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Men over a certain age, say about 23, don't really have friends. It's just a conspiracy by "alpha males" and females to keep supposedly beta males down. Let's review:

Your coworker
>  not friend. Coworker

Your coworker's "friends" from his old workplace that he goes out drinking with
>  not friends. Ex-coworkers

People you hang out with at rationalist meetups
>  not friends. People who can bear to hear you talk about crazy rat shit that normies wouldn't tolerate, intellectually or morally

That person you grew up with
>  most likely you grew apart and never talk to them any more, so - not friends. And sending them a generic card once a year does not count as "talking to them".

That person who keeps blagging drugs/food/money/homework off of you
>  not friend. Leech.

That person you added on Facebook after talking to them once, and have never directly communicated with again
>  Seriously? Not friends

Male celeb papped on holiday with a "close female friend"
>  not friends. They're banging. Or he's gay and she's his beard.

Pop star who shoots a music video with his "friends"
>  not friends. Paid actors. Or groupies.

That smoking hot girl who "likes" you
>  not friend. Once-in-a-lifetime opportunity

Your gf/bf/spouse's male "friend"
>  not friend. You're about to get cucked. Or you already have been.

Man who works in a shop and greets people he knows by name
>  not friends, customers. Economically-motivated friendship isn't actually friendship

That one guy who seems to know a lot of important people that are unrelated to his job 
>  those aren't friends, he's actually a Freemason and those people are other members of his lodge. Or he's a fantasist and they don't exist.

Roko's Basilisk
>  definitely not your friend

In conclusion, friends don't exist.

And even if they did exist, they would be a waste of time - time which could be better spent reading LessWrong, ratanon or SSC. As male rationalists, we need to focus on what's important in life, and stop beating ourselves up over imaginary crap like "you have no friends". No other man our age has friends anyway. While this also include alpha males, they cultivate fake friends to make it look like they do have friends, and use the "no friends" line as a means of social dominance. Don't fall for it.

Pic unrelated
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You're just typical-minding (or typical-lifing, rather). There are a lot of lonely people, probably more now than in the past, but not everyone is lonely. Societal changes didn't completely destroy the possibility of traditional friendship.
> People you hang out with at rationalist meetups
>  > not friends. People who can bear to hear you talk about crazy rat shit that normies wouldn't tolerate, intellectually or morally
I don't get this one. Friends don't count if they're weird? Isn't it about the relationship rather than the person?

"Friendships" are a sign of weakness. It's okay to work alongside men and exchange ideas and intellectual matter. Emotional attachment is useless. Loneliness is the natural state of the superior individual, we thrive on it while only proles and brainlets are driven mad by it.

Emotional attachment is a carefully evolutionarily fine-tuned dedicated subsystem to establish mutual trust. Rejecting it means rejecting your full potential for cooperation and limiting your own power.

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> A short time later, according to police, 24-year-old Eric Bruylant forced his way into the woman’s vehicle, then attacked her. She was choked and strangled and felt she could lose consciousness, authorities said. Bruylant and the woman were strangers, police said.

> Eric Bruylant is Arbital’s community architect, with the role of building the community of users and predicting how the software’s features will impact the community.

(I have it on good authority that they're the same person.)
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proper links

you'll get anime in better quality from https://nyaa.si/


> Telephone!
> Wrapped around my ear -
> Screamed at me
> Tried to suck out of my mind where I was
> Was stuck to my head
> And jabbered till I said:
> The person you have reached
> Is not a working person.
> He has been changed
> And is temporarily connected.
> Please.
> Hang yourself up."
The beatniks knew what was going on, man. This shit is prescient.

http://xoxohth.com is both a complete shithole and an uncommon nexus of culture.
also, I really like the format and I wish an 8chan-equivalent existed for its software style so ratanon could be a textboard instead of an imageboard.

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> It seems you wanted to share the story of Leopold and Loeb with us and came up with the idea of an "edgy imageboard mascot" thread to do it.

another example of how the subject line requirement makes this board worse. the actual intended subject of this thread was "favorite murderers", and the subject line content was just something I came up with to put in the field. it would be great if new threads could be built off either a subject line OR an image (or both), with neither being strictly required.

I've experimentally disabled the subject requirement to see how many people start accidentally making new threads again.
The new thread form's button says "New Thread", and the reply form's button says "New Reply", but that's not enough to stop people from confusing them. It might be possible to make them more distinct with CSS, using a hacky selector. I'll look into adding text or something.
> either a subject line OR an image
That's not currently possible, and probably too niche/weird to get implemented.

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I read _The Obesity Code_ recently. Makes a good case that obesity is a hormone problem, not really an eating-too-much problem, and can be solved by sharply reducing insulin spikes. tl;dr: Eat fewer meals, don't eat or drink sugar, reduce your carb intake while you're at it, don't fear dietary fat, and don't snack. Eating 1500 calories compressed into one meal will be much better for weight-loss goals than 1500 calories spread out over 3–6 mealtimes.

Taleb's recent anti-IQ Twitter thread was kind of lame and surprisingly pro-establishment for a famous contrarian.


He's like a combination of Rick and Morty if Rick was arab and morty was a hipster scared by the fact his uncle molested him but everytime he would bring it up he would convince him that there's nothing to talk about.

What's most funny is that people who dislike peterson love this guy in most cases when he's practically the same thing except peterson has shown capacity to admit he's wrong.

Calling it  magic seems like a mistake, but is probably in line with the rest of the series if it includes such things as "Highly Advanced Tulpamancy 101 for Beginners".
It feels like a bait and switch, where the conclusion is "false beliefs can have instrumental value", which shouldn't be news, and "so be willing to engage in doublethink if it'll help" which would be more useful if it came with grounded advice for being able to tell when that's the case.

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I went to the NYC solstice. I really loved it last year so I was excited for it this year. Sadly (and ironically) it was worse than last year. Not well rehearsed or prepared IMO, and I didn't like the new songs that were added this year. It was still relatively good, just disappointing.

I did have fun at the NYC mega-meetup though. (I didn't go last year.) Circling is surprisingly interesting and I had some good conversations.

(Thanks for listening, LiveJournal)

This is an oversimplification. For you to go to a rationalist meetup a weighted combination of several factors must exceed a threshold. These factors include how ugly, weird and lonely you are, and the extent to which you have no life. You can draw useful conclusions from this model. For example, if you notice you are more handsome than the other attendees of a meetup, you  are one or more of more weird, more lonely or more lacking in life than they.

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