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I think we can. What about this plot: The decline of intergroup norms partly due to the decline of Christianity and partly due to SJW insanity finally led to a genocidal worldwide race war which caused all tribes capable of producing WMDs to destroy each other using nukes, ethnic biological weapons, military drones etc.

Only Sub-Saharan Africans, Australoids, Pacific Islanders etc continued to exist. Civilization completely collapsed, starvation and cannibalism were widespread and diseases such as Ebola got out of control. Survivors rapidly declined to Medieval or even earlier tech and never recovered. 

When aliens arrived at Planet Earth or when some mutant non-human species in the nuked world developed civilization they wiped out the remaining humans and did not even believe that human civilization had ever existed.

Moral of the story: Do not become a sociopathic defector for humanity is more fragile than what we think we are.

The rationalist impulse is to construct a story as a puzzle with a solution that neatly resolves it and can ideally be found ahead of time if you're clever enough.

Horror writing on the other hand keeps you in the dark. You know that things are bad but you don't know how. There's a lot of uncertainty and it doesn't all go away.

Nick Land writes horror. Nostalgebraist wrote a sort-of-horror story. Neither is a central example of a rationalist, and a lot of rationalists hated the ending of Nostalgebraist's story for being unclear. This is not a coincidence.

Unlike  >>/6656/, when Lovecraft wrote stories about the horrors of race-mixing he didn't pretend to have it all figured out.

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How does /ratanon/ feel about race mixing?

In my view, there is race mixing and there there's race mixing. There is nothing wrong if a White man wants to breed with an East Asian, Ashkenazim Jew, or Brahmin Indian female; those are all civilized people, and the resulting offspring will be every bit the equal of a pure white baby.

On the other hand, when a White female hooks up with a Black man, we all know that she's on the fast track to single motherhood. Even if you disregard that, the resulting mongrel will likely be the average IQ of the mother and father; why would you dilute your precious genes like that?

In conclusion, interbreeding among civilized races is fine. Letting your daughter hook up with Tyrone is not fine.
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> Letting your daughter hook up with Tyrone is not fine.
Thank you. Although this bit is meant as a bit of a joke, but goddamn do some people conflate looking down upon letting girls hookup with ghetto blacks with racism. I certainly wouldn't let me daughter hookup with a white trash useless fucker either (or preferably anyone of that nature).

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> Submissive men are almost exactly as common as transwomen.
This seems clearly and obviously false if you judge by the amount of content aimed at submissive men that has and doesn't have a feminization element. Somewhat surprisingly, not every male sub wants to be mommy's little girl.


My understanding is that the Gatebox only has a single display layer and is just another flat projector that claims to be volumetric; all the pictures of it that I've seen have an obvious single piece of glass in the center.

Contrast that with something like Looking Glass, which while also not a "real" holographic display, at at least gets autostereoscopic volume by stacking a bunch of layers on top of each other.

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At this point of gender cold war, only science denialists, ideologues and uninformed ones reject the Scientific Black Pill. I'm more worried about the coping strategies available here and now. 

1) Optimizing for looks, wealth and dark triad is costly, nerve-wrecking and socially harmful, and you eventually can't keep up with the pace of the race. 

2) If you want to preserve the rest of your dignity and sanity, becoming a humiliated beta in a poly arrangement is not an option either. 

3) Escorts solve the problem of inceldom, but not the lack of true validation and complete love experience. Even worse, if you suddenly became Chad, then the black pill awareness and past experiences would make you incapable of reaching full satisfaction and peace of mind.

4) Modern psychotherapy will make you pay for being told that you that you suffer because of your privilege, misogyny, and toxic masculinity.

5) No amount of efforts and advocacy will bring the "past order". The damage done by female supremacy in culture, (social) media and law is irreversible.

Robowaifus are probably the ultimate choice, but lack necessary sophistication in fooling our brains. Uncanny wall is the key problem: some people claim that it will always be possible to tell artificial from human because as robots become more realistic, we will also become more sensitive and will always be able to tell that something is not right.


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This has to be one of the greatest articles from ssc that I've read.

Why not let the rich and privileged extract even more wealth from the working populations in order to donate a small ammount to charities that align with their political interest or actually do some good after they no longer know what to do with their money ?
People laugh at me, but I'm happy.

What could be better than having a hardworking life, at least 10 hours a day away from home and knowing that a part of your output is going to help populations from other parts of the globe you've never heard of ? Who knows maybe some will migrate here and one day make this country great.

Man, if only I can make some more money, then I could probably also join some EA-type organization but I can't right now because my boss keeps promoting only women.

Ohh well, I guess I can just be thankful to the awesome trio:
Gates: based man, made computers easy to use not like that linux stuff
Zberg: based lizardman, made keeping in touch easy
Bestos: based cancer patient, made books all audio so I don't have to read anymore

Thanks for reading.
Bad post. It appears you've identified a random article which doesn't advocate the overthrow of the evil capitalist system, and criticized it for not doing so. A major point of his essay is that even if you believe "rich people bad, working class good", criticizing philanthropy is a harmful way to show off your wokeness.

> What could be better than having a hardworking life, at least 10 hours a day away from home and knowing that a part of your output is going to help populations from other parts of the globe you've never heard of ?
Dunno, but what could be worse is knowing that that same money is instead going towards bombing similar third-world populations or whatever other retarded shit Our Democracy dreams up next.

This article is quite good, but misses one fundamental problem: applying purely utilitarian perspective to human interactions is extremely difficult and fuels exploitative practices. 

You start by worrying how many units of suffering are caused by billionaires capitalizing on cheap and hard work in your country, and how it compares to the benefit of charities' target groups. What if the domestic workers (will) actually suffer more, because compared to the citizens of developing countries, they're money-rich and time-poor, live in an atomized, consumerist culture, and have to struggle with low status or a lack of meaning? What if this is some kind of a self-sacrificing scheme that won't pay back in the long run because of mass immigration, demographic shifts, social conflicts, or 100 other scenarios? What if I'm playing "cooperate" when people and institutions that don't care about me play "defect"?

Billionaires can always argue that they just follow fixed market incentives and participate in an unregulated capitalist race: many of them make astronomical profits by keeping their workers miserable, monopolizing niches and offering addictive or harmful products/services. They can treat the expected value of charities as a kind of blackmailing shield: "Oh, so you want me to raise the hourly rate in Big Corporation? It would cost many lives of these poor African children I genuinely care about. Now be a good sla… employee and get back to your cubicle." You don't have to be "woke" to see the dangers - actually, embracing woke capitalism is a predatory strategy criticized by many centrists and conservatives.

Scott makes a very good case for not criticizing billionaires specifically for their philanthropic efforts (sometimes it's really the game, not the players it selects for), but we should carefully investigate how they fit the big picture.

>  Man, if only I can make some more money, then I could probably also join some EA-type organization but I can't right now because my boss keeps promoting only women.

Not that I want to discourage you, but according to my buddy's brief experience, many EA organizations seem dogmatic about promoting women at the expense of "privileged" men. Paradoxically, the further from insider circles you are, the more this supposed privilege applies to you.

> Bad post. It appears you've identified a random article which doesn't advocate the overthrow of the evil capitalist system, and criticized it for not doing so.
I love capitalism in idea, just not the regulated braindead controlled capitalism "lemme get a monopoly, then lawyer up to keep the monster alive, say no to unions, lobby that shit murrica style" TM that cucks suck up to. I'm the kind of guy that says real capitalism has never been tried.
>  A major point of his essay is that even if you believe "rich people bad, working class good", criticizing philanthropy is a harmful way to show off your wokeness.
I believe "rich people bad, I good", harmful for whom ?
> Dunno, but what could be worse is knowing that that same money is instead going towards bombing similar third-world populations or whatever other retarded shit Our Democracy dreams up next.
I actually don't care as long as it doesn't help people I don't care about.

I'm tired of being fucked in the ass so children can not starve or whatever.

> harmful for whom?
"Society", in terms of opportunity costs. I doubt wagecucks end up with any of the money even if billionaires successfully get bullied out of philanthropy. And some of their projects could actually be useful. At the very least, I consider the ceiling of good that a billionaire can do with their money higher than what a democracy would do with it.

Very bespoke, anon. But I don't think it actually matters much either way because The Singularity Is Near.

Can someone explain the phenomenon of smart men _still_ falling for the polyamory trap?

- Geoffrey Miller, one of top evolutionary psychologists: vid rel

- Jacob F: https://putanumonit.com/2019/04/30/the-state-of-affairs/

- Scott: https://slatestarcodex.com/2017/05/17/polyamory-is-not-polygyny/ 

1. Sexual strategies of men and women are inherently competitive. Monogamy is the best known and tested way to find a compromise.

2. Encouraging monogamy reduces male violence, jealousy and STI rates. It also boosts the net romantic and sexual satisfaction of the entire population across many life stages, creating a stable environment for raising children and acknowledging that physical intimacy, romantic love, engagement and life arrangements are deeply interconnected.


3. Modern polyamory is basically the feminist disguise for open polyandry, increasing women's sexual access to the most attractive men and turning all the nice guys into stereotypical beta providers who get lots of drama and little to no sex or emotional involvement (the latter one should be important for asexuals as well). 

My best guess is that some dudes are brainwashed by ideology, some can't leave their special ones who rejected exclusivity at some point, and some would rather be in a faux relationship rather than suffer as permanent singles. In all cases, I would find it extremely humiliating. Polyamory is basically a backward practice and crony capitalism of relationships - good luck if it works for 10% of the population, but keep it far away from the majority.

Why do the rational, evo-aware bros with lots of money, status, and passable-to-good looks do this to themselves? ;__;
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BTW, Geoffrey and Diana are now engaged.


>  'Sexual jealousy is too strong to overcome. And then I met Diana, and she said: “If you want to be with me, you better overcome it”'.

>  'And then I eventually thought of a System 2 utilitarian version of it. I can convince myself that that dude’s getting more pleasure from my girlfriend than I am suffering from knowing that they’re together. So it’s a micro version of Effective Altruism.'


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Yikes! If only you could ignore more than 100 independent black pill studies, become better allies and notice that it's actually the beta nice guys that have the most success with women… 

Altruism > looks + money, the future is poly!

> psychology study using self reported data
Why does anybody ever take this stuff seriously? I know it's difficult and at times unethical to get data in other ways, but this usually is like searching for your keys under a streetlight.
The only non-self reported data in that study was from asking the participants in the second study whether they would be willing to donate part of the $100 (leaf) they could potentially get from a draw. It doesn't say how many $100 prizes were given to the 524 participants in that experiment (the first study had three draws for 297 participants, the second one only mentions "a draw", possibly only one draw for the 524 participants?), but in any case the only actual, verified data in the whole study comes from "Would you be willing to give away a fraction of a prize that you are almost certainly not going to win anyway?"

Worth noting that the author of the study in question adds the other result: it seems more attractive males cooperate significantly more in prisoner's dilemma. Appearance, I surmise, doesn't change conditional on cooperation. From this I gather that altruism in self-reports is proxy for abundance and successful, easy life guaranteed by good looks, hence perception of "cheapness" to help out another in a general case. 


> abundance and successful, easy life guaranteed by good looks
Are you saying that good looks by themselves grant a heterosexual man a successful, easy life? This is implausible. What is much more likely is that good looks and success are caused by the same factors like low genetic load, good diet in early childhood, etc. Without these factors good looks are only a faked signal: useful, but not nearly as useful as what it is supposed to indicate.

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Once you have taken the redpill and realized how stupid and evil women's mating preferences really are (the hypergamy, the hybristophilia, the serial monogamy, the attraction to dark triad traits, the fact that five minutes of alpha is worth five years of beta… basically everything Scott admitted was in "Radicalizing the Romanceless" [http://web.archive.org/web/20140901014000/http://slatestarcodex.com/2014/08/31/radicalizing-the-romanceless/]) there really are only three coherent responses.

1. The traditional patriarchal response: Women, like children, are clearly too stupid, short-sighted, and impulsive to make their own sexual choices. They must be kept under close supervision from puberty to marriage, and in particular never left alone with a male who is not a member of her family. When she marries, it will be to a man of her social class who is of good character and has some means to support himself, as selected by her father (or, if the father is dead, her oldest brother). If something like dating is to be part of the courtship, chaperones are an absolute must; everyone in trad societies knows what happens when two people of opposite genders are alone together.

This, of course, is how the West dealt with the problem until very recently. And it is still how the Muslims, who make up one fifth of the world population, solve the problem.

2. The principled individualist libertarian response: Women have the right to make their own choices, just like everyone else. This will predictably result in women who have five bastards by five different baby daddies and no way to support themselves (see the black community), but that's their own fault and it is no one else's obligation to support them. If the bastards starve in gutters, not out problem. And if nice, smart, hard working men continue to be lonely virgins into their 30s, that's the price of freedom; there is no positive obligation on the part of women to sleep with productive men instead of violent criminals.

This is what we tried first when we got rid of patriarchy. It wasn't stable; it turns out that people are simply not hard-hearted enough to allow bastards and sluts to starve in the rain when faced with sad pictures of them crying and suffering. This inevitably leads to…

3. The modern progressive liberal response: Women have the right to make their own choices, just like everyone else. When their riding of the cock carousel predictably result in them having five bastards by five different baby daddies, they should be celebrated as heroic single mothers and we should steal money from responsible, productive, hard-working men at gunpoint to supply them with welfare, food stamps, and housing. If these same responsible, productive, hard-working men complain about how they are footing the bill for irresponsible, unproductive sluts and sexy bad boys while remaining lonely virgins themselves, shame them for being nice guys who are worse than Hitler and destroy their reputation and their ability to make a living.

This is where we are now. And, predictably, birth rates are collapsing, more and more men are giving up on hard work in favor of playing video games and smoking pot in mom's basement, and women who are holding chad thundercock's baby in one arm and can't get a date are left wondering "Where have all the good men gone?" Basic income shills are basically trying to push this even harder, stealing from anybody who is even minimally tax-positive and redistributing it to thots and chads so they can fuck away their lives on our dime (no wonder Scott the cuck supports it).

This seems to be unstable as well, if only on the societal level; at this rate, it is only a matter of time until our societies weaken enough that Arabs conquer us (indeed, they are already conquering Western Europe), at which point we will be back to patriarchy.

What, then, is to be done?

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Okay anons, listen up, cuz I'm only gonna explain this once.

What's the most important word in the goddamn English language? If you answered "hypergamy" then congratulations, you're not a fucking bluepill. Everybody else better look up their old schools right now and ask for a refund because they didn't learn shit. This is fucking birds and bees kindergarten shit. You guys make a lot of sperm which you can spew after about a minute of effort, goddamn bunch of limpdicked quickshots. Bitches have to devote over 9 MONTHS to making a baby. So a man can have a basically unlimited number of children as long as he can find new women to keep on mating, while females have a very real limit on the number of fatherless bastards they can push out of their used up cunts before their uteruses dry out and they hang around for another 40 years waiting to die of old age. With me so far?

So the ideal male strategy is to impregnate as many females as possible. No shit. We all knew that already; that's why it is every guy's dream to score a threesome at least once in his life, and that's why lesbians are hot while fags are just fucking disgusting. Okay, so we all know this part; so far so good.

The part that most of us DON'T know about is the other half. The ideal female strategy. It consists of always finding the "best" male at any given moment. What's "best"? "Best" can take many form. Bitches love muscles, money, age, height, extroversion, power, and status. High quantities of any of this shit is like fucking viagra to them. But another thing they love is attractiveness. "But anon," you ask, "how can you be attracted to attractiveness itself?" Well, Timmy, I know it can be hard to grasp how truly fucked up the female mind is, but you've gotta stop drooling on the floor for a minute and make a fucking try. Are we clear? Good little retard!

See, there's this thing here called "pre-selection," which basically means that bitches are attracted to men that other females find attractive. Why? Because if this alpha guy is pulling all the bitches in this easily, then any son of his is ALSO gonna be scoring chicks like there is no tomorrow, spreading her genes even wider than she spreads her legs for alpha cock. This ties back to what we covered already; one male can service hundreds of females, but one female cannot have children by more than a handful of males. So bitches love to share, and seeing how attractive "their" guy is to other females gets them wetter than a nigger at a Popeye's opening day.


This means that females reproduce by default, because unless a women is truly hideous, there isn't a red blooded male who isn't going to take one quick minute to impregnate the bitch. By contrast, males are divided into two very distinct groups. The 99% betas are destined to forever struggle for reproduction, perhaps raping one of the alpha's bitches while his back is turned, or lucking out and capturing a nice war bride after a successful battle with those bastards from accross the river (her husband was killed in the figthing, not that she will mind in a year or two). Meanwhile the 1% alphas get to impregnate all the women, which makes them sexier, which continues the fucking cycle, literally. In the world of sex, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

Now this is the tricky part. A lot of men who get this far think that the answer is to teach everybody "game" and that as long as we can all be masterful PUAs, we can keep our bitches in line. This doesn't work because hypergamy is RELATIVE. It doesn't fucking MATTER how rich you are in absolute terms, if you own your own house and car while a middle age peasant barely owned his shit-stained underwear. All that matters to bitches is wether there are any men around who have it even better than you, in which case the cycle begins anew. That's why no matter how rich we become, we keep working just as hard in 40 hour jobs and 10 hour commutes; because we are not REALLY working for shit like food or electronics, which are cheap, but for bitches and status, which are zero-sum. They will always be scarce and we will always have to compete for them.

An important corollary to this is that females simply don't have the capacity to really fall in love. They just gina tingle. The moment you lose your job or otherwise get kicked out of your station in life, you can kiss the girl of your dreams goodbye. She didn't fall in love with you; she fell in love with what you had. It made her excited, and when the excitement is gone and she is unhaaaaaapy, she will just leave, taking your kids, half your stuff, alimony, child support, and your will to live. Then she finds some other high-status guy to get hitched to and thus continues the great fucking circle of life. In the old days, when marriage was actually meant to last forever and a divorce meant social suicide, female hypergamy was kept in check. They might still cheat and cuckold their hard-working beta boyfriends behind their backs with an alpha baby, but at least they had to hide it and fear getting caught. Not anymore. Everytime you talk to a non-virgin single whore as she were a fucking human being, and every time you don't kick loose sluts with a litter of bastards out of your neighborhood, you are hastening the collapse of civilization. Good going, anons.

If you wrote this anon, you should make a blog where you retell the sequences.

> A lot of men who get this far think that the answer is to teach everybody "game" and that as long as we can all be masterful PUAs, we can keep our bitches in line. This doesn't work because hypergamy is RELATIVE. It doesn't fucking MATTER how rich you are in absolute terms, if you own your own house and car while a middle age peasant barely owned his shit-stained underwear. 
Women are adaptation executors, not fitness maximizers. It makes sense that they perceive social status as relative because it is. That does not mean women's perception of men's smooth moves/dominance/personality/call it what you will is also zero-sum, or that status is important compared to personality. Teaching men game would almost certainly be positive-sum and eliminate a large percentage of incels. Another way to say it is that status seems to be something like 95% relative (the remainder is not living in a way that provokes an immediate disgust reaction, like being smeared with shit), but perceived smoothness/dominance/interestingness is only 30%-70% relative.

To that I should add that another famously doctrinal, buzzword-filled project of fostering "rationality" in Goyim was Objectivism; except Rand probably didn't consider herself Moshiach. As for SSC-aligned people, this place is at the far fringes of their cluster, so my theory applies to ratanons rather than to all of SSC crowd. Regarding your disbelief, I honestly don't care.

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I'm sure you could come up with some reasons. One can make up arguments for anything.

Just to demonstrate the point by giving an example argument, perhaps something along the lines of MTGOW? "Lolis are innocent and pure, they won't scam you out of your life like adult women will" or something.

Of course you'd have to have some truly extreme autism and truly completely lack a superego to argue for this in the super earnest and serious way that is typical for LW. That's why it's amusing for me to contemplate someone like that existing.

Maybe you think all taboos are spooks and you want to be truly pansexual, or maybe you're just interested in the hacking process itself and you deliberately pick something you find revulsive.
(I'll admit that these motivations are a little more esoteric than simple access to sex and intimacy).

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> Political units should have total, and unquestioned sovereignty on their territory, because contrary situation leads to multipolar traps
> Yet at the same time they should be subordinated to market mechanism
Am I missing something, or are Moldbug's ideas somewhat inconsistent? Why is violence, or other rivalry through political means undesirable, but capitalism is not?
It's been a while since I read Moldbug, but I don't remember very much talk of market mechanisms? Certainly no advocacy for neoliberal stuff like competitive bidding for government functions, etc. He talked about countries being owned by shareholders who get dividends, but that in itself is not a market, any more than say the internal governance of IBM is market-based…

Moldbug wants to engineer a reduction in violence because violence is wasteful. He is not against all competition or conflict. He considers them inevitable. To him violence is wasteful pretty much by definition because it happens due to uncertainly about who would win in an armed conflict. People generally don't fight hopeless fights, so reducing uncertainly reduces armed conflict.

A market in state shares would allow for liquidation of failed states without the usual violence. At the same time it would align the quality of the services provided by states with the self-interest of their owners, making such states less likely to fail in the first place. It's the Mandate of Heaven with(out) a human face (being stamped on).

I don't remember Moldbug saying this outright, but he does not seem to believe that war is eugenic, at least in the present. It would be better if people competed through other means, like, again, capitalism.

I brought up Urbit at work a couple days ago. Kind of worried that bringing it up will activate some coworker's purity monitors, associate me with Moldbug, and target me for destruction. Not clear to me whether that's something I actually should worry about, when I previously was in a group of social-justicey programmers, they certainly associated anyone talking about Urbit with NRX and disdained them, but maybe they were just hyper-active in their purity-enforcement.

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