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Hey admin do your job

> No suggestive audio-visual content of underage children
That tiktok person is over 18, all the suggestive things she published was also done after she became adult.

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Hello, people from Endchan. I don't care about this website at all. But i care about dogola retards. They are the scum of brazilian imageboards. A heavy police investigation operation is being set up and I just want to warn you so you don't have to worry afterwards. We have already archived the threads where they made threats to explode the Veja magazine and tried to tie the boy Pascarelli to the crimes they are committing. Regardless of your political position (which I don't care what it is) please delete these boards. Or I will have to forward the link to your website directly to the North American Secret Service. Dogolachan is not targeted by the police because of political opinions, but because they literally influenced two school shootings in Brazil. They also carried out a hacker attack in Cleveland that had a considerable impact in the USA.
13 replies omitted. Click to expand viewer
Well that's pretty much for everything in the current era. Most people are retarded and you can only hope to talk to a few smart people nowadays

> And as for "cool" people, good luck finding them on imageboards the internet
Well you're here anon. Along with a few people trying to make the site better

> I Really tried to make /b/ on here good, and submitted dozens and dozens of high-quality threads,  

I did the same thing bro. I made plenty of threads there and put a lot of effort into them, but never get responses after a while. They usually have high engagement and conversation rates though. I think I make half of the threads there along with you anon.

> but lately it has been spammed with something about "trannies"?,
Yeah that's a whole other thing. It's whatever

Maybe /b/ is destined to be bad? Or it's because we don't really have that many people around here, and it's not so easy finding people to engage in conversation with roughly anyone here? If there were more people around, maybe it would be better?  

I really don't know what to tell you :(
Also, I meant "cool people" as in anons that are cool to talk to. And who make OC and post cool content once in a while.

Not normiebook tier cool. kek I'm an uber oldfag, so I'm just nostalgic of my early 4ch and 8ch days. Lots of fun times where had. Maybe it can happen again here. idk
> How you define "weird"?

People who post stuff that could get us in trouble? People who post extremely cryptic text that noone can't understand? 

People spamming dick pills? lel

need more details? Which board? Which ID? which browser?

I tried hiding users on yuri. Once from board thread list and then from an individual thread. Everything seems to be in order.

Well it is something something. We have limited capacity now and have to balance between scale and posting working right. We are working on it. I did notice it on imouto and yuri that's happening but not many elsewhere.
Anyway, thanks for letting us know, we're trying to fix it, we have a bit much on our plate right now.

How do you delete the posts you made when you didn't have an account?
Type a password into the password field before posting. Leave it there.
You can delet posts you made with passwords, with the form at the bottom of the page. Mark the checkbox at your post, then go to the form, type your password into the password field, then click delete.
Note: BOs have options to turn off user deletions.

Not always, but I kept refreshing the captcha and it kept saying it was wrong. I'll have to wait for someone who needs a ban to find out again.
My mistake. I meant the 'reload' button I kept hitting and typing in a new captcha with the same wrong result, not browser refresh. Maybe I should tried the whole browser refresh. It wasn't working then but it is now.

> i think it's possible on newest engine versions
How? My cookies are gone when i close the browser. I have to bare my shield and allow js to fill out a single bypass then i can assume full security. Other chans with Tor posting are the same. Not sure how it is with bans as i have only received bans on 4chan for "trolling" when being serious or because my dynamic ip changed to one that got banned 6 years prior. Seems real easy to ban evade and a fight to keep them banned as  >>/10981/ suggests
Ask the BO...
Actually there is a board message option in the board moderation tools, if asked BOs could add if they disabled Tor.
But due to your question now we are thinking how could we add an indicator, maybe just above the posting form.

A thread was deleted I did not wish to be deleted from my board. I was hoping maybe it could be recovered if the database allows it. Though I'd like to ask about this privately.

If it's possible, by the time this message is read, let me know and I'll choose one of the quicker methods.
Restoring threads are not possible. Deleted content are permanently deleted. No archives are kept. This is an imageboard and not a regular forum.
Which board was your thread on?

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