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No, both those videos are ancient. Shes probably gained about 40 lbs since those videos were made. Shes chonky but not fat. Hopefully her videos have some fuckin soul to them after her little break instead of this dogshit we've been getting

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Last thread:  >>/35100/

u: bonbi
p: bonkers
994 replies omitted. Click to expand viewer

2023.03.21 - Tiktok Stream
OOC with lewd Anime shirt from Spencers
Stream started - Dont know time. Ask Tiktok. Apparently notifications are hard.

19:10 Will be moving out
19:11 When she was younger she had one crush some might remember who
19:12 When she was young she had one beef with someone which really showed in her stream
19:13 Someone stole BonbiBonkers Twitch name so she is Bonniebonkers.
19:15 List of pets
19:17 Does not enjoy her Genshin cosplays
19:18 Patreon is 18+
19:18 Doesnt really watch Anime
19:21 Discusses Anala. Says she made the characted with a friend. Anala is a Dragon lady who fights with a big sword. She has a scar at Bons insistance
19:23 Never played Roblox. Grew up playing Animal jam.
19:25 In her past relationships Bon hated when people would talk in baby voice. Also hated pet names - cutie
19:26 Uwu
19:27 She was groomed. She was 15, he was 19
19:19 She has a very special Tiktok involving Raven that might come out next month. She is very excited.
19:32 Explains rotation of cosplays
19:33 Specific cosplay for specific holiday. Shows prop - chick
19:35 Dream cosplay is easter Kotori but nobody makes it anymore. Used to be available before she had money
19:37 Discusses bedroom design - Mauve / viines etc. Used to want fairy cottage house.
19:40 Wants to move to LA but it is really expensive. Her travelling there is already expensive. Thinking best to have a room mate but not decided.
19:42 No filter on her Twitch streams - thats her face.
19:45 Mechacon was her favorite con
19:46 First cosplay was Miku or Rose Lalonde. Also used to steal her moms glasses to do Dave Strider
19:47 Growing up she had friends until she was 9 then just one friend. Now she only has two friends. Used to have more friends until a year ago but they turned out really shitty.
19:49 Still friends with Emiru but they dont talk often
19:52 Twitch stream 20 mins after Tioktok stream
19:55 Might go to Anime Expo. Will announce it if she does
19:58 Used to hate having bug eys and a big chin growing up
19:59 Used to hate fan accounts when she was younger because they are creepy. Doesnt mind them now but some of them are weird. She hid herself from all the harassment when she was young. Used to get it from pedophiles.
20:03 Some people create accounts to hate her. She likes the money and ignores the comments.
20:06 Hate commenters are pussies for hiding behind a profile and not showing their face. They are bullies.
20:10 Advice for fellow creators. Don't be afraid to ban people and phrases. Dont get doxxed. Ban phrases that dox or just make you uncomfortable. Doesn't want anyone to go through what she went through. She used to try hard to try and please people on Tiktoik all that time ago but it made her really unhappy.
20:15 Going through something now where she has had to beg someone not to do something 8 times.
20:20 Tiktok is not as interesting as it used to be. Feels like she doesn't fit in anymore.
20:22 Her current Tiktok dont get views but they make her happy. Wants to make stuff she likes.
20:25 Goling to make a Tiktok today
20:25 Last time she went to AX everybody except her got Covid. It was really crowded. A lot of famous cosplayers are really stuck up
20:30 When she made the Meulin hit or miss Tiktok she was on a Discord call breaking up with her boyfriend. You can see the ipad in the background [you cant]. It was one of the Tiktok ads. She was really mean at that time and would always start things with people.
20:33 Used to hate Chloe someone
20:35 Stream ends [drops?]

Sorry if this miss's bits. I get frequent drop outs on Tiktok streams.

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Last thread:  >>/33853/

u: bonbi
p: bonkers
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Can someone for the love of Bonbi post the video or pics of her holding her mirror like in pic related? but the original stuff ofc so I can actually clean it up and use it for better shoops than this shit i found online


thank you

i personally dont give a fuck what people say on here which is something i would recommend to you. go outside and touch grass you are not helping anything and bonbi doesnt care what you say or they say. your little internet war with the "incels" is in your head. but im sure you are winning.

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I don't care what her 'true personality' is. I've never tried to make contact with her and I never will. I only care about seeing her content. I don't get involved with discord and things like that. To be honest, I though most people here would be similar to me in this regard.

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Last thread:  >>/32807/

u: bonbi
p: bonkers
979 replies omitted. Click to expand viewer
i found a empty booze bottle yesterday and used it for something. when i was done with it, the label was gone. i filled it with christmas food and gave it one of my best feathers that i've been collecting the past few months. hope you are okay, buddy 

i also lit a pink candle that i had bought just a few weeks before you changed the colors of your room. i saw you and you were much more confident and alive this time. the last time you were anxious and needy. there was a woman with you who will always watch over you. you know her. 

my kid was already with me since the last time. so i guess the kid from your dream is yours

the piggy woke up this morning and she promptly farted 6 times and pissed her pajamas. she didn't even bother to flinch, as with the piggy every day is simply another great day to poop or piss inside her pajamas while she sleeps or after she wakes up. so the piggy removed her drenched wear and threw the laundry. then she decided to her secret enthrall to take a long shower where she squeezed out cross legged three long nine inch brown poop shards, one right after another. the piggy won't admit to anybody how much pleasure she took from slowly squeezing those brown curls out. she felt all right. well, the piggy had a chore to do as below her on the bath tub bottom were three unsightly looking brown poop rolls. she knew what to do. the piglet stomped the first one down to a flattened pancake with her foot, and then the other, and she kicked the third roll around the bathtub for a bit until she finally smushed that sucker into a pancake. the water did the rest and all the poop pancakes slowly diffused and drained away. the piggy finished her shower and got ready to run piggy style into the kitchen (knocking down anybody in her way) and start her daily pig feasts of blocks of lard and bacon fats and several cans of spam, and tuna, basically anything she can get her hands on to produce more poop balls and long brown cucumbers.

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> be me 
> in love with bonbi
> really admire her and really makes me happy that theirs something pure out there
> stick with her even if shes getting fiddled with Emiru
> starts posting more and more skin
> wtf.mp4
> see her newest story 
> dont think much about it and send it to a bonbi gc
> minutes later check the messages and see one of the guys say shes starting to post Light NSFW 
> dont believe him at first and check for myself 
> WTFFF thisdumbfuckingbitchspicslut 
> try and find my cool and think of a good plan
> boom.mp4
> maybe if I buy her Patreon I can send her a heartfelt message and she can stop 
> sent 5 hours ago
> mfw
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This is so pathetic I can hardly articulate how cringe it is. How'd that work out for you? 
She hates you purityfags, and there's nothing you could possibly say that would convince her to not accept easy money when she's faced with diminishing popularity, a bad family situation, no viable alternatives and an unsure financial situation.

She said in one of the streams she was part Cuban.

You're the delusional one here, nigger. Bonbibonkers hasn't been pure for a long time. We've been on the lewd path since the Bonbi discord was made. There's no getting off mr. bones wild ride.
On selling NSFW picture making you a whore, it doesn't. It makes you a camwhore. Get it right. Crying about a girl camwhoring is idiotic. She's going to do what she likes. Either jerk off with the rest of us or move on.

Endchan is the middle of nowhere. There's no way shills would put in effort for the 20 people who frequent this board. It's just leftists. Specifically, I'm pretty sure it was this one black metal leftist who spams chud and -jak memes but can't articulate even a basic argument. He just spergs out and spams pictures. Truly a loathsome and pitiable individual.

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