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Cat yawns and stretches
Good morning, rise and shine!

Cat reaches under the bed and pulls an unsightly mass from under it that spreads on the floor like spilled paint
C'mon Alice, you still sulking?

Cat cleans and fills everyone's waterskins in the kitchen
Good morning Freya Nya!
Any chance to get some candy for 1sp? The one we bought last time was great Nya! We'd take 12 Nya!
And arrows Nya - heavy ones with a blunt tip Nya! 10 Nya!
Just if you can find 'em Nya! Thanks Nya!
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Yula awakes and feels cold and still a bit exhausted from charging the gem. She follows Cat to meet up with Freya
Good morning Freya!
Sorry to bother you with our necessities even today!

> "And horse feed."
Yes please, we should buy at least 80lbs for our 2day detour, that would be 4sp!

Thanks for taking care of the rest, Cat! We definitely need more of that candy!
Yulya appears to already have developed an addiction
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> 12x candy - 12sp
> 10x blunt arrows - 10 sp
> 80lbs horse food - 4sp
> Sum: 26sp

As everyone enters the main hall, Ashley's screeched out in a chair she took down with her feet on the table. "I got some candy, no charge this time."

Ashley hands out a piece of candy for everyone.

Freya listens to the list and nods, "Thank you Ashley, I don't have candy here, they usually make that daily, but not on Sundays. I could make more cookies, but it'll take another hour and you should really get going now if you're headed south. The horse feed is in the stables, that's open every day, so you can just pick some up before you leave."

Kids start pouring down the stairs with a very tired Brutus and Grœt. "Freya help," Brutus says.

"Oh, okay Honeybun just a sec." ''She then has an idea, "Brutus, can you help them make some blunt arrows and I'll get the kids breakfast."

Brutus bows to Freya and approaches Cat with renewed vigor, "something I can do! How many you need?"

"Ten I think." Ashley says.

"Alright, give me 10 regular arrows and some rocks about this big." He holds up his large hand and shows a small gap between his fingers.


The frogman sorcerer hops up on stage and says, "Grœt."

The kids laugh hysterically at the large frogman.


Ashley gets up as if inconvenienced and heads outside. "I saw some in a planter, be right back."

Brutus puts his big hand on Cat's shoulder and grabs out an arrow from her quiver, "You need twine and wax, I have both." He squishes the hard wax in his hand until it starts to look pliable, then breaks off the tip of the arrow and begins to smoosh the wax on the broken end.

Ashley returns with an armful of damp rocks and unloads them on the table, slugs, dirt and all. "Enjoy."

He takes one, wipes it off on his shirt until it's dry and smashes it on the end. Then he takes the twine and with a rather intricate pattern of winding it's done. To show it's integrity, he bangs it against the table, "This will only go half as far so plan accordingly. These are great against skeletons and for non-lethal drops, in case you need to talk to them after. Can you handle this? Of course you can!" He hands cat enough wax and twine for 9 more and pats her head between the ears. "Don't forget me when you're a high level, I want to spar with another Barbarian." 

By now even Freya has her hands full with the demands of 12 kids and Brutus is off to help her. Surprisingly he has proficiency in performance and begins to to tricks for the kids.

In the end you will only need to pay for the horse feed. Your dealer Ashley has 13 more candy on her.

As you all get up to go, some of the kids approach and bow to you, "We'll never forget what you've done, someday we'll be adventurers too and we'll save you one day, you'll see." Though 8-yr-olds make terrible soothsayers they seemed genuine.

You thank Freya again and you're off to the stables without a minute to spare. You buy the horse feed for 3sp and Ashley chips in 1sp.

The gate is open, there are no other carts left going south so either you're late or there weren't any going south this day. The rain is light but the sky is dark, and the temperature is 11C. It's 08:00. You shouldn't stop till the rest stop.  

Ashley sees the semi-permanent state of Yulya and takes the lead, "The rest stop was 40 miles south and it took us over 12 hours last time, that means we won't get there before dark if we trot along. Cat, looks like you'll be driving, get us there as fast as possible!" She hops up on top and points to the gate. "Engage!"
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> Ashley hands out a piece of candy for everyone.
Thanks Ashley Nyaa!

> Can you handle this? Of course you can!" He hands cat enough wax and twine for 9 more and pats her head between the ears.
Thank you Brutus Nyaa!
No problem, I got this Nya!
Cat emits a low frequency purring sound when patted and tries to fiddle with the arrows in her huge paws

> "Don't forget me when you're a high level, I want to spar with another Barbarian." 
Haha, certainly Brutus Nya it would be an honor Nya but that will be in a while Nya right now I wouldn't even survive a half-hearted punch from you Nya!

Cat pats and readies the horses, then drives the cart toward the rest stop at maximum speed
Go horsies Nya!
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> Ashley hands out a piece of candy for everyone.
Thanks Ashley youre a lifesaver! I hope they have candy in Phandalin!
Yulya says goodbye to everyone in the guild including the children. Then she boards the cart and sits next to Cat to scan the surroundings with her high perception
Alice please watch the back and dont let pumas attack you!
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> Ashley hands out a piece of candy for everyone.
Alice silently nibbles on the candy she received which slightly improves her shape but does little to lighten her mood

> The frogman sorcerer hops up on stage and says, "Grœt."
Alice bursts into laughter seeing the absurd creature.''
The fuck is this? He's hilarious!

> Ashley gets up as if inconvenienced and heads outside.
I guess not your type of entertainment, eh? Or you just don't like frogs?

> Ashley returns with an armful of damp rocks and unloads them on the table, slugs, dirt and all. "Enjoy."
Ah thanks for breakfast-dessert!
Alice absorbs the dirt and slugs and hands the sparkingly clean rocks to Cat. But seeing her struggle with the twine and getting it stuck on her claws, Alice takes the matter into her own hands
Goddamned, gimme that, Cat! You handle the wax, I'll deal with fixating the rocks with twine! I can't imagine hitting anything with such crude arrows but we will see.

> As you all get up to go, some of the kids approach and bow to you, "We'll never forget what you've done, someday we'll be adventurers too and we'll save you one day, you'll see." Though 8-yr-olds make terrible soothsayers they seemed genuine.
Alice smiles warmly under her mask while basking in the memories of feeding them human stew and dressing up Tiffany to save 5gp. That was absolutely worth it.
You better stay alive, we didn't risk our lives to save you so you'd get yourselves killed at a young age! And don't worry, we will find out hat happened to your missing comrades!

> Alice please watch the back and dont let pumas attack you!
I'll try my best but that cart stil has awful suspension!
Alice readies her bow to shoot anything foolish enough to attack from behind on sight. Especially dragons. And nobles. But also orbs.
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> Go horsies Nya!

With everything accounted for, you're off. Although it does seem a little odd that you're the only ones leaving you push it out of your mind. A little stronger, a little wiser, you still have a good attitude and race off toward the rest stop.

Cat pushes the horses as fast as their willing to pull. [1d20+3=18] With a good pace, roughly 3.8 mph, the horses will make it to the rest stop before 18:00.
[1d20=12 The light rain remains steady but the temperature slowly rises.]

[1d20=16,16,1 Roughly 12 miles south 11:00] [1d30=16] [1d20=12] A rather large moose hops across the road ahead of you.
[1d20+5=10] Yulya's watchful eyes see nothing unusual.

[Possible interaction #1]

[1d20=15,17,18,20 27 miles south 15:00] [1d100=5,97] Regardless of the rain, ever riding on the upper canvas top, Ashley spots something behind a tree ahead. She hops down and casts Summon Mechathereal Lynx. As she's moving cautiously toward the roughly humanoid shaped object, she knows there's something fishy. With a large wave of her hands and a word of command, a beautiful cybernetic Lynx pops into existence. The sound is louder than it has been in the past and the horses jump a bit from the unexpected noise. Ashley herself is startled by the creature running beside her but smiles as she knows it's not only friendly but a strong ally. Though she looked like a regular lynx, Ashley could see glints of metal under her fur.

Helena the Lynx jumps toward the humanoid shaped thing and knocks over a long deceased halfling. A tree that was blocking the corpse from view of the road had fallen recently allowing Ashley to spot it. Ashley poked at the corpse and among the shreds of an old robe and foot wraps was a small pouch containing finely crafted divination bones valued at about 1 gold. Nothing else of value was there, Ashley figures she must have been jumped by bandits, taking her coin and anything else of value. Ashley and Helena take the bones and chase after the cart, placing it in the stash.
[1d20=20 31 miles south 16:00] Ashley lays on the canvas top, petting her Lynx friend and another item catches her eye. [1d100=23,49] A splash of color on what looks like a stick is embedded in the dirt about 20 feet off the side of the road. Ashley runs to grab it again. It's a poor man’s walking cane, decorated near its top with rings of colorful paint worth about 5cp.

"Garbage!" She sticks it back in the mud but it thuds when it hits a certain level. So she pulls it out again and throws it aside, then digs in the softened Earth and hits a small wooden box.  Without delay, she drags it up and runs with it back to the cart.

Once on her wet perch again she wipes off the box with a small lock on it. She shakes it lightly and checks it for traps. [1d20+3=4] Completely unable to determine if it's trapped but feeling brazen, she picks the lock anyway. [1d20+2=8 vs DC8] It's a very simple lock and she just gets it, springing it open. Inside the box is a note written in some language she can't begin to understand.

She hangs over the awning and hands it down to Yulya.
"It was a dud, here you go."

[Possible interaction #2]

[1d20=14,5] [18:00] 15C The sky is just beginning to darken helped by the dark clouds and you see the clearing of the rest stop with the two tents. There's no other carts parked nor can you see any in either direction. In fact you didn't pass anyone the whole way down either.

The deafening grinding of the wheels against gravel turn to a sloshing of wheels on slick mud as Cat pulls off. The rest stop is deserted. You see Hanna open the door in her tent and look out. She waves in recognition but closes the tent again.

[The rest area is wet including all the wood and pit. It will take an hour just to light it and it won't burn well and additionally will put off a lot of smoke, it's not required just to eat rations. Hanna might know what's going on lately.]
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> A rather large moose hops across the road ahead of you.
Nya! Too bad it was too fast Nya and we're in a hurry Nya. Moose tastes good Nya!

> The rest area is wet including all the wood and pit. It will take an hour just to light it and it won't burn well and additionally will put off a lot of smoke, it's not required just to eat rations.
Nya all wet Nya! No worries we have full rations Nya that don't require cooking Nya. But a fire to dry and warm would have been nice Nya! They should keep some firewood in a sheltered place Nya! Gotta tell the roadmaster Nya! 

Cat feeds the horses and begins to prepare 4 rations
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> She hangs over the awning and hands it down to Yulya.
> "It was a dud, here you go."
This road is full of strange objects. Where do they all come from? Robbed travellers?
Yulya takes the wooden box and tries to decipher the note.

> There's no other carts parked nor can you see any in either direction. In fact you didn't pass anyone the whole way down either.
How odd!
We didn't even see the roadmaster, that's not good!

While Cat is preparing the rations Yulya begins setting up the tent
Help me out here, Alice!
Ashley, could you talk to Hanna to find out what's going on here? Where is everyone? Should we keep watch at night?
Yulya tries to avoid interacting with the obvious prostitute more than necessary
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Alice is shaken through in the back of the rumbling cart with awful suspension even though she uses the loot bedroll as a cushion.
What a day!

> Helena the Lynx jumps toward the humanoid shaped thing and knocks over a long deceased halfling. 
Oi, shouldn't we report this to the roadmaster or the guild? Or is stumbling on corpses a normal thing here?

> Help me out here, Alice!
Alice gets the hammer and pitons and fixes the tent as Yulya holds it up. Soon the tent is ready with the bedrolls inside, a bit damp but quite comfy and so clean you can literally eat off the floor.
No going in there without getting cleaned by me, you'll drag dirt inside our precious tent!

> Should we keep watch at night?
Probably, there's nobody to guard our cart either. I wonder how Hanna does all by herself?
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> Oi, shouldn't we report this to the roadmaster or the guild? Or is stumbling on corpses a normal thing here?

"Mnmuh? I'm not reporting nothing, we barely got away with murder, the less I talk to authorities the better."

> Cat feeds the horses and begins to prepare 4 ration

"I guess I better stick around this time, I mean we got enough meat... wait, you better not be feeding me human, us humans don't like the taste. Where's that boar meat? Separate it out please or you'll be sparing with a disgusted angry Panther instead of your boyfriend Brutus. Juuust kidding. It feels wrong to razz you like that somehow, sorry. It was more of a jab at him, the guy's creepy."

The evening wind rustled the tall grasses. 

"Speaking of creepy, this place is a muddy wreck, maybe no one wanted to stop here."

> This road is full of strange objects. Where do they all come from? Robbed travelers?

"Mostly junk, I'm not surprised, people are pigs." She looked off into the distance, the rain was down to a light mist and there were breaks in the clouds.

> We didn't even see the roadmaster, that's not good!
"They're still probably looking for 'the real killers'."

> Help me out here, Alice!

> No going in there without getting cleaned by me, you'll drag dirt inside our precious tent!

"Uh, touch me and I'll be letting Helena and her sisters have their way with your corpse like the halfling... listen, I'm just a bit on edge, I got a creepy feeling about this, but seriously you may clean up my muddy footprints, but don't touch me, not even my boots. I'll leave them outside if I have to but I don't even want to see them clean when I wake up. And good luck if you try to clean my panther-self, she's not opposed to eating humanoid. She's not as civil as I am." Ashley hmph'd and looked away.

> I wonder how Hanna does all by herself?

> Ashley, could you talk to Hanna to find out what's going on here? Where is everyone? Should we keep watch at night?

Ashley sighs, "I guess, but she better not get any ideas either."

Ashley walks out to the red tent and sees Hanna inside through the slit. She has a lit lantern and has a book in her hand. "Knock knock, hey, can we talk?"

"Is this private or professional talk?"

Ashley rolls her eyes, "Just friendly talk, we're kinda new at this traveling thing and the place has us on edge since no one else showed up."

Hanna smiles and waves her in.

Ashley winces, "Hey uh, what's the blue tent for?"

Hanna's eyes widen, "You don't seem like the type for that one."

"Nevermind, um, I really don't want to go in there."

"Oh don't be so childish, I won't bite... oh, you think this is dirty don't you? I have Prestidigitation and I can boost it."

"Sorry, um, I didn't mean anything by it but I don't know what that means." Ashley tries to look adorable and innocent. [1d20+6=14]

"Oh? I thought you were a wizard with that outfit."

"Well, I was a necromancer but summoner is more like it now, I couldn't tell you what all the spells are."

"Ok ok, it's a cleaning spell, trust me, I'd go crazy if there was even one hair out of place here, it's perfectly clean, and don't assume entertainers are dirty. Now come in here out of the rain and cold." 

Ashley reluctantly enters.
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Ashley asks about the deserted stop, the safety, and how she manages out here alone.

"I've been out here for a long time, trust me, there've been times when I saw no one for days, so this isn't unusual especially for a Sunday. How do I survive? By the grace of gods I suppose. I haven't seen a bandit, though some of these drivers might as well be, I've been roughed up, though those type often meet unseemly ends. One of those type was just killed the other day I hear. I believe in karma, and a little curse here and there never hurts," ''she winks, then she softens. "So tell me about you? What's someone so young, looking like you do, doing out here in the wilds?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Shouldn't you be in school or married off to some prince or who knows what, I understand the Tabaxi, they'd sooner stab a prince than marry one, and the Aasimar, who can understand that type, but you, human, cute as a button, how did you escape the noble gaze? Concubine, slave, wife, whatever."

Ashley is wary of this line of questioning, "not interested. Like at all."

"They all say that at one point or another, even I was propositioned more than once in Neverwinter and Baldur's Gate when I was younger. It took some careful words and deeds to escape it."

"I was kind of busy like I don't know, I don't remember any of that, but hey, I should get back."

"You all are going to cram into that cold tent? There's plenty of room in here and I keep it warm with that handy cantrip, I placed this tent on a large stone slab, all I have to do is send the spell downward and it's warm for hours, or cold, it's the best spell I know. Seems like a waste not to share it."

Ashley is really skeeved out now.

"I'm not selling you anything, I'm not trying to get you in a compromising position, I just wouldn't mind some company is all."

Ashley gets a small pang of humanity and gets an idea. With a flash of violet energy and a loud pop another Lynx pops into the material plane. "Hanna, this is Helga, she's warm and soft and cuddly, I have another one to snuggle named Helena. If you want you can borrow Helga and you're right, it's kind of crowded in the tent and I don't think I'll get much sleep anyway, so I'll probably go sleep in the cart with Helena."

Hanna's eyes widen as the beautiful cat bats her with a slap of her tail, "Oh gods, she's gorgeous! Oh how I wish I could do that... oh! Thank you Ashley! I love her. So she can stay with me tonight?"

"Mhm, she will because we're tied mentally, so because you're so nice, consider her your friend for the night," Ashley says softly, "So I gotta go do watch for a while, I don't think we should be relying on the grace of gods."

They say their goodbyes and Hanna cuddles sweetly with Helga as Ashley leaves. Ashley then reports back everything that's transpired.

"So I'll be in the cart, Helena and I will watch out tonight, she can sleep on our trip tomorrow."

By the way, I believe I mentioned but Ashley's spawns no longer despawn when she's unconscious. They will instead guard her with their lives if she sleeps or is downed.
[Possible interaction #1]

Ashley crawls into the cart with a blanket and sits with Helena warmed and comforted thinking about all the memories she doesn't have and what they might be.


> Yulya takes the wooden box and tries to decipher the note.
[Intelligence check 1d20-1=14 Wisdom Check 1d20+5=17] After a closer look it's looks like crudely scribbled Dwarvish. There's no chance of deciphering it now but Gundren would likely know it.

[Possible interaction #2]

After a good meal everyone piles into the tent except Ashley and Helena of course.

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[02:00 Spring 10]

Ashley hears hoofs hitting the gravel on the road and a road lamp is aimed her way. She warily watches it approach, ready to scream bloody murder if she needs to. As it turns out it's another roadmaster. She has a brief discussion with him, he asks about anything strange and she reports on a stray moose. He laughs and reports back that it's a quiet night thankfully. He wishes her a safe night and soon moves on.  


Dawn breaks.
[0600 Cloudy, 6C, cold light wind from the southeast.]
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> wait, you better not be feeding me human, us humans don't like the taste. Where's that boar meat? Separate it out please or you'll be sparing with a disgusted angry Panther instead of your boyfriend Brutus. Juuust kidding. It feels wrong to razz you like that somehow, sorry. It was more of a jab at him, the guy's creepy."
Nyahaha fine fine I wouldn't eat a fellow Tabaxi either Nya. We got full rations I made at the guild Nya or the boar meat you hunted Nya or the salted herring you found Nya! Pick what you like Nya! I also have salt and spices Nya!

> Ashley then reports back everything that's transpired.
Cat listens to Ashley's report with visible disinterest. No useful information here other than the place's emptiness isn't unusual. At least no reason fo concern. 

> Dawn breaks
Nyaah Good morning! That was a quiet night Nya! Sleeping in that tent with bedrolls is a luxury Nya!
Cat uses the opportunity to fill waterskins and the glass jar with water. After giving water to the horses and packing up, we're back on the road.
Off we go Nya!
I hope we don't have to rescue someone again Nya!
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> "Uh, touch me and I'll be letting Helena and her sisters have their way with your corpse like the halfling... listen, I'm just a bit on edge, I got a creepy feeling about this, but seriously you may clean up my muddy footprints, but don't touch me, not even my boots. I'll leave them outside if I have to but I don't even want to see them clean when I wake up. And good luck if you try to clean my panther-self, she's not opposed to eating humanoid. She's not as civil as I am." Ashley hmph'd and looked away.
Alice's eyes narrow
As you wish, Miss Edgelord, outside you stay! There's a cart to guard after all. Have fun over there!

> Ashley then reports back everything 
Alice laughs at the 'stay in school' comment but is slightly irritated she wasn't mentioned. Not that any opinions of the filthy human matter

Without any warm and soft lynx to cuddle, Alice gets to work cleaning Cat's pots and cooking utensils before settling down in the tent for the night
Alright girls, clothes off, Alice's laundry and beauty session starts now!

> Dawn breaks.
> [0600 Cloudy, 6C, cold light wind from the southeast.]
A shapeless blob cowers in the corner of the tent
Soo cold! Yulya give me your blanket!

Unwillingly, Alice creeps into the back of the cart to get rattled through for several more hours on the gravel road
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>  >Oi, shouldn't we report this to the roadmaster or the guild? Or is stumbling on corpses a normal thing here?
> "Mnmuh? I'm not reporting nothing, we barely got away with murder, the less I talk to authorities the better."
Sadly Yulya has to agree but at least she speaks a prayer for the deceased halfling. May her soul find peace

>  >"Uh, touch me and I'll be letting Helena and her sisters have their way with your corpse like the halfling... listen, I'm just a bit on edge, I got a creepy feeling about this, but seriously you may clean up my muddy footprints, but don't touch me, not even my boots. I'll leave them outside if I have to but I don't even want to see them clean when I wake up. And good luck if you try to clean my panther-self, she's not opposed to eating humanoid. She's not as civil as I am." Ashley hmph'd and looked away.
> Alice's eyes narrow
> As you wish, Miss Edgelord, outside you stay! There's a cart to guard after all. Have fun over there!
Yulya sighs. A peace clerics work is never done
Now Now you two get along! Thanks for guarding the cart Ashley. We will manage here.

> the Aasimar, who can understand that type
Yulya sneezes causing black dust to fall off her face

> They say their goodbyes and Hanna cuddles sweetly with Helga as Ashley leaves. Ashley then reports back everything that's transpired.
Yulya slightly shudders and is glad Ashley took the burden of dealing with Hanna.
Thanks for the report! That is good news I guess. No bad news means good news. I was afraid there was some calamity again! Still a brave woman to camp out there all alone. How can somebody live like that having sex with brutish dirty violent strangers to make a living? Yulya shakes her head and is glad about her privileged position. She speaks a silent prayer to Eldath and SheShe to never end up like that''

I wonder where Sir Gundren is he must be worried. I hope we at least meet him in Phandalin. And maybe he can make sense of that strange dwarven message.

Tired and moist but completely clean Yulya wakes up and dons her equally clean clothes and armor
Thank you Alice thats a luxury!

Yulya takes the drivers seat of the cart while Cat is ready to shoot anything with her bow from the front and Alice from the back. Ashley and the lynxes are on the lookout.
Lets go, I wonder what other strange things we will encounter on this road. It is full of surprises.
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> Off we go Nya!
> I hope we don't have to rescue someone again Nya!

> Soo cold! Yulya give me your blanket!

> I wonder where Sir Gundren is he must be worried. I hope we at least meet him in Phandalin. And maybe he can make sense of that strange dwarven message.

> Lets go, I wonder what other strange things we will encounter on this road. It is full of surprises.

> unseasonably cold, 6C

Ashley talks to the group atop the canvas, "Man, I had the strangest dream. I dreamt that dragon or maybe a different one was spraying the clouds with ice. I have no idea what it means."

[Possible Interaction #1]

The grinding of the wheels against gravel begins again in earnest as you travel on your way. [1d20+3=20] The horses are well rested and eager to go fast. [Speed is 4.4 mph]

[1d20=12,9,10,7,7] [10:45] The roughly 15 miles wiz by as you approach the infamous rock, though Cat's writing has run a but due to the rain, it's still barely legible. [1d20+5=17] No fresh prints are present. Any sign of horses passing are erased by the recent rains and even the ruts have smoothed a bit. you make the turn onto the Triboar Trail and if all goes well you should make it there easily before sunset. 

[Possible interaction #2]

The Triboar Trail is a rough and muddy road, the weeds have partially encroached on it in many areas and large puddles ringed with cracked sticky mud remain from recent rains. The horses have no trouble pulling it but they're getting progressively muddier and they occasionally slip or splash in the mud puddles making them appear to want to lift their legs up out of the mud they're coated in.

The wheels are getting encrusted as well, and you leave large ruts in some areas. There is a fainter set of ruts, before the last rain but likely much older if not half a season ago, likely the last shipment, possibly from this same cart a season ago.

Two set of horse prints trail along evenly every so often, where the road is a bit sandier and the rain couldn't so easily erase them. For the first 2 miles they're a fast trot but then suddenly become a galop and pick up speed from there.

[1d20=13,18,10,3] [02:30]  It's smooth sailing until you notice something in the road ahead. Two very wary horses covered in dried blood, and possibly wounded, stand as if staked to the ground. They look a lot like Gundren and Sildar's horses.

[Required interaction #3]
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> Yulya lends Alice the blanket from her backpack
> Here you go! You're not good with cold, right?
Ahh thanks, that's much better! Why is this place called Neverinter again? And we're south of it!
Alice guards the rear of the cart sitting on a bedroll and huddled in a blanket for warmth.

> "Man, I had the strangest dream. I dreamt that dragon or maybe a different one was spraying the clouds with ice. I have no idea what it means."
I don't know but I don't like it! Messing with the weather is generally a bad idea. Especially when you make it COLDER!!!

> though Cat's writing has run a but due to the rain, it's still barely legible.
Alice stares at the scribbles and paw prints with bewilderment. If Gundren did see this he must be thinking we are mocking him after stealing his cart and cargo.

> It's smooth sailing until you notice something in the road ahead. Two very wary horses covered in dried blood, and possibly wounded, stand as if staked to the ground. They look a lot like Gundren and Sildar's horses.
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> Alice stares at the scribbles and paw prints with bewilderment. If Gundren did see this he must be thinking we are mocking him after stealing his cart and cargo.
Cat proudly points at her artwork while the cart is driving by

> Two set of horse prints trail along evenly every so often, where the road is a bit sandier and the rain couldn't so easily erase them. For the first 2 miles they're a fast trot but then suddenly become a galop and pick up speed from there.
Nya that's strange! They went faster and faster Nya. Could have been Gundren Nya and Sildar Nya! Did something happen here Nya?

> you notice something in the road ahead. Two very wary horses covered in dried blood, and possibly wounded, stand as if staked to the ground. They look a lot like Gundren and Sildar's horses.
Cat hops off the cart to rush to the horses
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Before Yulya can ask Ashley to send her lynxes, they are already on the way
Cat! Wait a bit! Let the lynxes go ahead this looks like a trap! Use the range advantage of your bow before rushing right in! Stay within 30ft and use your ring of obscuring!
''As Cat suddenly jumps off Yulya manages to touch her with her hand fast enough to cast GUIDANCE on her.

Alice get in front here so I can cast Emboldening Bond on you and Cat! Then hide in the forest and see of you can flank from the opposite side of those horses!
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[Round 1]
[The squares are 5FT]

> Nyaa!

[Lynxes 1d20+4A=(21,14)] [Cat 1d20+5A=(7,9)] vs DC16 Nya indeed, several Goblins surprise Cat. The lynxes keen smell noted the goblins before Cat and she was so concerned with the horses she didn't catch that foul scent before it was too late.
Cat is caught by surprise in this ambush and will not get a turn this round.

[Yulya 1d20+5=14] [Alice 1d20+2=14] [Ashley 1d20+3=16] vs DC16
Yulya and Alice are caught by surprise in this ambush and will not get a turn this round.
Initiative: round 1 goblins 12, Ashley 17

"I flipping knew it!" Ashley exclaims and calls to rally her lynxes with growth.
Helga's AC is boosted to 15, Helena's AC is boosted to 16 until and their damage output is boosted by 50% until next turn.
Ashley then uses the rest of her turn to grab Cat's shield off her pack, laying in the cart, and hides behind it the best she can. "Shouldn't I have this strapped to my pack?!"

4 Goblins and a Hobgoblin leader jump down from the trees and surround you, two around Cat with the Hobgoblin, and two surround the cart.

Yulya pulls the reigns to escape the goblins but the horses refuse to move, they're terrified and look every direction in confusion.

The goblins know better than to attack horses considering they won't attack unless attacked, so don't worry about the horses.

Know Thy Enemy: The Goblins HP don't appear to be much above level 1, not even 1 has HP more than 10, the goblins have both a crude three bladed spear, it likely can't be thrown, and a crude short bow. They each have what looks like hand made arrows coated in some unknown gelatinous fluid. They're wearing scraps of leather armor (AC15) The hobgoblin is young and carries an old longsword and a longbow on his back. He has what looks like normal arrows in a quiver. The hobgoblin is wearing torn and worn chain mail (AC18), but it's held together enough to still protect him.

Helena and Helga move to flank the Hobgoblin and attack [1d20+4=(17,7)(10,21)] Helena tries to bite him but her teeth only catch chain. Helga jumps for the Hobgoblin throat [CON1d20+1=12 vs DC14] and does [(1d4+3)x1.5=7] damage, the bite succeeds to knock the young Hobgoblin unconscious!

Goblin 1 and 2 move to flank Cat and attack her with their makeshift spears, [1d20+4=(24,6)(8,13)] One manages a critical hit! [(1d6+2)x2=10] [1d20=19]  Cat is hit in the upper back for 10 damage . She has suffered one level of exhaustion and won't be able to sleep well until her open wound is healed. A permanent scar may result if she is healed without first treating her with a kit.

Goblin 3 and 4 attack, Yulya and Alice. [1d20+4=6,7] They both miss.

[Round 2 is next. Since you managed to roll initiative, they Goblins don't get a bonus turn from the ambush. So make your moves. Please also correct me if I did something wrong.]

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So these are Goblins? Nasty smelly bastards!
Alice uses Flurry of Blows (2 unarmed strike bonus attacks, 1DP) and jumps Goblin #4 to stab him with her spear 2-handed.

Alice will keep attacking with her bonus attacks until the Goblin is down and then move on to Goblin #3 to continue attacking there
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> Cat enters RAGE and uses RECKLESS ATTACK to strike the goblin that injured her with her longsword. She uses CLEAVE to hit the second goblin flanking her too.

[1d20+7=(9,9) vs AC15] Note: Cleave only is allowed if the first attack you make hits. You rolled advantage and got double 2's Cat misses the Goblins! Cat will now take damage with advantage next round due to reckless attack.

Headache puppy falls supine to limit exposure on top of the cart and gains 3/4 cover, then calls Rally Growth again, boosting Helena and Helga [Helena AC+2, Helga AC+1 +50% damage]
Helga and Helena position themselves to flank and both attack with claw. [1d20+4=(15,17)(19,13)] [CON 1d20=16,10 vs DC14] They both hit, and Goblin 2 fails his constitution save so Golbin 1 takes &[1d4+2x1.5=6] and Goblin 2 takes [1d4+3=4x1.5=6] damage. Goblin 1 goes down, Goblin 2 is hurt but still very much engaged. 

> Alice uses Flurry of Blows (2 unarmed strike bonus attacks, 1DP) and jumps Goblin #4 to stab him with her spear 2-handed. Alice will keep attacking with her bonus attacks until the Goblin is down and then move on to Goblin #3 to continue attacking there

[1d20+4=19,9] Alice punches the goblin closest to her using flurry of blows as a bonus action and lands one good punch for &[1d6+2=6] damage. She hits his glass jaw and he's down for the count. Note: There is only one bonus action of this type allowed per turn.

Alice then jumps down to flank Goblin 3 and attacks with her spear [1d20+4=(9,15) vs DC15] and hits for I placed you in flanking position with Yulya because I could and it's the most advantageous move for the moment. if you disagree with this tell me where you want to attack from and you missed the hit. [1d6+2=3] damage. Goblin 3 is injured but shrugs it off.

> Yulya casts Sacred Flame on goblin 3
[DEX 1d20+2=12 vs DC15] The goblin fails its save and takes [1d8=7] damage. Goblin 3 is blinded by the light and falls unconscious.'' 

Goblin 2 attacks Helga [1d20+4=11] and misses, then uses disengage as a bonus action and runs off to the north then hides as a bonus action. [1d20+6=13] He fails stealth for everyone but Alice. This means everyone but Alice could range attack him, Alice would have to first do a search action. He's behind 3/4 cover for Cat and full cover for everyone else. Only cat can range attack him, but running up for a clear shot is good only from the Northwest of the goblin.
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Alice gives Yulya a thumbs-up, then continues to attack unconscious goblin #3 with her spear to kill him off. Alice will continue attacking the goblin with her bonus unarmed strike if still alive, if not proceed to unconscious goblin #4 and attack him.

Yulya, look out for more of them hiding!
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Missing the goblin, Cat takes her frustration out on the hobgoblin and attacks him with her longsword. Then she moves 20ft west using stealth to take cover under the trees.
[Rage is still in effect after attacking the goblin, right?]
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"Your rage lasts for 1 minute. It ends early if you are knocked unconscious or if your turn ends and you haven't attacked a hostile creature since your last turn or taken damage since then." You have not taken damage and you did attack a creature this round you will keep your Rage, however, I'll ignore that rule if you intend to keep it since you only get 2 between long rests. So you have 1 minute or ten rounds to use it or if you turn it off or take damage though even that doesn't make sense, if you you get hit I'd think your minute resets not your rage ends, so don't worry too much about the other details, let's assume Rage lasts 1 minute (10 rounds) similar to a Ranger's Zephyr Strike. 

> Cat takes her frustration out on the hobgoblin and attacks him with her longsword.
[1d20+7=(9,15)] Cat easily kills the hobgoblin goblin without mercy [no roll needed, the minimum damage was enough]. Then moves off to the bushes to hide. [1d20+3=17] She is well hidden.

> attack unconscious goblin #3 
Alice attempts to snuff out the goblin [1d20+4=(19,10)] [1d6+2=6] The goblin is skewered by her spear and takes his last breath. Alice then moves to Goblin #4 and uses 1 ki point for her bonus action to attack him with flurry of blows. [Alice has used 2 ki points during this engagement and is out of ki points I believe. She will regain 2/hour rest IIUC.] [1d20+4=(6,13)] her blows glance off his armor.  

Ashley calls for Rally Growth, "Get the runner my pets, find him, take him out!" [+2,+4 AC and +50% damage] Helga and Helena flank Goblin #2, Helena attacks and Helga pounces. [1d20+4=(13,14),(15,16)] Helena's bite catches only scraps of leather but Helga manages to contact, [STR 1d20-1=9 vs DC12] [CON 1d20=15 vs DC14] The goblin is grappled, knocked prone and clawed for [1d4+2x1.5=6] damage and is unconscious. She then bites him [1d20+4=(18,6)] [CON 1d20=11 vs DC14] and tears flesh for [1d4+3=10] The goblin's soul ushered to the ethereal plane.  

> Yulya searches the area for additional goblin ambushes
[1d20+3=22] [hidden rolls] Yulya spots two goblins hiding in the trees to the north. They realize they've been spotted and run off to the north and have escaped. Her perception also sees two sets of boot prints heading north from the horses and signs of a previous battle. The foot prints seem to be walking north, in no particular rush. In the bushes to the north of the horses are several goblin corpses that are at least a couple days old and the heavily decomposed body of an orc, possibly slain by the reaction of an angry dragon he tried to pass, but that is pure speculation.

[The encounter ends, and you may move about freely.]

Upon further inspection the horses are indeed Gundren and Sildar's and are in bad shape, they've been standing here for at least a couple days, shot at by the goblins, possibly for target practice, they're exhausted, thirsty, hungry and will likely fall unconscious if not tended to today. They do not require additional healing assuming they're taken care of. They will need proper rest before they can pull but can be pulled behind the cart.

"No, ambush or not, Gundren and Sildar went North, we need to investigate further," [1d20+1=20 1d20+3=16] Ashley hops off the cart and scouts north using stealth, she finds a path heading north with boot prints amid fresh goblin prints.   

Ashley's Lynxes go to the remaining goblins to finish them off.
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Alice moves up to Cat who is treating the horses
Come here you moron!
What were you thinking rushing out there? Are you insane? You're lucky to be alive!
Alice carefully treats Cat's wound with Ashley's healer's kit.
I hope this helps, my knowledge of Tabaxi anatomy and medicine in general is - limited in my current state. Normally my Living Metal would deal with such repair work on its own.
Yulya will have to heal you afterwards! And lecture you of course!

What do we do now? Looks like the goblins took them. What fools! Honestly I thought the idea to 'scout ahead' was idiotic to begin with. Unity and numbers are strength. Together we would probably have finished them off. But now, it looks like we need to split up again? I don't like this at all. We can't let the cart unattended and we can't take it and the horses along this path. And we can't let them in the hands of those subhuman creatures either.

Alice pauses for a few moments
Hey, saay...
I heard goblins like to rape girls. Do they rape men as well?
Alice lacks any sort of tact in such matters and speaks her mind while kicking a goblin corpse

What ugly smelly creatures!
Even I have doubts about their edibility...
Alice hesitates for a moment
But maybe...an ear?
Hey cat, do you think you could deep fry their ears if I clean them? Might be a crunchy snack! Well, you don't know until you try!

Whistling an alien tune, Alice takes her dagger and cuts off a few goblin ears, runs them to her hands to clean them and sticks them on her spear to let them dry.
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After Alices treatment is finished Yulya summons everyone to the cart
In Eldaths name Cat!
Look at you a goblin wounded you like this! Promise me to never blindly run off like that!

Yulya places her hands on Cats back and uses Healing Hands
Go eat a ration from the cart and drink something! Try to rest a bit!

Now what do you all think?
It really looks like they captured Sir Gundren and Sir Sildar! That is not good!
What should we do? Go all together and leave the cart behind to be looted? Try to hide it?
I hate to split up and I am afraid to end up the same as them. Ashley do you think you can handle this with Alice? You can borrow my shield if you like. And if you go I would like you to take that short sword of sharp tongue with you. Even if you do not want to use it. Who knows, someone else may. Just carry it with you please!
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Canceling rage, Cat sits down to be treated by Alice
Thanks Nya sorry for being reckless Nya! Could you also look after the horses wounds Nya?

Cat and Alice arrive at an angry and worried Yulya, Cat is bringing the wounded horses to feed them and give them water.
Nyaa I'm sorry Yulya Nya! I wasn't thinking Nya my body acted on its own Nya but the horses Nya! I will try not to do it again Nya! Sorry you have to waste your healing spell because of me Nya but thanks Nya!
Cat hugs Yulya

> Now what do you all think?
I worry about Gundren Nya and Sildar Nya but we can't split up Nya! Look what one of the did to me Nya! It's bad Nya but we need to go to Phandalin first Nya with the cart Nya. Maybe we can get help there Nya! So let's hurry Nya! I hope the poor horses will make it there Nya!
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"I'm with Cat on this, if they're in there trapped by goblins, hobgoblins, who knows what else, it's their turf, they're'll be traps, ambush points, and who knows what else."

"I don't mind ventuting in to the mouth of the beast but not alone, not with Alice, it's foolish. We'll need your good senses, we'll need support, whatever Alice does, and our Tank Cat. Gundren hires us together not half of us. He needs all of us. 

> And if you go I would like you to take that short sword of sharp tongue with you

"I'll give it to the Goblin's, maybe they can use it. Get that thing out of here. Look, my babies need me to tell them what to do, they'll do way more good than me fumbling around with a sharp implement. I didn't swear off weapons for some altruistic oath, I suck at it. My babies are my weapons."

"Now let's race to Phandalin, secure the cargo so the goblins think we got away and sneak back. In fact we should probably time it to come back at dark so it's easier to hide, but however it works out, leave that heckin sword behind before I fall on it."
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> Over my dead body Nya!
Alright, alright Miss Picky eater! I'll air dry the goblin ears then!
By the way - did they carry anything usable to loot? We should still get the corpses off the road. The hob is blocking it!
Alice searches the corpses before dragging them off into the bushes

Alice proceeds to disinfect the horses' wounds
Ok, let's get out of here! You really think these horses will make it to Phandalin, Cat?
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> By the way - did they carry anything usable to loot? We should still get the corpses off the road. The hob is blocking it.

[The party gains 300 EXP]

Ashley helps Alice drag the bodies to the side of the road. Alice checks each one, and finds the following items:

- A fragment of a map with words scribbled on it. (Not enough to go on)
- A sealed clay flask, very crudely fired, contents unknown (unknown)
- 3lbs of Some kind of dried meat, edible (1sp/lb)
- 4 water flasks but filled with a foul smelling alcoholic beverage (worthless, likely poisonous)
- 4 crude spears (worthless) 
- Crude bows and arrows, barely functional (worthless)
- Scraps of armor (worthless)
- Teeth of various animals making a necklace (3 total, worthless)
- 4 lbs, Pieces of Rough Amethyst, tourmaline, and cobalt ore (10 sp total but worth more if sold to a geomancer shop or gemologist)
- 6 copper pieces
- The longsword and longbow and chainmail carried by the hobgoblin are held together with twigs and twine (worthless scrap)
- a quiver and 10 arrows in fair condition.
"It's all mostly junk," Ashley says in frustration.

> Ok, let's get out of here! You really think these horses will make it to Phandalin, Cat?
The horses look exhausted but can walk and are in a good mood now that Cat's here. They look like they can be towed behind the cart. They're not badly injured and the poison on the arrows didn't have much of an affect on them, if anything it prevented infection. 

> So it be! I pray Sir Gundren and Sir Sildar will hold out long enough. Let us depart for Phandalin

The tired horses are tethered behind and Cat takes the reigns. With a jiggle of the reigns and a gentle word, the horses begin to pull and they're off on a average clip. [1d20+2=7 ~3.8 mph] Based on the map Cat expects to be in Phandalin in about 5 hours, or 20:00, once again in the dark. Walking back should therefore take no more than 7 hours.

A somber mood lingers heavy in the air as the dark road is barely lit by a quarter moon high above and the head lamps on the cart. The horses are in a fair mood and don't mind the little extra time on the road as they seem to be anticipating the rest at the end. Cat can tell they've been this way before. 


"Thank god nothing happened." Ashley exclaims when the lights of Phandalin come into view. 

You pass some farms and a farmhouse on the right, there are no gates nor guards to check any tokens, the general store comes into view on the left a large sign labeled Barthen's Provisions you vaguely remember something of Gundren's ramblings that lead you to think this is the place. An old man sitting out front smoking a pipe is startled by the cart and stands as you approach. The look on his face is one of joy but as his lights shine on your faces he's crestfallen.

Cat stops the cart right in front and he calls up, "Where ya coming out of? Need a place to stop? I could open the gate for ya." He peers into the cart and his face brightens, "Well those look a heap like provisions to me. Did that ole rascal Gundren send you down, heh, too much of a big shot to do it himself anymore? Well let me tell you, I don't care who's selling, I'm buying the lot." He catches himself "do ya have a token? I'd like to keep it above board." He says with a keen eye to Cat.

Ashley hops down and this man who seemed larger than life from above barely crests her shoulders, "Hey short stuff, we do need a place to park this heap, but if you're looking for a trade token, sorry bub, we lost it." [deception 1d20+6=25] "So we'd like to offload all this stuff before it gets taken by whatever it is that takes stuff out here. Gundren himself said there's a 50% premium on the goods down this way. Are you game or should we move on to Conyberry?"
He looks conflicted and leans in to her, "You look a little too clean for this, are you an auditor? You can tell an old Gnome who ain't trying to swindle the guild out of their share."

"Pfft, are you kidding? Naa, but it's 50% take it or leave it."

He sighs and looks over the load, "oh? oh! Mhm mhm, well it's all in new and good condition for the most part, yep, I'd say there's a good profit to be had for 30% over, but an old gnome needs to feed his family after all, I can't run this shop as a charity and I can't raise my prices any higher or the town would likely mutiny first." He continues grumbling and pulls out a pocket ledger, flipping through it and checking the stock in the cart for a good 5 minutes. He handles the pickled herring and then moves on to the other bibs and bobs. "If you said 35% over I got coin right here and now and a helpful hand to unload it, and I'll even throw in free room and board and wave the stable fee. If not, then maybe you can leave the cart there on the road and hope for the best.''

Ashley scrunches her face, "What you got for accommodations?"

He laughs and points to the big sign that says Stonehill Inn, "Unless you want to sleep with the horses in the stables, they'll treat you right, your horses will be well taken care of for the night and ready for the road bright and early. Just tell them Hobby sent ya."

Ashley looks at him straight, "we've got some other business, can you throw in taking care of the horses and cart for another few days or so."

He sticks out his wrinkly hand, "A gnome's word is gold."
Ashley shakes it with a determined look in her eye, "40% then" [persuasion 1d20+4=22]
He looks pained, "Sorry sweet miss, but my ears ain't so good in my old age, you said 35% didn't ya? Bah! I can appreciate a young swindler making her mark, you got it!"

He directs cat where to go and then begins tending the horses. Once that's done he starts unloading and calculating.

Technically that 40% applies mostly to Gundren's supplies, but the supplies and anything you want to sell right now would also benefit. You'll get wholesale price +40% for provision and supply type things which follows this scheme:

- New = 1.4x
- Good = .9x
- Fair = .62x
- Patched = .1 (cannot be sold wholesale)
- Scrap = .02 (raw ores and metals that aren't precious such as iron and steel, x5 for copper ore and other common ores and scrap, x25 for silver ore and other rare ores and scrap, x50 for gold and other exceptional ores and scrap)

The 40% premium is now only.

Gundren's stuff aside, all that coin will be reserved for him, or for someone with his token, for the 15 gold of things Gundren's token helped you buy wholesale, you'll get 21 gold since it's in new condition. Anything else you want to sell you should sell now. Make a list and he'll make a line-item offer on them regardless of what they are but not all will be wholesale or necessarily at a premium, he will at least make an offer on everything though.
[20:00 Clear]
It will take an hour to unload and make the transactions. Ashley was able to convince him that you have a trade guild token but she later told him that he should mark it under Gundren's name since it's his cart and he'll be buy to pick it up later. She also said to keep Gundren's proceeds for him when he arrives safely and soundly.


Later that night:
"I can be optimistic too. I say we revive him if he's dead.''


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Alice inspects the loot with visible disappointment.
I don't know what I was expecting but...
She runs the gems and ore through her hands.
Hmm, amethyst, tourmaline and cobalt ore...
This is not bad actually, especially the cobalt ore! The tourmaline also appears to contain some traces of lithium, chromium and vanadium. I could use this to strengthen my body if you let me have it. Not the amethyst though, it's just silica and a little iron. I can get that from soil so sell that one!

>  Ashley was able to convince him that you have a trade guild token but she later told him that he should mark it under Gundren's name since it's his cart and he'll be buy to pick it up later. She also said to keep Gundren's proceeds for him when he arrives safely and soundly.
Oi Ashley!
Don't you think we should tell that gnome and others who know Gundren that he was dragged off by goblins? We might get reinforcements. But hmm, might look suspicious again to have people disappear around us.
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> Oi Ashley!
> Don't you think we should tell that gnome and others who know Gundren that he was dragged off by goblins? We might get reinforcements.

Ashley shakes her head, "gimme a chance to get there, let's get this stuff sorted out first then I'll ask."
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Yulya is glad to arrive at Phandalin without further incidents and without having to negotiate prices as someone who would still rather walk into a goblin den naked than barter with a gnome. She still has a heavy heart thinking about Gundren and Sildar.

> Later that night:
> "I can be optimistic too. I say we revive him if he's dead.''
That unfortunately is the most optimistic outcome. Providing we even find his remains in revivable state and I do not have to revive any of us. I can only revive one person.

> This is not bad actually, especially the cobalt ore! The tourmaline also appears to contain some traces of lithium, chromium and vanadium. I could use this to strengthen my body if you let me have it
Fine with me we need to get Alice back in shape! So eat the rocks!

Ashley you handle telling them about Sir Gundrens fate the way you see fit. But try to keep 'alternative facts' to a minimum we are already more than suspicious. Arriving with Sir Gundrens cart but without Sir Gundren will raise questions we need to answer.

Now let us decide what to sell and what to keep!

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