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See, this cunt wouldn't be so annoying (she wouldn't be at all) if she just posted tasteful pics like these and her art, which I think is really good. 
But nope, she has to whore herself out and show her cunt online, on top of her retarded drug addiction like it's cute. 

Her annoying fucking "prose" when she replies is also grating, she shows incredibly low IQ in her empty replies filled with typos and sometimes an entire paragraph without a single comma.
she's a complete mental case with next to no sentient thoughts or she wouldn't be engaging in such behavior. trying to explain to her what's wrong with her behavior is pointless because she is actually mentally retarded. this is indisputable, regardless of what she claims she is or was studying in school.
Literally the fact is that her going to school means nothing if she's behaving this way. She isn't intelligent. If you can teach a dog or a gorilla to understand sign language, you can teach a brain damaged camwhore rocket science.
she needs to tattoo whore all over her body and get nipple and clit piercings and get fucked by every incel that orbits her until she's more cum than human
what would you guys do if you were married to cewl and she aborted (murdered) your child?
For fucks sake her dumb stupid fucking face makes me so mad lmao. Dumb junkie whore should just get Ciara'd or Bianca'd so we can get rid of her dumbass posting asap pls.
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LOL man orbiters can come talk to me on discord or twt or sum way really amd theres no big convo going on and saying
> 1 omgeee fuck sesxo 
>  thanks :)
> 2 i will rape u
> haha whaaat dont do that kinda pleaaase aha:D 
> 3 (blackmailing) shoot. that. dope. or. i. will. send. ur parents. info. about: your slutsona. online
> aha omg stalker vibeees like the video game?! ahah :3

anyway im sory i have a teerrible headache i heard women having less headache if they get head hahah who wants to do that? i thinj im getting my period by thw way i dont know its super irregular and it was bleeding the other day for a day but then it went away like whaaa

anyway me and my housepals housedudettes housegorrrls are going to get a temu haul again (we LOVE child labor!) and i mentioned that i wanted to get something for my cat gizmo and then ofc he hears his name and perks up and they squeal and play with him and tell me hes cute and he deserves all the best (fucking attention whore 😒 stealingn my moment. i couldve been getting my breasts fondled other than his stupid primordial pouch 🙄) and theyre buying him shitload of toys now and im tellint them DONT because his ass does not play with toys. istg. he likes more string-y toys and only played in a hide-and-seek manner, and after 5 mins he is just laying back watching only tries to catch it (reacts 10 seconds after i move the toy) ONLY in the premices of his paw area HES MAKING ME SO ANGRY LOSE SOME WEIGHT FATSO like

also mugi i didnt ban u you can just join the server again its only a kick . a kick in the baallss seems like. hopefully that will abort all your sperms that were killed because of a masturbation cum incident (you didnt cum into a female and wasted poor babys lives) but you will never reproduce so can we even blame u? rip
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i love gigglinng and having fun and schizo rambling and happiness ow yeah! haha this is so fun! tHx FoR wAtChInG B=D for the continuation of these silly times refer to the LINK IN BIO 🔥🔥🔥 this only fan just turnt UPPP DRANK PULL UP DRANK anyways im very alone guys someone entertain me plz
thank you!! :D
im a loser girl id say. i try to be nice
i kicked him he can join again im sure of it 😭
yea i know noone will read that. but to think theres someone so interested in me that might read it makes me happy to think about.
i killed mugi with injectable aids
i... i love you too *kiss
why u sending death threats as if everyone here isnt suicidal
pog champ be sure to collect all of that cum for me and no other girl before hand and make sure its a good load!
> be sure to collect all of that cum for me and no other girl 

damn cewl is so yandere.
what are you gonna do if an orbiter betrays you for another girl?
i dont like human trafficking so its rather me than a woman forced to do porn for brownie points on pornhub and then demand decreases and they collapse. playing the long game helping one girl is what would make it truly worth it
i mean they at least earn money themselves. i swear people get trafficked PROBABLY ON ONLY FANS TOO but i dont know what im talking about actually so yeah i just thaught it would be good to say cause im like a hero or whatever (im just saying shit)
yeah sex should be a REAL art of the freaks like in my anime (i am for real i know its funny when i say it like that but im for real)
omg that would be awesome i love angel bites or whatever they call it snake bites? idk but they look very cute as well. idk i just wanna costumize my character you know i wanna look hot and sexy
why doesn't cewl having a husband or anything at all better to do than whore and do drugs every day? imagine living on ez mode and somehow being sub-incel tier lol
Because she's a trust fund kid living off daddy's money. when she's not grifting her paypigs on discord, she's out having lavish parties with her rich friends or "attending a wedding" as she claims
who would have thought larping as cewl here would be as easy as using the name cewl, typing and acting like a retard and using emojis
once cewl admits a defeat and says sorry for kicking me out with her high pitched voice i ejacuate gazillion cum inside her warm vagina silencing her mouth
😭 theres no filters in that pic; i just have make up. i take good care of my skin. i remember posting a pic of my cheek with flash on but im not gonna go find it. why r u so mad
excuse me i like how you think any of this affects me? bad bews gurl, it doesnt lol and you DARE use my name in vain unless i, the goddess, give YOU permission. you understand me retardo?
I bet when people see her narcissistic ass out in public taking a bunch of selfies they assume it's for insta or some other normie site. Little do they know she's doing it desperately seeking attention and approval from the absolute dregs of society (her peers) on discord and chans. how does cewl even sink lower from where she's at? fucking the homeless like tinker?
well at least unlike all the other e-girls here she hasn't yet lowered herself to fucking incels and homeless men but i suspect she's getting close to that
yeah I'd take tink as well. She's more attractive and probably funner to be around. cewk looks smelly, sad and boring. Definitely the type of girl that is a constant drag and just complains non stop. Sure tinker fucks the homeless or whatever but cewl probably does that and shares their aids infected needles too
i would prefer to fuck cewl while awake so i can hear her soft high pitched moans while i rail her, i'd love to slap her while raping her body, it'd be so hot.
kek she posted many times after that day but I think she toned it down bc she kept getting called out with the 
> I thought your mom blocked this site
Wtf why does her mom have to block sites for her and why did she have to rely on a paypig paying rent for her
Why doesn't she have a job
no retards sam hyde rejected my application to fish tank to be a vampire. and i tried to be audreys friend but she didnt want to. thats it
actually they were looking someone ugly and i think thats why i didnt make it in. lol
i dont think so. theres a lot of weirdos in fishtank
i just thought that if i had a friend in stem and can relate to i would have fun with her, but she told me what i did was trashy (posting nudes and doing drugs) after telling me she didnt want to talk to me (i told her i wouldnt message her if she didnt message back) but she still wanted to talk to me because woman moment. then she asked me deep questions, like were already friends(told me she didnt want to be friends) i told her i didnt wanna answer cause thats a deep question like i cant answer that in 1 twitter message, and she says "no its not lol". and then she got mad at me when i told her she wasnt doing anything much different than i was and was fat. she was very butthurt, i really wanted to be her friend. if she acts like i was in the wrong i will post screenshots.

do my haters only see plastic tits of only fans models? i cant believe it. i have a very normal (outside of us body) and im either a male or fat which come on like 😂 why are you guys just making yourself believe wrong shit with the only purpose of hating me? distance between my tits is approx 15-20 cms (thumb to little finger is 20 cm for me, horizontal line) like why are you guys not attacking actual stuff wrong with me? it doesnt hurt anyone youre outing yourself as a seething schizo.

i dont know why you all hate me. if you followed sam hyde on insta you would see that he was looking for a very ugly girl for fishtank. i dmed him he asked if i was ugly and a girl and 21+ i said yes and he started ghosting me after i sent a pic. so clearly i wasnt the ugly girl he was looking for. i also brought up how i had r9k clout and how it could be like marky all over again as a joke i think he kinda wanted that to be not be known more than it already is.

i dont get it guys. the audrey thing, i wish her luck, but i was really happy trying to be her friend and she acted like the hugest asshole, more so than people that insult me ITT. i dont know. im kinda sad
she told me she was very anti drugs and posting nudes and how all that would make her a trashy person. i was like, youre already white trash...

idk. she just seemed very aloof. im astonished she could graduate from an engineering program and im having my doubts really
They were scared you'd eat all the food and stab someone with an aids infested needle lets be honest, Betty and Letty are actually hot and got on the show
yes there are some hot girls but he was looking for an ugly girl how do you not have reading comprehension
if she did want to not talk to me, i acted very understanding and accepted that. then, she started coming at me about how i was an attention whore and whatnot, when SHE DOES THE SAME THING. i dont get it honestly. she just wanted to take the piss off
tldr is humans are all very different and if your only understanding of a female is the copy and paste face and body porn star im sorry for you.
I see a flood of pics of your naked body you've posted for attention and none of hers. Cope is off the charts. You got dunked on an ass eating lesbo lmao
She might be an asslicking incel fucker but she's not posting nudes or photos of her taking drugs like your whore ass is, you stupid cunt. How is this so difficult for you to get lol. Oh well, what could I expect from a retarded junkie lol.
> i was really happy trying to be her friend and she acted like the hugest asshole
So you're saying she was an asshole for telling you that doing drugs and posted nudes is trashy? Holy shit you're so deluded and narcissistic it's hilarious. It actually sounds like your ego took a massive hit and you're coping hard trying to make it seem as she was somehow in the wrong for telling you what so many others here have told you but coming from her it hit different.
wait so ppl don't respect me because im a junkie whore? it's bad to be like that? i thought you guys like it?
hi audrey
youre the same kind of attention whore. and i dont sell my body irl 😭😭
i tried to be her friend, she couldve just said no. i told her that i respect her and wouldnt msg if she did not.
then she started straight up bullying me but i tried to deescalate it because i still wanted to be her friend, but she did not.
at some point she acted like she was going to send nudes to me, so not much different than what i do.

i dont understand why she hates the fact that i am an egirl when she is also. its not the fact that im a junkie or post nudes, it was because im another egirl, and she was acting like she was not.

i think some of you are actually audreys simps acting like this so she may give you an std. im sorry i wanted a friend but i tried to be friends with the wrong person. its obvious why shes not friends with any of the other girls in this board.
maybe she is the narcissist trying to eliminate her competition or sth xD

sorry if i read the situation wrong, but i was very hurt by her. she said she didnt want to twlk to me and i respected that didnt want to be associated with me i respected that but then she did both of these things she said she wouldnt do. just to bully me. i just think she was kinda mean and im sad i couldnt be friends with her when shes happy she "pwned" a "junkie attention whore".
so really. because i post nudes and do drugs im so much worse than another egirl that acts like a tradwife and fucks her fans?

i dont know. im sorry if i misread the situation from audrey because i am retarded and whatnot.

im sorry, please dont bully me more. im sorry i dont have tits like audrey. i dont have XXY because if you have a Y chromosome youre male. im not, im not any kind of intersex.

most robots want nudes from the egirls and when i deliver why are you guys mad at me im just doing what you asked i want to make everyone happy but its impossible because im not pretty or sexy enough im sorry im trying to lose weight but of course when im not actively doing heroin all the time its not easy to lose weight like when i was in active addiction: im sorry. im trying to do less drugs but im still looked at like im at my worst. im trying to do better. i dont know why you guys do this. i dont know why people attack to things i cant ever change.
a lot of asian girls have tits like me and even smaller and ive never seen anyone tell them theyre trans. WTF. im not trans, it makes you look schizo.

please just stop saying weird bullshit
this is not me. its obvious because spmeone else sent this when i was typing my long heartfelt message

also audrey if anyone pretends to be me and comments on your thread and wherever you are, its not me. i will respect your wishes and do not contact you unless you do first like i have said from the beggining.

i dont want drama, please dont make your sex slaves act mean towards me. im on my period and it feels like i could cry any time. be easy
> it was because im another egirl, and she was acting like she was not.
Why do fat ugly roastoids always assume everyone is jealous of them
pls just let me into your super secret sluts club i whored i did drugs i ruin my life what else do i need to do
Yeah, you two are very much different. She might stick her tongue up people's assholes but she's not happily spreading her cunt for discord and imageboard people to see or doing drugs like yourself.
You got dunked on hard. What she said is 100% true. 

Also even your voice reeks of drug addiction and egirl drama, everything about you sucks. And your tone of voice trying to sound innocent is annoying btw. So yeah, just take the L bitch because an asslicking egirl owned you bad.
I hate this cewl cunt so much ngl. No wonder audrey didnt want to have anything to do with her, look how much drama she stirrs up just from being told she's a junkie whore. Literal cancer.
okay audrey im sorry but im allowed to have my own emotions and you and your whole gang coming after me is very mean. you said you didnt want to be associated with me but youre doing the exact opposite. youre a liar. if you didnt like me you would want it to be private. if youre so traditional and humble you wouldnt be mean to another girl. but youre the definition of a pick me and would do anything for the male that chose your fat ass over me. im glad they follow you to the point of not bullying another egirl. i wonder what will happen when you will also get your nudes leaked and you will not have any difference other than me.

drugs are a persons own choice and you acted like me using them would make you use also? like we could just be friends and i wouldnt talk about them to you... but nooo you just wanted to dunk on me so your robots with benefits liked you a bit more. im sorry i dont have tits like you but when you lose weight your boobs take a toll too. at least i just make friends with orbiters and play video games instead of cheating on them and writing written out letters. youre at your lowest that youre glad you could bully a girl so that you feel a little better. im glad
> also audrey if anyone pretends to be me and comments on your thread and wherever you are, its not me. i will respect your wishes and do not contact you unless you do first like i have said from the beggining.
Bro thinks Audrey lurks her thread and gives a shit about her 💀💀😂😂😂
incel asslicking bpd daddy issue whore made our angel cry  because she can't admit that she rubs her clit to cewl tits
> you just wanted to dunk on me so your robots with benefits liked you a bit more
Wat. She hasn't said or shared shit, it's you the one airing this out because you want people to feel bad for you being told by her you're a junkie trashy whore.
> be audrey
> act like wanting to be friends
> then dont
> oh im just blunt ahaha sory for looking like an asshole
> be an asshole
> do u want titpics
> be an asshole
> be audrey

at every point i tried to joke but she just acted meaner and meaner. i dont get why anyone would simp for a fat community college graduate that cant even make friends and instead of letting it go she has to order her command of simperinos to attack a girl that just wanted to be her friend and would respectfully stop talking to her if she doesnt want to, but she wanted to. then she came into my discord server. bpdemon. WHATS YOUR END GOAL
you're a reprehensible person and she reacted accordingly. What did you expect? Who would want to be associated with a person like you. Have you ever honestly asked yourself that question? Are you even capable of that?
then how did people itt know about it before i said anything to anyone? i waited purposefully. it was some anon that learned it through her, she joined my discord some days ago to monitor what i was talking about.
i started sharing my side after her (idk where she did it but people knew obviously enough to talk like i did something very wrong)

its very interesting that she didnt want to be associated with me and bullied me thinking it would just stay bw us (it would if her fans somehow didnt know about it) and then come after me on my thread and join my server. very weird....
imagine thinking both being attention whores on the internet is a solid basis for a friendship
she was answering my questions after i told her i wanted to be friends and said sorry if she came pff like an asshole, even when she was being mean towards me and when i tried to deescalate by making jokes she would joke back and be mean again.

just stop talking about her okay. shes very beautiful and intelligent better than me and im just a junkie asshole that cant understand human interaction and im ugly and this is all my fault and the only male interaction i can get is online. what you all say is true, just go back to orbiting her okay im totally in the wrong i dont even want to defend myself anymore. i just want to talk about funny stuff with my friends and if i have any luck someone will tell me my body is cute instead of looking like a male. just please have some empathy in your heart okay? i admit im the worst egirl on here so you can stop bumping this tread and go talk to a girl thats bettwr than me
> why anyone would simp for a fat community college graduate
Iirc she's an FSU grad. Which is a billion times more prestigious than whatever turk shithole school you're attending. 

> instead of letting it go she has to order her command of simperinos to attack a girl that just wanted to be her friend
You obviously don't know shit about her if you think she has an army of simps like you, or that she's invested in egirl shit like you are at all.
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> he was looking for an ugly girl
Actually convinced this is a lie and a cope because you fit the bill perfectly.
He didn't pick you because you wouldn't have contributed anything and are a blatant liability with your chronic drug addiction and mental breakdowns. It would've been Summer all over again but 20 times worse. 
You're a hideous girl, if he only wanted an ugly chick he would've said yes in a heartbeat especially because you have 4chan experience and thats another thing he likes to look for in contestants.
So cewl thinks audrey gangstalks her and infiltrates her discord and commands simps around to bring her down from the shadows and anyone who shit talks her is audrey herself. This literal schizophrenic meltdown is hilarious, I can 10000% assure you audrey doesn't even know this deranged ramblings by a serb junktard is even happening, which makes it more funny.
okay guys youre all right im ugly and i wont be an egirl anymore i wont post any more pictures i wont post here ill just talk to my friends on discord im sorry for disturbing the egirl board with my ugly perpsnality body and face im sorry i know you guys just want hot girls i wanted to be hot but im not enough obviously none of you guys have to like me anymore im not asking for anything im not worth anything please dont wasting your time bullying me i already know im useless im the worst im the junkie i look like a male my drawings are shit i cant get any better no matter how hard i try i give up im sorry i thaught people would like me when i posted nudes when i delivered because thats what people wanted i didnt want to share my face it got leaked and i know im ugly so i posted a prettier picture of my face cause i didnt want to be known by that i just dont want anything anympre i dont deserve any males to like me online its evident that none do in real life ill probably never find anyone else i cant even have friends because they will all hate me because im a junkie and post nudes i will just not be here anymore and disturb you sorry
Ikr. And this mental breakdown was simply triggered by being told she was a trashy whore she didn't want to have anything to do with lmao.
she's not far off. Audrey, tinker, marky and others, even ken, are all laughing about it in the official egirl discord that cewl isn't allowed in
i am on suboxone and havent done anything iv for like a month now almost, the oxies i did were left out precipitate with like 10% actve ingredient. i didnt buy heroin since christmas. i thought i was doing better but once a junkie i will always be one even if im sober. i know. i will always be ugly. i will always be worse than what i looked like at my thinnest at my best at my prettiest. im sorry i cant be up to your standards. i thought it would be fun to kinda act famous and have people like me i thought it would make being friends easier and im glad i found some friends this way but there are bad people anywhere in the internet
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Dear Ms.Cewl,
I am writing to you from my dirty hotel room to inform you that the true and honest reason me and my team rejected your application for Fishtank is because you make us all violently ill.
Seriously,  what the fuck. I tried jerking off to your nudes but like a derailed train crashed on the side of the tracks, my little pecker just wouldn't go! My colleague, Jet Neptune, described your vagina as an empty void ready to destroy anything in its path like a blackhole.
Please never contact me, my team, or any contestants. Otherwise, I will get lawyers involved. 
I have also attached a REAL and NOT EDITED image that perfectly encapsulates my feelings towards you.
Thank you for reading this.
Love, Sam Hyde. 

P.S. I did not fuck Marky.
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Damn this bitch has a bad persecution complex lmao. Literally delusional and schizophrenic. 

Also before this whore thinks I'm her or something, I just joined cewl's retarded discord to see her schizo shit firsthand, I'm not Audrey lmao, I don't simp for her, I just think you're a special case of retarded.
Lol she really thinks Audrey is posting here, fucking narcissist Audrey probably doesn't give a single fuck about you. She's too busy doing real world shit like eating ass and shooting small animals to be bothered with an ugly turk's sad attempt at started beef.
cewl the people being nice to you are enablers and they are lying to you. audrey somehow was a better friend than those types because she told you the truth. she doesn't lie to get in your good graces because she wants to fuck you like the few simps pretending you're not a completely disaster.
how is she a complete disaster? she's done with school and will be finishing her degree/masters next year. worst drugs she does are weed and prescription suboxone.
how is the girl who whores herself online trying to be part of an imaginary egirl club, is a junkie, and is having a schizo breakdown itt a complete disaster? haha you made a funny
duse it doesnt even get you high and creates a tolerance so even if you do heroin you wont get high. it has sooo little bpupupypephrin or sth in it which is pne of the weakest opiates, and has the thing narcan has; naloxone. it is the drug that i use so i dont use anything else. i dont get high off it. it is literally a medicine, unlike some pharma like oxy, xanax etc; this is designed for addicts. and i have to say it helped me a lot.
i was on there like when i used my last discord or something. its really a dead server.... and i didnt know what to say because i didnt know a bunch of girls on there. there was iris as well, vamp i think, chickn, and some other girls that were just anons. idk if it still exists. but i didnt talk a lot in it lol (i was busy watching iris stream and post shit on r9)

whew i dont wanna come on here anymore so please if you actually like me come to discord and whorver you are on the discord just hatelurking when you dont like me just gtfo youre weird for doing this
um have you considered just not doing drugs instead of saying 
> boohoo im an addict I HAVE to do drugs
idiots like you are why addiction has become a business model. it's not a disease moron use some common sense
> the retarded junkie really thinks there's a dedicated secret club discord server
how can anyone be this fucking stupid 😭
> youre weird for doing this
> says the skank who just had a massive meltdown over being told she's an annoying trashy whore 
PLEASE kill yourself immediately and let the world be rid of your stupidity
There's no proof she has autism 
Women CAN have autism (fuck you Elliot) but Cewl doesn't act autistic, she acts like a regular bitch who's so obnoxious she was ostracized and has to seek attention online. The only autism symptom she shows is the inability to understand sarcasm through text and that could be chalked up to her being an ESL retard with zero reading comprehension
i was diagnosed as a kid went through speech therapy and behavioral therapy bro in not a girl on tik tok pretending autism is awesome its fucking not and my goal in life is to mask 24 7 i studygirls behavior to befriend them and always hide my diagnosis unlike here vecause it hink a lot of people here are also autistic they would be interesting but everything is doubted. theu dont believe anything everything i say is a lie o them. like they think im trans for liking nerdy things or they thought i had estrogen tits when i delivered after tits or gtfo. do you never think something is true? i do, and from the looks of it i shouldnt have. because theres someone or somr people in my server i made to be closer to people but theyrr keeping track of everything i say. i just dont get it. everyone is different
0 reading comprehension is someone from america that didnt read 5 books their entire life. stop acting like youre some phd doctor of everything and think youre right on something ive experienced. WTF backseat gaminrg my brain bro
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i didnt know this about her. i genuinely have no idea. 

here its clear she wants to be friends (while knowing my egirling) then she splits on me (bpd moment) even when i was THIS respectful. none of you will know the whole truth but im being forced to reveal both me and audreys privacy because they think their opinion on a private subject is the correctest thing ever
You are not autistic. You are the European equivalent of American trailer trash and are fully capable of social interaction in real life, you just know that online its easier to get soyboys to throw pity compliments at you in exchange for mediocre nudes. Your smug attitude will get you killed one day.
she was polite to you at first and engaged in small talk then when you kept pushing she had to make it clear she didn't want to be friends or even really be associated with you for obvious reasons
Not a myth, just less common and harder to diagnose in women.
Temple Grandin is an example of a famous and intelligent autistic woman.
she was probably also slightly annoyed because you come off so dumb and childish which is why she was maybe meaner than she had to be in explaining this
to be fair it's reasonable for audrey to not want to be associated with the egirl known for posting her naked body everywhere and doing drugs, it would be embarrassing for her to be seen interacting with you. I understand that because of your autism you don't know why it's weird to be doing all these nudes and shit but like yeah..
You're clearly delusional. All I see is her being polite and you freaking the fuck out big time over her calling your lifestyle trashy and retarded. Which it is.
> their opinion on a private subject 
What private subject? You mean the nudes and pics of your doing drugs and attention whoring that you post to discord and 4chan and endchan to strangers? That "private" matter?
yes i know and i tespected that but she associated w me more thats what im saying. i see where shes coming from also u can read that in my replies
these were before she called me that. she kept asking more personal stuff when i didnt wanna answrr politefulyl i said i think those are deep questions and she said no it isnt like she dictates my thoughts. i didnt post evetythingg in order so thats why you mustve been confused.
i was acting funny to make her laugh and be friends, then all the mean  comments came and got meaner when i explained thst what she was mad at me about she did the same she also has a thread here and then shes saying what her simps itt are saying. its not really hard to figure out whats happening but im somehow schizo because i explain things different than allistic people.
no, i think private matter was my convo with audrey. but she obv talkef about it with her orbiters sp i kept quiet until i understood that. dhe even joined my server after to monitor me or whatever her goal is.
Bottom line is Audrey was right about you. Get as mad as you want at her delivery but what she said was correct.
> dhe even joined my server after to monitor me or whatever her goal is.
Okay so show proff of this then. Expose her handle. You won't because it's all in your head. You are overstating your importance because she doesn't even know who tf you are and are equating her calling you a retarded junkie who wants nothing to do with you with her somehow wanting to bring you down because how DARE she calls your lifestyle retarded, so she must be conspiring against you or some shit lmao.
you are retarded for thinking that audrey talks to her "orbiters" which she doesn't even have, you are inventing nonsense. Audrey doesn't talk with any of the incel losers on this board, she's instead rather give blowies to incels from telegram and soc instead.
> i didnt post evetythingg in order so thats why you mustve been confused.
Unconfuse us all then, post the entire convo so we can judge who wronged who.
you failed as an egirl too. they were desired in part because they played to orbiters imaginations of who they were and despite their whoring they left things to the imagination. you are just an outright whore and junkie and give everything easily so why would anyone even bother orbiting you? there is no intrigue or pursuit just more desperate nudes when we've all seen it already.
> all the mean comments came and got meaner
Lol you're having this much of a mental breakdown over another egirl calling the shit you do stupid, but somehow this is "being mean". You're just absolutely seething because the girl you wanted to be friends with called you out rightfully and now you make up all kinds of shit about her and make this about yourself and how much she monitors you and other retarded nonsense just because your ego took a massive blow which resulted in your schizo babbling.
Hol up. There's an Aubrey with a B in her server... don't tell me... cewl actually thought that was Audrey? Secretly infiltrating to monitor her activities from the shadows?  Hahahahahahahaha
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Sam hyde would rather have Tinker in fishtank instead of Cewl since Tinker is way cuter and more autistic than cewl will ever be.
plz. im doing it for fun, i never claimed that i still do that

ofc she knows, i know her from here too, thats why i reached out to her.  not in purpose of start drama though
wouldnt be the first time. people hatelurk me and even vore when he joined. weird behavior from every guywith a fav girl, im p sure theres some very insane for at least one of ebery egirl here
> wouldnt be the first time. people hatelurk me and even vore when he joined. weird behavior from every guywith a fav girl, im p sure theres some very insane for at least one of ebery egirl here
I wasn't validating you at all, dumbass. Nobody cares about you at all to "hatelurk" or do anything beyond telling you to fuck off, you're just an annoyance to everybody but your discord simps. I know you're a dumb ESL and a junkie on top of that, but damn your IQ must be in the negatives.
cewl might be the dumbest girl posted here yet. And that's saying A LOT considering we are dealing with girls that are literally mentally retarded.

absolutely 0 insight and boring as fuck. nothing to her other than being a junkie and trying to copy some whores she saw getting attention online. the thing is that unlike cewl they were attractive and at least pretended to be interesting
This entire situation could have been avoided if Cewl bothered to pay attention at all. She never talked to Audrey. That twitter account isn't her, a fact that everyone knows and has been pointed out multiple times, both before and after she contacted them. It's one of the posters in the Audrey thread, squatting her former username, who is also obviously posting in this thread. Someone was literally laughing a few days ago about Cewl following the "fake Audrey twitter account." That account also has 0 following and 6 followers so you have to have like 0 awareness to fall for that.
Holy lmao that makes it even funnier. Not only because this retard got dunked on by a shitposter which stirred a whole bunch of drama and mental breakdown, but also because it-s exactly what someone like Audrey would have said to her anyway.
> believing obviously fake shit
> leaking private chats
> accusing others of bpd while being bpd yourself
Her nose is so wide and niggery looking, imagine having to see that honker in the mirror every morning
im sorry to everyone i dont know why i believed it was her account i just wanted to be friends like i did with iris ika etc. im sorry to audrey because if thats not her i did very wrong. i had no reason to not believe it wasnt her. im going to be offline for a while so until i actually come back pls dont believe other people pretending to be me.

i wont post face or nudes anymore if im that ugly. i just want to make people happy and that by itself isnt enough ofc i try to be funny but what i want is friends and im thankful to everyone other than the creeps that just monitor and screencap my msgs.

if im not egirl material then dont make more threads about me, dont talk about me.

thank you to everyone that helped me i know what i did was wrong but obviously i did not understand the situation to the lowest because of dangerously low situational skills but i can understand some part of it. it still has to do with audrey probably one of her fans did this to me and purposefully talked about it when i didnt have any malicious intent when i wanted to talk to her.

if i talk more before i calm down i will just be bitching and moaning so i wanna take a break. we all know im addicted to internet so idk how long that will last but trying doesnt hurt.

i hope you guys can understand me but i know how hard it is to change your mind and with everyone being anon idk if people who used to like me still do and every ambiguity hurts me.

> playing: the girl so confusing remix with lorde
i technically know but it still hurts emotionally... like i can take comments about my body but someone named aubrey coming to the server and what audrey said to me as if shes a real 50s tradwife with no wrongdoing made me very sad, and people being skepticle of my truth and try to find out some other stuff from what i said. just because i didnt tell all of it doesnt make it wrong, i just omitted some stuff i didnt wanna share the screenshots but those who twist and turn and do mental gymnastics for crazy conclusions really made me feel bad. and i cant believe people think im faking autism when i dont even want to be autistic and faking autism looks like what those bitches do on tiktok. i dont know. its like they dont believe im a real person
> twist and turn it
> mental gymnastics
All I saw was someone politely telling you to stay away and that your lifestyle was retarded and bad, and from this you flipped the fuck out and did a huge drama making shit up and massively exaggerating like a schizo. Also good job retard, Audrey or not you still called her a fat incel fucking ass eating whore, which she is lol but you can drop your wholesome i just wannna be fwends :3 persona since you called her all sorts of shit mjust because they told you what you do is fucking stupid and trashy lmao. Good riddance bitch, stay gone forever you annoying junkie cunt.
you'll get over your schizo meltdown, get a couple reassuring comments and go right back to whoring yourself. your fixation on being liked and being an egirl is fucked and you should seek mental help. you talking about how Audrey does the same thing as you and how she is a bpdemon shows how delusional you are about your own situation. it is significantly worse.
> what audrey said to me as if shes a real 50s tradwife
Also this is headcanon and massive projection because nowhere in that convo was this even remotely suggested. It was you who decided to believe that because hey, if a girl criticizes my whore junkie way of life that means she's a 50s tradwife hypocrite whore because uhhhh she smoked weed and uhhh she has a thread on endchan so HA, she's equally as bad as me who expose my ugly brown roastie cunt to strangers online every single day and show photos of my epic drugs. Go ahead and bitch about these words in your threads for fake validation and for your two orbiters tell you how this is a baseless attack, bitch. Only reason it hurts is because it's true but your egirl ego and fried by drugs brain has made you too retarded to accept it even tho you've already realized it's true.
Nope, I'm jusy on a crusade against these whores but this one annoying bitch's delusion and megalomania in particular piss me off.
Imagining thinking being an ewhore is sitting at the cool kids table and making a complete whore and fool of yourself trying to force yourself there. Just lmao.
she's a bully and a coward. why did her and her fanatics from telegram suddenly get cold feet and pretend it wasn't them picking on cewl? why is she so threatened by cewl exactly that she needs to attack her in particular?
Besides doing drugs what exactly is wrong with what cewl is doing? She doesn't have a boyfriend, she's studying in the day and on the chans at night like alot of other channers, but she's also a hot girl and she shares that with us because we ask. It's probably not good for her, but how is it morally wrong? Why do people shit on  her for this.
she's a simpleton who thinks because she is a whore online that automatically makes her a memorable egirl like ciara and gives her worth, like she is part of the club or has a celebrity status. she constantly talks down to people in her thread like she's smart and has it going on when she's actually a junkie whore and a roach to boot. she thinks she's hot shit when she's getting compliments from her 1 or 2 orbiters then turns into a slobbering mess being a victim and crying about how she just wanted to make people happy and be an egirl. It's not really a moral issue as much as she is just a disgusting person entirely.
when and how did she even attack her lmao
do you think she even know who this bitch is and that she'd waste a single second of her time on her? you obiously dont know jackshit about her other than some regurgitated bs cewl the junktard's been feeding you since yesterday's schizo meltdown
our girl mogs cewl and whoring yourself every day to strangers is different than having a private sexual encounter (eating ass) leaked by someone you trusted. Audrey has actual hobbies and interests. cewl just gets loaded, doodles and whores her whole life.
I don't know what's funnier, this brown junkie having a psychotic breakdown because she was told the truth about herself by a fake audrey account that resulted in her coming up with a huge schizo headcanon and persecution complex about how this egirl she doesn't even know fears her and sees her as competition and commands her legions of orbiters in telegram to attack her and other random lunatic babbling, or Audrey herself not even knowing about any of this at all while the junkie roastie goes full schizo lmao
This is fucking retarded. Cewl made a huge deal out of literally nothing using some other girl here for engagement and used whatever excuse (omg she told me my life chices were retarded) to create a big drama where none was warranted. 
She's loving every second of it because, like all women and especially all egirls, she lives for the drama. I suggest shutting the fuck up about this nothingburger and stop giving this whore the drama she oh so loves.
Is this about something outside r9k or something? When has she been shitty to people, all i've ever seen is her posting her drawings, and helping anons cum.
Cewl seems likw the type of girl to use CrystalCafe or Lolcow.Farm so I'm not surprised she's so thirsty for drama she'd start online beef with a fake twitter account and then gaslight herself and her orbiters into believing its real
Cewl only has two simps who bump her thread every 10 to 20 minutes, but she thinks she's hot shit. Majority of her threads are people mocking her for being a fat whore.
So funny how foids get a few compliments and immediately start thinking they're celebrities, peak narcissism.
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Cewl is the queen of this board. Audrey needs to stick her infected tongue in chud assholes to get anyone to post in her thread kek.
Nigga before this bitch had a schizo episode yesterday literally 90% of the replies to her threads called her an attention whore and an ugly brown whore who should kill herself with only a simp or two bumping her thread every 10 minutes. "Queen of the board" holy kek.
> This is /agatha2/ not /cewl420/
Agatha troonmaxxed and cut her tits off, I think it's time for a namechange. I like /cewl420/.
Just realized Cewl started this drama because she knew her threads were running out of steam and she wanted more shitty replies so she could have more threads and own the haters. Fucking sad life of a fat junkie.
Why would Audrey call herself out on "her" account? The acc owner is himself an Agatha poster and catfished other people + refused to verify it was "her"
It's much more plausible it's not her, anyone can take an old username. Cewl admitted it's not her too. Stop fabricating drama.
she didn't admit anything. she was temporary confused by all of you insane Audrey simps spamming your damage control cope and didn't know what to think
Nta but how is he a retard? She literally said in another post she feels like an idiot for causing this drama for nothing
And if anything she's retarded one (not the we didn't know that lel) for falling for a catfish and letting them mentally BTFO cewl just for calling her a dumb slutty junkie. Imagine being that weak lmao.
lol you say this shit but you're on agatha2, at least she wants to actually be friends instead of just harassing them for nudes and getting off to degrading them

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