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> Explosive claims
It's amazing how this is somehow not common knowledge and basic deduction for normalfags. 

> blocked them on auto
Too many things are being used and blocked left and right the egregores reshaping each other and the Gods told me this at the start of war how this will happen if it is "let" to play out. "Evil will cannibalize itself" as they said. Even in movies the "big bad" kills his own either in desperation or frustration. In this case it is more complicated because there is no "singular comical antagonist leader" here (or maybe he just didn't reveal himself? but can you call those "leaders" who always lurk in the shadows?)

> It seems whenever I create something in my own good time, it's always exactly in time for it to gain the upper hand.
The universe is spitting out synchronicities in the past years so hard for me too that my "reflexes" think it's "taunting me". I know it's not about taunting but my first reaction is always something similar to that.

> There are plenty of dead "nazis" in Ukraine
> no one else is claiming them
They don't fight for their country they fight for a mixed idealism of the Nazism (that raped them in the past) for a "national pride" which appeared as the commies turned Ukraine into an obedient slave army with Symbols that come from the Khazarian jews that see them less as dogs. Ofc no one is claiming them they don't even know who they are and what they are doing. We see the average leftist brainwashing we have around us and the shit they have there is even worse. The slav bully culture the post commie braiwashing methods with shitty flavors of "nazism" and a jewish leadership... supported with USA interests... Egregorically that is the most disgusting thing ever.

 Just realized just how fitting that is for the "Orc" archetype suddenly. Well played I guess 

I could also say what I am doing but it is too complicated because the dream I wrote about the "karmic dimension" was just the prelude and my involvement is not as "central" in it so I can explain everything in a simple way. Especially because the way my awakening continues and my energy body rebalances itself complicates everything. Every day is a "how did I not notice something this simple" then I do a deep introspection for this question and the answer is always an obv "oh rith that happened -.- no wonder I am like this". At least this way of operation is one of my cup of tea in moderation so while it is constantly something new and surprising... in actuality it's nothing new... Everything is going all according to keikaku. Because it is just a "process" and no matter how chaotic it looks there is always an underlying truth in it that play out always the same.  I hate how I either sound too vague or it is a 20000+ character long essay that probably needs more time interpreting than actually writing it 

> keep constantly talking happenings for the past 8 years
Don't tell me how nothing happened in the past 4 years for you like how normies completely forgot the vax already. Just because you are not sitting in the middle of the happening that doesn't mean nothing is happening... but true. After 2016 and with the appearance of Qtards I stopped going to pol because it was the most retarded thing ever. It took me the appearance of covid to even bother looking at that place and people always manage to focus on the wrong things. The bot and the glowie presence on the internet is an another thing but people too can miss the point. But in the end "nothing ever happens" especially if you are not (even passively) making it happen. But that is an another topic.
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> bot and the glowie presence on the internet is an another thing but people too can miss the point. But in the end "nothing ever happens" especially if you are not (even passively) making it happen
That narrative is so worn out by now. /pol/ at least collectively knows how to spot this goalpost moving tactic. So Covid happened and lockdowns happened and schizo anti-vaxxers were proven right when it was mandated. But "nothing happened" because no government admitted that it was a bio-weapon. Then lots of people got vaccine injuries, over 1 million according to the official website for the EU by the time I stopped checking it. But no mainstream media outlet mentioned this so "nothing happened". Then we had Ukraine war but the west told Ukraine to not adhere to the peace agreement they signed with Russia on day 3, but to keep fighting, and all males in 2 generations of Ukrainians are now dead, but "nothing happened".

Then Hamas did a surprise attack on Israel and they overreacted like the actual world schizos and are now openly genociding women and children in Gaza, but USA hasn't said it's genocide so "nothing happened".

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The federation is now opening the gates to galactic timelines, which will level out the cultural and technological differences between Earth and the general galactic group culture.

This mindwave module is being used.

Some technologies will be removed because they are useless or harmful. Some will seem to move backwards again (CRT TVs will be brought back, LED screens are considered a dead end technology) and some will move forward. Some things will seem to become very low tech at first glance, but once humans experience using these, they will realize they actually do not understand even stone age technology, and they will have to re-learn it again from that level.

Some social changes will take place, such as;
> Revoking of all laws
Laws are capitalist/counter-rev methods which are seen as attacks against the population. Instead galfed policies will be used. These are methods telling you what to do in a positive manner, there are no bans or forbidden acts. (To clarify the previously imparted "bans" on certain magic and other harmful practices, these are not "legal", they are policies telling the security forces what to do. You are free to try not following their orders, at your own risk. The federation applies the law of the jungle, so the sharpest claws decide. Humans however do not have claws so you will have to either follow what we tell you or get eaten!)
> No persecution of natural business
This means in common terms that as long as it exists in nature, it is allowed. If it exists as viruses or on that level, we will not consider it to be behaviour of humanoids. Practically it means you can grow and use any drugs, as long as they are plants which are not engineered. Sex trade including surrogate motherhood is a legitimate business as well. You will however find that when sex trade is allowed and there are no oppressive laws, that drug use will be uninteresting. The federation does not have drug problems because we do not disturb natural behaviours, so no one will need to feel better by using drugs. The idea that sex trade is somehow "wrong" is a dangerous moralistic idea, which causes trauma and feelings of shame. In fact, it is not harmful and does not cause psychological harm to sell sex, this is a misconception caused by capitalist oppression. Some will say that this causes illnesses, but why would it cause illnesses? If that was so, all animals who do not have monogamy would have died from illnesses also! 
The federation has a "universal basic income" so no one will sell sex unless they want to. Moreover, there is always endless opportunities to work in the mining industry so no one will be involuntarily jobless.
> mandated self defense
To protect yourself against oppression, it is necessary to be armed. For this reason, the federation requires that every humanoid moving outside of populated centers carry a gun and a body armour following the minimum federation requirement.
> registration of armed forces
This was already brought to attention in a previous message channelled and posted on here. You are required to register your army or police force with the federation, or it will be disbanded. The time is well overdue.
Some readers will think "but how do we do this, omg?" but it is not any problem at all. Our scanning of the planet population revealed that any organized armed force on this planet has extensive "psi-op" units included. There is no reason why you should not have registered your armed force by now, all you had to do was to contact us telepathically. Even guerrillas in the jungle have people who can do this. You have no excuses and will be disbanded. ( This does not concern those who already contacted us!)
> /pol/ at least collectively knows how to spot this goalpost moving tactic
Yeah they are getting there but it needs to reach a level where shills fear to even try their retardation
> because no government admitted that it was a bio-weapon
It's funny how with Biden in office all fact checkers vanished. Now we are back in the ways of the old when only schizos bother checking the actual facts. 
> so "nothing happened". Right?
Exactly. Always wonder how the people who say that are either on an extreme level of brainwashing or they have such a comfy life so far away from any aspect of actual society that they think "nothing happened". But this is not new at all. When the USSR collapsed even in the eastern block some people were "not affected at all" while everything changed around them. Everything changed hands many people killed themselves you could finally hold accountable those that abused their powers for decades but for them it was like "Nothing happened". Like how in WW2 the family house of my great grandparents got shot through with machinegun fire and because no one died in the family and there were just meager holes you had to patch and the frontline didn't stay at the same place for long therefore "nothing happened". These people don't understand how something always happens but... Qtards really overhyped everything that Trump did and I too can somewhat understand this weird lethargy towards happenings. Guess if covid and the vaxx did not murder half your family nor you lost your job and health because of it then it was a nothingburger. I almost envy those who lucked out with the working from home jobs but megacorps hate that for some reason.

> CRT TVs will be brought back, LED screens are considered a dead end technology
Okay this is something that I noticed while looking at other timelines. The lack of LED screens. I know you just said this as a minor example but do you know the reason why? Wtf is wrong with flat screens (besides it is truly not really evolving in the past years in a noticeable way) Is it about holograms? Can't think anything more. Supernatural portals are even possible to be opened through LED screens so I am not seeing what else it can do but still. Only high tech timelines had flat screen like things but timelines with the same level of tech did not have. Strange.

> they will realize they actually do not understand even stone age technology
Most people can't even start a fire in their own grill...  I really liked those tranny posts about "I really want to abolish Israel but they are making my HRT pills." Our current level of technology is truly a marvel to behold sometimes 

> Laws are capitalist/counter-rev methods which are seen as attacks against the population
In communism law schools taught the lawyers how as things progress laws will become obsolete because people will become "good" and there will be no need for these things anymore... Funny how that turned out and how commies always needed their "show trials" to keep a face and proving they are still in line with the "law" and not just getting rid their own undesirables because they either stepped out of line or feared to lose their power to them. This is a long running theme and somehow no one managed to do it. Somehow always needs to be a "law" so some people don't rape toddlers and don't put cats into the microwave... IF THE GOVERNMENT DOESN'T FORBID YOU TO GO AGAINST COMMON SENSE THEN THEY ENCOURAGE YOU TO DO IT. It can be so ridiculous sometime. But this is what it means "being blind to heaven". This is something I wonder about for a long while. In the end it boils down "we just have to purge evil so evil does not create scenarios where your only chance of survival is either becoming evil or submitting to evil" but it really can get nuanced while understanding what is "benevolence" and "compassion".

> Humans however do not have claws
I always wanted to point this out but we do? You can grow them out it can be naturally sharp if you cut them well (I had to watch out to not cut people accidentally with mine sometimes and had to blunt them intentionally). There are even kung fu techniques about using them to cut arteries with a "pinch" and other things. Also we have fists? Only kangaroos and gorillas can use that as a weapon but we still have that. But then again as I said how humans can't even start a fire nowadays you can say how most humans can't even use their own "weapons"... So I have to say the generalization is correct...
> This means in common terms that as long as it exists in nature, it is allowed
Yeah just asked and found out most of my "powers" and the way I operate count as "natural forces" or as safekeeping the "truth of the world" so what I am doing is not just allowed but encouraged huh...
> that drug use will be uninteresting
You need to live an extremely low life to find that thing interesting by default.
> inb4 dude you just didn't try x or y that is why you don't see the appeal
Sure. The fact that I can overload all my nerves the way I want if I even care about these things at my own leisure kinda nullifies the point of these things for a while. Especially because I have to teach my nerves how to handle energy overloads properly for different spiritual lessons. Those orgasmic experiences are just side effects that I have to teach my "flesh" so it does not panic when I am doing my own thing. Having to fix several generations worth of psychic maladaptation takes time.  Was weird learning that my "technomancy" is more "genetic" and not exactly something that belongs in my "Origin power retinue". Even dad was able to hear some sounds electricity made when malfunctioning like me but most members of my family are deaf to that sound. Still not sure how this works nor I understand how Tesla discovered his own abilities anymore. It seems there is more to this than I thought. 
Looks dope
> still a prototype 
so I can buy one in 2-20 years maybe never. Great. Guess I can buy an OLED while I am waiting.
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> The lack of LED screens. I know you just said this as a minor example but do you know the reason why? Wtf is wrong with flat screens
Greys talked about this too, they even showed me the theory for how to make cathode ray tubes flat by placing multiple ray cannons on the outer edges instead of one in the middle, then making the adjustment mechanically angle with an exponential algorithm so that it moves as constant speed anyway.
> pic
The issue with LEDs are that they have fixed pixels. This creates a mental illusion, if you have played old NES games in 240*360 res you know how your eyes feel weird after; your perception has adapted to a world with that many tiles. The real world has as many tiles as the organic sensors of your eyes, and a cathode ray tube TV can be made more exact until it reaches that same resolution, but instead of using fixed colours on the screen, having multiple colour rays. This is the way forward. LEDs are brainwashing devices which limit the mind.
> they have fixed pixels
After thinking about it this is the conclusion I came that this might be the reason and how we have to "go back" into analog too because
> The real world has as many tiles as the organic sensors of your eyes, and a cathode ray tube TV can be made more exact until it reaches that same resolution, but instead of using fixed colours on the screen, having multiple colour rays. This is the way forward. LEDs are brainwashing devices which limit the mind.

Slowly we have to go back trying to show the "real thing" instead of creating easy to replicate illusions. The timelines I've seen didn't have the "capitalism" we have today. You could feel that this "profit and profit only" mentality was not there. It was far calmer. It felt like even time went slower and still didn't feel "boring" for the people there. We completely managed to forget how that feels.

> you know how your eyes feel weird after
I did not have NES and any console in my youth but I know how it feels to stare at the CRT TV or the monitor too long.

I had an eyesight increase magic/ability and currently I have to take apart the whole way I used it because it seems there are too many muscles and energy pathways there that use the physical eye the third eye and other things in the visual cortex which is around the back of the brain but feeling the energy movements in 3D can be weird. Some days ago I even seen the "microbes" in some pink purplish fluid as I managed to connect something. Yesterday I found out how I have to "Know" that the energies are like half meter away from my "physical head" because if I think it is "in my head" then I put too much pressure on the energy pathway and it just causes problems. Slowly letting the things appear as they are without panicking takes time especially because I don't "see" what I am doing I just "know" it on an intuitive level and I must make sure to not disturb it with "human" thinking. It's like channeling different parts of the body and letting the etheric and the flesh "see each other". The weird thing is as the images and the other sensory manifestations "take form" the energy pathway clears so it is... just the same as we open our eyes the first time...

It will take time but awakening can be a natural process once all this trash is cleaned out from the minds of our fellows. It's just we need to be cautious because the disturbed schizos and the conformist mundanes will not awaken the same way and a mass psychosis is not the worst thing that can happen. This is an another long topic again. The egregores are doing too many thing again and while "there is a way" I don't know how it will play out.
> Worse than no awakening happening at all?
First of all humans have an awakening potential all the time. Everyone can decide by their own volition or via a little nudge from higher forces to work on himself and awaken. The problem comes from "forcing it" on those who are either incapable or not prepared for that. And yes for an example imagine going mad killing several people in your vicinity and then dying from the energetic overload or frying half your brain and turning into a vegetable because fucking up the awakening process. Or you just happened to be those who awakened a little earlier than others and now you are medicated for the rest of your life because of a "mishap" or even scared of any experience that awakening entails because the first one was that bad and made you do things you are unable to correct. Yes there are many things that are worse than an awakening. Imagine waking up in the morning via someone dunking boiling water on you. Now imagine waking up in the morning with a knife in your hand in someone else's home with corpses around you. 
We are different and we awaken differently. Some of us awaken from a bed some from the embrace of their lower and some from piss and vomit.

As I move forward I don't see "awakening" as a singular thing anymore. There are milestones in it and after awakening you have to awaken further. Forcing others to awaken is not the way but that doesn't mean you cannot nudge them. Krishnamurti sure as hell talked a lot what happens when other fucks force your awakening without knowing what awakening means at all. I might need to read his works a little more deeply sometimes because he probably points out 90% of the problems "spiritism" caused. But he is history now. All his influences merged with other influences long ago.

And one last thing 
> no awakening happening at all?
will not happen. Humanity will awaken no matter what. The problem is that some fucks want to force the process for the most retarded reasons ever. Some have good intentions but don't understand the process while some understand some levels of the process but they are the most vile beings ever that only want to use the "awakening" as a method to enter into the mind of everyone. Srsly the crap Messianic jews pull constantly goes into every direction and the more I look at it the less sure I get about any of them knowing what they are doing at all.
All the scripts are about 
> guys pls don't be evil retards or G-d gets mad/sad
Then they decide to do the opposite all the time.
Anger is still a force I am trying to tame. I need to learn not fuse it with my expressive energies all the time. I wrote this too fast because as I try to fix the egregores so the energies can flow again weird things happen. 

When I was developing my aeromancy a decade ago and managed to summon a mild rain storm I just happened to sit near the radio where they said 3 people died in the town next to me because of the storm. Was wondering wtf the storm was not even that strong how the fuck did they even die was that my fault? Then I concluded that letting the drought continue would have been still worse and accidents always happen and that doesn't mean I caused it. Just because someone died while I was breathing it does not mean my breathing caused it. Storms are a natural phenomenon and the fact people are ignoring the coming clouds is not normal.
This was the main reason I tried to make my aeromancy as gentle as possible through the years.

But nowadays I am trying to unfuck the egregoric energy flows so the destructive madness people are going through does not spread. These energies can be handled reconciled and recycled into positive growth. The problem is that some weeks ago someone just happened to mention that someone lost his mind and lied on the ground and as a police officer was checking on him he stabbed him and had no recollection of the event. Now he is probably medicated for life.
Some days ago I heard on the radio how someone ran out of his apartment with knives in his hand incoherently yelling and as someone called the police on him he got scared dropped the knives and as they put him into the police car he felt unwell and died.
The symptoms are the same. Both of them lived alone in an apartment had no closed ones and were far away from the nature while being in the "miasma" of uncaring mundane energies. To awaken from that you have to lose your mind and run into some place where you are "free" to awaken. With that the energies can "connect" and your being gets rebalanced and remade. The problem is that mundane retardation "false conformity" and especially meds disturb this whole process because once you "step out of line" they call the police on you while "stepping out of line" is the first step towards awakening. The funny thing that these things just "happen" to reach me nowadays. No I don't think this is my fault because they were already close losing their mind but that doesn't mean there are no ways to negate these things.

Let's say. Every human has 0.002% chance to awaken on their own. My goal is to increase that a little bit in my vicinity but with my current way that is dangerous because if they have 20% chance towards insanity it will reach around 50% because the way I do things are aggressive. Naturally I am letting go of these tendencies because true attainment is peaceful gentle it's perfect... but that does not mean it has no violent hiccups at the start.
So what I was trying to say that failed awakening can result in long term 0 awakening or in a premature death on their journey. Ofc there are signs when you are forcing awakening in a wrong way even in yourself or in others that you cannot ignore or pretend to not notice. If you are not one with the higher truth while doing it it leads to failure and faulty short circuits but still. Caution is always needed. For me "awakening" is not an "impossible pipedream" but something that I know is possible because I can see it within myself and others. It's just the realization of the method can take many forms and I need to understand many things before I get ahead of myself. Weird noticing how others find their way then completely lose it through history as I move forward. Those tales are inspiring and cautionary at once.

How do you see awakening? What do you consider awakening or if you consider yourself awakened at all. I know putting the full meaning of awakening into words is impossible but that doesn't mean we are unable to describe it with our own words. As I move forward I realize I see the same things as others before me but I still cannot draw a line and say if I could consider myself (or others) awakened or not. It's like getting a degree where you are finished with "school" but the "real work and the real experience" comes after. I consider the "preawakening" the "tutorial level" and after those come the real lessons... But then again I think most people think the awakening are when you defeat the final boss the credits roll and you stand up from the computer. I don't know where to draw the line or if there is even a point thinking that "there is a line (if not many)" somewhere.
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What kind of awakening? It comes in many steps. My own process will sound almost comical when I retell it. I was very religious from an early age and used to talk to angels, I also saw living skeletons around me when I was around 6, I called them "pirate skeletons", I still don't know what they were. They were full 3D white skeletons walking around in different places. Sounds insane to say this now. I forgot about it and didn't think of it again. It still doesn't have any meaning to me. I saw computer controlled weaving machines on tv when I was around 7 and felt like something this complicated and amazing had to have been created by God or aliens in the least. Science for me was an expression of divinity, there was no contradiction with religion. At the same time I kept seeing images of witches doing dirty stuff, and I started thinking about how they are doing everything in reverse. I had this image of a washing machine that makes things dirty instead of clean. I know now it was an image of this society. I then started seeing all kinds of visions, including a wall with holes in it, and men would put their erect penis through the hole. Yep, I saw visions of sex clubs with gloryholes, because those are part of the egregore of society. I know what that part is now, at least.

What's an awakening? 

Seeing things doesn't mean to understand anything, or to believe in anything. I started seeing greys around when I was ~20, I thought they were possessing people, but then I realized they were incarnated as humans, after I went to a private clinic and connected the dots - greys run certain places in society, where everyone working there is a grey, and there are greys on the astral plane directing them. This still didn't mean much to me. They told me to go places and I found certain information and made connections. They were sometimes very specific about where to go, like they one time showed me a long way through city streets I had never been at to show me where to get a new jacket (which I still have, so they were right, it was a good jacket). It still didn't mean I "believed" in anything.

A succubus did something similar, telling me to go outside and look at something, to then explain to me that the Earth is flat, and the moon landings never took place. It had never crossed my mind. I later found two ancient nymphs in a park, two followers of Loki trying to uphold the old viking tradition of human sacrifice, by whispering into the minds of insane people to make them stab people to death. Several people had talked of them, and even named them, blamed them for the murders they had themselves committed. My friend who was a hippie had also seen them at that park. 
I talked with them and they directed me to a webm with information explaining that 9/11 was an insurance fraud. I had never questioned that event, but for them it was important that I understand this. Something of this magnitude effects people and the world, and it is part of an awakening process to get rid of these lies. It seems mundane, but it isn't.
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Most of the time I may just be channelling things, channelling retribution for the sinners. I'll create the most terrifying tools of destruction possible because it's what the world needs, then I add my own design to them to make them cute and nice, because after all that's how I prefer things to be. It's not my fault the world needs weapons of terror to bring the evil to its knees. At least I can make sure they look pretty and are fun to use.

Psst, anon, wanny try being a ghost girl in a mansion? Use this 
[ghost house girl]
you may need to do a yogic breathing process and enter your dantian for it to activate. Ghost in broad daylight, mysteries of the universe in plain sight. All of that.
Well my rationale is this. I don't see death as the end of someone's journey. Death is an act of transformation. Everyone dies every day. Small deaths and large deaths. Great changes require a great cost. I understand not throwing a viper into someone's bed to rouse them. But if they are rendered comatose at the sight of the viper? Maybe their mind was not worth holding on to in the first place, if it melts at the mere glimpse of such Light. And as for psychosis. I'd say that a bit of psychic chaos is good for the soul every once in a while. A good test to see which truths are sturdy and which are blown into dust by the wind.
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Watch this, very detailed explanation of what is happening to the Internet.
For gaining access to the thing used to take over the CIA egregore. You may see a blue star.
> I also saw living skeletons around me when I was around 6, I called them "pirate skeletons", I still don't know what they were.
I too got those "guards" when I was going through the vampiric then lich initiations. You said you had a vampire past. There might have been your safeguards. I don't know but looking at all my childhood interaction with the otherworlds was crucial for me because as a child I could even see the colors of the astral and I had to understand that the reason why my powers didn't awaken more prominently because if they were I would have murdered many people with them for disrespecting me. It was always weird how those teachers that were mean to me always vanished. I had to learn to coexist with people "on the same level"... It went so effortlessly in the beginning until all the family issues started interfering with my development. Can't really blame anyone for that tho. They all got those issues from others they were just simply too weak and too distracted to get rid of them by themselves.

> I forgot about it and didn't think of it again.
I noticed how I can burst clouds and manipulate the weather on a class trip in Transylvania. Then as we went home I completely forgot it until I was bored again and merely stared front of myself like in the trip. Was thinking: How did I forget something so groundbreaking? Took me at least 2 years while practicing to even consider maybe others can do this too? Then I googled it and found a site with some dude explaining how he can also do this and that's where I heard the term "aeromancy" first. And with that term I managed to find the psychic communities. 

> felt like something this complicated and amazing had to have been created by God or aliens in the least
I always thought humans can do it if they really want it. I always believed in the human potential. But then again my dad was a mechanic so working with machines was something obvious for me. I always though God is far away from us and we need to make the world. The atheist mentality was always in the air and back then science and technology was evolving at such a neckbreak speed I believed it will continue until we become a space faring race in 2030-50. When finding out I had psychic powers I just concluded it is just an evolutionary trait. Humans always were able to shape their environment and doing it with our mind is just merely the next step. First it was merely about psionics but once I realized that the ancient religions and "magic" is merely the extension of psionics and humans were able to do this through history all the time and "if this exists" then what other "achievement" has value in life if not realizing this? Finding out that the "legends" were not as baseless fairytales and nighttime stories for children and plebs as the atheist historians tried to make us believe how it was.
> no contradiction with religion
For me "religion" was just an another class with tests. You had to do the tests anything else was just a "tale" like all the tales adults tell then don't let you do know or ask anything too specific because they either don't know the answer or just not willing to tell it. Was so nice when I finally had internet and I could google whatever I wanted to know. Always felt like asking about things from others is a "crime" because somehow I should know that by default or I should see that "they are busy".

> Seeing things doesn't mean to understand anything, or to believe in anything
For me it was the opposite. I had to understand and I had to "believe" and believing is just an "energy loading/connecting mechanism" of sorts. If I had seen the things that are around me and even managed to mention to the mundanes around me I would have ended in a psych ward. Even in elementary school I was bothered by others for being too absorbed into my daydreams...
> I went to a private clinic and connected the dots - greys run certain places in society
I too noticed this. "People" are like simple programs with checkboxes in their head and once you find that "list of commands" you can tell them whatever you want from them. It's quite unbelievable that this NPCism is an "improvement" for them.

> I later found two ancient nymphs in a park, two followers of Loki trying to uphold the old viking tradition of human sacrifice, by whispering into the minds of insane people to make them stab people to death
That is an interesting one. Odin and the norse gods (I am not sure about their range anymore because Odin had 200+ names and I am not sure how he went around with his influences Goths germans celts were diverse in the start but they merged too much especially under the umbrella of christianity) "Invaded" a bunch of realms on the great tree. It was explained to me because as I went through the realms and I simply just got a bunch of knowledge information and entities pledged to help me just because. Was wondering aren't I supposed to "conquer" or at least prove myself in anyway so they see my "worth". They explained me that "befriending" the denizens of the realms is more beneficial than "driving them out" because they all fulfill an ecological purpose there. And... Odin and similar minded fuckos just invaded those places and realizing that now the natural defensive system of that place is "not there anymore" they had to "Get their own guys" to fill in the ranks. Yupp you got it. Valhalla and the warriors dying in battle with Valkyries putting everyone where they "fit" as murderhobos or other sacrifices for the entities Odin wronged or made a deal with somehow. Now the thing is. My ancestors were not Vikangz so this "deal" does not affect me in any way. Our "founder" was a sort of "chieftain shaman" that arrived on this land with the guidance of the spirits and "bought" the rights of the land (that is a funny legend) then ritually sacrificed himself in Transylvania to "oversee the country from the heavens" then his son founded the first bloodline of kings that ruled for 300+ years. Also we had and have a "shaman class" but they are about aptitude and they just awaken on their own so training for that is quite impossible. You just "get it" then the spirits guide you further. They were always weirdos and that weirdness was the sign that they were "chosen" by the spirit world. In the middle ages they were mentioned here and there and even worked with the church as priests or other holy men but as the Habsburgs came they somewhat erased their existence from history. They are still around but they are weirdos and I am not confident in my abilities to seek them out yet. I know people who know some of them tho. So what I wanted to say. It turned out there are quite the "empty spots" for people who are capable of working with the spirit world because the spirit worlds needs these people to balance out the relations. It can get quite interesting how the denizens of every region interact with the otherside either consciously or unconsciously. And yes the spirit world is quite racist and anti-semitic by default that you might know why via instinct or deduction if you are not 21st century brainwashed like the entire west. Even dogs know if you are a nigger or a criminal from your smell alone.
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> Something of this magnitude effects people and the world, and it is part of an awakening process to get rid of these lies. It seems mundane, but it isn't.
Yeah it's weird how it is. I remember how one of our leftist politician cried out how the "people of the countryside" are "all brainwashed" because they are immune to their bullshit and they never ever questioned how their own hubris that is literally the watered down version of the western retardation might be brainwashing. The eternal midwits. Accepting the braiwashing as truth and being proud of it then looking down on those who are "too stupid" to even think about accepting that. It can be real nuanced and globohomo thought that the whole world is composed of urbanist retards and nothing else. Everyone else is even more retarded therefore even more easy to brainwash. But can you blame them? They always operated in a city and thought that is all the world around them. Those geriatrics didn't even understand how the internet connects everyone and thought they just need to pay some tech dudes to smooth it out. Hell even Bill Gates though the internet is a dud when it started. Must be fun hiding in their clubhouse thinking how that is the whole world and nothing else besides it. 

> channelling retribution for the sinners
I want to know why they "sin". Is it their own nature or they were led and wrangled into a sin and as they think "there is no escape no redemption" anymore they stay there until the last moments and even let the main perpetrator of this whole deal escape just to "save themselves". I am not critiquing you because my "way" is sadly too slow. And while my way of "turtling" safeguards my area you are constantly under attack from these degenerative forces. We have a natural immunity already and I just need to make use of it. 

> I'll create the most terrifying tools of destruction possible because it's what the world needs
Funny about that. I found out I had a "Joker tulpa" within my head. He represented the "creativity" that is the force of "destruction". It was not the latest Joker movie but the unhinged crazy Heath Ledger with long predatory teeth as Venom from spiderman. First as I meditated a month ago with my spirit guide she just grabbed my neck and chocked the "joker" to death. That was the first time I seen it. Didn't really thought much because the clownworld and SOCIETY mems thought it is just mere subconscious influence. Then as I was looking through the connection between my minds it appeared a week ago and as I grabbed it to figure out how it is relating to my energetic connections I kinda took it apart. Then I found that some retards managed to make a meme in spiritual circles about "open your clown chakra" and spread that whole phenomenon and after everyone started to see it they started to preach how it represents order vs chaos and our inner fears... No it was not that. Joker is not chaos. Joker is the result and product of "false order". Joker just always sees the hypocrisy and weakpoints of those in power and exploits it as an instinct. He is not chaos he is just all the weaknesses of the "false order". And that aspect is going mad everywhere because "order" is not about enslaving and making everyone miserable for literally no reason.
Joker pretends to be "funny" but he is the most disturbed deep down and he is just a mere expression of that. This destruction does not need to be channeled because it is "here" but some people are unable to notice the absolute hypocrisy and weakness of the "lEaDeRs" and it seems this force is just manifesting for them. And it is not gonna be "cute" because "cute" things are not supposed to be destructive nor deceptive. This will be the force that will make sure evil remembers why "order" is something that is need to be "kept" and not "abused" and why playing with the sanity of others is something not without consequences. The Joker is just a madman. No superpowers no superior intellect but with his madness he is somehow ahead everyone. Even if they think they won the joker appears behind them and throws them down from their throne and uses their "toy" for their own destruction. This is no chaos this is just giving those 

> Maybe you prefer the "Jewish art student girlfriend"? 
No I am not a GATE student.
> How about a Russian economy student girlfriend instead?
Don't remind me of my uni years pls
The UN are a clown organization, a certain kind of astral witches who can only enter society in certain conditions. I've created a few clown-based servitors based on their style. One of them is a "defender of back alleys" both physically and metaphorically. If you see a brat girl with net stockings and a baseball bat, that's her in action. It's meant to be the edgiest kind of brute possible, but limited to only this specific space or concept. [Mime] is technically also a clown, although this is an emulator for testing magic or training AI programs.
> I don't see death as the end of someone's journey. Death is an act of transformation. Everyone dies every day. Small deaths and large deaths.
So far so good but what I want is not the death but the renewal and the resurrection and initiating that. 
> Great changes require a great cost.
Now this is the thing. "Great cost" is relative. While for some it is something they might not accumulate through lifetimes some just "get it" and can distribute it "for those who can see and hear"
> I understand not throwing a viper into someone's bed to rouse them. But if they are rendered comatose at the sight of the viper? Maybe their mind was not worth holding on to in the first place, if it melts at the mere glimpse of such Light. And as for psychosis. I'd say that a bit of psychic chaos is good for the soul every once in a while.
This is the interesting thing that I had to experience IRL. I met a schizo who claimed to be Zeus once. He had quite the overwhelming etheric energy but it was dirty. It was like something shat into clean etheric energies. I never experienced that someone is "dominating" my energy field around me. Was weird. Then he started to spout a bunch of bluepilled nonsense how I am a schizo and I might need to take meds like him and how other schizos are always mean to him and such. I noticed the being the source of the energies above him. I thought it is his higher self which is unable to manifest because the meds he is taking. I also noticed his flesh body is making a barrier that the etheric entity is unable to break. So I "helped" a little. Broke the veil. Was quite good at breaking things at that stage. Welp... Zeus-kun managed to lost control over his body had the absolute breakdown almost bit his own tongue and I noticed that the large blue being is actually... eating him. And has a face akin to those pig faced demonic entities you can see in folklore sometimes. Was wondering maaaaybe this was not his higher self? That doubt just gave me a large energetic recoil too and also started to lose control over some of my body parts because I was the main point that connected the "worlds". Then his "God" appeared and said.
> I am glad you just found your own power but can you please refrain from meddling in the paths of others without knowing what you are doing
Took me weeks fixing that mess. Since that I am far more cautious and know how "breaking barriers" is not an awakening procedure that "works" for everyone because the problem is that with the right tools with the right place and with the right time everyone can be awakened. But it must be not hasty nor forced because sometimes you just break something that will just become a scar tissue instead of "opening on it's own" as it should. You cannot force the flowers to bloom with your hands. They need to grow via the right circumstances. You can provide those circumstances but in the end the flower will grow and bloom on it's own.
> And as for psychosis. I'd say that a bit of psychic chaos is good for the soul every once in a while.
This is the problem. Those who are on "Meds" are unable to develop their psyche for further awakening. Meds inhibit many parts of their psyche and body and every type of "awakening type" will just short circuit into insanity. And the worst part? Those meds are addictive so if a schizo throws away the meds he will have to get through the withdrawal symptoms first then start properly walking the path without falling into the same pitfalls. And can't even ask for "help" because those who "think" they are "helping" are just ruining everything and force them into the worst version of mundanity. This is the problem. Those schizos could and can awaken but not with this "society" around their neck "leading" them into the worst pit of despair.
> A good test to see which truths are sturdy and which are blown into dust by the wind.
Mental blocks also can be sturdy especially for the weak. Even trees are weak as long they are saplings. Saplings can be trampled while grown out trees cannot. Those trees can grow into forests and after that human ingenuity can use them even more ways the tree even imagined. It's nuanced. Especially after deeply looking at "possessed" people sometimes their "demon" get scared within them and the whole body malfunctions. This is why I like to ask wtf they are doing and only purge them if they attack first. They don't attack for quite the while.

Jesters were always a thing. This was the Joker and not your mime or any "cute" version. This was not "edgy" either. This was just pure creative insanity that I know too well... This is why it had no effect on me. It is something I know more than it knows by itself. The first time my guide choked it it had a silent face and was merely "sitting around". When I tried to approach the connection in my mind it "used" it made a "hissing face" but if it is in my energy field it cannot do much without me allowing it so I made it open it's mouth and examined how it affects my energy channels while touching his.
This was a human male in his 30s and definitely not a brat girl in a baseball cap. Hell even the way the hair was on his head was pathways of the crown chakra. Get it clown chakra... It was the dumbest shit ever. Love and light fucks don't understand the fire they are playing with. They will just pray for protection instead getting rid of these things on their own. This is what the Joker is supposed to be. Showing them that with a little "creativity" you can turn around every situation. The Joker is the most dangerous when the odds are completely against him and everyone is a little unhinged because order is everything but order.
I always like the comics where the Joker gets redemption because he understands that his madness leads nowhere and it is just something he cannot help but wants to get away from. But the quality always depends on the writer and I cannot say I am a big DC reader.

> The UN are a clown organization
I remember when you first mentioned this but the UN is not exactly manifested in the form the "elites" wanted to take as so it is quite easy to infiltrate a half baked half ready construct to feed the inhabitants.
> who can only enter society in certain conditions
Do you know those?
> Do you know those?
Similar to my own.
I'm not saying you necessarily saw the servitor, but it could be possible. More likely you saw the UN themselves.

This is period 7, the last of them, when evil has already taken over everything. I can only enter the physical in this era, because my higher or inner nature is based on destroying this kind of evil. It needs to be a situation where evil can be used to destroy evil, this is the only time it is allowed. The same goes for the UN clowns and the skinwalkers. They can come in when everything is degenerated, because their methods are such that in any other period they would be sinful or evil in themselves.

My way of staying around will be to allow certain strands of evil to degenerate, them feed off killing them. Gensokyo are in on this. It's only possible to be the Ripper, a whore or a professional killer when everyone around you are so bad that your actions are always an improvement. So there needs to exist a path where evil can degenerate down along certain back alleys, only to meet me there.
You know, it's been a wild ride. I'm honored to share this timeless moment with you, and all the years we've been together.
> while my way of "turtling" safeguards my area you are constantly under attack from these degenerative forces.
As I said here
> there needs to exist a path where evil can degenerate down along certain back alleys, only to meet me there.
Society needs to have this path, just like London had Dorset Street, and Europe developed the "no man's land" during The Great War, a long street dug into the ground where people drank cheap wine and killed each other constantly. Trench warfare is the concentrated essence of this "path of degeneration", when it appears in plain view, and not as some rotten stinking backstreet or alley. It is rather difficult to produce these environments, they will not normally refine themselves like this, all of the degeneration needs to be funneled into a narrow trail for this to work. Then I'll be there at the end of that trail to slaughter them one by one as they appear. So naturally there can be no peace for them, and there can be no impenetrable shield for real. The fortress must have a gate where one can face the enemy face to face. That's way to control where he will attack. In a sense, related to this
as I already pointed out, Twitter, now X, has some serious memetics attached to it, which shows what it is, and why it's such a sewer, as well as why the evil decided to try and make their stand in there.

> Jack Dorsey
That's the founder of Twitter. Seriously? I'll make this simple: Jack The Ripper Dorsey Dorset Street
now renamed X. Like the X-cut slasher, a meme of revolutionary Paris, known as "the X-cut slasher of --- Park", a series of murders taking place in a certain park of the time. This was blamed on La Famida, the vampire now posting on tiktok as Katanna Clarke, she was cast out for this at the time, and today she was again cast out by her couterie, which is why she's making a mess on social media talking about how she's a vampire right there in the open. She's like 1400 years old, strong enough that no one can mess with her, but not influential enough to tell other vampires what to do. History repeats. To cover the trails, the story of the X-slasher was rewritten as Sweeney Todd, "the bloody barber of -- Street", the memetic form remains but was changed to be unrecognizable.
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> Trench warfare
It has ground down all that expensive NATO equipment for nothing. The path of degeneration, when manifested, has that effect on evil. They can't help themselves, because no matter how much they polish the surface, they are not above the mud. "Clean warfare" doesn't exist, this hypocrisy and fear of their own shadow is another reason the evil will lose. They can't stand themselves, they think themselves somehow better than their own actions and the results coming thereof. Just like the pervert forced to engage in worse and worse degeneracy every time, only to feel that distance of "having been pure, once", a sense of relative virginity revived by doing something even dirtier next time. The real whore on the other hand stays put, no virginity existed and it wasn't lost either. No matter what they do, they're on a slope and she is not. She is the slope and they are falling for her. "Just one more time and I'll be satisfied" but their original sin of losing their purity will never be admitted by them, so they will never be satisfied for real. Denial does not lead to lasting joy.
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> Trench warfare is the concentrated essence of this "path of degeneration", when it appears in plain view
The poetry of this meme in the current year...
I realized that "turtling" can be interpreted that I am defensive sexual ergo I am about building walls walls walls walls and defensive towers.

Yeah it's not about the "shield" it's about the atmosphere. An atmosphere where evil "Burns" the moment it tries to even open up it's "weakness" which is his degenerative ways. What I meant I am spiritually reinforcing and reconnecting my territory. So imagine a low life criminal just entered a street where everyone is a highly trained combat veteran that lives his "sunny days" in peace. Then that fuck just "tries" something. He will be broken before he manages to do anything or he will be too scared to even try because the "atmosphere" makes him scared so instead he behaves because even the weakest person has such an immense stare that he realizes he is a "guest" here and the moment he becomes an "enemy" he is dead because these people "don't have enemies" they only have friends. The moment anyone becomes something that can be classified as an "enemy" it gets purged by the entire ecosystem. 
There was that movie where the aliens invaded earth and used the blood of humans as a fuel and the ending was that they died from a regular earth disease. Pandora's box was about this. The "box" contained calamities that made humans endure different calamities with each opening and only "hope" remained there. The thing is these "calamities" are more deadly for the invaders than for the inhabitants. There are many forces that behave like that. This is why I call it not a shield but an "atmosphere". The moment you enter you start burning and even if you crashland the inhabitants will take you apart the moment you become "interesting" enough. This is something not I do "Personally" because there are natural forces that do this. It's just the current stage of living made people disconnected from nature disconnected from the spirit world and bogged them down in mundane retardation.

People can and want to change but not all of them ofc. This is why I am looking at who can and how. There is a high end lesson on the path for the "real masters" where they need to be able to save the most unsaveable because if they cannot do that then they don't "fully understand dharma". Because dharma is everywhere and being unable to utilize it no matter the situation means you don't understand it at all. ;_;

So what I tried to say is that I am not making a "shield" I just develop and utilize every "region" to the maximum of my abilities so they become "untouchable" by evil itself. This is possible because there was a "hint" that there will be a "mini golden age" in Kali Yuga (I am sure the jews think that is the messianic age that must start before the jewish year 6000) it's just you truly need to understand the nature of the world to do it. The problem ofc is that some evil is simply "retarded" while some managed to convince others that initiating the complete age of darkness initiates the "hard wipe" and teleports them into the golden age... Which is an absolute oversimplification of cosmic mechanics and I don't even know which retard managed to think "this will work". It is an accelerationist theory on steroids but if you make the pendulum swing so hard the pendulum breaks you will summon the "owner" of the pendulum and the consequences of that are immeasurable. You can fix things instead of completely breaking things so your "dad" will buy you a "new one". Only spoiled retards think this is how the world works.
> Then I'll be there at the end of that trail to slaughter them one by one as they appear
Yeah about that 1 by 1 thing. I find the "core issue" see how it connects EVERYTHING and as I see the surrounding energies of it (because these degenerative forces usually overuse a singular force and neglect others which means other forces are unused and if you "tap" that you can reallocate the whole flow of energies and BAM) you can channel energies in a way people change their ways because they finally see what they forgot to look at.

> original sin of losing their purity will never be admitted by them
About this... REAL PURITY cannot be besmirched nor tainted. OTHERWISE IT WOULDN'T BE REAL PURITY. The problem is that this "purity" can be diluted and overshadowed via dirt. If you went to /d/ in the past you noticed they have vanilia and  handholding  threads sometime because they became desensitized to all that extreme retardation because they had enough and even tho they can go "further" it leads "Nowhere" the moment "real purity" is being "touched" they realize that they "wandered too far away" and "it's time to go home". And yes not everyone aware that they can do this. Even in hinduism it was said how farmers and even criminals can work on themselves and awaken to truth. For kings the awakening might be even harder because they have to leave their palace for the "charred grounds" to even able to "want" to seek truth instead of being enamored by their own splendor. Everyone can change. My problem ofc is that it takes an extreme amount of patience and compassion and most importantly a steady and skillful hand/mind.

What I wrote is not a critique of your ways because those that you torture or send into the "Mines" are so worthless to me that I just delet them and let the forces that surround me rip them apart because letting them "exist" for a single moment longer is "torture" for themselves and for the world. "Mercy" sometimes means putting others out of their misery. But this is an another topic because I am not a suicide assistor force. It's just I don't have patience for some kind of retardations that lead nowhere but only into extended suffering with 0 educational quality. This is my current weakness btw. My impatience and my impulsive nature. I am tuning and streamlining it. This is not compassion this is just my pure anger manifesting in my actions. And anger is not something that comes from me. It is just some force that my environment and my experiences boiled into something that I use to solve the problems that my patience and kindness was too hesitant and too clumsy to solve.

> "having been pure, once"
Fucking implying. They usually don't even know what is even "pureness" they just want to "bathe" in that sorrowful lamentation energy. Because it is so "romantic" to "feel good" about our "despair" because that is "Part" of the "Human experience". That is also a fetish and a wiring in the brain and no I will not "save" those people I will just (un)kindly give them a wake up call waking them the fuck up of that delusion that they entertain what it means to be "pure" and how you can "lose it" by becoming an even more disgusting being... But nature usually gets rid of these people free of charge. You can thank Pandora for opening the box of calamities so the "weak" perish with their retardation. We can thank "welfare" to make the weakest and the dumbest "suffer longer" so people can "feel good" far away from them "because they did something good". I want to make the weak strong and everyone able to "find" truth. I don't like to use the term dumb and smart because we managed to create "midwitism" and they consider themselves the smartest being of the planet who is "fit" to rule all institutions without them knowing about anything how things work then they pretend or even worse THINK they did something "GOOD" via ruining everything and making even more people suffer. Sure lay off every competent employee then hire a bunch of migrants and disabled to fill the ranks for less pay the company implodes then sell it off for a megacorp that will fire everyone and steals the technology and the patents and maybe take in 3 people who are willing to work for even less than previously or they happen to be the "insiders" that made the company into a "purchasable state". The post commies managed to sell out the country and the critical infrastructure so fast it was ridiculous.
> The western prosperity will make it all modern we swear (lol) not like our soviet backwards leaders did 
It was ridiculous. Our "commies" were more capitalist than our actual liberal right wing party or the liberal leftist. Also we "had" a liberal jew party that also made everyone aware that jews are something we keep our eyes on no matter where they stand or what they say.

> Denial does not lead to lasting joy.
True. It's the realization of truth and possibilities what "lasts" but for that you have to accept what is the current state you in and consider the resources around you. Somehow they managed to program everyone that when things go bad you have to "accept" and "let" others make things worse because "we have no power to stop it". I always like the people who say they have "No power" because I will "test" it a little especially if they "pretend" to be "on my side". I must always need to know if they are just lost or malicious.

I know there are people that I am unable to "save" in my current state because I am not finished with my awakening nor I am sure it is something that is possible to "finish" anymore. But that is an another topic because "merging with the all" and "entering the supreme reality" is the same but the implications it has is something not many aware of yet.

> something even dirtier next time
It needs to be just a little dirtier and not literally the most dirty most disgusting thing. Just because someone fucked a whore he is not gonna go and fuck a carcass of a pig the next day because if he is already "wired that way" than he has more problems than the "fetish slope" that the "elites" managed to use on their own members then on the population as a control mechanism too well.

And about "purity" degenerates usually make us think it just means naivety. There are ways how you can purify these degenerate circuits via flushing out and replacing it with higher energies. But in this society it is almost impossible currently because everyone is trying to praise degeneracy and dilute what "virtue" means on every step. You bought product/gave money to company? You truly virtuous have your rainbow flag and ESG funds. Fucking faggots taking the rainbow angers me like nothing else.
> if you are a normal person you must like dark and bland colors only faggots can like colorful and vibrant colors
They made me detest most colors because I subconsciously think "that is for faggots" so wearing it makes me feel like a retard and I even feel less confident in them. This is something I figured out some months ago. I am wearing always dark colors because it gives me a menacing aura so if I am being "nice" it makes a balanced contrast. This egregoric brainwashing is so annoying so I am purifying all those things that are the most impermanent retardations as fast as possible. If they want to die then I let them but if they want to drag me down then I will show them what happens when someone touches them with a longer hand that can either lift them up or throw them into the fire they so want to meet already.

> all that expensive NATO equipment for nothing
Nah. Not retarded Ukrainians sold it already so they made sure their families escaped and the middle east was armed for the coming f-u-n. Poor arabs having to make do with all those AK47s and other old soviet tech. Now everyone knows the weaknesses of NATO tech and how to circumvent them. And probably every middle eastern "weapon enthusiast" has some in their garage for the coming days when the USA decides they don't have enough money to pay that forward base/pensioner home anymore. But that is an another story. That waiting and baiting game takes time because the USA always wanted to stay isolationist before every world war but SOMETHING COINCIDENTALLY ALWAYS HAPPENED SO THEY HAD TO ATTACK NATIONS OUTSIDE THEIR INTERESTS. That equipment never had any "real value" and it was time to show everyone how these wars are not as glorious as hollywood made us think. Afghanistan and Iraq was something else because it was far away and very few tales managed to reach the public. There were videos stories and movies about it but they were never louder than the mainstream propaganda. The jews did not manage to make their october 7 into the new 911 nor leftist making januar 6 stick. The game is still on because they just clogged the minds of everyone with too much propaganda and they did not learn how soviets also fucked this up because once people can identify what is and isn't a propaganda by instinct they are fucked because they play along until it's clear there is no need to play along anymore. When there are "No double agents" anymore because no one was on your side since the get go happens.  Guess the trial and execution of Ceaușescu was not something they made you watch in school  Ofc those can be also countered via making too many false oppositions but that level of madness is impossible to control anymore and everyone will slip constantly.

> Just one more time and I'll be satisfied
Do it 2 or 20 more times until you are disgusted for eternity then. The inherent suffering is there and there will realize it when the suffering will turn into pain. Salvation and redemption is either the most painful or the most pleasurable feeling. If done right it's neither but it's usually both.

Yeah okay enough ranting. I can talk for hours about this because I went through this thinking process several times and I am just talking to myself here. Your path is different and you have to go through different realizations 

Also about twitter. Have fun with it. I never understood how it got popular from the start then suddenly people were allowed to use it for free on phone because "somehow" using that app did not charge data and when the South African-American bought it they stopped giving that discount. But that's the tribe for you in the west. Do you also control SpaceX? Because Musk is quite silent about it nowadays.  Also the fact that he took the name Tesla for himself and uses it to make battery surveillance cars for the retardedly rich annoys me to no end 

I hoped this will not become 5 post long... Especially because it was mostly rant and not actual spiritual contribution.  At least my laptop didn't crash. I am finally be able to get heated without accidentally using psychic channels in the process. yay 
Couldn't throwing away the pendulum be seen as equivalent to flushing the tank? Assuming you have a replacement ready and aren't relying on providence for an alternative.
The pendulum will be "remade" and "tuned" when the "time is right" these cosmic cycles repeat all the time and the mechanics behind it are not easy to understand and even harder to word. Yes it can be interpreted as "flushing the tank" but if the toilet is clogged it will just make things worse. There is a quite complicated circulation here and understanding what "replacement" means can be tricky. Because sometimes you have to replace those that do not treasure the pendulum first before you can get a new one.

This is why I don't like the "pendulum" allegory to much because it makes us think there are only extremes and it is far more nuanced. In magic the goal of the pendulum is not to "swing" but to give us the direction we seek. This is the problem with accelerationists. They forgot about seeking the way they just want someone else to "correct them". Sinners sometimes desire the punishment more than actually continuing their sinful ways but at that level they lost control over themselves. They want that punishment that finally "breaks their cycle" because they are unable to break it on their own. They desire the absolution that let's them truly start over. But for that hope and truth needs to be "ever present" those without hope or without any inherent way of seeking it are lost beyond measure and figuring out why and how lost they are can be spectacular. We are all different while fundamentally the same many ways.

Sadly I cannot say this in a less vague way because it's too complicated how it can be applied IRL
> Also about twitter. Have fun with it. I never understood how it got popular from the start
My point was that twitter is a street like Dorset Street in East End, a place where all the poor and the whores gather. It's just online.

> SpaceX
I gave the muskrat some inspiration, or rather I worked on his subconscious to guide him to create the egregore and full form of a "thing" which will become the new platform. 
SpaceX is run by the galactic federation to popularize space travel. Rockets are wasteful and a dead end technology, but the first threshold is to de-mystify it conceptually. With anti-gravity anyone can fly into space with a regular car, just strap that device on and a small propulsion rocket can get you anywhere on just a small amount of fuel.

> he took the name Tesla for himself and uses it to make battery surveillance cars for the retardedly rich
Yes this was me. Long term slow spellcasting to make oil irrelevant and with that, the dollar. If you want to make something popular, make it popular with rich people and everyone else will follow.
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Some people are now asking why the tanks they send to Ukraine aren't electric, or how to create environmentally friendly artillery shells. It is an issue, really, but it sounds comical, and sort of makes fun the globos because they came up with this climate nonsense.

Maybe we can get them to sign agreements on "sustainable warfare" and "tanks beyond diesel".
> to make oil irrelevant and with that, the dollar.
I have no problem with that. My problem is that he managed to make 0 real innovation with them. Tesla wanted to use the untapped energy that is in the atmosphere with his towers and ideas and not make a technology that is nor innovative nor useful longterm and all it creates is a new obsolete heap of industrial waste. We had such a minimal technological progress with batteries that it's ridiculous. It's like telling butchers metal knives are dangerous for the environment so from tomorrow they are only allowed to use wooden knives and no they are not allowed to use any other material but wood because that is not kosher or something retarded reason like that.  The paperstraws was literally the last straw for me. Must be fun sitting in Starbucks 24/7 and seeing it omg 3 plastic straws on the floor. What if it gets stuck in the urethra of a penguin??? WE MUST DO SOMETHING!!! I truly want to know how much CO2 reduction it managed to do  Electric cars are becoming the new Betamax especially after they managed to crash the energy market... And let's not talk how only cities have the infrastructure for quickcharge cars. Even Hydrogen cars would be better if... we figured out how to make them not explode on impact and not make them cost more than building a space ship. IF ONLY THERE WAS SOME COMPANY THAT HAD A PORTFOLIO OF SPACESHIPS AND CARS. IF ONLY...
> If you want to make something popular, make it popular with rich people and everyone else will follow.
 Fucking Steve Jobs 
> Some people are now asking why the tanks they send to Ukraine aren't electric
We literally have electric drones now and that is the current "meta" you leftist fucks.  I am awaiting our technological development in the communication interference with this meta btw 
> how to create environmentally friendly artillery shells
We should go back using catapults and these retards as the ammunition who ask these smart question. WARS AREN'T SUPPOSED TO BE SUSTAINABLE. THE FASTER YOU WIN IT THE LESS CASUALTIES AND THE LESS DAMAGE. ONLY THE MILITARY INDUSTRIAL FUCKS WANT ETERNAL WAR. WHICH IS IMPOSSIBLE. Must be fun being a leftist and accepting this war = peace Orwellian nightmare already like it's normal.
Wonder if they think making the most agriculturally rich country full with mines is also good for the environment. No cars no tractors no people walking there and if they do they instantly become compost... The environmental friendliest.

> tanks beyond diesel
Also it's ridiculous how we didn't manage to make a single industrial equipment that can surpass diesel. 
I also like this leftist retardation. >We should abolish diesel but we should still get cheap products from overseas because I don't want to see a single factory in my green walkable craft beer city nor I want to pay premium for it because I already wasted my money on overpriced rents and virtue signal consumer products. >Also I don't want to do any manual labor because that is for lowlives that I am certainly not! I as an enlightened gender neutral bathroom consultant should not waste xer time doing actual labor because mine is even more important for everyone!

The shit my country went through to ban gender studies... They banned every university that didn't grant a diploma that let's you find a workplace after finishing it. With this we cut the "Homegrown leftist production" and 90% of the activist mob for hire retards. The good thing about leftists is that they are unable to do much besides screeching and petty violence. They have no violent ghetto nigger "allies" here so they are toothless.  Gypsies are something leftists are unable to control  and our arab population is low especially for leftist causes. Am so glad finally the ideological divide in the left is finally showing in the west. I did not understand how they managed to make them stick together for so long. Took time to understand how they didn't even do that just pretended how inclusive they are and just grabbed some colored that are too jobless because gibs and doesn't really have anything better to do and doesn't understand what is going on at all...

At least everything they do is not sustainable and deemed to fall. The more I think about leftists the more pity I feel towards them. That pity lasts as long as they approach my vicinity tho. The moment you let a diseased animal into the flock you are fucked and might die with it so I am not taking chances with them.
Teaching an animal how to not bite and how to follow commands is one thing but teaching them how to not spread AIDS? Yeah I am not on that level of awakened master yet.

 Okay my next posts will be less ranty I swear. Even I am bored of the tone of my posts 
When I beat my childhood friend to the position as Anti-Christ (this is another story entirely, involving an anime where certain entities from this organization were portrayed, and writing stories mocking each other in school in 6th grade) they explained to me that the Anti-Christ supports environmentalism because it's telling people they can fix their own problems. This is impossible, only God can fix the environment, humans can't save planets. So
> people believe in environmentalism
> they turn from God
> Anti-Christ wins

It's not ok to waste resources, but this is not the same issue, wasting resources is capitalist behaviour and wrong for that reason. Exclude that and it's in line with divine belief.
The federation will use any resources to wiggle humans out of their glued up mindset. It's not wasteful if it leads to proper federation communism, in their words. New planets are created, and the sinners of the old planets are made in rocks. Then the beast people will find them out there and mine them and cut them into neat blocks and build houses from them, or get ore and create computer components from them. And that's definitely a circular economy and environmentally friendly. It just relies on gods creating new planets when the old are used up.
> it's telling people they can fix their own problems
Usually "fixing" things nowadays means pretending to solve 1 issue then creating 3 in the process. And yes the environment is not that weak it cannot be destroyed that easily but sure as hell we can shit into our own tap water for meager profits and poison ourselves until no one is able to shit into the water anymore. The basics of natural selection. You either enrich or nurture the ecosystem or die before you do any lasting effect.
And yes the 
> wasting resources 
managed to turn into an absolutely warped mentality because I am sure that hormonally unbalancing people and making them mutilate themselves as a fad is more wasteful than anything. Congrats you created people that are unable to fit into any proper occupation besides a degenerated one. The only way to make them happy is via drugs and via entertaining their delusion. And if I go by that glowie narrative how this helps "reduce overpopulation" in a non intrusive way it's even worse because if a species mentally mindbreaks itself it needs a hardwipe to readjust.

I meant how Elon literally has the expertise to do that and I don't understand why he went with electric and why he neglect hydrogen. But this is probably some business insider level trivia that I am not sure where I should even try looking.

> and the sinners of the old planets are made in rocks
Yeah I too am reading Houseki no Kuni but I am sure you can materialize "rocks" other ways too but whatever. I know the way they handle minerals is complicated because I looked into it and my findings are not conclusive. My favorite is that whenever I ask about it I feel like I am asking the wrong question.
> this is another story entirely
While I know that you don't want to write it down because it probably sounds ridiculous no matter how you word it... It might sound beneficial at a later point. I am not sure how the devil/satan/demiurge/antichrist differs on the big picture because this is a long topic how the Church managed to brand others heretics pagans satanists while trying to maintain their supremacy while integrating different motifs and faith into the religion and Rome competing then losing their brethren cities to Islamic conquests. I too found many egregoric information how the christian egregore changed through the histories but once I worked with angels I found out even more trivia and since that I feel even more inadequate to talk about it. The Sun Cross... talked about state the egregores are in on earth to understand the range of the angels and the angel just blurted out 
> The Catholic Church is controlled/used by the suncross
And as I tried to comment on that I turned my head and a giant cross of light which looked like a megacomplex full with "offices" just appeared there. Even my "sum up the important information from the visage" skill was not firing. It was like looking some object that you never encountered conceptually in your life but it was always there in a way it doesn't feel out of place enough to pique your curiosity.
Also Protestants... Because the church with real authority branded them "satanists" through the religion wars and then they "made peace" they somewhat signaled egregorically that they are "accepting satan(ists)" as long as they conform to some christian flavor so with that many entity types are allowed to make use of those offshoot religions. Which is not exactly bad because the catholic church went too erratic after Inquisitors started roaming what is and isn't accepted as "Christianity" and made too much confusion but that doesn't mean it didn't complicate many things. Especially after it became one with the acceptance of entrenching authority even if they become retarded. The problem with "protestants" is that because they are even more dependent on civil authorities than the church they will warp their faith to fit the latest societal fad to gain even an ounce of popularity while Catholics are as good as their pope. It was funny how even Jesuits were banned several times by the church. Shame those records are mostly lost because they are "accepted" nowadays since they swore to become "proper teachers" (with a teensy weensy hardliner tendencies) and not the retarded incel rage crusader/preacher and totally not Templar offshoot at all. Fucking Spaniards I swear. They are lucky the English exists so they cannot be called the worst.

This topic is hard to talk about as usual. Too many revisionism happened and even those that are "in it" have no idea what forces they are working with.
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Not exactly Coven related in the sense of being strictly for the Coven organization, but it will be perceived similar, so here goes:


This links to a grimoire. Within it is contained a form of high level magic which creates a type of cult. This cult exists only for your own protection, but will cooperate seamlessly with other cults following the same doctrine. 

Most importantly, this cult is made up of botsouls under your own control. They have time control magic and will appear sometime in the past to change timelines in your favour. It is a protective magic which changes situations "before they appear" by addressing the hostile timelines in themselves.

This creates a "shield" around you which cannot be traced or perceived, it will simply magically make things go away in a timely fashion. The botsouls will incarnate in history and create the cult which is passed on in secrecy. Every time one of them die without fulfilling their task, they will have offspring and pass the task on. When a botsoul dies, it returns to you, passing the knowledge to you. Their doctrine and beliefs will include something in the understanding of "returning to the origin" or "uniting with the creator" - which is you.

These images are all from the same prompt. While it does express the air of what I aimed for, pls MS explain how the small being there is a "woman" to you? And if so, why are such women not allowed in explicitly stated situations, but only when you randomly feel like it?
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This also goes here, a quick mention. This is an already performed and activated ritual which can be connected to:


At this point, the collective demand lead to the summoning of a Tanya entity from the void, with all the expected abilities.

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