/agatha2/ - E-Girl Purgatory

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Emo Edition 
Previous Thread:  >>/72308/

https://www.tiktok.com/@grubage? [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
 >>/24021/ grubage
 >>/34869/ morrisseyrocks
 >>/35100/ weepwah
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I dont think its a healthy environment to make friends. It's unequal, with simps and haters orbiting you and begging for crumbs of attention (positive or negative). Maybe you enjoy it, since you get a bit of attention from lots of people. But i think you'd be healthier if instead of coming here, you spent that time with long-term friends, where you invest in the relationship and each person has the other's undivided attention. Becuase here, once you close the site, you're left with nothing to show for it.

not Cewl, but real life friends are annoying, boring, and you can't insult them or be honest with them. what's the point? even having an anon calling you a nigger and asking you to commit suicide is more satisfying

That's sensible but this is the internet. She turns to these forums because feels more interest in getting gagged out by this dick than than hearing what normal humans think and feel. Plus she using drugs. You can begin to reason but every time you fold and shoot up, all progress is reset. Show us your butt hole cewl 98125 you too

How often these discount ethots come on here? I may be able to come on daily for a few days to give some of them a little of the mistreatment they so desire. Just trying to do my part.

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Hi Donut. Just wanted to let you know how pretty you are. I think it's hot that you can't go a shift without getting fucked and/or self pleasuring. Even though you're letting those tits sag prematurely you still got them and they can be attractive when you're laying down. If it's true you've aborted it shows when things get serious you can take initiative. You seem to be a rarity in that you have a job. Making donuts must have its perks. Smelling sweet at work while blowing guys and giving them free donuts has to be one. While I still think there's nothing egirl about you all these other qualities make you a decent slut. Naturally, these other un accomplished airheads are jealous of you. Relish it. This has nothing to do with cewl ignoring me which as a side note: funny how with all the fat bashing you get you're not the one with cankles. Keep shinning you greasy hoe.

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Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/ImperialGermanFan67

SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/apocallisto

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCusvnZAXhVSoaaYwWUsjknA

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/riflehound

(for the keks)

tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/riflehound


bonus epic survivalist xtremist telegram server:

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Our Cursed Unholy Maiden, Tsarina of Rhode Island, Queen of Judea, Grand Duchess of Newport Marky Jane Thompson
In previous episodes:  >>/78618/

Old picture collections
 >>/25646/ Marky.rar [2016]
 >>/25615/ Album pa2i7 - Imgur.zip [2016]
 >>/30878/ Marky-secret-stash.7z [2018]

 >>/34653/ mirh [2010 - 2013]
 >>/27484/ haiselnet +  >>/33243/  >>/33258/ full-res selfies [2013 - 2018]

 >>/33232/ Marky Dolls & Figures.zip
 >>/34653/ haiselnet [2019 - 2020]  >>/34556/ mirlodie [2020 - 2022]
 >>/34727/ mir_png / mirinoru / tain_pudding [2021 - 2022]
 >>/34619/ mircolat [2021]  >>/33249/ purintain [2022]

 >>/43027/ mir_png [2021 - 2022]

Twitch clips
 >>/29342/ haisel [2017 - 2018]
 >>/29337/ mirmeat [2022 (?)]

Youtube channels
 >>/24626/ mj [UCjvNbOC04iFZvNI7hVpiMMA] - autobio vid [2015]
 >>/29654/ +  >>/30101/ +  >>/29432/ mir / mirrr [UCj_UmWzyMhrNgs1Q3W-aOGA] [2016 - 2023]
 >>/29334/ Mitomo7/Dropofcandy [UCTJkRaslIJzlehqxrTpjZTw] [2023]
Last Youtube streams from May 2023
 >>/29663/ read description +  >>/33644/ chat log (screenshots)
 >>/28090/ i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i +  >>/28092/ chat log
Marky's appearances on Alice's Room ( >>/7552/) IRL streams in 2021 + select videos from mirrr channel:
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