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Fappable GIF not in D'p'u:

Video in TPA - "Rarity Plays: GTA V (MLP in real life)":

Nice software - use on mobile with Desuarchive or something:

It was maybe too hot in Ponyville on this day:

Weather in PonyTown:
> Sorry, we processed more than 1M requests today and we ran out of our datasource capacity.
> We hope to solve the problem as soon as possible, so you can enjoy
> your favourite weather service 24x365 even if it rains or snows.

New redirect on http://archive.fail/ ( not https://archive.fail/ ). Previous redirect=thoughts on archives.
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https://fusion.ponyar.net/ =
> This website fusion.ponyar.net/ is currently offline. Cloudflare's Always Online™ shows a snapshot of this web page from the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine. To check for the live version, click Refresh.
> Invalid SSL certificate Error code 526
> https://github.com/Tailszefox/Pony-Fusion/zipball/master

> archive.fail
> https://twitter.com/footage/status/562666114895728641 The "archive" is overtheorized; "archives" (where the labor of record keeping takes place) are undertheorized and underfunded. #archives RETWEETS 178 FAVORITES 204 | 9:37 AM - 3 Feb 2015
Now is:
> https://mediarep.org/server/api/core/bitstreams/08dea680-7e16-4059-9c69-9ad3a3a54a72/content Archives of Inconvenience by Rick Prelinger
About 2 months ago I pointed out that an 18-TB HDD of mine got stuck as read-only due to a nonexistent/bad UPS setup. This had horrible consequences later on, but I don't want to dwell on that right now. Instead, here's a positive thing. Couldn't access or was too dumb to access MFS root when it was RO, but after copying it all to another hundreds-of-dollars RW HDD I can access that root:
> $ ipfs files ls --long /
> a/ QmTUvjfyQDvkDnKKGHtXK5gtaNHbRD4TRrg3LAq4TtcJ8S 0
> tmp/ QmYJXAS9Myh2fKJRF269vHB6hiPmQnX8SkBi36ZFoyayLt 0
> $ echo $IPFS_PATH
> /zc/ipfs
> $ # like 9 terabytes in above CIDs

> When did 4chan remove the "posters in this thread" count?
Around this time - There:

Not there (relevant to Endpone /culture/ thread):

> catbox version on deterministic youtube-99zc2KZuaYg
Total Jenny Death version:
Wayback Machine was not working very well for days. You could only see a new snapshot a day or two after it was created. That was the case 6 or 12 hours ago. That stopped being the case <6 hours ago. One thing to prove that is that I can see this idiotic Wikipedia page that wasn't capture ever before me requesting that within this hour ("first archive"):

over the years I have seen various cases of WBM not working well, and like all of them have one thing in common: happens when they are pushing an ad campaign (specifically, ads telling you to donate to them). Happened in this case too; I guess rewriting millions of pages temporarily took its toll on other parts of that website. 

I was programming and researching warc-based alternatives to WBM that could be used anywhere on a LAN, and the best I saw seemed to be Apache Guacamole:
https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=LWdxhZyHT&#95;8 ("Meet Guacamole, Your Remote Access Gateway") - should enable me to ssh over a webpage so I can do stuff

Use the openssl program to get a self-signed certificate - otherwise your LAN IP addresses communicating won't be happening in an encrypted way:
Will show an HTTPS error because the key/whatever is selfsigned, but that's fine. ( next level = https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=qlcVx-k-02E )
thumbnail of owl_babs.png
thumbnail of owl_babs.png
owl_babs png
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> Pony Fusion site is down [ https://archive.ph/nlzfQ , no longer the case ]
If that "zipball" has no server-side code then that can easily be rehosted. (Other things to check with github: releases, branches, git history, issues, etc.) It does have server code: https://github.com/Tailszefox/Pony-Fusion says "PHP 60.0%, CSS 20.0%, JavaScript 20.0%". Images aren't in that git(?): https://github.com/Tailszefox/Pony-Fusion/blob/master/ponies.php - at https://fusion.ponyar.net/cache/owl&#95;babs.png
> The only OC allowed = ./faust.png

> py-ipfs-http-client
This has limited (not zero) functionality with newer versions. "Python IPFS HTTP Client’s documentation!":

Site /ipns/12D3KooWEqnTdgqHnkkwarSrJjeMP2ZJiADWLYADaNvUb6SQNyPF resolves to /ipns/k51qzi5uqu5di1knhs90ve8esub5rpoouh7t8n0pcch7dhmkqrgzo8zqx0x2te/ which resolves to /ipfs/QmSfSEXrkYzsLz4adKJzVe9zj8dT8V6X9rkXdXCenV35pQ (63 blocks from 16,60,059 bytes) ~today. Add string or bytes method -- 'client.add_bytes(b"Mary had a little lamb")' ( https://gateway.ipfs.cybernode.ai/ipns/k51qzi5uqu5di1knhs90ve8esub5rpoouh7t8n0pcch7dhmkqrgzo8zqx0x2te/docs/genindex.html ) -- didn't work well, but this did work:
> $ python3 -c "import ipfshttpclient; client = ipfshttpclient.connect(); a = client.cat('QmWxS5aNTFEc9XbMX1ASvLET1zrqEaTssqt33rVZQCQb22'); print(str(a))"
> /home/ubuntu/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ipfshttpclient/client/init.py:75: VersionMismatch: Unsupported daemon version '0.23.0' (not in range: 0.5.0 ≤ …   warnings.warn(exceptions.VersionMismatch(version, minimum, maximum))
> b'fdsafkljdskafjaksdjf\n'
> $ # I could also get " $ lynx -dump " = "b'fdsafkljdskafjaksdjf\n'"
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> docs
IPNS 403 Forbidden in this gateway:
https://ipfs.desmos.network/ipns/k51qzi5uqu5di1knhs90ve8esub5rpoouh7t8n0pcch7dhmkqrgzo8zqx0x2te/ (and at ./../)

> underlined
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Forgot to do this before moving: check MFS. Can't do that now, but I think I didn't have any unrecorded CIDs in there:
> ...

Not sure why that has to be partly written in PHP. I think that could be written entirely with client-side code.

Permutations: two slots, each one is one of 52, so 2^52 or 52^2. So if you have a bike lock, 4 slots and each one is 10 combinations 0-9, then that's 10^4=10,000 from 0000 to 9999. That's {combinations per slot}^{slots}. So it would be 52^2 = 2,704 different pony fusion images based on that GitHub (not 2^52 obviously, because that's 4,503,599,627,370,496). 52 spaces in the below line:
>  twilight rarity applejack rainbow flutter pinkie spike sweetie scoot abloom babs celestia luna cadence twilight_p bigmac shining blueblood braeburn fancy zecora nmm chrys sombra lightning sunset trixie gilda discord Dolores Dolores2 diamond silver cheerilee granny spitfire fleur bonbon lyra derpy doctor golden octavia vinyl vinyl2 angel opal gummy owl tank winona faust
> Forgot to do this before moving: check MFS. Can't do that now, but I think I didn't have any unrecorded CIDs in there:
>  >...
Got this error due to many missing .data files / blocks:
> $ IPFS_PATH=/zc/tomerge
> $ ipfs files ls --long /
> 2024-06-21T15:17:03.040-0600 ERROR core core/builder.go:158 constructing the node: could not build arguments for function "reflect".makeFuncStub (reflect/asm_amd64.s:28): failed to build *mfs.Root: received non-nil error from function "github.com/ipfs/kubo/core/node".Files (github.com/ipfs/[email protected]/core/node/core.go:136): error loading filesroot from DAG: block was not found locally (offline): ipld: could not find QmRLsKdkgAm7PvnwfjKpze7vhUqzuWpgPUMzfwhZBxHDj8
> Error: constructing the node (see log for full detail): error loading filesroot from DAG: block was not found locally (offline): ipld: could not find QmRLsKdkgAm7PvnwfjKpze7vhUqzuWpgPUMzfwhZBxHDj8
> $ # Remember to record MFS before merging repos!

About those permutations:
> Dolores Dolores2
"Important string" wordfiltered, but you can get it from this command:
> $ echo "1f8b08000000000000033d90db71c43008455bb935a4a10c92b14d8c9006\ 
> 49eb28d587dd9de487e1758103c62d2ac739e0e43216a835e52fca5724c4\
> 52bdb1eb1c831d4dec12466f7285bd99c733cab50e50d25a0b12a58eccca\
> 7d0841a711326d6c99f1b7e6b321c95128a39f626207924e7eca3724274e\
> d30d3b595ef8e15c9d60a5209fbe3a7a2dd182d79c97b44feb3c305cbee3\
> 944374236c1227f9863ec8df60ffde4714a9548ba2e82388f2c9eca21c5a\
> 27b3f5641bbb3807334f47aaf10083aed8bab1b785ade6511d47d5c04204\
> f408d287d8d2b7fd00d9c18ada4871cc5216eaad1864176eb11a2fd969f6\
> f10b2bd2c29278010000" | xxd -p -r | gunzip; echo
> [...]
> $ # "gunzip" = "gzip -cd".
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gummy_vinyl png
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I grabbed those 2704 online image files. I used this simple code and stuff (nested while loop):
> $ a=(twilight rarity applejack rainbow flutter pinkie spike sweetie scoot abloom babs celestia luna cadence twilight_p bigmac shining blueblood braeburn fancy zecora nmm chrys sombra lightning sunset trixie gilda discord Dolores Dolores2 diamond silver cheerilee granny spitfire fleur bonbon lyra derpy doctor golden octavia vinyl vinyl2 angel opal gummy owl tank winona faust); n=0; while [[ $n -lt 52 ]]; do i=0; while [[ $i -lt 52 ]]; do echo ${a[$n]}_${a[i]}; i=$(expr $i + 1); done; n=$(expr $n + 1); done > ponyfusn.txt

> $ utc; grab-site --input-file=ponyfusn.txt 1>fusion.ponyar.net_1.txt 2>fusion.ponyar.net_2.txt; utc
> 2024-06-22T14:26:13.323099973Z
> 2024-06-22T14:40:12.179978527Z
> $ # HTTP 200 on all of them
> $ utc; python3 -m warcat extract /zc/warc/fusion.ponyar.net/zc-put-in-1-bbb-aaa-ccc-ponyfusn.txt-2024-06-22-f07d427d/zc-put-in-1-bbb-aaa-ccc-ponyfusn.txt-2024-06-22-f07d427d-00000.warc.gz; utc
> 2024-06-22T15:22:39.464040382Z
> 2024-06-22T15:23:42.469965633Z
> $ # 5 random images from "find /zc/warc/fusion.ponyar.net/raws/fusion.ponyar.net/cache | sort -R | head -n5"
This software: https://github.com/chfoo/warcat - linked from https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=The&#95;WARC&#95;Ecosystem#Tools

I did a "1K drop" with those 2704 NFT-like files onto NFT-related things. Those image file raws are online in this way (among others): in two online IPFS nodes, one remote and one local. (Maybe it isn't a "2.7K drop" if NFTbros just call it "1K drop", "10K drop", etc. like I head in a video IIRC.) Raws=130.9 MiB. Here's the WARC+raws (.warc.gz isn't redundantly online - yet?):

(*twilight.png images are bit-identical to the corresponding *twilight_p.png images.)
thumbnail of applejack_zecora.png
thumbnail of applejack_zecora.png
applejack_zecora png
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zecora_applejack png
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I got two babs+x in a row.

Blind zebra: "Ah hate ziggers." Element of Ignorance.

Closest I got with CGI+.py+subprocess.run() is this code:
> ipfs://bafkreih4igdbyar2l5cpn7dqnqg2lcaublvakh3ym3cvxqckh7ypienjwu
> ar://OEGpM9kRvL4ipdGxDTzqhDmtZryJMeaWgh7a7QxyqL8 ( https://api.arns.app/v1/contract/bLAgYxAdX2Ry-nt6aH2ixgvJXbpsEYm28NgJgyqfs-U/read/gateways )
Which returned this error:
> CompletedProcess(args=['ipfs', 'resolve', '/ipns/k2k4r8nismm5mmgrox2fci816xvj4l4cudnuc55gkfoealjuiaexbsup'], returncode=1, stdout=b, stderr=b'Error: error loading plugins: open /home/ubuntu/.config/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser/brave_ipfs/config: permission denied\n')
> CompletedProcess(args=['whoami'], returncode=0, stdout=b'www-data\n', stderr=b) dsdsds

An interesting part of that bafkreih...njwu simple code is the following, which sets a Bash environment variable before running a shell command:
> a = subprocess.run(["ipfs", "resolve", "/ipns/k2k4r8nismm5mmgrox2fci816xvj4l4cudnuc55gkfoealjuiaexbsup"], capture_output=True, env=dict(os.environ) | {"IPFS_PATH": "/home/ubuntu/.config/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser/brave_ipfs"})
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Look at me. I'm the teacher now.

> merging repos
As planned, I have been repinning hundreds of things from a saved list + datastore/*.ldb files. I had problems pinning large folders in the past, but not in the past week. I could repinned this, which has >250,000 nodes:
> $ ipfs files stat /ipfs/bafybeifjvpxzl5njrvmqumt3g4vmzdrtcz5pzdt7jkovwlrhm4q4sh5bpy
> [...]CumulativeSize: 447979958926
> [...]Type: directory
> $ # which is "[Loyaldk] My Little Pony 4K Upscale" and like 448 GB
Only "bad thing that happened" was my ipfs daemon got oomd'd when securing that ~500 GB folder again; also when doing that, free memory dropped to ~200 and ~150 MiB out of like 4 GB of RAM total. Repinned as part of this specific command:
$ grep -n "$" /zc/zctomerge1205.txt | sed "s/ .*//g" | \
sort -r | xargs -d "\n" sh -c 'for args do echo == $args; \
ipfs pin add --progress $(echo $args | sed "s/.*://g"); done' _
thumbnail of sweetie_cheerilee.png
thumbnail of sweetie_cheerilee.png
sweetie_cheerilee png
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cheerilee_scoot png
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4.5 quadrillion pony images. Trillions of files = fits in a terabyte-scale storage thing. (12.) Quadrillions of files = fits in a petabyte-scale storage thing. (15.) (Billions... = ...gigabyte-scale. Millions = megabyte-scale. Thousands = kilobyte-scale.) Quintillions = exabyte. (18.) Sextillions = zettabyte. (21.) Septillions = yottabyte. (24.) Next = "ronnabyte" or "brontobyte"; they refer to the same thing (27 zeros), but I think today is my first time learning the word "ronnabyte". I know I heard "brontobyte" byte before (etymology is dinosaur-related.)

*I did repinned this [a ~500-GB folder]
*~200 MiB and ~150 MiB
thumbnail of derpy_doctor.png
thumbnail of derpy_doctor.png
derpy_doctor png
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doctor_der... png
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thumbnail of Rarity_Plays_-_GTA_V_MLP_in_real_life-PoniesInMyLife-20130926-youtube-1280x720-6Y7j4j0HC38.jpg
thumbnail of Rarity_Plays_-_GTA_V_MLP_in_real_life-PoniesInMyLife-20130926-youtube-1280x720-6Y7j4j0HC38.jpg
Rarity_Plays_-_GTA_V_... jpg
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thumbnail of Rarity_Plays_-_GTA_V_MLP_in_real_life-PoniesInMyLife-20130926-youtube-1280x720-6Y7j4j0HC38.mp4
thumbnail of Rarity_Plays_-_GTA_V_MLP_in_real_life-PoniesInMyLife-20130926-youtube-1280x720-6Y7j4j0HC38.mp4
Rarity_Plays_-_GTA_V_... mp4
(11.55 MB, 1280x720 h264)
*heard "brontobyte" before

Pony duos from
> https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/bafybeiewc2hpo2i5mrnzu3l4dvv7vhzy4trnsncbhq4hdemgjvok4g6erq/fusion.ponyar.net/cache/derpy&#95;doctor.png
> https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/bafybeiewc2hpo2i5mrnzu3l4dvv7vhzy4trnsncbhq4hdemgjvok4g6erq/fusion.ponyar.net/cache/doctor&#95;derpy.png
I like the pegasus one: classic horse colors. Other media from TPA.
Reading older threads:
> https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/30986179/#30987345
>  >This is the top rated marecock on Derpibooru.
>  >https://derpibooru.org/591340
>  >Discuss.
> i am pretty sure i have masturbated to this at least 3 times.
> i wouldnt call it the best though
For me, probably 2 times (not 3 IIRC).

I have these files:
> github+Tailszefox+Pony-Fusion.zip
> github+emn178+online-tools.zip
> github+hczhcz+2048.zip
with extracted versions here:

> couldn't hit the broadside of a landwhale
That's what happens when you play video games with hooves.
thumbnail of 6912092.png
thumbnail of 6912092.png
6912092 png
(2.33 MB, 1920x1080)

I am alive. Had some medical stuff going on. I will try to get back into this thread depending on what goes on later this week.

Archivist, I wish you well, /)

(In the event this place ever goes down, you can contact me here).
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4FBB4C3B-D5C5-4752-B6... png
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2018 video not in TPA - "AMV / PMV - deadmau5 & Kaskade - I Remember":
. Medium- or large-size channel
. "Low effort": like only one frame/image
. Nearby data: better track at https://invidious.reallyaweso.me/watch?v=iCKyg5F4ExA "4 AM (Adam K & Soha Radio Edit)"
. Check: https://tpa.mares.workers.dev/?output=html&id=

This image is from a nearly-full iPone; possible fix for that (->Ubuntu):
thumbnail of IMG_4112.PNG
thumbnail of IMG_4112.PNG
IMG_4112 PNG
(565.65 KB, 1334x750)
thumbnail of IMG_5082.JPG
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thumbnail of IMG_5076.JPG
IMG_5076 JPG
(4.62 MB, 3968x5376)
What I use to download a single video from a YouTube channel:
. https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/bafkreibfhegllf2352rzvi7eskb4jgn6445pptpjialfa44gscm5m35gqi
. https://thecoldblooded.online/ynY&#95;qacTbyKG1CDa1e&#95;mXMoDuRTZthC&#95;sILMTHkasPs

What I use to download an entire YouTube channel:
. ipfs://bafkreifajlc3junozqugo6tll6abrjxa7dnbidt556i3czspz3hmrnsd4i

Seems I gotta update these downloaders because y.com.sb = fail.

These images are from small folder "publicdata2" (2.39 GiB):
. related to fusion.ponyar.net  >>/10515/;
. not in two different HDDs/computers (yet?); has video about the Sandy Hook hoax
. forgot to include metadata: https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/bafybeigfvkfhgy5bsncgivxpwhrwvgpg6be2se2usk22elaqtoxzgkdtje

Folder created thanks to ifuse, which allows one to mount an iShit device ( >>/10534/):
> $ sudo ifuse /mnt/e
> $ sudo find /mnt/e/DCIM/105APPLE -type f | sudo xargs -d "\n" sh -c 'for args do echo "$args"; mv -n "$args" "/zc/b/iphone/105APPLE/"; done' _
> $ sudo chown -R ubuntu "/zc/put/vvv/zc-b-iphone-105APPLE-pub"
Oddly, and unlike in the past, I could actually access that iPone's images+videos like it was a regular FS, which is a good thing. Couldn't access the stuff in the Downloads folder though. (Apps = Photos, Files - couldn't get files in Files but could get files in Photos.)
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twilight_doctor png
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applejack_doctor png
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thumbnail of rarity_doctor.png
rarity_doctor png
(44.69 KB, 1920x1455)
> classic horse colors
mane 5/6

> ifuse...sudo...mv...
Doesn't actually move the files. Not much of a problem, but something to be aware of.

More CLI information... I have been copying CIDs from one computer to another (in both directions). HPC is the computer with a program uptime of 31 days straight now. I improved the command I'm using to do some of that:
$ ssh [email protected] "export IPFS_PATH=/path; ipfs pin ls --type=recursive" | sed "s/ .*//g" | \
sort | uniq | xargs -d "\n" sh -c 'for args do a() { ipfs --offline pin add --progress $args  \
ssh [email protected] "export IPFS_PATH=/path; ipfs dag export $args" | ipfs dag import --stats; }; \
echo == $args; ipfs pin ls --type=recursive $args  a; done' _. Can declare and use a function in sh/xargs.
. "ipfs --offline..." tries pinning it in offline mode: this saves on the need to grab it from another computer if it succeeds
. if offline pinning fails, do get it from the other computer

How the "" operator works in Bash: do the command only if the previous one failed, only applies to one statement. Details... "echo snowpity | grep mare  echo Mare not found"->"Mare not found"; "echo mare | grep mare  echo Mare not found"->"mare". This is basic stuff, but what about running multiple commands only if the previous one failed? (See "echo $?" for exit code of previous command.) Use a function:
> $ a() { echo Rainbow Dash ran so far...; echo ...that the extreme running made her taste blood in her mouth.; }; echo snowpity | grep mare  a
> Rainbow Dash ran so far...
> ...that the extreme running made her taste blood in her mouth.
> $ a() { echo Rainbow Dash ran so far...; echo ...that the extreme running made her taste blood in her mouth.; }; echo mare | grep mare  a
> mare
> $ # Also basic stuff, but good to explicitly know.
In Bash, "&&" is the opposite of "", so it runs the command only if the previous one succeeded. (In other words: "boolean previous; ...; || = if(!previous) echo 'if false do'; && = if(previous) echo 'if true do';".) The above applies.
Another use of that - do you have many tabs open on a crappy or good mobile device and want to have less open? Paste the links in here:

Cool thing about that: it autoupdates the SHA1 hash. After pasting in a bunch of URL where each one has an optional note (what it means to you or something), you can then paste it to https://put.icu/paste then copy that text file to a computer or something. Then you can verify it by seeing if the hashes match.

That channel reminds me of that YT channel where that guy is a fan of MLP and Thomas the Tank Engine. Watching this pony-related video from the former channel out of context may be confusing - "What I feel like when nobody sees my crossover music videos anymore (YouTube update in description)":
thumbnail of 0F089880-1886-4F3B-909F-FD35F4D74AF9.png
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*bunch of URLs
> Doesn't actually move the files
It copies the files, doesn't move them.
> code
Lines are too long for some devices - messes up how the rest of the post is displayed.

And you can look at the code which hashes it and controls the textarea/whatever because it's all client-side and (F)OSS.

thumbnail of De_Value_UCRmCLx2IxTWY78kJ-9kPQdQ.jpg
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Websites which have become worse:
. The Wayback Machine (web.archive.org, WBM): can only do 200 captures max per day when not logged in. In the past the limit was like 1000 max, 2000 max, 10,000 max, etc. I saw this when remotely saving low-risk pony images.
. TinEye (tineye.com): now Cuckflare-walled; https://web.archive.org/web/20240624213810/https://tineye.com/search/6d3d71e356c22d8273fa7286950ae7373ffffea2?sort=score&order=desc&page=1 is a blank/white page. Past WBM snapshots of tineye.com showed actual information (rendered images and text).

Memory-holed data which is "trivial" and probably totally gone now: see the following. If the data is gone, outside of an archived copy of a webpage, the next best thing is a recounting of the information from one's memories. So here goes... 1 to 3 days ago when WBM had a big delay on seeing new snapshots (so I didn't capture it), I looked at the comments of this npr video:
> Ex-OpenAI genius launches new “Super Intelligence” company
and saw two comments from different "porn bots". Those likely "highly-liked" comments have now likely both been deleted as I loaded them all in a browser today. A reply to one of them was from this channel:
> URL: https://inv.tux.pizza/channel/UCRmCLx2IxTWY78kJ-9kPQdQ
> Cool username: De Value
> MLP-related pfp: attached
That channel has no videos and zero playlists. \\ Updates: (1) everything in HPC is redundantly pinned, so in two diff. HDDs, (2) I finished merging and repinning "/zc/tomerge/" into "/zc/ipfs/", and tomerge contained terabytes IIRC. Todo: remote redundancy on some bafk... CIDs/files (do a 10K drop or something).

> LoC too long
97- or 100-character-long lines of code = too long, so use 80 or 70 characters per line so Endchan doesn't mess up when displaying the post. \\ Pics related are:
> Devalue: https://thecoldblooded.online/xHbwcUBzB&#95;EveBpcSMXuUNBfbAmch6qWcMnQN0mLSGo / ipfs://bafkreiarg3nvwvrb4mhgjkdsy6rziqq6hfazuokjlsxgkhvwvgrgocvvpq
> New WBM limit: https://permagate.io/&#95;pE2SicBhvciGe7d5IERezEmMlKV8IAMwZG1p3aU2vQ / ipfs://bafkreigbgkl2i67t5zsvrgqfrwcn6wna2z6qylwotptbxf2k6umfupe5re
> TinEye reverse image search on this Unicorn design/art on a shirt: https://bootstrap.lol/z6ZSFdUXrGOo5aJhOaprml7E66rAv9DjoVJNrfkr4uM / ipfs://bafkreiccpc4fs6yey4zdog7vbxkh7yylpgpyuvxdxgmm5xiazuacr4pllq
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> No Mayor Mare

> TinEye is now worse
Unfortunate. I saw some nice info and data there in the past. BreachForums ( https://breachforums.st/ ) is now a fedsite/honeypot. In the past, databreaches were posted to that forums website. If a complete siterip of TinEye was posted there, I wonder how much someone would pay for it. Most of TinEye is not findable other than via backend access, and now since it's walled "the only hope for it" is that it gets hacked and ripped (then hopefully shared online for free). In the past I said that TinEye is an archive-friendly reverse image search website; that's no longer the case, closest thing to that now is Google reverse image search I guess. Yandex reverse image search pages are walled. (BTW, in the past I saw something about IA/WBM being exempt from being blocked by Google due to crawling google.com.)

I recall some anons here in the past  had trouble getting wayback to work at all if I remember that right. Don't remember what that was part of though.

Channels like that can be interesting. The "austism" and "cringe" maybe worn on their wrist but sometimes I've found hidden gems on those from that unsurpassed creative drive.
I see you're still at it. I don't know where everyone else has gone to, but anyway I've been notified recently that someone wants to start archiving pony stuff on Twitter. The motivation is obvious given the many recent changes to that site. There's also many artists there that do not post their pony art anywhere else, and fishing for ancient accounts associated with conventions, websites, DHX staff and so on will be very informative for fandom history.

Both of us are not too familiar with the fandom on Twitter, so I was hoping that someone here already has such a list they'd be willing to share.

Similarly, there's a list for deviantart too, although I think that one is in much better shape for now.
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I emitted thousands of random extensionless files (incl. these 5). For certain reasons, I now want to add extensions to them. They are .gif, .png, .swf, etc.; use this:
find . -type f -not -name "*.*" -exec bash -c \
'if [ $(file --mime-type -b {})  "image/jpeg" ]; then mv {} {}.jpg; fi;' \;; \
find . -type f -not -name "*.*" -exec bash -c \
'if [ $(file --mime-type -b {})  "image/png" ]; then mv {} {}.png; fi;' \;; [...]Full command:
. ipfs://bafkreiap6ghxpyd7hx5cvy3xvebbf5zzn57zotq53wzjwnktgcebti72ee
. https://yukovskibot.com/wV6Ne-DGnCERDnCeFVm7XPhnRFhMB&#95;g9nvcYwThutzY
. based on https://www.baeldung.com/linux/bash-add-file-extension

Problem with that (if you don't put the them in 1000-files folders or something):
> bash: line 1: [: too many arguments
So I can go back to my "crappy" solution which I wrote before I saw that baeldung.com page:
cat cids.txt | xargs -d "\n" bash -c 'for args do file /ipfs/$args | \
sed "s/,.*//g" | grep -v ": data$"; done' _ | xargs -d "\n" sh -c \
'for args do in=$(echo $args | sed "s/:.*//g"); ext=$(echo $args | \
sed "s/ image data//g" | sed "s/.* //g" | sed "s/GIF/gif/g" | \
sed "s/JPEG/jpg/g" | sed "s/PNG/png/g"); echo -n "$in "; \
echo $(echo $in | sed "s/.*\///g").$ext; done' _It doesn't have that too-many-args problem because it's streamed and not all at once. Or do this for jpg+gif+png:
find . -type f | xargs -d "\n" bash -c 'for args do tb=$(head \
-c 3 "$args" | xxd -p); if [ "$tb"  "ffd8ff" ]; then mv -n "$args" \
"$args.jpg"; fi; if [ "$tb"  "474946" ]; then mv -n "$args" "$args.gif"; \
fi; if [ "$tb" == "89504e" ]; then mv -n "$args" "$args.png"; fi; done' _That's based on the first bytes of files and not MIME type as determined by this program: file version 5.41. With file-5.41, I can add .txt; can't easily do that with top bytes.

> I've found hidden gems on those from that unsurpassed creative drive.
Made me check something - this YouTube video which has 4 likes in Twibooru

I was thinking it was from
> ./True_Blue_UCnjNrJw4IIhORvMJVqYuM0Q.partial/
but it's actually from
> ./AndyFish_UCTCfI5U98rsJ8VdNF3K_uUQ/Dolores_Umbridge_-_Sieg_Heil-AndyFish-20151211-youtube-1920x1080-HL9LkTgHAaA.webm
in here (BTW, ipfs daemon got oom'd when there was around 80 MiB of free RAM):
> https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmXNifFze1xzMUbCpekpP9V5KxncGnAi4v8wU8655uD7iY/?filename=AndyFish&#95;UCTCfI5U98rsJ8VdNF3K&#95;uUQ
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> don't know where everyone else has gone to
Perhaps the mindset is clout or visibility-related, or related to unification or 4chan /mlp/ having an "insta-archive" (desuarchive.org). "Endchan matters less because fewer users will see my posts compared to 4chan." Counter-quote:
> I'm glad there's no stupid 4chan users here.
Posted by Hiromoot, the current owner of 4chan. (As with any community, there's dumb users and there's great/OK users.)

> Xitter
Roughly a week ago I was thinking of figuring out what the deal was with Nitter and stuff. Didn't do that. I can share more info and put in work on this later maybe/probably. Nitter instance https://xcancel.com/nist seems to be CF-walled (but with custom CSS). Is there a free-tier Twitter API? If I did web scraping, what would that entail (I can figure this out)?

> ipfs repo ls [streamed output]
More pics.

> Dolores_Umbridge_-_Sieg_Heil-AndyFish-20151211-youtube-1920x1080-HL9LkTgHAaA.webm
> https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmXNifFze1xzMUbCpekpP9V5KxncGnAi4v8wU8655uD7iY
(Wordfilter, see that link for the original filename.)
No I mean there used to be other users frequenting the /go/ thread. Last time I was here they were still on the first thread.

> Roughly a week ago I was thinking of figuring out what the deal was with Nitter and stuff.
Unfortunately a few months back almost all the free nitter instances stopped working. I briefly read over the discussion back then and it seems that a lot of people were using the instances for mass tweet scraping. The recommended approach was to set up your own instance to do that and to leave the public ones for everyone else's convenience. I believe you can still set up your own private instance though. Don't take my word for it though as I haven't checked since that happened.

> Is there a free-tier Twitter API?
The only one that I'm aware of is write-only permission. This is to discourage scraping, yet allow those twitter bots from posting hourly updates for whatever they're doing.

> If I did web scraping, what would that entail (I can figure this out)?
Right now, Twitter can be scraped using a spare account and gallery-dl: https://github.com/mikf/gallery-dl
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> The motivation is obvious given the many recent changes to that site.
What I've been doing for like one month now: automatically grabbing booru.org subdomains because it's shutting down and the greedy pig site owner cares very little about archiving and boorus that don't make him money.

> Unfortunately a few months back almost all the free nitter instances stopped working
I think I remember that. Maybe .onion or .i2p ones work better now compared to clearweb ones.
> seems that a lot of people were using the instances for mass tweet scraping
I'm curious about a breakdown on this: "ai" training, social ops/drama, personal archiving, public archiving, ad-related/data brokers maybe.
> recommended approach was to set up your own instance to do that and to leave the public ones for everyone else's convenience
I was thinking of that when I was writing  >>/10550/ - perhaps I will see it that private instance method still works.

> gallery-dl
I didn't know it worked for that.

> search results page is now worse
Other thing I noticed:
> https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/trans%20contradiction
> 245 results found.
But that page only shows 25 results and not more 245! That's another website which became worse: only shows a small amount of search results. /mlpol/ search then and now:
Thousands">https://web.archive.org/web/20231210064132/https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/%22my%20little%20pony%22[/code]Thousands of posts across >15 pages. (Code markup because Endchan will mess up the link otherwise.)
SERP">https://web.archive.org/web/20240625151322/https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/%22my%20little%20pony%22[/code]SERP shows only one page with 25 posts.
> did this to prevent the links getting messed up
Still got messed up. Fix:
Can only see a small amount of results from a search, example given is related to a /pol/ post about trannies (saying that feminism is contradictory/double think with transgenderism because fems say that gender doesn't define you and isn't inherent while trans say the opposite).
/mlpol/ search then and now:
https://web.archive.org/web/20231210064132/https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/%22my%20little%20pony%22  Thousands of posts across >15 pages. (Code markup because Endchan will mess up the link otherwise.)
https://web.archive.org/web/20240625151322/https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/%22my%20little%20pony%22  SERP shows only one page with 25 posts.
thumbnail of Giddy_Up_MLP_Anniversary-AndyFish-20141020-youtube-1278x720-K2O5Eej77xQ.webm
thumbnail of Giddy_Up_MLP_Anniversary-AndyFish-20141020-youtube-1278x720-K2O5Eej77xQ.webm
Giddy_Up_MLP_Annivers... webm
(10.14 MB, 1278x720 vp9)
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26E0A9A1-1A42-4DC2-BA... jpeg
(19.57 KB, 121x121)

Is there one that works with WBM?
. HTTP 200: https://archive.ph/2024.06.25-162329/https://xcancel.com/twilightsparkle
. Fails: https://web.archive.org/web/20240625162557/https://xcancel.com/twilightsparkle
. ( https://web.archive.org/web/20231008094653/https://twitter.com/twilightsparkle )
. ?: using wget/grab-site

*shows 25 results and not 245

Not as bad as I thought, can view next page, but only a link to page one is clearly seen; example:
. https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/filename/capitalist%2Bpig/page/6/
. https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/filename/capitalist%2Bpig/page/14/
.. had multiple page number buttons at the bottom in 2024-06-09 - no longer the case

Live Giddy Up reaction:
> https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmXNifFze1xzMUbCpekpP9V5KxncGnAi4v8wU8655uD7iY/Giddy&#95;Up&#95;MLP&#95;Anniversary-AndyFish-20141020-youtube-1278x720-K2O5Eej77xQ.webm
Pfp from npr leftoid video:
> https://web.archive.org/web/20240625161921/https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=P8-S4kLQGiE
> title=This Ben Garrison Stunlock Took A WEIRD Turn...
thumbnail of e621_4580245.jpg
thumbnail of e621_4580245.jpg
e621_4580245 jpg
(984.64 KB, 1000x1279)
>  A WEIRD Turn...
Not familiar with the YT'r but yes, I think we all long for a universe/time when we no longer fear the repercussions of physical damage.

But vore is still pretty weird
thumbnail of twibooru-1874722.png
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twibooru-1... png
(2.82 MB, 2000x4300)
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How long does it take to organize many files and folders? It takes hours over days. Some of what I did recently - Here's some MLP FIM episodes that were broadcast in 4:3 (video files that I dl'd years ago):

I added that to MFS root:
> file:///ipfs/QmYqN6s2KMvMMxEpvpoWfVgtQBpnMxzMrfcq7CwPHbnGr3/root/web/raws/mega.nz/folder-WBhW0CwR-2c5FBzwlDPjyv_Nbxgmumw/
> resolved: https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmWMM3obMp3kSUAsg1iudmb3kv9ipgMxVJ8X2feZeCUrn2

Can't mount IPFS when offline:
> $ fusermount -u /ipfs; fusermount -u /ipns; ipfs --offline daemon --mount &
> [1] 3295893
> $ Initializing daemon...
> Kubo version: 0.23.0[...]Golang version: go1.21.1[...]Swarm not listening, running in offline mode.
> RPC API server listening on /ip4/[...]WebUI:
> [...]Error: mount is not currently supported in offline mode[...]
> [1]+ Exit 1 ipfs --offline daemon --mount
> $ # Offline mode would be faster in some cases.

It also takes some time to find and download stuff. Something I didn't get to - someone else's post:
> That loona archive really needs to be archived: https://mega.nz/folder/aAUQlIJJ#Q24arPlyUKzV8hqsVELR5g
> An old pastebin for the loona ARG (https://pastebin.com/tjp3nZW7) linked to a previous archive that's now dead: https://mega.nz/file/WY8AUJJD#tRW1njDtEX8BxEqio0Bq4OxCu74kq-dSoERlDfAAH2s
> Don't know if the new link has the same contents, but treat it as a warning either way.

Also failed:
. https://web.archive.org/web/20240625233159/https://nitter.poast.org/nist
. https://web.archive.org/save/https://nitter.privacydev.net/nist - "Please try again in ~10 min. Crawling this host is paused because they notified us that they are overloaded right now."

I thought this image was kinda sexy, would be better if it wasn't vore+inflation. (I guess this was obvious, but my focus in pointing that out was in discovery of another MLP-related channel and info in. Not criticizing anyone for for posting about something I wasn't focusing on, anons can post about whatever.)
thumbnail of bafkreic4a6hh2wbhkn42b3azllnzegdurvriwbxfd2avckpdvpoyf47j6i
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(71.02 KB, 653x496)
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(114.68 KB, 720x900)
some more from that set

> we all long for a universe/time when we no longer fear the repercussions of physical damage.
Wouldn't have to be worried about being injured while not having health insurance.

>Not criticizing anyone for for posting about something I wasn't focusing on
I realize that sounds kinda self-centered - didn't mean for it to come off that way or for me to be that way.
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1032290 gif
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> Both of us are not too familiar with the fandom on Twitter, so I was hoping that someone here already has such a list they'd be willing to share.

I, Bridgefag, am still here (even if medical stuff going on ATM) As for a twitter list, actually have searched for that some in the past. Have yet to find anything useful unfortunately. 

> No I mean there used to be other users frequenting the /go/ thread. Last time I was here they were still on the first thread.

Wait, are you YT Comments anon or the other lurker that sometimes popped up?

By my own estimation, there has been two to three contributors this year. Some anons just come up once or twice with something (an anon who has connections to the archive team has been present sporadically this year last thread, for example). Usually though, it has been one or two anons driving the thread. 

> wayback

There was an attempt to archive stuff that was related to derpi that was spun off that some anons here were involved in. That is where I recall problems with wayback machine. Someone archived 100 pages or so and nothing went  through if I recall correctly. 

Yeah, wayback hasn't been the most reliable.
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> I think I remember that. Maybe .onion or .i2p ones work better now compared to clearweb ones.

It's because of the changes to twitter's API itself I reckon. Even if you had an account, there is pretty strict limits on viewing posts and a whole host of stupid anti-bot measures that (purposefully) broke alternative front ends like that. 

> How long does it take to organize many files and folders? It takes hours over days. Some of what I did recently - Here's some MLP FIM episodes that were broadcast in 4:3 (video files that I dl'd years ago):

Not quite the same, but similar feeling. I am currently compressioning and storing hard drive images with little space right now and it is taken a pretty long time. Sometimes you have to play musical chairs when space is at a premium  or staying another place to avoid stairs and only having a few portable drives and a laptop.

> Wouldn't have to be worried about being injured while not having health insurance.

Or having crappy insurance, as I have found it.

> I realize that sounds kinda self-centered - didn't mean for it to come off that way or for me to be that way.

 My reading comprehension isn't the best ATM, but you don't come off as that bad to me there.
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I (probably) had another thermal shutdown with HPC, even though it was running in low-power mode! This is what can happen if you run an "antique" computer (which was high-end for its time in the 2000s). Also didn't help that it was running in an area that was already too hot (uncomfortably above room temperature).

> merged (probably terabytes): /zc/tomerge -> /zc/ipfs
138 GB of blocks were already in ./ipfs even though ./tomerge had mostly unique data (at least I think each pin was unique). Kinda interesting to see dedup info.

> 1st image
I think that anon is confusing reactionary values with fascist ones, especially because Equestria is lead by a reactionary/traditional government.

> 2nd image
Can't not read that in Applejack's voice.

More from that set: incl. "Only one Granny Smith clop".

> It's because of the changes to twitter's API itself I reckon. Even if you had an account, there is pretty strict limits on viewing posts and a whole host of stupid anti-bot measures that (purposefully) broke alternative front ends like that.
Sad thing is, YouTube could probably do the same thing, which would break Invidious in a similar way. Limited API = sucks, but YouTube (and Reddit) does that too. Anti-bot measures = even more vile, this breaks basic web scrapping to a degree. Maybe the only way to have a decent Nitter instance now is to pay fucking thousands of dollars per year to Elongated Muskrat, which no one wants to do. (Paid API.)
thumbnail of bafkreigvhoiqd43lzxahhwmshzgv3qd4duhh3wg6zv7jsib4yblx2wsz6a
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(119.26 KB, 1039x979)
I (probably) had another thermal shutdown with HPC, even though it was running in low-power mode! This is what can happen if you run an "antique" computer (which was high-end for its time in the 2000s). Also didn't help that it was running in an area that was already too hot (uncomfortably above room temperature).

> merged (probably terabytes): /zc/tomerge -> /zc/ipfs
138 GB of blocks were already in ./ipfs even though ./tomerge had mostly unique data (at least I think each pin was unique). Kinda interesting to see dedup info.

> 1st image
I think that anon is confusing reactionary values with fascist ones, especially because Equestria is lead by a reactionary/traditional government.

> 2nd image
Can't not read that in Applejack's voice.

More from that set: incl. "Only one Granny Smith clop".

> It's because of the changes to twitter's API itself I reckon. Even if you had an account, there is pretty strict limits on viewing posts and a whole host of stupid anti-bot measures that (purposefully) broke alternative front ends like that.
Sad thing is, YouTube could probably do the same thing, which would break Invidious in a similar way. Limited API = sucks, but YouTube (and Reddit) does that too. Anti-bot measures = even more vile, this breaks basic web scrapping to a degree. Maybe the only way to have a decent Nitter instance now is to pay fucking thousands of dollars per year to Elongated Muskrat, which no one wants to do. (Paid API.)
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Double post due to:
1. Click "New Reply"
2. "Quick Reply" window still up
3. Changed a word ("merging" to "merged")
4. Click "New Reply" again

I thought that double post wouldn't happen for some reasons such as flood detection.

More from that set: incl. "Twilight Sparkle is a windbag".
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> wbm not working very well
This error specifically (also happening today):
> A snapshot was captured. Visit page: /web/20240626203052/https://... \ There was a delay in registering this snapshot with the Wayback Machine. \ The snapshot may not be available right now, please try again later.
and that snapshot only shows up hours/days later. This problem makes using a LAN (plus software and hardware) as a partial replacement for Wayback Machine even more relevant. I followed this guide https://invidious.private.coffee/watch?v=7KHEmFJv4VE but used it for Linux. Apache HTTP Server on Windows is "way different", but I think I still made some progress. This should allow me to use HTTPS on local IP addresses and localhost:
> $ echo -e "\nServerName localhost" >> /etc/apache2/apache2.conf # fixed "[time name] apachectl[3353407]: AH00558: apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message"
> $ openssl --help # OpenSSL help
> $ openssl [cmd] --help # OpenSSL subcommand help, e.g., "openssl req --help"
> $ openssl rsa --help 2>&1 | grep text
Make a crappy RSA SSL certificate and key:
> $ cd /etc/apache2/conf-enabled; sudo openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 1095 -newkey rsa:2048 -out server.crt -keyout server.key # you can leave the last or all fields blank
Enable SSL module(s) and socache mod by doing this I guess:
> $ sudo mv -n /etc/apache2/mods-available/ssl.load /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/
> $ sudo mv -n /etc/apache2/mods-available/ssl.conf /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/
> $ sudo mv -n /etc/apache2/mods-available/socache_shmcb.load /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/
Something about "httpd-ssl.conf" (only applies to Windows? which I'm not using). In "/etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl.conf", add/edit:
> ServerName
> SSLCertificateFile "${SRVROOT}/conf-enabled/server.crt" # previous: /etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem
> SSLCertificateKeyFile "${SRVROOT}/conf-enabled/server.key" # previous: /etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key
( Optional - change settings to redirect http->https by putting this text in "/etc/apache2/apache2.conf":
> RewriteEngine On
> RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
> RewriteRule (.*) {SERVER&#95;NAME}">https:/{SERVER&#95;NAME} [R,L]
then enable rewrite_module or move that file from mods-available/ to mods-enabled/. ) Errors at which is an "unrelated" problem:
> CLI: [3359500:3359504:0626/142541.835918:ERROR:ssl_client_socket_impl.cc(970)] handshake failed; returned -1, SSL error code 1, net_error -107
same thing with https://localhost/ipfs/... vs. http://localhost/ipfs/... (works in one but not the other). Put this in "default-ssl.conf" and maybe also "apache2.conf" so it asks for login creds (I had no problems doing this but the following is maybe missing steps):
>  AuthType Basic
>  AuthName "login"
>  AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/.htpasswd
>  Require valid-user

This screenshot: maybe the same Polish "data hoarding" Windows-user anon who posted on 4chan /mlp/.
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> Using encryption in a LAN (not the Internet)
> Using HTTP+encryption in an intranet

Unintentional markup:
>  >RewriteRule (.*) {SERVER_NAME}">https:/{SERVER_NAME} [R,L]
> RewriteRule (.*) https://%{SERVER&#95;NAME} [R,L]
> screenshot: maybe the same Polish "data hoarding" Windows-user anon who posted on 4chan /mlp/. [Also shows "selfmade" EQG and I think that anon was also interested in EQG.]
It's this post from 2015-01 - https://desuarchive.org/mlp/search/image/9GF8gImfoAQPUlK7i&#95;xL4g -> https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/21502537/#21505551 - via:$ openssl md5 $c
MD5(/ipfs/bafkreifvnf4d74ot7m3nhgu7ajfpb4twvui3u6cafqhkzb5f3ifxvsiz6i)= f4617c80899fa0040f5252bb8bfc4be2
$ echo f4617c80899fa0040f5252bb8bfc4be2 | xxd -p -r | base64 - | sed "s/\//_/g" | sed "s/=//g"
9GF8gImfoAQPUlK7i_xL4gThat thread is about moot quitting the admin position of 4chan. Damn, was it really that long ago? I remember using 4chan back when he was admin (and he also replied to an email that I sent him years ago).

This image shows that Google Recaptcha (self-driving car training I think) was used in 4chan /mlp/ in 2016 - I also basically remember that.
thumbnail of bafkreid4jbvtl66wwwmkg54wfdkgtiur5nuoigpbfkujwkmfebaloe5z6i
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> wbm not working well
> put in work doing that, ended up not working
Something I learned in the past - Apache server's user, www-data, can't be logged into by default. File "/etc/passwd" shows:
> root:x:0:0:root:/root:/usr/sbin/nologin
> www-data:x:33:33:www-data:/usr/sbin/nologin
You can change www-data to /var/www:/bin/bash to login. Oddly, www-data can't access this text file even after setting it to full access:
> $ chmod 777 /home/ubuntu/.config/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser/brave_ipfs/config
> [ -> 0777/-rwxrwxrwx ]
That plain text file was originally this:
> $ stat /home/ubuntu/.config/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser/brave_ipfs/config
> [...]Access: (0600/-rw-------)
Trying to stat "config" with www-data = permission denied  >>/10501/. Denied even when it was 777; same story with these settings probably:
> $ setfacl -m "u:www-data:rw" /home/ubuntu/.config/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser/brave_ipfs/config
> [ -> 0660/-rw-rw---- ]
> $ chmod 755 /home/ubuntu/.config/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser/brave_ipfs/config
> [ -> 0755/-rwxr-xr-x ]
Login as www-data:
> $ sudo su www-data
> [try stuff]
Why would it be helpful if www-data/Apache could access that file? Because then I could run IPFS commands anywhere in a LAN, such as using a shitty mobile device. I can use a mobile device with a proprietary OS and save stuff with web.archive.org, but that's remote and not local. LAN = local.

Instead of working on a "LAN-complete" WBM alternative (maybe one already exists?), I could focus on other stuff. Tasks such as organization, redundancy, and whatnot (also Xitter  >>/10548/). When uploading to archive.org, I saw that the ia CLI program was being dumb again:
> [after uploading 907 MB, it checked to see if I could write to that collection, which I couldn't so it completely failed]
Should have checked to see if I had write privileges for that before uploading megabytes.

Spoiler Image: pony transformation pic that I randomly saw.
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> using wget/grab-site = ?
wget --spider
> $ TZ=UTC ws https://x.com/rainbowdash
> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 403 Forbidden
> $ lynx -dump https://x.com/rainbowdash
= crap/nothing (JS needed)

I meant this - original:
> www-data:x:33:33:www-data:/var/www:/usr/sbin/nologin
> www-data:x:33:33:www-data:/var/www:/bin/bash

Another HTTPS on LAN / openssl guide if it helps: https://invidious.private.coffee/watch?v=zwaYgSjA4JY . Here's another Twilight Sparkle image which is "gross/weird/disturbing".
thumbnail of bafkreiaq3bubmhv7fv5vrwd45b33rm6v7p5iyq777u7yj7ziqxifgbtz6e
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thumbnail of bafkreibrqmcxpmrp5gcv5zw3uchfung5d76msn7e6y7l32wdmutfvylz6i
(21.65 KB, 480x356)
> Right now, Twitter can be scraped using a spare account and gallery-dl: https://github.com/mikf/gallery-dl
I think that only works on links to specific tweets (or images?), and not an account as a whole:
> $ gallery-dl https://x.com/rainbowdash
> [gallery-dl][error] Unsupported URL 'https://x.com/rainbowdash&#8216;
> $ # create a config file: "gallery-dl --config-create"
Put x.com user+pass in said config.json:
. ipfs://bafkreia6ddwrcejavxxwx5qfzjfj6abkfe45usc3awph3gp52gqsachr4y
. http://0xsav.xyz/HDBpeeOJWmM3avTxT&#95;6Obaj4MqUDPMnvj3jioDGw5ko

> organization
Pull IPFS CIDs out of a text file or webpage:
. 46 characters: /Qm\S\{44}/. Example: QmTnVURkaCP7fpm4aEzdNw5wVtzyQ3knZcF7vdSy9NZ1Dd - a peer ID
. bafybeiehbzkprm7iuuqgxmtucodi2rmb3d2kheyyekw3t65hhlxu7phddq - "old folder", MLP official artist KatieCanDraw)
. bafkreibrqmcxpmrp5gcv5zw3uchfung5d76msn7e6y7l32wdmutfvylz6i - rage comic, "Everythihng went better than expected")
. 59 characters on both of those, find them: /bafyb\S\{54}/ and /bafk\S\{55}/
. 62 characters: /bafyk\S\{57}/. "Rare"/LigGen: bafykbzaceb4ohfsod6jyupwcy2bg5nwim4jrfjlcd35wwqhm6xcejquwlpdtq
. Combined: /Qm[a-zA-Z0-9]\{44}\|bafyb[a-z0-9]\{54}\|bafk[a-z0-9]\{55}\|bafyk[a-z0-9]\{57}/
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24855398775... jpg
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(80.23 KB, 502x600)
Because x.com was specified and not twitter.com. After adding auth to that config file:
> $ gallery-dl https://twitter.com/rainbowdash # failed:
> [twitter][info] Requesting guest token
> [twitter][info] Logging in as [me]
> [twitter][info] No results for https://twitter.com/rainbowdash
> $ gallery-dl https://twitter.com/torproject/status/1803865412616270221
> ./gallery-dl/twitter/torproject/1803865412616270221_1.jpg
> $ gallery-dl https://twitter.com/rainbowdash/status/248553987756924929
> ./gallery-dl/twitter/rainbowdash/248553987756924929_1.jpg
> $ # worked
There's probably some options to download metadata and/or tweets without images from that social media website.
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> have been copying CIDs from one computer to another (in both directions)...
Other direction - nice method to redundantly pin certain things via 2 computers/HDDs (shows the size, contents, can add to ignore list):
$ b=bafybeiabl4pi3fy6eil56skvmlqipqumxgutdpehayuyfo3nmkftsbne4e
$ a=134; ipfs pin ls --type=recursive | grep -v "$b" | sed "s/ .*//g" | sort | tail -n+$a | n=$a xargs -d "\n" sh -c 'for args do echo $n; ipfs files stat /ipfs/$args; ipfs ls -s $args | head; ssh [email protected] "export IPFS_PATH=/path; ipfs pin add --progress $args"; echo ==; echo; n=$(expr $n + 1); done' _ # increase a=
$ read -p ":" h; b="$b$(echo -n "\|$h")"; echo "$b" # enter a CID to skip
$ # run "a=1...", then run "read...", then run "a=1...", etc.Some videos/img that I saw along the way:
. Twilight Sparkle tongue my anus
. IRL dog and pony show
. cartoon/3DCG dog
. etc.

> would be better if it wasn't vore+inflation
Rather, that image would be better if there was also a version of it which was neither vore nor inflation.

 >>/10561/  >>/10560/ (identical post text/body)
How would I throttle CPU(s) without rebooting or messing with the BIOS? Some nonanswer(s) here:

*MLP official artist KatieCanDraw
*better than expected"
> I am currently compressioning and storing hard drive images with little space right now and it is taken a pretty long time. Sometimes you have to play musical chairs when space is at a premium
If you want, you can share your files with me. I can easily host and store in the 0.1 MB to 1.9 GB range (per file/folder shared). However, I think you said you have a bad upload speed and inconsistent connection, so that could be problem.

Fuckin rekt, another probable thermal shutdown at about 2024-06-27 18:28:00 UTC. CPU throttling = number 1 priority when dealing with that computer. Also keeping the area it's in cooler. I bet the thermal paste inside of it is pretty useless now. It's a 2000s computer I think; probably not, but maybe it's a 2010s computer. (Both thermal shutdowns in the past 3 days happened with it running in low-power mode + doing an "intensive" task + in a too-above-room-temperature area.)
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> I am alive. Had some medical stuff going on.
I hope you are doing OK, also wish you well. What happened? Stupid joke that I remember hearing some form of somewhere:
Patient: How long do I have to live?
Doctor: 10.
Patient: Ten years, that's not so bad.
Doctor: No, ten seconds.

> selectively duplicate data [SLOC too long]
(The thing to do that is semi-automatic and semi-manual; so hit ctrl+c if you want to skip something based on info it shows about it, and then add it to the ignore list.)

*that could be a problem

> older computer [HPC]
(The main computer that I used isn't HPC; main computer has an uptime of 27 days, and its a late 2010s computer I think.)

> in a too-above-room-temperature area
I'm in that area. I'm sweating.
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> There's probably some options to download metadata and/or tweets without images from that social media website.
Run this:
> $ gallery-dl --write-pages --write-metadata --write-info-json https://twitter.com/lolichan1222/status/1804175042059583566

> vore
Here's a vore+unbirthing comic that I thought was weird/interesting.

> number 1 priority when dealing with that computer
> ...doing an "intensive" task...
Or, do a less intensive thing: dag export/import across SSH (which is done in an ipfs-offline way). ("ipfs pin add ..." is too intensive sometimes.) Still useful to know about CPU throttling, and that thread  >>/10569/ links to https://itsfoss.com/cpufreq-ubuntu/ which is a GUI-only program? I installed indicator-cpufreq (by Artem Popov), and after learning more, it looks like it is. This https://askubuntu.com/questions/324398/persistent-cpu-throttling says to run this:
> $ echo 2000000 >/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq # as root for every CPU core
(doesn't persist after reboot)
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This "gallery-dl --dump-json $twiturl" and this "gallery-dl -g $twiturl" shows slightly different info. Call it "trivial", so skip that and just go with:
> $ gallery-dl --write-pages --write-metadata --write-info-json https://twitter.com/moodypill&#95;/status/1803559167434916109
> [...] # it downloaded a reply too

About CPU frequency - on main computer:
> $ cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq
> 1500000
> $ cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq
> 1500000
(More to organize: /ipfs/bafybeian2luozu2sns74yubrwl7fxoxlapsa2ytkybdapvwdcav3qrwwfm - software, mlp audiobook, mediafire, ponylife, mega.nz, mlp comics, ...)

Can't post .json to Endchan, so instead of sharing those text files, here's 3 extra pics I didn't really feel like posting (Twitter.com downloads).

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