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Chris Cornell Wife Says No Signs of Suicidal Thoughts

Chris Cornell was not depressed or in a suicidal state the evening he died ... this according to his wife.

Sources who spoke with Chris' wife Thursday morning tell TMZ, Vicky Cornell spoke with her husband during soundcheck before he took the stage in Detroit and after Wednesday night's show. According to our sources, Vicky says Chris was NOT in any way, shape or form in a suicidal state. She doubled down and said there were no signs he was at all depressed.

We're told Vicky tried reaching Chris in his hotel room early Thursday morning but he was not answering. She became concerned and asked someone to call hotel security. That's when Chris' body was discovered.

Vicky told people Thursday morning he was devoted to his kids -- ages 16, 12 and 11 -- and she didn't believe he would take his life.

That said, law enforcement says Chris' death is an apparent suicide, which raises the question about whether he'd fallen off the wagon.
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Red carpet interview for the opening of "The Promise" April 22 2017
- States that he loves his wife and kids.
- States that he has to look out for his well being because his kids are his priority.
- Generally positive and insightful.
- Possibly on pot, but certainly not depressed, seems optimistic. 

Less than 30 days later, An Hero. Very strange. Very confusing.

He did not want to belt out spoonman for the ten thousandth time at another venue night after night. They are trying to monetize the franchise because this was a 90s cash cow.

I stopped posting info about this after Chester Bennington from Linkin Park died.  I was hoping that no one else would mysteriously die....Then Dolores O'Riordan died, also under strange circumstances. Drowned in a hotel bathtub while drunk.    

A lot of the stuff about Chester doesn't add up as well, and he was friends with Chris.   

There is a lot of conspiracy speculation about the Chris Cornell / Chester Bennington "Double Suicide" issue.  Much of it is horror/ pizza gate related. 

The music industry is rife with ocultism and bizarre stuff. Just type in Chris Cornell Chester Bennington Conspiracy in youtube...  I don't know how much of the speculation is valid but I might repost links to some of it here since the spammer necro-bumped this thread. 

In any event, in my opinion all three of those artist's deaths were serious losses to rock music, and probably more so to their families. 

I might post some of the content/ info / speculation about the Linkin Park Connection...as it goes down a pizza gate / horror rabbit hole.

Manchester England Terror

Post any interesting info in here:

listen on endradio channel 393 BBC Manchester

- Ariana Grande Concert at 10:30pm explosion at the end of concert.
- Explosion in the main forum 
- 23 murdered 59 Injured.  Lone wolf with IED, suicide bomber. 

Manchester Arena explosion: 22 killed in terror attack by lone suicide bomber at Ariana Grande concert

 May 2017 • 7:07am * Manchester Arena hit by suspected terror attack * 22 people confirmed dead, 50 more injured * Lone suicide bomber behind attack * 'There was blood and bodies everywhere': witnesses describe aftermath * ​Islamic State supporters celebrate Manchester attack online * ​Frantic parents hunt for missing kids  * Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn halt election campaigning​ * Ariana Grande 'broken' following the suspected terrorist attack​ * Offers of help pour in on social media  * Everything we know so far so far about the 'terror attack' * Emergency phone number for those who are concerned about loved ones or anyone who may have been in the area - 0161 856 9400

At least 22 concert-goers were killed last night and 50 injured after a lone suicide bomber targeted Manchester Arena at the end of a pop show. Witnesses described hearing a huge bang shortly after 10.30pm at the entrance to the Arena as thousands of people made their way out of a concert by the American singer Ariana Grande. Explosion rocks Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, in pictures Some witnesses described seeing smoke and smelling burning in the foyer area of the Manchester Arena, others said they had seen nails on the floor. Theresa May, the Prime Minister, suspended her General Election campaign in the wake of the apparent terror attack and there will be an emergency Cobra meeting at 9am this morning.

It is the worst terror attack to hit Britain since the July 7 2005 suicide bomb attacks in central London in which 52 people were killed.  It came four years to the day Lee Rigby was murdered by Islamist extremists. Grande said she was "broken" by the incident but she was not harmed.

Death toll now 22 Twenty two people were killed and 59 people were injured in the Manchester Arena attack on Monday night, Greater Manchester Police chief constable Ian Hopkins said. Mr Hopkins said the lone male attacker, who died in the blast, was carrying an improvised explosive device which he detonated.
$ torsocks mpv link

BBC Manchester:


The subject of this thread is bait. I have got a multilayered metaconspiracy hypothesis about Trump. It's so meta, it's not even about Trump per se, but how inaccurate and pathetic the consensus of speculative geopolitics is at guessing certain future events, the general "attention span" of remembering past events, the quality of the sources of information to retrieve data from, and how blaming a Jew is a counterargument to shut down the minds of critical analysis from transpiring. I will give a few scenarios and past examples, but I'm not going to "prove" my hypothesis.

Even before the beginnings of the Anonymous Imageboard, there were already Scholars, Hippies, NatSocs, Conspiracy Theorists, Christians, and of course, Jews and Spooks (government agencies) among them both, prior to and after Web 1.0 became available for middle class people with some money to purchase a Personal Computer and pay for a Dial-up connection. These old people oldfags have a firmer grasp on history, had more "attention span", but had less access to information. As time went by, more and more rabbit holes of disinformation and even misinformation came about, even unlearning their previously learned conspiracy theories to be replaced or improved with more information after it occured. Know that these old people oldfags were at least 21 through 50 years old before 9/11, held their beliefs prior to the internet and essentially didn't change much. These people are valuable sources of intel even if they're wrong about some things, they are justifiably wrong which is better than merely being wrong. Experience doesn't mean much of anything, but these people know somewhat on how to think. These people "gain value" in time the longer they maintain their presense. It's funny how Alex Jones is most likely Bill Hicks with plastic surgery, is COINTELPRO, appeared in a movie, said that he was a Jew, and he even married a Jew, yet even the most discerning people still value the contributions that the Infowars team provide in spreading a level of awareness to others even about very important info from better sources although if they named those sources, he would lose viewers and might get blacklisted. The guest speakers are very noteworthy people that are merely using Jones to share their own ideas, ranging from Trump to Richard Stallman to David Duke, Lyndon LaRouche, even Texe Marrs and Leo Zagami although ALL of said people dislike Alex Jones. Anyways, there's plenty of better people than Alex Jones out there that has a fairly competent understanding of geopolitics not too blinded by their own ideological purism that are old people oldfags. I am not said old people oldfags with a mind, but I picked their brains for a good seven years or so (but was awoken years prior) and still doing just that. There's people who's been on the internet longer than my current age, but again, experiences doesn't matter, for it is knowledge, wisdom, skill, good computer specs and a good internet connection that matters on the internet, and common sense is for sheeple. After 9/11, a whole bunch of normalfags fell for these rabbit holes and many had failed to see the real ones from the fakes, but fortunately, the collective internet consciousness had risen in the better spreading and gathering of information that was sown and harvested from those that invested in investigating what the sower had given some clues for people to look into that they share back to the harvester, which everyone became their own sower and harvester whether that be citizen science or citizen journalism, everybody contributed, remembered, and grown, looking both back in time and forward in the future through understanding current events and the history of all things behind everything that you can humanly gather at your own pacing. Cont.
What really disturbs me is the type of people that we deal with is actually the people that influences "we", isn't really that bright of a bunch from my observations, people that don't know when an appeal to authority is necessary or not, people that can't accept that correlation isn't always causation except when the shoe fits, people that think Ron Paul was an authentic politician, generally people that are excessively stubborn to their political, ideological purism from understanding some of the flaws behind their own statements that actually comes from borrowing the logic of their enemy. /pol/ and the conspiratorial side of /x/, regardless of the situation, is never always right, empirically speaking, but you guys have some level of tunnel vision, less historical attention span, and some long held axioms of truth predetermined by your peers that are not actually true. Remember when most of us thought Hillary wasn't going to win at all? Only a honest researcher would admit to the actual reality that Trump was not meant to be president, that Soros rigged the votes but didn't expect the voter turnout to be so high for Trump while the battle to change the electorial votes to switch to Hillary took place in December even through early January. People casually ignore that George HW Scherff, one of the conspirators behind the JFK assassination, did the mafia cut throat gesture in a Trump campaign facing towards him, that Barbara Perci Scherff pretty much given Trump a death sentence for beating Jeb the turtle. People don't realize the promises that Trump had made includes destroying the 501c3 thing to be done against churches that kept them from speaking up about politics as well as from being against gay marriage to be done in their churches because they're state controlled churches. Many things he promotes are very good policies, he made Ford and Carrier to build their factories in the US and hire Americans, he is a 9/11 truther although he's bluepilled concerning who did it, he might secretly can't trust Boeing airplanes although made it about money in declining in having them build the $4 Billion airplane, he even kicked out James Woolsey because of a potential CIA assassination attempt against him from him (Woolsey). What needs to be understood here is that Trump is still Jewed but some of the Elites and Banker Jews and Court Jews are not in favor of Trump. Newsweek printed their disinfo which was available a full three days prior to the election results which that recalled issue is sold for hundreds on Ebay now, most definitely a collector's item. It's complete utter bullshit when I hear you guys claim that it was meant to be, by you guys I mean those that left 8chan's /pol/ because you hated pro Trump narratives being shoved down your throat, although there are other valid claims to not stay in 8chan, for you guys wanted to have your political theory over dealing with the facts. That's why you will only recognize the wrongs in Trump alone and never admit that Trump did any good, intellectual dishonesty is committed here. Cont.

Another example is how there's many factions among the "we", which includes the Good Saloon, pagans, retards who believe in memes, various splintered views concerning NatSocs, cultists (like masonry), religious people, even pro Trump and pro Alt-Right people come here from time to time. Endchan users is predisposed to hold onto a specific mindset affected in the search for a home away from home, self victimization, hatred against Jews. However, they had become supporters of their enemies similarily in the way the Alt-Right was Jewed, so did /pol/ became an unwilling promoter of the Jew in promoting ethnonationalism which promotes Jews to leave for Israel. You are under a catch-22 that has no real answer to accept for extreme measures of violence. In exchange in securing the existence of white people and a future for their children, they still must support Israel. Nobody can ksay for certain as to what would Hitler had done if he had known what the Jews would do in the creation of a global secular religion called the Holocaust that directly benefits the Jew to be used against people that doesn't even have anything to do with it just in denying their account which in turn convinces more people to donate and promote the awareness of the Holocaust even more. You can't ignore the problem or else you would let it grow, while if you go against the problem, you would only exacerbate the problem to increase while your cause decreases because of groupthink. That's the true power behind any ideology in general, but it's only powerful when it's in power and also the majority. You guys then hypocritically attempt to or actually succeed to create a new axiom of truth within the collective consciousness in /pol/ of something that isn't true, claiming that the enemy abuses a certain argument even if it has nothing to do with them, then claim the argument is false by giving an intellectually dishonest counterargument carefully designed to counter the argument, which such arguments are engineered by some of your peers so that you don't need to think for yourself, you just need to repeat what they had said. Cont.

So how how much of /pol/ actually have a thinking mind to be able to tell if they're full of shit or not? Too few to count. We've reached the point where we've been Jewed so much we don't know, we simply don't know, and it's about time there's more people that are honest about not knowing the future, admitting to only speculating on things, even when they're simply repeating what others before them told them to think. YOu can think deeply yet be completely utterly insane. I won't listen to insanity, but unfortunately, so much of us are already completely utterly insane, being unable to find a proper perspective on things anymore, a false enlightenment based on knowledge without any wisdom to properly show what is on the other side of the shadow, the principle that cast the attribute, which the insane calls the shadow a thing in itself to be real when that is to reify an attribute to be separate from its principle as its own principle.

meant to say Goon Saloon, honest mistake, I fucking hate those people.

How do you go up against a catch-22? Find a loophole in their logic, but also go against their groupthink, but don't oversimplify something or else the context will be lost which then will be used against you. Making shit easier to be understood ironically comes with a sacrifice of misinterpretations and misunderstanding followed by disinformation when they use your well intended but slightly uninformed explanations against you back into the Catch-22.

Rhetoric itself is already compromised by having it being a set of things that are supposedly true and tested which many "fallacies" addresses which are not necessarily fallacies yet it is actually ideological fallacies formed if one has a specific set of beliefs which demands a specific taboos, redefining "common sense" as a weapon against another specific set of beliefs. Therefore, there is no pure philosophy when nobody can agree with certain absolutes or the denial thereof to justify one's specific set of beliefs. My very advice will be used against me as logic itself already is corrupted against itself to deny itself improperly through dishonest people with an agenda. Me saying this is that my agenda is exposing the general concepts behind how concepts are formed in words that I understand which you may not.

Here's an excellent playlist of that same guy concerning what he thinks about the universe. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLRwu5MPnojX9vvsy9jHVi0TNajy7XRW_

Wanna know the truth about the birth of Jesus? 


I should go on record saying that the BO is Endwall, I am not Endwall guy, I deleted /blog/ and abandoned my old account, namefagging isn't allowed in /horror/, and this tripcode is already compromised.

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