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I'm not a pedo, but it shows you are incredibly new.
Or delusional.

Either way, text like that does not get you banned, not even on 4chan, because it is just text.
There is a lot of vile shit written here, but unless you dox somebody or do something actually illegal, it won't get deleted and you won't get banned.
Obviously, if somebody posts CP and similar things they should get perma banned.

I'm the one who posted about marriage material. It wasn't specifically about 12yolds but young girls in general. I was half paying attention to the ages.
And I only think that in special cases. It's better than marrying a fucking hag that's for sure.

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Lily Hassler AKA right wing Australian egirl who used to be famous on tiktok and instagram for cosplays, being pretty, you know

Twitter: https://x.com/rebbyislucky 

Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@gutbox [Embed]

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/vampjunk
30 replies omitted. Click to expand viewer

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I respect all ethnicities a lot, but having children with an Asian, let's say a Japanese, would ruin the genetics of my offspring. I would prefer to have children with a black woman, or with a Latin, South American or Hispanic woman. Japanese women are fine for safe sex, but never for having children.

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thumbnail of Alisa Chung - How you NEETs need to draw hair right now [q0PwKJMQvrE].webm
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He had a YouTube channel under his real name where you could hear his voice pre-hrt. His name is Brandon. He nuked the channel after 4chan found out about it some months ago. Maybe the clip is still around. Someonen on 4Chan had it saved as a WEBM and would post it in threads. Either way is the 4chan posts not enough proof? There are pre-trans photos of him too. The stuff he said on 4chan perfectly corresponds to stuff he's talked about in his streams.

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