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20 threads and I can't think of a single piece of this cunt's lore, fact, or even rumor and even less of any impact she's had. Threads full of sameposts, samefaggots and meaningless bloat that could very well be mimicked by a bot.

good morning everyone
i think theres many threads because we spend time talking to each other rather than get involved with other people and stuff. at least i dont like drama... but when it finds me i needed to talk about it, now its over so i dont. there is no "lore" because i dont have a real life i just like to go online lol
so thats why i think theres many threads just because of conversations with anons and when youre not the one having the convos it doesnt feel like it has any meaning :P anyways good morning

never heard of that song ill check it out!
i sang songs like getcha, I I I, your treasure box the last time i was home alone. it was really fun but i need to redo it because it was my first time and its not that good :P

I've known cyanide and this doesn't surprise me. He's crazy and always takes his jokes way too far and gets off on being cartoonishly evil when he bullys someone. it's good to see he's self aware about it though

did you watch the video? anyway, only "the guy" (whose role is still kinda unclear) was inside her account and knows everything that went down. mostly him talking to that fat retard. seems like he's also attacking endchan and exploiting it to get ips

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> mods expose cewl for samefaggotry
> new e-girls join and cewl loses relevance
> admin protects iris from mean anons and she is famous and beloved again
so iris is the official agatha2 queen womp womp cewwl

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> mods expose cewl for samefaggotry
yeah that was stupid but she wasnt as stupid as donutchan
> new e-girl
some discord pedros posting revenge porn (CP) and boring shit? wowzers
> admin protects iris from mean anons and she is famous and beloved again
a single comment saying "Nice." won't protect her

> some discord pedros posting revenge porn (CP) and boring shit? 
no u freaking idiot im talking about ki, donut, bee , tinker they seem to be the most popular, I would include sydney but she isn't organic as these others

she was making a ton of posts in her last thread having a fake fight with some discord orbiter. she posted her pussy herself and then claimed it was an orbiter posting revenge porn. an admin came and deleted the pic then mr based volunteer posted proof it was just cewl samefagging

> i didn't want to hurt her
> she's like 11 or 12 years younger than me
> *burp*
> that's that point in a girls life where you don't want to be the first guy to hurt them
This guy is hilarious and he needs to start a podcast

Cewl is going to finally do something interesting and OD on stream?!?!?!  That's dope.
I should probably stop recording things well day drinking lol
I've tried livestreaming before and gotten banned for a school shooting joke and again because I was way too casual with the racist jokes. It's not something I really have the consistency or demeanor to do for anything more than a couple of weeks at a time. That and I need another eccentric personality to bounce off of.

Cewl, you should be more interesting. I came here hoping to be entertained, but all I got was mildly disappointed.
Anyway, hope you're well.
Oh, I found a new chew toy btw. She's older than me ^.^

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Who is Eric? You're a genius and very clever to be him! Maybe it's a friend, maybe it's someone you had contact for some time, you know, to keep an eye on Puka... :^)

Whatever... Just let it be noted that my country doesn't extradite to the U.S.: Želim ti sreću jer ćeš morati pobjeći od mene i mojih "imaginarnih" prijatelja ;D

I'm just that villain you all love to hate <3
That was less of a blogpost and more just hoping in this thread and saying hi to an old friend and giving her an update. She can chose to smile and be happy for me, she can be all like "gtfo cyanigger!" or she can choose to ignore it.
It's the internet and this is a public forum after all.
What's this about puka now? Yeah, obviously that court shit seems a little too convenient. Like even the dumbest retard would know to hire a lawyer and start trying to seem like the nicest guy possible after getting arrested for... THAT. At this point I almost think puka is just a fictional person and this is all just some massive fucking LARP based on how insane things have gotten.
Seriously when I met her I just thought she was some kid who needed guidance and who had gotten herself into a bad situation and needed someone to nicely tell her "Hey, get the fuck off of 4chan. They're not good people and will hurt you." but that story unfolded like an actual fucking comic book it was all so nuts.

I mean the pieces of the lore that I have that are not public make sense, but again. This is all so insane idk what to think.

You can use your nickname if you want, "makorav". You're her #1 fan and nothing will change this. You got her mad and now you're making a scene just like Elliot, that is if you're not him... Both Mako and Elliot are pedros and fags, obsessed with Cewl.
I hope you're having a great time, enjoy while it lasts.

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> criminals always follow the rules
Oh ok.
> prefers
Probably after e-dating me she does lol
My evil plan was to get her so into sucking BBCs that she would have an insatiable lust for them and through her immense craving gain super human speed and a sense of smell. The idea is that she's be able to smell African sperm from 100 miles away and acquire it in her mouth before anyone even knew what would happen and suck them so fast that it would leave the black man unable to produce seamen afterwards.
As you all know I am a super hardcore white supremacist national socialist and my evil intentions with Cewl was to bring about the TND that /pol/ always obsesses over.
And I would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for my own insecurities and that data simp too!
Your own damn fault for catching feelings for/leading on seriously damaged guys and immediately throwing shit in their faces when shit goes tits up.
I'm a pedro who just wanted to groom a minor?
You're a BBC worshiping e-whore who only dates pedros well abusing your simps.
And now everyone knows the "truth":3

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You keep saying that like it matters. I'm just some goofball having on the internet. unlike e-girls I don't actually do what I do for the recognition.
I honestly just found the whole Cewl fiasco to be a lot of fun and just wanted to drop in for a bit, for better or for worse.

Depending on where he lives and all that there is a good chance he didn't go to prison. When it's in the family the law gets fucking weird, you know, the parents are torn, and mental illness and everyone gets blamed etc etc.
But fair point though.
idk, seemed like a good way to commit genocide and get away with it to me. I mean, nobody wants to black women and get them preggers. Just go ask Iris.

The shit-flinging that constantly floods her threads is way more embarrassing for the people stirring the pot than it is for her. Cewl is just a nice girl who chills online when not busy studying or doing drugs, neither of which affects anyone but her. The hate she gets will never not confuse me. I don't remember her getting any hate at all until Elliot started seething about her banning him for posting Ciara CP in her server.

Cyanide is clearly having fun and makes cewls threads actually interesting. He's like a cartoon villain who just randomly pops into her thread to menacingly twirl his mustache and drop an evil monolog or two before bailing. If anything he gives cewl some actual lore and makes her more interesting. Without him she's just some drug addict who shows off her nudes for attention.

> You're a BBC worshiping e-whore who only dates pedros well abusing your simps.
Cewl has a cuckolding kink, she wants to have a bunch of sad simps obsessing over her so she can get off on abusing and cucking them.

tal gave up on cewl, now his deal is donutchan
elliot... no one cares
this other guy is just a lolcow who'll eventually get his own thread on the farm

can u suck his cock and post to us? you enjoy him so much 

donut is prettier than cewl but she is worse personality wise and body wise but cewl is low iq too and kinda fat but donut is way fatter, but donut is sweeter than cewl but cewl knows how to manipulate people better so cewl is a better e-girl 4chan-like but donut is a better e-girl for twitter normie circles

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Uhh hey Cewl, if you... I don;t know... If you don't post a picture of your asshole in the next 30 minutes I'm going to post one of the videos of you masturbating and I'm also going to make dinner... Actually show us your butthole or don't. I'm pretty hungry and tbh I deleted anything you sent me pretty much right away and you're probably sleeping right now. I really did like that one video though, where you had a bit of a bush and it was from your POV. That one was nice :3
Nuh uh! I'm viri srs and want to destroy Cewl because she refused to cheat on me with a black man and I thought that was pretty racist of her. >:-(
> 2018
You're really grasping at straws there champ. It's not me. I'm divorced(or previously engaged, I prefer to change up some details but the core of my story stays the same), not an incel who bitches about how women are whores who only go for chad and have 10+ guys they talk to. If I really like the girl I'm just glad I'm one of the guys she chose, it's not that deep.

good luck data mining on me though. I usually give misleading info, I change my alias a lot, and I tend to give out fake personal info whenever asked. Here's something I did post though. 
Hi Cewl
This nigga gets it.

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I see no butthole. 
Here is the content I said I'd drop. You thought I was bluffing. 
Are you fucking sorry yet?
If that is really true than I genuinely pity them because she actually got pissed off at me for not wanting to masturbate to her homemade porn because I found her exhibitionist fetish off-putting and her being heavy-handed about it actually turned me off so badly I was losing my erection trying to fap to it with her.
If you've been paying attention I don't actually even really want to hurt her, I don't care about proving shit, and frankly is this just fun to me.
> She doesn't care about endchan anymore
Between me and seemingly a mod or multiple mods choosing to fuck with her I'm guessing she just doesn't want to deal with it. I can't blame her, well I wouldn't put myself in her situation, I wouldn't want to deal with it either.

She's on here often. Few days ago she was into me but I was new and unfamiliar with this whole thing. I saw her junkie videos and learned about this place now she's on less often. Pretty sure she's devastated that I'm leaning towards a Donut/Sidney combo now instead of a cavitated Turkish Church's brown chicken wing that sucks at Mario Kart. She's here though.

Oh god, imagining her simps writing her "I love you princess" while she was screaming "I LOVE THAT NIGGER COCK DADDY! CALL ME A WHORE AGAIN AAAHHH!!" with some fucking pedro, oh god it's so good.

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*sigh* This shit again? Really? Get some new material....

You all know the story of what happened, I won't bother repeating it and y'allst folx motherfuckers don't even believe me anyway.

let me just say this: Ironically, I actually did care about that girls wellbeing and never looked at her like I do with e-girls. Cewl, I literally was just using her from the beginning and she knew it but she ran with it because she knows that's all she's worth. if you really think I was was grooming Puka and yada yada let me just add that when I do see women as fuckmeat I work quick, I move on if I haven't gotten what I wanted within a week or two, and I really don't see looking at a girls vagina as worth potential prison time. That was months ago, and yet I'm still a free man. Where's your smoking gun, let alone any evidence other than puka turning on me after I inadvertently exposed her for talking to a known groomer in some misguided attempt at protecting her?

Anyway.... you know what I've realized since I stopped talking to that girl?
She's a master troll without even trying. Seriously, seeing what she does to the other e-girls is magnificent. Like I get it now, and i wish I would have seen it beforehand because i could have avoided a lot of butthurt over her and her situation.

e-girls wills will pretend to care about Pukas wellbeing and all that and claim they want her to fuck off purely as a morality thing, but it's not a morality thing, it's jealousy. Puka manages to get a ton of attention just by posting her face and being genuinely charming, and it isn't even a sexual for most of the guys. e-girls like Cewl have to post so many nudes and try so hard to get validation from guys it's embarrassing. These women know what they are, they know what men want, and it pisses them of that some little shit can do everything they do 100X better just by existing in their proximity...

At this point, I just kind of admire puka in the same way I admire bella the wolf. I find it incredibly awesome that a highschool girl can cause so many people to seethe so hard with such little effort. I would never approach bella the wolf, or puka at this point(or anyone similar to her), but it's just amazing how every time someone says something about either of them it's either some bs "Oh I pity her" or a personal attack about what a piece of shit either of them are.

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everyone is baiting everyone and this is probably the most entertaining shit on this site
ProTip: If a girl is white or white adjacent, has daddy issues, is seriously mentally ill, and prefers the company of older dangerous men she's either into BBC or is very receptive to getting into it 90% of them time.
Source: I saw it in a dream

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oh my *gawd*, hiiiiii babes! it’s me, the villain of the story, obvi. ugh, lemme just spill some tea for all you little gossip queens who are sooo invested in this messy drama. buckle up, sugar!

first off, NO, we were not dating, ew. like, are you kidding? we got close super fast, but it was all deep *feelings* or whatever. honestly, we were both kinda feeling weird about it, and i had to dip 'cause the vibes were... not it, babe. i don’t do awkward.

sooo, yeah, maybe i said some things about her having a boyfriend, oops? but like, she didn’t wanna be all public with it 'cause she didn’t want you lil' thirsty simps getting the wrong idea. she actually cares about what you all think, which is like, cute, but also... why?! anyway, not my problem. let her have her fun with you clowns, lol.

oh and her whole internet practice girlfriend thing? *giggle* i mean, you do you, girl! i’m not getting in the way of her lil' fan club. practice on, sweetie!

about that BPD drama? i’m just saying, maybe she’s got those vibes, but like, idk. i’ve got BPD too (duh, i’m a queen managing it flawlessly), but i just say what i see, babes. no shade, just facts.

and yeah, i threw a little shade her way, but that’s only 'cause she straight-up twisted what i said. like, girl, please. i'm not here to make it a thing, but if y’all wanna simp for her, go off, i guess. just know that i’m not impressed. and if you’re specifically simping for her? honey, you need to look in a mirror. bless your heart ❤️.

we did talk, though, and like, yeah, we’re cool now... i guess? maybe we’ll stay friends, maybe not. who knows? we’re in totally different worlds, and honestly, staying friends might be more drama than it’s worth. but pro tip: if you care about her, stop acting like she’s your real gf, 'cause the second you pull that nonsense with an actual girl? bye, babe. she’s ghosting you faster than you can say left on read. real talk. 💅

i wasn’t trying to cause drama (well, maybe a little), but cewl, babe, if you’re reading this—thanks for the chaos. it was low-key exhausting but also kinda fun? i didn’t wanna open up to you, but weirdly, i’m feeling better now. go figure.


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I was laughing the entire time I read that....
That was a flawless recreation aside from the part about if you treat her like your real gf she'll leave you.
What I meant was 

Like damn tho, if y'allst folx wanna be up in her business like that and don't wanna let a girl have some privacy she wll leave yo ass for a better man that know when to stay out her bidnizz and good for her, like damn sweety.*sprinkle in niggitry faggotry and emojis as deemed appropriate*

And cewl was trying to be all normal with me like I couldn't scroll around this latrine. Too much to work on cewl. It's not like we can runaway to another country, leave the internet behind, and live a private life... right? Maybe a few opportunity fucks but I already know I have to use a rubber with you. I've never fucked with a rubber. Not about to start either.

So was mr well-known groomer innocent? Mistaken identity? She threatened to give you a knuckle sandwich if you continued? Why the regrets and feeling you were misguided, is what I'm trying to work out.

It used to be impossible to reason with her directly because of her fear of orbiters not taking criticism well and pulling another Eric, so the only alternative was to confront those people directly but subtly without her knowledge and that didn't always go well... So while I personally have no regrets confronting people, I understand it becomes more complicated than it's worth sometimes to deal with her demons and it personally costed me my friendship with her because she too stubbornly stuck to the "if I ignore it enough maybe they will stop" mentality. She really couldn't grasp that ignoring the pedro behavior just empowered those types of people to do more.

If she had listened to my advice and not given into fear and not tolerated the BS people threw at her, she probably wouldn't be banned from 90% of the internet right now after jealous roasties reported her repeatedly for literally no legit reason. But it is what it is I suppose. 

On the bright side, she has learnt her lesson (more-so she's forced the lesson) so even if mr well-known groomer was in her DMs the probability of him doing anything inappropriate and him getting immediately evicted from her presence is close to 100%. That's not to say there aren't people who were bad actors but stopped, including ones I confronted I still see speaking to her... I still think it should be "pretend to be her friend and lewd her once and you're out of the picture permanently even if you found God or something because clearly you were never a genuine friend to begin with". Telling her who she can be friends with just seems possessive though (which is probably what you seemed like to her) so I'll just trust her judgement.

You clearly have little to no idea what you're talking about.....
I really don't care to drag puka into this, she was my friend, she's not now, that made me really sad and still kind of stings, you can fill in the blanks how you want.

I feel like this may be data guy, you talk similarly enough, so let me just go mask off and lay my cards on the table here for a moment and either look really stupid or really smart...

So, you added me, I said I wasn't going to give you Cewls nudes because you would have been the 4th person to ask. My whole goal was to alienate her slightly but things clearly spiraled into an entire fucking circus act as anyone who looks back at Cewls... 17th? Thread can see. Anyway, you accused me of leaking Cewls nudes before realizing it wasn't me. I asked what else you wanted, you didn't answer so I unadded you. You readded me, tried to claim it was you the entire time, did this whole thing where you tried to paint yourself as an altruistic and more competent version of me. I ran with it, and gave you the impression I really looked up to you, you explained how it was you coordinating things with me and Cewl from the very start, and I let you say your piece and than I proceeded to act like a paranoid schizophrenic in an attempt to get you to slip up, which you did. You showed that you'll run with a story if you feel confident, you'll even over play your hand if you're sure of my gullible ass would eat it up, when I said "If it was also you that set things up with puka, thank you, that was a genuine wakeup call" you didn't even respond, most likely because you had no idea what the fuck I meant and knew if you tried to play into it you'd make it obvious what you were doing... Well, more obvious.
I asked if you were part of an "internet protection agency" and you ran with it. You're clearly not, but you displayed the most basic competence when you tried to go with it and that was when I ended our conversation because I knew everything I needed to know.

So taking all of that into mind....

In an attempt to prove you were behind the drama with Cewl and me you showed a screenshot of you telling her what to say on the second account, and later claimed you had access to her account and were the one talking to me directly from the beginning(weak "proof"  btw), I'm going to call bullshit. I think it's 50/50 that Cewl was either leading me on or genuinely caught feelings and in a blind rage did what she could to lash out at me and just walked into every single trap I laid, I literally telegraphed everything to her and made it clear what she could do to not fuck everything up btw.... But hey, she's not a smart woman and doesn't work well under pressure.
I base this one the fact that she was pretty high on xanax for the first 2 days and well it cause you to black out it your brain can still form emotional responses to things and perhaps she didn't know why but she did feel very safe and very comfy with me, which would only make her want to get closer to me. (ex xanax junky, when I was high my emotions were very real, albeit unrefined/exaggerated)

I don't think you're a simp, I think you care about Cewl, I think you wanted this all to end for her sake and knew she didn't have the mental wherewithal to just be smart when dealing with a sociopathic troll like myself. You wanted to scare me, but instead you just encouraged me.

Like lmao, had she just not immediately attacked me with the one thing she could, or talked to me in private and not try to bite my head off because I didn't do what she wanted, none of this would have happened. But she chose to be a bitch, as seems to be the usual response with Cewl lore, and I have really changed the game for her. I may or may not stick around long term, I exposed that she does indeed string along the few simps she has well giving it up to guys like me, I didn't even need to prove she's into BBC she walked onto that little landmine herself, and I like to think that she'll never forget about me... Even after years of therapy <3

i love you iris, youre the best.

to others, To endchan;
> leading on seriously damaged guys and immediately throwing shit in their faces when shit goes tits up.
i didnt lead him on. i was on 10 mg of xanax and iw as just sitting there high as fuck while he showed me zoophilia and BBC. i just did what he told me and even posted a vid of me masturbating that i only sent someone else because he was a paying customer (lol).
the next day after learning what he did to me i felt genuinely horrible and just wanted to get out of that situation with everyone knowing. i asked delastelle to help me and he did help me a lot. but cyanide took things very badly because hes legit insane and started smearing shit everywhere even when he wasnt the topic. ofc i didnt want to talk about what happened bw me and him, but he talked as if he didnt do anything wrong. so i tried to cut ties with gim slowly but it didnt work. this guy legit e-raped me with how i wasnt clearly concious as people who were on the stream that night remember. this guy showed me insane abuse levels of porn, animal abuse and shit. this guy is still to this day trying to become an e boy with how much people care about this topic. hes just trying to use the shitty thing that he did to become popular so he can do this to other people just like what happened with puka. its disgusting and i dont want to think about it anymore because i always think of what else happeend that night when i met him because i can only know what he told me and the discord messages. i sent this guy stuff just because he asked, i wasnt leading him on or anything, i talk to everyone that dms me, and i have problems saying no especially when im on that much of xanax.
im sorry if i made anyone mad but this is a personal issue and i dont ever want to talk about it again but cyanide always brings it up. it makes me not ever wanna post nudes or anything like that again because i attract insane people like donut or cyanide. (im mad at donut because she was one of my biggest haters behind my back and was talking to me like nothing and it reminded me of my high school bullies so i am very sad about that too.)

with everything being talked about; im sorry ive been boring. i just wanna sit around talk to my comfy dc server and play ff. i would stream it but i just dont want to give him another chance to interact with me, or any hater, because these people just want to bring me down and drive me to legit suicide. and another person i deemed as a friend also turned out to be insane. thats why ive been inactive here as well.
im thankful to everyone thats saying good things to me, and supporting me through this time.

i dont like how big this deal has gotten. the guys obv a groomer that made the puka situation even worse, i cant velieve theres people defending her. and if they are, theyre not my fans/friends. they cant bebruh. bcs who would fall for his lies?

> 10 mg of xanax
It was 3, later 5, Jesus the more I troll you the high you were on xannies that time.
> I asked dete to help me
Massive mistake. Had you just been honest with me and not act like a cunt, I wouldn't have done any of this. :P
Not really reading the rest, it just seems to be a bunch of "oh I'm the victim and he's a bad guy" even though I was really good to you and as soon as I bailed on you you started talling everyone I was a fat balding divorced pedro.
I mean... you don't have much of a conscious, that's normal with druggies, but Jesus girl... You seriously need to start developing a sense of self awareness.

> Cyanigger e-raped me made me watch bbc and zoo porn is the reson I won't show my ugly body off and is singlehandedly bullying me off of agetha
I'm starting to think cyanide may actually be the hero of this story...

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It wasn't me so stop talking to ghosts and further incriminating yourself. I do help in an initiative for Internet safety because I have a degree in cybersecurity and I work in this area, next year I'll probably be what you could call a fed. Also don't make me post the video of you "trying to play me" (like you said), it'd be beating a dead horse, or in this case, a pig. 
About Cewl and whatnot, believe what you will, and that goes for the other retards who are feeding you baits but your "sociopathic mega mind" may be out of tune to understand it. I'm sure it's all just a play and you know they're trolling you, right? Yeah, give me a break, self-diagnosed "sociopath".
I'm not here anymore. I know Cewl from way back and I ended up on Endchan just to write an archiver module for this imageboard, Odili (admin) can vouch for me if you ask him. I only get alerts on my dashboard now if someone is mentioning me or Cewl.

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> I want proof
> proof is in the text
> I can't read
Fuck off lmao
I mean... Antihero maybe. I've definitely filled the antagonist role for mah gurly Cewlio :3 but she is kind of a piece of shit herself.

I looked into here lore slightly and she has a thing for antagonizing weak and vulnerable /r9k/ types and I am an /r9k/ regular and I take care of my own. pic rel

She definitely deserves a little reality check.

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that's cewt...
Go ahead post it. If you are a "fed" in the making you really need to get your emotions under control. It's too easy to get you to say more than you should and get in your head well you're getting into mine. If you were actually doing an investigation on me you would have completely fucked it up just by telling me you were, let alone getting as hand on as you did. I have family in law enforcement, I know how these things work more than I probably should...

Also, what investigation? That I'm willing to throw shit at some adult woman who throws shit at me? I'm willing to bully someone who is known bully? *Gasp*
I'll tell you something my lawyer said when I tried to sue my employer for discrimination a while ago,
"Unfortunately it's not illegal to be an asshole. I really wish it was."

I doubt you even know which of my fans or haters are just me and which are actually trolls feeding my megamind, You're not an admin on this site, that much is clear and you can see which post is made by which ip(I assume) but you can't access what would be required to see the actual data on the sites users, because you really wouldn't be saying any of the things you've said to me about this subject if you knew which posts were actually mine.

It's not self diagnosed. BPD+ASPD is a really dangerous mix and it's a really bad idea to provoke someone who has that combination.
I'm not like the other boys. ^.^
> I'm not here anymore
Yet here you are
> I'm a huge simp for Cewl
If that's true your approach was really piss poor because it really seemed intended to escalate things, that or you really just think all bullies are cowards. Most are, I'm not. I usually don't bully people but every now and than I just find someone who... really deserves it.
Anyway, you can continue with your little LARP, it's only going to encourage me to continue with mine.¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You can't read, can you? Let me make my replies easier:
1. I'm not investigating you, I have no reason to, but if you're hiding something then that's what you would say, no?
2. I'm not in the U.S, things work differently here; 
3. I'm not a "huge simp", I know her full legal name and everything there is to know about her, there's your clue now figure the rest yourself, big boi.
1. I don't know how to count and you'll never know if you're talking to me or someone else, I hope that helps you sleep.

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> but if you're hiding something
What is a man but a miserable pile of secrets
> here
Online? Ok. I'm familiar.
> not a huge simp I just know every last detail about her
Unless you're her dad or something that's genuinely creepy, even by my standards. I mean I know her real name too and a lot of things I didn't lore dump but that's way less of a flex than you seem to think.

You seem to care about power, and you think you know me and yet clearly you don't know the first thing about me lmao. I don't give a fuck about power, and I don't get off to hurting women. If you didn't have your head shoved so far up your own ass and knew abnormal psyche as well as you claim you could actually look at this entire situation with as detatched perspective as you claim you'd know why I'm doing what I'm doing, you'd know what pushed me to do this, and what it would take for me to actually fuck off but nah. You literally did the worst possible thing at every stage in what is either a masterclass in trolling or a narcissistic dumb asses idea of playing mental chess with an internet troll.
> I don't know how to count
That's nothing, I'm so stupid my brain can't even fully register the difference between green and yellow, they say it's a form of colorblindness but I know I'm just too dumb and low iq to tell the differnce :( please pity me.
> you'll never know if you're talking to me or someone else
You're trying to psyche me out by saying this an anonymous imageboard like 4chan? That's your mic drop? holy shit lmao. You got me, I'm a scurred now I tell ya h'wat boy. I'm poopin in mah pants over here

Cewl, you need to ditch that megalomaniacal clown and get with this silly clown, because this could be us but he's clearly just jelly that you prefer real comedy driven megalomaniacs such as myself.

he didnt get me into them, he showed me stuff and i said i see bbc as normal sex because its just a black man fucking a woman. i dont see it as a separate thing. maybe he got that as in i was into it but you dont know how much hes lying about to you guys that its insane. hes just mad i didnt comply with a zoophile/pedrophile

Nice LARP (not really it's actually terrible) but that's just a screenshot of the log from an IP logger. The IP was obtained from someone clicking a link that you presumably posted/sent them. Endchan is just the referring page.

Finally some good fucking bait....
That's all I wanted...
(long rant about how I'm not actually paranoid and just an edgy sociopath boi here)(something vaguely menacing here)(casually antagonistic retort)

I'll give you this bit of my backstory, maybe because I want you to understand, or maybe because I want it thrown in my face, or maybe because I just want you to wonder if I'm telling the truth.

That story I wrote, about my wife getting breast cancer and me killing someone in a drunk driving accident and her taking the fall is actually pretty based on actual events, like obviously I didn't kill anyone.
But I did have a wife and a kid, my daughter was 4 years old and I was a pretty shitty dad. I was there, but I was never really "there" and my wife did have cancer, granted it was a slow growing one and she had several years left. I never really cared too much.
Well anyway, it was my day to pick up our kid from daycare and I had had a really long day at work and I refused and told her to do it. We argued but eventually she did. She ended up getting hit by a drunk driver on the way home and my little girl died then and there...

It never really hit me right away, and I wasn't particularly supportive towards my wife who was really not taking it well. I ended up hitting her in an argument and she went to stay with her mom.... Eventually she called me and told me about how she's at the end of her rope and wants to kill herself and my only response was "Yeah, ok. Do a flip faggot." And she ended up killing herself 2 weeks later.
That's when everything hit me, that's when I broke and I realized what a monster I had become, ever since then I've always tried to make things right and help protect people who need it.
The only reason I've been so mean to Cewl is because she abused that empathy, I showed her a piece of my heart and she just ripped into it like a monster, and I guess she just dragged up a part of me that I have long since buried.

I'm sorry Cewl, please don't hate me. I can't help myself... I really do love you in my own broken little way and it really did terrify me that when you told me you loved me I realized how much I wanted to save you. I just... I couldn't handle the vulnerability. It's not your fault.
I really did just want to hear your voice one last time and I just wanted you not to hate me, but it's clearly too late for that... Please just understand that I'm a very flawed human being and I can't process my emotions for shit and whether by design or by accident you really triggered me. I never wanted to make my ugly nihilistic rage your problem.

> because she abused that empathy, I showed her a piece of my heart and she just ripped into it like a monster, and I guess she just dragged up a part of me that I have long since buried.
bbbrother you threathened me with shit because i was talking about how much of a piece of shit you were b but you wanted to become an eboy. youre just doing all this for attention more than anything i do. you are legit schizophrenic. you see me as your dead ex wife come to life again and wanted to hypnotize me into liking zoophilia. YOU ARE INSANEEE GTFO just create your own thread PLEASE youve made people hate me enough

Okay, Galizur/Delastelle, so you embedded the IP logger in the css of a board you created, so anyone who accesses said board will have their IP logged. Honestly, this probably warrants a permanent ban for trying to datamine users here for malicious purposes.

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Not exactly the "I realize I fucked up and I'm sorry I hurt you" I was hoping for, but sure, good enough.
I hope you eventually realize that what you do is wrong and you start making better choices in life.
I know I'm always going to be me, and that will never change, maybe you're in that same boat but I genuinely don't think it's too late for you.
Whether you chose to accept that maybe I told you the truth or you chose to believe it was all just cheap theatrics is up to you.

I guess I'd like to drop one last bit of my personal lore if you don't mind...
I chose the name Doom because it's simple and elegant, profound, and common enough that I can blend in. That and the quote from the game really resonated with me.
"They are rage, brutal without mercy, but you, you will be worse. Rip and tear until it is done"*Doom song plays*
heh, autistic af, I know.

Thanks for going on this wild ride with me, it's been real, and it's been fun, and honestly it's been real fun.

I'll stay away for real this time. But for real, for both our sakes stay off of /r9k/ I don't want either of us to get hurt more.

I love you Cewl, sorry about that.

he is so cringe I wish he stopped writting wall after wall of text seething over this random turkish virtual woman he sexted once (she is a camwhore so it's a hobby for her she does not love him). He is super cringy and even more cringy if he is truly 30 years old please get a job man internet is not real life

nothing in the css

Tyger Tyger, burning bright,  
In the forests of the night;  
What immortal hand or eye,  
Could frame thy fearful symmetry? 

In what distant deeps or skies.  
Burnt the fire of thine eyes? 
On what wings dare he aspire? 
What the hand, dare seize the fire? 

And what shoulder, & what art, 
Could twist the sinews of thy heart? 
And when thy heart began to beat, 
What dread hand? & what dread feet? 

What the hammer? what the chain,  
In what furnace was thy brain? 
What the anvil? what dread grasp, 
Dare its deadly terrors clasp? 

When the stars threw down their spears  
And water'd heaven with their tears:  
Did he smile his work to see? 
Did he who made the Lamb make thee? 

Tyger Tyger burning bright,  
In the forests of the night:  
What immortal hand or eye, 
Dare frame thy fearful symmetry? 
*::before {content: "";display: block;width: 100%;height: 300px;background: url('/.static/logo.png') no-repeat center center;background-size: contain;margin-top: 20px;}
*::after {content: "404 - Not Found\nEndchan couldn't find the page you were attempting to reach. If you just created a new thread, refresh after a few seconds.";display: block;text-align: center;font-size: 1em;margin-top: 10px;white-space: pre-line;}
body {background: #e0e0e0;display: flex;flex-direction: column;align-items: center;justify-content: center;height: 100vh;text-align: center;font-family: Arial, sans-serif;}

so the guy just got banned for nothing? kek

User testacc banned the posters of the following posts: 99560 from board /agatha2/ until Mon Sep 25 2034 16:50:07 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) with reason "Logging and publishing IPs of board users, datamining with malicious intent, impersonating moderation staff, making numerous implicit threats, other general assorted faggotry (delastelle/galizur)".

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Stay safe.
Fuck you, go lose your job.

Adding to her post: Cewl has nothing to do with anything I may or may not do. If you want someone to blame, blame me and the board volunteer "testacc" (blame him the most for being a bitch and tech illiterate).

Change this shit to jschan or some fork of vichan already. TrannyLynx developed this engine with a dick up his ass, or should I say, a plastic dick up his ass...

qrd on dela and doom is that the same person? i can't read all these schizo walls of texts to figure out what's going on. does he like cewl or hate her and what's the point of trying to grab random people's ips?

He's more elaborate and edgy than that. He's going to tell us how he put his wife through pilot school even though she was epileptic because it was her dream and because of that she was hers was actually the plane that crashed into the pentagon on 9/11 but he never said anything because everyone just assumed it was the terrorists and one of the things Cewl said was the last thing his wife ever said to him.

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God no, I'm not the Cyanaids guy. I'm better, smarter and rich. To be honest I was having some fun but the board volunteer who's a goon banned me because I took the joke a step further to scare away some weirdos, and that backfired mostly at Cewl than me, I think. But she doesn't care that much now, she just wants her thread clean and I'll give that to her, no matter what I will have to do.

9/25/24 - Germany - - Firefox Windows 10 (HTTP-Referer empty)
9/25/24 - United States - - Chrome Windows 10 (https://endchan.net/)
9/25/24 - United States - - Chrome Android 10 (https://endchan.net/)
9/25/24 - Hungary - - Firefox Windows 10 (http://endchan.org/)
9/25/24 - Germany - - Firefox Windows 10 (https://endchan.gg/)
9/25/24 - United States - - MSEdge Windows 10 (https://endchan.net/)
9/14/24 - Malta - - Firefox Windows 10 (https://endchan.org/)

That's about it, thanks!
The less you know the better for me and Cewl.
I'm waiting on Mako to call me a dyke already or leak my face, not lick, leak (read that right, Mr. Mako).

You're correct, let's hope no one is hosting anything and the ports are closed.

I actually protect server members if they're behaving and need my help because I offer these services for free. If they turn rogue this will happen and more, just like when I found where Tal lives (Ireland) and his house number just using a single photo.


yeah i know there are some things you could potentially do and the ip might give you a very good idea of where someone was posting from but if it's just a list of random people who clicked a link posted on a thread here that seems like a waste of time. dox, ddos or exploit some random to what end?

> ip very rarely points anywhere close to where you live
but sometimes it does

> getting name and age isn't possible from it alone
no shit but everybody says their name and age when they meet, even most e-girls

> ddosing means nothing when you can just change ip by resetting your router
can't do if your ip is static

> "er you can just give away your data whats so wrong about that"
Absolute brainlet take. Even if the data had only marginal use, Id prefer if nobody had any data on me.
I get Dela's intentions but he's acting mad cringe rn and I don't trust anyone that tries to act like he is the law

looks like you're the brainlet. my point is collecting ips of random board users and attempting to dox or attack them would be a gigantic waste of time and effort. obviously if given the choice of some dork having my ip or not id rather they didnt

Anyone with profile connections got logged by my alt account running a self-bot.
Not random people, that was just to throw that I can do it, not that I will do it. Why would I dox these people if the only good thing they have is seeing Cewl and yap about how she's fucking everyone who contacts her even if it's the fucking restaurant waiter.
I don't even know Pukara because I am a newfag who was writing an imageboard archiver module for this shitty place. I just went along and made you look bad because you were the one considering her "your child".
I'm not trying to act like the law, my bad if it seemed like that. I'm just protecting someone.

> collecting ips of random board users and attempting to dox or attack them would be a gigantic waste of time and effort
he doesn't have to doxx them himself. he's literally leaking the ips here. anybody could use them

> I'm not trying to act like the law
brother you are absolutely batshit insane and my IP isnt even among the ones you leaked, nor did I ever connect anything to my profile. Doesnt make your actions less questionable. Your idea might be noble but if anything you are making cewl look even worse since she is apparently complicit and your execution is very unethical

> and that backfired mostly at Cewl than me
You still don't get it, do you? Cyanidicidal, or Doom, was gaming you from the start. His back story is completely fake and he's just an old troll who wanted to fuck with you.
You thought you were gaslighting him but he was always multiple moves ahead of you and you look more pathetic and stupid than he did this entire time.

You're going full skitzo now lmao. You think everyone hating on you is cyanide. That's really funny, you thought you were doing a good thing but he fucking got you dude! He helped cewl expose herself as the disgusting lying whore she is, she got you to expose yourself as a creepy weirdo who stalks everyone who orbits your gf.

I am personally friends with him and I assure you, he knew more about you from the start than you currently know about him.
Did you really think Cyanide was just one person doing all of this?

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idk what you're talking about. I'm completely retarded and i really loved Cewl despite her barely passing and my family died in a car crash or something and I really am le heckin jonker and am going to kms over cewl cause he never really loved me.
I would never dare put a tranny in xir place, I respect all pronouns.
Oh also I'm also a metally ill loner and not part of a larger group of social engineers, that's crazy... I don't gangstalk people.... idk what you're talking about, stahhhhp! This is all just me being silly.

i made sure to put mako & cyanide as the woman
I just wanted to post the picture with any kind of caption. Im basically saying Dela is definitely not helping your reputation here. If he knew more about Mako or Cyanide he would have found better ways than posting random people's IPs and logging everyone on your server. What he is doing is like what happened in the Moscow theater hostage crisis except he isnt even neutralizing the threat.

If you've been paying attention Cyanide had this all pretty much planned out. I don't think he expected it to this easy though.
Just stop yo absolute fucking retard. Everything you say just proves Cyanides point more. You got trolled you and cewl both played yourselves deal with it.

I don't think this was related to him at all. I fucked up with the IPs, he's claiming this and that just like you. She doesn't give a fuck, I don't give a fuck, if he's jerking off to this good for him but that's it. He was going to be away, then he got back, then he goes away again...
I think he's our bitch now.

im sorry my friend got banned he was rightfully banned and i never understood why he had to stoop down to his level and make this even a bigger thing but i cant control other peoples actions regardless im sorry from everyone except cyanide. i would never condone anything like thsi but like i said i cant control people. if i could this place would have no drama. so what i ask of everyone is to shut the fuck up and go jack off to me nudes or repost the ones i sent to discord on here. you guys literally didnt even care when i posted my maid pics but continued to talkabout THISSSS absolute piece of shit. you guys are all drama hungry scum, were just here to have fun but you guys have to ruin everything

What are you talking about? I'm not panicking about shit. Overreaction is my middle name. Or mellow dramatic, as I told Cewl.
I helped get everyone to hate Cewl more than they already did, I caused her stress and now no matter what, I am part of her story and that shit will never not get thrown in her face.
She's a bad person who exploits vulnerable incels and doesn't care who she hurts.

You are a tranny(I'm not actually 100% on that one) who thinks you are some kind of authority figure. The way you go about things is incredibly dangerous and harmful. You think you have the moral high ground despite being a really shitty person. You also like hurting vulnerable incels. You are sick and I managed to get in your head and fuck with you a fair bit. In your hunting a fly with a shotgun moment you admitted to the fact that you're logging everyones ip, which good job. you've managed to figure out that I use a VPN and also possible that I have premium proxies I hide behind.
You know... I'm not owed an apology but I really did like you. Had you just not acted like a turbo cunt when I reached out to you none of this would have happened.

I think you’re cool, but I also think this community is shit and that girls should stay away from it at all costs even if I am here hoping for content. It’s like a sickness. Nobody here is truly normal. You come here because you feel like you’re not normal, but you’re a well adjusted person despite your issues. So am I, but I know I still have issues. But I’m not exposing my vulnerabilities to everyone here, unlike you. It’s unwise. Because I do genuinely think you’re interesting and not doomed to fail in life, I think you should try to leave all these communities even if I’ll miss seeing new posts from you.

I’m gonna be honest, my eyes glazed over every single long post itt because it just reads as generic narcissistic schizobabble to me. So idk who that is beyond the fact that he can’t stop essayposting and talking about his zoophilia kink. Im not in love with Cewl, I just want her to focus on protecting her real life and not risk being ruined because she wanted to have fun here of all places. After a certain point my empathy makes me unable to enjoy chaos here.

They have the ability to, I'm sure. My guess is that they either don't really care and only banned the other spaz because he was straight up doxxing people and leaking ips in some desperate attempt at proving something to the "haters".
That or it's because they've been watching me and realize I'm fucking hilarious and just want to watch the shitstorm keep going and technically I haven't broken any rules.
Cewl seems like she's not well liked by staff.

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You know... That... actually checks out.

Like maybe it was all really an act but I've been around girls like Cewl before and it all seemed way too genuine.
Trannyzilla probably got wind of me and started getting really threatening and controlling with her because the Cewl I knew at that point would have just been happy to see me again, hurt, but just glad she was talking to me again and would want to hear my voice as much as i wanted to hear hers.
Instead she immediately got on some psycho shit with me and found out that there is always a bigger fish.

Hell from the sounds of it I was a real piece of shit when she pushed me too far, but maybe I saved her from a far greater evil.

ngl, part of me wishes shit didn't go how it did.... But God damn it's been fun.

You gotta chill bruh, I know shit gets too serious in your head when you just want to escape into fantasy with girls but there’s more than that to life. Get off the screen more often. Dead serious. Didn’t read your other posts in full but this one at least sounds human enough for me to finish it. Which means there is hope for you. You probably need to stop watching porn altogether and eat better. Also get a job because having no structure in your life will always make you a lot worse of a person in general and most people aren’t able to create their own structure.

Cewl is a young woman having retarded fun times on the internet. I get why you feel like your balls got busted unfairly but it’s part of the game and you should’ve known better than to expect anything else from someone who posts nudes publicly and shoots H. No offense to Cewl whatsoever, I think she’s funny and smart most of the time. But seriously. Wisen up.

Damn... Now everything is lost because of Cyanide and the janny without e-mail linked to his account here. I wonder who it is...
Yeah, I'm Delastelle, no need for a ban (delastelle), I legit am not using VPNs, the website sucks and so does this imageboard engine

You don't seem to understand.
I get it, way better than I let on. I'm self aware and more lucid than i come off as.
I play a character online. Some shit genuinely bothered me, sure. But as far as this whole thing goes... I was having fun, and yes I cared and to some extent probably still do care about Cewl.

My life is more together than you could possible realize. I do work, I'm actually pretty well off financially, I have friends I talk to every day, I workout and am super interested several hobbies. I actually have a lot of interests outside of trolling.
Cewl called me fat but I'm pretty active and well I have a gut, I'm not that big. Hell, by American standards I'm practically malnourished.

I do struggle with ASPD+BPD and one of my bigger flaws is that when I find something stimulating and entertaining, I will run with it. This entire drama, this fiasco, it's just been fun to me. I think it's probably been pretty fun for Cewl as well, perhaps not, but again, ASPD, what she feels is definitely secondary. Even more so when you realize she was the one who really kicked this off.
But if i thought I was genuinely harming her, or myself, I'd've backed off a while ago.

Sorry is that was too skitzo ranmbly for you. I just like to be clear and thorough with what I mean.

IDs were enabled for a while a couple years back because of freaks like you ruining the fun like usual. Wouldn’t mind it if jannies brought them back personally especially with how sus the board has been in general lately. Also you’re gay.

> nigga why are you divorced
It's been a long day and I just got home from visiting my friend in the hospital so I don't really have the energy for skitzo babble rn
Let's just say she found a bigger blacker cock.
> now u r here
I came for the e-girl(several times) and stayed for the brawl. y r u here?

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Sounds like I really missed out...
Did she also have a trans gf/stalker I could have gone toe to with in some wwe style internet autism competition?

I mean, it's not really love if there isn't a very public wrestling match between Bulk Bogan and macho ma'am Tranny Savage.

Oh, that long ago? I was still doing the whole fucking/dating girls irl thing at that time.

Depending on the year I may have actually been in a serious relationship when she died and I can't imagine my fiancé/wife would be cool with me masturbating with some other girl online and sitting in a vc getting all lovey dovey with her.

But hey, a man can dream... A man can dream.

And you'll never know who he is because he likes to remain anonymous when he posts and he's not on discord. cewl's discord people are for her to have fun with, like playing with dolls that are alive. some of them take it all very seriously!

I can't wait for that too, anon. Now I stop feeding you and feed myself some benzos to get really high. I hope you find a hobby other than doing all this.
I wished someone like you to be better with computers but you seem to suck about it.

you bragged about grabbing an ip and ban evading who are you trying to fool? if you could do shit to cyanide you would have but all you did was write walls of text kek 

I thought you people were being ironic in this thread and larping but you are actually retarded trannies in the flesh. Amazing.

If anything he's the one writing walls of text whenever someone mentions Pukara and his involvement in the grooming of that girl.
By the way, this trip is way better.

whoa so you guys are like internet friends? that's pretty cool. let me know when she pays for a plane ticket she wants to see you so badly or maybe you could just look for her on some public cams 😂
you're her personal roaming janny nothing more

This board reeks of рedoрhiles being able to discuss underage girls. One of these days another underage girl got leaked here and the "testacc" board volunteer only deleted the files but issued no ban. KEK.

yeah whatever retard remember when cyanigger blackmailed cewl and then laughed at all of your threats and you didn't do shit? man he dunked on you HARD. at least you still get to be a discord mod or whatever lol that'll make you feel powerful again

Yes he blackmailed her and got away with it. Nigga ate and laughed all the way to the bank. If only you weren't so powerless you could have done more than just make idle threads and unhinged posts. It was the perfect crime and cyanide the perfect criminal. it's not entirely your fault

your wannabe egirl discord pals cewl and bee enable pedrophiles and you do too. wouldn't be surprised if you were one yourself. ick! the posters of this board are fine people unlike you discord groomer freaks!

I'm really glad I checked this thread one last time before bed.

Dela, you've lost dude. Every move you make just digs your grave that much deeper. Just rope already, it's over. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Oh, I'll give you some insight but I do have one question about your identity, if you're so inclined to answer...
I didn't have access to Pukas emails, she showed them to me, she admitted the tranny was grooming her, and my reaction was one of pure outrage at that disgusting mother fucker.
I pointed out it appeared you knew me before the Cewl situation in our DMs, and it's very obvious this is some rage fueled thing and I think it cuts deeper than Cewl....

You're that faggot who was trying to groom her, aren't you?
When you aren't doing a character you talk just like him.

you're just seething because the based volunteer exposed cewl posting her own nasty gash on here and reporting it as revenge porn. she should be thankful for his mercy in not banning her for that little stunt.

lol you're just mad 'cause the based volunteer totally exposed cewl for posting her own nasty gash pic and then crying "revenge porn" like, girl please 🤡. she should be THANKING him for not banning her messy ass after pulling that lil' stunt 💅🏼. the audacityyyy 😭 some people really out here testing their luck, huh? 💀

Аccusаtіоns wіthоut рrооf, thаt's kіndа lоw еvеn fоr yоu. I'm nоt а mоdеrаtоr іn аny рlаcе, Cеwl wоuld nеvеr mаkе mе а mоdеrаtоr оn hеr sеrvеr bеcаusе I аm wаааy tоо раrаnоіd fоr thаt аnd I tоld hеr sо.
I'vе аlrеаdy tоld my stоry wіth Еndchаn аnd why I gоt hеrе tо wrіtе my аrchіvеr, whіch wоrks рrеtty wеll but Оdіlі tоld mе tо usе thе оthеr АPI hе wrоtе аnd I nееd tо rеwrіtе my shіt аgаіn bеcаusе hіs АPI іs wаy bеttеr thаn thе оnе frоm LynxChаn.
Аnywаy, mе аnd Cеwl gо wаy bаck (R9K). Thеn I stаrtеd оffеrіng my sеrvіcеs, shе dіdn't lіkе thе оffеr bеcаusе іt wаs clеаrly dоxxіng stuff but I tоld hеr I оnly dо thаt wіth реорlе whо dеsеrvе gеttіng dоxxеd.

If yоu sеnd mе а ріcturе thаt I cаn't lооk uр usіng rеvеrsе іmаgе sеаrch оn Gооglе I wіll fіnd іt аnywаy, tаkе а ріc оf yоur drіvеwаy just sо I cаn tеst my tооls.

appears the only services you offer are blabbing about cringe shit no one cares about. posting an IP without further info isn't doxxing. you're like a dude with ED bragging to his friends how good he fucks bitches

Im going to be honest cewl threads are absolute shit and if you did this to "save her" I hope you know you ruined her e-girl career by destroying the thread with spam and doxxing everyone... typical FTM behaviour, you will always be a woman, seething because cewl is cuter than you and has men chasing her. Thats why you hijacked her entire thread and want to destroy endchan, ur an ugly pooner

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and even if you are a MTF troon (I can't tell wich one u are), you are still jealous of cewl because she is more womanly ,cute, petite and more popular than you will ever be.
What I don't understand is why she is friends with you and other jealous "women" on discord, is cewl fucking retarded? you guys planned her downfall and try to paint it as "Im saving cewl :3" you don't even like her plus she is 23 years old she does not need your tranny vendetta doxxer ass for anything, girl please go learn how to do makeup and learn how to be more beautiful.

the tranny does not even have a cock so cewl will never love her since cewl is cock addicted and a whore, also lol how can the tranny make a revolution against us when cewl posted erotic sexy vocaroos roleplaying sex and posted piss videos and at least 30+ nude pictures of herself? FBI is gonna look at this place and think her idol cewl is a bitchwhore who loves pedros and is a pedro herself since she is one of the older e-girls and in university (should know better).
The tranny either hates cewl or is too dumb to realize cewl is NOT  a victim unlike puka is.

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thats a lie, hes trying to derail from everything and make himself the focal point... thats just an ex of his. and im saying this because im tired of all the lies and delastelle making this all bigger than how it was. i fucking hate everyone. i cant trust anyone. they are all weirdos and freaks. i havent even read most of delastelles replies but im tired of it already. jesus christ. will people please stop spreading lies about me? im not a phatetic biomed engineer i dont have an useless degree. and i never said i was a victim. i just said that forcing me to watch porn in and on itself is enough for me to dissassociate with you let alone fucking zoophilia, which is worse than trying to hypnotize me into liking BBC. i give everyone more chances than they deserve that is my biggest mistake. thats why these weirdos take advantage of me. because i let people walk over me.

can we just go back to our roots and just jack off please? i cant believe you "men" (more so boys) enjoy this shitty fabricated drama more than my french maid pics.

> you men enjoy this shitty fabricated drama more than my french maid pics
It's because most people in these communities were losers when younger and still are losers in many ways. The drama surrounding Ciara in particular was the only reason anyone became obsessed with her. It's a way of reliving those juvenile hs drama impulses that never got a way out, along with being able to feel like younger girls are our peers. It is pretty bad. I'm no saint but I try to be self aware of these things at least. You should count your blessings that you werent around for 2018.

I forgot to mention that the biggest part of the drama obsession is because it gives people a chance to finally feel like they have power for once in their lives. People, sincerely, get fucking addicted to posting about these girls, including you, because it makes them feel like they're in control of the narrative, in control of your life, in control of YOU. They get fucking high off of it. There's no way to just post pics and have fun when the reason this place exists is because people were so addicted to the whole game of fabricating drama and ruining lives.

if cewl was around in 2018 she would be a no one like roz or other forgotten camwhores stop being delusional, she only made it in 2022 because the e-girl market crashed and the main e-whore was black and anons were tired of it.

I'm not so sure. She would have most likely been in Sheep Village and joined Ciara's private servers. And we all know what happened in there, Ciara and her fling of the week would pretend to be someone's friend while doing the same shit people are currently doing ITT to the girls, doxxing them, blackmailing them, etc., which invited random anons to join in and stir the pot. At least here it's all concentrated in one place with a single server involved, which Cewl herself owns. Even girls who get posted here that have never done anything wrong have random anons on her tail trying to ruin their life for no reason. Personally, I have always suggested to the girls here that they should leave the second it gets rough. There's no reward in it, and most of them grow out of their histrionics by the time they're in their early 20s and grow to regret everything.

> the time they're in their early 20s and grow to regret everything.
you know cewl started camwhoring when she was 20 back in 2022 right? she won't grow out of this she is mentally ill and unable to love anyone but herself. And no she would not become a famous e-girl back then because even cuter e-girls faded into obscurity because ciara marky agatha sunny etc were the queens

Very true. I know we like to pretend cewl is attractive as a joke or because we pity her, but realistically she's like a 4/10. She really doesn't match up to any of the top girls back then and even now she'll be forgotten as soon as she's gone.

I NEVER SAID I WAS A VICTIM. but it doesnt change the fact that i was fucked up beyond comprehendsion very visibly as people on the stream know and whether that be how many xanax he still took advantage of me and when i didnt remember what happened that night the next day he continued doing as he pleased. this doesnt make his actions all good or anything. im just trying to disclose what happened to everyone because he focuses on the unimportant things ala how i didnt know how many xanax i took (which doesnt mean anything because i still was fucked up beyond comprehension and didnt remember anything) and other stuff. of course i am very sad for puka because she had to come in contact with him and i cant imagine what disgusting stuff he did to her too. yes i am an adult but i was a drunk and xanaxed adult which fucks up my ability to even think for myself. then i was trying to gather info/leave slowly so he didnt do anything. sure i may have said i loved him but i say that to every one of you. if anyone wants to say theyre my boyfriend they can and i wouldnt care and still would talk to them because they know what i do. i dont discriminate people by being a fat ugly old retard but when they wrong me i will make fun of them for it although there is worse thing i can make fun of (zoophilia worse than the most deranged furry, this guy really loves his white women)
exactly. these boys are trying to relive high school because they were such losers then.
true but i never had drama like this before just because some fucked up guy decided to make fun of me from the start (as shown in stream)
i didnt. hes not a tranny and he did that out of his own volition. i didnt "make" anyone do anything
i will NOT forget anzu and ksenya.

jesus i want to go back to be able to stream some comfy game and play la noire with you guys and fail investigations because i dont understand the faces they make autism moment i fucking hate everoyone so much

> You clearly have little to no idea what you're talking about.
When someone is trying to ask for clarification on something, that generally means what the greentext says.

For the other stuff I certainly do know what I'm talking about and can confidently say that you, me, and anyone else who interacted with her within the last 6 months are on a watchlist.

> she was my friend
From how you're described, you were a near perfect match for the type of person Puka was into. So you getting teary eyed that things fell apart between you and her - a girl half your age - is weird. Malding at her no matter the reason to the extent she gets mad is also dumb: you don't help anyone like that and I know from personal experience to the extent I'm barely a frend now.

You definitely weren't a friend btw, you were a frend and she calls everyone who's nice to her that. She barely knew you and she takes a long time to actually trust people. So if she somehow trusted you with something then it's because you manipulated or groomed her. Given your track record I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say it was manipulation. I'm glad you fucked things up because you shouldn't be around any female, let alone one as vulnerable as her.

> and either look really stupid or really smart...
It's the first one but you looked really stupid even before saying this so it's okay I forgive you.

> you talk similarly enough
I know I'm a hypocrite, Friend, but with the amount of typing you do I'd imagine if you were an OW player it'd be like 10 years since you last played since you type so muchly.

This is the last time I read your posts or respond to you because while Puka is great, this thread is dedicated to Cewl who is also great and I'm just another person derailing the queen's thread and I feel bad (I'm sorry Cewl).

the reason why cewl is so popular in 2024 is
> anons were tired of marc e-harem ugly underage girls who already had boyfriends
> anons were tired of iris being a prude and also black
> anons like nudes
> cewl is 4chan original and not from a gay discord server (not anymore she became a discordfag)
also that + her drug addict personality and samefagging with her simps made cewl become the new agatha2 queen

Cеwl Thrеаd #8	- httрs://еndchаn.оrg/аgаthа2/rеs/66640.html#67340 - Аnоnymоus #67340 | 2024-05-11T02:15:00.000Z - sоmеоnе shоuld rаре hеr thеn dоxx hеr tо hеr раrеnts - (USЕR WАS BАNNЕD FОR THIS PОST)

I hаvе mоrе thrеаts mаdе by реорlе аnd thе аdmіn dіd nоthіng but shоwcаsе hіs rоlе sіgnаturе wіth а bоgus stаtеmеnt.
Thіs "dаtаmіnіng" I gоt bаnnеd fоr wаs mеаnt tо sіlеncе whеnеvеr I роіnt аgаthа2 іs а рlаcе fоr реdорhіlеs аnd оthеr crіmіnаls.

and the haters see her as an easy target because she has to stem all the psychological attacks all by herself. Previous egirls had some bf that would help them mentally. Cewl really doesn't deserve this level of psychological torture

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> This is the last time I read your posts or respond to you because while Puka is great, this thread is dedicated to Cewl who is also great and I'm just another person derailing the queen's thread and I feel bad (I'm sorry Cewl).

you fucking suck at disguising your posting, retarded tranny

the other e-girls cutted themselfs and cried over haters (spoiler alert most were teenagers) cewl does not give a fuck since she is 23, rich, in university and has tons of simps on her discord who will attack anyone who mocks cewl. If you think a narcissist drug addict who goes clubbing with other women irl and smokes weed is a victim i dont know what to tell you


Post #52035 - Date: 2024-03-01T21:20:00.000Z
Do not threaten to dox other users of the board, and do not make posts intimating or threatening that you intend for or that real world violence or other illegal acts or the threat of such may occur as a result of this.

People think it's about US laws, like nigga... Read the global rules and the board rules too.

Cewl is popular because she responds and usually shares pics. She's a junkie and plays games. Looks average which is hot for these boards. All in all a normal creature. All these long rants is just frustration. And those old guys I see way up there are pedros walking a fine line. You're in your 50's you have no business here. 40's then you have no kids, at least non that you care for. 30's you're immature and lack responsibilities.

Thаnk yоu, Mаkо. Yоu mаdе thеm tаkе thе bаіt "mеаnt fоr yоu". I'm nоt FtM lіkе Cеwl sаіd, thаt рhоtо іs sоmеоnе еlsе, my hаіr іs blаck аnd I dоn't hаvе ріеrcіngs nоr thаt stylе.

Аnd fоr thе schіzо dооm guy: I'm nоt еvеn tаlkіng, thаt реrsоn іs dіffеrеnt but yоur sоcіораthіc mаstеrmіnd cаn't tеll whо іs whо еvеn іf thеy'rе оbvіоusly nоt thе sаmе реrsоn.

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> Cewl is popular because she responds and usually shares pics. She's a junkie and plays games. Looks average which is hot for these boards. All in all a normal creature. All these long rants is just frustration. And those old guys I see way up there are pedros walking a fine line. You're in your 50's you have no business here. 40's then you have no kids, at least non that you care for. 30's you're immature and lack responsibilities.

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there isnt. its because people i talked to turned out to be legit pedrophiles. i like lolis as much as i like any other anime girl. i dont like real children nor i ever will. i fucking hate children. i just love petite woman because they are just like me. i dont like obviously baby age lolis. i just like them because they are cute. i dont fucking fap to them. i like big boobies on both men and women when i fap. hooly shit

dude, i always warned elliot and since i never knew ciaras age in every pic i deleted everything he fucking posted. please stop lying about me WHAT DO YOU GAIN FROM THIS
is people really believing this shit or do i just get concerned about people making up things so much because im autistic? youre all ableist if youre not fr thinking that.
those are taken out of context. im only saying that lolis are until age 14 BECAUSE LOLI MEANS CHILD. i am NOT giving an age estimate about drawings i fap to, because I DONT FAP TO CHILDREN. i legit like loli as a cute silly thing. i dont know how to say this but im NOT a pedrophile. i never let elliot get away with things. now hes mad about it and doing all this shit, mako as well, because hes a complete weirdo
i didnt send him fucking nudes, i sent it to my discord server for everyone. he was kicked for his batshit insane behavior about ciaras underage pics and started this spiel. stop. fucking. lying. just for internet points. post your dick or something since everyone here wants to gobble on cyanides dick and are gay.

also delastelle isnt a fucking ftm nor is the person in the picture, why do you guys believe everything except me when it comes to topics about ME. who would know better than i do about shit abt me?
oh my god. you guys eat up every bait like a fucking feast you pigs.

6th grade, fucken twisted cewl. Terks will definitely beat those impulses out of you. Especially if you're in some fuckass isolated village. I know terks that'll pull up. Contemplating if it's worth outing my presence here.

you are a fcukinng pedro. you host cp in your discord. you are friends with groomers. you enable child grooming in your discord. and you groom minors yourself and send them porn (illegal). and then you have your tranny pedro friend harass anyone who tries to point this out. you need to kill yourself.

> im not going to read anything you wrote
> but i will read the lies about you
> because im just like a drama hungry woman
> ftm dyke vibes
okay jello woman
i bought him nitro because its funny and i got the codes from buying nitro for myself so i could just give it to anyone so i gave it to elliot BECAUSE ITS FUNNY BECAUSE I HATE HIM

you guys feed off of my replies. you like this kind of attention because im feeding into your lies and you just want my (You)s telling you how horrible you are and get off on it. thats it, im never coming here again. fuck you all. ill revert back to my roots

> you guys feed off of my replies. 
nice projection you fucking leech make sure to not post your roast beef cunt and cutboard fat tits and pretend to have been blackmailed for attention again bye 
PS: leave puka alone pedro

ugly dykes like this always try to overcompensate and project power acting like a tough guy but they're always toothless and weak so they just domestic violence other women. I'm sure when she's talking to children on discord they're really impressed with her 1337 larp and threats so she thought it'd work here

how many naive children have cewl and this tranny blackmailed by grabbing their ips and threatening to dox them? they wouldn't know dela can't do shit except talk so they probably sent these predators all sorts of pics and videos

> hypnotize me into liking BBC.
He asked and you said you'd give it a shot. If not for all the gaslighting and nonsense you know you'd still be talking to cyanigger every day still calling him daddy and rubbing your twat to him and nigger dick "fucking white pussies" you whore

Did you really expect the woman who would seethe every time you talked about your favorite dead e-girl on her server not to betray your trust and throw you under a bus? you activated her BPDmode when you mentioned ciara, you were supposed to be a "yes maam" type of dog so cewl would always be nice to you, instead of exposing you as a pedro. You didn't orbit cewl as your number one princess and now you got banned , humiliated, and maybe they have your IP as well idk

> also delastelle isnt a fucking ftm nor is the person in the picture, why do you guys believe everything except me when it comes to topics about ME.
Oh i dunno Cewwwl.... Maybe because you lie about everything constantly and your story changes every time you open your retarded junky mouth about a subject whereas your haters have remained fairly consistent?

You know you enjoyed the nigger dick, have probably shlicked to it since, I never had to brainwash you, I asked you if you wanted me to go the next day if you felt alienated and you asked me to stay and we kept things going fora few more days and I would ask you stay sober with me because I wanted to know the "real you." That one aged poorly..... The rest I really don't care tor respond to
Go relapse on heroin and od lul
> #I cbf to find the post...
I didn't groom puka and we were friends longer than you probably realize. If I'm such a predator than why the hell did I get so upset when I found out she wasn't actually trying to get away from that lifestyle and was actually talking with the lowest of the low?

This is  true. I activated her BPDalmonds the moment I mentioned I used to be friends with Puka and was one of the retards who tried to protect her from the preds. It's not that she "knew I was a pedro" It's literally that she was jelly. Like imagine getting so butthurt the guy you're obsessed with cared about another female that is more popular than you before he met you that you start trying to talk like her in your vocaroos and videos... (She actually that did around that time)
Like holy shit, I do the whole evil villain WOT thing and actually kinda loved Cewl for a bit but damn, the amount of cringe on display from her is the funniest shit I've ever seen.

That she's such a perverted and mentally ill degenerate that the idea of a man actually just being platonic friends with a girl is beyond her comprehension is really wild to think about.
inb4 your a zoophile and necrophiliac and whatever else

Cewl, I mentioned to these turks in a game chat that there's a Serbian perv in Turkey. They ask where, I throw out some village in Bursa. A few said that's 1 hour for them and to send a pic. They'll show the gypsy pic and be told exactly where to find anywhere in Turkiye. They're all serious as I knew they would be and harassing me for details. Lol I see why you internet much. I don't like the religion but terks are different especially the Sufis. I'm pretty sure you're not in Bursa but it has been mentioned what village you're in. I wouldn't be fucking around anywhere they call home.

Cyanigger have some mercy please! you've completely obliterated them. They can't fight back anymore, they've been utterly defeated. Please just leave them in peace now so they can go about rebuilding their lives about from pedrophile blackmail servers

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I knew she got groomed once from her threads. Believe it or not I don't actually stalk girls and get to know every detail about them. I "slid into her dms" because I was under the impression she was just a newfag and needed someone to get on her level and talk to her about not going on a website known for.... What 4chan is known for.
Obviously I was in way over my head and if I even knew about half the shit that girl had gotten into before that I wouldn't have touched her threads with a 10 ft pole
Believe me or don't, idc anymore.
Alternatively, if you want to put on your tinfoil hat and think I am just a masterclass cyber criminal and 4 of the FBIs most dangerous pedrophiles are just me on alts than you can have this version.
> Be me
> see vulnerable child on groomer site
> learn she had a bf my age b4
> ohfuckyes.jif
> learn she's been investigated and is likely being watched by feds
> This is going tor require all of my hacker autism powers
> slip into girls dms and say "hey bb u wan sum fuck?"
> run fbimoniterblackout.exe
> feds can't see shit
> girl is in impressed by sexy badassitude
> starts sending all the no nos
> see van outside my home
> open cmdprompt
> type ::4chanpartyv&runoff_play/vengaboys
> the van outside my home starts playing we like to party by the Vengaboys
> drives off
> fbi agents inside forget they're here to arrest me and just start bobbing their heads as they jam out to this kick ass song and just go for nice drive
> go down into my loli dungeon
> "It's ok girls. The bad men are gone."
> "Please mister! I just want to see my family again..."
> she's such a kidder
> go back onto my pc
> Puka has blocked me because I didn't validate her quickly enough and she found a pedro to tell her she's sexing and how he wants to make fuck on her
> I am the butthurtzed
I leaked enough of our DMs to get this little shit storm spiraling, I don't really think leaking the rest would make a difference.

dishonest tranny you already proven you're cool with pedrophiles and their enablers. you're butthurt cyanide and testaccgod double penetrated cewl while you could do nothing but stand by and watch, so now you're on some fake moralfag crusade trying to play janny and point out problematic posts on the board. you lost nigger but keep dancing for our enjoyment monkey

Lol that's where the bulk is. Idk I hope I'm not justifying things but I just read about these likely perversions a few hours ago. Shits moving too fast for me and with what I have from here I'm not comfortable passing pics/details yet. I know terks are about it though. They love sharing clips of LGTV+ parades getting shutdown before they start and offenders to women and children getting mistreated by cops and people. The regular turks say the Sufis are worse but they come together when it's some "gypsy" up to no good in their country. I had just come for some booty shots.

Okay buddy, I read what you typed. I fell for the bait even though I said I wouldn't read anymore. I have the attention span of a goldfish and am already tired of messing around with you and causing unnecessary controversy. But you fucked with Cewl so you deserved it. Ok bye. He's good gaiz he's innocent. I made mostly everything up anyway except I did used to lurk her disc and harass everyone.

It's actually never been Delastelle and I feel bad everyone is targeting him. Totally not because he's a scary hacker and I don't want him to hack me.

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