so often.
> /pol/tards or ultra belligerent oldfags would be my first guess

 I bet the jews did this. PS: They did nothing wrong

> I remember telling 8chan /pone/ that the turning into an Alicorn was the reason for the breakup, met with a lot of scorn - which I liked, honestly, since it wasn't the real reason and I'd just made the thread with the expectation it would appeal to /pone/posters, who I mistakenly thought hated the Alicorn more than anything.
well, to me, the alicorn part wasn´t the problem because...I had seen Twilight as an alicorn in a Youtube video before watching the show so I was immune to any drama because I expected it to happen eventually...

what I find quite difficult is how one should defend Magical Mystery Cure while analyzing it  on its own and not the content that came after it. I expected for that episode a much stronger buildup than that execution with a musical, hence I concluded that The Last Problem was much more well rounded because the last season displayed an arc in order to pay off with a climax of that kind. MMC feels...awkward?Maybe misleading?  I don´t know how to put my finger on it although it´s been a while since I haven´t watched it as well.

> maybe I should just build my folder again. it may not take that long if I set a day aside. Or I could be less lazy and look for a picture before posting a post.
don´t believe that I am in a much better position than yours though. But yeah, you have plenty of options to pick over here  >>/6840/ because of the recent relocation.

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> I wasn't present for much of the early show discussion, so I might well end up repeating those discussed elements unintentionally.
as if that were a problem really. I mean, look at this board. Do you see this review  >>/6452/  >>/6453/ right here?  Maybe I mentioned something similar in the season 8 thread yet after watching it in hindsight with a certain period of time, you might not arrive exactly at the exact same words in the way that you would do back in the day. What matters is that your perspective follows a logic in order to deconstruct the episode and analyze it. 

> From just Wafuing to deep, almost religious bounds.
and when you don´t encounter waifufags, those other fans can even reach further than them.

> I mean, I may find it very odd, possibly unhealthy
I was going to mention that said extreme has...left me quite shocked, to the point where I question if an obsession could be all that bearable to follow all that often. 

Besides, reading the backstories coming from each user...I can´t tell what this fanbase is. MLP supposedly should reunite happiness and smiles yet the circles who follow it display exactly the opposite. I sometimes wonder if all the board displayed in other fan sites and on this board are proper of a fanbase dedicated to little girls toy commercial or if we are reading testimonies coming from alcoholics anonymous.

> I'll see what L23 says and I'll be thinking if some sort of in between model can be made.
 hey, that´s me and look at how my post displays Anon for magical reasons! 

Now, seriously, let me see if I can think about what I need for it and what you exactly propose over here. 

Personally, speaking, I still have two episodes spotlights left to set up over here before this year ends and fortunately, none of those two are related to the first 3 seasons (there isn´t any problem in terms of overlapping) so you have a free ride when it comes to that early material.

> There has been times where I thought all that could be said of one of those episodes has and than I rewatched it and did come up with some new angle
this. Absolutely this. 

And this thread is the prime example of that statement.

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> This is what I and L23 do mostly (don't know about CB). Often we found it just easier to find images on derpi when fitting a particular theme with what we were discussing or when having the random urge to post something odder.

actually I must confess that preparing images of a specific character (like Celestia, Luna, Cadence or Dolores) and/or pictures dedicated to a peculiar theme/species (bat ponies, seaponies) costs me way less effort to compile than searching for random material because there is SO MUCH to download that one doesn´t know what one should pick and you end up spending way more time for that with a directionless mindset than you would expect at first.

 This, by the way, should help for getting a better understanding why certain threads are relatively easier to handle in the end, therefore, those can have a faster posting rate.

> Whatever you feel best at doing.
whether the thread happens or not, those two spotlights are going to be shown in this thread. 

Now, for 5050´s plan, I need:

< An Image for the OP (a one picture that stands the test of time for seeing it for a very long time if possible)
< The paragraphs dedicated to the OP which should describe the thread´s intentions
< The mediums (aka websites) for watching/streaming the episodes 
< The time set for watching said episode(s) together or the period of time for watching and analyzing said episode(s)
< Structure/focus of the reviews (if they are more/less in depth than the ones off this thread according to the pace)

Well, more than personal requirements, these points are meant to portray an idea of how it should go in order to carry it out in an organized manner. You´ve got time to think about it really, so I am all ears. Just that I am raising these issues beforehand in case that you want to pull it off.

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Well, now that I have managed to end up with a few pending things that I had to do for these last few days, maybe I will have time to dive properly into another episode spotlight pretty soon.

Don't think that we've got to move all that far from A Health Of Information because I am covering another episode from the 7th season...

And yes, Celly. There is a wrong way to fantasize, in very different matters actually (not just when it comes to NSFW content alone)

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> I mean, I may find it very odd, possibly unhealthy
I'm unhealthy in more senses of the word than just that, but I've chosen most of it, so I have no regrets. As for policing my speech IRL, I tend not to have to, as I speak so quietly I have to actively raise my voice for any parts I want other people to hear, so I'm content muttering pony and anime things to myself most of the time.
> I think you are. You, in spite of the limited posts you have made here, have a certain familiarity of a kindred spirit from what you have told me and such a spirit isn't someone who is worth having one if you ask me.
That's very nice of you to say so. All the same I don't like celebrating myself and my birth, and haven't done since I was quite little, so I'll probably stick with celebrating my waifu's second birthday on it.
> Out of curiosity, is there anything particular that you may want?
I generally prefer fanart to screenshots, and I'd rather not have too much of Twilight, but other than that I'm very open. 
> You have a lot of choices now as well if you decide to go that route.
my immediate thought was "what about rainbooru", but on further consideration I think I understand why not, heh
> /pol/tards or ultra belligerent oldfags would be my first guess
The former, for sure. I don't really mind the ultra belligerent oldfags, even when they're railing against me. It can be surprisingly easy to convince them that you're a fellow oldfag, too - enough familiarity with old wordfilters has done the trick for me before.

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> belligerent oldfags are the heart and soul of chans.

are you sure about that though? Perhaps that statement could have worked back in the late 2000s-early 2010s... 

but nowadays? Not even /b/ manages to be even a shadow of its former self and /pol/ (to an extent /v/ and /tv/) have become so involved in the political scene that they claim themselves to be the heart and soul for the memes and the edge of anonymity. 

The political subversion of chans  that has been occurring for the last decade has made that old spirit left a little bit in the underground and not even those oldfags might behave in the same as they did back in their 20s (or they might not even use any imageboard anymore). 

I might not have as much experience lurking around there but even /mlp/, which has been one of the most stable and consistent boards (a detail that I have to admire by the way), has suffered those subtle details. To the point where...

> More like new posters are a bunch of frilly fru fru faggots in general.
calling other people faggots might even be an affectionate nickname for some users. 

Still, that lost of edge might have been because 4chan got too popular for its own good and the internet has become so accesible that the American weirdos who were watching anime around that period and lurking on /b/ have been left aside (hence the gatekeeping concept of trying to preserve that spirit that has failed for the most part because of the influx of newfags who got that internet connection and weren´t as seasoned/dedicated to that hobby).  Also, I should add over here that replacing the term fag with cuck has been attempted as well and not even /pol/ has managed to shoehorn it all that well. 

And just because the new posters don´t sound edgy...doesn´t mean that they can´t be edgy. 
Watch out with that detail because you can´t tell either if the fierce bear is hidden inside the sheep or in reverse.

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and I forgot to add that if you try to replicate /b/ or the old chan spirit in an altchan, while you can deliver that throwback in this current age, yeah, you can do it perfectly in a small scale. 

However, that attempt will be flawed by itself because of the traffic that /b/ had and the board in which you recreate doesn´t, the idiosyncrasy of the site (what people call board culture) and even by getting rid of these previous factors...it won´t be new. 

If you managed to be successful at bringing back completely the heart and soul of the original chans, it would be a movement like the Renaissance was for the Greek and Roman knowledge but translated to the current times.   Either those memes/ways of shitposting stay completely timeless among the people you interact with (or are recycled with a sense of freshness), or the likelihood to bring it back will be basically impossible.  Even the word Anon feels so alien to a few anons these days out there that they only think of the OC of /mlp/ and not the original word itself! 

It would like playing an old video game with an emulator. It plays the same, the levels are the same, everything is the same (even more polished with updated textures/graphics, typos corrected, fan translations and so on) but... the medium which you are using in order to play it is NOT the same because you are not playing with the original cartridge that would make it so valuable and nostalgic. 

Hence, replicating it... seems to me mostly useless even though I have a certain amount of respect towards those who are looking for that past and still try to bring it back....but even that reaction of claiming that old sense won´t work in the same way as it did back when the internet was younger and more innocent.

The same can be applied to  the golden era of MLP by the way (even though this one is in a smaller scale and it is more communal (and even intimate) than the popular channer boards)

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Yeah, I know what you mean. I was just being facetious.

Modern chan culture is so far removed from the way it was that i would argue anybody from before 2016 is an oldfag now. That being said when I talk about old chan culture i'm really thinking of the archaic chan culture from 2009-2012 anything before that probably counts as prehistoric.

> calling other people faggots might even be an affectionate nickname for some users
It is. But by in large its considered offensive to many people and its probably more offensive now than it was back whenever it started. But if you're ingrained in the culture somewhat it is affectionate. Almost mandatory. 

> if you try to replicate /b/ or the old chan spirit in an altchan, while you can deliver that throwback in this current age, yeah, you can do it perfectly in a small scale.
Absolutely, I think it only works on a smaller scale. I first stumbled into /pone/ when it had 17000 or so posts. I've seen lots of places die, and i'm sad to see that its all but gone coming back from a long hiatus. It's like lightning in a bottle. You can't force it to happen and once let loose you can never get it back. There will be another, we just have to go find it.

> The same can be applied to the golden era of MLP by the way
/pone/ will be forgotten by all except the few who were there to experience it. I'm rewatching the show again now and i'm just back to shitpost for a bit while i work on a greentext and relive the glory days.

As for bullying users though, I can't remember which chan had /AM/ (anime and manga) on it. But I think my favorite thing I ever accomplished and is a perfect example of how I think boards should be run comes from there. There was some nerd who was trying to argue that we needed more quality for our banners, so I made an awful banner that just lampooned his points and offered it to the board owner. It was subsequently made a banner much to his dismay. I even caught him trying to ask that the board owner take it down months later. I guess what I'm trying to say is that as long as you're trying to have a good time regardless of your behavior its good chan culture.

And I know it was him because I confronted him so I could make fun of him for being a whiny bitch. He denied it, but 7-8 posts later he said something referencing his previous statements from our previous argument about it. I was going to post it, but my hard drive crashed and I lost most of my files from that time period. Lucky for me I had an older backup with most of my pony folder still in tact

Don't mean to dump ass text on you or anything, TL;DR have fun I guess.
> 3rd webm is basically 4chan users at this point

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> Modern chan culture is so far removed from the way it was that i would argue anybody from before 2016 is an oldfag now.
with those standards, I would fit as one (2014). Technically, the classic standard timeline would establish that I am a bananafag (or cancerfag, though if I am not wrong those are the ones for 2012), while the oldfags are those who lurked before 2007. 

For this board standards, yes, there have been two waves of users and one of those who appeared in the first one (when the board was created) is actually writing the FoE fic in the other thread. In a relative sense for this board(and the site itself), he is an oldfag.

> That being said when I talk about old chan culture i'm really thinking of the archaic chan culture from 2009-2012 anything before that probably counts as prehistoric.

well, I wasn´t there when that happened although popular boards such as /co/, /v/ and /pol/ have changed drastically and  I have to agree that their old spirit is far away and almost like a myth that said idiosyncrasy existed.

> But by in large its considered offensive to many people and its probably more offensive now than it was back whenever it started. 
heh, you haven´t seen the insults that you can say in Spanish. Those actually shock people and you have almost all the warranty that you will offend someone with those words. That word is nothing to me in comparison to what I get to hear everyday. 

But indeed,  the snowflake generation has made everything controversial and even worse, full of ideology. Though this is more due to the social media circles rather than the chan culture itself.

> But if you're ingrained in the culture somewhat it is affectionate. Almost mandatory.
hell one of the main users of this board has adapted it as part of its nickname and I expected him to change it over time. After three years, he still calls himself like that (even though that was provisional for him). Are you reading this post, Bridgefag? I know that you are... 

> I think it only works on a smaller scale. I first stumbled into /pone/ when it had 17000 or so posts. I've seen lots of places die, and i'm sad to see that its all but gone coming back from a long hiatus. It's like lightning in a bottle. You can't force it to happen and once let loose you can never get it back. There will be another, we just have to go find it.

any idea what you can find out there? How can you expect that you will find another one if many boards have tried and failed to stay all that long for that spirit that you are looking for?

Because this board isn´t exactly competing for conveying that sense coming from /mlp/. What brings you over here, aside from creating the Twilight thread with the glass of chocolate milk?

> /pone/ will be forgotten by all except the few who were there to experience it. 
then, it did its purpose for fulfilling the wishes and entertainment for those people. Nothing lasts forever and...well, one should be glad that it happened. Although the lightning in a bottle can be applied to the 4th gen and the phenomena behind it in general, not only for /8pone/

> I'm rewatching the show again now and i'm just back to shitpost for a bit while i work on a greentext and relive the glory days.
hey that´s cool. By the way, as you are talking about /8pone/, were you lurking over here in the past before this year? Because it sounds that you might have made  a thread or posted back when /endpone/ was created.

 By the way, if you want to drop a few thoughts in hindsight of an episode or something specific  that you want to tackle, you know that this thread exists for that purpose. No need to rush anything though.

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> I think my favorite thing I ever accomplished and is a perfect example of how I think boards should be run comes from there. There was some nerd who was trying to argue that we needed more quality for our banners, so I made an awful banner that just lampooned his points and offered it to the board owner. It was subsequently made a banner much to his dismay. I even caught him trying to ask that the board owner take it down months later. 

> I guess what I'm trying to say is that as long as you're trying to have a good time regardless of your behavior its good chan culture

well, I think that everyone should read this line that I am highlighting over here. 

> And I know it was him because I confronted him so I could make fun of him for being a whiny bitch. He denied it, but 7-8 posts later he said something referencing his previous statements from our previous argument about it. I was going to post it, but my hard drive crashed and I lost most of my files from that time period. Lucky for me I had an older backup with most of my pony folder still in tact

well, if you feel like complementing the whole story with those screencaps, that would complete the whole story of yours. Like me with the 7 digits of /mlp/, I think that these little fun stories should be delivered with more patience and when you want to express every detail of the whole story.  
> Don't mean to dump ass text on you or anything, TL;DR have fun I guess.
 what if I told you that the reply is the fun (and vital) part of the whole process?

Although perhaps we have different concepts of fun because I am not one of those people who would be giving all he energy for a party (but more like leaving a few reflections after the main event). So my concept of fun is more laid back than what you are presenting over here.

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Okay, Proof of Life Shitpost (PoLS) tonight because I have been watching the episode that I am going to expose this week over here. 

I think that I have all the images prepared and a few notes taken. There are 2 problems: https://www.phanact.com/poni/index.php doesn´t work for me so I´ll have to give a couple of links coming from Dailymotion. If anyone can provide a replacement for nightmaremoon.de, I will appreciate it. As for now, it´s what I am sticking with so far.

The other problem is that I am not sure if I am going to accidentally forget about a few details or points worth mentioning (despite taking a few notes and the timings). The episode, while easy to milk for several topics, might turn out to be quite hard for bringing up all that I want to deliver so, perhaps the end result might be less than what I have been thinking about while watching it. The content itself, while not difficult to tackle, the organization and the approach that I take out of it are the main challenges that I find complicated while writing the essay. 

In the meantime, I leave you wondering what season 7 episode I am talking about...

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> I generally prefer fanart to screenshots, and I'd rather not have too much of Twilight, but other than that I'm very open. 
I will arrange something after turkey day  and possibly a chaotic surprise visit from family. that may last a few days  Same applies for the watch thread. 

> I don't really mind the ultra belligerent oldfags, even when they're railing against me.
Belligerent oldfags play a part in keeping a chan healthy. Though I do find some ultra belligerent ones to do stuff, like going after stuff that has the slightest hint of  hetrodox to be potential bad for a board's health.

>  If anyone can provide a replacement for nightmaremoon.de, I will appreciate it. As for now, it´s what I am sticking with so far.
What about downloading from yaponies?

> In the meantime, I leave you wondering what season 7 episode I am talking about...
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOh, someone has a "secret"  Look forward to it. 

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> What about downloading from yaponies?
yeah, I am going to include it but I have always preferred the links that give you instant access for watching it without having to rely on Yayponies. I used to give the links for nightmaremoon but it seems that I am going to provide both mediums and then, it´s up for the user to decide in the end. 

> someone has a "secret" Look forward to it.

I have just finished the essay. Almost 3800 words= 7 full posts.

I might have forgotten about a couple of details along the way while writing it but I think that, as a balance for not accomplishing completely what I could bring up on the table, the whole spotlight follows a more linear path. 

As for the episode in question, I have said earlier that it had to have enough material in order to be milked. Said episode isn´t A Royal Problem. So there you have one episode less to think about off the episode list. 

I could post it right now but...I am going to let you guys have a nice time out there with your families first and share this spotlight tomorrow instead so you can take your time.

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Well, despite revising it a couple of times, I am not sure if everything is redacted correctly. These next 7 posts will focus on the third episode spotlight. It´s longer than the one exposed for A Health Of Information and if there is anyone who can provide more links for streaming the episodes, it will be welcome. One of the links  has the episode in 1080p (TVRip) but the subtitles aren´t in English to be precise.

Anyway, here it is...

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Who hasn´t established a few headcanons in his mind and then, the canon show decides to tear them into pieces? What if the concept that you had implied before didn´t turn out in the way that you expected? 
What happens when someone decides to invest some time for characters that need more development but you simply decide to hop on that partial concept that is yet left to be defined?

These questions can be asked for many things about the show and not even the writing staff knew what ideas there were behind and what actually happened in execution, much less the fans who decided to dive into concepts that...while the show was meant to end with 65 episodes, the generation ended up with more than 200 episodes. Considering that there have been 9 seasons in order to define the entire world, for this spotlight, I am venturing into one of the biggest turnarounds that has been delivered in this generation.

The changelings...live up to their name, not only in the practical terms but also, they have turned out to mark one of the least expected twists when it comes to reaching a full transformation that would make them absolutely different from the sample that we had. This has caused very extreme mixed reactions when the season 6 finale: To Where and Back Again, decided to surprise fans and strangers with the butterfly design. Even their own philosophy has been completely subverted, from using the disguises in a tactical way for accomplishing their objectives to display their original true selves. 

However, for this change to occur, we need some context. Fans have been used to the old design, not because of the screen time of this species, but because of the huge amount of time between the airing of A Canterlot Wedding and the 6th season (a difference of 4-5 years since the production between ACW and The Times Are A Changeling). The map of Equestria has been expanded because of deeper exploration of said established species and then, use them in a more recurring manner. This didn´t simply happen to the changelings, the dragons suffered this treatment as well (without any change in their designs). All this build-up would lead to what we got in the last two seasons. How did everything manage to happen?

For starters, do you remember any speaking roles from Chrysalis´ minions at the time (without using any disguise)? There is a factor that the community was hungry for cool stuff and the changelings, like many other things at the time, got a lot of hype in the early years of the 2010s. Despite not getting much more information about them, they would gain an incredible amount of popularity...except that there was one big problem with that: 

They were a "Show, don´t tell" species. There was some room to subvert their concept and DHX decided to stay 4 years completely silent, except for a little cameo in Slice of Life. (Episode 100). When the staff decided to reintroduce them, they went for a very different direction from the one that everyone was expecting…

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As soon as one would see that little changeling flying in the background at the end of The Crystalling (Season 6 opener), in the middle of said season, the fuse would turn on with the first changeling (and the only one who differed in views) that would get a huge role without being neither a villain nor an antagonist: Thorax. Furthermore, said design and explosion of love that would surprise anyone else was given to the overwhelming amount of love that he would get from Flurry Heart. Two big twists happened: his leadership would change the direction of the species by overthrowing Chrysalis and the transformation which would turn out to be the indicator for not needing to feed with love sucked from others.

So, for this episode, we´ll get more or less the same treatment that we had in The Parent Map: first, reformations/concepts thrown directly and then, the context in hindsight in order to justify them. This has happened several times in this generation, just that the changelings stand out for reaching such a huge extreme that would unsettle everyone at the time and still hold the disenchantment from sectors of the fanbase. Given that the twist has already been executed, let´s see what happens once you get to see their new ways of integrating them into this world.  Before Ocellus showed up, there was a transitional process of adaptation and said peak of lore and changes would be shown in the 7th season with...

TO CHANGE A CHANGELING (Season 7, Episode 17)


So, the average fan would think about the 7th season and you get to ask them for an arc. What arc would they think about? All of them would mention that the main arc for season 7 was The Pillars of Equestria. All of them would answer correctly except that there is a little downside by mentioning this alone... because there was a very small arc intended for season 7.

To begin with, keep in mind that the season 6 finale consisted in the transformation of the changelings and they would show up several times after that. There was a little arc that would follow the radical change, both visually and conceptually: Celestial Advice, Triple Threat and this spotlight: To Change A Changeling. This arc accomplishes how the changelings would integrate themselves after getting rid of the authoritarian regime of scarcity in terms of resources (love) and so, this transition would display how Thorax would become a leader (despite having no previous experience at that whatsoever) and how said species would follow his lessons according to what he had learned in season 6 from Twilight, Spike and The Crystal Empire as a whole.

With the advice in terms of confidence coming from Ember in Triple Threat, he would succeed at convincing the rest of the changelings except for his brother Pharynx. With this long backstory, let´s dive into the episode itself...

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So, in case that one wonders about needing to watch this episode with the previous ones in mind, while this episode needs some plenty of context in order to understand what´s going on, one has to keep in mind that the episode is...actually quite simple to follow because of the clear plot device. In addition, we are talking about a slice of life episode and as soon as you start watching it, you will realize that there will be quite a few antics dropped throughout the entire episode. While it expands and normalizes the traditions and concepts after their reformation, the episode relies a lot on comedy. 

Despite being set completely in the changeling hive (a mostly unfamiliar place for the viewer), it managed to convey that this is FiM episode as you know. Many people cherish Frenemies for featuring the villains only but To Change A Changeling... doesn´t feature any of the mane 6/CMC whatsoever. There is also the detail that the main 4 characters are all relatively new. We are talking about characters that have been defined and developed from season 6 onwards when it comes to the interactions shown here. Now, before anyone comes over here and replies to this post with this question: "Hey, what about Trixie and Dolores? You are omitting the fact that the debuted earlier in the show" You would be correct by stating the fact that these two appeared earlier. 

HOWEVER, just because they appeared earlier, it doesn´t mean that said impact would affect to their development shown after their reintroduction in their concepts. Imagine that an outsider or any new fan came to binge watch the show, Trixie, despite her insane fame within the community, doesn´t show up beyond two episodes before the writers decided to hit the reset button with her role in the show with No Second Prances. As for the pink unicorn, she would only show up in the premiere and finale of season 5 (she has had more screen time than Trixie!) but her change of focus started to flesh out when she had the will to visit Sunburst in The Crystalling. Meanwhile, Thorax, as explained earlier, would make his debut in The Times Are A Changeling and from there, he would end up getting the leadership (with this flaw of not convincing Pharynx yet)

So, this previous paragraph clears up that this episode, doesn´t feature exactly the oldest characters or aspects that would remember at first from the show. Perhaps Trixie but even in that case, she wasn´t all that well defined either because... and here it´s the main moral of the episode: 

They had to adjust their roles in this world

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The main moral of the episode isn´t thrown at the end but in the conversation that both Trixie and Dolores have with Pharynx around the 7th and 8th minute. Both unicorns explain their own pasts in order to convince Pharynx but they don´t apparently get any outcome by explaining them. This message is also complemented around the 12th minute, when Pharynx is disguised as a rock, listening to the whole conversation that Trixie and Dolores had about him being a lost cause. There is a key line that Dolores says about Thorax: he doesn´t only have to deal with his brother but with his duties as a leader as well.

This means that Thorax has actually found his role and he has managed to figure out how to act diplomatically and make significant reforms with his people (while receiving huge complaints from the rest of the changelings for disrupting them in their business). In his defence, Thorax tries to put a vote of trust towards his brother, hoping that eventually, Pharynx makes things easier for him in order to establish properly all the changes and work out nicely. However, Pharynx hasn´t found his role because he misses the old days as the head patrol, with his conviction that there will be enemies coming up to the hive (he is true about the fierce Maulwurf though)

Now, there might be a belief that Pharynx transforming into the new design means that he has lost his edge and charismatic attitude (which works pretty nicely in this episode. There are some huge slaps thrown from his mouth to the rest that deliver a chuckle and his attitude is hard not to fall in love with, the contrast between the good vibes from the rest of the cast and his actual way of thinking without caring what the others think about him (in short: he is based) causes a very funny experience at how he breaks the schemes out of everyone). 

Let me say that Pharynx´s transformation with the butterfly wings doesn´t represent a twist in terms of reforming him with a 180 in his mind but more as a sign for telling that he has managed to find his purpose within the hive. As much as you have to agree with his points that he brings up in the Feelings Forum or with Trixie and Dolores, he forgets about the little detail that his purpose doesn´t consist in conquering the rest of Equestria but with the defence of his species. 

His actual role changes from thinking that he is the head of a patrol to turning into the Minister of Defence for the entire hive.  

Thorax, while displaying his best with his role as a leader and diplomat (proven in School Daze by the way, he is very peaceful for real), he does display flaws in his way of approaching the military field in which he doesn´t shine all that well. However, his flaw has proven to be characteristic from him since his childhood while Pharynx has always shown more passion towards the matter.  

The transformation means that he actually manages to complement his brother and finds a role within the hive. He isn´t hated among the other changelings because of his way of thinking (in fact, he was given the time to speak in his own defence in the Forum in public), he is despised because his approach doesn´t fit with the current circumstances. It´s not about the way that he acts but the way in which he applies his views in practice. In this episode, he has been through a way to reconsider his own place. Even though he has been in the verge of being kicked and the others have tried to convince him constantly, his purpose has been found because of his own reflections.

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I am going to go even further and state that Pharynx, before reaching the climax by beating the Maulwurf and despite his rude attitude, has had all the ingredients to be as much of a sweetheart as his brother. 

Do you believe that I am kidding about this statement? Perhaps Thorax sets the bar really high but Pharynx proves that he doesn´t fall short either. 

The most obvious moment that the episode exposes that he stood for Thorax in front of the other maggots who were mocking at his little brother. In the episode in question, he says in front of Dolores, Trixie and Thorax that he would have already feasted the two unicorns...but he doesn´t (so this means that either Thorax´s viewpoint has managed to enter into his mind to an extent or he doesn´t have the capability to do what he claims). He claims to not take advice from ponies either but, why did he turn into a rock for listening to both at the back? Why was he taking into account their backstories as villains and claim that they might understand him?

I will say this, the moment where Pharynx is actually the most "out of character" relatively speaking is...right in his presentation (his first two or three lines). Given that I am listening to the original English VA (Ian Hamlin), you can tell differences in his tone at first, sounding very sharp and presenting himself as a really menacing changeling. He does that with other changelings as well but from the 4th minute onwards, his voice sounds deeper, by starting his mindset of mockery and provide very funny contrasts because of his smugness and impish (yet honest) views towards the problem. At his worst, he is actually challenging to deal with but he never goes that far, even though he gained quite a lot of infamy because of not letting others live in peace and grow a sense of weariness about his intrusive attitude.

All of this is even more reinforced towards the end. When he gets to face the Maulwurf on his own, he admitted that he needed the aid coming from the swarm but not from his insect transformation alone. Not only that but he proves to love the hive and his people even if they have opposing views towards the matter. 

One of the biggest reasons why I am picking this episode is because of this: None of the characters here is the villain. No one.

Both opposing views admit their mistakes and frictions that both have had. While Pharynx gives the impression that he is the villain, in reality, what I have exposed here and certain details in his attitude proves that even the most unpopular view have its own rights to be heard and defended. What caused the conflict was the approach at dealing with the problem. Both brothers care about the future of the hive yet time has proven how strong or weak both sides were with their own arguments at handling this dispute. 

The resolution arrives because of the free will that has come out naturally from both parts and despite the constant suggestions at taking one decision over the other, there was an effort in order to understand themselves. Therefore, Pharynx´s transformation means, not only the role for the hive, but also the trophy for finally reaching an actual agreement because they actually feel like doing so (which is quite heart-warming).

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Besides the focus on Pharynx and the compromises that Thorax has to handle, does this episode have anything else to offer? As I mentioned earlier, while watching this episode, you are going to hear tons of lines meant for comedy.

Seriously, since the very beginning, the episode barely stops at delivering comical lines. Except for the backstory behind Pharynx, his confession at the end and the fight against the Maulwurf, the rest of the episode either releases them like rapid fire or they build it up for a specific joke to land. There are two moments worth mentioning here:

The Feeling´s Forum. This one can be interpreted either in a serious way or in a laughable one. The serious one can be interpreted that the writing staff has decided to illustrate the mechanisms of social media. I don´t think that there is anything in particular to mention here because the pattern is too generic to even point at one. 
Considering that they were starker with Fame and Misfortune, they could have been more specific but if one sees the development of the feeling’s forum, there is something really valuable to take out of that scene: how the personal thoughts eventually become political (unavoidable fate in this day and age). This starts at expressing the personal feelings first and then, at some point, certain political topic arises (in this case, displaying their discomfort towards Pharynx and complaining at Thorax for not handling the problem properly).  The scene might look cheesy but surprisingly enough, I think that they have portrayed social media (or well, the entire internet including this board) in general with that tendency.

The other way to interpret it is with comical one: The writers could have decided to set up this scene in order to make fun of the "New Age"/hippie mentality and how it utterly fails at spreading love constantly because of the patience limit. Considering that the episode has kept that tone of not taking itself too seriously, I wouldn´t be surprised that they wanted to parody this utopian mindset of sharing good vibes all the time.

Another highlight that deserves to be praised is how Dolores delivers a very inspiring discourse to the rest of the changelings with a confident thick voice. How such a discourse meant to be inspiring for the masses had utterly failed (at first) at convincing any of them. The whole discourse and the end result that comes right after that scene is absolutely priceless. 

As for Trixie, she brings a very funny delivery in general. Personally speaking, I would say that one of the most shocking moments coming from her is that she went that far at trying convince Pharynx that she even outright praised the figure of Twilight Sparkle. She really did that. The changelings in general, don´t think that they fall all that short at reacting like ponies either. The contrast in the reactions for hearing the good news (Pharynx is gone) and the bad news (the Maulwurf is coming) deserves to be mentioned as well as the changeling who complained about the soup in the feeling’s forum scene.

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The episode in general, while it can be analysed with a very deep perspective, follows a pretty spontaneous flow in terms of pacing and a very casual tone. Just that this episode offers enough material to be judged seriously but it can be taken as a very casual pick too.

So, does this episode need to be watched with the previous ones that precede it? Given its slice of life nature and the fact that the plot device is actually the context that Thorax has been dealing with his brother (shown in Triple Threat), it doesn´t require much context in order to be enjoyed on its own. You need the context in order to warm up with it and reinforce everything that one gets to watch over here. Nonetheless, considering that the plot device for this conflict (a familiar one) turns out to be really standard and given that it relies on comedy pretty often, it doesn´t prevent from its enjoyment independently within its 22 minutes.

I must say that this episode doesn´t depend on the nostalgia factor. That is to say, the cast of characters featured over here is relatively new and that might turn off the people who are looking for the main characters that one has been used to seeing throughout the entire show. In addition, the changelings don´t act like minions (nor look like that, not even Pharynx does with his colour combination with the old design) and put at the forefront a very individualistic mindset/values in comparison with the previous regime. Basically, I am stating here that this episode is anti-nostalgic in the sense that there are no old elements to rely on for this whole episode, trying to test the waters in the sense that you are watching FiM without resorting to the safest options that would make it easier to prove that this is actually Friendship is Magic.

This episode was chosen because, despite its reliance on comedy for the most part, it transcends that spontaneous feel with some undertones and detail worth analysing, especially when it comes to Pharynx and his role within the hive. The episode stands out the most when it comes to building up a very divisive conflict where both parts are right but at the same time, are far from idealistic until those views are combined and come to an agreement in the end.  

The title suggests that the whole objective was the process of changing a changeling, Pharynx. However, I beg to differ because while said objective was accomplished, it might not have been because of a change in his attitude but more like trying to find the right balance and a feedback of his own role. 

In the end, if they finally managed to change him, wouldn´t that process imply that other changelings (and a couple of ponies too) changed their mindset towards him (and Thorax to an extent) as well?

I guess that not everything has to target strictly at one side alone...

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Well, it turns out that there is something left to do over here...

> Personally, speaking, I still have two episodes spotlights left to set up over here before this year ends and fortunately, none of those two are related to the first 3 seasons

and i said this sentence over here. Two episode spotlights and one of them was To Change a Changeling. Huh.

There is still one last episode to expose over here and I see that Christmas is getting closer. (with an announcement coming from the board owner by the way).  After two entire weeks of complete inactivity, this surely feels like an actual Proof of Life Shitpost. 

Alright, time to announce the last episode spotlight for this 2020. 

Several posts in which I display a commentary/analysis towards an episode of my unfiltered thoughts about the episode itself, its context and topics/questions that I want to bring to the table. 

I don´t want to look like a liar...A promise is a promise.

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sorry CB, I was focusing on other things in the meantime. 

Okay, so what you mention is that...

> It might discourage you to know DWK did this one too.
in reality, CB, it doesn´t matter in the end. My mentality about these spotlights doesn´t consist  in seeing what other reviewers have said (although one could use them as an element of discussion as well) but doing the exercise of thinking about it on your own. And yeah, I perfectly knew that DWK made a video related to it. 

> I've kinda always wanted to watch it so if I don't have it already downloaded I'll go over it this weekend and comment on it, DWK's take, your take, and potentially ramble further after that.

and, how did it go? have you given it a chance? Although I see that  >>/6959/ you have already found a track related to it. Nice.

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Alright, I have the episode spotlight already written. I am about to share it here but keep in mind that this might be the longest one of the bunch (10 posts, almost 5000 words) and there are other aspects that are unrelated to the episode itself so...

It may arrive late and it has been rushed (pardon the possible mistakes) and I have had to watch the episode several times in order to focus on it properly. 

Anyway, here it is...

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When one has to think about certain moments where you believe that everything ends up in pure happiness and joy, does that mean that every single character will have a happy ending forever? If that´s true, for how long? Where does one draw the line for conveying that sense of joy? How would every single character of one of the greatest parties deal with the next day after celebrating it as if it were the ending of that fairy tale?

Well, these are a few questions that one raises after watching the movie released in 2017 and gets to see the whole ending with Sia´s song and all the characters (both old and the new ones introduced in that entry) where they celebrate a huge party in Canterlot after defeating the Storm King. 

For this Christmas period, there are several episodes in the list that are very fitting for spending a good amount of time with franchise: Hearth's Warming Eve, A Hearth's Warming Tail, Hearthbreakers, The Hearth's Warming Club ( >>/1954/) and Best Gift Ever ( >>/2358/- >>/2360/,  >>/3871/); not to mention that one could also include several episodes related to the Winter season. This gen can perfectly provide a couple of hours of entertainment when it comes to this period and in the season 8 thread, you can actually read the reviews about the last two episodes mentioned.  

This episode spotlight will serve just to check how episodes were discussed at the time (back in 2018) and how one can analyse from a distant perspective. This time, the episode chosen for this spotlight comes from the 8th season.

You might be wondering if this episode is Christmas related but as shown in A Health of Information with Nightmare Night, the theme cannot be found in the episode itself. This means that this spotlight could have been reviewed at any other day/period of time. Any user who is reading this post and raises this approach is going to be correct, anyone can point out the seemingly inappropriate criteria for writing this episode spotlight...

However, this review fulfils a very different purpose because today, December 23, the 2nd wave of /endpone/ started all of a sudden with this series of posts: from  >>/272/ and  >>/273/ to  >>/288/. So, as you can guess, this spotlight follows a more meta perspective so, pardon me if this spotlight doesn´t follow exactly the formula that was delivered for other episodes because there is a more personal meta context that I have to address and for this occasion, there are going to be details that you can´t consider normal for reviewing an episode. 

It´s been 3 years….3 years since I pressed the New Reply button on the old Endchan servers where 500 and 502 errors would pop up very often and would have inconsistent periods of maintenance (you could refresh the page several times and the site would sometimes work and all of a sudden, get an error that points out that you are stuck). 

If anyone out there had told my old self what would happen after hitting that button, if anyone had told me that I was opening Pandora´s box at the time, I wouldn´t have believed that person. Only 3 years, yet after 2020, it feels so...distant (I feel older than the actual material time). Receiving a reply from the old Polish Board Owner with a Hi Anon picture that was seemingly innocent at the time and then, the race for the 300 posts for reaching the 1st page on Endchan´s boardlist would become a spontaneous task that would spark the start of this second wave.

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So, what´s the correlation with this 3rd anniversary of that 2nd wave with this spotlight? Well, this thread  >>/6625/ was also created for gen 4´s 10th anniversary so this means that I happened to make this species ""seemingly"" important to the board (when they weren´t) and, how many episodes does one have to work with related to them? Not many, in fact, they arrived really late and the impact for this community has been quite small so far. 

As I intended to point out with those initial questions and the context coming from the movie with that final party, the 4th generation didn´t end with the movie, hence I asked if the happy ending was actually all that happy in the first place. It didn´t turn out to be so happy because like parties and all things in life, everything comes to an end and there is always a tomorrow where you have to keep going and move onto other business. There is always a time limit for these short-lived events. You might be wondering if this is related to any of the characters involved in the movie. Not directly from the cast but the actions that happened in the movie would greatly affect the direction of this episode. Therefore, this episode spotlight marks the actual sequel, the period after the party that would define the direction of a family...

This episode was leaked in December 2017, so it´s been 3 years since it was released as well. Behind the scenes of these posts, one could actually watch this 22-minute sequel to the movie and it was actually reviewed on this board as well. The last episode spotlight for this 2020 is...

SURF AND/OR TURF (Season 8, Episode 6)

https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6gpsgv (2017 leaked version, no background music)

Not all the episodes from season 8 aired in 2018 because during the start of this 2nd wave, one could watch certain episodes (basically from the 5th episode until the 13th) such as The Mean 6, Horse Play, Non Compete Clause, The Parent Map and this episode in question: Surf and/or Turf; you could get access (without making much effort) in order to check out this leaked material. This means that we have had this bunch of episodes for 3 years as well and this pick doesn´t simply have its justification because of /endpone/ alone.  

This episode has also been reviewed before  >>/1260/ so one can compare what I thought about that episode back in 2018 but in this case however, I want to bring other matters. So, let´s dive into it...


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As soon as one starts watching Surf and/or Turf, the episode already makes clear to the viewer that this episode involves the CMC as the main protagonist with Twilight as a secondary character for accompanying them. The main reason Twilight is doing this is because, not only because the CMC are still fillies for going that far, but also because of this (apparently) simple plot device: the signatures from both Silverstream´s parents. 

The episode also uses Apple Bloom, while they are going to Mt.Aris by train, for explaining to the viewer the whole backstory that happened in the movie. This move serves for both as an introduction and a justification for this species ‘existence for those people who haven´t watched the movie and, in a nutshell, they get exposed to that subverted version that Apple Bloom (putting AJ as the main hero who defeated the Storm king) tells to the rest who are travelling on that wagon (with the help of the initial scene with the map of harmony). When they arrive at the station, everything that was messy in the movie has been either repaired or recovered because of the period between the movie and this episode. Unlike the movie, this episode doesn´t rely on adventures but a slice of life nature instead. 

In theory, what this episode supposedly presents is the typical CMC episode where they argue between each other and cause a conflict or make matters worse until they decide to apologize and thus, things go back on track. This is nothing new and if you want to judge this episode with a simplistic manner without relying on any difficulties, you could sum it up with the average CMC formula and you would get away with it and let´s be honest, this episode doesn´t stand out when it comes to originality in terms of using orthodox formulas of writing. 

So, the conflict happens because the CMC have to decide which place is better: Mt. Aris or Seaquestria. Sweetie Belle leans to the former because she is left amazed by the beauty of the Harmonizing Heights and Scootaloo leans towards the latter and of those reasons that back up her convictions is that swimming almost feels like flying. While water is denser than air and the speed might not be as high as one could move in the sky, the 3d movement and freedom of choice to go at any direction is actually the same, she isn´t technically wrong. However, for those who have watched other episodes related to Scootaloo (such as Flight to the Finish or The Washouts), that line coming from her with so much joy might not leave anyone indifferent. 

I also must highlight how Sweetie Belle scorns Seaquestria during her stay and speeds up the whole visit because she cannot stand it and prefers much more the Harmonizing Heights. Apple Bloom, while she doesn´t mind visiting any of those two places, she isn´t involved in the conflict but she delivers a pretty funny moment when she has to work as the messenger for both Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle when they are sitting next to each other on the beach. 

Despite visiting a new place that has been unfamiliar for basically anyone except for the mane 6, the humour and the whole feel throughout this episode just resembles to the sense of a place that they have been visiting for their whole lives. It´s so welcoming from the very beginning that you wonder for a moment if this is their first visit to this faraway location.

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While this episode can be seen as the standard CMC episode, there is an apparent feel that this follows an easy formula to follow and it actually does that…. apparently. However, the beauty of this episode doesn´t rely on the matters that appear at the forefront but in its subtlety. The episode, while it can be perfectly judging with its linear nature, there is another layer underneath the surface level that makes this episode worth revisiting. 

The distinctive element here is the new character: Terramar. 

While he didn´t appear in the movie, he is Skystar´s cousin/Novo´s nephew, so he is a member of the royal family of that kingdom. He is quite welcoming from the start and while there are apparently no problems in this place, this location isn´t the same as it was before the mane 6 arrived.... neither were its people. What does this mean?

The slice of life nature comes from the fact that all of them were living underwater in Seaquestria and a part of them returned to Mt Aris while the rest decided to stay in the underwater environment. This whole process of liberation was wholeheartedly celebrated, the mood changed for the better and the happiness was greatly increased because they could finally restore their old home.... except for one little aspect.

While everyone has actually ended up living in the conditions that they freely choose to live in the end (no restrictions from the outside for deciding where to dwell), those different interests might not have been free of facing its collateral consequences. No tensions and no interruptions between each other so there aren´t any problems that could actually harm their civilization, not to mention that both places, as shown in the episode, have their own charm and on their own, you cannot go wrong in terms of living a life that can provide a good amount of quality. Therefore, the technical department isn´t exactly the problem here. 

However, this episode decides to expose one possible flaw that ended up forging this whole conflict. More like conflict, a lack of understanding and dialogue from both parts that was unintended. 

The uniqueness of this episode doesn´t come from the CMC´s perspective. Sure, the main protagonists take the screentime here but it´s done for a very good reason that falls into a very grey area here. It comes from the subtlety and while the episode increases the conflict between the CMC, it turns out that the problem came from way earlier their appearance. The episode puts all the ingredients for the viewer so he can focus on the CMC but where the episode hides its whole conflict comes from Terramar and thus, this episode should be watched considering it from Terramar´s point of view , especially when it comes to his psychology and his inner confusions.

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This episode plays with the mind of the viewer, disguising itself with a conflict that falls into an average territory in order to hide another one that Brian Holfield and the storyboard´s staff cannot display so openly in a little kids’ show. What this episode hides from the viewer but shows very subtly so kids cannot notice it is that:

The process of divorce

This is the haunting part that makes this episode so special in comparison with others. It plays with enough subtlety so the basic understanding of the episode doesn´t reach these conclusions so easily. It´s subtle enough in order to leave a few signals so you can tell that both Terramar´s parents: Sky Beak and Ocean Flow; they have been through a process of divorce. Yet they don´t seem to look like that (and they even appear together in season 9 with Uprooted), it doesn´t leave an apparent impression that they are actually divorced. So, why do they smile in the end when they get to see each other?

It turns out that this divorce comes from the fact that both of them have simply decided to live their own lifestyle in the different environments.

So, how can you tackle this concept in a show whose target audience is the little kids? Then, you start to wonder how Hasbro and DHX haven´t been sued and when one takes into account this factor of running risks that could cost a lot of complaints and possible lawsuits that could cause controversy, this episode has managed to pass as a normal one...because all the main ingredients overshadow this concept. 

That is to say, everything that you are going to see in this episode are just excuses in order to put the divorce problem as an obscure theme that isn´t noticeable with a very casual eye. This is because everything shown serves as a filter where it can easily go unnoticed but at the same time, anyone has enough elements and little details to detect that said situation has occurred.

If you want to analyse the divorce, the viewer has to put a lot of effort on focusing on the details, matching the little pieces of the puzzle delivered throughout the entire episode. The episode DEMANDS that if you want to associate this episode with the divorce, one has to nitpick, not as a mentality, but because for analysing this episode with this approach, one must stay watchful as a requirement. 

The episode might seemingly lines of filler such as the "research" or "business" words that come from Twilight (the signatures from the parents and the conversations that Twilight has had with both Sky Beak and Ocean Flow behind the scenes) or when Terramar and Twilight present the lore behind the hippogriffs and seaponies, when that innocent backstory also explains precisely the whole root of said divorce.

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So, if the viewer wants to keep an eye on this episode when it comes to the whole divorce theme, I must say that the episode is really elusive for certain details and how the episode itself keeps a normal nature when in reality, it´s a disguise that happens to stay unnoticed.  You might need to watch several times certain scenes in order to spot these little hints that aim at the same direction but are covered with different other topics on top of them.

For example, when the CMC and Twilight get to see Ocean Flow for the first time in her house, the conversation that the viewer pulls from the clip doesn´t seem to be unnatural at all. However, whenever Twilight talks about the signatures part (which involves the theme behind the parents), Ocean Flow cuts off completely the topic, not because she doesn´t want to talk about the topic, but because of her character and the fact that she was eager to present other things in the meantime. Well, this whole move is an excuse for not dealing with the topic but it´s so well disguised, it follows such a natural tone that the viewer cannot suspect that anything is wrong there. It can only be detected when you analyse this episode with the mindset of trying to detect said divorce with an exhaustive approach.

However, the episode doesn´t want to hide the concept all the time. It just simply makes it more or less obvious but it´s still overshadowed by other elements of this episode. There are little sentences that clear up this whole matter, just that one has to notice where these phrases come from. For example:

> Sky Beak: "There's my boy!"
< Terramar: "Hi, Dad!"
> Sky Beak: "Haven't seen you in days, son. Wish you'd come around more often."

< Terramar: "Mom!"
> Ocean Flow: "Terramar! Welcome home, baby! No excuses. This time, you're staying for dinner."

These two little moments when Terramar greets his parents speak volumes because there is a subtle feel that both have been missing his presence at home and the divorce raises because of the fact of having two houses and that those places aren´t all that near and one has to spend a few minutes for rotating between them.

But...why does this episode hide this concept so much? Well, that´s because the adult stuff is omitted and this approach is focused on Terramar´s perspective, the awareness that a child has towards this matter, without getting to know the adult matters that happen behind the scenes.

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One could actually claim that this whole episode is filler or lacks a lot of meaning because it skips completely the adult matters.

However, one has to keep in mind this: Twilight and especially the CMC go through the entire process of what Terramar has felt since his parents were divorced. In fact, the conflict between both Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo is exactly the mental process that Terrramar has been trying to digest inside his head, leading him into a permanent state of confusion. This becomes even more frustrating when they get mad because Terramar has been absolutely reminded by that process of trying to come up with a decision of picking one place over the other.

This also applies to Twilight but with a more pleasant take. Nonetheless, she develops a sense of empathy towards Terramar´s point of view after noticing how complicated is to choose to spend time either in Mt Aris or in Seaquestria. She enjoys her stay at first, then she undermines Terramar´s perspective and finally, she understands his conflicted vision. Read this part of the script in order to notice her change of mindset towards the problem while talking with the CMC about the problem:

> Twilight Sparkle: "Whoever said that he had to choose?"
< Apple Bloom: Well, he did.
> Twilight Sparkle: "Hmmm... Maybe Terramar's making it harder than it has to be."
< Ocean Flow: Yoo-hoo! Princess! We're having a seashell-crafting circle. Care to join us?
> Twilight Sparkle:"Actually, we're right in the middle of—"
< Sky Beak: There you are! The flag-folding ceremony's about to begin!
> Twilight Sparkle: "Thank you, really. I've had a great time in both places today, but... [whispering, to Cutie Mark Crusaders] Wow. This must be how Terramar feels all the time."

So, this whole episode recreates the inner conflict that Terramar has been dealing with, the viewer, while not directly getting to see the main actors of this problem in front of the staging, is actually watching a perfect analogy of Terramar´s mind while he had to face the whole process. The episode apparently seems to work like filler but far from reality, the episode wants to convey his inner struggles and recreate the situations that turned out to be the outcome of this process of divorce.

This process of divorce can be devastating for children and this is shown subtly...in a kids´ show. The adult stuff is skipped because it mutes the voices from both Sky Beak, Ocean Flow and even Twilight when they get to meet at the beach. That conversation between them is actually about Terramar´s worries and how they have been dealing with their new routines all this time after the structural change inside the family.

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Finally, Terramar decides to pick neither. He stays on the tree because he cannot stand his constant mental confusion that doesn´t seem to end anytime soon. The ending is what provides the message coming from his parents and more than a friendship lesson...this time around, the whole conflict wasn´t a friendship problem but the support from the parents towards the children, even if said family is theoretically broken. 

> Sky Beak: "Son! There you are! Your friends told us how you've been feeling."
< Ocean Flow: "And we're sorry if we ever made you think you had to choose between worlds. That wasn't our intention, honey."
> Sky Beak: "Your Hippogriff heritage is something to be proud of, certainly."
< Ocean Flow: "But you're more than just where you're from or who you live with. We love you because you're you, no matter where you choose to be."
> Sky Beak: "You don't have to decide. You can keep doing what you've been doing – going back and forth."
< Ocean Flow: "And enjoying both places."

I highly suggest to read/watch these lines repeatedly and come up with certain conclusions because this is the actual message from the episode and it holds a lot of power.

What the viewer can pull out of these lines from both Sky Beak and Ocean Flow is that both, despite being separated, actually display support towards their children no matter the personal circumstances between themselves. They are aware that Silverstream and Terramar could be struggling with this process, especially the latter, and they haven´t been conscious of the potential struggles in his psychology towards this event.

This episode might not be about Christmas at all but…the message displayed for this episode seems like it was fitting for a period in which family support is shown and proven towards them.

In this message, there is an open statement about having a complete freedom for his child to choose and no matter what he does, he will always have the moral support from his parents. Both Ocean Flow and Sky Beak get to meet each other in the future (as seen in Uprooted) in order to convey that they are still together and that nothing wrong has happened between them, just that they have chosen to live on their own. 

However, they convey that feel to their children in order to keep them mentally stable, having both parental figures very present as if nothing wrong happened and thus, showing signs of a strong stable family while said status doesn´t have any compromise between themselves. They both come up with an agreement of making that effort and seeing themselves every now and then so their children don´t develop a homesick sense towards any of the two parents.

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This last episode spotlight is written for this period of time because, while it doesn´t display any apparent correlation with this date, it´s oddly suitable for several reasons. Leaving meta reasons aside, the moral (after a series of constant subtleties and poisonous lines) displayed in this episode is what makes Surf and/or Turf a highlight on its own.  Where does one draw the line for tackling the concept of divorce for a show of this TV rating? How would one approach it without noticing said theme without leaving it all that obvious for everyone?

When you keep these questions in mind, it´s where the episode actually shines above the rest and as far as I am concerned, this deserves a revisit despite knowing the entire development of this episode. It might be seen as one of those average episodes when you approach it as your average CMC episode until you realize that the CMC are the pretty face and underneath them, there is a recurrent them going on. 

Divorce...is a complicated matter to deal with and this episode actually leaves some worthy discussion related to it. Not only that but at how a company can avoid lawsuits from parents who might report that their children might be exposed towards a topic that could actually affect their family status.  Many of these happen IRL because of economic reasons, public status, politics or interests for getting more power.

Moreover, imagine if you were a person/kid who has been dealing with these issues: having your family structurally broken and then, the cartoon that you watch (for pleasure and escapism) reminds you about the harsh reality that you have been living in real life, not to mention that kids can be more influenced because of their early development and thus, one might not be aware of the possible psychological consequences that children might develop because of unstable environments.

The topic is quite tricky and shouldn´t be taken all that lightly. Nonetheless, while difficult, it should be discussed anyway because it exists and it´s becoming even more common in this century….

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Besides, this episode doesn´t simply stick with the divorce. There is also room for moral support and thus, despite talking about a theme that could lead to a lot of frustrating situations, I want to end up this last spotlight with a more positive note. Even if circumstances look complicated and dire, there will always someone out there who, despite the actions that are unrelated to you, will display a certain amount of support and love even when everything is confusing.

Those who have been using /endpone/, those people who might be out there behind the screen while reading this spotlight, hopefully you get your amount of moral support because after facing this awful 2020, at least, someone out there will give signs of love and care towards you for making it and see this whole year end in front of your own eyes. So many devastated people, psychologically speaking, have been facing many troubles along the way (including family troubles like this one) and... I think that there should be a balance and bring a sense of relief for this mental burden. 

So, from my part, I hope that you have enjoyed reading these 4-episode spotlights, the 3 years of constant activity delivered in this board and hopefully, anyone reading these posts gets to have a good time with the family during this Christmas period.

I end this anniversary by saying that it´s been a pleasure to be a user of /endpone/ for these 3 years. I would like to find the proper words for explaining this whole ride but it would require many posts of biblical proportions for wording properly the entire experience. Instead, I can only conclude this simple line for this post and anyone out there deserves to get this message:

I wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy 3rd anniversary, /endpone/.

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> It turns out that this divorce comes from the fact that
> both of them have simply decided to live their own lifestyle in the different environments.

 Not having seen the ep (as usual), my first reaction is "maybe there were health considerations"

I mean, you've no doubt heard the tale of the couple, married forty years, had to separate.
The man had developed serious heart issues, and needed to stay close to the main arterial roads in case he needed to be taken by ambulance, and anyway the big city's hospitals were better equipped to deal with his delicate health.
The woman had developed COPD and could no longer breathe in the dense city air, so she'd moved to the mountains, well away from the city.
They had both set up telescopes on their front porch, and would wave to each other if the other was watching them watch the other.

Also, given the filename,
And the fact I have a file by that name on my work computer's desktop, I'm about three-quarters sure that was me.
But since I don't have the fake-rag about how all reality is actually a kids show, I'll just shove in this image of a trough, this day.

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> You might be wondering if this episode is Christmas related but as shown in A Health of Information with Nightmare Night, the theme cannot be found in the episode itself. 
If you count Christmas as family, (as you do point out later) it totally fits, even with water.

My response to this maybe a little different and itself maybe divided into several sections. In particular I may highlight another I remember on the portrayal of divorce from a TV-Y show from my childhood for comparison. This may occur over several days, as I'm not sure how big it'll be. 

> It´s been 3 years….3 years since I pressed the New Reply button on the old Endchan servers where 500 and 502 errors would pop up very often and would have inconsistent periods of maintenance (you could refresh the page several times and the site would sometimes work and all of a sudden, get an error that points out that you are stuck). 
The classic period. 

>  if anyone had told me that I was opening Pandora´s box at the time, I wouldn´t have believed that person. 
Indeed, this board, 3 anons met at just the right time. The misadvatures I've had since then on this board or otherwise I wouldn't have believed. From pulling the plug on another community to getting directly involved in fandom drama. I don't want to overstate any of it but it is all way above anything my lurker mentality would conceive of. 

> Receiving a reply from the old Polish Board Owner with a Hi Anon picture that was seemingly innocent 
Man, BO, you were both so silent yet your influence and contribution to our current state cannot be understated. I don't know if you or your fellow /flutter/fags are still kicking  that mysterious countdown clock on that domain...  but I wish you well and all of /flutter/. 

> I mean, you've no doubt heard the tale of the couple, married forty years, had to separate.
No I have not heard of that specific case but I have heard of (and was considering bring up) medical divorce in general.

> They had both set up telescopes on their front porch, and would wave to each other if the other was watching them watch the other.
That almost sounds like a movie, heartbreaking...

I think it maybe you. In particular,
> I *do* 
You often use forum style markdown text like this. I've noticed it before  As opposed to lynxchan's more wonky ''' for bold text 

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> my first reaction is "maybe there were health considerations"

well, that´s quite an outlook that one would raise towards this episode. There isn´t any apparent sign which arises health matters. Although, one could establish a very grim theory with that statement...

The only way in which I can imply that there are health matters taken into account for such divorce would be because of Ocean Flow´s state. If you think about it deeply, we haven´t seen Terramar´s mother in her hippogriff, not even once (do we even have any vector of her as a hippogriff?). I could establish the theory that, despite being capable to stay in touch with the air, perhaps she is unable to return to her hippogriff form because she might have grown a reliance over the years confined in Seaquestria and she might be actually limited to stay as a seapony for the rest of her life.

That could actually explain why there is no remorse between the couple and they both agreed that they would do fine by staying separated in both places. Maybe, shortly after recovering Mt. Aris, they tried to pull off the transformation on her and probably concluded that it wasn´t a good idea to change her form at all. 

Now, this headcanon is based on a very specific detail (and a very grim one if it turned out to be true) but given that the closest point where she stays on Earth has been on the beach (this happens in Uprooted as well, we don´t see her visiting Silverstream at the school of friendship, unlike Sky Beak). 

One can perfectly assume that both parents have decided to run two different lifestyles but, are there more factors hidden beyond their own will? One can´t tell...because the episode doesn´t provide you much information about their backstory,except dropping certain subtleties.

> And the fact I have a file by that name on my work computer's desktop, I'm about three-quarters sure that was me.
would you have predicted what that bookmark has offered over the years? 
One thing is for sure: you have surely proven to check it out but...wow, reading that reply in hindsight really makes one think about it. I left a post literally three days after yours and another one two months later for celebrating Christmas (without any expectations of getting any instant answer)

We were both there in October and things could have actually changed if there had been more replies but nope, the 2nd wave of activity spontaneously happened in December. 

I don´t know what to think, really...

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> The man had developed serious heart issues, and needed to stay close to the main arterial roads in case he needed to be taken by ambulance, and anyway the big city's hospitals were better equipped to deal with his delicate health.
> The woman had developed COPD and could no longer breathe in the dense city air, so she'd moved to the mountains, well away from the city.

as  >>/7071/ says, those lines sound like the perfect script for making a dramatic production with this little story.  It´s so drastically specific and peculiar that you wouldn´t imagine such situation for a second except watching it in a movie that makes the viewer mournful about it,especially because of...

> They had both set up telescopes on their front porch, and would wave to each other if the other was watching them watch the other.
..this. While there are other cases that are related to this matter, this part is what truly makes the difference from the rest. A very poignant gesture indeed.

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> f you count Christmas as family, (as you do point out later) it totally fits, even with water.
well, if one takes it with that perspective, yeah. This episode portrays a message that could be perfectly exploited for any Christmas production. 

> My response to this maybe a little different and itself maybe divided into several sections. 
it´s the longest spotlight that I have written so far.  It´s no wonder one might need more time to digest what I have exposed here. Besides, I have had to reconsider the way of writing it along the way. I couldn´t post it earlier because I noticed details that I hadn´t taken into account so certain reflections were arisen in the last hour (more like 24 though)

> The misadvatures I've had since then on this board or otherwise I wouldn't have believed. From pulling the plug on another community to getting directly involved in fandom drama. I don't want to overstate any of it but it is all way above anything my lurker mentality would conceive of.

I feel older than I should by reading anything related to that event and I don´t always manage to figure out the proper words for describing the most mundane posts that would open up an unreal series of events because of them. The whole thought messes me up. 

> BO, you were both so silent yet your influence and contribution to our current state cannot be understated.  I don't know if you or your fellow /flutter/fags are still kicking that mysterious countdown clock on that domain... but I wish you well and all of /flutter/.

 Although I wonder if he has been lurking at some point around here after his farewell

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> That is to say, everything that you are going to see in this episode are just excuses in order to put the divorce problem as an obscure theme that isn´t noticeable with a very casual eye. This is because everything shown serves as a filter where it can easily go unnoticed but at the same time, anyone has enough elements and little details to detect that said situation has occurred.
> These two little moments when Terramar greets his parents speak volumes because there is a subtle feel that both have been missing his presence at home and the divorce raises because of the fact of having two houses and that those places aren´t all that near and one has to spend a few minutes for rotating between them.
This moment is what made me really think about what you lay out here. 

I maybe about to retread but I'm going somewhere with it:
    Ocean Flow: Terramar! Welcome home, baby! No excuses. This time, you're staying for dinner.
    Terramar: [chuckles] Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, this is my mom Ocean Flow. And this is—
    Ocean Flow: [gasps] Princess Twilight Sparkle! What an honor! You know, Silverstream just raves about you.
    Twilight Sparkle: Well, she is one of our most hardworking students. In fact, I brought this form for you to sign so that—
    Ocean Flow: Both my children are so smart. Would you like to see their baby pictures?
    Terramar: Mom!
    Twilight Sparkle: That sounds adorable! I'd love to! And you know, to find out about aquatic pony early development and, uh...
    Cutie Mark Crusaders: [giggling] Research.
    Ocean Flow: Oh, well, maybe your friends would like a snack while we're gone? Some kelp chips? Fish oil tea?
    Terramar: No, thanks, Mom. I'm gonna go show them around.
 It's really interesting to watch moments like this play out and to think of it from the child's point of view. 

On the one hand, I think it's masterful. Brilliant even to have this subtle moment like this, to have it inferred within the dialog so smoothly. It's pretty rare for media of this level to have it. Heck, media as a whole has moved away from the subtle even in the highest ranks of our arts and culture. From the shrill screams of moral messaging to smacking someone upside the head with existentialism this is perhaps a greater achievement than at first glace.  

I don't want to say MLP was brilliant A+ story telling all the time but stuff like this or even as far back as The Cutie Mark Chronicles do standout to me. Part of me wonder if I am just reading in to it but their really is a fair bit on could go into here, from divorce itself to observations of Seapony/Hippogriff culture. Though I have ultimately decided to go a different rout after a memory from my childhood brought forth something surprisingly relevant...

Another show dealt with this topic, and I'm going to compare the two.

> not because she doesn´t want to talk about the topic, but because of her character and the fact that she was eager to present other things in the meantime.
I actually do wonder if you could take her whisking Twilight away to look at Baby pictures as a way to avoid having it brought up in front of  Terramar.

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I guess there was another leak? The developer of that 3D software I mentioned awhile ago, says everyone wrote all at once to say he needed to add Hornball.

So ... I guess this means you can bang her for ... a buck if you wait a week. Or $20 if you're in a hurry. And in either case if you have a headset, although that software will run on what my coworker has taken to calling "a pancake" (conventional monitor)

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> The developer of that 3D software I mentioned awhile ago, says everyone wrote all at once to say he needed to add Hornball.
How many leaks does the MLP fandom have?

G5 looks better than Pony Life though that is a low bar.


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Movie incoming. Major problem -- it's on/from Netflix.
I don't trust those goons. Too much focus on marxism not enough focus on a working story.

Anyway, unicorns lost their magic but I guess pegasi didn't.
Also, fake unicorn horns. That really is cute.

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> Netflix

Yeah, netflix is suspect. Though I do not know the level of influence they have on the show. I saw some anons speculate that they were the reason Hasbro moved production. Yeah, the movie may not fully reveal the show's tone either as it's being handled by Boulder Media with the old production team in Ireland but the show's production was moved to Canada being done by Atomic Cartoons (whoever they are) and apparently had a few staff from FiM unexpectedly back (a good sign I suppose). 

> Too much focus on marxism not enough focus on a working story.

Our first announcement for G5 detailing the story also was horrible in this exact way. Fortunately it appeared to just be describing things in the most wokest way possible as oppose for everything being that level of crazy from all other indications we have seen so far, though I suppose one never knows till we see it.

> Anyway, unicorns lost their magic but I guess pegasi didn't

Moderate spoiler:
 The pegasi are faking it 

> Also, fake unicorn horns. That really is cute


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