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[12:00 14C, clear and sunny with a cool breeze blowing off the ocean. 1d20=14,13, no one has come by yet.]

Nothing was decided yet, but for now food was prepared Ashley Panther slept peacefully on top of her equipment, and Yulya fretted over scraps of parchment as Cat cooked and Alice performed unnatural feats in plain sight.

[1d20=2,18] No one was paying any attention to the mystery meat or it's odd scent, the strange girl eating coins however was noticed by several of the kids who rushed up to see "the magic show"

Several children have noticed Alice eating coins and will require explanation.

Yulya poured over the prayer book first, and upon opening it she realized immediately this was the Spellsword's spellbook.

Someone of proper class and capability who had their own spellbook could copy these spells, Yulya can't, Ashley doesn't have a book, her magic is innate due to her goddess' blessing.

Yulya then tries to decipher the 10 bits of holy text.

[1d20-1 Arcana = 12] She determines these are just random symbols of a torn holy text, words such as, "sacrament, waters, crown" are among the fragments of words but she realizes along with the spells she found in the book and the fact that they were in a component pouch, clearly these were just fodder for a spall, specifically Shield of Faith.

Ashley Awakens and quickly dresses.


She's momentarily confused as to why you're all here and not on the way to Phandalin, but then the battle flashes through her memory and she looks around to see all the children playing.

"It worked, we won! Oh, but what about Gundren..." she has no memory of him or even fuzzy memories "Hey Yulya, we need to go South not North!? What's the plan? They'll be waiting for us, one of us should at least meet up with them and say what's up."

She smells what's cooking and nearly loses her bone and raw organ lunch. "Sorry Cat, but I'll pass."
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Cat happily hands out stew to anyone except Ashley who refused. It smells great due to herbs, vegetables and Cat's cooking skills.
Good morning, Ashley Nya! Everyone gather, we need to stragegize!
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While eating, Alice entertains the kids by pulling gold coins out of orifices and sticking her darts through body parts.
so what do we do with the spell book if Yulya cant copy the spells and Ashley cant use it either? it shows they were into some trickery. and about this focus things like scraps of paper cant a cleric substitute any focus with a holy symbol? Ashley should at least have a look at the book once the kidds are asleep.
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wrong threada my bad

Yulya enjoys her lunch. She has to stop Alices stunts before they get too weird and then speaks too the kids
Don't forget to thank Cat for this great meal! I know you're starved but do not overeat we need to leave soon!
We are going to Neverwinter. Is that alright with you? We will pay for your entry and registration but we need to find a place for you to stay there. Our mission was to go to Phandalin with this cart so we need to return there. We will consult with the guild and if possible look for your missing friends but we need to finish our mission first!

Cat needs to leave a message for Gundren. What a shameful oversight on my part! I am sorry to bother you but you need to leave with a horse as fast as possible!
We will meet up on the way back or at least in Neverwinter! Take what you need leave the rest in the cart!
Please be careful Cat!
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I look through the loot stash and take a few things.
Okay guys, here's the strategy as I understand it:
1. Cat, take the great sword+1, bow+1 and Half plate, the ring of obscuring would definately come in handy too so you can escape if you have to, then take a horse south and use the convenient chalk you had somehow and mark the rocks for Gundren to read, look for tracks to see if him and his bud have been there recently, they'd have at least gotten back to the main road to look to see if we are coming.
2. I take the Pendant Gem, I could use that.
3. I'll take a look at the Spellsword's Spellbook.
4. We load up the kids and head North, Cat, you'll catch up to us then drive the horses like mad till we're in Neverwinter.
5. We get a bunch of rooms and get the kids settled for the night, then get to the orphanage in the morning and negotiate with them. 
6. Make sure we have enough food for the horses
7. We sell everything we can, the goal is 20gp each to level up. I figure we have about 120 gold if we sell all but that Short Sword. I'll take my cut out of the 120-80 for leveling-whatever else we need to negotiate with the orphanage. I'll do that negotiating by the way.
8. We level up with Freya and tell her everything, she's going to know through the orb anyway.
9. We high tail it back down here in the same day, making sure make it here by tomorrow night.
10. We go to Phandalin like we were supposed to by the day after tomorrow, two days late but there.

Any questions?

I affix the 100+ gold gem where her fake focus is, then takes the book from Yulya and [Arcana 1d20+1=13] yeah, this is his spellbook alright. She then looks through all the pages for obvious identification. [Investigation 1d20+1=16] Nope, sell it. I hand the book back to Yulya.

Let's do this, are we good? Also, where's my cut of the gold? I expect at least 1/8th of the coins they had minus the special marked purse, we probably need that for the kids. My calculation is... 3 gold and 4 copper. I'm not worried about the stuff we can use anymore but if we sell anything after expenses I want 1/8th of that too. I figure it's fair that half of everything we get in loot is for expenses, then everyone gets an eighth. Put your share in the pot or not. Of course if we actually finish this quest, my pay will be mine. Maybe I'll have enough to pay back the guild. It's fair, a golden winged goddess told me so.

Sounds reasonable to me too, make your decisions and actions and I'll forward the scene.
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Ashley, I know you're a pacifist and all bit won't you take the short sword? I mean you're nit gonna let some goblins rape you wothout resistance, right? It's perfect for you!

> sell as much as we can
Isn't this a huge loss just to level up?
We will never get a half plate and longbow for Cat for this price. We can sell something but does everyone have to level up right now? We will have to do the math at the guild.
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> Ashley, I know you're a pacifist and all bit won't you take the short sword?

I can take it and throw it in the ocean, yeah.

> I mean you're nit gonna let some goblins rape you wothout resistance, right?

I'd like to see them try to do that to a panther. Good luck. Well I don't actually want to see that, it just won't end well for them.

> Isn't this a huge loss just to level up?

[You don't have to level up, but it's highly recommended.]

Cat, we got like 1000 gold net sellable in stuff, granted we're using most of it, 80 gold isn't much by comparison. 

> We will never get a half plate and longbow for Cat for this price.

I look with confusion toward the half-plate and two longbows we currently have.

What? Use the +1 bow and plate we have.

> We can sell something but does everyone have to level up right now? 

''Cat, snap out of it babe, what are you even talking about? Yulya wants to get stronger so we can make a difference, the gods demand tithe in exchange, maybe the guild is taking a cut for the service but this is what we do. I know we'll find more loot later, we'll be rolling in funds soon believe me, call it intuition, I can feel it.

[For reference, the combined wealth of SheShe's group is aroound 100 platnum in coin alone after their first real quest. They're about to level up to 3, I don't believe there is a charge for that one but they'll remain Iron Plates until level 4.]
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As Cat is about to leave Yulya sees her off with a worried look.
Take 2 of the potions and 10sp with you. Who knows what you migfht encounter! Try not to get in trouble I pray for your safe return!

After Cat is gone Yulya turns to Ashley
You can take your share of the money from the loot  but please do it before we leave so the kids don't see you!
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Cat prepares her gear. She dons the half plate, takes the great sword, elven longbow and ring of obscuring. She leaves all but 2 rations and also the shovel, hammer, pitons and tent in the cart. Cat takes 2 potions and 10 sp from Yulya
Thanks Nya!
Don't worry, about me Nya! I'm more worried about you without me Nyahaha!

Cat gets on the horse and rides back to the road fork as fast as possible
[Please look at the updated inventory!]
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There may have been an error on the loot sheets. There was 80GP and 60sp in the special purse, but on the loot sheet it may have said 60 gp and 84sp. I don't know why.

After a brief discussion with Ashley and Yulya, Cat gallops away south chalk in hand.
Ashley yells after her, "Use that smoke ring if you get ambushed and just bail! Don't forget to check the tracks!"

Ashley discretely takes 30 silver and 4 copper. And readies the cart by arranging the cargo and placing the bedrolls on the crates to make it more of a large flat landing under the tarp for the children to ride more comfortably.

"Alright kiddos, everyone ready for a ride?"

Annie asks, "where are we going?"

Ashley smiles sweetly, "Neverwinter orphanage! Yay! You'll see, Neverwinter is waaaay better than Baldur's Gate. It's an awesome place and you'll be well taken care of." [Deception 1d20+6=20] the kids cheer and all pile into the cart. Soon they're comfortable and some look ready for an afternoon nap.

Ashley wipes her brow. "Come on Alice, load up, Yulya, put out the fire, it's go time."

Ashley separates the remants of the stew into a full ration and loads it up, and prepares the meat (32lbs) for storage.

"Load 'em up and move 'em out! Let's giddy up! Yulya, run those horses all out, Cat should catch up in a couple hours."

With everyone ready, Yulya coaxes the horses to go and soon they're off on the dusty gravel road north.
Cat gallops down the road, but her horse isn't used to running over long distances and takes 40 minutes to go the 9 miles and makes it to the boulder in 40 minutes.

Cat takes her turn, as well as anyone else who chooses, to, everyone is headed north at [1d20=8] a moderate pace, about the same pace you normally. The horses just don't want to go too fast. Some incentive might help on Yulya's part. [1d20=14][1d6=5]

Yulya's team sees another large cart headed their way.
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Cat arrives near the rock and uses stealth. She carefully checks for signs of an ambush from high road or triboar trail. She looks for tracks or other signs Gundern and Sildar were here before leaving a message at the rock with chalk.
Returned to N
Will be in P 2 days late
Cat isn't good at writing but a paw print as signature guarantees the message is authentic.
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[It is indeed Spring 8th, Saturday 13:00, I had a typo earlier.] 

The approaching cart passes.
[Potential Interaction #1] 

[Stealth 1d20+3=16 for future reference stealth does not work when you're in plain sight, say on an open road.]

[Perception 1d20+3=9] Though cat sees no sign of an ambush, she can't be sure. The dusty gravel road is much as you left it, a skid rut clearly shows the slaver's cart tracks, you can see your own cart's tracks where you turned around. You look at your own tracks, they're light in the crushed stone and you aren't sure if you could make out another set or two but probably not. You move 30 yards down the Triboar Trail, beyond where the cart'd gone, [1d20+3=11] It's pretty clear there's been no traffic through the drying mud, you look for hoof prints and can occasionally catch a pair or two headed down the road, almost surely those of Gundren's horse Nell and Sildar's horse Bess but no sign of them returning this way.

Cat sees another cart coming up the road about a mile south accompanied by another rider in armor that could potentially be a road master.
[Potential Interaction #2]

[1d20=18] Cat successfully marks the rock and heads back North. 
[Cat's Horse 1d20=14, Yulya's team 1d20=18] Cat gallops back north with haste and her horse is warming up to the idea of galloping, and even though Yulya is managing over 4mph, Cat catches up yo her by [14:00]

Cat rejoins the group and [1d20=16] after quickly hooking the horse back up you're well on your way.

At this point the cart is roughly 7 miles north of the stop with 33 miles to go to get to Neverwinter. With the addition of the 4th horse, riled and ready to pull fast, the speed of the cart is a good 4mph.

Expected arrival to Neverwinter's Southwest gate: [22:15] 

Cat takes the reins and encourages the horses as the hours pass. Even into the evening, past dark, she guides the horses further north.

[1d20=13,20] 15 miles [16:00] 
Ashley's keen eyes spot something hanging in a nearby tree. She hops off to investigate and is dumbfounded, she finds another thick walled jar with a cork stopper in new condition just like the other one, 2lbs of sturdy glass worth about 10sp harnessed with a new hide belt (1lb, 5cp) hanging from the tree. What it could possibly be doing there is beyond her but she takes it anyway and runs to catch up to the cart.

You see a road master headed South, he's not the same one you dealt with earlier. He tips his helmet in greeting as you pass.
[Potential Interaction #3]

[1d20=1] 19 miles [17:00] Another 4 miles north, a family of raccoons cross the road ahead.
[Potential Interaction #4]

As the evening overtakes the day, it quickly darkens and the crescent moon offers little help. Knowing a little something about carts, Cat finds and lights the forward cart lamps offering at least a fair view of the road to avoid large rocks or blocks.

[1d20=18,14,19,1] 35 miles [21:00] It's well past dark and the horses are getting restless, Cat's doing her best to keep them going but they're well past their usual stopping point for the day. Though they did get a couple hours rest mid-day they're clearly protesting. You're so close to Neverwinter, the lights of the large city on the cliff are clearly visible in the distance so you push further.

[1d20=1] Unfortunately, the poor old horses have reached their limit, they just can't go any further and the cart grinds to a halt. They're restless, hungry and tired, near exhaustion.

Required Interaction: Though you're within sight of the city, 5 miles is 5 miles and you can't budge the cart without the horses help, they're nearly asleep where they stand, blocking the center of the road. The kids are asleep, huddled under the blankets on the bedrolls, and Ashley's also asleep on the roof. A damp wind is lightly blowing in off the water making the air uncomfortably chilly, 9C.
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> Cat sees another cart coming up the road about a mile south accompanied by another rider in armor that could potentially be a road master.
Cat decides to stay hidden and out of trouble

> You see a road master headed South, he's not the same one you dealt with earlier. He tips his helmet in greeting as you pass.
Cat returns the roadmaster's greeting and stops the cart
Greetings Nya!
Cat lets Yulya give the roadmaster a message for Gundren before continuning

> Another 4 miles north, a family of raccoons cross the road ahead
Cat slows the cart so the raccoons can safely pass

> Unfortunately, the poor old horses have reached their limit, they just can't go any further and the cart grinds to a halt. They're restless, hungry and tired, near exhaustion.
Poor horses Nya! I am sorry for the detour Nya!
Cat uses animal handling to move the cart to the side of the road out of the way. She gives the horses feed and water from the glass jar and pats them with her paws
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> Cat lets Yulya give the roadmaster a message for Gundren before continuning
As the cart stops Yulya turns to the roadmaster. She hoped Cat would do the talking but sometimes a party leader needs to take responsibility. Yulya sighs and uses persuasion
Sorry to bother you Sir but if you meet Gundren Rockseeker or somebody close to him please tell him we will arrive in Phandalin 2 days later than planned. There was an emergency and we had to turn around at the start of the triboar trail to return to Neverwinter. And please convey our apologies! Thank you for your hard work of keeping the roads safe in these difficult times may the gods bless you!

> Unfortunately, the poor old horses have reached their limit, they just can't go any further and the cart grinds to a halt. They're restless, hungry and tired, near exhaustion.
What a blunder so close to our destination! We have used our share of luck for today it seems! Cat can I bother you again to go to the neverwinter gate and see if you can enter? Report to the guild and Freya if they let you in. Maybe she can arrange something for the kids before we arrive.

Alice please keep watch!

Seeing Ashley sleep on the cart in the cold wind, Yulya puts a blanket on her.
You will catch a cold if you sleep up there all night!
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You see a road master headed South, he's not the same one you dealt with earlier. He tips his helmet in greeting as you pass.

Cat cheerfully greets the road master.
> Greetings Nya!

The old man smiles widely.

Yulya awkwardly speaks,
> Sorry to bother you Sir but if you meet Gundren Rockseeker or somebody close to him please tell him we will arrive in Phandalin 2 days later than planned. There was an emergency and we had to turn around at the start of the triboar trail to return to Neverwinter. And please convey our apologies! Thank you for your hard work of keeping the roads safe in these difficult times may the gods bless you!

He stops, takes off his helmet and eyes the cart, seeing children piled in he scratches his beard and peers at Yulya, "Name's Stregren Morningstar, well met. On to Neverwinter? Leaving a little late though I see. Well, my advice is to stay on the road, just keep going, there's been more than a few reports of hostile animals and bandits alike. Yes thanks for the praise but we've got our hands full and praise won't see us though it. What'll help is your safe travels. God speed and don't take any unnecessary turns, get those kids there safely. We're counting on good news, that'll keep us going these dark days." he looks back down the road and sighs. "Any of you see an overturned cart on the way up? I'm headed down to check it out."

Ashley perks up and hops down, "Ashley at your service Steggie, yeah we did in fact, it looked like a wreck alright, the Rothés broke free and are menacing passers by and those things are tough. We just thanked our luck they weren't rampaging. There were no signs of anyone but they might have been hiding. That's all we saw." 
Deception [1d20+6=13]  

''He shakes his head, "Well met Mis Ashley, it just keeps getting worse. Well get to safety as soon as you can. I'll be back this way later tonight, so I might catch back up to you and escort you the rest of the way, Neverwinter has an obligation to reinforce this road."

"Let'em have it Steggie, don't worry about us," Ashley says with a smile and a wink.

He smiles back and with a good day to Cat and Yulya he's off down the road kicking up dust and gravel as his horse gallops with all haste.


Unfortunately, the poor old horses have reached their limit, they just can't go any further and the cart grinds to a halt. They're restless, hungry and tired, near exhaustion.

> Poor horses Nya! I am sorry for the detour Nya!
Cat uses animal handling to move the cart to the side of the road out of the way. [1d20+3=10] The sleepy horses reluctantly pull the cart another 20 feet to get to the side of the road with Cat's coaxing and she gives the horses feed and water from the glass jar then pats them with her paws. They're so tired they barely eat, but they manage as horses always do where food is concerned. Soon they're snoozing right where they stand.

> What a blunder so close to our destination! We have used our share of luck for today it seems! Cat can I bother you again to go to the neverwinter gate and see if you can enter? Report to the guild and Freya if they let you in. Maybe she can arrange something for the kids before we arrive.

Cat, is to answer Yulya here and make her choices. Since she's been riding a good portion of the way she can run 5 miles in about an hour if she chooses to.
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> Alice please keep watch!

> Yes ma'am!
Alice grabs her spear and starts patrolling the cart

Seeing Ashley sleep on the cart in the cold wind, Yulya puts a blanket on her.
> You will catch a cold if you sleep up there all night!

Ashley doesn't stir, she's out...

[1d20=1] [1d20=8] [1d4=4] wow [1d6=3]
You're all startled by a group of humanoids dressed all in black robes, coming from behind. They have unknown symbols only visible as they pass near the road lamps. One looks your way as she passes, the expression on her face says she's as surprised to see you as you are her. Three of their hooded forms pass by without a word and they're gone. They seem to have come out of the mist, unheard and unexpected, and return to the mist just as quickly.

State what you'll do with your time. Assuming Cat leaves Yulya and Alice have some time to contemplate their near miss with whoever passed among other things. The story will pick up when Cat answers.
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> Cat can I bother you again to go to the neverwinter gate and see if you can enter? Report to the guild and Freya if they let you in. Maybe she can arrange something for the kids before we arrive.
Nyahaha of course!
Been sitting for too long today Nya this is a nice evening walk Nya! I'll hurry Nya! And I'll use that smoke ringy-thingy if there's trouble Nya!
'Cat rushes off to Neverwinter'
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"Cat can I bother you again to go to the neverwinter gate and see if you can enter? Report to the guild and Freya if they let you in. Maybe she can arrange something for the kids before we arrive." Yulya asks to her faithful friend.

"Nyahaha of course! Been sitting for too long today Nya this is a nice evening walk Nya! I'll hurry Nya! And I'll use that smoke ringy-thingy if there's trouble Nya!"
And with that she rushes off to Neverwinter

With her keen night vision, even with very little light, she's able to keep the road in sight, even starlight is enough to guide her. She sees no sign of the cloaked humanoids or anyone else as she runs the High Road in the last leg to Neverwinter. The city looms in the distance, its light house like a diamond shining in the night.

Cat pushes herself, running flat out, [1d20=16] and given the importance of the matter she's able to reach the gates by 22:00.

They're well lit, and unguarded and utterly closed. 
[Perception 1d20+3=10]

Though she can't make out any words, her sensitive ears can just make out a faint conversation beyond the door. There's no sign or otherwise marking of a reason for the closure other than it's well into the night and even guards need rest. There doesn't seem to be an emergency at least.

Action Required of Cat: Cat can decide what to do next here.


As Cat leaves, Yulya and Alice contemplate their next moves.
[Possible actions #1]

[22:00 1d20=19]
You hear the tell tale sound of hoofbeats in the distance to the south and a light wreathed in dust approaches. It seems to pick up the pace as it gets nearer. It's too far to make out but obviously someone on horseback.

[Required action]
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> Cat pushes herself, running flat out, and given the importance of the matter she's able to reach the gates by 22:00.
> They're well lit, and unguarded and utterly closed.
> Though she can't make out any words, her sensitive ears can just make out a faint conversation beyond the door. There's no sign or otherwise marking of a reason for the closure other than it's well into the night and even guards need rest. There doesn't seem to be an emergency at least.
Cat wastes no time and knocks on the door
Apologies Nya!
I'm Cat an adventurer from Neverwinter Nya! I have to report to the guild and Freya Nya! Please let me in Nya!
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Cat knocks on the gate and calls out to anyone who might hear.

A small hatch opens in the gate and Cat pushes her plate instinctively towards it.

She hears heavy thuds and clinks then the creaking of a large door cracks open. The gate opens a sliver, enough for her to slip through.

A tall thin guard in full plate checks her plate under lamp light then holds the lamp to her eyes. She removes her helmet and asks with a soft but commanding voice, "You're not a dragon are you? Cat ears, paws, eyes, no, no dragon would masquerade as catfolk, come in. You shouldn't travel the roads at night. Did the road master pass you? We're asking of anyone's seen anything strange, beasts, bandits, dragons, have you?"

[Required interaction]
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> You're all startled by a group of humanoids dressed all in black robes, coming from behind. They have unknown symbols only visible as they pass near the road lamps. One looks your way as she passes, the expression on her face says she's as surprised to see you as you are her. Three of their hooded forms pass by without a word and they're gone. They seem to have come out of the mist, unheard and unexpected, and return to the mist just as quickly.
Yulya freezes unable to act or speak. Only when they are gone she is glad and thanks Eldath and SheShe with a prayer that they were not hostile. Yulya tries to remember the symbols she saw.
What was that all about? Alice did you also not notice them? What a great skill! If they go to Neverwinter there must be a way to enter the city. I hope Cat can make it.
But what do we do? If they dont send us a cart here we may not be able to get to Neverwinter until morning. I do not know how long the horses need to rest but looks like we will be here a couple of hours. Thats dangerous.

Yulya decides to rest a bit herself while Alice continues her watch but  an hour later is startled by the sound of horses approaching.
Who is that? Is it the Roadmaster?
Yulya gets ready to wake up Ashley if needed.
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> You're all startled by a group of humanoids dressed all in black robes, coming from behind. They have unknown symbols only visible as they pass near the road lamps. One looks your way as she passes, the expression on her face says she's as surprised to see you as you are her. Three of their hooded forms pass by without a word and they're gone. They seem to have come out of the mist, unheard and unexpected, and return to the mist just as quickly.
Alice is impressed by their skills and raises a hand as greeting, also glad they don't want any trouble.

> What was that all about? Alice did you also not notice them? 
Nope, what am I even patrolling for!
''Fired up by the competition, Alice decides to practice her stealth skills. She takes off her revealing white Yukata and mask and leaves them in the cart. A shapeless form silently lurks in the underbrush along the edge of the road, occasionally creeping back and forth to observe the road on both sides of the cart.

> Alice!
> Who is that? Is it the Roadmaster?
Alice tries to determine whether the approaching rider is the roadmaster they met hours earlier before replying and potentially giving away her position. She readies her bow just in case there are signs of hostility.
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"Alice! Who is that? Is it the Roadmaster?""
Yulya gets ready to wake up Ashley if needed.

Alice tries to determine whether the approaching rider is the roadmaster

Indeed it is! He quickens his pace as he sees the stalled cart. When he reaches them he realizes he's startled Yulya.

"Oh, pardon my intrusion. I knew you left too late, horses aren't machines you know, they need care and rest as well," he lectures, "well I have no choice now but to stay with you. The High Road has become more dangerous by the day." He shows the trader's plate to Yulya, "Do you know what this is? No trader would just drop it," he reads "Yalen von Brassels, good lord he's the son of a Darren von Brassels, a prominent Marquess of Baldur's Gate." he frets "We'll never hear the end of this, the relations between Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter was never that great to begin with. This could cause rising tensions to boil over. Let's prey it doesn't come to war. Not now, now with everything else going on here. We may have to put an armed guard on every shipment. This, only days after the son of the Duke of Neverwinter, Ferdinand Holden's sizeable bank shipment was seized by bandits. If they weren't out of hand before, this proves they're beyond us. This plate was his only means of survival, his livelihood!"

The frazzled road master unloads his worries on Yulya.

Ashley awakens to the booming sound of an old man. She peers over the top of the cart and sees Yulya shrinking as the man spouts on about his troubles. She recognizes him as Steggie. [Perception 1d20+1=2] She thought she saw something in the bushes on the side of the road, but it must have been the wind.

The old man's complaining drone seems to be reaching a cacophony and Ashley is lulled back to sleep.

[1d20+4=20] Yulya keeps her cool, not looking suspicious at all. This makes the road master even more comfortable to gab on about his troubles.

The children are dead tired and even if they're awakened, they fall directly back to sleep.

"What do you think could have happened to them? The cart was filled with various sundries of little value, everything of value must have been taken." He shakes his head. "We'll have to do more thorough inspections, perhaps even interrogations, someone has to know something. We can't let anyone else come to harm." His paranoia is peeking and he looks to Yulya for support and answers. "First, bandits, then dragons, now even the bodies aren't left behind, could a Dragon have done this? Did you know dragons can take human form?! You or I or any one of those kids could be the very dragon. Say, about those kids..."

Expected response. No rolls will be necessary if you're careful in your wording as he's already comfortable. So please answer his concerns about bandits, conjecture about an overturned cart, missing bodies, and the dozen children sleeping in your cart.
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> "You're not a dragon are you? Cat ears, paws, eyes, no, no dragon would masquerade as catfolk, come in. You shouldn't travel the roads at night. Did the road master pass you? We're asking of anyone's seen anything strange, beasts, bandits, dragons, have you?"
Cat is overjoyed she made it into the city and shows it, gesticulating wildly releasing a waterfall of words
Nyahaha thank you very much!
Nyo I'm Tabaxy Nya no draon Nya but we saw one last night Nya at the rest stop Nya we spotted it first Nya the horses were acting strange Nya it was huuuge Nya surrounded by some darkness magic thingy Nya only saw green eyes Nya it had such power Nya we couldn't even move Nya I'm a warrior Nya but even I was terrified, terrified Nyaaa it paralyzed everyone and everything Nya then it dragged away an entire ox Nya we only heard it eat Nya, tore the poor animal apart Nya!
Cat makes a crunching sound with her paw knuckles
Then it flew off Nya whooosh Nya!
Cat thrown her paws in the air and jumps, imitating the dragon

'It could have killed us all Nya we almost attacked it with bow and arrow not knowing what it is Nyahaha crazy Nya that would have ended badly Nya I had never seen a dragon before Nya only heard stories Nya they are crazy crazy strong Nya I'll never forget what I saw Nya! But they can turn into humans too Nya? I didn't know that Nya!

Oh yeah the roadmaster Nya saw him go south Nya in the afternoon Nya what was his Name again Nya something with -star at the end Nya don't remember Nya but he was nice Nya!

So thanks again Nya gotta go to the guild Nya we have a cart full of kids stranded out there Nya 5 miles outside the gate Nya I ran here to report Nya! They're in danger Nya! See ya Nya!
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Alice decides to stay hidden in the nearby bushes so she isn't mistaken for a dragon disguising as a human and listens to the conversation between Yulya and the roadmaster. Also she is completely naked. If this poor man knew the flesh of the missing noble was both in the back of the cart and our stomachs...
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Cat assails the guard with a flurry of Nyas.

> something with a star at the end.

"Morningstar, yes okay good."

> See ya Nya!

She's not sure all of her questions were answered and more questions were raised but takes the report of danger to heart and works to get someone to go check it out. She notes the name on the plate "Cat" and decides she will follow up if necessary with the guild.

This guard has decided to send a team with horses south to help the stranded cart before the morning rush.

Cat quickly makes it to the Guild, it is in fact open till midnight and Freya is in.

Cat may enter and approach Freya as she wishes. Cat, put down as many questions and comments and confessions as you wish, Freya will likely pull you in the back room as the conversation progresses.

There is one other group of Adventurers in and Freya is sitting with them discussing current topics--they seem concerned. You recognize one of them as none other than Brutus. They technically haven't noticed you yet.
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Yulya sighs both relieved the approaching rider was the roadmaster and terrified he is showing her the plate of the man her party just killed and riddling her with questions. This cannot be real it must be a bad dream. What is it with roadmasters causing her such trouble? Oh yes they are humans! Yulya thinks about her cabin and swimming in crystal clear lakes. She speaks her mind to relieve stress hoping not to spill anything
I am glad its you Sir good to see you!
We are quite in a pinch. My party split to get help from Neverwinter and an hour ago we were surprised by a group of black robed people that came out of nowhere and disappeared again. They were not hostile but it was a shock. What a place to be stranded and this without our partys main fighting force. This is my first day of driving a cart and to be honest our very first quest as adventurers.
Yulya showns him her brand new copper plate

Yesterday a puma jumped on our cart from behind and we also witnessed that dragon. What a day! You say they can turn into humans too? Have there been such incidents? It did have extremely powerful magic. I wish I had such but I am not a dragon but a mere lv1 cleric. Yet I think I know some spells even a dragon cannot learn without the blessing of the gods.

Yulya keeps staring at the merchant plate
The son of a marquis you say? Is it not odd? What was he doing on such a mediocre cart? We did not get a good look at the cargo but it looked like furniture and household supplies. Is this man really that high ranking? Pardon my ignorance I lived as a hermit until recently. Only the increase in danger forced me to seek refuge in Neverwinter and become an adventurer. So I know nothing about the nobility of Baldurs gate. Did you know this man personally?

By the way did you manage to deliver my message to Sir Gundren or one of his acquaintances? We were on the way to Phandalin when we picked up these children in distress. They said they were from an orphanage but men came and took them away by force. They were chained and completely exhausted so we do not know the full story. It will take a while until they recover but it looks like illegal slavery. We turned around to bring them to Neverwinter hoping the guild can arrange something for them. That is why our horses became exhausted. We hoped we could make it back - we could not just leave the kids out there on the road right? And taking them to Phandalin would have been too dangerous. Even if we have to pay their entrance fee to the city we will bring them to safety. But we need to inform Sir Gundren about our detour.

You know when we left Neverwinter some of the many refugees stranded outside the city approached our cart. A woman with children that were starving. Sir Gundren gave them enough money to enter Neverwinter and register with the guild. Even promised to check on them after his return. He is a great man and we wish to follow his example. There are still good people even in these difficult times so we must not lose hope! We must try our best to return this world to order and peace! This is my mission!
Yulya is surprised actually shocked she managed to talk herself into an inspiring sermon. But she may have said more than she wanted to.
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> I am glad its you Sir good to see you!
Yulya details her experience so far and shows him her brand new copper plate

> Yesterday a puma jumped on our cart from behind and we also witnessed that dragon. What a day! You say they can turn into humans too? Have there been such incidents? 

He nods, listening intently, "unsubstantiated, but we were briefed this morning to be on the lookout for a humanoid who may be a dragon in polymorphed form. How are we supposed to know that? How can we tell? They didn't answer, no one knows if it's even real!" He throws up his hands in frustration,'' "I have actual banditry and actual dragons to worry about."

> It did have extremely powerful magic. I wish I had such but I am not a dragon but a mere lv1 cleric. Yet I think I know some spells even a dragon cannot learn without the blessing of the gods.

"Well I would say mind your magic and let it not be used for evil purposes. Banditry, theft, murder, these are capital crimes! We're blessed to have new adventurers still coming out of the wild. The gods may yet be on our side."

Yulya keeps staring at the merchant plate as his hand gesticulates with every word.

> The son of a marquis you say? Is it not odd? What was he doing on such a mediocre cart?

"The mind of the nobility is not my mind, I can't say what he'd be doing, why he'd leave the safety and luxury of the court, though nobility is known to travel between the two cities, the items were certainly puzzling, and the cart itself was impressive, stout, but old, it's not typical. Nobility wouldn't have rothés either, he must have procured passage, perhaps traveling in secret? Perhaps to avoid something or someone, their politics run deep. I would guess he was told to lay low for a while and chose to travel to Neverwinter but such an elaborate cart just to tow sundries is a mystery. There must have been something very valuable. A broken chain in the back tells me they were towing something, but what?" he looks down, puzzled. 

> Only the increase in danger forced me to seek refuge in Neverwinter and become an adventurer. So I know nothing about the nobility of Baldur's gate. Did you know this man personally?

"Only by name, we're briefed on the dignitaries and instructed specifically to guard them, I missed him by hours if not minutes! If I had only been a little faster..." He looks distraught.

> By the way did you manage to deliver my message to Sir Gundren or one of his acquaintances? 

"No one by that name or anyone I'd recognize I'm afraid."

> We were on the way to Phandalin when we picked up these children in distress. They said they were from an orphanage but men came and took them away by force. 

> They were chained and completely exhausted so we do not know the full story. 
[Deception 1d20+2=18]

"How could you know? This is a complete mystery even to me and this is my calling."

> It will take a while until they recover but it looks like illegal slavery. We turned around to bring them to Neverwinter hoping the guild can arrange something for them.
[Persuasion 1d20+4=13 vs DC13]

> That is why our horses became exhausted. We hoped we could make it back - we could not just leave the kids out there...

Yulya continues to tell him about what happened. 

Something piqued his interest, "Illegal trafficking," he mutters. "Where did you find them exactly and how were they disposed? This may explain a few things..." He pondered, wondering and awaiting your response.

Yulya must answer as to where they were left and how were they disposed as in were they free or restrained. He obviously suspects a connection. [1d20=7] He's lost a little confidence in your tale because you didn't respond to his request for conjecture on the overturned cart and missing bodies but won't press you further on it. Be careful to address all his concerns.
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Cat spots Freya and Brutus and rushes to them gesticulating wildly as usual
Nyaa Freya!
And Brutus Nya!
Good you are here Nya we need some help Nya!
Cat is out of breath and spills her story in short fragments full of Nyas
We're back Nya!
But in trouble Nya had to turn around Nya picked up a dozen children Nya at Triboar trail Nya couldn't go on Nya and Gundren was gone Nya went back to the stop Nya then I rode back again to leave a message Nya for Gundren Nya and then we tried to get back here together Nya but the horses are tired Nya broke down before the city Nya cart is stuck there Nya ran here Nya but the others are still out there Nya the guard let me in Nya thought I was a dragon Nya we saw the dragon Nya it was huuge Nya...

Cat aburuptly pauses, stops gesticulating, and her dramatic pose shrinks, her tail and ears droop
...and Nyaa other bad things happened Nya...
Cat looks to Freya for help with big kitty eyes
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The charismatic display of goodness Yulya has talked herself into shatters like glass. Yulya shrinks back thinking to herself:
Oh god why? What do you want to hear from me! Ashley help me out instead of sleeping!

Yulya sighs and continues her story staring into the darkness while dissociating from the world further and further
Indeed we found the children on the high road near the road fork to the Triboar trail. They were chained together with shackles at necks and feet but our Cat managed to easily break the chain with her strength and free the kids.

Now that you mention it there were some deep ruts at the road fork where we spotted these children. Maybe the toppled cart and the children are connected. Maybe there was an accident with the rothè and the cart left the children behind? In this case the perpetrators would likely flee back to where they came from I suppose instead of getting caught near their cart. Did you see signs of a fight? We did not inspect the toppled cart because of the rothé that had broken free. We had an unpleasant encounter with an enraged rothé at the Neverwinter gate just yesterday and had to take it down with the help of the guards. On our own we would have no chance against two of those beasts if they got enraged. I guess they would have defended their master to the end. That makes it less likely there was a fight. Maybe they had additional horses and fled taking their valuables with them?

No matter how you look at it it was an odd incident. What would anyone do with chained children and furniture? We saw lots of reading lamps. Let alone a noble? Would it be possible that bandits stole or robbed this plate from its original owner? I cannot reconcile the image of the son of a marquis and this toppled rothé cart and its mundane cargo. What if some bandit was impersonating the marquis son with this plate? Or even worse what if a dragon was impersonating him and dropped this plate when it returned to its original form and flew off? Who knows what dragons are scheming and what they might do with children!
Yulya plays her final trump cart blaming everything on the humanoid shapeshifter dragon
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Cat spots Freya and Brutus and rushes to them gesticulating wildly as usual. She sees others too, some she's never seen before.

Frey is sitting at the table with three other adventurers, two of which she hasn't formally met.
"Cat? You're back! So how did-"

> Nyaa Freya!
> And Brutus Nya!
> Good you are here Nya we need some help Nya!
Cat is out of breath and spills her story in short fragments full of Nyas
> We're back Nya!
> But in trouble Nya had to turn around Nya picked up a dozen children Nya at Triboar trail Nya couldn't go on Nya and Gundren was gone Nya went back to the stop Nya then I rode back again to leave a message Nya for Gundren Nya and then we tried to get back here together Nya but the horses are tired Nya broke down before the city Nya cart is stuck there Nya ran here Nya but the others are still out there Nya the guard let me in Nya thought I was a dragon Nya we saw the dragon Nya it was huuge Nya...
Cat aburuptly pauses, stops gesticulating, and her dramatic pose shrinks, her tail and ears droop.

Freya listens intently but only understands bits and pieces.

"We need to alert the city guard, they'll hel-"

> ...and Nyaa other bad things happened Nya...
Cat looks to Freya for help with big kitty eyes.

"Well, now let's calm down Cat, we can sort this out, the night's still young."
She gestures, "Cat, this is Brutus, Kessandra, and Grœt, everyone, this is Cat part of a team of four newly initiated.''

"Yes, I'd never forget a fellow Barbarian!" Brutus says proudly. "Are you ready to spar yet?" He chuckles.
"It's a pleasure Cat, though I wish it was better circumstances and I hope you can come to a resolution to your stuck cart." Kessandra says with a kind, silky tone.

"Excuse him, he lost a bet recently and is still sore about it. So, let's figure this out," Brutus says with a friendly tone.

"Excuse us Brutus et. al., I would like to speak to her in private first, better that we don't involve anyone in things that might get sticky." Freya's intuition was pinging her to take this carefully.

"We'll be happy to help if needed," Kessandra said.

"You're quite the chatterbox this evening Grœt," Kessandra said to him.

Freya escorted Cat to a back room, magically dampened for sound and listened to everything Cat had to say again. She paid carful attention and didn't detect any lies or deception.

"I see, so what exactly did you do, please do not leave out any details, you're safe here with me. I could care less about laws, I only have one obligation in this room and that's about whether what has happened was evil or not. Even then, circumstances matter." Freya had an inkling that something bad happened.

Cat, you can summarize and skip as you see fit, but tell Freya anything you thinks she should know in this private room.
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> Oh god why? What do you want to hear from me! Ashley help me out instead of sleeping!

"Zzzzzzzzz z z zzz"

> Indeed we found the children on the high road near the road fork to the Triboar trail. They were chained together with shackles at necks and feet but our Cat managed to easily break the chain with her strength and free the kids. 
[Deception 1d20+2=4]

Stregren strokes his beard with growing concern. [Strike 1]

> Now that you mention it there were some deep ruts at the road fork where we spotted these children. Maybe the toppled cart and the children are connected. Maybe there was an accident with the rothé and the cart left the children behind? In this case the perpetrators would likely flee back to where they came from I suppose instead of getting caught near their cart. 
[Deception 1d20+2=6]

Stregren eyes Yulya cautiously. [Strike 2]

> Did you see signs of a fight?

"Not as such, should I have?"

> We did not inspect the toppled cart because of the rothé that had broken free. We had an unpleasant encounter with an enraged rothé at the Neverwinter gate just yesterday and had to take it down with the help of the guards. On our own we would have no chance against two of those beasts if they got enraged. I guess they would have defended their master to the end. That makes it less likely there was a fight. Maybe they had additional horses and fled taking their valuables with them?

[Deception 1d20+2=14 vs DC13]
He nods, listening to her words but his mind is elsewhere.

> No matter how you look at it it was an odd incident. What would anyone do with chained children and furniture? We saw lots of reading lamps. Let alone a noble? Would it be possible that bandits stole or robbed this plate from its original owner? I cannot reconcile the image of the son of a marquis and this toppled rothé cart and its mundane cargo. 
[Deception 1d20+2=6]

He's no longer paying any attention to Yulya's rambling as he considers the possibilities. His trust in Yulya has eroded. 

> What if some bandit was impersonating the marquis son with this plate? Or even worse what if a dragon was impersonating him and dropped this plate when it returned to its original form and flew off? Who knows what dragons are scheming and what they might do with children!
[Deception and Persuasion 1d20+4=18]

"The dragon, yes, this is all falling into place. Why would they even mention a shapeshifting dragon, it must be the dragon! They could never expect us to protect against a dragon. His eyes brighten momentarily then you can see fear in his eyes as he looks at you. He looks in on the children and nods, seeing the deception in Yulya's eyes he suspects her involvement but there are many ways of dealing with this, especially given the circumstances. He leans in and whispers seriously to Yulya, "It was the dragon right," he points at Yulya and nods. Then puts his finger to his lips to shush any further words from Yulya. "The dragon has taken them." He nods slowly. "And you rescued these children. No... It was obviously an accident." He swallows and looks up at the stars, closing his eyes and seemingly saying a little prayer, he looks back down at Yulya, 
[Persuasion, 1d20+4=15]
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"So you're saying, you believe a dragon spooked the rothés, those skittish beasts are easily spooked, and then you rescued the children, thereby needing to turn around and bring them to safety. Risking your own lives and reputations." His breath indicates he's nervous. "Did you know, there's a real problem with trafficking lately, it's been a point of growing tensions lately, there's a demand for slaves, human children specifically, and far be it from me to understand the motivations of a Marquis' son other than coin, the nobility love their coin." His expression turns dark as he rubs his hands together. He seems to mutter to himself, "Even a dragon would know this," he turns back to Yulya, "Surely not all dragons are bad, surely they have intelligence and the capacity for decency, Dragonborns for instance, and if such a dragon could say, have mercy on the guards and innocent victims and concentrate her bloodlust on slavers and trafficker's" He chooses his words carefully, you notice his hands are shaking, he takes a stunted breath, "no witness no crime," he looks like he's gesturing to himself as if having an argument internally. After a few moments he smiles nervously. "Such a..." he blows out a breath, "such circumstances couldn't be blamed on anyone. Not the least of which guards or innocent adventurers."

He looks to you hopefully, "Is that what you're saying?"     

Yulya, response required
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> He looks to you hopefully, "Is that what you're saying?" 
Yulya has turned into a statue staring into the distance and is barely able to move a muscle. She puts all focus on suppressing her shaking.
Y-yes I-it seems plausible no? You are a wise man Mr. Morningstar. We are blessed to have people like you to weed out the evil that is so plentiful these days.

> "So you're saying, you believe a dragon spooked the rothés"
Dragons exist in all shapes and sizes and surely they have different goals and alignments. Maybe some can even be considered Good or at least useful if our goals happen to align? But what would I know of the motivation of dragons? Or nobles? Only the gods know what they are up to. I am a mere peace cleric and my first concern lies on bringing these children to safety. Whoever tried to enslave them or why is another matter. We have the funds to pay for their entrance and registration but we need to find a safe place for them to stay - safe from enslavement!

> "Did you know, there's a real problem with trafficking lately, it's been a point of growing tensions lately, there's a demand for slaves, human children specifically."
Yes even us greenhorns noticed at the guild. What shameful display. I wish we could make this inhumane practice stop. I may be an idealist but I think even nobles could find better means to increase their riches. Slavery only brings tragedy. Not just to slaves but also the slavers in the end.
Yulya falls silent staring into the darkness
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He nods and winks at you then he looks over at the dead asleep horses and speaks with determination, "You know, I bet old Sandie could tow this cart 5 miles." He pets his horse and as if confirming she bobs her head and snorts. "Not that she could do it all day, but five miles is easy." He pats her nose, "you up for it old gal? I'll help you."

He motions to Yula, "help me unharness these horses, we'll rope 'em up behind and let Sandie give it a try."

He's keen on helping you get the rest of the way to Neverwinter before something else happens. If you can manage to help he will take that as a good sign of cooperation. Technically it's not ok to stay on the road overnight.
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Cat more or less repeats the summary she gave the guard about the dragon incident but less lively and enthusiastic
So then next day everything was great Nya we went to the fork to Triboar trail Nya Gundren Nya and Sildar Nya went ahead on their horses Nya but just as we entered the trail Nya we saw a cart on the high road Nya going north Nya with 2 rothé Nya  it was full of household stuff Nya and lamps Nya very strange Nya but worst of all it had a dozen little childen in tow Nya well dressed but in chains Nya around their tiny necks and feet Nya.
Cat dramatically grabs her neck and ankles with her paws
The cart was gong fast Nya it dragged the children behind Nya it was horrible Nyaa!
There were 2 guys on it Nya well equipped Nya Yulya was driving the cart Nya it got stuck a bit Nya so we got off Nya and Ashley tried to stop that cart Nya Yulya thought we could give the kids some rest Nya if we pretended to need help Nya I didn't think it would work Nya but they stopped and got off Nya they were very shady Nya treated the kids badly Nya and whispered to each other Nya about taking us too Nya and returning Nya didn't hear where to Nya but they looked evil Nya like slavers Nya so Alice and me decided to free the kids Nya break the chains that hooked them to the cart Nya while Ashley and Yulya distracted them Nya Yulya asked for help with the cart Nya but they told her to give Ashley and me to them Nya as slaves Nya can you imagine Nya?
I managed to break the chain Nya it was easy Nya but then things got ugly Nya we had to do something Nya they had good equipment and looked skilled Nya we'd have no chance against them in an open fight Nya Ashley summoned some cool flying thingies Nya and made them sting the rothé Nya in the butt Nya!
Cat slaps her own butt
So the rothé went nuts Nya and the cart raced off Nya hit one of the guys Nya and thats when we attacked them Nya Alice and me Nya with Yulya's support Nya and Ashley turned into a Panther Nya I dont really remember much Nya everything turns hazy when I fight Nya but we killed them both Nya and Ashley dragged them off Nya into the forest Nya we took their equipment Nya look at my gear Nya that armor sword and bow Nya. Also that ring that makes fog Nya they had a lot more Nya one of them had some silver merchant guild plate Nya and a ring with some symbol Nya I'm afraid he was a noble Nya nobody saw us Nya we were quick Nya there were no withesses Nya and Alice cleaned up all traces Nya but I'm still worried Nya!
Cat conveniently skips the part about cooking and eating the corpses and feeding them to the children. A chef's recipes are well-guarded secrets
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Nyaa I'm sorry Freya Nya we didn't want to cause trouble Nya but we couldn't leave these kids be treated like that Nya and risk being enslaved ourselves Nya we abandoned our mission Nya couldn't continue to Phandalin with the children Nya Gundren wasn't there Nya he doesn't know what happened Nya he's probably looking for us Nya I left a message on a rock for him Nya that we went back to Neverwinter Nya we went back to the rest stop Nya saw their cart overturned with the rothé broken free Nya and then back here Nya but it was too much for the old horses Nya and carrying a dozen kids Nya they couldn't make it back Nya and our cart got stranded Nya 5 miles out from the city Nya the guard said she would send someone Nya she was nice Nya but I'm worried Nya without me they're not much of a fight Nya!

So what do we do Freya Nya? With the kids Nya? The bad guys had enough money so we can bring them into the city Nya they had some special purse Nya said something about enter register and eat Nya it was strange Nya and the kids said they were from Baldur's Gate Nya from an orphanage Nya but the guys came and tried to buy it Nya when the orphanage refused they took them away in chains Nya they say the headmaster and some older kids are missing Nya we should investigate this Nya you should hear the kids out Freya Nya I don't like lying Nya it only causes trouble Nya but we can't tell anyone about what happened Nya if that man really was a noble Nya they will come after us if they find out Nya I already lost my entire tribe because of such things Nya I don't wanna lose my friends too Nya please help us Freya Nya!
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Yulya almost cries out of relief
Thank you Sir that would be a great help! I will try my best but I am not used to handling horses. I wish Cat was here but she went ahead to Neverwinter to report our situation!

Yulya clumsily tries to unharness the horses in the dark
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While Yulya and the roadmaster are busy with the horses, Alice stealthily approaches the cart from behind and creeps inside. An amorphous alien shape looms over the children. Alice singles out Tiffany who is noticeably taller than the other girls and also has blonde hair. She is smaller than the girl Alice usually poses as but not by much. Good enough as replacement Alice
Sorry kiddo but 5gp are 5gp...

Tentacles encroach the sleeping child and Alice carefully dresses Tiffany in her Yukata so that the adventurer's tag is clearly visible. She places the Kitsune mask on Tiffany's head before retreating to the underside of the cart as silently as she came.
Neverwinter here we come!
One roadmasters, 3 adventurers and 11 children. Certainly nobody who could be a shapeshifting dragon among them, inspect them as thorough as you like!
Alice laughs to herself
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> they told her to give Ashley and me to them Nya as slaves Nya can you imagine Nya?
Freya takes note, her expression is one of mild shock.

> Cat conveniently skips the part about cooking and eating the corpses and feeding them to the children. A chef's recipes are well-guarded secrets
Freya is very distracted by the Nyas, too distracted to even notice any trace of a need for this detail. 

> So what do we do Freya Nya? With the kids Nya? 

"Mmh, mhm," she nods as she's thinking "there are several orphanages in Neverwinter, there shouldn't be a problem getting them placed tomorrow, what's important is they're safe, and we have plenty of room here for them tonight."

> The bad guys had enough money so we can bring them into the city Nya they had some special purse Nya said something about enter register and eat Nya it was strange

She smiles kindly, "well this is good... I suppose," she thinks again back to the bigger issue at hand, killing a member of the nobility.

> we can't tell anyone about what happened
Freya nods with agreement and equal concern. She holds her hand under her chin, thinking hard.

> they will come after us

"Witnesses!" She says abruptly, "Did you have any witnesses?"
[Required response #1]

> I don't wanna lose my friends too
Freya puts he hand gently on Cat's shoulder, "I won't let that happen, it won't happen period."

> please help us Freya
"Of course. Just relax. If the guards said they are sending help for the cart, that's taken care of, that's what they do. So, I will prepare a few rooms for 12, I'll keep the guild open late and prepare a midnight snack for everyone, the kids will love it, and then we'll get a couple tubs ready with hot water to clean the road grime off them, get them all cozy and clean in their rooms and you too of course, and tomorrow we have all day to figure it out once we're all well rested. The guild is closed Sundays, but I live here so I can help out tomorrow with strategies and everything else you need, like your own personal assistant. Say nothing to anyone else, follow my lead."

She opens the door and ushers Cat out. When they return to the guild hall Brutus and his team are helping clean up.

"Oh you saints, I can't believe it. Let's leave a couple tables open, we're going to have guests. Honeybun, we need that abominably adorable charisma of yours to help Cat this evening. If you want to help, go with Cat back to her cart, it's likely they'll already be on the move north via the guard horses. Please do whatever needs done and I'll have a special treat for you when you get back."

Brutus's eyes lit up like a schoolboy. In a gravely yet enthusiastic voice he says, "Is it my birthday? I feel like I'm getting presents."

"Kess, and Grœtiekins, can you two help me ready a few rooms and get tubs moved and readied? I'll need to do some cooking, we're expecting... 12,13, 16? 16 guests, many of them children."

Kessandra and Grœt both seem to understand what to do and immediately get to work.

"Room 202, 203, open them up together... aaaand 205 6, 6, and 4," Freya looks excited, "Cat, just tell them where to come and help bring the kids here safely." 

She moves to Brutus and puts her hand daintily on his ample chest, "Honeybun, we need their safe return to the guild, make sure the guards know we have this taken care of."

He melted, "leave it to me, and if they get smart, leave it to Bertha," he pats his giant-sized maul.

"We just need them here, not more trouble."

Freya, you know me. I'll smile and they'll do whatever I want.

"I knew I could count on you honeybun."


"I know I know! Only Freya could dare call him that and only because it's Freya would he accept it!" Kessandra sighs.

Cat, you have been instructed to take Brutus with you back south to the cart.
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> Thank you Sir that would be a great help! I will try my best but I am not used to handling horses. I wish Cat was here but she went ahead to Neverwinter to report our situation!

Yulya fumbles with the yokes and harnesses, [Dex and Int 1d20+1=15] she manages, then leads the half-asleep horses and ties them to the back of the cart.

Stregren harnesses up Sandie and gives her a nudge and word of encouragement. [1d20+5=23] Sandie beats expectations and with a triumphant neigh she lunges the cart forward and strongly marches forward, seemingly excited by the whole situation.

The cart moves [1d4=2] a steady 2 miles an hour. You'll expect to be at Neverwinter by [0:30].

[23:00 1d20=13] Road lamps are visible in the distance ahead, several riders are headed south at a high rate of speed, they'll reach you in less than a couple minutes.
[Required Action]

As long as Cat follows Freya's suggestion, you'll be likely reunited again. Cat and Brutus would be just behind the guards. 

Why do I feel dirty.
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> Freya puts he hand gently on Cat's shoulder
Thank you Freya Nyaaa!
Cat hugs Freya with her giant paws, squeezing her tight

> "Witnesses!" She says abruptly, "Did you have any witnesses?"
No Nya we were lucky Nya there was nobody Nya even the kids didn't see Nya! But you know nobles Nya they won't sit still Nya they'll investigate Nya so I'm worried Nya!

> Cat, you have been instructed to take Brutus with you back south to the cart.
Thaks for your help Brutus Nya! With someone like you we won't have any trouuble Nya! Thank you all for being so kind Nya you're true friends Nya I won't forget Nya!
Cat cheerfully races off dragging Brutus behind
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Yulya spots the riders heading south and tries to make out who they are
Are these guards Sir Morningstar?
It appears Cat made it into Neverwinter!
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Alice uses the commotion to emerge from under the cart again. An amoeboid mass creep up to the roof of the cart from behind and forms into the shape of a little girl - well barely. Alice pokes Ashley and tries to wake her up with the tingling of gold coins stored inside her
Psst, heyyy Ashley, rise and shine! We're almost at Neverwinter! Wanna increase your share of the money? Then help me out! You need to make sure that girl I dressed up as Alice pretends to be me until we're in the city while I hide. One less child, 5 gp less entry fee, 5gp more for us!
Plus I don't wanna deal with paranoid guards mistaking me for a shapeshifting dragon.
Ok, gotta hide again, tell her it's a game or something! You got this!
The slime girl falls apart into a shapeless goo which retreats under the cart again and spreads out like a layer of mud.
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Yulya spots the riders heading south and tries to make out who they are

> Are these guards Sir Morningstar?
He looks their way and his hand reaches for his sword. [1d20=13] it is in fact the riders from Neverwinter, 2 horsemen on sturdy horses arrive in a cloud of gravel dust.

They trot alongside and call for the cart to be stopped. 

Stregren greets them, "Roadmaster Morningstar reporting, are you here to help?"

One of the guards takes off his helmet, "indeed, what happened to this one, broken axel, you got it fixed I see."

''Stregren simply nods and jumps down, "this old girl could handle it but two more would certainly get us there faster."

They work for the next 10 minutes hooking up the other horses.
The guards hop on the front three wide and instruct Yulya to sit on top and you're off again this time at [1d4+2=6] a fast trot as the three horses seem to be challenging each other to go as fast as possible.

ETA to Neverwinter is now right around midnight.

You hear the guards chatting about interrogations and investigations, dragons and bandits, and of course, a certain noble's plate and his possible whereabouts. 
[Persuasion 1d20+3=20] They're buying Stregren tale without question, hanging on his every word, most of them completely off base.

[Insight 1d20+7=11] Yulya can't be sure but she thinks Stregren is intentionally lying to them. It's clear the other guards want to interrogate everyone, every child.

Not more than 10 minutes later you see Cat with a towering hulk running down the road. The cart slows as they flag you down. Brutus is well known by the guards and they grumble as they recognize him.

"We got this covered Brutus, no need for your help tonight," one of them calls down.

Cat hops up on top with Yulya and a still sleeping Ashley.

[Required action #1: Cat can tell what's happening to Yulya here.]

"Sorry to disappoint but these folks are needed tonight for guild matters."

One of the guards expressed his frustration in a vulgar way directed at the Guildmaster and Brutus doesn't take kindly to that sort of talk. As Brutus hangs him inches from the gravel by his boots, he gracefully and completely recants his statement claiming it was all a simple misunderstanding. When Brutus pulls him back up and dusts him off, this particular guard is one of his biggest proponents of letting the guild handle this matter.

Stregren speaks with authority, "I'll write the report as I see it and we'll discuss it tomorrow morning. I assume the guild will give us any answers we need on the matter. I also agree, these are adventurers not traders." He looks back at Yulya, then to Brutus, "I appreciate you'll be able to get to the bottom of this, but let me tell you what's happened." 

With Brutus leaning in and listening intently, Stregren once again tells his side of the story. [1d20+3=22] 

When he's done, Brutus is laughing. Though he admits it's a fair tale, he can't believe that shapeshifting dragons are helping the road guard. "We'll take care of it," Brutus calls back to Yulya, "we're approaching Neverwinter, does everyone have Id's or so we need to negotiate entrance?"

[Required Action #2, Yulya must answer Brutus.]

> You need to make sure that girl I dressed up as Alice pretends to be me until we're in the city while I hide. One less child, 5 gp less entry fee, 5gp more for us! Plus I don't wanna deal with paranoid guards mistaking me for a shapeshifting dragon. Ok, gotta hide again, tell her it's a game or something! You got this!

Ashley blinks a few times and realizes they're traveling super fast and a bunch of men are sitting at the helm, their horses are being towed while new horses are pulling. Needless to say she's a bit confused and is having trouble resolving reality.


[Optional Response #3 Clueing Ashley in]
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Cat hops up on top with Yulya and a still sleeping Ashley.
Yulya Nyaaa you alright Nya?! 
And you even brought mister Nya-star! Hello Sir Nya! 
I made it Nya into the city Nya the guard was super helpful Nya and to the guild Nya and Brutus was there Nya and Freya Nya I reported everything to her Nya we're all good Nya Freya is awesome Nya don't worry Nya they will help us Nya and take the kids for now Nya all is ready Nya!

> "we're approaching Neverwinter, does everyone have Id's or so we need to negotiate entrance?"
Cat climbs over the cart roof to the back, almost jumping on top of Ashley who has just woken up
Alice Nyaaa!
We need the money for the children Nyaaa! Oh hi Ashley Nya sorry Nya where's Alice Nya?!

Cat finds 'Alice' asleep among the children
Alice Nya wake up Nya you can't sleep now Nya - Nya?

Cat immediately notices that's not Alice, doesn't look or smell like her at all
Nyaa what the hell Nya what did she do now Nya?

Cat thinks fast and leans over the back of the cart, secures herself with her foot claws and reaches under the cart. Pawing around she feels something soft and pulls firmly. A long brownish mat is dragged from under the cart and finally snaps back like a rubber string, landing on top of Cat with a loud tingle
Ow Nya wtf Nya!
Alice Nya what were you doing under there Nya we need the money Nya spit it out Nya!

Cat tries to wrestle the coins out of the wriggling mass but quickly realizes it will be way easier once Alice is in human shape again
She grabs the poorly dressed Yukata and mask off Tiffany who is still wearing her normal clothes underneath and tosses them at the ooze that is slowly morphing into girl form.''
Get dressed and in presentable shape Nya before you make even more fuss Nya!

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