/pone/ - World of Equestria

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For some months now I think I've fallen into an older mental trap. That of avoiding unpleasant possible realities like mass deletions. I should check on that one PMV Forums website I posted before in this general. Do more if the site is still up, and if it's gone there's basically nothing I can do. The crappy model of HDD I had WARCs of it on is dead IIRC and I maybe didn't copy it elsewhere.

"Because my soldiers do not buckle or yield when faced with the cruelty of this world! My soldiers push forward! My soldiers scream out! My soldiers RAGE!" --Commander Erwin
> https://web.archive.org/web/20231026174909/https://y.com.sb/watch?v=YT6cguwIJTU - deleted https://inv.nadeko.net/watch?v=YT6cguwIJTU
> https://web.archive.org/web/20231027065316/https://y.com.sb/watch?v=elfEfq5SZ_Q - not deleted https://inv.nadeko.net/watch?v=elfEfq5SZ_Q

Furthermore, the forces of anti-censorship and archival are way too lackluster when compared with the forces of pro-censorship. Read about it!:
. https://wiki.froth.zone/wiki/Kiwi_Farms - twisted-truth Wikipedia doesn't link to their official website which is https://kiwifarms.st/ ( part of why: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Kiwi_Farms/Archive_4 )
.. Wikidata is a bit better as they do sorta link to their official site: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q63225180
. Joshua Moon ( https://web.archive.org/web/20241206184752/https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q113706388 ): owner of KiwiFarms and https://madattheinternet.com/
.. wrote "Online Censorship's Institutional Power" which I read all of multiple times https://web.archive.org/web/20240517040544/https://twitter.com/XJosh/article/1791197635472150636

pfp and banner: from an MLP-related YouTube musician. May elaborate on that later.
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n png
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Topics * further usage of Interplanetary Wayback Machine (ipwb) * canterlot.com/forum * ipwb should only be ran in a private testing environment?

If you have web raws with a correct timestamp of when it was downloaded then you can put it into Interplanetary Wayback Machine: no WARC needed! This is borderline faking WARCs, so proceed with caution. This worked (zero-byte header, non-empty payload):
> org,ourboard,tvshowtranscripts)/viewtopic.php?f=303&t=19507 20241104011910 {"locator": "urn:ipfs/bafkreihdwdcefgh4dqkjv67uzcmw7ojee6xedzdetojuzjevtenxquvyku/bafkreiguqle7qr3p7qpud3li6nefwnhpsbicigrmdeyxgfdwu4l6v4d7wi", "status_code": "200", "mime_type": "text/html;charset=UTF-8", "original_uri": "https://tvshowtranscripts.ourboard.org/viewtopic.php?f=303&t=19507", "title": "s01e04 - eps1.3_da3m0ns.mp4 - Mr. Robot Transcripts - TvT"}
Added to CDXJ (.txt):
> $ ipwb -d /dns/ replay bafkreicddpbk7q3kgranv3kc-edit.txt

I learned that the CDXJ must be sorted to work, so if you have captures from .net, .biz, .com, and .horse URLs (for example) then you can't just stick that line of text anywhere and have it all work. In vim, run ":sort". Proof that it works (with URLs containing "?"!):
> https://archive.is/2024.12.07-135938/http://ponypalsh4y6olziyjlswfv674utokqhz3y6beym2erqtstcgadmacid.onion:2016/memento/20241104011910/tvshowtranscripts.ourboard.org/viewtopic.php?f=303&t=19507

A capture of an MLP-related forums webpage:
> https://archive.is/2024.12.07-140221/http://ponypalsh4y6olziyjlswfv674utokqhz3y6beym2erqtstcgadmacid.onion:2016/memento/20240311040324/canterlot.com/forum/215-last-post-wins-formerly-spam-stables/

If you run Interplanetary Wayback Machine (ipwb) publicly for long enough, you might get raped/hacked or have something else bad or unwanted or unexpected happen. I think it's also based on Python. Not great to run Python-based web servers, so I've heard.

v2:  >>/11394/ (cross-thread)

Image: I hope that TinEye and tvshowtranscr1pts.0urboard.0rg both get breached and have all of their data leaked for free. Second image seems poorly drawn.
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This channel - Checkerëd / 
> https://tpa.mares.workers.dev/?output=html&id=wVPQKAwXDYk
Comment seen at
> https://web.archive.org/web/20241206160843/https://inv.nadeko.net/watch?v=NxSMsuXGJI4 - title="Honey Claws - Digital Animal"

I listened to his FIM-related remix
> Checkered_-_Thread_by_Thread_PsyChill-Checkered-20191222-youtube-1280x720-d2b2PWBNZ6s.mp4
Thought it was ~ok.


You can ssh in to your computer anywhere in the world or anywhere on the Internet by using ssh over tor: no port forwarding router settings needed. Can do that with security by obscurity, not telling anyone your non-discoverable v3 address https://inv.nadeko.net/watch?v=k0afGCkuNfs or something else https://inv.nadeko.net/watch?v=2Nnom8R1gHw (titled "Yubikey 6 - SSH over Tor with Client Authorization in Tails"). Didn't finish watching the second vid. Pic unrelated.
thumbnail of Residents - 1982 - The Tunes Of Two Cities - 05 - Smack Your Lips (Clap Your Teeth).mp3
thumbnail of Residents - 1982 - The Tunes Of Two Cities - 05 - Smack Your Lips (Clap Your Teeth).mp3
Residents... mp3
(9.23 MB, 0x0)
> Friendship is Witchcraft
In the first episode when Twilight woke and and basically said "Fuck!" due to too many parasprites in her library home: I laughed or chuckled at that. (Similarly responded to this funny video: https://inv.nadeko.net/watch?v=5S5iZZEtTkg - npr, standup comedy.)

In this FiW playlist, all of the videos seem to be set to sign-in-only due to age restrictions:
> https://inv.nadeko.net/playlist?list=PLbr-HVHOIZZvehxQw0vO4Hq_VEcbDHez7
so focus on the same video IDs in TPA.

> If you run Interplanetary Wayback Machine (ipwb) publicly for long enough, you might get fucking raped/hacked
Reading https://g.opnxng.com/oduwsdl/ipwb - looks like they imply that it's fine to run that server in a production/public way. Audio unrelated.
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...didn't work. I had done some experiments on >>>/mlp/ (abandoned board I claimed awhile back) that suggested that the thread's reply limit at the time of creation would still stick if you manipulated it. A thread made at the 500 limit would still not be bumpable past 500 even if I set the limit to 500 but a thread created at 1000 would remain bumpable even if I set it down back to 500 (of course it wasn't those numbers, but think 10 and 5 posts). It seems I was mistaken..

Back to the drawing board. For now, status quo remains but I might consider raising the bump limit, (albeit with consultation to the other anons as that was something that I thought was opposed time someon brought that up  in 2019 though...

ooof, I know that feel:
> For some months now I think I've fallen into an older mental trap. That of avoiding unpleasant possible realities like mass deletions. I should check on that one PMV Forums website I posted before in this general. Do more if the site is still up, and if it's gone there's basically nothing I can do. 

An old RP site I had tried to scrap but couldn't due to internet and storage limitations at the time. I think it was whitetalewoods (?), I checked a couple of years later and... well,  >>/11389/ GONE!

I never got involved with /pag/ but was happy to see it's existence because I was disturbed that I was the only one going after somethings like YT comments before the great kid videos purge of them.  Still, nice meme with very old origins.
thumbnail of 20241208143925-https---web.archive.org-web-20230621215816if_-https---inv.in.projectsegfau.lt-videoplayback-expire-1687406291-ei-c3KTZKSmDJ2jx_AP_8KGmA8-ip-2605-3A6400-3A30-3Af79f-3A9e20-3Af366-3Af052-3A5a25-id-o-AAb.URL2LONG.mp4
thumbnail of 20241208143925-https---web.archive.org-web-20230621215816if_-https---inv.in.projectsegfau.lt-videoplayback-expire-1687406291-ei-c3KTZKSmDJ2jx_AP_8KGmA8-ip-2605-3A6400-3A30-3Af79f-3A9e20-3Af366-3Af052-3A5a25-id-o-AAb.URL2LONG.mp4
20241208143925-https-... mp4
(11.23 MB, 640x360 h264)
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In attached Cadance-related video downloaded randomly by h206m.sh: not entirely sure that "pink blanket" isn't a vagina pad / period pad.

> on >>>/mlp/ (abandoned board I claimed awhile back)
So you're the board owner of Endchan /mlp/ too. I didn't know that.

----\ Image from
> https://web.archive.org/web/20241208111801/https://inv.nadeko.net/watch?v=Wi6xyUh0hCg&list=PLVmM0UVcquYLx7mnB2WvG3-n1EXCI6GTd&index=72&autoplay=1 - title="I Flooded The Map With Unstoppable Mortars! - Creeper World 4"
Earlier ITT, this deleted mega.nz MLP comics folder was shared. Here's a link to it again:
. https://ipfs.hypha.coop/ipfs/f01701220b5076ad011a5f7c50a8f746fcfbbc15a1fd7da5c2351a7d043e07f45333d4c05/Comics/Legends%20of%20Magic
.. that folder = duplicated remotely; neighboring folder = todo.

> SSH over TOR
Maybe you only need this guide to do that: https://m.opnxng.com/@tzhenghao/how-to-ssh-over-tor-onion-service-c6d06194147
thumbnail of the residents - recessional- the new hymn.mp3
thumbnail of the residents - recessional- the new hymn.mp3
the... mp3
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thumbnail of 20241209072532-https---web.archive.org-web-20230613063016if_-https---invidious.protokolla.fi-videoplayback-expire-1686659403-ei-6wyIZOLUBubCx_APm8eCwAk-ip-
thumbnail of 20241209072532-https---web.archive.org-web-20230613063016if_-https---invidious.protokolla.fi-videoplayback-expire-1686659403-ei-6wyIZOLUBubCx_APm8eCwAk-ip-
20241209072532-https-... mp4
(2.85 MB, 1280x720 h264)
Next randomly downloaded video from WBM, also "unknown" YT video ID. I saw that some webm videoplayback snapshots have a &title= parameter: didn't see that with mp4

*sibling folders = todo

Did more, working on
> /ipfs/QmRcedB3PS25rRpyQ36at3NeFK6rLjPphsTTr38hjcpnAw | 1.4 GB | My Little Pony - Friends Forever * (2014) (digital) (Salem-Empire).cbr

> Let our children live in a holey land...
> We have left our lives, we have left our land
> We have left behind all we understand
> Now we must cry out, yes we must demand --
> Let our children live in a land that's low
> Where the holes are deeper than light can go;
> Let them not have pride but instead a soul
> That can see the shame of the hooves that glow
thumbnail of 20241209082648-https---web.archive.org-web-20230613063655if_-https---invidious.protokolla.fi-videoplayback-expire-1686659809-ei-gQ6IZM-nHJSqx_AP_7eIgA0-ip-
thumbnail of 20241209082648-https---web.archive.org-web-20230613063655if_-https---invidious.protokolla.fi-videoplayback-expire-1686659809-ei-gQ6IZM-nHJSqx_AP_7eIgA0-ip-
20241209082648-https-... mp4
(24.36 MB, 1280x720 h264)
Next random mlp video: looks like from the same channel; the word "cringe" comes to mind. History of Christmas:
> […] Philadelphia Methodists advised parishioners to have a happy Christmas, "but not a merry foolish one devoted to mirth and trifling and mingled with sin." \ Where, oh, where had Christmas got such a godless reputation? It all began with midwinter pagan festival of Norsemen and Celts; and with the Romans, who debauched during a midwinter feast called Saturnalia. For seven days, the Romans turn everything inside out and upside down. Masters serve slaves; men dressed as women, and women as men.  Courts were closed. No one could be convicted of a crime, and gambling was legal. --https://archive.org/details/joytoworldvict00hart_0
I drank two shots of Everclear yesterday and managed to stay awake until around when I normally go to sleep. Building alcohol tolerance and/or a new record: not sure I've ever stayed awake through all of said drunken condition.
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BBF89BAA-7597-4D5D-98... jpeg
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thumbnail of 20241209145738-https---web.archive.org-web-20231011224050if_-https---invidious.drgns.space-videoplayback-expire-1697085633-ei-YSQnZbmqJrGm_9EPhO2gmAM-ip-
thumbnail of 20241209145738-https---web.archive.org-web-20231011224050if_-https---invidious.drgns.space-videoplayback-expire-1697085633-ei-YSQnZbmqJrGm_9EPhO2gmAM-ip-
20241209145738-https-... mp4
(16.47 MB, 480x360 h264)
It's like "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic", but reimagined for babies and toddlers.

Next random videos are attached:
. Something like a sprite video rip from a My Little Pony video game: interesting/cute video; I kinda remember saving the corresponding webpage and whatever to WBM back then
. Boxxy ( https://m.wikidata.org/wiki/Q2977022 ) -> https://web.archive.org/web/20130115021938/http://catiewayne.com/ -> pony spotted at https://web.archive.org/web/20130119120202/http://chan.catiewayne.com/b/ -> https://web.archive.org/web/20130119120202/http://chan.catiewayne.com/b/src/135804100026.jpg

> KiwiFarms and stuff
I "went down that rabbit hole" after watching this video which I saw in a set of WBM captures of the domain name:
> https://web.archive.org/web/20241206184752/https://web.archive.org/web/20240621015154/https://player.odycdn.com/v6/streams/055b8aa50a0bf6eb60b7d84160e25a6c237c6547/aa06f1.mp4
I think Josh Moon is speaking in that video.

KiwiFarms happenings = something of a canary in the coal mine in regards to censorship on the Internet and the future of the Internet at large. Researchers and censors took note.
thumbnail of 20241209152946-https---web.archive.org-web-20240213070927if_-https---invidious.drgns.space-videoplayback-expire-1707829680-ei-UBXLZa64GYen_9EP7MyugAg-ip-2603-3A3005-3A6cf6-3A8100-3A995d-3Ae381-3A528f-3A752-id-o-AHq7.URL2LONG.mp4
thumbnail of 20241209152946-https---web.archive.org-web-20240213070927if_-https---invidious.drgns.space-videoplayback-expire-1707829680-ei-UBXLZa64GYen_9EP7MyugAg-ip-2603-3A3005-3A6cf6-3A8100-3A995d-3Ae381-3A528f-3A752-id-o-AHq7.URL2LONG.mp4
20241209152946-https-... mp4
(11.4 MB, 480x360 h264)
MASS DELETION UPCOMING - https://derpibooru.org/forums/meta/topics/policy-update-regarding-ai-content
> New ai generated images will no longer be allowed on the site
> That is, images created by AI with little or no human involvement, will be banned
> This limit will be put into effect [December 14 2024]
> ‘ai content’ images (which includes ai generated) have already been copied to tantabus.ai
> ai generated images will start being removed after [January 6 2025]
Those anti-AI virtue signaling faggots... Pearl-clutching church ladies aghast by nonconformity... I'm better prepared and have a better setup to get WARCs and stuff. Shouldn't be larger than ~40GB. (I could have a better setup though.)

Filename of that in "/b/ - Boxxy":
> Fledermaus!!x5BTL0AwMx 13/01/12(Sat)17:36 No. 105880
> File 135804100026.jpg - (60.34KB , 780x990 , my little Poxxy.jpg )
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B713630B-9E6B-4A26-B5... gif
(218.92 KB, 500x500)
Pony thread in that site:
> https://web.archive.org/web/20160101054934/http://chan.catiewayne.com/p/res/4001.html

(First watched that Boxxy video like a decade ago; watching it now, didn't feel like focusing a lot on whatever she was talking about so some of it went in one ear and out the other.)
> Can do that with security by obscurity, not telling anyone your non-discoverable v3 address
I don't know, m8, security by obscurity in this context often means. "I have a unlocked door that is hidden." If someone finds that door they're will be no defenses.

> I had done some experiments on >>>/mlp/
Didn't know /endpone/ had a puppet state.

>  I thought was opposed time someon brought that up
I wouldn't be against the bump limit being raised, provided that all threads wouldn't be required to end just at whatever you set the new higher bump limit at.

> Those anti-AI virtue signaling faggots... Pearl-clutching church ladies aghast by nonconformity..
I think saying "Hey, trying to set an arbitrary line on what AI was allowed and what wasn't, isn't working out, let's not have AI and set a separate site for it!" Is reasonable unto itself and I could believe that they were doing it because of moderation issues but there is significant issues with some of the language there.

> Boxy
For some reason very annoying in this context.Not mad at you though.
thumbnail of 20241210124247-https---web.archive.org-web-20230915163547if_-https---yt.drgnz.club-videoplayback-expire-1694817329-ei-0YcEZfmQEN6y1PIP04eXuAI-ip-
thumbnail of 20241210124247-https---web.archive.org-web-20230915163547if_-https---yt.drgnz.club-videoplayback-expire-1694817329-ei-0YcEZfmQEN6y1PIP04eXuAI-ip-
20241210124247-https-... mp4
(6.37 MB, 608x360 h264)
thumbnail of 20241210123725-https---web.archive.org-web-20230827055445if_-https---yt.drgnz.club-videoplayback-expire-1693137255-ei-B-XqZI6cAvfC6dsP_K-U-AQ-ip-
thumbnail of 20241210123725-https---web.archive.org-web-20230827055445if_-https---yt.drgnz.club-videoplayback-expire-1693137255-ei-B-XqZI6cAvfC6dsP_K-U-AQ-ip-
20241210123725-https-... mp4
(2.72 MB, 480x360 h264)
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9D145D4B-9028-488D-AD... png
(1.39 MB, 1440x900)
Next random video, incl. panel on "Double Rainboom".

2024 video not in TPA - "Friday Night Funkin' VS Elements Of Insanity V3 - Final Demo | My Little Pony (FNF Mod/MLP Pinkie)":
. Didn't watch, maybe crappy
. >660,000 views; nonsmall channel

> 20160101054934/chan.catiewayne.com
Saw one or more mlp images in all of the boards of that imageboard at that time. Didn't know before yesterday, but apparently Boxxy is/was an MLP fan (or "pegasister"):
thumbnail of 20241211023949-https---web.archive.org-web-20230906181325if_-https---yt.drgnz.club-videoplayback-expire-1694045584-ei-MMH4ZIeHEvCu6dsP6fKz2As-ip-
thumbnail of 20241211023949-https---web.archive.org-web-20230906181325if_-https---yt.drgnz.club-videoplayback-expire-1694045584-ei-MMH4ZIeHEvCu6dsP6fKz2As-ip-
20241211023949-https-... mp4
(12.6 MB, 1280x720 h264)
thumbnail of 20241211023102-https---web.archive.org-web-20230909200757if_-https---yt.drgnz.club-videoplayback-expire-1694311669-ei-ldD8ZLOgOIbYx_APnKOLgAo-ip-
thumbnail of 20241211023102-https---web.archive.org-web-20230909200757if_-https---yt.drgnz.club-videoplayback-expire-1694311669-ei-ldD8ZLOgOIbYx_APnKOLgAo-ip-
20241211023102-https-... mp4
(5.85 MB, 1280x720 h264)
thumbnail of 20241211025440-https---web.archive.org-web-20230907141050if_-https---yt.drgnz.club-videoplayback-expire-1694117437-ei-3dn5ZLHkIaS97gPVxZuQBw-ip-
thumbnail of 20241211025440-https---web.archive.org-web-20230907141050if_-https---yt.drgnz.club-videoplayback-expire-1694117437-ei-3dn5ZLHkIaS97gPVxZuQBw-ip-
20241211025440-https-... mp4
(8.66 MB, 1280x720 h264)
thumbnail of 20241211030036-https---web.archive.org-web-20230909202605if_-https---yt.drgnz.club-videoplayback-expire-1694312709-ei-pdT8ZIejM5276dsPrIWh0As-ip-
thumbnail of 20241211030036-https---web.archive.org-web-20230909202605if_-https---yt.drgnz.club-videoplayback-expire-1694312709-ei-pdT8ZIejM5276dsPrIWh0As-ip-
20241211030036-https-... mp4
(1.82 MB, 1280x720 h264)
thumbnail of 20241211022904-https---web.archive.org-web-20230828063000if_-https---yt.drgnz.club-videoplayback-expire-1693225792-ei-4D7sZMagM_S8x_APlJytyA0-ip-
thumbnail of 20241211022904-https---web.archive.org-web-20230828063000if_-https---yt.drgnz.club-videoplayback-expire-1693225792-ei-4D7sZMagM_S8x_APlJytyA0-ip-
2024121102... mp4
(657.11 KB, 720x1280 h264)
Next random videos.
> Ah sugarcubes!

> I think saying "Hey, trying to set an arbitrary line on what AI was allowed and what wasn't, isn't working out, let's not have AI and set a separate site for it!" Is reasonable unto itself and I could believe that they were doing it because of moderation issues
This mass deletion might not be that bad, but I'm still more in favor of things tending towards "everything in one place" when that can be a thing. Also in favor of things being more unchanging and stable/permanent. That they banned certain or frequent AI posts in the first place: set them up for failure.
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stylethe png
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What concerns me most of that is less to do with the deletion itself (I do agree the context of the comments lost being bad, however) and more so to do with the direction of certain discourse/ideas. Pic related, from a half effort I am doing to study/summarize the discussion there. The idea of "style theft" itself. Derpi's staff seems to accept that style emulation when done by an AI warrants take down. Not something I am 100% against, but like 80% against; there can be distinction between an AI duup of 100 images in a certain artist's style to get around commissioning them and merely doing it as a tribute. Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut...

I dislike the idea of style theft itself, as a lot of art styles are quite derivative of each other and not just in reference or tributes to other artists but as a general exchange of ideas. Look at anime... heck, you can often tell different segments of our very fandom (several common tumblr art styles alone back in the day that I could identify!). I could totally see them setting themselves up for artists who have similar styles, one claims it's AI, and tries to get it removed. 

I have (possibly) a lot more to say on this, but that is the gist of what I am thinking at the moment.
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I programmed the next version of simple Bash-based HTML generator for images and organization, see root CID of:

Done: various improvements. Next: handle non-image media types, better indexing, in-folder->json.
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WBM has too-long delays now, so I didn't do further research on these YT channels (pfps attached):
> https://web.archive.org/web/20230913054635/https://onion.tube/watch?v=WVIzgiq6lhk
> https://web.archive.org/web/20230911053955/https://onion.tube/watch?v=sSS_mNqF1o0

> https://endchan.net/.media/11363e9c249ab06cb955dfbabd8050f1-videomp4.mp4
00:00:26: that mare got squished by a gift.

> better indexing
The top-level index could be WordPress-like: ./YYYY/MM/DD/ with index.html in multiple places. Indexes could be split by 140K webpages (or larger).


Npr: nearby snapshot, read the following (mostly not MLP-related). Posting this anyways because I know there's some interest in "Fallout: New Vegas" and "Fallout: Equestria" here. Antidemocratic thought in a video titled "THE HOUSE ALWAYS WINS | 2023 REMASTER | Fallout: New Vegas Rap!":
> You want to see the profits of democracy? Then go and see 'em
> Across the street, a bunch of freaks are playing Colosseum
> Honestly? Was the world you wanted what you got to see?
> When you were dropping crosses into boxes behind polling screens?
> Was dropping bombs your chosen option? Did you vote for screams?
> Was the apocalypse your politician's policy?
> Did you put stock in their prepostering and prophesy?
> A shining future built on squabble-free equality?
> That every day you'd get your plate of steak and collard greens?
> The human race was capable of anything but wanton greed?
> But now that world is gone and what lived on belongs to me
> That freedom you so wanted's now the cost of living comfortably
> [...]
> For one ongoing price of your unwavering subservience
> Impressed? I raised the stakes, returned this land to vibrance
> Witness as I raise estates from mud and random violence
> Business is the way to stay the bloody hand of tyrants
> Convinced yet? Sail and ask my buddy Andrew Ryan
> [...]
> The economy is ash, I didn't light the fire
> But I can always turn a profit sweeping up the pyre

So join The Princess Celestia Club for Young Reactionaries. Idea from https://radishmag.wordpress.com/2013/01/11/thomas-carlyle/
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screencapture- png
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>  >https://endchan.net/.media/11363e9c249ab06cb955dfbabd8050f1-videomp4.mp4
> 00:00:26: that mare got squished by a gift.
If you look closely, that filly seemed to have came out of nowhere or magically appeared. No wonder she got rekt.

Next version of "alternative to archive.org/details/":
> http://p4l5ybgk7kx477d7e344knslvs5sul2jyr3lbsnh3g5ejd6cxfus33ad.onion/ProximaNova/bash-html-gen
> https://gateway.ipfs.anarchiststickersarchive.org/ipfs/bafybeie22n5t22qjm6tj7eza2ojyy5abcees64wvfcyxx3yhr4moxiob4a/2024/12/12 - index incl. next link
>  https://gateway.ipfs.anarchiststickersarchive.org/ipfs/bafybeie22n5t22qjm6tj7eza2ojyy5abcees64wvfcyxx3yhr4moxiob4a/1734035659.940225084
Done: various improvements. Next: handle more media types, think about merging the next set in MFS.
Topics * MLP ML art * deleted YT playlist, mostly not MLP-related * view IO usage and see what's running

2025-01-06: gotta remember that AI art will be mass deleted off of Derp*. About machine-learning-generated MLP artwork: I did quite like some of it. If art makes you feel a certain way (like in a good way), then what does it matter where it came from? The AI artwork is therefore overall a good thing, and of course, it should be categorized as ML without a bunch of crappy false tags as I sometimes see with it.

Some MLP video are seen in this six-page playlist -- https://archive.is/2024.12.13-063636/https://web.archive.org/web/20220325004755/https://vid.puffyan.us/playlist?list=PLAevx9oH7HlIxHQA51bt4-Ce0ONaVuVHx&page=2 -- which was mysteriously deleted (by YouTube and not the user who created the playlist). Why was it deleted? Maybe due to a bunch of videos with music = copyright nonsense? Or it was deleted due to some of the politics in the videos?

View I/O usage by installing iotop then running "$ sudo iotop" (it's similar to htop). (I see that HDDs zc have been operating significantly slower than normal; reason why: "$ TZ=UTC zpool status" -> "scan: scrub in progress since Sun Dec 8 07:24:36 2024".)
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thumbnail of SCIENTIFICALLY_ACCURATETM_-_MY_LITTLE_PONY-Animation_Domination_High_Def-20150420-youtube-1280x720-rJjkTUEyqms.mp4
thumbnail of SCIENTIFICALLY_ACCURATETM_-_MY_LITTLE_PONY-Animation_Domination_High_Def-20150420-youtube-1280x720-rJjkTUEyqms.mp4
(4.27 MB, 1280x720 h264)
Topics * HTML generator * scientifically accurate My Little Pony

Next version of webpage generator:

Done: various improvements, such as the ability to go back and forth between the overall index and the individual items. Next: ".." links in some place(s), overall index by 140K splits (rather than per-day splits which is done), thing to check if it was already covered by SHA256 of image file, maybe searchability.
> think about merging the next set in MFS
Done, fairly easy to do:

Having this sort of thing, which is a webpage+json+etc. wrapper for files/data, probably equates to value added or better organization and findability.

This video = 720p MP4; 1080p MKV at
> https://web.archive.org/web/20241213051350/https://tpa.mares.workers.dev/?output=html&id=rJjkTUEyqms - scientifically_accurate_-_my_little_pony-animation_domination_high_def-20150420-youtube-1920x1080-rjjktueyqms.mkv [convert characters to lowercase in vim by selecting text with visual block mode, entered by pressing "ctrl+v", then press "u"]
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> Lyra Heartstrings after eating a delicious treat
Of know of a recipe for some sugary creamy cookies which contain a ~small amount of mashed carrots. They tasted really great, and I bet that pony would like them.

I should say more about such MLP data...

>  >Can do that with security by obscurity, not telling anyone your non-discoverable v3 address
> I don't know, m8, security by obscurity in this context often means. "I have a unlocked door that is hidden." If someone finds that door they're will be no defenses.
I see that SSH over Tor is fine. Just use a good password, or better yet, key-based authentication, perhaps with a passphrase. (https://archive.is/2024.12.13-062742/https://boards.4chan.org/g/thread/103450313/fglt-friendly-gnulinux-thread#p103472202 and other posts in that thread detail how to do ssh over tor.)

> Hegel
I feel like there was a different Hegelchad image; I didn't see it again. (Other attached image from "Boxxychan".)


Posted in a thread in another site:
> I finished basically moving all tabs (urls) from a smartphone and a tablet to text files. Took hours over days to do that (used Apache server's CGI+tab.sh) because unfortunately nothing has a "save all tabs' metadata as JSON" button. A ZFS pool is now scrubbing the terabytes, which may take days. A scrub happens in a scheduled frequency and automatically. Maybe every month; IDK the system became it operates like that by default.
If you import a ZFS mirror pool and have one of the HDDs not physically plugged in, then it will show up with a degraded status since parity isn't happening. I wonder if that will make the thing scrub the zpool sooner; perhaps it wouldn't scrub it if that degraded status didn't occur from that.
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I was like organizing MFS and came across somewhat obscure media:
> https://gateway.ipfs.cybernode.ai/ipfs/QmYUEiRS3vzGxSrEvpV4i493JBNEhqZGnSU5gE1dafDLxd/vintage-80.zip-www-old-chan-80/pony/index.html
-> completely gone web file http://www.rattleraine.com/pony1.wav and two images not found at derpibooru.org/search/reverse

Veronica is gay and is compared to RD due to the idea that Rainbow Dash is a lesbian. But wouldn't RD's defining quality be trying to be cool/awesome and fast with tomboy style? Loyalty is also a defining quality. Maybe a different Fallout character is a better comparison.
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Topics * MLP DeviantART stamps * Drpi uploader+saver * be aware of I/O usage, scrubbed 14.9 TB * HTML generator

> 99x56 image
It's a DevianTART stamp. Similar to older webring/web1.0 thing like blue ribbon free speech campaign sticker at the bottom of webpages to resist dumb Internet laws back then. Pics from

> not found at /search/reverse
D*uploader and web raw memento thing:  >>/11262/

> start: 2024-12-08 07:24:36
> scan: scrub repaired 0B in 6 days 18:08:32 with 0 errors on Sun Dec 15 01:33:08 2024 [UTC]
For like 5 days (2024-12-08 to 2024-12-13) it was scrubbing; but that was slow because it seems like IPFS is an I/O hog, and its daemon was running for those days. 2024-12-13 08:47: it was like 14% scrubbed. The other 86% finished in a day or two while the ipfs daemon wasn't running.

> Next version of webpage generator
I've added comments to basically all the code in there! Helps add clarity, reduce technical debt, and make future updates and maintaining easier. Considerations for text: JSON-safe, Bash-safe, HTML-safe, sed/regex safe. Encoding every character as an HTML for HTML-safe made too-bloated webpages, now only encoding "everything" that isn't /[a-zA-Z0-9]/.
*Encoding every character as an HTML entity

I only saw the thumbnail and not the full image for that PNG ("7.11KB , 99x56 , herd.png"), but it isn't larger than the thumb. If imageboard software "kusaba x 0.9" is sane then in that case the thumbnail and full image would be the exact same file.

>  >above post ITT about original web paths for pony pics
This is a more complex or longer task than I originally thought. Helpful Bash commands for a different project:
> $ echo {a..z}{a..z} | perl -pE "s/ /\n/g" | wc -l # 26^2 = 676
> 676
> $ echo {1..5}
> 1 2 3 4 5
> $ echo {a..c}{a..c}
> aa ab ac ba bb bc ca cb cc
> $ # usage: for sorting, such as for pdftk
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Have you ever come across memory-holed YouTube videos? I've experienced that many times, unfortunately. Like all you have is the URL with no video and no metadata, and you don't see it in WBM and stuff. One helpful thing to check which most don't check is this (took me a while to find it again):

> https://filmot.com/api/getvideos?key=md5paNgdbaeudounjp39&id=[YouTube video ID here] (linked from https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/bafybeiang34xqrpiflx2mmrpxmfrelanb6vwdbuapjonmvo3nftgyrjc3q/4chan-mlp-40557552.txt -> previous thread)

> https://filmot.com/api/getvideos?key=md5paNgdbaeudounjp39&id=4Zw9CkCVqGM - https://web.archive.org/web/20241215203523/https://megalodon.jp/2021-0803-0713-29/https://twitter.com:443/search?q=%22https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D4Zw9CkCVqGM%22&src=typed_query
> https://filmot.com/api/getvideos?key=md5paNgdbaeudounjp39&id=e7NImXl1WRY - https://web.archive.org/web/20201119120521/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7NImXl1WRY

It didn't find the very gone one, but it did have metadata on e7NImXl1WRY ( https://gyo.tc/1fdT0 ):
> [{"id":"e7NImXl1WRY","uploaddate":"2016-08-01","duration":92,"title":"I'm Too Young To Meme","channelid":"UCr2Fp1um47YLhWk7iQR66bg","channelname":"RaveN"}]
Also, it did find info on an MLP video in the past. filmot.com somewhat recently got Cuckflared.
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Came across more Ponychan raws while organizing MFS. I think it was always ponychan.net and never ponychan.org, .com, ponychan.horse, etc.

Screenshot-related type energy in this thread which I read:

Thanksgivings Day parade thread (none of these images seem at /search/reverse):

Those web raws use absolute paths and therefore don't work so well at example.com/ipfs/ if that doesn't redirect to cid.ipfs.example.com/. However, I read something about tinyproxy being able to rewrite absolute paths into relative paths, IIRC. I have tinyproxy working locally and remotely, but didn't getting it working in a way that gives me HTTPS and said absolute path rewrites.

> Fallout
Is radiation or nuclear reactions even a real thing in the My Little Pony universe? Is it ever directly mentioned? Twilight Sparkle once said something about quantum mechanics. The realm of the subatomic = quantum mechanics. Nuclear reactions involved splitting and merging atoms, which itself is not subatomic, but its details are. Other question: If you get hit with a gamma ray laser beam only on your foot, would the radiation damage spread throughout your body? Would you get cancer?
Hello again pony archivist. I just noticed that hyperindex.mlpg.co is offline. Did you have a copy of this site? I remember that the site (mlpg.co) was scraped a couple of times in the past for other links like imgur and google drive, but I don't know if this also included hyperindex.mlpg.co.

I've checked IWIFTP and they have this: https://iwiftp.yerf.org/Pony/Website%20archive/Fan-made/mlpg.co/warc/
I don't know if having a WARC of mlpg.co includes hyperindex.mlpg.co.

I cannot stress how extremely important it is that this site is not lost. It contains very old pony threads going all the way back to 2010.
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thumbnail of The_White_Riders_-_Stand_Up_And_Be_Counted-NA-NA-web.archive_-youtube-640x360-UcINDQDOUpk.mp4
thumbnail of The_White_Riders_-_Stand_Up_And_Be_Counted-NA-NA-web.archive_-youtube-640x360-UcINDQDOUpk.mp4
The_White_Riders_-_St... mp4
(2.68 MB, 640x360 h264)
thumbnail of Nigger_Hatin_Me-Johnny_Rebel-NA-20060222-archive.org-NA-Nigger_Hatin_MeJohnny_Rebel.mp3
thumbnail of Nigger_Hatin_Me-Johnny_Rebel-NA-20060222-archive.org-NA-Nigger_Hatin_MeJohnny_Rebel.mp3
Nigger_Hat... mp3
(1.98 MB, 0x0)
thumbnail of Mama_Cass_Elliot_-_Make_Your_Own_Kind_Of_Music_with_Lyrics-Sydonian-20100128-youtube-640x480-SbSM02_1k34.mp4
thumbnail of Mama_Cass_Elliot_-_Make_Your_Own_Kind_Of_Music_with_Lyrics-Sydonian-20100128-youtube-640x480-SbSM02_1k34.mp4
Mama_Cass_Elliot_-_Ma... mp4
(2.52 MB, 640x480 h264)
Topics * setup HTTPS for local IPFS gateway * My Little /Pol/ website and related stuff

> didn't getting it working in a way that gives me HTTPS
Kinda excited/hyped that I got HTTPS for a local IPFS gateway working via a reverse proxy with Apache Server. How-to:
1. Prerequisite: setup Apache HTTP Server so it can be accessed via HTTPS (use self-signed SSL certs)
2. Enable some mods: "$ sudo a2enmod proxy" and "$ sudo a2enmod proxy_http"
3. Open "/etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl.conf"
4. In the section "", add these lines:ProxyPassMatch "^/ipfs/(.*)" "$1"
> ProxyPassMatch "^/ipns/(.*)" "$1"
> ProxyPass "/ipfs" ""
> ProxyPass "/ipns" ""
> ProxyPassReverse "/ipfs" ""
> ProxyPassReverse "/ipns" "5.">"[/code]5. Restart Apache: "$ sudo systemctl restart apache2"
6. Test that it works at 4-GB MLP-related folder
7. Note: must have the ProxyPassMatch directive; otherwise you will get infinite/>20/too-many redirects.

> 11436
*none of these images seen at /search/reverse
*Nuclear reactions involve splitting and merging atoms

KKK files - neither images deleted off of Derp* (yet?), both videos/audio deleted off of YouTube. Description of the one tagged as "middle finger" - related to /mlpol/:
> Official admin approved design for the Anonymous of MLPOL.net, drawn by mlpol-tan. Version with Klan hood.
Paradoxical thing about Nazis in the current day: individualism vs. populist collectivism. Neo-Nazis are probably shunned from most parts of society, but either idiotically or knowingly keep believing in their ideology. Overall, Nazism is probably not a good idea, but the shining individualism of Nazis is sorta admirable. They probably have more in common with SJWs and gays than they think. Say if you are gay or a Nazi: what if all of your friends and family knew that? You could even personally tell all of them and say "fuck you" to anyone who gives you shit: that's individualism! Contrary to the populist collectivism of 1930s/1940s Nazi Germany (National Socialism = collectivism). Chuds nowadays gotta make their own type of music. In the current day dialectic things can get wrapped up in far-left vs. far-right where far right only means facism. Politics, philosophy, and history is more complex than that. That's a false Hegelian dialectic because it doesn't factory in reactionary politics. Mencius Moldbug talked about this. Moldbug is a Jewish neoreactionary, and some of his bad ideas are Jewish ones.
thumbnail of Johnny_Rebel_-_Jesse_Showed_Up_2003-jewtube69-20191123-BitChute-NA-djJNaHHB8gX3.mp4
thumbnail of Johnny_Rebel_-_Jesse_Showed_Up_2003-jewtube69-20191123-BitChute-NA-djJNaHHB8gX3.mp4
Johnny_Rebel_-_Jesse_... mp4
(3.09 MB, 488x480 h264)
thumbnail of @_Bronies@_@_My@_Little@_Pony@_Ray_Sipe-raysipeladygaga-20130621-youtube-320x240-HIvYXGFORe8.mp4
thumbnail of @_Bronies@_@_My@_Little@_Pony@_Ray_Sipe-raysipeladygaga-20130621-youtube-320x240-HIvYXGFORe8.mp4
@_Bronies@_@_My@_Litt... mp4
(3.63 MB, 320x240 h264)
Video not in TPA: attached. Also - ugh, spent all that time writing that, but the post looks bad due to Endchan code markup bug/feature. Fix:

1. Prerequisite: setup Apache HTTP Server so it can be accessed via HTTPS (use self-signed SSL certs)
2. Enable some mods: "$ sudo a2enmod proxy" and "$ sudo a2enmod proxy_http"
3. Open "/etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl.conf"
4. In the section "", add these lines:ProxyPassMatch "^/ipfs/(.*)" "$1"
> ProxyPassMatch "^/ipns/(.*)" "$1"
> ProxyPass "/ipfs" ""
> ProxyPass "/ipns" ""
> ProxyPassReverse "/ipfs" ""
> ProxyPassReverse "/ipns" "" 5. Restart Apache: "$ sudo systemctl restart apache2"
6. Test that it works at 4-GB MLP-related folder
7. Note: must have the ProxyPassMatch directive; otherwise you will get infinite/>20/too-many redirects.

> 11436
*none of these images seen at /search/reverse
*Nuclear reactions involve splitting and merging atoms

KKK files - neither images deleted off of Derp* (yet?), both videos/audio deleted off of YouTube. Description of the one tagged as "middle finger" - related to /mlpol/:
> Official admin approved design for the Anonymous of MLPOL.net, drawn by mlpol-tan. Version with Klan hood.
Paradoxical thing about Nazis in the current day: individualism vs. populist collectivism. Neo-Nazis are probably shunned from most parts of society, but either idiotically or knowingly keep believing in their ideology. Overall, Nazism is probably not a good idea, but the shining individualism of Nazis is sorta admirable. They probably have more in common with SJWs and gays than they think. Say if you are gay or a Nazi: what if all of your friends and family knew that? You could even personally tell all of them and say "fuck you" to anyone who gives you shit: that's individualism! Contrary to the populist collectivism of 1930s/1940s Nazi Germany (National Socialism = collectivism). Chuds nowadays gotta make their own type of music. In the current day dialectic things can get wrapped up in far-left vs. far-right where far right only means facism. Politics, philosophy, and history is more complex than that. That's a false Hegelian dialectic because it doesn't factory in reactionary politics. Mencius Moldbug talked about this. Moldbug is a Jewish neoreactionary, and some of his bad ideas are Jewish ones.
glad that server is still running and its stuff is still partly/all available.

> I don't know if having a WARC of mlpg.co includes hyperindex.mlpg.co.
No, different subdomain = different site, so I've heard. Also grab-site doesn't work like that.

More importantly!: I looked through that grab/WARC before, comparing it to the live site. I found and proved that some images were missing from the WARC. Possibly/probably due to the pages not linking to images anywhere so they are totally hidden or secret files in a way.

I didn't grab that site.
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Endchan has been impacted by an attack of some kind and I am not sure on the experimental but unfinished at this time antibot system. Before really criticizing I'll see how it works. Right now onion posting is down and I know (I think?) multiple posters here have made use of it in the past and with relative frequency. 

Gestures like are very appreciated btw! Happy Hearth's Warming  and blessed Merry Christmas! 
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/GO/ progress report
I have some things I have been doing. It is a rather minor one but I think it is worth it enough to do one of these. 

Attempting to download a WARC or otherwise an archive of the hyperindex. Been running into minus issues.

Working on a draft proposal on us raising the bump limit a bit.

Near-Term: (hopefully)
If I can get everything working right, I have been prepping for a rather niche but pone related archival mission that I'll go into later.

The BTRFS file system I would like to test.

A string of posts for here and culture. 

I hope everyone has had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!  Let's hope it's a goodone, without any fear!
Did Archivist exclusively use /endpone/ through Tor? He has been gone for over two weeks. I know holiday season and all that crap. I am someone/somepony who uses endchan exclusively through tor as well, btw, so I hope they restore it..

I still think at the very least, you guys should keep in touch if he decides to leave endchan.
> Gestures like are very appreciated btw


As a side note, I've been thinking about posting more on this thread as some days I still find old pony stuff that may be interesting to some. Right now I'm almost solely relying on others to archive these things and I realise that not a lot of them are going to be public or easy to find in the near future.

So to everyone still following this thread, what kind of pony media would you be interested in, or can I simply link dump? I just want some way of making sure whatever I find is more widely known.

I'm only asking now as I didn't want to get buried by the constant posts by that archivist. I don't have anything against that archivist's work though and hope he returns eventually!
Ponies, hello again. Google self-driving car captcha is here now. Maybe it will go away if we all don't post really hard 🙃

> endchan.org says

> Internal server error. Only Magrathea.endchan.org is allowed to post

But there's no https://magrathea.endchan.org/.static/last50.html?b=pone&t=10357

> Did Archivist exclusively use /endpone/ through Tor?


Next post: unposted older post (can't really post on mobile to endchan.org anymore if "566 replies | 864 file")...
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> MASS DELETION UPCOMING - https://derpibooru.org/forums/meta/topics/policy-update-regarding-ai-content

I can basically mark this as completed. A link among others to show that:

I personally downloaded hundreds of gigabytes for this (warcs+raws).

> Google self-driving car captcha is here now.

At least the CF wall seems to be gone.

> Next post: unposted older post

Original music / ponified lyrics. "Look at all those unicorns. They're also so beautiful and sweet." In
> Ponyville_A_Parody_of_Beverly_Hills_by_Weezer-TheHoovySpy-20111109-youtube-960x720-lx8Gn8gMdls.mp4

Haven't used this site since it started shoving Cloudflare in my face. CF creates despicable walled gardens with its captchas and blocks. There is a better solution, like what 4chan does: only put the CF captcha on the quick reply or write reply box = write access is restricted but like any "web scrapping" thing or person can read/get the webpage and files. I'm glad that Endchan is using cf less now, and they figured out how to deal with the attack or whatever.

Furthermore, this highlights the importance of being able to access (live) web content via multiple servers and server configurations: think IPFS and YouTube+Invidious (also WBM and other archive sites). With IPFS, various websites or computers can host and provide the same data. While some sites may turn to the dark side and use Cuckflare or user-agent rejection (Pinata, ipfs.io), other sites have open access and will hopefully continue with dedication to that goal going into the future, such as ipfs.hypha.coop. Cf is access restriction; it is like DRM in the web. We have enough actual DRM in the web since FAGMAN company Netflix introduced it to the web with Widevine.
Here's a useful thing which is hopefully not a gaping goatse of a security hole or otherwise a problem:


While that host is up, it allows you to get a copy of a YouTube video in 480p to 720p. It gives you an IPFS CID of the requested video file which you should download or watch in some gateway. "&res" on the end = 480p, no "&res" = 720p.

>  > Next post: unposted older post

>  Here-> [post here]

(I wrote that post in 2025-01-27 08:19.)

After verification expired, I'm clicking the "I'm not a robot" checkbox in the quick reply box and nothing is happening... Now trying to post from the non-quick reply thing = endless blue spinning curve circular animation... Brave says this tab is using a whopping 376 MB of RAM as it's not last50... This is the cancer that is killing Endchan. Not trying to be weird or something, but perhaps /go/ post on some other non-janky board like ponychan.co? Say no to this idea if you want, I'm open to not trying new/different things.
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> Ponies, hello again. Google self-driving car captcha is here now. Maybe it will go away if we all don't post really hard 🙃

Howdy, archivist is that you? This is bridgefag. I have been sick for several weeks. I just came checking to see if I could finally post.

Do you remember my Twibooru account (working on other contact points):

I'll discuss what I think the future holds for here/this board and what options are i a little while (later this week). Still trying to wrap my head on the new endchan Pic related to everything so far.

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