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> we have something called hygiene in europe theres wipes and disinfectant everywhere and you just wipe the handles before and after using them. 

You serious? 





No,  here in America we're not sclavi destrăbălat. Și încetează cu felul ăsta prostesc de a vorbi.

> will try stretching [being gay]

Hey, it's okay if you grunt a little too, your bf will like that.
your obsession with homos is a bit worrying. and why the fuck do you post images as links?

> google mentally illlate
fix the wordfilter for fucks sake!
> Sen nege sonshama kizstekesin?
I think it's supposed to be Kazakh or something

Mr. Bear is in his rebellious edgy teen phase calling everyone gay. Just let him be.

Hiking has continued fine, no soreness, just slight exhaustion. Body in top condition.

> edgy teen

First of all, you gotta think young to stay young.

Second of all, he's never acted his chronological age, you should have known him at 16, even 8yr olds were more mature.

Lastly, act straight if you want to be thought of as straight. I understand that Europe is basically gay all day so you're going to have to try harder.
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Blessed be the gainz.

I am seeing huge improvements in my shoulder strength. Believe me when I say I was weak in my shoulders so I basically never used the motions that utilized the medial deltoids.

Yesterday I was moving something heavy and to my surprise I naturally used the medial deltoid motion and it was really useful. 

So I started with very low weight when I first started working them at the start of last cycle so in the last 4 months I've increased that weight to 3x. If that's not amazing gains I don't know what is. This muscle group isn't targeted on push or pull, it has to be lateral motion upward and it acts only in conjunction with the front and rear deltoids depending on the angle and rotation of your wrists. So it's tricky. I am working on another workout routine for the shoulders that should be a phase 2 to get them looking up to par and useful.
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> Kazakh
yes i'm borat from kazakhstan and look like pic related lol

shoulder is still a mystery to me and i'm a bit afraid or injuring something in there. i do the shoulder rotator cuffs exercise with a resistance band or the cables but i wouldnt know other exercises for medial deltoids than standing dumbbell lateral raises but i havent given it much thought. more ideas are always appreciated.

I am happy with my biceps and triceps, so for the next phase, I'll be paring down push and pull and combining them into one day, then make a dedicated shoulder day. I want to feel soreness in them, that's never happened yet.

So I'll release revision 3 of the routine after this cycle, 7 weeks left.
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I admit we couldn't keep up the desired bodyweight training programme because of our insane hiking schedule. But I am still extremely satisfied with the body's performance. Greater than ever before. Also we can do 3x10 lunges now. We'll see if upper body strength has suffered after we're back to the gym. I doubt it.
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Hilarious day at the gym. Juicer was doing descending pyramid exhaustion sets, this is good because I had completely forgotten about these. So you start at your highest weight and just keep doing reps to exhaustion, at least 5-6 then lower the weight then again to exhaustion targeting 10-12, then again targeting 5-6 then again lower weight each set targeting 10-12 and repeat until you can barely lift your arms. He was doing it on free bench and free bench incline. A slight mod is to do triangle pyramid so you do ascending (inverted) pyramid first, then when you get your third set target 5-6 count the dflfirst 2 sets as warm-up. Then keep going set after set to exhaustion each time with a minute or so in between. This us a very effective but time consuming workout and you will basically be dead tomorrow. Unless you're like this guy and obviously juicing. A few things, the steroids give you super energy, they ignore pain, and, boost endurance obviously, but they also make you cranky. 

So this guy was my height, smaller feet, athletic build but the muscles were bulging, he had less fat, probably 12-15% which looked good. He was also probably 20lbs less. Anyway, still looking like a bruiser and I was milling around the same weights he was using, I mean it would be hard not to, the guy was going down 5 every set. So I probably walked in front of him and he's likely exhausted and he walks by and says, "stay the fuck out of the way" in a huff under his breath, not saying it directly to me, not looking at me, just saying it in an annoyed way.

I couldn't stop giggling afterwards. It was funny. No one has talked to me that way since high school. It certainly lightened my mood. I brought it up to my exgf and she said something like, "he's lucky I wasn't there."

She used to work out with me back when she was still my gf.

She means she would have stalked him and ruined his life, not that she'd confront him. There's no drama allowed at the gym unless you want to be banned permanently, they have zero tolerance for that shit.

Anyway, I was done with the free weights shortly afterwards, it was funny.

I honestly thought La Fitness was just for women. No idea. They should have called it El Fitness loco.

If I get stabbed at the gym, I can legitimately kill the guy right? You got to, it's like letting that one cockroach get away.
Ok, take a look at 17:54 this guy is something like 18% in the before and north of 20% in the after. I'm somewhere in between now, so almost 18% which would be perfect with 8 lbs to go.

I am also cutting back to 1200 cal until I get there, I'm sick of this half pound a week bullshit.

I calculated that my baseline caloric intake would be 2200 cal at my current level, so 1200cal a day should be something crazy like 2lbs a week loss. We'll see... I was doing 1800-1900 realistically and losing 1/2 per week so maybe. They say 500 cal a day deficit would be 1 lb per week loss.

DEXA scan next Monday so we'll know body fat percentage of each limb.

Expedition summary:
It's rare but I am amazed. Body had zero issues no matter how far we hiked. No soreness, zero. Just normal tiredness but even this was a joke. Back to the gym tomorrow for push day, we'll see if this causes any soreness after 3 weeks absence.

Based on what you said, I'd guess 10-15% probably closer to 13. If you're over 18% I'd be surprised. If you're under 10 then wtf are you doing, gain some weight ffs.
I assume somewhere between 15 - 20%. We'll see. A year ago it was a little over 20%.

Push day was as usual, held back because we didn't do anything for 3 weeks. I don't expect soreness but who knows?

> 20%

You would look very awkward to be that height and weight with 20% bodyfat. 

They have a funny term for that: "skinny fat". What's your BMI?
> What's your BMI?
You're the math wizard here!
If host is 1.78 m tall and weights 68 kg, that's a BMI of 21.5

> skinny fat
Yeah at least slightly. Definitely nothing to be proud of. That's why I'm trying to increase muscle mass and get body fat further down.

But we'll know more on Monday evening.

Oh, you're 5'10 150. That's not what I thought you were. I thought you were 135. That would be very thin. 5'10 150 is just average. You could be doughy at that weight, sure.

Then I'd bet you were no more than 22 then considering you can do all that hiking.

I'd be more concerned that you have stick arms.
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> stick arms
Compared to you, host has stick arms, no way to deny it.

> Biceps increased 40cm to 42cm
We don't have the Right to Bear arms here. Host is at 32 cm. Optimistically speaking.

Full pull - push - leg - cycle after our trip yielded no soreness so far, no difference in strength either. Not unexpected, I mean we went to the gym for 2 months so there's not much to be lost. I still think the body does look a bit more muscular than in fall though.
3x20 check.

It wasn't fun but I did it without cheating or collapsing, straight without stopping. 30 seconds between sets.


On the subject of rest, experts recommend a minute between sets, and I used to do that too. But with 15 exercises to do and 3 sets each, that's 45 minutes of rest during a workout. Did you come here to rest? Jesus.

So I cut it to 30 seconds and that seems to be enough. 22 minutes of rest in a 2 hour workout is reasonable.

Speaking of workouts, I couldn't wait and bundled all my favorite exercises push/pull into day 1 and shoulder/legs in day 2. Old day 3 was really sparse and shoulder is light as well so it only follows that I'd combine them. It was great. So that helps me with time management and I'm not going to be so tired. Day one was 2 hours of actual workout time and Day two was still only an hour and a half. add cardio and combine we're looking at 5 hours of workout a week which is fine. 

Pre-workout meal:
As you may know I'm on a very strict diet right now but you can't workout starving, especially me because I'll cramp. So I eat a cup of granola with a cup of milk, that's 500 calories. My workout plus cardio is about 500 calories as well so that's a good match. It works really well. If I eat too much before a workout I'll get a tummy ache and with too little I'll cramp as I said so it's a good balance and it works for me. Try it out as you see fit.
> 32 cm biceps
i expected even less

3x20 lunges
oof and here i was proud of 3x10. dont think i can do 3x15 but will try

i also dont rest enough, barely get to do what i want in the gym in the time i have
got some light pain in left wrist no idea what that is it came in the morning after a rest day. next is leg day so theres some time to regenerate

> Slight wrist pain

These things can be anything from tendinitis to growing pains. You should do wrist exercises to strengthen the wrist, the best one I know is by making that wrist pipe thing I posted earlier.

Never do lifting if you feel pain in the joint, especially during lifting, that'll only make it worse. But light weight exercises may be painful but will help over time. The objective is to target the joint in every possible motion with weight light enough that it doesn't cause pain. This will facilitate healing faster than doing nothing. It's generally ok to do exercises that don't trigger the pain. 

If one exercise continues to cause lingering pain in this joint, exchange that exercise with one that doesn't target the joint as much.

If the pain continues for a month or gets worse, see your physician.
I've lost 7-8 lbs in 2 weeks which is insane. Knowing that a starvation diet is at max 1 lb per day, to have this unhealthy level of weight loss means I'm at least at 1/2 of my daily caloric needs then at 1300 calories.

Imagine I could really eat three 800 calorie meals when I only eat a 550 and 750 meal now. That would be wonderful but I'm doubtful. I will easily be at my goal in a number of days so I will start slowly eating more on Friday.

I am shocked frankly. When I was eating 1800 calories I lost only 1/2 lb per week but at 1300 I suddenly lose 3-4 lbs a week? It doesn't make any sense.
Auschwitz-tier. You probably exercised more and have more muscle mass which consumes energy by just existing now.
I was also surprised how much weight the body lost in our 1 week fasting experiment last year and our recent trip, though host ate a lot there. 

Energy requirements can be pretty strange, when we were diving we ate 3 really big meals per day, even breakfast bein gsomething like ham, eggs, rice and beans in addition to bread with jam and lost a lot of weight just by floating in the water. It sucks the heat out of the body so you burn enormous amounts of calories just to stay warm.

The scream nigger a at the gym again yesterday, gotta avoid that time, maybe come earlier. God damned everyone there is nice but that guy is just fucking nuts. Host flinched several times from the random chimp screams he made while benchpressing.
I upped host's training plan from 3x10 reps to 12/12/10 with the same weight as before. Apears to work, he can now safely handle more weight like this than he could with 3x10 in the beginning. Definitely looks a bot more muscular too but still pathetic.

Btw completely forgot about the DEXA scan:

It says body fat is 16.8% with surprisingly low level of visceral fat. Bone density and body symmetry are fine too. No idea how that's calculated but the results say host's metabolic age is 27. Not bad!
Alright, going to 12/12/10 managed to produce some medium shoulder soreness, a bit less than the few times when we started. I'm sure the body will adapt in no time.
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> shoulder

No, I gotta share with you my new workout, it's great, I've really put together something fantastic here and my shoulders are filling out like I've never seen them before. After over a decade of doing it wrong, they're finally looking like they're supposed to look. Jesus I thought I had bad genetics. Frankly girls like biceps and width of shoulders best but not having those caps was like cake without chocolate icing and you know girls like chocolate. My exgf keeps telling me she's having sex dreams about me, she's hinting hard that the booty call is coming. But I might need to help it along, we're still cool and all that but she knows this ain't no regular thing.

Really though, I gotta take a moment for yall so you can see this genius 2-day everything workout.
Day 1, 2 hours plus 20min cardio

Wide grip pulldown (pull ups)
Medium grip reverse pulldowns
Close grip pulldown (palms facing)
Low row (seated)
Bench one arm dumbell row
Standing one arm dumbell row (leaning)
Overhead press

Roman bench, back and two sides
Oblique twist
Low cable chest fly (hugging)
Low chest fly
High chest fly
Rope pulldown (elbows tucked)
Straight arm rope pulldown
Day 2, 1.5 hours plus 20 min cardio
Calf raises
Leg curl
Leg extension 
Step up
Leg press

Lateral rise palms back
Lateral rise palms down
Lu rise palms forward 
Standing high pull
Flat face pull
Incline trap raise
Standing trap raise
Cable cross body
This latest workout set, 2 day/7 is awesome. I'm already acclimated to everything, gotta go bigger soon. Zero soreness even with workout to exhaustion. I might try the ramp technique to exhaustion just to feel the soreness. I did some work in the yard and I was sore in my hands but otherwise pretty much fine, this is good but even lunges 3x20 isn't giving me sore legs like wtf?

I'm 195-199 consistently so I have no issue keeping the maintenance diet, something like 1800-2000 cal. 

My belly is so thin, like it's girlish when I'm not flexing, good stuff, my love handles are lower than I ever remembered. I must be sub 18% but the definition in my arms and legs aren't much less than 18% so prolly 18% it's fine, I don't need to look defined like a gymbro, the beafyness factor is there, people notice. Good stuff.

Still fucking hungry all the time, can't just eat or I'll gain weight, such is life.

Friday/Saturday yeah.

They exercise different muscles so it's no issue. I could technically do all in one day but I don't have 3.5 hours together before the place gets busy.

I will be changing this again in a little while because I'm nowhere near sore even though I'm still gaining. It's an odd problem to have.

Still can't do bench without shoulder pain, will try again next cycle.
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See, I told you you could exercise and diet at the same time. We Germans perfected this technique in WWII.

So you still doing pyramid or reverse pyramid with this? How many reps?

First of all, I knew I could gain strength while dieting but I was a little surprised I actually gained muscle mass while on a severe diet, that doesn't feel right but it's obvious. And not just a little bit either.

I still do pyramid starting low, last set targets 8-10 10 else. 3 sets.

I might do like the angry faggot and do the multiple sets decreasing every round until I'm dead.

Works for mr. Faggot so should work for me.

Dude better fucking keep his yap shut around me again. Muttering to himself like a butt pirate is ok I guess.

(Not that I'll do anything, I don't want to be banned.)

Fitness report 

I am not a runner, never was. But I was on my walk and it started raining, it happened once last spring too. So I start running, my sub-200lb fit self, and it was remarkably easy, like I didn't even lose my breath, I ran for about half a mile, no stopping, no problem, I couldn't believe how light and comfortable it was. I don't know what about my current training helps with running but something did. Granted remember I was overweight 217 as of last spring I think, and hadn't gone to the gym in three years, but wow, felt easy now.

Oh and did I tell you, I went to my doctor for a check-up and to get blood work, remember that high in iron nonsense and he said, "it's probably because you're overweight." That's when I was only 208 or so. Well went in because besty was jiu-jitsu'ing me and fucking bent my left ring finger so bad it hurt like fuck so I got it checked, no problem but he saw that I wasn't overweight and he was tickled pink, seriously so happy like I might be his only adult patient who isn't overweight right? He looked like he just won an award or something, like excited that I wasn't overweight. Anyway I told him, next time I get bloodwork done, you can't blame it on me being overweight. Shit like I even really was I was still muscular. He was over the moon for that. He wanted to rerun my bloodwork immediately and I was like, next time, I don't plan on ever gaining weight again, fuck all that shit I barely eat two meals now.

So keep from being overweight and make your doctor happy.

My finger still hurts if I bend it wrong, it was a pure accident anyway. No actual damage according to the xray. 

I still go to jiu-jitsu with her on Saturdays but I stopped going myself with the blue belt, it was a nearly 2 hour class and I pretty much sucked anyway not that I could be overpowered but they're too fast and get someone in control and I can't get out easily, it's the kind of thing that smaller can win against larger. I don't have enough time to practice. Was getting bored, kinda gay too cause like sweaty overweight guy in mount position is definitely kinda gay, didn't like it. But besty can if she wants to lol.

Me, guy who doesn't like getting touched, being pinned, not a good combo, not into it.

Oh, so the main reason beyond the gay thing, I'm stronger now so I frame and whatever 250lb partner I have is getting hurt by me too easily. Dude, I'm following the method to escape and I have to press on you and they're getting hurt. Not my fault.


Adult matches are waaaay faster moves. Even teens are very fast. But yeah, Besty can't really close guard on me very easily but even her idk 50lb self can pin me, but like with her I can just lift her off. I have to be super gentle though ofc.
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Alice was dissatisfied with my relaxing gym routine that never broke a sweat let alone produced soreness and made me do 200% on push day yesterday. Literally starting over once I finished everything. And that quickly so it wouldn't take twice but only 1.5x the time. Took 3h and still didn't feel bad. I noticed I ran out of strength in the end, it didn't hurt and I didn't feel tired, just that my arms couldn't push the same weight for more than 5-8 reps instead of 12 anymore. Today there was ample soreness in my shoulders and pecs, not terrible but something I hadn't experienced since my very first day at the gym. We'll see how thing are tomorrow but it'll be leg day so it shouldn't matter. 

I am taking up some light running again because my stamina sucks. I can walk forever but run out of breath easily while running. At least initially, it gets better after a while.

Yeah, that was my main reason never to start martial arts, though BJJ is probably the most effective self-defense technique. 
But contrary to you I am not only too weak, I also lack speed and dexterity. Plus yeah, I immediately would do it if all training partners were early teen girls but with guys - just nope. That' worse than dancing class where my partners are at least adult women.
Aside from the fact that I barely have time for 6h gym per week, no idea how I should squeeze in martial arts class.
Soreness was almost completely gone the next day, no issues on leg day. Gotta find new ways to torture host, 3h gym 3 times a week takes too much time
had a fight over music some regular bydlo put on his custom playlist nigger rap music literally ape screetching and left. i switched it back into the usual generic shit i dont like either but can live with. he came back about 15min later and was like who did that why isnt there my music on what an idiot. but at least he didnt dare switching back to his shitty music again. weird thing is there were only few pretty old people and they didnt care about the music. most got some earphones

well nevermind still was a good gym session. i definitely feel more muscular and stronger gained about 4kg this year. dont think a lot of it is fat. shitty impedance scale says something 18-20%. its consistently 2-3% less that it was last year. not great not terrible.
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Body is weird.
I made host do a double leg day on Tuesday. Including climbing 1000 stairs on that stair machine, basically running. That was mildly exhausting but that's about it. No soreness whatsoever. 

Then we went to a dynamic shooting competition on Friday that involved some crouching and crawling. Not even in full gear, no ballistic plates and helmets that weight you down, basically nothing compared to a normal gym day. But man, the body was utterly sore the next day and also the day after. Especially butt and legs, can barely get up. I mean wtf is this? That never happened in the gym ever since we started in fall.

Only time I remembered something like before when we went to play paintball years ago. Basically the same movements, it obviously involves unfamiliar poses the body's not used to at all. So that's proof the gym doesn't train all muscles. Not surprising but one should expect to get at least some secondary benefits. But that's apparently not the case.

Yeah it's probably the secondary muscles. I doubt you felt any soreness in the quads. Otherwise I have no idea what you pulled but take it easy.

That's why I wanted to hike but whatever I'll just hike alone and fight off the pumas.
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I don't remember doing this since I was  20, I climbed one of those vita course polls, with just my arms. It was incredibly easy.

Did I mention the other day I ran like half a mile and I didn't even get tired?

I do remember surprising myself like this when I was serious a decade ago but I'm still surprised.

Today I also did 100's on the dumbell row and 130pounders on the Shrugs. That means I more than pull my own weight in pretty much any direction which is crazy to me.

I see a tatted up buff guy doing 90's on the dumbell Shrugs, struggling, and I'm doing 130's with ease and I don't look as buff as he does, he was probably 220 to my 195. 

I also exceeded my body weight on the pull downs 3x10 yet I can't frigging do bench without weird pain later?

So this was a huge gain since I started. I didn't consider myself weak before but now I'm swol af or something and it keeps going up.

Crazy. For what though? I told my doctor I did it so I didn't get injured doing yard work. Fucking healthiest American he knows probably.

Got people chatting me up all the time now like everywhere. I'm petting a puppy in front of the Petco after training and this aisian girl in her 20's total rizzola, she wasn't my type tho. She was asking me 20 questions speed date style. Girl was casting lines like crazy. But I don't bite.

[Ashley] gotta start carrying a stick so I can switch in and swat these girls away from my Bear.
lol be happy its girls and not guys running after you

im always surprised how bad looks and strength correlate there are a bunch of fat i mean really fat chicks in the gym look like those soviet weight lifter women on horse steroids. theyre unbelievable ugly and obese and look like theyd get a heart attack just by walking a few meters straight but they have crazy strength and endurance and could smoke me in just about any exercise. theyre also surprisingly flexible its ridiculous. theres also an old ex special forces guy that looks like a buddhist monk all bald thin and scrawny but hes also insanely strong all muscles and tendons no fat. looking buff does nothing. look at a chimp or orang utan - big belly and thin arms but those fuckers are stronger than an athlete even if they look like shit.

nice gainz for you though i feel i do look more muscular gained a bit weight thats probably muscles but nothing spectacular. i am significantly stronger in some exercises but not others its strange. so i am not sure but its probably better to invest more times in exercises i suck at.
Hiking did take its toll this time, pretty strong leg and butt soreness today after hiking downhill nonstop for over 3h yesterday. Going up wasn't an issue but down was an ordeal. Hardcore leg day.
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I admit we slacked off regarding planks and lunges since going to the gym. I always try to make host do them on gym-free days but often forget. Making him do them now.

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