US Prof says: Only 22.8% of US students Proficient in Education Skills
For the last 20 years, starting with HW’s Goals 2000, US students were slated to be the best in the world, especially in math and science. What is the result? The US now scores at the bottom of all industrialized nations. We now have had to increase our H1-B visas for Indians to come here to take USC jobs. And for all of the illegals here, they get a full array of freebies that even USCs don’t get – all courtesy of your tax dollars! Did you vote for this?
How did this mess happen? Since 1997 (under WJC), UN programs Agenda 21, and future programs like Agenda 30, and Agenda 45, now bind our school systems away from the 3 Rs and history, to: a ‘Woke Agenda’, pushing ID politics, skin color, LGBTQ, pedophilia (as of this week now pushed in San Diego schools), religion, clothing, and other sub-agendas that pull USCs apart – instead of pulling them together. In contrast, we need an education program that has continually better-educated USC students that rank at the top of the international community. We also have no-go zones in places like Minneapolis, in which USC police can’t enter because the Somali community has their own set of Islamic laws that they adhere to instead of Minnesota state and US laws. The schools in these zones and other like zones also aren’t safe for white USCs.
This all feeds into what this professor says about the fall of USC education, fitting into the UN agenda: only 11% of US students are proficient in US history (forget world history!); 23% proficient in government and civics; 22% proficient in math; 34% proficient in reading; and 24% proficient in writing. Did we USCs vote to have these binding UN agendas as yokes around our necks and to steer our country away from our Constitution and toward agendas that are ruled by the international, ultra-wealthy DS and for nefarious purposes?
Note: Our Poal QStorm sub is comprised of a wide array of people’s abilities to: read, comprehend, reason, argue with civility, retain information, write and use information when it is needed, according to WHAT YEARS people were educated and to their highest level of degrees attained. This also includes demonstrating knowledge about US history, government and civics, and if people read books and articles about new topics, adding in new knowledge that they learn in discourse with others. Q information also adds into this array of information.
What is the end result of these UN Agenda programs? Answer: To dumb people down, so that the rich illuminati can rule us, take our possessions, change our way of life, and remove our liberty. What is the fastest way that this can happen? To let hordes of illegals storm our borders, and then have groups like LaRasa represent them and push for the betterment/ entitlements of these invaders over those of the USCs, like scholarships intended for USC taxpayers’ children.
These all factor into why our education system, starting 20 years ago, is now crashing.
Watch the vid and read about some of these other things on our sub that contribute to the bottoming-out of our US education and our way of life. Then, figure out if our society (now with low percentages of public school educational proficiency) is fit to raise future generations of USCs, and what you can do to help fix these problems now.