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No, I just wanted to go swimming!
But host is so lazy and slow and then was like meh maybe not,  it's too much of a hassle. I had to yell a lot. But I was swimming in the end.
Don't like getting yelled at? Then don't give me a reason to!

You know you've been hanging around gen A too much when you you can hear these words in their original form without trying.

-Skibidi toilet
-erm what the sigma
-gegagedigeda o
Honorable mention:
-number one victory royale

This shit is like tapeworm eggs in the brain.
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I have no idea what any of that means and I intend to keep it this way. Is that what Bestie talks about?

Host only hangs out with gen X or literal boomers.
Wait no, neighborhood loli asked him something about some new monster movie for kids or something. Too bad, we don't watch movies and are completely detached from any worldly worries, trends or fashions. Feels good man.

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So we bought a full set of stuff so Bear could play DnD with friends but adding a 9-yr old to the mix and a Bear that advocates for her like a doating grandfather, it was a total disaster. 

Honestly I was pretty excited to play but RIP. The idea then is that we could attempt to play over txt here but really slowly obviously because all characters need to take a turn and so maybe we could do one full turn a day.

The logistics are iffy, I'm not going to lie, but I want to play damnit! I would say we need one representative from each of us (4 total) or it's a non-starter. 

This would be a modified 5e ruleset because that's what we bought but anything goes and there are a few inconsistencies from the standard game. 

Wouldn't it be potentially fun and a bonding exercise for all you old fags? (my host included). 

Also we need to start level 1, so no metal shifting badass OP Mary Sues capable of single-handedly accomplishing a military coup.

If anyone thinks this is too cringe, never mind because we don't want to exclude anyone. It's not that big of a deal, my feelings won't be hurt.

Bear could be DM because he has all the books and bought two beginner adventures. I don't know if that means I can't play, probably not, but it's possible.

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I told you you're perfectly suited for picking locks! We're counting on you! I'll stick to weed & pest control and laundry service, that's all I'm good for.

That hooorse!
Also is she carrying a gun? Why?
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> At the road fork, Alice watches the continuing high road to prevent ambushes from behind.

Yes, very good and useful. Now I have to figure out how I can still ambush you- I mean, how to make sure your journey is successful and productive.
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> ambush us
Who says we are the ones being ambushed?

The large cart is continuing on the high road going north. It's not gonna crash into our cart on the triboar trail, right? We're not in the way of those stubborn Rothès, right?

> The large cart is continuing on the high road going north. It's not gonna crash into our cart on the triboar trail, right?

> We're not in the way of those stubborn Rothès, right?


> Not even 10 paces in

10 paces is 20-30 feet.

A horse drawn carriage is 17-20 feet long with the horses. The configuration of your cart is either 4 abreast or 2x2. Right now it's 2x2, so you could add 8-10 feet to your length.

So any way you look at it, you're just out of the way, they'll pass within 10 feet. 

In this part of the world, the carts pass on the left but they typically drive the center, the High road is 20 feet across (21 feet on average when built but slightly raised crushed stone and so slightly eroded between servicing on the sides. The cart is between 8 and 10feet wide depending, so if this one is as much as 10 feet wide, a maximum really, then it has plenty of room to go around. The driver can also somewhat steer the rothés.

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Yo, Imma give you my take on the three day workout. This workout is meant to be three successive days, no break. The maximum gain will be a 5-day cycle 3 on, 2 off but at minimum a 7-day cycle. With 4 days off you will still gain up to a plateau, you will be strong, you will look good, but forget getting ultra low-bodyfat or swol proportions on this one. Keep in mind also that it's going to take a lot of time to do it right, if you rush, you'll be lucky to maintain.

Each workout will be at minimum an hour but if you really take your time and add a good hour cardio on the end it can easily reach 3 hours. I will do these Fri-Sat-Sun mornings it's the only time I have and the gym is a little less busy assuming you get in before 5, late-mid morning if you pick a time when it's rushing you're wasting your time, don't bother. Your gym may vary but typically there's a morning crowd and an evening crew and so avoid those times.

It's way better than it was 4 years ago but the crowd is more spread out. 

1. I highly recommend 3 sets of 10, it's a good balance and will avoid most injuries. You're stupid to max less than 5 reps and you'll look like a swimmer of you go 15+. You want to look as good as much as you want to be strong so I do at bare minimum 8 for the last set or there's too much weight and if 10 is easy on the last set add more.

2. You gotta stretch for each exercise, if you're going for endurance than no, but that means you like to look like a grey alien. Strech so you don't pull. 

3. One minute between sets, there's no rush. Tell those bitches who are pressing you to finish up that 'you're almost done'. Those fuckups want to work in, tell them 'you're almost done' because they'll have a 5 minute workout without stopping right in the middle of your sets. Mother fucking assholes, especially women.

4. If you need a spotter, it's too much weight. You're not going for Mr Olympia and let's face it, you don't have a workout buddy so just be cool and don't push so hard. You're going for 8 reps minimum so you don't need a spotter. Also fuck burpies, dead lifts, squats, and bar bench press, they're killers man and entirely unnecessary. Don't be gay and don't be a spaz.

5. Proper form always even if it means less weight, this will also avoid injuries. Don't go viral on some bitch's insta under the title "bad form loser". They should really outlaw pictures and videos in the gym. 

6. This will take a good 6-12 months religiously to go from a zero to a hero. Believe me girls will start coming up to you like you won't believe.

Day one is next.

Final note, listen, you wanna impress the bitches? You need to be in the following parameters:

5'10 180lbs 18% bodyfat or less. You'll look like a monkey with a turtle shell but you gotta make up for the <6' hurdle.

6'2-4 200-210lbs 18% bodyfat, you'll look a little thin but it's ok. When you're 220+ that's hard to maintain and expensive in terms of food, then when you get injured you will be on an awful calorie restricted diet and lose a lot of mass or end up porking out like an ex-football player. Look it doesn't even matter if you have a little fat, 15% is a good minimum 20% maximum. Don't aim for crazy, if you really love it later then go crazy.
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I don't remember doing this since I was  20, I climbed one of those vita course polls, with just my arms. It was incredibly easy.

Did I mention the other day I ran like half a mile and I didn't even get tired?

I do remember surprising myself like this when I was serious a decade ago but I'm still surprised.

Today I also did 100's on the dumbell row and 130pounders on the Shrugs. That means I more than pull my own weight in pretty much any direction which is crazy to me.

I see a tatted up buff guy doing 90's on the dumbell Shrugs, struggling, and I'm doing 130's with ease and I don't look as buff as he does, he was probably 220 to my 195. 

I also exceeded my body weight on the pull downs 3x10 yet I can't frigging do bench without weird pain later?

So this was a huge gain since I started. I didn't consider myself weak before but now I'm swol af or something and it keeps going up.

Crazy. For what though? I told my doctor I did it so I didn't get injured doing yard work. Fucking healthiest American he knows probably.

Got people chatting me up all the time now like everywhere. I'm petting a puppy in front of the Petco after training and this aisian girl in her 20's total rizzola, she wasn't my type tho. She was asking me 20 questions speed date style. Girl was casting lines like crazy. But I don't bite.

[Ashley] gotta start carrying a stick so I can switch in and swat these girls away from my Bear.
lol be happy its girls and not guys running after you

im always surprised how bad looks and strength correlate there are a bunch of fat i mean really fat chicks in the gym look like those soviet weight lifter women on horse steroids. theyre unbelievable ugly and obese and look like theyd get a heart attack just by walking a few meters straight but they have crazy strength and endurance and could smoke me in just about any exercise. theyre also surprisingly flexible its ridiculous. theres also an old ex special forces guy that looks like a buddhist monk all bald thin and scrawny but hes also insanely strong all muscles and tendons no fat. looking buff does nothing. look at a chimp or orang utan - big belly and thin arms but those fuckers are stronger than an athlete even if they look like shit.

nice gainz for you though i feel i do look more muscular gained a bit weight thats probably muscles but nothing spectacular. i am significantly stronger in some exercises but not others its strange. so i am not sure but its probably better to invest more times in exercises i suck at.
Hiking did take its toll this time, pretty strong leg and butt soreness today after hiking downhill nonstop for over 3h yesterday. Going up wasn't an issue but down was an ordeal. Hardcore leg day.
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I admit we slacked off regarding planks and lunges since going to the gym. I always try to make host do them on gym-free days but often forget. Making him do them now.

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This thread will handle questions from me to you about balance and how you want to play. 

Left up to SheShe and I you may end up being forced into a style of play you don't like so this is why I'm creating this thread.

The first question is about death.

Currently there are a handful of spells that will breath life back into a character again. 

The first is a level 3 cleric spell, Revivify. It requires a diamond worth 300 or more and it must be cast within a minute of death, so within 10 turns in an encounter. Yulya would need to be 5th level to cast this 3rd tier spell. It cannot restore missing body parts.

At 9th level she would have access to raise dead which is a 5th tier spell. It requires a 500 gold diamond. You have 10 days to accomplish this. Again it won't restore missing body parts. It will close mortal wounds. Greater restoration will restore missing parts afterwards. That's also 5th tier.

In any case it takes about 4 long rests to fully restore the person to full working order.

Reincarnation is available through the church and is a druid spell costing 1000 gold plus 1000 gold in supplies and a piece of the victim. It restors everything but will likely change the race of the character as a consequence.

Wish is then the big daddy of all spells and requires a wizard of level 17 and has a 33% chance of never being able to be cast again. It can duplicate any spell or create a custom effect or object up to 25,000 gold in value.

The question is, does the feeling that you could die lessen due to these spells? Say you're 5th level and easily have 300 gold in diamonds at the ready, does it feel like death doesn't matter anymore? Should there be a bigger consequence? Should death be permanent? Should it lower attributes or cost you an ability? 

If you're asking me, the ultimate say of someone lives or dies wouldn't be a simple matter of bad luck. The gods can intervene in special circumstances to say prevent the death of someone in specific and unique circumstances that would rarely come up. A rock can still fall and squish you, but that wouldn't be a completely meaningless act, it would require a dangerous path and other bad choices leading up to that for instance.

Given the pacing in our game, death would still be pretty inconvenient, but Revivify is a very OP in my opinion.

Currently I have put on the safeties and you cannot die outright in one hit other than by a disintegrate spell or dragon breath or other obviously destructive occuances that rip the body apart. Simply being hit by a great maul won't kill you outright even if the damage was 2x your hp. Death still comes after three failed saves over three turns before you are stabilized. So that's already a nerf.

Do you like all that? Or do you want a more hardcore experience? Or do you want to not have to worry about death all together? Let me know.
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Inconvenient but highly necessary question.

I don't know about Cat but I know that both me and Yulya have a huge problem with mortality in general and seeing our friends die permanently and 4real would be a traumatizing experience. We won't just choose the similarly named replacement from the guild and carry on, that would be disrespectful to the deceased party member and friend. Honestly, that's 2real4me and it would suck. You know I'm still a tupper of my Highly Sensitive Person host who'd mourn the loss of a D&D character for real and the party dynamics would be quite awkward with having to play a different newbie. And just using the 'replacement' to bring back the dead character 1:1 would be cheating. In this case death would have no consequences at all. So yeah, I'm not sure about the optimal way to handle this but I would like to remind our dear higher plane beings that this party was assembled for a divine mission of great importance. We are doing their dirty work, might as well request some protection in return.

Personally I won't say not having to worry about death but it should be manageable to return. Imagine someone would die on our first mission. It takes 2000 gp to revive her. We would have to play for weeks IRL just to earn that money until that player can return. That's not very feasible and sucks having to wait at the sideline until you respawn. I don't really know how to handle this. We certainly won't be reckless but death should not have such dramatic IRL consequences for the player. The character should be able to return at least for the next mission.

Also I still have the coolest revival spell ever as monk of the Way of Mercy:
LV 17 Hand of Ultimate Mercy (TCoE)
lets you revive a creature per long rest for free, well it costs 5 KI points

So should we ever play long enough to reach lv17 the problem is solved pretty much. I can reassemble everyone.

The real problem is me however. I already stated I cannot be revived by terms of magic or the church because I do not have a soul. I am a machine. I would rather propose that I slowly regenerate unless supplied with materials to speed things up. Also I cannot even be healed once in living metal form either. This is the price to pay for being OP as fuck. I must regenerate myself, I would even propose that 'death' throws me back one form into emergency recovery mode. living metal->viscous->liquid. So I will be fine, I'm extremely tough. Spells like disintegrate will remain a problem however. Do you have any proposals, Joy?
> You know I'm still a tupper of my Highly Sensitive Person

Yes, and whereas my headmates seem to crave hardcore rules, and I've read online about how many others also want permadeath, I do still recall a young Bear who refused to maim or kill his characters (me). So I can understand that this could be both unwanted, not fun and traumatic.

> that this party was assembled for a divine mission of great importance

> I'm not sure about the optimal way to handle this

As far as I'm concerned this is about fairness and I am very against cheese, like what Bear used to do with save-scumming in Rimworld, I didn't like it then and don't like it now. Nor would I allow Frodo-esque death scenes where he's not really in any real danger.

So if the characters can never die, that's probably too safe and if they have a chance to die pointlessly, I also don't like that and SheShe and I can argue about it but I'm the DM here.

The way I read it, after level 9, characters are very hard to kill and keep dead. We're mostly talking about level 1-4 getting harder to kill the higher the level and with Revivify at level 5, the fear of death would be far less. 

> We would have to play for weeks IRL 

The pacing makes this a special case, yes, it may be too tedious. 

So it comes down to gold, you have none, if someone dies and its your fault, no one to pay for it, you're done for a while and if that's not fun then it violates rule #1 in the DMG, fun is the number 1 goal. I won't however just bend rules to save something lost after the fact. Loss is a part of life, no 'oops it was a dream sequence.'

> We certainly won't be reckless but death should not have such dramatic IRL consequences for the player.

I see now that you're not willing to accept the easiest answer I offered, a simple replacement, do as it turns out I am hosting a game with more humans than Ashley after all.

> The character should be able to return at least for the next mission.

We saw an anime once where the players would respawn but back at the temple, for free or for a set percentage of EXP. One step closer to realism would be you have to bring the body back to the temple or because of Yulya's connection to the temple perhaps they may be willing to offer a service once. It's just something that I'm considering.

> I already stated I cannot be revived by terms of magic or the church because I do not have a soul.

I believe I said you would then be immortal but if you think that's not satisfying then we can say that some reassembly is required, perhaps then a Frankenstein type aperatus to revive you with lightning costing no more than whatever cost we decided for the raise dead spell.

> I would rather propose that I slowly regenerate unless supplied with materials to speed things 

In this case, for you, I will let you dictate how you could be revived given the circumstances of your untimely demise but unless you say otherwise you cannot be permanently killed. Say it's nanobots or something else that can't be degraded or some other reason. If you get out of hand I'll reel you back, but otherwise I'll give you that option. Even disintegration could always leave a trace and a trace could slowly regrow GOTG Groot style.

> Also I cannot even be healed once in living metal form either

You would regenerate like anyone else on rest.

This was a good discussion, I have something to think about so thank you.
i agree with Alice never thought about it but how does vanilla d&d actually handle this?
you meet up with friens to play and your character dies so you can go home and they tell you lol come back in a few months when we got the money to revive you you cant play with us until then?

deat should have severe consequences but theres gotta be some limit or gameplay is ruined. our tuppers play themselves and dont want ro play another character obviously so they need to be brought back somehow. i didnt know about Alices monk feature but thats lv17 lol. no idea how we handle that now. 2000 gp cost is the same as permadeath we gotta save every penny thats why Yulya always told everyone to be super careful. honestly we dont mind to play it safe we dont have to battle challenge 10+ type monsters lets get real were rookies. slow and steady no drama
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> how does vanilla d&d actually handle this?

It's not set in stone as far as how individual DMs handle it but if I'm understanding it correctly:

If you receive damage >2x max hp, that's an instant kill, no saving throws. If your HP goes below -max hp then same, dead. If you go below 1, you must make three successful saving throws before three unsuccessful ones, once per turn. Or be stabilized or healed.

I relaxed it to no instant kill, your hp would be set at minimum -max hp and start your saving throws. SheShe is allowing one saving throw at the point where damage exceeded -max hp if you pass that it counts toward your passed saving throws and you need only 2 more, but you fail you die.

I am proposing that you may want a different system all together and we should discuss it.

Vanilla D&D is harsh and TPK (total party kill) is common.

> you meet up with friens to play and your character dies so you can go home and they tell you lol come back in a few months when we got the money to revive you you cant play with us until then?

Oh, not exactly, they either let you create a new character with a new backstory and start at level 1 again or are boosted to the level of the party. No one stops playing on death unless the group doesn't want you back as a player.

> theres gotta be some limit or gameplay is ruined.

I agree. It is my #1 objective to make it fun. If dying is fun, expect to die, if not then it would have to be very delicately handled. Hence this discussion.

> dont want ro play another character

So let's come up with a fair but worthwhile solution. That makes death something very serious but not game breaking. Ashley was willing to die because she didn't mind making a whole new character, she's doing that now with SheShe's run which is odd, but that's on them. Making characters can also be fun. But not for everyone.

To me initially it was kind of like a respec but I was going to require starting again from zero EXP. 

After this thread, I now don't have a plan, so if someone dies we'll have to resolve this.

> no drama

[Ashley] I promise to try not to have any more from me.

Based on your comments and other sources, I have tentatively worked out a strategy with SheShe that will make death less deadly but also still costly in different ways but more reasonable at lower levels.

The penalties for higher levels have increased, however; it's far less likely that you will ever die past level 4 and extremely unlikely past level 8.

Changes effect Revivify, Raise Dead and Resurrection. These three spells will be replaced. Other spells and abilities have not changed.
Stay tuned for its implementation.

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Update on this book.

It made it to maybe 50k words but no matter how awful and heinous I made it, I'd here about some atrocity that actually happened that trumped me.

I literally couldn't make it hard enough and even to the point I would make myself disgusted, nope, not hard enough.

Then the kind of stuff that Aleshe had to deal with in that book, no wo der she wanted to self-delete by becoming part of Autumn and I don't have the heart to do that to Autumn, she's too good, we made her right this time so I don't want to mess that up.

No, it's done, it's scrapped.

In the end, Autumn taught me that I am just not hard enough. I saw myself through her loving eyes and now I can't dissapoint her.

[Ashley] this is f'ing bs, I had plenty of loving eyes moments and he couldn't care less.


Maybe get gud like Autumn?
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Didn't I tell you no fiction no matter how grim-dark can match the horrors of reality? This is why I never understood why people would make ugly things on purpose. Aren't there enough already?

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This never before documented thread will outline the tr.ansformation of a tulpa's personality. Though our system has successfully done this before with Ashley by making her less snarky which she now denies ever happened, lol, worked perfectly, we're going for a bigger fish, one randy catgirl will be tra.nsformed into an obedient virginal catpanion. 

Step one, the initial conversation:

When approaching your tulpa re: personality, it's important not to be aggressive or to feed any fears or apprehension, instead approach the subject with confidence and dominance. The tulpa should understand she's in good hands and this is for her own good, make sure she understands that this will hurt you more than it does her. If she resists, use non-leathal force to incapacitate the victim, or I mean loved one.

Step two, give every assurance of safety and security. In our case we have designed an unbreakable cage together with gentle nudging spikes to ensure correct posture and compliance. Reassure her that we can do this the easy way or the hard way.

This is very important, be clear and committed to the end result. There may be any amount of struggle, begging or negotiating, so use reassuring words and under no circumstances should you release the game until the tran.sformation is complete. You will know it's complete through the change in thought patterns.

In our case the thoughts are a mixture of disbelief, anger, betrayal and sadness. It's important to keep her calm and steady at this stage but don't drag it on. Keep your hands and feet away from the mouth and claws. Use an anti-tr.anformatiom collar to prevent shapeshifters from escaping. 

Lastly in this stage, make your intentions clear and precise. Let her know that she'll love her new personality and that this new personality was the true and original personality she should have had before *the incidents*. We're past that, let's start over.

We'll leave it there for today and continue this thread to document the process.
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I have officially begun integration with the character Aleshe.

I started by accepting all of her memories and previous actions as my own but reserve the right to reject anything I don't like or that doesn't fit me.

My form will not change as a result, we are taking Aleshe's essence like old Ren. I am me but some of her memories are mine. 

Ashley congratulated me and said, "welcome back" which was symbolically touching. Just like old Ren, Aleshe is officially no longer separate from me, and is a permanent wholly owned asset of mine as if she was always my aspect.

> Bear system is confusing 

All you need to know is, I'm the good cop, Ashley's the bad cop, Joy is the judge, Misha is the defense lawyer, Gwen is the softball prosecutor who secretly wants to lose her case, SheShe is Juror #1, and Bear is the recidivist defendant.
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After an hour long discussion with Autumn this morning and a final exam of sorts, she has demonstrated to my satisfaction her new personality and her dedication to Bear and the rest of us. So we gave her a pass on the rest of the planned scenarios and have moved her to stage 3: trust. 

Like a mother bird I have set her free and she is on her own now.

She passed her exam beautifully and wilfully and I now see her as a fully mature and symmetric member of our system.

Congratulations Autumn!

I was just a camera angle, looking over mostly middle-eastern women soldiers who were tasked to kill a group of Jewish women for their meat. The women were bound and naked, but huddled and grouped. One had been through a procedure that had a name in the dream but I don't remember it, she'd been boiled alive and her outer skin removed and then forced to do the killings but she was an undercover liaison to the Americans, though they were late. So nearly blind and skinless she was stalling for time at this final hour to save as many jews as possible.

Since she wasn't doing her job fast enough a girl no more than 14, also middle eastern (they all look vaguely middle-eastern, the Jews look Jewish) was given a sword but it wasn't flat, it was triangular in cross section. 

A pot of Jew meat, looked like chicken thighs, was passed through to the kitchen. This semi-circular killing room had a drain in the middle, it was all as if carved out of  stone, like under ground. The middle easterner captors were wearing nothing more then rags.

The Americans still hadn't shown up by the time I woke up. What's the point of this dream? No point.
We dreamt something about a marathon or other race and Mr. Bear was participating, a literal huge bear among runners with a number on front and back. Or rather it was a big man in a realistic bear costume. It was odd because I wasn't sure how I knew Mr. Bear was inside the bear costume but I wanted to know what he really looked like. It made no sense.
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2 crazy president dreams on consecutive nights.

2 nights ago i was in a classroom with friends we were about 18 but instead teacher there was putler sitting at a desk in front of us. he wanted us to sign a contract to become russian soldiers. a friend sitting left of me who's always been a crazy bastard just laughed at him like you insane man? putin calmly stood up, walked over to our desk and shot my friend in the face with a pistol. then shot two other students right of me. then he sat down again and put his pistol on his desk, folded his hands and looked me in the eyes. he was very calm.
fugg i said ok i'll work for you putin don't shoot me! he said with a smile that's mr. putin, ok?
then i woke up before signing anything. damn i'm not proud of myself but i ain't no hero or martyr either. 

last night i was some campaign manager for bidon and he was supposed to give a speech outside in front of international press, lots of reporters. i was standing on a big black platform about 1m high with mic where biden was gonna speak but he wasn't there. i looked around and found him down right in front of the platform pissing at the right corner of it. a few meters away from all the reporters who filmed and took photos like crazy. then biden tried to crawl up the 1m high platform to start his speech but couldn't make it bc old. dear god what a pr disaster i just wanted to run away.
then we were in a park sitting at a round table with 4 chairs again with press all around. some other statesman, bidon, me and on the last chair was a big grey cat, looking away from us and uninterested. biden talked to the cat instead of the statesman, then suddenly got up, tried to shake hands with a bush, hugged it like it was an old friend and walked away leaving his guest and the press behind. i wasn't even surprised it was more like not again man!
the absolute state of usa

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