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Yo, Imma give you my take on the three day workout. This workout is meant to be three successive days, no break. The maximum gain will be a 5-day cycle 3 on, 2 off but at minimum a 7-day cycle. With 4 days off you will still gain up to a plateau, you will be strong, you will look good, but forget getting ultra low-bodyfat or swol proportions on this one. Keep in mind also that it's going to take a lot of time to do it right, if you rush, you'll be lucky to maintain.

Each workout will be at minimum an hour but if you really take your time and add a good hour cardio on the end it can easily reach 3 hours. I will do these Fri-Sat-Sun mornings it's the only time I have and the gym is a little less busy assuming you get in before 5, late-mid morning if you pick a time when it's rushing you're wasting your time, don't bother. Your gym may vary but typically there's a morning crowd and an evening crew and so avoid those times.

It's way better than it was 4 years ago but the crowd is more spread out. 

1. I highly recommend 3 sets of 10, it's a good balance and will avoid most injuries. You're stupid to max less than 5 reps and you'll look like a swimmer of you go 15+. You want to look as good as much as you want to be strong so I do at bare minimum 8 for the last set or there's too much weight and if 10 is easy on the last set add more.

2. You gotta stretch for each exercise, if you're going for endurance than no, but that means you like to look like a grey alien. Strech so you don't pull. 

3. One minute between sets, there's no rush. Tell those bitches who are pressing you to finish up that 'you're almost done'. Those fuckups want to work in, tell them 'you're almost done' because they'll have a 5 minute workout without stopping right in the middle of your sets. Mother fucking assholes, especially women.

4. If you need a spotter, it's too much weight. You're not going for Mr Olympia and let's face it, you don't have a workout buddy so just be cool and don't push so hard. You're going for 8 reps minimum so you don't need a spotter. Also fuck burpies, dead lifts, squats, and bar bench press, they're killers man and entirely unnecessary. Don't be gay and don't be a spaz.

5. Proper form always even if it means less weight, this will also avoid injuries. Don't go viral on some bitch's insta under the title "bad form loser". They should really outlaw pictures and videos in the gym. 

6. This will take a good 6-12 months religiously to go from a zero to a hero. Believe me girls will start coming up to you like you won't believe.

Day one is next.

Final note, listen, you wanna impress the bitches? You need to be in the following parameters:

5'10 180lbs 18% bodyfat or less. You'll look like a monkey with a turtle shell but you gotta make up for the <6' hurdle.

6'2-4 200-210lbs 18% bodyfat, you'll look a little thin but it's ok. When you're 220+ that's hard to maintain and expensive in terms of food, then when you get injured you will be on an awful calorie restricted diet and lose a lot of mass or end up porking out like an ex-football player. Look it doesn't even matter if you have a little fat, 15% is a good minimum 20% maximum. Don't aim for crazy, if you really love it later then go crazy.
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I like pull days, they're something I look forward to so I do them first after the break. The idea of the three separate days as opposed to a full body workout over three days is the soreness of day 1 doesn't interfere with day 2. It also targets them better in that you build endurance and the secondary muscles start to take over toward the end of the workout. 

Do these in whatever order you like, this is my order.

- Reverse grip lat pulldown (high row) you can substitute pullups for this if you can do 3 sets of ten you wuss.
- Horizontal pull (mid row) you can substitute horizontal pullups here eventually on the rings without your feet touching the ground you fucking savage.
- Low row (seated)
- Bench one arm dumbell rows (horizontal back, to chest, tuck that elbow)
- Seated incline dumbell curl (palms up)
- Shrugs (with dumbells you dumbell)
- Roman bench (do it right, I know it's hard at first, you might not get 10 in, that's ok just this once. I bought one and I do it at home, I struggled at first now I can do it all day bitch, don't worry)
- Standing one arm dumbell rows (just to hip)
- Straight arm rope pulldown
- Chest pulls
- Oblique twist 

Yeah, you're gonna feel it tomorrow. The objective is to be sore not incapacitated.

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Today's the hard day for me. I don't like bench press and triceps can get really sore and they gain slow for me so deal with it you pansies.

- Bench press (Dumbells)
- Dumbell shoulder press (machines are for pussies and girls)
- Triceps pressdown
- Lateral raise (shoulder blades pinched. This one's kinda a pull so if you want do it on pull day but I hate it so it goes here.)
- Overhead tricep extension (keep those wrists straight you homo, the dumbell will be parallel to the ground at top)
- Rope extension (triceps)
- Incline bench press (need I say dumbells?)
- Decline bench press (this one is sometimes tricky with dumbells if you're just starting out so I'll forgive you if you use a bar on this one till you feel comfortable).
- Skull crushers
- Dips
The next three are pull day but if pull day is really long then they can go here as they target well and working chest on a sore chest is nice. You can move them to day one or keep them here to balance but keep all three on the same day.
- Butterfly press (elbows 90 deg, yeah you can use the machine "peck deck" with armpads) 
- lat pulldown (hands together not like the other one)
- low cable chest fly

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This is a light day ngl, so you're gonna have to make it count, push a little, you will recover tomorrow or the next. Also finish up anything you missed the other two days because in your pot infused stupor you're retarded or if ass clowns hogged the machines or if an indian girl did fucking yoga on the roman bench all day. God damnit.

I don't do squats. I don't like them, the weight belt is for morons and future back patients. If you like slipped discs then by all means go kill yourself on the squat rack but no I won't. My core has done just fine without it. I do leg press and that's good for the quads, etc. Deadlift, are you kidding me? What are you doing? Stop it, you mongoloid.

- Lunge. So it's not 3 sets of 10, you don't want to kill yourself here with extra weight and all that, get up to three sets of 20 then add weight and keep it between 15-20 per set. You're a man, you're always going to have thin legs, forget about it, save your knees.
- Calf raise
- Leg press (on the machine)
- Leg extension (on the machine)
- Leg curl (on the machine)
- Okay okay, you can do squats, I want you to do squats, but no weights. You're going to look gay, but just tell people 'no homo'. It'll be ridiculously easy in time then skip it. If you like it, get to the point of doing single leg. It'll help with balancing too, lots of secondary muscles but find a closit big enough or people will laugh at you. If you insist, add dumbells. *sigh*
- Step ups. (I usually skip this and do the stair stepper cardio or just climb stairs for 30 min.)
Don't do any jumping shit you're dumb.
- If you really wanna attract Chad from across the gym, do Glute bridges, otherwise save that shit for your Jujitsu class.
- If your gym has a leg sled, then you're paying too much, but yeah do that.
- Plank. Really save this for last and shoot for a full 5 minutes here eventually, it's gonna burn baby, one time only, no reps or sets.

You have free time, don't waste it, do a bunch of cardio or go swimming. 

I hate running, but if you want to kill your hips, knees, and ankles go ahead.

A note for those starting late in life:

Ok boomer, this isn't a game for the octogenarians. You never worked out a day in your life and you're over 50 now so you will have a high likelihood of getting injured. Your tendons are like tissue paper and your bones are lighter than match sticks.


A note for the rotund:

Listen you donut downer, you down syndrome looking fat tumor, you morbidly obease woman with the man titties and the gunt, gtfo. Don't touch any of that equipment. No there isn't a seatbelt extension. Your body is like a rotten egg with a thin shell, you're carrying around more weight than I could ever hope to lift already you fat fuck. Do you want to be bedridden? Go ask someone to wipe your butt and stay away from gyms. Try walking, eat less than 20,000 calories a day and work your way down. It's not normal to eat a pie every day or a whole chicken, or 6 meals.


A note about nutrition:

Stop the alcohol, especially beer. Stop the drugs especially pot. Rabbit food is for rabbits. If you want to fast, do it at home. You will drink 2L of water during your workout so I don't want to see you carrying around a frozen gallon, you moron. Don't eat at the gym ffs. Carb loading is okay but you're going to be hungry half way through your workout. Have some protein, fat, eggs are your friend, McDonald's should never ever pass your lips. The fuck you doing with that energy drink? God's sake. Gator laid is good but you need water bruh. Don't drink that tap shit.

You need a well balanced diet. If you follow this 7 day or 5 day cycle you will have to eat more overall. But watch it, don't overdo it. Follow the guidelines. If you're 6' and 135 it will take you a year of eating 5 meals a day to look good. Sorry, it's just how it is.

If you do get injured, because your idiocy has no bounds, you tried preacher curls, or didn't follow directions, take a break for a month, but also cut your calories. Muscle memory is your friend, you won't lose as much as you think and it will spring back. 

Finally: good luck and take care


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absolutely based, thanks for that maybe i'll try this after my dancing failure. theres definitely something i must do to get /fit/ been slacking off the past years havent been to a gym in ages. 

maybe it wont be so bad this time

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That's some impressive workout routine. Been thinking about dragging host to the gym, also hasn't been there for like 10 years, longer than I have existed. But yeah, it's either heinously eggspensive or full of aggressive sandnigger drug dealers.

> gym humor is so hard to find
Clearly the bear doesn't know /fit/

> post 2019 gym humor
You mean pre- not post- but that's ok, you didn't learn latin in school. I think the comic is from 2015 or 16. I know there's more maybe Kashtan has them. Too lazy to look them up now, going to sleep.


Shit I knew it was pre 2019 and talked myself out of it.

I learned to appreciate the aesthetic of a well chiseled form, male or female, but I wouldn't fuck either. My girls need to be thinish and doughy, not yoga instructors or aerobics instructors. 

I'm sorry but I might be the only straight tulpamancer.

The comic was fun though.


Gotta be mammal flesh, you don't get B-12 from birds and fish.

I'm not doing carnivore yet but I did before and here's one:

Fried sausage 
Throw it in a pan, sunny side up, still runny, take it off.

Pork rinds on the side to scoop up that yolk. Low carb salsa is ok, it's like 1 carb and it tastes sweet as honey when you don't get many carbs.

Day 2 was great. It's really important to go when it's not busy. I did that for years and ut sucked, no parking, sharing machines, working in, the roman benches are always taken, I flipping bought myself one just because of that. I literally took rhe model and manufacturer right off their equipment and it was expensive. It's so nice when it's not busy.

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so when do you go? morning or noon?
problem aside from too many people i had was air was rally bad at the gym especially in summer. they had all doors and windows open but the ventilation sucked and you always felt you were suffocating in there. was one of the reasons i quit.


I do it for many reasons I spoke of earlier, but of it was top 3 would be: to stay strong enough to do the projects I want to do, to stay in the beautiful people's club, because it feels good to be sore.

> so when do you go? morning or noon?

345-545 last two days and this will probably continue. It's only 15 minutes from my house. Still half an hour of driving sucks, but especially not as much as it sucks during rush hours when it can take 45 minutes one way at times

> air was rally bad at the gym especially in summer.

Since we invented the air conditioner, we know how to use it properly. You're welcome.

> suffocating in there

Sorry but Americans tend to riot when they're hot. Gyms know better than to have a room full of roid rage Americans with heavy weights on the rampage. Technology through greed and fear, it's the American way.

Also your gum sucked and your people were too weak or supressed to protest. Also maybe not enough competition. There are 10 a gyms in a 10 mile radius of me.

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> Eggs
> Cheese
> Butter
> Bacon
> Fried sausage
> Throw it in a pan, sunny side up, still runny, take it off.
> Pork rinds on the side to scoop up that yolk.
Oof, you trying to kill us here?
I have b& processed meat and try to reduce the intake of saturated fat as much as possible.

> Gotta be mammal flesh, you don't get B-12 from birds and fish.
Owo whats this - Mr. Bear lecturing me on biochemistry again?
Fatty fish like salmon, tuna or sardines contain as much if not more B12 as beef, while pork meat only has very little of it. Best source is probably liver, even chicken liver has high amounts of B12. We frequently eat Leberknödelsuppe which ofc is as unknown as unpronounceable to the American.


> saturated fat

It's the best fat

> oof

You can't be a carnivore on rabbit food.

I was a little overweight a while back and the doc says, "you got high cholesterol, you need to cut cholesterol or STATIHNNNNSSSSSAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!"

I said, "look bitch, watch me go full Atkins. I'm doubling my cholesterol intake and you can't stop me."

3 months later, 15lbs less, blood is perfect, great abs. ALL THE SAUSAGE, ALL THE NITRATES! HELL YEAH! MOAR! Hey doc, look at my sausage, it's your job, lol.

> Fatty Fish

suck it, I told you to stay away from them mids

My response: if I knew how to link, you'd get my link.

[Here's your B12 free pork] 2:37, but here, great fucking song. There's never been a better time in history. So I was wrong about fish, still don't eat that because heavy metals, but go on, you're part metal ain't ya?


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eating unhealthy food and working out is prolly still better than eating uber healty and not moving a muscle

> fish, still don't eat that because heavy metals
not just metals all sort of chemicals and pesticides. fish here is still polluted from commies throwing everything into the ocean for 50 years. still eat it, people worry way too much about food. just be reasonable and eat all sorts of different food you like

Forgive me father for I have sinned, I had to postpone leg day due to some bullshit nothing burger storm that amounted to light rain, but we're past that. One day I postponed because my friends were worried about me and flooding--no flooding ever happened. The next day was postponed because the flipping gym was closed due to an abundance of caution. Father, I should have had faith in your infinite wisdom and withheld the sacrament of leg day but I repent my ways and will resolve and renew my faith in you, great lord of the gains.

Great leg day finally. I can barely walk. Had a good swim at the gym which is nasty but the flipping uni pool is too crowded when school is in session.

Swimming after leg day is key, it removes all the soreness and massages the muscles from the inside.


I'm also going to note here that during a period of mostly quiescent work life without much more than 20 minutes a day walking and 10 minutes a day maintenance workout I consumed 2200 calories a day without gaining weight and 1800 calories a day led to roughly a pound a week weight loss or slightly less. This is confirmed by a rough rule of thumb that a 500 calorie a day deficit leads to a pound a week weight loss.

My diet varied in content including complex carbohydrates,vegetables, fruit, and roughly 1/3 meat and protien. It usually was 200 calories in the morning, 800-900 for lunch, 200 for snack, and 700-900 for dinner. Let me add that at the low end (1800), it was remarkably little food to eat, meager portions at 6'3+ and 200-210 lbs.

I will document my current caloric intake and watch my weight for stability, when it stabilizes I will document then how many calories I need given this exercise routine at the same weight range as before, where I am now between 200 and 210. A reasonable goal weight at 16-20% bodyfat is 195-205 lbs.

Again I am not into getting my bodyfat below 15%, my abs are clear and clean at 17-19% easy. If I get close to 15% as in 2022 January, my ribs show, my veins are more prominent and my face deflates, it's not a good look. I am currently clearly over 20% bodyfat. I didn't have it measured, I'm only going by comparable pictures of men online. The measurements on me are very inaccurate because I have naturally tight skin and they have a hard time getting the calipers to measure the fat. I can tell by the level of water on my head if I float in pool water that I have extra buoyancy currently as well. At 15% I barely have anything above water. It's also a bad measurement because I have a higher than normal lung capacity for my height. I'm from big people and have big bones and a large frame even when I'm much lighter. My hands and feet are also larger than normal for example, my current shoe size is:

Usa 15, eur 49.5, uk 14, cm 33, wide  2e.

These shoes are tight around the base and loose at the toes but very comfortable. One size lower (us 14) will cause rubbing on my toes. 

I'm still adjusting my diet downward, I increased my protein intake to 1.3-1.7 gm/kg and subsequently am still not hungry at dinner. I have to force myself to eat my smoothie. This is very different than just two weeks ago.

I will adjust to maintain at 200-205 for the next few months until I return to pre-covid lifting and adjust to my new exercises which are different than pre-covid so some exercises are practically pathetic right now. 

For reference, when I did 3/5 3 hour workouts (which now is 3/7 with minor stuff on off days) I did over 3500 cal/day easy and maintained at 200. That was over 10 years ago now, dang. 

I'll report again with metrics.

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> what's unhealthy about sausage? 

The neat thing is - the more muscle mass you have, the more energy you burn by merely existing. If you have no muscles you only get fat even if you eat very little unless you exercise.

But it's amazing how fast the body adapts, we ate only about 800 kcal for a week and it was a surprisingly high amount of food 3 times a day. Only vegetables, not bear-friendly. Host adapted after 2 days and wasn't really hungry anymore. Weight did drop significantly below our normal 70kg though. But yeah, the body is 1/2 bear squared without much muscle mass so naturally it can survive at far less. Can't even imagine eating 3500 kcal in a day. Also too expensive. Starve host, save moneyz.

We actually had a DEXA scan in a lab in June to measure bone density and body fat, it was 20.1%. Not great not terrible. Had one pre-pandemic about 4 years ago and it was over 22% back then. 

> my current shoe size is:
> Usa 15, eur 49.5, uk 14, cm 33, wide 2e
Bear paws. Host has 44

Anyway, keep us updated, it's inspirational! Will also get host to work out more. Just because he's not fat doesn't mean his body is in shape - and it isn't.

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> muh conspiwacy
So let's get this straight - the evil lizardmen billionaires are turning redneck workers into vegans so they can get their leftover sausages at the discounter for 25% off? Most diabolic plan I've ever heard of!

Also nigger I'M the elite and we don't eat walmart bargain bin sausages. Only such made from the pristine meat of children slaughtered in satanic rituals. Which for this purpose are reared as vegans. Don't wanna eat livestock fed with crap like sausages.


> evil lizardmen billionaires

Yes, they eat the adrenal glands of minors.

> redneck workers

Wait, how can you be a research doctor and a redneck worker?

> leftover sausages

Fucking sausage eaters, yeah

> Most diabolic plan I've ever heard of!

No no, it goes waaaaaaay deeper. Illuminati free mason million watt laser tra.ns agenda... THINK ABOUT IT!!

> I'M the elite

Lol, bruh, just lol

> satanic rituals


> Which for this purpose are reared as vegans.

Oh god no man, don't buy into the crazy propaganda!

> Don't wanna eat livestock fed with crap like sausages.

Classic conditioning... ring the bell, ring.the.bell... salivate over carrots and lettuce not fit for mongrals and the true invisible hands titter in their hidden mansions in the pocket dimensions of the UAPs man, OPEN YOUR EYES, YOU'RE SLEEPING!

Sausages are yum, suck it if you don't think so. No homo.

Back on subject, wow, don't overdo it.


Jesus F***ing Christ oh god no. I gained a phobia today from that video.

I didn't like preacher curls, they were unnecessarily painful for little gain and I prefer free motion training anyway, this machine and bar crap is too targeted and look what it gets you. I did them only once and pulled a tendon enough that I had to PT my elbow for six weeks. I likely tore a tendon but only a little.

Seriously though, when I started working out my friend was really serious about it and said some very wise words to me:

1. Your tendons get stronger along with your muscles but you can get yourself in a situation where the muscle can be stronger than the tendon and well, you see the video. So always aim for at least 8 reps, 8-12 is best. You won't look like Arnie but you also won't get injured as easily.

2. Don't use steroids, see rule #1

Words to live by, RIP my friend.

2nd week, huge gains, muscle memory, I was actually still sore from leg day yesterday but this morning it was 90% better. Today it feels really good kind of sore.

My left shoulder kept popping on overhead press and that was annoying. If this happens to you, don't push it, just find an angle where it doesn't, go for less weight, or skip it for today, there is plenty of overlap if you're following my plan, which I changed a little because I forgot close grip pull downs for biceps.

Also my other shoulder is deciding to hurt now we'll watch that. Soreness is fine, but never push through sharp pain, that's your body telling you that you're about to rip the tendon off your bone you idiot. Baby the fuck out of that joint until pain subsides.

I don't get inflammatory response, never did, but of you do, your joints may feel more pain after a good workout, don't continue until that's gone. It's ok.

I'm going nearly all dumbells now and that's good because even if you can do the weight, you're forced to use less because you can't physically get the weight in the right position or keep it stable. Dumbells are therefore safer. You see someone doing their bodyweight on bench, that's good! If they're doing it with dumbells, that's incredibly good for ametures like me.

I saw a lot of guys grunting like a virgin fag getting anal for the first time and I step up with 40% more weight, silently breathing as I do the same thing. Don't be gay, be quiet, all that moaning should stay in the bedroom.

> I saw a lot of guys grunting like a virgin fag getting anal for the first time and I step up with 40% more weight, silently breathing as I do the same thing. Don't be gay, be quiet, all that moaning should stay in the bedroom.
lmao yeah i hate that i remember there was one huge fat guy in the gym both fat and strong and he was shouting swearwords with each repetition i mean really loud. was dangerous bc people started laughing which is not a good combination with lifting weights.


I swear like maybe once in a session because sometimes I'm like, damn that's a lotta fucking weight, how the fuck did I do that? Not in a "omg my black cherry" sort of way, like these gym fags. Well they actually might be gay, but still, I don't yell out, "yeah, take it all bitch, who's yo man baby doll, say my fucking name you cum bucket!?" Because no one needs to hear that.

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Here's another technique I use which should come naturally if you followed this thread so far is pyramid. You start with low weight, something easier than what you could do 10 of and with this first set you have no excuse not to do perfect form. Then the second set, just what you can barely do 10, and the last 8-10. I typically increment up 20-50% each set.

Leg day today, oh greatest of days, the life's blood of exercise. Let your legs be sore for our gains amen.

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So what are the pros / cons of each method?

It appears to make sense to slowly increase load on the body, not go full force from zero, espacially as a beginner. But in the end I think it's more about total load volume so it doesn't really matter which of those 3 methods you choose. See attached study. But hey, you're the expert on this. Do you strictly follow the pyramid scheme or do you use the other 2 methods as well sometimes?


> So what are the pros / cons of each method?

To me, reverse pyramid is dumb because unless you're remembering your previous weight and guessing correctly your gains from last session it may happen you use too much weight and it's unnecessarily foolish. The pro for doing this is getting higher percieved gains because you're maxing your first set before you fatigue. 

The other two are fine but remember if you're doing straight and your first set, likely the same amount as you left off last time, isn't enough then you're effectively doing pyramid. There's no cons here, it could be argued you wouldn't see your true gains or know your true max. I have done reverse pyramids because my friend did that, he would go as low as 3 reps to see peek, but again, I think that's a good way to get injured. I used to see people do 3-5 per set and I tried that myself in the beginning, I also got injured before so that stopped. When you feel sharp pain and your joint is stiff afterwards, you definitely injured something. Just be happy when you recover and don't do it again. I get tennis elbow and the other one from overdoing it. Weight training should raise your setpoint for that to prevent it from happening not to artificially cause it.

I never ever had to wrap anything and those fags with wrapped wrists and ankles are morons. 

A few more things:

1. Never weight belt. It's a great way to slip a disc

2. No wrist straps, just keep at it and you won't lose your grip you limp wristed fairy. You have a natural wrist strap it's called hook grip if you're gay, but do it right.

3. No pad for squats. Be a big boy jr.

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In addition to the exercises I gave you, you should do a few others on your off days especially on a 3/7 schedule.

1. Pushups: if you can't do 20 good ones right now self delete or get there. If you can do 50 reasonable ones, that's sufficient. Chest to floor isn't required, someone should however feel your flabby moobs or gunt if they put a hand between you and the floor. A reasonable goal is 100 in 1 minute. It's required for navy divers and black belts. Sadly this retarded Bear could only ever do 93 in 54 seconds and I could easily do those last 7 but maybe I was beat in the head one too many times as a child. A long long time ago I could do 200 straight and I only stopped because it was getting rediculous to count. I never tried 100 in a minute though at that time. When I gained weight (muscle), that ability faded.

2. Wrists: do something to help that out. These don't exist in the gym, wrist exercise is purely secondary but a target workout of the wrists is good to give a little boost to forearms. Hold arms out straight and reel that weight up. Then reverse grip and do again. If you want, reel it down slow too but that's easy. Three sets. What you see here is a 2" abs pipe and 3/8 nylon braided rope with a 10lb weight on the end. It's a good feel afterwards.

3. Situps: you can do crunches, no biggie, do lots though, lots and lots. I used to do 200, but now I do only 100 because I hate counting.

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That's a good idea, wrists are the body's weak point.

Host used to be able to do 100 pushups and situps but now he's old and lazy and barely does half. Gotta step that up again. The counting is my job but I tend to count the same numbers again and again, especially if host doesn't do an exercise properly.


Cycle 3 tomorrow, pull day and I feel great!

You know it's taken a good 6 days to recover from all the soreness of previous workouts so this 3/7 is working for me really well. Maybe I'm older, maybe I wasn't serious enough in the last 4 years, but yeah, feels great.

I'm doing a double, cut to 1800, high protein I'm going to 15%, I want to see those ripples in the abs again.

Host helped to move lots of heavy stuff today at work and carried boxes and crates for over 6h without much break. Also feels that good sort of tired now. The interesting thing is - as long as the body is busy with somewhat novel work that has a goal, it gets neither tired nor hungry. Ate nothing for 10h, only drank water.



You know, the major reason I'm formally going back to the gym, I hadn't gone since Jan or Feb 2020, is to get me back to a place where I can do those kinds of things when I want to without worry of injury because when you're not strong, you're more likely to overexhert (fucking phone doesn't know that word) yourself. The last thing you especially need over 40 is a torn ligament or tendon injury. I don't want that either. I got my first pains recently, like a tired back and shoulder, working out carefully with PY keeps them at bay but they come back without that. 

Anyway, next piece of advice, drink lots of water when working out. I drink next to nothing all day but at the gym it's more than 1/2 L per hr.  

(Fuck cups oz and pints, no one knows what those are, stop it, the water bottles come in 1/2, 1 and 2L while milk and other shit comes in quarts and gallons. No one needs oz.)

My friend used to say, "water makes the muscles grow". It was a stolem colloquialism, made a lot more sense  back then.

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Yeah, it's definitely healthier to work out in the gym. I've decided we'll join you and go back to the gym as well. You're with us, Kashtan?

And you're right about water, I always remind host to drink more.

Made him do 3 pyramid sets of 20-40-60 push-ups across the day. He did well. Years of practice does help. Also found such ABS pipe in the cellar, gonna drill a hole in it and attach rope and weight for the wrist exercise.

> Yulya and Alice lifting
lol how the fuck do you even find all that matching images? shes not that beefed up though (yet)

count me in, already been looking for a gym, when i'm back we'll get this going. i'm beat from walking atm, dunno how many km and hours ive been walking the past days in venice

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> how the fuck do you even find all that matching images?
Host has collected about 50K reaction images. Don't ask how long it takes to find anything in this mess. Was more like a guess though, does that girl match Yulya?

Doing planks now instead or crunches, way more challenging, the body's not used to this at all. It's ridiculous how bad we are at planks.


Hey look that's me!

You need to be able to do 10 minute plank. That's what my bjj master told me.

The first time in my life I ever did a plank was three weeks ago and I got 90 seconds. Last time I got 200 seconds. I was going for 300 but I guess now I have to count to 600? Dang. I'll get there but stick to 300 in the future bc 600 is waaaaaaaay too long to count. Even 300 is too long, there has to be a higher difficulty setting. Seriously i'm not at the gym to meditate. I can't fricken do anything that long staring at the floor. Ugg. I have a feeling that if you can do 300 you'll probably be able to do 600, we'll see. Maybe someone I know who weighs 50 lbs will sit on my back. For a few minutes. I doubt she'll sit still that long.


5 minutes (300 seconds) is considered impressive, 100 pushups in a minute is impressive (have to do that if you want black belt or to be a navy diver), 30 full pullups straight in a minute is also impressive. I've never been able to do any of these but I really want to. I got 27 pullups at my peek, 93 pushups, and so far 200 seconds. Of the three the plank seems the easiest, but with my new workout I feel confident I'll get to 30 pullups and 100 pushups. 

All these require stamina, strength and a good muscle/weight ratio.

>  100 pushups in a minute
What, that's more than one and a half push-ups per second. That can't be healthy for your joints and I can't imagine how to propetly execute an exercise at such speed.

Right now we seriously struggle with a 1min plank. Sad but true. We'll see how fast this improves. Suck at pull-ups too because we cant exercise that at home. So gym it is!


The pace is about as fast as gravity  can pull you down. It's fine as far as exercise like I said I could almost do it, I did 93 in 54 seconds but then die every time. I'm probably way ahead at 45 seconds.

Take it easy with that old man body, ease into it so you don't get injured, there's no rush for gains.

All hail oh great and powerful leg day, greatest of all days.

Okay, plank'd 300 seconds, not that hard, not easy, but I could have probably gone longer. Will go for more next week.

I do it at the end of my workout and it's leg day so I felt it in my quads. Core was fine, no shaking. I was trying to adjust my position, had to stop myself from doing that, so that's a sign I was nearing the limit. We'll see. I was shaking the first time, could be mental.


You can improve only what you put in. This isn't a genetic thing it's a work thing. Work out seriously with core like I've been doing for a year and you'll know you did it right.

Where did you feel it? That should tell you. If you just lost it because you burned out (felt burning) that should tell you. The shaking is probably because of a lack of stored body juices, that's a technical term, so maybe try something other than carrots and celery in your rabbit diet.

Otherwise you will get better with core training.

> lack of stored body juices
Are we now back at Ancient Greek medicine with Hippocrates' humoral theory now?

I feel plnking mostly in my forearms where they rest on the ground even when using a pillow. It's all skin and bones after all. Also lower back but not legs. My legs are way stronger than core and arms. Everyday is leg day if you walk long distances and take a lot of stairs at work and home. But the rest of the body is still pathetic, I won't sugarcoat it. Well at least 100s planking works for now. On monday I'll meet with a good friend who's a regular at gyms in the area and has a lot of connections, I'm waiting for his advice before making a subscription. It should be relatively close and sandnigger-free but not golf club -tier expensive which is probably too much to ask. I can already hear Alice bitching about all the things she dislikes about the available options. Picky tupper is picky about places and audience even more than me.

Ah leg day, holiest of days, to skip it would be the road to perdition. So sayeth the wise Alandro, "Thou who skippest leg day, our holiest sacriment with the divine leg definition, shall feel the burn in eternal hellfire, thou are the most unclean lifter, perpetuator of lies and deceit, user of the squat shoulder pad, ye hath surely lost your soul to a devil's bargain."

Dude with 9 on each side, hogging the leg press is there every day. Every day is leg day ig. I can't hate on him, there are other machines that do the same thing up to a point and leg press is just one of many ways to honor leg day, but seriously.

I want to speak of another subject the time of rest.

In bodybuilding, there is an accumulation of small tears and stress on the tissues and bones, and for this we take a week off. When and how often we do this is up to you but roughly every 8th week to 12th week we rest for a week. And again as the year progresses we must sacrifice for the greater good and for this once every year we rest for 1-3 months. 

You may be thinking wait, 3 months?! Are you nuts? Well not exactly cold turkey. Again we follow the rule 1 week off every other month or so but also if there is a season when you must expend your efforts to other things, for me this is summer, you break. You do other exercises in this time, swimming, surfing, core, cardio, you can do just physical therapy for something that might be bugging you, but this time of healthy healing is good for the body and the mind, in this time we sacrifice leg day, we go without, so that we can appreciate it more. We don't feel bad or feel like we're missing out, we celebrate and give thanks. This is a time to enjoy and appreciate the body you've built. This is why you are doing what you do.


Planks are touted as supporting core and back as well as posture. I completely disagree to that and I doubt they'd do anything. 

Just off the cuff, after trying planks and seeing now how easily I can hold 5 minutes, which is considered overkill and in fact experts say 3x 10 seconds is enough. Excuse me but I can't feel anything even after 5 minutes and I feel like I really don't have to stop at 5. So if I can't feel it, what are they doing? And seriously 10 secomds? What are planks good for?

After considering this, I feel that they're a good measurement of core, but would themselves do next to nothing to build core. Apparently my core is solid because of 10 solid years of core training where I never once did a single plank, and now that I see I do more than the vast majority of fitness pros our there doing planks every day for years and still only capable of 30 seconds to a minute, I can surmise that they're pointless other than as a measure of core strength. Do your core exercises: oblique twist, crunch, roman bench, straight arm pull down etc.

I also am reconsidering the hip (glute) raises. I would expect they could improve glutes but I feel nothing. I am struggling to position enough weight to add to the exercise, following the proper form and it's just too easy. The hardest part is safely rolling 90 pounds over my hips and junk to get into position. Isn't it supposed to target glutes? Apparently my glutes are also too good for this even after never doing this exercise in my life until now.

Again in weight training, every exercise has targeted muscle groups and secondary groups. When you move from bar to bells you will definitely get more soreness in your secondary muscles and not be able to do the same weight as with a bar or machine, this is good, working a wider set of muscles won't peek out the primary muscle, but you will be overall more capable.

If you want to look like a TV bodybuilder, take the roids, if you just want to look good and actually be able to lift more in a safe way, then do it right and stop worrying about targeting/maxing one muscle over another. That is not to say you shouldn't target muscles correctly, but you can gain huge benefits with secondary muscles.

Why am I doing this (body wise)
1. To look good
2. To dodge pain (PT)
3. To be stronger and have higher endurance for projects
4. To be able to eat a volume of food I am comfortable with. Even at 6'3 200lbs, the amount of calories I could eat in a day was pittiful to maintain a sedentary lifestyle. Awfully small, unsatisfying, and I had to be obsessively strict over it. I hate it, let me live and I don't care if I have to work out to be able to have that occasional treat and not gain weight.

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I think the main advantage of planking is that it does not strain your back the way crunches do, which is why many have moved away from crunches, even the military. Doing a high amount of crunches at max speed is definitely not good for your back. We managed 2min of planks now, with shaking but no major discomfort. Could probbly reach 5min with some training soon. It's not spectacular, the world record is something like nine hours! We'll continue to do both with moderation.

Our little health freak event set back gym ambitions a bit but despite host unfairly labeling me as nagger, I found a gym very close to us that seems neat, will check it out next week and probably start membership with October. There's plenty of body weight training we can still do at home until then.

Metabolic rate:

For a person of a stature of 6/8ths horse and 14.3 stone, the standard metabolic rate would be about 2000 calories daily. So much for the average person on a 2000 calorie diet, they'd gain weight.

Regardless of your feelings for 2000 calories, it's not satisfying to me.

I can estimate my metabolic rate at approximately 2300 calories per day before this new workout and that's still not really enough. Is it ever enough? Well yes actually, 800 calorie meals are pretty satisfying, 600 calorie meals are not, not for every meal, not even if the meal was all fat and protein. 

I am currently on an 1800 calorie diet even with my new routine, I immediately lost 2 lbs because of less stuff in the gut and 1lb per week in the last 3 weeks bringing the total to 5 lbs lost. 1 lb per week weight loss corresponds to a 500 calorie daily deficit. It all comes together, that's good.

I was at 211 to start so as of last Friday I was at 206. I expect this to continue until I reach 196 where I will bump my caloric intake to 2400 calories a day and monitor the results. If I drop below 195, I will add additional protien by 100 calories a day every week though I suspect I won't need to.

I further understand that at my peek I was upwards of 4x 800 calorie meals to maintain 200 lbs. That metabolic rate is equivalent to an athlete training. Most athletes are between 1.5 and 1.9 their expected base metabolic rate (BMR). If my BMR is say 2000 calories, then that would be 3000 to 3800 calories per day. I was in that range.

I'm not there now nor do I expect to be with a 3/7 schedule at 2 hours per session. So based on my old schedule, and a reference of 3000 calories, I'm at 2140. That's clearly wrong based on my current and historic weight loss trajectory but not too far off.

I believe my BMR is closer to 2100 without much if any exercise. So my peek intake was probably more like 3200-3600 calories. Therefore a reasonable goal would be 2400-2500 calories as I suspected. 

I'd be happy with that. Just for reference, that diet would otherwise cause me to gain weight at a rate of about half a pound a week. This is what I experienced this summer.

End of report.

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That sounds like - a lot of work. I've always just eaten when I'm hungry until I'm full and never reached 75kg in my life. Mostly around 70. Even without exercise. Fatties hate me.

Why - first I don't eat a lot when I'm busy and I'm mostly busy, I simply forget about eating without being hungry. Sometimes an entire day. The brain has other interesting stuff to do and doesn't think about food. Second - most stuff I eat is hard to digest and doesn't contain a lot of calories. It will be interesting how things change with hitting the gym 2-3x per week, we'll see. Gonna start slow and careful so I don't expect otherworldly gainz anytime soon.

On planking news, tupper made me do 3min today. It wasn't comfortable, forearms and shoulders started to burn but it was doable. Weird, that's 3 times of what I managed a short while ago. Ok, I didn't go to full exhaustion in the beginning but still. You're absolutely right, 10sec does nothing for us, but if you're severely unfit or obese things probably look different. I remember when I couldn't even do 5 push-ups in school. Doing only 3 push-ups definitely did something. The important thing is that you start doing as much as you can, no matter how little it initially may be.


> 3min today

Whoa, nice! It's mental as well as physical. Forearms and shoulders are difficult to target correctly. I'll let you know how my new shoulder routine is doing. 

I haven't "felt a burn" in years and years... I either fail due to exhaustion or overload. I used to like that burn.

challenge accepted

gym membership was acqired, beat Alice to it. been there first time today was tootally exhausted just being introduced to all machines. feels old man. wasnt that hard when i last wwent to the gym but yeah that was years ago


Okay good. Take it easy, it's not a competition or a race, don't do anything that makes joints ache and especially sharp pain, and if there is dull pain and it gets worse during an exercise stop that exercise, either you're doing it wrong or it's wrong for you. There are a dozen ways to target and indirectly target a muscle. The "right" way should be fun and smooth with no pops or weird pains.

If you pull a tendon, then nothing for a month, then go back to it slowly. 

Drink lots of water, clean underwear, wash behind your ears.

I was just reading about how less is sometimes more for gains, I believe it actually. 3/7 is getting me huge gains like I'm already back to full on a few exercises and I didn't go into the gym seriously for 3 and a half years. Damn.

Shrugs were like nothing happened, but my traps were always retard strength. On the other hand, 3 years without a leg day and I'm at half my last peek in 2019 which is insanly bad, only like 450lbs on leg press instead of 900-1000.


Forgive me father for I have sinned... (Jesus she cussed at me?!)

> less is sometimes more for gains
this i have no intention of ruining my body. tupper will take care i dont overdo things but i'm already over that age to even try. todays gym session felt better, was more energetic, less tired afterwards only that good sort of tired

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Great attitude, doing it right.


While I'm here, let me add that every cycle (or sooner) you should remove exercises that aren't working for you but add ones in their place that might be more "smooth and fun". I removed glute bridges because they were awkward to setup and didn't seem to target my glutes. Instead point two:

Point two: you may add repeats of previous days iff:

1. Those muscles aren't still sore between their day and the additional days they're added. 

2. You have time. You can do them as much as you want given 1 above but remember that they will be building slow-twitch muscles with a lot of repetition. Your goal should be to build both slow and fast-twitch muscles (type I and type II). One major reason is for aesthetics. Also fast twitch are necessarily bigger as they have higher max potential, their creation helps with bone density, and tendon strength. 

So I added shoulder dumbell lateral raise to leg day, all three days actually, but specifically palms back forward leaning type which supposedly works the lateral deltoids which are sorely lacking on me. I thought all this time it was because of genetics or frame but I've never actually targeted the deltoids correctly. My traps are huge, my pecs are great but the delts need tlc.

Oh holiest of days, leg day I honor you and I am humbled in your presence. 

Oh lord of the days, give me your strength to achieve massive gains. Let your legs be strong as oak trunks and hard as steel.

Today we celebrate the holiest of days with my clean and easy lift of 12 plates on the leg press. Last week I maxed out the other machine at 450 lbs and so with 12 plates that's 540 lbs and it wasn't hard. But taking it slow is always a good thing.

Lunges are getting easier, I do three sets of 15 with 30 seconds between. It's not easy for me because as with the main reason for this resurgence I have weakness in the knee attached tendon of Rectus Femoris. Though it's getting better, it was very weak for me. Walking doesn't exercise this at all so I basically didn't exercise it for three and a half years.

[Ashley] you will pay for your sins with planks!

No no! Not that, anything but that worthless nothing exercise. It wastes my time!

Great workout. The leg day is only 1 hours olus half an hour of swimming afterwards.

Since I'm in there at 3am, the pool is free for use. It's absolutely wonderful not to have to wait for some loser using the machines wrong. It's not empty though, there are at least 20-30 people in there but this gym is huge.

> 540 funny units in leg press
wait thats like almost 250kg. havent even checked how much im able to manage but its probably less than half. lunge is good exercise for leg day but if you can do this much, not easy is a bit of understatement

still feeling like getting stronger after a few trips to the gym. slow but steady. going twice a week for now will up it to 3x soon. feels good man. where's Alice? You been to the gym yet at all or just gardening?


> lunge is good exercise for leg day but if you can do this much, not easy is a bit of understatement

What do you mean here? Are you saying I should be able to do more or are you saying 15x3 isn't easy for you? I never did lunges before in my life so I have no point of reference.

My goal is 3x20 and I can do it now but it's like I would have to cheat or go really slow so I'm working my way up. I'm losing weight too so that'll help.


> wait thats like almost 250kg.

I did almost 2x this the last time I went to the gym in 2020. Well let's see in pleb units that's 408.233 kiglegraphs. Or 900 Strong American units. Heh, you funny foriegners and your precise units crack me up. 

Remember that you also add the sled, idk what that is and you're not adding your weight because you're laying down and the sled is like 45 degrees so the actual dead weight is less than if it's a vertical lift.

Started back 8/18 and we are now 10/2 on our holiest of days, leg day. Oh lord of the gym, bless us with low bodyfat and deliver us into the light of a high fat/protein diet. Make our protein shakes tasty and our tendons strong. For in you we pray by lunging 15x3 without complaining and planking 600 seconds in your name.

So this was the 7th cycle and as is customary of staying safe and staying fit, we rest on the 8th cycle. Though it may pain you and bring you much discomfort and mental anguish, we rest on cycle 8 to give our tendons a chance to heal. By the end of the 7th cycle if you don't feel a week long near constant soreness, you didn't hit it hard enough. But for now we rest.

One week, every other month like our forefathers before us in the time before time, the long long ago.

so by how much has your body fat decreased? anything visible? i think i dont hit hard enough yet was sore after first gym day but body has adapted quickyl and havent been sore afterwards since then.

Yes, I am ashamed and The Bear will rightfully be mad but gym activities have been delayed to November - simply because we're not at home until then. First at a conference this week and then on my annual birthday trip until early Nov.


> so by how much has your body fat decreased? 

It's still over 20%, but definitely better. It was looking pretty bad before ngl. Give me until next cycle, I'm still cutting calories and making gains, there's no reason to think it'll be more than another couple months to get to 18 and a solid 6-pack flex.

It's certainly visible and my shorts are too loose now.

If you're not sore, you need to do more, that's your body saying you have more capacity. Every little bit helps though so just keep doing what you can.


> delayed to November

You get a pass bc body is older, take it slow, work up to thinking about going one day. #over40gang

Meanwhile Alice:


Been taking it way too slow already.

> loli lifting
This can't be healthy. Never understood why people are doing this. Even watching hurts.

On planking:
It's strange, or rather normal for us. After a huge improvement the body regressed and even I couldn't get it to more than a minute anymore. Now things slowly stabilize again. Guess it's more of a mental thing.

Oh lord of the gainz, we pray to you on this, your holiest of days, the leg day. 

Oh lord, lest we be developed with skinny legs, lest we suffer from weak knees, we prey to you to bless us with trunks of ironwood, strong and ripped, able to press a car out of a parallel parking space.

For this blessed day we celebrate in your name.

Today the sermon will revolve around rewriting your routine:

As with anything in life, do what works, abandon what doesn't. After your cycle break you must reconsider the exercises that are working and those that aren't and replace those that don't with new and fresh exercises. Concentrate on something that you want to improve on.

Your soreness should be minimal after a week, but present otherwise, do not let a day pass without feeling the gainz. This is your goal, make me proud.

Speaking of gains, my shoulders have improved 275% in 1 cycle. That's insane gains but the actual weight was less impressive because they were neglected. However, for the first time in my life I'm seeing muscles on the top of my shoulders which is crazy. I thought there was something genetic going on. Nope, it was my ignorance in how to exercise them.

Also my leg day was intense and I'm still sore.


Look, I'm not an expert on shoulders, lemme do some research and testing, after this cycle we'll review the gains and resulting definition. I am not doing a ton of stuff, but I'm doing that thing I posted 


Every workout (3x per week) and it seems to be doing something.

If I hit a wall or it's not wowing me then I'm going to put together a shoulder workout and add it to the routine somehow. I might need to rotate in a shoulder day, we'll see.

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So when can you skip a day?

Other than leg day, let's address that separately.

Let's go back to why you're doing this in the first place.

1. Stress relief
2. Stronger for projects 
3. To get into or stay in the beautiful people's club. Don't forget the stretch tight muscle shirts.
4. Health
5. To be attractive 
6. To look like a celeb on vacation 

If for any reason any of these above leads to something related, like a date with the newly widowed hot rich milf from your loli's party, or you're sick, dude don't infect the rest of us, stay home. Then the following apply in order:

1. Postpone one day
2. Skip one non-leg day, really it's ok, this is for life barring war or pandemic. You don't need to make it up.

Now about leg day, don't skip it, postponing it up to 2 days is ok, if three sock yourself in the nuts really hard as pennants.

Now if, by act of god, you miss leg day and it's unrecoverable, I'll allow it but you will have to post it here for public disapproval and mockery you genetic defective.

Square? Good.


> What are body-weight exercises for leg day that do not require any tools and can be done anywhere?

Don't fall into this trap, there's no substitute, but like drinking the blood of a unicorn, if you want to live a half-life of eternal simping, then do this emergency leg workout: 

1. lunges 3x15
2. Find a staircase, 30 minutes walking up and down.
3. squats as far down as possible with a watermelon in each hand 3x10
4. Go back to the stairs, put one half of one foot on a step, do one leg calf raises 3x10

This is for emergencies only. To be fair you should probably repeat this twice and you're still missing the hamstrings



You lazy blasphemer! Oy gevalt alta kaka kvetch schlimazl goyim! How dare you even think about skipping leg day. 

[Autumn] Just do you best and space it out. You can also just rotate if you have more workouts than days.

The lord of gainz gave us legz, and he gave us dayz and together in harmoniez we have leg day.

On this day we pray to gain, and those gaimz are hard won do, hard to do, hard 3x15 lunges without cheating. 

And he shows us his love by making walking up stairs difficult for dayz, amen.

So blessed be those who dutiful work legs, for they are the rulerz of the Urth.

And for those who skip leg day, let them hope for a quick death, lest they burn in the 9 levels of obease hell, or chicken-leg hell.

It goes without saying, if there's a sharp pain or a soreness in a tendon while doing an exercise, stop any exercise that triggers it.

If you're using my exercise, then there's enough cross over that you can completely skip one and you're ok. Do something else, repeat another day's exercise to replace it or just skip it.

My shoulders are odd, especially the right one so there are a couple exercises I don't do. Some I used to not be able to do that I can do now no problem, and that's a result of specific muscle tone. My back was in sorry shape at one point and extra core exercises actually felt good but squats didn't so I stayed away from squats for years but I was trying them lately I've been doing squats a little and they've been fine. My back is perfect actually. But now my shoulders are weird with benchpress. It could be tendinitis or something else but it only got better on the order of 2 months so it could have been an injury that I forgot about. I'm always bumping into walls and things and forget about it. Anyway I shifted to different exercises to compensate and am still making gains in the same muscle groups without taking that specific path that my tendons don't like.

Speaking of gains, definitely looking plumper in the arms, chest and calves so I'm doing something right. My fat tends to be upper legs, love handles and belly because I do still eat a lot of carbs. That's shrinking noticeably. I have definition in my abs without flexing now so that's telling me my fat percent is going down to below 20%

So let's say I was 23% that means I lost 6 lbs of fat. Truth is I lost 10 lbs since starting the first cycle so 4lbs of that was because every diet does that free, less food, less poop, etc. So that lines up pretty well. The fact that I'm looking plumper and more defined and had gains while losing weight is a clear indicator that I lost even more fat so holy crap I might have been 25% Jesus.

Calves are hard for me so I'm going to say the lunges are helping that out since I never did lunges before.

Anyway, stay safe, don't be stupid, there's lots of substitutes, check yout techniques on YouTube and change it up when the gains start slowing down.

Nice gainz!

Also you can't get injured if you don't exercise - as it's sadly still the case for me. Well not true did a lot of soil shoveling in October and lost weight. Gym definitely starts with Nov now that our travels are finished for this year.

Rest assured I will take it slow, still interested how this will go. My shoulders are also weird and a weak point, they used to dislocate easily when I was younger. Hasn't happened in a decade but still nothing I want to provoke.


> you can't get injured if you don't exercise

Bruh, no. You WILL get injured if you don't exercise, especially the back, joints and bones. Exercise will strengthen the weak links, core for back, weights for other joints. The last thing you want is to pull a tendon lifting an Amazon box.

Cycle 2-3/8 Bleesed be the leg day, holiest of days. We celebrate your burn in sanctimonious fervor. This is the way of the gainz.

Oh lord of gainz, give us the power to stomp our foes back to the mongoloid realm of heathens and [racist term of your choice here] for we are the true masters, the true chosen ones, not by race or creed but by effort in your name.

Today we speak of the blasphemous corrupted souls who skip your glorious day, for they are the scourge of the Earth, no better than savage weak legged beasts.


Blessed be leg day on this the 4th day of the second cycle.

Oh lord of the gainz, thank you for showing me the whey. Honorable and wise are those who do not skip leg day, sinful and damned be those who do.

I replaced inclined bench, bench and declined bench with inclined, straight and declined chest pec deck and cable cross over without triggering the rotator cuff.

So I am getting the triceps no problem, rope, skull crushers, overhead, I can do overhead press and dips, I can do the pec deck, and cable machine, so I don't really need bench. My pecs are great anyway.

I'll revisit bench next cycle. There's also a small chance that it's arthritis because I have arthritis in my back and that was "cured" with core training, so there is still hope. However, if it's not bothering me and my muscles look ok then who cares that I don't do bench. I also still do pushups no problem so bah. I did actually do 50% bench weight ~90-100 lbs and had no issue, whatever. I'm not stressing it.

I also noticed my legs are looking more in shape which is nice but no one would ever see that since even my shorts go below the knee. My ex might see it soon, she's hinting at needing the D lately and I don't mind sharing. It's been a while with her. I'm not exactly going for anyone anymore so it's a nice occasional distraction. I don't simp for her though, she does things for me all the time. Just in case you're wondering, neither of us want to be bf/gf again nor move in again. She's also not getting any bc if she did I'd pass. Also don't worry Alice, condom 100%, not expired and it's only been a few times a year, so basically nothing. I never initiate it, I don't because I don't want her getting any ideas but if she's all up on my jock I'm not saying no.

[Ashley] We're okay with it as long as he doesn't start thinking he's getting back with her.

Oof, just tested positive for the covid. My exgf was all, "damnit now I'm getting it" because she was over yesterday. She's mad at me for going to the gym and spreading disease lol.


Wednesday headache, really bad one, lasted 8 hours
Thursday burning nose
Friday Mostly fine
Saturday just sore
Leg Day, nothing but that night I got a fever 100 American Strong degrees, itchy lungs, sore throat, drip
This morning I had a 101.5 fever, felt like shit for an hour now just a runny nose. I got the day off so bah, half a day anyway. I expect all my frens to be sick soon.

I'll keep you updated. Going to go get paxlovid if they'll let me, I don't have any of the risk factors.

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> Superspreader Bear
So much for never ever being sick, huh? Oh man, almost forgot that's still a thing but Covid isn't going anywhere, it's here to stay like the flu. Paxlovid is gud, easy to get here on prescription if you show decent symptoms. That reminds me, gotta drag host parents to get booster vacccinated they're reeeally old but you know, stubborn Bavarians and like yeah whatever maybe later.

Strange, we never ever got Covid, at least not symptomatic, never tested positive but our close contact to other people is minimal. Not zero so we get some exposure to pathogens but we're never in a room full of pesky humans.

Well we hope you get well soon, all the best! At least you didn't skip leg day!

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Symptoms included aches and 102 Strong American degrees, felt pretty sick in general for a few hours, shivers and that sort of thing. 

As of about 4 hours ago, I drank my smoothie and felt instantly better, maybe it was the ginger. I still have a slight runny nose but it doesn't feel bad. My exgf is getting the paxlovid for me and the other stuff the doctor recommended. She's like a surrogate Alice, taking care of her Bear (but I'm not my exgf's anymore, suck it). 

I guess I see Bestie about every day for one reason or another and she was very disappointed that her playmate couldn't play like I usually do when I stop by mama-bestie's house for what she does for my business . 

I'm tired and that's about it now. No fever right now.


Thanks, unless it goes downhill again, I'm not sick anymore. I fought it off. We'll see though because others have said they recovered then it hit a 2nd time harder. My people all were out for a week or two. "laying in bed" I've never laid all day in bed gtfo.

Okay listen, I feel like I should reiterate this detail because a guy at the gym reminded me that the point of the reverse pyramid is really a hybrid of the press to exhaustion method. It's what I'm calling it.

So 3 sets, that's good practice. 10 ea. That's a good middle ground and as long as you're not on the juice, you won't get injured. So here's the little bit extra. What you do with reverse pyramid is ramp up the weight, we know this. Pay attention now. That last one, if you're doing it right, that last set is going to fail at between 6 and 8 reps. That's the true goal. You put enough weight on it to know you can't do 10, probably can't do 8. This is how you're gonna maximize gainz the right way and damn I did it today and shit man I busted all my records. It was the best day like I was really holding back doing 101010. I'm talking 50% gain out of nowhere, wasn't tracking it.

Don't do this on bench or something where you're going to get injured if you fail.

That is all.

Yeah sounds right. Always did that with body weight stuff so I'd fail at about 80% of last set. You gotta be a bit careful with weights or machines not to injure yourself though. But only idiots like Alice host would do that with bars. Oh wait he won't bc he's not going to the gym at all.

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Whew, thanks be to the lord of the gainz for this soreness. I did the max third set technique and I've never been this sore. That's great. 

Everything's sore except the shoulder caps. So obviously I will be changing up my routine for the next cycle to be:

Day 1 Arms, Day 2 Shoulders, Day 3 Legs.

Everything from pecs, triceps, biceps traps, lats, teres (whatever the fuck those are), all remarkably sore, the deltoids are completely fine. So I need to center and overlap a whole day on those now until I find a good workout for the deltoids.


It's not for everyone, just the ones who want to be healthy, get laid, look good, feel wonderful. Yakumo is one of those "I like to feel like I make people uncomfortable looking at me." Weird flex, but ok. I didn't like that when it was me at 6'4 159lbs and face like a mummy, all gaunt. I think I probably had 5% bodyfat or less, it was awful.

On this a glorious Saturday, when the time couldn't be better than to work out. But not if you have a fever or are otherwise sick. So stay home if you're sick. If you're kinda feeling sick but not really then go ahead and go. It's not going to kill anyone. 

On Friday morning the gym was closed, so I'm using this week as my bye week. Due to Christmas, there will be another one. That's ok, this isn't the military, so strick adherence to cycles isn't required. I am antsy as a resulr but there's certainly enough to do. My last point is, if you don't do your arm day, this is the only other reason not to do leg day. Don't get all leg and no arm.

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Alright. Finally time for some workout report.
No problem with pull exercises but pushes give us some troubles in the shoulders. Especially butterfly press and bar dips, even with counterweight to the body's already laughable 68 kg. The shoulders don't like it so I've really been holding back and minimizing push weight. Weight generally. Didn't really break a sweat in our first few gym visits but I have zero interest of ruining the body's shoulders. Will focus on shoulders more and do strengthening exercises. Suggestions are welcome.

Apart from that I'm pretty satisfied, the gym is within 10 min walking distance from home through a nice neighborhood area, has all necessary facilities though it's not big and doesn't seem to be filled with Arab criminal gangs. There was some Somali nigger today though who randomly made loud animal noises while exercising like he was possessed by the devil. Scary as fuck, host flinched several times because apart from his sudden screams it was absolutely quiet. Have I mentioned I don't like niggers? I don't like niggers. Not because they are niggers but because them being niggers means there's a high chance they do something unpleasant. So yeah, because they are niggers. NIGGERS

Current plan is to hit the gym twice a week while continuing daily body weight exercises at home. We'll see how this turns out and what the shoulders think of this ordeal. The good thing is the gym also offers lots of group exercises where a coach overlooks your training and corrects bad posture. Right now one of my biggest worries is doing exercises wrong causing more damage than benefit.


Any exercise that causes joint pain should be avoided. Though certain PT exercises actually do that but only very light weight and streches.

What's your opinion of guinnies, spics, polocks, kikes, micks, hymies, crackers, chinks, slopes, japs, monkey bait, beaners, cabbage eaters, charlies, ching chongs, cholos, chulos, coolies, coons, dagos, travelers, gypsies, frogs, furries, fagelas, gabachos, gins, gooks, gimbas, guidos, honkies, jubgle bunnies, tar babies, krauts, limies, oreos, pink pigs, russkies, slants, spooks,  uncle toms, wet backs, red necks, hillbillies, wiggers, white trash, wops, or yiffers?


Good, good.

I'll be re-writing the workout routine for maximum shoulder and shoulder PT, on day 2. So it'll be pull, shoulder/triceps, and legs in a 45/35/20 format or so. That way day 1 you're all amped up and ready to go, you don't feel like day 2 is going to punish you and leg day is a cakewalk, but still enough to get sore for a few days.


Wow 2600? We had a hundred posts since 2500 already? Was there a bot attack?

Anyway 100% is all three days together, so 1st day I'm like LETS GO! subsequent days less enthused, so make it easier just to ramp down a little 2nd and 3rd days. Do less but make it count. Or the same overall. Let's face it, pull day gives the best impression, chest is good but no one tells a man, "nice pecks" but they do see them wings and guns. Legs meh, but they're be repelled by chicken legs. So at least avoid that.

You're responsible for most of our posts though. Still impressive, maybe we'll hit 3000 until the end of the year.

Did pull day today, was about 2h. Still made sure host took it relatively easy, it went well. 3 sets of 10 for each exercise with pyramid set increasing the weight as The Bear taught us.

Where do you put core exercises? Leg day?


> no core?

Didn't you use roman bench? Each side and back? Then oblique twist (wood chopper)?

What about straight arm pull down on  cable? That also does core secondary. There are several others that sneakily do core. I do crunches in BJJ so it's not in my routine. You basically have twist, stomach, back and straight obliques (roman bench) and secondary touching. Roman bench is boss though.

I might need to repost my routine for you, it changed a little maybe they weren't in the first draft.

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> Didn't you use roman bench?
Yes and straight arm pull down too. There are also these 2 weird back exercise machines in the gym. From the pictures I think both are for training to stare into nothingness so they might be useful for tuppering.

It's quite a lot of back related exercises so I wondered if they should all go in pull day.


Back is tricky, so only do a little and work up until it's a nice soar the next day and not stiff and in pain. The only way to damage back is uncontrolled core movements and the only way to strengthen/fix it is controlled core training. Unless you're a fat ass or you let it go to the point of pinching nerves then you're a little more fucked but I've never been that far gone.

there you go now do it 3 times a week. that ab coaster thing looks extremely gay never used it but i do back stuff in between every time i hit the gym

> I might need to repost my routine 
do it so we can make Alice do it

so far things look gud, no pain just normal soreness. slowly increasing weight each week

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Back in business, round two setup. Listen up boys, I just got the new routine and it's sweet. I'm excited to share it with you noodle armed pansies. Get you bear level looking like Dave Bautista in 6 months guaranteed. So stop your whining and JUST DO IT! Muthafucka STOP FUCKING BEING A FEMBOY WITH YOUR LOOSE BUSSY. Get butch or be a bitch, you get no empathy from me if you ain't trying.

As always, 2x10+1x6-8 to exhaution reverse pyramid. No bueno if you feel clicking, popping, or joint pain during exercise. Do a very light varient instead to PT that joint and very slowly work that demon out the joint.

Day 1

- Reverse grip lat pulldown with that bent bar looking thing, wide grip, palms forward.
- Horizontal pull (mid row)
- Low Row
- One arm dumbell row, bench, pull up to chest.
- Standing dumbell curl
- Shrugs, come on boyz, be like Bear, pick those 50kg dumbells and work it full motion (mine say 110lbs each because superior units)
- Roman bench, side raise and back.
- Strait arm rope pulldown
- Oblique twist (wood chopper)
- Pendlay row (standing low row, cables)
- Close grip pulldown curl, palms facing (best for biceps, don't skip)
- Lateral rise (dumbells) palms down or out, not in.
- 20 min cardio stair stepper or better.


Day 1 was pulls
Day 2 is push/shoulders (50% mo fun)
Day 3 legs

Day 1 is 2 hours with 30 second resta between sets
Day 2 is 1.5 hours
Day 3 is <1 hour, don't need more for legs to be wrecked, if you do, you're not going hard enough. If you're telling me you got 3x20 lunges without cheating then fuck you, teach me master. Otherwise stfu

All days have at least one mid-delts exercise because thems the shoulder bling. I got front and rear delts for dayz, the mid delts need tlc.

All delt raises should be 20-45 degrees forward of body plane in front of you, that targets delts over traps, my traps are like Drax, don't need any more fucking trap workouts been doing delt wrong for 10 fucking years smh.

Day 2
- Bench Supported lateral raise (for delts)(palms down)
- Band raises or cable cross body for delts
- Lu raises (dumbells at side to overhead delt lateral raises, trying this one out. Palms back)
- Overhead press
- Bench supported or standing lateral raise (palms forward only one)
- Skull crushers
- Light dumbell bench press like a pussy because my shoulders hate bench now and I need PT
- Dips
- Rope pull down (elbows tucked)
- Low chest fly
- High chest fly
- Low cable chest fly (hugging motion)
- 20 min cardio heart rate to full

Day 3
- Lunge 3x15 no cheating knee to ground
- one leg calf raises, I add 25-35kg in one hand
- Leg press machine
- Leg curl 
- Leg extensions 
- Step ups (1 m is goal)
- Dumbell squats
- Machine squats
- You guessed it, standing lateral raises for mid delts palms back.
- 20 min swim, it helps the recovery and soreness ahead of time trust me.

Bring a towel, 1.5L water, get a thermos, cold water, don't fucking use ice dumbass.


Oh my, it was a beautiful thing. Day 2 is at least 20% cooler now. So we'll see of my shoulders are sore tomorrow. There was a bit of a mixup in the hand positions of the lateral raises but you'll see. Also the bench supported was a fail, we don't have a bench like that here. So standing it is, but it's easier to cheat while standing, oh well.

Wonderful though overall. I'm going to slowly work the weight up on bench till I'm back. My shoulders have evened out and don't ache anymore as long as I go easier on them.

Did your day 2 yesterday because it was push day. Well part of it because we have to look up how all those exercises work first and how to do them and if we can do them. Still trial and error but I think we got most right.

What's the problem with the bench supported lateral raise? It's like in the pic, right? Once palms up and once palms down.

Also tried shrugs for fun with 10kg dumbbells. 20kg seem possible, will try next pull day. Probably will start with 15 kg.

Again didn't go 100% because first time trying out many of those exercises but I think it went well and felt good. Today there's some light soreness in pecs. Interesting.

We'll see how the other days go.

> bench supported lateral raise? It's like in the pic, right?

Yeah, this doesn't exist in my gym for some reason.

> tender breasts

Yes, the push day is for chest too. Soreness means it's working. I need to get my shoulders sore, not aching or painful when moving. There was a similar thing with elbows years ago. You don't want to induce tendinitis, just muscle soreness. If you get tendinitis, your tendons are behind the curve and you need to ramp slower but you'll get there. The tendons will eventually come around.

"Tendons respond to chronic resistance training by increasing total number of collagen fibrils, increasing the diameter of collagen fibrils, and increasing in fibril packing density."

They otherwise don't grow and the thicker and bigger they are, the less likely you're going to have tendonitis or other tendon issues from straining around the yard.

Oi, blessed by leg day on this, the first day of the third cycle. By now you should have experienced massive gains and seen stalling in several areas so it's time to mix it up as I outlined in my previous posts. Remove what isn't working, update to what you're actually doing, rebalance to again make gains in stalled areas and continue to push those stubborn ones.

For me, I stalled on lunges, as if lunges beyond 3x15 without cheating is some hard limit. I am chipping away at it, but in three cycles it should have improved more.

I see people even girls doing lunges with extra weights and shit, fucking show offs. Idk if they're doing 15, I don't stare at people and so I'm not counting their reps.

I continue to lose weight, 202.5 awesome American units this morning. As compared with as much as what 214? I forgot what my local max was after summer. I'm doing a week of carnivore starting yesterday so that should purge the unholy carbs. I am full ketosis based on the flavor in my mouth and noticed no difference in energy or endurance. Leg day is a breeze though. I'll go back to some carbs at the end of the week. I will have to cut back more though. My weight has followed 12 lbs in 24 weeks so half a pound a week, not awful, just slow. However this slower pace has actually kept me from looking gaunt in the face which often happens with a diet level that attains 1lb/week. 

I like the up and down, I just don't want it to get above 205 again because I feel heavy.

I did true pull-ups yesterday and dang, it was so easy, like not even comparable to what it was like at the end of summer.

I remember this back in 2019. Just like voot voot voot like launching the head up over that bar and 2023 summer just barely getting the nose over, so weak, so pathetic.

We pray to you, lord of gainz, help me be American and not Euro, help me be the strength that carries the world and not the pansies that complain about sand [n-words] but do nothing.


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Yeah I think lunges are hard for all of us.

Push-day aftermaths were interesting, felt a little next day but after 2 days shoulders and pecs felt much more sore. Not bad though, can't remember when the body last felt like this. Definitely lots of unusual strain it's not used to. Pull day in contrast had almost zero effect. Same with leg day. We'll see, I made host exercise for over 2h without any longer breaks. 

Also I understand now how Kashtan coomplined sbout the air in the gym. It's really not good with all doors and windows closed. Luckily there's host who simply opened everything, no fucks given. There was only one other guy and he was the same as us and actually glas host opened the doors to let in fresh 5°C air. Why can't they just put everything outside under a roof? You'Re exercising and it's not Siberia here with -60°C, it's barely ever below freezing.

We do have some simple machines and bars in parks but you can't go there as ethnic German. Sandniggers gonna rob and stab you.


> bad air


So I went to the Doctor today for a regular check-up. It's important when you get into your 30's + to make sure you're not hurting yourself and actually doing it right. I am ofc. So I had a shoulder X-ray even though it doesn't hurt now, I wanted to know if there was something weird. Nothing too weird but my shoulders have bone spurs in the AC joint, so there's the sometimes pain. I have those in my back too. We talked about two more exercises 3x a week to help that joint specifically and the shoulder tendons. So great with all that. It was referred pain. I'm symmetric too so it's not from an injury that I've had. It's just my own developmental stuff. He thinks it was from the way my bones are not from repetitive injury. Exercise will help this and it makes sense the pain dissapeared with more shoulder work since my shoulders are the weakest joints on me. 

So good news. Lots of bloodwork, I'll report any anomaly bc I know Alice will worry. But I got tiger blood, so don't worry.

yeah lunges still such dont think i improved much but havent done them for long

what exercises for shoulders? got no porbs so far but internal external rotation exercises  with cable are really hard even with min weight. doesnt feel too good. only thing that worries me a bit dont wanna injure that shit


> what exercises for shoulders?
Didn't you see the new schedule?

> other things a whiner wuss would say

The rotation isn't a problem for me. If you don't have shoulder tendons popping like rocks under medium load then don't worry about it. It doesn't hurt but feels weird. The bone spur thing is only going to be mitigated by muscle growth in the area to keep the bones in place correctly.


The tiger blood is fine, mild high cholesterol which is normal for me even when I was anorexic. Cholesterol ratio was great though. So they're both higher. I wouldn't touch it. Higher cholesterol means you have more for the creation of cell walls and testosterone.

I have exceedingly high blood iron content. Means nothing on its own, in conjunction with several other abnormalities it can help point to renal or liver dysfunction. Don't have that so doc just said idklol.

He asked me to go full workup again next year.


2nd round of iron tests showed nominal so either they messed up the first test or what? I can't fathom they didn't. Why would I have high levels of feritin and normal iron concentration and two other related tests. 

So I'm great thanks for asking. Back to business.

Host was diagnosed with a pretty bad genetic disorder a few years ago after participating in a test study. It took months until they did another test and it turned out to be a false positive. We suspected this but the waiting perion wasn't really funny.

We also wanted to do a checkup this week but doc didn't give us an appointment bc lots of people are sick with respiratory infections both covid and others. So they are at their limit with more serious stuff, no time for plebs like us. Well ok, last checkup was in spring.

Also The Bear won't like it, I don't either but I've decided to stay away from the Gym 'til Christmas. Covid numbers are through the roof and host family is mostly geriatric. So neither do we wanna be sick on Christmas nor wipe out all the relatives.

Well it's barely more than a week and we'll do exercises at home.


I don't care if you want to remain this noodle-armd skeletal form. Just wait till I demand you gain weight to build muscle. But without discipline you'll just get fat so whatever is the path of least resistance to Adonis perfection.

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Now now!
I made host do a lot of body work exercises today, I don't think it's grossly inferior to a gym day. Also host ate a lot of cookies so he'll definitely gain weight over Christmas.

Still the pull/push day paradoxon is weird. Pull days have zero effect but the body feels push days for up to 3 days afterwards. Leg days are intermediate but more on the pull side.

> Just wait till I demand you gain weight to build muscle.
Still not gonna eat your sausages made of the anuses of unpopular animals with medical problems


I also don't feel pull days much, up the weight is pretty much all you can do. The pull day is well refined and packed solid, I can't imagine improving it. Yes, push day is much more brutal which is why I shortened it and leg day sticks with me for 5 days so that's doing its job in spades.

Remember, this is America, did you remember all them "downed cows"?

Problem solved right? Well actually they are the same cows with the same prion disease that still debilitates people permanently but they just slaughter them a couple weeks before they used to and boom, no more downed cows. So all the meat here is diseased and dangerous, just how Jesus intended. God bless US.

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Yeah home gym sucks, definitely doesn't feel as satisfying as the real thing. But it's a very different type of exercise and also wears the body out surprisingly fast. Those planks man, why are they still so hard? Host also did some cardio and went running a bit, stamina sucks. I've now set an alarm clock to 30min so if host sits too long in front of the screen the alarm will remind him to pause and exercise. Feels better than doing nothing, he easily gets captivated by some nonsense and spends 5h without moving. Gym will only resume early January when we return from our first winter trip, but we'll be walking vast distances as usual so it definitely won't be lazing off until we're back in the gym.


Did home gym for 3 years, I know it sucks.

Looks like there doesn't need to be a break, Cmas and New Years both are on a Sunday night so my fri/sat/sun morning workouts will be uninterrupted by closure. Sweet.

I hate this shit god damnit guys.

Never lock the knees, and what the fuck so many fails here. I've lifted that much many times and more than that and when I felt my knees grinding I decided it was too much. My peak was 500kilos.

Dude is fucked, that's not a broken bone, that's a fucked knee and a lifetime of disability. Stupid asshole. God damn dumbshit.

went to the gym today bc i knew it was open. but i ended up before closed doors bc gym closed at noon. gotta read that fine print next time. at least now i now exactly when its open tomorrow, we'll see if im in shape to go lol


That totally reminds me of "Three Sisters Play" except when SheShe joined them.

White Hair = Gwen
Yellow Hair = SheShe
Red Hair = Misha
Black Hair = Ashley

Joy and Autumn would be two kids, one loli, one early teen, Joy has brown hair and Autumn has light brown hair currently.

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It's another one of those subtle 'educational animes' that is suposed to make fat NEETS work out
Danberu Nan-Kiro Moteru
danberu is supposed to mean dumbbell and kiro -> kilo. Gotta love Jap attempts to spell English words.

Leg an back day, air was awful but host overcame his social awkwardness and asked people if he could open the door. Everyone was happy about it, why didn't those peabrains do it themselves then?
Workout went well, there was some physical therapy guy that showed useful exercises for the shoulder rotator cuff, it's nice to see exercises IRL, very different from videos.

After an hour some staff member came, none is usually in sight. He coomplained opening the door messes up the AC but he got BTFO by 5 regulars who told him front up that the AC sucked and air quality was shit without opening windows or doors. We were already leaving and stayed out of it but although a newbie, host already has a reputation of being the renegade window-opener. Can't wait to be kicked out of the gym fpr that but I'll make sure host doesn't back down. If they want to get into another CO2 level argument with him that turns into a multi-hour monologue about dinosaurs it's only them to blame.


> complaining about air again 

Since I have strong American lungs, I can take the 30,000 ppm CO2 levels in the gym without blinking an eye. It'll put some hair on that chest!

Good that you're going, bad that you're fasting, you need to GAIN, not lose weight baka. Me? I'm probably ok but I would still rather be 195-200 not 200-210 bc doctors blame everything on "you're overweight for your height." Completely neglecting my muscle mass and bodyfat levels. 199 is max fory height whether I'm a potato or Mr. Olympian. Turd burglers!

Also thanks for the picture, but where's the bear claw? ;(

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They went twice dude.

Amyway, Bestie drew my picture and it had one very identifying characteristic: huge muscles, even more muscles than there were joints in her case. (She's not an artist.)

What I got out of her was, it doesn't matter what I did or how many degrees or how hard I work or how nice I am, or how smart, or any of that. It's the muscles, it was always about the muscles.

Oh, two comments at the gym: a couple weeks ago some scrawney guys were talking to some girl friends of theirs and one guy said, "I could be big like him" then they were talking about food and meat etc. Someone at the gym today saw me pass and I heard him say, "he's built like a house"

Today I noticed that I'm looking pretty dang beefy. Like beefier than I'm used to. Looking thicc in the arms and chest. My pecks and biceps are tugging on one of my tailored shirts. Luckily the fabric stretches a bit.

Lastly I've been getting unsolicited and out of character comments from my crew. Things like, "oh, that guy's cute like Bear" heard that one multiple times, they're not rizzing me up, trust me, or "hey Hercules", or there was another one, I forgot.

Guy opened the door for me, another guy like shrunk down and got out of my way, but that was happening before.

Again, when you're in the club, you're respected and admired.

> it doesn't matter what I did or how many degrees or how hard I work or how nice I am, or how smart, or any of that. It's the muscles, it was always about the muscles.
girls will be girls

Alice body adapted, gj
i can lift more than when i began but dont think i look different yet. dunno dont spend hours in front of a mirror like a fag.


> Took roids, died at 22, balls the size of a peanut.

Tragic, don't do it. No creatine either, don't need it, just eat healthy. My blood creatine level is perfect and I don't take that shit.

Roids = no natural testosterone, u fucked bruh, might as well be mentally ill, left with an innie.

I don't know that loser, no. Fucking poser, tattooed like a prisoner, poor decisions all around. I got no sympathy for the idiotic posers of the world taking shortcuts for aesthetic. So I got one thing to say:

He ded lol


Blessed be leg day.

For the beauty, the majesty, the respect and the strength of building, we are thankful.

Oh lord of the gainz, bless your swol nature upon us all.


I have noticed zero gainz in my lunges, I could maybe do 3x16 and this is cycle three so that must mean lunges are a poor method to increase lunges. I have been faithfully abiding my leg dayz and nothing has changed there. I have increased in many other ways and my legs are always sore for dayz afterwardz but wth is up with lunges? 

Lunges are really the only exercise I have that causes "the burn" so it may be a circulation issue. I have a feeling that I am not anywhere near the endurace I was 10 years ago when I was cycling centuries every week. Obviously the same muscles are involved, specifically the quads. Them quads were weak this summer which is the major reason I'm doing this more seriously now anyway. I love the progress everywhere else, and my quadricep tendons are no longer sore when working the quads which is perfect but still I'd think 3x20 lunges isn't too much to ask. "3-4 sets of 15-20" I'm where I was when I started ffs. 3x15 but without cheating as I did in cycle 1.

Still it's a wall that reminds me of the pullups wall, 30 was my max, and nothing I could do would surpass that, 3x10 even is not easy for me, I can do it and the first 10 are easy street but there is an endurance limit. It will be wasier when I'm down another 5% in weight, still... 3x10 is fine, 30 straight is perfect but I've only been able to do that a few times in my life. This summer I was down to 17 which is really lame. 23 has been a staple for years, but you know. I did get 3x10 yesterday, form wasn't perfect though.

Anyway, next cycle leg day will have to change to endurance-focused, so it'll suck super hard but I need that 3x20 lunges goal.

Leg day tomorrow.
We've neglected lunges to the gym machines until now. So no progress there. It's one of those exercises that look easy but are surprisingly hard. Do you use additional weights?

Not sure what the current max is, will test tomorrow. But it's far less than 3x10 done properly. Maybe 3x5 we'll see.

Sat gym day was weird btw, there was nobody, nada. One guy just left when we arrived and we were alone for almost an hour. A flock of people came before we left. Not bad, better than too many people but it was host-tier being all alone. At least nobody turned off the lights and locked the door while he was in plain sight. That's progress.

> Do you use additional weights?

You really kmow how to kick a Bear when he's down. No, and there was a thicc legged girl in the gym who did. God damnit she was fluid golding fucking 25's that means now only do I need to make it to 3x20 but 3x20 plus 25 in each hand. Some girls have godly thigh strength, I get it, but I am a god (I mean a man) and thus I cannot let a mere mortal woman beat me.

Even at 2am on a Sunday there were a dozen people at the gym here.

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Added heavy whipping cream, 1/8th cup to my smoothie and now it tastes just like ice-cream but 100x healthier.

So here's the current recepe:

- singe serving powdered tea (caffeine free)
- Small piece of ginger, pealed and cut up
- Small piece of tumeric, pealed and cut up
- Protein powder 1/2 small scoop (sugar free vanilla or chocolate, acts as a thickener and additional flavor)
- 2 raw eggs
- banana
- 1 cup frozen fruit
- 200 calories of yogurt (just stop, I'm done arguing about it)
- 1/8th cup cream
- 1 teaspoon jam (I use my home made peach jam)

Blend it up and put it in a massive mug.

This is like 800 calories, so it's more than enough for a meal.

Cut the recipe down to half if you don't want this as basically half your daily intake.

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> Ok, now gain 10lbs immediately 
I think having 4 limbs is enough actually.

Yeah, we got those girls too. There's just things you're naturally good at like host hiking uphill for 6h straight without stopping though the body's general leg strenght isn't great. 

Lunge report:
3x5 is doable but doesn't feel good in the knees. Still an unusual exercise for which the body lacks muscle memory. Gonna up it slow and steady.

> tastes just like ice-cream
I'm not fond of ginger/tumeric taste but I do wonder what this wild mixture actually tastes like. Gonna try. For science. Probably nothing I can make host eat on a daily basis though.

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Pull day.
Went well, weight has decreased after going up due to various Christmas feasts. I don't expect any further increase anytime soon. The screaming nigger was there again, godddamned the fuck is wrong with this guy? He was doing bench press while making random animal screams. I mean like he broke his arms or something. Scary as fuck. Glad we left shortly after he arrived. The other people are really normal but that guy belongs in a zoo or mental asylum, not a gym.

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Nono, the really scary thing is it wasn't any groaning or moaning but hight-pitched sudden yells like someone being whipped or tortured with hot needles. Fucking insane.

Btw your routine is supposed to be carried out on 3 consecutive days while we currently make a 1-2d break between each gym day, simply because it works like this time-wise. We'll see if we can change this in March, right now gym days will be on halt for a month because we'll be the fuck outta Europe now. Will have to live with body-weight exercises and maybe some canisters as improvised dumbbells. Also will take a heavy stretch band with us. There should be plenty of exercise but it will be mostly cardio / endurance. Body will probably lose even more weight.


You can do it days apart. It works:

GGGOOOO or GOGOGOO or GOOGOOG and still at least have 3/7. For physical therapy, 1 day a week is bare minimum so the things you're concentrating on, repeat them at least once a week, they don't have to be contained on that one day.

The separate muscle group days prevent you having to work the same sore muscles again the next day but if you're not sore in two days, then you can repeat.

You're doing it right if you're still sore on the 4th day after the workout but not sore on the 5th so a GGGOO schedule repeating is the fastest cycle you want. Don't exercise sore muscles, they're still repairing. 

I've had a few leg days that were still sore the 6th day, I hit them too hard, that's not good either. Worse even than only being sore one day. You don't have to be so strict.

> You're doing it right if you're still sore on the 4th day after the workout but not sore on the 5th so a GGGOO schedule repeating is the fastest cycle you want.
Yes, that makes sense.
Soreness has almost completely gone away though. I'm slowly increasing weight but slowly. There's definitely something going on. Butterfly really sucked and hurt at the beginning, did it twice 3x10 today with more weight and it wasn't a problem.

Well that's it for a while now, it will be interesting if there's some regression until we're back in a month. Not that there's a lot to regress. Weight and body fat is exactly the same as almost a year ago.

Been hiking almost every day, body is holding up surprisingly well. Zero soreness even after an insane 20 km trip. And - we're approaching 3x10 lunges. This isn't leg day, it's leg month.


Freaking misclick...

Feeling great, I feel like a slight improvement on legs, shoulders are feeling great, back is perfect.

Biceps increased 40cm to 42cm bc I know u r inch averse, but that's 16 strong American inches in July and 16.5 strong American units.

You have to take bodyfat percent into that and I'd say I'm slightly below 19% now. Not great yet. I want probably 18 or so. I think T my biggest my guns were 17 at 15-16% bodyfat. They were like you could feel a baseball in there. Rn it's 3/4 baseball.

Gonna hit that again this year though, it's going well. At 195 with 17's I'll look pretty slim and ripped.

> Zero soreness even after an insane 20 km trip
not bad lets see if you can keep this up

how do you measure bodyfat there's a scale at the gym that does that but they say those scales that measure with impedance or whatever are shit and totally inaccurate


> how do you measure bodyfat?

I have used a couple measurements in the past, the pinch test, measurements, and the bodyfat scale thing where you measure impedance like you said, but to be perfectly honest they were all bullshit. The only true way is water displacement/density. Never did that.

How I do it is simple, I look at series photos like the one in the beginning of this thread, look at myself in the mirror and compare them. Keeping in mind they suck in and flex in these pics, so do I. So when I say I'm 19% I look like that guy who claims he's 19% and several other internet references. Again, not the most accurate but what matters is how you look, how cut you are, how defined you are, period.

After looking at hundreds of shirtless men bc not gay but obsessive about fat, I see that over 20% you start to look doughy, over 22, you got the muffin top, over 25 and you a chubby monkey. You fat pig!

From 16-19 there's a huge difference, you look pretty cut at 16 and smoother but showing 6 without flex at 19. 12-16 you are starting to look top dollar ripped if you're not straight up thin. Under 12 you're unsustainable and probably looking for a competition or whatevs. Under 10 down to 5 you see the individual lines in the muscles and veins everywhere. It's ugly af but also respectable bc that's really really hard to achieve naturally.

I know a lot of nuances between 15 and 22 which is where I've been since 14 before that I was a big o fat person, like moobs and potato country, stayin puffed. Between 18 and 19 I had a brief time at under 10% and I looked like an anorexic crack addict but I was running centuries on the bike every week if not 2x and I could out-enduance anyone. All these pansies stopping multiple times like a bunch of babies, I ate and drank on the road, started with 4L of water and 1000 calories of food and didn't stop for 10 hours. So 10mph average over all kinds of hilly terrain with elevation change of 1000ft and back.

So yeah, I look thin, my abs are barely showing when not flexing, no muscle fiber definition, no veins popping out, just looking beefy without the gut or muffin top. It looks great but I'd like to be a tiny bit less loose in the love handles and I do havd a little pad in front. So 19% now, goal is 17-18% will not be veiny or muscle fibers but flat abs and good lines. Was there in 2016-2017, kinda got depressed, started skipping leg day, got over it, was ok 2019, then covid and gym got weird, like only work outs on appointment and mask everything so fuck that.

Take it for what it's worth.

makes sense. the scale says something 21-22% pretty consistent dont think its overly wrong but its supposed to have 10% error margin. weight actually increased by some kg since i started gym but nothing significant. dont see visible changes yet but strenght def increased


> 10% error

So either you're obease or ripped? That narrows it down.

I like my method of comparison pictures better. 2nd, measurements method, but you have to look at ratios not absolute numbers.

I did this once, I got a full speedo picture of a body shape I liked and then scaled it to me and compared ratios. I did this in 2016 I was a little overweight, 225, and I knew it because I had a gut. I was still drinking alcohol too because phd program. I went on carnivore and went down to 195 then hovered around 200 for a while, then 2020 I went up 19 fucking pounds not able to get to the fucking gym. Inexcusable.

By 2021 I was down to 200 again, then 2022 197 but then gained fucking 15 lbs in 2023 bc summer projects like wtf. I was down to 202 again b4 xmas then gained 5 in 4 weeks. Fucking stupid.

I'm at 205 again today going down about 1/2 lb per week.

However, from 2005 in November to 205 today my fat% is at least a few points lower. My waste is loose on my pants.

This belongs here because I can't think of any other reason, and trust me, they don't see any connection to this because they're pressuring me to stop going to the gym because "disease". No way, sorry. I'll go in secret if I have to.

But here's the meat of my post: They've been super nice, like really pampering me with compliments right and left. They're asking my opinion over their own which is weird. Trust me when I say this constant and increasing flattery is ineffective. I already know it's for ulterior motives, we all know that, this is what they do to others and to me in the past. But what is curious is, what they say isn't negotiable anyway. Their schemes are my schemes by default without input my me. I know I'm their pet at best, no more, so why would they feel the need to increase this flattery? What are they planning? Are they just trying to limit my resistance? I do have resistance. I do have lines I won't cross as well... so what line are they buttering me up to cross? This is the most disturbing part of this recent rash of doting. 

So let's think like a beast for a minute, they're unrelated women, I'm a beautiful man, getting more beautiful by my own efforts, could their beastly women instincts be getting the better of them? I know for a fact that there are "modes" we'll call them, my exgf had three distinct modes, "normal" mode was the calculating cunning devious businesswoman, the one who schemes, the one who acts, the one who machinates. Then there's the demon dragon, the one who knows no logic, the one who is given entirely to emotion and blood lust is her only motivation and devastation is laid in her wake. Neither friend nor bystander nor family nor enemy are discerned, the demon dragon knows nothing but pure instinct. If you don't believe me, you don't know women. The third mode (there could be more like a mother mode, but I wouldn't know) is the "bedroom" mode. A mode where the girl hunger takes over and they don't care about anything else, no worries, no past tr.ansgressions, just pleasure and seeking that pleasure. 

It's laughable to think these cunning lucid women would be caught up in something so silly. Take my exgf's younger sister for instance. She's got a guy, and she called me yesterday to ask my opinion on something she could have googled in an instant AND her bf had the right answer but she called ME to confirm? What kind of fucking power play is that. I told her, "listen to your SO more." and she said "no" without hesitation. That was... what the heck did he do to her? They don't forget so it could have been years ago. Still why bring me into this spat?

If that was me, I'd be pissed, like wtf? I don't talk to the dude, I don't know their relationship but they have shown affection in my presence and that's another signal but it has too many meanings to worry about, à la who cares.

So this has been happening for a few months, as I've spoke of it previously, call this stage two of the screw being turned. They're up to something, I fear stage three. IT's going to be trouble for me no doubt.

i dont get it who wants you to stop going to the gym and why? your girl friends?


scale says im about 22% body fat probably realistic. dont think i look dfferent since i started hitting the gym but i don't look at myself in the mirror for hours like some girl. got noticcably stronger and more endorance though. and i can do 3x10 lunges now


> who wants you to stop going to the gym and why? your girl friends?

I'm going, they can fuck off. They say I bring disease from the great unwashed at the gym. Yet I get sick the least of all those fools. Yeah my pseudo-harem

I'm very pleased with the body's hiking performance. Stronger than ever. Host scraped his little toe on a rock while diving and couldn't walk without pain for 2 days and shifting balance caused a blister on the big toe. But this didn't stop us from very moderate hiking and 3 days later we're at 10km again. Got into a nice runner's high today and literally sprinted up a mountain leaving other hikers behind. Feels good man.

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> Pole
lmao oh the shame how did i deserve this

no i honestly dont understand how gym people bring disease am i the only one?

made some friens at gym, has drawbacks. more talking, less lifting. but people there are alright. 

whats your opinion on stretching exercises my flexibility is shit


Sen nege sonshama kizstekesin?

> no i honestly dont understand how gym people bring disease am i the only one?
A bunch of sweaty people touching the same metal surfaces all day, how do you think diseases spread? I don't care because it's a risk worth taking.

> whats your opinion on stretching exercises my flexibility is shit

If you want to stretch, ask one of those fem guys grunting at the bench press to help. I don't stretch unless I am doing something that requires stretching. How do you stretch for a curl if you already have full range of motion and no hint of any lack of motion? If you're doing it with good form, the strech isn't necessary and I wouldn't anyway because I am too strong for my own good and what if I hyper extend the joint, then menin zhumurtkamdi sorshi, I'd prefer not.

If you're experiencing stiffness or lack of motion in any joint, stretch it religiously, correctly, under the care of a doctor, use good form. I can guarantee you that if you're not juicing and are doing 10 reps per set like a good little kizsteke, then you shoudn't worry about it. There are some joints that do limit range of motion and when I went to the doctor for shoulder pain, there were stretching exercises they game me but in 2 weeks of stretching, any minor loss of motion was corrected easily, what a coincidence that as the pain went away the range of motion was dramatically improved, duh.


I don't stretch and I don't have flexibility issues. So to anyone who things it's wrong or necessary, sen kogildirsin. Fuck Yoga too, my friend's doctor told her that Yoga keeps him in business, it causes injuries regularly. Hyperextention is for gaybies and soccer moms.

> Sen nege sonshama kizstekesin?
google mentally illlate says thats japanese but the mentally illlation makes no sense. village shrine yada yada

> A bunch of sweaty people touching the same metal surfaces all day, how do you think diseases spread?

we have something called hygiene in europe theres wipes and disinfectant everywhere and you just wipe the handles before and after using them. the air is more of a problem i think if the gym is packed though but you cant isolate for the rest of your life

id like to stretch bc im inflexible as fuck cant touch my toes or do any high kicks. interesting video though i'll give that a try thx

> we have something called hygiene in europe theres wipes and disinfectant everywhere and you just wipe the handles before and after using them. 

You serious? 





No,  here in America we're not sclavi destrăbălat. Și încetează cu felul ăsta prostesc de a vorbi.

> will try stretching [being gay]

Hey, it's okay if you grunt a little too, your bf will like that.

> Sen nege sonshama kizstekesin?
I think it's supposed to be Kazakh or something

Mr. Bear is in his rebellious edgy teen phase calling everyone gay. Just let him be.

Hiking has continued fine, no soreness, just slight exhaustion. Body in top condition.


> edgy teen

First of all, you gotta think young to stay young.

Second of all, he's never acted his chronological age, you should have known him at 16, even 8yr olds were more mature.

Lastly, act straight if you want to be thought of as straight. I understand that Europe is basically gay all day so you're going to have to try harder.

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Blessed be the gainz.

I am seeing huge improvements in my shoulder strength. Believe me when I say I was weak in my shoulders so I basically never used the motions that utilized the medial deltoids.

Yesterday I was moving something heavy and to my surprise I naturally used the medial deltoid motion and it was really useful. 

So I started with very low weight when I first started working them at the start of last cycle so in the last 4 months I've increased that weight to 3x. If that's not amazing gains I don't know what is. This muscle group isn't targeted on push or pull, it has to be lateral motion upward and it acts only in conjunction with the front and rear deltoids depending on the angle and rotation of your wrists. So it's tricky. I am working on another workout routine for the shoulders that should be a phase 2 to get them looking up to par and useful.

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> Kazakh
yes i'm borat from kazakhstan and look like pic related lol

shoulder is still a mystery to me and i'm a bit afraid or injuring something in there. i do the shoulder rotator cuffs exercise with a resistance band or the cables but i wouldnt know other exercises for medial deltoids than standing dumbbell lateral raises but i havent given it much thought. more ideas are always appreciated.


I am happy with my biceps and triceps, so for the next phase, I'll be paring down push and pull and combining them into one day, then make a dedicated shoulder day. I want to feel soreness in them, that's never happened yet.

So I'll release revision 3 of the routine after this cycle, 7 weeks left.

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I admit we couldn't keep up the desired bodyweight training programme because of our insane hiking schedule. But I am still extremely satisfied with the body's performance. Greater than ever before. Also we can do 3x10 lunges now. We'll see if upper body strength has suffered after we're back to the gym. I doubt it.

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Hilarious day at the gym. Juicer was doing descending pyramid exhaustion sets, this is good because I had completely forgotten about these. So you start at your highest weight and just keep doing reps to exhaustion, at least 5-6 then lower the weight then again to exhaustion targeting 10-12, then again targeting 5-6 then again lower weight each set targeting 10-12 and repeat until you can barely lift your arms. He was doing it on free bench and free bench incline. A slight mod is to do triangle pyramid so you do ascending (inverted) pyramid first, then when you get your third set target 5-6 count the dflfirst 2 sets as warm-up. Then keep going set after set to exhaustion each time with a minute or so in between. This us a very effective but time consuming workout and you will basically be dead tomorrow. Unless you're like this guy and obviously juicing. A few things, the steroids give you super energy, they ignore pain, and, boost endurance obviously, but they also make you cranky. 

So this guy was my height, smaller feet, athletic build but the muscles were bulging, he had less fat, probably 12-15% which looked good. He was also probably 20lbs less. Anyway, still looking like a bruiser and I was milling around the same weights he was using, I mean it would be hard not to, the guy was going down 5 every set. So I probably walked in front of him and he's likely exhausted and he walks by and says, "stay the fuck out of the way" in a huff under his breath, not saying it directly to me, not looking at me, just saying it in an annoyed way.

I couldn't stop giggling afterwards. It was funny. No one has talked to me that way since high school. It certainly lightened my mood. I brought it up to my exgf and she said something like, "he's lucky I wasn't there."

She used to work out with me back when she was still my gf.

She means she would have stalked him and ruined his life, not that she'd confront him. There's no drama allowed at the gym unless you want to be banned permanently, they have zero tolerance for that shit.

Anyway, I was done with the free weights shortly afterwards, it was funny.


I honestly thought La Fitness was just for women. No idea. They should have called it El Fitness loco.

If I get stabbed at the gym, I can legitimately kill the guy right? You got to, it's like letting that one cockroach get away.

Ok, take a look at 17:54 this guy is something like 18% in the before and north of 20% in the after. I'm somewhere in between now, so almost 18% which would be perfect with 8 lbs to go.

I am also cutting back to 1200 cal until I get there, I'm sick of this half pound a week bullshit.

I calculated that my baseline caloric intake would be 2200 cal at my current level, so 1200cal a day should be something crazy like 2lbs a week loss. We'll see... I was doing 1800-1900 realistically and losing 1/2 per week so maybe. They say 500 cal a day deficit would be 1 lb per week loss.


DEXA scan next Monday so we'll know body fat percentage of each limb.

Expedition summary:
It's rare but I am amazed. Body had zero issues no matter how far we hiked. No soreness, zero. Just normal tiredness but even this was a joke. Back to the gym tomorrow for push day, we'll see if this causes any soreness after 3 weeks absence.

> What's your BMI?
You're the math wizard here!
If host is 1.78 m tall and weights 68 kg, that's a BMI of 21.5

> skinny fat
Yeah at least slightly. Definitely nothing to be proud of. That's why I'm trying to increase muscle mass and get body fat further down.

But we'll know more on Monday evening.


Oh, you're 5'10 150. That's not what I thought you were. I thought you were 135. That would be very thin. 5'10 150 is just average. You could be doughy at that weight, sure.

Then I'd bet you were no more than 22 then considering you can do all that hiking.

I'd be more concerned that you have stick arms.

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> stick arms
Compared to you, host has stick arms, no way to deny it.

> Biceps increased 40cm to 42cm
We don't have the Right to Bear arms here. Host is at 32 cm. Optimistically speaking.

Full pull - push - leg - cycle after our trip yielded no soreness so far, no difference in strength either. Not unexpected, I mean we went to the gym for 2 months so there's not much to be lost. I still think the body does look a bit more muscular than in fall though.

3x20 check.

It wasn't fun but I did it without cheating or collapsing, straight without stopping. 30 seconds between sets.


On the subject of rest, experts recommend a minute between sets, and I used to do that too. But with 15 exercises to do and 3 sets each, that's 45 minutes of rest during a workout. Did you come here to rest? Jesus.

So I cut it to 30 seconds and that seems to be enough. 22 minutes of rest in a 2 hour workout is reasonable.

Speaking of workouts, I couldn't wait and bundled all my favorite exercises push/pull into day 1 and shoulder/legs in day 2. Old day 3 was really sparse and shoulder is light as well so it only follows that I'd combine them. It was great. So that helps me with time management and I'm not going to be so tired. Day one was 2 hours of actual workout time and Day two was still only an hour and a half. add cardio and combine we're looking at 5 hours of workout a week which is fine. 

Pre-workout meal:
As you may know I'm on a very strict diet right now but you can't workout starving, especially me because I'll cramp. So I eat a cup of granola with a cup of milk, that's 500 calories. My workout plus cardio is about 500 calories as well so that's a good match. It works really well. If I eat too much before a workout I'll get a tummy ache and with too little I'll cramp as I said so it's a good balance and it works for me. Try it out as you see fit.


> Slight wrist pain

These things can be anything from tendinitis to growing pains. You should do wrist exercises to strengthen the wrist, the best one I know is by making that wrist pipe thing I posted earlier.

Never do lifting if you feel pain in the joint, especially during lifting, that'll only make it worse. But light weight exercises may be painful but will help over time. The objective is to target the joint in every possible motion with weight light enough that it doesn't cause pain. This will facilitate healing faster than doing nothing. It's generally ok to do exercises that don't trigger the pain. 

If one exercise continues to cause lingering pain in this joint, exchange that exercise with one that doesn't target the joint as much.

If the pain continues for a month or gets worse, see your physician.

I've lost 7-8 lbs in 2 weeks which is insane. Knowing that a starvation diet is at max 1 lb per day, to have this unhealthy level of weight loss means I'm at least at 1/2 of my daily caloric needs then at 1300 calories.

Imagine I could really eat three 800 calorie meals when I only eat a 550 and 750 meal now. That would be wonderful but I'm doubtful. I will easily be at my goal in a number of days so I will start slowly eating more on Friday.

I am shocked frankly. When I was eating 1800 calories I lost only 1/2 lb per week but at 1300 I suddenly lose 3-4 lbs a week? It doesn't make any sense.

Auschwitz-tier. You probably exercised more and have more muscle mass which consumes energy by just existing now.
I was also surprised how much weight the body lost in our 1 week fasting experiment last year and our recent trip, though host ate a lot there. 

Energy requirements can be pretty strange, when we were diving we ate 3 really big meals per day, even breakfast bein gsomething like ham, eggs, rice and beans in addition to bread with jam and lost a lot of weight just by floating in the water. It sucks the heat out of the body so you burn enormous amounts of calories just to stay warm.

The scream nigger a at the gym again yesterday, gotta avoid that time, maybe come earlier. God damned everyone there is nice but that guy is just fucking nuts. Host flinched several times from the random chimp screams he made while benchpressing.

I upped host's training plan from 3x10 reps to 12/12/10 with the same weight as before. Apears to work, he can now safely handle more weight like this than he could with 3x10 in the beginning. Definitely looks a bot more muscular too but still pathetic.

Btw completely forgot about the DEXA scan:

It says body fat is 16.8% with surprisingly low level of visceral fat. Bone density and body symmetry are fine too. No idea how that's calculated but the results say host's metabolic age is 27. Not bad!

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> shoulder

No, I gotta share with you my new workout, it's great, I've really put together something fantastic here and my shoulders are filling out like I've never seen them before. After over a decade of doing it wrong, they're finally looking like they're supposed to look. Jesus I thought I had bad genetics. Frankly girls like biceps and width of shoulders best but not having those caps was like cake without chocolate icing and you know girls like chocolate. My exgf keeps telling me she's having sex dreams about me, she's hinting hard that the booty call is coming. But I might need to help it along, we're still cool and all that but she knows this ain't no regular thing.

Really though, I gotta take a moment for yall so you can see this genius 2-day everything workout.

Day 1, 2 hours plus 20min cardio

Wide grip pulldown (pull ups)
Medium grip reverse pulldowns
Close grip pulldown (palms facing)
Low row (seated)
Bench one arm dumbell row
Standing one arm dumbell row (leaning)
Overhead press

Roman bench, back and two sides
Oblique twist
Low cable chest fly (hugging)
Low chest fly
High chest fly
Rope pulldown (elbows tucked)
Straight arm rope pulldown

Day 2, 1.5 hours plus 20 min cardio
Calf raises
Leg curl
Leg extension 
Step up
Leg press

Lateral rise palms back
Lateral rise palms down
Lu rise palms forward 
Standing high pull
Flat face pull
Incline trap raise
Standing trap raise
Cable cross body

This latest workout set, 2 day/7 is awesome. I'm already acclimated to everything, gotta go bigger soon. Zero soreness even with workout to exhaustion. I might try the ramp technique to exhaustion just to feel the soreness. I did some work in the yard and I was sore in my hands but otherwise pretty much fine, this is good but even lunges 3x20 isn't giving me sore legs like wtf?

I'm 195-199 consistently so I have no issue keeping the maintenance diet, something like 1800-2000 cal. 

My belly is so thin, like it's girlish when I'm not flexing, good stuff, my love handles are lower than I ever remembered. I must be sub 18% but the definition in my arms and legs aren't much less than 18% so prolly 18% it's fine, I don't need to look defined like a gymbro, the beafyness factor is there, people notice. Good stuff.

Still fucking hungry all the time, can't just eat or I'll gain weight, such is life.


Friday/Saturday yeah.

They exercise different muscles so it's no issue. I could technically do all in one day but I don't have 3.5 hours together before the place gets busy.

I will be changing this again in a little while because I'm nowhere near sore even though I'm still gaining. It's an odd problem to have.

Still can't do bench without shoulder pain, will try again next cycle.


First of all, I knew I could gain strength while dieting but I was a little surprised I actually gained muscle mass while on a severe diet, that doesn't feel right but it's obvious. And not just a little bit either.

I still do pyramid starting low, last set targets 8-10 10 else. 3 sets.

I might do like the angry faggot and do the multiple sets decreasing every round until I'm dead.

Works for mr. Faggot so should work for me.

Dude better fucking keep his yap shut around me again. Muttering to himself like a butt pirate is ok I guess.

(Not that I'll do anything, I don't want to be banned.)


Fitness report 

I am not a runner, never was. But I was on my walk and it started raining, it happened once last spring too. So I start running, my sub-200lb fit self, and it was remarkably easy, like I didn't even lose my breath, I ran for about half a mile, no stopping, no problem, I couldn't believe how light and comfortable it was. I don't know what about my current training helps with running but something did. Granted remember I was overweight 217 as of last spring I think, and hadn't gone to the gym in three years, but wow, felt easy now.

Oh and did I tell you, I went to my doctor for a check-up and to get blood work, remember that high in iron nonsense and he said, "it's probably because you're overweight." That's when I was only 208 or so. Well went in because besty was jiu-jitsu'ing me and fucking bent my left ring finger so bad it hurt like fuck so I got it checked, no problem but he saw that I wasn't overweight and he was tickled pink, seriously so happy like I might be his only adult patient who isn't overweight right? He looked like he just won an award or something, like excited that I wasn't overweight. Anyway I told him, next time I get bloodwork done, you can't blame it on me being overweight. Shit like I even really was I was still muscular. He was over the moon for that. He wanted to rerun my bloodwork immediately and I was like, next time, I don't plan on ever gaining weight again, fuck all that shit I barely eat two meals now.

So keep from being overweight and make your doctor happy.

My finger still hurts if I bend it wrong, it was a pure accident anyway. No actual damage according to the xray. 

I still go to jiu-jitsu with her on Saturdays but I stopped going myself with the blue belt, it was a nearly 2 hour class and I pretty much sucked anyway not that I could be overpowered but they're too fast and get someone in control and I can't get out easily, it's the kind of thing that smaller can win against larger. I don't have enough time to practice. Was getting bored, kinda gay too cause like sweaty overweight guy in mount position is definitely kinda gay, didn't like it. But besty can if she wants to lol.

Me, guy who doesn't like getting touched, being pinned, not a good combo, not into it.


Oh, so the main reason beyond the gay thing, I'm stronger now so I frame and whatever 250lb partner I have is getting hurt by me too easily. Dude, I'm following the method to escape and I have to press on you and they're getting hurt. Not my fault.


Adult matches are waaaay faster moves. Even teens are very fast. But yeah, Besty can't really close guard on me very easily but even her idk 50lb self can pin me, but like with her I can just lift her off. I have to be super gentle though ofc.

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Alice was dissatisfied with my relaxing gym routine that never broke a sweat let alone produced soreness and made me do 200% on push day yesterday. Literally starting over once I finished everything. And that quickly so it wouldn't take twice but only 1.5x the time. Took 3h and still didn't feel bad. I noticed I ran out of strength in the end, it didn't hurt and I didn't feel tired, just that my arms couldn't push the same weight for more than 5-8 reps instead of 12 anymore. Today there was ample soreness in my shoulders and pecs, not terrible but something I hadn't experienced since my very first day at the gym. We'll see how thing are tomorrow but it'll be leg day so it shouldn't matter. 

I am taking up some light running again because my stamina sucks. I can walk forever but run out of breath easily while running. At least initially, it gets better after a while.

Yeah, that was my main reason never to start martial arts, though BJJ is probably the most effective self-defense technique. 
But contrary to you I am not only too weak, I also lack speed and dexterity. Plus yeah, I immediately would do it if all training partners were early teen girls but with guys - just nope. That' worse than dancing class where my partners are at least adult women.
Aside from the fact that I barely have time for 6h gym per week, no idea how I should squeeze in martial arts class.

had a fight over music some regular bydlo put on his custom playlist nigger rap music literally ape screetching and left. i switched it back into the usual generic shit i dont like either but can live with. he came back about 15min later and was like who did that why isnt there my music on what an idiot. but at least he didnt dare switching back to his shitty music again. weird thing is there were only few pretty old people and they didnt care about the music. most got some earphones

well nevermind still was a good gym session. i definitely feel more muscular and stronger gained about 4kg this year. dont think a lot of it is fat. shitty impedance scale says something 18-20%. its consistently 2-3% less that it was last year. not great not terrible.

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Body is weird.
I made host do a double leg day on Tuesday. Including climbing 1000 stairs on that stair machine, basically running. That was mildly exhausting but that's about it. No soreness whatsoever. 

Then we went to a dynamic shooting competition on Friday that involved some crouching and crawling. Not even in full gear, no ballistic plates and helmets that weight you down, basically nothing compared to a normal gym day. But man, the body was utterly sore the next day and also the day after. Especially butt and legs, can barely get up. I mean wtf is this? That never happened in the gym ever since we started in fall.

Only time I remembered something like before when we went to play paintball years ago. Basically the same movements, it obviously involves unfamiliar poses the body's not used to at all. So that's proof the gym doesn't train all muscles. Not surprising but one should expect to get at least some secondary benefits. But that's apparently not the case.


Yeah it's probably the secondary muscles. I doubt you felt any soreness in the quads. Otherwise I have no idea what you pulled but take it easy.

That's why I wanted to hike but whatever I'll just hike alone and fight off the pumas.

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I don't remember doing this since I was  20, I climbed one of those vita course polls, with just my arms. It was incredibly easy.

Did I mention the other day I ran like half a mile and I didn't even get tired?

I do remember surprising myself like this when I was serious a decade ago but I'm still surprised.

Today I also did 100's on the dumbell row and 130pounders on the Shrugs. That means I more than pull my own weight in pretty much any direction which is crazy to me.

I see a tatted up buff guy doing 90's on the dumbell Shrugs, struggling, and I'm doing 130's with ease and I don't look as buff as he does, he was probably 220 to my 195. 

I also exceeded my body weight on the pull downs 3x10 yet I can't frigging do bench without weird pain later?

So this was a huge gain since I started. I didn't consider myself weak before but now I'm swol af or something and it keeps going up.

Crazy. For what though? I told my doctor I did it so I didn't get injured doing yard work. Fucking healthiest American he knows probably.

Got people chatting me up all the time now like everywhere. I'm petting a puppy in front of the Petco after training and this aisian girl in her 20's total rizzola, she wasn't my type tho. She was asking me 20 questions speed date style. Girl was casting lines like crazy. But I don't bite.

[Ashley] gotta start carrying a stick so I can switch in and swat these girls away from my Bear.

lol be happy its girls and not guys running after you

im always surprised how bad looks and strength correlate there are a bunch of fat i mean really fat chicks in the gym look like those soviet weight lifter women on horse steroids. theyre unbelievable ugly and obese and look like theyd get a heart attack just by walking a few meters straight but they have crazy strength and endurance and could smoke me in just about any exercise. theyre also surprisingly flexible its ridiculous. theres also an old ex special forces guy that looks like a buddhist monk all bald thin and scrawny but hes also insanely strong all muscles and tendons no fat. looking buff does nothing. look at a chimp or orang utan - big belly and thin arms but those fuckers are stronger than an athlete even if they look like shit.

nice gainz for you though i feel i do look more muscular gained a bit weight thats probably muscles but nothing spectacular. i am significantly stronger in some exercises but not others its strange. so i am not sure but its probably better to invest more times in exercises i suck at.

Hiking did take its toll this time, pretty strong leg and butt soreness today after hiking downhill nonstop for over 3h yesterday. Going up wasn't an issue but down was an ordeal. Hardcore leg day.

It pains me to even take a week off now but this week I gotta hustle with my summer project. Last week I did and worked out but this week gotta work with others start time and so no naps. 

Next week should be better we can hope.

Balanced my two days, 3 hours each including 15 minute travel each way. It's really good. I look forward to it.

Slowly, slowly growing strength in the quads. I can now do 3x20 +5kg in each hand. It wasn't easy but it wasn't my max. Next I'll do 10kg in each hand. 3x20 lunges.

My goal is to do what that girl with the insanely thick thighs was doing, though I don't know if she did 20, she did enough. I will have some obscene amount of weight in each hand and do 3x20. I will be the god of lunges!

I hope you're all doing it right.


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Wew, we didn't go to the gym a lot this summer because duh, we weren't here most of the time and that has consequences!

Taking up the usual routine led to some shoulder and upper back soreness. It's really strange that only these muscles are affected. Leg strength also decreased. I feel we're back in spring. Well we do more reps now, started with 10-10-10 last Nov, now it's 15-12-12. Weight increase varies greatly, we improved with some exercises but didn't with others.


Muscle memory means you will make gains much faster once you return. I'm going to start going 3 times a week instead of 2 but keep my 2 day routine. The 2 day routine is actually really fun. 

The only other thing I can do to improve is do exhaustion training, that'll help endurance but I'm not convinced it'll look good and I'm vain enough that it matters. I feel good about working out when I look good as a result.

I also really like that my pains I had last year are all gone.

Haven't had gains in a while, still only getting in two days a week. I know if I can manage three obviously there's a chance.

Plateau: Go longer, go heavier, make a plan

So the plan is I'm still working on my 'summer project' but it's almost done then I'll be back to two jobs and not three and better able to put more effort in.

My weight has been stable, so that's good! My fat percent hasn't gone down in a long time either, it's stuck at probably closer to 19% if I'm honest, that's not where I want it either. The plan for that is to cut carbs again but I'm also waiting till after the holidays for that because the holidays are all about carbs, let's just let that happen.


When I worked out A LOT, I looked good, but no, I was never going to see sub 10% fat at 6'4 200lbs.

I will never do the dope, creatine is something that adds 10-20% gain temporarily but DO NOT DO IT because it's not worth the long term side effects I heard about. The ones no one ever talk about like decreased sex drive and limp dick basically.

No one wants that, it will never be worth it.

So yeah, effort = results and I am flipping strong so even really heavy labor is trivial. No pain, no issues, healthy, that's all good.

I did notice while I was losing weight that getting enough nutrition was right at the limit and the major symptom was cramping. Only on say a day where I was shoveling dirt ALL DAY, and for some reason milk and meat fixed it, milk almost immediately, meat after a few hours.

Anyway, I am happy though I would have been happier with 16% bodyfat. I will be going back to lower carb again, it's just not worth living that way all year.

I wonder if 3 days a week will get a 50% gain over 2 days a week. Remember I started with 3 days a week but less time per day and now it's realistically 2 hours a day two days a week. And I can possibly get 2 hours a day 3 days a week because it gets hard to do more than 2 hours in the gym, it feels like a long time, 2 hours feels good. That limits the number of discrete exercises to 15 or so per day.

I can live with where I am now, I really don't care that much. 2 days a week is good and I am pain free and strong, I'm not that greedy.

not me who the fuck is this?

> creatine
you saw what happens in the the /fit/ comic here:

> 2 hours in the gym
i think thats a reasonable time.
id like to go more often but i barely manage 2 times per week on average. still stuck around 20% if that shitty scale at the gym is correct. not great not terrible.

problem is i started talking to people too much at the gym which costs time. but there are some awesome dudes like the retired police tactical unit commander and some high lvl competition shooter. always a blast listening to their stories but actually no why im supposed to be there.

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I feel I'm actually getting weaker. Haven't been able to keep up my 3 times a week routine lately. And as tupper said I was away a lot. So it's noot really surprising but it still sucks. I feel like I look more muscular than a year ago and weight increased by about 3kg but I don't see any significant strength or endurance increase. At least not in the past half year. Looks like I hit a plateau. Trying to work out more at home with body weight exercises on days I'm not at the gym now.

> plateu

I have been addressing this with some success.

1. Diet matters, more protein seems to help energy at the gym. I always carb-load 500 calories which is about how much I will burn, so that's never a consideration. Don't go hungry or too tired.

2. Go more, obviously this works

3. Concentrate. So I worked more heavily on my shoulders and they gained huge in the summer. My legs are still getting sore the next day, and my shoulders, but almost never anything else and I physically can't lift more weight so you instead can do exhaustion sets, that will do it.

4. Switch up your routine, throw out exercises that don't do much and add ones that trigger unused secondary muscles.

5. Don't worry about it, just be healthy and carry on.

I think it's all about 2.
Really haven't gone a lot over summer as I was constantly away and now I'm busy with the garden making new flower beds and planting trees so I barely manage to go to the gym once a week.

> Mike Tyson
How old is this guy? I remember him from when I was a kid.

Good fight, I liked the show of respect at the end. Jake Paul did really well, took some really tough hits early.

Tyson didn't have the stamina, he chose the 8 round format. 

Okay, I'm done with sports for another 20 years.

[Ashley] Sports are the poison pill for Bear, he hates them usually.

Back to going to the gym every 2-3 days. Managed to extend leg day to the point of soreness. Left adductors got a bit too much, I really felt that for 2 days. All gone now.

Haven't measured in a while. I gained about 2-3kg from a year ago. I do  think I look more muscular but nothing spectacular. Next medical DEXA measurement that's actually accurate wil be in early spring. Then we will know more.

after more than a year i discovered the gym actually has that diy wrist tool lol
not an abs pipe but a short wooden pole of same thickness with a rope around to attach weights. was hidden is a basket with other tools. clearly some gym regular made this but it works. more difficult than i thought. feels more like an abs exercise just holding your arms straight.

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