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> Dolores being the new character that the audience can relate to and does the adventuring in Season 6, yet her roll gradually got downgraded. Season 7 introduced a big lore set up and had the most cohesive and connected plot with some attempt to tie into the comics and such better, yet in Season 8, we have a school, in Season 9, the school is partly sidelined. 
yeah, it feels like they get the spotlight for being fresh but as soon as they aren´t trendy for the series, it jumps onto something else. The comics or chapter books take a break from that practice and show you that they have potential. But keep in mind one thing, the show was like writing a Bible, all the basics. If it goes wrong in its core, then almost anything will come with that flaw. The complementary material doesn´t feel as risky because it doesn´t reach the establishment for more canon elements yet they show was the main product for everything else. I read somewhere that Confalone felt much better writing for EQG specials because the freedom for that material was insane in comparison to the process behind a FIM episode (so one could guess that there is more pressure at writing the main material).

> I think the blame gets scattered pretty far around and not all the story adjustments were handled poorly (Dolores's role reduction probably being the smoothest)
they simply did what they felt like doing in that way. I am not all that bothered as long as the episodes delivered can stand on their own. The potential choices that they could have taken...yeah, one could get a lot of disappointments if someone expected the show for what it isn´t. 

> This episode had to be the end to all of it and try to include as many call backs to the mess of the story while focusing primary on the main core of characters. They had numerous callbacks, fit the school in, had Crissy fight Dolores, and even brought back the pillars for a bit part while having the story still primary centered on the mane6. Looking at it on an episode level I think they did what they needed to do.
and they didn´t do a bad job at all honestly. I am quite impressed that have been capable to combine everything naturally and integrate them as one single unit. That merit should hailed and worthy of my respect. They have managed to connect them and give them their time to shine a little bit in it. 

I mean, look at pic related. They have achieved to set up an Avengers End Game scene with all of them here. Relying on the same formula sometimes brings a change or two: from a Dragon Ball Z laser beam mode to a full Marvel Universe in one single finale. Those who wanted action in MLP,anything else will feel all downhill from here because man, that was pure fanservice.
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> I think a lot of what I have as a problem is more of stuff that should've been handled before this ep. I'm still a bit split on Cozy and the whole subversion of friendship, a lot of potential yet apparently they didn't even have a backstory for her, which just seems nuts to me considering how interesting of a concept she represented.
again if you are still split with Cozy, I can post the Feats of Friendship arc just for you and see if that´s what you wanted for her to end with another pony that shares a lot of similarities in the circumstances. I will go further with this in the comic thread if you want but I have downloaded the issues tonight, just in case .

> Is that the episode's fault though?
short answer: nope
slightly longer answer: it isn´t considering that the season was built up with a pretty calm ambient for its own ending. The arc wasn´t as tense nor promised something in the long term for it that could go beyond these villains. In fact, considering that Discord had controlled them for all this season, these three felt more like a challenge rather than an unexpected big deal that adds up more lore or world building.  

> it's perhaps something that should have been thought of long before. 
yeah. For taking a vastly different direction, we would have needed more showtime to justify it and make assumptions before getting the cherry on top of it. However, for this one the cherry was the actual cake and there weren´t any more lore layers to check out.

> Another factor that is perhaps a stronger line of criticism is the season opener, which feels way too similar to this final.Perhaps even a more desperate situation than what they had faced here as Sombra actually was going around imposing mass mind control while here the populace for the most part still retained their anatomy and actually factored in the end. But is that something that I hold against the episode?
I do hold it and this is the main reason why I cannot consider this finale as perfect even though it is superb at what it delivers in its established formula. This is more of a personal taste here. In the premiere, what bored me was the action while here, the action was really entertaining yet the direction behind it was so....by the book. As if the formula was there written and the writers only had to put the numbers in order to get the intended answer. I understand that lack of experimentation but I cannot avoid my criticism of this part. 

> I can hold the fact that Twilight becoming demoralized and going off on her own only to be encouraged by her friends has been done. 
> I could muster a partial line of defense involving the fact that this is a very very scary situation and this is the moment that makes the most sense for Twily to be demoralized. Perhaps some writing on this end could be better but I'd say that this should be here and the opener should've been written a bit differently instead.
perhaps it was because it´s her trait and what you would expect from her. But yeah, they had really impossible situations before and overcame them like nothing. Even worse, she fell in desperation far from home (also destroyed), without anyone familiar (at the time) to help her in the movie. But again, it´s that needed momentum that one needs for taking the necessary steps, getting more morale and confidence as soon as you see that you are not alone. 

> See what I mean? Spent hours thinking on this. I almost want to say it's flawed yet almost perfect
it is and I agree on that as well. It was competently well made but I cannot give it the perfect rating despite getting tons of fun while watching it.
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> I loved Pinkie Pie controlling Discord's chaos magic. It was a fun moment with perhaps a bit of implications.
implications like pic related,right?

> I remember especially in the earlier days they tried to mostly explain away Pinkie's seemingly odd abilities. Cartoon gags were just that. She just hid things around ponyvile, etc. Yet even in Season 1 we were presented with an ability that was shown to have no explanation and Pinkie's cartoon gags had become increasingly acknowledged in plot. 
> I'd say that Pinkie having something more than just beyond jokes was already pretty close to canon early on and has become almost certainly canon with time. Could Pinkie controlling Discord's magic after having established how hard and dangerous this was be them saying that Pinkie has a bit of chaos magic? I'd say it's possible, as in you wouldn't be just running into headcanon territory.
you have answered yourself and yeah, if we take the comics a little bit into consideration... I would say that your comment sounds legit. It was an odd ability and it seems that the "Don´t question Pinkie Pie" has become like her surprising ability rather than her behavior for being random. Equestria could say thanks that Fluttershy was under Discord´s radar....because if he had in mind joining in with Pinkie, ""interesting"" events would have happened to this timeline.

> one must remember that magic has been usually pretty inconsistent, especially in later seasons.
ufff, that aspect is certainly a taboo for me to deal with. Not a taboo in its means of fear but more like, I am feeling too lazy at establishing a proper solid theory to defend and hopefully, keep some sort of logic in all the generation. It does have some consistency at times but it´s ripped away and the hypothesis is broken as soon as the convenience for a random episode sacrifices its logic so the plot feels justified. Celestia suffered this hype in this topic and thankfully, she was left aside from this discussion of power levels in the end because goddamn, finding the logic behind magic in this franchise is worthy of a doctorate. 

> we have Cozy Glow being able to perfectly control magic as an alicorn in this same episode. It's strange to try to rationalize with how much trouble Twilight had with the massive boon of magic is season 4 final.  
> I could see some half decent attempts, but ultimately this was given just to give Cozy a boost to up her level of threat with the other villains.
look it´s so fucked up that I have to go for the writing process instead. Those struggles that Twilight had were meant to develop her character and take out a situation or two that would lead to meaningful interactions among her friends, not to mention that she could have been seen as a mary sue (and even without it, /mlp/ claimed that for a while) if we take into account that she is the main character of the series. Cozy Glow´s increase in the power level isn´t seen as anything relevant for changing the interactions among the villains. 

I cannot reply this by taking the magic logic. I simply can´t offer a down to earth answer for this observation.

> I'd really like to try to study the magic in the show because even if logic took a back seat at times they still tried to put implications for rules and there have been somethings that they have been weirdly consistent on (or so that I can recall) like with Teleportation and some strangeness I've noticed with the Alicorns that I'll hopefully get onto later.
Have a good luck understanding it. No seriously, without being snide at all, I admire that someone attempts to understand it completely. That topic isn´t made for me nor I see that it gravitates around a margin of tolerance in its own logic. As I say, good luck with it but I don´t believe that this series is made to compete with ultra defined basic RPG elements like Dungeons and Dragons or games like Final Fantasy. 

> It was nice for them to fit little bits devoted to such things as 10 seconnds flat and Cherry Chimmychonnga or however you spell that... 
oh yeah, that was nice.
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> I found the dynamic interesting with all the races separating. 
yeah and that setup surely fit for bringing back the Windigos, just like the story of Heart´s Warming Eve back in season 2. Reality surpasses fictional stories and this finale sure was clever at reincarnating it to this timeline.
> I remember that being a comon head canon early on where each of the races lived separately and just interacted/visited each other (Unicorns in Canterlot, Pegisi in Cloudsdale and Earth Ponies in POnyville). It strange after seeing all the stuff contradicting it to see a dynamic like that happen on screen. 
considering the huge amount of friendship lessons that were spread out, I suppose that some reactions never change and prove that ponies still hold that racism. And one would say that it is towards the other species but it is among themselves as well. However, as soon as they gained a little bit of morale, that mindset was removed.

> it almost feels wrong as, from a real world logic perspective, there would be those who'd still be completely tied to there communities.
this proves that only Ponyville is the closest case of finding harmony between them. Again, this show was supposed to be a pinkish world that is free of problems and it seems like it accomplishes all the ingredients for it....yet as soon as you dig a little bit deeper, there´s a lot of messed up stuff behind its innocent cover. Who would have guessed that ponies actually don´t get along all that well despite getting the proper education to avoid it and not even the entire continent applies it?
> But even from the logic of the show you'd think some of the ones who were family would've stayed (we did see Sugarmac) but I wouldn't think Bon Bon and Lyra would have split either. 
and where do they come from? Eeeeyup, Ponyville.The homeland of harmony....because thanks to the mane 6, they solidified this aspect more than anywhere else.

> This also sets up an interesting thought for other mixed families. Aw well, while there could've been a bit of more of nuance, they probably would've had the time to do more than a thrown away line or implication. Moderately irksome.
it´s a really flawed concept in their society that has a lot of potential to exploit and put more plot devices around the topic.

However, who were the exceptions to this rule, not only between derivative characteristics like a horn or a couple of wings, but having completely different bodies? Pic related. It sounds ironic that a few young students who are polar opposites on the surface get along with themselves better than ponies whose differences aren´t all that wide in comparison? An interesting topic to think about to say the least. 

> Did they do a good job with the set up? They at least had this implication with how the unicorns turned quickly at Crissy's suggestion that it was beneath them back in ep 17. There could have been more but it's I can find reasonable happening mostly offscreen with other plot points they had to tend to.
> We have some tiny background elements brought up more than once and actually somewhat matter (Like the fragments of chrissy's thrown) and others that seem slightly askew or DOA (What was the magic tree house for!?!?! Holo-Twi had a cameo...). It's honestly in the middle as I wouldn't call it awful but it isn't as smooth of an integration as Season 4 or 7.
again, only two episodes+ the finale were dedicated to the villains, there´s not much time for showing everything and you are correct that the sudden change of logic feels weird but I suppose that it happened off screen so the ambient would bring more momentum to the climax and more motivations for bringing the action and a plot device to reunite, in the end, all of Equestria for one single reason: picking Twilight´s side so they would reestablish the order.
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> who were the exceptions to this rule, not only between derivative characteristics like a horn or a couple of wings, but having completely different bodies? Pic related.
and not only them because those fillies who were giving the discourse to the unicorns and pegasi...I might not have paid attention to the background but it seems that they actually paid attention to Twilight´s lessons at some point (I don´t know if they appeared in the school though)

> Donut Joe's... that last scene calling back all the way to season 1's final.
The Best Night Ever. How many things have happened since then yet the episode acknowledged that such a little scene could actually take a break from everything. Not because the night was awful like it happened the first time, but more like a relief, only with the mane 6 in peace, as if time literally stopped for a moment. 

Really charming yet it haunts me how meaningful a little scene can get a greater lasting power than it was originally intended for.

> this does have it for me, perhaps even bigger than the Last Problem (though it maybe in part because of that episode). It just calls back to a time when things were simpler for the show.I'm at a loss as to what to say here impart because from here on out my emotions go into a wild divergence in what is some of the strongest ambivalence I've ever felt. 
those who have taken the full experience, riding on the ride all the time, it serves as a transitional point for The Last Problem. As soon as action ends, the feeling start with a really heavy weaponry that could crush more than a few fans out there. 

> It just feels like that small simple world is shattered in a way. I don't like this scene, yet I love that it was here. I've been trying trying to split my emotion and see if there are any rational criticisms that I can muster and I can't. It's a beautiful scene.
it is and you have worded it better than me. I am absolutely amazed how such an irrelevant place that no one would have placed a bet on it, being forgotten since then, can become like an arrow hitting at your heart. It´s almost like a friend that you never knew that it was there.
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> I'm not sure even if it's the scene itself that actually makes me so emotional with it. Part of it is from the obvious acknowledgment the show is ending though. There is a certain... pain with it all, but I'm not sure how to put it. Like I'm not sure it's the fact that it's ending on how it ended.
> It's really strange as I feel a completeness and almost satisfaction as well there to and I do not what anypony to think my thoughts are purely negative. Maybe it's better to say that I love this scene but I don't enjoy it. Oh by the way, that scene is also my favorite scene... I just can't stand watching it!
it´s a real highlight in my eyes. Along with Grogar´s plot twist, this one was absolutely clever and the most unpredictable one to witness. Nobody counted on it yet how is it possible to feel all that much for a mundane place like this one? I suppose that after visiting all the world and putting it to a huge compromise, such a small compromising place like Donut Joe´s causes a huge contrast that impacts way more than it would normally do. All the implications that are carried and stuck in that place, the timeless factor is what brings to a fan to think about the long gone past while going back to the origins. 

It can really bring a lot of emotions to the fans and this is why one should avoid watching this if that person is all that invested into the show. It rewards the loyal fan and the prize for it....are the nostalgic feelings brought from the past to this last scene in the two parter. 

Thankfully it didn´t catch me in a depressive period but this and the Last Problem could have worked as fuel for it. This is why I tried to avoid thinking about it too much by replying here really late at night. It can really bring lots of sadness whenever puts genuine thoughts on it. 

> 7.5/10 This rating seems low doesn't it? Keep in mind that 7 for means satisfactory. It's just a compromise. This is based on the quality mixed with my enjoyment yet in ways I adore this. I've wanted to give as high as an 8.7 to as low as a 6.
> I've thought through several times and sometimes have radically different feel for things.
well, that´s fair. You´ve exposed your reasons for it and anyone can understand why you have arrived at this rating while also acknowledging your own confusions towards it. Facing a challenge like reviewing a final of a show you have invested so much time isn´t as easy as it sounds.
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phew lad, I have managed to reply  everything that was posted in your review. It felt shorter (in terms of time) than I expected but I guess that not thinking too much about it certainly helped at going all for it.

I could have posted further thoughts that I could add for more replies related to this episode but I believe that I have given enough answers to your reflections for now.

I am leaving this right here tonight.
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well, after writing a lot of posts in this board, one gets used to the habit real quick. 

The biggest problem with that factor is that it takes up a little bit more of time than a native one. As long as all the points are dealt properly and readable for the users, the other aspects become secondary.

Even without approaching all the points that I could have exposed here, the length delivered is absurd  this would explain why I was feeling somewhat apathetic before you posted everything. I perfectly knew that this would happen.

And of course, I am leaving a PoLS.Understandably so because the thread has ended up too packed to even continue rampantly with The Last Problem.
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okay, before I post on anything else....I would like to say a few words here because I have butterflies in my mind that I cannot get rid of them...

so,with all my respects, let me post this first and then, I´ll see if I get to the other replies
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The Last Problem and personal conclusions under anonymity of the 4th generation of MLP (2010-2019).

So, we have arrived at the the last station that this train can reach, it cannot go any further canonically speaking after October 12th of 2019. I suppose that a meaningful review should come from my words towards this episode...

but honestly, this episode concludes and compiles every character that Twilight and the mane 6 have encountered in all these years for Twilight´s celebration. Comparing it to Magical Mystery Cure, one can notice that this plot device doesn´t come up because of destiny nor outlandish motivations for setting it up. Everything was foreseen and it carried a problem: the celebration was an utter disaster....and that was totally fine because otherwise this generation wouldn´t have found any have found that charm of finding new problems to deal with (while also delivering a few moments of comedy). Every day is a challenge even when you expect that everything is tied. 

Not to mention that the moral delivered here leaned towards a proper message of moving on but also, seeing your loved ones every now and then despite the routine and advancing professionally in your life. Luster Dawn implied for a while that their friendships were broken because of messing up that event but the mane 6 have faced way worse and after all, you cannot expect perfection even though the attempts for it are really appreciated.

Then we have a song that compiles shows what the rest of the characters are doing after a few years of Twilight´s coronation, especially focusing on Ponyville, the original place that (almost) started it all.

And the book closes the cycle, meaning that there will be no more canon events that the show can offer. It shows a final image of how much these characters have grown and look how Luster Dawn is looking for her own path after waving goodbye to Twilight in the sunset. 

I haven´t written anything extraordinary here and there are emotional comments in this thread that express the feelings way more than this....
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But I have left a pretty cold review here, right? How are these words meant to express my appreciation towards a show that pushed me to move forward and a reason to stay here?

Well, first, you´ve got to ask yourselves: is MLP really that worthy to be remembered? What is the legacy that will leave after a few years or decades (if anyone cares at all by that point)? is this series worthy material for qualifying it as the series of the decade?

My answer is: NO. Not at all.

Despite all my appreciation and admiration towards it in the past, I´ve got to be critical here: this series (or franchise) was doomed from the start. None of us need this and the message that delivers here is nothing new nor needed for the human beings. It won´t help us to advance but end up as a cartoon for kids with morals that one should have learned in their childhoods.

How can a series of a cheesy world and a cheesy vision be taken as anything serious for the critical crowd? It cannot reach that state of respect, not to mention that the target has always remained the same as well as its spirit: a cheesy pinkish toy commercial aimed at little girls (between the 5 to 9 years old). 

Thinking that this series will matter in the future for any outsider that hasn´t cared by this point is somewhat delusional. After all, the stigma has stayed there and the /mlp/ users were right: this was only driven by "autism",obviously not in the sense of the disease but meant to imply that all this time dedicated to this series is a waste of time and only an idiot would even dare to take it so seriously like this community has done for all this decade. 

This lack of knowledge, this form of fanatism that has lead to several dramas, this awkward situation to explain to justify the actions and attention for this series, the shame and cringe that has been delivered (especially in the early years: 2010-14)....would anyone say that these events are worthy to be proud of?

One could imagine that in the future, this compilation of events could be remembered in the future as one of the lowest standards that society has arrived, because of silly spontaneous impulses and the pretentious feelings that a fan believes that takes part in a meaningful movement that could make history.....and most likely for the wrong reasons unfortunately...

Again, does this generation deserve to be remembered? Do you want this to happen and remind the future children an anecdotal shitshow? Do you?

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but in hindsight,everything was beautiful and nothing hurt.
What do I mean here?

This generation doesn´t deserve to be remembered as simply the cringy community that wasted its own free time for this series. 

At first, everyone would be really scared to admit that liking or having a passion towards this series would imply that one has to act in a retarded way all the time which clearly isn´t the case here.

MLP has always had that stigma of its aim, its innocence, its seemingly carefree spirit, a cheesy paradise that one would point at for anything that would come up to any mind as the maximum of those premises. It has remained in that state for more than 2 decades...

until 2010 happened. But where does this series shine?
Definitely not because of any appeal in any generic matter. Friendship Is Magic hasn´t done anything new at all nor will be put as a reference for almost anything in terms of action, writing, morals nor visuals. 

In the action regard, it´s scarce and the anime fills this spot with much more frequency at appealing to their consumers. In terms of writing, the writers always change and it doesn´t encapsulate one vision in specific. In terms of morals, it gets inspiration from Disney and about 95% of the existent tropes or formula and the visuals are really simplistic and could have been executed with more expensive techniques or a complex artstyle. 

Almost anything that I have said here sounds harsh, pessimistic and it doesn´t sound that I should praise this. Because I could sum up Friendship is Magic with two adjectives and leave it at there. 

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It doesn´t stand out at anything in particular...and that´s absolutely fine because that´s where it shines the most.

Its vagueness, its uncertainty, its eclectic spirit, its capability to adapt itself for any new challenge...it overcomes that problem with such an ease yet one doesn´t know what could come next. And there you have one of the main lessons that one extracts from The Last Problem. 

FiM cannot become the cringy series that appealed to idiots. One has to focus on the context behind it and this is where you begin to appreciate it genuinely. 

The 4th generation has stayed undefined because at first, it was planned to have 65 episodes and end in the 3rd season. This series and even its creator admitted that it wasn´t supposed to reach this far. However, it was a lightning in a bottle. It appeared in an era back when the internet was sort of fresh but other communities were settled into it, an era in which memes didn´t grow stale and the transition of material for geeks was becoming normal for the rest of the world (especially in terms of videogames). Cartoons started strong in the 2000s but as the decade went on, the scarcity of good material from the main networks was really noticeable. 

Perhaps, the most unique thing that this series can represent in hindsight is:the unexpected situations and the fanbase.

Well, the sad thing is that FiM is not responsible nor guilty for the context of existing back in those first 3 years. I have mentioned that this series doesn´t offer anything new and that these morals should have been learned back when we were all children. But Disney was proven right: adults are only grown up children...

What I mean here is that we should have seen this material before, we should have acknowledged lessons of this kind back in the day but it seems that their consumers have desired to look for more of it. 

Friendship is Magic is a movement of its time, not a cartoon. Why?
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Well, the internet era has decided to abandon the written content to an exponent of lutheranism: learning from visuals and images and not by words. This premise exemplifies the existence of fandoms that take the base content, learn from it, embracing its content and then, dedicating their free time at going further with it. MLP arrived at a time when these communities existed and were already established. How did this fanbase even manage to happen and become a reality? We all know the story.

FiM did (almost) anything new in terms of traditional entertainment for the masses but we have to look at things in perspective: it showed well established standards, a world worthy for a RPG game, characters that over time become more unique and almost seems like they are living in their own world at a real time (ending up almost like a fictional Coronation Street). But also, that innocent "cheesy" part inherent to its name wasn´t all that cheesy in the end and their morals were digging deeper layers than the superficial ones that one would expect from species of this kind. The rainbows arise....as well as the problems and questionable choices in a theoretical pinkish world that we would dream of but isn´t all that perfect. This by itself, the constant problems, interactions, comical moments, the humble down to earth spirit, etc; has helped a lot to make a connection with the consumers. Nonetheless, the first appealing thing that makes everything possible is the simple yet so effective artstyle. Easy to draw, then it becomes easy to draw content of it as well. This explains the explosive amount of content that has surpassed almost any other popular fictional franchise that anyone can point out. 

This show exemplifies its time, mixing its innocent optimistic yet undefined motifs (postmodernism) with traditional values that collide with a sense of realism. 

So,one could say that it could be remembered as a show that has taken over the internet and showed the path for people who didn´t know better at that time and lead the internet to explode and gravitate around its appearance. It´s a show that has marked and defined the internet without having the intentions to reach that far. This phenomena should have not happened at all yet it did because any fan that has any interest towards it would say: "I like it, I want more of this". 

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... the show didn´t know what to do, hence my description of being undefined. How can you handle such a big wild audience that doesn´t actually know what it asks yet FiM has to deliver more of its own? All of this while taking it into account that those consumers were taking it too seriously for what it was.

This is where the show doesn´t simply becomes a simplistic entertainment but has to add more merits on its own. FiM got a voice in this decade because its fans were willing to listen to it after seeing how good it looked for them. That sense of serious business was transmitted to the show itself. One can notice the progression (yet organic) over the course of the seasons that the "fun" brought to this world didn´t come out of nowhere. 

FiM has received a chance that didn´t expect but had the obligation to become your fictional companionship over the years,growing at the same time that you do, becoming a part of you and asking to you that you shouldn´t leave it behind. It managed to grow up, change without removing its core spirit and, teaching a lesson or two? But to whom? Not only for the little girls but to those who care about it in general, becoming like a loyal partner that has a message to deliver while also getting an almost infinite variety of situations and problems. It went from a problem of picking a friend for the Gala (The Ticket Master) to giving an optimistic take yet implied situation of actual divorces that happen in real life (Surf and Or Turf). That´s a stretch.  The positiveness has stayed there but the standards have changed for its own self. It has embraced its conditions and broken barriers that weren´t meant to be applied to that world, yet it went further than those established limits. There is actually a tomorrow, something happens next. 

The vagueness at pretending to go somewhere but doesn´t know where it should go exactly...is part of its charm. I said that it almost didn´t invent anything but this isn´t true. It managed to interact with its consumers and in the end, encouraging them  openly to write their stories freely. There isn´t a wrong way to fantasize about them and I have exposed the other moral for The Last Problem: it closes the book of its ride....but the show tells that you have the freedom to do absolutely anything for writing the next one. As flawed as it might be, the show has gone through imperfect situations and this was proven with the finale. The coronation ended up as they didn´t expect....but that also applies to the show as well and your story and experiences with. I haven´t seen such a free will lesson of that kind despite knowing how messy it can get. Because this experience was shared with the others but it was also personal, as if this show represented a friend that you never knew it was there before having a slight interest in it despite its girlish looks that other people truly fear.

And I admire that. FiM has used that unique opportunity to give you a lesson, not for those children but also to those who want a relief and an undefined exciting experience. The 4th has been seen as an endless ride that has ended and one of the reasons why it might not be of any interest for outsiders is that they have sadly missed it. Those who have lived it will remember it fondly but those who didn´t have missed part of a weird crazy experience that one cannot regret at all.
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FiM won´t be put as the best series nor cartoon of the decade. My knowledge is way too limited and I realize that I haven´t consumed almost any other TV show from this decade for drawing comparisons. However, I can safely say this without any fear:

When Amid Amidi wrote this article, it sparked the explosion of interest towards this show, looking for the laughs in its atrocity. However, we have found something else. While it´s true that Lauren Faust abandoned the project in 2011, the show managed to accomplish a very different thing. Nowadays, the article should have been named:

The end of the cheaply written toy commercials era in TV animation

Eeeeyup, Friendship is Magic won´t be remembered as the best cartoon or series of this decade because of its eclectic highly stigmatized spirit. Nonetheless, it has ruined the previous generations of MLP because of its quality that is bound to become more timeless than the rest because there was more effort put into this generation and that shows. Only by telling that it went from 65 episodes to more than 200, a spinoff, a movie and its entrance in the comic world, you can notice easily how well adjusted it was.

Not only it has ruined its own toy commercial spirit, having to justify its quality in order to sell merchandise to children, it has has ALSO RUINED (yes, ruined) any other toy commercial that can air in the future on the TV.

As soon as any series has the purpose to aim at little children only for selling toys to them in order to get away with its poor quality of writing and substance found its animation, any critic could come and point at Friendship is Magic as a reference for judging toy commercials.This means that the public will ask for quality as soon as anything cheap of this kind appears in the future. Those cheap animations cannot afford to apply that tactic and justifying the possible atrocities that could taken advantage of. Friendship is Magic has turned out to be an example of how far a toy commercial can get, how successful and relevant can become if one doesn´t aim so low all the time, getting something to say and explore out of its comfort zone.

The 4th gen has received praise because it has surprised everyone out there, so it cannot be written in the history of animation (if it does) as a laughable product. It managed to establish a world and its characters, expand itself and beyond over the course of the seasons, mature and looking at its own past, and close the book before overstaying its welcome. Again, this is worthy of my admiration.
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So, I´ve wanted to look pessimistic because it hasn´t removed all that stigma as for the current year but I must say that outsiders won´t get surprised at all if MLP appeals to old fans in a future generation. It has settled really valuable standards that can range lots of layers: from pure innocence to an unexploited depth (but has all the elements for that direction).

I won´t say that the fanbase stands out for being a worthy example to mention out there even though it has an exclusive appeal: it takes everything too seriously. And honestly,that brings a lot of fun. I cannot count how many times I have laughed along with the dramas or Youtube comments that get typed as soon as ponies appear randomly in the media. It still applies to this day and it also shows the insecurities that human beings have.I wonder if MLP has become a product of social engineering, not because of its content but more towards the looks of it and how superficial people judge it without knowing the deal.

Anyway, back to the reality. The Last Problem has fully accepted what FiM has become and has left a little smile towards the uncertain future. The show by itself was undefined and here we are. I would like to imply that Twilight has been reading the 4th gen book all this time and other future events happen after reading it.

The Last Problem might not make the cut for the best episode of the series but it is definitely a real highlight for this final season. A beautiful yet really simple story that we have seen. Perhaps the most emotional moments are brought by those finale notes of the intro in the last song and Twilight fearing of the future, possibly leaving her friends behind after all they have done together. But they aren´t only supported by themselves but also all the characters and species that we have known in the past. This book has canonized every single one of them for the mere fact of existing in this world. 

This episode might cause a depression and not help at all to those who don´t control their emotions. Despite its comedy and ordinary spirit at messing up, those who have been invested in this generation, will truly feel personal connections of leaving this gen behind as well. Many stories from the fans can be sprung because of reaching this last chapter, the fortunate achievement of having lived the entirety of this experience.
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Now, I don´t like goodbyes. I don´t know with certainty how to end this with words so I will link a little hymn to celebrate it in my own way...

It feels like I have woken up from a dream and now, that dream is over despite not leaving its after-effects. 

What else can I say? We are here, not all the fans have gone through the entirety of it (rest in peace to those who didn´t make it) and all in all, it has been a pleasure to be "autistic" enough to have an entertainment that no other franchise could have delivered, maybe not to the world itself, but to me and a few more who genuinely cherish it.High fives to you.

The 4th gen ride of MLP has finally ended, folks. Long live the 4th gen!

So long Friendship is Magic, so long...
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My feelings on the Last Problem was more on the Last Problem itself and less so on the end of FiM, which I have compartmentalized as categories. I actually had a shortened review semi-typed. 2 to 3 posts. You post this raw burst of emotion... I think you put yours better than my burst of raw emotion earilier.

> Well, first, you´ve got to ask yourselves: is MLP really that worthy to be remembered? What is the legacy that will leave after a few years or decades (if anyone cares at all by that point)? is this series worthy material for qualifying it as the series of the decade?

I'm not sure if the in total view of the show reflects your's in later posts or is completely opposed to it. It be too long to go into detail now. I will say this, FiM right now has no peers in my eyes to be judged against. It is it's own odd place. Not that it makes it better or worse, just different to the point of an apple's to oranges to me. 

Yet what you go into with this point could be pretty similar to the point above. 

This is a very interesting take. Perhaps an elite one. I've seen various discus the show on it's own and sometimes including our fandom in various peer groups (one thing I have noticed is that a lot of people will say modern animation fandom, lower tier furry fandoms (sonic and near human animals), etc, but a lot of those groups see us an outgroup... something that probably be studied in /go/) but this is the show's direct legacy in the category it is in . I think this is a point worth exploring. I have much more to say to your replies, but...

> Now, I don´t like goodbyes. I don´t know with certainty how to end this with words so I will link a little hymn to celebrate it in my own way...

That song is too melancholy to listen too do to news on my end right now IRL. This retrospective you have written derives a much longer reply than I can give at the moment. 

I salute you  L23  God bless and don't feel any pressure to reply right now.
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I didn´t expect that picture to show up. That´s really appreciated.

> My feelings on the Last Problem was more on the Last Problem itself and less so on the end of FiM, which I have compartmentalized as categories
yeah, I imagine what kind of review you may have prepared but before getting into your replies, I had a few thoughts floating in my mind that weren´t about the episode itself yet I had to connect them with it (so mixing the lessons from it with the reflections would feel more organic) and I feared that I would forget them because of other things.

> I actually had a shortened review semi-typed. 2 to 3 posts.
you can post it either way, this exercise was more like talking to myself loudly. Well, most of my posts here are like that but it´s been a while since...

> You post this raw burst of emotion... I think you put yours better than my burst of raw emotion earilier. 
the personal thread and I am a real idiot for doing that and pretending that any of this matters. Being a clueless youngster is what it takes, showing a naked vision again. You know, reading the 2nd perspective of your verses  >>/5109/ made me realize that the flaw of that narrator has always been there latent in my mind. 

> I'm not sure if the in total view of the show reflects your's in later posts or is completely opposed to it.
it is opposed to it. The entirety of  >>/5119/ and the review were intended to show coldness and pessimism to what would come later. The indifferent review and that post are meant to prevent myself from calling it the best cartoon of the decade, cutting the wings for those who wish it gained such title. So the standards cannot aim that high and one has to look at the show with a more down to earth league according to its nature. Those questions are meant to remove any slice of fanatism or delusional influence for this world. 

> FiM right now has no peers in my eyes to be judged against. It is it's own odd place.
yeah, it is. That aspect and its own circumstances make it harder to judge and jump onto solid conclusions for it. 

> Yet what you go into with this point could be pretty similar to the point above. 
now, those adjectives aren´t the opposites here. I mention these words later on my reflections and integrate them that they are the nature of this show. They only prevent it from reaching perfection. The flaws come because of situations that could lead to some dubious choices, lessons or conflicts that aren´t perfect. Its perfection comes because of feeding itself from those little imperfect holes. The show is also undefined because those little holes turn out to have some integration in it,the fanbase has proved to have a bigger influence in it than any other cartoon would have admitted, the writers have been constantly changing from one season to another, the series hid the fact that it crossed the theoretical ending line in 2013 and that Hasbro orders for toys also mark a direction in its path. 

Again, those words might sound negative (understandably so) but when you think about the rollercoaster of events, it has brought more varied emotions and uniqueness than getting a perfect series from the start.
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> I've seen various discus the show on its own and sometimes including our fandom in various peer groups (one thing I have noticed is that a lot of people will say modern animation fandom, lower tier furry fandoms (sonic and near human animals), etc, but a lot of those groups see us an outgroup... something that probably be studied in /go/)
neither do some fans of this fanbase want to see themselves associated with fanbases like Sonic´s one (despite the possibility of liking both separately). I think that the stigma is applied both for outsiders and those modern animation groups even though the reasons differ. The former might aim towards the girlish looks while the fandoms have that stigma because of past activity on the internet and in the conventions (avatars of ponies, flooding media with them, compilations from the early years... you can insert several reasons here)

> this is the show's direct legacy in the category it is in . I think this is a point worth exploring. 
as far as it comes to its nature, the toy commercial characteristic is the clearest one for me at establishing some reasonable comments on its legacy. Toy commercials were meant to be cheap and a fast food product that attempted to justify the existence of those toys. Having such a clear popular reference in this regard like FiM, the chances to get away with this movement have been spoilt by this 4th generation (even to itself). It will be interesting to witness if it actually manages to happen in the future.

> That song is too melancholy to listen too do to news on my end right now IRL. This retrospective you have written derives a much longer reply than I can give at the moment.
and funnily enough, that song isn´t the most melancholic one from the catalog that I have. There weren´t intentions of bringing a complete sadness but more like a bittersweet humble happiness of living long enough to have seen this series end. Of course, I couldn´t bring a random one that wouldn´t mean anything but more like a similar feeling that the episode delivered. 

even though what must have happened IRL doesn´t sound any good and what´s worse is that I might get an idea of it. That´s haunting and little bit inconvenient to do this from my part. Sorry if it that became more painful than it was intended for 

> God bless and don't feel any pressure to reply right now.
neither do you. In fact, I still have to reply to your GCR but I think that it deserves to get a proper focus and get fully immersed with it beforehand. 

you are probably right. From  >>/5121/ onwards,the positiveness and the central points (besides the affirmative answer of not being the best series ever at all) actually start. The tone changes and so, reading these reflections become a little bit more pleasant for anyone who has any interest in reading them.
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and as you have said to me, take your time and there´s no pressure at replying this. Not everything here is meant to be replied because again, that emotional burst comes as talking to myself that you are un/fortunate to read them and you wouldn´t see these thoughts anywhere else. I wouldn´t say this nor reach this level of expressing so clearly my inner thoughts in real life even. 

See you in the undefined space at the end of the universe. Take care of yourselves.
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Hi. Not sure how to word this as in a way that doesn't sound awkward, but if you happen to wander on by here again I have a question I'd like to ask you. I'm not L23 or the other guy. Just a fellow lurker  and even you ar an oldfag compared to me I don't want to waste your time but there is something in your words that struck me.
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You seem really eager to ask him a question, almost strangely so. It does feel almost a little strange yet I get the feel of having a burning question for an anon you bumped into once or saw in passing when it comes to mind. I am curious on what you have to ask.

Howdy 5050 poster!  if you don't mind me calling you by what L23 has dubbed you  

>  I just wasn't finding the time to make full replies since I have a full job again

Yeah I can understand that, especially with how big are replies are a lot of the time. Still, you are welcome to post anytime  and there is a couple of threads in th future that I think would be easier to handle should they interest you  Best of luck on the job and I hope it's more a blessing than a curse.
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> I hope I don't come across as too strange. Also, when the time comes, would it be alright if I made a seperate thread just so I don't derail this?

No problem.

If this is a message I don't follow (cadence saw? Violation of NAP?). As a shitpost I must say you have an interesting style. For as badly drawn it is the animation is pretty smooth.
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Meets and greets friend
> I don´t know how to reply to this but it seems that this thread has pulled that trigger inside you for that review.
It definitely did. The reviews in this thread reminded me of how significant the show has been in my life, and I wanted to commemorate it's end somehow. Aside from that it's just a really good thread. 
> /mlp/´s discussion thread for the episodes only last one single day, so if you miss that Saturday, then it´s done, the discussion is not located anywhere except between the shitposts, forcing yourself to find any place to discuss something.
Exactly, and I'm more used to the pace of smaller *chans to boot, so keeping up with a 4chan board is hard enough without trying to post on it too.
>  The discussion for the leaked episodes have had a more laid back tone here because we agreed to do the complete opposite of /mlp/: instead of rushing the thoughts like /mlp/ did with the leaks in August (watching the episodes once and never coming back), the board decided to discuss them at its own pace, hence why I haven´t posted mine about the finale yet (waiting for Bridgefag´s thoughts to come first). Not to mention that we have other ideas, projects or other things in our lives. 
I think that's why it's great, even if not a huge amount of people read it like /mlp/.
> are you me? really? Because I have felt that way especially in my childhood and teenage years. These days I can handle this aspect better but still have effects of that behavior sometimes. If you are describing me, you are nailing it blindly.
Was that alienation a factor in discovering MLP for you as well?
> Hopefully you recover from that lack of experience.
It's always a bit complicated figuring out personal failings since often you're not sure you'd even be the same person without them, but thanks.
> What could be fan pandering to you might be a disservice for others and without replying in relative terms,that´s my answer towards it. For gen 5 or future content,that vision can change though.
Fan service/pandering in gen 4 was a double-edged sword, I think. On the one hand, the fans generally like it and it gives an extra layer to the humor. On the other, it smothers that original, sincere and earnest approach the show had early on when it wasn't as self-aware. Though fan-pandering in the later seasons didn't completely ruin it, I think if they want gen 5 to be good they need to ensure there's no fan-pandering this time around, however.
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so you are 5050...let´s reply to it:

> It definitely did. The reviews in this thread reminded me of how significant the show has been in my life, and I wanted to commemorate it's end somehow. Aside from that it's just a really good thread. 
damn, well there aren´t expectations to cause such feelings like those. Sure some posts are written with a bare mindset and heartfelt in an sporadic way, just that I didn´t imagine that someone would reach this far and trigger such feelings for others. As for the show ending, I mean, who wouldn´t commemorate it? I didn´t know how to review it and it ended up more as an appreciation for FiM in general. Watching that episode (especially when it released for the first time) was hard and it´s food for feels without being sad in its core.

> I'm more used to the pace of smaller *chans to boot, so keeping up with a 4chan board is hard enough without trying to post on it too.
well, I´ve known /mlp/ since late 2014 and I must say that they are going pretty slow relatively speaking, at a rhythm of 10k posts, your thread could fall in less than two hours in its peaks of activity. Since 2016, the generals have been very easy to keep up and bump constantly. But yeah, in terms of show discussion, it´s mostly scarce and the threads dedicated to the show are either clickbait for annoying "insert X group of anons" or any excuse to complain about it.  

8kun has come back so I guess that you have that medium as well but the /8pone/ community has to notice it and make a few efforts in order to stay active again.  As for this place, thanks for saying that this is a good thread but keep in mind, these reviews have only come from a Spanish person whose vocabulary isn´t all that big and a Texan, both former lurkers. No magic whatsoever nor wizardry. Sometimes, we used additional points of discussion as an excuse to talk about something different and keep ourselves entertained but that´s it. If you like that, that´s great honestly. 

> I think that's why it's great, even if not a huge amount of people read it like /mlp/.
we have been discussing a few times if /endpone/ should be like /mlp/ and the conclusion was that...if you have /mlp/ and want more of /mlp/, this board wouldn´t make much sense when the average fan would go for the faster board first. We accepted our circumstances, we decided to take our time, review the episodes with the rhythm that we could follow at that time and expanding the discussion of each episode before entering into the next one. 

And I don´t know who has been reading this honestly nor I set up my mind for that too much. I know that you do because you have written it here, otherwise I wouldn´t know if someone else actually did.  At the end of the day, this has turned out to work more as a personal public chat than anything else, not to mention that I expect lees than nothing because at anytime, this thread (and this goes for the board in general) could have become a huge mess of shitposts or spam, but it has received a few reviews worthy to discuss or think about for a while. So yeah, that was accomplished.
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> Was that alienation a factor in discovering MLP for you as well?
well, I discovered MLP because during the summer of 2014, I was bored as hell and barely any friends to meet during that month (because they were on vacation) and I was looking for the old shows or something to entertain myself with. I could have ended up watching the Pokemon anime but as there were so many episodes to watch and I knew that protagonist suffered resets in his mind, I didn´t bother. After watching a Top 10 of kids shows that adults enjoy, I was astonished to see that MLP was there and I challenged to myself to survive the 4 seasons without becoming homo nor a public mess who unironically believes in fairy tales. So it was a challenge at first and then, after the 2nd and the 4th seasons, I began to enjoy it for what it was entirely.

As for the alienation of becoming silent and awkward socially, it´s mostly that I am an introvert that gets shamed and wants to get unnoticed most of the time, or at times, I don´t have anything to say in the conversations, I don´t usually lead them, I feel tired if I have to come up for ideas spontaneously during long periods. I am more of a supportive listener even though at times, I offer long talks and speaking a lot....in this board, it shows the latter case. 

Was it a reason to discover MLP? Most likely yes, considering that an introvert does have more time for himself and my tastes were aimed towards video games and a few cartoons/movies, it doesn´t sound outlandish at all to end up with this series.
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> It's always a bit complicated figuring out personal failings since often you're not sure you'd even be the same person without them, but thanks.
I guess that someone takes a lesson or becomes  a different person because of that kind. Anyway,you are welcome.

> Fan service/pandering in gen 4 was a double-edged sword, I think.
very. The term changes constantly and it relies on desires that supposedly come from an "homogeneous" community when their views might not be shared or all that popular during a certain period (watch out, it doesn´t always stay consistent in those wishes). So how is the show pandering to anyone? I suppose that for example, making Derpy appear on the show more times could count but, at what point does she become an integrated part of it when her appearance feels no longer special to the fans? 

> On the one hand, the fans generally like it and it gives an extra layer to the humor.
well, that works for quick gags, memes or a carefree background (almost secondary) character like Derpy but a part of FiM relies on comedy so those layers, like you say, serves as that extra layer as the cherry on top of the cake.

> On the other, it smothers that original, sincere and earnest approach the show had early on when it wasn't as self-aware. 
yeah, like Pinkie rapping out of nowhere or going full meta with Fame and Misfortune. It feels somewhat corrupted or out of place. It truly depends on each case and how it flows among the rest of the elements for that episode. 

> Though fan-pandering in the later seasons didn't completely ruin it, I think if they want gen 5 to be good they need to ensure there's no fan-pandering this time around, however.
I don´t know. I wouldn´t discard it considering that Hasbro knows the audience who actually watches it. The fan pandering has become more subtle or...a plot device if taken further (The Perfect Pear). When you integrate that gimmick, then you expect it and I applaud the series for getting away with those risks and then, going back with the same spirit all over again. But anyway, most fan-pandering has turned around the lore, the world or the characters. Frenemies was the ultimate fan pandering that one fan of villains could wish for. Cheese Sandwich in Pinkie Pride was a fan favorite but what if he came back for a second episode? The Last Laugh becomes less special the 2nd time Weird Al gets featured and the episode has to offer something else other than his presence and so, the slice of life spirit comes back in order to justify that desire. Just like Trixie coming back in season 6.

Fan pandering always requires specific examples (I would suggest to go for specific topics and then, digging them deeper for what they are for each case) and it´s damn hard to generalize it without finding holes in the statements (my own) but yeah, I feel that seasons 8 and 9 have slowed down that trend of showing fan pandering directly to your face and more relying on subtlety for introducing it (except maybe Twilight´s Seven but even that episode advanced the Twilight´s arc), not to mention that my thoughts about these seasons (at the time) are here.
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>  The reviews in this thread reminded me of how significant the show has been in my life, and I wanted to commemorate it's end somehow. 

In a way that was the same for me as well (because when reviewing and comparing, it caused me to look back at how far the show came). 

> Aside from that it's just a really good thread. 

You know? Looking at it I agree. Keeping in mind that it is mostly a correspondence between two anons who have a limited experience in both analysis, reviewing and even grammar. A lot of ground was covered. Personal reflections, themes of the lessons, unironic lore analysis at times. 

> Exactly, and I'm more used to the pace of smaller *chans to boot, so keeping up with a 4chan board is hard enough without trying to post on it too.

Me too. Though /mlp/ has slowed from it's prime, I sometimes after not visiting in a week have a hard time with keeping tabs on things  well, I have become somewhat unused to IRL stuff 

> Was that alienation a factor in discovering MLP for you as well?

Though this is to  L23  I may relate to this in that my friend circle collapsed do to drama and FiM was the only thing running that I liked. Though saying that I just consume it is probably an understatement as I identify with it and it had an affect  it played a huge part in saving certain aspects of myself that may have otherwise died in teenage/adulthood. 

> Though fan-pandering in the later seasons didn't completely ruin it, I think if they want gen 5 to be good they need to ensure there's no fan-pandering this time around, however.

Depends on what you define as fan pandering. As a whole you could include any attempt to bring the show beyond it's limits as fan pandering. Some of the more complex plots and things with a slight adult edge can still maintain the tone of the show. That can be done wrong but I do not think on it's own is bad and they should aim for some hint of complexity or depth with themes. Than there is fan pandering in the sense of trying to write to the fandom's desires and expectations, this is okay in moderate dosages but when taken beyond can be feel offputting and wrong to the tone of the show. For example: The show puts in as many characters, shippings and call backs as possible that it almost feels like they aren't going with a plot as much as a checklist  Slice of Life  Though I did like it on it's own , Season 7's and to a lesser extent Season 6's final you could say have that feel. That I am in more agreement. Then finally there is meta jokes. I consider these to be my worst fear any franchise because a few are fun but often people get addicted to them and break immersion with snark and humor poking fun at how the plot usually works, and emotional moments. (Look the Princesses are finally helping. Friendship lasers! Bla bla bla you get it). Though MLP usually only flirted than cross the line for me. I'm in 100% agreement here in keeping that under a very tight rope.
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Index for the reviews and discussion posted in this thread (from-to)

The Beginning of the End:  >>/3918/ -  >>/3956/

Uprooted:  >>/3969/ -  >>/3995/

Twilight´s Seven:  >>/4012/ -  >>/4035/

The Point Of No Return:  >>/4036/ -  >>/4050/

Common Ground:  >>/4048/ -  >>/4093/

She´s All Yak:  >>/4111/ -  >>/4112/

Frenemies:  >>/4124/ -  >>/4133/

Sweet and Smoky:  >>/4187/ -  >>/4263/

Going To Seed:  >>/4220/ -  >>/4262/ +  >>/4270/ +  >>/4281/ -  >>/4285/

Student Counsel:  >>/4247/ -  >>/4263/

Rainbow Roadtrip:  >>/4331/ +  >>/4382/ +  >>/4419/ -  >>/4422/ +  >>/4458/ -  >>/4464/

The Last Crusade:  >>/4287/ -  >>/4294/ +  >>/4432/ -  >>/4437/

Between Dusk and Dawn:  >>/4379/ -  >>/4381/ +  >>/4424/ -  >>/4427/ +  >>/4477/
Index for the reviews and discussion posted in this thread (from-to), part 2:

The Last Laugh:  >>/4482/ -  >>/4521/ +  >>/4526/ -  >>/4532/

2,4,6 Great:  >>/4503/ +  >>/4523/ -  >>/4538/

A Trivial Pursuit:  >>/4554/ -  >>/4578/

The Summer Sun Setback:  >>/4587/ -  >>/4619/

She Talks to Angel:  >>/4687/ -  >>/4693/

Dragon Dropped:  >>/4694/ -  >>/4704/

A Horse Shoe In:  >>/4717/ -  >>/4728/

Daring Doubt:  >>/4718/ -  >>/4731/

Growing Up Is Hard To Do:  >>/4747/ -  >>/4775/

The Big Mac Question:  >>/4767/ -  >>/4790/

When the finale aired (reaction):  >>/4801/ -  >>/4822/

The Ending of the End:  >>/4893/ -  >>/4920/ +  >>/5033/ -  >>/5039/ +  >>/5057/ -  >>/5071/

The Last Problem:  >>/4900/ -  >>/5001/ +  >>/5045/ -  >>/5054/ +  >>/5118/ -  >>/5135/

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Index for the reviews and discussion posted in this thread (from-to), part 2 (fixed):

The Last Laugh:  >>/4482/ -  >>/4521/ +  >>/4526/ -  >>/4532/

2,4,6 Great:  >>/4503/ +  >>/4523/ -  >>/4538/

A Trivial Pursuit:  >>/4554/ -  >>/4578/

The Summer Sun Setback:  >>/4587/ -  >>/4619/

She Talks to Angel:  >>/4687/ -  >>/4693/

Dragon Dropped:  >>/4694/ -  >>/4704/

A Horse Shoe In:  >>/4717/ -  >>/4728/

Daring Doubt:  >>/4718/ -  >>/4731/

Growing Up Is Hard To Do:  >>/4747/ -  >>/4775/

The Big Mac Question:  >>/4767/ -  >>/4790/

When the finale aired (reaction):  >>/4801/ -  >>/4822/

The Ending of the End:  >>/4893/ -  >>/4920/ (you) +  >>/5033/ -  >>/5039/ +  >>/5057/ (you) -  >>/5071/ (you)

The Last Problem:  >>/4900/ -  >>/5001/ +  >>/5045/ (you) -  >>/5054/ (you) +  >>/5118/ (you) -  >>/5135/ (you)
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there we go, I had a little problem with the 2nd list but it´s got the presentation that I wanted. 

Making an index for this thread is somewhat stupid but considering that this thread is reaching the bump limit and Endchan has no archives whatsoever , I wanted to leave everything clear for those who want to check what has been discussed over here, so this index would make things a little bit easier. 

However, this thread was defined during the past decade, so this means that we are closing this book as well...
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> yeah, like Pinkie rapping out of nowhere or going full meta with Fame and Misfortune. It feels somewhat corrupted or out of place. It truly depends on each case and how it flows among the rest of the elements for that episode. 
Exactly. Though it may be wishful thinking to hope for a show to retain it's original style and feel over time, if the writers were less self-aware of the work they're contributing to and the way it's audience perceives it, you end up with something that, in my opinion, is a bit more immersive. The early show wasn't devoid of references and 4th wall breaking, but I think part of the original charm was that it was free to be it's own thing since nobody tended to pay much heed or mind to the earlier generations of the franchise, and as such it had essentially no expectations to live up to and no real fanbase to try and please. Again not to say that what came after was bad. I may be repeating things that have been said by others before a bit. 
> Keeping in mind that it is mostly a correspondence between two anons who have a limited experience in both analysis, reviewing and even grammar. A lot of ground was covered. Personal reflections, themes of the lessons, unironic lore analysis at times.
It's got more thought put into it than the vast majority of fan analysis, moreso I think since there's pretty much nobody else around to impress or split into factions, leaving just genuine love for the show. 
I've got the text of it all at least. We could set up a pastebin or something to preserve it.
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> Though it may be wishful thinking to hope for a show to retain it's original style and feel over time
completely wishful thinking. Would the show even continue if it didn´t have that level of popularity back in the day? You can take that con as a curse of changing the time but keep in mind that the post s3 content might have been a bonus that shouldn´t have happened yet it did. Don´t simply stay with one side of that coin. 

> if the writers were less self-aware of the work they're contributing to and the way it's audience perceives it, you end up with something that, in my opinion, is a bit more immersive.
well, this line is harder to discuss but I suppose that the immersion came because of a spirit that was originally intended from the ones who started the creation but over time, the newest writers don´t feel that original charm because they weren´t all that close to it. In fact, I am surprised that there hasn´t been a seasonal rot because of this lack of knowledge and original passion. 

There have been immersive situations and free of "meme material" in the latest seasons as well but those events don´t simply happen around Ponyville all the time like those first years because of adding layers to the show that weren´t planned at all. 

> The early show wasn't devoid of references and 4th wall breaking
tell that to Pinkie Pie, the most shining example of that. The show wasn´t free of those practices because even Faust was overwhelmed and noticed the huge unexpected reception that she got with FiM. This event by itself could lead them to change their minds at some point and change the aim somewhere else.

> I think part of the original charm was that it was free to be it's own thing since nobody tended to pay much heed or mind to the earlier generations of the franchise, and as such it had essentially no expectations to live up to and no real fanbase to try and please.
like any newborn creation, free of filth or corruption that stays innocent. I suppose that these are the reasons why /mlp/ (for the most part) praises the old seasons: comfyness and lack of contact with the real world. I understand why you have these thoughts. However, nothing stays pure forever, you are going to be influenced and change that innocent nature for something else sooner or later. /mlp/ spends a lot of time at discussing how comfy the early seasons were but I see no one appreciating its growth and adaptability to mature along with the fans. Reaching the top of its game is a hard task....but it´s EVEN harder to keep that level over the years by adding new layers or experimentation to its back. 

> Again not to say that what came after was bad. I may be repeating things that have been said by others before a bit. 
well, the cyclical discussions come and go. I repeat myself a lot of times as well but I suppose that...one true sign of revealing who you are discussing with (even by having Anon in the forefront) is by noticing the consistent opinions delivered over time.
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> It's got more thought put into it than the vast majority of fan analysis, moreso I think since there's pretty much nobody else around to impress or split into factions, leaving just genuine love for the show. 
eeeyup, you´ve nailed the reasons why this has happened: no one is watching and so, you have no one to impress. Besides, I´ve already impressed /mlp/ in the past with the digits, why should I impress anyone with the reviews in an alt chan? It´s stupid. 

> I've got the text of it all at least. We could set up a pastebin or something to preserve it.
well, look at that. I have a task to assign to you and it´s exactly what you have mentioned here. I think that Bridgefag did that before but considering that he is focused on other things right now, I lend this setup to you.
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> Exactly. Though it may be wishful thinking to hope for a show to retain it's original style and feel over time, if the writers were less self-aware of the work they're contributing to and the way it's audience perceives it, you end up with something that, in my opinion, is a bit more immersive.


> moreso I think since there's pretty much nobody else around to impress or split into factions, leaving just genuine love for the show. 


> I've got the text of it all at least. We could set up a pastebin or something to preserve it.

Thanks 5050. Remember, you are 100% welcome and invited to postgen4general. I know you feel a bit awkward with disrupting us here but honestly you were another one on the ride of this thread with us, just for the most part silent.  Besides, if you've know us since 2018 you've almost an oldfag by /endpone/ sortlifespan if not one.   I know that IRL stuff can get in the way and you may not get to post as often but I do hope you stick around. I have really enjoyed talking to ya and wouldn't mind you posting along with us.  

Also, this posts serves as a PoLS.  I've been pretty busy with stuff. The good news is a lot of it is /pone/ related. 
> In fact, I am surprised that there hasn´t been a seasonal rot because of this lack of knowledge and original passion. 
I think that can be somewhat attributed to quite a well thought-out show bible, as well as Hasbro realizing that this generation was getting a better reputation than previous ones.
> /mlp/ spends a lot of time at discussing how comfy the early seasons were but I see no one appreciating its growth and adaptability to mature along with the fans.
That's true, but nostalgia is such a powerful sentiment that it often submerges the idea of anything new being good. I still think the show went slightly in the wrong direction, but it made the best out of it anyway, and did a really good job of it to boot. 
part 1
part 2
As I say I have all the text so I can reformat it any way we want at a later point. I was also toying with the idea of saving all the images posted in the thread.
> Thanks 5050. Remember, you are 100% welcome and invited to postgen4general. I know you feel a bit awkward with disrupting us here but honestly you were another one on the ride of this thread with us, just for the most part silent.
Thanks! If it turns out that I stick around for all of the next generation, I'll be a little surprised, but I definitely want to see at least the beginning of what they do next, good or bad.
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> I think that can be somewhat attributed to quite a well thought-out show bible, as well as Hasbro realizing that this generation was getting a better reputation than previous ones.
yeah, a strong base really helps at anytime. I wish that Hasbro didn´t only realize that this gen gets a better reputation. They could apply that for gen 5 in one go and milk much more money and reputation, that trend shouldn´t simply die with gen 4 alone but...eh, we´ll see if the corporate heads actually care about that reputation over the years...

> but nostalgia is such a powerful sentiment that it often submerges the idea of anything new being good.
considering that I have seen endless discussions of gen wars among Pokemon fans, that exercise comes as nothing new to my eyes. It reaffirms that we are doomed to repeat the same cycles and steps like everything else. Wait a couple of years until they get nostalgic about the latest seasons...

> I still think the show went slightly in the wrong direction, but it made the best out of it anyway, and did a really good job of it to boot. 
it cannot please everyone I guess and I didn´t like all the episodes but I was surprised by the amount of quality put after such a long lifetime and even surpass a few older seasons at times. It ended up nicely (which is why I am relieved with gen 4 overall) and can stand on its own so from there, the subjective views can vary in diverse ways. 
The only clear conclusion that I have towards the show is that season 3 was the worst because of its rushed nature but as for the rest, I could like almost the rest of the seasons indifferently according to the coffee that I take each morning....so yeah, that´s a good sign.

> I was also toying with the idea of saving all the images posted in the thread.
nicely done. About toying with the inclusion of the images, what´s preventing you from doing it? Go for it if you want.

> I definitely want to see at least the beginning of what they do next, good or bad.
well, get ready for the rollercoaster of a thing called Pony Life. Then gen 5 is like the biggest mystery for us now. It can be anything really despite the leaked content. 

> If it turns out that I stick around for all of the next generation, I'll be a little surprised
we are all surprised really. Whenever you want, you know that you have an option over here. For now, this thread has reached the bump limit so...anything else will be discussed over there. 

> The good news is a lot of it is /pone/ related
those trips confirm it
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>  I still think the show went slightly in the wrong direction, but it made the best out of it anyway, and did a really good job of it to boot. 

For me I think of it as wrong dynamics but not necessarily wrong episodes. Like, Dolores, she really wasn't a bad character but it put Twilight Sparkle in a weird place of being in the middle of being a retired teacher yet still being the protagonist for Season 6 and in Season 7 being slightly dialed back to Season 8 and 9 where she becomes a side character that fits a bit better  but only because of other clutter  Yet I say that I still enjoy the episodes themselves for the most part. 

> I was also toying with the idea of saving all the images posted in the thread.

Thanks!  and can you show me if you figure out something better than my attempts of just downloading the webpage. 

> If it turns out that I stick around for all of the next generation, I'll be a little surprised, but I definitely want to see at least the beginning of what they do next, good or bad.

That is understandable. Though I could see some value in it myself just comparing it to the old series, that could still feel hallow (especially if it's just a large hatedom). Still, as I said, stop by once in awhile if ya have the time  maybe a couple of things that could interest you coming in awhile.   or if you just wanna chat, that's fine too. 
5050anon here, still lurking.
I'm not good at committing to posting, but I've said most of what I wanted to say to the regulars here already anyway, apologies for bump btw.
but I do keep thinking back to this, a sort of untied ending. you said you'd make a new thread but I don't see one that looks like it in the catalog.

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