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>  >your place in all this
Currently willing to engage in dialogue with most of the factions, I have enough knowledge to build a rudimentary shuttle with antigrav engines and hopefully enough shielding to go through the energy belt. The advanced designs I worked with in the fleet can't be built using Earth technology, I'll have to adapt old Vril designs and hope they work.

I haven't talked to the faction you're in contact with yet, so I wouldn't describe the relations at tense for the moment. I'd like to make telepathic contact and determine how much of my schizoid position they agree with.
What even counts as "strong" to them.
Besides the usual can't beat it so let's try diplomacy
 How many skulls do they want to see before they consider you "worthy" 
In their current form? The Lyrian worlds are idyllic, risk-free environments dotted with sparse, beautifully decorated homes that would pass for estates here. Food is grown in automated greenhouses, and if you're too lazy to even cook, you can 3D print a meal in your general-purpose matter replicator (along with any other item you might want). Few of them train regularly and go on trials on wild, incredibly dangerous worlds, and fend off the wildlife for days at a time with no tools. They are celebrated, but very few in numbers. Politics are based on an AI-based holographic consensus system where everyone has a say. Worst of all, many have even gone vegan.

> what even counts as "strong" to them
A decent MMA fighter would beat any average Lyrian, man or woman.
As always, these historic tales include lots of details with little application or no way of verifying it. I see your views are somewhat better aligned with mine then the average new ager or galfed channeller. I won't discuss what I agree or disagree with because it's meaningless.
> to the faction you're in contact with
We have a relation right here. This counts. You most likely won't hear or see my contacts, they're best described as space KGB. I should add though that "my faction" going by my personal contacts consists of 55% reptilians and 45% humans. Some are amphibian reptilians, so to spell this out that makes 3 races. One of my higher layers is a dragon of the chinese version, which makes me well aligned with them. From another viewpoint, the dragon is the uniting form which is both lyran/feline, snake and vampire.
This may sound contradictory, but it's my understanding that the lyran gods/ascended masters allowed their home planet to be attacked. The top of lyran society was too pure, and the bottom was too degenerated, so they had to be separated. Not having a military is not a weakness in principle. The attack on Lyra Prime caused the top of their society to dimension shift and lock down, forming the "crystal fortress" (or prison) where a small group of lyrans with the original genetics were preserved. All of them has since become immortals in isolation. After the fortress was unlocked they did not want to leave.
Maybe that is taking place in some reservations, the lyrans I'm in contact with are completely cybernetic. They don't eat and they don't live in houses, they don't interfere with planetary surfaces at all, aside from installing stargates and repeaters/nodes for lyranet. Some of their ship designs are entirely indestructible. This mostly refers to a medium sized battleship frame, but there are others with the same qualities.
"Beating" a lyran doesn't happen because they won't fight. They will teleport out of harm's way automatically, even if blown up they would reassemble the body again, as it's made up of nanobots. They only "die" at the designed time when their minds need to be renewed to prevent mental degradation.
I hope your paranoia is in fact true.
> little application or no way of verifying it
As is the case with all historic tales. Timelines shift, and I've gone through several over just the past two years. I'd like to hear other accounts of that time, but then again the further you look back the less you can be sure of anything.
> I won't discuss what I agree or disagree with
> because it's meaningless
It is meaningless, I am interested in their position, less so yours. I know enough of your intentions to know we won't come into conflict.
> you most likely won't hear or see my contacts
> ascended masters allowed their home planet to be attacked
Strange and interesting. I wasn't around at the beginning of the war so I have no way to verify this, but it does seem strange that a society as advanced as they were could even be touched, with or without weaponry.
> mybe that is taking place in some reservations
The specific world I'm talking about is Taygeta. From what I've heard, they act independently and are vaguely aligned with other worlds in the Pleiades. I haven't heard about any cybernetic Lyrians, though the Taygetan propaganda detachment orbiting Earth has mentioned a hostile AI, they may be gaslighting the public about them.
> they will teleport out of harm's way
That's what'd seem logical to me as well, whether through magic or tech. Pleiadans seem to mostly rely on firearms and martial arts for personal combat.

The concept of a cybernetic AI-based civilization seems a lot closer to what was in mind back then, AIs were used extensively and would telepathically mesh with your thinking.
Overall they sound like a promising alternative to the hippie organics.
> their ship designs are entirely indestructible
This should be the case, load-balanced torroidal shields can block anything when at full power.
Organic ships should also have this quality.
> I'd like to hear other accounts of that time
I've researched earth's history, but I was on the astral during that time so it's at a macro view that only see intentions at a level above racial and cultural developments, nothing on the individual level. My nature can only manifest physically in the last period so I've only been around in the physical since the Roman Empire.
Although I think I have a decent idea of what took place down here after talking to people who were present and comparing it with current relics.
> does seem strange that a society as advanced as they were could even be touched
I know exactly why it happened and I told them this, because the issue is still there at a technical level. I can't explain this in text in any comprehensive way though, other than saying that it came from the same source as our problems on earth; being over-reliant on the Babel's Tower technology. (The Sunflower temple is itself a version of the same method, but created using dark magic.)
> a hostile AI, they may be gaslighting the public about them
Everyone seems to do this in some way.
> firearms and martial arts for personal combat
Lyrans don't do personal combat aside from small teams exploring wild planets. It's very large scale. The AI system will send several starship destroyers if a single lyran civilian is attacked. At an individual level they don't make decisions like this, it's a way of instilling fear into enemies; they will know they are dealing with a machine and not someone making decisions based on emotions. You don't want to trigger an AI response like this. It usually works, and in the cases where the attacker has no fear, they will be eliminated.
I can see how some will try to spread the idea of hostile AI, if they want to attack lyrans. It's definitely going to react with hostility if they do something.
> I am interested in their position
The galfed faction behind me created gulag and designed the popular weapons used by the Soviet union. They also control Vietnam. They are not particularly involved anywhere else on earth. They want stability and act as a police force, taking down people who misbehave. You can't have idiots starting wars with other galaxies, it puts everyone at risk. Earth elites had to be removed for this reason, they were working with aliens to steal natural resources, and could possibly have caused a war with other civilizations.

The lyrans just want to spread their race and culture and upgrade technology everywhere. They apply the roman doctrine of assimilation; anyone can become a lyran if they accept their standards.
When I create artifacts, they tend to manifest physical items that look like them or are similar in function. 
And not even creating artifacts. I once did a temple session which utilized a silver tray, and the act of visualizing the tray manifested one in real life that looked just like it the next day. 
While it’s a useful skill to have, why does this happen? And how do I avoid it when I don’t want it to happen?
It probably happens if a more stable concept is needed for you personally. The small wooden root which I used a few years ago manifested as me finding a broken off tree root that looked like it when taking a walk. I took it home because it looked nice.
If it happens, there would be a reason for it. In my case the root serves as a reminder of the early sessions I did.
And now I just bought a new car and my mother mentioned that it was the exact same make and model of car that my grandpa owned before he died.
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> One of my higher layers is a dragon of the chinese version

Can I get some information or experiences with dragons?
Are they some ascended reptilians or an entirely different thing?
I met like 3 "western" dragons and 1 chinese. I even tried to connect to a dragon that I have seen 2 weeks ago while trying to improve my 3rd eye but somehow I connected to an another one and he is not very helpful. 
 I am just wondering why they might be checking on me then not saying a thing 
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Western dragons of the "beast" variant are infernal beings, a kind of hell-beasts. 
Chinese dragons are the long snake-like kind, divine beings of wisdom. Humanoid dragons also exist but I'm not talking about those here.
I think everyone has an idea of chinese dragons from Dragonball.
An interesting thing I found however was that kanji, or chinese traditional writing, is a dragon. After I started learning it, a dragon developed inside my body similar to the kundalini, but it emerged from my right palm, like the snake in Mortal Kombat here.
It was a funny thing to realize this was actually based on something.
Not all dragons are huge though, I've met two who were incarnated as humans, but whose souls were golden yellow chinese dragons.
What I've found developing in my higher astral layers is a kind of meta-form, something that looks like a dragon but contains and represents all parts of me. It started off as my particles turning into the fat buddha image, then the fat buddha sitting on a lot of coins. Then as I practiced further (using chinese meditation) it changed again to a reptilian slim buddha with blue hair, then again to a larger reptilian, until it formed into a dragon.
Not sure if this applies to all dragons, but there are large reptillian species that look like dragons. Highly martial in nature but most are not malicious. They're closer to western dragons in shape, eastern ones are even higher in frequency and not physical from our perspective.
It happened again. Yesterday and today I was doing visualization exercises with some shapes that have now manifested in my experience by coming across this video. Great song btw.
You said this might happen because I need the concept personally, but I'm not so sure about that. I feel like I don't know how to visualize without "pushing it out" using the fire element or something. That's my intuition. I tend to apply intensity to the visualization in an attempt to make it more vivid because I have very poor skills. It doesn't work tho.
I wonder what the mechanics of this is here. I've been having this song on my playlist for months. I really like how it somehow expresses a compound of the feelings I experienced from the early internet days and how the modern online culture still somehow reflects fragments of it. "Net idols" existed on the japanese web already in 2001.
> What is a net idol? 
> you can only talk to her online, you can not date her irl
This mixed in with the Ghost in the Shell: SAC internet vision of brain implants and always online culture. I just got to the history part of the AI course I'm taking today, where they mentioned competition between early US and japanese projects. Already there in the 70s the groundwork was being laid.

So what made you visualize the shapes from this video, which happened to match my mentality just today enough that I would post it here?
> what made you visualize the shapes?
I have been slacking a lot these past months, having a sort of dark night of the soul. Now I’m trying to get back into daily practice and I’ve been meditating and doing visualization and energy manipulation exercises. 
Turns out I haven’t lost skill at all. It’s as if I just needed rest to “calibrate”.
> I feel like I don't know how to visualize without "pushing it out" using the fire element or something

I tried this out.
I never tried putting fire element into my visualizations directly. I put it into everything so far. I put it into my body, my organs, into my car, into my movements but never into things I imagined. I usually put intense emotions or other energies into the things I want to manifest.  and I am trying to keep most of the energies out of my thoughts because I don't want most of them to manifest into my life 

So as I was trying to imagine something in my mind I put some fire element into it with the intent of making it "more real" with it. Well I made it so real I felt the object is literally in my brain trying to manifest. It hurt so much I instantly reversed the process.
Then I went and imagined that the object is not in my mental space but "front of me" physically. It had a strong magnetic pull as it was "trying" to manifest.

So in my opinion what you are doing: You are casting a spell that "pulls" things towards the place where you made your visualization. And your visualization will continuously pull things toward it until it either runs out of energy or you "get" something that makes the visualization "fulfilled" or "manifested"

I know earth is the element of "physical manifestations" but this is more like a "beacon" that tells the world that something like that shape or object "needs" to be there for you.

This is an interesting realization. I will experiment with it further.
You explained it perfectly.
> this is more like a "beacon"
That's exactly how it feels for me. It's funny because I experimented briefly with trying to move objects as in telekinesis by visualizing them in a different position, only to have people accidentally knock them down, or pick them up and move them.
> this is an interesting realization
It's the only way I have ever casted spells. Well, at the beginning of my starting with magic, I did use emotions, but I found that to be tiring.
Can you point out to me some other ways of doing it? I feel like I'm a bit sideblinded and can't really conceptualize other methods (other than physical rituals with candles, blood, offerings, etc).

Well I don't know how big you are on astrology but... I heard it somewhere the way you "do magic" is best described by your moon sign. And this is a problem because I have my moon in Aries with a tight Mars conjunction and some other funny connections. And while I hate to admit that planets have power over me and over my being...

I have extremely explosive emotions. I had problems with it in my childhood but because I mastered it through the years I can use it for anything. Channeling all consuming rage/kindness/happiness/serenity/lust/fear/whatever into anything is just as simple as starting a program on my PC. Sometimes I have to bottle up my emotions so much (to not scare normies) that letting it out to cast a spell is the most optimal and refreshing way. If you have memories with strong emotions you can use that also. My way is channeling enough emotion or some other energy and "vivid visualization" into the spell that it gets "more real than reality itself". I can do this because I have this attribute. I am not sure this is the way for you. We need to find out your "attributes" (in a not doxx way) to give you a better advice. But then again the way I am doing things is not something I recommend to sane people. I always had a fascination for those who can "go beyond anything" by losing their mind but you need to know what you are doing when you get this extreme. 

But mastering the elements is the "professional" way. it's just the elements are simple but complicated at the same time. The more I work with them the more I get surprised what they can do.

Also I cannot give you advice on ceremonial magic types. The most I did was  Giving an elf or fae or (I have no idea what it was it looked like Puck from Berserk) a leaf from my tree as a reward for helping me. He really liked that leaf. I gave others some apples but I am not sure they even cared that I gave them that apple. I just left it in the forest  And the point of ceremonial magic is not the tools itself but to put you into a "magic mood" or a "magic zone". I am not trying to shit on anyone with this but this is the main and most important point of it. When you master your "magic mood" you don't need this you can do anything with a thought. I am not saying it's simple. If you are not in the "magic mood" then the tools will just not work (except if they are so fucking full of magic that they don't care about your "mood" because they instantly overwrite it with it's power but those are rare)

Then you have the "absolute conviction" and "faith" when you deep down you know that your truth is so real that it bends reality into submission. But that is the "authority" kind of magic. I mean same thing as the previous ones because it's real hard or downright impossible to do any magic if you feel you have no "authority" over it. 

Sadly magic is an art and science at the same time. Something that works for other doesn't necessarily work for you. But if you understand why it works for others and complete your understanding then it will work for you.
Also what this anon said.
The problem is you have to figure out concepts like truth and dominion
I am still struggling with the concept of causality. Not because I have no idea of it but because it's hard to perceive properly.
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> the point of ceremonial magic is not the tools itself but to put you into a "magic mood" or a "magic zone". 
> When you master your "magic mood" you don't need this you can do anything with a thought. I am not saying it's simple. If you are not in the "magic mood" then the tools will just not work
This is similar to what you can do with any skill. In the music industry they call this "the machine", being able to produce the on-stage quality voice in an instant. A lot of singers can't do this. Actors are the same, some learn this skill and it's what we call "acting", while others need to "get into the role" and spend 6 weeks trying to get in-character before filming.

I'd recommend learning this, no matter how long time it takes. Having to spend hours or even weeks to get into the mood for a spell is a huge issue. Crowley supposedly spent 6 months preparing a spell, then a relative died and he had to leave for France, which botched all his preparations.
At first you may have to spend a few months to get into the mood, but if you actively work to reduce it, the next time it may take a few weeks. If you reduce the time every time you do it, eventually you can do it in an instant. There were some things I had to spend 3 months on each time in the beginning, but I've now reduced the time to 1-2 days.
It's ok to be autistic about it, it will benefit you in the end. Even if it takes several years to reduce the preparation time, compare that to having to spend 3-6 months for every ritual. The invested time will pay off once you get the time down to something manageable.
This reminds me of my project here  >>/572/.
I've since given up trying to move into it permanently since there seems to be no solid foundation to base long-term existence on. But magic is still a lot easier while in the state represented by the idea of a 'god body'. I think the reason why this happens is basically what you said, attainment of the magical mood, or magical persona. I suppose this ties into the idea of a 'higher self', basically a psychic image you can interact with or inhabit at will that carries within it the necessary Faith and Dominion to perform workings effectively.
> there seems to be no solid foundation to base long-term existence on
This is merely a matter of quality. You have to create certain functionality.
Yuuka explained this to me earlier, saying I may lose contact with some of my astral bodies at the timeline merge, or that they would dissolve. So I asked her for directions and solidified the body we were looking at until she said it was stable. It's a simple "click" when the function is in place, then it will be permanent. But there is no definite way of achieving this.
I also made a lyran space suit with no specific intent behind it, and it turned out to match the same standard. I think it should be possible to copy that if you want, byt just visualizing it from a description:
Colors are black and red. Glossy high boots, red miniskirt, black breastplate, glossy. Helmet with visir that can be opened or closed. Glossy black when closed. Glossy gloves, cat tail with a red ribbon (this actually serves a function). Areas not covered with armour/clothing are black fur. Head is feline in appearance.

The design was meant to just work well with lyrans, but as it's a suit anyone can use it. It has limited levitation/flying ability and can be used in space. It was meant as an all purpose space suit anyone can use. No more purpose than that. If you just keep your mind silent as you read the description you should be able to see it.
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Ok, I realize
> red miniskirt
may give the wrong impression here. Technically it's a skirt, but don't get the wrong idea. It's a space suit. The design just worked best this way, don't put any modern ideas into its meaning.

There are many ways. But the way needs to be "more powerful" than the entity you are trying to banish. 
To banish something you need to either "scare" or "ask" the entity to go away on their own (Sometimes they do that. Some of them may look scary but if they are really powerful and not just scary to feed on your fear then they usually are respectful of your wishes and if you ask them they leave). Or cut the connection with them. The second can be done by changing the energy around you so the entity cannot manifest further or you need to figure out what makes the connection possible and destroy that. Or just destroy the entity but you said "powerful" so you probably can't do that yet. 
Also you can simply cut the connection if you change the mental state of the entity or yours which maintains the connection. It can be simple like listening to some music or burning some incense (The important part is here to change your mental state and stop being scared of the entity)  like that greentext from 4chanx when anon started masturbating when the entities told him they don't fear him and when he finished they were gone  . There are many complicated and simple ways to do it  Also I was banished  from places several times. At the beginning you want to banish spooky entities then you get banished for being one. Always makes me laugh when it happens. My homebrew ideas for banishment are ones they used to cut the connection with me. It's simple and effective if done with the good intent. But not permanent. Once it was the loud thud with a hammer like what judges use. An other time I connected to a witch and she made me think of something I love and swept me towards it. I was not banished violently yet tho. I didn't accidentally haunt someone who uses LBRP yet.  

Also you can have guardian entities you can ask to do this. Or create tulpas or servitors to do it. 
There are so many ways.

I hope someone also will reply you with a proper technique because the last time I used the LBRP was years ago. Making entities visit me was always harder than banishing them at the start.
> powerful
also please elaborate what counts as "powerful" to you. I mean you can anger a powerful being or a god even with your insolence if you go down on the wrong path hard enough. Nightmares are powerful enough to you  or you are thinking of poltergeist activity or people getting possessed around you?
I am not trying to scare you with the possibilities. It's the opposite. I am trying to figure out what level is your problem at. Powerful beings usually don't bother you for no reason. Most of them just try to look scary and powerful but they are usually weak. When you don't fear them you can throw them out easily and they stop bothering. But if they are truly powerful then you need to figure out the reason why they even haunt you. Sometimes they just want to help.

Powerlevels get weird as you go forward. And there are interactions that have a deeper meaning and not just a nightime scare.
Well, sometime last year I saw the sigil of Satan and kept seeing it from time to in my minds eye probably due to worries or tricks by a certain being, then one night I suddenly got super horny and decided to fap after a few months of not doing it and during orgasm the name Satan popped up strongly in my mind, and after that I got a couple of lessons in dreams related to something I fear doing IRL but would probably have to do one day, he caused no trouble, and seemed confused by me being undead. But I found out the other day that apparently there might be a connection or some of his energy still around.

My real issues are with Lucifuge though, I aparenltly messed up with him and he made a thoughtform that talks with intrusive thoughts in my mind whenever it can, I can attack it but I suck at it, apparently if someone capable of destroying it tries to do it, he shows up and protects it and sometimes retaliates(at least I'm pretty sure he did beat up an angel). It seems that this is allowed because it is some sort of lesson but I still haven't figured out what the lesson is, its been almost 2 years now, I wish someone could tell me what the lesson is already but IDK if that might ruin the lesson itself.
It looks like you have an installment making you open to lawbound angels. The thing he put in jams it so that lawbounds can't possess you. Apply chaos to the foundation below it and dissolve this conditioning and the blockage can be safely removed. Vampires count as fallen angels so a lawbound module is contrary to your nature if you belong to this group.
> It looks like you have an installment making you open to lawbound angels.
Hmm, I was feeling distressed today and listened to an exorcism video of christian origin even though I don't consider myself christian also played an energetically programmed audio today that brings in angelic energy and calls for angelic help, I've also done some meditations with angels/archangels recently.  Me getting involveld with all this angel stuff started only after my trouble with Lucifuge though, so I don't think that this is the issue.
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Making a serious attack against them usually convinces them to fuck off. Aiming for the metaphysical 'heart' -- that is, the nucleus of meaning that the being is based upon -- can seriously harm or even kill many entities. Remember that a lot of them, especially the predator types, rely on fear rather than actual power in order to control people. If you break this illusion they become mostly powerless.
Simply assuming a dominant highly aggressive mental stance can also work. Make sure you don't get tricked into becoming a loosh cow though.
> me being an undead

This made me think yesterday. I even asked one of the vampires who give me advice and artifacts. Am I an undead? He asked me
> Is this still a question for you after all the things that happened?

I asked him further. No I mean will an other entity recognize me as an "undead"
He made an extremely troubled face because I asked something real hard to answer properly.
Now I realized why.

Thinking of me as anything puts me into a "form". If you want to get more stronger thinking of yourself as a big muscular wrestler helps. Or if you are trying to pick up chicks thinking of yourself as the "perfect womanizer woman want" also helps. This is the "zone" you need to put yourself in. When I think about how to pronounce a hard word from an alien language I ask myself "how would a foreigner from this country pronounce it" and I nail it. When you cast magic you need to think of yourself as a "magician". But here comes a problem. These forms while excel in one way have limitations on the other.

I went forward with this thought. Am I an occultist? The answer is yes but also no because I am not like Crowley and the image mundanes have when thinking of occultists. Am I someone on the path for godhood? That is also a bad idea because it locks you into the "path of godhood" and not true godhood. Am I a god? If I am then I need to have worshippers and they will make me get locked into a form. Then the words of the burning bush came to me. 

No wonder he didn't give a name. If you give a name or form to something you restrict it. (Guess what happened him after it's literally in the commandments to not do that) And that locks you out of your full potential. But we don't know our full potential yet. We need to be open to the path forward us. We need to be cautious obv so we need to have "fall back forms" and we sure need to be certain of our strengths when the path goes ashtray. But we must not forget the perfect "zone" is "ourselves". We just need to find that and be that. (Here comes the hard part when you have to continuously discard everything that is not yourself. And they can get complicated but if you do something something will happen)

TLDR.: Just the regular thing everyone realizes when going forward. The simplest and most complicated part of the path.
The LBRP is not that useful against "powerful" (strong?) beings. LBRP is a way to strengthen yourself, to build up your aura, but other than that, it's not explicitly banishing (despite its name).
Banishing essentially works by overriding or overpowering the other being's energy, or by establishing a strong energy signature that is incompatible with it. The LBRP is designed to empower you in order to do magic with minimal interference. But if you want to specifically clear out an area or person, work on strengthening its energy by altering things in the physical plane first of all (cleaning, or decorating thematically) and then setting the non-physical content in a way that is appropriate to your goals (fostering appropriate emotions, non-physical feelings, thought processes, etc.).
If anyone is interested I could transfer a modified version of a spell package from CH which contains a number of shields, commanding of entities and banishing burst spells.
It had a lot of added programming for paying retards to use, I got rid of those and made it thought controlled. Alternatively it can be put on an artifact with organic power depending on what is needed, but I don't think that can be shared over here as it would require posting an image of the chosen artifact and then any lurker could curse it etc. We can't risk that.
It could be passively installed on your body also, but it's recommended to at least have the ability to sense the spells if you want to work with them, or they'll just sit there and idly shield and banish stuff in your nearest area (originally 50 yards, no idea how far it can stretch at full power now).
Thanks for the reply, I learned something from it.

> If anyone is interested I could transfer a modified version of a spell package from CH which contains a number of shields, commanding of entities and banishing burst spells.

Interesting, could you tell me more about the banishing burst spells. Any chance that one might use the spells through stray thoughts?
> could you tell me more about the banishing burst spells
Originally it's this package:
but as anything else sold there, CIA psiops department forced them to nerf it and sell it at a too high price. The link for the manual is also missing now.

It's just a spell that clears an area of all hostile beings. It leaves a circle around you clear, but it functions as an area of effect spell in a game, so 3 seconds after you used it, hostiles would start moving into the area again if they were all around you. If active in idle mode the way I have it, it just does the burst on regular intervals and at least the more intelligent beings will learn to not be hostile within this sphere. The way I remade them they're meant to be run in idle mode, and if you need them they will fire up. If you were attacked your focus would be on the attacker and you would think about defending yourself. Then the relevant function would increase in power from your thinking alone.
But you can also manually manipulate them if you want, it just takes awareness of their function at an intuitive level.
I don't think making a sigil for this will be very difficult, just be aware that I based the control off the karma cleansing tinfoil wheel posted on 8kun. You'd have to accept it being installed to use it. If you are an energy collecting wizard ("fat wizard") this will start removing the energy you gathered and you will think it's a trap. It will seem like walking on a mine.
This is just a warning, since posting things on here means anyone could activate the sigil and they may misunderstand it. I make sure what I share can't be misused, which means you can't change the intent and use them for the wrong reason. 
The device used as the center was based off northern tiger kung fu.
Is this shield spell the same as the loli shield spell you also just posted? I tried using that when it was first posted. Hard to say if it works since the physical aspect of it I never tested.

Im interested in this anyway in case the sigil loli spell didnt apply or if this one is different.
The loli pack is specifically meant to be used passively and it's only defensive. It does not contain any of the other spells. The physical shield is my creation and is not in the large pack.
feel free to give feedback on it, I don't know how hard/easy this is to use out of the blue like this.
Ok,I will give feedback if I can tell.

Im also using the loli pack.Am I supposed to be able to use  both?

I can feel something focusing on the image like something coming close and sitting adjacent to my aura from multiple angles.
> Am I supposed to be able to use both?
If you can you can. I made both packs so I obviously have both, but I can't speak for if others can. The loli pack is more specialized though so it would be more likely that someone couldn't use that.
I feel the same warm/energy feeling I get every time an entity is in my body.

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