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> Who the fuck are you? You want to tell me more about yourself other than that you're a pretentious cunt? 

no need to rush about finding out about me. In fact, I think that you have had enough evidence with the recent posts who I am so... I am not leaving though. What do you want to ask?

> I can just feel the smug chuckles radiating from your post as if its some kind of autistic power plant.

well, I have happened to encounter many ironies and paradoxical moments along the way. I simply get entertained by them no matter where they come from. Those moments liven up quite a bit and cause a contrast. 

> I haven't posted in years, but this never occurred to me
since when exactly? If I had to take a guess, considering your context about /8pone/, I would imply that you left around 2016-17,maybe? Not that I have much information for this context of yours.

> 314chan seems right up your alley then
I have never visited that place really or at least, not in the sense of lurking except for checking out the boardlist. What happens around there in order to recommend it?

> If I wanted to do that, I would be.
well, good luck on that if you venture into that challenge.
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> I needed a laugh, and your self important post was just the thing to do it.
well, there you have something that you don´t find on /mlpol/. 

> We're not doing so poorly, but look at the boards that are beating us. We can definitely run this place with a little effort. 
well, not as poorly as the inactivity that it had last summer. You´ve got a point there.

I admire your energy and young spirit really but...was it really a competition in the first place? Don´t get me wrong though, if you want to compete, go ahead but...

> Soon all the other boards will give way to a new and glorious /pone/ era!
...how do you plan to do it? Any ideas that you have to offer over here (besides copying and pasting /mlp/) What are your wishes that you want to expect from /endpone How are you going to make it a reality?

> I'd try to revive 8/pone/ but the site software is just such shit now.
so I assume that you are trying to revive /8pone/ over here yet I wonder why that same board left this ship back in 2016 and  abandoned this place completely with only 250 posts (more or less) until December 2017. 

I mean, perhaps you weren´t there when the Infinitychan project happened back then but still, I would appreciate some answers coming from the old /8pone/ circles.
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> What happens around there in order to recommend it?
I always wanted 314chan to have more users, though I recommended it because you made a comment about patience and its the slowest board I know. I was trying to be a dick. Though if you know your chan lore, its run by Parley, who's an old administrator of 711chan.org.
711chan was dead from 2013 onwards and its been down for years, but I just found out (from 314chan) that 711 the store took legal action (finally) and now they own the domain. 711chan.org now takes you to 7-eleven.com. This isn't relevant, but it is interesting.

> well, good luck on that if you venture into that challenge.
I won't here was can have a board about ponies, there would always be a board about politics that has some ponies. And i'm not interested in the politics anymore.

> I admire your energy and young spirit really but...was it really a competition in the first place?
see image 1

> how do you plan to do it? Any ideas that you have to offer over here (besides copying and pasting /mlp/)

High energy and consistent posting. Consistency draws a crowd. If there's always something new when you visit, you're more likely to check back sooner. 
And I resent your accusation that I take anything from /mlp/ as the few times I went there when 8/pone/ was down I never enjoyed myself and I've always thought of it as trash.

>  why that same board left this ship back in 2016 and abandoned this place completely with only 250 posts (more or less) until December 2017.
I don't remember exactly when I stopped posting, it was somewhere in this time period.
I always had loyalty to 8/pone/, though I was under the impression that this was initially created as a backup board and it was always my contingency plan. I never knew of /mlpol/ until recently, so I left before its creation...I think?

Infinitychan was what became 16chan wasn't it? my memories a little fuzzy

I'd be able to be more clear if I could check my old chan folders, but I lost most of my material post ~mid 2016 and I can't check when my last files were used

> no need to rush about finding out about me. In fact, I think that you have had enough evidence with the recent posts who I am so
> well, I have happened to encounter many ironies and paradoxical moments along the way. I simply get entertained by them no matter where they come from. Those moments liven up quite a bit and cause a contrast.

You are kind of a pretentious cunt though, lol

>  would imply that you left around 2016-17,maybe?
please see image 2
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Let me count. Let's see  CB anon, 5050, L23, Carrotfag sometimes and me, Bridgefag  plus you = 6. 

> We can definitely run this place with a little effort. Soon all the other boards will give way to a new and glorious /pone/ era! I'd try to revive 8/pone/ but the site software is just such shit now
> I am not leaving though.
I will say this. /endpone/ has a different model than /pone/, so I recommend doing both. /pone/ as your home you're trying to pump life and /endpone/ as a slow faggier place but with a bit more stability at the moment. I do have some OC coming up in fact.

> I always wanted 314chan to have more users
Almost set up a bunker there when endchan was less stable. 

>  but I just found out (from 314chan) that 711 the store took legal action (finally) and now they own the domain. 711chan.org now takes you to 7-eleven.com. This isn't relevant, but it is interesting.
Both funny and annoying. Never heard of that before. Thanks for the lore! P

> You are kind of a pretentious cunt though, lol
 On /endpone/ the vail of anonymity is a very thin one. 
 When may not allow frivolous ponychan style namefaging. 
 But, should you become a regular poster here you too will find that you can't blend in. 
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> High energy and consistent posting. Consistency draws a crowd. If there's always something new when you visit, you're more likely to check back sooner. 
The longest lasting boards on endchan have had serious discussions and longer posting over speed. Sometimes a speedy board would appear and then die real quickly. Though some of these newer boards have lasted longer without that model.

Old model:
>>>/pol/ >>>/AM/ >>>/kc/ and here. Hell, /kc/ and /endpone/ I've seen mentioned around as two of the best examples 

New model: 
>>>/ausneets/  >>>/imouto/ >>>/yuri/ 
Don't ask me about these circlejerks other than they are 8chan refugees. 

> Holy shit this place is dead. We're going to have to do a lot of ponymancing to get this place up and running again.
It used to be deader and the ponymancing has been going on for awhile. At one point there was only two anons and I was just watching waiting to see if it finally would die.  Only one person may have  

> Everypony's got to do their part to get this place rolling again. It would be nice to have more than 10 posters here.
I think it would be possible for /endpone/ to grow to this frankly.  if we can get Bridgefag to finish his OC and have regular posting of Spotline reviews 
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> I will say this. /endpone/ has a different model than /pone/, so I recommend doing both.
Nah, ever since jim stole 2ch, anything owned by him leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Jim is such a scum sucker that I feel grimy by proxy. I have some OC coming as well, assuming i ever get around to finishing it, and i'll probably post it here and just shill on 8/pone/

> newfag
Aww, its been so long since somebody's called me that. I've been baptized in the waters of life and I arise from them a brand new newfag.

> Sometimes a speedy board would appear and then die real quickly
hey, I never said speed, I said consistent. As long as there's something new every day, there's a reason to come check every day.

Speaking of shit boards that die quickly. Do you remember when hotwheels shilled that hawaii themed /b/ board called luau lounge or some gay shit like that? my point being that you can't force good anons to do anything, you can only entice them with interest. Interest and colourful ponies in our case that is.

Hey, I saw your /kc/ post. Good job bullying that eurotrash

well, I'm not sure which banner you mean because I didn't post about it this thread. But if you mean the yuyushiki themed one that was mocking some anon's demand for higher quality banners, then yes, that was me.
you're not the guy I made it about....are you? c'mon, I promise I won't tell anybody else if you are
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> Nah, ever since jim stole 2ch, anything owned by him leaves a bad taste in my mouth. 
Can't blame ya here. 

> I have some OC coming as well,

> assuming i ever get around to finishing it
Know this feel. Heck, I still have something on the docket that I was trying to get done in 2018.

> and i'll probably post it here and just shill on 8/pone/
 8/pone/ is mixed on us. Some thought we were based and some thought we were complete cringe  and some both, probably the truth I suppose  So if you encounter any resistance that'll be why. 

>  I never said speed, I said consistent. As long as there's something new every day, there's a reason to come check every day.
That I have actually been aiming for and, if, IRL will allow it, I am setting up for at least posting every other day even if PoLS.
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> Aww, its been so long since somebody's called me that.
The reason why I called you that is because I assumed you were calling my fellow poster here pretentious. I presumed this was him saying stuff relating to previous posts and getting to know him. In /endpone/, that is how it is, do to few posters we got to know each other and our posting styles. The personal is brought up some and we are sometimes circlejerkish I suppose.  Though if you had another reason I'd be open to hear it 

You will probably find /endpone/ a bit heterodox if your a oldfag from 8/pone, but if you want to find a home here you're more than welcome to. As it is said:
> We also recognize that board culture is not finite and could easily evolve with what any new anon or two could bring something to the table that could alter things significantly.
/endpone/ is also a place to experiment so feel free to.

 And we hate Discord with a burning passion. 

> The longest lasting boards on endchan have had serious discussions and longer posting over speed
> /AM/
Not a regular there but does /AM/ really fit that description?
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> do to few posters we got to know each other and our posting styles.
The fact that I'm adjusting to how much this place has changed kind of makes me a newfag, so you're not to far off anyways.  Newfag and oldfag are only based in what you can make other people believe you are. You can post for years and still be a massive newfaggot.

> Though if you had another reason I'd be open to hear it
Not that I hold anything against the guy, we all have our faults. But he is kinda pretentious. I mean we're all adults i assume posting about my little pony, so I'm sure everyone here is at least a LITTLE on the strange side. But if I can direct your attention to this quote
> well, I have happened to encounter many ironies and paradoxical moments along the way. I simply get entertained by them no matter where they come from. Those moments liven up quite a bit and cause a contrast.
you can't say that doesn't reek of pretension. C'mon, its practically nonsensical.
I'll admit I may have misjudged him though, he seems alright.

I'm definitely sticking around though, he wrote a longform response to my shitpost about fixing up the place, I responded but mocking him in every sentence, and his answer was basically "psh, nothin' personnel kid. so what's next?"
He brushed it off like it was nothing. I love that.

> And we hate Discord with a burning passion.
Discord is gay. If you use it you'll be suckin' dicks while your ass gets slapped before the week is out.
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> C'mon, its practically nonsensical.

He's a spaniard, and didn't grow up speaking english as near as I can tell. Could be wrong on either account he's free to correct but that adds to his 'strangeness' - different culture, thinks in another language, and is considered strange by his own people before he comes here.

 Also, fair to middlin' I can beat him on sheer pretension without straining something, though I also come by it naturally. Had a discussion on Mastodon (like federated twitter, sort of) about pink meat.
I tried to compose myself in such a manner as to not offend; that is, give the poster the chance to understand I was stating my opinion on foods, not staring down my nose at someone who disagreed.
And, well ... judge for yourself.

In short, get over yourself newfag.
> I'm definitely sticking around though
Ah! Good to hear it.
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> In short, get over yourself newfag
I did, I said I misjudged him. I still stand by my assessment though.

> https://freespeechextremist.com/notice/A1XxfWFqW8mtpf3YAq
Are you Kaavic? I don't think you're being pretensions. However...

As someone who loves fully rare steak Pink is not uncooked, its just cooked to a different tenderness. It can only be done with red meats and it is safe to eat.

Gamey is a term to describe wild caught meat and has nothing to do with cooking. Wild animals have much more dense muscles than farm raised animals and that's what makes a meat gamey, hence the allusion to the term "wild game"

And carnivore and omnivore are classifications of animal. A carnivore being an animal that only (or primarily) digests animal matter and an omnivore being one that in addition to animal matter also includes plant matter in its diet regularly.

Granted you might understand all three of these things, but by your post it makes it SEEM like you have no idea what you're talking about.

But it does depend on where you buy your meat. Very rarely do I get to enjoy a proper rare steak. If you're buying from general grocery stores,(or even some lower end restaurants), there's a good chance you're buying low quality meat that sucks however you cook it, in which case well done is always a better choice.
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> The fact that I'm adjusting to how much this place has changed kind of makes me a newfag, so you're not to far off anyways
Where you on here long ago? Or fandom in general?

> you can't say that doesn't reek of pretension. C'mon, its practically nonsensical.
I'd take it at first glance refering either to all the stuff that has happened with a slight snark perhaps directed back. Though my reading comprehension ain't the best up at 3 AM runnig on 2 hours of sleep. 

> I'm definitely sticking around though
Alrighty, welcome abord! 

> He's a spaniard, and didn't grow up speaking english as near as I can tell
You are correct. 

> Also, fair to middlin
That is a saying I associate with rural texas  and my vocabulary  

If you're Kaavik:
> cooked until crispy. That is the best way to appreciate beef.
> A crispy minute steak is not to be dismissed, but eagerly savored.
LOL, this is me. 

> As someone who loves fully rare steak Pink is not uncooked, its just cooked to a different tenderness. It can only be done with red meats and it is safe to eat.
Indeed, rare steak is safe  and rare burgers aren't but a lot of people I know eat them that way. 

> Gamey is a term to describe wild caught meat and has nothing to do with cooking. Wild animals have much more dense muscles than farm raised animals and that's what makes a meat gamey, hence the allusion to the term "wild game"
This was my understanding too, though I could see him having leeway with a couple of the definitions here in a derogatory way: 
< 2. malodorous; smelly.
< 5. gross or squalid; unwholesome.
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> As someone who loves fully rare steak
I have no doubt such people exist, it's just that having tried it, it doesn't feel like meat -- it feels like play-doh.
I don't want to eat play-doh.

> Gamey is a term to describe wild meat
My understanding of the cause of "gamey" tastes is exactly because of rot.
The carcass begins decomposing as a result of two things:
The cooling system stops,
and the circulation of fresh oxygen also stops.
From the time the animal is down, until you've fully field-dressed it, could be anywhere from minutes to hours, and the quicker you cool the meat down, the less gamey it tastes.
Muscle tissue is not significantly different for being a wild animal; any ungulate will taste approximately the same for a given harvesting method.

> carnivore and omnivore are classifications of animal.
I have a college degree in biology; I know what those words, used in an academic setting mean.
People don't use them that way. Usually when I hear "carnivore" it's a vegan using it as a pejorative against those who disagree with their personal choices being forced violently upon the rest of the populace. Or alternately, in a "stuck a feather in his cap & called it bling*" manner, a self espoused meat-eating-human who wants to tell the world "I didn't claw my way to the top of the food chain to choose vegetarianism"
A long time ago, during my rebellious teen years I decided I preferred the satisfaction of eating meat. So I assumed I didn't like any vegetables because I didn't like the ones I tended to find on my plate in front of me. But that was a shallow take on the whole concept of nutrition, and I backed off, calling myself an omnivore -- "I eat everything good, which means not green beans, nor spinach, no cucumbers, nor..."

Anyway, cut to the present again and if you cook "gamey" meat it will kill the pathogens causing the decay -- but not destroy any toxins pooped out by the bacteria that had time to set up shop there.
I've tasted gamey beef hamburgers so you can't say it's the animal that causes that.

* the term "macaroni" it was once explained in one of the time times I attended public grade school classes, was a slang term for decorations meant to make the outfit look "fancy"
Like how we would say 'bling' now, though that doesn't rhyme.

I'm supposed to do hosuework in the sunshine, and also I forgot what I was talking about, so I'm going to post & run now.
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Sweet mother of Celestia, the amount of things brought up over here is overwhelming (more than the usual rhythm for this board), so I guess that I´ll have to pick.
> I just found out (from 314chan) that 711 the store took legal action (finally) and now they own the domain. 711chan.org now takes you to 7-eleven.com. This isn't relevant, but it is interesting.
cool info
> I always wanted 314chan to have more users, though I recommended it because you made a comment about patience and its the slowest board I know.
what´s worse is that there is no room for pony board unless that the suggestion is approved by the owners. While it could be seen as a potential alternative in case that Endchan falls apart if they at least provided a homeland for MLP material but for now, I am not interested so far (even I have decided to check it because of your previous post).

> High energy and consistent posting. Consistency draws a crowd. If there's always something new when you visit, you're more likely to check back sooner.
eeeerm, I have...several questions and serious doubts that your formula even works for an altchan like Endchan. I am aware of what you are trying to look forward with that strategy but I expect you to grow weary after a couple of months (or even less, considering that you have posted that you would want to hang out in /mlpol/ right here  >>/6882/). For starters, you are implying that being the first in the boardlist necessarily correlated with the fact of drawing more users into this board. There are 3 reasons why your formula cannot work on this site:

1.First of all, Bridgefag and I have spent like 3 years using this website consistently and while the actual oldfag out of the entire board is CB Anon (or at least, the only one from the first wave of 2016 who has decided to be active on this board again as far as I can tell), there has been more usage of this board within the 2nd wave. Either way, while I am not the user who can claim to be the supreme oldfag title for this site, /endpone/...has always been in the first page of the boardlist after reaching the 300 posts (then the 4 digits guaranteed even more that position). Sure, it has attracted a couple of lurkers and/or visitors but you´ve got to keep in mind this:

MLP by itself is already a filter for any imageboard user

That is to say, as much as you want to draw outsiders to take part into the board, it would imply that they are remotely interested in this franchise. You can see /b/ or /pol/ on 4chan (or 8kun) as the top boards but, why would you visit them in the first place if you are not interested in neither politics or trolling? You can get the golden medal and that wouldn´t change at all.
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2.Secondly, let´s check the traffic for you to get even successful in this site (not saying that Alexa should be taken as the miracle drug but it´s approximate and serves as a point of reference to illustrate what I am trying to convey):

4channel (SFW version of 4chan): #1567 https://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/4channel.org  
8kun: #33.621  https://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/8kun.top
Endchan: #1,165,661 (at its best, it reached around the range of #800.000-900.000) : https://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/endchan.net

So relatively speaking, your chances of drawing more users are undeniably tied to the rank and general popularity of the whole imageboard. Very basic argument I know, but if you don´t have assumed that the amount of users who visit this site is tiny and the chances to draw any new ones are pretty scarce to begin with, then you can cry me a river and throw thousands of posts out there in the catalog, but that won´t work for balancing the numbers. /endpone/ has always stayed at the top 20 (top 15) of the boardlist. Since 2018, it has always stayed there and just because you get into the top 10 more often, it doesn´t make a big difference. 

3.Even if Endchan was popular, in 4chan, there are boards that get a ridiculous amount of low activity. Look at /po/ (papercraft and origami) or even a slightly famous board like /out/ (that has threads which can last months) and the mentality of those boards has nothing to do with the 4chan canon style of shitposting. Even by getting huge amounts of traffic, this doesn´t guarantee that outsiders will come at this board just because of being next to each other. People have very clear ideas of what boards one should visit and lurk. Perhaps there will be a fraction of people who will wander around and hop onto several ones out of interest but for an altchan that has like 25 active boards (in terms of getting one single post daily), don´t think that there is much room to do so.

Your thesis is based alone on bringing the activity on this board... Does that mean anything in the long run? Because you have to engage those users somehow, they won´t stay forever if you don´t do something compelling for them. Except for the consistency (which is a legitimate way to see its survival), your views on being obsessed by staying active just because of activity... has a few holes to consider. 

> I always had loyalty to 8/pone/, though I was under the impression that this was initially created as a backup board and it was always my contingency plan. I never knew of /mlpol/ until recently, so I left before its creation...I think?
alright, so considering that you have blurry memories about the project, then I am going to conclude that you weren´t involved in this site back in 2016.
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> plz don't, i'm not all bad
about the pretentiousness shown in the past post, what I had said was trre. I don´t have a contract signed which says that I am brony who will stay forever. If anything I happen to be a MLP fan but I have never lived the "brony experience" of the early era nor I am a model for anything so... in terms of not having a contract, that wasn´t pretentiousness but a reality. Even after sticking around for 6 years in the ride, I don´t tag myself as one.

About leaving, while it´s true that I had considered that I had nothing left to offer to the board after sharing a fic this last February. Like everything that I had left to do with the board was already done and fulfilled by that point. So, if I leave, there will be other motifs for doing so  (and I could have already done that) . Besides, I have had more tense conversations this summer related to Derpi´s drama that cannot simply compare with the usual business and dynamic of an imageboard. In 6 years of this entire ride, this year alone has made it more stressful than my whole experience with /mlp/.

About the part related to the anonymity,  >>/6900/ has made it clear and you have been already identified because of the style of posting. The anon part on this board is almost anecdotal because you can tell who is posting over here by simply reading the posts. I had said that you might have already figured it out because my style follows a very predictable pattern and it doesn´t usually follow any surprises for any user with the long posting style.

Also, for complementing the previous posts I have written earlier, here you have an opinion of an Endchan lurker who has more knowledge about the overboard of Endchan than me:  >>/6902/

Especially with this line: 
> The longest lasting boards on endchan have had serious discussions and longer posting over speed. Sometimes a speedy board would appear and then die real quickly. 

> Only one person may have
yeah, dropping this line around... oh boy, that´s deep lore for the standards of this board which happened in summer 2019...
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> As long as there's something new every day, there's a reason to come check every day.
> my point being that you can't force good anons to do anything, you can only entice them with interest.
that´s a reasonable approach. I cannot deny what you have said over here.

I admit that /endpone/ lacked quite a lot of activity last summer and while I had been trying to patch with some show discussion, it didn´t change the fact that it was mostly left aside. So around that period, /endpone/ wasn´t consistent at all in terms of activity, hence October was more seen as some sort of comeback.

> So if you encounter any resistance that'll be why
not only between /8pone/ and /endpone/. I remember a time when 8kun decided to get rid of /pol/ (or at least, there was a reason for 8kun users to use Endchan as a bunker) and it turns out that even the owner, Odilitime, has had tensions with 8kun as well. He disagreed with the mindset that /8pol/ users displayed and Odilitime decided to deny them because if they followed the style of 8kun, Endchan could reach the same fate at getting deleted and/or gain a greater likelihood for getting deleted. So even the owner of this site has discrepancies with the imageboard that gave birth to this site. 

I should have taken screencaps of those posts and I am not sure if they are still around in /operate/.

> And we hate Discord with a burning passion.
and after this summer, I will say that even the average shitposter/troll of any imageboard is much better than Twitter in general. If I held any suspicions prior this summer, this year would confirm it and even set the bar even lower for that social media. Imageboards, at least, offer a certain amount of consistency and stability, but that site... yeah, I am skipping this part...

And it seems that I have repeated myself but I am quoting what I had said earlier with what  >>/6914/ said as a reminder:
> In /endpone/, that is how it is, do to few posters we got to know each other and our posting styles. The personal is brought up some and we are sometimes circlejerkish I suppose.
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> He's a spaniard, and didn't grow up speaking english as near as I can tell. Could be wrong on either account he's free to correct but that adds to his 'strangeness' - different culture, thinks in another language, and is considered strange by his own people before he comes here.

well, besides what you have mentioned, I will add on top of that, despite all the things posted from me over here, one would assume that I would show anything related to MLP outside the fan sites... when that isn´t the case. In fact, you would have to check my own computer or mobile gallery in order to tell that I spend my time on this. If anyone were to identify me in a bus, perhaps one would mistake me as a normie in appearance.

But beyond those differences, there is a part that I...

> you can't say that doesn't reek of pretension. C'mon, its practically nonsensical.
I did, I said I misjudged him. I still stand by my assessment though.

...won´t dive all that deep because there is more stuff for me stating that. There are two answers coming from me when it comes to your point:

Short answer: stick with it. I mean, out of the entire dictionary of words that the average channer has for throwing to other posters, calling me pretentious is almost a compliment when one takes into account those standards. Besides, no matter what I say, why should I bother at making efforts to convince you otherwise? 

A longer answer: I could explain why that part happened beyond my answer towards your mockery but it implies certain (and even dark) stuff that involves much more beyond this board or anything related to MLP. That mentality of laughing at myself is more like a healthier way to deal with diverse stuff that I analyze...not only about myself but also little stories of famous people, twists that I get to witness as an observer and lessons that time delivers. 

If you want an example of irony, you wouldn´t believe that the greatest irony of all is that you are talking to a former shitposter who doesn´t even have that much of a passion towards the digits game anymore. Read the story that I posted right over there last year (if you want to believe it or not, that´s up to you):  >>/3114/ and  >>/3115/

And yes, I won the 2nd prize of the lottery, I had won the game before I began my activity over here.  If stories like these don´t make you laugh at the constant paradox that life brings eventually, then I don´t know what could bring that amount of entertainment and take things with a slice of philosophy  with these twists.

> I mean we're all adults i assume posting about my little pony, so I'm sure everyone here is at least a LITTLE on the strange side.
I am not falling short in that regard indeed. I´ll give you that.
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Phew, that was a huge wall of text coming from me today: both the review and the replies around here. 

Besides, the thread is going to hit the bump limit soon so I´ll have to see how to organize the new one.

I am leaving you some room to breathe in the meantime...
> Where you on here long ago? Or fandom in general?
Both, sometime around 2016-2017
> I could see him having leeway with a couple of the definitions here in a derogatory way
I refuse to believe that somebody thinks that cooking steak is smelly or gross. Not that it cant be true, I just don't believe it.

> all that shit by you
I read it but at this rate there will be nothing left on the board but this one discussion so i'll take your word for most of it and just respond to some key points.

> it feels like play-doh. I don't want to eat play-doh.
> My understanding of the cause of "gamey" tastes is exactly because of rot.
> I've tasted gamey beef hamburgers so you can't say it's the animal that causes that.

It sounds like you're buying really shit beef. I guess it depends on what amount of money you're willing to spend and how far you live from where its raised, which for me is about an hour. But markets let their beef go bad and will recolour it with food colouring. I've bought cheap steak before and there is NO way to cook it well and the only way you can do it is well done. I also find that it helps to cook it once and then butter poach it a second time just to get some tenderness back. As an alternative example, I live quite far from the atlantic, and its really difficult to get your hands on good salmon for a decent price. And just like steak, its really not great cooked properly. You have to overcook it a bit because like you said, its been quite a while since it's been caught and its been lying around, yuck.

> My understanding of the cause of "gamey" tastes is exactly because of rot.
> People don't use them that way. Usually when I hear "carnivore" it's a vegan using it as a pejorative against those who disagree with their personal choices
You sound like one of them city pony types. You have a biology degree, and you deal with vegans frequently enough to pick up their terminology. I'm a tradesman and at least 1/10 of the guys I work with are hunters. So this is probably a clash of different worlds, which would explain why your beef experience is so poor. If you ever get the chance to get a steak out in the country from a butcher, just give it a try rare. I'm not going to say you're wrong, as calling your personal experience wrong just doesn't make any sense.

> I have a college degree in biology; I know what those words, used in an academic setting mean.
I didn't mean to suggest that you didn't.
> People don't use them that way.
Yes they do, like I said, probably a clash of worlds. though I could still be wrong on that
> Muscle tissue is not significantly different for being a wild animal; any ungulate will taste approximately the same for a given harvesting method.
are you sure about this? I've eaten a lot of wild game and it is definitely different.
Maybe i'm wrong about the muscle density but wild game is a lot less fatty in general. You don't get those nice looking marbled AAA steaks from a deer. But then again, I'm using the hunters and butchers definition of gamey. I haven't been in an academic setting in about 8 years now, and its pretty clear we're using different definitions. Which makes communication a might bit more difficult.

I said I wouldn't respond to your whole post, but I think I did anyways. Oops. I used my twilight "words words words words words" gif way too early
Looking forwards to hearing back from you.

perhaps I should start writing my story rather than writing these novellas
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and I thought my day job was tiring.

> While it could be seen as a potential alternative in case that Endchan falls apart
Probably not. Parley has kept pichan up for LITERALLY YEARS as a passion project. I doubt he'd let it get hijacked by pony unless he was interested in it himself, which i'm pretty sure he isn't.
> I expect you to grow weary after a couple of months
You're probably right, but i'm an optimist.
> considering that you have posted that you would want to hang out in /mlpol/ right here
You've misunderstood. I have in fact said the opposite and additionally, I never plan to.
> being the first in the boardlist necessarily correlated with drawing more users
Nah, but it would send the occasional stray our way. Think of it like trying to save money by shopping with coupons.

So, as for your three point argument, I think It can be summed up in short as this
1: MLP by itself is already a filter for any imageboard user
2: Endchan is a relatively unpopular chan and a successful chan is reflective of a successful board.
3: If Endchan was popular, it does not mean that /pone/ will also be successful

As for item number one, yes, you are correct. I don't see how this is an argument or relevant but we are in competition for a limited and diminishing resource. That resource being Autists who are interested in imageboard culture AND ponies. The only hope for survival in this kind of situation is being more appealing than the competition. How do we achieve being more appealing you ask? By having a variety of new content. There is simply no other way. Well, that and advertising, and the only adverts we're getting is being on the top 10 list of boards.

Your third point is directly invalidates your second, so I will ignore your second point.

As for your third point. Endchan does not need to be popular for us to have a successful board. Some chans are doomed to be overshadowed by a single board on it and have all other boards become beholden to it. This has happened plenty of times in the past and it can happen here. Outside of 4chan, chan culture is chaotic and unpredictable and I don't think you're or anybody for that matter is in a position to say what will and won't work for sure. I will likely fail, in fact its almost inevitable. That doesn't mean i'm not going to try and have fun with it along the way

> Your thesis is based alone on bringing the activity on this board
Isn't that the point of having one? To get people to post on it?
I do not understand the endgoal of your argument beyond trying to discourage me.

"An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded. It soon belongs to your enemy"
-some german guy

> the greatest irony of all is that you are talking to a former shitposter who doesn´t even have that much of a passion towards the digits game anymore.
That's not irony at all, let alone the greatest irony.
> the constant paradox that life brings
Stop it. You do not have any paradoxes in your life. By definition a paradox is a logically impossible situation. for the record, I'm aware that paradox has additional definitions, but the additional uses of paradox apply to situations that are not paradoxes at all and practically make the word meaningless in every context
Using words you don't know the meaning of is the pinnacle of pretension.

And Irony is you trying to explain what you meant and PROVING that you're pretentious.

> calling me pretentious is almost a compliment when one takes into account those standards.
> compliment
I think the word you're looking for is ACCURATE.
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> My understanding of the cause of "gamey" tastes is exactly because of rot.
I guess that is also partly supported by the link here. 
< game kept uncooked until slightly tainted: the gamy taste of venison.

> I have a college degree in biology; I know what those words, used in an academic setting mean.
Actually wouldn't have guessed that, neat.

> Isn't that the point of having one? To get people to post on it?
I do not understand the endgoal of your argument beyond trying to discourage me.
The core of where L23 is coming from is a certain pessimism of the board ever amounting to anything and a tendency that we have both had over setting our expectations low and just seeing what would happen. Early on we had extensive worries of burnout when it was just 2 or 3 anons so we thought that trying to bump activity wouldn't be worth the benefit and potentially harm the board in the long hall so we developed a mindset of taking it slow and steady. 

This hesitance is something that has been with us, the board, for most of its existence.   our old BO even once said he'd run away because he wouldn't know what to do if too many showed up  

I can understand why you'd find it off putting but this outlook does  have a history here. 

> That doesn't mean i'm not going to try and have fun with it along the way
As for you wanting to boost the board. I'm honestly open to any ideas you have and perhaps the planned synchronized rewatch thread and a...er... secret project I hopefully will get out soon may help with that. We always had fun whenever we made it to the top 10 anyway. As long as we keep a chill mentality I don't mind trying. 

> So relatively speaking, your chances of drawing more users are undeniably tied to the rank and general popularity of the whole imageboard.
Yeah, but we literally have had at least 3 stragglers randomly jump in in the past 5 months excluding him. He does have a point.  
> for the record, I'm aware that paradox has additional definitions, but the additional uses of paradox apply to situations that are not paradoxes at all and practically make the word meaningless in every context
> Using words you don't know the meaning of is the pinnacle of pretension.
I think he is using paradox in the spirit of contradiction. Speaking of that, your point here is admitting multiple definitions exist but then saying there is only one meaning you recognize as valid. Especially to someone who is a non native speaker who'd be reliant on dictionary definitions I don't think he was using the word out of pure desire to sound smart and self important. I know I have used paradox in that sense as well. 
< A person, thing, or situation that exhibits inexplicable or contradictory aspects: "The silence of midnight, to speak truly, though apparently a paradox, rung in my ears" (Mary Shelley).
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> Not a regular there but does /AM/ really fit that description?
/AM/ is the most serious board around. 

> you're not the guy I made it about....are you? c'mon, I promise I won't tell anybody else if you are
No, R U KIDIN ME FAG. i DEMAND My banERZ BE OF A  loWest quality possible. 
 mind if I fangirl? 

> And Irony is you trying to explain what you meant and PROVING that you're pretentious.
I think you tripped over your own point with that here  >>/6952/ Though if I may weigh in I'll say this.

Carrotfag's assessment of the users of /endpone/. 
BO: mysterious, smarter than he lets on.
L23: a slight romantic and emo person.
Bridgefag: The most well rounded and normal.
CB: Most hard to judge. More and more you learn about him the cooler he is. 
5050:Shyer L23
You: Feisty. A bit of a shitposter
Carrotfag  The best one 
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Alright. Have read it. 

I think I sympathize with anon's perception of discouragement. L23 refuted him without giving much of the background history of that mentality. Sounds like a wet blanket. 

> I think he is using paradox in the spirit of contradiction. Speaking of that, your point here is admitting multiple definitions exist but then saying there is only one meaning you recognize as valid. Especially to someone who is a non native speaker who'd be reliant on dictionary definitions I don't think he was using the word out of pure desire to sound smart and self important.
I agree with this point, however. 

> filename
What, you thought I was referring to this girl? My fetish is Carrots first. Pone is like 3rd tier at most.
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actually, no. In fact, considering the place (and format) in which we are posting, if I had wanted to drive you away for real and with a very hostile manner, I would have used the expression that you would normally see anywhere else in an imageboard (like "kys" or "you have to go back" or "cringe and bluepilled. Back to Reddit") but I haven´t done that. Far from it, I have had to dedicate a good amount of time to the point where I found myself in a state of weariness after leaving that wall of text. Also, there is another factor here that..I wouldn´t have given you the reason at certain things (any smug channer poster could have done that perfectly). I consider certain points of yours pretty legitimate (especially the ones related to the consistency where I conceded and I even brought you reasons why you were right in that department). Hell, I am conceding several things coming from this post that I am replying right now. 

What I have tried to transmit here is that I attempted to bring the full picture to you (instead of saying "lurk more", I decided to clear everything up). Now, as you and others have pointed out, perhaps I have brought it up pretty starkly (perhaps too much, although this tone of my mine is quite the same for many topics really, don´t think that I go much further than this), but at least, it prevents you from reaching a point of disappointment of what to expect. In addition, you have claimed that you have seen many imageboards die in front of your eyes so I wanted to check how your thesis works in an hypothetical scenario. The message meant to convey with this is: "Okay, let´s consider that your thesis works but you have to keep in mind X reason for such execution and this Y factor, etc.) 

> I doubt he'd let it get hijacked by pony unless he was interested in it himself, which i'm pretty sure he isn't.
then 314chan cannot be considered as a pony alternative.One will have to look other places for fulfilling that role.

> You're probably right, but i'm an optimist.
well, that´s up to your desires after all. A warning before the episode of disenchantment was given by me before said event happens. At least, I have done my part of clarifying it.

> Think of it like trying to save money by shopping with coupons.
not a bad analogy. Actually I would say that one could see it like this: on 4chan, you have like 500€ as the baseline and then you have a margin of benefit with a maximum of 1000€ whereas on Endchan, you start with 30€ and then you have a margin of benefit of 5-10€ with the top 10. The margins can vary of course but one has to consider the current circumstances beforehand.

> The only hope for survival in this kind of situation is being more appealing than the competition. How do we achieve being more appealing you ask? By having a variety of new content. There is simply no other way. Well, that and advertising, and the only adverts we're getting is being on the top 10 list of boards.
I cannot argue with that, except that you are perhaps overestimating the influence of the top 10 though. This board has reached the peak positions (even the 1st place a couple of times and that didn´t make a difference, because by applying your logic, we would have like 15 users or so currently) 

> this has happened plenty of times in the past and it can happen here. Outside of 4chan, chan culture is chaotic and unpredictable and I don't think you're or anybody for that matter is in a position to say what will and won't work for sure
at least, allow me to have the right to question it and try to predict and speculate what can possibly happen out of certain patterns and/or observations coming from experience. 

> That doesn't mean i'm not going to try and have fun with it along the way
well, whenever you end the party, you know that there is a seat alongside me in case that you get to finish it someday.
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now, of all the things that you have posted over here, while your thesis and my observations can be quite arguable... there is something that I have found much more concerning than the answers related to your vision. Like the first two thirds of your post were correct but from there onwards... I am still quite shocked that you have wanted to take a nosedive from there until the very end: 

It has caught me completely off guard, I will admit, and it is:

> That's not irony at all, let alone the greatest irony.
> Stop it. You do not have any paradoxes in your life. By definition a paradox is a logically impossible situation. for the record, I'm aware that paradox has additional definitions, but the additional uses of paradox apply to situations that are not paradoxes at all and practically make the word meaningless in every context
> Using words you don't know the meaning of is the pinnacle of pretension.
> And Irony is you trying to explain what you meant and PROVING that you're pretentious.
> I think the word you're looking for is ACCURATE.

now, I know that you were tired and that you have considered that I was trying to discourage you without giving you much background history before. It´s true that I jumped onto your thesis without letting you much space like  >>/6960/ has pointed out. 

In exchange, I am letting you to have a time in order to see your own post calmly, read it again with all the time that you need and reconsider what you have stated... because in the figurative sense (for a debate), if I had to illustrate what has happened with these words of yours has gone like this:

What you have done here is that you held a 44.Magnum, you gave it to me with the magazine loaded, without the safe mode and you left it in my hand in a position where I only have to use my finger to pull the trigger (without doing anything coming from my part). On top of that, you are begging to me to shoot at your head and the other two  >>/6955/ and especially  >>/6952/ have predicted the possible terrible fate by offering to you a couple of lifesavers before I do anything.

It blows my mind how in a fairly reasonable post, you have decided to throw it all away in the semantics department (with very few lines which is outstanding to say the least) and I seriously don´t want to do this. The other posts will  sound like a joke if you decide to stay convinced with your own assessment by resorting to this argument alone.

I am not saying this because I am offended (far from it even, I don´t care about what you think about me honestly, I said it here  >>/6948/) but in terms of a debate, you aren´t exactly in a very convenient position to be honest. 

I seriously recommend that you analyze what you have just posted over here (with a laid back manner, don´t rush the answer) and see how it can possibly pan out by exposing that alone but don´t stay there because right now, the results could backfire dramatically on you.
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> On top of that, you are begging to me to shoot at your head and the other two  >>/6955/ and especially  >>/6952/ have predicted the possible terrible fate by offering to you a couple of lifesavers before I do anything.
Making a big deal out of something tiny. 

> and see how it can possibly pan out by exposing that alone but don´t stay there because right now, the results could backfire dramatically on you.
I think you both need to do this. I don't consider you pretentious nor him malicious. You just speak in LONG and sometimes odd phrasing from not being a native speaker; your more pessimistic and a wet blanket than pretentious.

With imageboards tiny things can set off our autism, as you know, he probably is set off by something else but can't word it. Saying that you speak in EASSY would have been a more honest attack on the pretentious front, but he attacked you in idiotic phrasing issues over that. Maybe he is trolling you, maybe he legit is put off by some aspect. 

Take a step back
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> I can understand why you'd find it off putting but this outlook does have a history here.
right, its just like a long winded "chill out dude". Its not actually an argument and it didn't need to be itemized.

> perhaps the planned synchronized rewatch thread and a...er... secret project I hopefully will get out soon may help with that.
I'm already halfway through S1 with my wife. Research purposes....you understand.

> I think he is using paradox in the spirit of contradiction.
> A person, thing, or situation that exhibits inexplicable or contradictory aspects: "The silence of midnight, to speak truly, though apparently a paradox, rung in my ears"
I read this definition too. I think this only works in a poetic sense. But its not a contradiction, as a contradiction is two statements that can't be true at the same time, and if they were, it would be a paradox. Once you understand that the ringing in your ears is actually a sound created by your ears, it stops being a paradox to you. Also, his long winded three point argument about as you seem to agree with me is quite literally nothing but "nah, don't bother". Maybe English isn't his first language but before he starts trying to use obscure words and definitions he should try to be clear and concise first.

> Any observations you have on the state of the fandom? If you don't mind my asking.
Pretty dead. Everyone here seems pretty cool though.
/mlp/ is still shit as it always was.

> That is some long posting there.
I know, I'm TRYING to keep it short, I promise. And if you read my post, people who buy shit meat, that's who.

> mind if I fangirl?
you mean fanfilly, lol.

> I think you tripped over your own point with that here  >>/6952/ Though if I may weigh in I'll say this.
Nope, if you're going to talk like a thesaurus and longpost I'll hold you to the highest standards. All my uni friends are getting their masters degrees and while I may just be an electrician, I'm used to arguing at a university level. I like that nobody is challenging me on him using irony wrong as well, which is a much more common word with only one definition. If you're going to talk like a professor, I'll slap you with a book.

> You: Feisty. A bit of a shitposter

> i'm going to read it all and provide a legitimate non shitpost opinion
> one sentence
 >>/6955/ his assessment of you is correct. Fuckin' cracked me up.
> L23 refuted him without giving much of the background history of that mentality.
I don't think he refuted anything, by everyone else's additions to his "argument" I think its safe to say there was never an argument to begin with.
> the background history of that mentality
thanks for admitting that its a mentality and not an arguable position. have a carrot pony, though I'm certain you already have it.
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> that whole first two walls of text

I did not even read this, I'm not reading a longform response to a joke.
If the big bold red lettering didn't get the point across, it was a joke!
you know they say not being able to understand humor is a sign of autism...
> all your other points.
There isn't really much for me to respond here other than thanks for agreeing with me. I guess that ends the argument.

> now, I know that you were tired and that you have considered that I was trying to discourage you without giving you much background history before. It´s true that I jumped onto your thesis without letting you much space like  >>/6960/ has pointed out.
> In exchange, I am letting you to have a time in order to see your own post calmly, read it again with all the time that you need and reconsider what you have stated... because in the figurative sense (for a debate), if I had to illustrate what has happened with these words of yours has gone like this:
> What you have done here is that you held a 44.Magnum, you gave it to me with the magazine loaded, without the safe mode and you left it in my hand in a position where I only have to use my finger to pull the trigger (without doing anything coming from my part). On top of that, you are begging to me to shoot at your head and the other two  >>/6955/ and especially  >>/6952/ have predicted the possible terrible fate by offering to you a couple of lifesavers before I do anything.
> It blows my mind how in a fairly reasonable post, you have decided to throw it all away in the semantics department (with very few lines which is outstanding to say the least) and I seriously don´t want to do this. The other posts will sound like a joke if you decide to stay convinced with your own assessment by resorting to this argument alone.
> I am not saying this because I am offended (far from it even, I don´t care about what you think about me honestly, I said it here  >>/6948/) but in terms of a debate, you aren´t exactly in a very convenient position to be honest.
> I seriously recommend that you analyze what you have just posted over here (with a laid back manner, don´t rush the answer) and see how it can possibly pan out by exposing that alone but don´t stay there because right now, the results could backfire dramatically on you.

God you don't stop talking even when you have nothing to say. This has to be the /pone/ version of "i'm a navy seal with over 300 confirmed kills." and you're just trolling, right?
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> Take a step back

I know that you were tired and that you have considered that I am too smart for you without giving you much at all despite my paragraphs of text. It´s true that I jumped onto your thesis without letting you get a breath in, which you should get used to filly, because I and princess Celestia run this place. In exchange, I am letting you to have a time in order to see your own errors in friendship calmly, try being a big mean meanypants again with all the time that you need and reconsider what you have done... because in the figurative sense, if I had to demonstrate your lack of commitment to friendship, it would go like this:
What you have done here is that you prepared a magic unicorn spell, you gave it to me with Avada Kadavra loaded, without the safe mode and you left it in my hand in a position where I only have to use my magic unicorn horn to set it off. On top of that, you are begging to me to spellcast at your little hoofsies and the other two Fluttershy and Applejack have predicted the possible terrible fate by offering to you a couple of lifesavers before I do anything. It blows my furry purple mind how in a fairly reasonable situation, you have decided to throw it all away in the friendship department and I seriously don´t want to do this. The everypony else will think you're a joke if you decide to stay convinced with your own assessment by resorting to this abandonment of the magic of friendship alone. I am not saying this because we're not friends anymore (far from it even, I don´t care about your faults honestly, the magic of friendship is all about growth) but in terms of a being my friend, you aren´t exactly in a very convenient position to be honest. I seriously recommend that you think about what you have just done over here (with a laid back manner, you can't rush frienship) and see how it can possibly pan out by exposing that alone but don´t stay there because right now, the results could backfire dramatically on you. I do have a letter to Celestia to write!
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yeah, I should have shortened it a bit.

> I don't consider you pretentious nor him malicious. You just speak in LONG and sometimes odd phrasing from not being a native speaker; your more pessimistic and a wet blanket than pretentious.
Actually, that´s a fair analysis. I mean, I was going to respond that I am not all that fitting when it comes to fun (or funny) moments, so those adjectives suit my style.

> but he attacked you in idiotic phrasing issues over that. Maybe he is trolling you
I´ve got the answer.
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Alright, so you like more direct, I see, well I will try to shorten a little bit my thoughts then:

> Also, his long winded three point argument about as you seem to agree with me is quite literally nothing but "nah, don't bother". 

I will point out later why I have brought up those points because I wanted to know what you considered towards the matter. The "don´t bother" part comes because I am not actually going for a duel though.

> But its not a contradiction, as a contradiction is two statements that can't be true at the same time, and if they were, it would be a paradox. Once you understand that the ringing in your ears is actually a sound created by your ears, it stops being a paradox to you. 
> Maybe English isn't his first language but before he starts trying to use obscure words and definitions he should try to be clear and concise first.

So, your valid definition of paradox is that there can be two statements which should be true if it´s false or in reverse. To me, contradiction and paradox are synonyms even though not all paradoxes imply that they are false all the time (they can actually become true, unlike the word contradiction). Paradox is a rhetorical device used for a statement that is self-contradictory but both opposite elements are interrelated and there could be resolution. Now, if you want to look at the details and dive into its logistical problem, that might require a few posts discussing the philosophical application that said term implies.

But everywhere I look, both words mean that both statements are conflicting between each other. 

> I like that nobody is challenging me on him using irony wrong as well, which is a much more common word with only one definition. If you're going to talk like a professor, I'll slap you with a book.
unless that you are going for the precise definition of saying exactly the opposite of what one says, the word is also valid for situations  and mockery. 

> I think its safe to say there was never an argument to begin with.
don´t ignore certain details though.

> I guess that ends the argument.
and I think that I´ve got the answer. Thanks for clarifying it. But just because I am open minded for some criticism, it doesn´t mean that you´re my enemy

> you know they say not being able to understand humor is a sign of autism...
I don´t know what to tell you about that. It doesn´t land all that well as you might think. Mostly because you said this:

> Isn't that the point of having one? To get people to post on it? I do not understand the endgoal of your argument beyond trying to discourage me.

you don´t leave it all that clear there. Even though after this, perhaps I will reconsider a couple of things. I mean, I didn´t set up the mindset nor I was looking forward to a more shitposting/funny approach but I see that you have had fun parodying it  >>/6977/.

> you don't stop talking even when you have nothing to say.
eh, perhaps.
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oh, I forgot: 
> I will point out later why I have brought up those points 
> It doesn´t land all that well as you might think
I meant with this that my mindset isn´t all that ready for taking things with a more casual approach (at least, in this place but I can start going more casual if you want and adapt the /mlp/ mindset over here), especially with a long post for an argument because I am not all that ready for detecting that your joke works in this context (problem of communication and the fact that the board should be faster and the post shorter for making it more obvious) and secondly, I am not exactly the most fitting user for making them either. 

You work better when it comes to making a party and having fun. I just simply wait for it to end instead.
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You have major issues with being clear and concise. You seem to have a run on thought process in which you get lost in your own train of thought and seem lose focus of the greater issue while fleshing out the smaller points.
For the record, that's not an insult. Many of my friends have this quality and although it can be very useful, I often find myself having to direct them back to the argument because they've got themselves lost in thought.
I can't respond to most of your post because you're trying to reply to my whole post rather than key points. It makes it very difficult to stay on track.

> But everywhere I look, both words mean that both statements are conflicting between each other.
Yeah, I was being pedantic. I even acknowledged that there are other definitions. I would never personally use them as there are many more accurate words.

> unless that you are going for the precise definition of saying exactly the opposite of what one says, the word is also valid for situations and mockery.
so, you were intentionally misusing the word irony? I don't understand.
if you wish to demonstrate your point, often you can replace the word in contention with its definition. For example:
> well, I have happened to encounter many ironies and paradoxical moments along the way.
well, I have happened to encounter many ironies and "moments that seem to be contradictory, but are nonetheless true" along the way.
now replace ironies and end this,

I still admit I'm being pedantic still, but I'm having fun with this.
plz respondd

> I meant with this that my mindset isn´t all that ready for taking things with a more casual approach, especially with a long post for an argument because I am not all that ready for detecting that your joke works in this context and secondly, I am not exactly the most fitting user for making them either.
You do seem to have difficulty shifting gears from point to point. I used to be a lot like you and actually, you remind me of a 2010 version of myself. I'm not saying that in a condescending sense, but the only thing that helped me with this was getting out into the trades where every couple months I had to meet a whole new crew of people who were very different from the last. I've always been a weird guy, and I've always had trouble fitting in. I hope you take my lighthearted poking at you as just that.

> (at least, in this place but I can start going more casual if you want and adapt the /mlp/ mindset over here)
I have never been to mlp, stop it im not a pleb, no bully plz

> You work better when it comes to making a party and having fun. I just simply wait for it to end instead.
if you mean for this to hit home in real life, you could not be further from the truth.

> but I see that you have had fun parodying it
you DESERVED to be mocked for that post. And I did have fun. I hope you think my edit critical of the source material AND funny too.

> all these long posts from both of us
god we're lame. its ridiculous that I look forwards to getting back to respond to you every day.
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>  I'm not saying that in a condescending sense

On the contrary, you strike me as the most condescending and arrogant bastard on the board right now.

While you're looking up "paradox" for ways it can't be used here, please cross reference with "hypocrite" you pompous plothole.
> plz respondd
don´t worry, I have read the post and I will respond. Just that I have had a few thoughts swirling around in my head and the thread has hit the bump limit.

I am not sure whether this should continue for the next NMAiE or locating this conversation in the /chat/ thread. You decide where I respond.
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sweet mother of Celestia, that image makes the psychedelic Cosmos picture from the OP look like a sane girlfriend in comparison with that unsettling face (the eyes and the teeth just put the whole Nightmare Night event to shame).

Despite her name, Nightmare Moon isn´t as capable as "that character" for inducing nightmares either, visually speaking...

Whenever /endpone/ decides to get creepy....get ready for it.

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